
Story by Myles Cobalt on SoFurry

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Bradyn Hale is timid fox who works as a servant at an inn in his sleepy village. Sir Everett Kole, a handsome raccoon noble, enters his life and charms him, ignoring the differences in their lineages.

"You've been looking after me all evening," the handsome raccoon commented. The edges of his muzzle twisted up with the ghost of a smirk as he took another swig of ale. As he drank the brew, he maintained eye contact with the innkeeper's son over the rim of the tankard. His glimmering, amethyst eyes peered mischievously at the servant, causing the fox's heart to skip a beat.

It had been several hours since the knight had ambled into town, but immediately upon entering the village he was already turning heads. Riverside was a quaint settlement nestled in the bend of tributary not large enough to warrant having its own name. It was scarcely more than a hamlett, with barely enough trade traffic to justify the modest inn and tavern erected at the community's only crossroad. It was therefore a notable event for a paladin to pass through and before the wandering warrior had even made his way toward the tavern, word of his arrival had reached the innkeeper and his son.

They had scrambled to impress the king's champion and had a fire in the hearth and their best keg tapped by the time the raccoon placed his paw to the door of the Runoff's Respite.

Even slightly disheveled from his journey, the knight was an attractive fur. He looked to be in his mid- to late-twenties, only a couple of years older than the servant's own twenty-one winters, but he carried himself with the casual confidence of a soldier twice his age. He was lightly armed and lightly armored. Despite being covered with the dirt of the road his breastplate shown silver in the streaks of light beaming in through the cheap, hazy glass of the windows. A longsword hung from his hip in its scabbard. The pommel was wrought with level of care and precision that their local blacksmith could only dream of. The raccoon himself stood at 5'9" with a sinewy build. He strode lightly, as though he were not weary from the road. His foot-paws were wrapped with strips of cloth for comfort when traveling and hardly made a sound as he crossed the uneven, creaking floorboards. As he took a seat by the fireside he yawned and stretched and leaned back lazily in his chair.

It was early afternoon, and the tavern was otherwise empty. In a few hours the local farmers would come in from their fields for drink and company before returning to their families, but currently the place was barren. Normally the young vulpine would use this time to cook a hearty mushroom stew and run to the baker for fresh bread, to clean the inn's guest chambers and tidy the tavern. He instead stood gawking, paralyzed by a sudden bout of shyness, until his father brought him to his senses with a light smack to the back of the head to prompt him to show proper respect and earn whatever coin the knight was willing to spend. The heftier, middle-aged canid disappeared into the kitchen to do the cooking, leaving his son, Brandyn, on his own to serve their guest and prepare the taproom for the night.

Brandyn trotted over to offer a drink to their visitor. He was instantly infatuated by the raccoon's stunning facial markings and smoky fur, and hoped that the other male wouldn't immediately scent his interest. Other than his gorgeous, purple eyes, the warrior had the standard pelt coloration for his species, all grays and blacks with ebony ringing the fluffy tail that swished about behind him with surprising mirth. The vulpine found himself tongue-tied like a cub asking their longtime crush to dance with them, but eventually managed to stammer his way through a greeting.

From then on, well into the evening, he found reasons to inquire about the knight errant's needs every few minutes, practically fawning over him while saying next to nothing. He was typically a diffident fox, and it was hard for him to speak a full sentence without stuttering in the striking anthro's presence. When he should be working he found himself leaning on the bar and gazing at their special guest until other patrons were very nearly throwing their mugs at him for service. He couldn't help but fantasize about bedding the raccoon, but couldn't bring himself to approach him in the same manner he would any local farmhand. He was not quite sure of the proper etiquette for being amorous with nobility, and was normally uncomfortable with such advances anyway.

He made do with imagining how delightful it would be to spend an evening with the wayward hero.

"Haven't you got other patrons to tend to?" The knight continued after an awkward silence, breaking the canine free of his embarrassing reverie. Brandyn shifted to conceal the bulge in his pants as he watched the masked fur wipe the foam from his muzzle with back of his paw.

It was true. In his attempts to find excuses to hover about the other male he was neglecting his many other duties. He was sure he would get a stern lecture from his father in the morning about the proper way to run the business that he was going to inherit someday. The vulpine blushed and let his ears and tail droop with chagrin as he briskly turned from the champion's table.

"Wait, actually," the raccoon stopped him with a gentle grasp of his elbow as he was about to shuffle away. The knight looked him up and down. "What's your name, lad?" He asked with a relaxed smile.

The fox swallowed nervously.

"Hale, Sire. Brandyn Hale," he answered, giving stiff, partial bow to show proper respect.

"No need for the formalities, friend. My name is Everett Kole. Everett is fine."

Brandyn searched the high-born anthro's face for evidence that he was being toyed with.

"I couldn't, Sir Kole," he insisted.

"You can and you shall, Brandyn." He clapped the innkeeper's son heartily on the shoulder with a wink.

"Will you be staying in Riverside long...Everett?" It felt oddly naughty to violate tradition and eschew titles. The fox found that he rather enjoyed it.

"Just for the night, unless I find reason to stay longer," Kole replied cryptically. "Could you bring me more drink? And I heard on my way into town that you serve an excellent pear and blueberry tart. I'd absolutely love for you to give me something sweet."

Brandyn wasn't quite sure if the knight was being flirtatious or not as he excused himself and backed away to retrieve the order, nearly tripping over a stool in the process. Eager to please his guest, he hastily scampered back a few minutes later with a complete pie, crust glazed and shimmering with crystals of sugar, and a fresh foaming mug on a tray that was precariously balanced on his paw held above his pointed ears. So distracted was he, by staring at the sexy raccoon, that he stumbled over the same stool again as he returned.

The dessert and ale went flying. Time slowed to a near standstill for the canid as he watched in horror as they spilled all over the noble with a splat and a splosh. The servant got fairly spattered himself, but his patron was absolutely drenched.

Hale could barely manage to find enough of a voice to sputter out incoherent apologies to the hero who was busy wiping fruit filling from his face. The fox tried to help with his bar rag, but his endeavors were only rewarded by further tangling the gooey treat into Everett's damp pelt and smearing it across his armor and once-fine clothing. The tavern had otherwise grown silent enough that you could hear the fire crackle. All eyes were on them, the locals were keen to see how the paladin would react.

"It's quite alright, Brandyn," he chuckled to the fretting canine. "No harm done that a good soak and a fresh set of clothes won't cure. If you could kindly draw me a bath."

"O-of course. The tub is out back. Please follow me," the vulpine replied, gulping nervously.

The innkeeper's son guided the dark-furred anthro through the kitchen and out onto a fenced-in patio, stopping only briefly to inform his father the gist of what had occurred. The portly elder Hale fought to maintain his composure in front of their guest as he sighed and trudged into the common room to tend the bar in Brandyn's absence. He paused just long enough to bow and assure the warrior that his stay would be free of charge for the trouble.

The open-air bath was little more than a privacy fence enclosing a sizable, wooden wash-basin that rested on a series of cast-iron pegs. It was suspended safely above a bed of smoldering charcoal. The weak flames were kept constant for quick use whenever a patron decided to pay for the privilege of a hot bath, a rare luxury in a small village like Riverside. There was a manual well pump which fed into the tub and several towels left hanging over a handrail that encircled the vessel.

The fox pumped the tap to fill the bath. It took a couple of minutes and was no easy task. His chest and shoulders heaved as he went through the motions and he was practically panting by the time he was finished. All the while he kept his amber eyes on Everett, who nonchalantly disrobed.

The knight had several straps and buckles to undo on either side of his breastplate, which he proceeded to lay on the ground with great care. Afterward, he unbuttoned his stained shirt, stripped it off, and cast it aside. He was clearly built for agility over raw power. While not rippling with muscle, the faint lines of his physique could were just noticeable under the matted fur along his abdomen and biceps. The raccoon combed his fingers through his messy pelt with just a trace of repressed fastidiousness. He twisted his torso this way and that, stretching out the stiffness of a few hours spent in a hard chair, nearly causing his host to trip into the tub due to the enticing distraction.

Brandyn finally forced himself to look away as Kole unbuckled his belt and shimmied out of his trousers. As much as he would have fancied the view, he didn't need any excuse to make his growing hardness even more obvious. Unfortunately, the high-born fur thwarted the effort by standing naked with his paws on his hips while the servant reached for the bellows to stoke the fire. His immodest pose was illuminated by the warm glow of the embers.

The knight descended into the bathwater, presenting his rump toward the fox as he climbed over the edge of the tub. The vulpine's eyes repeatedly flickered over to champion's backside. He had taut shoulders and an athletic torso that narrowed down to a firm, round ass. An impressive sac the same dusky color as the rest of his fur hung heavily between his tone thighs. Fantasies of bending Everett over, hoisting his bushy tail, and taking him then and there behind the inn teased the canid relentlessly.

He hoped the smell of cinder covered his arousal.

"Will you be needing anything further?" Hale inquired after the noble had lazily slipped into the wash-basin.

"You're quite a mess yourself," the king's chosen asserted, ignoring the question. "This tub is more than large enough for the both of us and bathing is always more fun with company. Care to join me?"

"I should really see about getting you a fresh change of clothes and polishing your armor, Sir Kole-"



"No need to rush. There will be time for that later. Come on, then. The water is warm," the warrior said as he grinned and swirled a claw about through bath, creating glittering ripples in the starlight. "And it faintly smells of blueberries now. It's delightful, really."

Brandyn weighed his options. He wondered briefly how upset his father would be with him for disappearing for longer than expected, but on the other paw, he was eager both to wash himself after the spill...and to spend some more time with the dashing procyonid. He glanced toward the door to the tavern a final time before turning back to the paladin and succumbing to his wiles. With a demure smile he unfastened his shirt and shrugged it off.

"That's the spirit, lad!"

The raccoon playfully splashed a bit of water toward the fox.

Embarrassed by his evident titillation, the vulpine rotated away as he dropped his pants. His bottlebrush tail whisked about with an excited wag.

"Boo!" Everett joked at his bashfulness.

The servant was about the same height as his patron with a lean frame from the often-physical nature of his job. The fox's pelt was primarily burnished-copper, but the gloves and boots of his coat were charcoal-black. His underbelly from his chin to his groin, along with his inner thighs, was plush and snowy. The most notable feature regarding his coloration was the golden tuft of fur at the top of his sternum in the shape of a sunburst. The pale dipstick tip of his tail was separated from the red-brown of the rest of him by a band of aurum fluff matching the shade of the distinctive mark on his chest.

The canine had only just climbed into the tub when the ring-tailed anthro sidled up beside him until their shoulders touched.

"So, is running an inn as dreary as it sounds?" The knight queried.

"It isn't absolutely dreadful, but it can be most boring sometimes," Hale answered truthfully. "It certainly isn't what I'd like to be spending my days doing."

"Why not leave?"

"My father needs me here. And besides, I've no coin to spare. Where would I go? Maybe when I inherit the tavern one day I'll sell it and see the world, though I don't know who would buy it from me. And that's years away," the fox sighed wistfully.

"If you could do whatever you wanted- anything in the world- what would it be?"

Brandyn paused and studied the hero. He'd been thoroughly good-natured thus far, and far more respectful than his station warranted. With some hesitation the vulpine decided to open up.

"Promise me you won't laugh."

"On my honor as a knight."

"When I was a cub I dreamt of becoming a minstrel. I could travel and learn. Witness history unfold before my eyes. Sing and play in the courts of kings. See wonders that no fur has ever imagined at the corners of the earth. There is a bard's college in the city that teaches the arts, but it is terribly expensive, and no one but an aristocrat could afford to send their sons or daughters there."

Everett grew quiet for a moment. He was aware of the institution. His was a family of renown and even they would struggle with the tuition and supplies for more than a couple of years of rudimentary education.

"I'd love to hear you sing," he suddenly declared.

Warmth flooded the shy servant's face.

"I couldn't."

"You can, though. Why pine to be troubadour if you're unwilling to sing when a noble asks? You have a glorious voice. Go on," the raccoon encouraged, "Sing me something.'

Never thinking that his dream could come true, the servant hadn't ever bothered to truly practice beyond singing to himself as he worked and couldn't remember the last time he had sung with an audience before him. Nervously, he took a few deep breaths and tried to think of a tune. After an awkwardly long pause he began to softly sing. Though quiet, so no one inside would overhear, he serenaded the hero with ballad in his beautiful tenor. Brandyn committed fully to the song, closing his eyes and feeling music, while his audience of one was silently enraptured by his voice.

About halfway through the performance, the canid became keenly aware of the paw on his thigh. At some point Sir Kole had leaned in close to him, and he could feel the champion's breath on his cheek as he exhaled. His voice faltered warbled momentarily, but he managed to keep his rhythm. When he had finished reciting the work, he opened his eyes and turned to face the warrior who hovered so closely to him. Without warning, Everett thrust himself forward and planted his mouth against the fox's.

Brandyn recovered quickly from his shock. He shuddered and melted at the unexpected kiss, unconsciously parting his muzzle to allow the other male's tongue entry. Their tongues danced in mad frenzy. Hale groaned into his companion's maw as he felt the paw work its way up his leg to massage his groin. The paladin kneaded the canine's swollen sheath, coaxing his scarlet length from its fuzzy confines. Soon, nearly all seven inches of velvet flesh hung exposed in the water. Everett's nimble fingers ran along his shaft, from the flared, spade-shaped tip to it's girthy base.

The vulpine gasped in relief as he felt his knot pop free of his sheath due to the noble's expert ministrations.

The raccoon broke the kiss and nuzzled into his collarbone as he closed his fist around the trembling rod. Even beneath the warm water it pulsed with heat in his paw.

An unexpected, harsh clatter from inside the Runoff's Respite broke their focus on the present and the fox realized just how long he had been neglecting his duties. His father had been working alone all through their tryst and he would surely chew him out for it later. He was embarrassed that he had lost track of time while spending a blissful moment with the capricious hero. Flustered, Brandyn's ears flattened as he stood in the tub, his hardness starting to retreat. He clambered out and gave a shake to stop the excessive dripping before reaching for a towel. As he scrubbed his fur dry he bowed respectfully low to his customer.

"I'm very sorry, my lord-"

"Everett," the wealthy anthro corrected again.

"-Everett, then. I should really return to my work before my father comes looking for me. It would be inappropriate for him to find me here so informally, with you. I-I'm sorry." In his haste he wasn't quite sure what he was apologizing for. "Your rooms are the large suite upstairs at the end of the hall. I'll bring you a dressing gown momentarily to wear while I launder your clothes. They should be clean and dry by dawn's light."

Before he had even finished his rambling he was clothed and trotting off.


Brandyn returned shortly with a simple bathrobe of sky-blue cotton in his paws.

"Should you need anything overnight, there is a bell in your room to summon me."

"Stay with me a bit longer?" The raccoon stated, offering a paw.

"As much as I'd love to, I mustn't. Father will kill me already for leaving him by himself for so long."

"Then you've nothing to lose."

The canid nearly caved to his charm once more, but this time his resolved held. He swapped the robe for the knight's dirty clothes and armor, and nodded at his guest.

"Thank you for sharing your evening with me, Everett."

"Anytime, my heart's gleam," Sir Kole mentioned with a resigned smile as he stood and stretched. The servant noticed the coral tip of his erection still unashamedly poking out above his sheath before he started drying himself.

After savoring a final glance at the suave champion, the vulpine wheeled to return to his shift. He caught a fleeting glimpse of the the other male as he sauntered along the wall of the taproom wearing nothing but the cerulean dressing gown before he disappeared up the stairs. It was an indecent article of clothing, barely extending below his upper thighs, but the attire combined with his casual gait made him seem right at home in the tavern. There wasn't the slightest hint of self-consciousness as he strolled nearly naked through the inn.

It wasn't until the moon hung high in the sky that Hale heard from the paladin again. The last of the bar's customers had filtered out for the night and Brandyn had just finished sweeping up while his father washed the dishes. He had planned on scrubbing Everett's clothes and shining his armor before going to sleep, but fatigue had gripped him and he decided he would make it to bed early and wake up in the predawn hours to freshen the warrior's garments. It was unlikely that a high-born would be interested in rising with the sun if it wasn't required and the fox didn't doubt that he would have plenty of time to do laundry in the morning. Just as he had stripped off his clothing in his small quarters beneath the stairs to crawl into bed, he heard the jingle of the bell.

With an exhausted yawn and a sigh he stood back up. He pulled on a pair of simple gray-linen shorts that cinched at the knee and tied the drawstring to make himself presentable enough answer a call, and climbed the stairs shirtless. Their only guest was the raccoon, so there was no question as to who had summoned him.

The canine rapped on the door to announce his presence, but between his first and second knock the portal swung open. Everett stood in the frame with an impish grin on his muzzle. He still wore naught but the robe. It was only loosely tied as well, and revealed a wide swath of fur from his neck to his navel. The fabric was light and billowy, and the shade complemented his pelt and eyes lending him a regal appearance. The knight eyes roamed over the servant's form, eventually resting on where the muscular "V" of his hips disappeared into the low-cut garment just above his sheath.

"What can I assist you with, Sire?"


"What can I assist you with...Everett?" Despite his exhaustion, he couldn't help but timidly smile at his patron.

"I like to enjoy a glass or two of wine before bed, but I'm afraid I'm terrible at opening the bottles. I was hoping you could lend me your paw tonight."

The raccoon nodded toward a small table nestled between a pair of plush armchairs that faced a glowing fireplace. On it, it didn't escape the vulpine's notice, along with a bottle of blackberry wine, were not one but two goblets. A corkscrew was already buried deep within the stopper.

Kole stepped aside expectantly, making room for Brandyn to enter. As he did, the noble pulled the door shut behind him. The heavy wood thunked into its frame, punctuating their quiet solitude. The younger fur picked up the bottle. His years of working in a taproom served him well, and with marginal effort he managed to pry loose the cork. He offered the open bottle to the paladin who poured a generous serving of the rich vintage into each cup.

The canid tentatively lifted one of the goblets to his muzzle. To his surprise, the sweet wine was fortified with brandy and was quite strong. He felt the warmth spread from his gut as his inhibitions began to dissolve.

"Good! I was afraid I'd have to talk you into staying," Everett commented, sipping his own drink along with the other anthro. "I do have another request, though, regarding our earlier encounter."

"Would you like me to sing for you again?"

"No...well, yes, actually. You're voice is positively lovely, and what can I say? We roving warriors are a romantic lot. But not now. Right now, I was wondering if you'd be interested in picking up where we left off in the bath."

The fox knew that he shouldn't. As alluring as the champion was, getting involved with the upper class could never end well. It wasn't often that he let his baser desires get the better of him, but there was a true spark of want between them that they each clearly wanted to indulge. The heady scent of their dual lust hung in the air and was nearly as potent as the wine itself. After a cursory moment of hesitation, Hale enthusiastically drained his glass. Sanguine droplets threatened to stain his pristine chest-fur as he set the goblet back upon the table.

Sir Kole rapidly emptied his as well and stepped forward to stand mere inches from the other male. He tugged at the drawstring on the Brandyn's only garment and it fell to the floor, exposing his plump sheath and hefty sac. The knight's paw fondled his balls, rolling the heavy orbs about in his palm. The canine huffed with pleasure.

Everett let his robe slip from his shoulders and wriggled out of it. He was already half-hard. The fleshy-pink tip of his erection slid forth, its natural hook and flare taking shape as it continued to engorge. He pressed his hips against the servant's. The noble's length radiated heat and while their sheathes ground against, one another's the vulpine's own maleness swelled. As his crimson cock glided into the open, watery pre was already beading at its head and dribbling down it in glistening rivulets.

The hero closed his free paw around both of their penises while he continued to play with Brandyn's testicles. He held their rods lightly and languidly stroked them in tandem, greasing his paw pads with their combined emissions. The raccoon breathed heavily along his partner's collarbone before licking the side of his muzzle and starting to kiss him again. The fox wrapped his arms around his soon-to-be-lover, with one paw gripping his shoulder from behind and one firmly squeezing the muscular globe of his ass. For a passionate instant, they embraced, taking comfort in one each other's touch.

Soon their kissing and grinding grew more forceful. Both males were shooting jets of pre into the other's belly-fur while Everett pleasured them, and they moaned lustfully into each other's maw. The silken feel of flesh upon flesh was utterly delightful, to the point that the canid was worried he would pop then and there, when their evening together had only just started. He had become fully aroused as their tongues struggled for dominance and their members were massaged. For the second time that night he felt the release of pressure as his knot worked its way out of his sheath. He shuddered as he fought the urge to continue onward toward orgasm, but managed to pry his hips away.

Flushed and panting, the champion stared wantonly at him. Hale guided him backward onto the bed that rested against the back wall of the chamber. He knew that the illumination from the hearth would silhouette them against the window above the headboard. He knew that in the quiet inn there would be no muffling the sound of what they were doing from his father. Their meeting would not remain private, but at that very second Brandyn couldn't bring himself to care. He was overcome with a burning desire and intended to satiate it.

The canine fell forward and pinned the raccoon onto the sheets. He kissed him deeply again, before pulling his muzzle away and planting a series of licks and pecks along the warrior's jaw and collar. Then down his chest and abdomen. He arrived at his hips and nuzzled into the fur there, inhaling Everett's scent. The servant turned his face sideways to lap at the base of Kole's sheath before slowly moving up his length. He lashed his warm, wet tongue around the trembling hardness, working his way up to the crown and tasting salty rivers freely flowing from it. Brandyn teased the sensitive apex by flicking the tip of his tongue against it and was rewarded with another gush of pre and soft gasp from guest. Finally the fox took the seven inches into his muzzle and bobbed all of the way down on it until it hit the back of his throat. He sucked and rolled his tongue, using his paws to knead the bottom of the shaft as he enthusiastically pleasured the masked fur.

After a few minutes of suckling on the delicious raccoon cock, the vulpine stopped to glance about the room, looking for something- for anything- to use as lubrication.

"Why'd you stop?" The paladin asked in a husky tone. He fluttered the tip of his tail roguishly against the other anthro's cheek.

On a nightstand, just within arm's reach if he stretched, was a fruit bowl. Brandyn reached out and picked up a pawful of ripe berries. As he refocused his attention, he playfully nipped at the tail near his face then brushed it aside. He crushed the pile of berries and felt the slick juices run between his claws and paw pads. The knight immediately understood what he was doing and lifted his legs. He held them apart with his paws beneath his knees to reveal the peach pucker of his entrance. The servant placed his drenched fingers at the noble's cleft. Everett shivered as the cold moisture caressed his hole.

The canid circled the submissive hero's ring with a delicate touch and gave it a few teasing prods before he slipped a digit in. The champion's breach was tight and resisted the entry, but once he was an inch in and the flesh was slippery he was able to slide in down to his knuckle with ease. Heat clamped down around his finger as he beckoned inside the raccoon to loosen him up. He felt Everett spasm and jolt as he brushed past the sweet spot inside of him. The dark-furred male's entire body trembled and he bit back groans. The canine started thrusting his wet finger in deep and then pulling it almost all the way out. He repeated the motion several times, gaining momentum as he went. Eventually he added a second digit and twisted as he buried his paw over and over again. Hale was pleased to see the knight writhe and squirm with delight once he started scissoring his fingers apart.

When he was finished, the vulpine examined his work. Sir Kole still clutched his legs and exposed himself with no hint of insecurity. His entrance was well-lubed, and the aromatic berry nectar trickled from his tailhole.

Brandyn slathered the last of the juice from his paw onto his rigid length. Precum liberally oozed from his tip as he gave his phallus a good squeeze. His cock ached, yearning for rut.

"Flip over for me?" His tone was sensual but demanding. Carnal lust had begun to overtake his natural timidness.

"Thought you'd never ask," Everett wheezed with a lascivious smile.

The paladin did requested and rolled over. He pressed the side of his face and shoulders flat against the straw mattress while he gracefully curved his back to hoist his hips. His legs were splayed, with his tail raised high and his sac hanging heavily between them. Once his ass was presented he fidgeted impatiently. Each wiggle his hindquarters served as an invitation to mate that was impossible to decline. The vulpine climbed onto the bed and positioned himself to mount the hero from behind. He allowed one paw glide up the raccoon's lower back, going against the natural growth of his coat and mussing up his fur. He felt the strength muscle beneath the pelt; felt his claws tangle in the slate-gray fur.

The spectacular form beneath him spurred Hale on.

He lined the wedge-shaped crown of his maleness up against the noble's entrance, smearing pre across his already slick hole, and began to drive himself forth with a slow, powerful thrust of his hips. Inch after inch of his thick organ stretched Sir Kole's orifice, eliciting sputtering gasps and drawn out moans from the high-born as he was penetrated. Brandyn snarled with a primal craving as he buried himself and felt his companion's tight heat grip his erection. Soon his knot butted up against the warrior's opening.

The servant withdrew himself, dragging his rod slowly against his lover's prostate. Everett quaked with ecstasy. The smell of sex suffused the air, making the canid hyper-aware of his partner. He could still taste him on his tongue and could practically hear his racing pulse. Brandyn abruptly plunged forward into the other fur again, far more quickly than he had the first time, but ceasing at the same point. The fox kept his back straight upright as he repeated the motion and began humping in a steady rhythm. He wrapped his arms around the soft tail before him, hugging it securely to his chest while the weight of his unyielding assault shifted the whimpering raccoon under him.

His bucking grew more wild over the course of the next couple of minutes as he approached orgasm. He jabbed into his lover with a great ferocity. Eventually, the vulpine dropped down onto his companion and unleashed a throaty growl into his ear as he embraced his torso. The knight bared his weight and urged him on between groans.

As much as the canine wished their coupling could last forever, the need to finish grew undeniable. He opened his maw wide and bit down hard on the champion's scruff as he shoved himself in. Everett moaned loudly as a final, powerful thrust of his dominant's hips forced the knot into him. His aperture widened around the massive bulb of flesh at the base of the Bradyn's hardness, until it was lodged deep within him.

The warmth compressing the fox's cock brought him to the brink. He felt his sac draw tight as he spasmed and unloaded a torrent of seed into the knight's ass. His orgasm lasted several seconds as copious amounts of canid cum flooded his mate's insides. Despite being locked tightly together until his knot eventually deflated, semen leaked around Hale's penis from the noble's used hole, dampening the fur of his sheath.

The sensation of being filled by his partner nudged hero over the edge. Pearlescent ropes of raccoon spunk erupted from Everett's tingling length. One after another they shot onto the sheets from him thrumming rod. When the last vestiges of his orgasm dripped from his cock, the warrior weakly fell flat, Brandyn atop him. They lay panting in unison for a minute before rolling to one side to wait for the servant's erection to abate. The vulpine gently cuddled into his lover from behind, burying his face in the soft, sweat-damp fur. He was exhausted, and sticky from their blended ejaculate moistening his pelt.

"'Tis a shame you'll be leaving tomorrow, my lord-"


"-Everett," Bradyn corrected himself with a sleepy smile. "I'm afraid you'll not be able to depart right away in the morning, though. I haven't yet had a chance to launder your clothes." He glanced down to where they were still locked soundly together underneath the paladin's tail. "...and it may yet be a while before I get a chance to."

"That's quite all right," the knight errant responded as he peeked over his shoulder to steal a goodnight kiss on the tip of his paramour's snoot. "This place has a certain rustic charm. I believe I've decided to stay for another night."