Kinktober Day Eleven: Daddy-Kink

Story by KarlyCommissions on SoFurry

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#11 of Kinktober 2018

Alexis is having a coming of age party, and she and Elias find some rather interesting collars.

Kinktober Commission for Eviscerator

The sound of music could be heard, pouring through the hallways and echoing in every room. The grandiose ball was one of the largest that they'd had in quite some time... but it was a once in a lifetime thing when Alexis Acorn came of age. She certainly still had a lot of growing to do -- both emotionally and physically. She was shorter than her mother, and shorter than her step-father by an entire head. Her hair barely brushed his chin -- he thought it was cute.

She sometimes found him thinking it was cute to be quite annoying.

Still, she loved him as if he was her own father, and the fact that he had taken the time to throw her such an extravagant party was a heart-touching moment.

They were halfway through the afternoon, and Alexis had opened a few of the gifts on the large table that was laid out for her; there were odds and ends, dresses, some dolls that were a sweet tribute to her childhood... and the most interesting pair of collars that she'd ever seen.

They were made of thick metal, a dark black that she'd never seen before. The rubies that encrusted the pair were eye-catching. What she liked the most, perhaps, was that they were completely unisex... so when she brought one up to Elias and held it out to him with a sweet smile, he could do nothing but to take it from her.

"You want me to wear it? But it's your gift." His voice was casual, and Alexis smiled. She swept her hair to the side, showing him that she already had the matching set around her throat -- the metal was a cool weight against her flesh, and she found it oddly comforting.

"I thought we could match while we had a dance." Her blue eyes were full of wide pleading, her head lilted up so that she could catch him with the entirety of her little pout. Of course, he couldn't resist it -- he'd never really been able to resist it. With a bit of a sigh, though a smile crossed his visage, he made a show of raising the collar and sliding it around his neck.

There was a loud clicking sound, and Alexis gave a small little start; for just a moment, the collar around her throat had jolted. It was like she'd been shocked my electro-static. The chipmunk shivered, but giggled with delight at the sight of Elias in the lavish collar. It actually suited him and the regal air about him -- and more than that, there was a small bit of satisfaction that poured through her for the fact that they had a matching set of jewelry on.

Warmth was flooding her -- she wrote it off to giddiness and held out her hand for her step-father to take. He didn't hesitate, but instead looped their fingers together and then walked her out to the grand expanse of the dance floor.

Her arms came up to rest against his chest -- wrapping them around his shoulder was a bit of a strain with their height difference. In turn, he slid his arms around her back and gave her a gentle hug before they began to elegantly twirl around the ballroom floor.

Alexis felt dizzy, though she was certain for a moment that it was from the twirling motion of their bodies waltzing -- however, even when they shifted to a slower movement and she was simply swaying back and forth in Elias' arms... that dizziness intensified. The heat that she'd felt earlier was stronger now, so much so that she actually felt faint for a moment.

"Alexis?" It wasn't until she heard her father's voice that she realized he was experiencing something similar to her. His blue eyes were dark, clouded, and his jaw was slightly dropped... she could see beads of sweat forming on his forehead for a moment...

And then her vision wavered, and it was only their arms around one another that actually kept the pair from collapsing on the floor.

"Sir? Highness? Are you all right?" She wasn't sure that she could answer, but she didn't want to make a scene. She leaned up on tiptoe, and whispered softly to Elias; "Can we go to the hall for a moment. I don't feel well?"

He nodded quickly, and then turned to the people around them. "I"m fine. Excuse us for a moment."

And in a rush of motion, he pulled both of their bodies from the ballroom, though Alexis could hardly hold herself in a standing position now. Something strange was happening; her throat ached, her head was pounding. Everything was going in circles, and from the low groan that spilled from Elias' chest, she had a feeling that he also felt the same.

Only after the door had closed and he had pulled them into one of the abandoned hallways did they finally give in to the sensation that had ripped through them -- they both collapsed to the ground, their vision fading, and everything momentarily going black...

And then Alexis' sight returned... and for a moment, she wished that it hadn't. Something was wrong; something was very wrong. She was looking down at her small body... but it wasn't her head that was on its shoulders. Elias' handsome visage had somehow parked itself there, anchored on with the collar, whose rubies were glowing all the brighter.

"Oh, my head..." Elias' voice was soft, aching, and then he looked up at the larger body that was now holding him.


The outrage that was Elias' tone couldn't be mistaken as he stared wide-eyed at his former body with his daughter's head parked atop it... "What happened?"

Alexis was still feeling light-headed, hot... but something else was fluttering through her mind now. There was a sense of giddy elation; after all, she'd always been the little one, the one to be taken care of and ordered around. Yes, Elias had done it all out of love, and he'd never abused his power... but suddenly, the tables were turned. Suddenly, she was the big one.

Suddenly, she was the Daddy.

With a smile, she leaned in, letting her hand come to rest atop the short frame that stood in front of her. Elias scowled, and it was hilarious to see such a big expression coming from such a small body. Alexis couldn't help but to wonder if she looked like that whenever she was upset; instead of indulging it though, she stroked her fingers through crimson locks of hair.

"I don't know what happened, but you have to admit... it's interesting." Her voice was full of amusement and delight. She knew for a fact that Elias wasn't pleased... he probably couldn't remember a time when he was the short, tiny one. Alexis leaned in, bopping him on the tip of the nose and then letting out a giggle of pure delight.

"It's not funny!" His protest only caused her to giggle all the more until she was holding her sides for the stitch that ached there and tears were springing into her eyes.

She was flushed after the laughter, and brought one hand up to the wall above Elias' shoulder. It was strange, looking down on her own body -- it was even stranger because there was a heat in those blue eyes that she'd never seen her father give her before.

It was the same heat that was radiating from the collar around her neck -- the same heat that was making her new body still feel so strange... and it was the oddest sensation to have that heat pooling between her legs... because it wasn't wet like it usually was when she felt slight arousal. Instead, it ached... and it throbbed... and it was hard.

And just as suddenly as their bodies had been changed, Alexis leaned down and captured Elias' lips with her own, though she had to duck to do so -- at first, her father made to protest, to pull away... but as soon as she pressed her body forward, the intoxication that was spilling through her entire body seemed to rip and pour into his.

Whatever senses they might have had were ripped away, and neither of them could stop what was happening.

They were all hands, grabbing and tearing at clothing -- they were all muffled moans and whimpers as shirts were cast aside and pants were dropped, and the dress that had been so carefully picked out for her party was torn at the waist so the body that Elias inhabited was exposed from the waist down.

"What are we--" He made to protest, but she was having none of it. There was something in the back of Alexis mind that realized what was happening -- yes, her first time was being stolen away right now, but it was being stolen away by herself. She wasn't going to have to feel any of the pain that came along with it... and she knew for a fact that she wasn't doing it with some boy that she would come to hate later.

No... this was perfect. The heat at her neck that had spread through her veins told her that it was perfect. She licked her lips and then slid her arms down the slender frame in front of her, before looping strong arms around a round little ass and hoisting the small body in front of her up until their pelvises were level.

"Alexis, wait, aren't you--"

"I am." And that was all she wanted to say on the matter. Maybe she wasn't exactly sure how the process went in person, she had a good idea on how to do it in theory... and it seemed as though, even though she'd taken over his body, she still had some of Elias' instincts. Her hips came forward almost of their own volition, and she slid the tip of the cock that she'd acquired via this weird body swap into the soft folds in front of her. It was so tight, and Elias cried out in an almost helpless voice as she worked her way inside of him.

Slowly... so slowly... but whatever magic had taken over her had taken over him as well, because that soft cunt was already so slicked that she barely met any resistance as she continued in her venture forward. And then there was the resistance that she, herself, had kept so scared for all of her years... there and proof that she was pure.

And then it wasn't there, and Elias let out another cry of pain for just a moment as Alexis slid her prick home into the tight, squeezing depths. For a moment, there was no movement; there was only a pause for Elias' body to adjust to the newfound infiltrator and heavy breathing... and then, as though they were both completely caught up in the heat that spread from the collars, they began to move. Elias wrapped his legs around Alexis' waist, threw his arms around her shoulders to hold his small frame up... and they began to move in tandem.

There was nothing but the sound of soft whimpers, of moans, of aching groans and breathing that came faster and faster. Alexis had never felt anything so good -- she'd masturbated before, and it was nothing like this. The body that she moved inside of was so tight, so familiar and yet so new to her in the same instance. It was intoxicating, and she wasn't sure if she was ever going to be able to go back to the way that she was before without remembering how this exactly moment felt. Her hips flexed harder, and Elias didn't let out another cry of pain -- the cry that spilled from his lips was pure ecstasy... pure desire and need.

That noise was like a drug to Alexis, and her hips worked harder... faster... until they were both moaning, both making soft growling noises that came from the chest and the throat and had nothing to do with anything but the carnal desire that had spread through their body, the aphrodisiac that had taken over their senses from the collars around their necks.

Suddenly, there was a louder cry from Elias -- his body spasmed, his fingers dug hard into Alexis' back... and then she could feel the clenching tightness around the cock that was still plundering the no-longer-virgin. The sensation was too much for her -- she let out a cry, her body twitched, and then they both came to the ground as her knees rocked out beneath her and she pinned the small frame that she was plowing between her body and came hard and fast inside of it. The orgasm was mind-blowing, all-encompassing...

And it was only after it started to fade that the heat of the collars faded -- that a loud click sounded... and that they both lost their sight for another moment before they came to in their right bodies, with Alexis laying beneath her father, and his prick buried deep inside of her cunt.


"Oh... oh, dear..."

The two could do nothing but stare at one another in shock, embarrassment, and with the vestiges of pleasure still clear on their faces.

Kinktober Day Fifteen: Human Furniture

The world was different than she remembered it -- everything had changed. Where people once walked, or made their way along dirt roads in a carriage, they now drove in a thing called cars. Where people had once worn only what was necessary to protect...

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Kinktober Day Four: Watersports

The red panda was staring between her legs in complete and utter amazement. Her eyes were slightly out of focus, but that didn't mean that she was imagining the cock that resided thick and half-hard, attached to her pelvis. This was Akira's fault....

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Kinktober Day Ten: Micro/Macro

There was an air of need pulsing through the room -- it wasn't an altogether strange thing. After all, Vicky and Sal had quite a healthy relationship... so, what would it be without a fun air of sexual tension continually radiating between them. At the...

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