Unraveling His Persona: Part 2

Story by KPFoxPaw on SoFurry

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#5 of Requests

Been meaning to upload this story for quite some time, but just never did. This is a sequel to a previous story I did, Unraveling His Persona.

Morgana and Neko Shogun continue to wander the Metaverse in search of a way to return Morgana to human form. Along the way, they come across a hotel, a memento that could serve as a bridge to the human world. Unfortunately, the way is blocked and the two felines find that they cannot match that which has barred their progress and must suffer for what they have done. But as they discover, their punishment may not be such a bad thing.

This was a request by KamikazeTiger: https://kamikazetiger.sofurry.com/

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Unraveling His Persona: Part 2

There was a slight breeze in the air and the temperature was a bit warmer than it had been making the trek through the metaverse more tolerable. But to Morgana, it did little to brighten his mood at the unchanging nature of the unappealing landscape. He had been in low spirits recently as he has persisted in a cat's body with still no memory of who he was or why he was brought here. It didn't help that after all this time traveling through the metaverse searching for answers, he was no closer to discovering a clue than he was when he first awoke in this desolate land. The only definitively positive thing to happen to him since arriving here was his fortuitous meeting with a friendly fellow feline, although that was beginning to lose its novelty.

Morgana walked lightly and steadily down the road next to a river, the water calm and unmoving. Beside him, stepping more gingerly than his counterpart, was Neko Shogun, fully decked out in his uniform, his sashimono undulating in the gentle breeze. His attire was a stark contrast to Morgana's who, after all this time, remained garbed in nothing more than a fundoshi, displaying his black-furred body for anyone to glimpse. Morgana didn't mind so much as there was nary another soul upon their path, let alone a threat worthy of feeling humbled for his coverings. Still, the sensation of being so exposed was unfamiliar and awkward to the human in a cat's body and the desire to become human again if just to get some proper garments was highly compelling.

He was lucky, though, to have what he had as throughout his time here he never found anything else to properly dress himself with. And while the exposure was a bit discomforting to the feline, for Shogun the sight of his almost naked companion was a joy to behold and always kept him in high spirits. More often than not, it kept another aspect of his personality high as well, but such feelings were best kept contained until night and the two could have their privacy. Whatever doubts or feelings of consternation Morgana might experience, when he and Shogun were alone, their bodies joined in intimate and passionate love, nothing else seemed to matter. That was the one thing Shogun could give him that nothing else had as of yet: peace of mind and Morgana was always grateful.

Now, however, out in the open, their destination unknown as they wander the empty street, Morgana was back to his usual preoccupied thoughts, except with a little more vexation than usual. He carried a short cutlass on his back with a dull brown scabbard; a gift from Shogun, though a bit oversized for Morgana. Shogun smiled down at the his feline comrade and lover, the smaller cat's brooding demeanor threatening to hamper the larger cat's affable temperament.

"Well, Morg, you've been coming along nicely with your training," Shogun said to the smaller feline, whose brow was furrowed in annoyance. "I think once we settle down for the night, we should think about getting in a little more training, then a nice meal, and then... mm-hm-hm... you know." He smiled jubilantly, playfully teasing at the cat's amorous feelings, but Morgana remained stoic. Sighing loudly, Shogun dropped the sportive mentality and grabbed Morgana lightly on the shoulder.

"Alright, hold up a second." Morgana stopped and turned, staring irksomely at Shogun. "I get why you're upset, you don't like the training." Morgana said nothing, but continued to glare at his comrade. "You and I have been practicing a while now and while you're certainly developing as a decent swordsman, you're heart just isn't where it should be. You're not committed to the training and I'd like to know why."

Finally, Morgana sighed and spoke up. "Because it's a waste of time. I mean, in all the time I've been here, I haven't seen a single demon like you said. And if by chance we do come across a demon, you said yourself that you can fight demons. You're trained to fight them, so why do you need me?"

"Because I might not be able to handle it on my own and besides you might not get the option to hide or flee. I can't always protect you and if something should happen, you should be able to defend yourself in case I can't."

Morgana threw up his arms. "But all I want is to become human again. We should be spending our time trying to find a way to turn me back, not wasting it playing with swords."

Shogun sighed and lowered his head with disquiet. "We're not playing, Morgana. I know you want to become human again and I want to help in every way I can, but until that happens, you are stuck here and while I hope it doesn't happen, we can be attacked by demons at any moment and it's better if we're prepared together. That'll increase our chances of beating them and continuing on our way to making you right again. But if you don't train and I can't beat a demon, then we both could wind up someone's dinner. So please, for me, will you try a little harder and practice your swordsmanship. I mean, it doesn't hurt to get some exercise anyway while we're looking for answers, right? So please, will you continue to train?"

Morgana pouted and pursed his lips, but ultimately acquiesced. "Fine. I'll continue to train."

"Great! Thank you." As Morgana huffed, Shogun stepped up to the smaller feline and smiled affectionately down at him. "You're so cute."

Morgana furrowed his brow and scowled back at Shogun in annoyance. "I told you to stop calling me that."

Shogun chuckled at his partner's vexation. "Well, if you take your training more seriously, I might take your feelings into account."

"Keep calling me cute and I swear you won't want to be anywhere near me while I'm holding a sword."

Shogun chuckled again. "I'll keep that in mind."

Morgana huffed and turned back in the direction they were heading with Shogun moving closer to the smaller feline. Morgana relaxed a bit, still annoyed by his companion's ribbing, but still enjoying his company. They continued on in their search, walking side by side much closer now.

They continued on for a couple hours without any issue and while Morgana was still a bit dejected, his spirits had been raised. Despite his resignation, he succumbed to Shogun's will and advice in matters of defense and survival. After all, this was his world and he knew much better than Morgana the threats that they can cold encounter and the necessary survival strategies. Besides, Shogun had already proven how convincing a feline he was and Morgana was finding it difficult to ever say no to the sexy blue-furred cat.

The scenery changed little with the path lined with countless buildings that appeared run-down or abandoned. The river, however, provided a nice natural contrast to the drab ambiance of the urban development, despite the lack of residential life forms. The scenery soon changed, though, as the river fed into a larger area of water, but what interested Morgana was nestled within. They came to a bridge that led over the water to an island and on that island stood a large, seemingly unoccupied hotel. They stopped by the bridge and Morgana stared with a mesmerized glance at the structure. Despite a similar outward appearance to the rest of the structures they've come across, there was an extreme magnetism about the building that brought about a sense of familiarity and yearning that the small cat couldn't resist.

Shogun, standing next to his small partner, answered the question that was brewing within Morgana's skull. "That looks like a memento."

Morgana turned to the larger feline and stared back at him quizzically. "A memento?"

Shogun smiled down at his friend. "Mementos are the shared unconscious of all individuals. I don't quite understand it myself, but they are tied to people's hearts and form from the negative energy of people from the human world." Morgana was still perplexed by the sight before him, but remained awestruck by this otherworldly aura he was sensing from it. "I don't know what's inside, but there could be a clue to what we're looking for."

Morgana's eyes grew wide with excitement at Shogun's suggestion. "Are you serious?"

Shogun smiled and nodded. "Indeed. And while we may not be able to find a way to make you human again, we might be able to find a way to get you back to the human world."

Morgana's face sparkled with energy as it lit up at the concept that he might actually be able to return to his home world. After all their days of searching, he bubbled with enthusiasm as if Shogun had already confirmed that he was going home. "Are you serious?"

"Of course, but-"

"Well, what are we waiting for?!" Before Shogun could finish, Morgana was bounding off across the bridge.

Shogun's expression changed to one of unease. "Wait, Morg. Mementos are dangerous and going in like that is risky." But Morgana either didn't hear or didn't care as he raced across the bridge, anxious and optimistic that what he sought was hidden within those walls.

Now concerned for his compatriot's well being, Shogun followed after, matching the smaller cat's pace and keeping from exerting himself too much for fear that he might need to use it to defend him and Morgana both. The small black feline didn't slow down, running rapidly across the bridge, almost reaching the entrance, his hopes high and his elation spiked. So preoccupied with the hotel, he missed the large shadow looming off to the side of the bridge and the large figure connected to the shadow in a prime position of attack. Shogun, however, was able to spot it and called out to his comrade.

"Morg, watch out! On your right!"

Morgana slowed down and turned to look back at Shogun, ignoring his advice as a large foot fall came down as an imposing creature appeared before the felines. Morgana heard the sound of the loud footstep and turned just in time to see a light blue figure appear before him wielding a long scimitar. He nearly tumbled forward trying to stop himself as he came face to face with some large enemy, stopping just a couple feet short of the large beast. Shogun picked up his pace, grabbing his own sword and barreling down the bridge as the demon lifted up its sword and swung down at Morgana. The black cat was too dumbfounded to react, paralyzed by the shock of the moment as the figure brought its arm down for the kill.

Within a split second's time, Shogun managed to slide in between the enemy and Morgana, causing Morgana to fall back away from his larger companion and the beast. The larger enemy brought its weight down on Shogun, causing him to stumble from the force of impact. He took a few steps back, using himself to shield Morgana from the enemy before them.

Having calmed a little from the initial encounter, Morgana was better able to observe the creature before him. The figure was a large, tall, light blue anthropomorphic elephant with long, pointed tusks. The top of Shogun's head came up to about the elephant's chest, but Morgana, standing straight, would probably be staring the beast right in the crotch. He wore little clothing, save for a large guard around his neck and shoulders and a set of armor that protected his thighs and crotch. He wore bracelets on his biceps and ankles and cuffs around his wrists with an intricate design. He wore a necklace with large, bulbous figures hanging off the end and a crown adorned his head that was bejeweled with several ruby gems. Both of his ears were pierced with three rings and two studs on each. The large pachyderm was on the pudgy side, more so than Shogun, but from what Morgana could tell that would play little, if any, to their benefit in this fight.

The elephant held his sword outward towards his new opponents and clenched his fists, his eyebrow furrowed in fury. Morgana sat on the ground, fear coursing through his veins while Shogun stood his ground, his paws clenching hard around the base of his sword trying to draw out his strength.

"I am Ganesha," the elephant spoke in a deep, booming voice. The cats' ears perked up as the intimidating giant commanded their attention. "I am one of the guardians of this hotel and I will not allow anyone unauthorized entrance inside."

Morgana, still tempted by the opportunity to return home, stood up and stepped forward. "Wait a minute. I'm trying to find my way home and Shogun said-"

Again, Ganesha picked up his sword and brought it down, attempting to strike down the small feline, but Shogun interceded, blocking that and a couple more strikes before the power of the elephant's swipes caused him to stumble back. He pulled away, grabbing Morgana and pulling him back a couple paces away from the powerful foe. Morgana's heart was pounding in his chest having already been struck at twice now by the same enemy. His hopes hung on the edge of a precipice and he didn't want to lose that to an obstinate pachyderm after all their days searching.

But Shogun knew better the situation they were in. "This is bad. He thinks he's part of this memento."

Morgana looked back with another befuddled and panicked expression. "What do you mean?"

Shogun kept his eyes on the elephant, who stood at the border of the bridge, while explaining to Morgana. "If a demon or some such being resides for too long within a memento or should they die while occupying it, they can be reborn as a part of that memento, believing that they belong there with all of their past memories of who they were gone." At that Shogun turned and shot Morgana an acute glance. "Erased from existence with all they know tied to the memento they were reborn in."

After Shogun's statement sank in, a thought crossed Morgana's mind that sent a cold wave of dread through his body. "Shogun... do you think... that maybe... that could be what happened to me?" Shogun paused and stared back at Morgana, flummoxed. "I mean, I lost all my memories. What if I'm some kind of demon who was reborn here?"

After a quick second, Shogun smiled back at Morgana reassuringly. "No, I don't think so. For one thing, a demon born within a memento remains there, never leaving. For another thing, you may have lost your memories, but you still remember being human; you're certain of it." Morgana relaxed a bit, his mind still reeling from the thought his lover so quickly put down.

Having assuaged his partner's fears, Shogun turned his attention back to the elephant standing before him at the end of the bridge. "But as for our new friend, going against him might be a mistake. He's strong, very strong, and I could barely parry his attacks. I'm starting to think this guy might be what humans call a god. I don't know Morg. I don't know if I can beat him. I think our best option right now would be to fall back, keep looking for other possibilities, maybe we'll even find another memento." The entire time Shogun spoke, Ganesha kept his position, sword outstretched from both hands pointed straight at the feline couple.

After Shogun's suggestion, Morgana quickly stood up and provided a fervent rejoinder. "No, we can't leave. We've spent so long looking for clues to try to make me human again or get me home and this is the first one we've had at all. I can't go now. What if we don't come across anything else for weeks or even months? I don't want to take that chance. We have to try and get in there."

"Morg, this guy is tough. Even if we beat him, there's no guarantee we will find anything in there."

"Shogun, please. We have to try."

Morgana and Shogun stared at each other, Morgana pleading with his eyes for Shogun to make the attempt. With a loud sigh of discontent, Shogun submitted to his friend's wishes. "Alright, fine. I'll try and get us in."

Ganesha furrowed his brow as a smirk grew on the side of his face. "Oh, you'll try, but as I've said before, I am Ganesha, one of the guardians of this hotel and I will not allow anyone to pass inside."

Shogun got into his fighting stance, facing off against the large pachyderm. "Morg, you stay back. I'll do what I can to keep him at bay."

"What? But I can fight. What good is my training if I don't get to use it?"

"But you're still new and your skill is underdeveloped," Shogun retorted somewhat harshly. "He's tough and if you get involved, I won't be able to defend both you and myself against him. Just stay put and let me handle this. If I can, I'll try and end this without shedding blood."


"Please, Morgana, don't argue with me."

Hearing the seriousness of his tone, Morgana complied. "Alright. But if something happens and I see an opening, I'm going for it."

Shogun smiled. "I'd ask that you don't, but I can't stop you if you do."

Morgana nodded and smiled back confidently. "Go get 'em."

With that, Shogun lunged forward as Ganesha took his stance, watching as the blue feline crouched down and leaped into the air. Ganesha stood in minor astonishment at the height the cat managed to attain, impressed by his skill, but was unwilling to concede he was a match for the elephant. Shogun came down, swinging his sword with all his might and slamming it hard against the pachyderm's sword with a loud clang. They commenced their duel, Shogun first taking the offense and Ganesha taking the defense. Shogun swung fast and hard, swiping to the side once, twice, thrice, and then thrusting forward, but the elephant blocked his strikes with relative ease each time. He ducked out of the way here and there, striking the feline's sword away and coming back with a counter move, causing Shogun to switch to the defensive. He was able to hold off the elephant's strikes without injury, but he seemed to be using a good deal of effort. He was quick on his paws, but Ganesha managed to match his speed, despite his rotund figure. Morgana watched with engrossment, amazed and thrilled every time his partner got a swing off on the elephant, concerned and enervated every time he was forced to defend. So absorbed in the fight was Morgana that he didn't notice anything else going on around him.

Despite Ganesha seeming to have the upper hand, Shogun never lost ground and was able to hold off the pachyderm the entire fight. After a heavy strike from Ganesha, Shogun was knocked back a few feet, but he regained his composure and his stance. Ganesha scoffed, smirking at the feline, chuckling softly.

"What's so funny?" Shogun asked, panting lightly.

"Even if you could match me as a swordsman, you can't get passed the entrance. I warned you what you were up against and you ignored my warning."

"I didn't ignore it, but Morgana needs answers and that hotel might have the answers he needs, so I will fight you and I will defeat you at whatever cost."

Ganesha grinned. "That's what I mean. You pay too much attention to what you see." Shogun's stance faltered a little as his mind began to swirl with dread. "I told you I am Ganesha, one of the guardians of this hotel."

Shogun never bothered paying heed to the specific wording, but it was obvious to him now and as his heart began to palpitate, he realized the trouble they were in, but before he got the chance to warn Morgana, he heard the smaller cat cry out to him. "Shogun!"

He turned his head and to his terror his feline lover was being held captive by another large elephant, as tall and as big as Ganesha. His body was a darker blue with dark stripes along his body, thicker than Ganesha's with a belly more rotund than the other elephant's, long, pointed tusks, but he sported only a single eye. He wore a thick loincloth that hung down low with a large, circular pendant in the middle with a swirling symbol on the cover. He had golden bracelets on his ankles and left wrist and leather straps covering both his ankles and wrists. A golden bracer with an intricate design adorned his left bicep and a leather strap was fastened to his left thigh. His nipples were covered by golden swirling medallions and his collar was adorned with shoulder guards.

Unlike Ganesha who had no visible hair, this new foe had a head of sparsely spread, spiky hair. Similar to Ganesha, though, he wielded a scimitar of analogous length and design and at the moment he was holding it up to Morgana's head while grabbing the frightened feline's arm from behind. His eyes were big and full of fear and shame that he allowed such a large being to sneak up on him, though not as shameful as Shogun with his experience.

"The fight is over, Shogun," he said the cat's name with an air of condescension. "Surrender and lay down your sword or my brother Girimehkala here will impale your friend on his sword."

Shogun watched as Morgana stared back with a combination of fear and regret, his predicament eating away at the larger cat's heart. Sighing, he threw down his sword immediately at Ganesha's feet and faced him full on, his body slouching with defeat. "I surrender."

Ganesha picked up the sword and stepped forward, pointing the tip in Shogun's face. The feline had no delusions about what the elephant was planning, continuing to look him in the eyes, his brow furrowing in a final act of defiance.

"Normally, when intruders try to make their way into our hotel, the penalty is death. However..." The elephant turned towards Morgana, staring at the feline's small, supple form, his fundoshi the only thing covering his maleness. After ogling Morgana for a moment, he turned and stared down at Shogun, his armor hiding most of his body, but his pudgy physique showing through and stirring something primal in the pachyderm's mind. He smirked a devilish grin, arousing a newfound sense of alarm in the cat. "I think we can find another way for you and your friend to pay for your transgressions. I'm gonna give you what you came for and let you enter our hotel." The invitation was less than welcome for the two traveling companions at this point, but at the moment they had little recourse. Ganesha stepped aside and waved towards the entrance with Shogun's sword. "Move."

Shogun paused, turning to look back at Morgana, whose wide-eyed expression continued to eat away at the larger feline's soul. He stared back at Ganesha. "You promise not to hurt him?"

Ganesha stared back with vexation. "I promise only to kill you here and now if you don't do what I say. Now move!"

Looking defiant, but sighing submissively, Shogun turned and made his way inside the hotel with Ganesha following behind and Girimehkala trailing with Morgana in tow.

They walked slowly, Shogun periodically glancing over his shoulder to check on Morgana, who was being carried along by the cycloptic elephant. They passed through the foyer and turned left down a hallway and a series of empty rooms. Ganesha shoved Shogun to the side and into an open door of one of those rooms, entering after him with Girimehkala and Morgana following suit. Giri closed the door behind them, leaving the two felines trapped in a room with their enemies. Shogun turned and faced Ganesha, his eyes focusing behind him towards the corpulent one-eyed pachyderm who roughly dropped Morgana onto the floor, keeping a grip on his arm. Having removed his cutlass, the cats' swords were tossed outside the room, next to the elephants' swords, out of reach and unable to be used to aide them.

Ganesha stepped up to Shogun, his presence menacing to the blue-furred feline who just stood there and awaited the elephant to pay his retribution. "Take off all your clothes, cat," the pachyderm ordered of Shogun.

Defiant to the end, Shogun scowled and crossed his arms. "If you're going to do something, then do it, but I will not debase myself for your amusement."

In response, Giri, grabbed Morgana by the scruff of his neck, eliciting a loud yelp of pain from the small feline. Shogun's expression shifted as his concern for his mate grew, more so when Giri brought his sword up once again to Morgana's throat. "You got two options, cat," Giri stated in a voice of higher pitch than Ganesha's, but lower in tone than Morgana's or Shogun's. "Either you do what my brother here says, or we follow through with our normal punishment for trespassers, which is to kill you both outright."

It pained Shogun to think of himself willingly going along with these gods' humiliation, but it pained him more to think of them hurting Morgana. Having no choice, he sighed, gulped audibly, and started removing his garb. He first removed his seshimonos, then removed all his armor, starting with his helmet, then pauldrons, then chest plate, and then thigh armor, leaving him in nothing but a fundoshi, just like Morgana. Ganesha and Giri gazed with enjoyment, their heart beats increasing while their trunks swayed involuntarily. Their mouth's began to salivate as the pudgy feline now showed off his nude form, save for the most alluring parts. They waited for Shogun to finish undressing, but when he paused to stare back at Ganesha with the hope that he could stop, the elephant cocked his head and flashed a toothy grin.

"Everything, cat. I want to see it all."

Shogun sighed and slowly slipped his thumbs under the waistband and pulled off the last garment, tossing it aside and leaving him completely naked. Morgana watched on with embarrassment and regret, forced to watch as his partner and lover was humiliated and shamed before two elephants with deranged intent.

"Good boy," stated Ganesha. "Now, I want you to beg me... beg me to allow you to pay for your rudeness and for trying to invade our hotel with your body."

Shogun's body tightened up, his paws clenched into fists, at the mention of what Ganesha was intending. Morgana could do nothing but stare in horror at what his comrade was forced to endure. Not wanting to witness another threat to Morgana's life, Shogun got down on his knees breathing heavily with hesitation as Ganesha stood above him with a mocking smile. He leaned over onto his forepaws, bending his head in a sign of submissiveness and groveling.

"Sirs, my companion and I have illegally trespassed onto your grounds and tried to bring you harm. As penance, I offer you my body to... ... ... to do with as you please."

Ganesha scoffed and looked back at his brother who stared back with an unimpressed look. Ganesha looked back down at his victim. "Oh, come on. You call that begging? Surely, you can do better than that."

Swallowing his pride and the nervous spit that was accumulating in his muzzle, Shogun tried again, changing his tone to sound more broken and defeated. "Please, Ganesha- Master Ganesha. I have offended you and I have wronged you. I deserve to be punished. Please, take my body as payment. Do with it what you want. I plead with you, I beg of you, use my body as payback."

Both elephants smiled salaciously, their libidos getting stimulated by the cat's efforts. "Yeah, you want me to use your body, don't you?"

"Yes, I want you to use my body. I want you to... to... to ravage me, to make me your... bitch." His voice was starting to break as the words were becoming difficult to say as Morgana looked on as tears threatened to well up in his eyes.

"Yeah, now... beg for our cocks. Beg for them like a little slutty bitch."

Shogun felt his heart beating nervously in his chest as he forced himself to comply with the pachyderm's command. "Please, please give me your cock. I want it more than anything."

"Hmm... yes? What do you want with it?" he asked, still smirking.

"I want... I want to hold it, to lick it, to suck on it, and to... to feel it as you shove it... shove it inside me."

As Shogun continued to denigrate himself to the gods before him, Morgana felt the guilt in him rise for having gotten his fellow feline into this predicament. Had he paid more heed to Shogun's judgement, he'd have trained harder, put more effort into learning swordsmanship and he might not have been caught off guard. If he'd not been in such a rush to become human again, he wouldn't have asked Shogun to try and beat Ganesha on his own and played it safe. Shogun was going to suffer because of him and his heart sunk as he watched and listened to his friend beg to be abused.

"I'm sorry, Shogun," he said softly.

Shogun's ear twitched as he turned his head towards the smaller cat, seeing the utter defeat in his face. He smiled softly at him in a reassuring gesture, but Ganesha paid it no mind. "Very good, then," he responded to Shogun's forced request. "If that's what you want, then I am more than happy to give it to you."

The large, blue elephant then reached up and removed his crown, setting it down on the floor, and then removed the guard around his neck and shoulders and finally the armor guarding his thighs and crotch. As he slid the metal down passed his groin, his large, blue sheath was revealed and Shogun's nerves began to rouse as he glanced over it, the tip of his pachyderm cock sticking out of the end. Below the sheath was a large pair of balls, the scrotum covered in small, bristly hairs spaced sparsely atop the skin. He set both pieces of protective gear to the side by his crown. He left his bracelets and cuffs on, but he removed his necklace, setting it lightly by the rest of his garb. He turned to flash a toothy grin at Shogun, his now naked body on display for the feline to see what he would be pleasuring and Shogun felt embarrassment and apprehension for what the elephant had planned. The cat felt something else, though, that he wasn't proud of given the circumstances, but he tried to fight it. Ganesha whipped his tail around a couple times excitedly as he turned towards one of two twin beds, slowly stepping over to it, flashing his large, rotund buttocks in Shogun's face, accentuating the feline's nerves.

Ganesha turned and sat down on the bed and spread his legs, his entire cockhead now jutting out from the encasing sheath. "Alright, I'm ready. Come begin your punishment, bitch."

Shogun gulped and slowly began to move over to Ganesha, glancing over to Morgana one last time, seeing the guilt in the smaller feline's face. He smiled once again softly to reassure him that they'd be alright, before turning back towards his captor. He stepped in between his legs and knelt down on one knee, placing his paws on the giant thighs and staring at the large, manly scabbard before him. On any other day, he'd be begging willingly to get a taste of that cock, but under the circumstances he wanted nothing more now than to just grab his gear and run.

"Get to work!" yelled Ganesha above. "Hurry up!"

Shogun took a deep breath, not wanting to prolong his suffering any longer than he had to. He reached forward with one paw and gripped the underside of Ganesha's balls, fondling them gently, his furry paws scraping against the harsh, roughness of Ganesha's bristly ball fuzz. The elephant leaned back and moaned quietly in pleasure, indicating Shogun was starting off in the right place. He brought another paw up, gripping the cockhead sticking out of the sheath and began massaging it softly, sensually, his furry fingers sending tingles of pleasure through the elephant's sensitive glans. Ganesha's face contorted into one of ecstasy and he moaned even louder, his hands gripping the bed. His cock began to grow and as it grew, it slid out of its hiding place, the soft skin pulling back against his groin. Once exposed, Shogun got a good look at the pachyderm dick and it was at least 6 or 7 inches long and it wasn't even fully erect yet. He kept a paw on the underside of the growing penis, the scent of male cock wafting into his sensitive nose and causing an undesirable effect that did nothing to hinder the growing allure he was experiencing for the large male's body.

Continuing to fondle his ballsack, Shogun brought his muzzle to the heavy lance and began lapping at the glans, sending further waves of pleasure through Ganesha's lower trunk. The elephant groaned at the service, smiling as his prisoner expertly worked his tongue around his member. Shogun brought his paw back to the base of the cock, gripping it roughly and slowly stroking it as he kept his muzzle on the head and his paw on the scrotum. Ganesha was thoroughly enjoying the feline's seemingly uninhibited performance, as was Giri who watched close by and who sported a growing erection of his own under his loincloth. And, despite being guilt-ridden and markedly embarrassed, Morgana found himself getting turned on by the humiliating treatment.

After a couple minutes of Shogun's oral pleasuring, Ganesha's cock became fully erect and stood a good 11 inches long. "Damn, cat! You're a bit too good at that, I think. You really are a cock-slut, aren't you?"

Shogun fought the urge to scowl. "I'm merely trying to perform my duty and serve my punishment to the best of my ability," he said as his shame rose, attempting to sound as sincere and convincing as possible, the elephant's words voicing the cat's true feelings.

"Heh, don't give me that," Ganesha responded. "Nobody's that good if they're just performing their duty. You've had practice and I can tell you're enjoying yourself. Shogun closed his eyes and wanted to protest, but before he could the elephant pulled back onto the bed and laid down flat, his cock bouncing around on his crotch. "Come now, slut. Get on my belly and suck on my fat cock."

Sighing inwardly at the degrading speech, Shogun did as commanded, climbing up onto Ganesha's belly facing his crotch with his naked ass pointing in the elephant's face. The god's stomach was round and soft and Shogun felt a superior presence from lying on it as the large cock stared him in the face. Continuing with his oral fixation, he grabbed the dick and held it steady as he began to suck on the pachyderm phallus. While Shogun performed his duty for the elephant, Ganesha stared at the feline ass and balls, admiring the hefty size and prominent tailhole. He noted as well that Shogun's cock had slunk out of its sheath and draped limply on the elephant's chest. Smiling, Ganesha reached up and grabbed Shogun's furry ass, massaging it lightly before giving both cheeks a tight squeeze, garnering a hefty groan from Shogun, whose muzzle was full of elephant cock head.

"Hmm, you like that, don't you? Yeah, keep suckin' that cock that you love so much and I'll even give back for such a good job."

The elephant slapped the side of Shogun's ass, causing the cat to whimper. He knew he'd be used in this way after he was coerced into the offering his body for restitution, but he didn't think he could be turned on by such abuse. He tried not to think about it as he did as bade and suckled the cracked mushroom seductively while Ganesha continued to molest the feline. He removed one hand from Shogun's rump and reached under his groin, grabbing his cock and balls in one hand to both squeeze and massage them together. Shogun whimpered again, stifling a moan as the elephant forced him to a state of humiliation he hadn't felt before as more blood flowed to his cock.

"Don't act like you don't like it, pussy. You love it and I know it." Ganesha continued to fondle Shogun's privates, making it harder for the cat to fight his erection. "But maybe... maybe I'm focusing on the wrong spot. That backdoor pussy you got looks like it's been prepared for someone like me."

Shogun's heart began to palpitate at the insinuation. He wanted desperately to think it wasn't gonna happen, but he knew it would and all he could do was brace himself. Ganesha grabbed both ass cheeks, pulling them apart to display the wrinkled rosebud fully, and licked his lips salaciously. Flexing his trunk, the long, thick appendage of muscle and thick skin snaked its way forward, poking at the back entrance to the feline on top of him. Shogun clenched his butthole reflexively, trying to calm himself and relax his anus to alleviate any discomfort the pachyderm's violation might cause. After a brief pause, Ganesha shoved his trunk forward, finding resistance, but the tapered, phallic-shaped nose was able to breach Shogun's defense and penetrate his tight sphincter.

"Oooooh!" Shogun arched his back and threw his head back, moaning in a mixture of pain and unwanted pleasure as several inches invaded his colon with more to come. Ganesha threaded more of his trunk into Shogun's ass, the girth spreading his tailhole wider than even Shogun thought capable without causing injuring. There was discomfort and pain, but Shogun found such violations in the past quite enjoyable and he couldn't deny the effect the abuse was having on him and he was finally pushed to a point he didn't want to be. He was fully aroused and his cock was fully erect, engorged with blood and pressed firmly against Ganesha's chest, much to the elephant's satisfaction.

"Keep sucking, bitch!" called Ganesha in a nasally voice. "You don't get to stop just because I hit your g-spot."

Cringing with embarrassment, Shogun continued to pleasure the elephant while his shame was growing and his suffering getting worse. With a foot, maybe more, of elephant trunk lodged firmly in Shogun's rectum, Ganesha began pulling his length out, sliding along the sensitive wrinkled skin, stimulating Shogun's nerves and torturing him with imposed pleasure. The elephant shoved his trunk back in, delving into the depths of the feline's innards, before pulling out and shoving back in again. He built up a slow, but steady rhythm, sodomizing the cat with his thick muscle while Shogun continued to spread his spit along the head of Ganesha's cock, enhancing the erotic experience.

The entire time Ganesha had Shogun under him (figuratively), Giri watched with lustful abandon, drooling a tad as his mouth hung agape and his breathing increased. "Damn!" he said to the cat he was still holding hostage. "Watching my brother fuck your boyfriend while your boyfriend sucks his cock... Mm, it's just gettin' me so hot."

Morgana said nothing, wanting to avert his eyes, but unable to peel his gaze away from the oddly alluring sight before him. While the larger cat and elephant continued their sexual ministrations, Giri stole a glance down at Morgana and ogled his small, tender figure.

"Mmm, now that I'm lookin' at you, you're not so bad lookin' yerself." Morgana felt his heart jump. "And..." the one-eyed elephant peered down at Morgana's crotch, "it seems you're enjoying the show just as much as I am."

Morgana's cheeks turned bright red under his black fur. "Shut up! I'm... I'm just... nervous."

Giri chuckled. "Oh, a shy little thing aren't you?"

Morgana tried to deny his feelings, but while watching his friend getting assaulted, he couldn't help but find the whole ordeal arousing and found his cock felt the same way, stiffening up in his fundoshi. Giri reached down and grabbed the feline's hardening cock through the fabric, squeezing it with enough force to garner a moan of both pain and pleasure from the feline. Giri giggled as he fondled Morgana's dick with the cat helpless to do anything about it, blushing with humiliation under the dark fur on his face.

"Hey brother, this one's pretty sexy too. You mind if I play with him?"

Shogun suddenly felt a rush of panic and pulled Ganesha's cock out of his mouth and turned toward's Giri. "No, please, you can't. I'm the one paying for this. Use me. I'll take both of you."

Inflamed, Ganesha grabbed Shogun's tail and pulled it back hard, causing him to scream in agony. "Quiet, pussy!" He pulled his trunk out quickly, the friction causing an undesirable burning in Shogun's ass. "Slutty cats that lust after elephant cocks should keep their focus where it belongs. Now get your muzzle back on my cock before I rip your tail off." Shogun looked over at Morgana with shear guilt and helplessness. "Both of these cats must pay for their transgressions. Giri, take him, but make him beg like this one did. He either begs you to use him, or he pays for the price from both of us."

Giri smiled sadistically as Shogun's eyes grew wide in shock and terror. Morgana, his heart racing as the fear built up in him to startling levels, saw his partner wanted to protest again and, fearing for his life, held up a paw to keep him calm. "Shogun, it's OK. I'll do it. You shouldn't have to do this alone. After all, we wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for me."

Shogun looked back pleadingly for his friend not to go through with it, but Ganesha interjected. "How noble," he said to Morgana before turning back to Shogun. "Now get back to suckin' my cock, bitch. I aint got all night."

Reluctantly, Shogun conceded his helplessness and reinserted the elephant's giant dong into his muzzle and began sucking again. Satisfied, Ganesha let go of Shogun's tail and grabbed his cheeks again, aiming his trunk at the cat's ass and shoved it in hard and mercilessly. Shogun whimpered, but continued to suck, and Ganesha began thrusting again, but this time harder and with more force with each thrust. Unfortunately for Shogun, the elephant's muscle worked so well that it maintained his erection against his will.

Giri lifted Morgana off the ground and reached around at the cat's undergarment. "Looks like you won't be needing this anymore." He pulled it off and tossed it aside, taking a few steps towards the second twin bed before tossing him onto the mattress. He landed with a soft thud and sat up, turning his attention back to his assailant as Giri began to undress before him, removing his shoulder guards and his loincloth. As it dropped, Morgana was introduced to the cyclops's dick, already erect and leaking pre-cum. It was a little shorter than Ganesha's at about 10 inches and about a quarter of an inch thinner in diameter, but still intimidating to look at and to think of what he might do with it to the feline's small frame.

He walked quickly over to Morgana, the cat backing up on the bed, but proving useless as the elephant climbed up, forcing Morgana onto his back and hovering over him. His erect cock hung down just under Morgana's crotch and was dangerously close to his tight entrance. Giri's hands lay on either side of the cat, staring down at him with sexually malicious plans. The feline just lay there in silence, furrowing his brow defiantly, but maintaining a sense of dread that spread through his body, intermixed with unexpected excitement. Giri continued to rub his trunk along Morgana's cock, his hands moving down and exploring Morgana's chest and belly. The feeling of having this creatures hands molest him sent shivers down his spine and he ached with embarrassment and loathing for Giri. The erection he sported under his fundoshi was now standing tall and Giri took note of it, moving his trunk down towards the feline member and softly running the phallic tip across it. Morgana shuddered as shameful pleasure coursed through his cock, his sexual arousal unhindered by the trauma of his situation.

Giri continued to massage the feline's body, making him uncomfortable on entirely new levels as his trunk slowly began masturbating him. "Heh heh, you actually got a very nice body. Can't imagine any demon being able to keep his hands off you. You don't seem to mind it though. You like watching your boyfriend sucking off big, strong demons? Tell me, how many demons have you pleasured? Considering you're partnered with the slut on the other bed, I'd imagine you've been fucked plenty of times. Are you nice and flexible underneath?"

"Shut up, you vile creature!" Morgana shouted with angry resistance. "I'm not some perverted demon like you."

Giri was undeterred. "Oh, feisty, aren't we? But you can't fool me, pussy. No one gets hard like this if they don't get hot from demon cock. You're just as perverted as your boyfriend over there."

Giri moved a hand down between Morgana's legs, making him shudder as his heart began to palpitate, and the elephant stuck two large fingers passed the cat's sphincter, eliciting a whimper from him. "Mm, you're actually pretty tight. Guess all that demon cum goes down your throat, huh?"

"I've never suck a demon's cock!" he yelled obstinately, but Giri just flashed him a sinister grin and his elephant trunk began stroking faster while he continued to finger the small feline. Morgana shut his eyes and tensed up his body as he became flush with embarrassment, his two most sensitive and precious body parts harshly violated and abused.

Unable to stand it any longer, Shogun broke his muzzle away from Ganesha's fat cock. "Stop it, please! You're gonna hurt him!"

Ganesha, sensing his oncoming orgasm, became incensed that Shogun stopped his oral succor to once again disobey the commands of the elephant. He wrapped a paw around Shogun's waist, pinning him to the elephant's chest and used the other one to grab him by the scruff of the neck. He pulled his trunk out of the feline's ass and spoke to him in a harsh tone.

"It seems you still have a lot to learn about knowing your place."

With that, he tossed the cat off of him, keeping a harsh grip on the cat's nape, as he sat up straight on the bed. He pulled Shogun up and over to his lap, leading him by the head towards his still hard member, now slick with feline saliva. He pulled him over and shoved the pachyderm dong into Shogun's muzzle while Shogun resisted for a moment, his desire to help his lover stronger than worrying about his own well-being. Being reminded of his helplessness, though, he reluctantly opened his mouth and let Ganesha shove his slick penis roughly into his maw. Taking away control from Shogun, Ganesha shoved his cock further into his mouth than the cat was willing previously. His glans brushed the back of his throat, causing him to gag around the thick meat.

"There we go. Now I can be assured that you'll finish the job with no more interruptions."

Ganesha then began humping Shogun's face, muzzle-fucking him with short, hard thrusts. He had most of his length forced into Shogun's maw that the feline was practically swallowing the elephant dick. Shogun had his paws on Ganesha's legs trying to find some relief, but he found none and swallowed his resistance and just let the pachyderm finish carrying out his sentence.

Giri had switched positions, grabbing Morgana and placing him in his lap, the elephant's pole sandwiched between his belly and the cat's back. He held Morgana's arms off to the side while his trunk hung down over the cat's shoulder, the tapered end rubbing up and down along the feline length. Giri molested and masturbated his small prisoner while forcing him to watch as his brother orally violated the cat's companion.

"Damn! Look at what your boyfriend is doing to my brother's cock. He's so hungry for elephant jizz, he's practically eating that dick to try to get at it. Don't worry, my brother will feed that hungry maw. He'll treat your boyfriend like the pussy that he is... and I mean that in every possible way, heh heh heh."

As Giri snickered while teasing the poor, small feline in his lap, Morgana wanted to cry out in defiance as he was forced to view the abuse his lover had to endure. Ganesha was gritting his teeth, grunting and moaning, his hips gyrating quickly one moment, then slower the next. Morgana could tell he was getting close and soon Shogun would be forced to drink a large helping of the god's rich spunk. But what made him feel absolutely terrible was the fact that he was finding the whole ordeal extremely arousing. Watching as Shogun had a large, thick cock shoved down his gullet with an oncoming flood of hot, man-milk was undeniably sexy, erotic, and seductive. Giri wasn't wrong that Shogun always wanted a shaft that big to sheath him to the hilt and Morgana knew it, but he always wanted it to happen under different circumstances. Likewise, Morgana couldn't deny how much pleasure he was experiencing as the elephant trunk stroked his penis, sharp tingles firing endlessly on his sensitive skin. But the humiliation of the act and the deprecating treatment by the elephant demons ruined the experience for both of them.

Ganesha's moans grew in intensity and he was flexing every muscle in his legs. Shogun was pacing himself for the moment when the elephant finally released his load into the feline's muzzle. The pachyderm demon grit his teeth, instinctively gripping harder around Shogun's nape and eliciting a moan from the cat around the cock. His muscles tensed and his thrusts came in extremely short and rapid jerks to attempt to coax his climax out faster, and it worked.

The elephant threw his head back and cried out in orgasmic abandon as his cock tensed up and a stream of incredibly hot and incredibly thick elephant semen fired out and hit the back of the cat's throat. Shogun swallowed the first string of cum instantly, the salty taste filling his muzzle, as another jet of pachyderm cum filled his muzzle. Ganesha unloaded shot after shot of his ejaculate into the poor feline's muzzle and with nowhere else to go Shogun was forced to swallow every drop. The scent of the elephant in the throws of passion, the feel of his girth invading his muzzle, and the taste of his jizz was causing Shogun to betray his feelings of distaste for his and Morgana's treatment as his erection was pulsating painfully between his legs. Ganesha continued to moan, even shuddering as his orgasm played out, augmented by the warm, wet inside of Shogun's mouth.

Eventually the elephant's peak died down and no more cum was being deposited into the feline's throat, but the cat swallowed it anyhow so that it wouldn't fester in his maw. Ganesha took a moment to enjoy the high of post-orgasmic bliss, keeping his penis implanted firmly in Shogun's muzzle. Giri continued to masturbate his victim as he rubbed his own thick cock against Morgana's back. Morgana, as well, was still plagued by guilt that he was so turned on by his and his lover's treatment.

Finally, Ganesha removed his hand from Shogun's neck and the cat could finally pull himself off the elephant's dong, breathing fresh air as he sputtered, semi-ironically, at having swallowed the god's spunk. Shogun sat up on the side of the bed as he caught his breath, Ganesha smiling at the feline and noticing the huge erection he was sporting. Shogun turned and saw his partner being stroked by the one-eyed elephant and quickly hopped off the bed.

"Morgana," he said as he turned to walk towards his lover. Before he got close, Ganesha grabbed him from behind, pulling him back against his body as his trunk moved down over the cat's shoulder and began fondling his stiff phallus.

"My, my, you are one horny slut," the elephant teased Shogun. "Did you enjoy the taste of my cock that much, or do you get turned on by having your whore boyfriend watching you? That's it, huh? You're an exhibitionist." Shogun wanted to scowl in anger, but he was too embarrassed and blushing beneath his blue fur. "Well, since you did a good job swallowing my dick, I'd say you deserve a reward. And since you're so good with your muzzle, I think it's best to be paid back in the same manner." Shogun got a thought in his head as to the direction the elephant was going, but his heart sunk when he turned his attention towards his brother. "Hey, Giri, it's about time we put that pussy's mouth to good use," he said nodding in Morgana's direction.

"Hehe, yeah. Let's watch the pussies fuck each other," Giri responded.

Morgana's eyes went wide as Giri retracted his trunk and tossed him on the floor, his stimulation removed and leaving him feeling vulnerable and frightened. Ganesha pushed Shogun forward in front of Morgana, the two felines exchanging glances as the smaller of the two stared up on his paws and knees.

"Go ahead, willow," Ganesha said to Shogun. "Get your reward. And you, you tiny cunt, suck your boyfriend off like a good little slut."

Morgana gulped, having sucked off his lover many times before, though he'd never exhibited himself doing it before. Shogun looked down at his partner with guilt and regret before turning back to Ganesha. "If you wish to use me for your own satisfaction, go ahead, but I will not humiliate my partner anymore."

Ganesha glowered back at the feline. "How many times do I have to remind you? You will do what I tell you, or we'll wreck your girlfriend here."

It seemed that no matter what they tried, it was useless to resist and either they go along with what the demon gods want, or else they risk being killed, possibly worse. Morgana sighed inwardly and crawled forward, leaning up on his haunches as he stared at Shogun's stiff dick dangling before him. With a deep breath, he reached around and grabbed the cat on the ass, pulling him and his cock forward. He knew what Shogun liked and he felt confident and comfortable enough to perform this well enough to please the two demon elephants.

He leaned forward and slowly licked along the underside of Shogun's penis, garnering a soft moan from him. He licked again and again, slathering up the sides and the glans with his spit. Before long, Morgana took the entire length of Shogun's dick into his maw and hilted the cat with his muzzle. Shogun groaned and placed his paws on Morgana's head, keeping himself steady as Morgana began sucking on the fleshy pole, his tongue working along the length to coax Shogun to one of many orgasms while Ganesha and Giri watched with perverse enthusiasm.

"Look at those two, brother," Ganesha said. "Don't they look so cute together?"

"Heh, yeah they do," responded the cyclops.

As Morgana continued to pleasure the larger cat, Giri bent down behind Morgana, his eyes fixated on the feline booty. He slowly massaged the tender rump, making the small feline nervous. With a single motion, Giri shoved two thick fingers into Morgana's anus once again, making him moan around the cock.

"Heh, you know what, I don't think this one's very experienced. His asshole is still pretty tight. I think I can get him to stretch pretty wide. Whadda ya think, brother? Should I stretch him out with my trunk?"

Upon hearing this, Shogun's heart beat wildly in his chest with concern for his lover. He only knew of one way to keep that from happening, so he gripped Morgana's head hard and began humping the smaller feline's face, to Morgana's shock.

"If you... want to know... ugh... real pleasure, you should... mm... try my boyfriend's... ugh... muzzle. He's real... ugh... good at sucking... cock."

As the two elephants exchanged glances, Shogun stared down at his lover who was looking back at him with a troubled expression. But as Morgana stared up and saw the blue feline with those pleading eyes, he understood why hid did it and was grateful as well. With Giri distracted away from the cat's ass and towards his muzzle, he'd be safe from the vile treatment the pachyderm intended to inflict upon the small cat.

Giri looked excitedly at his brother while Ganesha smirked back, slowly stepping forward and placing a hand on Shogun's shoulder, leaning forward and speaking quietly in his ear. "Wow, you do like pimping out your little boy toy, don't you? Do you do that with every demon you come across? I'll bet you do. He's a really good whore, just like you. Did you teach him that? Your cunt seems a lot more used to having huge cocks stuck inside it, so I'll bet you had to teach this little virgin how to suck cock and take it up the ass. Too bad all he's ever had is your bug-fucking tool." Shogun was trying to ignore the elephant's insults, though he did find it difficult. Ganesha smiled sadistically and licked three of his fingers. "Here, let me help you finish your reward. A whore always performs better when her cunt's got something shoved inside it."

With that, Ganesha jammed his three sick fingers knuckle-deep into Shogun's ass, causing the cat to moan loudly as his nether region exploded with pleasure. Though abashed by the treatment, the language, and the fingers in his rectum, Shogun continued to thrust into Morgana's muzzle with Ganesha assisting. Giri watched, filled with lust at the sight of the three way before him, his cock hard as a rock and pulsing with hot blood. He watched as the bigger, blue cat began panting wildly and thrusting harder and faster into Morgana's face, the thrill turning Giri on to the point that he began rubbing his cock. What Ganesha did seemed to be working and it brought Shogun to the edge of climax much faster.

"I... can't... hold... it... ... ... uuurrrggghhh!!!"

He flexed his muscles as he hit his orgasm, a long stream of hot, feline jizz ejecting from his cock into Morgana's throat. Having gotten used to the flavor, Morgana swallowed with ease as another string of cum flowed quickly from the cat's urethra. Shogun continued to thrust slowly, milking his dick of the male juices within to be deposited into his lover's belly. So aroused by the scene, Giri lost control and grabbed Morgana by the shoulder and spun him around before Shogun finished cumming, pulling the small cat away from the big cat's dick causing a stream of ejaculate to hit Morgana in the face and on the neck. Shogun stumbled as Ganesha chuckled at his brother's excitement while Morgana sputtered at the sudden jerking motion. He looked up, but just in time to be smacked hard in the face by a large, pachyderm penis.

He stared up at it as the owner of the phallus spoke greedily at the feline. "Get to work you little worm."

Morgana breathed heavily, the scent of Shogun and the taste of his cum still fresh in his senses and he didn't want to lose that so quickly. Unfortunately, he had no choice and so he reached up with both paw and grabbed the large elephant rod and began kissing it, licking and caressing the tip, the sides, and underneath. A small amount of pre seeped out of the demon's urethra and Morgana licked it up, exchanging it with his own saliva which now covered the pachyderm's cockhead. Sensing he engaged in enough foreplay, he opened his muzzle wide and took the first few inches of the elephant's dick into his mouth.

He began sucking away at the phallus, running his tongue around, lapping away at the sensitive skin like he'd done to Shogun so many times before. Giri began moaning softly, gyrating his hips as the cat worked his dick. He placed one hand on the cat's head and motioned slowly as he began thrusting forward, using Morgana's muzzle like a cock sleeve. Giri wagged his tail and waved his trunk around as he groaned sensually, the act being displayed more tender than Morgana expected. Shogun watched as he caught his breath, hoping that this would be the last thing the pachyderms asked of them before letting them go. But he still wasn't finished paying for his crime as Ganesha stepped around next to his brother, smiling seductively as he reached under Morgana's chin and between Giri's legs and began fondling his brother's nuts. Giri moaned loudly and began thrusting a little harder into Morgana's muzzle, making him gag on the fat meat.

"Blue pussy, come over here and lick my ass," Ganesha called over to Shogun without looking at him. "A good fucking isn't complete without a decent rim job."

Shogun sighed heavily as his torment persisted, but he bit his tongue and stepped forward hesitantly, positioning himself behind the elephant and kneeling down so his face lined up with the demon's large, rotund ass. He stared forward at the crevice between the large cheeks and spotted the wrinkled ring before him, a large donut of cracks with a tight seal. Swallowing his pride, he leaned forward, burying his nose in the smelly rump, stuck out his tongue, and licked upward along the protruding anus. He licked along the entire length of the crack, dragging his tongue along the taint and cleaning it thoroughly. Ganesha moaned and smiled gleefully, continuing to fondle his brother's testicles as he leaned in for a kiss which his brother gladly accepted. They two spread their lips, allowing the other's tongue to invade their muzzle. As they made out, they hugged each other with their trunk, feeling the other up while Giri continued to face-fuck Morgana and Ganesha got off to Shogun licking his butt.

Before long, Giri's thrusts were coming faster and harder, the small feline having a harder time catching his breath as the glans kept plugging his throat. The brothers continued making out, the sounds of wet tongues sliding in and out of each other's mouth as moans escaped cracks in the connected lips. Shogun's mouth was still firmly planted in between Ganesha's buttocks and Giri's muscles were starting to tense up. Without warning, Giri broke the kiss and moaned as his thrusts became long and slow, his cock flexing before Morgana was met with a torrent of hot, sticky jizz, thicker than Shogun's and saltier. The elephant's spunk flooded his muzzle and his cock plugged the opening, forcing it down his gullet and causing him to gag on the sticky fluid. Several more jets of ejaculate stained Morgana's muzzle and he was force to swallow it all, until Giri released Morgana's head and lost his balance, forcing him to take a step back and pull his cock out of the feline's muzzle. As it did, he flexed his dick once more and a string of elephant cum hit Morgana smack in the center of his forehead. A few more shots and Morgana's face was covered in the pachyderm's essence. A little more semen seeped out of Giri's cock before he was finished and as the high of the orgasm faded, the elephant demon was left panting and tired.

Ganesha, smiling, finally turned and addressed the cat in his backside. "You can stop now. Your boyfriend has performed his task."

Shogun gladly pulled away from the demon god's backside and moved to Morgana, kneeling next to him and holding him in his arms. Morgana sat there panting as well, catching his breath after being gagged by the large member and having his salty cum forced down his throat. Both felines felt violated and abused, abashed by the indecencies inflicted upon them, though both also harbored secret feelings of excitement and lust.

As Giri caught his breath, Ganesha stepped around to the opposite end of the couple on the floor, sandwiching them between him and his brother. He stared down at the cats and soon after Giri did too, both still felt sensations of lust and arousal, despite the exhaustive endurance they just went through. Morgana and Shogun looked up at the pachyderm pair, a sense of completion having come over them.

"We did what you wanted," Shogun said as he held his partner on the floor. "Now, will you let us go? We promise to never set foot near this hotel ever again."

Ganesha smiled down at Shogun as he placed his hands on his hips. "Hm, I don't know. What do you think Giri? You think we should let them go?"

"Hmm, I don't know, Ganesha," Giri responded, also with a malicious grin. "They worked their muzzles really well and they seemed to be enjoying themselves. Maybe we should keep them here with us, make them work for us from now on as our personal whores. After all, they do owe us their lives for not killing them when they encroached on our territory."

Morgana and Shogun became worried as the two elephant demons discussed their fate and the prospect of becoming their sex slaves. Morgana seemed terrified that there might be no other way out, but when he looked at Shogun he saw the gears turning and it seemed to him that there might be one possibility. While the demon brothers argued, Shogun leaned close to Morgana and began whispering in his ear.

"Morg, it seems like we're probably not gonna get out of here by just doing what they want."

"What are we gonna do, then?" Morgana sounded panicked.

"I think there might be a way to distract them long enough for us to break away and escape, but to do that we need to somehow get their memories back or at least flashes of them."

"How do we do that?"

"We need to appeal to their god side and the one thing a god wants more than anything is to be worshiped. We need to convince them that we are genuine worshipers and that we wish for them to be our gods. I think... I think the best way to do that is to do what we were doing before and beg them to fuck us, to dominate us, only this time without any hesitation. We need to convince them that we covet their bodies and it would truly be a privilege to have them fuck us. If we do that, I believe the experience might trigger their memories from the human world."

Morgana glanced back with skepticism. "Are you sure this will work."

"I'm fairly certain, but I'm not positive, but this could be our only shot. I think we have to try it. Do you think you can take cyclops?

Morgana managed to crack a smile. "I think so. Will you be OK?"

Shogun smiled back reassuringly. "I'll be fine."

Morgana nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's give it a shot."

"Remember, no hesitation and worship them, convince them that you truly believe they are your gods. And never stop worshiping them, even if you sense they might break you. Convince them and they'll eventually come back to reality."

Morgana took a deep breath and nodded once again; he was ready and so was Shogun. The couple then turned away from one another, facing their respective demon assailants who either didn't take notice or concern with them speaking to each other. They remained on their haunches, staring up at the pachyderm gods with an expression of submissiveness. Ganesha was chuckling to his brother over a comment both felines missed, but as they repositioned themselves he glanced down at Shogun and a perplexed expression came across his face. The same could be said for Giri as he eyed the smaller Morgana. The cats both took a deep breath, their hearts pounding in their chests, the aftereffects of homoerotic acts with two large elephants still lingering on their persons. The smell and taste of their cocks and the feeling of having their tailholes penetrated reminded them of the contradictory humiliating and exciting ordeal they just went through and yet they were about to ask them to continue to dominate them, only in a more demeaning manner. They were putting all their cards on the table and could only hope that Shogun's plan would work.

Shogun spoke first. "Great demon god Ganesha, guardian of this hotel and the land on which it is contained, I am Neko Shogun, a feline demon and wanderer of the metaverse. I came here with my companion to find out information about this memento and I challenged you wrongly. I fought you when you punished me because I was too ignorant to see, but now that I've had a chance to ponder, I realize the truth. You were right all along; I do hunger for you, master Ganesha. I denied my hunger for your body, but I can't deny it any longer, to have your thick, godly meat deep inside me. You truly have a god's body, your belly large and dominating, your ass thick and powerful, your cock long and your balls plentiful." Ganesha and Giri stared back at the pair with the most quizzical look on their faces.

Morgana chimed in. "And I, great demon god Girimehkala, guardian of this hotel, am Morgana, a traveler who wronged you and wishes to pay his penance. I fought against you as well, recoiled in fear and displeasure, but I realize now that I was just intimidated by your greatness, a mere insect standing in the shadow of a truly amazing being. To feel your trunk on my tiny member and to taste your cock and your cum as it cascaded down my throat is a true blessing and testament to you as a god." The feline's choice of words was causing the elephants' loins to stir once more.

"I can still feel your hot, pearl nectar floating in my belly, making me a better demon simply from having it inside me. I know I don't deserve it, but I crave more. You are a god and I offer you my body in service of your greatness to do with as you please. You deserve to feel only the greatest pleasure and my cunt will give you that pleasure if you will have it." Giri and Ganesha moaned quietly as the cats' words of reverence seemed to be working and the pachyderms' cocks began to grow once again.

As if mentally connected, the two felines turned around and lay on their backs, their heads lying next to each other as their feet faced the elephant demons. They lifted up their legs, grabbing them under the knees and flashing their wrinkled sphincters at their target god. The sight of felines' closed rings was igniting an undeniable temptation in the gods' as the two felt a strong tingle in their crotches, their cocks growing to full mast quickly.

"Please, take my cunt. I beg of you, be my master," Morgana said in the most submissive, convincing manner he could express. Giri's mouth hung open, drool starting to dribble down the side.

"Yes, take me master, make me your bitch," Shogun stated in a similarly convincing and submissive manner. "I beg of you, take my pussy, make me the female that I am compared to you... god of males." Ganesha shuddered in delight, his cock bouncing between his legs.

"We are not worthy to lick your feet or your ass, but our cunts are worthless unless they are being used to pleasure gods." Giri moaned softly, his hands clenched into fists as his cock pulsated with veins extending outward.

"And without your godly cocks inside our pussies, we are empty and our lives are pointless. The only way to truly know happiness is to know what it's like to be bred by demon god elephants." Ganesha was panting now, his ass clenched as he felt the strong allure of sexual arousal building up inside.

And again, as if mentally connected, the two felines spoke in unison, "Please, fuck my cunt my lord."

Giri grit his teeth, the side of his chin glistening as temptations of lust captured his mind, and he shook as a look of desperation came over him. "Ah, I can't take it anymore!"

With that, Giri flopped down on top of the smaller feline like a truck falling over and threatening to crush him. Ganesha followed suit, grunting like a wild animal as he fell to his hands and knees over the larger feline. Both Morgana and Shogun leg go of their knees and cringed in fear as the large males dropped down at rapid velocity, but they caught themselves, erotic passion burning in their eyes like an unstoppable fire. Giri pinned Morgana to the floor as he prepared to penetrate him, but Ganesha grabbed Shogun by the waist and lifted him off the ground. He held the cat against his stomach in one arm as the other grabbed his penis and slid it under Shogun's tail, grunting with fevered desperation as his glans searched for the tight opening.

Shogun's eyes were wide with shock, somewhat surprised it worked so well, but satisfied nonetheless. "Yes, master, please stick your cock in me. Plug me up, make me whole, use me like the slut I am."

The large elephant finally managed to get his cockhead outside the entrance to Shogun's back door and without hesitation or caution he ram it upwards past the puckered hole and deep into the cat's rectum. Having taken the pachyderm's trunk already, Shogun was already fairly loose and the giant phallus slid in without much resistance. The feline still moaned as the sensation of having his colon filled and expanded was undeniably pleasurable and feeling as he successfully manipulated the elephant to his will, he felt more control over the situation. The sensation of Shogun's dank, warm intestine encircling his dick brought ethereal ecstasy to Ganesha as he moaned with delight.

Morgana began to proceed as Shogun had. "I am yours, master Girimehkala. Please, use me as your-"

Before he could finish, his muzzle was stuffed by Giri's trunk, the thick appendage gagging him as he continued to hold down the small feline's arms. He moaned around the phallic extension whilst Giri rubbed his cock up and down Morgana's taint, searching for the puckered ring. He found it and with some maneuvering he managed to get the head positioned properly so he could shove it inside. Unfortunately for Morgana, he was not previously adjusted like Shogun was nor did he have any experience taking something this large up his butt and as Giri spread his anal walls apart, the small cat felt a wave of fiery pain course through his ass. He screamed around the elephant's trunk, but Giri paid him no mind as he was lost in lust, grunting as the sphincter muscles squeezed back on his cock. He filled the feline's colon with several inches of elephant penis, the soft, elastic organ stretching to inordinate levels around Giri's member and causing a great deal of discomfort for Morgana.

With his dick firmly lodged up Shogun's rectum, Ganesha backed the cat up against the wall and began fucking him fast and hard. A loud, slurping noise was made with each inward and outward thrust, the pachyderm already moaning loudly at the sensation of having the feline act as a cock sleeve. Shogun, much better capable of handling the large equipment, kept focused on the elephant, watching him succumb to his primitive, sexual desires, though he couldn't help but feel his own cock grow as his prostate was getting hammered. Morgana, on the other hand, was having a harder time adjusting to the one-eyed elephant's package, despite it being thinner than Ganesha's. Giri kept his trunk embedded in Morgana's muzzle as he began to thrust like a wild animal in heat, causing a rippling of burning pain in the feline's ring. He whimpered at the discomfort, but as the fat elephant demon plowed his intestine, his cock battered his prostate in ways he'd never felt before, eliciting pleasurable jolts that distracted him enough from the pain.

Through panted breaths, Ganesha called to his brother. "Hey... let's... ugh... see who can... last the... longest."

Giri removed his trunk from Morgana's muzzle, allowing him to taste something other than elephant. "You're on... ooh... brother."

They kept at their pace, but they were obviously horny and it would take little to bring them to climax. Shogun, his body being slapped against the wall with each wild thrust, spoke seductively to Ganesha. "Yes... my lord Ganesha... ugh... I knew... you were... great. Your... mh... cock, it... feels so... ugh... good inside my... cunt. You are such... a great... ugh... breeder. Please, breed me... like a bitch, make... ugh... me your female, impregnate me... mh... with your heavenly... man seed." The dirty words definitely struck a chord with Ganesha, getting his motor running as he pinned Shogun to the wall and began ramming him harder and with quicker thrusts. The elephant wrapped its trunk around Shogun's neck, squeezing only enough to keep a firm grip, but not enough to strangle him. "Oh, yes," Shogun said inadvertently, the sensation of being sodomized by the pachyderm and the experience of being controlled by the large demon god causing him to lose control of himself.

Morgana, his mind clearing from the pain, heard Shogun's flattery and remembered that he had to follow up with his own reverence in order for this to work. "Great lord... ugh... Girimehkala, I... mh... was wrong to... ever doubt your... majesty. Your... ugh... cock feels... amazing... inside my... ooh... pussy. I realize now... my ass... ugh... was made to... fit god cock,... it was made... ah... to hold... elephant cum. Please, I... ugh... beg you, deposit your... mh... essence into... ah... my ass." Like Ganesha, Giri's thrusts became hard and fast, Morgana's discomfort rising, but at least it seemed to be affecting the pachyderm god, for all the good it would do.

"We are yours, lord Ganesha and Girimehkala. Our wills are yours to command."

For a moment, Giri saw not a small, black-furred feline below him, but a small village of foxes, all bowing loyally before him. The image was gone suddenly and Giri once again saw the cat he was fucking, but he started to feel fuzzy in the head.

Shogun continued to praise Ganesha. "Yes, pump it in me. Make me a part of you."

"You truly are a god, aren't you?"

Shogun disappeared in Ganesha's eyes to be replaced by a horse demon that he was plugging up. He blinked a few times, the feeling of a great orgasm he experienced long ago came over him and like his brother his head began to feel hazy. They both came back to the moment and continued to fuck their individual partners.

"I wish to be part of you too," Morgana said to Giri. "Please, make this unworthy feline useful to you."

The cat disappeared again, this time for longer as an orc demon appeared in his mind, sucking on his thick elephant dick while he used his trunk to stuff the orc's huge, donut asshole. He started to lose focus as a past he had forgotten reached up to him. Ganesha was experiencing the same issue, a group of male foxes, each lining up to either suck him off or impale themselves on his cock while another ate out his tailhole. They were both losing focus and their thrusts became uneven. They were shaking their heads, closing and opening their eyes as if reality were escaping them. Shogun realized then that it was working and Morgana noticed it as well, though it didn't stop the elephants from pummeling their tight sphincters.

In the heat of the moment, both pachyderm demons were brought to the edge and felt a wave of orgasmic bliss come over them. Their cocks shuddered as they exploded with demon god sperm into the felines' colons, filling them up with their hot, sticky spunk. But as they climaxed, they saw not the image of a cat being mated, but a fox, tied up and gagged and chained to a wooden post as they both jerked off on the canid in a ritualistic purification by their semen. The return of their memories took its toll as both elephants became incredibly fatigued to the point that Ganesha could no longer hold up Shogun and fell to his knees. His cock slid out of Shogun's butt, jizz spewing out of the stretched anus and Ganesha's cock as he was still cumming. Giri fell back on himself, his own dick sliding out with a pop as he came as well, a couple shots of chunky jizz splattering on Morgana's body.

The two elephants moaned, their hands covering their faces as their minds were flooded with lost memories. Shogun saw his best opportunity for him and Morgana to make their escape, side-stepping Ganesha and Giri and bending over to assist his feline partner.

"Come on, Morg. Now's our chance."

Without a word, Morgana lifted himself up, but seethed with pain as the fire in his tailhole reignited. He pushed the pain aside, understanding the urgency of their departure, standing up with some effort and following Shogun out of the room. They grabbed their clothes and armor and ran to the door, leaving with neither elephant god giving chase. Outside, they saw their swords and picked them up and ran towards the exit. Shogun led the way with Morgana close behind, both felines dripping pachyderm cum out of their stretched asses. They got to the front door, but when they tried the door it didn't budge.

"It's locked. It won't open," Shogun said with a panicked expression.

Morgana returned the expression and tried himself to open the doors, but they still wouldn't give way. "What do we do?"

Shogun turned back in the direction they came from. "We have to hide. Come on."

He tugged on Morgana's shoulder and they rushed away from the exit down another hallway in the opposite direction from which they came. They traveled down a ways and found a flight of stairs that led upwards, which they ascended to the third floor. They continued to navigate the halls until they found another random room that they felt comfortable hiding in and shut the door behind them.

While they sat silently, awaiting the possibility that the elephants might seek them out, Shogun took the time to redress himself in his armor while Morgana went ahead and put his fundoshi back on. They sat in silence for some time, Shogun sitting next to the door, keeping an ear out for the demon gods that had raped them just moments before. Morgana sat on the bed, watching his fellow feline listen intently for any sign of their hotel captors. His mind was in disarray, a cacophony of thoughts and regrets all centered around feelings of guilt for having caused the predicament they currently found themselves in. Morgana had been moping silently with Shogun oblivious to the smaller cat's insecurities.

Finally, after enough time had passed and nothing had happened, Morgana felt confident to speak up again. "Do you hear anything?"

"Nothing," Shogun replied shaking his head.

"Do you think they're looking for us?"

"Possibly, but I think we've bought ourselves enough time for now. We gotta figure out how we're gonna get out of here." Shogun turned and saw Morgana's expression, his face hung low with a sullen look. "Morgana?" Shogun became concerned for his partner, worried the encounter with the elephant gods caused a great deal of emotional turmoil. "Morg, it's OK. We're OK now. They're not gonna get us again. Don't worry."

"I'm not worried about that." There was a pause before Morgana looked back up into Shogun's eyes with a guilty expression. "This is all my fault. All this happened because of me. If I hadn't been so impatient to become human again or find my way home, I wouldn't have asked you to fight such a hard demon. And now... look at us. We were just used like sex objects for a couple of large, horny demon gods. I got us hurt... I got you hurt, all because I didn't want to keep looking. And... because I never took your training seriously."

Shogun stepped forward, placing a paw on Morgana's shoulder in a comforting manner. "Don't worry about it, Morg. I want to do whatever I can to get you home."

Morgana shook his head. "Well, that's not good enough... I'm not good enough. I don't know this world, but you do and now I see that." He stood up, displaying a renewed sense of vigor and energy. "I will no longer ignore your advice or your teachings. I will take my training seriously and practice harder. And I assure you that from now on, you won't fight alone again, not while I'm here."

Shogun smiled at the cat's determination, finding the strong confidence of the feline a bit of a turn on. "That's great, Morgana! In that case, I think we better get some practice in while we're here, in case we wind up running into those two demons again."

Morgana nodded in agreement and smiled weakly. "Alright, I'm ready to learn." Shogun grabbed Morgana's cutlass and handed it to him, grabbing his own sword in the process. Morgana stood there a moment, a thought coming to mind. "Hey Shogun. Do you think... since their memories have returned, that they'll let us go this time if we do run into them?"

Shogun paused and pondered for a moment. "Hmm, I think the best thing we can hope for is that with their memories returned, they'll realize they don't actually belong here and won't find any reason to hurt us. But there is still the possibility that even with their memories intact they'll want to capture us and rape us again. It could just be in their nature. That's assuming they even got their memories back or just parts of their memories. If we run into them again, they might still assume this hotel is theirs to guard." Morgana looked disappointed, but not too surprised. "But better to not think on what-ifs. For now, lets just focus on being prepared."

Morgana stared back at Shogun, furrowed his brow, narrowed his eyes, and nodded. "Right."


They remained in the hotel for the next few days, Shogun teaching Morgana what he knew about sword fighting. He concentrated most of his lessons on defensive moves and kept attacking to a minimum, reasoning that if they did make contact with the pachyderm brothers again, their best strategy was to retreat. Shogun wanted to make sure Morgana could defend himself if need be and so the two cat's spent most of their time practicing. Their swords clashed with Shogun on the offense and Morgana on the defense, learning to block, redirect, and counter strike whenever possible.

The two felines had gotten quite the workout, their muscles sore and their minds fatigued, but the strain placed on them by the pachyderm demons had healed considerably. Eventually, Shogun came to recognize Morgana's improvement and deciding he was skilled enough to defend himself should they have another run-in with their enemy. Treating themselves to one final rest before leaving, they made their way out into the hall and slowly crept through the hotel, listening out for any signs of the demon gods. It was eerily silent and the darkness of the halls provided a frightening ambiance, but they continued slowly, searching up and down the halls for an exit.

During their search, Shogun noticed the sound of moaning coming from a nearby room and soon after Morgana heard it too. They halted their furtive stride and listened closely, waiting for whoever uttered that sound to make it again. After a short moment, they heard it again and attempted to trace its origin point. They began moving again, slinking down the hallway as whoever was making those mindless groans continued to do so. They rounded a corner and caught a sliver of light emanating from a crack in an open doorway and once again they heard a moan, only louder and more strained.

Morgana looked worried, but Shogun looked on with resignation. "It sounds like them. We better avoid going that way. They could hear us with those big ears. They are elephants after all. Come on, we can find another way."

Shogun turned to move away, but Morgana grabbed his arm. "Wait. Maybe we should check it out."

Shogun looked back at Morgana with skepticism. "No, Morg. We want to avoid any unnecessary risk. It's better if we keep searching somewhere else."

"I know that, but what if they captured someone else? What if they captured another human and are raping them like they did us? We can't just abandon them. If they did capture someone else, we have to help them."

Shogun hesitated for a moment and then smiled at the black cat, patting him on the back. "You are truly a noble man, Morgana."

The smaller feline grinned back happily and the two stepped forward, lightly and stealthily making their way forward to the hotel room. The moans continued and the two cats felt their hearts beat faster in their chests, the memory of being underfoot to the two brother demons sending chills down their spine. They reached the door and Shogun slowly pushed the door open just enough to peek his head through. Morgana crawled underneath, peering through and surveying the room and the situation, expecting to see some poor animal being forced to service the large, uncouth demons. Instead, what the two felines witnessed caused their jaws to drop and their minds to go blank.

Girimehkala let out a deep, seductive moan while bent over a bed, his ass sticking out in the air with his tail lifted up. Ganesha was behind his brother, his face planted firmly against the big, blue rump with his tongue tracing the dark crevice in between the elephant ass cheeks. Both were completely naked and both were hard as stone, their cocks jutting out like an outstretched diving plank. Ganesha was licking Giri's ass hard and slow, pressing his brother forward against the bed with lustful force. Giri let out another long, guttural moan as he clenched his fists, his body tense and stimulated by his brother's rimjob.

"Oh God, brother!" Giri called out. "I need your cock in me. I need you to fuck me hard."

After a couple more licks and a quiet chuckle, Ganesha removed his face from Giri's backside and stood up, rushing to replace it with his 11-inch cock. Reaching under the fat, one-eyed pachyderm, he wrapped his arms around his brother's waist and grabbed him somewhat roughly by the breast. He moved his hips around until the head of his dick was aligned with Giri's tailhole and pressed it forward. Giri let out a soft sigh as he tensed up, trying to relax his sphincter to make the initial insertion easier and more pleasurable.

"Just shove it in hard," he ordered.

Ganesha smiled and gripped Giri's chest hard as he tensed up his hips and thrust forward, plunging his penis into the depths of his brother's bowels and with a single thrust he already had 7 inches embedded in the dank, cavernous intestine. Giri grunted as his head shot back, leaning back against his brother as the penetration of his asshole sent a fiery sensation of sexual pleasure through his backside, his previous oral ministrations only slightly alleviating some of the friction. Without halting, Ganesha continued to push forward, his cock disappearing as his brother's anus swallowed the thick meat down to the hilt.

Ganesha only stopped when his hips were pressing up against Giri's gluts. "God, Giri! How is your pussy still so tight after taking me so many times before?"

Giri was smiling with delight. "I don't know, but your cock feels so good inside me, filling me up."

"And your cunt feels so good around my cock, so warm and... moist." He placed particular emphasis as he enunciated the last word.

Giri chuckled. "I'm glad. Now make this woman your bitch. Fuck my pussy, fuck it hard and fast and don't stop until you've impregnated me."

Ganesha felt his cock throb at his brother's colorful words. "You aint gotta tell me brother."

With that, Ganesha quickly pulled out a good 5 inches of his phallus and rapidly plunged forward, hilting his pachyderm brother again. He quickly built up a fast rhythm of pelvic thrusts, their joined bodies rocking back and forth with Ganesha's movements. Shogun and Morgana, still hovering at the door which had inadvertently creeped open, remained speechless as they watched the two demon siblings engage in unspeakable acts with each other. Morgana was somewhat mortified by the actions of two brothers, although he did find the sight of the two large men connected together in erotic passion to be slightly alluring. Shogun, on the other hand, thought nothing of their relationship and secretly enjoyed the peep show he and Morgana were being treated to.

While the cats watched, Ganesha was smacking Giri's ass with his hips with every thrust he made, each powerful and rapid. Giri and Ganesha were both grunting wildly as their latest sexual engagement quickly mounted to extreme erotic heights. Ganesha was also fondling his brother while he sodomized him, rubbing his man boobs and massaging the sensitive nipples.

"Yeah, Ganesha. Ugh... rub my titties. Rub 'em... oh... raw."

Ganesha chuckled. "Heh, you... ugh... just love getting' fucked... doncha? You... ah... sure you're not... ugh... just a woman with... a really big clit?"

"Heh, maybe, but... my ovaries... they don't... ooh... release eggs."

"Ugh, true. But... them kitties from earlier... they... ugh... made good females."

"Yeah. Too bad... they ran away. I'd like... oh... to have 'em... ugh... again."

The thought of Shogun's tight rosebud around his engorged pole was bringing Ganesha close to orgasm. "That smaller one... looked good and... tight. Wish I... coulda had him. Ugh... I would love... to have them... come back and... ah... serve us; be our... sex slaves."

The two felines looked on with apprehension at the thought, though Shogun felt a wave of excitement as well. "We should get out of here, Shogun," Morgana suggested with a whisper. "Their making enough noise that I think we should be safe sneaking by."

Shogun didn't answer immediately, too enraptured by the image of the pachyderm gods engaged in anal sex to focus on their immediate concern. "I think we should wait."

Morgana looked up with an alarmed expression. "What!" he exclaimed, trying to sound as shocked as he could in such a hushed tone.

"I just... not just yet. Let's wait until their finished."

The request didn't make much sense to the smaller feline at first, but he slowly came to an understanding of the larger cat's desire to remain and Morgana rolled his eyes and sighed under his breath. Ganesha continued to hammer away at his brother's ass, coming closer and closer to climax with each thrust. Eventually, the tingling in his sensitive dick was become almost too much to bear inside Giri's hot, damp colon. He held tight as his thrusts began to slow until, with a series of hard, powerful thrusts, his balls emptied their contents into the cyclops' rectum. Ganesha threw his head back and moaned with animalistic ecstasy as his cock erupted and a volcano of hot elephant seed coated his brother's intestinal walls.

"Yeah, that's right... ugh... brother," Giri called out with a smile on his face. "Fill me up. Impregnate me... ooh... like a bitch."

Ganesha continued to hump away, his thrusts now shorter and faster with the intent of milking himself dry into Giri's ass. He quickly coaxed out another series of long streams of cum from his penis, the damp atmosphere of his colon amplifying the intensity of his orgasm. While still in the throws of passion, Shogun's hand began to slip from the door frame and with his attention focused on the engaged demon gods, he didn't notice until it was too late. He fell off the door frame and tumbled forward, falling into Morgana who fell along with him. They landed on the floor with an audible thud, taking a second to realize their sudden debacle would no doubt get the attention of the two elephants. Sure enough as they stared upwards back toward the tied brethren, they were greeted by the stare of three surprised eyes.

Without hesitation, they immediately got to their feet and gripped the hilt of their swords. "Sorry, Morg. This time it's my fault. Be prepared to defend yourself."

As the felines took a defensive stance, almost in unison the two elephants held out an outstretched hand and called out, "Wait!"

While Morgana remained on the defensive, ever vigilant and untrusting of the big demons, Shogun relaxed a little, almost as though he were expecting their response. The two felines stood fast as Ganesha released his brother and slowly pulled out of his anus with a loud, slurping sound. Once released, his giant cock hung half-hard between his legs with a string of cum hanging from the tip while Giri's asshole began to leak his brother's jizz, which seeped out and stained his ass, his thighs, and his balls. Both Shogun's and Morgana's hesitation began to dwindle once the pachyderms knelt down on the floor in a sign of submission. At this point, Morgana began to relax a bit more while Shogun seemed to be a lot more comfortable.

"Thank you," said Ganesha to break the tension, his eyes soft and his face non-threatening. Morgana looked on with confusion while Shogun understood fully. "Thank you for helping us to regain our memories. See, we're brothers, as you could tell, and we were once worshiped by many. We would take many lovers into our bed every night, often times together at the same time. When we were brought here, we were lost to the darkness and all we really knew was guarding this hotel. Believe me, neither of us would ever have truly wished any harm upon you and what we did was not becoming of gods such as us. We are sorry for what we've done to you and beg for your forgiveness."

Giri spoke up. "Yes, we are terribly sorry for everything we did and say and we owe you much for bringing us back to our true selves. We know that a simple apology is not sufficient, but we are giving gods and pay what we owe when we can."

"That is true. For assisting us in regaining our memories and as repayment for our own transgressions against you, we offer you both a wish, any wish, that you may ask of us and if it's within our ability to grant it, we shall."

Shogun was standing at attention, his paw having retreated from his sword's hilt, looking at the demon gods with a sense of understanding. Morgana, however, had remained skeptical and only after Ganesha finished speaking had removed his hand from his cutlass and stood back in a relaxed pose. They two felines looked at each other with Shogun sensing Morgana's hesitation and giving him a nod and gesturing towards the elephants. Morgana took a deep breath and stepped forward, stopping short of the two elephants who remained on their knees. Their bodies still glistened with sweat while Ganesha's cock was studded with splotches of cum; the small feline could smell the sex coming off the both of them.

"Alright, if you mean what you say, then I have a request to make."

Morgana explained the situation to them both, recounting his initial meeting with Shogun and his personal quest to find a way home and to find a way to return him to being human. As expected, neither elephant demon seemed to know what to do or say.

"Sorry, but we've never heard this happening before," Ganesha stated. "A human being trapped in a demon's body here in the metaverse is new to us. Sorry, but I don't think there's anything we can do." Morgana looked sullen, but not surprised.

"But," Giri continued, "we might know someone who does."

"Really?" Morgana perked up a bit.

"His name is Ose and he is the great president of hell. He knows all the truths, has all the answers regarding the divine and secret aspects of this world. If anyone knows anything about his situation and would know how to fix it, he would."

Morgana's eyes lit up and he turned to stare back at Shogun, hoping to see a similar expression of excitement, but instead the larger blue feline had a stunned expression. "Shogun, what's wrong?"

The big cat came to his senses and shook his head. "No, it's nothing. Don't worry about it."

Morgana knew something was up, but wasn't certain exactly what it was. That face could've been one of intrigue, fear, or just surprise, but if he wasn't going to argue than Morgana wasn't going to push him. Instead he just turned back towards the pachyderms and bowed to them.

"Thank you for the help." With that, he turned and made his way out the door. "Come on, let's hurry."

"Hold on a moment," Shogun said, holding on arm out and halting Morgana's exit. The small cat looked back at his comrade with a concerned look. "It's my turn to ask for a wish." Shogun stepped forward, standing about where Morgana was a second ago and took off his helmet, holding it to the side as he addressed the demons. "Seeing the two of you together was quite the enjoyable experience." That garnered a blush from the brothers. "I can't deny that I didn't want to join in earlier, but given what happened several days ago, I didn't want to risk it in case you still didn't have your memories. All that happened before, if it had been of my own volition, I admit, I would have enjoyed it immensely. Given that neither I nor my partner were able to enjoy your company before, I believe we should try again and you two could show us a good time. My request is simple: that you have another orgy with us, only this time it's what we want. It might be a request to pay us back, but I think it would be an honor to have sex with two large, sexy gods such as yourself."

Morgana was shocked to hear his partner make such a request and Ganesha and Giri didn't seem much less surprised either. Ganesha looked at his brother with a questioning glance before turning back towards Shogun.

"That's quite the request. I'm not sure how I feel about it."

Giri furrowed his brow in confusion. "Wait a second, Ganesha. Just a moment ago, you were saying how you wish these cats could be our sex slaves and serve-"

Ganesha's eyes grew wide at his brother's unbridled reiteration of his admittance during their passionate love-making. He immediately swung his trunk over to his one-eyed brother's mouth to hush him from saying anymore and embarrassing him any further. He stared back at the blue feline, his face awash with shame from the awkward revelation, though he wasn't aware that Shogun had heard the elephant's statement earlier when he made it.

"Hmm, I did say I would grant you any request if it was within my power to grant it," he stated, attempting futilely to side-step his desire to screw the two felines. "And we do owe you for the way we treated you before, so if that is your request, I see no reason to turn it down so blatantly."

"I agree. I would happy to fulfill your wish," Giri said over-enthusiastically with a smile.

Morgana, however, looked less than pleased. "Shogun, what are you doing? We can't stay here. We've already wasted too much time. We need to go and find this Ose person and see what he knows."

"It's alright, Morgana," Shogun said as he turned to face his companion. "We have time and we don't even know if he'll have the answers we seek, so it won't do any good to rush there."

Morgana stared back with a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment. "Or, we don't know if he'll have the answers and the faster we find out, the faster we can begin looking for another way to get me home."

"Morgana, this could be a great opportunity for the both of us to become friends with two powerful gods. This way we could actually get more information from Ose. And we've spent the last few days in a state of fear and uncertainty, I'd say we deserve to enjoy ourselves a bit."

"But Shogun, haven't you forgotten the way they treated us last time."

Shogun smirked at Morgana in response. "Come on, Morg. Don't tell me you didn't find some enjoyment from our time with them before."

"What? Well... I..." Morgana wanted to denounce his claim, but it was already obvious it would be a lie.

"Didn't you enjoy watching me getting dominated by Ganesha? Didn't you want to get off seeing me suck off this big, god elephant? Weren't you hard and wanting to jerk off when he had his long, hard dick shoved down my throat?"

Morgana looked away ashamed, his revealing fundoshi starting to grow tight around his steadily growing cock, further unable to deny what Shogun was saying. After the small feline didn't speak up, Giri stood up and stepped behind Shogun.

"If you're worried things will be like they were last time, let me assure you they won't be. We know who we are and that is gods who treat their worshipers to a divine experience. Come have sex with us and we will give you an ethereal experience you will never forget."

Ganesha stood up now. "Are you sure this is what you want, Shogun?"

Shogun cocked his head around and smiled back at the large pachyderm. "Yes, I'm sure." He turned and looked back at Morgana who just crossed his arms and furrowed his brow in impatience.

"Very well," Ganesha continued. "If that is your wish then it shall be granted. Remove your armor and get on the bed."

Shogun merely shot his partner a mischievous glance and then began removing his armor until he was stripped down to his birthday suit, leaving Morgana the only one wearing any clothing and that was minimal. Shogun stepped between the two elephants and did as instructed, climbing onto the bed and standing to face the gods and his comrade.

Ganesha and Giri surrounded Shogun, Giri stepping behind him and Ganesha getting right in front of him. They both climbed onto the bed, Ganesha running a hand up along Shogun's side, rubbing his waist as he brought another hand up to caress his shoulder. He leaned forward, wrapping his trunk around the back of Shogun's neck and pressed his lips forward against Shogun's. The feline happily accepted, his heart beating in his chest as Ganesha kissed him, softly and tenderly at first, then more passionate and seductive, their lips separating and their tongues darting out into the other's, sharing each other's saliva as they make out. It was somewhat difficult for Shogun to make out with the pachyderm given the large size of his muzzle made it more apt to say he was eating the feline's face, but he enjoyed it thoroughly. The elephant's hand began to travel downward, running his hand through the dense coat of fur until he got to his hips. He reached around and gave on of his cheeks a good squeeze before lightly spanking it, eliciting a mild whimper from the excited feline. He traced Shogun's thigh around to between his legs where the elephant's hand found the soft, furry scrotum dangling between and the unsheathed and fully erect member prominently jutting forward. He began massaging the tender testicles in his hand, causing their make-out session to heat up, which made Ganesha more excited and caused him to handle the feline's nuts a little rougher.

While Ganesha made out with the blue-furred feline and fondled his twin jewels, the other elephant moved in behind him, grabbing his waist as he leaned in to begin planting gentle kisses on the back of the feline's neck. He moved down, forcing Ganesha to move his trunk to wrap it around his chest so Giri could continue to kiss and lick the feline. His hands moved down to Shogun's rump, holding each cheek in both hands and giving them a firm squeeze, causing Shogun to moan into Ganesha's hungry muzzle. He gave it a few more squeezes, his hard cock pressing up against the feline's back as he grinned with lust. He moved one hand under the cat's tail, running his fingers between the furry crack until he came to the tight, wrinkled gateway to the feline's depths. He gently massaged the outer rim of his sphincter, causing Shogun to clench and flex as his anus was stimulated. Soon, though, Giri jammed two fingers slowly into the cat's rectum, spreading his asshole open and making him moan with pleasure, muffled by Ganesha who still had his tongue in his muzzle.

Giri smiled and leaned forward next to Shogun's ear and said in a soft tone, "Mm, still tight I see, even after taking my brother's thick cock."

Shogun heard the comment, but couldn't nor desired to respond as sucking on Ganesha's tongue was too pleasurable to stop. Ganesha soon after moved from fondling Shogun's balls to gripping his cock and rubbing it around in his palm, the feline's sensitive glans making Shogun shudder with sexual delight. They continued like that for some time, Morgana watching impatiently, but with obvious interest given the tent forming on the front of his fundoshi. Eventually, after being thoroughly fingered and pawed-off to the point of building his orgasm, Ganesha stopped kneading his cock and broke the kiss, much to Shogun's displeasure. He kept his face close though and Shogun's lips glistened with the spit the two shared, his breathing somewhat heavy from the barrage of sexual sensations.

"Tell me, Shogun, how would you like us gods to pay you back?" asked Ganesha with an affectionate smile on his face.

The cat swallowed the building saliva in his muzzle. "I think... I'd like to know... what it's like to have a god's mouth... on my ass and cock to rim me and suck me off." Ganesha cocked an eyebrow, intrigued. "Also, since it felt so good before, maybe you could show me what a god's trunk feels like rubbing me off and... fucking my asshole."

The two elephant demons glanced at each other, Giri licking his lips and blowing his horn as he smiled seductively at his brother. Ganesha returned the glance and looked back at Shogun. "Mm, want to know what real pleasure is, huh? Want to know why you can't get satisfaction from anywhere else the same way as from a god?"

Shogun merely nodded and Ganesha leaned forward, planting another kiss on Shogun's lips before giving him a nice, long lick up along his cheek. He continue to lick him as he started to move down his body, licking along his neck, his chest, and his belly leaving matted fur as he went. His paw moved to his hips and his trunk draped itself around his torso as his face moved closer to the feline's crotch. As Ganesha moved down, he eventually found the blood-addled feline penis and began by licking upwards along the base to the tip. Shogun shuddered with pleasure and Ganesha repeated the process. A few drops of pre seeped out of Shogun's urethra, which the elephant happily licked up, smacking his lips and giving a soft 'mm' before going back to orally pleasuring the feline.

Giri began his own ministrations as well, removing his fingers as he mirrored his brother by licking along the cat's back, his neck, his shoulder blades, and the small of his back. When he reached Shogun's tail, he began kissing it softly, planting small pecks around the root of his tail as he moved around underneath, his trunk trailing along the feline's back. He continued to kiss the feline's body as his face moved to Shogun's crack, spreading love and affection to that tender, erogenous body part. Once he found the cat's rosebud, he wrapped his trunk around Shogun's tail, holding it taut as he stuck out his tongue and very lightly teased the opening with the tip. Shogun's eyes rolled into the back of his head and after a moment of the elephant's flirtation with his back entrance, he opened his maw, wrapped it around as much of the cat's butt as he could, and dragged his tongue upwards along the tasty ring, pressing hard. Shogun moaned loudly and unrestrained as his tailhole and cock were being stimulated with such expertise and exuberance.

Ganesha smiled at the feline's reaction and moved to engulf the kitty cock, taking it all in his muzzle. Shogun's body began to tense up as the warm maw enraptured his meat, his large tongue sliding along the underside and continuing to stimulate him. Morgana watched with growing internal unrest, his desire to leave countered by the growing tension in his underwear. Seeing his partner and lover being orally pleasured by two chubby demons who just a few days ago were forcing him to pleasure them while denigrating him was causing shame in the small feline for finding the sight so enjoyable.

The elephants continued for some time, bringing Shogun closer to peak, until Ganesha pulled his muzzle away from the cat's groin. In response, Giri followed suit and Ganesha stared up at Shogun, who looked down with desperation. Keeping his eyes locked on the feline's, Ganesha raised his trunk and wrapped the end around the spit-slickened member and began to stroke it slowly. Shogun relaxed into the ministrations as Giri followed up with his own treatment. Holding onto the cat's butt cheeks and pulling them apart, he pulled his trunk up and jammed the tip forward against Shogun's anus, pressing forward until it slipped passed the tight ring, causing Shogun to moan and shake as his knees were going weak. Slowly he pushed forward, snaking his trunk deep into Shogun's dank insides, his intestinal walls inflating as they conformed to the elephant's prehensile limb. Giri shoved half the length of his trunk up Shogun's ass, a bulge having formed in the cat's belly to accommodate the thick length. His sphincter was spread wide at the immense girth of Giri's trunk, causing an intense burning in his ass that brought Shogun closer to orgasm.

Giri soon began pulling several inches out before shoving them back in, fucking the feline with his trunk and pummeling his prostate. Shogun's entire body was tense with sexual pleasure, the stimulation of his sensitive penis and the invasive excavation of his colon and merciless abuse of his prostate brought him quickly to the edge.

Ganesha looked up at the feline, his blue fur starting to glisten with sweat as his muzzle hung open. "Is this what you wanted, Shogun? Does it feel heavenly being pleasured by two large gods with your boyfriend watching?"

Shogun didn't answer, but stared back at Morgana, who observed the threesome with unbroken interest, his big, blue eyes belying his earlier objections and revealing the excitement underneath. Every sensation he felt became overbearing for the feline and he reached the precipice of sexual pleasure and he could hold out no longer. With a few deep breaths and a loud cry of erotic bliss he reached his climax, flexing his cock as his kitty cum shot forth and stained Ganesha's trunk. Several long strings of ejaculate were expelled while Ganesha continued to stroke him and Giri continued to pound his bowels. Shogun moaned and grunted as he enjoyed the throws of orgasmic delight, continuing to empty his balls onto the elephant's nose. After several more shots, only a few drops of hot semen were secreted, dribbling down his cock as his climax subsided. The high of his orgasm began to pass and Shogun was finished, panting as his heart palpitated and his knees shook weakly. Giri and Ganesha smiled as Ganesha released Shogun's spent phallus and Giri slowly retracted his trunk from Shogun's ass, leaving him feeling empty and sore.

While Shogun enjoyed the after effects of his post-orgasmic ecstasy, Ganesha and Giri turned their attention over to Morgana who was still watching and still in need of release. Despite this, the small feline couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach as the gods stared at him, hungry for his body. Their seductive smiles, their thick form, their cocks rigid and veiny while their tails waved around was only serving to increase Morgana's shame as well as the constrictive boner under the cloth.

"Come now, Morgana," Ganesha stated, trying to lure the small feline over. "Wouldn't you say it's time you joined in the fun?"

"What?!" he responded, forcing a shocked and disinterested expression on his face. "No, I'm... not interested in that stuff. I just wanna leave."

Giri chuckled. "Heh heh heh, you really should learn to lie better. You can't sport a tent like that and expect us to believe you don't wanna get in on this." Morgana flushed crimson red under his black fur as a wave of humiliation washed over him.

"Besides, you seemed to be getting pretty excited during our last session. This time around, we're interested only in making you happy. So come on, Morgana. Come join in the fun. You know you want to." Morgana remained stoic, or attempted to at least, his body shaking as the lustful desire accumulating within him was causing him to shake. Grinning, Ganesha reached up and grabbed Shogun's crotch, causing the larger feline to shudder. "Look at your friend, here. Look at how much fun he's having."

He began to fondle the cat while he wrapped his trunk around his torso. At the same time, Giri reached up and grabbed Shogun's rump, kneading the plump backside as he used his trunk to rub the feline's round belly. Shogun smiled elatedly as he was molested by the two large gods, his cock growing to full rigidity once again as Morgana watched anxiously.

"We're all men here and men have needs," stated Giri. "Shogun knows how important it is not to deny your needs or desires. You may be a human, but you're in a demon body and that body knows what it wants. Don' t deny it, it's only gonna make life harder. Let your body guide you and you'll be so much happier."

Morgana was breathing a little more erratically, attempting to remain steadfast against the desire to fuck the elephants, but his willpower was waning more and more. The elephants knew he couldn't hold out forever, so they did what they could to coax him to succumbing to his lascivious nature. Ganesha turned around so that he was facing the feline, his long, hard rod sticking out prominently from his crotch. He brought a hand down to his lap and began massaging his groin, his thumb and forefinger forming a ring around the base of his cock and the underside of his ballsack, gently caressing himself. Giri moved forward, hugging Shogun and rubbing his face against the cat's hips as he began thrusting forward mildly as if fucking an invisible demon. He brought his hand to his backside, rubbing his own butt and giving it a light slap while moaning softly.

Morgana found himself drooling, the sight of so much blue, the pachyderm brethren fondling themselves and his lover becoming overbearing to the cat. He was ready to snap and found the gods allure too tempting to resist anymore. As his eagerness to release his own feline serpent from its confines and relieve the tension building up in his testicles grew more and more unbearable, Morgana decided holding out on the elephant's request wasn't worth the blue balls he was suffering at the moment.

"Come now, Morgana," Ganesha said. "We have wronged you. Let us make it up to you."

"Morg," Shogun said with unsteady breath. "It really is worth it. Let these gods show you the true meaning of pure bliss."

Hearing his partner speak such praise made the cat lose his composure and his paws were down at his crotch, rubbing his inner thigh with one and his bulge with the other. He let out a stinted moan and allowed his tail to wag behind him. Ganesha and Giri smiled with delight as the feline finally allowed himself to be free. Shogun smiled as well, satisfied by his comrade's decision.

"Tell me, Morgana, was our last time together your first every orgy?" Ganesha asked, still rubbing his mast.

"Y- yes," Morgana said shakily, his paw firmly squeezing the bulge in his fundoshi.

Ganesha smiled. "Well, we were not behaving as gods should behave, so we won't count that. Why don't you take that restricting cloth off and come over here and let us do it right this time?"

He patted a space on the bed beside Shogun, gesturing for the cat to climb on board. Gulping with lustful anticipation, he undid his fundoshi and tossed it aside, allowing his hardening member to breathe as it achieved full erection. All three demons stared back at the feline's 3 and a half-inch penis with amorous hunger, Shogun licking his lips as he did so. Feeling his heartbeat quicken at feeling so exposed and exhibited, Morgana slowly walked towards the bed, his tail wagging behind him and his cock and balls bouncing between his legs.

As he approached the bed, Ganesha extended an arm to which Morgana accepted, taking it and allowing the elephant to help him onto the bed. As he climbed up, Ganesha grabbed a hold of the feline's rump and hefted him upwards, Morgana stumbling slightly as he took his position next to Shogun. He felt nerve-wracked as all attention was on him and his naked body, his heart palpitating and his loins stirring as the excitement in the air proliferated. He turned to face Shogun, slight doubt still plaguing his mind and hoping for reassurance from the one person in the room he knew he could trust.

Sensing the minor turmoil in his partner, Shogun moved forward, pressing his body against Morgana's, and wrapping his paws around him. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on Morgana, soft and caring at first, but soon letting his tongue dart forward and probe at Morgana's lips in a display of passion. Morgana allowed his muzzle to open for Shogun to snake his tongue inside and allow it to survey the smaller cat's inner maw. Ganesha and Giri watched the two felines make-out with voyeuristic pleasure, their own desires growing more elevated. As Shogun kissed Morgana, the small cat felt his doubts and reservations melting away until there was nothing left.

Shogun broke the kiss, elated by the turn of events, and as he pulled away, Ganesha moved forward, placing a hand on Morgana's chin and turning him to face him. He leaned forward slowly, eyes closed, as he brought his face next to Morgana's and engaged him in a kiss. His size made the engagement awkward and the size of his mouth forced him to kiss his entire face, but Morgana was able to find comfort from the tender moment and kissed back. Ganesha then started making out with him with Morgana reacting, planting several kisses on each other. The pachyderm eventually started frenching the cat, sticking his tongue out and attempting to jam it down the small feline's throat. Morgana accepted the god's offering and as Ganesha managed to invade his muzzle with his sticky tongue, Morgana sucked on it like a second cock, feeding on the excess saliva the demon was producing. Ganesha frenched away, making out with the feline as his lips smacked down on part of the feline's face, giving new meaning to the term 'sucking face.'

Ganesha's hands traveled down to Morgana's crotch where they gripped the stiff member and fuzzy testicles firmly, but not too hard. Morgana moaned, his arousal growing further as the demon molested him while continuing to sodomize his mouth with his tongue. Eventually, their long, extravagant make-out session came to an end when Ganesha pulled away, retracting his tongue and leaving a small string of saliva to break off and stain Morgana's chin. As he did, Giri reached around Morgana's head with his trunk and pulled him forward, to which Morgana absentmindedly began kissing the prehensile limb. Starting with the end, he planted small, lust-filled kisses along the length of the thick, muscled organ until he came to the second elephant's mouth. They made out in the same fashion as he did with Ganesha, with Giri shoving his tongue down Morgana's throat and Morgana sucking on it like he was trying to milk it. Giri wrapped his trunk around Morgana's back and grabbed his small hips with both hands, holding him steady as their bodies rocked to the intense make-out session. Shogun and Ganesha watched with heightened interest, their malehoods growing harder as their lust became elevated.

Shogun brought his paws down to his crotch and started molesting himself. "See, Morgana. It's so much better than you thought, isn't it."

Morgana moaned and soon after Giri broke the kiss, smiling at the cat. "Is making out with a god like anything you've done before?" asked the one-eyed demon god.

"Hell, no!" replied the small, black cat in a state of sensual ecstasy.

Giri and Shogun chuckled as Ganesha stared at Morgana's tail end, groaning wantonly. "Well, cat, a god's tongue can bring about pleasure in many ways. Here, let me show you how?"

Ganesha proceeded to grab Morgana by the hips and turn him more on his front, getting his butt in position so that the elephant was staring directly at it. Morgana was taken aback, but as the demon began massaging his gluts and petting him softly at the base of his tail, he relaxed and enjoyed the ministrations. Ganesha then lifted the feline's tail out of the way, revealing the small crack beneath and the small, yet inviting tailhole in between. Licking his lips, he leaned forward and stuck out his tongue, dragging it down to the underside of Morgana's scrotum and began to lick along the kitty's backside. Morgana moaned loudly as the elephant dragged his tongue between his cheeks and along his taint. His organ passed over Morgana's anus, the warm tip sending jolts of pleasure throughout the feline's ass, making him shiver with delight. Ganesha smiled and continued to lick Morgana's ass, rimming him slowly with special attention paid to bringing about the most sensual experience for the cat.

Giri grinned widely at Morgana, bringing his face closer to the feline's. "You like that, kitty? You like having your ass licked by a god?"

Morgana could barely think between moans, but eventually he caught his breath. "Oh yeah. This... ooh... pussy likes getting his cunt cleaned." Both Giri and Ganesha were somewhat surprised to hear him say that about himself, but it hardened their own lust.

"You heard him, brother. Clean that cunt good."

Ganesha smiled seductively and stopped licking the length of Morgana's tain and began focusing on the kitty's asshole more. He ran the tip along the tight hole, teasing it, slickening it up with saliva, and then gently pushed it through, spreading the feline ring open and delving his tongue inside. Morgana cried out in erotic bliss as he was penetrated by the rough organ. Ganesha slithered around inside his sphincter, pleasuring the feline, stimulating the sensitive nerve endings in his exposed, wrinkled skin. Morgana felt his cock flex at the anal treatment, pressure building in his loins as his orgasm started approaching.

Shogun continued rubbing himself, massaging his own balls and licking his lips as his breathing became ragged at the sight of his comrade getting tongued. Giri was feeling derelict in his responsibility to make up for his share of transgressions made against the black cat. After all, he was the one who actually fucked him. Desiring to show his dedication to fulfill his remittance to the feline, the elephant grabbed Morgana by the waist and pulled him forward, forcing Ganesha's tongue out of his ass and leaving him with a look of annoyance at his brother.

"Come now, Ganesha. You're not the only one who owes this fine, sexy feline a wonderful time." Giri was smiling seductively at Morgana who had gotten back to his feet.

Ganesha, his annoyance abated, smiled back at his brother. "Very well. Let's see who's tongue will do a better job pleasuring the cat." Morgana wasn't sure what to say, but having two elephant demon gods fighting over who would get to pleasure him was an entirely new experience and was making him feel warm from embarrassment and enthrallment.

Giri chuckled silently as he draped his trunk across Morgana's torso, one hand on the small of his back as he hovered his face in front of the cat's crotch. Morgana held his breath in anticipation, anxious for the feeling of Giri's mouth on his cock, his lust driven to peak levels from his brother's previous rimjob. After a moment's pause, Giri opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, lightly teasing the length of Morgana's dick, making the feline groan. Chuckling, he repeated the process with a little more force. He licked several more times, pre escaping the urethral opening in Morgana's cock and dribbling down onto Giri's tongue. Smacking his lips as he swallowed the liquid and desiring more, he leaned forward and engulfed the feline's cock on his lips. Despite the size difference, Giri was able to fit Morgana's cock inside his mouth and get a good amount of suction around it.

Morgana moaned and began bucking his hips into Giri's muzzle, face-fucking the elephant to the demon's delight. Shogun wrapped his paw around his penis, slowly rubbing it to enhance the experience of the exhibition. Morgana thrust in and out of the elephant's mouth for a short while, building up his climax while Giri wantonly sucked away at the tiny pole. Morgana noticed the weight on the bed behind him as Ganesha snuck up, placing a paw on his shoulder and leaning down, speaking in a low voice, but loud enough so his brother could hear him.

"Sure, your mouth is a good cock-sleeve, but what kitty really needs to get him to cum..." Before finishing, he snuck two fingers under Morgana's tail and jammed them up inside his rectum, forcing him to cry out in sexual fervor. Ganesha then finished up, "... is to have something filling his cunt."

Morgana was in a state of pure sexual delight from his most erogenous zones and soon began thrusting wildly as his orgasm was fast approaching. "Yeah, that's... ugh... right. Fill my cunt. Finger me. Make me... ooh... cum."

Morgana held his head back and closed his eyes to the sensual feeling growing in his cock. Shogun was smiling, his tongue lolling out as he slowly stroked himself, finding immense satisfaction at his partner and lover getting so much enjoyment out of this. Time seemed to slow down for Morgana, but the approaching of his climax did not. His moans got louder, his panting more shallow, and he began to grit his teeth as he was pushed over the edge. He let out a hard yelp as his muscles tensed up, his asshole clenching hard around Ganesha's fingers as his cock tensed up in Giri's mouth. Shortly after, a long series of hot, salty jizz shot out from Morgana's cock right onto the elephant's tongue. He let out a soft 'Mmm' as he sucked harder on the erupting phallus, string after string of feline ejaculate coating his tongue and mixing with his saliva.

After a half a minute of orgasmic discharges, Morgana was empty. His muscles relaxed and he slumped over exhausted from the draining experience. Giri swallowed the kitty's load and pulled off, licking the cock clean, causing Morgana to shudder at his overly sensitive glans. Ganesha, as well, pulled his fingers out, delivering a similar feeling of sensitivity to his anus.

Shogun stared at the feline-elephant sandwich with envy and lust, but also with a desire to see his petite partner dominated by the gods. "Now, it's time for us to pay our respects to the gods." Morgana looked back at Shogun with a questioning glance.

Ganesha turned to the blue feline and held up a hand in defense. "That's not necessary. Right now, our duty is dedicated to making sure you are satisfied. Our pleasure is not important right now." Giri, looking somewhat disappointed, nodded approvingly anyway.

"Oh, I disagree." Shogun leaned forward and grabbed both elephant dongs, holding them up and softly rubbing them, making the pachyderms moan softly. "This is my wish and I want to see you two big, sexy gods squirm with delight. You've shown to be respectable, motivated gods that deserve our worship. We want to see you find pleasure too, right Morgana?"

Morgana watched Giri and Ganesha twitch at Shogun's ministrations and grinned, nodding in his direction. "Right."

Shogun then shot Morgana a wicked grin. "I have an idea. Why don't you ask these two demons to ravage your body? Let one take your muzzle, the other take your ass, and fuck you till your filled with their godly essence."

Morgana flushed red under his black fur, the proposal unexpected from his lover. His embarrassment pooled over as he grew doubts once again about getting involved with the large male demons in such a way. However, still reeling from the high of his sexual exploits and sensing the desire from both pachyderms, he began to experience the desire Shogun was voicing to pleasure these elephants.

As he came to accept the positivity of his comrade's idea, he smiled and changed positions on the bed, getting on his paws and knees, sticking his tail in the air, and staring down at the bed with a lascivious smile. "Yeah, that sounds wonderful. Please Ganesha, Giri, great gods of the metaverse, please ravage me. Grace me with your cocks and fill me with your heavenly seed."

The elephants stared down at the feline with hungry eyes, salivating at the sight of the inviting figure. Ganesha looked back at his brother and grinned. "If that is your wish, little one. But I'm taking his ass this time."

Giri didn't argue as he watched his brother move in behind Morgana, his huge penis stiff, thick, and ready to penetrate. He placed his hands on Morgana's hips, aiming his phallus at the back entrance to the feline depths, pressing the tip against the tight ring. Having already slickened and loosened him up, Ganesha took a deep breath, as did Morgana, as he pushed forward, spearing the petite sphincter and spreading Morgana as wide as his body would allow. The cat grit his teeth as he was wracked with fiery pain that only intensified as the pachyderm invaded his colon. He got about halfway up inside the feline before he felt heavy resistance and decided not to attempt any further and risk injuring Morgana.

He paused a moment, allowing Morgana the chance to acclimate to the penile girth and the burning sensation dissipate to more tolerable levels. He didn't get much time, though, as Giri stepped in front of him, his own mast hard, erect, and aimed at Morgana's face.

"Now, Morgana, open your muzzle and receive my package," the one-eyed elephant said.

Morgana smiled. "Yes, great Girimehkala." He did as requested and opened his muzzle wide, to which Giri shifted forward and slid his length in between the cat's lips. He got the first few inches inside until his glans was pressing against the back of the feline's throat and stopped. Morgana encircled his lips around Giri's cock, sucking on the pole with as much alacrity as he had with his and Ganesha's tongues.

Both elephants were primed and anxious to endow Morgana with their semen, so in sync they pulled all but an inch or two of their cocks out and shoved them back in. They repeated the process, in and out, keeping the feline stretched and skewered on their elephant cocks until they built up a steady rhythm. They grunted and moaned as they slammed the small cat's rump and face, pushing in to the limit and then retracting, teasing Morgana as though they would exit before thrusting in again. Morgana felt foolish for doubting the ecstasy he would feel having the elephants use him like this. The taste of Giri's cock and the feel of Ganesha's inflating his bowels was pure, ethereal rapture. His prostate was being pummeled, stimulating his arousal and bring forth a second orgasm for the session.

Shogun watched with extreme interest, the utmost gratification to see his companion find tranquility in what was happening to him. "Well, Morgana, don't you find as much, if not more, gratification in worshiping gods as you do receiving worship?"

Morgana looked back at Shogun with hazy eyes and smiled around Giri's dick, his body rocking back and forth to the rhythm of the demons' humps. Shogun then leaned forward and reached between Morgana's legs, grabbing his still hard cock and giving it a light squeeze, teasing the feline and making him grunt.

"Mmm, yeah, you're not done yet, are you Morg?" Shogun turned and watched as Giri pounded away at his partner's muzzle. Cocking an eyebrow, he stood up and stepped behind the cycloptic pachyderm, Giri taking no notice of the blue feline's actions. Shogun stood in back of Giri, previewing the elephant's backside as he fucked Morgana, watching his large, donut-shaped asshole flex periodically.

Before long, both elephant gods were close to release as their thrusts increased in both pace and intensity. Both were panting as the tightness of Morgana's innards enhanced their sexual experience.

"Oh, God, cat... you're... you're ass feels so... ugh... damn good!" Ganesha exclaimed in between pants. "Now... you ready to receive our... blessing?"

His muzzle stuffed with cock, Morgana could do nothing but moan in affirmation of the elephant's question. The two demon gods picked up their pace, poking at the kitty's throat and rectum, causing an intense stirring in Morgana's loins. The soft, warm insides of the feline's muzzle and ass brought the brothers to the precipice quickly and with a few hard thrusts, the pair grunted and cried out in euphoria as they hit their peak.

Ganesha shot first, staining the cat's intestine with his thick, chunky semen, forcing it deeper into the feline depths. Giri came second, firing his wad straight into Morgana's throat, causing a gag reflex that the cat attempted to fight. He shot several more strings that landed inside the feline's muzzle, the tart, salty flavor filling Morgana's taste buds while the warmth of Ganesha's cum swelled inside his belly. The brothers continued to thrust long, soft strokes until they'd milked themselves dry, his ass and muzzle overflowing with elephant god seed. After a moment, they stopped thrusting, leaving Morgana's muzzle and tailhole plugged as they caught their breaths. Morgana felt elated to have brought two large demon gods so much pleasure, a feeling that boosted his self-image. Realizing the pachyderm was done creaming, he swallowed every drop of white, male milk and licked the tip of his cock, causing the elephant to shudder.

As the trio remained in a spit roast position, Shogun continued to stare hungrily at Giri's ass, licking his chops as he had been waiting for the demon god to finish. Once they had, he decided to break their reverie.

"Girimehkala, might I say, your ass looks rather... delicious," Shogun said with a seductive tone.

Giri pulled his cock out of Morgana's muzzle with a slurping sound, the slowly softening member glistening with cat spit. "Hehe, why thank you, Shogun. Would you like a taste? I don't believe you've had one yet."

"Actually, if I'm not overstepping my bounds by asking this of a god, would it be possible if... maybe... I could fuck your ass."

Giri's face went from playfully randy to confused and mildly embarrassed. "That's... never been asked of me before." The elephant paused for a moment. "But I'm sorry. My ass belongs to my brother and he alone has access to it."

Shogun started to feel disappointed, but Ganesha chuckled. "Oh come now, brother." The other elephant grabbed Morgana by the waist and pulled his cock out, forcing a moan out of the small feline. Once freed, he sat up on his haunches as Morgana's gaping tailhole leaked a bit of elephant ejaculate which dribbled down his thighs. "I'd like to see your ass get dominated by a smaller, younger demon cock."

Shogun's smile returned, wide as ever, as Giri stared at his brother and then back at the blue feline, still feeling somewhat uncertain about the request. However, after pondering it a second longer, he came to enjoy the amusing prospect of having a smaller demon at his backside ramming his ass.

He chuckled. "Well, in that case, if that is your wish, I will gladly accede."

The large pachyderm moved away from the bed and leaned down on the ground, facing away from Shogun, who watched with eager anticipation. The cycloptic demon god got down on his hands and knees with his rear end facing the blue cat. He lifted his tail up into the air and turned to smile back at Shogun, wagging his tail a little and even wiggling his butt in an inviting manner.

"Do with me as you please."

Shogun wagged his tail as he stepped towards the elephant slowly, keeping his eyes on the plump, round rump. He knelt down in front of the blue cheeks, reaching up and grabbing them, giving them a light squeeze and rubbing them sensually. Giri moaned quietly, enjoying the treatment, before Shogun leaned forward and licked upwards through the elephant's asscrack, his tongue tracing the taint from his balls to the base of his tail. Giri smiled and groaned with sexual delight as the cat continued to rim him, licking his ass with abandon. He lapped up his taint a few more times before concentrating his efforts solely on the large, wrinkled donut. He licked around the rim and upwards at the sealed entrance, stimulating the nerve endings and making Giri shuffle his hind quarters.

After spending some time licking the entrance, he finally pressed his face forward, forcing his tongue against the clenched hole and piercing through. His organ slid inside the elephant's pucker and his muzzle encased the large donut and he sucked on the god's tailhole, licking the inner confines of the sensitive skin. Giri moaned loudly as he was titillated by the cat's expert rimjob, the feline spreading his slick saliva all over and inside the anal muscles for preparation of his upcoming sodomizing.

Once he was satisfied and anxious to move on to the main event, Shogun pulled his tongue out, leaving Giri's asshole shining with cat spit. Shogun stood up, bending over a bit to align his waist with Giri's back entrance and leaning on the elephant's back.

He leaned forward, positioning his cock right at the entrance to Giri's tailhole, and pressed forward. There wasn't much resistance as the tip slid right in, spreading his rosebud open as his rod moved into the dank depths of the elephant's innards. He moaned as Giri's sphincter squeezed down on his penis and his moist interior stimulated his sensitive glans. He got all 5 inches in easily, his waist resting comfortably against the fat, round cheeks.

Without pausing, Shogun pulled out and shoved back in, quickly thrusting in and out, building up his rhythm as he began fucking the large pachyderm. His hips slapped the god's butt with each thrust, sliding along without much effort. Ganesha and Morgana watched with keen interest as the big, strong demon god was being dominated by the smaller, although still quite formidable in his own right, cat. While watching his partner plunging his cock deep into that large, buxom behind, Morgana started to imagine a similar scenario, but was somewhat hesitant to bring it up.

He turned slightly to peer back at the elephant who just pierced his own tail. "Uh... Ganesha, I, uh... I have a request, but I'm not sure if... I should ask."

Ganesha merely smiled and hovered over the small feline, wrapping his trunk around the cat's torso and grabbing his erect member with the end of his extended nose. "Don't be embarrassed, little one. Whatever you wish to ask, I would be happy to hear it."

Gulping, Morgana smiled abashedly. "I'd like to do what Shogun is doing and... if you don't mind, I'd like to know what it's like to fuck a god in the ass."

Ganesha cocked an eyebrow, feeling uncertain in the same vein as Giri had a moment ago about allowing himself to be dominated by smaller demons. "Well, I'm delighted to pleasure you and make you feel good, but..."

Before he could finish, Giri turned his head to look back at his brother. "Come on now, Ganesha. You wanted to see me be dominated by a smaller demon, surely you must not be opposed to being dominated yourself. Besides, aren't we gods who have a duty to helping others find pleasure? And I think the idea sounds sexy, my big brother taking it up the ass by such a small feline demon."

Morgana felt a little incensed by the way Giri spoke about him, but the way Ganesha seemed to be pondering the request made him forget his pride and expect a joyful new experience. The elephant relented and chuckled.

"You're right, brother. We are gods and we do have a duty." He looked back at Morgana. "Very well. If that is your wish, please, enjoy the ass of a god however you please."

With that, Ganesha slunk down onto the floor next to Giri, their arms and legs touching, as Morgana got down behind Ganesha. His size was much more startling to Morgana, although to him it just meant more for the feline to love. He first enjoyed a taste of the elephant's rear by licking up along Ganesha's tailhole, focusing immediately on the wrinkled donut. He didn't spend much time rimming the elephant as he knew his tail wouldn't require too much preparation. He licked several times, getting the exterior coated in saliva before sticking his tongue inside the tight hole. Both Ganesha and Morgana moaned silently as they both enjoyed the oral treatment for different reasons.

The small feline then stood up, Morgana's hips level with the target pucker, making it easier for Morgana to aim his meat. Squeezing his body between those two buxom cheeks, he positioned his tiny cock at the rim of Ganesha's anus and pushed forward, his short member hilted easily by the rosebud. It squeezed down tightly nonetheless on Morgana's sensitive pole, causing him to moan and shiver with delight as his crotch tingled with sexual arousal.

With short, quick thrusts, the small feline began fucking the elephant god, light slaps of his hips to the round rump emanating throughout the room. Shogun had slowed his thrusts as Morgana and Ganesha got into position, wanting their climaxes to be better synced. Once his small companion was in position and pounding away, his picked up the pace again, ravaging Giri's backside. Both cats grabbed a hold of their sexual partner's tail and used it for leverage as they continued their assault on the gods below.

"Oh, yeah... ugh... I didn't know a god's... ugh... ass could feel so... good," Shogun said in between pants.

"Yeah... so plump... so big... so juicy... I just had to... ugh... feel it for myself," Morgana responded.

"Ugh... these truly are... the ass of gods."

Ganesha and Giri smiled at each other, thrilled and sexually excited by the feline's words. "You were right... brother," Ganesha stated. "It is fuckin'... ugh... hot gettin' rammed by... smaller demons."

They leaned into each other, trunks interlocking as their lips came together in a passionate kiss, their bodies rocking back and forth. As they made out, Shogun and Morgana were both building up their second climaxes quickly, unhindered by their previous exploits.

"Yeah, how does it feel... to get your asses pummeled... by a couple of demon cats?" asked Shogun.

The two elephants broke their kiss and Giri responded. "It feels... wonderful. You have amazing... cocks."

Morgana smiled seductively. "What about you? What's it feel like... ugh... to be dominated by... someone so small?"

Ganesha groaned. "It's amazing. You... truly are a... dominant and I am... your sub."

"Yeah... who's... ugh... the master now?" asked Shogun.

"You are," Giri responded.

"I said who is... the master now?" asked Shogun in a louder, harsher tone.

Respecting his confidence, Giri spoke louder and more submissively. "You are. You... ooh... are the master. You are... my master."

Morgana enjoyed hearing his lover taunt the larger gods below. "Who's... ah... is gonna be who's... sex slave?"

Ganesha spoke up, sounding sincere in his tone. "We are. We... ugh... are your sex slaves. Ooh. We live to... serve you. Use us, pound... our asses. Make us... your bitches!"

The words struck a chord with the two cats, titillating them close to their peaks. After several more thrusts, the felines brought themselves over the edge and orgasmed a second time, their loads shooting directly into their partner's ass. Their thrusts slowed as they moaned in sexual ecstasy, their cocks flexing as wad after wad of thick, creamy feline man milk was deposited into the elephants. They continued to slap their fat rumps as they coaxed out ever drop of their semen, turning those elephant asses into cream-filled donuts.

Finally, as their balls emptied, the high of orgasmic delight subsided and Morgana and Shogun slowed their pelvic pummeling to a stop. They leaned forward against the god's backs as they caught their breath, panting heavily at the exertion of sodomizing two large gods. Ganesha and Giri rested as well, less out of breath, but smiling at the novel experience of being taken by someone so small by comparison.

Eventually, Morgana and Shogun slumped backwards, their cocks pulling out with ease from the used, cream-filled rectums, and fell back on the floor, resting against the wall. The two elephants turned over onto their backs and sat up, facing the felines with their long, thick penises going flaccid in their laps. They smiled at the felines as the pair began breathing more regularly.

"I must say, that was one hell of a sexy experience," Ganesha said jovially.

"Thank you," Shogun responded. "And might I say it truly is an honor to have been able to have sex with two big, strong gods such as yourselves. It truly was an otherworldly experience. My wish has been thoroughly fulfilled."

"So, after you've rested here a while, are you going to fine Ose?"

Shogun looked over at Morgana who stared back lazily and gave a light nod. Shogun then turned back toward Ganesha. "Yes. We've gotta find him so that we can figure out how to help get Morg back to his normal self."

"I see. Well, in that case, I wish you both luck and I hope you find your way home."

"What are you guys gonna do?" Morgana asked.

"Well... I think we're going to leave this hotel and try and search the metaverse, maybe find a place where there are many demons who would love to worship us." He cocked an eyebrow towards his brother with a devilish smile.

"Ah. So no chance of staying here then?"

Ganesha shook his head. "But I do hope that we meet up with you in the future. And if you ever need our help, please find us and we'll be happy to assist." Giri nodded in agreement. "For now, though, I suggest we get some rest. I don't know about you, but I'm tired and could use some R&R."

"Sounds good to me," Shogun stated with a sleepy tone.

The two pairs decided not to sleep in separate rooms, opting instead to share the room they just fucked in. Ganesha and Giri shared their own bed, cuddled up together in a loving embrace, their round bellies pressed up against each other as they slept soundly, still naked. Shogun was resting peacefully as well, one arm under his head and the other resting on his belly. He slept nude as well, too tired and too free to restrict himself while he slept.

Morgana was the only one who had yet to find sleep, his mind stimulated, fresh, and bounding with thoughts and memories of the day's pleasant faring. He couldn't believe he found such enjoyment from the elephant gods, especially given their conduct several days prior, but he nevertheless enjoyed their company. Shogun was right to stay and make friends with these gods, further emphasizing his need to listen to the cat's advice and not try to argue with him; not in this world.

What kept him awake though were thoughts of the future, not too distant, but more impending. When morning comes, will the elephants want to have a little more fun before they leave? Would Shogun? But more importantly, would he? Such thoughts seemed unconscionable for a human and only befitting a demon, which he was in body, but not in mind. But as the thoughts persisted and the desire grew to engage with the gods in more erotic exploits, he began to wonder if he was not becoming more demon every day. He was distraught at the idea that he might not be able to turn back into a human and as time wears on he would become a full demon, both in body and mind. If that happened, would he wind up like Ganesha and Girimehkala, bound to a memento to become its keeper? Would someone try to bring his memories back?

He tried to brush such thoughts aside because he knew who he was and he wasn't losing himself. No matter what, he and Shogun would find Ose, make him give them answers, and then he'd be back to his human self. He would not become a demon, he would become human again. Slowly, a question arose as to the legitimacy of the word 'again.' His memories lost, his thoughts and desire alien to him, could it be that he was wrong? Could it be that the idea of him being a human trapped in a cat's body was all a lie, a construct, confusion, a misunderstanding?

I am human... aren't I.

Unraveling His Persona: Part 3

Unraveling His Persona: Part 3 The day was young and the sky more brightly lit than usual. The air was calm and quiet with little to no noise to break the monotonous and disquieting silence. An unwelcome situation for Morgana and Shogun as they snuck...

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