Kinktober Day Eighteen: Latex

Story by KarlyCommissions on SoFurry

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#15 of Kinktober 2018

Adagio Dazzle is obsessed with a stripper... and Fate is a cruel bitch.


Latex commission for Technophile


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Adagio Dazzle knew that it was probably a bad idea for her to be wandering the streets so late at night. Still, she had a purpose on mind, and nothing would dissuade her from her goals -- her violet hues were fixated in front of her. There was a strip club not that far up ahead, and she'd been spying on one of the humans who worked there for the past few weeks. The woman had a perfectly fat bottom, and a gorgeous frame... and she could think of nothing that she wanted more than to watch the way that she maneuvered on her pole to the throbbing music that vibrated so loudly through the establishment that it made Dazzle's screws shiver.

It didn't matter, though. She wasn't sure if it was some kind of fault in her programming, or if it was actually something that had been programmed into her. She was, after all, a creature made to pleasure others. Maybe there was something about the young female that she was drawn to because she could learn how to perform better. Or, maybe it was a simple fascination and obsession that she couldn't ignore or deny.

Whatever it was, she was a slave to the need to get back to the strip club, and she wasn't going to let anything stop her. She was a very determined doll, after all. That was part of her programming -- tenacity.

She was so fixated on what she was striving for that she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings; it truly was very unsafe of her. She was in a seedy part of town -- there were so many possibilities of things that could happen to a small doll such as herself. She could get picked off by any of the dozens of feral cats that roamed the alleyways. She could be crushed underfoot by any drunkard who came out of a bar and wasn't looking at where he was going; likewise, some drunken idiot could notice her and decide that he wanted to take her home so he could have some fun for free, since he probably couldn't afford any of the prostitutes who were roaming around the streets trying to make an extra buck.

One of those prostitutes could even pick her up and force her to start working; it would make their load a bit lighter, after all. She'd seen it a thousand times before -- sex dolls picked up and pimped out. You didn't have to pay them. You didn't have to feed them. You didn't have to worry about them finding a more fair pimp... you just had to put them to work and use them until someone broke them.

And then you just found another one.

So, though her eyes scanned around her slightly, looking up and in front of her... Dazzle was completely oblivious to the fact that the real danger to her wasn't in an alley, and it wasn't going to come from the humans swarming around her.

It came in the form of something gross and sticky on the ground. She took a step, and then another... and then when she tried to step again, she was so strong and quick in her stride that she heard a shrill squeal of plastic and metal and felt something in her leg snap. Her eyes widened, and she instantly flicked her gaze to the ground in front of her.

From her calves up, she was stuck in an enormous wad of gum that some idiot had been too disgusting to spit into a trash can. Her face flickered into a frown, and she attempted to lift her uninjured leg. It raised just a bit, the pink bubblegum stringing upward... and then just as quickly the elasticity sent it reeling back down.

"What the fuck." Her words were hissed out angrily, and she put her hands on her hips, tossing her mane of crimson locks for a moment as she attempted to figure out exactly how she was going to get herself out of this situation. She'd already damaged her leg, and that was going to make getting home a lot harder than it would have been otherwise. She needed to make sure that she didn't sustain any other injuries... after all, Dazzle wasn't a mechanic. She could fix herself when the need arose, but she wasn't sure that she could completely reattach a leg if she was too foolish and impatient and managed to rip it completely out of the socket.

"Come on," she muttered the words out angrily, and then leaned over to see if she could peel some of the gum away from her calf so that she could free herself.

It only took a few seconds of attempting it to realize that the only thing that she was doing was managing to get her hands just as sticky-stuck as the rest of her. She jerked back up quickly, unwilling to make the situation worse... and a long, nasty string of pink followed her up.

"Damn it!" She shouted the words out angrily, her voice small and shrill and completely unheard above the pulsing, throbbing sound of music that spilled from the multiple bars around her. Even if a human had been willing to help her, there was no way that she would really manage to get their attention... and that, in and of itself, was disheartening.

Finally, with another low, grumbling growl, she started to slowly rock her body back and forth, trying to loosen her feet enough that she could throw herself back onto the ground without getting her ass stuck in the gum. If nothing else, she could work on pulling herself free that way. Yeah, she'd get filthy from the grime, but that was better than being stuck here until some stupid pussycat came along and decided to make her its new playtoy.

"That's right," Adagio murmured, pleased to see that the slow momentum seemed to be helping just a little. She heard another popping squeal from her broken leg, but it held in place.

Just as it seemed that she might actually manage to free herself a bit, a dark shadow spilled across her vision. She twisted her head up quickly, just in time to see the vision that was the human woman that she was there to spy on to begin with. She was beautiful, with a thick bottom... and short, latex shorts encasing those perfect globes. Her shoes were six-inch spiked heels... and just as Adagio let out a sigh of appreciation, one of those heels snapped with a loud crack, and sent the woman stumbling forward.

For a moment, it seemed like she was going to catch herself. She actually took three quick steps in front of the pony-doll and let out a small little squeal. Just as quickly though, she began to fall back... and Adagio had time to let out a small little shriek before that massive ass that she'd spent so much time obsessing and fantasizing about came crashing down in her direction.

It all seemed to happen in slow motion -- maybe it was her processors working in overdrive, attempting to find a way out of a situation that was going to be clearly fatal.

Maybe it was simply the fact that there were only a few moments left of her existence. Whatever it was, she could see the slow descent of that bottom in perfect slow-motion... the soft globes wiggling and shaking as the stripper let out another little scream and threw her hands back in an attempt to catch herself.

Of course, there was only so much that she could do in the grimy streets of the filthy city. Her entire body weight came down slowly, and Adagio felt her head settle for one blissful fraction of a second into the warmth of that ass... before there was a loud, snapping popping sound as the weight of the human's body came directly down atop of her neck, completely snapping the frame and mostly dislocating it from her shoulders. It crunched down and inward, the strength of the woman's body sending it half shoving in between the housing of her shoulders. Adagio let out a screech, but there was nothing that the stripper could really do for it, or about it. Her body continued its downward descent, and Dazzle felt her shoulders get a loud, popping snap of viciousness that sent her chest nearly caving inward -- that weight popped the leg that she'd already damaged so that it completely shattered out of place. Plastic sent flying, and silicon shredded. She felt a few wires fly loose, and the metal housing of her hip joint split in half from the massive weight bearing down on her body.

She attempted to raise her arms, to defend herself, but her shattered shoulders wouldn't allow it -- instead, it was just the pressured weight of the stripper's body on her head that kept her standing on her one good leg.

For a moment, she thought that things had stopped -- she was leaking fluid from her shattered leg; something had flown from her broken shoulder and down into her torso, puncturing the vessel that held the liquid for her cum-mechanism. It spilled from the socket in her leg and out of her cunt as though she'd just had the best orgasm of her life; Adagio let out another small cry as the stripper finally got her hands beneath herself and stopped her downward descent a moment before she completely fell on top of her.

"Oh, tha~chhhhkkkt God." Her voice broke mid-sentence, but that didn't matter. she wasn't completely destroyed. There was still a chance that she could do something to repair herself.

She wasn't completely sure what that something was going to be. Her leg was stuck in the gum, and the broken one was completely lost to her. Her arms were snapped, her head was threatening to fall completely from her shoulders... but... there was hope.

And just as she grasped to the thread of it, the stripper let out another squeal. Her hand had come into the gum, and the shattered leg had stabbed into her palm. She raised it up quickly from the stinging pain that lanced through her body, which caused her other arm to give out. The hope that had been so bright only a moment ago quickly shattered as the woman's body came down with a final, impacting crunch.

Adagio Dazzle was shattered in a vertical position so that her head crunched down until it was housed in her torso, and then the massive weight that was on her body finished falling. Her other leg snapped, her torso fell into the gum from the vagina down... and then the stripper fell on her frame in full force -- the latex crushed into her body, smashed through her chest, and sent her head shattering into a dozen pieces with a loud, squealing snap that completely squashed the Processor that made her function. In one quick, painful moment, Adagio Dazzle was no more than a small pile of wires, arms, a torso split open... and an unrecognizable visage that had been smushed and flattened until the silicon flapped off and left nothing but the vision of a squashed skull.

With a small groan of pain, the stripper jerked off her shoes and then stood up -- she didn't notice the string of gum that was stuck to her ass... and with it, she didn't take notice of the tiny arm stuck to her left ass cheek... nor the fact that Adagio Dazzle's decimated face was stuck in an eerie, fucked up grin to the crack of her ass.

In the end, the pony-dolls obsession had won out, though she was no longer functioning enough to be aware of it... she was, after all, closer to the stripper than she would have ever thought possibly imaginable.

Fate was a cruel mistress.

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