Commission - The Interview

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#3 of Commissions

A young mare is on the hunt fora part time job. She finds herself in a rather strange interview. At least the milk is delicious...

sup yaaaa'll :3. here's a 15 pager for wonderful anon! this is kind of a part two of The Alpha Wolf. YOU'LL SEE. YOU'LL ALL SEE. AHAHAH! ahem... ANYWAY, keep it fresh my dudes!Want a story of your very own? C'mere!

Just wanna leave a tip? I love me some Ko-Fi!

The Interview

By: byruble

"Phew! I think that's enough for today honey..."

"Are you sure mom? We still have time to unpack a few more boxes. It's still early..." Tina, a young mare, peers out of the wide windows from the unfurnished living room. It's late afternoon.

"It's okay." Her mom takes a seat on the wooden floors to catch a breath. "Tomorrow is another day. I don't want you overexerting yourself! A girl must never-"

"Oh, come on ma. I'm not some weakling!" Tina leans against the wall, her arms crossed. "You don't want me to work with you as a caretaker and now you won't let me unpack a few more boxes? Please mom, I just wanna help!"

"I don't want you anywhere near my job... remember what I told you happened last week?"

"So one little experiment goes wrong. They caught it, didn't they?"

"Well... eheh... anyway..."

"Tch." Tina points out the window into the vast collection of homes. "Where else am I gonna find a job? We're in the suburbs, rememberrrrrrr?"

"Well, isn't that why I bought you a bike?" Her mom raises a brow. "Besides, like you said. It's still so early. Why not get acquainted with our new town?"

"Hmm..." Tina eyes glue to the ground in thought. "Beats staying home with nothing to do, I guess..."

"That's my girl. Don't come back too late though, okay? Can't cook without my little helper!"

"Hehe... of course!" Tina's tone returns to her normal sweetness. "I'll be back before sundown. Cya mom!" With a hug and a kiss, she sets off.

Hot and humid. No two words can describe the feeling outside better. The neighborhood kids run in around in the empty streets blasting one another with massive water guns in an attempt to fight off the heat. Tina politely declines their invitation to play but not without getting blasted herself, which isn't even a bad thing. With only a couple hours left of sunlight she has no time to waste.

She rides down the street humming the notes to her favorite pop song a bit more cool thanks to her damp clothing. Nothing but trees, plants and houses as far as the eye can see. Should she wander too far off she'll find herself in the outskirts of the town, which is only mountains and desert.

"Ooh!" Tina stands up on her bike. "It's a diner, neon sign and all... how old school! Maybe they're looking for waitresses?"

The aroma of freshly cooked burgers and steaks welcome her as she screeches to a halt at the front door. It's actually crowded inside. Not surprising seeing as this is one of the only establishment for miles, it seems...

"Oh hey! They're hiring... I think?" She leans closer to the window to better read the sign. 'Now Hiring But Not Really'. "...What the heck does that mean? Hmm... I'll just go in there and ask someon-"


"Uh... n-nevermind..." Tina backs away slowly from the two squared up burly bulls. "Ugh. Isn't there anything else nearby? I'm gonna get super sore riding around town all day. Eh?"

A flyer flapping about on an electric pole catches her attention. It reads: "Babysitter for hire! No experience needed, just a big heart and a big smile! We're just down the hill between the two apple trees so come on over for an interview!"

"Oooh! Wait. What hill? THAT hill?" She squints down a nearby road that looks like a roller coaster drop. "That's gonna be one heck of a climb back up, but a job's a job!" She cruises to the hill's crest, sets her gear to the highest and braces herself. "Here we goooooOOOAAAAAHHAHAHAH!"

After only a couple of seconds she reaches her bike's top speed. Not even cars can keep up with her. Her mane and tail flow in the wind like ribbons.

"Wooooooohoooooo! Hey look, joggers!" Only the craziest potatoes would try running up this hill but there they are, two curvy fox ladies in jogging attire attempting the climb. Their breasts bounce up and down with determination, their weight surely adding to their strenuous endeavor. Tina catches only a glimpse of their sweaty cleavage. "Daaaaang... nice!"

After a minute of full speed descension she reaches the bottom, still rocketing forth at breakneck speeds. Luckily her path is clear, giving her ample time to decelerate. Nothing left to do but enjoy the breeze.

"Ah... first bit of fun I've had all day!" She slows back down to cruising speeds. "Hmm... now where's that... oh, found it!"

She spots the luxurious two story home nestled between two large apple trees. It's the last home before stepping foot into the mountainous desert outskirts. It's also the only home with a "now hiring" poster on the front door. This is definitely the place.

"Alrighty, then..." Tina stands her bike next to the stairs and takes a deep breath. "Here goes nothing..."


"... What the heck kinda doorbe-"

"Hellooooo?" A blond labrador lady answers the door with a wide smile.

"Oh! Uhm, hello! I'm here about the babysitting job... are you still looking?"

"My, my! And they say you youngsters are nothing but lazy phone staring zombies!" The woman winks and makes way. "Yup, I'm still lookin'. Come on in!"

"Thank you!" Tina enters the home but not without getting a better look at the lab's body. Pregnant belly, massive lactating breasts that are barely contained within her tank top and a temptingly short skirt that's begging for an updraft. At least the dwellers in this small town are a joy to look at.

Once inside she's immediately greeted with that right-at-home feeling thanks to the abundance of wooden furniture. There's also a pleasant aroma in the air consisting of vanilla bean and... caramel? Something about it, though... it kind of gives you that "being watched" feeling...

"So, uhm... what do I call you, ma'am?" Tina asks after shrugging off the unsettling feeling.

"Oh, where are my manners? You can just call me Roxy!"

"Nice to meet you Roxy! I'm Tina!"

"Tina... what a lovely name." Roxy walks up to her and rubs her shoulders. "I don't think I've seen you around before..."

"Yeah, we just moved it! I'm looking for a part time job to help my mom with some bills... tough times, you know?"

"Would you look at that. Helping your lil' ol' momma! That says a lot about your character, you know!"


"Ah, there's my little baby!" Roxy bends down and picks up her cub from the hallway.

Tina's eyes widen to the size of saucers. That lady isn't wearing any panties under that skimpy skirt... her puckered butthole and hairy pussy are out in the open for the world to see. With a loud gulp, she turns away before she's spotted.

"Is she gonna be big puppy's new friend?" The cub asks.

"Shh... not now, sweetie..."

"Uhm... is this who I'll be b-babysitting?" Tina asks, the redness on her face intensifying due to the cub's almost nude body save for her diaper. "S-So cute! Where's her, uhm... clothes?"

"Mhm. My little girl is a free spirit. She really doesn't like clothes. Just a diaper for her." Roxy kisses the girl on her forehead. "Saves me quite a lot of money on clothes, so I can't complain! Haha!"

"Okay..." Tina stares at the cub's tiny pink nipples with a bitten lip. "H-How often does she need a diaper change?"

"You act as if you've gotten the job already." Roxy gives the mare a cheeky smirk.

"Oh, right! S-Sorry!"

"I kid, I kid. Please, have a seat! Can I get you something to drink?"

"Yes, please!" Tina's dehydration answers for her.

"I'll get you some homemade milk. I'll be just a sec!" Roxy places the girl back onto the ground and heads to the kitchen.

Tina silently watches the practically nude cub play with her brightly colored toys. She sits on her clammy hands as to prevent her from doing anything... uncouth. While the view is very nice, that scent in the air... the constant feeling of glaring shadowed eyes. That is one strange room fragrance!


"Hmm?" The sweaty handed mare pulls out her vibrating phone. One unread message.

MommySalami: honey? R u ok?

Me: Yeah. What the heck is that name mom? LOL

MommySalami: isn't it hilarious? It rhymes so well with mommy! I GROOL'd!

Me: you... wat?

MommySalami: Giggled Really Oafishly Out Loud!

Me: yeah, please don't ever use that again >_>;. I'm at a job interview. I'll text u when i'm done k?

MommySalami: Oh, sorry honey! Good luck! MILF2 hearing!

Me: ...WAT?

MommySalami: Mommy Is Looking Forward 2 hearing!

She isn't even going to try to figure out how she came up with that one...

"Here you go!" Roxy returns with a tall glass of milk. "I hope you like it!"

"Thanks Roxy!" Tina takes a sip. It's a tad bit slimy but the delicious sea salt milkshake flavor more than makes up for that. "W-Wow! That's... addictingly good!"

"Hehe. I'm glad you like it!" Roxy picks up the cub and sits on the sofa across from her. "Time I feed my own little girl. I hope you don't mind..."

"Oh! Uhm... n-not at all!" Tina twiddles her fingers as sweat drips down her brow. A free peep show for those with dirty minds... perfect.

"C'mere my little baby," Roxy sings. She pulls down her tank top and exposes her bare breast for a microsecond. The cub's head obscures what she imagines to be succulent nipples. Dang it...

"Right! Now for your interview. First question... let's see... how old are you?"

"I'm... thirteen," Tina responds with a wiggly smile.

"Wow, such an innocent age..." Roxy crosses her legs and tilts her head up in thought. "Why, I remember when I was that age..."

Tina's jaw nearly drops as she catches another glimpse of what lies underneath her short skirt. It's too dark to make anything out but the image from earlier sends chills up her spine. Those plump thighs as well... she can crush a man with those. She shuts her eyes and takes a large sip of her milk to distract herself. What a relaxing concoction...

"Ah... anyway." Roxy lowers her leg. "Have you ever babysat before?"

"Well... no... but I'll do my best! I promise!"

"Ahh..." The cub comes up for a breath of air, leaving the wet nipple exposed for a certain mare to see...

A loud gulp echoes around the room. Tina oggles the shimmering pink flesh with the intensity of a laser. Her own underdeveloped nipples begin to harden at the sight of the wet milk jug. Before being able to take millions of mental screenshots the cub latches back onto it. She takes another huge gulp of her milk to calm her nerves...

"No babysitting experience, huh? Well... while that IS important, you seem like a sweet girl. I just might give you a chance."

"Uhm... th-thanks!"

"Next question... have you ever played with yourself?"

"Uhm...!?" Tina's heart slams against her chest. "E-Excuse me?"

"I said, have you ever stayed at home by yourself?" The lab raises her brow.

"OH! S-Sorry... I thought you said..." the flustered mare shakes her head and blinks hard. "I... I have. A b-bunch of times! It's not so bad..."

"Ah, I see." Roxy crosses her legs once more and nods. "Good. That means your mom puts a lot of trust in you."

Once more Tina catches another good glimpse of Roxy's lady parts. The lighting is much better this time. The tiny afro on her cooch is displayed in precise detail. There seems to be some dried white stuff on it but Roxy uncrosses her legs before she has any time to "examine" it. Still, she finds herself aroused with the thought of how sweaty it must smell down there. Her shaky hand goes for the glass of milk only to find it is now empty. With nothing left to distract her she feels the full extent of her horniness hit her like a battering ram.

"H-Hey, uhm... do you have a b-bathroom?" Tina stutters.

"Oh, of course, honey! Down the hall to your left."

"Thanks!" Tina bolts to the bathroom, passing all the handcrafted wooden decor in the ornate hallway.

"Oh... my... gosh!" Her heavy breathing bounces around the dimly lit bathroom walls. "I feel like I'm in heat or something! This is, like, the worst time for this!"

She unbuttons her skirt and pulls it down to her knees along with her frilly white panties. Her bare pussy is lathered with clear sticky fluid. Her girly goo drips down in between her quivering thighs.

"H-Holy cow! Uhm..." She sits on the toilet with her hands clasped on her lap. "Maybe I just gotta flush this outta my system..."

Tina begins urinating, the warm sensation providing at least some relief. She notices a distinct smell rising up from the bowl, though. It's her unmistakable sexual pheromones. Anyone with a decent sense of smell can pick up on this scent alarmingly quick.

"Oh jeez! Better get rid of that!" She flushes the toilet and gets an eyeful of her half naked self in the mirror. "Hehe... I got a really nice butt... huh... wh-what!?" A strange perverse fog clouds her mind. "Hmm... I guess it can't hurt to relieve a little bit of 'pressure'. I've never felt so... hot!"

Tina locks the door and stands facing the mirror. First thing's first: fingers need lubrication. She rubs her gooey pussy and covers her digits in the stuff. It's warm, slick and slippery. Perfect if not a little much!

Her clit gets some attention next. She circles her pink bean with her now lubed up fingers. Her body tingles and shakes with every pass of this sensitive organ. Her lewd facial expressions on the mirror give her an extra helping of satisfaction.

"Mmm... ah, that's niiiiice," She moans to herself with a bitten lip. "Wow... what's this feeling?" A strong wave of relaxation pulses throughout her body, similar to when she drank the milk earlier. "Wow... why does everything feel so... sensitive?"

She takes advantage of this momentary high and begins rubbing her body all over. Her hard nipples, her clit, her "really nice butt"... it feels as if her pleasure sensors have been set to overdrive.

The quietly moaning mare starts to get into it. Her wet fingers part her virgin pussy lips apart slowly but surely. Two sole phallic adventurers plunge inside.

"Ah... ahah... yeeesss..." Tina gasps. Her fingers feel as if they've been inserted into a wet oven. Before she gets the chance to really go to town she stumbles and knocks over a glass soap holder on the sink. The harrowing shatter brings her libido to a violent stop.

"Oh no! Oh my gosh no, no, noooo-"

*knock knock knock*

"Are you okay in there, Tina?"

"Uhm, y-yeah!" Tina responds with a cracking voice. "Just knocked something over...I'll be right out!"

"Alrighty..." The lab's footsteps fade away.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" The red cheeked mare facepalms herself. "Ugh... guess I gotta wait 'till I get home to 'handle' this.... I'm here for a job after all! We can do this. No naughty thoughts... noooo naughty thoughts." She pulls up her pants and marches out. No one needs to know about the glass under the bathroom rug.

"Sorry about that Roxy!" Tina scurries back to the sofa.

"No worries." The lab calmly responds, her cub still sucking on her tit. "I only got a few more questions for you."

"Sounds... g-good..." Tina's words trail off as she starts having fantasies about those massive milk jugs again. She instinctively reaches for her empty milk cup.

"Would you like a refill, hon?" Roxy asks with a smirk.

"Yes please!" Tina is bit too quick to respond, but that milk tastes like liquid happiness. She needs more and fast.

Roxy pulls down her shirt and presents her other plump breast. A bit of milk is already dripping down the nipple. Tina's eyes ping pong from her cup to the boob.

"Wait... you want me... t-to...?"

"Oh, don't be shy. Like I said, my milk is all natural. Help yourself!"

Tina's voice of reason is suspiciously quiet. All she can think is do it. DO IT. She's left with no choice with her mind in this primal state. Not that she has a problem with that...

"If you say so..."

She sits next to the topless lab on the couch. To her surprise her breasts are even larger up close. She can sell her own milk in bulk with those things! Her nipples look deliciously suckable as well. It's like they're begging for a nice warm mouth to envelope them.

"Any day, now..." Roxy says with a half eyed grin.

"Huh... oh! I'm s-so sorry," Tina stutters.

She holds the cup under her lactating breast and aims the nipple downwards. It's so soft, like a gummy worm. With a light tug, her shimmering milk pours out in a steady stream.

"Wow..." The mare drools at the sound of the filling cup. "I can't wait..."

"Hehe. You don't have to be so gentle, you know. At this rate it'll take forever!"

"Really? I don't wanna hurt your boobies!" Tina says as she glances at her own small breasts.

"Trust me. I'll be fine. Just give it a little extra pinch..."

"Uhm... o-okay..." Tina does as she's told, pinching and tugging a little harder on the squishy pink nipple. The cup indeed fills up much faster but splashes both of them from the increased pressure.

"Mmm... I think you're good to go!" Roxy licks her lip clean of her own milky droplets.

"Thank you so much!" Tina takes her filled cup back to the sofa and has a sip. Tastes just as good as before only a bit more... fresh. The milky mind haze also returns, the feeling akin to a nice buzz from a couple of beers. "It's... delicious..."

"I told you. Homemade is the best way. Isn't that right, honey?" She glances at her cub.

"Yes mommy!"

"Mhm. Now... where were we..." Roxy spreads her legs apart. "Please, don't mind me... it just gets a little steamy down there. Need to air it out."

"Ah... n-no problem..." Tina feels steam of her own forming in her nether regions. That is one heck of a view. A view so lewd, in fact, she can feel her mom smack her upside the head yelling 'that's not how ladies sit!' Either way, that is definitely how ladies should sit, at least according to her.

"So, Tina... are you... still a virgin?"

"V-Virgin?" Tina repeats the questions but knows full well what she just heard. She barely even knows her and yet she feels fully inclined to answer truthfully. She can't seem to clear her head of this mind numbing feeling. "Yes. I'm... still a virgin."

"Mmm... such a sweet and untainted young girl. Your mom must be very proud of you..." Roxy reaches under her skirt to scratch her forest of pubes. "Getting a little itchy down there."

"All done mommy!" The cub butts in.

"Already? Well then. Off you go, honey." Roxy places her squirming cub on the ground. "Right. Next question... have you ever-"

"I'm a puppy! I'm a puppy! Look mommy!" The energetic cub pulls off her diaper and gets on her knees, tail wagging and all.

"Honey... we don't run around the house without our diaper on."

"But real puppies don't wear diapers! I'm a real puppy, see?"

Tina's lips dry up as she admires the cub's presented cunny and puckered butthole. They look just like her mom's except with a slight brown tinge and obviously a lot less developed. Try as she might she cannot look away. That cub is practically begging to be ogled!

"This is how puppies love! I love you!" The cub crawls over to the hyperventilating mare and begins humping her leg. "Mmm! Feels good to love!"

"Ooh!" Tina is taken by surprise. The feeling of the girl's warm rubbery cunny running up and down her leg instantly erects her nipples. She does her best to keep her eyes to herself. Roxy isn't helping either, as her giant milk jugs are now just swinging around in the open.

"Hehe... next question. What do you think of my daughter's bare pussy?"

"Your daughter's... uhm..." Tina takes a large gulp of her milk. Nerve calming goodness. Another wave of haze sedates her mind. "I... I really like it..."

"Hear that, sweetie? She likes your little coochie!"

"Yaaay! I love my coochie too!" The cub hugs the mare's leg and begins humping it with a fiery intensity. She whimpers and moans with half-eyed smile as she coats the leg with her warm cunny juice. "Ahh..."

"Oh, my. She's really taken a liking to you!" Roxy giggles. "In that case I'll wrap this interview up with one final question." She crosses her arms once more, only this time pressing her exposed tits together. "Have you ever seen a feral's cock?"

"A feral's... uhm..." Tina immediately goes for the milk, gulping the remainder down with a loud painful gulp. "I... I haven't..."

"Hehe. Didn't think so." Roxy stuffs her boobs back into her shirt. "Well, that concludes our interview!"

"Oh... g-great!" Tina gives the lab a nervous grin, desperately trying to hide how turned on she is. "Did I uhm... did I get the job?"

"Well..." Roxy stands up. "While I DO think you'll take very good care of my little girl, I still must ask... how badly do you want this job?"

"Really, REALLY badly!" Tina slaps her mouth shut, realizing she sort of yelled that out loud...

"Eager, aren't we?" Roxy puts one paw on her hip and the other pointing under her skirt. "I've got an itch that only your tongue can scratch. Rid me of this itch and the job is yours..."

The amount of red on Tina's face can give even the brightest cherries a run for their money. She's barely experimented with herself let alone with anyone else. Still... she's so horny she can feel her heartbeat in her pussy. There couldn't be a better time to experiment.

Tina silently nods. No time for speaking. Her tongue has a lot of work to do.

She gets on her knees and finally gets that upskirt shot she's been wanting since she walked in. It's glorious; The musk is potent, her pubes are thick and her pussy lips are nice and wet. Something in particular does catch her eye, though. Her lips are sealed together by dried up white stuff. It has the faint scent of the milk only a lot less sweeter.

"He doesn't like it when I clean down there." Roxy licks her lips. "He prefers me 'all natural'..."

"He?" Tina tilts her head.

"Oh, hahah... don't worry about it. Just thinking out loud. You gonna keep me waiting?"

Absolutely not. In a split second Tina's nose finds itself squished up against her mangled pubes. It smells as if she hasn't showered in a couple of days... it's got that hot sweat stench. Something about that just ignites the horny teen's already seemingly insatiable sex drive.

She grabs onto the lab's plump buttcheeks and sinks her fingers into them like putty. Her long wet tongue runs up against the dried up white crust. Salty with a hint of copper. Not exactly the flavor of candy but it's raw flavor encourages another lick... and another... and another.

"Goodness!" Roxy says with a gasp. "Not even going to ease into it, huh? I like it!"

Unbeknownst to the moaning lab Tina isn't actually all there. Her mind is being overwritten to do one thing and one thing only: To please.

And please she does. Her bulldozer of a tongue breaks away the crusty white seal, parting her luscious doggy pussy lips apart. A smelly moist queef is released, followed by a salty surprise...

A glob of thick, creamy cum. Of course the virgin mare wouldn't know how it looks like in person but she does manage to get quite the mouthful of it. Gooey, salty, and very reminiscent of the Rox's breast milk. How in the world do these two things taste almost identical?

"You like?" Roxy checks on the mare with a raised brow smile.

"I... I like a lot!" Tina resumes her oral escapade with vigor.

Swish after swish she robs the lab of the mysteriously stored cum. With every mouthful she can feel her body get more aroused, her mind more numb. It's like a drug.

Her hands aren't on vacation either. Her fingers cascade along those thick fluffy buttcheeks like a wave. She must have a hard time sitting down on something so bouncy. Heck, that's a chair all on its own!

"Mommy! Can I join you guys?" The cub asks. "Looks like fun!"

"Of course you can, honey. You wouldn't mind, would you?" Roxy gives Tina puppy eyes.

"No, I won't mind!" Tina says a little too enthusiastically. "Come play with us!"

"Woohoo! I like her mommy!" The young lab crawls over to Tina and begins humping her other leg, her cunny still soaking wet.

Tina's fur stands up on end as she feels her warm cooch rub up on her again. The milk's strange qualities still have her sensory system on overdrive. The humping essentially feels like a whole body erotic massage...

Her pussy oozes with her sexual pheromones, quite literally begging to be rammed by anyone or anything. Her long tongue reaches further and further into Rox's doggy cunt, the pink licker now buried nearly all the way inside her.

"Mmm... yes... eat my pussy! Momma needs her sweet, sweet release!"

"Yeah! Eat mommy's pooshy!" The cub adds with a giggle.

Tina nods and begins wriggling her tongue inside like a worm. It makes contact with Roxy's clit and g-spot, giving her a rollercoaster of sexual sensations. She sucks back the excess drool and uses it again to keep the doggy pussy sufficiently lubricated. It's wet enough as it is, but it does feel deliciously pervy. These naughty actions are what's helping to fuel her ecstatic licks. Well, that and her almost fully suggestable state...

The cub decides to try something more adventurous. Since Tina's hands are up her Mommy's skirt, why not return the favor? It's only fair.

"Holy moly!" Tina's hips thrust forward as she feels two little paws grope her butt. This is the first time anyone's touched her back there. It's a little ticklish but feels awfully nice. She turns around and smiles. "Keep touching me there. It feels very good!"

"Hehe, oki doke!" The cub obeys and jiggles her buttcheeks like two bowls of gelatin. "This is so fun!"

Tina slips her hand down her panties, unable to ignore her own throbbing pussy any longer. She's so wet she puts water slides to shame. One finger in... two fingers in. An effortless glide.

"Mmf... oh, yeaaaaah..." A low groan escapes her.

"Ooh, you ARE a dirty girl, aren't you?" Roxy's grabs the back of the teen's head and shoves it further up her cooch. "You like eating bitch pussy?

"Mhm!" Tina responds with a mouthful of labia.

"Of course you do. You live to eat my pussy, don't you?"

Tina's not really sure where this commentary is coming from but it's definitely helping her perform better in the licking department. She nods, agreeing to the degrading statement.

"Then go faster!! Do it! Do it like you were born to do it!"

The fully aroused mare's tongue moves so fast it actually looks like it's vibrating. She lathers it over the quivering pussy lips, clit and g-spot. Roxy's eyes roll back as she takes in this absolutely incredible sensation.

"Just a little more... mmm... MMF..."

"You can do it mommy!" The cub cheers on as she gropes the teens soft buttcheeks.

"Watch this honey... ah... AH... AAAHHHHH!"

Roxy's pussy convulses, it's walls clamping on tightly onto the mares intruding tongue. In a blink of an eye an ocean of clear sticky fluid erupts from the depths of her pink flesh tunnel. She's trapped...

The helpless mare can do nothing but take a face full of the gooey doggy juice. At least it doesn't taste bad. As a matter of fact, it really doesn't taste like anything at all... just pheromones.

"That... was... spectacular!" Roxy pants, her tail wagging from her orgasm. "I think it's safe... you got the job!"

"Really!?" Tina wipes the warm fluids from her mouth with her sleeve. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much!"

"No... thank you! That's one magical tongue you got there!"

Tina can't help but hug herself. She doesn't even mind that she couldn't reach her own climax. The job is hers!

"Yeah mommy! She's super nice! I want her as my babysitter! Big puppy will love her too!"

"I'm so excited!" Tina ignores the cub's comment from all the excitement. "Uhm... when can I start?"

"Well the sooner the better of course." Roxy pants as her orgasm slowly fades away.

"I can start right now! I'll just need to let me mom know."

"Oooooor," Roxy snatches Tina's pink phone away. "I can get you acquainted with your new boss right now..."

"New... boss?" Tina looks around the room. "Who else is in here?"

"Well he's not in here right now, but he's coming. I think you should make yourself a little bit more... presentable for him."

"Huh? Oh!" Tina jumps up and adjusts her clothes. "Should I go wash up? I know I must look like a-"

"Oh, quite the contrary! We'll show you." Roxy crouches down. "All you gotta do is get on all fours and face away from the kitchen."

"Wha...?" Tina is confused by the odd request, but she did just get the job... whatever this is can't be that bad, right. She shrugs and gets on the floor on all fours next to Roxy. The cub joins them as well.

"Okay... now what?"

"Don't worry, you'll know what to do next..."

Tina's next question is halted by a powerful scent. It smells like pure testosterone and musk. That wasn't here before...

As if under some spell, her tail flags straight up and her horse pussy winks uncontrollably as. It's as if her body is preparing her for something... large. She can't move...

An enormous wolf enters the home through the opened backyard door. He spots the presented asses of his two bitches but what's this? An unfamiliar mare pussy? Winking at him, no less? He grins, his large canine fang exposed. His cock is unsheathed and dripping with precum.

The scent on the cock... it's just like the scent in Roxy's milk. How is that possible? Unless... The wolf's semen is somehow inside the milk? No, that can't be... can it?

"Hmm..." The wolf thinks to himself. "Looks like my bitches brought me another mate. They're getting quite good at this..." he walks over to the mare, his large shadow blanketing over her. "I hope you're ready for me..."

Commission - Ice Cream at the Butcher's

Ice Cream at the Butcher's By: byruble "Mommy! Can we go over there? His store looks so pretty!" "I don't think so, sweetie. That's how they get you... they lure you in with their fancy shmancy stand and then BAM! You're buying all kinds of stuff...

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Commission - Overnight Babysitter

Overnight Babysitter By: byruble "Marcus!" "Headshot... headshot... another headshot. Too easy." "Mar-cus!" "Killing spree... sweet. Is this supposed to be a ranked server? What a bunch of freakin' noo-" \*BANG!\* "MARCUS WRIGHT!" An angry mouse...

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Commission - 2040 Olympic Games

Olympic Games By: byruble "Hello world and welcome to the 2040 Five Isles Olympic Games! I'm your host, the one, the only, Dalla Bill! Tonight we'll be hosting the finals for the island's famous youth swimming competition, a true crowd favorite!...

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