
Story by SeraphXIII on SoFurry

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#4 of Colson

Safety in the arms of another person is rare, but appreciated, and Damian has come to know that all too well. Transgender/Male.

A heavy crash echoed into the building that Damian was sitting in. Fuck. He looked at his watch. Quarter to four. A bit more than an hour and he'd be off for the weekend, so, of fucking course, something had to go wrong, and it sounded pretty messy. The bat sighed, getting up from his desk and exiting the portable building he called his office. He didn't expect this bullshit to fill his days when he was working his way through four years of engineering technology at the local college, nor did he expect all the paperwork that he'd have to do over someone else's stupid mistake. He was pissed already as he went out to survey the damage. The timeline was pretty damn tight as is, and this could be just the thing to make everything snap. He gazed around the area, taking in all the minor details he could. Then, like a gigantic sore thumb, he saw it. A massive girder shot up from the earth next to the foundation of the building that was being constructed. Damian sighed in intense relief. No one was hurt, and the girder didn't strike the foundation, meaning the building's framework was still secure. Plus, he got to chew someone out, which would definitely relieve some stress.

"Alright!" He called through the quiet air. Anyone who was talking fell silent, like he was back in elementary school and someone had just got called out by the teacher. Damian paused for a moment, looking for guilty faces, having already noticed that the crane, which had been hoisting the girder, was unoccupied. Even better, he would get to ride someone for trying to dodge punishment. This was gonna end someone's career.

"Which one of you fucknuts was manning the crane?" The bat asked, receiving only stunned looks. "Come on now. This is a massive fucking safety violation. You guys know how this works. No one gets blamed, so we all get blamed. Pay cuts all around, you guys want that?" The workers had crowded up by now and were forcing someone to the front, so Damian started walking over to them. Antlers stuck out above the crowd, getting jostled towards him. Damian shook his head, knowing exactly what happened now. A buck was presented to him, by the name of Jimmy, to no one's surprise.

"Boss, I can explain-" The white-tail started, but Damian was having none of it.

"Office, Jimmy." He replied sternly, his voice showing a bit of his exhaustion. "Now. Come on." Damian turned and started back to his office, not waiting to see if the deer followed. Clacking of extra feet on the stairs up to the door of the portable told him he wasn't going to have to chase the kid down, which was a small blessing, he supposed. Damian sat down behind his desk, watching the slim buck pull up a chair and sit to face him. Jimmy was young, and a relatively new hire, with a track record for screwing up as long as his career was short. His time was already pretty limited, as he was high on the list for layoffs when work slowed down, but this put him on a much worse, much shorter list, and he knew it very well, judging by the shame on his face.

Damian sighed and folded his hands on his desk, feeling the sleeves of his button-down brush his wings. Long sleeves were a pain for work, but hell, any shirts were. Damian's shirt had the sleeves slit from around his ribs to his wrists, where the cuff was buttoned to hold the sleeve together, and while it was better than stuffing his wings into a normal sleeve, it still sucked pretty bad. Damian shook from his thoughts and realized he'd been leaving the kid to stew in his own juices this whole time.

"So, Jimmy," Damian began. "What's your brilliant excuse? It's a Friday and it's been slow so far, so hell, if you entertain me well enough, I might try to save your ass on this one, even though we both know you don't deserve it." It was a bold-faced lie, but Damian had nothing to lose by playing up his standing a little bit.

"M-my hand slipped." The buck said, his voice shaking with a hint of fear. "Had to snap my hand back up to the controls and smacked the wrong lever." Damian stared him down, knowing full well that the kid was probably telling the truth. Jimmy had absolutely no business being in construction, and it was amazing to Damian that he hadn't accidentally killed someone by now. The bat sighed, changing his mind and deciding to shoot straight with the kid, since it wasn't like bullshitting him was going to do anyone any good.

"Jimmy, look. You gotta give me something more than that, man. I'm only 27, I've been with the company for about 3 years. I don't have anywhere near the pull to cover something like this up." The bat said, sighing and rubbing his eyes. "I don't know what you want me to do with this. I'm gonna have to fire you, no bullshit." The buck started tearing up, then burst into tears, crying heavily. Damian groaned a bit, rubbing his temples harder to try to rid himself of a growing headache.

"Please, please, Damian, I need this job." The white-tail sobbed. "I don't have anywhere else to go, I'm not good at anything else." Damian fought the urge to tell him that he wasn't good at this, either, but figured that that would just set the kid off even more.

"Maybe you need to look into other fields of work." Damian said flatly. "The report is getting filed with the story you just told me. I'm sorry, kid, but this is the end of the line." The buck burst into another torrent of tears, and Damian just rode the uncomfortable vibe, leaning back and closing his eyes, waiting for Jimmy to leave his office. Eventually, the white-tail calmed down enough and left, leaving Damian to himself in the office. This shit was gonna be the end of him, he swore it. He looked at the clock, and saw that it was only just now turning to four 'o clock.

The rest of his day passed slowly, but he kept occupied for the next hour by filling out all the reports to submit over this whole incident, making sure his ass was solidly covered in every regard possible. Once he was relatively certain that he couldn't be blamed for Jimmy's dumb mistake, he packed up his things and headed out the door, hopping in his truck and heading home for the weekend. The week had been rough on him, and this made the perfect capstone to the shitcake it had been so far, but it was over, at least, and now Damian had a nice couple days of relaxing at home with Lisa, his girlfriend, to look forward to. He flicked the radio over to a tolerable station as he made his way down the road, reaching home before his mind had time to get off onto any particular topic. As he pulled through his neighborhood, he realized how odd it was for him to have a house, considering he never thought he'd be out of an apartment this early. His friend Jean had moved into a house similar to his shortly after she moved to Colson, and had told him several times how much of a good idea it really was, eventually winning him over to it, since the cost was fairly low and the market seemed stable. A little bit after that, he met Lisa, and his life seemed to just... kind of shift into place. He had a girlfriend who loved him, and who he loved back, he had a house, a decent car, and there was money in the bank.

Far cry from where I used to be, Damian thought to himself, parking his truck in front of his home and hopping back out. He was glad for it though. He lived through a bunch of shit as a teenager, and he was more than happy to say that it was all behind him. He strode into the house, tossing those thoughts out of his mind as he undid his shirt a bit and opened up the sleeves, rolling them back and letting his wings hang free, a true relief that he looked forward to at the end of every day. He peeked through the fridge and heard quiet padding across the house, his ears picking up on the slight sounds with ease.

"You trying to sneak up on me again, Lisa?" He said with a chuckle, taking a carton out of the refrigerator and opening it for a drink. He turned to face Lisa as he sipped from the carton, seeing her pouting a bit.

"I just wanted to surprise you." She said, giving him a hug. "How was work?" Damian screwed the cap back on and set the carton aside.

"Dumb kid nearly got somebody killed, had to fire him." Damian explained succinctly. "He's been doing stupid shit for a while, but this was really the height of it. He slipped while he was operating a crane - his words, not mine - and he caused the girder he was lifting to slide loose and fall all the way to the ground and punch about a foot into the ground. He's lucky he's not looking at manslaughter."

"Is this gonna look bad on you?" Lisa asked with a worried expression. "I'd hate for this to screw things up for you." Damian shook his head, starting to undo his shirt the rest of the way.

"Nah, I filed the paperwork to get rid of him, and the nature of this incident means I couldn't have done anything to prevent it." Damian said plainly. "If he sticks with the accident excuse, I'm in the clear, and I think he will. He didn't seem drunk or high, seemed plenty alert when he came in this morning. Had to be a genuine mistake, so no real fault to be had by me." Lisa looked worried for a moment, then sighed and nodded. Damian traded looks with her, becoming a bit concerned as she started to look calmer. He started to say something again, but she cut him off.

"I'm okay, Dame, trust me." Lisa said, trying her hardest to sound convincing. "Like I said, I just don't want things to go wrong, for you... for us." Damian pulled her into a hug, his wings almost seeming to shield her from the outside world. Lisa smiled, but felt her face tense as she started getting choked up. Damian was always good to her, and moments like this made her feel safer than any other. They could be anywhere in the world, under any kind of stress, and his arms around her would still push it all away. The bat laid a soft kiss on her head, and she looked up to him, giving him a kiss right back.

"Alright, I trust you." He said affirmatively. "Maybe we should try to unwind for the evening, instead of talking about serious shit we can't do anything about?" Lisa nodded, her smile widening a bit at the odd, dry humor.

"Dinner and a movie?" The canine asked, her ears perking up a bit with excitement. A little shimmer in her eyes told Damian that even if he didn't want to, he'd have to, just to see her keep smiling.

"Sounds good, long as you mean here. I'm sure as hell not getting back out on the road after the day I've had."

"Of course!" Lisa said, as if it were completely obvious. She stepped back and gestured to herself, clothed in thin sweat pants and an old v-neck shirt. "You think I'm going anywhere looking like this? You're out of your mind." Damian pondered what the hell she was talking about, as he always did when she said that. To him, she was most attractive when she was home, comfortable, and most importantly, herself. He shook his head, the thought rolling around in his mind as he strolled over to the bedroom so he could get a change of clothes. Lisa always seemed so concerned about how she looked in public, he thought, picking out the first clothes his hands landed on, which were the standard shorts and sleeveless shirt with the sides slit down, to accommodate his wings. He supposed that the reason she was so anal about it was obvious. She'd only been presenting as female full-time for a little over a year, and it probably still felt as much like a guise as a personality right now, but it was all just exaggeration; trying too hard and missing the target. That was fine though, he decided, likely for the hundredth time, because at home, she was just Lisa, and one day, she'd be comfortable being Lisa with everyone else too. Just takes time, that's all.

Lisa was already at her post on the couch, remote in hand and popcorn bowl in her lap. She was tabbing through the movie catalog on the television, trying to decide on a genre. Damian halfway hoped it wouldn't be romance, but then again, he didn't much mind what it was, as long as she was there. He would watch whatever she put on screen, and she would put up with him tearing into the plot with a sardonic glee. Both of them knew the movie didn't matter, and both of them were perfectly fine with that.

"Popcorn's not dinner, Lis'." Damian said, to which the collie rolled her eyes playfully and pointed back to the kitchen.

"If you want to scratch something up, I'll wait." Damian stopped for a moment and thought, taking her seriously and recalling what they had on hand in the house.

"Yeah, sure." He said, walking into the kitchen and turning on the stove.

Lisa smiled, seeing that her gambit worked. It was a win-win, honestly; she got either fresh dinner, or popcorn. Damian fished hamburger from the freezer, and taco shells and mix from the cupboard, setting up for a taco dinner. A mere few minutes later, he walked into the living room with a plateful of fully dressed tacos in hard shells, and scooped Lisa up from the couch, taking his rightful spot as big spoon. As he plopped down, he turned carefully, letting Lisa down gently into the couch and leaving her popcorn more or less undisturbed. Lisa, of course, didn't take this without protest, giving off a couple sharp yipes from the unexpected movement, but she settled back in quickly and grabbed a couple tacos off of the platter, passing one back to Damian and keeping one for herself, then hit play and let the movie she picked out play. Damian pulled the afghan off of the top of the couch, draping it over their legs as he settled in, curling an arm over his girlfriend's waist. The movie played on, a nice, grounded romance about the stereotypical pair of star-crossed lovers who would undoubtedly end up together by the end of the film, but Damian actually enjoyed this one, much to Lisa's surprise.

"It wasn't as outlandish as most." Damian explained as he pulled Lisa over on top of him. "No plot holes for me to exploit, can't riff on it as hard." Lisa smiled and kissed his nose.

"My, and here I thought you'd actually learned to like romance." The collie teased. Damian smiled back and wove his fingers through her thick, curly brown fur.

"Hey now, I like romance." He said, kissing her softly. "I just like to be the one doing it is all."

"Mmmm, and how often could that possibly happen to you?" Lisa asked, touching her nose to his.

"More often than most would think, I bet." The bat replied, pressing in for another kiss and closing his eyes, feeling Lisa press in just as eagerly. His hands ran up and down over her back while hers stroked down gently across the soft, smooth skin of his wings. The bat curled his fingers down into her soft curves, loving her touch. Lisa was the only person who ever got to touch his wings, and she was more than a little protective of this right. She never abused it though, keeping it strictly for when the two of them were alone. It was a special, intimate thing that only they needed to know about. After a bit more playing, the collie settled her head on Damian's chest, closing her eyes.

"Not sleeping, don't worry." She said calmly, nuzzling in and getting comfortable. "Just wanted to feel a little closer." Damian smiled softly, pulling at the hem of her shirt so he could touch the fur on her back. She gave a soft, approving whimper and rolled her hips a bit, feeling the thin shirt bunch up beneath her breasts. The bat wrapped his wings around her a bit tighter now, stroking over the small of her back with gentle hands. Night fell slowly outside, slowly coating the room in a soft darkness that was only interrupted by a few scented candles that Lisa had placed around the house, one of which sat on the table next to the empty platter from earlier. Lisa's breathing slowed more and more, and Damian knew she was going to make a liar of herself soon, but he wasn't of any mind to stop her. Sure, the bed would be more comfortable, but hell, he had nowhere to be tomorrow, and this was more than worth the bit of stiffness he'd feel in the morning. Curling his hands completely around her waist and fully shrouding her with his wings, the bat finally closed his eyes, letting the calm warmth of his girlfriend's touch lull him to sleep.

Hours later, light peeked through the windows and drew shafts across the pair on the couch, slowly rising up from their feet as time rolled on. Soon enough, the morning sun washed over Damian's face, waking him gently. After a bit of confusion, he remembered the night before and smiled. He looked up to the window, not wanting to move just yet, but wanting to guess at the time. The sun wasn't high yet, but it was winter still, so he figured it was getting into late morning by now. He looked down at Lisa and began to think about the best way to rouse her. Her head was buried deep between his wing and his chest, so no way she'd wake up like he did. He decided that there wasn't much way to do this other than just to do it, so he started rubbing her back, pressing more and more firmly until she started to stir.

"Morning, Lisa." He said softly, letting her come around at her own speed. The collie's ears slowly perked up to their usual shape and her eyes fluttering open a moment or two after.

"Mmmmm, Dame?" She asked with a bit of confusion herself. "Why am I on top of you?" Damian smirked a bit, resisting the urge to tease her a bit.

"Movie night, you decided I'd make a good pillow." The bat replied. "I guess I kind of passively agreed. I definitely didn't mind." The collie smiled up at him and scooted her body up on his a bit more, laying her head on his chest, under his chin.

"Any idea what time it is?" Lisa asked, her eyes closing and her voice getting tired again.

"Not too sure, but I can check the TV." Damian took up the remote from the table beside them and flicked the television on, muting it at the splash screen before turning the cable box on. He opened the menu and looked up at the corner for the time.

"Little after ten." He said. "Not too bad. We can laze around a little longer and not feel bad about ourselves." Lisa smiled again and hugged herself a little bit closer to him.

"I love you, Damian." She said, fanning her fingers out and stroking one of his wings. "You, and your weird sense of humor."

"It's not weird, you're just uncultured." The bat said, faking a scoff before continuing more genuinely. "I love you too, Lisa. I'm really glad we can spend mornings together like this. Just wish it was everyday instead."

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder." Lisa said. "Or some shit like that. I'm just glad we have the time we do." Damian nodded, knowing full well she wouldn't see him do it, or realize it when she felt him moving. The pair lay silent for a long time, neither wanting to break the moment. Eventually though, Damian saw the clock tick over to eleven, and decided it was way past time to get around for the day, even if it was just a lazy Saturday. Kissing his girlfriend on the head and hugging her tight, the bat sat them upright.

"Breakfast or lunch, you think?"

"Hmmm." The collie pondered for a moment. "Lunch, I guess. No use lying to ourselves about being lazy, right?"

"I guess." Damian said, standing up with her. "Besides, breakfast never had the same appeal after I stopped eating cereal that was ninety-percent crystallized sugar." Lisa smiled, walking off to go get dressed.

"Yeah, pure death-in-a-box sure was great every morning when I was a pup." She said back to him, noticing him following her to the closet. "So what do you want to get? I'm assuming we're going out to eat?"

"I woke up at like 10:30 today; I'm in no shape to be doing anything responsible." Damian joked dryly. "Sandwiches sound good to you? There's that deli close by, they always have good stuff." Lisa nodded as she tugged her shirt over her head, letting her breasts bounce back from the drop. Damian raised an eyebrow and began doing the same, knowing for sure that he was going to get caught with a hard-on before they left the room. Lisa was quicker than he thought, though, noticing his shorts start to bulge out a bit almost instantly.

"Mmmmm, over a year of me and this still gets you?" She asked, gesturing to her upper body.

"Yeah..." Damian replied, nodding with a bit of shy embarrassment, and Lisa saw fit to tease him a bit.

"Well, god help you if I were to start doing something like this..." Lisa said, raising her heels off of the ground and starting to bounce up and down, making her breasts shake around. Damian felt his shorts grow tight, his length hardening up quickly and tenting out the front of them. The collie smirked and knelt in front of him, using this secondarily as a cover for her own erection, not wanting to point right back at him. Primarily though, she wanted to suck his cock, plain and simple. A deft tug of her finger set his shorts down around his ankles, and his cock sprung up into her face. Without even thinking, Lisa fell on her instincts and started dragging her tongue from base to tip along the side of the hard cock, eliciting a moan from Damian.

"Never ceases to amaze me how you always get right to it like that." Damian said, craning his head and looking for something to lean against or sit on. If past experience predicted future performance, he'd need something to brace himself against. Lisa looked up at him and saw his concerns, deciding to take things into her own hands.

"Mmmm, bedroom, Damian." She said, wrapping her hand around his member and leading him there by the dick. "Wouldn't want you to get hurt or anything." She gently tugged him over to the bed and playfully pushed him down onto it, then knelt again, kissing along his cock to make sure he was staying nice and hard. Lunch could wait, she decided, and this couldn't. Pressing her chest between his thighs, Lisa lifted the bat's cock to land right between her modest breasts, then pressed them around it. She used to complain about them being too small, but over time Damian helped her come to appreciate them for what they were, and she was more than happy to make certain he remembered exactly what that was. The bat laid his head back into the mattress, letting himself relax. Good, Lisa thought, he's finally learning. Slowly, she started stroking his cock with her cleavage, dipping her head and kissing his tip, swirling her tongue around it very lightly. Damian grunted and precum spattered onto the collie's tongue, a promising sign of her ultimate goal. Meanwhile, her own cock dripped and oozed against the fabric of her sweats, aching to be used somehow.

"Nnngh, Liiisa." Damian cried out quietly. "Not so fast, unless you're looking for two rounds." The canine smiled and pressed deep on his cock, squishing her breasts around it as she sucked firmly. With a loud plop and a moan from her mate, she pulled off of his cock, going back to just pumping him with her breasts.

"I'm looking for all you have, Damian." She said, her voice a bit sultry. "You should know that by now." Damian let a little growl form in his throat, a quirk he picked up from her.

"By all means then. I'll coat you head to toe if that's what you want."

"Mmmmm, don't tempt me, might just take you up on that." With that, the collie dipped down once more, this time forcing her tongue under her mate's foreskin, being careful not to stretch it too much. A grunt from above told her that she should keep going, and so she did, sucking gently and swirling her tongue around the sensitive inner skin, making more and more precum drizzle out of him. Lisa curled her arm around his cock, holding her breasts with one hand, and moving the other below. Greedy eyes peered up at Damian and he felt something brushing around his ass. He had just enough time to realize what was happening when his mate slid a digit smoothly inside him, making him yipe at first, then slur into a deep groan.

"Tha-Ah!-at's cheating and you know it." Damian said, squeezing around her finger. He was close already, and judging by the look in her eyes, he wasn't going to get time to cool down if he came, but she wasn't going to stop until he did. So, the bat gritted his teeth, fighting hard to hold himself back while the collie beneath him did her best to make him snap. Both of them knew who was going to win, and Lisa had no qualms rushing him to the finish, dragging her finger around inside him and rubbing his walls, looking for his prostate. Damian jumped a bit, and Lisa knew she'd found it, then started to work her finger against it hard, rubbing heavy, slow circles into the smooth wall and relishing how Damian's cock started to pulse and throb, getting warmer and warmer as he got close to the edge.

The bat groaned and whimpered, clearly fighting hard to keep from cumming, but the collie didn't care. She abandoned her breasts for the moment, sliding the bat's cock deep into her mouth, taking the whole length right to the back of her throat and gagging a bit. The sudden warmth and slickness set Damian off, and in that very instant, Lisa slid completely off of his cock, letting rope after rope of his cum shoot out into her face. Thick, pearly strands arced over her cheeks and dripped down onto her breasts, where the last of Damian's ropes landed, painting a nice white criss-cross over her cleavage, dotted with drips around the edges. Lisa smiled, satisfied for the moment, but nowhere near sated.

"I hope you don't think you're done, Dame." Lisa said, teasing her boyfriend a bit as she cleaned his softening cock. Damian got a glint in his eye and smirked.

"Not at all, Lisa." He said, grabbing her by the shoulders and lifting her up onto the bed. "Not sure where you could have gotten that idea from." The pair both looked down, Lisa simply following Damian's gaze, both seeing the massive wet spot in the front of the collie's sweats. Damian wordlessly yanked her pants down, letting her bright red canine cock bounce free and making Lisa let out a moan of relief. The bat pushed her onto her back and clambered on top of her.

"Since you got me nice and loosened up, I might as well take advantage." He said, dragging his ass over her twitching cock. Lisa shivered a bit from the touch, wanting his ass so badly it hurt. Damian wasn't anywhere near the tease he could have been, finding her tip with his tailhole and sliding her tip in a bit. Lisa watched as her boyfriend straighted up on top of her and slowly sunk down on her cock, taking her nice and easy to start with. She growled and yipped, feeling how tight and warm he was, an advantage of her usually taking his cock, instead of the other way around. Fucking Damian was always a special treat for her, she thought, watching her mate start to rise off of her and ride her cock. His ass milked her from base to tip, like he was trying to draw the cum right up out of her. Damian hung his hand down behind him, taking her balls in his palm and giving them a soft squeeze, then a rough tug, sending a jolt through her whole body.

"Damiiiiiaaaaaan." Lisa moaned, feeling her legs tighten up over and over, her core fluttering and flexing from the sensation. Damian's eyes grew hungry, watching the canine writhing in pleasure beneath him, and his cock grew hard once more. Once he was done with her cock, he'd give her another round of his, he decided. Clenching his insides with a slow rhythm, Damian started riding her faster and faster, making Lisa start to howl and wail louder and louder. A hard squeeze of her balls sent Lisa reeling dangerously close to her orgasm, but she held out, not wanting to lose one precious second of feeling the bat wrapped tightly, warmly around her.

The bat felt a familiar bulge forming at the base of his tail: Lisa's knot. That would complicate things, but Damian had dealt with this particular problem more than once. He rose high and slammed his hips down on her, thrusting the knot in, knowing she wasn't going to cum just yet, but soon. Damian held her knot inside him for a moment, getting used to the size again, then started riding her much harder than before, roughly popping her knot in and out of his ass with each stroke. Lisa was nearly screaming at this point, and Damian knew he had to be careful not to get carried away. He kept riding as hard as he could manage, then stopped suddenly, feeling the first hints of Lisa's warm load starting to leak from her tip. He slid off smoothly, letting her cock bounce around, then tip towards her, cum surging out over her stomach and drawing creamy white streaks across her soft brown fur. Damian panted for a moment, catching his breath as his cock grew even harder at the sight of the canine cumming all over herself. He knew he should let her recover, but the urge was too strong, so he pushed her thighs up and spread her ass, revealing her tailhole, ready for him to fill.

"Take a quick breath, babe." Damian said as he lined himself up, then shoved in, not giving her a moment to rest. Lisa squealed, feeling incredibly full as the last drips of cum feel from the tip of her dick. The bat set to work on her, railing his hips in quickly, drawing wail after wail from from his mate. Her walls gripped him firmly, clenching tight around the hot, sticky length pushing into her. Growls and grunts rolled from Damian's mouth, mixing with the steady slaps of his hips against her soft, round ass. The collie's cock flopped around, shrinking, then gradually starting to grow once again. Lisa's hands ignored their natural urge though, instead going to Damian's hips. The bat smirked, thinking she was going to help him thrust, but was surprised when she used the leverage to roll them, putting her on top of him.

"I have the high ground now, Damian." The canine said with a smug grin, pinning his wings down and exploring the velvety skin as she started bouncing on him just like he had on her. Her cock flopped and bobbed, dragging trails of precum back and forth between her stomach and his. Damian groaned low, feeling his mate's warm ass milk him, trying desperately to drain all of his seed from him. Lisa kept grinning devilishly, stroking his wings tenderly while she rode him like a whore, slapping her ass against his hips faster, little by little. Lisa could feel that despite all the moaning and grunting he was doing, Damian wasn't close to done, so she decided it was time for a little more cheating. The bat eyed her suspiciously as she laid her body down against his, squishing her soft breasts against his chest. He didn't have time to question her before she set to his neck, biting down gently at the base and starting to chew.

"Fuuuuck... babe, that's no-OT fair!" The bat said, squirming around underneath her, feeling her teeth kneading and gnashing the muscles in his neck, making his hips buck and his cock twitch inside her. Two could play at that game though, and Damian used what little presence of mind he had left to plant his feet to the bed, then use the leverage to thrust up into Lisa. The collie growled against his neck as he jack-hammered her. He knew she loved it though; she just hated that he found another way to get around her. Lisa rubbed her body tightly against Damian's, still rocking back against his cock, and stroking her own with both of their stomachs at the same time. Damian didn't have fur as soft as hers, but it sufficed for getting her off, the coarse texture contrasting with her own curly fur in a pleasant, but unusual way. Damian's core started tightening, and Lisa could feel hers beginning to as well. Both of them were running low on stamina, but Lisa was determined to last just a little bit longer.

The collie sat upright and rode her mate as hard as she could, making her breasts bounce heavily against her chest. She knew Damian was watching them, she could see his eyes tracking her chest, and which was perfect. She was going to make him finish hard, she needed it. Damian didn't look away from her chest when she leaned to the side, dropping her hand between his legs. Lisa decided that old ways were the best ways, and slid a couple of fingers into Damian's soft, loose tailhole. The cum that was smeared on their stomachs, and not in his ass where it was supposed to be, reminded her that she'd have to make up for that later. Forcing her fingers as deep as she could get them, the canine kneaded the bat's prostate as firmly as she could, making him leak like a garden hose inside her. Lisa growled, turned on more and more by the way that Damian was squirming and twitching under her, clearly desperate not to cum yet.

"Cum, Damian." She growled out, still pounding down on him at a steady clip. "I need it to cum. I need you to finish me." Damian seemed oblivious, but she knew he was close, and kept on. Not more than a moment later, the dam finally broke, and Damian's seed poured into her, gushing thick shots of warmth inside her, driving her over the edge as well. She kept riding, not wanting to stop, and cum whipped from her dick, trailing lines up and down her boyfriend's chest. Both cried and wailed as they came, finally feeling release, and Lisa collapsed down onto Damian, sliding her head securely under his chin. Damian curled him arms limply over his mate, trying not to let Lisa or himself fall asleep. The collie seemed to be having a bit more trouble with this than the bat, but a gentle hand massaging her scalp was keeping the canine awake.

"We were supposed to be getting food." Damian said, looking over to their bedside clock, seeing the time was much closer to noon than he expected. "It's a quarter to noon, we should probably get around. When you can move, that is." Lisa grunted and weakly bopped his head, making Damian smirk just a little more. He knew she liked the little quips, even if she played cold. After a few more moments rest, the canine forced herself up to a sitting position.

"Sandwiches, right?" She asked, to which the bat nodded, sitting up as well. "I'm getting a big one, you worked a fucking hole through my stomach."

"Didn't know I was that big." The bat said with a grin, hopping up and walking to the shower to wash off, hoping she wouldn't attack him when she caught up. Lisa just groaned and followed, standing up on shaky legs as she walked to the shower. Damian turned the shower up hot, letting it warm up for a bit before stepping inside, then holding the door for Lisa to come in. The small space steamed up quickly when he shut the door behind her, wrapping both of them in a pleasant warmth. The collie's fur absorbed the moisture in the air like a sponge, frizzing and puffing up, while Damian's remained relatively slick. Seeing how worn out his mate still was, Damian decided to be a good boyfriend and help her wash her fur, taking the bottle of shampoo she uses and squeezing out a bunch into his palm.

"Awww, Damian, you don't have to."

"I don't mind, and you seem pretty tired. I guess I worked you too hard." The bat said, lathering the shampoo into her fur. He couldn't do as good of a job as she usually did, but she only had to stand and enjoy the small massage of him rubbing her down, so she took the net win.

"That's really sweet, Dame." She said, moving her limbs around to give him access as needed. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Lis'." He replied with a smile as he worked the soap through her fur, letting the shower wash it away moments later. Once she was more or less clean, he grabbed his own bottle of soap and cleaned himself, getting through the process much faster since he had so much less fur. Lisa shut off the water and grabbed the towel, raking over her whole body with it to squeeze what seemed like gallons of water from her dense, loosely curled fur. A bit of combing would work out the remaining frizz and she'd be ready to go, so she passed the now damp towel to Damian and padded off to the closet to grab clothes, letting the bat watch her swaying hips and hanging, half-hard cock.

Damian dried himself off and tried to suppress more urges, deciding that food was more important than sex, but only for the next hour or two. He walked by her as she finished picking out clothes, then grabbed the pair of jeans and shirt he likely would have picked before, since they were on top of the pile. Damian wasn't one for dressing up, and he'd readily admit that, preferring something that was quick and comfortable. So quick, in fact, that he finished getting dressed before Lisa, and she wasn't exactly dressing up.

"I'll go start up the car. Make sure to grab a jacket, it's supposed to be cold all weekend." The bat said as he walked to the front door. The cold air from outside hit him like a gut punch and he seriously considered skipping the meal just to stay in the warm. Still, he pressed out into the cold, gusty air, walking out around the house to where he parked his truck. The cold front that had rolled in sapped on his battery a bit, making the engine have to pull a bit to start up, but once it was up and going it purred like always. Damian spent the next few minutes fiddling with the radio, trying to find a station he liked, before settling on a classic rock/pop station, since he and Lisa could never agree on their tastes in music. The 80's ballads were common enough to make this one a safe pick for when she was in the car, and it was one he defaulted to quite often for that reason. His ears perked when he caught sight of the collie in his periphery, who was walking around the passenger side.

"Got all your stuff?" Lisa said with a slightly mocking tone as he clambered up into the seat. "Yes, Dame, I do, thanks for asking. There, saved you the trouble." She smirked at the bat, who rolled his eyes and dropped the truck into reverse and pulled out into the street, then set off down the road. The car ride was fairly quiet and very short, only a few scant minutes as Damian made his way around the Colson streets until he was in the center of town. The deli in question was a bit of a hole in the wall, but a good place to visit, and a hot meal would do wonders to stave off the icy winds outside. As they approached the restaurant, Damian remembered that the place had street parking, but traffic seemed light enough that his truck wouldn't obstruct the road in any meaningful way. Besides, it's not like they'd be in there that long.

The pair hopped out of the car and walked to the front door, where Damian pulled the door open for Lisa, putting a light smile on her face. Damian noticed the sway in her walk was much more exaggerated, but that was just something she tended to do. Lisa brought out a lot more femininity in public, not that Damian minded much. The collie was intensely loyal, and Damian never felt threatened by her showy public persona. Lisa sat down in the nearest clean booth, folding her hands in front of her and bringing them to her mouth, using them as a bit of a headrest. Damian smiled, always happy to see his girlfriend acting cute, and sat next to her. If she was going to play cute on a dreary day like this, he may as well play along. A stronger smile creeped across Lisa's face, but she dipped her head a bit to hide it behind her hands, not wanting to give away how much she liked it. The bat slid an arm behind her, curling it around her waist and sucking her hip up against his as he raised the menu and started to read over it.

"Any idea what you want?" He asked innocently. Lisa blushed under her fur, surprised at how cuddly he was being in public. Must've been since the restaurant was so empty, had to be.

"Mmmm, not sure." The collie admitted. "Maybe a melt? Would definitely help kill off some of this cold."

"Yeah, now that you mention it, I was thinking about a meatball sub." Damian replied, laying the menu down and looking over into her eyes. Lisa met his gaze, holding it for a moment or two.

"You guys know what you want?" A server asked, placing two glasses of water on the table. Lisa looked past the bat to see a large black cat in the deli's smock and nice clothes. "You look like you might need a minute."

"No, no." Lisa said, shaking her head. "I'll have the chicken melt. Pepper jack cheese." The jaguar nodded and jotted the order down on his pad, then looked to Damian, who was just now turning to face him.

"And you sir?" The feline asked before taking a closer look at the bat. "Wait, is your name Damian?" The bat shot back an odd look, but nodded.

"Yeah, do I know you from somewhere?"

"Not me, but you work with my boyfriend, I think." The jaguar held out his hand for a shake, which Damian took. "My name's Kyle, my boyfriend is Spencer, bighorn sheep?"

"Oh, Spence, yeah, I see him when I swing around the office, but I'm usually boots on the ground." Damian paused for a moment, then spoke again, a bit puzzled. "Wait, what made him mention me to you like that?"

"You were nice to him, mostly." Kyle said, a bit sullenly. "He doesn't really like working the office much, and he likes when he actually gets to visit the sites, hang around the workers there." The jaguar suddenly took on worried look, which Damian knew the source of right away.

"He ain't under me, don't worry." Damian assured him. "You're not compromising him or anything. I'm glad I can help though, Spencer's a good guy. I'll see if I can't swing more excuses to get him out of that cubicle from time to time. We could use some more advisors out there anyways."

"You'd do that? For real?" Kyle was joyous for a moment, then slowly became skeptical. "Hey... not that I think you're a bad person or anything, but there's not some catch to that, right?" Damian shook his head, drawing Lisa's gaze back to him.

"Nah, we really do need more number crunchers out there. I mean, hell, I'm the only company representative we've got, and I have a hard time managing some of those boneheads from time to time. Look, tell him to swing by my cube at the building on Monday, I have to be there to pick some stuff up, so maybe around 9. I'll shoot him a chance to hop out to the field with me. Jerry won't mind, I'm sure." The feline's eyes grew bigger as the bat spoke, and at the end he leapt towards him, giving him a hug.

"Thanks, man!" Kyle exclaimed, drawing a bit of attention from the other patrons in the store. "It really means a ton that you'd do that! I'll get your orders now." As the jaguar scurried off, Damian called after him.

"Meatball sub!" He said, not wanting to raise his voice too loud. A quiet 'got it' came from the back as the door closed behind the feline, and Damian shook his head with a bit of a smile. Lisa gave him an odd look, obviously questioning that whole exchange.

"So...?" She asked, arching an eyebrow. Damian shrugged.

"Meant all of it, dunno what to tell you." He said, sliding forward in the booth a bit and wrapping his arm around her once more. "Spencer's a decent guy, always kinda struck me as not cut out for office politics when we talked. Plus, as yesterday shows, I need help out there. Company won't argue after an incident like that, considering my record versus that of the crew working out there. Little start like this could keep the dude out of the office for the rest of his time working there, hopefully."

"You're way too compassionate to act that dismissive of it." Lisa said, playing with the sugar packets on the table and taking a sip of her water. "You were looking to do right by that guy and his boyfriend. I've seen you do it before, don't try to hide it to act cool." The collie smirked and turned her head to meet his eyes again, daring him to prove her wrong.

"You're putting way too much thought into that." Damian said, closing his eyes and leaning back a little more to relax in his seat. "Happenstance and lucky opportunity."

"Uh-huh." Lisa rolled her eyes. "You should know I'm not buying that. Like I said, I've seen you do it before." Damian opened his right eye and peered over at her without moving.

"Mmmm? And when was that?" Lisa smiled and flicked the sugar packets around between her claws.

"When we met." The bat shifted in his seat a bit, but didn't open his eyes, nor did he interrupt her. "You met a scared, lonely girl, and you decided you needed to help, then you fell in love. Don't try to hide your good heart, Damian, there's nothing wrong with being compassionate." The bat shook his head.

"Stop it, babe." He said, his voice low. "Not here, at least. At home, sure." Lisa shook her head back at him.

"Why not, Damian?" Lisa looked a bit puzzled, but part of her suspected why he was uncomfortable. "You're a good man, I don't underst-"

"Lisa. Stop." His voice was dead serious, but quiet, ensuring she would be the only person to hear him. "I said not here. Later, yeah. Not here." The server came by again as he whispered out the last words, and placed two plates on the table, still bearing the eager grin he'd walked away with.

"Here you guys go." The jaguar said cheerily. "Have a good day, check's under the plates."

"Thanks, Kyle." Damian said, fighting a bit of happiness into his tone to not arouse suspicion, then leaned up and took his sub off of his plate, setting to eating it in a very mechanical manner. Lisa just stared at her food, unsure if she felt more hurt or confused. Damian never spoke to her like that, not once since they'd met. It had to be something serious, but she wasn't sure what. Damian tapped her plate to catch her attention, ripping her from her thoughts and reminding her to eat. She forced the sandwich down quickly, not wanting to be waited on by her boyfriend. As she was finishing up, Damian was putting the money on the table, with what looked like a decent sized tip, if only to not have to break a large bill. Lisa hurried further, scarfing down the last of her food, then standing up out of the booth with Damian. His posture seemed different as they walked to the truck, but it didn't seem angry, just very very tense. He remained silent as they got in the car and backed out into the street. It was only once they were driving that the bat finally spoke.

"That was out of line." He said plainly. Lisa looked even more confused than before. He very clearly wasn't angry, but the whole situation felt incredibly strange. Damian was never one to act so cold, and Lisa was starting to get a bit scared as she wondered what brought on the change.

"What? I was just complimenting you, Damian."

"Fully aware there was no malice." He replied, turning through the streets back towards their house. "But you should have stopped when I asked. You were making me really uncomfortable." Lisa went pale beneath her thick brown fur. The signs lined up more now. He wasn't relaxing in the booth, he was "hiding", trying to diminish his profile and make himself hidden in public.

"Damian, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize." Before she could continue, he cut back in, making sure not to raise his voice or sound irate. The last thing he needed was to upset her right now.

"I know. Again, no malice. But next time, stop when I ask, and don't bring it up in public." Lisa nodded, going silent, but her anxiety was slowly ratcheting up. Her foot started tapping the floorboard of the truck as they pulled onto the street they lived on. She maintained her hush though, deciding that this was probably a topic best saved for home, when Damian wasn't occupied with driving. The tension in the car seemed to rise slowly as they rolled on towards the house, and Lisa could swear the road had never felt this long before. Guilt washed over her as she wondered about what was making her closest friend so ill-at-ease, and how badly she might have hurt him. To her, his prior curtness was looking very pale in comparison.

Damian, on the other hand, was calm, but not looking forward to the conversation they were about to have. Lisa looked like she thought she'd cut him deep, and was stewing deep in a lake of guilt. Suppressing a sigh, Damian, decided that trying to comfort her without explaining in full would be pointless, so he too kept silent until they finally stopped in the driveway. He watched Lisa get out of the car, seeing how tight and rigid she was walking before he got out himself. This was going to be hard. Very, Very hard. The pair passed through the door, and Damian took the collie's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Lisa looked up to meet his eyes, which had finally softened back to the pair she was used to.

"I'm not mad, Lisa. I swear." He said, leading her over to the couch and sitting down, letting her take a seat right beside him. The worry eased from the canine's face, but didn't disappear.

"We're not in public now." She said, her voice meek and quiet, like a child hiding behind their mother's skirt. Damian sighed and nodded.

"I'm not that good of a man, Lisa." Damian started. Lisa's ears perked up as she listened intently, not wanting to miss anything he said. "I've been good to you, yeah, and I've always tried to be good, but I... I carry a lot of guilt. When you call me a "good man", it rubs salt in old wounds. Ones that probably should have closed a long time ago, but they won't. So for now, I just carry it and try not to think about it." Lisa hugged around the bat, squeezing him a bit.

"You can talk to me about it if you need to." She said, her voice soft and certain. "You're not going to change how I look at you. I know who you are at the core, and the past can't change that." Let's hope you're right, Damian thought to himself as he leaned back against the couch, trying his best to relax a little. His shoulders were starting to ache from the tension he'd been carrying since they left the restaurant, and he tried his best to relax them.

"So, you know our friend Jean, she's dating a guy I work with, convinced me to buy this house. Known her for years, and I was the first person she met when she moved here." Lisa nodded, watching the tension in her boyfriend's face shift around as he seemed to grow more and more stress. "Well, I used to date her. And I shouldn't have."

"What do you mean, you shouldn't have?" The canine rested her hand on Damian's thigh.

"She and I got together when she moved here. She was a broken, and I was a little desperate. Bad combination. She needed someone to help her straighten out, and instead, she found me. I was messed up back then too, low confidence, needy, just not a very pleasurable person to be around. I held her back a lot. I still feel guilty, because she needed someone stable, and I thought I was that."

"She's still your friend though, Damian, it couldn't have been that bad." Lisa shook her head a bit, unsure if he was just exaggerating in his own mind, or if there was something deeper.

"She doesn't remember much of it, and she promised she wouldn't talk about it if I didn't." The bat sighed and looked down at his hands, which were starting to shake. "She needed a friend, she got a leech. I don't know how else to describe it. I used her, but I never forced her physically. It was just a lot of begging, a lot of guilt on both sides. It was a fucking mess, and it hurts a lot to remember." The bat trailed off a bit, growing quiet. Lisa looked more and more concerned with each passing second, wondering what sort of landmine she'd stepped on.

"Damian?" She asked quietly. "Babe, are you okay?" Looking a little closer, she saw tears starting to roll from his eyes.

"No." He said, resolute. "No, I'm not okay." Lisa wasn't at all sure what to say. If anything, his bluntness seemed to rob her of her words of comfort. What could she do in the face of that kind of despair?

"Dame, please, talk to me. I can't help if you don't talk to me." Damian let out a shuddering sigh, the tears coming stronger now.

"I... I worry..." His voice stumbled and hitched. The resolute strength he just held had vanished entirely. "I worry that I might be doing the same thing to you. Holding you back, keeping you from better things. I don't want to do that again, I couldn't take the guilt. It hurts so much, Lisa." The collie felt her blood run cold. He was worried over her; hurting over her, exactly what she'd been so worried about. She couldn't let that continue, but one look at him told her that that was going to be easier said than done. The sudden click of the link between what she'd been saying at the restaurant and what he was telling her right now was loud enough to deafen.

"Damian, you've never held me back, you've never hurt me, not once." She said, wrapping her arms around him. His sobbing didn't cease, or even slow, and Lisa knew this was way too weak of an attempt. She'd have to dig down, bring up raw emotion of her own. She took a deep breath, focusing herself, then tried again.

"You're the best thing that's happened to me, Damian. I don't know what happened with Jean, I wasn't there, I could never really understand. But I know for a fact that you're the thing that's given me the strength I have now. She didn't need someone like you were then, but I did. I'm not sure what that was, but I can say for certain that you're it, and that you still are. I can't imagine my life without you." The bat barely moved, not speaking at all, but he did lean into her embrace, giving the canine the barest hints of hope as her own tears began to spring up.

"I hate that you've felt like you had to hide this. You must've buried it for years." Lisa's voice was starting to choke in her throat, but she forced it out, not letting herself back down. "You're the only person who sees who I am under all the makeup, all the social shields and walls. I fake the super girly act for everyone else, and I know you see right through it, because you know me for who I truly am. That kind of support, knowing that there's at least one person who cares despite all the layers, that's what's helped me keep going. It cuts me down to the core knowing that I haven't been able to be that for you, and I need to change that. My heart can't take knowing that you have to soldier on alone, bearing all your sins on your back with no one to share the load. Not when you're right there with me, holding mine up too. Damian, I couldn't be me without you, and I want you to be able to be you, the scared, lonely you that's buried down in your heart, under years of repression. Will you let me be that for you?" It took every bit of resolve that the canine had to keep from breaking down in tears, but she didn't have to hold out long. Damian pressed his whole body against her and started to sob quietly, nodding gently against her chest. Lisa felt her will break, and the emotions ran loose as she hugged tightly around her mate, each the other's steady ground with storms raging around them.

The pair sat, neither knowing nor caring how long, and the wracking, overwhelming emotion tore at both of them, making them each dig tighter against the other. The tears died off, but the collie and bat held fast, determined to keep each other safe for as long as was needed. Neither of them were going anywhere, for a long time, and they knew that's all that had to be said.

The Way Out Is Through

"Boy ain't right." Jerry said to his wife, Mary. "Something goin' on." "Jerry, I swear to God, you sound like a fucking sitcom character." Mary replied, shaking her head. "I mean, yes, there's something up, but I'm not about to start poking my nose in...

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Jean's tight black skirt clung to her legs, almost acting like a funnel for the frozen air blowing through the streets of Colson. Part of her wished she could live anywhere else, a city that gets so cold in the winters was no place for a lizard,...

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Home for the Weekend

Spencer whipped his apartment door open and hung his coat up, weather was cold in Colson today and the ram was glad to be inside as he shook the winter out of his dense wool. A deep sigh left him and, glad to be done with work for the week, he perked...

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