Wil and Armin

Story by Komuros on SoFurry

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A bear's friend discovers his long-kept secret, and ensuing events go better than expected.

Wil stared at the TV screen, not really watching whatever show Armin had dug out of the dredges of the cable TV menu that night. His right hand held an half-finished can of Pepsi, his left idly fiddled on the couch armrest. The bear's mind drifted further from the world, focused on that tingling in his crotch and the unease its source had plagued his life with for the majority of his life.

"Hey, Wil!"

The bear blinked and glanced over at his friend, a wolf in his late twenties, just like himself, "Wh-what?"

"You've seemed a little out of it all evening, man. Something up?"

"No, thanks though," Apparently satisfied enough with that answer, Armin returned his attention to the show. Wil's eyes, though, found themselves stuck to his friend's form. Though he wasn't born a bear, he might have passed for one in the right lighting, with thick arms and a gut to rival Wil's own. Like any other night, he had foregone his pants for boxers to help cool off from the day, and the bear ogled the rather sizeable bulge there, almost without realizing it.

Damn it, what the hell are you doing, Wil, stop eyefucking your best friend... He's a guy, anyways, like you... Though Wil found himself struggling with that notion every day. He felt like a man, he acted like a man, he worked his ass off like a man.

And yet...

Wil laid awake in his bedroom that night. Armin always took the couch, even at his friend's insistence on occasion that they swap, "Nah, I can do with this, dude. Don't worry about me,"

Like countless lonely nights beforehand, the chubby bear's hand slipped down beneath the band of his underwear, not encountering the usual cock and balls inside any other male would find. Wil wasn't like most men in that respect, and what really laid between his legs had been a constant source of conflicted feelings throughout his years. When his parents had found their child developing as a male, contrary to his biological gender, his mother had been relatively accepting of it, but his father had... mixed feelings, at times, to say the least. Wil had worked to keep his pussy a secret from all but his immediate family for his whole life, trying his hardest to be seen as a big, strong bruin and nothing else, but every now and then, he found he couldn't hold off the temptation to give into those desires he buried under that facade.

He dipped a finger between his folds, working it in and out to cover it in fluids, before pulling it back up to work over his sensitive clit. He circled it, his hips involuntarily pushing up into his hand as the lubrication pushed his pleasure higher.


Wil shifted from his side to his back, pushing his underpants down and kicking them off the side of the bed, spreading his legs open. He closed his eyes, imagining a big strong male shifting up between him, getting ready to push his rod inside the horny bruin. His digits shifted back down to sink into his pussy, now wet with his arousal. The bear began to lose himself in his fantasy, once again growing increasingly unaware of the outside world.

He started when the door suddenly opened and a hand flicked the light switch, revealing the underwear-clad Armin, rubbing his eyes blearily at the sudden brightness. There wasn't enough time to even begin to react. Once the wolf's eyes had adjusted enough, he froze at the sight before him, not quite processing what he was seeing.

Wil was reeling with horror at his situation, caught red-handed with fingers still buried in himself, jaw working open and closed, frantically scrambling up after a moment of shock, closing his legs in the futile hope that it would conceal what had already been seen. Armin was the first to break the silence.

"O-oh, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, i-it was really dark and th-the bathroom was r-right there, and I went a-a little too far, and..." The words died on the wolf's muzzle.

The bear sighed, shifting himself so he was sitting on the side of the bed, "It's alright. I suppose someone was eventually going to find out."

"... d-do you really--"

"Yeah, I have a pussy down there instead of... the usual." Wil's ears drooped with dejection, "I kept it away from... from other people... because... because..." The shame burned in his cheeks as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Wil..." The wolf stepped in, slowly resting his weight down next to his friend, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, "L-look man, it's all cool with me. I-I don't care what you got down there, you've still been my bro for fifteen years. This doesn't change anything."

The bear looked up, wiping at his eyes, "R-really?"

"Y-yeah, totally. In fact, I actually think it's--" Armin stopped himself, suddenly breaking eye contact and looking down at the floor.

"... it's what?"

The mutter was barely audible, "... i-it's a little hot..." His eyes flicked up sideways, then back down almost as quickly.

Wil stared.

Armin looked back up, "I-I mean it's a-actually, uh, pretty fuckin' hot, yeah, its..."

The two locked eyes. The bear found his mouth had suddenly gone dry, and the air between the two grew thicker with each long second that ticked by. Without quite noticing it, he leaned forward towards his friend, until their lips met. He pulled Armin off the side of the bed into a deep embrace, the stocky wolf hesitating for only a small moment before melting into it, pressing harder into the kiss, their tongues dancing in each other's muzzles. Things were moving so fast, almost too much so for the inexperienced ursine, but he had needed this for far too long to consider stopping now.

Wil stiffened when he felt something press into his crotch, breaking the kiss to look down at what it was. Armin panted heavily as he ground his bulge against the bear's exposed cunt, the cloth rapidly tenting as his cock began to emerge from his sheath.


Though it was one word, Wil could hear the lust and desire embedded in it. He reached down to grope at the wolf's package, surprised at its heat as he felt the hard tip of Armin's dick through the underwear. Armin shifted off of his friend, and Wil's subsequent question faded as he pulled his tank-top over his head and pushed his boxers down, shifting down to kneel on the floor as he threw both to the side.

Armin shuffled forward on his knees, leaning in to take a whiff of the bear's scent, heady with pent-up arousal. He pushed his nose against that wet muff, covering it in those juices and filling his nostrils with their aroma. "Mmm, damn..." He slipped out his tongue, first lapping just on the surface, then delving deeper into those musky ursine depths. Wil let out a low groan at the sensation of that oral muscle working into him, bucking involuntarily into the wolf's muzzle.

"Oh, fuck..."

It felt so much better when it was someone else doing the work down there. Not to mention the feeling of getting eaten out for the first time. All of his reservations and inhibitions about his sex had melted away, all he focused on were these wonderful feelings that coursed through him now. He rubbed Armin's head affectionately, wordlessly asking for more. That tongue pulled out slightly, moving up to press against the bear's clit, working up and down and making Wil squirm and moan out.

His climax hit him out of of the blue, his cunt spasming and releasing a gush of fluids as he threw his head back in the throes of orgasm, "Awwwh! ...ahhh!" Armin lapped it all up eagerly, digging his tongue as deep as the clenching muscles would allow him as it and his muzzle were covered by that contracting tunnel.

After riding it out, Wil fell back onto the bed, and it creaked in protest at the sudden force of his weight. He gasped heavily, arms splayed out next to him, hardly able to think after the intensity of his peak. He hadn't cum like that since... ever.

Wil dimly perceived Armin's voice, "You taste so fuckin' good, dude," He lifted his head up to see the wolf getting to his feet in front of him, grinning as he licked the bear's juices from his lips, "I could do that all day."

It was only then that the bear got a good look at his lupine friend's nude form. Tall, stocky, muscled pecs and arms, a mane of unkempt fur wrapped around his neck, trailing off down his chest, big belly, to that plump sheath, hefty balls, and erect, dripping canine cock. Wil didn't expect it to look so big in real life. It had to be at least nine inches from the bottom of the knot to the tip, maybe seven around. Armin stepped forward, his bulk pushing Wil's legs wider, taking hold of that thick rod and pressing it down into those folds, leaning over his friend and bracing himself on the bed with his other hand.

"You ever done anything like this?"

"N-no... Have you?"

"Couple of times with a few girls," He sawed his length in between the bear's plump lips, "You're something else though, bro" He pulled back and angled directly to Wil's entrance, "I'll go nice and easy,"

Armin wiped his tip up and down the bear's puffy petals, before realigning and pressing forwards. Wil's mouth hung open in a wordless moan as he felt himself spread open by a real cock for the first time in his life. He'd tried various dildos in the past, improvised and not, but the real thing was something else. Hot, pulsing, burrowing deep into him like a thick, fleshy poker that sent wonderful tingles through his body, stretching him wide, deeper and deeper until that fat knot kissed his entrance. He hadn't quite imagined it would go like this, believing he'd probably have his first with another bear, but at least like this, no one had to worry about a pregnancy. The chunky wolf panted above him, nearly drooling in pleasure, "God damn, you feel good around my cock, dude."

Wil nodded dumbly, struggling to find a reply, "Th-thanks... ...you feel even bigger inside me,"

"Mm, that's nice to hear"

Armin drew his hips back, pulling his length from that tight, wet tunnel, savoring how it clung to his shaft along the way, before sinking back in, faster than before. The bear clung to the bedsheets, groaning out as the wolf settled into a steady rhythm of fucking. He could barely think with the assault of sensations hitting him; Armin's belly pressing into his, his tongue bathing his face in wolf kisses, the pounding of that knot against his cunt, bading entrance to seal lupine seed inside him, a hand slipping under his stomach, something pressing into his-- fuck! The pad of Armin's thumb worked against the bear's button, soft and textured, lubricated by their copulation to send electric sparks through his nethers and spine. Wil's eyes slammed shut, "Ah, god, Armin!"

"Yeah, clench nice and hard around me," The pace sped up, and Wil could only hold on for dear life as his friend pistoned into him and his orgasm barreled towards him with abandon. It hit with the force of a train, and he cried out as his world shattered in the most intense climax of his life. He whined and shivered, walls spasming around that fat member inside him, and Armin's crotch was drenched in his femcum. The wolf gritted his teeth, his thrusts becoming more erratic, his knot finally beginning to spread those quivering lips.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" With a lewd squelch, it popped all the way in, now surrounded by the bear's convulsing pussy, his pointed tip pressed right against the cervix deep within. Growling deeply, Armin finally hit his peak, his wolfhood twitching hard as it shot a bolt of cum straight into that waiting womb.

"Awwwhhh, god fuckin-- urrrh!"

Still racked with euphoria, Wil felt first a massive increase in pressure as the knot almost seemed to split him in two, then an incredible heat deep within him as canine essence filled him, soaking his eggs in seed that would fail to take root, yet he found himself wishing it would. For a blissful moment, as that cock pulsated with each rope of ivory batter and as that wolf cursed and cried out in rapture and bucked instinctively into him, he wanted Armin to give him his cubs.

Soon enough, the duo eventually came down from their collective peak, gasping and heaving as they tried to catch their breath. Still tied to Wil, Armin almost collapsed on top of him, before pulling his partner onto his side as he fell to the bed with a fump. He grunted softly as his rod twitched inside the ursine on occasion, spitting a little more wolf seed into him each time. For a few minutes, the two shared a comfortable silence.

Armin was the first to speak, "So, friends with benefits or boyfriends?"

"... I'm not sure. Maybe something in between."

"... how about bromance with benefits?"

"That doesn't really make sense."

"Dude, it totally fits! We're still bros, but we have benefits. I-it's in the name!"

"Yeah... I suppose it is."