The legend of a warrior; Chapter 100 - Surrounded by Silence

Story by Killer Tiger on SoFurry

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#100 of The legend of a warrior

Finally, the day has arrived. Many times during these years i've feared that it might never come. But it is finally time for the final act, for the conclusion of this long ride. My gratitude goes to all of you who decided to read this story and who kept following it over the years. Infinite thanks to all those who have read and shared their thoughts with me. I look forwards to hearing your comments yet once more. Please, enjoy the last ride of the day, and let me know what you think. I hope this final act lives up to all your expectations.

The Well of Eternity has seen it all. Literally all the energies of Existence have passed through the Well at least once. Some motes of energy have cycled through it many times over. The Threads of Life are born out of the Well. The energies of the dead flow back down through the Well, to be disassociated in the Unworld, and circled back into existence in a new form. Everything and everyone has, in a way or another, had its Beginning and its End in the eternal abyss of the Well. And now, at the end of the Endwar, the Well is...

Chapter 100 -** Surrounded by Silence **

As Alexis and Killer finally managed to feel and see each other, talking across several universes of distance, Clotho sat quietly down on a large block of ruins that seemed to be made up by entirely worlds that had been crumpled up like paper, crushed together in a ball and tossed away with nothing short of contempt. And that was more or less exactly what had happened: Lachesis, Matriarch and Patriarch of All, had no respect or mercy for the realities that fell short of her expectations, after all. In the "Ring of Ruins" that surrounded the Cloister it was possible to find bits and pieces of civilizations that had been destroyed so many Eons before to have been completely forgotten in the meanwhile. The miserable remains of entire universes and realities floated silently and helplessly in that vast field of ruination and death.

Clotho waited in patient silence, studying the expressions on Alexis, Vera and Ira's faces, wondering about the true power of that love that she had never really had a chance to experience, other than through the affection for her lost son, Light.

The primordial goddess leaned back slightly, supporting herself with her arms and smiling quietly to herself as the expression on Alexis's face changed completely, with the rage and fear and frustration replaced by happiness and relief and love as soon as Killer's immense energy signature tore through the breach in the wall of Black Holes and got all the way to them, heating their skins like summer's Sun. Then, his voice has followed, and the collars of Alexis, Vesta and Ira had glowed brightly, but still nowhere near as the sparkle in their eyes. It had been a brief conversation, but truly invaluable, because it confirmed that Killer was alive and it let them know that he had actually smashed his way out of his imprisonment and that he would soon come for them. In those moments, after many days of uncertainty and anguish, there could not be a more welcome message than that.

Elelyon and Lemuel had quietly waited to one side as well, pretty much hoping that Killer would not spot them and would not talk to them: both gods were still very nervous about their future and the fate of the universes now that the liger's power was so immense and dominant. They were terrified by the awareness that they were utterly powerless in front of him, and very worried about what was going to happen to them and to everyone else, now that nobody could possibly dream to stand up to the lifer. The only alternative was Lachesis, and while Lemuel had entertained some thoughts about helping her win the Endwar, he was now painfully aware that the Primordial goddess was actually very different from the lawful, prudent and caring Mother that he had imagines. The two gods felt trapped between a rock and a hard place: the idea of Lachesis winning the conflict and dumping every world, every universe of Existence into the trash was too terrible to contemplate. On the other hand, whenever they tried to imagine what the reign of Killer and Alexis would be like, they were equally worried. Their eyes and minds were filled with tormenting images: one side, the Ring of Ruins surrounding them; on the other, the memory of Earth completely corrupted and corroded, laying in ruins and permanently trembling hard, as if in fear of Killer's power. They remembered the hypermasculine stench in the air, the seas of thick, dark sperms, the corpses fucked into nothing but gore and ruins and the titanic, cruel Horrors that had rampaged all over the world, crushing the mortals civilizations into dust and pulp. That had been but a mere glimpse of Killer's and Alexis's corruptive, overwhelming omnipotence and the two gods wondered what was going to happen to them and to the whole of Reality if the two lovers managed to become truly limitless, truly omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. What would their future be like? It would depend entirely on Killer's and Alexis's desires and moral integrity... and since their desires were so dark and merciless, that was a terrifying prospect.

On the other hand, Lachesis had already decided that the fate of them all was complete annihilation to make room for the new and evolved Reality that she intended to build.

Their fear and suspects and worries and frustrations only added to the pleasure that Alexis derived from possessing such incredible power, but in those few moments the goddess had been entirely absorbed by the sound of her lover's voice. It was easy for them to make themselves look small and unimportant. Lemuel had all but proposed to exploit the moment to run away, but Elelyon had refused: they had a responsibility to try and ensure that things went in the best possible way. They had to try and ensure that the new Masters of Existence behaved with compassion and justice. And, in any case, they had literally zero chances of ever escaping: there was no corner of the universe that Killer and Alexis could not find and rip apart. There could be no running away, no hiding, nothing at all.

They considered talking to Clotho, to try and convince her to assume also the roles of her sisters, becoming the real mistress and custodian of the keys of life, but the primordial divinity, reading their tormented thoughts, only gave them a soft smile and a slow shake of her throat. She was not interested, nor realistically able to even stand in Alexis's way for more than a few seconds. They ended up sitting moodily on large blocks of ruins, their eyes helplessly staring at the immense explosions in the distance as the countless Harbinger monstrosities blew up the Ring of Ruins bit after bit, seeking their hiding place. Between an explosion and another, the two gods couldn't help but stare at Alexis herself, half-admiring and half-dreading her spectacular, omnipotent body. She was still in Inverted form, her proud mane standing up in a crimson-colored Mohawk and her naked body smooth and invulnerable thanks to a new, beautiful black hide. Her tattoos glowed on her shoulders and back and on her muscular, almighty thighs, including the KO mark that filled the two males with horror and envy. Her power dwarfed them into insignificance, her muscles mocked them for their helplessness, her flaccid, gigantic black cock and her ponderous, low-hanging balls made them feel minuscule and useless, sending shivers of fear and envy down their spines, no matter how hard they tried to hide it and tear their eyes off her glorious form. She was beautiful and perfect, and she was proudly and unashamedly Killer's property, as the marks on her body confirmed... and that was a tormenting reality they had to live with. They craved her, needed her, drooled helplessly at the sight of her, dreamed and wondered of her beauty and strength and of her insatiable hungers... and in every single moment they were painfully aware that they were never going to touch her. Was that the real reason why they hated her so much...? They adored her and, at the same time, hated her guts because she was never going to be interested in them, lesser, impotent beings.

Alexis, Ira and Vesta noticed nothing of that. They did not care in the slightest for what the two gods thought and felt, and nothing, not even the horde of Harbingers hunting them down, could distract them from the wonder of finally having their beloved Master back.

Vesta smiled widely, slamming her fists together and almost hopping on the spot when the connection with Killer ended. She had seen him clearly in her mind, and he had been immense and omnipotent, literally looming over the universes, his titanic cock lazily sprawled over helpless galaxies... and the best part of it was the fact that there was clearly more, far more about him: more size and more power that he could unleash to create and destroy, to save and to punish, to bless and to curse the helpless worlds trembling in his shadow. "He is coming! He is coming! What did I tell you all along, bitches...? He'd be back, even stronger than before!" The queen of Seraphims exclaimed, grinning widely as she again smacked her firsts together, letting out a little cry of pure happiness. "Holy shit, did you see how fucking huge he was...? That was some truly fucking godlike shit!"

Even Ira couldn't help but grin widely, reaching forwards to grip into Vesta's wrists and half-dancing along with the angel, both of their collars glowing with their arousal and bliss and with the energies of Killer, which still lingered around them, incandescent and glorious. Even across that immense, unfathomable distance, his tremendous force had immediately flowed into them and started healing their wounds and replenishing their forces for the battles ahead. "When will he arrive?" The cobra eagerly asked, looking up into Alexis's eyes as the queen turned around and slowly, lovingly stroked her fingers down Wyvern's blade, holding the gigantic sword tip-down in front of her, half-leaning over the large handle.

"Soon. He'll come soon. But he has a couple of things to take care of, first." Alexis replied, and she couldn't help but smirk cruelly at the thought of the huge male slamming Sikanjal down and driving his colossal, glorious cock into that pregnant cunt. A shiver of pure, cruel excitement ran down her spine as she slowly licked her lips. The other two goddesses clearly felt her arousal, and all three their minds connected for a moment, filling with images of gruesome glory as they learned about Sikanjal "stealing" a son out of Killer and of his intention to fuck it into nothing but gore.

"Fuck me; it is gonna be one hell of a show!" Vesta commented, grinning widely as a shudder of hunger went through her powerful body, sending rivulets of hot, pearly juice streaking down her thighs in a way that had even Elelyon staring with wide-open eyes and mouth slightly agape. "I can almost hear the crunching and squelching of his cock ramming that young ultragod into pulp... Fuck! I hate to think that the other bitches get to partake in the show and slurp up his cum out of Sikanjal's broken body, while we are stuck here with the two gay boy scouts." She jerked her arm up, pointing her thumb at Elelyon and Lemuel, before turning slightly around to gaze at them from over her powerful shoulder. The way they were staring at the shining streaks of juice rolling down her muscular legs made her grin widely and snort in entertainment before commenting: "Okay, correction. Write that down as bisexual boy scouts."

Alexis snickered at that, but a growl of hungry, eager agreement came up from her throat. She loved the idea of Killer pounding Sikanjal and her monstrous baby into pulp, and there was no denying just how much she wanted to be right there to lick the base of his cock as he bulldozed his way through both bodies, through both helpless lives... but she shook her head slowly and forced herself to say: "We'll have other chances. We just have to be patient... and we'll make sure we get a place at even nastier massacres."

"The idea of making him even stronger by sacrificing a son to him is... so sickly delicious..." Vesta growled, unable to contain her dark arousal, and Elelyon shivered in horror and shock, crying out: "You... you are monsters!"

"Shut the fuck up, you runt." Vesta bad-temperedly replied, giving him the finger, and the fallen, disgraced Lord God slumped and shivered a bit. Vesta used to adore him and care deeply for him and his visions for the world, but after discovering what he had done, she was full of anger against him. Her utter adoration of Killer and her helpless ecstasy in front of his darkness and excesses only made her even more hostile, and with every day that passed every last bit of the respect she had had for him fell apart. Elelyon was not yet used to her new ferocity and every time that she lashed out against him he felt like she was stabbing him right into the heart. And while he used not to care about sex, he now was unable to forget her beauty and her ravenousness. It made him bitterly regret everything he could have had, but now was never going to get... and, for the first time in his long life, it made him ridiculously vulnerable to her taunts. In the past he wouldn't have cared, but now he couldn't help but burn with shame whenever she reminded him that Killer completely dwarfed him and that their virilities weren't even comparable. He was, at best, a "boy". Killer was THE Man.

Lemuel visibly bit his lip, desperately wanting to retort something but not quite daring to challenge the goddesses, and Elelyon silently but very evidently sought help from Clotho, his eyes almost begging her to voice her own opposition. The Primordial Goddess, however, said nothing, and only looked out over the dark space, watching as the multiple manifestations of Harbinger continued to destroy the ring of ruins, using fire and destruction to try and force them out of hiding.

"Listen to me, Elelyon." Ira added, looking down at the god almost with contempt. "We don't care how good and perfect you think you are. We can forgive, in a way, what you did in the past, but you can't expect us to look at you with the respect of the past, or have any interest for your moral lessons. So, let me be very, very clear..." The cobra grinned and spread her powerful legs, showing off thighs that were just ad drenched as Vesta's. She slowly played with herself through the heavy dark leather of her outfit, and then grinned sharkishly as she shamelessly said: "Whenever he will want to bless me with his children, I'll take as many as my body can handle... and then more, if he so wills. And my children will forever be His. I will sacrifice them all to Him if he wants. I'll make them strong and mighty and perfect, so he can fuck them into mush inside me, if he likes, and take all of their power away to make himself even stronger."

"Fuck yeah. I'll fucking beg Him to use at least some of my children exactly for that." Vesta added, grinning predatorily, and Elelyon shivered in fear and horror, but failed to protest in any way. Lemuel swallowed thickly, listening in shock and staring at them with a mix of horror and... could it be craving...? Could those two "perfect "boys actually be burning with envy at the awareness that Goddesses such as them were ready and willing and indeed impatient to serve Killer so completely, so limitlessly...? It sure looked like it. They couldn't help feeling aroused, even amidst the disgust.

"As many times as he wants." Alexis only added, grinning and licking her fangs slowly, showing off her thick, strong, forked tongue and the hot drool dangling in ropes from it, making both gods shiver helplessly. She flexed, ever so slightly, and her glorious musculature bulged with unfathomable power, causing dark energy to crackle around her in large bolts that tore through the air and caused pieces of rubble and wreckage to float up and then explode into small clouds of dust around her. Lemuel and Elelyon both shrunk away from her, staring in terror at those great discharges of brutal force as they arched their ways towards them, and Alexis snickered darkly, her monumental black shaft flexing with prodigious vigor as it sloppily leaked out a thick, heavy, enormous rope of black precum to go along with the pearly juices glinting down her phenomenal thighs. "Y-yes, Mistress. Naturally, Mistress. As you command." The two gods hurriedly assured, dropping down to their knees and groveling before her... before she effortlessly hefted both of them in midair with a lazy thought, dangling them by their ankles and resting her hands on her hips as her monstrous black shaft pulsed again and visibly, gloriously lengthened as even more dark meat deluged forwards, her already monstrous girth swelling even larger. It was a very clear reminder, and the two gods did not miss it, immediately mewling: "We are sorry, Mistress. We... we didn't mean to contest your Law. We... we only meant to... help. To... advise."

"Thought so..." Alexis amusedly commented, before allowing both males to crash down into the ground as she snorted in contempt. "Don't challenge us, boys. Your era is well and truly over. This is the Era of the Lion, and the opinion of sheep like you is very rarely requested."

Both males bowed deeply, pushing their foreheads against the ground and thanking her for her generosity, and Alexis turned her attention back to Vesta as the queen of Seraphims curiously asked: "What about Vera? What happened with that bitch?"

"She played the clever card and got into his cell by seducing one of the guards. Once there, she managed to yank Requiem out of him... and at that point the rest of the restraints and chains were really useless. He snapped them all in one big hurry." Alexis easily replied, shrugging a bit but smiling with sincere appreciation for what her rival of the old days had accomplished. "We owe her a big one, I'm afraid."

"Yeah... and say, how does she fit into the family?" Vesta insisted, tilting her head slightly to the side and looking curious.

"Turns out she is actually Killer's daughter. Which, of course, easily explains all of the weird powers and abilities that she has. Her actual name is Samara." Alexis explained, and Vesta nodded slowly, thinking about the issue for a few moments before amusingly commenting: "I think we should be worried. First Boadicea and Kathy, now Samara... If new, hot bitches keep coming to daddy, he'll have less time to devote to us. I don't mind some competition, but it is getting concerning...!"

"Get used to it." Ira easily replied, grinning a bit as she reminded: "He generated an unknown number of millions of sons and daughters. The world is full of Killer's daughters... normally it is easier to spot them, though. Boadicea, Kathy and Samara are the exceptions to the rule."

It was true: Killer had generated an absurd number of sons and daughters in his mortal life. With his astounding virility and endless stamina he had generated amazing numbers of children which, pretty much 100% of the times, were ligers like their father. The exceptions to the rule, for all they knew, could be counted more or less on the hands, among millions of liger children.

The number was insanely high because Killer had a flawless 100% success rate: his gigantic sperms carried all of the genetics needed for a new life, and more. The female was almost an afterthought, even when Killer was young and, supposedly, Sealed and thus not godlike. His virility was one of the areas that the Seals imposed by the gods had been unable to properly restrain, so that even when still literally a kid he had been able to easily impregnate his two personal maids. His father had cautiously assigned him two sterile females, but Killer didn't even notice, and crammed both wombs full of huge litters.

Year after year his hypervirility had steadily increased, and with it his already terrifying virility: as a kid he used to never fall under triplets. By the time he went south to study in an Irenic military boarding school, his minimum had grown to 8 cubs, and it kept growing from there. While in the south, Killer had started his porn career and, at first purely for show and as a bit of payback for the racism and ostracism that he had to face in Ire's society, he had started to really put the accent on his hypervirility, threatening to breed the entire southern society out of existence. Considering that nothing of what happened in his movies and livestreams was a camera trick or fiction, however, his threat came across more realistic than he had originally meant it to be. Soon enough all the porn actresses were pregnant, and Killer carried on, picking women literally from the streets... and considering his endless stamina and ferocious hungers, he needed several every day. The numbers rapidly grew so immense to truly terrify a lot of people into believing that he was single-handedly going to have entire races.

Nobody knew the exact number of sons and daughters he had, and the psychosis just built up and up and up, leading to greater sales and ever growing numbers of eager volunteer "race-traitors" showing up to serve him. Killer happily accepted all the "sacrifices" that showed up at his door, even though it meant he had to teach himself how to cum in five minutes or less. Time was of the essence for the new type of movies he began shooting: the individual scenes had to be cut short in favor of the sheer breeding of girl after girl after girl. They would line themselves up in rows, waiting on all fours, shoulder to shoulder, ass-cheek to ass-cheek, or even laying one on top of the other, their eager pussies stacked one above the other. He invaded them, one after the other, pounding them rapidly and brutally until he crammed them full of ligers and moved right on to the next in line. That allowed him to fill 12 wombs per hour, for several hours every day... but even that was a "waste", since most of the five minutes were required just for his enormous orgasm, and his enormous load mostly ended up cascading out of the overwhelmed female, who couldn't possibly contain so much seed and didn't need to, since a single one of Killer's huge sperms already gave a 100% certainty of pregnancy. So, later on, Killer began to bury his cock down multiple wombs during a single orgasm, reserving a single immense blast of cum to each one. It was even wilder and more unaccountable still, however, since another trait of his hypersperms was their exceptional durability outside of the body. They lived for an unknown number of years, and since he dumped huge numbers of them even through his piss and his precum, every place in which he took a piss became a fertility sanctuary in which overenthusiastic groupies went to be swarmed by his aggressive sperms. And that was when Killer considered it nothing other than a game... when it became a revenge after the bomb that had killed Vanessa and many other of his groupies, he had upped his game even further, including by selling his sperms one by one to eager race-traitors.

He hadn't bred entire species out of existence, but he had gone close to it, and he had definitely changed the demographic balances inside several societies, beginning with Ire's. The enormous number of ligers, all of them physically superior in every way to the locals, had constituted such a terrible threat for the country that the Irenic army had, at least formally, had to sit on the sidelines while Dark led the NWOA forces deep into the Northlands in the "crusade" against the tigers. Many other southern countries had been forced to withdraw any overt support as well, because their populations had become liger-heavy. When Killer arrived in the south, there were no tigers south of the border. When he returned to the north, tigers, or more accurately ligers, due to his specific genetics, were the majority in several states.

In more recent times, the immense number of ligers in the world had allowed the mortal plane to resist to the demonic invasion for a much longer time than it would have otherwise been possible: even though relatively few of Killer's sons and daughters had superpowers, all of them had godlike strength and exceptional durability and some degree of regenerative ability. Entire special-warfare divisions had been quickly formed thanks to that immense pool of high-quality "material": even the most combat-averse of Killer's sons was worth at least a platoon of mortal armoured vehicles. The Northern Empire had been able to send out Predator teams to key locations across the world to provide a command framework, some key equipment and invaluable training. The local liger communities had been quickly turned into formidable phalanxes of warriors that had been able to do well even against the largest demons, such as the Gigataurs used as super-heavy shock troops. If there were still survivors on the surface of Earth, it was largely because of those extra divisions of liger warriors. The Predators alone were nowhere numerous enough to hold for long, otherwise, and certainly not numerous enough to split up and set up colonies and strongholds in all main countries.

"That's true." Vesta agreed, grinning widely and giving a nod of approval. "In my free time, a while ago, I ran a quick study on Killer's semen and ran a few calculations about his years as porn actor and rampaging terrorist. It was a very instructive experience... as devastating as he has been, in truth they should still be thanking him for how kind he has been, and be very grateful for the fact he didn't have tentacles back then. With a more time-efficient way to get his semen to all the eager bitches in the world, he could have wiped out the other species by jerking off just once. Actually, there would be enough sperms to also impregnate all the females of another few planets in the same go."

Ira and Alexis snorted in entertainment at that, trying to imagine such a scene for a brief moment, before the cobra noted: "It's a good thing that he is after Sikanjal. If he gets rid of the bitch, maybe this time we can truly put an end to this whole clusterfuck."

"How long is it going to take for your boyfriend to come here...? The situation here is kind of more serious than him having yet another bastard son. And anyway, if he didn't let his dick do all the thinking for him, he wouldn't have to deal with this problem at all." Lemuel remarked, making a grimace of contempt, but Alexis only looked flatly down at him, crossing her muscular arms on her chest and letting her colossal shaft do the talking for her: the monstrous black member twitched with vigor, jumping up a bit, and that sight made Lemuel pale and swallow thickly.

"Considering the power that a son of Killer and Sikanjal would have, the issue is actually very urgent." Ira countered, looking down at the male with cold disapproval. "As for thinking with his dick... you never did that, but you still did plenty of dumb things nonetheless. Don't think you currently are in such a good and flawless position to judge others."

"Especially others with a dick far bigger and heavier than your brain." Vesta added with a cold smirk, and the God of Light sulked and turned silent.

"He'll be here soon." Alexis said, matter-of-factly. There was no way to tell what, exactly, "soon" was going to mean, but she had no intention of discussing the matter and even less to listen to Elelyon and Lemuel bitching about it. "We'll resist until he arrives; no matter what it takes. He also confirms that Cerberus and Thanathos are both heading here. They are already on the way, but there's no telling how long it'll take for them to arrive, as we don't quite know what abilities they have in terms of space and time travel. We also don't know how they are going to proceed. Even with all the power they have managed to steal out of Killer, they are basically imperfect, barely controllable monstrosities. As dangerous for themselves as they are for everything else. I'm not sure they'll charge headlong towards the Well. Not Cerberus, at least... he'll try to make himself stronger, first. To make himself a little bit more... stable." Alexis calmly said, looking out over the immense, luminous wound in the fabric of Reality, where all energy sooner or later ended up flowing. She silently studied the two colossal Threads that represented her life and Killer's own, and she smiled a little because they were tightly tangled together for much of their unfathomable length. Not only that, they were virtually identical and she couldn't tell for sure which one belonged to whom. Well, if she was entirely honest, Killer's one appeared significantly thicker and heavier than hers, but other than that... both Threads were made of both blinding, pure Light and terrible, unforgiving Darkness. That was their nature, one made of contrasts and extremes, and they had to live with every consequence of that, right to the end.

Clotho stood up from where she had kindly waited out on those key minutes of relief, and walked quietly up to Alexis's side, fearlessly strolling past Ira and Vesta even as the two great goddesses surveyed her movements with lingering suspects. The Primordial divinity followed Alexis's gaze right out to the Threads of Life, and a little smile spread on her lips as she said: "I'm glad you and Killer have been able to talk. You two are truly incredible: communicating over such a distance requires not just an incredible power, but also a truly deep spiritual and mental connection. I... I'm impressed by the love that binds you two. Impressed and envious, if I'm honest. I... I wish I had been given the chance to experience love. To feel my heart attuning itself so perfectly to the heart of another."

"You will have your chance, eventually, when we end this war." Alexis instinctively reassured, offering her some hope even though she wasn't even sure yet that Clotho was truly the ally she claimed to be. The scars on her body were not, in themselves, a conclusive bit of evidence of her disagreements with her sister and her Mother. What if she was just tricking them, and lulling them into a dangerous, misplaced sense of security...?

Clotho, however, only smiled warmly at those words, bowing her head a little and whispering: "Thank you, Lady Alexis. I really don't think my chances of survival are very high, but... thanks. Just the fact that you are offering me a ray of hope, well, it means the world to me. It's more than anyone else has ever done for me." She paused, but only very briefly, before rubbing her hands nervously together. Alexis noticed with a bit of entertainment that the loose scales that formed her "hair" changed their position in tune with her expression and feelings: they were now folded down, almost flat against the back of her head and neck as she nervously, hesitatingly noted: "Before we do anything else, Lady Alexis, we should change position. My Sister and my Mother are seeking us out, and the flow of energies between you and Killer has been extremely intense. They might have picked it up, and if they have it won't take them long to determine where your energies originated from."

"I hate hiding." Alexis muttered, but she did not protest the suggestion any further, knowing that it made perfect sense. Clotho nodded slightly, giving her a little smile and saying quietly: "I know, Goddess, but sometimes it is the right thing to do. And anyway, didn't you use to be what the people of earth calls, correct me if I'm wrong, a sniper...? For what I know, a sniper needs a lot of patience and spends a lot of time in hiding."

"Not just A sniper, I was the BEST sniper." Alexis replied, grinning and nodding slightly, before admitting: "That's true, but patience was never my forte." Alexis admitted, shrugging a bit. "I was the best by virtue of exceptional aim and my ability, even back then, to kind of see a few seconds into the future. I could shoot twice as far as the others, and much faster, and kill multiple targets with a single bullet, never missing a shot. But I never really was the kind of sniper that hides."

"That makes sense." Clotho admitted, before holding her arms out, letting Alexis and the others grip into them. She teleported them away, to a whole different area, a great distance away. They were still standing on a messy, shapeless ground made with the ruins of countless worlds and realities crumpled together like they were made of paper, but they were no long in the "ring" that surrounded the Cloister. Their new hideout looked more like a small floating island; a "droplet" of ruins that had somehow drifted away from the ring and now orbited further away from the Well of Eternity.

Alexis looked around to try and locate the great breach in the wall of Black Holes, and she grimaced a bit as she saw that they had moved much further away from it. Many light years away, effectively, and on the opposite side of the Cloister, no less. It wasn't an ideal position, considering that Cerberus and Thanathos would almost certainly seek to use that entrance to get to the Well. Killer, tool, was probably going to try and use it as his own entry point.

"What is this place...?" Vesta asked, clearly disappointed by the placement of their hideout. Clotho shrugged a bit and quietly replied: "It is, quite literally, nothing but a drifting bunch of ruins that are slowly falling towards the outer barrier. The gravity pull of the Black Holes, here, is marginally stronger than that of the Well, and so this bunch of wreckage slowly floats away from the center. Hopefully, it is insignificant enough not to attract the attention of my sisters." The Primordial paused and looked out towards the three floating fortresses, and Alexis saw the sadness in her eyes, deep and sincere, as she added in a whisper: "I used to come here to look at the stars when... when I had some wounds to lick. They have never bothered hounding me all the way out here."

"We are too far away from the breach and from the Well, though. We risk missing Cerberus and Thanathos as they sneak in." Lemuel observed, making a bit of a grimace. "Regardless of how Cerberus moves, we have one clear task: keeping him and Thanathos away from the Well. From here, we might not be able to."

Clotho, however, shook her head slowly and countered: "It is a good compromise. I know what the mission is, but the best tactical positions are also the most predictable, and it would lead my sisters right onto us. The longer we manage to avoid the battle, the best. And anyway, Cerberus will not be able to sneak through the breach without being devoured by the Black Holes on either side, unless he is big and strong enough to wade through the gravity fields. We'll see him, even from here, I can assure you."

"What should we expect from Lachesis, instead?" Alexis asked, looking down at the much smaller female with an arched eyebrow.

"Her obsession has always been Evolution, and that means you, Alexis. You are what she wants. And... well. She wants Killer gone, because she believes that you will accept her as Patriarch if he can just be removed from the picture." Clotho explained, blushing visibly and sneaking a gaze up at the spectacular herm goddess, looking embarrassed. The ligeress, however, only made a grimace and gave a slight nod. That explained a lot of things, actually: for example, it was clear that the Harbingers had tried to keep Alexis out of the Cloister specifically because Lachesis wanted Killer to be dead and gone before they met for the first time. She evidently was convinced that she could win Alexis's heart over fairly easily just by getting rid of her lover... and that meant she had not understood in the slightest the sincere depth of the lover between the two ligers. "She is clueless, if she really thinks she can win me over."

"Does that mean she might teleport away from here and attack Killer, then?" Ira urgently enquired, and Alexis swallowed thickly. The idea was terrible, but it made sense. If Lachesis wanted to keep them apart, there were more than just one ways to do it.

"Not while she knows you are here, so close to the Well." Clotho calmly replied, shaking her head with decision. "If Harbinger had been able to keep you out of the Cloister, she would have probably tried to attack him... even though it would be risky. There are reasons why she never left the Cloister in all these Eons, you know: she has crawled out of the Well, remember, and she's never truly broken free of it. Lachesis, Atropos, and I are very much prisoners of the Cloister: the further away we get from the Well, the weaker we become. It never mattered to me... I would have left in a great hurry, had I been able to. But Lachesis and Atropos never allowed me."

"That still doesn't mean she won't try to go after Killer." Lemuel remarked, and Alexis was tempted to slap his muzzle in because of how hopeful he sounded. He pretty clearly hoped that the Primordial would ambush Killer and kill him.

"Oh, but it does." Clotho insisted, shrugging a little. "Now that Alexis is here, she cannot possibly leave." She turned towards the muscular ligeress and explained: "You'd only need to slip into the Well and absorb all of its energies to become far too powerful for her to ever been able to touch you again. She will stay put, and make sure you can't get anywhere near the Well."

"We have put ourselves in one hell of a Mexican stall." Vesta muttered, before forcing a smile on her features as she attempted to joke. "Look at the positives! Even Lachesis doesn't want you dead." Vesta commented, teasingly nudging Alexis's side. "Being so fuckin' beautiful has its perks, huh...? Not even the enemy wants to lose you."

The ligeress did not laugh, however, only gritting her fangs as she coldly muttered: "What will she do when this absurd plan of hers fails...? I have zero interest in her sorry arse."

"If she can't have you alive, she'll want you dead, Alexis. She'll seek to devour all of your power, and add it directly to her own." Clotho said, without any hesitation. There were no doubts about the plans of the Patriarch, after all. "Either way, as soon as she'll have access to your powers and to your ability of absorbing energy and mass, she will drain the Well of Eternity of every last drop of life, to ascend to absolute power. And nobody can imagine the extent of the monstrosities that will follow."

"And that's where Cerberus and Thanathos come into the picture, do they dot...?" Vesta quietly asked, and the Primordial confirmed. "Cerberus and Thanathos will never be able to devour the Well of Eternity, Lachesis and Atropos would never allow it. But they have some of Killer's power in them, so Lachesis might try to devour them to get stronger. They are likely to be a far easier prey than you, after all." Clotho looked up at Alexis with a little smile-without-amusement, and the ultragoddess snorted in agreement and remarked: "That's why we have to keep them separated."

"It is not going to be easy." Elelyon said, speaking in a low and worried voice as he gazed out over the floating castles of the Cloister, almost trembling at the sight of the colossal discharges of energy that crackled violently out of each caste. "Lachesis has... she has created everything! She has separated Creation from Destruction and sorted out Life from Death... She was able to build herself out of pure, omnipotent chaos, and she created the Unworld and the Well! Her power is... it's unfathomable. There never was a being anywhere near as strong as her."

"I'll find out by myself if that is true, thanks." Alexis coldly countered, flexing her massive muscles with a little growl of eagerness. She was nervous, of course, but she was also impatient and raring to go, ready to put her monstrous strength to the test by grappling with the primordial titaness. She was determined to come out on top of that epic clash.

In the distance, the Harbingers continued to cancel the Ring, disintegrating it region by region, and the immense explosions dwarfed supernovas to insignificance. Every blast filled the Cloister with sinister light and sent terrifying shockwaves tearing through it, from one extremity to the other. Elelyon and Lemuel visibly shivered every time those solid walls of force tore through their hiding place, blasting large chunks of ruin flying in every direction, but they did their best to stay silent, knowing that the goddesses around them were not going to pay attention to their fears.

Then, suddenly, a massive blast of dark, sinister energy disintegrated a great tower of one of the three floating castles, and this time Clotho shivered as well, swallowing thickly as she stared at the cloud of fragments of stone and at the flames rapidly spreading from one wing of the fortress to the other. There was a second terrifying explosion, and a beam of terrible energy tore through the castle from one end to the other, pulverizing and disintegrating the titanic walls and causing another tall tower to collapse on itself, like nothing but a house of worn-out cards.

"Where are you, dear sister...?" One voice boomed across the darkness, its tone dripping with mock kindness. "Once more trying to betray the family, sis...? Evidently I haven't beaten you hard enough, you little slut! You should know better."

"Atropos..." Clotho said, not even waiting for the question to be formulated. She instead closed her eyes with a little shiver of horror, hands balling up in fists and trembling in powerless rage as the other Primordial Goddess effortlessly destroyed her home. An entire wing of the castle exploded in a cloud of splinters and pebbles, and this time, even through the great distance, they could see the black form of Atropos as she grew and grew, tearing through the roof of a great hall and laughing as she easily shoved a tower over, sending its pieces floating away into the emptiness.

"We can stop her, if you want." Alexis offered, cracking her knuckles and making a grimace at the sight of the titanic dark goddess literally strolling through the fortress, raking the ancient walls into dust with the movements of her body, before a multitude of dark, shapeless tentacles ripped out through the bastions and halls, whip-lashing back and forth and sending great parts of the castle tumbling down in crumbles.

"No, Alexis... no. Thanks for your concern, but... it is not important. The castle does not matter. Nothing matters, at this point, other than the outcome of the battle that's about to begin." Clotho immediately replied, shaking her head slowly. "She is trying to provoke us into a brash reaction. Let her play. Every moment that passes is important. If Killer and your friends reach us, our chances of success improve dramatically."

"If we are still talking about mere chances, even once Killer and the Disciples are all here, we are hopeless." Lemuel commented in a dark, depressed voice. "Lachesis is invincible! She reshaped Chaos itself, and the Unworld to boot! How are we supposed to stand up to a power like that?"

"Shut your face hole." Vesta irritably countered, grabbing the lion by the face and forcing his jaws together, gritting her fangs with a snort of contempt. "You just shut the fuck up, and let us handle it, if you are shitting your loincloth."

"We are not cowards, Vesta." Elelyon quietly but firmly protested. "We will help however we can, and I'm sure you know as much. We just don't... don't want to throw our lives away without a reason, that's all. It is a scary prospect, to fight for a future in which Killer is the only alternative to Lachesis or Cerberus."

"The fact you say that shows that you have no fucking clue." Ira muttered, glaring down at the two males. "How can you even compared the two scenarios? You know Killer quite well by now; you've seen the person he is. Stop obsessing about the negatives, and give him some fucking credit. He saved your arses several times over."

The two gods looked down, castigated but clearly unconvinced, and Ira snorted in contempt and turned away from them. If they refused Killer, they refused her as well, and everyone else she had come to call friend and family. She had no time to waste on them: if they wanted to sulk, that was their problem. They were nowhere near strong enough to shape the future in any way, and they were going to have to learn to live with reality, like it or not.

"If Lachesis or Cerberus get it their way, we are all dead anyway." Clotho reminded, shrugging a little. "This is our battle as much as it is Killer's and Alexis's."

They all watched on in silence as Atropos slapped the towers of Clotho's castle into dust, and tore through the roofs and smashed the walls, finally disintegrating the very floating island upon which the fortress had stood for Eons. The great Threads of Life that connected the Well to the fortress now floated in the middle of a vast cloud of ruins, and Atropos turned her attention towards those, gripping a great tangle of them in a hand that burned with incandescent dark fire.

"Come out and play, sister... or I'll rip apart all the lives you so care about!" The primordial goddess was clearly not joking, and she savagely yanked on a first bunch of Threads, ripping them to shreds and motes of energy that fell away and rapidly dissolved. Clotho visibly stiffened at that, and she trembled violently as she resisted the impulse of rushing forwards to defend all those innocent lives, that belonged to beings of all the universes of Existence. All races, all civilizations, all most beautiful forms that Life had evolved into over the Eons and across the immensity of space. Atropos clawed into that treasure chest of stories and biodiversity and indiscriminately, remorselessly shredded threads apart, cancelling lives by the thousands... maybe by the millions, or more. The Thread of Life of a mortal creature, after all, was as thin as a strand of hair, and there was no telling how many were tangled together in the thick ropes that the dark titaness so callously handled.

Alexis, Vesta and Ira tensed, muscles flexing and bulging as they prepared to charge forwards, while Elelyon, who had secretly tried to keep his hopes alive, thinking that perhaps the Sisters of Fate were not quite as cruel as claimed, nearly fell onto his knees, staring in shock at that horrendous, reckless waste of lives. Lemuel, at his side, was pale and his hands trembled visibly as they clutched into the handle of his golden hammer hard enough that the blood struggled to fill his digits, making them look ghastly white.

Clotho's cheeks were streaked by tears, but the Primordial Goddess nonetheless stood as straight and tall as she could manage, and refused to be drawn into a fight. Her eyes darted from side to side to check on the movements of Alexis and the others, and she nearly begged, her voice cracking as she whispered: "Don't. Please, don't. It's just what she wants. Let's not make things easier for them!"

"But we have friends still alive on earth... and all the others... all the mortals left in the colonies... and all the other worlds...! We... can't just watch on without doing a thing!" Vesta protested, making a grimace of horror as Atropos clawed into another thick tangle of threads, her black talons somehow glowing with electric, terrible light as she used the thick "rope" as a cat would use a scratching post. Motes of savaged energy fell off and rapidly dissolved, and entire threads, once severed, pulsed once, producing an intense light for one last time before becoming dark and rapidly crumbling away to ashes that fell back into the Well of Eternity.

"Existence will need to be rebuilt from the ground up anyway." Clotho said, even though it clearly cost her dearly to put those words together. "Alexis, you... you will be able to bring them back to life, all of them, if we win this battle. But if we don't. we are all lost forever. Please, we must be... patient."

Atropos cackled, in a way that made their blood boil with rage and chill with horror at the same time, as the titaness clawed into the largest, monstrous threads of life, the colossal ones which had grown so much to coil around the entire Cloister and even wrap around the floating castles hard enough to pulverize the outer walls and some of the bastions and turrets. The colossal threads, which glowed more luminous than any star and were made of ropes of golden energy and other serpents of tremendous darkness, were the life force of Alexis and Killer, and the ligeress growled and moved a step forwards as she felt quite clearly an alien, unwanted pressure against her soul, her... spirit. Her internal essence.

"Come out, Alexis...! Don't let that coward of my sister influence you... you are not a coward... And I know you don't want my filthy hands on your Life, do you...?" Atropos mocked, shouting to the emptiness around her, knowing that her powerful voice would smash into the right ears, no matter where the Empress of the North was hiding. The dark figure leaned to the side and slammed her other hand down on the largest of all threads, the one which pulsed with Killer's incredible and visibly unmatched energies, and she laughed as she stabbed curved, terrible talons into the rope, yanking and tearing and scratching and trying to rip it completely to shreds. "Come out, Alexis! My filthy hands are handling your dear boyfriend's life... and I bet you can't stand the thought of me touching him, teasing him, hurting him, stealing him away from you..."

"We must stop this abomination." Alexis coldly snarled, but Clotho seized her by a wrist and restrained the much larger and stronger female as best she could. Clotho's feet dug deep furrows in the messy pile of ruins as Alexis effortlessly dragged her along like she was an accessory. The titaness, however, kept pulling the empress back, even in complete absence of success, and warned: "Don't let her fool you, Alexis! Focus: do you feel any pain at all, after all what you saw...?"

Alexis blinked at that, realizing that something didn't feel right... and finally admitting: "No. I don't feel anything..."

"They cannot hurt your Threads of Life: they have grown far too large and too potent. Look at the castles, strangled between those great ropes! Divine threads are made of a material that not even Atropos can sever... and for sure they can't do a thing about your massive threads. If they had possessed that capability, they would have used it a long time ago!" Clotho warned, and Alexis snorted irritably but slowed down, eyes narrowing as she studied Atropos's attempts to tear into her Thread of Life. Her talons, even while glowing with terrible, otherworldly energy, could not pierce into the thick ropes of gold and darkness, and the goddess felt no real pain. It was still deeply unnerving to watch the primordial titaness playing with her and Killer's lives like that, but Alexis somehow managed to grit her fangs and stay put. The real proof of courage, in that case, was to sit the taunting out and refuse to be drawn into a brash assault. Alexis once more studied Clotho's features, trying to read her mind through her teary eyes, trying to make sure that she was sincere... but there was no real way to be sure, and in the end she had to act on faith. She decided to trust the scarred titaness, even though the inactivity made her snort in distaste. Alexis rolled her eyes and finally leaned sideways against a pile of unrecognizable ruins in which cracked concrete and molten beams of steel and other metallic parts had somehow merged together to form a shapeless "monument" to destruction and despair. She crossed her mighty arms on her chest and bit her lower lip, fuming as she impatiently waited for a chance to strike. Was Lachesis truly so dangerous...? The energies that permeated the entire Cloister were so immense and otherworldly that there could be no doubt on that, but Alexis was tempted to just make a mad dash for the Well of Eternity. If she could get in, and absorb all that energy into her... the thought made her shiver in anticipation, but she had to play it safe. At least as much as possible in such an insane situation. As soon as Killer arrived, they were going to push onwards together, and then, she was sure, nobody was going to be able to stop them.

Vesta loitered nearby, just as nervous and impatient, and they all watched on as Atropos continued to randomly savage Threads of Life and issue threats and taunts, until the titaness, in front of the continuing silence, started to grow frustrated and furious. Soon enough, the dark titaness started to blast her terrible energies into the Ring of ruins, disintegrating great floating "islands" of ruins and devastation, incinerating the warped, corrupted remains of gods knew how many civilizations which had tried to thrive but had failed to satisfy Lachesis's ambitions.

The High Queen of Heaven strolled up to Alexis's side and leaned against a pile of ruins, looking thoughtful for a long and silent while, until she muttered: "You know, I hope that Sikanjal bitch remembers how to move her body in a decent way."

Alexis snorted in agreement, idly playing with her bullet necklace, rolling the heavy golden round in the fingers of one hand, while the other clutched the handle of Wyvern, taking comfort in the massive weight and terrible energy of the legendary sword. "She is a demoness of lust. She should know at least a move or two..." Alexis idly commented, before slightly arching an eyebrow and asking: "But that is kind of a surprising thought. I imagined you'd be thinking of, like, being in Sikanjal's place."

"Oh, fuck. That too, of course." Vesta easily replied, grinning widely and giving her a big nod. "But, you know, for the first time ever, I'm regretting the fact that Killer has so fucking much stamina. If that Sikanjal whore doesn't know how to buck, he might go on devastating that cunt for hours!"

Alexis snorted in entertainment at that, licking her lips at the thought, but then she shrugged a little and teasingly commented: "It's a good thing he has a thing for breeding countries out of existence. Taught himself how to cum in five minutes, if necessary."

"Fuck yeah..." Vesta commented, before ogling Alexis's own monstrous black cock, her eyes drawing down that colossal shaft, all the way down to the cruel flare behind the fat, rounded head. "And you know, maybe you should just slap that big monster on Lachesis's face. Knock her out cold, and all is over."

Alexis smirked a little at that, and her gigantic black cock stirred with a great throb of excessive vigor, before she turned slightly around to gaze at Clotho. The primordial had half-fallen down on a large bounder, and she was staring at the devastation of the Threads of Life with pure horror. Her shoulders slumped and trembled visibly, her eyes bulged in shock at the sight of that terrible massacre, and her hands gripped into the wreckage hard enough to constantly crumble pieces off it.

Ira had mercifully sat down next to the fellow reptile, and was trying to offer a few comforting words, but Clotho seemed deaf, only able to look on in powerless rage and disgust in front of that savagery. She had nurtured every one of those Threads, and spun them on great wheels that filled up most of the central area of her castle. She had done her best to ensure that the energy flowed with abundance along them, and now, as had happened so many other times, her sister was savagely tearing them all to bits, destroying her hard work... destroying her children, in a way.

Every one of the scars on Clotho's body was the sign of a desperate battle against her sister and her mother, and even though she had never been able to stand up to those two furies, she had at least tried. Now that she couldn't even try to intervene, the pain was even worse.

"I should comfort her, but... I don't think I'd be able to. I feel like shit myself." Alexis whispered, and Vesta nodded, making a grimace... And then, suddenly, a new voice boomed across the darkness, and they all looked up, instinctively trying to locate its source. "Clotho, you useless, traitorous waste of mass! Do you really think you can hide from your Creator...?"

"Lachesis!" Clotho hissed, and she was so startled by the voice that she nearly fell off the stone. She turned around in a hurry, staring at the darkness, and her scars all began to glow as heat built up in them. Within instants, they were incandescent in a supernatural, terrifying way, enough to melt her scales all around them. Clotho fell on her knees and nearly collapsed, spitting blood out of her mouth and trembling violently as she spluttered: "Get... get away from me! She... she is coming!"

"Don't be silly, we are going nowhere without you." Ira reassured, dropping on one knee next to her and wrapping her arms around her shoulders, trying to absorb some of the heat out of her... and wincing as the pain immediately spread to her body as well, making her scales crawl as incredible, indescribable heat invaded her form. "Holy fuck, it hurts like hell!" She muttered, making a grimace but not letting go of the trembling, shrieking titaness. She hefted her up, and Alexis and Vesta immediately rushed in as well, while Elelyon and Lemuel looked confused and horrified. The fallen Lord God stared at Clotho for a few moments, then sprung to his feet and warned: "Get away from her, she's about to explode!"

"Are you insane?" Alexis barked, turning towards Elelyon with an expression of disgust... but Clotho let out a howl of agony and, with a desperate effort, she turned around to shove both hands against Ira's chest, shoving her away with all the strength she was capable of... and Alexis paled, seeing the ghost images of the future taking shape in her mind. Immediately, she grabbed Vesta by the wrist and yanked her back, turning around and forming a wall of energy to protect both of their bodies. "Ira, shields!"

"Get away from me! Teleport away!" Clotho desperately urged, as Ira stumbled backwards with a grunt of shock, looking down at the sizzling prints of the titaness's hands, glowing over her chest, over scales that smoldered and flaked away like dead skin, but she followed Alexis's order almost on pure instinct, shoving a hand ahead of her and forming a large wall of translucent energy. In that same instant, Clotho hugged herself as best she could, howling in anguish and her wounds truly exploded, bursting open with terrifying violence and tossing around bone shrapnel and thick splatters of incandescent gunk. Tremendous tentacles crawling with thousands of ugly bug legs ripped out of her and shot violently towards Alexis, Vesta and Ira, smacking into their shields of energy and clawing into them with tremendous ferocity, their countless talon-like legs cutting right through even the solid barriers. The incandescent, glowing gunk splattered heavily against the shields and immediately began to burn its way through, consuming even the raw energy out of existence, and Alexis grunted before channeling a blast of telekinetic force out through the barrier, smashing the tentacles backwards and sending the hot crimson pulp splashing backwards onto the ground, where it immediately began to sink deep through the dirt, melting its way through any and every material.

Clotho collapsed on her knees and slumped with a cry of horrendous agony, her body mutilated beyond recognition, her flesh split from her bones across much of her form, her skeleton largely revealed, her scales almost completely gone from her exposed, maimed, smoldering flesh. Her old scars had turned into new pits of torment as it looked like a massive, parasitic beast-tentacle had ripped its way out through the old wounds, and she was trembling violently, crying tears of blood from eyes that had melted away into crimson pulp.

"Fuckin' hell..." Vesta muttered, looking at that horrendous spectacle with disbelief and horror, drawing her twin sickleswords from the leather belts around her waist and then pushing forwards to help Clotho. Alexis walked ahead, with Wyvern at the ready and one hand held up to maintain the barrier, and Vesta ducked under the vicious lunge of one of the tentacle-parasites before chopping it with a powerful swing of one of her blades. The severed beast fell to the ground and squirmed angrily, immediately rearing up and trying to snap closed on her leg, but she stomped it into pulp with an angry snarl.

"Go away... leave me here and go..." Clotho cried, blindly turning her head towards Vesta as the High Queen of Heaven chopped other parasites apart, trying to help her body regenerate and recover from the terrifying shock. The Seraphim did her best not to grimace in horror and fear in front of that macabre sight, out of respect for Clotho, but it was a real challenge: the instinctive revulsion was violent, especially as she grabbed a massive parasite and forcefully yanked it out of her chest, watching as the many, many blade-like legs reluctantly ripped out of the flesh, angrily flailing as they immediately attempted to lock into place again. "We don't leave our friends behind. Shut it." Vesta said, speaking as gently and reassuringly as she could, while Ira took up a defensive position at the rear and Elelyon and Lemuel, although looking terrified, closed the distances and completed a sort of circular formation.

"If you know what the hell is wrong with her, come here and help me!" Vesta urged, turning to glare at Elelyon, and Lord God nodded hurriedly and rushed closer, his face pale and his eyes open wide, but his hands already glowing with warm, healing energies. "She... Her Mother. Lachesis. They haven't just beaten her, they have infected her. These beasts are connected to her nervous system as well as to her flesh and organs. We... they might be communicating to Lachesis right now!"

"We had figured out that one bit." Alexis coldly said, without turning back. "It's too late to run away, in any case." Elelyon looked up in horror, even as his hands gripped into a squirming parasite and began to burn it with holy energy, causing its countless legs to wither and then crumble away to white ashes. In the distance, all around their island of debris floating in space, the Harbingers were forming a perimeter, surrounding them completely... and in the same moment, Atropos teleported in front of them, emerging from what looked very much like a cloud of black smoke. It wasn't difficult to believe that she was the mother of Darkness: she seemed made exactly of that, her whole hide black and lucid, almost like she was made of latex. Her face was slender and graceful, well shaped, but it almost completely lacked features other than four eyes, in two pairs one above the other, which looked like little more than pits of white, ghastly light. Her head was crowned by a multitude of spikes and heavy, curved demonic horns, which pushed far up and behind her skull, framing a mane of dancing dark flames. She had a pair of vast wings that were halfway between physical and ethereal, with great and muscular "arms" sticking with a multitude of huge, curved spikes of dark bone. Instead of a leathery surface, her wings had dark blue ethereal flames which, Alexis was sure of it, possessed a formidable destructive potential. Atropos's body was slender and athletic in shape, with muscles exceptionally toned and well chiseled but far less bulky than Alexis's spectacular build. Atropos's shoulders were half covered by silvery pauldrons made, apparently, of bone, and heavy plates of the same material protected her abs and chest, wrapping tightly over the perfect profile of the muscles beneath and then hugging tightly over the large breasts. Overlapping metal-bone plates covered also the near totality of her cleavage and neck, forming a heavy collar. Atropos's arms were muscular, but so tightly packed to appear thin and almost frail in comparison to Alexis's bulging biceps and mighty forearms, but despite the appearance there could be no doubt on the monstrous strength that the goddess possessed. Atropos was armed with a monstrous glaive which had a long, thin, curved blade almost longer than the pole. It was an agile and devastating weapon with a formidable reach, and the blade glowed with sinister, otherworldly energies that sent a shiver even down Alexis's spine.

The primordial goddess's lower body seemed to truly be made of smoke, as it ended in a shapeless fog that spiraled in numerous tendrils and filled out large, powerful tentacles. A heavy, long tail stretched out behind the titaness, burdened by a castle of heavy, overlapping bone plates and massive, curved spikes and blades jutting out of them.

"No good, sister... no good. You are openly betraying the family, now...?" Atropos mocked, looking down at Clotho with soulless eyes that burned with a terrible white light that seemed to illuminate the entire Cloister. "You deserve every bit of your punishment, you little whore... although for once you have a good excuse, I'll admit..." Atropos turned her gaze onto Alexis, and her eyes burned with admiration and lust in front of the size of her muscles and, even more so, the majesty of the titanic black shaft hanging heavily between her powerful, formidable legs. "Lady Alexis... you truly are the pinnacle of Evolution, the apex of Eons of constant improvements..."

"And now, as I always intended, you are here... and what an honor and pleasure it is, to be able to admire your body!" Another voice said, and it was the same that had boomed across the whole Cloister only a short time earlier. It was Lachesis's.

The Matriarch, or Patriarch. The Creator. The ultimate Judge of the worth of Life. For countless Eons, she had decided which worlds could live on, and which had failed and deserved to be destroyed. She had obsessively spurred Life on, and challenged it, and put it in danger, trying to provoke a reaction, trying to accelerate evolution. Whenever she had been disappointed with one living being, she had remorselessly torn the thread apart, or ordered Atropos to do it on her behalf. They all owed their lives to her, but despite the enormity of the gift of Life, she had been such a cruel mistress that there was little else to be thankful for. She had wrestled her way out of primordial, shapeless, all-encompassing Chaos and had built the foundations of Reality as they knew it, but she was also responsible for the grotesque, terrifying circle of ruins extending for millions of Light Years all around the Cloister: how many lives had been cut short just because they didn't look promising enough to her eyes? How many worlds had been crumpled up like pieces of paper and dumped in that infernal, unfathomable dump...? And how many more were going to suffer an equally cruel fate if she was allowed to triumph?

Alexis seized Wyvern's handle in both hands, hefting the enormous sword up and preparing for the ultimate clash, for the battle that would decide not just her fate, but the destiny of everything and everyone else. The energies in the air became more and more incandescent and terrible as Lachesis lingered around them, mocked them, so close and yet so far, feeling like she was everywhere at once, and Alexis sharpened her senses and made her mind as alert as it could be. A shiver ran down her spine as she sneaked a gaze past her shoulder, expecting to be stabbed in the back in any moment. The force of Lachesis was truly terrifying, truly immense, and it pulsed through the whole Cloister, causing reality to ripple and warp, as even the great Well of Eternity seemed to quiver and flex, as if attempting to close up and shy away from the primordial titaness.

Clotho trembled violently, looking up with wide-open eyes even as Vesta and Elelyon continued to stabilize her. Blood still sprayed thickly out of her devastated, torn-apart body, and the parasites infecting her were trying to dig all the deeper into her flesh and organs, scampering away from Vesta's blades and from the strange energy coming from Lord God's hands as he whispered and chanted ancient rituals, summoning powerful magic in his aid. "Go away, please... go! Don't worry about me... don't let me ruin everything...!" The primordial goddess begged, but Elelyon only trembled in horror at those words, wishing that he could somehow help her more, help her faster, as he wondered about the special kind of courage and desperation that it took to accept all that agony and offer up one's life for the safety of others. Vesta shushed her gently, even as two massive parasites ripped out of the reptile's back and clawed viciously into her arm, making her snarl in a mix of pain and fury.

"Don't move a muscle!" Lemuel commanded as Atropos slowly floated forwards, grinning sharkishly, and the god of Light visibly shuddered even as he did his best to stand his ground with courage, his great golden hammer crackling with energy and glowing brighter than any sun. Ira stood nearby, one hand raised in defence, with her twin, divine chains at the ready, with the two hook-blades sticking out from beneath the heavy bracelet that Azura had gifted her, and her other hand clutched the handle of Vampira, ready to draw out the great Katana. All around them, a veritable army of Harbingers moved fearlessly closer, and the blindfolded eyes of that unkillable monstrosity stared down at them with such intensity that Alexis felt like they were piercing and drilling into her flesh. "Stay back...!" Lemuel again urged, but Atropos and the Harbingers all fearlessly ignored him, making him release a cry-grunt of horror and fear.

"Shut up, you miserable, puny excuse for a god..." Atropos grumbled, glaring at him with contempt, and the lion let out a cry of shock and pain as thorny black vines immediately sprung to life in his throat, making him choke loudly as the cruel tendrils grew rapidly and thickened almost ferociously, smacking into his teeth from the inside and then ripping up through his lips and palate, making him squirm in discomfort and fear as his jaws were at once forced painfully open and tied shut, as those steel-like roots pierced through his lips and muzzle, coiling all over his face and making him howl in agony as they literally sewed his lips shut. "If I'll ever be interested in your nonsense, I'll ask for it myself, bitch-boy." Atropos mockingly said, grinning predatorily down at the lion and moving another step closer, leaving behind footprints that glowed, burning with terrifying energy, with more ferocity than a thousand Suns put together, consuming the merged, compacted ruins. It was a clear sign of just how titanic Atropos truly was, and the proof that she was restraining and hiding her true sizes... but not the apocalyptic weight of her steps crushing the universe into helpless submission. Lemuel helplessly clawed into the vines that were strangling him, attempting to rip them out of his flesh, but his eyes bulged in agony as the thorny appendages continued to grow within him, invading his insides even as he grabbed into them and used white, holy flames to burn them down to ashes. They grew faster than he could consume them, however, and within a moment he collapsed onto one knee, choking and vomiting up poisoned, toxic ichors that struggled to leak out around the roots in his mouth. Atropos laughed of him, her eyes flashing as she effortlessly hefted him off the ground like he was made of thin air, her telekinetic power easily spinning him upside down like he was a plastic toy, causing his loincloth to flop down in the wrong direction and reveal his heavy balls and fat, long shaft. The primordial goddess stared at that with a mocking smirk, making fun of how shriveled and empty his testicles looked... and streaks rolled down the god's face as he uselessly swung his heavy hammer out, blasting a great beam of pure light in the direction of the dark titaness. It struck into her smoke-like lower body, and with a loud crackle of violent energy, it was almost literally crushed out of existence, all light rapidly eclipsed and devoured into the shapeless darkness as she laughed mockingly.

"Why did you even bring those two useless little faggots with you, Alexis? Amusement purposes, surely...?" Lachesis's voice mocked, and reality trembled with enough violence to cause even Alexis to stumble backwards with a snarl, the ground under their feet losing coherence and beginning to break apart as immense bolts of electricity crackled in the emptiness around them... and then, finally, an enormous, powerful figure rammed through the fabric of reality, effortlessly ripping it apart like it was nothing but a paper tent, causing Space and Time to hurriedly retreat away from her terrifying might.

Lachesis effortlessly walked through the dimensions, not teleporting but almost raping reality into place, forcing it right where she wanted it. She was gigantic, tall enough to watch Alexis in the eyes, and she was gorgeous, and covered in powerful, bulging muscle. The island of ruins beneath them immediately fractured and broke into a cloud of dust and ruins as the heavy, high heeled boots of the Original Titan settled down, slowly, idly, yet with apocalyptic force even as the ultragoddess snickered and teasingly wiggled her toes. Just like Clotho and Atropos, she was somewhat reptilian in looks, but unlike any species that Alexis had seen or could think of. Over most of her body, her scales were small and perfect and overlapping, forming an impenetrable armor that was smooth to the touch, looking almost like skin, leather... latex, even. Her whole body was dark crimson, as if she had just walked out of a pool filled with warm blood, but her scales took on an even darker shade on her forearms, on her abs and legs.

The mighty Creator had a large, regal hood of large, thick, ridged, armor-like scales, and it made her look a bit like a cobra, but the resemblance was only superficial. The great hood seemed to turn into a heavy plate of metal-bone at the front, turning her forehead in a deadly weapon thanks to the overlapping bones that went up the middle of her head, sloped in such a way to form a central ridge as sharp as an execution axe. Bone covered also most of her face, like a mask that wrapped over her muzzle and added large, terrible extra fangs to the sharp, white teeth in her jaws. The heavy bone parts were of a blood-red so dark it almost turned to black under some lights.

Like Atropos, she had features that were only vaguely defined, yet spoke of perfection: she was graceful, like Atropos and more, and the shape of her muzzle was like the sketch of a great artist: incomplete, yet perfect and beautiful. Her eyes were of a wonderful but sinister black color, all-engulfing and yet, somehow, luminous: the little light that wasn't devoured by them but reflected generated a little white glint that was almost hypnotic. Dark and luminous at the same time, her eyes shone through the empty sockets of her bone mask, which was decorated with swirling flames and tribal symbols drawn in gold.

Long, semi-flexible spikes and blade-like scales crowned her head and ran in rows down the back of her hood and neck, and when she flexed, ever so slightly, many other terrifying spikes jutted out of her, turning her backside in a terrifying weapon of torment, even if just for a moment.

Three pair of wings pushed out of her back, and they were a weird but imposing mixture of draconic and bug-like: they were largely made of ethereal flames and looked as thin as bug wings, but they had roots that were mighty, muscular arms ending in great, curved spikes of dark red bone. She had a long, slender tail ending in a heavy harpoon-wedge of dark red bone, and curved, cruel spikes and blades of the same material covered the long appendage, armoring it and turning it into a deadly weapon that could crush and maim and grind out of existence.

Alexis studied with interest the massive weapon that was strapped horizontally across her lower back, secured to a heavy belt made of dark metal and leather. For what she could see, it was a sort of thick, stocky, heavy cleaver sword, not without its own hellish elegance... but what caught her attention the most were the very evident segmentations in the huge blade. It looked like the weapon was composed by a multitude of heavy, terrible blocks of dark metal, sharp and deadly on all sides. They currently were locked together, one into the other, but Alexis had no doubts that the "sword" could break down into segments and become a devastating whip of sorts. She sneaked a look towards Ira, and the cobra's eye glinted a little. Yes, the High Queen of Hell had noticed the same detail, and made a mental note of never undervaluing that monstrous weapon's reach.

Overlapping plates of dark armor were strapped onto her forearms and lower legs, and her muscular, powerful things were clad into heavy leather and metal mesh, but for the rest she was mostly naked, her body on full and unrepentant display. And why should be she ashamed...? She was glorious, and powerful, and her huge body flexed with immense strength as she looked down at Lemuel with contempt, rolling shoulders so stacked with muscles to make him look like a scrawny runt. Her huge, formidable biceps bulged without her needing to flex or move at all, and their glorious size and tone almost literally made Lemuel cry.

Her mighty chest supported to enormous breasts that sat firmly up, unfazed even by the heavy, square golden rings hanging from her large dark red nipples, and her perfect abs bulged with power, leading the gaze all the way down to the gloriously wide base of a cock that was simply gigantic. Lachesis loomed over Lemuel like a mountain, and she rested her hands on her hips, spreading her legs a bit just to silently flaunt her absolute supremacy over him. Her mammoth black shaft and enormous testicles hung down low, amazingly low, the ponderous sack bloated with omnivirile dark gunk, huge balls throbbing with power, their masculine reek hot in the air, overpowering. She tilted her head to the side with a dark smirk of entertainment, her monstrous black member pulsing powerfully and basically mocking them all with the awareness that she was still fully flaccid and had a hell of a lot more to grow. Her beast of a cock was slimy and filthy with a mixture of her own almighty cocksludge and with the stains and remains of victims, and she idly hefted the great member up, stroking it slowly, flaunting its immensity right next to Lemuel's terrified, shriveled dick. "What are you, god-child...? A prepubescent baby...? Or just a complete joke...?" Lachesis mocked, dwarfing the lion's member with her mammoth shaft as her muscular body flexes with power, scales creaking as they stretched across the mountains of bulk and virile dominance that composed her glorious form.

Lemuel let out an inarticulate sound of frustration and rage and fear, and he somehow found the courage or sheer desperation to swing his hammer against the titaness's shin, roaring as energy burst out of his jaws in the form of white fire, consuming the vines that threatened to strangle him. The golden warhammer crackled with great bolts of lightning, glowing with a brilliant, incredible white light, but Lachesis was unfazed and only looked mockingly down at him, stretching one long, powerful leg slightly forwards, as if inviting his strike. The hammer smacked into her ankle, and discharged a monstrous amount of electricity and incandescent light, but Lachesis wasn't even budged from the spot, and before Lemuel could even think about pulling his heavy weapon back for another strike, the great golden head cracked as if it was made of glass, and exploded in a million slivers.

Lachesis snorted mockingly while Atropos laughed loudly, pointing her finger at the terrified god of Light, who stared at the useless handle of his warhammer in something like shell shock, trembling in horror.

"Let go of this child, Atropos. When they are this puny, it isn't even funny anymore." Lachesis contemptibly said, and the obscure goddess obeyed, although with a snort of irritation. She flicked her wrist, and sent Lemuel crashing violently into the shattered ground, so that he sunk through the floating fragments of world, catching himself as best he could and gritting his fangs as he barked: "I'll show you monsters how you fuckin' behave!"

"Yeah, yeah... bark, you lapdog, to hide your lack of teeth." Lachesis mockingly said, stepping right past him and sending ripples through reality every time that her boots settled down, punching glowing craters in the very fabric of Space and Time.

"Leave him alone, Lachesis, and grapple with someone your size." Alexis coldly said, stepping fearlessly forwards, right in front of the titaness, covering Elelyon as he rushed forwards to help his lover out of the crater in which he had sunk. "He can be a bit of a dumbass at times, but he doesn't deserve your bullshit."

"Such attitude, Alexis... I like it." Lachesis easily commented, but her smirk immediately turned cold and savage as she added: "But at the same time, I do not like to be disrespected, so you'd better learn your place, quickly."

"Good luck with trying to teach me." Alexis easily countered, snorting in dark entertainment. The two goddesses stood one in front of the other, their great breasts almost touching, their colossal black members hanging one in front of the other, titanic and unmatched, radiating such hypervirile heat and power that Vesta could feel sweat rolling down her form as she nervously stared at them.

Lachesis's features twitched in fury at that, but the ancient titan nonetheless studied Alexis with great interest, from head to toe and back, admiring her beauty, taking in the glorious size of her muscles, and then grinning widely at the sight of that mammoth shaft and its terrifying flare, wide and vast and monstrously massive. "I'm willing to pardon even your arrogance, Alexis... because I've been waiting for you, for this, for all my life!" Lachesis finally exclaimed, clenching her fists and grinning in intense satisfaction as she began to slowly walk around the ligeress.

Alexis tensed slightly, her hand clutching all the harder at the handle of Wyvern even though she kept the heavy, monumental blade resting tip-down against the ground. It was unnerving to have Lachesis walking around her, but she stood coldly and fearlessly, not even turning her head around to follow her rival's movements. No, she ignored her with coldness... even though on the inside, in her mind, she was trying to take an approximate measure of Lachesis's tremendous power, looking for openings, for weak spots of any kind. Unfortunately, the Original Titan seemed truly and utterly flawless, and the energies she radiated felt even more impressive now that they were just a few feet away from one another. "You are the apex of evolution, Alexis... the perfect champion that I've been dreaming of ever since I put Reality together. I knew, I knew that one day you were going to appear! Powerful, beautiful, perfect... the combination of the best of both worlds, with all the strong points and none of the flaws!"

"That's me." Alexis teasingly replied, before arching an eyebrow and mockingly enquiring: "Which leads us to the actual question: who the hell needs you, now that I'm here? Now that Killer is here?"

"Don't challenge me, Alexis!" Lachesis cruelly hissed, completing her circle around her and glaring at her with flaming eyes. "I will not tolerate your taunting, even though you are the daughter I wanted but couldn't get..." The Primordial Titan turned her gaze onto Clotho at that, and grimaced in disgust and rage and hate at that daughter who had dared standing up to her. Who had birthed and raised up Light as a champion and defender of Light, of Life, of the right of all creatures, even the smallest and weakest, to have a fair chance of evolution, of prosperity and, crucially, of self determination.

Clotho shivered under that cruel gaze, which she knew all too well from the past, and she shifted a bit on the spot, hugging herself in search of some relief and comfort from the terrible wounds that tormented her. Yet, even in front of her terrifying Creator, the scarred, terrified female summoned all of her courage and somehow managed to look up at the Matriarch with an expression which, she hoped, would come across as suitably defiant and challenging.

"Come with me, Alexis!" Lachesis urged, turning her back on Clotho and looking at the ligeress with eyes that burned with lust, desire and utter, terrible greed. "Come with me, and together we will be invincible. Hidden inside you is the key that will bring us to absolute omnipotence... to a new, Ascended form that we... we cannot even imagine, because it is without precedents, and without limits, and without flaws!"

"And again I ask: why should I let you tag along, Lachesis...? I'm the perfect one, not you." Alexis taunted, even though her teeth gritted together in her maws, grinding so hard they nearly cracked. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't read into Lachesis's mind, nor get a good read of her energy signature to try and get a good idea of how to face her, and what assaults she should expect. Both Lachesis and Atropos were so incredibly powerful, so overloaded with energy that her sixth sense couldn't quite get a hold of them: she was overwhelmed by a thousand different ghost images every second, making it confusing instead of helpful. Whenever Lachesis and Atropos moved, Alexis's muscles tensed and prepared for immediate action. Not knowing what was about to happen was an unnerving sensation; one that Alexis had mostly forgotten: she wasn't even sure she remembered when was the last time her "sixth sense" hadn't provided her with key information about the incoming dangers. There had been a time in which she lived and fought like a mortar... or, at least, like a mortal with the strength of a goddess, but it felt like entire ages had passed since those days. Lachesis seemed perfectly aware of Alexis's woes, because she tossed her an eloquent gaze and matching grin.

"Don't be an idiot, Alexis... don't throw your life away. We can rule together, and build a new and greater and better Existence! We can create a new Reality of perfect beings, of ultimate creatures... of herms like us! There will be no more weak females, and no more jokes like the sissy boys that followed you here! No more wasteful parasites unable to give birth to new life!" Lachesis exclaimed, throwing her head back with a sharkish grin and then glaring down at Vesta, at Clotho, at Ira, and at Elelyon and Lemuel, but even at Atropos, who bowed her head as if to beg pardon for the fact that she was a "simple" female. The Original Titan arched her back slightly and flexed, striking an easy pose and showing off the tremendous, obscene power in her hulking muscles, before her fat, monstrous black cock stirred and flexed, swelling even larger as it jumped up in a demonstration of pure, excessive vigor. "Imagine, Alexis! A new start for Life, one in which there will be no genetic dead-ends, no evolutionary deadweights, no weakness, no defects... our physical superiority, our absolute supremacy will impregnate the Nothingness with new and evolved, superior Life!"

"I was born a female. I still am a female, first and foremost. And I'm proud of it. There is no intrinsic weakness in being female... Exactly the opposite, in fact! We are also consistently more big-balled than boys, metaphorically speaking. I just happen to like being able to eclipse the boys physically as well, not just metaphorically." Alexis easily countered, and her lips crested in an amused smirk in front of the evident outrage than seeped in on Lachesis's features, before the Original Titan venomously threatened: "Think carefully about what you say and do, Alexis. We can realize my dream together, as King and Queen, Patriarch and Matriarch of the new Era... or I can do it alone, after tearing what I need out of your pretty body. Don't challenge me, Alexis..."

"Oh, one of us would be king, then...? It would have to be me, clearly." Alexis exclaimed, deliberately mocking Lachesis and then flexing in front of her, showing off her own hulking musculature and pulling up one arm to slowly pump a massive, almighty bicep. "See? I'm bigger." Alexis taunted, before reaching down to seize the base of her thick, heavy, gigantic black cock, hefting up that mammoth shaft and then slowly, arrogantly stroking the neck of it, just below that monstrous, frightening flare that added even more to her already apocalyptic girth. "Did you see how much bigger than you I am, huh...? And it sounds like you've had nothing but disappointments with your daughters. Must be a problem with your semen... it's probably crap. Better to use mine... it never fails."

"How dare you, you arrogant little piece of shit..." Lachesis hissed, her eyes blazing with terrible rage as she reached backwards to grab the handle of her heavy, enormous sword. Atropos growled in fury and aimed her long, terrible polearm against Vesta and Ira, who shifted into easy ready positions and drew their weapons. Vesta's crimson-bladed sickleswords burned like sunsets, while Ira barely produced a whisper as she drew Vampira out of her sheath, pointing the long, thin yet incredibly powerful blade against the glaive of the Primordial.

"You see, Lachesis... I have no problems with the idea of a new and better Era. A new Reality. And I will be there, ruling it. I'll be the Matriarch... and Killer will be the Patriarch. You? You are not needed." Alexis announced, eyes blazing solid sapphire as she effortlessly swung Wyvern up, shifting into her own ready position and savoring the familiar feeling of the adrenaline pumping and of her senses focusing and sharpening to the max. The massive sword glowed with Killer's energies, and she felt them traveling through her arms, giving her even greater confidence... and Wyvern seemed to let out a hungry sound of her own, as the large Imprisonment Crystal in the handle glowed and was crossed by weird, undistinguishable shadows moving inside it.

"So be it." Lachesis coldly muttered, gritting her fangs as she pulled up her tremendous sword, and Atropos grinned maniacally as she spun up her terrible glaive.

"We will try to keep the Harbingers at bay, Alexis." Elelyon promised, and even Lemuel offered a tiny nod, even though there was no enthusiasm on his features. Vesta, Ira and Clotho prepared for the clash as well, and Ira spoke for all three as she whispered: "Focus on Lachesis, Alexis. We will try to deal with Atropos and the Harbingers, to keep it a one on one."

"Thanks." Alexis replied, giving an almost imperceptible nod.

Atropos overeagerly ran forwards, stabbing the glaive against Alexis, but Ira sprinted forwards with perfect timing, drawing one of her Katanas out and swinging it into the massive polearm in the same graceful, powerful movement, knocking the heavy glaive out of the way and immediately sliding forwards to slash her long, thin blade against the Primordial's chest, but the blade seemed to tear through smoke, causing to real damage at all, before Atropos spun and swept her long weapon upwards, forcing Ira to deflect her assault and throw her chain-blades out at the same moment, sending them ripping through an Harbinger which tried to leap onto Alexis's back. Lemuel smacked his hammer into another of the blindfolded monstrosities, and Light erupted from that impact in an enormous blast that vaporized several of the parasitic goddesses and sent many others sprawling. Elelyon, immediately, traced a figure in front of himself that morphed into a white cloud, luminous and beautiful, crackling with white, holy electricity that arched up into his arms and allowed him to throw terrible javelins of lightning into the uncountable beasts that surged forwards from all sides, surrounding them in the middle.

Lachesis shoved a palm forwards, psychic power rippling out of it and tearing through the air to smash into Alexis, slowing down her movements, but the ligeress barreled through with a flex of her great muscles, opposing brutal strength to mental wrath as she hefted Wyvern up with one hand and drew Blue Vixen off her back with the other. Alexis leapt forwards and slashed both enormous weapons against Lachesis, but the Primordial was so fast that she smashed her blade first into Blue Vixen, knocking it wide off target, then into Wyvern, and as their swords clashed in midair, tremendous shockwaves exploded from the impacts, blasting away some of the Harbingers that were already rushing past Elelyon and Lemuel. Alexis let Blue Vixen fly out of her fingers, gripping its handle with her telekinetic reach instead, and the sapphire blade immediately swung up to slam into one of Lachesis's wings as the muscular arms supporting them bent forwards and stabbed their bone spikes against Alexis, forcing the ligeress to retreat with a flap of her flaming wings, before turning to the side with a snarl of irritation as the tentacles of a pair of Harbingers slashed down around her arm, wrestling Wyvern out to the side in a bid to open up her defences for Lachesis to strike. The six wing-arms of the draconic titan were like as many long blades which swung and stabbed forwards with incredible speed, slashing down against Alexis's sides and reaching around her defence thanks to their incredible length, and Alexis grunted as she turned her head around to glare at the blindfolded monsters, causing both of their heads to burst apart in splatters of gore, while golden flames raced down the length of the tentacles wrapped around her arm, incinerating them. Still, that brief distraction was enough to let one of the massive spikes get past Wyvern and Blue Vixen, stabbing deep into her hip and making her roar in pain.

Clotho straightened up with a groan of agony, her body desperately attempting to heal but shivering violently as the toxic gunk filling her wounds consumed the fibers as soon as they regenerated. Even so, she staggered closer to Alexis, pulling both hands up and focusing her energies in her palms, forming two small but incredibly powerful suns that she hurled against the Blindfolded beasts. Tentacles of light erupted from the two burning spheres, and the Primordial grunted in pain but directed them with her eyes and with smooth movements of her arms, sending the incandescent tendrils snapping violently against Lachesis's monstrous guardians.

Alexis reached down with her free hand, grabbing the massive bone spikes buried through her flank, and she twisted hard, trying to break it in two. Amazingly, it resisted, but she yanked it backwards, pulling it out of the wound and hissing as the huge hole in her flesh began to rapidly seal shut as her muscles regenerated. She immediately had to swing Wyvern up as three more of the great spikes lunged down against her face, and she grunted as they smashed into the flat of Wyvern with enough strength to knock her staggering backwards, but she immediately sent Blue Vixen spinning around and chopping hard down into two of the massive arms, cutting deep through armor-scales and adamantine chords of muscle.

Lachesis hissed in rage more than pain, grinning through gritted fangs as she taunted: "Come on, Alexis... show me something better! You'll get nowhere with this... let yourself go!"

Immediately, a solid wave of dark fire erupted from Lachesis's body and smashed into Alexis, blasting her backwards with a grunt of surprise and pain as fire washed over her form, but when Lachesis stabbed her massive blade forwards, Alexis caught it with a swing of Wyvern... before reaching for the hidden triggers inside the heavy handle, squeezing them both and sending the two Azura blades springing violently out. Her eyes flashed with energy, adding her telekinetic force to push the two long, rectangular cleavers stabbing forth into Lachesis's chest, and this time the Primordial had to hurriedly retreat, bringing her huge blade up in defence and grunting as the impact smacked her out of balance.

Alexis lunged forwards and exploited the moment, swinging the massive mass of Wyvern: even with the Azura blades now floating around her, swung by her telekinetic force, the main blade of Killer's monstrous weapon was still a colossal lump of supernatural metal, supercharged with his energies and with those of Nature as a whole. The colossal weapon slammed into Lachesis with a hammer blow that knocked the Primordial falling down against the broken island of ruins, smashing right through it, her back tearing through great boulders that had literally been born out of entire worlds being viciously crumpled up together... but the Primordial only snarled in rage and made a shoving gesture with her arms, causing what was left of the Ring of Ruins to explode upwards in a gigantic storm of meteors that, instead of falling, shot skywards. Alexis grunted and shoved her palm out, forming a large shield of sapphire energy that was immediately rattled by the impacts of a million broken worlds and extinguished stars, and she was slammed backwards, her arms trembling with the sheer ferocity of the hits as cracks spread through the barrier. And then Lachesis shot up from beneath her, snapping her sword-whip upwards and causing the blade to break down into an endless succession of spade-shaped blades connected by a flexible, heavy chain. The massive whip cut literally through Reality, causing great bolts of terrible energy to explode loudly out of the pierced planes of Time and Space, and Alexis winced in agony as the long blade smacked into Wyvern and arched right past, above her head, before launching down to strike into her back, ripping through her wings and yanking her downwards.

All six of Lachesis's wing-spikes stabbed forwards in a terrible, combined blow, nearly knocking Wyvern out of her grip, and when Alexis's hands recoiled hard to the side, leaving her abdomen exposed, Lachesis yanked the whip back, ripping it out of the ligeress's flesh and causing the "spades" to clang back together in a monolithic, enormous blade that she immediately stabbed forwards. Alexis hissed in agony, blood spraying out of her back and of her shoulder, but she still managed to throw herself sideways, avoiding that assault, while Blue Vixen and the Azura blades smacked the six spikes away, causing them to splay open around Lachesis like the legs of a spider. Both goddesses swung their heavy swords again, clashing in another galaxy-annihilating impact, and Ira found herself gazing up in awe, shivering in literal fear at the sight not of the two gigantic herm goddesses, but of the shockwaves that made reality ripple whenever they struck at each other. The two titans moved way too fast to be properly seen, and the others could only see the great wounds left by their movements in the fabric of Space and Time. Alexis and Lachesis put each other's strengths to a savage test as their swords clanged furiously together, again and again and again, both herms seeking a breach in the other's defence. Muscles bulged explosively, eyes blazed with terrifying psychic power, but Alexis gritted her fangs with a snarl of frustration as the ghost-images in her head became less and less timely and reliable with every moment that passed. Lachesis moved with such rapidity that it was almost impossible to foresee her moves, and she radiated too much malignant energy to be able to read it. The draconic beast grinned widely, guessing Alexis's difficulty, and she immediately swung her free hand up, spraying a whole burst of daggers of dark energy against her, in the middle of a furious exchange of blows. Alexis instinctively swung to the side to avoid them, but she realized almost in the same instant that she had picked the wrong side, as Atropos spun around with a savage grin, slashing her glaive up against her back. Vesta immediately swept down from above and slashed her sickleswords down, hooking into the pole and yanking it back away from Alexis, but the dark, semi-shapeless Primordial glared at her, and the eyes of the High Queen of Heaven bulged and lost their vitality for a moment, her mouth gaping open and a breathless shriek of agony coming silently out of her throat.

Psychic rage tore through her head with an intensity that nearly overwhelmed her, and Atropos swung back her polearm and smashed it across her chest, battering Vesta away and, in the same graceful movement, stabbing the great weapon against her.

It tore into one of her huge breasts, making her hiss in pain, but Vesta threw herself backwards and created a ball of golden flames, cocking it back and throwing it hard against Atropos, but the terrible entity grinned toothily and breathed a dark fog against it, corrupting the energy, changing its signature and turning the fire black and toxic. It exploded in a tremendous blast that send black flames arching against Vesta and Alexis both, but Clotho shoved a hand forwards and sent a wave of her own force spreading in their direction, acting like a shield against which the flames crashed.

Immediately, Vesta slammed her swords into the wall and caused it to explode forth in a multitude of sharp daggers that pelted Atropos at close range... but the Primordial moved with such speed and grace that her glaive swung in the way of most of them, knocking them wide off the mark.

Alexis fired a long burst of supercharged bullets out of the machine gun hidden into Blue Vixen's handle, but Lachesis effortlessly froze them all in midair and sent them rushing against Ira with a flick of her wrist, forcing the cobra to hurriedly dodge even as she used her twin Katanas to parry the vicious lunges of Atropos... and Alexis snarled in fury, slashing Blue Vixen down against her opponent's arm but clanging violently against the sword-whip as Lachesis snapped it hard upwards. Two large, black-fleshed tentacles burst out of Alexis's arm and twisted towards the Primordial, but the draconic creature seemed to grin as she allowed them to coil powerfully against her own limb, only to cause all of them to burst into fire, so violently that they almost immediately broke down into ashes, before Alexis instinctively clawed at her head as a blast of psychic rage crashed into her with full force, smashing her backwards.

Atropos grinned at that, and immediately shoved a hand out towards Alexis, sending black, terrible flames erupting all over her form, making her snarl in pain, even as she reached up to grapple with Lachesis, wrestling back the terrible talons of the original Primordial.

Ira immediately punished Atropos for the interference, exploiting her distraction to drive Vampira and Arctica past her glaive and slashing them across her chest, ripping two deep gashes into the black beast's form... only for them to rapidly seal back up, with no blood pouring out at all.

"What the hell are you made of...?" Ira muttered, growling furiously as she deflected a swing of the heavy glaive and then spun sideways with graceful power, slashing out a kick that caught the Primordial in the hip and sent her crashing out to the side.

Lachesis focused a huge amount of dark energy in one hand, and then pushed her palm skywards, sending it all erupting not towards Alexis, but towards several of the Harbingers circling around them, and the ligeress gritted her fangs in fury as she saw that energy arching from one to another like electricity, melting every blindfolded beast it touched but only getting stronger before it exploded down from above, striking in multiple directions, bombarding them with savage force.

Alexis braced for impact just before the enormous black lightning struck, and she let out a howl of agony as that tremendous energy tore through her form while she wrestled against it, using Wyvern to push back against the bolt that wanted to crush her.

Other, smaller bolts smashed into Elelyon and Lemuel, and black electricity nearly burned them to ashes, sending them falling bonelessly down into the courtyard of one of the floating castles, crashing into the stone-plated walkways. Ira felt the immense rush of energy aiming for her back, but she couldn't move out of the way because she was locked in a never-ending exchange of strikes with Atropos, and her Katanas were having a hard time while trying to deflect the glaive away from her. The High Queen of Hell threw up a wall of fire around herself, which rapidly exploded upwards and downwards, becoming a safety capsule against which the lightning smashed with its full force... and Atropos cackled, stabbing her glaive right through the flames, ripping through the capsule from side to side.

The wall of fire burst apart a moment later, but Ira had exploited the moment to teleport behind Atropos... but even that was useless, because the dark Primordial spun around with a grin, somehow knowing exactly where to strike, and the long, almost Katana-like blade of her glaive caught Ira in the chest and cut deep into her flesh, sending the cobra crashing through space, where another immense black bolt struck her with its full force, sending her down in a smoldering heap.

Clotho rushed forwards to her rescue, but the black electricity tore through her form as well, and caused her already weakened body to tremble uncontrollably as her flesh was consumed and charred... before Vesta swung in, just in time to beat back the hordes of drooling, mutant Harbingers that greedily charged forth to devour the wounded.

Other black bolts crashed down from above, and Vesta grunted as she slashed her sickleswords into them, deflecting them away from her and gritting her fangs at the agony that tore through her system as the dark electricity crackled down her whole form, causing her muscles to spasm uncontrollably. Atropos grinned widely as she spotted that opening, rushing forwards and dragging her terrible weapon behind her before sweeping it up in a wide cut. Vesta saw it coming, but she was barely able to control her body at all, and she lashed out with a blast of telekinetic force, which smacked into the black Primordial but caused little damage. The long, curved blade chopped into Vesta's side and shoved her around like a doll, making her howl in pain as Atropos laughed and swung her weapon hard upwards, tossing the queen of Heaven high into the air... before Vesta managed to slash one of her sickleswords downwards, deflecting the black discharge of destructive energy right against her rival, sending her crashing down through the center of the Cloister.

Harbingers swarmed forwards like locusts, however, and Alexis gritted her fangs as a multitude of the bestial, mutated divinities lunged against her from every direction at once, clawing and stabbing into her mighty body. She snarled in pain and fury, her eyes shutting closed and fangs gritted painfully as she guided the swords that orbited around her, using them to cut the beasts down to pieces, but more and more kept coming, and their blades pierced into her from all sides. Alexis kicked violently into the tangle of bodies, cracking bones like twigs, and massive, spiked tentacles burst out of her muscular back and arms to whip-lash into the horde, grinding together and spinning rapidly to crush Harbingers into bloody mush, while other great tentacles stabbed through their bodies and skewered the blindfolded goddesses, flailing behind her heavily loaded with the bloody ornaments, looking like strings of candy. Even so, they kept assaulting her, and Lachesis grinned darkly as she launched in for another savage assault... but Alexis braced and clung all the harder to Wyvern's handle, wrestling against the tremendous power of the lightning bolts crashing down into the blade. She roared as she flexed her muscles and began to spin around, rapidly picking up speed and almost dragging the lightning bolt through the sky, before she slashed Wyvern hard downwards and sent it exploding against Lachesis.

The Primordial grunted in shock at the sight of the immense globe of black energy incoming, and she hurriedly reached up to try and stop it, catching it in her hand... before Alexis shoved her palm forwards and blasted out a second tremendous blast of force, golden and incandescent, sending it down through the lightning bolt. The resulting explosion smacked Lachesis backwards like a ragdoll, sending her falling across the Cloister until she crashed into one of the remaining two castles, tearing through a bastion like it was made of paper and tearing back-first through the massive walls before finally sinking deep into the floating island of stone that served as foundation for the fortress.

Alexis panted roughly, coughing up blood and glaring down at the castle as a great cloud of dust slowly swelled up from the collapsing structure, and even as her body crackled and smoldered with the black electricity still cursing through her nervous system, she formed a multitude of small but dense spheres of golden energy that she tossed down against the castle, blowing the great towers into rubble that crashed down onto Lachesis, burying her under mountains of dark stone. Harbingers still swarmed around her, but her tentacles and floating swords held them at bay for the moment, especially as great arches of black electricity violently tore out of her to zap anything and anyone which got too close... but her relief was short-lived, because her instinct screamed at her, and she turned around to gape in shock at the sight of the second and last floating castle falling down against her at brutal speed, even as its tall towers crumbled and the attrite caused a wall of fire to nearly envelop the whole island, turning it into a colossal meteor.

Alexis immediately attempted to teleport out of the trajectory, but Lachesis smashed her way out of the mountain of ruins and ripped her talons into reality, ripping through the fabric of time with enough ferocity to trap the ligeress between glowing walls of crystallized time. Alexis turned around with a grunt, pushing her arms up to shove against that oversized projectile about to smash into her, and Lachesis laughed loudly as she flicked her wrist and sent the other island rushing upwards as well, her eyes flashing with dark entertainment as the two castles slammed one into the other, disintegrating in a colossal cataclysm, with Alexis trapped right in the middle.

Ira looked at the tremendous devastation with a snarl of horror and rage, picking herself up and flying fast in that direction, swinging her chain-blades out to slice a swath of blood and destruction through hordes of Harbingers that were already crawling over the massive planetoid of rubble, looking for remains of Alexis. The cobra whip-lashed her chains into their ranks, ripping their bodies apart, and Clotho also staggered forwards, arms spread wide and shields of energy extending from each limb, protecting Elelyon and Lemuel as the two bloodied, broken gods hurled javelins of light and electricity against the charging blindfolded beasts. Vesta tried to get closer as well, but Atropos was an insane, insatiable fury who seemed to feel no pain, and her glaive continued to slash and stab forwards at frightening speed, forcing her to reply, blow by blow.

Lachesis grinned and clapped her hands with glee at the sight of the gigantic piles of ruins crumpled and melted together, turned almost into a sort of new planet of obsidian, granite and adamantine stone, and she snapped her whip against Ira... but a roar came from within the planetoid, and a massive, glowing crack spread from one pole to the other before the whole moon exploded into boulders and daggers of sharp stone as Alexis floated forwards with a snarl, eyes blazing with psychic fury.

The tremendous meteors of rubble shot against Lachesis like missiles, but the Primordial effortlessly turned them all into nothing but clouds of sand and dust as she unleashed a solid blast of telekinetic force. The Primordial and Alexis clashed again, viciously, and the ligeress gritted her fangs in frustration as she saw that the wounds on the draconic beast's body were already healed and gone, completely erased, as if they had never existed at all. Lachesis was not just hard to hit and harder still to properly damage, but she also regenerated dramatically quickly, which made her almost unkillable... and Alexis grunted as her own wounds regenerated, sealing up and keeping her in the fight, but not quite quickly enough to let her match the ancient titan. Lachesis grinned widely at that obvious difference, her eyes blazing with cruel satisfaction and terrible energy as she glared at the wounds on Alexis's mighty, hulking frame... and all of them were violently torn open wider, dark fire bursting to life into them, making the ligeress snarl in agony and arch her back... before she sent the Azura blades slashing down with such ferocity that Lachesis was knocked out of balance for a moment, and she followed up with a tremendous swing of Wyvern, cutting into the Titaness's chest hard enough to nearly tear a breast right off.

Lachesis hissed in fury and pain, flexing her great musculature, and Wyvern was pushed backwards, out of her body, despite the best efforts of Alexis to push in the opposite direction... before the Primordial snapped her whip out, and the ligeress was forced to move out of the way, dodging to the side.

In that moment, a tremendous ripple went through reality and they all instinctively looked up, trying to understand what tremendous cataclysm, what phenomenal force had caused it... and their eyes were drawn up to the breach in the wall of black holes as a new and behemothic energy signature, monstrous and divine, corrupted and ferocious, filled all of their senses. Their eyes widened as they clearly saw the outline of the titan's form, showing clearly through even the barrier. The stench of death mixed with overwhelming hypervirility began to poison the Cloister as the titanic monster took position outside. Both the masculine musk and the energy signature in the air had something truly familiar about them, so much so that for a brief moment even Alexis doubted that Killer might have arrived... but it soon became clear that the monstrosity outside was actually Cerberus. A mutated, evolved, monstrous Cerberus somehow injected with great amounts of Killer's essence.

Even Lachesis paused for a moment, looking up with a gape of surprise as she muttered: "How did he get this strong...? How did he evolve so much in such a little time...?"

Cerberus stirred, and the power in his titanic form was truly godlike, truly monstrous: Killer's hyperpotent essence had clearly flooded the usurper's veins and corrupted, warped and evolved his body in ways that could hardly be fathomed... and that same power was continuing to expand even greater and more pestilent. Hordes of immense parasite-beasts crawled out of Cerberus's body and began to all but swarm into the breach in the barrier, causing even Atropos to grimace as the turned to glare in that direction. Fully formed Horrors, each with enough power to slaughter gods like they were blades of grass, were pouring into the Cloister and swarming through the space outside, as well. Alexis could feel the energy signatures of countless lesser gods and their armies of disciples and servants, and more and more kept arriving. Her eyes narrowed and a grunt of fury rumbled out of her chest at the realization that, somehow, Cerberus had opened portals not just for himself, but for the whole Swarm as well. And now, in front of the amazement of Lachesis, Cerberus began to devour enormous space battleships like they were toys, consuming all their energy and even their very mass, absorbing it all into his monstrous body to sustain itself and continue evolving into even more tremendous forms. Through the breach, Alexis could already see enormous swarms of angry Horrors landing on the starships of the Swarm and ripping through them like they were made of paper. Within moments, great spaceships began to disappear, crushed and crumpled, bent into the shape of pretzels... and at the very same time, some truly colossal tentacles stretching out of Cerberus arched up and smashed their way through the breach, invading the Cloister and then whip-lashing in the opposite directions, hooking into the broken ends of the barrier and forcing it open even wider.

"He's... too powerful. More powerful than anticipated. And he's continuing to evolve!" Lachesis grumbled, looking surprised, but not entirely displeased. Amazed, but not scared. She only gritted her teeth in a snarling grin as the monstrous, mutant behemoth forced more of his tentacles through the breach, and those colossal appendages wandered into the Cloister before splitting open at the extremity, colossal quadruple jaws spreading wide and then clamping down on the supermassive cores of the Black Holes of the barrier, yanking them out of the "wall". The colossal beast out in space grew even greater, right in front of them, his form burning with such terrifying energy that it somehow glowed even through the barrier of Black Holes, letting them stare at the colossal tentacles as they lashed out against what was left of the Swarm, which now looked pathetic and doomed. The great starships hurriedly turned around to attempt a desperate, impossible escape, but they were dragged back through the emptiness and consumed. Hundreds, thousands of divinities combined their powers to try and strike Cerberus hard enough to force him back, but they were like bugs attempting to budge a mountain. And as the horrendously mutated body of Cerberus evolved violently and expanded, even more Horrors poured out of the filthy hives within him.

"Keep those parasites out of the Cloister!" Lachesis coldly commanded, tossing a glare in the direction of one of her countless unthinking, never hesitant, blindfolded servants. Harbinger nodded and bowed deeply, and immediately, countless of her manifestations rushed towards the breach, battling back the Horrors and then even pushing out into space, to half aid, half restrain the titanic ex-mortal.

Alexis growled in frustration and fury at that, as the energy-images in her mind showed her the steady, dramatic increase in Cerberus's tremendous, sick, pestilent power as he half-consumed, half-used the Black Holes as weapons. The immense tentacles, now ending in huge, insatiable Black Holes, tore back out of the barrier and swung viciously through the fleets of the Swarm, swallowing up entire groups of starships in mere instants, consuming all the gods and disciples they carried and turning them into food. Their energies, their abilities, their mass, they all flooded into Cerberus, making him grow even further and faster. And Alexis knew that Killer was out there, and would have to go through Cerberus to get to them... something that Lachesis fully realized, as well. The ancient titan grinned widely, looking down at Alexis with savage satisfaction as she mockingly commented: "You know, I like that mortal out there. He is still nothing but a mortal idiot, despite all the tools and whistles and bells... you can't change a minnow into an ultragod, no matter what. He is just too puny to hold up without being crushed by his own power. But I still like how far he managed to get! In many ways, he is more of an example of Evolution than even you, Alexis!"

The Primordial Goddess then looked up with a wide smirk as new and burning, glorious energy signatures entered their perception, and Alexis tensed on the spot as she immediately recognized Killer's presence, and then, all around him, those of the Disciples and Praetorians.

"Looks like your beloved mate is here, Alexis... and I have to wonder why you prefer him over me. He is just an imperfect, incomplete being. A male. Who needs one...? We are far better than him." Lachesis taunted, grinning sharkishly, and the ligeress spat out a thick splatter of blood and ichors, trying to clear her mouth from the taste of suffering as she muttered: "Clearly you've not had a chance to take a good, long look at him."

"Oh, but I have, actually. What I see is far from amazing: even with all that power at his disposal, in all this time he has accomplished less than Cerberus has in a just a few short weeks. He is limited, like all males. He is not needed for the future." Lachesis countered, before grinning with savage satisfaction as she again turned towards Harbinger, adding slyly: "There is, however, one good thing that Alexis's dear boyfriend will do for me. He will rid me of the Cerberus problem. Harbinger, all you have to do is make sure he can't sneak into the Cloister before I'm... ready to receive him."

Alexis snarled in denial at that, swinging an arm up and focusing waves of tremendous, incandescent energy in a beam that tore through the endless horde of Harbingers, dissolving dozens of them into nothing but ugly smoke, but many others managed to get away nonetheless, rushing out through the breach in the dark wall and charging against Killer.

Alexis flew after them, determined to cut them down to pieces, but Lachesis followed, grinning darkly and slashing her whip against her, smacking her downwards with a great spray of blood... and then grappling viciously in hand to hand combat, the two herms wrestling for a moment in a duel of pure strength, which ended when Alexis managed to bend Lachesis's arm out of the way, cracking the bone inside it and then letting go of it to ball her hand into a fist and smash it into her face instead.

Lachesis's features were smashed inwards, her bone-mask cracking... but it all immediately regenerated, again, so quickly that the growing, hardening new bone on the draconic beast's forehead pushed her knuckles backwards.

"It doesn't matter how much you try, Alexis... I'm not letting you go." Lachesis taunted, swinging her massive sword forwards, and again the two goddesses clashed, brutally, violently, each impact sending ripples through the vast emptiness of space. The battle raged on and on, but every time that Alexis thought she had landed a good hit, Lachesis's incredible regeneration cancelled everything she had achieved. Again and again Alexis tried to head for the breach, but Lachesis and Atropos kept racing ahead and standing in the way, and Ira and Vesta, despite their best efforts, could not quite hold back both Atropos and the hordes of mutating Harbingers. It was a savage, frustrating and exhausting fight in which the assaults came from every direction at once, and even Alexis's superior mind couldn't keep track of it all.

It felt like an eternity of torment, and her eyes kept darting towards the breach, where another equally desperate struggle was raging on... and it was in one of those moments of apparent distraction that Lachesis lunged forwards with a grin, opening her jaws and roaring out a scream that sent sonic waves tearing through the immensity of space and, much more painfully, through Alexis's mind. Psychic hate smashed into her and made her snarl in pain as images barraged her mind, filling it with horror, with pain, with things her brain failed to process and, above all, with images of Cerberus smashing his talons through Killer's chest, clamping down on his heart and killing him with a brutal squeeze.

Alexis howled in fury and denial at that vision, shaking her head violently to clear her mind and hopefully bring her eyes back to seeing reality for what it was truly like... and Lachesis grinned darkly and slashed her massive blade up towards her face.

Alexis's free hand snapped upwards with incredible speed, however, and caught the blade by its edge, amazingly stopping it dead motionless in midair even as blood cascaded down from her nearly severed fingers... before the ligeress et out a roar of pain, frustration and exhaustion, all of her strength exploding forwards in a formidable shove that sent Lachesis sprawling backwards with a grunt of shock... which became a cry of agony as Alexis proved lightning fast, seizing Wyvern's handle with both hands and slashing it up with such tremendous force that it finally managed to rip deep into Lachesis's hip, biting deeper than ever before.

Deep enough, in fact, to make Lachesis's eyes bulge in shock, her jaws gaping slightly as she glared down at the wound as if it was a new and utterly bizarre thing... before gritting her fangs as Alexis snarled and yanked on Wyvern with all of her strength, cutting further through her thought-invulnerable form. The gigantic blade glowed with Alexis's and with Killer's energies, and the bloodied features of the empress hardened as she gritted her fangs with a snarl and flexed, muscles bulging explosively as the crimson blade began to tear through Lachesis, inch by inch, ripping a terrible gouge through her side and up through her abdomen, making the great Titaness gape in agony and shock. Lachesis's wing-arms clicked forwards with terrible ferocity, stabbing against the ligeress, and Alexis couldn't move out of the way without letting go of Wyvern. There was nowhere to go, and no time to even try and dodge. Massive tentacles erupted out of her back and shot up against those deadly spears of bone, coiling around them and wrestling them backwards, bending two of the wings backwards in a way that made the bones crack audibly and caused Lachesis to let out a growl of fury... and Blue Vixen and the Azura blades, floating around Alexis, slashed hard against the other spikes, deflecting, slamming them back, sending sparkles flying in every direction together with sharp slivers of bone and fragments of incandescent, divine crystal-metal. Lachesis grunted at the sight of the blood that finally burst thickly out of her torn-apart side, but her body still insisted on regenerating almost quicker than Alexis could inflict damage, so that the Primordial shook her head in mocking disapproval and commented: "How do you think to resist me and turn down my offer if you can't even properly put some hurt on me...?

Alexis ignored her and leaned forwards on Wyvern, ripping the blade harder up through Lachesis's abdomen, nearly disemboweling her, but as soon as the blade ripped an inch forwards, the wound left gaping behind it rapidly closed up and healed.

"I know this is not the best you can do, though... So tell me, why do you and Killer hold back, Alexis?" Lachesis taunted, even through her voice finally trembled, strained by the effort as she reached down to grab the edge of Wyvern, pushing on it, forcing it back away from her, wrestling against the ligeress's tremendous strength.

Alexis's eyes flashed with a mix of rage and fear at that question, her head pounding violently as Darkness brutalized her memories and her self-awareness. She got a glimpse of him... of her... of Black Alexis, mighty and perfect and beautiful, flawless and bigger, stronger, better than her in every way. She saw the crimson-haired mistress claw into the nodes of her memory, and she tried to lash out against her, tried to fight her away from her thoughts... but it was impossible to fight two battles of that magnitude at once. Her concentration broke, and her vision faded for a terrible moment, lost somewhere halfway between the outside world and the abyss of her mind and soul.

"My son is still trying to take over, huh...?" Lachesis mocked, grinning sharkishly as she flicked her wrist and summoned her whip-sword back to her hand, easily grabbing the handle and flexing in satisfaction and supreme confidence as the heavy, colossal weapon immediately thrummed with dark power, and the blade detached into segments, falling down in all its terrifying length. "Yes... I can feel the agony in your mind. I can feel his presence... Ah! The irony! When I had lost all hopes of him ever being useful in any way, he suddenly proves not completely worthless!"

The draconic titaness slashed her terrifying whip against Alexis, and two of the great blade-segments chopped into her thigh, three more finding their mark up across her back, causing the goddess to let out a cry of anguish... but Blue Vixen swung in the way, and the whip clanged into the sapphire blade, loudly clanging against the supercharged crystal-metal. Lachesis grunted in irritation, half-wrapping the flexible metal rope of the whip around her forearm and yanking viciously backwards, and Alexis's eyes bulged in shock at the terrible pain as the great blades tore deep, bloody trenches across her hip and back.

Blue Vixen slashed viciously sideways, however, yanking the chain in the opposite direction, and Alexis gritted her fangs and flexed her hulking musculature, pushing the cruel chunks of metal out of her with such phenomenal strength that they all but groaned and partially deformed.

Blue Vixen yanked the whip-sword outwards, wide off target, and at the same time pointed her sharp tip at Lachesis's face, blasting out a long burst of energy supercharged-bullets, sending the meteor-like projectiles crashing into her jaws and into her bone mask.

Lachesis stumbled backwards with a cry of shock, dark blood bursting out of her eyes and splinters of crimson bone flaking off her mask as she let out a grunt of pain... before she furiously began to yank her whip back, twisting her wrist and causing the long, segmented weapon to spin, dragging Blue Vixen in the circle and turning into a sort of terrible hook at the end of the chain.

She cackled cruelly as she snapped the chain violently against Vesta as the High Queen charged forwards to aid Alexis, and Blue Vixen stabbed brutally into the Seraphim's wings, tearing through two of them and finally hooking into the goddess's shoulder, making her howl in anguish.

"You... Darkness... Atropos... it doesn't matter... no matter what you do, no matter how many you are... we will still come out on top!" Alexis snarled, as her eyes flashed and the two floating Azura blades shot forwards like arrows. Lachesis grunted in shock at the sight, shifting around to shield herself with one arm, and then letting out a roar of pain as the long, heavy sword pierced right through her forearm and stabbed into one of her breasts, nailing her arm to her chest and sending blood spraying out in a thick jet. Before she could react, the second Azura blade slammed into her other breast, and, much to her horror, it managed to pierce through her impenetrable scales, burying deep through her muscles and flesh... and then, before she could react, both weapons pulsed ominously and glowed with a ghastly, terrible energy.

Lachesis let out a howl of shock, pain and rage as the full, terrible force of Death and Destruction crackled down those heavy blades and shot into her with crushing force, all but sending her recoiling backwards.

Her eyes bulged in agony and surprise, and they darted towards the damaged wall of Black Holes, a grunt of realization coming out of her throat as she spotted a new figure, a new energy signature burning brightly on the other side of the wall. Azura had somehow returned to life, and now her full power channeled through the swords. Death itself. The pure, unadulterated force of Destruction and renewal.

Two of the massive wing-spikes, no longer confronted by the Azura blades, snapped down on Alexis and stabbed savagely into her back, making her grunt as blood spurted out of her mouth, but the muscular goddess did not relent, even as her whole body shuddered. She seized into Wyvern's handle with both hands and twisted her whole body sideways, shoving upwards with a roar, and the enormous blade tore upwards, diagonally through Lachesis's torso, slicing open her abs and tearing all the way up to beneath one huge breast.

The draconic titan let out a roar of fury and pain, yanking hard on her sword-whip and sending Vesta crashing violently into a group of Harbingers as Blue Vixen tore a way through her shoulder, sending a cloud of blood spreading through the darkness of space. The whip violently snapped against Alexis's back, but this time the goddess spun on the spot and swung Wyvern all the harder upwards, until the sword ripped through Lachesis's side and sent the titan falling away through the darkness. Immediately, the chain twisted the wrong way, losing its monstrous momentum, and Alexis grunted and instinctively held up one hand, gripping into the fabric of time and creating a bubble of stillness all around Blue Vixen. The chain messily coiled and hooked up around the sapphire blade began to visibly rot and decay as Alexis's eyes glowed... and then the ligeress reached forwards and seized the handle of her sword, yanking it free and pointing it against Lachesis, unleashing another long burst of armor-piercing rounds, supercharging them with focused energy and gritting her teeth with a snarl as she sent them pummeling into the titaness, hammering into her face, into her breasts, knocking her back against the wall of Black Holes.

Lachesis grunted as the supermassive cores dragged her downwards, and the Azura blades continued to torment her with discharges of destructive, malignant force that caused even her mighty muscles to spasm violently. She crashed into the obscure wall of the Cloister, snarling in fury as she struggled against the tremendous force of the gravitational fields of the black holes, and Alexis immediately charged after her. She wasn't going to stay down for long, and Alexis wanted to exploit that brief chance while it lasted.

"Alexis, watch out!" Elelyon howled, and she also heard Ira's voice from further away, but before she could turn around, Atropos warped the fabric of time and charged out through a fold in Reality, lunging her terrible glaive forwards. The long, deadly blade went up straight for the back of Alexis's neck, but one of the ligeress's tentacles twisted downwards and smacked into the massive polearm, knocking it down at the last moment. Atropos still cackled in savage satisfaction as her massive weapon pierced into the base of Alexis's back, and she shoved forwards with all the brutality she could muster, fighting against the ligeress's adamantine musculature which flexed and tried to push back even against the huge blade.

Alexis hissed in anguish as she was slammed hard against the wall of Black Holes, which all pulled on her with such strength that she felt like they would rip her flesh and muscles right off her bones. Atropos twisted her tremendous weapon into the wound, making her gasp in agony, and Alexis's great tentacles swung down with a vengeance, smashing into the dark titaness and biting viciously into her upper body, the terrible jaws at the end of each tentacle ripping great chunks of black matter off her bones.

Ira immediately charged forwards as well, swinging her arm upwards and sending her divine chains ripping through space all the way to Atropos's back: the hooked blades at the end of the Lace of Lust and of the Chain of Discipline tore into the Titaness's muscles and the long chains coiled several times around her, before the Lace burst into supernatural flames, more incandescent than any Sun, while the Chain crackled with supernatural, tremendous bolts of electricity. "Come back here, we aren't done yet!" Ira furiously roared, yanking both chains back and dragging Atropos through the darkness, but the smoke-like, shapeless lower body of the Primordial mutated once more, lengthening and growing tremendously, becoming a colossal snake that jutted with millions of claw-like hands, with taloned, long, sinister fingers that greedily grabbed at the nothingness... before that colossal tail swung up and smashed into Ira like some sort of colossal hammer, knocking the cobra away with a roar of pain.

Ira grabbed into her chains, however, and yanked herself forwards, exploiting them to get out of the way just in time to avoid the endless, mortal coils that were about to crush her in the middle. The black snake still reared angrily upwards, half coiling around the chains, and the countless hands grabbed into them, yanking on them to drag Ira down... and the cobra let herself fall, stabbing Vampira into the black monstrosity and slicing it open. There was no blood to be spilled, however, and the great snake tail cleanly cut in half down the middle before morphing into a terrible mouth, a set of jaws that snapped closed onto the High Queen of Hell, great fangs ripping through her body and making her howl in agony.

"How do you like that, you petulant little girl...?" Atropos snarled, looking up with horrible, vengeful glee. "Trying to destroy destruction? Good luck with that! I can't be destroyed!"

"We'll see about that." Killer coldly hissed, even as blood bubbled up out of her throat as Atropos's glaive pierced right through her, smashing its way out of her abs and nailing her against the Black Holes. She twisted her wrists, spinning both Wyvern and Blue Vixen around under her armpits, and she stabbed both weapons backwards with all of her strength, burying the huge blades through Atropos's chest and causing the Primordial to splutter breathlessly, all four her eyes bulging in shock as Alexis pushed harder upwards and hefted her up higher.

Ira exploited the moment and rammed her shoulder into the jaws of darkness that were chewing on her, bulldozing her way through and stumbling out with a growl of pain and fury, blood spurting out of her wounds as she focused her energies and sent them crackling down her chains. The hands that were clutching at her chains exploded into splatters of dark, ugly pulp, and she immediately cocked her arm backwards, calling the chains back to her wrist, before slashing them out again. The two blades hooked into the pole of Atropos's glaive, and the heavy chains curled up several times around it, allowing Ira to immediately yank hard backwards.

Alexis hissed breathlessly, closing her eyes for a brief instant at the agony and at the sudden, horrible suction sound that her wounds made as the terrible glaive was forcefully dragged back out of her flesh... but she immediately threw herself backwards, slamming into Atropos and flexing, gritting her fangs in vengeful rage as golden, incandescent bone-spikes and black, terrifying tentacles jutted out of her powerful back and tore through Atropos's form, piercing her from side to side. The tentacles reared high up into the air, each one morphing into a terrifying beast armed with heavy, oversized jaws... and then those monstrosities curved savagely downwards and bit into the Primordial, yanking, tearing, savaging large chunks of her body away.

"N... nice... try...!" Atropos furiously hissed, and even though her voice was broken by the pain, her vital force was unfazed, and her tremendous strength unchanged as she wrapped her arms around Alexis, bear-hugging her and shoving her hard forwards, smashing her once more against the Black Holes, while the strange black flames covering her form consumed and tormented Alexis's flesh. "But I can keep taking your blows over and over and over again. You can continue killing me, as many times as you want... but it will make no difference at all!" Atropos cackled, before shifting her arms upwards to grab Alexis's head in a full nelson, clawing into her neck and trying to snap her spine into two. "I only need to kill you once, Alexis... and I will. No matter how many times you tear through me..."

"Enough with this game, Alexis!" Lachesis boomed, and she flexed her enormous musculature, kicking herself off the wall of Black Holes and reaching up with her free hand to grab the handle of one of the Azuras, hissing in pain as Death's energies raged through her body and caused her arm to spasm uncontrollably and smolder, but she slowly and surely yanked the great blade back out of her body.

Atropos cackled with savage glee, twisting hard sideways and yanking Alexis off the wall, and the ligeress gritted her fangs and dragged her swords hard forwards, then stabbed them viciously back down to the hilt inside the dark titan, and did it again, and again... while Lachesis managed to tear one Azura blade free, barely losing a small spurt of blood before her chest rapidly, horrendously rapidly regenerated and healed.

"Now stay still... stay still!" Atropos gleefully barked, wrestling hard to immobilize Alexis, who snarled and struggled, attempting to break free, eyes open wide and fixed on Lachesis as she leaned up in a vicious throw, hurtling the Azura blade against her.

Ira roared in fury and denial, beginning to spin rapidly and dragging her chains around in the circle, yanking the heavy, massive glaive away from Atropos's body and sending the huge polearm circling faster and faster around her, before she hurtled it viciously against Lachesis.

It struck with tremendous violence, spearing through the Titaness's abdomen and tearing right through her body, sending the Primordial stumbling backwards with a hiss of fury more than pain... but the Azura blade flew right and true towards Alexis.

Vesta charged in with a yell of denial and rage, dragging three Harbingers with her as the mutant, blindfolded monstrosities clawed and stabbed into her body, but the High Queen of Heaven still found the strength to slam both feet into Atropos's spine, bending the Primordial in two with a sick crunch... and then savagely chopping both of her sickleswords down into her neck, clamping it between the curved blades and then yanking backwards, hard.

Atropos let out a loud, gargling cry of shock, and then her head flew off with a sick splatter of blood, gore and what felt like some sort of liquid smoke, or gas-like gunk. Alexis let go of her swords and clawed into Atropos's arms, ducking forwards and reversing the full nelson, roaring as she turned in into an overhead throw. The Azura blade caught Atropos in the hip, and it tore through her with a loud, terrifying blast of malignant energy, as the long blade speared out of the opposite side. The Primordial's body twitched violently, and Alexis turned around with a snarl even as hordes of Harbingers swarmed over her and clawed into every big of her body that they could reach. The ligeress balled one hand into a fist and lashed it out against the falling head of Atropos, hitting it in midair and causing it to explode in a thick cloud of gunk that was hurtled violently towards the Black Holes, and immediately absorbed away by their tremendous gravitational fields.

Elelyon bravely charged into the thick of the horde of Harbingers, his hands surrounded by bright holy flames that extended out of him in roaring vortexes, spinning like sharp blades and cutting through the ranks of monstrous clone-goddesses, consuming them, burning their bodies down to ashes and gunk... gunk that, horribly, rapidly merged together again, recombining into new and monstrous mutations.

Atropos's immense naga-like body twitched violently, but even though dark gunk continued to flood out of her severed neck, looking like the smoke of an arson, her muscles flexed and her talons lengthened and glowed with pestilent, apocalyptic force. Her body rapidly mutated, and ugly, ferocious eyes split open in multiple places all over her form, and Alexis immediately smashed her fist through one of those, squishing it in a spray of gunk even as her eyes flashed and she used her telekinetic force to yank Wyvern and Blue Vixen hard downwards, ripping the Primordial's torso apart. Enormous parasites and hideous tentacles and chaotic growths erupted out of the wounds, lashing angrily out not just against Alexis, but even against some of the Harbingers, spearing through them and then yanking them down into those bloody chasms, where dark fire consumed and melted the blindfolded monstrosities, turning them into fuel and raw mass to use for new growths, new mutations, new regeneration.

"We need to kill at least one of them, quickly!" Ira urged, stabbing Vampira down through the bleeding stump of a neck, but even through the enchanted blade glowed with hungry, merciless white light, the obscure force of Atropos refused to be drawn out.

Alexis hefted Wyvern high up above her head and then smashed it brutally down into the devastated chest of Atropos, cutting right through a series of ugly eyes, but two Harbingers all but threw themselves in the way to shield their mistress, and others stabbed into the ligeress's back, making her roar in agony and fury as she twisted around and blindly grabbed one, crushing a skull like it was a rotten tomato and effortlessly hurtling the beast away, towards the Black Holes.

"You'll never manage to kill me... never, never, never! And blow after blow, I'll devastate you all until you can't take anymore!" Atropos maniacally cackled, and her whole body violently spasmed and flexed, and the maimed flesh of her chest seemed to peel back, her wounds opening all the wider and turning into some sort of unforgiving, bottomless infernal chasm. Alexis threw herself backwards with a growl of shock and frustration, swinging Wyvern outwards and slapping a couple of Harbingers crashing down into that abyss... before terrible lightning bolts exploded out of it, crashing into her as she crossed her two massive swords over her face, cursing as the powerful discharges smashed into her form again and again, battering her backwards, right towards other surging hordes of Harbingers that Elelyon and Lemuel were trying their best to contain. Energy exploded out of Atropos with tremendous intensity, blasting Vest and Ira away, hurling them in opposite directions as the headless beast straightened and held out one terrible hand. Her glaive dissolved from where it had become lodged across Lachesis's body, and reappeared in her hands, allowing her lash it out in a wild swing that caught Vesta in the chest, ripping a terrible gash across her torso and knocking her violently to the side, blood spurting out of her wound as she cursed and finally caught herself with a mighty flap of her bloodied wings. The hideous eyes of the monster followed her as she rapidly moved backwards, and Atropos swung her huge pole-arm outwards, barely missing her and letting out a growl of mocking disappointment as she dragged the heavy weapon back for another strike.

Lachesis charged in the middle of the chaos, completely unconcerned by her daughter's pain and by the horrendous mutations in her devastated body, and she viciously slashed the second Azura blade against Ira, who turned around just in time to deflect the assault with Arctica: the two blades clanged together in a terrifying clash, and a white, supernatural freezing mist expanded out of the Katana to envelope the long, heavy cleaver and most of Lachesis's muscular arm. In a mere instant, both were encased in this, eternal and supernatural ice... but just as quickly, dark fire exploded out of the Titaness's scales and easily melted the ice completely away.

Alexis, however, had already spied the fleeting chance and leapt forwards, both Wyvern and Blue Vixen cocked up above her head, all of her muscles bulging... until she slashed both immense blades downwards, hammering them onto Lachesis's stiff, brittle arm.

The violence of the impact caused Lachesis to curse loudly, her limb violently snapping backwards as wide, terrible cracks spread through the muscles, threatening to split her hand apart. Her fingers lost strength for a moment, and the Azura blade fell out of her grip... allowing Alexis to rise upwards with a mighty flap of her wings, her foot lashing down and stomping on the stocky handle of the sword of Death, sending it shooting down into Atropos.

The Azura struck at the edges of the hideous "mouth" in the middle of the Primordial's devastated form, not far away from where her sister was stuck half-in and half-out... and immediately, terrible bolts of pure Death connected the sister blades and tore a flaming, smoldering series of wounds that tore Atropos's form apart from one side to the other, making her howl in anguish and in rage.

Alexis swung both of her enormous blades sideways, smacking Lachesis in the face and knocking her backwards with a grunt of fury, her bone mask cracked and blood leaking out from beneath it... but before she could follow with another assault, Atropos screamed again and leaned upwards almost desperately, clawing after Alexis's legs and arching her back to vomit a pillar of unholy flame that erupted up around Alexis, engulfing her, while Harbingers, parasites, chunks of ruins and broken worlds and other heavy debris were dragged around through the air, beginning to whirl around the incandescent tower of fire, becoming a fearsome tornado of shrapnel that launched violently into the fire, pelting the goddess with ferocious strength. Bolts of lightning exploded wildly down through that inferno as Atropos laughed insanely, even as Ira and Vesta slashed their swords through her form, ripping off large chunks of darkness only to see them dissolving as if made of smoke.

Lachesis grinned darkly and lashed out with her sword-whip, sending the segmented blade tearing through the hurricane of fire, electricity and shrapnel, hitting Alexis's arm and nearly ripping it off her shoulder, making her hiss in agony... before Elelyon flew upwards and pushed one hand out towards Alexis, sending a vortex of cleansing, soothing waters wrapping around the pillar of fire. Amazingly, his holy water snuffed the dark flames out of existence and washed the shrapnel away. Immediately, Alexis flexed and sent a tangle of cruel, spiked, beastly tentacles lunging down into Lachesis's spluttering "mouth," ripping deep through her form and devastating her insides, making her trash violently and vomit blood.

Elelyon trembled violently in front of the ferocity and sheer scale of that clash, which made him feel small and weak and vulnerable, but he did not retreat even as Lachesis, many times bigger and uncountable times stronger than him, surged forwards with a snarl. He focused all of his energies and blasted a violent beam of roaring waters against her, striking her heart and letting out a roar of elation as he pushed forwards with all of his strength. The Primordial didn't even bother trying to avoid the attack, only snorting in contempt as she effortlessly slapped it out of her way, dissolving his efforts like he hadn't even tried at all. The whip snapped again, loudly and terribly, and Elelyon didn't even have the time to register it: the blades moved faster than his senses could follow, and he howled in agony as he was ensnared in a terrifying tangle of segments of dark metal as the whip caught him in midair. The titan looked down at the small god with contempt, all but ignoring Lemuel as the god of Light howled in horror and denial and tossed javelins of brilliant, pure light against her muscular, titanic form. "It's time to get rid of the annoying gnats you brought into my kingdom..." She coldly announced, leisurely cocking back her arm and tensing the sword-whip, causing the many segmented blades to tear all the harder through Elelyon's body, causing him to let out a shriek of agony that turned everybody's blood into ice. The titaness snapped her whip down against Alexis's tentacles, and the long series of blades, dripping with Elelyon's blood and gore, tore through the great black appendages, severing them like blades of grass and causing the ligeress's back to arch in a spasm of pain. The whip drew backwards, and Elelyon, mutilated beyond recognition and crushed in the intersections between at least three different blades of the whip, let out another horrendous shriek, only weaker, more broken, more desperate.

Lemuel let out a cry of pure desperation, attempting to charge through a line of Harbingers who repealed him with callous ease, grinning down at him from behind their blindfolds, bullying more than fighting him... and even as he wildly swung out with the handle of his shattered hammer, knocking the head off one of the beasts, the others only laughed cruelly and mocked him.

Alexis sought the eyes of one of her allies, and she found Vesta's sapphire ones. In just one gaze, they communicated a whole plan, and the High Queen of Heaven barreled right into the ranks of Harbingers, stepping ahead of Lemuel and slapping the beasts away from around him, protecting the far smaller male. Lachesis, predictably, turned her attention on her, snorting in irritation and immediately slashing her whip down against her. It was what Alexis was waiting for, and she lunged forwards, letting go of both Wyvern and Blue Vixen, which immediately floated up around her, orbiting supported by her tremendous telekinetic force. With her hands free, she grabbed the whip, trying to ignore the malignant force that immediately shot up through her arms, and she flexed with a grunt, pulling the great blades apart, grimacing at the sight and sound of the huge pieces of dark metal ripping out of Elelyon's flesh. Vesta took her chance, flapping her mighty wings and shooting upwards along the immense whip, and wrapping her arms around Elelyon as he groaned in agony and uselessly attempted to crawl out of that inferno. Vesta hefted him out of the bloodied trap, grimacing to herself as she felt his body flopping against her like he didn't have a single bone left intact in his form, and she half-bent over him to protect him with her form as Lachesis roared in fury and swung one arm out, forming a whole line of huge daggers of terrible black flame, sending them all shooting through space after them, even as Alexis yanked hard on the whip and unbalanced her, driving Wyvern up into her chest.

Lachesis's eyes went wide, but they burned with rage more than with pain, even as Wyvern crackled with energy and buried deeper up through her. The Titaness turned slowly around and glared at Alexis, gritting her fangs and flexing her powerful musculature, pushing back with fearsome strength even as Blue Vixen drove forward as well, stabbing through her lower abdomen and slowly cutting upwards. It was like trying to slice a block of solid steel... no, worse than that. Lachesis was far, far harder than any metal alloy Alexis could name. The blades glowed with energy, yet made slow and difficult progress, even as her huge biceps bulged explosively... and when the titaness's innards finally burst out of the tremendous wound, they slashed out with eager fury, leaking toxic... drool. Her guts split apart, and every extremity turned in a cruel mouth armed with multiple rows of thin but terrible needle-fangs that bit into Alexis with ferocious force, maiming, ripping, as those tentacle-beasts flailed angrily, whipping from side to side to better yank her solid muscles apart, ruining the perfection of her abs and sending blood cascading down the front of her body. "Push, Alexis, push...! As if that could ever achieve anything!" Lachesis rasped, grinning savagely as she bent forwards to slam her armoured, bone-plated forehead hard towards Alexis, smacking into her face and knocking her staggering backwards... but Alexis only snarled in fury, looking up through the blood streaking down her face and yanking on the whip-sword just as she ducked sideways, avoiding Lachesis's glowing talons as her huge, bone-gauntleted hand shot forwards.

Alexis swung around Lachesis's side, ducking under her armpit and sending the whip wrapping around her hip, before the ligeress clawed into a great wing and sent dark, destructive fire exploding all over it, turning Lachesis's backside in an inferno of flame. "Nothing you do has any importance, Alexis..." Lachesis mocked, flapping her mighty wings even as they burned, and using them to fly backwards, shooting violently towards the wall of Black Holes. "I built myself out of Chaos, Alexis! I've survived the countless ways Chaos tried to break me down, and finally contained it! I'm the Source of everything, and everything I've created adds a layer of invulnerable life that protects me!" Lachesis gleefully cackled, but the ligeress ignored even the wings that slammed into her and cut into her flesh like axes, chopping through her limbs and sending blood spurting thickly up out of her. The whip glowed with terrible flames, consuming her hands all the way to the bone, but Alexis still dragged it up, sending it cutting into the roots of Lachesis's wings. The ligeress looked back with a curse as the Black Holes began to yank violently on her, dragging her towards the darkness, and as the wall rushed rapidly against her, she threw herself out past Lachesis's side, and swung both legs up to smash her knees into the Titaness's face just as they crashed into the wall of Black Holes, hard enough to cause them all to shudder visibly.

The bone mask cracked, and Lachesis's features caved inwards with a spurt of dark blood, while Alexis dragged the chain-sword upwards and sent it hooking under the titaness's chin, the huge dark blades ripping into her neck. Lachesis let out a gargling sound of fury and shock, her eyes flashing with monstrous power, but Alexis still clamped her head between her almighty thighs and twisted sideways with a roar, snapping her neck like a twig... and causing the sword-whip to tense, cutting right through Lachesis's neck. Alexis let herself fall backwards, away from the gargling beast, and her hands clutched the handles of Wyvern and Blue Vixen, yanking both weapons hard backwards, angling both blades upwards with a roar.

The swords erupted out of Lachesis's upper torso, nearly severing her arms as they sent armor-like scales exploding out together with blood and maimed chords of muscle... and the whip-sword clanged as it cut through Lachesis's neck almost from side to side, sending her head toppling horribly down to one side, hanging from a few ugly tendons and chords of flesh and muscle.

Even so, Lachesis's eyes continued to glow with indescribable ferocity and terrible, endless vitality, and her tentacle-guts stabbed into Alexis with a vengeance, yanking her back even as she tried to move away from the pulsing wall of Black Holes and the furious titaness.

Alexis's eyes narrowed in fury, but not in surprise, as ugly tentacles of darkness pushed out of Lachesis's neck and reconnected with her dangling head, trying to pull it back up and repair the terrifying damage, and she slashed Wyvern down through the tentacles connecting them, aiming Blue Vixen at her face at the same time... before groaning in agony as waves of tremendous telekinetic force tore into her, smashing her backwards and nearly knocking both swords out of her hands as her body flexed and spasmed out of control, her dark hide crawling and rippling, almost as it wanted to tear loose and run away... and when Lachesis's eyes flashed, she screamed in pain as waves of pure, malignant force crashed into her and slammed her flying against a large island of ruins, tearing through the messy mix of crumpled worlds and discarded civilizations, cursing as the stone and metal and debris tore into her while she literally tore through the whole floating island, tearing it in half with her back.

Alexis spat blood and ichors out of her mouth, breathing roughly and closing her eyes for a moment, full of pain and rage, but then swung both arms hard forwards and sent the two halves of the immense island hurtling like meteors against Lachesis... before turning around with a snarl as Atropos, headless and mad with rage and terrible, greedy bloodlust, barreled past Vesta and Ira and thrust forwards her enormous, long blade, lunging against Alexis with a cry of madness and rage.

Alexis snarled as she twisted sideways on instinct, and then stomped one foot hard upon the glaive, knocking it pointing downwards as she charged along the thick pole and aimed Blue Vixen forwards, unleashing a burst of rounds supercharged with golden, brutal energy. They crashed into Atropos with enough force to dent her body, to dig bloody craters in her dark form, even as enormous skeletal arms ripped out of the "mouth" in her torso, each one finishing in a colossal scythe-blade, like the arms of a praying mantis. Alexis snarled as she swung Wyvern up, the blade glowing with Killer's and her energies as it smashed into the scythes, biting into the sharp bone... and Alexis let go of the crimson sword, handling it with the force of her mind alone as she ducked beneath that mighty clash and threw Blue Vixen forwards like it was a knife. The great sword spun rapidly and then hacked into Atropos's sexless groin with a terrible, meaty impact, causing the titaness to shudder in agony before Alexis leapt up and seized the handles of the Azura blades still buried through her unrecognizable chest. Using them as handles, Alexis elegantly swung both legs up and smashed her boots into Atropos's monstrous chest-mouth, knocking her staggering with a cry of shock and agony, while Alexis carried out in a quick, graceful somersault, putting all her strength and weight onto the Azura blades and burying them in right to the hilt... before yanking them out through Atropos's upper chest, cutting her shoulders to bits and causing her arms to nearly fall off. Alexis landed on her feet, stomping down hard on the glaive and causing the polearm to swing up, and she snarled as she spun the Azura blades and then tossed both weapons forwards, sending them flying straight into the titaness's monstrous mouth. Energy exploded inside Atropos's split-apart chest, as the force of Death resonated from one Azura to the other, and Alexis caught the glaive's pole as it swung violently against her. With one swift, graceful move, she pushed the long pole up over her shoulder, spinning it to turn the long blade against Atropos, and then, with a roar of vengeful satisfaction, drove the massive weapon down through the titaness, impaling her and then charging straight for the wall of Black Holes, driving the glaive right through the supermassive core of one.

Atropos gargled in agony as she found herself nailed to the Black Hole, and she slashed her snake-body violently upwards against Alexis, but Ira sent her chains wrapping around that long tail, strangling it in coils of blade-like chain links, and yanked it hard back in the opposite direction, lunging forwards to stab Arctica into the Titaness, sending thick, supernatural ice spreading rapidly over the great snake, turning it stiff and brittle. "Kill her! Fucking kill her!" Ira urged, and Alexis nodded with a snarl of fury, of frustration, of impatience, of vengeful rage as she began to absorb energies at a tremendous rate, channeling them along the glaive and devouring them. The Black Hole behind Atropos pulsed and then began to collapse on itself, shrinking rapidly smaller as both its mass and its energies were rapidly stripped away... and Atropos let out a shriek of agony, eyes bulging wildly as all that immense amount of energy crackled through her, forcing through her abdomen and sending sinister, devastating bolts of force through her entire form. She writhed in agony, her whole body smoldering and beginning to lose coherence as terrifying energy shot from the glaive to the Azura blades and back, burning flesh, bones and muscles and turning them into dark gunk that leaked out of her terrible wounds. Blue Vixen and Wyvern, guided by Alexis's telekinetic force, slammed down into her again and again and again, crushing and cutting and maiming, but Atropos still refused to die, instead grinning maniacally, insanely, even as she cried out: "Mother... Mother...! Help me... help me crush this arrogant child...!"

Atropos's arms, which hanged horribly from damaged tendrils and chords of bloodied muscle, suddenly mutated with violent force as much greater tendrils and tentacles of corruption and darkness sprouted out of her shoulders, lengthening violently and jutting forth with countless spikes of broken, sharp metal-bone. Her hands turned into terrifying, flexible talon-blades that glowed with incandescent, monstrous energy, and they swung violently upwards, tearing into Alexis's front and making her gasp in agony as blood sprayed out of her mutilated front.

"Alexis... Alexis! Please, please take that goddamn monster down!" Lemuel begged, and Alexis's eyes darted sideways to see the desperate God of Light standing nearby, one arm clutching the broken, agonizing Elelyon against his side, the other stabbing the long pole of his hammer through the chest of a charging Harbinger. The God of Light snarled in anguish and frustration, tears flying from his eyes as he twisted sideways and used all his strength to spin his polearm, hefting the broken Harbinger up and then hammering her down into the other beasts that assaulted him from all sides.

Elelyon gargled out a prayer of his own, eyes bulging in shock and agony and yet seeking contact with Alexis's own as he held up a trembling hand and caused great, holy flames to spark into life and spiral all around Lemuel, burning two more Harbingers into ashes as they recklessly tried to barrel through.

Ira smacked her huge fist down into the frozen, brittle tail of the titaness, striking down again and again and again, sending tremendous, glowing cracks spreading into the ice, before a massive chunk of frozen flesh and muscles cracked off Atropos's form... and Ira hefted this with a snarl and swung it around her waist, smashing several Harbingers back, even as more and more launched forwards to swarm all over her.

Lachesis's whip snapped loudly through the darkness, but Vesta lunged in the way and knocked it wildly off target with a great swing of her twin sickleswords, before using her wings to shield herself as best she could as Lachesis recklessly barreled forwards and opened her jaws to vomit an inferno of black fire against her.

Alexis let out a roar of frustration, eyes bulging in rage and shock and even fear as Atropos refused to die, even as she sucked immense amounts of energy out of her... and, horribly, the titaness grabbed Alexis's head with her mutated hands and then dragged herself forwards, sliding down the pole of the glaive and smearing it in dark blood and pure corruption.

"Son...! Darkness! I know you are in there!" Atropos exclaimed, half-begging and half-commanding, and Alexis recoiled with a wince of pain, blood leaking out of her eyes like tears as she felt Black Alexis's... or better Darkness's... pure fury.

Alexis let out a howl of agony as Darkness savagely, mindlessly clawed into a large node of her memories and self-awareness, tearing through it with talons that burned with pestilent power... and then she shut her eyes with a groan as Black Alexis shouted in insane, uncontrollable rage: "It's late to call me your son! I was born to die! You only ever wanted me and Light to die, because our mutual destruction was all that mattered! The goddamn Big Bang is all you ever cared for!"

Alexis did not know if Atropos could hear Darkness's voice, and the expression of madness on the titan's face didn't help make it any clearer. The Primordial only clawed brutally into Alexis's skull, threatening to crush it like a rotten fruit, and she leaned forwards with an insane grin as she urged: "Fight her, Darkness! Tear her apart, my son! Finally, we can fight together against our enemy!"

"You are my enemy too!" Black Alexis howled, and Alexis winced in agony as psychic pain and violent waves of telekinetic force exploded outwards through his mind, threatening to split her skull into pieces.

"Shut up!" Alexis howled, to the both of them, closing her eyes and shoving the glaive all the harder forwards, sending the blade tearing through another Black Hole and almost instantaneously consuming that one too, causing Atropos to gargle in shock at the sudden flood of energy shooting through her form.

Alexis let go of the glaive and leaned up to claw into the wall of Black Holes instead, snarling as she clawed into two of the supermassive cores, her muscles bulging explosively as she yanked them out of the barrier with terrible ease... and then clutching them in her fists, her whole form spasming and smoldering as she rapidly consumed them, absorbing all of their super-dense mass. "Shut the fuck up!" Alexis repeated, roaring in fury at the agony that pounded within her mind and burned through her entire body, and she savagely began to smash her fists down into Atropos, squishing her hideous eyes and piercing deep into her form, devastating her body as the black holes in her hands greedily devoured great chunks of the titaness's body. The first two Black Holes finally crumbled in her grip, and Alexis almost absently ground the fragments into dust between her fingers, growling in fury and immediately reaching up to yank other cores out of the wall. "Are you still so enthralled with my ability to absorb everything...?" Alexis viciously asked, roaring down against Atropos as she smashed the Black Holes into the roots of the mutant, twisting tentacle-arms, causing Atropos to finally yell in true agony and shock. "You can't die, you say...? But what if I steal away your energies, your mass, your corruption...? I'll devour you piece by piece, if I have to!"

Alexis fingers tore violently forwards, her claws glowing with fearsome white energy and ripping through Black Holes and mutant flesh with the same terrifying ease, until she managed to rip the Primordial's arms right off.

"It doesn't matter!" Lachesis threatened, charging forwards and ramming her shoulder into Vesta, smashing her flying across the Cloister to crash into the ruins of one of the crumbled castles. "Show me your worst, Alexis, if you dare! Do you think you can stand up to me? Gods cower before me! Show me your true form, Alexis, but it still won't enough! Not even close!" The Patriarch roared, lunging forwards... but Alexis's backside rippled and then erupted forth with a multitude of tremendous tentacle-beasts that copied a page from Cerberus's book, and shot not against Lachesis, but against the Cloister's wall.

Terrible jaws snapped closed on supermassive black holes like they were nothing but basketballs, and they ripped them out of the great barrier, and then viciously lashed out against the Patriarch, causing her eyes to widen in shock. Lachesis began to bring back her great sword-whip, but it was too little, too late, and the first of the tentacles slammed into her face with terrifying force, clutching a Black Hole in its armoured jaws. The force of the impact sent Lachesis skidding backwards with a grunt of pain, and she instinctively formed a barrier of fire around her as all other tentacles whipped downwards with savage force.

Lachesis grunted in shock as the Black Holes began to devour the dark flames, causing them to spiral out of the way and then vanishing down into the obscure cores, and in an instant she was battered backwards by a vicious series of tremendous strikes that smacked her back against the barrier and nailed her there.

In the very same moment, all eyes looked up with equal awe and confusion as, outside of the barrier, Killer roared with a voice and a power that caused Reality to visibly contract and shrivel, almost physically becoming smaller as the hypervirile ultragod buried his fist into a monstrous beast that, somehow, seemed to combine Cerberus and Thanathos in a single being.

A moment later, the entire wall of Black Holes shuddered violently, and ripples traveled through its entire expanse, traveling for millions of Light Years and leaving them staring on in awe. Cerberus's energy signature suddenly became dramatically smaller, and Alexis's eyes widened and glowed solid sapphire with merciless, vengeful glee as she roared: "Lachesis! Feel the power of the true Alpha! Wonder at the might of my Emperor!"

Euphoria and new, glorious energies filled her as the marks of her love and adoration for Killer glowed brilliantly, burning through her hide and shining so wonderfully on both of her shoulders as her muscles bulged and her form grew taller, greater, and new tentacles jutted out of her arms and smashed down into Lachesis and Atropos both, tearing through their bodies and nailing them both to the Wall... before they began to twist and whirl around at a fantastic, cruel speed, jutting forth with a multitude of spikes and blades and beginning to maim both Primordials. Atropos, without head and without arms, desperately attempted to mutate and regenerate, taking some other shape, but the cruel tentacles destroyed her insides faster than they could regenerate. Several wounds on her form turned into mouths that called out to Darkness... but Black Alexis, in the ligeress's mind, only snorted in contempt and disgust.

"You abandoned your son without remorse. You shouldn't expect his help now." Alexis coldly hissed, clutching a bunch of Black Holes in her huge, bloodied fist and then slashing it down with all her tremendous force, tearing through Atropos from side to side... and then ripping off huge chunks of the semi-solid darkness that seemed to constitute her essence. It tore off in great shreds that orbited rapidly around her fist and then sunk down into it, vanishing from sight even as the Black Hole cores loudly cracked and broke into fragments in her grip.

Again, and again, and again, Alexis smashed her apocalyptic fist through Atropos's devastated form, until it finally lost all residual coherence, breaking apart with some sort of loud, agonizing sigh. Alexis's body flexed with vigor and hunger, beginning to greedily consume both the gore and the semi-solid dark energy as the Empress let out a roar of vengeful triumph... but the cloud of dark smoke was, somehow, still conscious, at least partially, and the largest remains rushed over towards Lachesis, who hissed in dark bliss, feeling all that power entering her damaged form.

"Come to me, Atropos... this, this is the only thing you are actually good for!" Lachesis callously remarked, flexing her great, spectacular body as her wounds rapidly began to heal, the dark "smoke" turning into a solid yet flexible layer of armor that covered up her muscles... and it was like some sort of alien, invulnerable metal against which the spikes of Alexis's tentacles could nothing. Sparkles and fragments and crackling lightning bolts of energy shot up from where the great appendages smashed into their target, and Lachesis grinned viciously and snarled through gritted fangs: "I should have absorbed you a long time ago, you dumb child... you always were nothing but a waste of mass..."

Alexis gritted her fangs in fury and disgust at that, turning around and charging towards the Primordial titan... but right in that moment, the entire barrier, all that was left of the wall of Black Holes, vibrated violently and then exploded in a terrifying explosion, as lightning crackled from one end of the Cloister to the other and millions, billions of Black Holes pulsed and warped, deformed instantaneously by a monstrous, unmatched force... before they all shattered like they were nothing but frail spheres of dark glass. A tremendous shockwave traveled through the Cloister, blowing up a real hurricane of debris and ruins, turning what remained of the Ring and even the rubble of the destroyed Castles into a terrifying tempest of shrapnel and dust.

They were all blasted backwards, and Lemuel did his best to cover Elelyon with his sore, bloodied, broken body as they fell together through the darkness, their weakened bodies catching fire and beginning to rapidly dissolve. Ira and Vesta instinctively covered their eyes as they were blown off their feet and blasted backwards live leaves, but Vesta, in a display of generosity and friendship, dived after the two males and wrapped her wings around them, protecting them as best they could. Ira rushed over to the floating, broken form of Clotho, shielding her with her own body, and they all closed their eyes shut and attempted to survive that infernal wave of heat, of power, of sheer, crushing energy. Even Alexis was slammed backwards by the burning wave of cosmic devastation, but the heat of a billion stars was just enough to make her feel little more than a warmth over her hide... and she grinned in savage satisfaction as the gazed through the fingers of her hands, seeing the shockwave steamrolling over the Harbingers all around them, blasting them away and melting them out of existence, liquefying, vaporizing them in that colossal blast.

Despite her best efforts not to, she lost sight of Lachesis, and with all the crackling bolts of cosmic energies blasting across the darkness, there was no way for even her sixth sense to keep track of things. The ghost images in her mind, normally so timely and accurate, were now just a chaotic blur of flashes of light and sheer pain.

She saw Killer, however, enormous and glorious, one arm still stretched out towards the shattered wall of Black Holes, his great muscles bulging explosively as he devoured all of that mass, all of that energy. Billions of fragments and shards of Black Holes floated all around them, but when Killer flexed, they all rushed down towards him, hitting him like nothing more than tiny drops of rain water. His body devoured them all, absorbing all of that force with tremendous ease, and Alexis couldn't help but grin at the sight of the terror in Thanathos's eyes. The god of Death was horrendously mutated, warped, evolved... but Alexis had no chance to wonder about those changes because her attention, just like that of Killer and Elaine, was suddenly drawn by another, far smaller and horrendously damaged and deformed shape, a rotten, mutated corpse that shot like a meteor through the clouds of Black Hole fragments.

Alexis's eyes narrowed, and in that very moment she realized that the falling piece of organic wreckage was actually still alive, and she snarled as she recognized something of his still enormous, titanic energy signature. Somewhere, deep within that heap of genetic chaos and parasitic strength, was Cerberus Raja. She immediately extended a hand towards her enemy, reaching out with her telekinetic force, but her mental fingers clashed into another brutal telekinetic grip, and her fangs ground together audibly as she wrestled against Lachesis's mind.

A moment later, Alexis even spotted the Primordial Titaness standing in the distance, dangerously close to the Well of Eternity, and she snarled in denial as Lachesis cackled and made a yanking gesture, dragging Cerberus rapidly through space and all but hurling him towards the Well.

Alexis roared in fury, and their minds clashed with such violence that a ripple traveled through reality. Alexis teleported forwards at the same time, even as she saw Lachesis clearly in her mind. The Titaness was grinning widely, almost insanely, and she announced: "Today is a day of constant surprises! My useless daughter has finally proved useful, and even Darkness is giving me a bit of joy... and now, most amazing of all surprises, even a puny mortal is proving useful!"

Alexis growled in fury and denial, but just as she completed her teleportation, emerging near the Well of Eternity, Lachesis snapped her sword-whip out with perfect timing, with flawless precognition, and caught her in full chest, knocking her backwards with a cry of pain and an explosion of blood.

"No, no, no, Alexis! Let us stay out of his moment of glory and triumph!" Lachesis cackled, before grinning maniacally and flicking her wrist as Wyvern swung in and slapped her whip out of the way, while Ira and Vesta also charged forwards. Reality rippled violently, and her long sword-whip seemed to shot through some sort of wound in Space and Time... before multiple such portals opened all around Alexis and the others, and before Alexis could react, the chain-blade exploded out of all holes at once, the heavy, spade-like segments of blade burning with black flames as they lashed back and forth over her form, cutting even through her armor-like black hide, piercing deep through her massive muscles even as they grew and bulged, pushing against those terrible sharp edges. The chains tensed and clamped down on them, making Alexis hiss in agony as she was caught in the middle, and her eyes bulged as she threw her head from side to side, seeking a way out of that terrible tangle of blades. Her arms were crushed down against her sides, and the heavy links ripped into her hips, into her mighty thighs, clamping on her from all sides at once and trapping her as they wildly coiled and snapped back and forth, crisscrossing in crazed patterns and then tightening even further as Lachesis laughed maniacally and yanked her sword backwards.

Vesta let out a roar of pain and frustration as she was hefted upwards by the tightening mess of chains, and blood cascaded out of her wounds as the whip clamped down on her wrists, nearly cutting her hands right off and making her sickleswords suddenly feel heavy and impossible to hold on to.

Ira snarled and hissed as a long segment of whip tore into the bottom of her breasts, another one snagging around her neck and ripping into her throat, nearly hanging her, and she struggled, wrestled against the terrible weapon even as black energy spread down the spade-blades and consumed her flesh.

Lachesis grinned wickedly as she studied their agony, and then she staggered forwards, licking her lips slowly as she nearly hugged Alexis, clawing into her shoulders and into the neck of her neck, then ripping her talons up through her cheek, making the ligeress shudder as she did her best to suffocate the cry of pain that surged up her throat.

Alexis's eyes looked up past Lachesis's muscular form, following the dark, bloody meteor that Cerberus seemed to have turned into, and she snarled in fury at the sight of him diving straight towards the Well of Eternity. "Why are you letting him go? Don't you realize what will happen?" Alexis snarled, blood and drool flying from her lips and from her ripped-apart cheek, but Lachesis only grinned wider, laughing a bit as she countered: "I realize it far better than you do, Alexis! The poor idiot right now probably think he is the smartest guy to ever live, and he believes I've not spotted him. He doesn't even realize what has happened... doesn't even understand that without me dragging him in, he would still be out there... probably reduced to a stain on your lover's hands."

"Don't let him near the Well!" Alexis barked, flexing against the terrible whip-blade and pushing forwards with all her strength, so much that the blades cracked, the chain connecting them all groaning and crackling with energy as the links were stretched out and strained... before Reality itself cracked, and large fragments fell of its fabric, like it was made of glass. The heavy, tremendous coils of blades were yanked through Space and Time, breaking open wider, longer breaches in reality, but they refused to give, and Alexis's fist was trapped in the chains and stopped long before it could strike Lachesis's grinning face.

"Don't you worry, Alexis... he's not going to get it his way!" Lachesis mockingly reassured, turning slightly around and flexing her newly armoured, gauntleted hands as she added: "He's only going to ensure my victory, that's all he can do. I will admit, Alexis... I underestimated your determination and power. I will not be able to yank your abilities out of you while you are still this vicious... but dear little Cerberus is about to give me the boost I need to change that. Wait for me just a few moments, my dear... and I'll come back ready and eager to rip you apart and devour your secrets."

Somewhere above, Thanathos let out a shriek of agony and denial, and Alexis's eyes darted upwards, as did Lachesis's, just in time to see Azura chopping Requiem Aeternam through the monstrously mutated god of Death and Killer, immense and majestic, glorious and powerful, reaching up to seize Thanathos's skull, draining him... and then grab Requiem as well, yanking the blade forwards until it tore completely through the mutant, unholy beast's neck, decapitating him.

Lachesis stared at that display of power for a brief moment, her expression betraying both awe and... something else. Could it be... longing, even...? The elitist herm that thought all other genders were incomplete and unjustifiable failures...? Whatever it was, Lachesis swiftly cancelled it from her expression, and quickly turned around to fly right towards the Well of Eternity, giving Alexis a wink and a wide, merciless grin that filled the empress with fury.

Alexis hurled the Azura blades against Lachesis, and even sent Wyvern and Blue Vixen flying against the titaness, but the whip-blades clamping down on her drained even her telekinetic force, as well as preventing her from transforming, from teleporting... and the mighty blades failed to stop Lachesis, who turned around with a cruel laughter, swinging out one arm as she formed a large, solid shield of translucent energy. The huge swords clanged uselessly against that barrier and were smashed flying backwards through the darkness, and Alexis's eyes shut tightly as she grabbed into the spade-like segments of blade and pushed them away from her, roaring with the tremendous effort of wrestling those restraints out of her flesh. Cerberus dropped into the Well of Eternity, vanishing from sight for the moment as the great abyss pulsed once, its light becoming all the more intense for a moment, yet almost disappearing into darkness a moment later as the great breach in reality visibly contracted.

Killer charged forwards, surrounded by the other Disciples, and Alexis roared her welcome, her relief as well as her pain and frustration as she yanked the lengths of the whip out of her sides and pushed forwards, growling as she finally snapped one of the chains and caused another to tear through Reality, becoming loose around her.

Killer rushed to her aid, grabbing another pair of terrible coils of the whip, leaning forwards through the infernal tangle and urgently, impatiently pushing his lips against Alexis's, kissing her hungrily. There were a billion things the both of them wanted to say and do after that long and terrible period of tormenting separation, but there was no time. Their eyes did most of the talking, sapphire lost into sapphire, while their tongues wrestled with almost vicious force and eagerness, telling the other half of the story.

She responded with equal eagerness and love, her hot breath washing over his features as she gazed at him with relief, with adoration, with craving... but, with a supreme effort, she pulled back after only a brief instant, to urge: "Go! Get the whore, she's following Cerberus into the Well!"

Killer nodded, but he didn't let go of the tremendous length of the whip, yanking hard back on then and crushing at the same time, devouring their very mass through his palms... and Alexis flexed her muscles and pushed forwards, yanking her arms forth and finally ripping most of the coils apart, sending broken pieces of dark metal flying in every direction.

"Go, I said!" Alexis urged, before closing her eyes and summoning the swords back towards her: they floated back through the emptiness of space, and she immediately reached upwards to seize the handle of Wyvern, swinging it one last time to aid the Azura blades as they slotted back in place through the heavy, massive handle. "This is yours, lover! Welcome back, Lion!" She said, overwhelmed with joy at the sight of him back at her side. She tossed the massive triple-bladed sword towards him, and he caught it easily, spinning it once with an easy flick of his wrist and then shouldering it with a smooth, natural, instinctive movement born out of experience. The blade glowed warmly, almost literally welcoming the contact with his hand and body after that long and unwanted separation, and Killer briefly turned around to throw something towards Alexis, shouting: "A little gift for you, my Love!"

Alexis easily caught it in her hand as she flapped her mighty wings and followed him, and when she looked down at the small object in her palm, she smirked in merciless delight. The heavy ring, beautiful but also sinister since it was made of bones, was warm with the energies of a god and cold with the ferocious, merciless force of Death, and she laughed darkly, clutching Thanathos in her grip, giving him a vicious squeeze that, as she knew all too well, he would feel very clearly. She spun upside down as she dived towards the vast maw of the Well, and hurriedly pulled her foot up, reaching down to slip the ring around her big toe, matching the one she already wore on the other foot. "Thank you, Lion..."

Ira and Vesta broke free of the tangle of whip-blades and joined the rest of the pride as all Disciples and Praetorians charged forwards, following Killer. Clotho, somehow, managed to pre-empt them: Alexis saw her crawling to the edge of the Well and then leaping into it, even as blood streaked horribly behind her. Elelyon and Lemuel, although terrified, followed Alexis and the Disciples, and even Riaku and Seth and Kaya leapt into the inferno without any hesitation.

All of their eyes were fixed on the Well of Eternity and on the immense Threads of Life that still pushed out of it, stretching wildly through the darkness of space, like titanic, universe-dwarfing snakes whose bodies stretched for an unfathomable number of Light Years.

They were charging, effectively, towards their own lives, towards the physical manifestation of their vital force and of all the years they had lived, and it was terribly unnerving... but worse was the awareness that few other threads remained intact: most of the universes had been disintegrated already, and those that remained had been tremendously damaged and often left almost bare of any life. There were still billions, trillions of tiny, hair-thick Threads going up the Well, but they were a small fraction of the life that used to fill up Existence and that now was for the most part gone and lost.

Killer teleported towards the edge of the titanic well, grunting when he emerged near to the edge of the abyss and realized that the pressure and the gravitational force of the Well were far, far more terrible than those of any Black Hole. It seemed to claw into him to drag him down into the bottomless abyss, yet at the same time it also seemed to blast him with an endless succession of shockwaves that pushed him backwards with violent, undeniable force. Only by standing near to them did he realize just how truly colossal the remaining Threads of Life were: his and Alexis's, in particular, loomed over him in ways he could have never even imagined, and both pulsed and thrummed with terrible, impossible power. And yet, even their Threads vanished down into the abyss, reaching down through the Well and all the way to a distant, unfathomable source of energy. Towards Chaos, primordial force from which all others had detached over time. In that, they were just like all the others.

He failed to spot Cerberus, and for a moment he dared hoping that he might have simply been crushed into vapor by the tremendous and conflicting forces that rushed out of the Well in waves strong enough to make even him shudder. Everywhere he looked, he could only see the slowly swirling energies that formed the walls of the abyss, and the sheer immensity of the Well made him feel small and vulnerable like he hadn't in any other moment. The tremendous waves of pure, alien force made him grunt as they bore down on him with amazing strength, all but causing his bones to creak audibly... and he made a grimace, not even able to believe that Cerberus had truly leapt into that infernal gullet, and even less convinced about his abilities to survive.

He spotted Lachesis, however, seeing the Primordial slowly descending through the very middle of the bottomless shaft, her arms slightly crossed on her chest, her eyes glowing with terrible glee even as immense amounts of angry energies crackled against her from the walls of the abyss.

The huge male hesitated for a brief instant, then cursed under his breath and took the leap into that infernal opening, wondering what truly waited for him on the other side: nobody had traveled in first person through the Well of Eternity apart arguably from Lachesis, who had effectively created it by using her raw, impossible strength to punch a way out of Chaos and open a breach leading to the Dimension that they had then learned to consider their homeland.

He swung his mighty arm downwards, hurling a massive tangle of black tentacles in her direction, but Lachesis first ducked, then spun around and slashed her massive sword-whip outwards, chopping several of the great tentacles and battering the others away as she looked up with a snarling grin and roared: "It is too late for you, Amon-Ra! I will never let you interfere with the little mortal's deliciously stupid plan!"

Killer snarled in frustration at that, letting himself sink down the tremendous abyss even through the forces crushing down on his chest threatened to bust his body. It was like a million hammers were smashing down on him at the same time, crushing him flat like a pancake and at the same time driving blades and stakes of icy, unbearable energy all the way through his soul. His breath was immediately squished out of his lungs, making him gasp in pain, gritting his fangs as he spread his mighty wings for a moment and flapped them with all of his strength, propelling himself downwards and shooting down past the enormous Threads, feeling heir heat almost scorching his skin. The abyss of the Well of Eternity was a terrifying place, and it applied a devastating pressure on everything, from the body to the very soul. Immense lightning bolts of pure energy crackled violently around him, racing down the endless length of the shaft in a sort of neverending storm, and Killer could already clearly feel the brutal, greedy forces of the Unworld pulsing up from down below. The realm where true death happened, where all manifestations of Reality, from objects to living beings, were completely destroyed, consumed and disassociated back into pure energy to feed back into the cycle. That was the place where everything ended, and Killer had learned to know it better than he would have liked, because he had been repeatedly exposed to Unworld residue, weaponized and used against him. The tremendous substance was terribly destructive and, from a distance, it felt incandescent and disturbing. Now, the heat he felt and the anguish that churned his guts were enhanced to the maximum as he dived rapidly towards that unforgiving dimension.

The walls of the Well seemed to close in on him as the entrance, far, far above, rapidly shrunk smaller and smaller as he fell, and he looked for a moment at the otherworldly spiraling of energies of multiple origins and natures. There was light, there was darkness and there was everything in between, as Unworld residue was sucked up the well in great waves and rivers that formed dark, spiraling streaks in the shaft, while other great energies, greater than those of Gods, flashed for brief, fleeting moments before ceasing to matter, before they merged back into the chaotic everything, just another droplet into the sea.

It truly left him breathless, because it was a reminder of just how immense Existence was, and just how small even the Gods were, in the grand scheme of things. Here, in the great shaft that connected the very layers that composed Reality, he was left to contemplate true immensity.

"We are almost there, Killer." Darkness taunted, and the liger shuddered with a snarl of rage, frustration and fear as his vision faded and, for a moment, he was dragged back into his mind, into his very soul, to stand one more in front of Black Killer, who stood even taller, even greater, a hulking titan of muscles and power and perfection. "I knew that, in a way or another, you'd bring me here. The Source and the End of all things! And Cerberus... the valiant idiot will trigger the final, the true apocalypse for me."

Darkness cackled, and Killer shook his head violently, attempting to clear his thoughts and fight back the pain that threatened to split his skull in half, and when his eyes opened again, he spotted Cerberus straight ahead. He all but found himself flying through streaks and clouds of blood and liquefied gore coming from the mutant abomination as Cerberus was crushed by the impossible, devastating pressure of the Well... but still, his shapeless body refused to finally give in for good and collapsed on itself. The parasites within him continued to wildly consume his essence while repairing his outer shell, generating hideous and constant mutations. Ugly, huge eyes split open over the rippling, shifting mass of black growths and rotten pustules, and they all seemed to fixate not on Lachesis, but on Killer as the mutant beat howled: "It is too late to stop me, Killer! I'm exactly where I need to be!"

The words were barely recognizable because his voice had turned into a hideous screech, but that was not important. Killer raced forwards, channeling his energies through Wyvern and unleashing a beam of golden force, but Lachesis immediately spun in the way and slapped the flat of her sword-whip into the incoming missile, causing it to explode in a colossal blast that tilled the Well with bright light... and still failed to make the bottom of the abyss in any way visible.

"Don't disturb him, Killer!" Lachesis exclaimed, grinning maniacally as she somersaulted once and flapped all of her wings to fly up against him, their swords slamming together and biting into each other, sending energy crackling out in huge bolts. "He can serve me in one last way, and end his puny life with one truly useful action, for once...!" The Primordial laughed in savage satisfaction even as the sheer immensity of Killer's monstrous strength sent her staggering backwards, and she flicked her wrist and caused her blade to split into multiple "spades", snapping the whip violently against him. It clanged into Wyvern with a tremendous clash of metal, its long coils wrapping around the crimson triple-blade and one long segment of it snapping down on his arm, biting deep through his flesh. Killer growled in pain but yanked Wyvern hard backwards, dragging Lachesis towards him and quickly swinging a leg up to smash his foot into the dark armour protecting her abs.

It sent her crashing backwards with a grunt, blood flying out of her jaws and eyes bulging out of her bone mask, but when Killer tried to turn to strike against Cerberus, she shoved out her other hand and made a gripping gesture. Dark, terrible, semi-liquid tendrils shot from her fingers and pierced violently into his skull, yanking him backwards and making him hiss in agony... before his senses all blackened out almost completely, sheer pain filling his mind and causing his skull to thrum painfully.

He found himself catapulted back into his mind once more, and he crashed violently into Black Killer, bouncing off his massive form with a grunt and awkwardly shifting into a ready position even as blood leaked out of his ears and pain overwhelmed his mind. Fortunately, Black Killer seemed in agony as well, and he was angrily clawing at his own skull as if to yank the torment out through the skin and bone.

"You are strong, but not strong enough, Killer!" Lachesis's voice boomed over both males, causing them to groan in pain even as the massive, much taller black male turned around and they faced off, slowly walking round in a circle and pointing their massive swords at each other.

One of the nodes of Killer's memory and consciousness was nearby, ripped-open and pulsing desperately, in agony, as it bled out cascades of silvery... matter. His thoughts, his memories... his sanity that was being shattered into bits. Killer let out a growl that was pain and fury in equal measure, and he swung Wyvern violently forwards, only for Black Killer to easily shield himself with the flat of his own, much larger version of Wyvern, before Darkness flexed and slashed his weapon out, sending him skidding backwards with a grunt. "There you go! Fight, you little boys! Fight your futile war for control!" Lachesis taunted, and her voice smashed into the both of them like a succession of sonic waves that made Killer shudder and almost vomit, his whole form filled with torment. "I did not think I'd ever see you again, Darkness! Can't say I'm particularly happy because of it, but you won't be around for long anyway."

"Shut the hell up, you monster!" Black Killer howled, and tears of blood flew from his eyes with the pounding pain in his mind and the rage and the... the sadness...? Was Darkness able to feel sadness at all? For the first time, it looked like he felt it, and very clearly. But Killer had no time to think much about it, because the furious giant stomped forwards with a vengeance, dropping his massive sword against the ground and splitting it apart as he dragged the colossal blade after himself, ripping a deep, glowing, burning wound inside Killer's thoughts and awareness.

The gigantic black Wyvern slashed upwards, forcing Killer to backstep and push his palm against the flat of his sword, grunting as the tremendous impact threatened to slam it out of his grip, his fingers nearly exploding into pulp. He was hefted off the ground by the sheer, furious power of the blow, and he snarled as the ground behind and around him seemed to simply explode, making blades and spikes of bone rip out of the depths and stab viciously against him. He cursed as the massive pillars of stone-like darkness smashed into him, disintegrating into deadly shrapnel as they battered him away. He raised his arms and tried to charge though that deadly hailstorm, but they knocked him off balance, and Lachesis laughed loudly as she clawed directly into his thoughts and ripped the damaged node out of place, sending it crashing into him. She laughed wildly while he braced as best he could, gritting his fangs and half-flopping against the bleeding sphere of memories and thoughts, vomiting blood all over it... before gritting his fangs as Black Killer savagely stabbed Wyvern forwards, ripping right through the node.

"You are an interesting specimen, I will admit that much, Killer..." Lachesis's voice said, with some real admiration as Killer rolled out of the way at the last moment and slammed his palm into the glowing node, causing it to explode right on Darkness's face, pelting him with shards of silvery memories that tore through him better than any dagger ever could have, while at the same time Killer viciously swung up his sword and caught his alter-ego in the chest and shoulder, sending him staggering backwards with a cry of surprise and outrage. "You are much better than my son, that much is definite." Lachesis commented, and that only made Black Killer howl with even greater fury, sending him charging forwards and swinging out an enormous, tremendously powerful fist that crackled with dark, monstrous force.

Killer only stood there, fearlessly waiting for him as his eyes widened in mad fury and he threw all caution and balance away, only lashing out with brutal, destructive force... and the liger dodged by twisting ever so slightly sideways, grinning as he immediately smacked his palm into his rival's elbow. Somehow, there was not the crack of shattering bones that should have followed, but Black Killer was sent stumbling over to the opposite side, his arm bending horribly for a brief moment, which Killer exploited to drag Wyvern upwards in a low slash that caught the giant in the knees.

Unbelievably, the blade bounced violently backwards, failing to even draw blood even as Black Killer was sent hurtling forwards like a toppling statue, which Killer slammer a shoulder into and hefted up even higher, throwing him over his back. "As I was saying..." Lachesis commented with distaste, just as Black Killer crashed on the ground with a snarl, winded but otherwise unscratched. "But you are proving useful one last time, Darkness, and that's more than I dared hoping from you... your presence in their minds is making things easier for me."

Killer spun around to face Darkness as the giant sprung back to his feet without hesitation, without pain, without any fatigue, and as their swords again clashed in midair, the liger shuddered as he felt almost physically touched by Lachesis's hands, her psychic ghost floating around him and whispering tauntingly in his ears: "But you'll end up cowering and trembling before me, just like all the other gods. I'm just kind of sorry that you and Alexis aren't showing me your full potential. Too scared of Darkness here taking control of your thoughts...? Such a shame...!"

Killer snarled in fury and frustration at that, his muscles flexing as he reached up to catch Black Killer's enormous fist before it could smash into his face, and he was sent skidding violently backwards, before their swords clanged together once again, hard enough that the two blades bit into each other, almost becoming lodged... and then something screamed at him, his instincts taking over as he again felt something brushing... touching him. In his mind...? Outside...? It was becoming more and more complex to keep track. His eyes snapped open just in time to see Lachesis drawing nearer, psychic waves rippling around her as she yanked on the black tendrils that connected her fingers and his mind, and he grunted as he saw her sword viciously slashing down against his neck. The impact was tremendous, and her blade split once more into a multitude of spade-like blades chained together, before Time and Space rippled violently as the whip tore through them and then ripped its way out through a dozen different places and times at once. Killer closed his eyes and focused, lashing out with his mind in all directions and sending the blades bouncing backwards, before Lachesis clenched her fist and grinned viciously, looking straight into his eyes as he hissed in agony and nearly lost control of his mind as the black tendrils bulged and pulsed, pumping terrible psychic noise into his already tormented brain.

"Let go of him!" An unknown voice barked, and Killer's eyes opened and darted sideways to see an unknown goddess, bloodied and horrendously mutilated, swinging down a blade made of white, pure energy. It hissed mere inches off his face, cutting through the black tendrils and severing all of them, and the relief was immediate but so sudden to feel almost like a punch in the face. It sent him reeling backwards for a moment while the newcomer gritted her fangs and took position ahead of him, slamming her sword down against Lachesis in a vicious series of slashes and cuts. She was beautiful, even though her body was, in that moment, literally split apart in multiple places, with twitching, moving ropes of intestine and weird, alien organs hanging out of the great bloody chasms. She had a crest of loose scales on her head and features that were somewhat serpentine... and similar to Harbinger's, in some ways. She clearly was one of the Sisters, and that made Killer wonder for a brief moment what was going on... but he was gladly willing to take all the help he could get.

The attacks of the wounded Sister were forceful but crude. Overeager. The Primordial, that he realized after a moment had to be Clotho, according to what he had learned earlier and what Alexis had told him, was both desperate and inexperienced, and that was a horrible combination when fighting against an absolute monster like Lachesis.

And in fact, the hermaphroditic Patriarch grinned mockingly and effortlessly deflected all of the attacks away from her body, even as Clotho let out a roar of frustration and created a second blade in her other hand, howling: "Stop it! Stop it, mother! This is insane! This is monstrous!"

Killer exploited the moment to flap his wings and launch downwards all the faster, aiming towards Cerberus as the hideous, horrendously-mutated beast grinned up at him with ragged, dirty, oversized fangs poking out of a massive, monstrous jaw. Something inside Cerberus's body was glowing of a terrible crimson light, and Killer slashed Wyvern against that very point... only for Lachesis to claw into him from behind, yanking him around with terrifying strength and stabbing her incandescent, devastating talons through his chest, barking: "I don't think so, Killer! Let him get this one last job done!" She cackled maniacally, and then grinned with vicious, hideous glee as she added: "Can you tell what that idiot did, huh...? No, of course you can't, you glorified mortal! He has turned a line of his genetic code into the keyword for the apocalypse! All of the Anchors he found and attacked, located and "mined"... they are all about to explode!" She laughed wildly, waves of psychic power pulsing and rippling around her, and she cocked her terrible sword back to stab it down through his chest, the blade burning with dark energy, her entire body radiating terrible malice as she blissfully howled: "And all the energy released will rush down here, and it will join me!"

Killer felt it, horrendously clearly: the pulse of codified energy that was beginning to surge out of Cerberus as he flexed a multitude of enormous, oversized arms and threw back a hideous, bug-like head that snapped with terrible pincers as he shrieked: "I win, Killer! I win! This is my triumph! This is my family's hour of victory!"

Killer swept Wyvern upwards, cutting in a wide arc above his head and smacking Lachesis's blade out of the way before immediately spinning around to stab his enormous weapon into Cerberus's deformed body, tearing through grotesque, enormous muscles and burying the blade towards that pulsing red light that shone clearly even through his flesh, sinisterly illuminating the rows and rows of parasites and eggs and capsules of the hive that completely infested his insides and had replaced all of his innards. Cerberus roared in anguish at that, but clapped downwards with world-destroying hands, forcing Killer's tentacles to shot outwards and tear through his gigantic palms, shoving them violently backwards.

"No, I said!" Lachesis snarled, and she clawed into him from behind, yanking him hard backwards and tossing him away, sending him hurtling towards the crackling, deadly edge of the Well as she cocked back her sword-whip and roared: "The idiot is mine, and mine alone!"

"Stay back, you whore!" Cerberus snarled, lashing out with a massive fist that crawled with massive, hideous parasites ripping out of his flesh, but Lachesis tossed a sphere of dark fire into the huge, damaged fingers and sent them crashing sideways, out of her path as her eyes flashed with tremendous psychic ferocity. Cerberus recoiled, drool falling from his mutant jaws and toxic, corrupted blood bursting out of his eyes as Lachesis cackled and cocked back her terrifying weapon: "I'm the one who wins, you idiot! Thanks for making things so much easier for me! Going after all the anchors myself could have taken some time!" She slashed her terrible weapon down through Cerberus's front, just as, countless Light years above them, outside of the titanic Well, the coded signal reached the countless special "bombs" that the Swarm had placed against the Anchors in the various universes and dimensions. Killer roared in horror and denial, knowing that Cerberus had never been stronger than in that very moment... but had also never been more vulnerable. His vital force was down to a tiny candle and his body was entirely consumed by the parasites which clamored for something else to devour. He was frail, a colossus with feet of clay... a delicious snack for Lachesis to devour. Immediately, Killer attempted to teleport right over Lachesis, while tossing great daggers of focused energy against her at the same time... but the titaness only grinned even as they ripped into her back and exploded. Killer crashed into a distortion in Space and Time as her eyes flashed with cruel glee and tremendous, reality-bending power, and her hands yanked on the whip, sending the spade-shaped blades cutting through the thin layer that was all what remained of Cerberus. The mutant beast shrieked in agony and shock and denial while the whip ripped into his deformed head and then sliced down through the middle of his body, splitting him in two like a log as a terrifying, horrendous mass of gigantic, angry parasites seemed to welcome the blades, bursting out of him, devouring what little was left of his energies and flesh, until Lachesis's whip-sword finally tore out of the beast's bottom, sending tremendous dark fire spreading over the flesh and mutant, armor-like skin as the monstrous artificial ultragod let out a wail of anguish and then simply dissolved in a cloud of ashes, revealing a squirming, hissing, solid mass of parasites rearing out of hideous rows of capsules of gunk, eggs and toxic ichors.

"Yes!" Lachesis hissed, grinning in terrible, insane glee as she spread her arms and threw herself into that hideous, living inferno, welcoming the gigantic parasites which immediately lunged out all over her, coiling around her body and biting into it with savage, merciless hunger. They dissolved the dark armor that was all what remained of Atropos, consuming the heavy plates like they were food. They cracked them, crumpled them, melted them in their terrifying acid and hypervirile gunk, destroying through creation and creating through destruction all at the same time. The beasts tore their way into her beautiful body, deforming it horrendously as they crawled under her scales, causing an endless multitude of moving, squirming bulges to ruin her beauty as they consumed and reshaped her at the very same time. Lachesis writhed in the middle of that inferno, her jaws opening in a breathless shriek of anguish only to be violated even more ferociously as a tangle of those terrible beasts rammed down her jaws, shattering her face, throbbing and thrusting, savagely abusing of her face and shattering her bone mask, turning it into powder in the space of an instant. Her body shuddered, spasmed, shook, broke apart: even with all her cosmic power, even though her strength had set the Creation into motion, even though her seed had generated the two halves of the Big Bang, she was puny, pathetic, nothing but a piece of meat to that monstrosity that was ravaging her from every angle, intent on rebuilding an improved, evolved godbeast.

The hideous beast rumbled, becoming more monstrous, more animal, more powerful as her muscles bulged and tore through her old scales, pushing them outwards as her hulking form swelled greater, stronger, more terrible, as her smooth hide was replaced by a mutant, ever-moving swarm of parasites.

She snarled in a mix of agony and pleasure as her body flexed, mutating, evolving, hungry for more pleasure, for more power, for more destruction. She grew and grew, looming taller and hulking with heavier, thicker muscles that pulsed with monstrous pumping veins that looked like cable sand tubes. Fresh wounds tripped open and gaped all over her form, filling up with ugly eyes, with squirming parasites, with bulging infections that were laboratories of pestilent evolution, factories of destructive perfection, weeping hungrily with infectious gunk and fed by cables bulging and pushing up beneath her new, invulnerable, alive layer of black scales.

Great, thick tentacles ripped out from her body, rearing up around her like ravenous dragons, covered in ridges and bulges of vein and bone, armed with snapping, blade-like bug legs in the hundreds, in the thousands, producing an endless succession of clicks and sounds that threatened to make Killer vomit in helpless horror. They all swelled with thick, heavy heads armed with pincers and deadly jaws, and then twisted down and around her, before Lachesis roared and sent them arching out towards the edges of the Well, throwing her head backwards with a snarl of agonizing yet unmatched bliss as the deadly parasites clawed and bit into the Threads of Life... and others dared to plunge directly into the walls of the abyss, burying deep into those endless expanses of roaring energy that spiraled violently upwards, towards Reality. Tentacles pumped, their coils constricting and crushing down even on her own chaotic form, bulging horribly as they struggled to feed her immense muscles with corruption and with a dark, toxic residue that made the Unworld's substance look like pure spring water.

The unholy, godless titaness threw her head back with another snarl of pleasure-pain as her thick, immense shaft flexed with angry, excessive vigor, covered in filth and in oozing, omnivirile gunk that had the power to destroy, to create, to torment and to evolve. The horrific shaft swelled larger and hung down lower, longer and heavier, the enormous, fat head swelling and pushing back the stretched foreskin as the maw of her gigantic member gaped open and pushed out a black, disgusting glob of thick fluid that sluggishly swelled and drooped down lower under its own weight, full of squirming, terrible life. And as if all that wasn't enough, the titanic member bulged almost grotesquely and then split into four colossal tentacle-cocks that reared up with savage hunger, growing longer than thicker, lined with ridges and terrible barbs as they sweated out thick layers of omnipotent, virile grime.

"What incredible, endless power... and it is just the beginning... just the start of a fucking avalanche that will devour everything!" Lachesis howled in dark, insane delight, her eyes glowing with such ferocity that the light coming from them flooded the entire Well, causing its walls of energy to suddenly look dull and colorless... And in the same time, high above them, the Apocalypse, the real one, the total one, happened in a single, awful, terrifying thrum of power. A single, colossal explosion that couldn't generate noise in space, in absence of air, but which moved such impossible amounts of energy to produce a deafening, gloomy sound nonetheless. It rattled Killer's ribcage and made him feel like his whole form was about to implode, his very soul crushed between the enormity of the disaster above and the tremendous supremacy of the growing force ahead of him.

His mind attempted to refuse the reality of what was happening, trying to tell him that it was an illusion, that it was a vision caused by Darkness messing with his mind... but none of it worked. It was painfully, horribly clear that it was happening, that it was real. That it was too late to do anything about it.

He felt it with cruel clarity: the last thrum of life of uncountable worlds that exploded, completely obliterated in a single, terrifying instant as the Anchor hidden in them was pulverized. Entire worlds, countless civilizations, and even entire garrisons of gods and disciples that the Swarm had left behind to guard the great Anchors. How many...? Killer couldn't even begin to imagine the numbers involved.

The power of the explosions, and the sheer violence of the waves of raw energy that were suddenly unleashed as the Anchors shattered, instantaneously disintegrated even those planets that the Swarm hadn't reached. Even the worlds that hid no Anchors at all. Nothing was spared: the immense shockwave of energy that the Anchors had effectively frozen still to enable the universes to grow and develop, was suddenly released and left free to tear through the whole of Existence, washing away universe after universe, dissolving everything and everyone. There was not even the time to let out a shriek of shock. All stars, to the very last one, winked out. All planets were annihilated. All gods snuffed out of existence by a force that was too far greater than they could even dream of.

Earth, and everybody left on its surface, made no exception. Killer felt a sinking, cold, terrible feeling in his chest as his home world simply ceased to exist. It was like a great void, a great chasm had suddenly opened inside him, and his heart missed a beat, his lungs failed to take in air. His mind pulsed with the shocking pain of sudden realization. He thought of Galen, of Sebastian. Of the Sentence and of the Audacious. Of the Ark Royal and the other ships. Of the few "colonies" left, in which exhausted, terrified mortals had attempted to cling on to the very last bit of a hope. All of it was gone, cancelled in a single blink.

The tiny, thin Threads of Life all around him snapped apart, all at the same time, producing a terrible, gloomy note as they began to dissolve into motes of energy, while the Unworld, far down below, seemed to sight hungrily and open its jaws wider, as if alive, as if trying to suck all those souls and energies in. But Lachesis laughed cruelly as her massive tentacle-parasites burned with terrifying crimson fire and swept upwards along the walls of the Well, devouring every last mote of energy, consuming every last soul, every last life. Killer desperately attempted to drag some of those streaks of energy towards him, tried to steal some of that force away from Lachesis, but the monster was too great, too hungry, and too powerful. She was a billion times worse than a Black Hole, and she licked her new, metallic, adamantine lips with a long, dexterous, forked tongue that was made of sharp segments of bone. Acid drool dripped from her lips as she effortlessly assimilated all of that energy, her body thrumming with fearsome power.

"More! More!" She cackled, fully knowing that she would be made happy... And in fact, almost in the very same reality-breaking moment, energy of all flavors flooded the Well of Eternity, cascading down it with unprecedented violence. The energy of every dissolved universe, of every disintegrated Anchor, of every pulverized world, of every snuffed-out star rushed down into the Well, siphoned towards the Unworld but ultimately devoured instead by Lachesis.

"And to think that this was your power! This was your destiny!" Lachesis cackled, while her power ascended, grew monstrously, going above and beyond everything that had been imagined before, growing and growing with every passing second. "Such an opportunity wasted, all of it because of Darkness hiding in your head... Evolution will never stand still, Killer... you tried to, and now your own power will devour you, and all you care for!" Lachesis roared, grinning savagely as she turned her eyes back onto him... and they flashed with such terrible power than he was slammed backwards like a toy. A howl of agony escaped his lips as he crashed into the wall of the Well, and the tremendous amounts of mixed, alien energies there washed over him like magma, burning into him with a savagery he had never experienced before. He threw himself forwards, escaping from that inferno while his body smoldered and the flesh threatened to flake off his bones, and he charged forwards, swinging Wyvern down against the titan's muzzle. She didn't even bother trying to avoid his assault, grinning instead as the blade crashed into her armour-like scales and bounced back, cracking, the sharp edge dented and ruined.

"What are you going to do now, bugs...?" Lachesis mocked, before her tongue of sharp bone segments slashed out of her jaws and clanged against Wyvern, nearly knocking it out of his hand even as he spun around to get out of range and tossed a sphere of focused energy against the growing beast. It dissolved before even touching her eye, and it was greedily absorbed into the titaness, who laughed in dark entertainment. Clotho and Alexis rushed past Killer on either side, and the ligeress blasted a burst of supercharged bullets out of Blue Vixen, sending them all crashing into the center of Lachesis's eye... but even that part of her seemed entirely invulnerable at that point, and she ignored the assault completely, turning around and lashing out with her sword-whip, first smacking into Blue Vixen, then allowing the blade to split into segments that shot forwards and forced Alexis to duck before they could tear into her own eyes. The spade-like blades then snapped back together, trapping Blue Vixen's blade between them, and Alexis grunted as she was yanked around with terrible violence, as Lachesis's other hand burned with horrendous black flames that blasted forth in a roaring hurricane.

Alexis hurriedly formed a wall of energy ahead of herself and grunted as the impact cracked it and sent her hurtling backwards while dark fire roared past the edges of the shield and arched around like a sentient thing, tearing into her arms and making her hiss in agony as she flapped her wings to move backwards, getting to a safer distance and trying to extinguish those energy-consuming flames. A freezing breeze surrounded her and vanquished the flames before rushing down against Lachesis, but the titaness's body was so incandescent that it produced no effect at all, and when Blue Vixen slashed forwards, Lachesis effortlessly dodged sideways, laughing as she danced around Alexis, easily avoiding all her assaults. Alexis gritted her fangs in frustration and fury, trying to get past her defences, but Lachesis was too fast and clearly had an even better precognition than she had... and when the titaness's eyes flashed with psychic rage, Alexis grunted as she was not only slammed physically backwards, but also detached from the outside world and sent crashing into her own mind, where Darkness, in the shape of Black Alexis, immediately turned around to face her.

Clotho slashed her sword of light against her mother, but Lachesis caught the blade in her hand, snarling in irritation and yanking the far smaller girl forwards, smashing her bone-armoured head into her face and causing her to flop backwards with a cry of agony, her face horrendously caved inwards and turned in a mask of blood. "Again, you insolent gnat...?" Lachesis muttered, before her deadly tongue shot forwards and tore through Clotho's eye and skull, spearing right through her head, from front to back, causing the younger Primordial to gargle breathlessly. Still, Clotho reached forwards with her arms, which glowed with intense, pure light and then morphed into a multitude of tendrils, almost like ropes, which coiled tightly around Lachesis and caused her scales to smolder lightly.

"Hit her now! Kill her!" Clotho begged, but when Killer tried to get around Lachesis, the titaness grinned and altered reality with a single, lazy thought, morphing her body so that a second face appeared in the back of her head, and a new pair of arms also stretched out of her shoulders as she nearly doubled herself.

Killer grunted in surprise at that, hurriedly pulling up Wyvern to protect his chest from a massive fist armed with incandescent, destructive talons... which dug gouges in his sword's blade like it was made of butter. The violence of the impact sent him spinning backwards, and he had to immediately duck a torrent of fetid black fire, while Clotho closed her eyes with a cry of anguish as the same dark fire began to burn her arm-tendrils and the rest of her body, horribly melting the flesh away from her bones. "Don't worry for me! Hit her THROUGH me! Don't waste your chance!"

Alexis grunted, shaking her head and desperately trying to clear her mind and senses from Black Alexis's interferences, before her eyes bulged in shock at the sight of the suicidal attempt the Primordial was carrying out. "Clotho, no...!" Alexis exclaimed, looking horrified, but as she lunged forwards against Lachesis's side, the titaness mutated one more and a third face and pair of arms pushed out of her form, grinning viciously as another blind corner was eliminated and another vulnerability turned into yet more strength. It had already seemed impossible to land a hit on her, now it truly felt unthinkable.

"Please! I'm begging you...!" Clotho prayed, shuddering violently as her body rapidly lost coherence... "I will not last long either way!" Alexis closed her eyes with a shiver at that, knowing that it was true but wishing that it wasn't. She launched forwards with a low growl of frustration and disgust at what she was about to do, and ducked under the three sword-whips as they slashed against her in rapid and savage succession, grabbing the handle of Blue Vixen with both hands and driving the massive sword forwards, right through Clotho's chest and into Lachesis's breast, aiming for the heart. "Sorry..."

Clotho let out a gargling sigh of relief, almost satisfaction at the sight of the great sapphire blade smashing into Lachesis's breast... but even as Alexis roared and slammed even her body weight forwards, the armor-like scales and the mutant flesh beneath seemed to clamp onto the sword and push it back out before it could make any real damage.

"You don't get it yet, do you, bugs...? It's over. I'm feeding on the Apocalypse. I'm eating all of you. I'll soon be absolute, and you'll be stuck within him as nothing more than molecules." Lachesis grinned widely, and her chest seemed to almost explode as several massive, terrible parasites burst out of her, clicking and hissing as they shot right into Clotho, biting, devouring, ripping off large chunks of her leash as she spasmed in agony, her eyes shutting tightly as the beasts tore into her tormented body. Alexis hissed in disgust as the massive beasts tore right thought even Clotho's form, bursting out of her back and crawling along Blue Vixen's blade, lunging against her... and she immediately yanked the sword back out, gripping Clotho's shoulder with her other hand and pumping energy into her form, trying to aid her regeneration and sending high, incandescent golden flames ripping into the parasites.

She dragged Clotho back, growling as the parasites yanked in the opposite direction, refusing to let go of her... and Killer swept down from above, swinging Wyvern down onto the stretched-out bodies of the beasts and chopping into them with the force of Death, breaking enough of the bug-like monstrosities to send Alexis and Clotho floating backwards.

"I'm... sorry..." Clotho brokenly whispered, coughing up blood, and then her body began to break apart as the parasites savagely multiplied within her and rapidly consumed what was left of her forces.

"Join me, child... and you will not have been entirely useless, at least." Lachesis mocked, extending a hand and making an easy beckoning gesture as Clotho's form lost coherence and broke into motes of energy. They began to helplessly fall towards Lachesis, but then glowed brilliantly as Clotho's voice resounded one last time, weak yet unbreakable in terms of determination as she announced: "No, mother... I'll fight you to the very end."

Killer's eyes widened as Clotho somehow managed, with a terrible effort, to direct her energies towards him, and he extended out arm, reaching out to brush one of those ghostly clouds of floating light, grunting as they immediately rushed into him, filling him with a sudden, reassuring warmth. He hissed lightly as several of his wounds immediately sealed, and his regeneration speeded up all over his form... before he recoiled a bit, in surprise and relief both, as he saw an image of Clotho in his mind, standing guard in front one of the nodes of his consciousness that Black Killer was trying to destroy.

I'm sorry, Killer... I wish I could have been more useful. But I will protect your mind as well... and hopefully help you focus.

Thanks, Clotho... that would be clutch. Killer quietly thought, hoping that she would hear him clearly. His eyes studied the titanic monstrosity ahead, trying to find anything even remotely resembling a weak spot, but the beast was only getting stronger and greater with every passing moment.

Lachesis snarled in fury and confusion, looking down at her hand with a grimace that made it clear that she was amazed that Clotho had somehow been able to escape her grip... But she snorted contemptuously just a moment later, flicking her wrist and effortlessly warping the flow of time as the Disciples and Praetorians reached the fight and charged against her. "Welcome to you all, gnats! You are exactly the take away I ordered!" She mocked, grinning savagely as she froze in midair the massive bullets fired by Elaine's heavy guns, before effortlessly sending them hurtling backwards against Pamela, grinning as they smashed into her like meteors, denting and cracking and shattering her Praetorian armor. The tigress still pushed through the hailstorm of fire and steel, lunging forwards with her great hybrid spear, but Lachesis only cackled darkly as her talons tore visibly through the fabric of reality and she yanked on it like it was nothing more than a tent, so that Pamela suddenly found himself turned around, her spear aiming straight for Nikita's chest. The fellow Praetorian grunted in surprise and hurriedly deflected with her own heavy weapon, but the two warriors collided in midair and were sent sprawling, while Lachesis's eyes flashed and sent an explosion of psychic fury smacking into Valery and Manticora just as they fired massive arrows from their longbows. Both muscular females were sent crashing backwards with groans of pain, and the arrows they had just fired were slammed backwards as well, their energy crackling violently as it became unstable and then exploded in two terrible blasts that pelted the rest of the Praetorians with deadly slivers.

Elelyon and Lemuel had it worse by far, as the pressure of the Well threatened to crush them like bugs, and Lachesis's terrifying presence pretty much completely paralyzed them: both of their bodies, already heavily damaged, were rapidly dissolved, their shape warping and sizzling out of sight like they were nothing but images, helpless and immaterial. The two gods combined their forces as an enormous tentacle of darkness swung up from Lachesis's waist and whip-lashed against them, so fast and savage that they couldn't possibly escape. Elelyon hurriedly summoned holy fire in his hands and the hurtled it forwards with a grunt, sending the great flames washing over the incoming tentacle... but the colossal member barely twitched as it tore through that inferno, unfazed and unconcerned. The thick, hypervirile gunk that covered the titanic member and which was crammed full of sperms and parasites, was the only thing that seemed to be affected as the flames bit into the filth and burst higher and stronger, burning brighter... but just as Elelyon dared thinking he might have scored a point, the flames darkened and became nothing but a mane for her beastly sperms as she laughed and effortlessly turned his power into yet another weapon for her advantage. Lachesis laughed in mocking, cruel glee as Lemuel swung his heavy polearm up against her filthy tentacle-cock only to be slapped flying away like a cheap plastic toy, his holy weapon snapped in two broken pieces like so much as a cheap matchstick. "You are not even good to scrape the filth off my cockhead, you miserable losers!"

Other massive tentacle-cocks, dripping thick sludge and pestilent life, burst out of her now multiple waists, and they all lashed angrily out, blasting thick, heavy jets of omnipotent gunk. Lemuel created a shield of light as the gigantic, burning sperms and parasites rushed against them, but the enormous beasts slammed into it with such strength and mass to crack in like glass. The dense sludge covering them and the corrupted flames dissolved Lemuel's light, snuffing it out in mere instants, and the god let out a cry of shock and agony as the droplets and splatters of gunk tore through his armor and flesh like he was made of butter. He stabbed the broken ends of his polearm into an enormous parasite which flailed and roared in fury, rearing up so violently that Lemuel was swung skywards like a doll and sent crashing against another sperm-beast, which tore into him with hideous, terrifying jaws. The god of light howled in anguish as other beasts swarmed all over him, even as Elelyon rushed to his side and pushed his hands out, summoning a wall of electricity and fire around them. The dark gunk completely encased the barrier and made it smolder and sizzle, the flames dying out and letting some of the tremendous substance through, and the two gods shivered in horror as they felt their residual strength rapidly siphoned away, their bodies aging horrendously, their energies tearing violently out of them, pushing through their hides as Lachesis made a horrible sucking sound and opened her jaws to "drink" their lives away.

Elelyon turned around with a cry that nobody heard, but his eyes bulged as he rapidly considered the few options left and spotted Killer nearby as the liger battled against an immense tentacle beast. For a brief moment, their eyes met... and then Elelyon grabbed Lemuel and dragged him out of their dissolving safety bubble. They leapt out, howling in agony as they charged right through the squirming mass of hyperpotent gunk and savage sperm-beasts, their faces melting horribly and turning almost into bare skeletons as they were burned into pieces... and Killer instinctively reached out towards them, offering a helping hand as both gods began to lost coherence under his eyes, dissolving into motes of energy before Elelyon's outstretched hand could even get close to Killer's.

Lachesis inhaled with loud, terrible hunger, and even the great maws of her tentacle-cocks gaped wide and insatiably, but she let out a snarl of surprise and outrage as the faintly-visible, ethereal images of the two gods rushed forwards into Killer instead, making the liger grunt and recoil a little at the unexpected force of the impact.

"Thanks, Elelyon... Lemuel..." Killer whispered, a shudder going through his form as he felt their forces adding to his own, and an instant later he felt his mind clearing up somewhat as he saw both gods taking shape within him, right alongside Clotho, desperately fighting Black Killer back even as the dark titan shrugged off all of their attacks, laughing of their weakness as they failed to put even just a scratch on his perfect, hypermasculine, invulnerable body. "Thanks for trusting me..." Killer whispered, his eyes darting to the edge of the abyss for a moment as two more Threads of Life vanished: the ropes that had pulsed with the light of Elelyon and Lemuel burst apart in an explosion of brilliance, and the resulting motes of energy all rushed into Killer, but the enormous, titanic beast in the middle of the Well only growled in cruel entertainment as she mocked: "So, what...? Even summed together, those two microbes wouldn't even match one of my sperms. They are just petulant atoms that will join me later!"

Killer was horribly aware of the truth of her words, especially as more and more immense tentacles stretched out of her and arched out through the endless vastness of the Abyss, their jaws savagely biting into the Threads of Life that remained... which meant, his, Alexis's, and those of his Disciples and Praetorians and loved ones. They were the only ones left. The only shard of Existence that hadn't yet been consumed by the almighty monster.

He cocked Wyvern back and flapped his mighty wings to fly up towards one of those beastly appendages, while Alexis and the others did the same, but Lachesis only laughed darkly as even more of the serpent-like beasts pushed out of her waists and reared up amongst them, snapping terrifying jaws.

Killer was forced backwards as a fist monster snapped its jaws on him, forcing him to twist Wyvern upwards and spear it through the top of its jaw and out of the back of its heavy, hideous skull. Immediately, he ripped his sword free and had to sweep it violently sideways to slap another monstrosity away, but a third clamped on his leg, making him roar in anguish as terrible fangs ripped through his knee and the horrendous force of those jaws dragged him down like he was a puppet, slapping him from side to side as the beast crudely worked to tear his leg right off.

Mriya dived down from above and drove her Praetorian spear down through the tentacle's head, spearing through it and then swinging her body around the pole to smash both of her feet into the jaws of another, gaining Killer's a bit of time to bend his back and slash Wyvern downwards, chopping through the thick, enormous body of the tentacle.

He wrestled his leg free as the severed head flopped downwards, but dark, terrible smoke exploded out of the broken tentacle and immediately engulfed both him and Mriya, cancelling their senses and making it almost impossible for them to feel each other, even though they were mere feet apart.

Killer snarled in horror as the ugly smoke suddenly formed into a multitude of barely substantial shapes that ginned insanely down at him, then clawed into his body in any way they could. Their fingers, sharper than talons, tore very real gouges into his flesh, even as he flexed and pumped energy into his hide, turning it metallic, while forcing Deimos to once more push out of his body, forming into plates of armor.

In a flash, he realized that the laughing figures around him were warped, enslaved shadows of the countless beings that Lachesis had annihilated and absorbed during the apocalypse, and he felt their monstrous, warped hands tearing not just in his flesh but into his mind as well, like spears that pushed right into his brain... and which tormented even Black Killer, poking into his back, urging him on, making him even angrier as he ignored Clotho's impotent sword and grabbed her by the skull instead, smashing his tremendous fist into her again, and again, and again, caving her chest in, busting her breasts, squishing her face, sending blood bursting out in clouds before he swung her devastated body down into Elelyon, sweeping him off his feet and then slamming both bodies down into the ground, while stomping one huge foot over Lemuel, crushing him like a bug and causing his innards to burst wetly out of his deflated, crushed abdomen.

Killer breathed hard as his eyes opened back on reality, seeing only crimson for a moment even as he clenched his hand into a fist and supercharged it with light, with his golden, incandescent energies, finally lashing it out through a mass of ghosts charging at him. A white explosion of brilliance followed, and the ghosts scattered with shrieks of pain and fear as the immense energy dispelled and vaporized many of them, before he winced as another massive tentacle swirled up against him, jutting with terrible, poisoned thorns, and Killer cursed under his breath, hurriedly blocking it with his right arm. The spikes tore through his flesh and muscle with terrible ease, but he yanked his arm out to the side, dragging the tentacle along and trying to ignore the pain as the thorns ripped trenches in his limb, before he slammed Wyvern down and sliced the enormous appendage in half. It seemed to squeal in anguish, but it immediately began to morph, splitting into a couple-ended flexible spike that stabbed against him with a vengeance. Elaine swung in at his side and thrust her Praetorian spear right through one of the conical blades, yanking it sideways and then slicing it apart as she dragged her weapon free, while Killer seized into the other cone, wrapping his arms around it as best he could and wrestling the tentacle forwards, forcing it to distend as Alcana dived in with her giant halberd cocked and primed for a strike. It chopped down with tremendous force, cutting the tentacle in half, but Lachesis only snickered darkly, her eyes flashing as she opened a wound in reality that the massive weapon sunk through, dragging even Alcana hard forwards, even as she attempted to resist. The massive, crimson-bladed weapon emerged suddenly out of a portal at the other end of the battlefield, hacking brutally into Kate's back as the vixen Praetorian wrestled against a tangle of other tentacles... and Alcana gaped in shock and horror at the shriek and the explosion of blood that followed.

"I can play with your lives, with time, with space... soon I will be able to dissolve you with a mere thought!" Lachesis gleefully cackled, her eyes burning with savage satisfaction even as Boadicea dropped like a stone near her leg and then swung Satan's Blade violently into her ankles, sweeping her legs off from under her... only for a ripple to deform Time, yanking Boadicea backwards and spitting her violently against Kathy, sending both females crashing back into one of the immense Threads of life, grunting as they bounced off it with a sick creak of bones.

"What do you think I will be like when I eat up the Unworld as well...? And Chaos! There is so much more power down there...!" Lachesis hissed, looking greedily down at the bottom of the abyss, and Killer gritted his fangs as he realized that, yes, they were getting horribly close to the dark, unforgiving dimension. Now, for the first time, he could see and feel the devastating darkness of that terrible place.

"With every second that passes I grow stronger, and you are starting to look very, very squishy!" Lachesis taunted, and she turned one of her heads to glare at Gaia with a big, savage grin even as the mighty goddess of Nature created a large, burning star in one hand, and summoned a massive electromagnetic storm in the other, eyes flashing with power and fury as she sent the great dark clouds coiling around the titaness. Immense, terrifying lightning bolts exploded out of the great, roaring, shifting clouds that crackled with enough electricity to melt entire worlds, but Lachesis only laughed even as the great bolts struck into her scales. Electricity crackled all over her form, but it failed to cause her any damage as her muscles flexed and greedily absorbed it all, only growling in vicious bliss as she stretched one finger, lazily pointing it against Riaku and zapping him with a tremendous discharge that melted his sword, Toryu, and tore into him with enough force to nearly incinerate him, sending his wildly-spasming form crashing backwards with a gargling shriek of agony. "I am invincible!" Lachesis cackled, pointing her finger against Seth next, and sending the old king crashing in a broken heap against the wall of the abyss, before the titaness growled and flexed, huge bicep swelling as the storm began to orbit helplessly around her until she clenched her fist with a wild laugh, sending terrifying electric arches exploding in every direction, tearing through Killer, Mriya, Alexis and all the others, before she slowly turned around, growing even more gigantic, looming over them all, so immense now that she clawed into the edges of the Well just by extending her arms. "I am almighty!" She exclaimed, her eyes burning with ferocious power as she grinned down at Gaia and opened her mouth slightly, sucking loudly in... and the goddess of nature had enough time to gape in shock as the great supernova in her hand was extinguished like a candle... worse, it was sucked in, swallowed by the monstrous titaness who licked her lips and mocked: "Nice effort, babe... but you know what a real supernova should look like...?"

Gaia shuddered in terror, her eyes bulging in horror as the titaness opened her jaws wide, and then breathed forth an infernal discharge of cosmic fire, unlike anything that had ever existed before. The atomic furnaces of the stars were nothing in comparison to that apocalyptic tornado of ultrafire, and Gaia's shield of roaring waters dissolved into vapor in mere instants.

Killer found himself howling in denial, and all the other Disciples and Praetorians stared in disbelief and horror as the immense beam of omnipotent flames of destruction washed over Gaia and immediately charred the flesh off her bones.

Killer howled in sorrow and disbelief and despair as Gaia's beautiful features were cancelled in a mere instant, and his eyes bulged as her skeleton was unveiled for a brief moment, while turning black and dry and frail, before that too broke down into nothing but ashes as Lachesis's draconic breath effortlessly tore through the very wall of the Well, flooding the white, empty Nothingness beyond as it tore through the dimensions and planes of reality.

Gaia's collar pulsed once, glowing in the middle of the dark crimson inferno, and then that too melted away to nothing... and Killer saw the thick, enormous Thread of Gaia's life exploding into a myriad of tiny fragments, motes of energy that floated in midair like feathers. Immediately, instinctively, he rushed towards them, tears flying from his eyes as he howled in denial and spread her arms as if to hug her.

I'm sorry, Killer... she is really too strong for us to take on. We will need to... to become one...

Gaia's voice echoed in his mind, weak and pained, yet full of determination, and the white motes of energy rushed down into him, shooting into his chest even as Lachesis greedily inhaled... then snorted in contempt and rage as she realized that, once again, she had been avoided.

"You are only delaying the inevitable..." Lachesis coldly said, and she flexed her almighty musculatures, grabbing handfuls of thick Threads of Life and yanking hard on them, beginning to siphon energy directly out of them. Her tentacles snarled and flailed violently as their jaws worked savagely against the gigantic Threads of Life, and Killer shuddered in horror as he clearly saw Mriya spasming in agony, blood bubbling out of her mouth as her splendid body began to wither and shrink smaller, her muscles losing tone and definition even as she roared and refused to give in, grabbing the jaws of one of the huge tentacles in her hands and ripping it apart with her raw, brutal strength.

All of the Disciples visibly shuddered, however, bleeding their life fluids out and losing their strength even quicker as Lachesis began to drain their Threads, which only moments earlier had been close to invulnerable. Now Lachesis could drink directly from them, and Killer himself coughed and vomited blood as a multitude of savage tentacle-beasts snapped their jaws into his Threads and ripped great, bloody canyons open in its golden-and-black substance.

Even Black Killer shivered in terror in his mind at that, stepping back the nodes and from Gaia, who had now joined Clotho and the others in defending Killer's mind. Even Darkness looked horrified now, staring at the world around him... at Killer's vital force... as it began to crack and collapse. Killer, seriously now. Listen to me, or we will both die quickly: you have to absorb your Disciples. Immediately. Before my Father does it herself."

"Fuck you, you useless monster!" Killer snarled, clawing into his skull in frustration and agony and muttering: "Weren't you inside Cerberus...? Aren't you inside Lachesis now...? Why should I ever listen to you and your lies?"

Black Killer did not respond on that point. He had infected Cerberus, and now Cerberus's parasites were inside Lachesis. Had he not moved across with them...? Was he just trying to speed up the process with his lies...? The huge black male refused to explain, to reply to that in any way, but he clenched his fists and then dropped heavily down to his knees, stunning Killer.

Killer, I'm fucking serious! The more you wait, the more your beloved girls will suffer! You can no longer do a thing, Lachesis is way too strong for you now! You want me to beg? Then watch, you idiot!

Black Killer slammed his fists into the floor and dropped down on all fours, snarling and biting his lips in distaste, drawing blood from his own palms as he snarled: Do you realize how much I hate to do this? How much it hurts me to do so? Do you think I'm lying? Become one with your Disciples, or we are all goners!

Killer could more than understand how terribly out of character that groveling act was, and how physically painful it had to be for Black Killer to try that... and for all he could see, there was no reason why he'd need to do such a thing if he controlled Lachesis. But how could he trust him? How could he possibly contemplate the idea of killing his loved ones, and feeding on their deaths...? The thought nearly caused his heart to burst apart with horror. Would it even be reversible, if done in such circumstances...?

For a brief but terrible moment, Killer breathed hard, lost and confused and terrified, his arms moving out of sheer instinct and ancient battle-experience to sweep Wyvern hard up and smash the tentacles back before they could devour him whole... but then he heard himself howling in anguish, as if the voice came from another person, another world, another era altogether, as immense tentacles clamped their jaws on Seth and Riaku and Kathy... and Vicky... and in front of his eyes, in mere instants, ripped them all apart, tossing bloody chunks of meat in every direction... only for those too to vanish and become pure energy.

Lachesis slashed one greedy hand into the cloud of white force, by even as her talons glowed with reality-melting power, all the energy rushed over towards Killer, who welcomed it with a mix of relief and sheer horror. Relief, because if Lachesis managed to devour it, they would be gone forever... horror, because he was never going to get those images out of his mind.

Mriya and Elaine fought back the tentacles that angrily whip-lashed through the flow of white energy, and Killer lunged forwards and furiously stabbed Wyvern through several of the appendages, skewering them and then slicing them apart as he ripped the blade free, using his other arm to wrestle another of the immense snake-like beasts downwards as it breathed the same terrible, deadly fire that had completely consumed Gaia. Mriya dodged the tremendous hurricane of unholy fire, but trading a grin with her father... but Killer felt a huge weight sinking in his chest at the sight of her body, which was rapidly turning scrawny, her bones showing through, covered by muscles that were a fraction of their original size. His heart thrummed with despair as he ripped apart the giant tentacle and hurled the broken piece against Lachesis, only for it to explode in midair and pelt him in sharp daggers of dark crystal... and Alexis savagely swung Blue Vixen through other appendages, sawing them apart, ripping them off from Mriya's withering Thread of Life... Their beloved daughter fought on, her grace unchanged even as her strength faded away... and Elaine was much in the same state, even as their spears lunged rapidly forwards, piercing through the squirming tentacles. And then, suddenly, horribly, Mriya became frozen in midair, her eyes bulging and her mouth opening in a silent scream... and her body seemed to explode in a cloud of crimson rain as she was torn apart, not by blades but by wounds in reality. Her legs became frozen in one fold of time, her torso in another one... her head in yet another.

Lachesis laughed in dark delight as the daughter of Killer and Alexis simply fell into pieces, and Alexis let out a howl of indescribable, terrifying fury and anguish as the Thread that she was trying to clear from the parasites simply dissolved under her hands. Elaine turned around to look in the direction of that shriek, and she broke apart just like her beloved sister, her backside frozen in one place, the rest of her body carrying on, bisected with impossible, horrendous accuracy. Killer closed his eyes with a shudder of horror, his ears filled with Alcana's anguished howl as she saw her daughter fall... and he felt like his own heart had stopped beating, as his mind uselessly attempted to understand the enormity of what was happening around him. Mriya dead. Gaia dead. Elaine dead... He couldn't think of anything else, and he struggled not to vomit, completely oblivious even to the fact that, with Elaine's energies rushing into him, he was now growing much bigger, muscles swelling, thrumming with power as he caught another massive tentacle and ripped it right off Lachesis's waist, making her hiss in fury.

They'll all end up in the same way if you don't act! Black Killer again urged, but Killer barely registered his words, his eyes opening to see Alexis savagely slamming Blue Vixen against Lachesis, roaring in indescribable, unfathomable fury as her body grew and expanded, her musculature growing more formidable still as she indirectly received some of the energies that had flowed into Killer.

Lachesis laughed mockingly, now four-faced and armed with four pair of arms, powerful and bearing as many devastating sword-whips that slashed out with such power, speed and ferocity to appear even more numerous. Alexis was so furious that drool flew from her jaws, her face contorted in animalistic rage as she grabbed into one of the whips, ignoring the way it cut nearly through her hand, almost chopping her fingers off. Blood sprayed up and leaked down her arm, but she was far past the point in which her pain mattered in any way, and she leaned forwards with a snarl, pushing those same spade-like blades towards Lachesis's face. The draconic beast resisted with terrible, insulting ease, however, and her eyes flashed before she summoned a swirling hurricane of the same terrible, otherworldly flames that had destroyed Gaia. Killer rushed forwards to help his Disciples as they all hurriedly retreated away from that infernal fire, but the tentacles of the Primordial reared up, opened their jaws and unleashed tremendous, focused beams of that impossible stuff, cutting wounds through the very walls of the Well.

Alcana, insane with rage and despair, rammed his shoulder into two of the tentacle-beasts and knocked them out of her way, cocking back her massive halberd and then swinging it down against Lachesis's necks... but when the massive blade impacted with her armor-like scales, the blade crackled with alien energy and then exploded into a thousand slivers, that Lachesis, with a cruel smile of intense pleasure, sent rocketing into Alcana's chest, knocking her staggering backwards... before multiple dragon-like tentacles aimed their beams of fire at her, and turned her whole body in a horrible, fearsome torch. Even her draconic nature, even her scales normally completely unfazed by fire could help her in that moment, and the beams cut through her like lasers, ripping her apart and then rapidly consuming her out of existence.

Killer barely had the time to shudder in agony at the sight of her end, before turning around to see the same unforgiving flames washing over Alexis, burning into her flesh, charring her great muscles as she snarled and insisted in landing ferocious blows on Lachesis that only resulted in new dents and cracks in the blade of Blue Vixen.

Killer smacked Lachesis in the face with Wyvern, roaring in anguish and fury and knocking the titaness stumbling backwards with a grunt of surprise, and he immediately seized his beloved wife by the shoulder, dragging her back even as she snarled like a beast and wrestled out of his grip, ignoring the flames consuming her as she growled: "Leave me! I want to rip her apart!"

Vesta swept in, grunting as she struggled to batter back the swarming, whip-lashing tentacles with her great sickleswords, and then she wrapped one arm around Alexis's neck, helping Killer drag her backwards and wincing in horror at the sight of the tears on her cheeks, and the terrible darkness of sorrow and mindless rage in her eyes. Alexis was always cold and flawless in a fight, even when angry... but now, now she was lost in ruthless, reckless fury that would only result in awful things.

"Come back, Alexis! We all want her dead, but this is not the way to do it!" Vesta urged, before grunting as Alexis flexed with a snarl and yanked both her and Killer forwards, her strength threatening to overwhelm both of them as the empress single-mindedly pursued revenge. Killer tried to calm her, to bring her back to reason, but even as she listened, her chest continued to heave rapidly, steam blowing out of her nostrils, muscles flexing and bulging violently, ripping through her own skin as vast, massive chords of pure power punched through her hide.

Vesta sought Killer's eyes from over Alexis's shoulder, and urgently said: "We will all be dead and gone in the next five minutes if we keep this up! It can't work, she is way too strong!"

"Don't ask me, please..." Killer replied, already imagining what she was implying. In his mind, Black Killer was no longer alone in recommending that course of action: Clotho, Gaia, even Mriya and Elaine were now quietly but resolutely urging him to take the leap. "This is the one thing you cannot ask of me..."

"But I must ask it." Vesta insisted, and she leaned forwards to show him her body, covered in wounds, caked in blood and visibly withering, losing strength rapidly and steadily as the vital essence was drained out of her. "It is the only way, Killer. At this point, either you take our lives yourself... or we'll have to do it on our own. We are not going to win this battle otherwise. And if we lose, it's all over."

Killer trembled violently, even as he tried to repress the shivers running down his spine, and his head burned and thrummed with the revulsion and horror at the thought of killing his beloved ones, the very ones that he had sworn to protect, the ones he never, never wanted to say goodbye to.

Enormous tentacles lunged against them, and Killer moved forwards to slap them back with the flat of Wyvern, his chest heaving wildly and his heart thrumming as he gazed at Vesta, at his other Disciples desperately fighting on... and he had to close his eyes not to see their deflating muscles, their decaying, aging bodies.

"Don't you get arguing with me now, we got no time." Vesta urged, and Killer shivered but forced the inevitable truth in his heart as he saw her arms trembling and bending painfully when she hacked her sickleswords into a tentacle that smashed into her with a whipping movement. Immediately, he reached forwards to grab it and tear it off her, unable to restrain himself from wincing at the sight of her chest and abdomen nearly collapsed inwards, her bones showing through her limbs where glorious, mighty muscles used to bulge. "Don't think of it as killing us." Vesta urged, and even her voice was getting weak. "You are saving us from having to suicide, to take our lives away in front of you... and you are saving us from being turned into parts of your enemy. Don't abandon us in her hands, Master..."

He swallowed thickly, and nodded hurriedly, brokenly, knowing that he was going nobody any favors by wasting time. He just wished there was another way, any other way... and as he looked ahead of himself, he saw all the other surviving Disciples rushing towards him, coming within easy reach, forming a line ahead of him, battling back the tentacles to give him some room, some time...

And Alexis turned around, tears streaking her cheeks as she urged: "Do it! We'll bring them all back once Lachesis is destroyed!" She charged forwards, ahead of the Disciples, protecting them by wrestling directly against Lachesis, gaining a precious few instants for them to prepare to give up their lives.

"Take us inside you. We will add to your strength... and guard your mind, so you only have Lachesis to worry about." Vesta insisted, and she smiled widely as she saw the tentacles growing out of his muscular back, arching up in the air around him, all of them armed with terrible fangs.

"Vesta... I'm sorry..." Killer said, while tears rolled down his cheeks. It was the only thing he had ever really wanted, the only part of being a god that he had always truly craved: not having to say goodbye to those he loved. But he had failed, once again. Even as a God, even with them as his Disciples... the time for the goodbyes had arrived. Brutally. Cruelly. Inevitably.

"Don't be!" Vesta urged, gripping into his shoulders, and he was terrified by how weak her grip was, when she'd usually be able to make him cry in pain. "It's not your fault, you hear me? And it is no farewell. You hear me? No farewell! Just kill the bitch, and it won't be a farewell!"

Killer wanted to say no, wanted to run away, wanted to close his eyes and end that nightmare once and for all... but that was no option, and one of Lachesis's immense tentacle-beasts lunged towards them, opening its massive, bloodied jaws.

"If you love us, don't hesitate now. The Killer we love does not hesitate." Vesta urged, and Killer closed his eyes and smashed his fist through her chest, clawing into her heart and crushing it into a pulp in the same swift, powerful movement.

"It's no farewell..." Vesta breathlessly whispered, and her eyes closed, a little smile on her features... before she broke down into motes of brilliant energy that clung to him and sunk through his flesh, filling him with warmth even as tears flew from his eyes and his heart thrummed with despair. He swept Wyvern hard upwards as the monstrous tentacle dived on him with its jaws open wide, and he felt his energies suddenly increasing as Vesta's strength became his strength. For a moment, it was like her arm was leaning against his and pushing it as he swung the massive weapon forwards and roared in anguish, denial and hate, striking the invulnerable beast... and cutting through its adamantine hide, ripping through the top of its ugly head and slicing it right off. The beastly tentacle writhed angrily for a moment, but there was no bleeding, no substantial damage caused, and the colossal appendage reared up to strike down on him once again. He battered it back with a mighty slap using Wyvern's flat, and Alexis lunged in with a roar, diving down on its neck and slashing Blue Vixen down to decapitate it... only for the blade to get stuck halfway in as the tremendous, metallic beast mutated fully, growing four flexible spike arms that viciously stabbed towards her, forcing her to drop flat against the tentacle and sweep out a hook kick that sent two of the appendages crashing backwards.

"Take us in!" The Disciples and Praetorians urged, and Killer's own tentacles slashed forwards, opening their jaws with ferocious hunger, drooling like animals... and Killer gritted his fangs, feeling like a true monster, like an unforgivable failure as he watched his girls spreading their arms, their backs wide open for him to strike. His tentacles ripping through them, bursting out of their chests in gruesome explosions of blood, each beast clutching the still beating heart in its metallic jaws... and they all smiled at him with beautiful, terrible gratitude and merciful, soothing love.

He gasped breathlessly as they all vanished, breaking down into energy that rushed down his tentacles, flooding into him... but for once, the immense power boost and his violent, incredible growth gave him no pleasure at all. The silence and the sudden emptiness of his world threatened to drive him insane, even as Alexis grew alongside him, and pushed shoulder to shoulder with him, her cheeks streaked with his same tears, her eyes filled with the same agony.

In his mind, Black Killer was back on his feet, stomping towards the last few glowing nodes that separated him from his triumph, but now he was faced by the whole family... and even though nothing seemed to hurt him in any way, the goddesses were still able to knock him back, to delay him, to keep him away from his goal... and even though Darkness seemed flawless and invincible, Killer's mind was, for the first time in a long while, coldly focused on the task at hand. His pain and anguish were a thing... but his guardian angels were there, and he trusted them more than he trusted himself.

"How desperate must you be to do that, Killer...?" Lachesis taunted, but her eyes no longer glowed with entertainment, because Killer and Alexis now towered nearly as tall as she was, nearly as hulking with power. "You've stolen away a lot of precious energy that I want... that I own! It is mine, and I'm going to take it, ripping it out of your chest with my bare hands!"

Alexis still shuddered in fury, but she had restrained her rage enough to think straight again, and to look coldly ahead at their terrible enemy as she muttered: "Let's rip her apart, Lion..."

Killer snarled, then they both ran forwards even as Lachesis floated backwards and threw her head back, laughing and gesturing upwards with both hands, sending the terrible energy of the scarred, wounded walls of the Well of Eternity to explode against Killer and Alexis, forming tremendous blades that stabbed into them... and Killer sprinted slightly forwards, spreading his arms and catching the onslaught with his hulking, armoured form, muscles bulging and a roar coming out of his throat as he was battered backwards by the maelstrom, even as he pulled Wyvern up to shield himself behind her vast flat side... and then Lachesis moved through Space and Time, appearing in front of him and slamming two of her palms into the sword, knocking him backwards and breaking his defense just as the other manifestations of her reached around and slammed down their enormous, heavy swords, all of them burning with terrible malice.

Alexis charged up his muscular back, however, and leapt over his head to smash her feet into Lachesis's muzzle, knocking her backwards with a cry of shock, especially as Blue Vixen swept downwards and tore into all four of her skulls, slicing them open and unleashing a great burst of supercharged bullets down into them. Lachesis's tentacles whip-lashed upwards and slammed into Alexis with terrifying force, dragging her downwards and unleashing torrents of deadly ultrafire that knocked the ligeress staggering... but Killer straightened with a roar and smashed into her with all the strength he was capable off, tackling her down and sending her crashing back into the wall of the abyss. Terrible arches of mixed, wild, alien energies and destructive forces coming from Chaos and the Unworld zapped into them all at once, but Killer pushed forwards even through the pain threatened to split his heart in two.

Lachesis gargled in agony and lashed her claws and swords uselessly down against him, smashing against a shield of sapphire energy that Alexis immediately summoned while somersaulting backwards, slamming her foot up into one of Lachesis's heads and crunching her skull into pulp.

Lachesis extended some of her arms towards the Unworld, which was now so terribly close, seemingly right beneath them as they sunk almost to the bottom of the Well, and a tangle of tentacles erupted from her wrists, festering with billions of insatiable parasites... but Alexis dropped down with deadly elegance and slashed Blue Vixen through them while at the same time hooking her leg out, sweeping Lachesis' legs from beneath her, knocking the malignant beast out of balance just as Killer arched his back and hefted the beast up, shoving her upwards through the flow of tremendous energies that made up the Well.

Lachesis roared in agony and outrage and fury, her tentacles savagely stabbing into the two lovers, making them grit their fangs in agony, but Killer shoved forwards again, ramming his shoulder into her and knocking her upwards through the Well, away from the Unworld... and Alexis lashed out her fist, punching through the fabric of Reality like it was nothing but a piece of paper. Time and Space violently rippled, and it was like the Well was bent and compressed violently down, becoming shorter... so much shorter, that Killer roared and threw her out of it and back into the empty, terrible darkness of the post-apocalyptic, empty space.

Lachesis glared around herself with a grimace of shock and disbelief, and Killer rammed into her again, at the same time slashing Wyvern through her legs, chopping them right off in an explosion of black blood, throwing the Primordial Titan hard back through what had once been the Cloister and was now nothing but desolation. Alexis vanished from the spot, then reappeared right behind Lachesis, spinning in midair with her flawless, powerful elegance and smashing a vicious turning kick into the beast's necks, choking Lachesis and sending her sprawling violently through space as Killer charged forwards, cocking back Wyvern for a finishing blow. Lachesis pushed herself back up, vomiting a beam of tremendous ultrafire in his direction, but Alexis snarled and smashed a kick into her chin, shattering her muzzle and sending some of her own hellish flames backfiring into one of her heads. Wyvern descended violently towards the exposed necks of the beast, but Lachesis's eyes flashed, and terrible psychic waves slammed into the two lovers, knocking them sprawling in different directions, their chests caving violently in while the beast floated back up in an upright position, her eyes glowing with terrifying rage. "Enough of your bullshit!" She snarled, and a new explosion of force slammed down into Killer and Alexis, sending them crashing violently one into the other, blood spraying up from their broken forms. "You think you have achieved anything...? You think you hurt me with so little...?"

Her massive, four-faced figure rippled and thrummed with power, and with a roar she split into four separate manifestations, all equally powerful, all identically dangerous. Killer and Alexis rolled over and sprung up into crouches, their swords at the ready and eyes flashing with energy as all four titaness moved forwards with terrifying speed, and Alexis leapt off the ground, guided by the ghost images in her head. She spun gracefully between the hissing slashes of two sword-whips and aimed Blue Vixen at one of the Lachesis, hammering her with a long burst of supercharged energy-meteors, knocking the beast staggering and then stomping both feet on her head, crunching her skull in and knocking the titaness down on her back. Immediately, however, another sword-whip snapped in from the side, burning with terrible ultrafire, and Alexis, even seeing it coming, realized that she could not move out of the way quickly enough to avoid the impact. She teleported off the spot, but the "original" Lachesis grinned viciously and clawed seemingly at the air, ripping through reality and yanking on the fabric of Space and Time, sending Alexis crashing violently out of the teleporting "dimension". The whip snapped into her back, making her hiss in agony as it tore deep into her flesh even as she spun gracefully on the spot and swung the chain-sword over her shoulder, roaring as she yanked on it and dragged the titaness handling the weapon right towards Killer. Wyvern readily smashed across her face, sending her head twisting violently to the side, but another of the Lachesis pointed her hands downwards and unleashed an inferno of crimson ultrafire that tore through wounds in reality and erupted at once from multiple portals all around Killer, forcing him to retreat with a mighty flap of his wings, gritting his fangs as the terrible non-flames began to devour the black "feathers", sending them falling away into ashes.

"You are only delaying the inevitable!" The four Lachesis claimed, and three of them sprung forwards at awesome speed, causing Killer to grunt as he barely managed to sense them, swinging Wyvern up into the way of their vicious lunges and stabs, hissing in pain as the versatile, segmented blades of his rivals split apart on impact and swung around him like tongues, or metallic tentacles, swinging into his arms and backside and ripping deep wounds in the back of his legs, nearly sending him collapsing onto his knees. He instinctively ducked under a sudden, vicious swing from one of the Lachesis, however, and he swung Wyvern hard upwards, catching her in the groin and slamming her high up into the air before he immediately leapt up after her, stomping one heavy foot on the head of another of the "clones". Wyvern found its mark again, ripping an horrendous wound across Lachesis's torso and sending her staggering backwards... but the wound sealed shut under his eyes, healing way too quickly, way too perfectly. He smacked the grinning beast with the flat of Wyvern, sending her flying towards Alexis who immediately spun around and decapitated her with a clean, savage slash of Blue Vixen... but even that wasn't enough, because tentacles immediately erupted out of the stump of a neck and grabbed Alexis in a cruel embrace, crushing her hard enough to make her vomit blood, before she managed to flex powerfully enough to rip through the thick flesh and muscles and break free.

"I can continue playing this game far longer than you can." Lachesis mocked, even as one of the four snarled in pain and irritation when Alexis suddenly shot forwards with a flap of her wings and caught her head between her mighty thighs, spinning in midair and throwing the Primordial over like a ragdoll, shattering her neck and spine and nearly ripping her head right off. Another Lachesis was immediately in the way, however, throwing her arms up and ripping her talons through the air to grab Alexis and yank her out of the sky. The ligeress saw that coming, at least in part, and arched her back gracefully to sail over her head before going into a somersault, smashing her boot into the back of the titaness's skull and sending her stumbling towards Killer, who slammed one huge fist on top of her skull, hammering her down through the darkness of the empty space. "It doesn't matter how much of an acrobatic show you put up... you can't damage me. I can go on losing this little wrestling match far longer than you can keep winning it..." Lachesis taunted, and two of her manifestations assaulted Alexis at once, one vomiting a huge vortex of ultrafire and the other snapping her whip against her.

The ligeress winced in agony as she tore through the wall of crimson flames, shielding herself with Blue Vixen, and the whip tore deep into her shoulder, nearly ripping her arm off... before she grabbed into the whip, ignoring the agony, and twisted on the long weapon, dragging Lachesis around and sending her towards Wyvern, just in time for Killer to skewer her like a tender morsel, hefting her impaled body above his head and smashing it down into another Primordial, smacking both flying off in broken heaps.

Both damaged Lachesis immediately went into rolls and sprung up to their feet again, however, and both snapped their sword-whips out... not against Killer and Alexis, this time, but against their Threads of Life, the only ones left, the largest ever, the most brilliant, the most energy-laden.

Alexis and Killer both staggered with cries of agony as the two whip-blades tore deep into the Threads. Horribly, Lachesis had grown powerful enough to be able to easily drain energy out of their Threads, and both ligers immediately felt the dramatic effect of that bloodletting.

Lachesis grinned sharkishly at that, cackling: "Besides, I am not the one who literally hangs from a Thread! An exposed one, to boot!"

That moment of agony and loss of balance were paid dearly, as Killer and Alexis turned around to face the beasts that were leeching energy out of their Threads only to be hit in the back by two massive vortexes of ultrafire that consumed their flesh almost down to the bone. They sprinted out in opposite directions, trying to break the contact, as two Lachesis hounded them, but even as Alexis dropped down into a powerslide and hooked the legs off from under one of the two, twin tangles of gigantic tentacles erupted out of the "original" Lachesis and whip-lashed hard into them, slamming them violently together, causing both ligers to wheeze and stagger before two sword-whips snapped at once forwards and caught them in the smoldering, exposed, sensitive flesh of their burned-out backsides, sending them flying off, until they crashed violently into a solid frame of warped Time that Lachesis froze in one piece with a lazy flick of her wrist. "Game over for you." Lachesis taunted, watching with cruel glee as Killer and Alexis bounced violently against the cracked, translucent fold in reality, blood bursting out of both their bodies as the hard floor shattered and ripped into them with a myriad of sharp fragments.

Killer grunted in agony, but instinctively shoved a hand out and formed a protective wall of energy, just in time to protect them from the slashes of multiple sword-whips. He slammed one foot into the hard, cold, sharp "floor" and arrested his momentum as best he could, grunting in agony but reaching up to catch Alexis against his chest, and they both skidded painfully against the cracked surface, until they finally screeched to a halt.

"I hate to admit it, but she is right, you know..." Alexis muttered, spitting out a thick glob of blood, her chest heaving as she breathed hard, hissing at the pain coming from her creaking ribs. "We are not going to take her down like this."

Killer closed his eyes with a shiver, saying nothing and biting into his lip instead. It was impossible to disagree with her, but he felt like vomiting at the mere thought of what it implied. Alexis sighed audibly and rolled around on her hip, throwing her arms around him for a moment, even as Lachesis grinned darkly and floated towards them, panting but grinning widely, her body regenerating quickly, while the wounds on the two ligers had stopped closing up. Blood leaked thickly out of Alexis's savaged chest, soaking Killer's own as their life fluids mixed together... but as she curled up against him, for a brief moment it was almost like being back in their bed, at peace, waking up in each other's arms.

"Alexis... not you... I've already lost all the others... but not you. I... I can't..." Killer whispered, trembling violently, but Alexis only squeezed him gently around the shoulders, eyes glowing with love and with power as she said: "Lover... we can just about stand up to her while we are separated. But as one, we will crush her like the insolent bug she is." She rasped and spat to the side again, doing her best to clear her throat and then singing out the words he knew so well, in a voice that, even in that moment, was so beautiful to make him shiver: "My fall will be for you..."

He shut his eyes, tightly, his whole body tensing violently, the physical pain ceasing to matter for that terrible moment as the anguish in his heart overwhelmed everything else. His eyes opened to glare at Lachesis as the towering, immense monster drew inexorably nearer with every second that passed, surrounded by black flames and crackling discharges of malignant energy. The wall of energy that he had created was not going to stop her... it began to crack apart literally as soon as she got near to it.

He knew that time was a luxury they did not have, and he knew that he was supposed not to hesitate.

"... my love will be in you." Killer completed the verse that they used to greet each other every morning when their eyes opened, sapphire into sapphire, and it was that daily, unbreakable promise, renewed once more, that drove home the point: it had to be done. She was offering herself, and asking for his strength and determination in return. He could not shy away from her command.

Alexis nodded with a loving smile, and then tilted up her chin, exposing her throat and whispering: "We will end this together. Just... in a different way."

Killer leaned forwards and kissed her throat, licking up blood and battle sweat, breathing in her scent as he shut his eyes tightly, and she let out a sigh of pleasure, dreamy with the desire to just stay together like that, finally in peace... but then squeezed lightly into his shoulders, and her voice was firm and full of determination, with no sign of fear or hesitation: "Don't hesitate, Lion. You never shy away from doing what you must... and that is why I love you."

"I love you." Killer hurriedly said, wanting to say a trillion things but knowing there was time for none, and then he lunged forwards blindly, violently, opening his jaws as far as he could and feeling tears streaking down his cheeks as his fangs tore into her flesh, and hot blood burst into his mouth, nearly choking him as he roared not in hunger but in horror and denial, even as he nearly decapitated her with a violent bite, then ripped backwards, his ears filling with the horrendous gurgling sound coming from her ripped throat even as she did her best to stay silent and to keep smiling.

"No!" Lachesis howled, eyes bulging in disbelief and horror as she saw the blood spurting upwards, and she charged forwards all the faster, leaping through a distortion in time to get backwards through the events, to keep them from happening... but Killer's eyes bulged with hate and despair and fury and horror and denial as he let his emotions tear out of him in the form of tremendous waves of energy and psychic wrath that shattered Reality all around him, sending cracks through Time as well as Space, so that Lachesis crashed against a transparent wall of compressed, crystallized Time. She smacked her sword through it, hacking savagely against the cracks that scarred the shield, and it immediately disintegrated into fragments, but it gained Killer just enough time to snap his jaws closed on a large chunk of Alexis's neck, which he gulped down with a violent shudder. The head of the beautiful, formidable goddess fell bonelessly backwards, hanging from little more than shreds of muscle and flesh, her spine chewed into fragments... but she was smiling still, and her sapphire eyes were open, and amazingly devoid of fear. She gazed at him in the very instant in which she let her life force rush out of her body, and he trembled in a violent mix of emotions: there was nothing but love and gratitude in her gaze.

Alexis's energies rushed into him like a true deluge, smashing into him hard enough to shove him hard backwards as they washed against his chest and seemed to struggle to find a way inside him all at once. Immediately, his wounds healed, cancelled and forgotten, even though the pain that filled him now had a whole different nature, one that could not be healed. His muscles flexed, bulged, thrummed with new and terrifying power, and his eyes burned with such ferocity to cancel even the memories of the Sun. The stars of the Old Era were nothing in comparison to the flames that blazed in his eyes as he pushed back up and stepped forwards, idly reaching a hand up as Lachesis's sword tore through the wall of time and rushed down against him. Killer was too tormented by regret and sorrow to truly register the fact, but he could now see far into the future, just as Alexis used to... and actually far further ahead. Ghost images played in his mind, showing him every movement of Lachesis's weapon long before it actually took place, so that he effortlessly caught it in his hand and at the same time slightly sidestepped, avoiding Lachesis's talons as they savagely slashed against him.

Suddenly, Lachesis seemed motionless, and even her countless tentacles barely moved at all around him... and always, always going exactly where he expected them to go. Killer flicked his right hand out, and Wyvern spun into the air, flying immediately back to his grip as the blade glowed crimson and crackled with indomitable energy. Blue Vixen also floated in the air around him, supercharged with the same new and glorious energies as the huge male clutched the handle of his sword and guiding the massive blade chopping through a tangle of tentacles, then sweeping up in front of him to sever another, before he sliced another pair into pieces, while crushing down on Lachesis's sword with the other hand, applying such impossible strength that the blade exploded into tiny fragments, as if made of brittle glass.

Behind him, the last two Threads of Life violently twisted together as Alexis's energy flooded into him, the immense ropes knotting together so tightly that nobody would ever be able to disentangle them again. The two colossal Threads pulsed with terrifying energy, swelling much, much greater than the mere sum of its parts, and the sword-whips that had been biting deep into the two ropes of energy were violently snapped apart, their spade-shaped blades bursting through space like supernatural shrapnel. The single, immense Thread that resulted from the union reared up like a sentient beast, and the various manifestations of Lachesis viciously slashed their whips into it, attempting to wound it, trying to get energy to bleed out of it, but failing miserably as the blades crumbled like they were made of bread, leaving behind no scratch, no mark at all.

"You've cost me everything I had, Lachesis..." Killer coldly said, and his very voice cracked reality apart and sent the titaness stumbling backwards with a wince of pain. "I've lost everyone I cared for. I had to kill them myself...!" Killer hissed, his disgust and anguish and fury poisoning his voice to the point that Lachesis staggered, clutching at her skull as his rage tore through her brain with indescribable violence. "Alexis was everything for me. Everything I ever wanted, everything I might ever crave. And because of you, she is gone... I will never, never punish you enough... an eternity of agony won't even begin to repay your debts..."

"it's her own damn fault!" Lachesis barked, but her voice almost broke as she stared at Killer as he stepped forwards, his hulking form flexing, muscles bulging with tremendous, excessive vigor across his frame as, just like that, he became titanic, several heads taller than her, towering over her, his bulky body thrumming with power and his hide flawless and armor-like, his glorious form naked and omnipotent, his massive, titanic cock hanging above an immense set of testicles that thrummed with such virile power to make her sweat even from that distance.

"I wanted her at my side! I offered her an easy, perfect way out... she could be ruling a new Existence at my side, now... she is the maker of her own fate!" Lachesis insisted, her voice growing shrill as she justified herself without even really knowing why.

"And I assure you, she'll soon be the Mistress of everyone's fate." Killer coldly replied, glaring down at Lachesis as he grew even further, his shadow becoming almost a physical thing, a black, semi-solid shape that reached forwards and clamped around Lachesis with terrible strength.

Her eyes bulged as she helplessly shrugged against that crushing grip, her talons uselessly ripping through ethereal smoke even as her chest loudly and agonizingly caved inwards, crushed by forces that felt very physical, very hard, very unforgiving. "She will be the Empress of All, like she was always meant to be. She will be at my side, and I will be at hers. And you? You will be nothing but a grain of dirt under her boot."

Lachesis's eyes bulged in shock and horror now, and she howled against him in a mix of fury and fear, blasting him with psychic rage and sonic waves, only for them to crash uselessly into his masculine, omnipotent chest, barely able to ruffle his mane as bangs of his hair floated and danced like flames around his head. And it was in that moment that Killer saw Alexis in his mind, the goddess grinning at him gamely even as she wrestled against Black Killer, locking swords with him and shoving him away from a pulsing node of consciousness.

This time we really do rip her apart, Lion. Alexis said, and he grinned sharkishly. There were no doubts, no hesitations in her voice... and he was equally certain. The immense Thread of Life swung down through the darkness of space, so titanic and massive that Lachesis flinched and uselessly tried to wiggle backwards, to scamper away from its falling mass, fearing that it would crush them into pulp... but Killer didn't even look up as it slammed down on him, and went right through his hulking form, as ethereal as a ghost. And, just like that, it lost all coherence and became an immense, glowing serpent made of loose motes of energy that all rushed into his body. "A flawed system to generate and sustain life... a prototype good for the Old Era, but not four our New Era." Killer contemptuously commented, sentencing the end of the Threads, replacing them with his mere presence. He was going to be the true Beginning and the true End.

Lachesis shivered in horror at that unbelievable display, and she found herself squeaking incoherent sounds of terror as her eyes darted from side to side, summoning her separate manifestations, calling them back to the sight as they, unbelievably, hesitated, kept their distances... as if too terrified to move towards the titanic male unless formally commanded to do so.

The first Lachesis formed a massive glaive of dark energy, not too different from the terrible weapon that had belonged to Atropos, and she charged forwards from one side while the other two "clones" raced ahead and swung great blades of ultrafire against the male's muscular, broad back.

Killer spat to the side with a grimace of contemptuous distaste, seeing the ghost images playing out in his mind long before the three beasts themselves had formulated their plans. He knew before they did. When the massive glaive stabbed forwards, Killer effortlessly half-spun to the side, avoiding it and slashing his arm out to slam his huge first into the female's face, knocking her skidding backwards with a gargling howl of agony as her face completely caved inwards, before Blue Vixen, floating in midair, spun around tip-down and tore through her body, slicing her in halves like she was made of butter.

A flaming, terrible sword swung down from above and the three surviving Lachesis all grinned in the illusion of victory, but again Killer effortlessly evaded... and vanished from the spot. Was it teleport? Was he that incredibly fast now...? Lachesis couldn't tell, but Killer reappeared behind the sword-swinging clone and swung his tremendous fist upwards, scooping around her and under her chin, smashing her into the air and causing her neck to stretch obscenely and then rip apart in a spurt of dark blood, a shriek of utter shock coming from her shattered muzzle before Killer spun around and smacked his elbow into her back, breaking her spine in half and sending her ruined form crashing down onto the original Lachesis, smashing into her like a meteor.

The two bodies merged violently together as Lachesis screamed in agony and disbelief, before Killer effortlessly sidestepped another desperate sword swing and slammed his fist in a savage, short hook that caught the last clone in the chest, smashing her armoured ribcage into slivers and reaching deep inside her, his talons ripping through her strange, alien organs until he clutched her beating heart and crushed it into pulp.

The original Lachesis screamed in agony, her body arching violently as she desperately, uselessly wrestled against his shadow, her eyes bulging as Killer easily lifted the broken clone into the air on his fist, grinning cruelly as the Primordial writhed and twitched violently, his energies exploding into her and causing all of her organs to burst apart into splatters of ugly, toxic gore, black ooze and dead, broken parasites pumping out of every wound in her form. The shattered clone gasped breathlessly, curling around Killer's huge fist and vomiting parasites that writhed and died, before she fell limp... and Killer snorted steam from his nostrils and violently tossed her against the original Lachesis, forcing the two manifestations to melt back together. The last clone standing, wheezing violently because of the cratered, bleeding, destroyed chest that refused to heal and regenerate, let out a shriek of desperate fury and slashed her sword back and forth, hacking savagely at him in every way she could think of... but he only grinned mockingly down at her as he effortlessly avoided all of her assaults, playing with her with a vengeance as he hit her over and over again with tiny but devastating jabs that inexorably smashed home into her body. He didn't even need to drive them: he just balled his enormous, bloodied fist and held it up in front of the ghost images in his head, laughing cruelly as Lachesis crashed into his knuckles again and again and again, shrieking in pain and terror as she tried to get away but only continued to crash into his fist, demolishing her own body piece by piece by piece. "Stop hitting yourself, you whore... make it interesting, will you...?" Killer mocked, as he only continued to grow larger, greater, stronger, looming over her like an absolute behemoth, until his fist was so great that her whole body smacked into his knuckles.

"No, it's not funny anymore..." Killer coldly sentenced, flicking the ruined clone off his fingers and then idly punting it with his palm, sending her broken form crashing back into the original Lachesis. "I'm bored by this little game, bitch. It's time to say farewell." He mocked, grinning darkly and blowing steam out of his nostrils, his eyes glowing as he doubled in size with every breath, revealing the perfection of his new form, leaving Lachesis moaning and whimpering wordlessly, imprisoned in his shadow and unable to break through that omnipotent hint of his darkness. He loomed over her in his new and unfathomable height and mass, spreading his arms as reality pulled tight around his muscles, ripping and tearing just like one of his. In the space of a blink he grew tens of times larger than the immense god-beast that Lachesis had become, leaving her gaping in shock at his body: massive, impossible, limitless, his massive cock ridged and pulsating and powerful, every flex of that beyond-everything shaft making reality ripple, the sweat and filth and thick precum oozing from the almighty member festering with terrible, powerful life that immediately began to colonize even the unforgiving emptiness of space. His titanic black fleshed member throbbed, still supremely flaccid yet already invincible and unrivalled, his humongous balls rumbling, pulsing ominously, and filled with sperms that were worth a billion Big Bangs each.

He turned his crushing, unforgiving gaze on her, and without him needing to say a word, Lachesis bent forwards, her spine nearly snapping as she was forced to grovel into the semi-solid darkness of his shadow, her mind scarred and broken, her eyes blind and leaking blood, broken by the immensity of his presence, obliterated by the burning light he radiated and, at the same time, by the unforgiving darkness that spread across the empty Existence, surging out of him.

"I'm sorry!" Lachesis groaned out, crying helplessly, trembling so violently that her bones broke apart... but Killer only grinned coldly, reaching down to seize her in one hand, lifting her up like a little doll.

"It's a start, little maggot." The huge male coldly said, before clenching his fist shut around her, crushing her into nothing but pulp, releasing all the energy she had absorbed, sending it bursting out like a cloud of multicolored motes of raw power... his body greedily consumed, absorbing them in mere moments. The strength of the very first Primordial. The energy of every mortal, every god. Their mass and the mass of the countless stars and worlds and entire universes that the Apocalypse had consumed. The energy that had belonged to the Anchors. The raw, terrifying force of the pulse of creation-destruction that the Anchors had been built to hold still... All of that, and more, became his, and his alone. Immediately, he grew even greater, more immense than words could describe and minds could imagine... but all of that power did not change horrible reality of his solitude. Everything around him was silence, and nothing more. There was nothing left. Literally nothing of what he had fought to save had survived the last, titanic clash. Everything around him was silence, and cold, lifeless stillness, sterile and pointless...and it made him shiver in disgust and sorrow, before his eyes slowly closed as he realized that there was still a place where the war raged on, where it was more intense and terrible than ever. The one place where silence had not arrived.

His mind. His soul. His inner being.

Black Killer rampaged, enormous and flawless and invincible, supported by a dark, corrupted version of Alexis and of every other Disciple. Now they were not mere thoughts, mere shadows, mere illusions: having absorbed the vital forces of all of his loved ones, Killer had taken within himself all of their corruption as well... including whatever parts of Darkness had invaded and infected them.

Now, every last remaining piece of Darkness was inside him... and the Primordial entity clamored to take control and break out. Killer's consciousness was barely scarred, his mind worn thing, his determination put to the test like never before... but thankfully, Alexis was there, along with all of his Disciples, Praetorians and loved ones. They were all fighting to protect what little remained of his self-restraint; of the containment mechanism that he had built around the titanic, monstrous beast that lurked deep inside him.

The beast was still there, its eyes partially open, no longer slumbering but not yet quite awake, still lazy and almost pacified, even though only a few nodes and a few tendons remained uncorrupted. It looked like little more than a string, stretched out by those colossal, omnipotent muscles. It was amazing that such a pathetic tripwire was still holding back the titan... and Killer found himself thinking about it. How could it be...? And why Darkness had clearly been unable to control Lachesis...? Darkness had been genuinely terrified of his Father, just as he had genuinely hated her... and Killer felt like there was an important thing descending from those truths, although he couldn't quite grasp what it was. It was something key, a weakness in what otherwise appeared as a completely invincible beast.

Black Killer and his warped Disciples had clearly benefited from Killer absorbing his own Disciples, and then Alexis, and then Lachesis: they were stronger and greater than ever, and their bodies didn't have a single scratch on them, even after so much vicious fighting against the Disciples, who were defending the last nodes. They stood on a wasteland that Killer had already visited once... one that had been completely covered in skulls and scattered bones. Now, though, most of those bones had been trampled, blasted, crushed, or had just decayed into dust, turning the area almost in a yellowed desert of death, that turned into disgusting fields of muck where the blood soaked the "sand".

As Killer advanced to join his bleeding Disciples, his eyes narrowed and his fangs grit together at the sight of Boadicea smacking Black Killer across the legs with Satan's Bane, only for the weapon to bounce violently backwards, nearly breaking her fingers and sending her staggering. The sharkess quickly leapt out of the way as Black Killer laughed and stomped one armoured boot towards her, the goddess leaping up right on his kneecap and then smashing her fist between his eyes... but the gigantic, hulking male only snickered, one of his hands shooting up with frightening speed and catching not only her face but her entire upper body, causing her bones to crack audibly before he lifted her high into the air and then smashed her into the ground. The enormous male snickered darkly as he easily overwhelmed her and crushed her under his palm, the ground cracking and cratering beneath her, and when Sekhmeth lunged in with fists that burned with flames of pure destruction, the hulking male ignored her blows, grinning at her with contempt and finally smashing his elbow up into her chest, knowing the muscular lioness staggering backwards, her chest torn apart by his bone-spikes, her ribcage caved inwards horrendously.

Black Killer charged forwards, lashing one arm out towards the nearest glowing node and sending a great tangle of tentacles flying in that direction, but Adrasthea stood up in front of the node and thrust her massive shield into the tentacles, slapping then backwards and then blasting them with a beam of focused energy that erupted from the lion-head chiseled in the middle of the shield. The golden flames engulfed the tentacles, but the gigantic appendages only eagerly drank that energy away, rearing up and then smacking violently into her shield, making her grunt as her legs bent and threatened to give, but the goddess of strategy stabbed her spear up into them, its long tip-blade crackling with cruel force. The spear smacked into a heavy tentacle, but amazingly failed to pierce through it, instead sliding uselessly down its mighty flank before another colossal appendage whip-lashed into her and knocked her out of the way, sending her skidding until she managed to gather herself in a crouch. She attempted to sprint forwards again, but her dark alter-ego, taller and greater and more muscular than her, stepped in the way with a wide grin, sweeping out her heavy spear and knocking the legs off from under her.

Black Killer stomped right past, looking down at the panting disciples with a grimace of contempt, muttering: "Your attempts are pathetic..."

Vesta snarled in fury at that taunt, leaping up to her feet and smashing her sickleswords up against the titan's chest, but the two curved blades clanged uselessly against his invulnerable musculature and recoiled violently out of her hands. She staggered backwards with a grunt of shock and pain, but balled her mighty hands into fists and slammed them into his abdomen, the impacts sending echoing shockwaves of pure power through the darkness and blowing a crater around them in the sand, tossing up a thick cloud of dust... but Black Killer only laughed and grabbed her by the back of the skull, hefting her off the ground like a toy and then smacking his knee up into her body, sending her flying across the wasteland to crash heavily in front of Killer. She slammed one hand into the ground and pushed herself up into a crouch, panting hard, blood leaking out of her mouth... and she grunted in pain and shock as Black Killer again advanced towards the node, before being tackled by Mriya and Elaine, who attempted to pin him down but failed to unbalance his almighty, hulking form.

"It's not going well, Killer." Vesta muttered, spitting blood out of her mouth and making a grimace as she added: "We are slowing him down, that's all. But nothing seems to hurt him. Even Alexis only broke her knuckles when she punched him in the fucking face." Killer grunted at that, swallowing thickly at the thought of Alexis's punch failing to cause damage. He knew all too well, after all, how tremendously heavy they were, and he couldn't believe that anyone could possibly just shrug them off... and yet, that was exactly what was happening in front of his eyes, since Alexis created a sphere of golden energy in her hand and then smashed it violently into Black Killer's cheek, causing an enormous explosion of crackling energy... which Black Killer completely ignored, only grinning as it failed to even scratch his cheek.

"We really need your strength here. We are rapidly losing ground."

"I'm here now." Killer reassured, fearlessly walking past his exhausted goddesses and shouldering Wyvern as he stood right in front of Black. The contrast between them, however, was terrible: even now, and in fact possibly even more than before, Black Killer loomed over him, a flawless, herculean champion of strength and masculinity without rivals. Alexis stepped forwards as well, holding Blue Vixen in one hand, and she took position right at Killer's side, challenging the flawless Adonis in front of them with the cold determination of her splendid eyes.

Darkness grinned widely, looking down at Killer, several heads shorter than him, and he snorted in contempt, clearly unimpressed by them both as he mocked: "Thank you for finally joining our party, Killer. This is the last act of this show, as I'm sure you realize. It's been a long road that I've been forced to walk in your shoes... and I will admit that things were often much more complex than I hoped they would be. If it can comfort you, this is not how I had planned to get to this point... but don't worry, the end-result will be exactly the one I wanted."

Killer did not reply, exploiting that short moment to study his rival instead, desperately seeking a strategy to put some hurt on him... but nothing about him looked in any way vulnerable. He just radiated power in tremendous, scary amounts.

"I owe you a word of thanks for ridding us all of my dear father... as you've seen, she was as awful as they come." Black Killer coldly said, making a grimace of distaste and spitting to the side with contempt as he added: "I'm actually sincerely sorry you had to deal with her. I wish it hadn't been necessary... I hoped to deal with her myself. You've deprived me of the pleasure of ripping the traitorous whore apart with my own hands."

"I had several good reasons to reserve that pleasure for myself." Killer coldly replied.

"Right to the very end... right to the very end she had to betray me. She created me and my brother just to serve as the primer and the main warheads for Big Bang. She only ever wanted us to kill each other to spread her creation outside of the Cloister..." Black Killer muttered, looking down with disgust and terrible rage, speaking to himself more than to Killer and the others... before looking up to glare at him with a mix of distaste and hate and fury, adding venomously: "And because of your stupidity, for a while I thought you'd get us all killed. You nearly handed her complete, utter victory. Do you have any idea of the pain and disgust you put me through in that moment? After all she did to me, I was about to see her triumph!" Darkness's voice rose up into a roar of nearly insane fury, and it dripped even more toxic poison as the giant added: "You made me... kneel. And... beg. Because you are a stupid, sentimental coward who couldn't do what clearly had to be done!"

Alexis made a grimace at that, and stepped fearlessly forwards, eyes blazing as she coldly hissed: "Spare us the tales of your childhood sorrows, and all your petty complaints. Had you listened to Light, things would have gone differently. You did exactly what your father wanted. You are responsible of your own misery."

"But also of my Ascension!" Black Killer said, grinning widely and spreading his massive, hulking arms, terrifying power crackling around his spectacular biceps as they bulged with excessive, overkill strength, not even needing to flex to stretch out the fabric of Reality to breaking point. Everything about his naked, hulking form was excessive vigor, endless strength, and unquestionable supremacy. "Father didn't think I'd cling on to life and seek revenge. She did not believe it possible. Yet, here I am... absolute. Alpha. Invincible. Omnipotent!"

"I smell bullshit." Alexis countered with a snort, and Killer coldly added: "Lachesis was saying the exact same crap only moments ago. Yet I turned her into my food."

"Oh, I know. But the problem is that I'm you. And then some. I'm even better, as you can see." Darkness grinned widely, resting his hands on his hips and showing off the hulking perfection of his colossal muscles, looming over them all. He spread his muscular legs a little wider, flaunting his supremacy by teasingly moving his hips slightly, just to make his ponderous, sweaty balls swing heavily, his monumental shaft lazily penduluming a little as it throbbed lazily, and yet with obscene, excessive power. He only rested leisurely, and yet Killer and the others seemed to shrink smaller as he towered over them, his immense member a monstrous, throbbing beast that, even flaccid, was so fat and thick and immense that the great flare was larger than their heads. "We are all better than you. We are all in a league of our own..." Black Killer teased, gazing down at his Disciples and slaves, as Black Alexis grinned at his side, glorious and flawless and armed with a gigantic cock second only to his... and the other dark manifestations grinned widely, crossing their arms and looking down at the originals. "You are just faulty prototypes. We are the Masters... but if you can't believe that I'm invincible, the proof is right here." Black Killer paused, stepping forwards and spreading his arms again, taunting: "Put me to the test. Give me both barrels. Try your best and your worst on me, and let's see if you can at least ruffle my hair." He laughed darkly, lazily reaching down to scratch into the thick, curly, heavy hair that went down from his navel all the way to his crotch. His dark Disciples laughed cruelly, looking down at Killer and the others, naked and supremely confident, and Killer clutched harder at the handle of Wyvern, taking comfort in the weight of the massive blade and in the crackling forces of Death that now added to the other energies permeating the great weapon.

Clotho and his Disciples had been fought bravely to hold Black Killer away from what remained of his consciousness, and yet they hadn't managed to put a single scratch on him. It was unconceivable that so many warriors, so powerful and skilled, could not even inflict a minor wound... and he knew, from the painful flashes he had gotten during his own battles, that they had struck him repeatedly. He hadn't bothered avoiding their assaults... he had barreled right through them, playing with them, beating them down to a pulp while none of their weapons could do anything to him. Was he truly invulnerable...? Even Lachesis had bled when they managed to land a good hit. Why he wouldn't even flinch? Was he going to achieve anything more than his Disciples had...?

"Scared...? You should be." Black Killer taunted, idly flexing one immense arm, his bicep bulging with tremendous power, causing the air around them to crackle with electricity as gravity was broken and inverted, the ground shattering into fragments that floated upwards around the dark titan. "But for old times' sake, I'm granting you all a free shot. Come, test me... I won't kill you. Yet."

Killer and Alexis sprinted forwards with matching snarls, cocking back their heavy weapons and then leaping forth with frightening speed, swinging the huge weapons down against Black Killer's neck, one from either side. The giant grinned widely and tilted his head backwards, showing his throat and laughing as the two swords smashed into him... and bounced violently backwards, spinning out of Killer and Alexis's hands as their fingers pulsed with agony and the violence of the impact reverberated through their arms. Immediately, the two lovers lashed out their fists, smashing Black Killer's muzzle in perfect synchrony, but the colossus only smirked cruelly and snorted: "That's two free shots. Admit it, I'm plenty generous."

Killer and Alexis gritted their fangs and retreated out to the opposite sides as Black Killer cracked his neck and then sprinted forwards... and he wasn't just impossibly powerful, but also impossibly fast.

He lunged against Killer first, lashing out a huge fist that had the power of a thousand apocalypses in it, sending the liger flying backwards even as he hurriedly shielded himself with the flat of Wyvern, his feet uselessly and painfully digging deep tranches in the ground as he attempted to steady himself... and, almost at the very same time, Black Killer hit Alexis as well, having swung towards her in the very same smooth, powerful movement. The goddess was quick enough to leap up and kick off Darkness's face, but the titan only carried past and then spun around with a sharkish grin, watching as she landed into a crouch, dropped float on the ground and swung out one long leg, sweep-kicking at his ankles. Her foot found its target, but the titan ignored the blow and raked her backwards as he walked slowly and inexorably against them. Alexis hissed in pain but rolled over and gracefully kicked both feet up into the god's exposed, unashamed black shaft, knocking him stumbling slightly backwards with a snort not of pain but of contempt... before Killer rushed forwards and tackled Black at the waist, roaring and flexing his muscles as he hauled the giant up and, together with Alexis's kick, slammed him down into the ground. Black Killer grunted in surprise as he crashed on his back, and Killer leapt onto his massive chest, dropping his knees hard into him and then smashing Wyvern down right on the middle of his face.

But it was all useless. Black Killer threw his head back and laughed, mocking them by flexing his massive muscles, showing off how they had failed to leave a single mark on him... before he gave them a horrible smile and said softly: "I think It's my turn now."

Black's enormous fist swung up with such speed and power that even Alexis was unable to predict its movement. It smashed into the side of Killer's head and sent him flying, just as the giant male stood easily up and smashed the palm of his other hand into Alexis's chest, knocking her backwards and off the ground, causing all air to rush out of her body as she vomited blood, her eyes bulging as Black Killer seized her by the ankle and half-spun around, throwing her hard into Killer and sending them both crashing violently a great distance away.

They smashed into the ground with tremendous violence, so much that they bounced of it... and immediately exploited the momentum to spring back up to their feet, grunting as they charged against Black again, but he just ran forwards to meet them, spreading his almighty arms wide and ramming into them with indescribable force, sending them crashing to the ground again, even more violently than before.

Again they sprung forwards, and all the Disciples charged in as well, but Black Killer only laughed of them all. Again and again and again he ridiculed them all, shrugging off their assaults and using his bare hands to demolish them, landing blows that were more powerful than supernovas.

It was soon over as Killer crashed once more into the dirt... and this time he was unable to spring right up to his feet. He slowly rolled over with a cry of agony, coughing hard and vomiting blood, spitting it out in the vain attempt of clearing his mouth from the taste. His fingers dug into the dirt as he crawled forwards, summoning his sword back to his hand and clutching at Wyvern's handle as best he could... but his body burned with such pain that he found himself dragging the huge sword along, grimacing in horror at how heavy it suddenly felt. He had never been hit that many times and with such tremendous force, and he had never felt so impotent before. Fighting Lachesis had been terrible and he had thought that nothing would ever be worse, but at least he had been able to hurt her. He had drawn some blood out of her, he had heard her cry out in pain. Black Killer, instead, was utterly invulnerable. No matter how many hits he landed on him, the gigantic black male only laughed of his efforts, completely unfazed. For the first time ever, Killer felt truly like a zero. Nothing he did seemed to matter one bit: Black Killer could do it better, and hit far, far harder.

He had run out of ideas, and he panted harshly as he tremblingly looked up from the dirt, staring at the monumental male, at his towering, hulking form and at the black armor that followed the profile of his massive muscles. There was no scratch, no dent, no stain on the dark, adamantine metal: nothing of what they had attempted had had any effect.

Black Alexis, beautiful beyond description, perfect beyond imagination, stood right next to Black Killer, her eyes burning solid crimson and her fiery hair dancing like fire on top of her head. Her fangs seemed as luminous as Suns, so perfect and so incredibly white, especially on the background of her obsidian hide. She was not only invulnerable, but almost literally impossible to hit at all, so rapid and agile her movements were, and so perfect her energy-vision, her ability to "read" all flows of energy around her.

They were ultimate and unfathomable and perfect, and nobody could hope to stand up to them, that much was clear... and Killer felt the full, crushing burden of despair settling violently down on his back.

For a moment, Killer felt like cursing his regenerative abilities, because healing again and again, after every terrifying blow that crushed him into the ground like he was nothing but a gnat, was nothing but a torture. The pain was intense as his muscles stretched and new fibers grew rapidly, filling up his wounds... and he fought back the bloody tears that pushed at his eyes with his despair. He was running out of hope. Was that how everything was going to end, after everything he had been through...? It was a monstrous, unacceptable thought, yet he couldn't think of anything else. What was he supposed to do...? He had given his everything, and it had amounted to nothing at all.

He gritted his fangs, hating the feel of pieces of his own teeth cracking under them, his jaws burning with terrible pain as it healed and regenerated, his fangs growing back in place and pushing the remains of the old teeth out of their way. He spat again, growling in agony and fury at the same time, frustrated and terrified. He had failed, and he had never been good at accepting failure, and he had never been able to handle humiliation. It made him tremble as he pushed himself back up, yet another time, exhausted but determined to die on his feet, trying until the very last breath, sword in hand and eyes full of pride. He was not going to end his life as a coward.

Alexis shifted slowly around as well, groaning in the same mix of pain and frustration and fury as him... and she hurriedly, bad-temperedly wiped blood and sweat and dirt out of her face, rubbing the back of one fist over her eyes. She looked up, and their eyes met... and her hand moved towards his, searching him. He immediately reached over to grip it, but she was too far away. Their fingers barely managed to touch.

He had brought her, perfect and beautiful and majestic, onto that dusty, miserable battlefield and he had not been able to protect her. The thought made him shiver in complete horror. She couldn't be about to disappear forever. No, not Alexis. He could, perhaps, but not Alexis. Not her. She deserved so much more and so much better...!

"He still does not come..." The goddess muttered, and at first Killer did not understand... but then he followed her gaze, and turned around to look past his shoulder, staring at Black. The invincible, glorious titan stood nearby, almighty arms crossed on his broad, masculine chest, but he was not coming any closer. He was not even trying to follow up on his earlier assault to deliver a finishing blow. Once more, he seemed determined to only watch down at them with contempt, making fun of their despair. "He never comes!" Alexis repeated, and her eyes narrowed, glaring at the dark ultragod with true fury, her hand clenching into a fist and the other squeezing into Blue Vixen's handle hard enough to make the metal groan audibly. And it was true, Black never followed up on his initial triumphs. He knocked them down again and again, but never completed the job... and that, Killer realized, was not normal. At first he had thought that Black was just mocking them, toying with their fates and enjoying their humiliation and suffering... but now he realized what had caught Alexis's mind. In a moment, the same thought dawned in his mind, without any need for a psychic connection. Black was almighty and his blows were tremendously, monstrously powerful, able to knock them down like puppets... but he never inflicted decisive damage. Killer knew for sure that Black could have punched their heads off with complete, terrible ease... but he never did anything of the sort. Even now, Killer looked slowly down at his broad chest and chiseled abdomen, gritting his teeth at the sight of his wound already virtually healed.

"Why is he messing around, when he has us on a plate...?" Killer muttered, slowly pushing himself up, and Alexis snorted in agreement, glaring at Black with such ferocity that energy crackled violently all around her form. She spat a gout of blood and vomit out of her mouth, making a grimace of rage more than distaste, and growled: "We all like playing with our food, but he is dragging it on forever. Unless he's even more of an asshole than I thought... it means there is something else in the way."

Killer nodded slightly, flexing his newly regenerated muscles and snorting steam out of his nostrils as he propped himself up on his elbow, peering out past the edges of the crater that their crash had generated.

He stared at his mortal enemy, silently measuring him up, trying to read into his crimson eyes, and not for the first time he wondered about why they were identical, but for their sizes. Why did Darkness choose to look exactly like him and Alexis...? Surely he had to have at least a little hint of love for his own face, should he not...? Killer grunted, then closed his eyes for a brief instant, and he remembered Light. Or better, he remembered his fate, since he had never even seen Light in person. Light had dissolved, had ceased to exist as a separate entity, as a separate form of life: his energies, his soul, his morals and ideals... everything had ceased to exist, merging with Killer's soul and personality and power. Light was just a part of him now, one that no longer had any residual consciousness and could not wander away from him in any way...

Killer's eyes widened, a shudder running down his spine as he half-lunged forwards and took Alexis's hand in hers. She forced a grin on her features, pushing herself up as well and holding on to his hand for dear life as she said: "Yeah, let's put them to a different kind of test..."

Killer teleported the both away... even though there was literally nowhere else to go. That wasn't the point of their test, and they weren't trying to run away. No, he deliberately hesitated, keeping himself and Alexis suspended in the darkness, in the non-dimension that allowed the teleport to happen. He had never even tried such a thing before, and when he hesitatingly opened his eyes he wasn't sure what would happen, or what he would see.

He was at once relieved and disappointed when all he saw was emptiness and darkness, in every direction around him. Looking ahead, however, he could faintly guess a "wall" made up by the flattened, translucent image of the desolate world they had just left... and when he spun around, grunting at how unnatural and difficult it was to move in that nothingness, he saw the exact same image. They were suspended in the middle, in a fold in Reality, an empty dimension between two manifestations of Reality which ran in parallel, without ever touching. It was as fascinating as it was unnerving and flat-out scary... but in that moment nothing of that mystery could really catch his attention. He needed one specific thing to happen, and he bit his lower lip, his heart sinking in his chest as it looked like it wouldn't happen at all.

Alexis shifted slightly, as if to hug him and comfort him... but right in that moment, a ripple traveled violently through the emptiness and smacked into them with enough force to knock them backwards, making them grunt in pain. The darkness ahead of them warped, then seemed to shatter, and Black Killer and Black Alexis stumbled into the empty dimension, nearly falling over as they found themselves floating in the complete emptiness. The shock on their faces, which had been grinning triumphantly just instants before, told Killer and Alexis all they needed to know: they had not been followed. Their alter-egos had been forcefully, irresistibly been dragged through the fabric of reality.

"What is this supposed to mean? Trying to run away, you insects...?" Black Killer snarled, lunging forwards to strike at them once more, but Killer and Alexis only traded a grin and squeezed each other's hands harder, with love and relief. Triumphantly, almost.

There was another ripple in reality, and Killer and Alexis teleported back in the spot they had left a moment before. They landed on their feet, standing proudly despite the pulsing agony in their bodies, and the huge male said: "Darkness is... little more alive than his brother Light. He can't stride away from us. He can't move freely, unless it is by directly infecting some other body..." Killer shivered, but not in fear, rather in joy, in satisfaction. In victory. He had just understood something important: Darkness had infected all of his Disciples, but he was no more than a parasite. He couldn't drift far away from their bodies. He couldn't get away.

"He can't live without us." Alexis remarked, putting special emphasis on the key word, before adding in a low growl: "That's why he pulls his punches."

"In theory, at least." Killer cautioned, before immediately adding: "Let me go ahead. I must be the one who makes sure it is really so. Even though the whole idea is insane."

"Insane plans are what we do best." Alexis replied, flashing him a grin and a wink, feeling hope returning. Now they knew what to do... or at least had an idea. She wanted to protest, to say that he was too precious, that she loved him too much to let him go alone, that they had to go together, if she couldn't be the first... but she refrained from voicing her concerns. There was no time for protests... and he had already been forced to watch all his loved ones suffering and dying before his eyes, one after the other. She'd only add to his pain if she went first: he was far less worried by damage to his own body than to the ones he loved. "It is going to hurt, but if he truly is just a parasite and nothing more... his strength is actually our strength." She said instead, before reality rippled ahead of them, spitting out the Blacks, who landed on their feet with matching grunts of confusion, eyes blazing with the angry fear that comes out of shock and lack of understanding. For the first time since the beginning of the battle, Darkness was confused... or maybe not, maybe he was well and truly scared, because he realized that Killer and Alexis had discovered his secret. "What are you two trying to do...?" Black Killer snarled, stomping towards Killer and balling his huge hands into massive, reality-shattering fists. "I'll beat you two down into a pulp, until it's impossible to tell one apart from the other."

"You are free to try it out, if you dare. Come on... come at me, Darkness." Killer countered, fearlessly spreading his arms wide and showing off his broad, masculine chest, inviting him to strike forth with all his strength. "Show me that wondrous strength you brag about, Darkness! You've hit me again and again and again, and yet here I am... come on, lash out! Show me what you can really do!" The huge liger taunted, smacking his fist on his muscular chest, eyes burning sapphire, full of energy and determination and challenge. Black Killer, on the other hand, visibly recoiled in surprise and slowed down, hesitating, staring at him in horror and disbelief as Killer fearlessly walked forwards, grinning widely. "Why don't you kill me, Darkness...? You have had your chances. You have another right now. I'm right here." Killer teased, and Black roared in fury and cocked back one fist, enormous and omnipotent, howling in inarticulate rage as he lashed out and struck the liger straight in the face, knocking Killer's head violently to the side...

But even though Killer stopped walking and closed his eyes for a moment, he did not collapse to the ground. He stood firm, as unmovable as a mountain range, and he snorted steam out of his nostrils before spitting away a thick mixture of blood and fragments of bone. Black stared at his in evident shock, his eyes flicking visibly as he tried to think of something to say and do... and Killer only stared directly into his eyes, slowly but stubbornly turning his head back towards his rival, pushing back that great fist directly with his bloodied, broken cheek.

"Is this it...? Is this the best you can do...?" Killer taunted, tilting his head forwards to push his muzzle against that huge fist, challenging the much taller male. "That can't be the best you can do, now, can it...?"

The pain was intense, but Killer refused to admit and show it. He summoned all the strength and determination he was capable of, and moved another step forwards, pushing Black's huge fist backwards. Darkness could and should have hit forth with far, far greater force, but he hadn't. Was he playing with him, or was his intuition right...?

Black Killer looked shocked, and awkwardly backstepped before letting out a roar that seemed tinged with fear more than rage. His enormous fist lashed out towards Killer's abs, and the liger gritted his fangs and flexed his muscles but otherwise did nothing to avoid that blow, even as Alexis visibly stiffened, her eyes narrowing in fear, in worry, in rage, in frustration. She nearly sprinted forwards to help him, to protect him... but even as she clenched her fists and all muscles in her spectacular body flexed and bulged with power, she forced herself not to move. Even Black Alexis seemed frozen in place, staring at the scene and gaping in confusion... or was it fear?

The impact was tremendous, nearly hefting Killer's whole body off the ground and causing his spine to creak audibly as his whole body bent over Black's mighty arm... but even though Darkness's fingers tore into Killer's abdomen, ripping at his flesh, the liger snorted in contempt and spat a gout of blood on his alter-ego's face, muttering: "Are you fucking kiddin' me...?"

"You... you are insane!" Black Killer exclaimed, shaking his head violently and then snarling: "Why won't you go down and stay down?"

"Make me, boy." Killer immediately replied, slowly straightening ahead of his invulnerable enemy and mocking: "You are big and strong and I couldn't put a single scratch on you... yet you hit like a pussy. My youngest daughter hits me harder when we spar. What's the problem, Black...? Are those big muscles just for show...?"

In the deep, his body screamed, begged him to stop. The pain was terrible, and there was no telling what would follow if he kept teasing Black. What if he was wrong...? What if Black decided that the game had grown boring and it was time to end it...?

"I... I will rip you apart!" Black snarled, viciously slamming his fists into him, striking once, twice, thrice, smashing into his chest with terrifying strength, the great impacts carrying through Killer in the form of immense shockwaves that blasted the ground around and behind him into nothing but dust, cratering the surface of that empty, sorry world and sending immense cracks tearing through the entire planet, breaking it into pieces like it was an egg. Killer stumbled backwards with a grunt of pain, bleeding from his dented, deformed chest... but he caught himself in midair, refusing to bowl over. His toes flexed, hooked into the dirt as best they could and he flexed, forcing himself slowly straight up again, looking idly down at his powerful, hulking form as the great but shallow wounds immediately began to heal and regenerate.

Killer took a deep breath, trying to ignore the terrible pain that burned in his crushed, crumpled ribcage as his heart and lungs swelled against sharp broken bones, making him wince inwardly. Would the next blow end him...? The risk was tremendous. But Black looked disconcerted, and, for the first time, truly scared. Killer was increasingly confident that he had understood his alter-ego's secret, and so he took yet another step forwards... and Black stumbled backwards, away from him.

"Alexis puts far worse scars on me when we wrestle, Black..." Killer mocked, forcing a grin on his bloodied muzzle and slowly rolling his shoulders. "You know what...? I don't think you'll rip me apart. I think you can't do that."

"Of course I can!" Black Killer snarled, but when he lashed out again, Killer reached up with one hand and caught his great fist before it could collide with his muzzle, and stopped it dead motionless in midair, before slowly but inexorably pushing it back as his massive bicep bulged explosively, thick veins like ropes standing out on his tense, hulking musculature. The liger grinned widely now, his heart beating with new energy and new courage as he softly said: "You could, but you won't. Because you can't put serious damage on me without damaging yourself at the same time, isn't that true...? Are you bleeding, beneath that Gucci armor...? I think you are. I can see it now... the wince every time you hit me. The fear."

"You are dreaming!" Black Killer snarled, shaking his head in denial... but he did not lash out, and Killer walked fearlessly forwards now, reaching up with one hand and shoving the much larger male backwards like he was a scrawny little boy, a wide grin on his muzzle and a new fire in his eyes as he taunted: "Am I...? Is it my dream, or your nightmare...? You are not different from your brother. Light ended up assimilated and became a part of me. He was nowhere near strong enough to continue existing as a separate entity inside me. You are more stubborn, but ultimately you are just like him... you were both little more than spirits when you attached yourselves to me. You no longer had bodies of your own... and you needed them to cling on to life. Hear this story, Darkness, you might like it... You kept invading the most promising Destroyer gods across Existence, and Light kept following you, to balance your nefarious effect. Either by merging with a Creator god... or entering the very same body as you, to directly restrain you. Tell me, Black... does it sound familiar to you...? Is it realistic, do you think...?"

"Shut up! Your delirium is of no interest to anyone!" Black Killer barked, clenching his fists so hard that his claws ripped into his palms, sending blood dripping down into the dirt below. He charged forwards with a vicious uppercut, but this too was nowhere near strong and savage enough, and Killer this time dodged it with mocking ease, easily able to see it coming thanks to Alexis's powers, to her vision of the flows of energy. Black, all of a sudden, did not look so scary anymore, and Killer easily spun on the spot, avoiding the huge fist and slipping behind his alter-ego, almost absently smacking his elbow into the center of his back, sending Black stumbling forwards with a snarl of frustrated fury.

"Then destroy me! Come on, boy, show me what you are really made of!" Killer taunted, and he looked towards Black Alexis, and then up to all the other dark, corrupted Disciples grappling with the original, the true Disciples. "What's the problem...? Did you develop an affection for us...?" The liger mocked, and Alexis fearlessly walked up to her crimson-haired alter-ego, grinning widely and holding her arms spread wide, her chest pushed proudly out, offered for the killing blow. All of the dark, apparently flawless and omnipotent manifestations suddenly went stiff, confused and terrified, short of options. The Disciples stood up tall, grinning in cruel, vengeful satisfaction and walking right up to their dark "clones".

"I'll tell you what the problem is, Black... we can't hurt you directly, because your life force is inside us. Our vital force is also your vital force. And you can't actually damage us, because you'd end up destroying yourself. You can't kill me without killing yourself. Without losing everything." Killer calmly said, smirking down at his alter-ego now, even though Black Killer was so much taller and bulkier than him. "You needed to win over our minds... eradicate our consciousness and take control of our bodies. But now we can see through the curtain of your lies, and we know you'll never be more than a little parasite. An unwanted microbe we carry within our bodies. You'll never win, Darkness."

"I have all of Eternity to corrupt your minds and take over..." Black Killer viciously hissed, knowing that there was no point in lying anymore. "You feel strong now, and proud, and smart... but you can't kill me, exactly as I can't kill you. And I will always be here, corrupting your memories, warping your vision of the world, ripping through your thoughts until one of you will break. And you will break, I can assure you. I don't know how long it will take, but I know it will happen! I will turn every day of your life in a nightmare!"

"Are you really sure we can't hurt you...?" Killer calmly enquired, and Black's eyes bulged for a fleeting instant, the gigantic dark god staring in shock as the liger pulled up one hand and focused the terrible forces of Death into his palm, his features as hard as stone and as cold as ice as those malignant energies crackled violently, sending bolts of otherworldly electricity arching away from his hand... until the energy solidified in the shape of a cruel, terribly sharp dagger, short and curved and glowing with murderous intent, as if it was a living, conscious being. "You've lived with us long enough to know that we are no cowards, Darkness... we will not hesitate." Killer calmly said, pushing the tip of the terrible weapon against the center of his chest and then dragging it slowly downwards. The blade was so terribly sharp and so imbued of the powers of Death, of the energies he had absorbed from Requiem Aeternam, that his normally armor-like hide was sliced like paper. A thin, clean, surgical cut scarred his masculine, powerful breast, and a streak of blood began to leak down the front of his body, just as Alexis and all the other Disciples formed their own knives.

"You can't eradicate me. Not without killing yourself. I'm everywhere inside you. I'm in your mind, in your heart, in your soul, merged so indissolubly to you that I can't even wander away from you in spiritual form. Within moments, I'm dragged back inside. We are One, Killer." Darkness insisted, and Killer studies his eyes. He wasn't lying... at least not entirely. But all parasites could be eradicated, in a way or another. Killer was certain that Darkness made no exception. The real question was how deep inside him he lurked, and how firmly he was attached to his vital force, to his mind, to his soul. How deep would the blade need to go to reach the parasite? How much damage would it cause? If only there was a way to bring Darkness closer to the surface... a way to force him to reveal himself... And Killer gritted his fangs, staring coldly into Darkness's eyes. Black Killer was the answer. His Inversion. He had always refused to Invert, because it would bring the infection, the monstrosity to the surface, and he had always worried that he might simply not be able to go back, to force all that hunger back and lock it up again. It was too powerful, too overwhelming, too insatiable... but now he realized a truth that he should have never denied: yes, Darkness was part of his Inversion. He added monstrosity to it, he made his hungers even more ferocious, he filled him with even greater rage, he cancelled his restraint and made him blind and deaf to justice and honor and mercy. But Darkness was just an additional perversion, an additional shade of cruelty. The monster inside him was not Darkness. The chained beast that he struggled to restrain was just a part of him. He was responsible for it. He was the beginning and the end of his monstrosity. No one else, not even Darkness, had any real fault. Darkness himself was fascinated by the immense monster, by the endless pit of depravity and ferocity and terrible, twisted creativity that made Killer what he was. Killer was Evolution. He was ever growing, ever evolving, ever improving. He was the Best and the Worst. His Inversion was just the other half of Evolution: the next stage of destruction, of pestilence, of cruelty and apocalypse.

Attributing that monstrosity to Darkness had been comforting, in a way. It had been a way to appoint the blame on someone else, and feel better. But it had been a lie, all along. Darkness was in awe of Killer's monstrosity. He was but a paltry imitator that desperately tried to merge with the Original, with the Pure, with the Invincible monster.

"That might be true, Darkness... but what if I let you out? What if I did what you always wanted me to do, huh...?" Killer taunted, and the dark titan gaped in shock and retreated a couple of steps, out of fear and awe in equal measure. The unfathomable, invincible beast that filled up the darkness around them stirred slightly in his slumber, his immense muscles flexing ever so slightly and nearly snapping apart the tendrils of soul and determination, the chains that Killer's will kept tightened around him. He seemed aware that his time had finally come, and his massive head moved up slightly, his breath rumbling out as his vast, masculine chest swelled with sheer, uncontainable vigor. Black Killer looked at that display of idle, invincible power with eyes that bulged in shock: the large nodes of consciousness that he had corrupted and made his own were pulsing and rippling as golden energy rushed down the neural connections, making the tendrils bulge and pulse. The flood of power and, more importantly still, self-awareness rushed violently down the great "chains", burning the darkness out of existence and melting it away like it was nothing but mud plastered crudely all over the nodes and connections.

"I can finally see with clarity, Darkness. I can finally see where I end, and where you begin. I can tell our substance apart, now... and I am no longer worried by your presence." Killer grinned wider, the huge male chuckling in entertainment as his eyes glowed solid, icy sapphire, burning with such hellish intensity that his irises became invisible. The beautiful, and at the same time hideous sapphire light swallowed everything else, cancelled everything, made it all vanish. Blinding, invincible, undeniable light that surrounded and consumed Black Killer, making him whimper in helpless awe and terror, his body no longer responding to him, his very spirit crumbling and seemingly trying to break out of him, making him choke on his own soul as he watched on in awe as Killer idly leaned back and spread his arms, leisurely flexing his biceps, making them bulge majestically as his whole body thrummed with power, radiating endless, terrifying energy and unfathomable physical supremacy. His massive muscles pushed hard against his tight, armor-like hide, his immense form towering over Black, who suddenly felt tiny and helpless, whimpering in pain as the incomparable presence of the liger nearly squished him like a bug, that sapphire gaze burning him, cooking him alive, pinning him down like a crushing, inescapable weight.

Killer stood naked and glorious, his hide tearing and ripping apart over muscles too great, too omnipotent, too massive to be contained... but those wounds did not bleed, they only evolved, they only let even greater chords of muscle grow and flex in place, before darkness, terrible and complete and yet polished and gleaming, began to spread over his body, making his muscles bulge all the greater, their definition and tone even more godlike. His titanic, glorious form was made all the more terrifying and omnipotent by the monstrous shaft hanging between his legs, immense and unstoppable, ridged and terrible, longer, vaster, thicker than ever, the fat head crowded by that tremendous, barbed flare that made Black shiver in a mix of terror and helpless need... and if that unmatched, unrivalled virility wasn't enough, a second almighty cock grew out of the titan and swung down with apocalyptic force. His masculine, proud mane seemed made of black fire, moving fiercely on top of his head, every thick bang turned into all-consuming flame, more terrible than the Unworld. The fur at the end of his tail became fire, terrible and eternal, and the same otherworldly flames erupted out around his wrists and ankles, cracks spreading in his otherwise perfect, invulnerable black hide. Golden, fiery light and star-consuming fire glowed into those cracks, feeing the eternal flames, and the bone spikes on his body became golden as well, made of light, of fire, of Destruction itself, glowing beautifully and terribly, devastating beyond description.

New golden spikes and blades jutted out of his broad, powerful back, arching high up behind him and framing his head with new and terrible majesty, and great, heavy bull horns of golden, apocalyptic fire crowned him with majesty. His tail split apart, doubling, and the two new weapons jutted forth with rows of terrifying golden spikes. Killer slightly arched his back, idly looking down at his hands as his body continued to grow, full of tremendous, merciless power, and he spread his legs slightly as immense, colossal balls hang lower, heavy and ponderous, growing larger and heavier, both of his titanic cocks growing larger, greater, stronger, a little faster than even the rest of his body, those humongous flares flexing and growing even larger as his cock-maws gaped wide and throbbed, flexing as they unleashed endless floods of dark, omnipotent precum crawling with tremendous, unstoppable sperms that made mockery of the word "god", far too powerful, far too terrible. Soon there was no world beneath him, because no planet could hope to be large enough for him to stand upon it, and Black shivered and collapsed on his knees in front of that ultragod, that Absolute force of Destruction and Creation and everything in between.

Killer looked down at his hand, idly flexing his fingers and savoring the terrifying power in them, watching as Reality crumbled and flaked away from his hand, trembling as if in terror as the flames emanating from his forearm burned even more ferociously, rising higher and melting Time and Space away. The gigantic male flexed one immense, omnipotent bicep and grinned as Reality desperately stretched out around it, wrapped tightly over the bulging muscle, helplessly trying to contain it before ripping apart like so much as cheap plastic as Killer grew even further, throwing his head back with a low rumble of entertainment at the endless abyss of power at his disposal. And it was very clear that, despite how powerful and overwhelming he now appeared, he truly had far more power beyond that, far more strength for creating, for destroying, for punishing and for blessing. The immense monster behind him finally stretched, lazily and yet with almighty, indescribable strength. His eyes slowly opened, blazing with the same sapphire flames in Killer's, and the large "ropes" and "chains" made of neural connections and nodes of memory and awareness suddenly became loose. They did not snap apart, however: the black nodes cracked apart, one by one, light shining through their darkness and cleansing them all in rapid succession. Black Killer gritted his fangs in denial, staring in horror at all his efforts being cancelled as Killer recovered full control of his mind... and the "ropes" began to vanish out of sight, sinking into the immense beast they had been restraining and merging with him, becoming a single, almighty entity that dwarfed everything else. Too immense, too powerful, too handsome and at the same time too monstrous and fearsome to be described.

Killer rumbled in dark satisfaction, idly looking down at his spectacular, hulking body and then at Black Killer, who had looked so enormous and so powerful and so perfect. Now Killer loomed over him, dwarfing Darkness and revealing the truth of their life-long struggle.

"We look quite different, don't we...?" Killer taunted, grinning widely and flexing his massive form with a growl of pleasure and relief. For the first time in forever, his mind was silent and peaceful, the flow of his thoughts unperturbed. The voice that had tormented, taunted and filled him with worries and doubts was gone, eradicated from his head. "For all this time you've made me believe that the almighty darkness was offering me power. That I had to be grateful, because a Primordial deity had taken such interest in me and flooded me with his might... and it was all a lie. You never were anything more than a parasite trying to steal my strength away."

"Believe what you want, Amon-Ra, but the reality doesn't change: I'm inside you, I'm one with you, and you can't destroy me!" Black Killer barked, pointing a threatening finger at the liger. "No matter how big you become, you can't get me out of your mind, of your very vital essence. The stronger you become, the more power I get. In a way or another, I'm still going to take over."

"You think I'm too afraid of pain to dig into my own flesh and tear you out...?" Killer darkly countered, his right hand still holding the terrible, crackling dagger imbued with Requiem's destructive power, with the very source of Death as force of purification, as engine of renewal. Killer understood now the full, true importance and meaning of Death: it was an indispensable component of Evolution, and even of Life itself. Without Death there was no reason for Life to grow, evolve and perfect itself. Without Death, the energies of Chaos had no chance to change, mutate and take on new forms. Requiem's power was pure and indispensable, and that was why it hurt so terribly, and affected everything, even the most tremendous of mutations. Even Killer himself. "If that is what you tell yourself, think again." Killer fearlessly turned the dagger back towards his chest and stabbed into it with a grunt, closing his eyes for a second as blood spurted thickly out, then began to run down the chiseled front of his perfect body. The blade crackled with angry, terrifying energy, sending bolts of non-electricity tearing through him, making him hiss inwards in agony... but nonetheless he kept pushing, burying the blade deeper through his chest and then dragging it sideways, ripping open a large, terrible wound across his masculine pecs.

Black Killer stared at that in shock and horror, shaking his head in denial... before his eyes bulged as he looked down at his own chest, staring at his black armor as a crack began to glow in the heavy plate. Killer grinned widely, even though the pain made his body spasm and shudder out of control, and he used the terrible blade to carve a large square wound in his chest, watching as the crack spreading in Darkness's armor moved in exactly the same way, as if his knife was cutting through both of them at once. And, in truth, that was exactly what was happening.

Killer grunted in pain as he mutilated himself, but he insisted without hesitation, twisting the blade inside the wound and then angling it as his to dislodge something... and Black's armor seemed to literally explode in response, a large square breach opening in his armor as shards of supernatural metal splintered out in every direction. Beneath the armour, that had seemed completely invulnerable up to that point, the chest of Black Killer heaved rapidly, sign of stress and fear as he was observed and studied. He was clearly not invulnerable and had never been, because his body was covered in scars: every wound he and others had inflicted on Killer was there, well visible. The most recent ones still pulsed and bled... and golden flames burned in the large, terrible cut that Killer had just chiseled in his chest.

"Another of your lies falls apart, Darkness." Killer coldly commented, looking down at the much smaller divinity, making the primordial entity tremble visibly in fear. The gigantic dark god stabbed himself again, gritting his fangs to suffocate the pain and grinning through gritted fangs as toxic, dark blood spurted out of Black Killer's own chest, the new wound seeming to explode open in the middle of his chest.

"It is time to tear down the entire wall of lies you've built up over the years." Killer venomously hissed, and he stabbed himself again, pushing the terrible blade deeper inside his own flesh, feeling it ripping into his very vital force, zapping it with tremendous, malignant force.

Black Killer howled in pain at that, helplessly grabbing his chest and uselessly trying to heal the deep wounds that continued to appear in his body, causing his armour of illusions and intimidation to shatter loudly, sending fragments of metal exploding in every direction. And Darkness grabbed the sides of his head and howled in denial as Alexis followed her lover's example and fearlessly stabbed herself, right in the middle of her chest, ripping the blade downwards and gritting her fangs as she did her best to ignore the agony and the blood that cascaded down the blade and streaked down her arm.

The other Disciples, all around him, seemed to move in unison as they all pulled up their own cruel knives and, in a display of incredible courage and determination, stabbed themselves once, twice, thrice, gritting their fangs and refusing to give voice to their agonies.

Their corrupted, dark manifestations howled in denial and fury and charged forwards to disarm them, but Killer stabbed himself once more and twisted the blade into the wound, and Black Killer stumbled forwards with a hiss of agony, nearly crashing onto his knees and letting down a loud cry of shock.

"It's time to put an end to you, Darkness. You have tormented us for more than enough time." Killer darkly said, glaring down at the monster that tremblingly attempted to get back up. Enormous, mighty black tentacles stretched out of Killer's muscular back, and they all arched up high into the darkness before lashing out towards the dark, corrupted copies of his Disciples.

Black Alexis turned around and formed a large blade of darkness in one hand, preparing to defend herself, but the Empress fearlessly stabbed herself once more, burying the god-killing blade through one of her prodigious, spectacular breasts... and her obscure alter-ego stumbled with a breathless gargle of agony, missing the timing as a monstrous, colossal tentacle dived down against her. The great tentacle-beast coiled rapidly around Black Alexis, crushing her with merciless force and hefting her up, yanking her away from Alexis. The other tentacles savagely captured the other manifestations of Darkness, clamping on them with bone-breaking force and then yanking all of them away from the real Disciples.

Alexis and the others winced in pain as the invisible but solid "chains" tying them to their corrupted alter-egos were violently tensed, and they braced as they felt dragged irresistibly along with their parasites. They braced as best they could, eyes blazing with a mix of agony and pure determination as they viciously stabbed themselves once again, causing Darkness to howl in denial and agony. The invisible connections loosened up somewhat, becoming brittle and frail, and Killer's tentacles flexed with monstrous strength, whip-lashing hard and finally snapping the damaged "chains". Black Alexis and the others rippled as if they had never been more than holograms, pale imitations of the real goddesses... and then they seemed to melt like they were made of butter, their shape dissolving away into a shapeless mass of dark, toxic gunk.

"You can't get rid of me...! I'll infect them all again, Killer... there is nothing you can do about it!" Black Killer howled, gritting his fangs and pushing back up to his feet, but before he could get anywhere, the tremendous tentacles swung downwards and smacked into him like whips, hammering him into the dirt and slamming the shapeless masses of corruption back into him, making him vomit blood as he was pummeled with savage force. Still, the primordial god refused to give up the fight. He crawled forwards, eyes blazing with fury and damaged, crumpled body rippling and flexing as it attempted to regenerate and mutate, absorbing what little remained of Black Alexis and all other spurious copies. "You are just gaining a bit of time, Killer... nothing more. You are only delaying the inexorable! None of this can keep me down. None of this can kill me." Darkness threatened, and he pushed up on all fours, gritting his terrible fangs and flexing, sending tentacles of his own ripping out of his back and shooting skywards to savagely stab through Killer's own, wrestling them away from him. Tremblingly but inexorably, Darkness pushed back up to his feet and swung out his arm, sending what looked like a splatter of black goo rushing towards the ground... before it solidified into a perfect copy of Wyvern, other than for the much darker color. "Do you think I am going to give up...? I will torment you all, even harder than before. I will do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes... because the prize is too great not to pursue it. I will take your place, Killer... I assure you, I will take your life, your power, your family away. It will all be mine! Mine! I'm not giving you a way out of this, Killer... either it all becomes mine, or it all burns for good and falls apart. If you don't want to give up, you can kill yourself. That is the only option available."

"If I have to destroy myself to ensure your end, I will destroy myself without any hesitation." Killer immediately countered, throwing his head back and exposing his throat, pushing the tremendous blade right up against it, and Black Killer let out a sound of taunting and disbelief, even though his body was trembling visibly.

"You... you won't. You won't dare. Not even you are crazy enough to do that!" Black Killer cried out, but his eyes were bulging in shock, fixed on the terrible dagger. "Maybe you could if it was enough to take just your life away... but are you ready to ask your Disciples, even your precious wife to take a knife to their hearts...?" Black Killer grinned savagely, shouldering the corrupted copy of Wyvern and floating forwards, closing the distance with the liger, who visibly hesitated. That hesitation emboldened Darkness, who aimed for the great dagger, stretching a hand towards it to yank it away from Killer's exposed neck.

"Do you really prefer to see Alexis dying again, rather than live on as a part of me...?" Black Killer asked, as he pushed his copy of Wyvern forwards, blade touching blade as Killer snarled in fury but hesitated to give the order. "And you, Alexis... are you really ready to see your beloved Lion die, just to destroy me...? Am I truly worth such a sacrifice, when you could just live on, as part of me...? I'll be good to you, Alexis... and you will love me. You will adore me like you adore him. And over time, you'll love me more than you ever did him! Because I will be better, in every way... I will be stronger than you can even imagine..."

"Shut the fuck up." Alexis muttered, grimacing in fury and disgust as she glared at the parasite. "You are deluded if you think you can in any way purchase me. You lost in your absurd fantasies, which will never become reality."

"Don't spit on my generosity, Alexis!" Black Killer howled, eyes bulging in outrage as he hooked his sword behind Killer's dagger and began to yank it back, away from the exposed throat. Killer resisted, gritting his fangs and flexing his almighty arm, but he was petrified by horror. No, having to kill Alexis once had been more than monstrous enough. He couldn't possibly accept the thought of it happening again. Saying goodbye would be hard enough while knowing that she'd be safe. Saying goodbye knowing that she, too, would die and vanish, was completely unbearable.

"It's not like you have many alternatives! Come on, Killer! Give the order! Have you got the guts to do it...? And have they got the guts for taking their own lives, huh...? And not only that: you are now the only hope of Existence as a whole. If you kill yourself now, everyone will die as well. ... the whole of Existence! There will be no one left. No one to bring it all back. No way for Life to carry on. Apocalypse will be complete. The rest will be endless silence." Black Killer's eyes blazed with insane, terrible satisfaction now that he felt his victory so close, and he leaned forwards, grinning widely, his muzzle almost touching Killer's much larger one as he insisted: "What do you decide, Amon-Ra...? Come on, give the order... give it. Entertain me!"

"He doesn't need to order it." Alexis coldly said, and Black Killer turned around with a shiver, eyes open wide and full of insane, terrible terror as he saw the Empress of All fearlessly bringing the crackling, terrible blade up against her throat. He let out a little cry of disbelief and shock as he saw a streak of blood already rolling down towards her spectacular cleavage, and his eyes darted wildly from side to side as Vesta, Ira, Sekhmeth, Mriya, Elaine and all the others moved forwards as well, all of them with the daggers up against their necks. "A coward like you can't understand it, Darkness... but nobody in this family is a coward. Nobody in this pride is ready to betray the others. Nobody here is going to accept a comfortable surrender over a difficult victory."

"You can't be serious!" Black Killer howled, eyes wide open in denial and terror. "You have everything! Everything! And you can continue to have it all! I will give you even more! You can't be truly willing to lose everything just to destroy me! What good will it be for Existence, to cease to exist rather than be mine?"

"We know your depravity, Darkness. We know what kind of savagery you are capable of. You have made no mystery of it over the years... I'm sure the whole of Existence would prefer peaceful oblivion over an existence as slaves and toys for your amusement." Alexis coldly countered, and her eyes met with Killer's, right above the head of the primordial god. Let's play chicken with this goon. You know what to do.

Killer nodded imperceptibly. It was their only chance, their last hope. Sink the knives in... and hope that Black Killer would blink first, and detach himself from them. Make himself vulnerable.

The rings of bone that Alexis wore on her toes seemed to glint in the darkness, crackling with the same terrible, primordial energy as the daggers in their hands. The destructive force of Requiem. The force of Death. They dominated it. They could stop it at the very last moment... hopefully, at least.

"You heard her, Darkness." Killer coldly whispered in the primordial god's ear. "That is one of the countless reasons why I adore her. And you'll understand... if she sets such example, I have to live up to her expectations."

"You are all insane!" Darkness squeaked, eyes bulging out of his sockets as he wrestled against Killer to try and yank the deadly dagger away from the huge male's throat. Energy crackled around Darkness's form, and finally blasted forth in a massive lightning bolt that crashed into Killer's chest, but the inverted, gigantic god hardly flinched at all, only making a grimace of distaste and muttering: "Don't waste my time, darkness... we have already established my strength and your weakness. Spare me your pathetic attempts of wrestling with me."

Killer twisted his wrist, slashing his dagger outwards and effortlessly slapping the fake, black Wyvern away and sending it spinning wildly in the air, while Darkness crashed violently into a wall of solid golden energy that the liger summoned for that purpose. Once again, however, Darkness suffered no real damage, because his vital force was connected to Killer's own... and the titanic dark god could only pin him down to the ground, idly stomping one huge foot on his legs. Black Killer didn't even grunt, feeling no pain at all even as the solid wall of energy beneath him cracked and dented, a crater forming around him as he was crushed into the "earth" like a seed. Darkness struggled uselessly against the huge toe-talons, pushing against them with all his strength and trying to break free, but Killer only needed to flex his massive leg slightly to crush him down all the harder.

"It is frustrating, Darkness. I will admit it, I'm annoyed like hell. You are a tiny bug, a microbe compared to me... yet I can't kill you. You surely top the list of the most irritating annoyances I've to deal with. But the question we must answer now becomes... Do I really need to destroy myself in order to force you to detach yourself from me? Unfortunately for you, I'm willing to find out."

"Don't do it, you fools! You'll kill us all! It'll be the end of everything!" Darkness squealed, desperately trying to push Killer's great, almighty toes off his body, uselessly clawing into them, pushing, wrestling, and flailing in despair. His eyes were fixed on the crackling, terrible blade supercharged with Death, and he let out a cry of terror and disbelief as Killer gritted his fangs and began to sink the knife into his throat.

"Don't...!" Black Killer howled through gritted fangs, trashing violently and uselessly under the heavy foot of the titan and turning his head from one side to the other to look in terror at Alexis, Mriya and the others as they all began to slit their throats, blood cascading down their necks.

Darkness gargled and choked on his own blood as his neck split apart as well, and his cries and shouts of denial became ugly gurgles as he uselessly reached up to stem the loss of blood, to push his hands against his throat as if that could change anything.

"D-don't...!" He managed to spit out, but Killer only stomped angrily down on him, crushing him all the harder against the splintering wall of energy while pushing the terrible blade deeper into the side of his neck, slowly, inexorably, even as blood bubbled out of his mouth and his body began to tremble and spasm uncontrollably as his heart raced faster.

Black Killer felt it too, his own heart pumping faster and faster, aching in his chest as blood spurted violently out of his throat and his vision began to blur. The wound in itself would not have normally been fatal to any of them: it took far, far worse than that to kill a god. But the tremendous powers of Death spread greedily out of the blade, ripping deep into their very vital forces, into their very souls. Energy crackled violently into their necks, burning their flesh, shattering their jaws, making them feel like something was viciously moving inside them, and landing terrible blows with an oversized hammer that crudely smashed into their head and into the organs in their chests.

Darkness trashed violently, eyes bulging out of his sockets as he desperately tore his eyes away from Killer to stare at the Disciples lined up all around: not one of them showed any hesitation. Even little Diana, even Kathy. If possible at all, the "little" goddesses were glaring at him with even greater hate, with even greater determination. They wanted him gone, and Darkness, for the first time in countless years, began to tremble and sob and gargle in true terror. He did not want to die. He did not want his dream to fall apart in tatters, now that he was so close. Tears of blood ran down his cheeks as he let out a howl of denial, but it only turned into another ugly gargle as he choked not just on his blood, but on his spirit as Requiem's greedy power clawed into it and began to yank it out of him, pretty literally tearing his soul out of his throat.

Killer and Alexis looked into each other's eyes, fighting back the tears and waiting for a sign, a hint, a hope, while moving with cold, terrible determination, slowly but inexorably decapitating themselves. Literally sawing through their own necks, slicing through muscle and flesh that was meant to be immortal and invincible. They had ascended that far just to have to sacrifice their own lives...? The thought was unbearable. But the blades in their hands were merciless, and they both gargled as their souls were yanked violently out of them, the malignant electricity coming from the daggers tearing through them with indescribable ferocity, causing even their indomitable musculatures to spasm pathetically, in useless protest against that horrible fate.

The Disciples stumbled forwards, their trembling feet and hooves smacking into platforms of energy that they unconsciously created as they moved through that dark emptiness. Their blood rained down onto Black Killer as they all formed up in a narrow circle, squeezing together, shoulder to shoulder, one hand holding the knife and fighting against the violent spasms and the instinct of survival that begged them to throw the weapon away... and the other hand searching Killer, to get in contact with their lover, father, husband, master, god. Alexis leaned forwards and bumped her head against Killer's. There was no need for words.

Darkness quivered under that rain of blood, the agony that tore through his senses amplified, rather than diminished, by his decision to infect all of the Disciples. He had spread his vital essence through all of them, which made it all the harder to destroy him... but now it also multiplied his agony.

He could feel his essences trashing and screaming and agonizing within each goddess of the pride, and the anguish threatened to split his mind into slivers.

His survival instinct took over. He knew there was no hope. There was no one else left to invade. Everything around Killer was silence... but he couldn't help but try and escape from that agony. So many times in the past he had been forced to abandon a host who hadn't lived up to his expectations. Every time he had feared it might be the last, especially with Light always hounding him around, but he had always survived. Better to avoid certain death and see what would happen afterwards, than stay put.

The essence, the vital force lodged deep inside the Disciples moved first. It pushed violently back against the blades, and attempted to get out... and when Alexis realized what was happening, she blindly grabbed Killer by the shoulder, dragging him forwards and blindly kissing his lips, even as their blood mixed and filled their mouths, splattering all over their features.

Killer kissed her back, with as much passion as he was capable of while trembling uncontrollably in his agony... and then he felt it as well: a painful shift within him, like something tearing right through his soul. It sent him reeling, his mind threatening to snap and go dark forever, but instead he thought of the "real" world. Of the shattered Reality outside.

Killer's eyes opened abruptly, and the first thing to fill his mind was agony, and fear as he found himself choking violently on his own blood. Here in "reality", as well as within himself, he had stabbed himself with a weapon imbued of Requiem's terrible power.

The second thing that struck him was the silence. Utter and terrible silence, everywhere around him. His coughing and gargling was the only sound, the only sign of life. There were almost no stars anymore, and few planets, and the galaxies were tattered, shredded apart like they were made of paper. The ruins of countless destroyed galaxies floated silently in vast clouds of rubble and asteroids, all of them devoid of life. He was surrounded by terrible destruction in every vast, cold, infinite direction, an apocalypse that had been interrupted mere moments away from the final spasm of destruction... there was little, if anything, left to save.

And no, he realized after a moment that no, even the distances no longer looked infinite. No, there wasn't even the comfort of imagining that perhaps, somewhere far, far away, the destruction might not have arrived. No, he could see the edges, the limits of Existence. The folds of Time and Space, like frail veils that barely contained him, and that felt like paper he could effortlessly pierce with just one finger. The desolation around him was absolute. His pain, and silence. There were only ruins and complete, terrifying loneliness.

And a force, alien and malignant, that added to his agony by pushing, tearing its way out of him, urgently, impatiently. It was like something monstrous was trying to physically tear through his chest, and Killer, absurdly, welcomed that agony like it was the best of all news. Swiftly, with terrible determination, he tore the blade out of his neck, spun it tip down and stabbed it right through his chest.

His back arched with the agony of it, but Killer's eyes burned with savage, terrifying, vengeful satisfaction as the blade speared through a spirit that wasn't his own. Angry lightning bolts of malignant force tore out of him as he began to yank the dagger back out, and that terrible energy kept an ugly, sick black sludge clinging to the blade. It stretched longer and longer, the tendrils of that toxic, parasitic gunk clinging on to him and desperately refusing to let go... but his massive bicep bulged explosively and his tremendous strength shredded the layers of Space and Time, his hand effortlessly smashing through them as the dagger tore free, stained with that disgusting muck.

"Is this your true form when you can't feed on a host...?" Killer coldly enquired, glaring down at the disgusting substance as it shifted and rippled and merged together, trashing as Requiem's force savagely tore through it with great discharges of electricity. "Looking like mud suits you and your methods, Darkness." Killer snorted in contempt as he flicked the great dagger with something like distaste, sending the shapeless muck slipping off the blade and splashing messily into the emptiness of the devastated space.

The ugly black goo shifted rapidly, however, taking on the shape of a muscular beast with a face almost devoid of features, just like Atropos's. Like mother, like son. Darkness was half-spirit and half-titan, muscular and imposing from the waist up, shapeless and ever-changing from the waist downwards. He had wings made of the same semi-liquid darkness... or better, he had the skeleton of wings, which looked very much like jaws of sort, with nothing connecting the great rib-spikes that formed the massive appendages.

His eyes were white and soulless, with no visible irises, and in the past he could have been a terrifying, unfathomable enemy to face: he was so incredibly immense that he dwarfed universes and made them look like nothing but handfuls of dust and grains floating around him. It was clear how the clash of him and Light could have caused the rapid expansion of Creation. When Darkness and his brother had killed each other, the resulting explosion had set everything else into motion. It had been the Big Bang that had spread Life across the nothingness, with the violent ripples that, for countless Eons, had created and then destroyed countless worlds, until Elelyon and other gods had finally restrained and controlled them thanks to the Anchors. That had been the start of the previous Era and thus of Existence as Killer had known it. But now Existence itself looked puny and frail to the liger that filled up most of it, straining its very borders with the massive size of his flawless musculature.

Killer rolled his colossal shoulders and grinned, his eyes blazing with vengeful bliss as he looked down at the Primordial god that he now utterly dwarfed. The wound in his neck rapidly sealed up, his flesh regenerating quickly, and the many wounds in his chest, including the latest one, had already entirely vanished from sight, leaving Darkness shivering in terror and shock.

"You... you were... dead. I felt you die! You... how did you trick me...?" The primordial god squeaked, sounding utterly shocked, and Killer leaned back with a sly grin and taunted: "On my planet we say: surprise, motherfucker!" The titanic liger leaned back with a smirk, savoring the new and terrifying extent of his might as he idly moved one finger, watching as it effortlessly tore through the fabric of space and time, warping it so much that Darkness was forcefully displaced through reality and ended up crashing into Killer's immense, almighty palm. The Primordial struggled to push himself back up, desperately trying to spring up to his feet but suddenly feeling terribly slow and weak... before his eyes widened in shock as he saw the deep wrinkles on his arms, and the loose skin hanging from muscles which had largely deflated and turned soft and flabby. He gasped in shock, feeling horribly low on energy, his limbs trembling, his mind still sharp but also strangely fallible. He touched his face with a cry of shock at the feel of deep, terrible wrinkles and lesions, and he cried out: "Why am I old...? I... I can't age. I'm eternal...!"

"You are what I want you to be." Killer calmly replied, and the softness of his voice, the matter-of-factness of that merciless sentence were more terrifying than any snarl or roar. The omnipotent godbeast grinned, a trillion times the sizes of Darkness, his strength beyond godlike, beyond infinite as his fingers effortlessly worked through Space and Time, Matter and Spirit, reshaping reality as they pleased, with an ease that could only be described as fearsome. "Maybe you prefer being a girl... not that you can ever be a male in my presence, anyway..." Killer mocked, grinning as he looked down at his endless monster of a cock, the behemoth black shaft stretching through Existence for countless Light Years, its massive flare dwarfing the Well of Eternity, which now looked like just a tiny wound in the weakened, worn-out fabric of reality. The gigantic, fat cockhead had completely disintegrated what was left of the floating castles of the Sisters and the once mighty barrier of Black Holes had been slapped out of existence. Pieces of it, nothing more than rubble, were stuck in his thick, dark, omnipotent smegma and trapped beneath his heavy foreskin, together with the remains of countless other worlds and universes.

Before Darkness could even protest, he was dragged through time and space once more, and he found himself floating in front of the liger's gigantic muzzle, dwarfed by his cruel fangs... and trapped in a body that had gotten slender, graceful, curvaceous and graced with great, firm breasts. Darkness realized with horror that he had been turned into a female being that resembled his mother, Atropos... but Killer only laughed briefly and soon changed him again, turning him into a defenseless toddler, a minuscule creature with tiny, fat arms and a large, heavy head that destroyed any kind of agility he might have still possessed. Darkness couldn't even try to resist, to change back, to morph in any way, because Killer hadn't just transformed his body, but also cancelled his powers almost entirely, turning him into a literal baby, completely helpless... But then Killer leaned forwards slightly, looking down at him with cruel entertainment, and he allowed his body to resume its original form. There was no real improvement anyway: Darkness couldn't possibly compete with even just the immense pinky of the great dark god, and he could only cower in the shadow of the mighty thumb. Lost on the palm of a hand that was far too vast for him to even see the end of it, Darkness could only whimper pathetically as he tried to turn himself into spirit once more, clawing uselessly into the liger's invulnerable palm and miserably, ridiculously grinding into it, like a dog begging for attention. The Primordial desperately attempted to invade Killer's body once more, to invade him like he had when the prince of Kesteven was a literal newborn... but the invincible titan only laughed, rattling the whole of Existence with his booming, deep, big-balled voice. "Oh, Darkness... afraid not. You had your chance, and it is gone. You can try all you want, but you won't be able to invade me again."

Darkness squealed something in denial, grinding his face against the invulnerable skin, curling up in fetal position and pushing, grinding, pawing, desperately trying to somehow pierce through the Master's, the Alpha's invulnerable hide. Killer watched him for a brief moment, snickering in entertainment, but then closed his hand upon the Primordial, crushing him like a bug, squeezing him like a toy, his fingers digging into his body like it was made of butter. "I don't know if I'm more amused or more offended by you trying to invade me again. Clearly, I've not made things clear enough for you: you are just a gnat."

Killer's incredible, spectacular body flexed as he held the Primordial like nothing but a weak doll... and then crushing, lightly, easily, literally morphing him into a tiny, helpless gnat that he smeared between the tips of two fingers, turning him into a stain... and even that quickly vanished away, not daring to make his almighty thumb dirty for more than a second or two.

Dark smoke went up from the smears on his index and thumb, but Killer only smirked cruelly as the cloud of toxic gas swirled and solidified, bringing Darkness back to life as the ancient creature once more clung on to what remained of his once unrivalled power. He was still one of the two forces that had set the Big Bang into motion, after all... But it only made Killer grin all the wider, because Darkness was a miserable, pathetic zero in front of him, and the Big Bang itself was... what? A snap of his fingers...? No. Hell, no. A snap of his fingers now was worth an eternity of Big Bangs. A breath...? A thought...? No, no, no. There was no comparison. In truth, Killer felt way too powerful to measure himself in Big Bangs. It was way too pathetic a unit of measure.

He looked down at Darkness with hellishly-glowing sapphire eyes, Time and Space stretching over his mighty muscles, ripping apart as they flex and bulged, as his vast, masculine chest heaves with his lazy breathing, and what is left of Reality quakes at his presence alone as he leans down, the dimensions ripping apart, overwhelmed by his unfathomable sizes and might. So massive, so omnipotent, and yet so clearly there is still power beyond to call upon if he so desires. His invulnerable black hide, armoured and perfect, nearly tears against the indomitable muscle that pushes against it, and a cock so large that the head alone is the size of a thousand universes throbs where it rests upon the Well of Eternity, the flare way too massive to fit through the hole, even though the behemoth is still fully flaccid. Killer idly gazed at the succession of creation and destruction that happened all around him, unimportant and unnoticed, as new stars are formed only to explode soon after, new worlds are born just to marvel at the god's power and thank him for the chance to admire him before they are crushed out of existence again, snuffed out without him blessing them with a single thought. New universes gleam weakly around the vast black mass of his cock before burning out of existence again, even as the creatures in them are stronger than the old gods, greater and better. They are still nothing to the great dark god in the center of it all, who has no interest even for the great goddesses who are created just to praise and worship his body, his might, their tongues dragging over his form and their orgasms pouring over his hide before they are annihilated. Countless Big Bangs surround his massive form and take place in the wake of his breaths, without him needing to do a thing. Without him needing to even think about it.

Darkness couldn't breathe in front of that glory. He felt like he couldn't even exist in his presence. His spirit seemed to want to escape, to run away through his throat, making him choke violently, while his flesh burned and sizzled and became charred and dead. It flaked away from his bones as he howled without managing to produce a single sound. He felt like he would soon break down into nothing but ashes, cooked alive by the Almighty's presence. Killer was All, and Killer was One, and Killer was everything. He floated, silently, looking down at him with entertainment and contempt, and Darkness was less than a speck of dust floating in front of one of the Ultragod's eyes. In Killer's gaze there was nothing but contempt and a faint, mocking amusement at him, tiny, puny, helpless creature, no more of a threat to him than a grain of dust. Killer was larger, more powerful, and more infinite than anything and everything. And when he only flicked his eye in the direction of Darkness, to look into his eyes, it was enough to rupture the Primordial's chest, to nearly burn his hide off his body, as that terrible crimson light consumed his darkness for good.

"I thought you'd like to take a last look at me... at this glory. Am I not generous...?" Killer mocked, not even needing to speak. His voice boomed directly into Darkness's mind, ripping bloody letters deep into his brain and soul. And Darkness realized, with shocked amazement and voiceless terror, that his eyes had long melted out of his sockets. He cannot look at that glory directly. And anyway the Ultragod, the One, the Emperor, is way too great, way too immense to be observed with normal eyes. No... He sees Him through an image that forms in his mind, one that is impossible and yet can only be truth, as reality shudders, physics broken, Time warped, Space shattered, all life and light and everything else trapped into that almighty body. And even so, Killer still had powers beyond that, to punish, to destroy, to do whatever he desired as he ordered, his voice echoing through the mind and soul and heart of the Primordial: "Kneel before your generous Master."

Darkness had never possessed knees, but he didn't even stop thinking of it. Unsurprisingly, his body warped and changed shape, reworking itself to obey that order. And he knelled, and groveled, and cried in awe, in terror, and in helpless gratitude, his mind breaking in the hopeless attempt of measuring him, of describing him, of finding a superlative to describe the magnificence of that invincible Master of All that was infinite times greater and mightier than literally everything and everyone that had existed before him.

"Good, little toy..." Killer mocked, and Darkness shivered and curled up on himself, grabbing his head with powerless hands as the dark god's voice boomed directly in his mind, in his soul, pinning him to a ground that didn't even exist and yet was solid, and cold, and merciless. "You're erect. Throbbing. Hard. Eager to be beaten more, eager to see more of me... knowing that there is still so much more of me, huh...? So much more power that I don't even know how to use it... but you crave to see. You crave the full humiliation of seeing more of me, of my omnipotence. At least you know your place, microbe..." Killer grinned widely, resting lazily back in an existence that was steadily getting tighter, clinging desperately to his almighty muscles as he flexed and snickered, watching Reality ripping to shreds around his bulging, titanic biceps, falling away in scraps like it was nothing but another of countless shirts that had failed to contain his excessive, formidable vigor.

And Darkness realized with horror that it was true: his huge cock, which resembled that of a horse due to its large flared head, was hard and throbbing, bulging with thick veins... and it made him squirm in humiliation and surprise and confusion. Darkness had always been a creature of divine powers and abilities, who hadn't needed any reproductive organ to spread his corruption and his genes... he had known sex only through the hosts he had invaded over the years and, of course, from Killer himself, chief among all others. He shouldn't even have had a cock... he did not remember having one. But that too, of course, was a pointless reminiscence: the past was just what Killer wanted it to be, at that point. The fabric of Time was tattered and worn out and it literally hanged in scraps from Killer's behemoth cock and immense musculature, leaving him confused, bare, exposed and trembling in humiliation and fear as he was dwarfed by Killer's limitless, incomparable, apocalyptic black cock. Darkness whimpered pathetically as his heavy member throbbed almost painfully as it spilled its puny load of impotent semen into the nothing, only to see it dissolved, burned out of existence by the mere presence of the dark titan. Darkness could only cry tears of shock and horror as tiny little balls shriveled up in terror, draining away, almost literally vanishing in the knowledge that he could not be a male anymore. Not in the presence of that ultimate, overpowered titan of omnivirility. They couldn't possibly share the same gender: Killer was in a league all of his own, and Darkness could only play the part of the toy, of the sissy, the cuckold, the miserable vermin.

As if that comparison wasn't devastating enough, Killer idly shifted, and slowly straightened, and it seemed to take both instants and entire Eons for the almighty immensity of the King of All to rise and straighten. A single strand of Killer's curly, thick crotch hair could sweep up entire universes, shattering worlds and dissolving galaxies like they were nothing but clouds of floating sand. It did not happen just because there already weren't any universes left to destroy. Killer at that point was Everything, and Darkness could only cry helplessly at the awareness that he was nothing more than a petulant molecule that the liger hadn't yet bothered to absorb. Not even an insect, not even a flake of dust, nothing at all. His entire existence meant nothing and he was just was a defenceless, helpless toy in the hands of the Emperor. Killer straightened, and as long as it took him to rise, it took longer still for the endless universe-swallowing serpent of cock to rise as the liger idly reached down to grasp his immensity and slowly pull it up. Darkness had no idea how long it took for that monstrous titan to lazily and majestically rise upwards, still fully flaccid and yet unfathomable in its immensity. He could only gape and stare in awe as light-year by light-year, universe after universe-length of colossal, incomparable black flesh came up, tearing through vast clouds of ruin and rubble and slapping into oblivion what little remained of Existence, while the unfathomable girth pulsed with massive veins whose very flex rattled the broken reality around them. It rose and rose and rose, until the gaping maw of the Ultragod's cock was in front of Darkness, utterly dwarfing him, making him cry in panic at the sight of the colossal, barbed flare that, alone, seemed to cram Existence full. Darkness was too small, too weak, too insignificant to see the cock itself: it was way too immense to fit not just in his field of view, but even in his mind. All he could admire was just a tiny corner of the endless, cruel darkness of that gaping cockmaw.

Killer smirked slightly, letting his head fall lazily forwards, eyes glowing as his abs bulged explosively, powerful beyond description, while stardust from a trillion different destroyed galaxies glinted pathetically within the thick highway of luscious, curly hair that from his navel went down to the base of his cock... his cocks, better, because there was also a second behemoth ponderously hanging between his legs. He arched his back ever so slightly, spreading his legs as his enormous cock gave a hungry, almost ferocious throb full of absurd, excessive power, and he rumbled in his chest at the sight of the absurd amounts of omnivirility oozing out of the black meat, his limitless force of Creation spilling into the ruined universe and filling it with new life. The black, potent essence was omnipotent lubricant-sweat, a thick dark sludge, corruptive and brutal, that could create trillions of Realities and just as easily dissolve them into nothing but gunk soon absorbed and assimilated. His thick foreskin slid back a bit further as the monstrous shaft stirred and he slowly stroked down along his tremendous, omnipotent cock, more and more length pouring out endlessly just with that majestic flex, the monstrous shaft swelling even thicker, rewarding the liger's work with a deluge of hypervirile godmeat. The huge male squeezed easily into the massive base of his monstrous shaft and stroked slowly up towards the impossible, glorious medial ring, sweeping up a thick layer of hypervirile, dense sweat-sludge that festered with fearsome tangles of omnipotent sperms that were countless universes long and wide, their bodies "muscular" and powerful, their tails so long and mighty that they tore not just through Space but even through Time, stretching through entire Eons of history.

Darkness could only get glimpses of that through his small, overwhelmed, weak mind, but even those hints were enough to drive him insane. "You are boring, Darkness... I can't even get a glimpse of my cock-sweat into your mind without killing you... if I gave you just a little bit more of a hint of what I've truly become, you'd die. You'd disintegrate right there and then... You are no fun." Killer mocked, and Darkness let out a trembling howl of anguish and clawed his melted eyes off his sockets, claws tearing into his own face and ripping his features apart as he shrieked: "Kill me! Fucking kill me! Let me... let me die... I just... want it to be... over..."

"No." Killer softly replied, and his gentle tone only made the nightmare more terrible for Darkness as he trembled violently and crawled away, turning in the opposite direction from Killer... and yet almost ending up in front of him again, a minuscule speck of dirt floating in front of the hellish, endless abyss of his cockmaw, because the Ultragod filled every last corner of Space and sprawled through all of Time. Titanic, fat, monstrous, omnipotent sperms tore past him, immense and unfathomable, leaving behind dark streaks of thick, almighty masculine essence that was pure Creation. The potential of an infinite number of Big Bangs filled every last drop of that essence... and that was just filth. Sweat. Lubricant. Throw-away Alpha waste. What would his actual semen be like... it was impossible to even dream. "At first I was angry and wanted revenge, you tiny bug... but now I just want you to entertain me. And I will need the amusement, because I'm too powerful, too limitless, too flawless. It makes life almost boring. To have no rivals. To destroy as I please. To be able to blot out all of existence, and then bring it back if I so desire, and all of it without effort, without having to flick a single finger...! Vermin like you will pay the price, serving as my toys, as my amusement..." Killer said, and Darkness howled in despair at the realization that his fate was signed, for all of Eternity, without any hope of escape. There was going to be no salvation... and no death definitive enough to bring him away from infernal slavery.

"But we will have time for that... for now, I just want to take away that little, puny energy you still have. Not that I need it..." The liger said, idly flexing one titanic bicep while his almighty black cock smashed past the edge of Existence and effortlessly penetrated the Nothingness beyond, the great emptiness that the Big Bang and the gods of the past hadn't had the force to conquer and fill with life. Already, Killer's endless might was tearing through the old Existence and flooding the Nothingness beyond, and he hadn't even begun to try yet... he hadn't even bothered with completing his Ascension yet. Already, he was invincible... "But I'm a born predator. I'm greedy. And it is time to conquer it all."

Darkness didn't even try to resist, or escape. He knew all too well that it was simply impossible. He only curled up in despair, grabbing at his skull as he fell into the dark abyss of Killer's cockmaw, as the walls of that titanic, impossible cockhead flexed with endless power. Darkness, true, terrible, merciless obscurity, surrounded the Primordial as his tiny, insignificant form was absorbed whole. He fell into the abyss, devoured whole together with the ruins of trillions of stars and countless universes... and he fell, and fell, and fell. He was going to fall for the whole of Eternity, only coming out of that nightmare to crash into worse ones as the Ultragod summoned him to provide... entertainment. Darkness didn't even dare trying to imagine what that could mean. Killer idly leaned back, grinning as his omnipotent member flexed, and he squeezed into that colossal mass of black meat, stroking himself lazily and unleashing even more omnipotent life into the Void, flooding it with his obscene potency, while Darkness's body rapidly flaked away, consumed down to ashes and dust. The immense cock greedily devoured not just the energies of the Primordial, but his very mass. As Darkness howled and quivered, struggling uselessly, his body rapidly shrunk down and dissolved, crumbling away as it was sucked into that almighty, endless cock, as it kept falling in that vast abyss without end. He never even went close to touching the flexing walls of the incomparable member. Somehow, he kept falling even as titanic, almighty sperms rushed up in the opposite directions, so numerous and immense that their great, endless tails tangled together, forming great, heavy chunks of terrible, monstrous, omnipotent Life that were just Killer's waste, and yet each monstrous seed carried more trillions of times more power than all the gods and beings of the Old Era put together. Darkness's mind finally shattered at that realization, as his whole form was perverted, consumed, absorbed, until all that was left of him was less than spirit, less than a ghost, while all his energies and mass were devoured by the almighty power of the liger, who only rested idly back, watching his colossal cock with a cold smirk, stroking himself leisurely and feeling the primordial's short-lived, hopeless struggling. It was soon over.

Darkness, the Primordial that had possessed at least half the power of the Big Bang, of the original Creation, vanished without a sound, absorbed into one of Killer's monstrous cocks without adding a single inch to the titanic shaft, which was still fully, arrogantly flaccid and yet had speared through the whole of Existence and penetrated for trillions of Eras into the Void beyond. Killer's eyes blazed with monstrous omnipotence as he slowly and carelessly massaged the base of his monstrous shaft, watching on with a little grin while his massive balls hung down low, overtaxing his thick sack with their colossal size and weight as they rested ponderously on the only thing that remained to conquer: that Well of Eternity that connected Existence with the Unworld and with the immense, unfathomable and uncontrollable powers of Chaos at the other extremity. The wound in Reality, which had appeared so vast and incredible only a few hours earlier, now looked like the tiny, tight vagina of a toddler, literally smaller than the vast, greedy maw at the tip of his monstrous cockhead. It was a ludicrously small cut in reality that glowed with brilliant white energy, the same that had once formed the Threads of Life. Now there were no Threads. Not even his own. He had already absorbed it all into his almighty body, without even noticing it. He had consumed every last hint of Life and turned it all into more mass for his muscles, more power, and more obscene hypervirility. The Threads were never going to return: he was going the sole source and the sole end of everything and he saw no need for such manifestations of the flow of energy.

What was left of Existence hanged miserably from his almighty shaft: Time and Space looked like pieces of a soaked, rotten condom that had been savagely stretched out and finally shredded into pieces by his behemotic black cock. Scraps of the frail folds of reality were draped over the mighty, curved barbs at the edge of his fearsome flare, which added so much more to what was already a nightmarish, impossible girth. He let out a hungry breath, savoring the omnipotence that thrummed and pulsed inside his monstrous black shaft, rumbling in his chest as his massive frame flexed slowly; his hide stretching and nearly ripping across his mighty body, sinew throbbing, veins bulging over his form as his muscles bulged and grew even greater, thrumming with power, ever larger and higher even with him only lazily wiping handfuls of hyperpotent cocksludge off his girth. he grunted and squeezed into his titanic girth, slowly pumping out a thick, dense globe of precum that was literally more incandescent than any supernova and thicker and stronger than any metal, than any stone. A huge rope of the potent fluid slowly grew out of his massive cockmaw and stretched longer and longer as he angled his titan up and let the colossal load dangle heavily over the small Well, until the rope stretched enough to smash down into the tiny wound in reality, cracking it open larger, sending cracks spreading through the Dimensions as the unholy, terrifying weight crushed and flattened them together. The dark, omnipotent gunk tore through the cracks and its sheer mass carried it through all Dimensions, and the colossal, gargantuan sperms swam rapidly and arrogantly, eager to capture a prey and violently ramming their ways into the tiny opening, their tails flailing with apocalyptic force as they all impatiently bulldozed their way forwards together. The sheer ferocity of it, and the frailty of reality crumbling under their tremendous strength, made him smirk in dark amusement, before he simply let his colossal flaccid shaft fall down, rumbling in pleasure as the godlike, monstrous flare smacked down on the damaged well and immediately tore through it and into the Unworld, and straight through that hellish dimension, slapping it into nothing but motes of darkness, as inoffensive and weak to him as simple smoke. The behemoth black cock was so heavy and massive that it tore all the way down into the core of Chaos, and Killer let his head fall back with a lazy growl of pleasure. For him, the impossible was now not just easy, but insultingly effortless. The Unworld, which for the whole history of Existence had consumed, destroyed, broken down into raw energy both gods and monsters, angels and demons, matter and soul, now felt like nothing but a warm moisture around his titanic girth. His great, gargantuan biceps bulged, not needing to flex to display their majesty; his hard pecs thrummed, more solid than lodestone, bulging and powerful, a glorious, unmatched apex of strength and virility, and he growled as he slowly, lazily pushed his hips forwards, feeling his immense cockhead ripping through Chaos. It was the power, the entity from which everything else descended, and yet it could nothing against him, as his monstrous cock rammed deep through, the gigantic flare smashing Chaos into bits and motes of energy, squishing it like it was a soft, vulnerable, helpless womb. There was no crunching of bones that he could hear, and Killer wasn't sure whether Chaos had ever been a thinking, aware being or whether it had been pure energy, but as he thrust through the dimensions and stretched reality apart, he felt like he was violating a womb. Like he was fucking a core of life and energy and power, pure and hot, into nothing but bloody filth. Nothing could resist him, nothing could contrast him, and his apocalyptic cock made a mockery of the Unworld, the fearsome dimension that, for uncountable Eons, had represented pure, unavoidable destruction. Not even hard, his monstrous black shaft rammed straight through that inferno, crushing trillions upon trillions of souls that had ended up in that inferno because of the apocalypse. They were helpless and hopeless, and the very first ponderous thrust was enough to grind them all out of existence, smearing them against the monstrous flare and along countless light years of veiny, invincible cock. Gods, mortals, angels, demons, earthlings and aliens: they were all equally frail and pathetic in comparison to the omnipotent cock that instantaneously snuffed them all. All of their energies were immediately absorbed into the titanic black shaft, which thrummed with awful, impossible omnipotence and endless, terrifying hunger. The Unworld itself shuddered and crumbled, collapsing like a fleshy, weak thing and ending up crushed into Chaos, merging with it, turning in the same hopeless pulp as all energy, all power, all mass was greedily, savagely consumed by Killer's body. His muscles bulged explosively, his almighty cock throbbed with power and grew, beginning to majestically, arrogantly harden up, surging forwards with an enormous deluge of black, powerful meat, at the same time becoming even more apocalyptically thick. Killer rumbled in entertainment as energy crackled around his form, and what little remained of Reality visibly quaked around him in fear, and finally ripped apart, dissolving into shreds of energy that were immediately absorbed into him. There was no containing the fearsome force of destruction in his body, it warped the laws of physics around him just with the heaving of his broad pectorals with his regular, easy breath. His muscles bulged even larger, thrumming with obscene power as his eyes burned with dark lust and the Void around him rippled and warped and exploded outwards in great outbursts of chaotic creation that dwarfed the original Big Bang to pathetic insignificance. The void filled up with chaotic, powerful life every time his cock rammed into the devastated dimensions, and everything was consumed and absorbed into his cock on every endless, terrifying backstroke. Again, and again, and again, in time with his lazy yet almighty pistons, countless new Existences, a trillion times greater and better than the old one, were effortlessly created and forcefully evolved, becoming darker, hellish, full of chaotic creation as the behemoth male idly rolled his massive shoulders... and then, as he tore his gigantic shaft back out, all of those universes were dissolved, destroyed and disintegrated without even getting the blessing of a gaze from the God of All. Killer rumbled in his vast, masculine chest as he began to lean into his thrusts, moving that powerhouse of virile cock with enough force to shake and deform the Void around Him. Every thrust quaked the nothingness, caused it to shudder and burst into life; an infinity of new stars born in one instant, then snuffed out like candles with the same horrendous ease, disintegrated in vast explosions that meant nothing to the liger, that were not even worth his attention. Ruined, miserable ruins and remains of Chaos and of the Unworld clung to his obscene girth, smeared along his mighty, endless expanse of godflesh, and sperms, omnipotent and titanic, spilled out from the broken chasm that had once been the Well of Eternity, and even more and greater realities were born from them, full of powerful, potent life that was given mere moments to worship and scream before being wiped out and replaced by even greater worlds, even more evolved life spread on an even larger Existence as the God of All grew ever greater, completing his unprecedented, unrivalled, absolute ascension.

Killer growled, in a mix of pleasure, hunger and boredom. It was not enough. It could never be enough. The energies of Existence, of the Unworld, of Chaos. The force of everything that was; had been; and could have been. Every last iota of energy ever to exist was there, in that puny dimension stretched and torn around just one of his twin, impossible, glorious members. That was what Lachesis, Cerberus and Thanathos had pursued, desperately trying to conquer it. And it was all His.

And it made him only growl in a mix of delight and frustration, because he was truly Endless, truly Invincible, truly Omnipotent now... and everything looked paltry, frail, cheap and boring. Killer leaned back with a low growl, and there was a terrible, awful thrum as the very last mote of energy was absorbed into him. Everything went silent and empty and lifeless. All lights were long gone. All stars, all worlds, all galaxies. As everything vanished, only He remained. Titanic. Hellish. Absolute. Unquestionable.

The rest was silence.

Killer took a deep breath, his eyes closed, his almighty body relaxed and yet crackling with terrible, omnipotent energies, capable of any and all feats, overwhelming in any and every way. He had ascended to complete, absolute omnipotence. To a state that had never existed before. He was literally unfathomable and indescribable, far above everything and everyone else. The first Era had been born out of Chaos, from which Lachesis had taken shape. She had crawled out of the Chaos and had put created the Cloister, and when her powers had no longer been enough on their own, she had generated Clotho and Atropos. And then, Light and Darkness had been born, and their clash had sparked the Big Bang... and created all the other divinities that, with Eons and Eons of effort, had expanded Existence and turned it into the reality that he used to know.

And now, Killer possessed all of their power... the feats that had requested Eons and the efforts and energies of all those Primordial Titans and Gods and the very force of Life itself... and Eons of subsequent evolution and improvement... Killer owned it all now. And on top of that, he had absorbed every last atom of Creation: every star, every planet, every nebula, every asteroid, every last speck of dust. And every living being, from all of the universes and dimensions. Every mortal, every angel, every demon, every monster and every saint, every giant and every microbe. And all the energies of the Unworld on top of all that: every last mote of energy from the dead of the past, from the ruins of the ages passed and gone. He owned everything, without exception... and since he was Evolution, he was the personification of growth and improvement. All those energies, added to his own, which had already been monstrous... gods, there was no describing the power of that mix. And yet that wasn't all. No, having absorbed the whole of Creation was just the beginning, not the end. He was Evolution, and he now was flawless. Limitless. With every passing instant, his power grew even further, exponentially. His senses became even more perfect, his instinct infallible, his mind sharper, faster, more creative. And with every idea he got, with every hunger, with every fantasy, with every desire, he became even stronger. He was truly ultimate, truly invincible, and truly endless. The Void itself could not contain him, and he effortlessly kept expanding the Nothingness to make room for himself, for his ceaseless growth. He was more, far more than even Lachesis had imagined. He had gone far, far past what the Matriarch had been able to dream of.

Lachesis had craved to absorb Creation to perfect herself, and Cerberus and Thanathos had pursued the same objective, but Killer now knew that, even had they succeeded, they could not have equaled his Ascension. They were not Evolution. Their bodies and minds were not strong enough to deal with the possibilities, with the temptations, with the dreams and the nightmares that such true omnipotence implied. Azura had, at least in part, seen that Truth in her Prophecies: for lack of adequate words, she had called him the Amon-Ra, the God of Gods, the ultimate Savior, the Source and the End of all things.

And there could be only one such Alpha. There could not be two. There could not be imitations. The pyramid has only one apex... and he was that.

Killer savored that awareness for a moment, but the pleasure and excitement were muted by the awareness of the terrible, complete silence that surrounded him. He was completely, utterly alone, and that rapidly grew unbearable. He swallowed quietly, cleaning his mouth before his lips parted, and he voiced the one thing that was on his mind and that he needed, immediately, urgently, desperately. "Alexis..."

"My love. You made it." The Empress of All immediately whispered, lovingly and sensually, her body pushing against his, her breasts pushing against his chest, her muscular, spectacular thighs teasingly squeezing into the titanic, colossal black cocks hanging majestically down in front of him, her hands gripping into his massive shoulders with craving and need. She nuzzled him, shivering against his body as she breathed his almighty, brutal, delicious, addictive scent, her pearly juices streaking down her naked, splendid legs as she let out a little cry of bliss and then kissed the side of his neck, again and again, slowly working her way up to his cheek, then to his lips.

He kissed her back, hungrily, passionately, greedily, his arms wrapping around her waist and possessively seizing her perfect buttocks, fingers shamelessly pushing between her thighs to slip into her hot juices, making him grunt in delight... and his eyes opened to stare into hers, sapphire into sapphire, their gazes filling the Void with beautiful and yet frightening light, the flames of lust and love and omnipotence burning in them with unquenchable ferocity. She was beautiful beyond description, perfect beyond comparison, powerful beyond what the wildest of dreams could begin to fantasize. She now was, truly and unquestionably, the Empress of All, the Goddess of all Gods, the ultimate Queen. The perfect counterpart for his absolute supremacy. The Mistress of Everything. He had not just effortlessly brought her back to life, but he had breathed his omnipotent supremacy into her... and her eyes flashed with gratitude and lust, her muscles flexing and bulging with that fearsome, indescribable strength.

They both were still in their Inverted forms, their muscles bulging massively against flawless, invulnerable black hides, and her beautiful Mohawk of long hair glowed, every bang a great crimson flame. Her muscular forearms and lower legs, just like his own, were armoured with eternal, supernatural flames rising tall out of glowing "cracks" in their hide, like their ever-growing power was trying to burst out, to expand further. And she was clad in flowing, semi-transparent veils, bordered in solidified light and made of ivory energy, more luminous and pure than Heaven had ever been. Her top did not need to support her firm breasts in any way, as her perfect, prodigious bosom stood proudly on her muscular chest, and the supernatural cloth only served to squeeze into those firm, enchanting swells, pushing them together, causing them to bulge visibly at the cleavage, making even him stare almost helplessly... and her bottom and garter belt only added to the glory of her perfect form, to the great mass of her almighty quads, to the superb perfection of her rear, to the unrivalled chisel of her abs. White, elaborate stockings only served to underline the spectacular perfection of her long and muscular legs. And her high-heeled boots added even further to her figure, especially as the belts of ivory and gold groaned audibly, stretched savagely by the flexing of her muscles and the epic mass of her calves. As always, enslaved worlds orbited helplessly around her high heels, but now more than ever that position was a blessing more than a curse: what greater honor could those worthless specks of dirt aspire to? The civilizations on their surfaces could only be grateful for that undeserved blessing, especially now that Alexis could have effortlessly replaced the puny planets with more appropriate, yet no less microscopic and helpless, Realities.

A jewel made of not Universes, but entire Existences dangled out of her navel, but she still had her vast collection of warships-turned-jewels juggling lightly at the end of their short chains, hanging from the straps of her boots and from her ivory belt and from the sturdy belts of her top. She was supreme and enchanting, beautiful and addictive, and Killer admired her for a few long moments before kissing first one great breast, then the other swell, nuzzling the golden bullet necklace out of the way and then burying his muzzle in her cleavage as she laughed softly. After a brief instant of soft silence, she sang for him, revealing her voice that was unchanged and yet more wonderful and warmer than ever as she blessed his ears with the usual verses, with the promise of adoration that they traded every morning when they woke up in each other's arms. "My fall will be for you, my love will be in you. You were the one to cut me, so now I'll bleed forever."

Killer squeezed her tightly to his chest, rocking her slowly, and he just savored her presence, her warmth, her delightful perfume and the even more delicious scent of her desire and eagerness, while her hands lovingly stroked down his masculine, hulking musculature, massaging over his shoulders, sliding down his great chest, rubbing over his abs and teasingly, reverently caressing the monstrous girth of his cocks. And only with great difficulty she managed to spare a few glances for studying her own body, marveling at her new and indescribable power and perfection and admiring the intimidating, ferocious beauty of her Inverted form, before she teasingly commented: "You really do have a thing for redheads, don't you...? Was I going around with the wrong color, all these years, huh...?"

"Nothing about you is ever wrong." Killer immediately replied, straightening and nuzzling her adoringly, and she smiled and kissed his cheek before looking at the veils flowing down around her spectacular form. "At least I know that you always really love this outfit. After all this time, you still thought of it."

"You were wearing this the first time I saw you... How could I forget? It's on my mind every day." Killer softly replied, and it was true. He had inverted the original black color in ivory, to contrast beautifully with her dark, Inverted hide, but the outfit was otherwise unchanged. "You are beautiful beyond description..." He whispered, and then his eyes darted up towards her crimson mane and he smirked: "I love your golden mane, and I love the crimson one too... You know it all too well, I have a special veneration for your evil side."

"Oh, but you hold my leash so tightly that you've never really seen the evil me..." Alexis purred, grinning sharkishly, and Killer felt a shiver of delight going down his spine as he snorted in entertainment and admitted: "Yeah, well... we have... responsibilities."

"This is your Era, Lion... every last atom, every last mote of energy, is a gift you make to us all. You own everything and everyone and you embody the Law and the Moral. The last Era bowed to you soon before its end. The New Era is yours from the beginning and will be for all of Eternity: it'll be how you decide." Alexis easily replied, smirking but not urging him on, not taunting further. Instead, she touched his own Inverted form, letting out a hot breath of pure ecstasy just at the contact with his omnipotent body, grinding into him and smearing her hot juices into his titanic cocks as she said: "Thanks to you, lover, we now are truly free, truly... purified. It doesn't mean that we are Pure, or Good... but it means we are in control of everything, beginning with ourselves. Darkness is no more, Light is no more. You have crushed both out of existence like the parasites they were. There are no doubts anymore. No hesitations and no fears."

"No more lies." Killer quietly said, before nodding slightly as he added: "I used to hide my Inversion. I used to fear its power. I used to associate it to Darkness. It was a lie, all along. It was a comfortable way to pretend I wasn't guilty of the most monstrous crimes. But now I know. This is us. In the Good and in the Evil, in the Light and in the Darkness, it is always us... and I'm loving it. It is liberating to finally be whole. To finally admit that the pleasure of destruction comes from being fully aware of its cruelty and unfairness. Darkness was nothing... nothing compared to this!"

"Just a miserable gnat..." Alexis agreed, idly flexing her huge muscles and hissing in delight at the glorious omnipotence in them, grinning as her bicep bulged massively and energy crackled around her fingers as she slowly flexed them. Killer smirked, then leaned forwards and kissed the great muscle, making her smile and wink in amusement as he softly said: "Who isn't a gnat, compared to your majesty...?"

"Basically, you. You are the big, bad lion... and I'm your lioness." Alexis easily replied, grinning and shrugging slightly, before lovingly taking his cheeks in her hands as she floated backwards slightly and tilted her head up a little, showing him her neck. "You know, lover, there is only one thing that we still need to put right..."

Killer immediately knew what she was after, and he also knew that it would be useless to try and dissuade her, but he still couldn't help but try and deflect her, joking: "Apart from bringing back all the others and having to rebuild Existence after the apocalypse, you mean...?"

"Oh, lover..." Alexis amusedly snorted, rolling her eyes a bit. "You say it like it was difficult! Here..." And just like that, with that idle, leisurely "here", she pulled up her index, and a tiny, minuscule speck of light appeared, floating above the very tip of her deadly, perfect claw. "Done! This is the old Existence, rebuilt and improved. I've taken the freedom to expand it by a few trillion times... hope you don't mind." She grinned sharkishly, amused by how, even after being expanded in unimaginable ways, the old Existence continued to look insignificant in comparison to them. Especially as they were continuing to grow stronger and greater by the second... so much so that Existence, from tiny that it was, became truly microscopic, almost invisible even to their superior, all-seeing eyes.

"A nice-looking but puny prototype, built by 'titans' and 'divinities' who aren't even dust in comparison to me... and thus even less than that in comparison to you."

Killer knew she was more than able to do that and far, far more, but he still couldn't help blowing steam out of his nostrils, almost licking his lips in front of that idle display of her absurd power, especially as the almighty Mistress carelessly flicked the microscopic creation away like it was nothing but a bit of dirt on her claw. "There you go. The Prophecy of the Amon-Ra is accomplished, lover... the old Existence ended, but a new and greater one has started immediately after. It wasn't much of a feat at all. The real fun part will be in creating your very own Existence, Lion... nobody can fill up the Void with Life like you can." The goddess teased, just as her hands seized one of his reality-shattering cocks and hefted the immense length up, marveling at its omnipotence, at its terrifying length, at its murderous girth, as she let out a soft breath of hunger and slowly pumped her hands along the titanic shaft. The colossal member was slimy with a thick, rich mixture of his hypervirile sweat and his precum, and Alexis happily, greedily scooped up unholy amounts of that all-Creating essence and flicked them carelessly into the Nothingness, immediately cramming it full with new and formidable Life. His immense balls flexed and throbbed with pure omnipotence, and the Void around them quaked in terror and anticipation before a colossal, impossible blast of incandescent black precum tore through the nothingness, causing the entire Void to ripple as it violently, ferociously generated new realities, new life, new evolution, as his throw-away sperms were so gigantic that each of them left in its wake an endless succession of Big Bangs. New universes were born, with such speed and ferocity and in such numbers that the nothingness was flooded and driven away, pushed back, forced to expand, to make room for even more. "This is how the New Era begins, and how true Creation is done!" Alexis teased, seizing the behemoth shaft in both hands and laughing as she stroked his titanic member with lazy hunger, urging him on, aiming his monstrous flare around as he blasted out enormous, endless ropes of black essence, impregnating the Void with glorious new worlds and life forms that dwarfed the gods of the Old Era. The goddess greedily kept scooping up huge handfuls of that impossibly thick and omnipotent sweat and smegma, flicking it out into the ultimate desert, the complete nothingness, flooding it with great chunks of male waste and death and ruin, with the pathetic remains of entire universes glinting weakly inside that invulnerable smegma that had caught them in like grains of dust. "We have all the time for doing this and more, Lion... and the others can wait a moment, too. No, you know what I'm talking about."

He did, and even though he had repeatedly delayed that moment, part of him wanted it to happen. The time had clearly come... He only wanted one thing: to be absolutely certain that the proud, dominant mistress in her truly desired it. "My love, you are the Empress. You are the Lioness, as you just said... there really is no need for anything else. You are the Mistress, not a slave. The Empress, not a servant. I do not need any other proof of your love and loyalty: I already know everything I need to know. So, let me just ask you one more time the one thing that matters: do you really want this...?"

Alexis smirked in affection and amusement at his care, but she shook her head slowly, laughing a bit as she replied: "You know me well, Lion. You are perfectly aware that I never do something that I don't want to do. I would not be insisting if it wasn't important. So, once more, let me answer: yes, I want my collar. I want it to be even more closely connected to you. I want it to show that I'm yours, invincible and supreme... and yet only second to you. Always a little step behind. It is what I crave."

"And I will always, always give you everything your heart desires, Alexis. This is a gift you make to me, more than a gift I make to you. You honor me, my Queen." The titanic ultragod gently replied, and then his breath caught in his chest as the almighty goddess slowly, sensually stroked one hand down one of her prodigious, spectacular breasts, and then, without hesitation, tore forwards into her own flesh, through muscle and even through the impenetrable core of armour-bone that protected her vital organs. Blood stained her ivory top as she shivered and gritted her teeth, but she was grinning and gazing into his eyes with adoration and hunger, even as she seized her own beating heart and clawed into it, beginning to tear it out. "No, lover... that's not true. This means everything to me. I've craved this moment, and when we were apart I wished even more intensely for an even greater connection to you."

"Alexis, no..." Killer quietly said, gently gripping her wrist, restraining her hand... and for a moment she looked hurt, and angry... but it was only an instant, before she looked at him with awe as his other hand stroked slowly up his masculine, mighty chest and finally tore into his flesh, ripping through indomitable muscle and adamantine bone and gripping into his own heart. "Let our hearts truly beat as one. Forever in synchrony. I will be your life, you will be my life. As long as one of us lives, the other will, as well."

He clawed into his heart, with no hesitation, no fear, and even though Alexis gripped his wrist, instinctively restraining him, just like he did to her moments before... he ripped, tearing half of his beating organ out of his chest.

"My love... my king... my beautiful, powerful lover... my everything... Nobody is happier and luckier than me." Alexis breathed, her eyes glowing with adoration as she tore half of her heart out of her chest. Their eyes glowed with love, with passion and with ferocious, endless hunger as they stared into each other's soul, their arms crossing, the blood streaking down them mixing as they pushed their hearts up to the mouth of the other.

"I might be, Alexis. I'm at least on par with your joy. Maybe happier still." Killer softly replied, before they leaned down and slowly, gently caught the half-hearts in their jaws, their eyes always locked together as they straightened... and then bit down on the strong, hot muscle, blood exploding in their mouths and staining their muzzles as they moved in perfect synchrony, slowly, hungrily chewing on the raw meat, growling in craving, in hunger for each other.

And as they chewed and devoured each other's heart, their chests rapidly healed, the wounds vanishing from sight, as their beating cores regenerated: each one now joined at the middle with half of the other's. And the two lovers let out matching hisses of bliss and of emotion as they clearly felt the two organs resuming their normal beating, now in perfect synchrony, in eternal contact.

Their bloodied hands smeared crimson life-fluid down their cheeks, but the stains vanished quickly as their bodies eagerly absorbed the other's energies and warmth and power. Killer moved closer to her, only slightly taller and yet seeming to loom deliciously above her as Alexis looked up at him with love and impatient desire, tilting her head backwards and revealing her long, beautiful neck to his bloodied, huge, masculine, powerful hands. He squeezed on her throat, lovingly, and she let out a sigh of bliss as unprecedented, unfathomable amounts of sheer, terrifying power exploded out of his palms and surrounded her neck. A great succession of Big Bangs ran around her throat, creating new Existences and at the same time compressing them into tiny, beautiful, enchanting diamonds, rubies and precious stones which glowed with a million different lights and colors, depending on how she tilted her head. Burning, incandescent light, stronger and hotter and purer than anything the stars had ever been able to offer, formed vines and tribal flames and agile geometries around the "jewels", solidly locking them in place as part of an heavy, wonderful collar with a roaring lion head clasp at the front and tribal flames of terrible, unforgiving darkness filling the gaps in the glowing structure of solidified light. It was spectacular and glorious, more majestic than a crown, more divine than anything the Old Era had ever been able to dream of. Dozens of Realities, of entire Existences had been created, in a mere instant, just to honor her and her omnipotence, just to add to the beauty of her neck. Just to attune with the spectacular sapphire of her eyes. He smiled at her with adoration as his hands slowly slid off her new collar to grip into her powerful shoulders instead, and he kissed her lips, rumbling in his chest as she slowly, teasingly stroked his titanic cock with both of her hands and with her muscular thighs, straddling the still mostly-flaccid monster and grinding her soaked sex against it, her blossomed labia kissing it through the ivory fabric of her outfit.

The goddess murred in delight at the feel of that tight, heavy, invaluable choker, a jewel that designated her as the almighty empress of all... and at the same time showed clearly that, somehow, he was even greater, even stronger than even her. A large section of reality trembled helplessly before her and warped, a ripple going through the void and turning it into a mirror that she studied with a wide, predatory grin. She slowly turned her head around, this way and that, admiring the spectacular jewel, which was completed by the usual little golden chain with the golden bullet, identical to his own. She grinned, however, realizing that the large sapphire diamond of the necklace had turned into a prison of crystal for an infinite number of helpless Existences that he had created just as a gift to her... and every last little golden sphere of the chain was yet another existence, trapped within walls of solid light.

"They are just a little gift... a little hint of the immensity of your kingdom." Killer playfully whispered, kissing her cheek with adoration, and she licked her lips with a little growl of delight, leaning into him and teasingly commenting: "And to think that the gods of old had such a tough time creating just one small, paltry, frail Existence... we really need a better word to describe ourselves: "god" is such a mundane, cheap, weak term. We clearly have nothing to spare with those children who made such a big deal of their towering over ants." Alexis grinned up at him, and while he watched on with a rumble of pleasure, she easily slipped a finger past her ivory veins and touched her soaked labia, slowly rolling it in her wetness and then pulling it back, completely drenched in pearly juice. He took her wrist in his hand and guided that finger up to his lips, eyes blazing with ferocious hunger as he slowly opened his mouth and licked the precious nectar up... and she smiled in bliss and delight, letting him suckle lightly on her digit and basking in the amazing heat, in the glorious energy that radiated from him. Their overwhelming presence continued to expand the Void and at the same time pushing it back as they filled up every last bit of space with new universes, new worlds, new creations. When he pulled back, letting go of her finger, the almighty goddess carelessly flicked It and sent a last droplet of her fertile juice and of his drool crashing down through the expanding Reality. It was just a tiny drop, but even so it visibly crushed the folds of Time and Space under its impossible weight, burning and bulldozing its way through the dimensions and leaving behind an endless succession of Big Bangs. Every great, creative ripple going through the Void added new and better universes, and the two lovers looked down at that infinite creation with smirks of entertainment, trying to imagine what it was going to be like when they started actually trying...

She ground her hot, needy center down against his monstrous black cock, squeezing his girth between her thighs like it was a horse to ride... and the colossal member throbbed hungrily, swelling even greater, pushing out even more into the Void as his flare bulged even greater.

She let him feel just how wet and eager she was, and then leaned forwards with a grin, all but sitting on his member and resting her arms aver his shoulders, wrapped loosely around his neck as she whispered: "This is what you do to me, lover, even now, just with your presence, without needing to do anything at all... a lesser goddess would cum her brains out, right here, and die screaming your name while her cunt clenches hard enough to crush her own organs. Fuck, Lion... I think you made me pregnant just by standing here with me." She laughed softly, grinning sharkishly, and then she added: "We'll have to learn how to properly restrain ourselves, if we want to live anywhere close to the microbes. Or, you know, we shouldn't try at all. Both things would pretty... fun, in their own ways."

"We'll figure it out, my love..." Killer easily replied, winking at her. There was no need of words to make it clear that there were going to be moments for both approaches. They were going to be as kind and caring as they could to the tiny, defenceless worlds around them, but they were predators and had great, terrible hungers: there were going to be moments in which Existence would be nothing but a toy, a pastime for their entertainment, and there was nothing that could be done to prevent it. They owned everything, and they were going to enjoy themselves, no matter how unfair and even cruel it was.

"But for now, let's just see how the others handle it, huh...?" Killer quietly added, leaning forwards to lovingly nuzzle her, before he closed his eyes and thought of his other beloved wives, daughters, lovers. Mriya and Elaine, Ira and Vesta, Diana and Kathy, Manticora and Kimera, Boadicea and Sekhmeth... they were all waiting for him, patiently but eagerly, and as he thought of them he immediately saw their smiling faces and their spectacular bodies. They were inside him, safe and sound, more powerful than ever before, more beautiful, more perfect, invulnerable and flawless, and they still mounted the guard around his soul and mind, standing in front of the glowing nodes of his thoughts and memories. The nodes were more numerous and brilliant than ever before, and there was no sign of corruption, no sign of a parasitic entity trying to take control of his mind. Darkness was well and truly gone... and the great, invincible beast that used to stand there, restrained in the middle of all those "ropes" and "chains" made of thoughts, determination and morals, was gone. He was the Beast. He was the God and the Monster, the Beginning and the End, and there no longer was any need to shy away from what He was.

"Took you long enough." Vesta teased, smirking at him, and Mriya snorted in entertainment as she added: "Typical of mom to take you all for herself."

"I'm only forgiving her because you made her wait forever for her collar. I would have lost it long ago, in her place." Ira amusedly said, before Alexis's voice reached them all, playfully admonishing: "You forgive me...? Don't make me laugh, girl."

Killer did not ask his girls if they were ready, because he knew all too well that they were, but he walked slowly up to another figure, who was humbly waiting for him on her knees. Her eyes glinted with hope, but her features betrayed how lost she felt, how exhausted and sad. Diana and Kathy were at her sides, whispering soft words of comfort, but Clotho still looked up with something like fear as the huge male approached, looming over her, naked and glorious, herculean and titanic.

"All glory to you, Master, Lord of All." The Primordial Goddess whispered, bowing deeply and leaning forwards to kiss his toes, one by one, with absolute reverence. "We... we didn't get much time to talk, earlier, I'm-"

"- I know who you are, Clotho." Killer gently said, interrupting her with a smile. "When Alexis and the others... joined me, so to speak... all of their memories became mine as well. I know everything you did for Alexis, for me, for all of us. And I wanted to thank you, Clotho. We... we destroyed your world, and destroyed your family. Yet, you helped us, and you sacrificed your life for us. We all owe you our lives." The huge male said, slowly squatting down before her and gently helping her up. She looked at him with surprise and gratitude, straightening and looking up into his eyes with a soft, shy smile. She used one finger to trace a long, thick scar that crossed her chest, and humbly whispered: "It was no great sacrifice on my part, my God and King. These scars are all I got from my "family", and the Cloister was never more than a prison. The only place I was allowed to see, in all my life. And... I don't have many happy memories of it. Seeing it gone is... is almost a relief."

"Yet your heart aches, despite all. You cared for your Mother and for your Sister, even if they didn't reciprocate." Killer quietly observed, and the goddess gave a slight nod, her crest of long scales folding backwards with her sadness.

"It's just... I've always dreamed of being part of a family. A true one, a happy one. I used to... hope that, one day, I would get my chance." Clotho quietly whispered, and Killer gently took her shoulder in his hand, squeezing on it lightly and smiling as he said: "But you are part of a family, Clotho. You spilled your blood for us, and with us. You are a daughter for me, now. And, if you allow me, I will be your father... and your lover. And my family will be your family." He paused, the smirked in amusement as he looked back at Vesta, Ira, Sekhmeth and the others. "Granted, it is a rather crazy bunch, so I'm... asking. If you say no, I will understand."

"Why you looking at me...?" Vesta protested, and Ira snickered quietly.

Clotho's eyes, however, glinted as they began to fill up with tears of happiness, and she immediately nodded, looking at him with adoration and disbelief as she exclaimed: "Of course, Master, of course I allow it... I... I never dared to think you'd ask."

"Why shouldn't I...?" Killer gently replied, before leaning down to kiss her forehead, smiling in entertainment as her cheeks burned red and the scales on her head snapped up, complementing so well the look of happiness, surprise and lust that suddenly was on her beautiful face. He lightly kissed her cheeks next, and her mouth slowly, instinctively opened, her breath becoming quick and rough as her large breasts heaved visibly... and when he nuzzled her and playfully bit into her muzzle, kissing her hungrily, passionately and with easy, expert domination, she shuddered violently and ground her thighs together, her cheeks burning and her hands rushing down to her loins as her hips bucked almost uncontrollably. Hot, precious juices dribbled out of her, making her gasp in his mouth... and when his great, forked, dexterous tongue invaded her mouth, she helplessly welcomed it, half-suckling on it, half-pushing her own tongue up against it. She was completely inexperienced, but that only amused the huge male and made him rumble in his chest as he playfully invaded her throat with his tongue, immediately causing her to gag a little... but her body shivered again, hard, hungrily, in desperate need, and her eyes bulged as she experienced her second orgasm right on the back of the first.

He pulled slowly back, breaking their kiss and leaving her panting, flushed, eyes glowing with bliss, mouth agape and begging for more... before he gently said: "Stand up, Clotho, my little girl."

She did as she was told, even though her eyes betrayed all her concern and discomfort at standing before him while he was squatting. Surely that was not right... she couldn't stand before the God and Master, could her...?

But Killer gently gripped her long, toned legs, smiling up at her as he lightly pushed her thighs apart, and she flushed an ever deeper shade of red as she spread her legs for him, revealing her folds as they dripped with clear, hot juice. She was as fearful and tight and inexperienced as a true virgin, even though she had been raped more than once by Lachesis, and of course had birthed Light. She had never been initiated to the pleasures of sex, only ever being used quickly, roughly, brutally. And her breath caught in her throat as the huge male leaned forwards and gently, oh so gently licked up some of the nectar streaking down her thighs, moving slowly upwards until his hot breath washed over her blossomed labia, making her shiver and moan in bliss... before he nuzzled into her folds, and suckled the juice out of her, and teased her with his tongue, making her toes curl as she stood on the ball of her feet, eyes going wide and her breath coming all out in a soft cry of: "Oh, God... oh, god... Daddy... I..."

Killer snorted in entertainment, letting his hot breath wash inside her as his large tongue slowly pushed forwards, forcing her soaked labia apart... and then he kissed her sex, and she shivered as she somehow felt her body traveling back in time. Her folds became even tighter, even more desperately sensible, and his tongue pushed gently against a hymen that, somehow, was intact and untouched again, restored.

He pulled back with a smirk, licking her hot juices off his lips, and then gently teased: "Let's give you a proper start, huh...? A proper initiation, since nobody took care of you until now. Let us create new memories, to cover the past disappointments."

"My God, my... Father... I... thank you... thank you so much..." Clotho whispered, and warm tears of bliss rolled down her cheeks as she gazed at him with love and gratitude, and at the same time with shyness, with shame and hesitation still at daring to call him Father. It was such an immense gift, and such an undeserved honor and blessing! Was it truly happening...?"

"Call me daddy, whenever you want." Killer gently reassured, standing up in front of her, herculean, flawless, imposing, and she felt truly like a child in front of that hypermasculine titan who, somehow, showed her love and affection instead of contempt, even though she was such an inadequate servant... and she swallowed when he leaned down and licked the tears off her cheeks, savoring them before whispering into her ears: "And don't doubt, Clotho... There is actually a good share of selfishness in this. I've not had the pleasure of busting cherries anywhere near often enough, in the last while."

Clotho blushed at that, but she smiled widely, nodding a little. She was all too happy to be of service.

Diana and Kathy straightened as well, wrapping one arm each around Clotho's waist, and the cat angel looked at her father and teased: "We can correct that, dad... now that the war is over, it is time to give you a lot of new daughters. Good girls who will learn to properly love and adore and serve their God Daddy..."

Killer rumbled in pleasure and in agreement, nodding a little, and looking over the other goddesses as they walked closer to him, grinning widely, naked and eager, their eyes glowing with need.

"As many daughters as you want, God Daddy..." Vesta teased, grinning widely and using one finger to idly draw a circle over her abs, in a very suggestive way. All the other Disciples and Praetorians, and of course Lilith as well, smiled back at him in the same very, very explicit way... and he spread his arms wide, welcoming them all as they hugged him and ground into him.

He hesitated only briefly because he spotted Elelyon and Lemuel, curled up together, in the distance, looking terrified and staring at him with eyes that bulged wide. For a moment, Killer felt rage swelling in his chest at the way the two gods insisted to behave... but if he was completely honest to himself, he had to admit that their fear and horror was not unjustified. If Elelyon had ever hoped that the darkness could somehow be fully eradicated from Killer, now it was clear that it was never going to happen. Even if Darkness was conquered and crushed, the savage hungers and the cruelty were still there. They had always been a part of Killer, regardless of Darkness's own madness. Existence was going to sufferer the consequences of its ultimate Master's appetites and cruel hungers, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. That, Killer had to admit, was a terrifying awareness to live with. Still, he waited for a moment, offering the two gods a soft smile. He still considered them friends, and he owed them a lot, despite all... he wanted them to be happy, and he wanted them to accept him for what he was, monstrous as that could be at times... but Elelyon and Lemuel did not step forwards. They hugged each other and cowered in fear and horror, staring at him in fear of his next move. And Killer sighed, deciding that they need a little time out. He looked down at his beloved girls instead... wives? Daughters? Sisters? Friends? They were all of that at once. It was hard to attach labels to their relationship... they were a family, a clan, a pride... a crazy bunch. But words didn't matter. They were happy, and none of them would have traded what they had for anything else. They couldn't think of anything better... and no, the part about being literally omnipotent and eternal was not the important bit.

Riaku, his father, Anubis, his sister Kaya, his mother Isis... they all walked forwards, smiling at him with love, with gratitude, with acceptance. He sought his father's gaze first of all, knowing that Seth would forever be an example to follow, a champion of honor and a king who always did everything he could for his people and for peace and progress. Seth, more than even Elelyon, would always be his guide in life... and even though it was clear that Seth shared some of Elelyon's fears and worries and even revulsions for what lurked inside Killer, the old king smiled. He smiled sincerely. He smiled with pride for what his son had become. Not for the godlike power, not for the heroic deeds, but for how he had learned to control his evil needs, and how he had unfailingly stuck to the course he had chosen. He would never be Good like Elelyon, but he was always going to strive to do the Right thing... and that, sometimes, could be even harder.

He looked at Anubis next... his wonderful, wonderful son. Anubis was everything that Elelyon would have wanted in his successor: he was powerful, but uninterested in abusing of his might. He was calm, peaceful, concerned about the others more than about himself, and his first choice, unlike his father's and mother's, was always diplomacy.

"Stay with me." Killer gently said, smiling at the both of them. "I will need your guidance now more than ever."

"We will always be there for you, dad." Anubis promised and Seth smiled and nodded, reaffirming: "Always."

Killer whispered words of thanks to them, and then squeezed his girls a little closer, smiling back at them and then closing his eyes as energy pulsed out of him and made reality ripple violently. It took him no effort, and no time at all: he opened his eyes on the new reality just in time to see them all appear around him, returned to the life that they had sacrificed to him without any hesitation.

And between them he spotted Clotho, beautiful and evolved, reshaped according to his and her desires.

Clotho's eyes slowly opened and stared at him with surprise and awe and gratitude, and she slowly reached up to touch her cheeks, as if to make sure that she was truly back among the living... before she realized that her body was stronger than ever before. She was still slender, and tall, and wonderfully shaped, but now her limbs bulged with great, hard, perfectly chiseled muscles. She slowly flexed her new, almighty musculature, and her eyes beamed with bliss... no longer green, but sapphire.

Her smooth, armour-like hide, of a wonderful dark color somewhere between shark-grey and black, was still covered in an intricate map of scars, because she had no intention to forget her past, but those thick marks only added to her beauty, and to the new, imposing build of her body. Tattoos of golden, glowing tribal flames decorated her body, along with the Disciples Mark on the left shoulder and a great, muscular feral lion on the right. Her features were beautiful and gentle, her profile still serpentine but impossible to truly associate to any race known on earth. Her head was crowned by a little Mohawk of loose, flexible golden scales, long and sharp, that shifted and moved in tune with the expressions on her features.

Her neck was now decorated by a heavy collar of solid darkness, finely chiseled and decorated with thorny vines, roses and other flowers, and with a golden lion head clasp at the front.

"Master, you... you really brought me back..."

"Of course I did." Killer easily replied, smiling warmly at her even as the other goddesses lost no time and snuggled close to him. He felt their hands massaging his prodigious, unmatched musculature, her breasts pushing into him, their legs grinding teasingly against his own, their lips kissing him gently... and he opened his eyes, smiling in pure happiness as he saw them all back with him, as they all gifted him smiles full of affection and fawning hunger. He hugged them to his chest, one by one, and kissed them, slowly, lovingly, passionately. They were gorgeous, covered in powerful, bulging muscles and yet feminine and spectacular, tall and perfect, with their powerful legs carrying them with sensual, overwhelming grace. And their necks were all crushed by heavy, tight collars that glowed not just with his energies, but with their happiness, their lust, their eagerness to serve. And Alexis grinned widely, looking down at them as her collar, heavier, larger, richer, more glorious than all the others, glowed with her supreme energies as well as his even greater ones. They looked up at her in a mix of happiness and envy, and all of them reached up to lightly kiss that collar, for she was the Empress, the Mistress, and only He was higher than her.

Clotho waited patiently, and only after all the others had shown their reverence, she walked up to Alexis, kissing her toes first, and then her collar. And the Empress hugged her, tightly, and whispered soft words of welcome into the Pride... before leading the shy virgin right up to her father. He kissed her, slowly and passionately, and then he smiled as she looked at his almighty body, studying him with awe and evident lust, until her eyes settled upon his titanic, unmatched cocks. "My God, I am not worthy... I... I don't know how to deal with such majesty." Clotho whispered, reaching quietly down to grip one of the two almighty shafts, grunting a little at the sheer immensity and at the monstrous weight of it, her biceps flexing to pull the flaccid monster up. She began to plant little, adoring kisses down the side of the veiny, fat, omnipotent cock, and he grinned as he teasingly reassured: "Don't worry, girl... there is a special form of pleasure to be found in teaching a virgin. In hearing the cries, the gags, the choking..."

"You have the enthusiasm and a whole life of bottled-up need, and that is more important than experience..." Mriya added, grinning as she gently but dominatingly gripped the back of the Primordial's head, guiding her down towards the gigantic flare of his cock, moving her head around to show her where she had to lick and kiss and worship. And Elaine was immediately eager to help as well, peeling back his thick foreskin and revealing the fat, giant cockhead as she teasingly added: "Experience will come. We'll teach you all you need to know."

And Sekhmeth walked up to them with a golden bowl in her grip: a bowl filled with screaming, crying gods, of the Old and of the New age. Most of them had been in the Swarm; others were innocents. What they were did not matter, however, because they all belonged to the Alpha, and they all had to serve him, and please him, and be his toys and his meat.

The black lioness picked the tiny, helpless gods like they were nothing but grapes, and she lovingly fed them into his mouth, her eyes glowing with lust and entertainment as she gazed over the immense, incomparable Creation that Killer and Alexis had already built up, without even thinking of what they were doing, without even needing to try. She licked her lips at the sight of every light year, every mile, every inch of that monstrous, endless tower of godmeat, still mostly flaccid but forever dripping with corrupt power and cockslime and endless virile aggression that was invincible and unstoppable. His cocksludge, his precum, his sweat and filth alone were punching, brutalizing the Void out of existence, replacing it with new and better life, spread over a trillion trillions words filling every last one of trillions of universes, far more than she can imagine or even dream of. And all of it is just the product of excess virility and fertility. None of it is planned, none of it requires him any effort or thought. He doesn't even notice the new and ever greater Existences that are born out of his overwhelming masculinity... and nobody pays any attention to the countless great universes that are born in the drops and streaks of pearly, hot juice rushing down the goddesses' legs as they fawningly push into him, suckle his fingers, fondle his almighty balls, massage his hulking body. He only lazily bucked his hips a little as their hands and thighs wrapped around his monstrous cocks and pumped on them, and he smirked as he thrust idly into their grips. And every one of those idle, leisure thrusts shattered the newborn reality around them, again and again, brutalizing it with the same terrible ease as it has been created with; reality shatters around them, and the nothingness, the Void, what should be endless, constantly felt tight, restrained, overwhelmed as he kept growing, and his goddesses grew with him as their hands, thighs and breasts slowly and adoringly moved back and forth along the enormous, infinite rods of godhood. The God of All Gods, the Greatest of all Beings, lazily annihilated mortals and divinities as easily as he created them. They were given the time to admire him, worship him, grovel before him before they were cancelled like stains. There were no heroics, no attempts to fight, not even attempts to flee. The liger was way too much, absolute, omnipotent. And so in control, if they ever attempted to run, they would only always find themselves in front of him, slaves to his will and to the reality that bent and warped helplessly in accordance to his desires, making them come closer, closer... until they ended up in his mouth, to be swallowed like the useless vermin they were. Creation and Destruction alternated in time with his breath, in time with the almighty slurping of his thick, heavy foreskin over the monstrous head of his cocks, in time with the throbbing of his behemoth balls and with the thrumming of his omnipotent muscles. It wasn't even a game: it was just excess, overwhelming power radiating off him. A natural consequence of his overwhelming presence.

Killer leaned back with a smirk, floating in the middle of all that, snuggling leisurely with Alexis at his side, with all his goddesses pushing into his mighty body, even Lilith, his eager, limitless thrall... and he thought of the only two friends he hadn't yet brought back to life. Immediately, Elelyon and Lemuel appeared before him, in spiritual form. They were wide-eyed with awe, shock and terror, and they instinctively hugged tightly as they saw immense, glorious shadows rushing down against them. They shrieked in terror as goddesses stepped all over them, beautiful feet tearing through their ghosts as the almighty, gigantic females rolled around, grasping and worshiping and grinding against Killer's almighty cocks, wrestling for the right to kiss the colossal black flare of his member. Vicky's ankle-boots tore through the two gods, making them squeak in shock and fear even as they caused no real damage to their ethereal essence, and Killer couldn't help but smirk as Kimera shifted around and one of her glorious hooves rushed down towards the two ghosts, making them hurriedly retreat with a shriek of terror. The goddesses didn't even notice Elelyon and Lemuel, but Killer tilted his head slightly to the side, watching past the eager females struggling to please him, past their spectacular bodies grinding into him and covering themselves in the blood and ruin of his victims and in the dark, omnipotent essence that oozed, dripped and leaked from his colossal members, as their tongues slurped up chunks of smegma and cocksludge filled with the tiny shards of countless shattered universes.

Elelyon and Lemuel trembled and shrunk smaller as they looked up into the eyes of the almighty titan, which blazed with a power that was far, far beyond their minds' possibilities. Killer smiled at them, but it did not ease their fear: they only trembled even harder, crushed by the immensity of his presence, cooked alive by the energy he radiated and frozen still by the intensity of his gaze.

Elelyon stared at the naked goddesses, then at the twin, incomparable black shafts that loomed above him, vaster, more immense than he could comprehend, more powerful than he could even begin to imagine. His eyes bulged in shock and horror at the sight of the constant creation and destruction all around them, and he trembled uncontrollably as another almighty blast of dark, corruptive, omnipotent precum erupted from the ultragod's cock and tore through countless universes, washing them away like grains of dust and effortlessly hurtling them an amazing distance away through the Void. Hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of universes and galaxies were drowned and washed away, and merged together in grotesque tangles of titanic hypersperms and thick black gunk, omnivirile and almighty, and those splatters of ruin and sheer, excessive virile power became the seeds of entire new realities that instantaneously turned the Nothingness into a crowded, dense, rippling, mutating, evolving inferno of Life, in all of its forms, from the most monstrous to the most beautiful and divine.

Elelyon gaped, his jaws moving up and down but producing no sound at all as he uselessly attempted to stop trembling... but it was impossible. He felt like his chest was about to crumple on itself. He feared that, in any moment, his spirit would be cancelled from existence. It was an overwhelming, terrifying experience... and yet he couldn't just stare as countless universes were created and then destroyed, mutated and then disintegrated, just for the amusement of the new God and his Goddesses. Had they really fought such a long and terrible war for... for this...?

"Killer! What... what are your... your plans? For... for us all...?" Elelyon shouted, hating how shrill and broken his voice sounded, and how violently he was trembling. His teeth were clicking together so frantically that they were starting to creak.

Vesta lazily looked up from Killer's crotch, dragging her tongue along the base of his almighty shaft as her hands stroked the monstrous cock, and she shot Elelyon an entertained gaze before mocking: "Angry, isn't he...?"

"I think he disapproves." Ira softly replied, turning around to glare at the microscopic, ghostly gods cowering not far away from her boot. She grinned in entertainment at the terror on their faces, and she idly moved her foot closer to them, wiggling her toe-talons and snickering as they both hurriedly ran away.

"I think he is scared. I can understand that... I suppose I am a bit too much to contemplate." Killer easily commented, and as if to prove his point, his musculature flexed idly, causing his already hulking muscles to bulge all the more explosively, while his gargantuan cocks twitched idly... and, from Elelyon's point of view, that meant they jumped up with fearsome vigor, effortlessly slapping countless new realities into nothing but stardust that clung like unnecessary glitter to the sweaty, omnipotent black shafts.

Vesta snorted in entertainment at that, but then she rumbled: "I think he should learn to shut up. How dare he question you? He doesn't even deserve to look at me. Less than ever he is worthy of looking at you."

Elelyon shivered visibly at that, and Lemuel seemed to be desperately trying to make himself invisible, apparently trying to shrink right out of sight, making himself too small to be of any interest. It made Killer smirk a bit, but he did not want to scare the two gods too much. He was perfectly aware that the two could never understand, and less than ever approve, the monstrously selfish and cruel indulgence that he and his Disciples were savoring, using the fate of uncountable civilizations just as a barely appreciated contour to their pleasure. Elelyon and Lemuel were too good, too pious, and too perfect to contemplate such a monstrosity. "It's okay, Vesta... let them ask as many questions as they have. To answer your first, Elelyon, I've summoned you and Lemuel because I'm ready to bring both of you back to life... unless you wish for something different. We have had our contrasts, but we are friends. I owe you for what you did to help us in several occasions... even when you did not trust us. So, tell me what your hearts desire, my friends."

Killer was omniscient now, and he did not really need to ask questions. He knew everything that was in Elelyon's mind, word by word, image by image. He knew how horrified he felt, and how much he wished for a different solution, a different fate... an escape route. Killer knew it all. But still, he wanted the two gods to speak their minds.

Elelyon and Lemuel traded an uneasy, nervous glance at that, but then did the only thing they could, and bowed deeply, babbling in unison: "We... we are grateful for your offer."

"But I... really wish to know your plans... not just for us, but for Existence." Elelyon tremblingly added, horribly pale, even for a ghost, and trembling terribly but somehow finding enough force and courage to formulate those few words. As if to answer, Alexis grinned and scooped up a handful of shrieking gods from the bowl in Sekhmeth's hands, and she tossed them in her mouth like they were nothing but candy. Without a word, but with eyes burning with entertainment and lust, she leaned down and kissed Killer, who received her with equal hunger and adoration. Their muzzles worked ferociously together, and the passionate, rough kiss passed countless of the squirming, terrified gods between their jaws, crushing them between their long, dexterous, forked tongues as they wrestled, passing the minuscule, helpless creatures back and forth, sending some to a gruesome end as their perfect fangs ground and crushed some into liquid. A few others almost seemed to be managing an impossible escape from her lips, but she greedily scooped them all back in, grinning as they became stuck in her hot drool, their shrikes rising high as they were melted alive, burned down to the bone like they were nothing but soft chocolate... and the Master, the Alpha, leaned leisurely back and easily swallowed those that she pushed into his jaws, crunching the rest like candy between his teeth.

It made Elelyon and Lemuel cringe, but Killer had no intention of sweetening the pill of truth: he licked his bloodied muzzle clean before easily saying: "I will rebuild everything. I will bring everyone back to life, even my enemies. Of course, I will make sure that the monsters that caused the Endwar and the Apocalypse pay their debts and learn their lesson..." He didn't need to be specific about the nature and extent of the punishment. His soft, relaxed voice was a terrifying sentence in its own right, and it made Elelyon shiver at the thought of the torment that the endless power of the Ultragod could inflict.

"I will make sure the mortals get another chance, granting them the freedom of making their own choices. I will rebuild Heaven and Hell as places of atonement and learning, like they were originally meant to be. I will build new realities, new universes, and new races. I will expand Existence according to my desires... without limits. I will be a just king, and a guardian and protector of Life and Nature and Evolution." Killer continued, looking straight down into the eyes of the old, dethroned Lord God. Those were the good aims of his eternal Reign, and they were noble and Right... but Killer had no intention of shying away from his hungers, either, and without any shame or hesitation he warned: "But whenever the mood strikes me, I will take what I want, where I want, how I want, when I want. When the hunger strikes, I will use my toys as I see fit."

There was nothing more to say. The titanic black cocks, looming in front of Elelyon and Lemuel, did all the talking by casting both powerless, minuscule gods into a terrifying darkness, making them shiver in terror beneath those absolutely behemoth flares. Vesta and Alexis laughed as they grabbed an omnipotent cock each and slowly, majestically pumped the almighty members, sending great deluges of hypervirile batter cascading down and deliberately bumping their hands into the bottom of the monstrous flares, causing the two ghosts to whimper pathetically.

"This is the new and eternal Era, the Era of the Lion... and Killer's Law is the new and eternal rule..." Vesta whispered, almost drooling as she looked up at her god, shuddering eagerly, before she slowly turned around to lock her eyes on the two tiny divinities, almost incinerating them just with her gaze as she added in a lower, darker voice: "And don't you dare to say a word, minnows. You are nothing but his fuckmeat, too. Don't you dare pretending otherwise."

Elelyon shivered in horror, but he nodded, knowing that there was no point in trying to deny, in trying to fight back against something that was clearly an invincible, undeniable truth. Lemuel bowed his head as well, even though tears rolled down his cheeks... until his trembling voice formulated one prayer: "If we are really friends to you, then let us go. Don't bring us back to life, let us go together... beyond. Let us wander away from this reality."

Killer did not immediately reply, only looking down at the two small ghosts with something like pity. Azura, and Clotho, on the other hand, looked up and turned around to gaze at Lemuel and Elelyon, with the Goddess of Death warning: "I've explored the beyond, and the dimensions in and around the Unworld... and while it was interesting for the knowledge it gave me, under every other point of view it is not something I would recommend. I suggest you to think very carefully about your future. It will hurt like hell."

"Moreover, you cannot escape, anyway." Clotho warned, shaking her head slowly. "The Unworld is no more. Chaos is no more. There is no "beyond" to look for. There is no escaping from Killer's kingdom. He is the Beginning and the End. If you refuse to come back to life, you will end up absorbed back into him, eventually, for he is the source and the ultimate destination of all energy. You are just molecules he allows to wander freely... but you can't change the facts."

Lemuel did not reply, only shaking violently as he half-hugged himself. Elelyon, too, looked shocked and terrified, and while Killer felt sorry for the both of them, he felt no desire to make exceptions for them, or to waste time on trying to convince that he was going to be a good Master for Existence, even taking into account his nastiest hungers. If they really wanted to kind themselves and go seek an escape route that did not exist and would never exist, he would not restrain them.

"You are not getting anywhere. Ghosts, spirits, or alive, you can't get away from this reality. This is the new Era, and the only reality there is. There is no beyond to be found... and, frankly, there is no real reason for you to wander around as ghosts, when you could live among us as friends. But if that is what you really want, it's fine for me." Killer said, with calm coldness.

"Thanks, Master, for your generosity." Elelyon dejectedly said, and he went down to one knee, followed by Lemuel. "I think we... we don't belong in this new Era. We... want to try and go on with... with our journey."

"What you want to do is not going to be possible, but go. Make your attempts. And good luck." Killer easily replied, with as much kindness as he could manage, and then he watched the two ghosts float away from him, running from a reality that was way too great for them to ever find a way out from.

He regretted the fact that the two gods hadn't been able to accept the truth and live with it, but that was their problem, and surely not his. One day they were going to crawl back... or vanish, dissolving like the weak motes of energy they were. He was omnipotent, in charge, and surrounded by the ones he loved. It had taken immense sacrifices and suffering to get to that point... but he had endured, and had triumphed. And the most important part was that his family was at his side. He turned around, and Alexis kissed him, hungrily, passionately, while Mriya hugged him from behind, and the other goddesses tended to every inch of his body. "Let them go. Poor idiots... they'll realize how stupid it is to try and deny the truth, eventually. We have much better things to do than worry about the opinions of sheep."

"I know." Killer easily replied, kissing her cheek and leaning into her with a low growl of delight. "We have plenty of fun ahead of us... and we are together. Nothing else matters."

They were together. They were happy. And, like he had always dreamed, they were never going to have to say goodbye.

The Prophecy was fulfilled. The war was won. His ascension complete. His family reunited. Soon, after satiating their hungers, they would restore their world, and all the universes of old, putting them at the center of the new, far vaster, far greater Existence.

The New Era had begun, and it was their Era. His Reign.

And it was never going to end.

2 May 2019

College Years; Chapter 2 - Dear Professor

_While all my efforts are currently directed towards completing Legend, a while ago i wrote the first two chapters of a story that shows some of Killer's youth. This is a prequel to Legend, that i hope to eventually continue in the future, after the...

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College Years; Chapter 1 - In the South

_While all my efforts are currently directed towards completing Legend, a while ago i wrote the first two chapters of a story that shows some of Killer's youth. This is a prequel to Legend, that i hope to eventually continue in the future, after the...

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 99 - The War to End All Wars

_The penultimate chapter in this endless story is now ready to be shared. We are really close now, and if you have followed me all the way to this point, i can only hope you are not disappointed by the last great battles. I've been working on the final...

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