Adolphus' tails Second Version

Story by Avanti Halfhorse on SoFurry

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#3 of Adolphus' tails

All of the second version of Adolphus before the edits including the unpublished 6th chapter.

So here's the second edition that I wrote and I will be working from (after some vicious editing). However, I decided I should put these up here unedited just out of a sense of posterity and a reminder of how much I've improved since I started this version. (My editing notes are a massacre with red marks EVERYWHERE.)

I also decided to add something else to this, the unpublished 6th chapter complete with the sections I cut. I kind of get lost from time to time and decide that after writing a section I'd just cut the whole thing (more striking it out in case I decided to use it elsewhere, which has happened). I want to say this whole thing is awful, but at the same time; have you read 50 Shades of Gray? Sweet Celestia that was a nightmare.

Don't rely on these so much as the "new cannon", but I don't want to just blitz the whole thing like I did last time. I don't think anyone deserves that again. Consider this the texts historians would look at some time in the future and say "well he started off crap, got less crap and when he did the final version, had learnt that editing is an important part of story writing".

Chapter 01

The satisfaction is in the reward, not the trials. -Avanti Halfhorse

Adolphus looked through the openings in the canopy of the trees above and observed the sun high in the sky. The forest seemed to be nothing but a never-ending maze of trees and the pollen in the air was dulling his sense of smell. The peasant who told him about the short-cut through the forest must have been trying to get him lost and he started to wonder if thieves were tracking him. To go with his sense of dread, the summer day was getting hot and he was getting hungry.

Her prey was slowly approaching her trap. The soldier had foolishly entered her forest and now, she would get herself a fine slave. The wolf wasn't just any normal soldier though, he was a soldier of war, a mercenary. His body had been forged in the heat of battle and his fur was decorated with streaks of white, signs of scars long healed. He was dressed in a pair of trousers and a cloak, having long since retired his tunic to his pack. Along with his pack, he carried a long sword, slung over his right shoulder, a trophy of his numerous campaigns, at least that's what she assumed as the sword was somewhat hidden under his cloak. She slowly crept through the canopy of the trees. She knew he would slowly make his way towards the trap, so perhaps it would be best if she seduced him with a suggestion that could wet his appetite.

As he walked through the forest, a strange scent started to call, wafting through the leaves, almost calling to him and pulling him towards some unseen source. It seemed to call to something deep inside of him, mixed with the slight scent of hay, but the source seemed to fleet through his mind, leaving him unsure of what the scent actually was. His stomach also called to him as the musky smell of horse sweat filled his nostrils. After a few quick sniffs, he drew his dagger and began to hunt for his meal. He started to stalk slowly through the shadows of the forest floor, almost silent in his approach as both the smell of horse and the foreign scent, entwined with the stronger smell of horse, got stronger in his nostrils. He soon came across a glade with a pool of water in the middle. It was here that the scent seemed to reach its peak. He kept his dagger close to his chest and started to investigate the pool. The scents were strongest in the glade, but he couldn't find the actual origin, it seemed to loop around the pool and the scent was far too fresh, its owner was around here somewhere. As he gave the pool a closer inspection, he heard a rustling noise behind him. He turned to see what the noise was, but before identify what was making the noise, he was struck in the chest by a pair of hooves and he fell backwards into the pool, his dagger flying from his paw and landing out of his reach. He struggled in the water as he tried to get himself to the surface, his sword and wet clothes weighing him down, but with a few swift kicks, he was clinging to the rocks at the edge of the pool. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he looked around for the perpetrator. Someone was hunting him, that was now quite evident. He lifted himself out of the pool and drew his sword. He knew he was at a considerable disadvantage now, so he had to stay sharp. He slowly inched his way towards his dagger, keeping an eye out for anyone who might ambush him. As he went to pick up the dagger, an arrow flew out of the canopy above him and stuck firm in the ground. He jumped back and held his sword ready. The glade was then filled with the chilling laughter of a mare.

"You really think you can stop me with your sword?" the disembodied voice called out. "You can't even see me."

As the voice continued to laugh, another three arrows shot out of the forest, but Adolphus was faster than she had estimated and with an agile swipe of his sword, the arrows lay broken on the ground.

"If that's all you've got...," Adolphus threatened to the unseen voice.

"I suppose I might have to change my tactics then," the voice replied and a chestnut mare dropped from the bough of a tree nearby.

"How about we make this quick," the mare said a she drew two short swords from their scabbards on her back. "I do have other errands to do today you know."

"We can make this as quick as you want," Adolphus replied, holding his sword ready.

The mare charged at him and took a concentrated strike, but Adolphus was faster than she anticipated and before she could bring her second sword in for a strike, both blades had been stopped with mere impunity.

"This isn't my first fight, horse," Adolphus sneered as he started between the swords at the mare.

"Nor is it mine, wolf," the mare replied with a malicious smile.

And then, almost as fast as he could blink, Adolphus was sitting on the ground, disarmed and at the mercy of one of his prey's short swords, tip pressed ever so gently to his throat. He looked up at the commanding figure standing over him. She commanded authority, despite the fact that she stood there disrobed, save for a piece of rope tied around her waist and the scabbards on her back. Her body, carved and sculpted from years of military training, let no suggestion slip that she would be an easy fight and her voice left no doubt in his mind.

"You're at my mercy," she said without a hint of haste or fear. "Yield, or I will pin you to where you lay."

"I'm not disarmed yet," Adolphus said as he stared up against the mare's gaze.

"Oh?" The mare asked with a smirk. "You intend to beat me with your stare?"

Adolphus quickly pulled a second dagger from it's sheath and with a quick flick of his wrist, sent the point flying towards the mare's face. The blade would have struck her had she not deflected the blade with her short sword. This was just enough for Adolphus to make a break away from his position on the ground and over to his weapon.

"Impressive," the mare said with a smile as she regathered her composure. "I don't think any of my rangers would have used such underhanded tactics to get out of that, but you seem to lack the scruples of real military training."

"I'm not here to chat," Adolphus growled as he picked up his blade and held himself ready.

"No, you're right," the mare said with a sarcastic flick of her mane, almost as if she were provoking him to action.

Adolphus now took the first move and with a secure swing, took aim at the mare's waist and with nigh unseen dexterity, she blocked the strike and drove the tip of his sword into the dirt and once again, he had a blade tip at his throat.

"We're at this point again and I'm getting rather annoyed," the mare sighed. "So yield and this won't be painful."

"Why should I?" Adolphus asked.

Out of the trees, an arrow shot forth and straight into Adolphus' thigh.

"That's why," the mare replied. "Now yield or another arrow with hit your other leg."

Adolphus fell back, his sword falling from his grip. The mare smiled as she untied the rope from her waist and proceeded to tie Adolphus' paws together.

"Now was that all so hard?" the mare asked with a tone of sarcasm. "Had you yielded before, you wouldn't have had so much trouble."

He let out a low growl at the mare, only to catch a firm blow across his muzzle from the back of her paw, knocking him flat on the ground.

"Don't think that's the worst I can do. I am trained in chemistry and anatomy, so I can make you feel a multitude of pain that you would not pass out from. You have lost your fight, so I suggest you be a good little doggy and yield to your new master."

Adolphus simply growled at her suggestion, only to catch another blow across the face, knocking him out cold.

Adolphus was woken by a bucket of water being thrown over him and he found he was hanging from the boughs of a tree by his paws, his legs tied to the base and he had been striped naked. He tried to struggle, but he was tied fast. He saw the mare was standing in front of him, a bucket in her paws.

"About time you woke up."

"What the hell do you want, mare?"

The mare put the bucket down and walked over to a pile of what appeared to be her clothes, where she pulled out Adolphus' sword, adorned with the crest of the Red Dragon family.

"I notice you have the sword of the Red Dragon family with you."

"I found it on my travels."

"I almost wish that was true, but the idea that you managed to beat a red dragon is almost laughable."

"I've killed one or two dragons in my time."

"Impressive, but the question remains as to how you got your paws on a sword used by the Red Dragon family, unless you are the Red Wolf."

"I don't think the Red Wolf would loose to a mare."

"I'm flattered you think I'm just some average mare, but you seem to forget, there is one definitive way to find out if you really are the Red Wolf."

The mare walked up to Adolphus and he growled angrily at her, but she quickly silenced him with a firm slap from the back of her paw, before grabbing between his ears and holding his head to the side.

"They say he has a habit of hiding the brand under the fur on his neck, so let's just look around and see what we can find."

She picked her way through the fur until she came across a patch of skin that showed signs of being branded by hot iron.

"The Red Wolf carries both the sword and the brand of the house of the Red Dragons," the mare said as she exposed the brand to her sight. "Now either this is merely coincidence, or you really are the Red Wolf."

"Sounds more like coincidence to me."

"Your insubordinate behavior isn't helping your cause here, Red Wolf." She stepped back and started to admire her prize, now she was aware of it's true value. "In short, you are now my prisoner, so I suggest you start playing along and answering my questions. If you give me answers, I will reward you. If you do not answer or lie to me, I will punish you. What is your real name?"

He gave a low growl as he shot a deathly stare at her. This did not impress her. With two quick steps, she was right up against him and her paw was in his stomach, the blow itself forcing his back into tree and forcing most of his breath from his body. He gasped for air as he felt his stomach burn fiercely.

"First warning, Red Wolf, tell me your name or I will punish you again."

He gave another growl, though somewhat weaker, only to take yet another blow to the stomach. He felt his mouth fill with a trace of blood and it seeped between his teeth.

"I can keep pounding your belly all day long, Red Wolf, it's a matter of how much more you can take."

"Oh I'm enjoying these gentle touches you've placed upon me."

"Your sarcasm has been noted."

A firm uppercut to the stomach and Adolphus could have sworn his stomach was taking up space in his chest. He let out a heaving cough as more blood spilled from his mouth.

"This is your last warning, give me your name or I stop playing the small games and break out some things that will inflict more pain upon you than even the most experienced warrior could take. What is your name?"

"Why don't you tell me yours first?"

Adolphus tried to tense his stomach, but the horse was far to strong for him and she lay several firm, fast blows into his stomach. As soon as she finished, he started coughing blood.

"I can't say I am tiring of this little game with you, but I am tiring of your complete lack of respect towards me, so how about you start doing as I tell you before I start rubbing some nasty, nasty chemicals into some open wounds. Would you care for a short demonstration?"

"Oh really? How bad could it be after those pitiful attempts at punches you've attacked me with?"

The mare slowly sauntered her way over to her clothes and digging around in the pile, ever so seductively flashing her rump at him before slowly walking back, carrying with her one his daggers and two earthenware jars.

"I was planning on giving you one more chance to tell me your name before I broke these out," the mare said as she opened one of the jars and dipped the tip of the dagger into it's contents, "but since you asked oh so nicely, I think I'll show you just how harsh these are."

She ever so gently traced the tip of the dagger down the left side of his chest, just hard enough to break the skin and draw a bit of blood, but not enough to go much deeper than that.

"Oh no," he said sarcastically, "you've injured me..." He stopped and his eye twitched nervously.

The pain had started to grow. At first, it could be compared to a mere paper cut, but had slowly grown into pain that could be compared to having a blade, red hot from the forge of the finest blacksmiths, held against your chest. He grimaced and winced as he felt his flesh burning, but he tried to hold out as long as he could against the ferocious pain.

"I must congratulate you on your stamina and will," the mare said with a smirk as she watched the wolf as he wriggled on the tree, "so now I'll let you think about your next answer before I give you another cut. What is your name?"

He tried as hard as he could to hold out against her torture, but the more he fought, the more the pain grew in his chest. It felt as though the cut was burning its way into his chest, searing his ribs and singeing his lungs. He gasped desperately as sweat started to mat his fur.

"So far, it has only been ten seconds," the mare warned sternly. "You have another ten to think about it before I add another cut to you."

His attempts seemed almost in vain and his chest now felt as though it had been forced into yellow hot coals. The mare, quite happy to watch him suffer, slowly stepped up to him again and pressed the tip of the dagger to the other side of his chest.

"Last chance."

"Adolphus," he said as he tried to draw breath. "I am known as Adolphus."

The mare stepped back and picked up the other jar so she could rub its contents on the wound. The moment it's murky green contents touched his skin, the pain immediately began to subside and he could breathe again. She continued to trace her finger down the cut to ensure that the fire was gone.

"Congratulations Adolphus, you've now reached even in my book, so we can start this again, especially considering you now fully understand the consequences of displeasing me. You can also fully appreciate just how pleasurable it is to make me happy. How about we now move onto the next part of this little game and see what else we can find out. Do you understand what I really am capable of?"

He merely nodded as he tried to catch his breath.

"We're going to do a few ground rules first, so perhaps it's best I give you something to focus on first, just so I can hold your full attention."

She picked up the dagger again and gently teased the tip around the arrow wound on his thigh before she took a few steps back and held the jar of salvation to her stomach.

"I trust I now have your full attention?"

He nodded as fast as he could, the pain already starting to grow to the same intensity as before.

"You are my slave. From now on, you are no longer the Red Wolf, nor are you Adolphus. Y ou are merely my slave and I will always refer to you as my bitch until such times as I feel you deserve a better name. Your sword, your belongings, your freedom, your future, are now mine. You are no longer a brave soldier, a feared warrior or a strong mercenary, you are now a pitiful pleasure slave, owned by a mare. Do you understand me, bitch?"

"I understand," he panted, his leg starting to burn ferociously.

"Then say it, tell me your name, tell me that you truly appreciate just how much power I have over you."

It felt like white hot steel was pressing into his leg.

"I am your slave."

"That's not good enough, say your name."

"I am your bitch!"

Despite that his leg was not actually burning, he could almost smell the scent of burning fur and flesh.

"Good bitch, you're learning."

The mare traced just a mere sliver of salvation over the wound, just enough to dull the pain a bit.

"Now bitch, you have a moment to breathe. I've merely given you the first hints of salvation at this point, there's not enough there to stop the fire. In a moment, we'll start your next lesson."

Adolphus hung from the tree, already starting to question just how far he'd gone.

The pain seemed to recede for a moment, drop back to a light singe, before slowly returning to full potency. The mare smiled as she watched him start to wriggle a bit, writhing in pain.

"It hurts, doesn't it?"


"Which brings us to my second lesson, bitch, my title. I am now your master, your boss and your commander, if I so choose to let you fight again. From now on, you will do as I say, when I say, without question. Any insolence will be punished, if not immediately. You are to refer to me at all times as Mistress Felicity, regardless of how anyone else may address me. You are always to refer to me as Mistress Felicity, regardless of whether I am there or not. Do you understand that bitch?"

"Yes, yes I understand."

"Say it properly, bitch."

"I understand you."

"Who am I, bitch?"

"Mistress Felicity, you are Mistress Felicity."

"Good boy, bitch, you are learning. Make sure you always use it when addressing me, clear?"

"Perfectly clear."

"The pain mustn't be that bad if you're not referring to me properly."

"Perfectly clear, Mistress Felicity."

"Good boy, bitch. You are finally learning."

The mare rubbed just a trace of salvation across the arrow wound, subsiding the pain, if only for a moment.

"I must admit, you're learning rather quickly, but then again, I am a good teacher, wouldn't you agree, bitch?"

"Yes, you're a very good teacher, Mistress Felicity."

"That's good to hear, bitch, I was afraid you were starting to doubt me again."

"No doubt, Mistress Felicity."

"Hmm, no doubt at the moment, bitch, but I know I cannot trust what you say yet."

"Please forgive my impatience, Mistress Felicity, but can we continue our lessons? The wound on my leg is starting to burn again."

"Of course. I'm glad to hear you're so anxious to learn, bitch."

She made her sarcasm quite evident.

"Lesson three. Initially, you will remain within leash length and you will not remove your bindings. As time passes and you show that you are capable of being trusted, I will extend how close you must be and the restraints you will wear. The only thing, though, that you cannot remove will be your slave collar. Should you remove it, you will face the full fury of my wraith. Do you understand me bitch?"

Adolphus grit his teeth as he tried to focus on not screaming loudly, the pain nigh on unbearable.

"Bitch? Did you hear me?"

He gasp for breath, his heartbeat throbbing through his head like the pounds of catapult shots hitting castle walls. He felt dizzy and his vision started to go a bright shade of red.

"Did you hear what I said, bitch?"

"Yes, Mistress Felicity."

For a moment, the red passed to black.

He was out cold. It was impressive that he had lasted so long against her, but it was to be expected that he would eventually pass out and by the time he came to, the fire would have subsided.

"It appears as though our initial reports were correct?" An incorporeal voice asked from the canopy of trees.

"That is correct," the mare called Mistress Felicity said as she wiped her paws on the wolf's shirt, "and without their star mercenary, we've hampered their plans for at least a week."

"Assuming he was key to their assault."

"They have proven to be more resourceful in the past. Now I suggest you get down here Razher, I will need your assistance to fix him up."

A large, black stallion, dressed in green, dropped down from the canopy with a reasonable thud. Razher was rather tall, standing a clear 60 centimeters above Felicity. His tail and mane were a dull white, having rubbed charcoal into them that morning.

"Are you sure you have time for this, Commander?" Razher asked as she started to untie Adolphus' paws, letting his unconscious body fall to the ground.

"This irritant has left me with a lot of pent up stress," Felicity replied as she attached a pair of locked bracers to Adolphus' wrists. "I know we don't have much time to get back to the castle, but I would prefer to work off this stress now, as opposed to taking it all out on Celdepah."

"I'll get Kitty to keep sentry."

"No, bring her here and let Gareth keep sentry. I would like to humiliate my slave in front of one of his own species."

He awoke, dazed and confused with the feeling that his mouth was filled with clouds. As he took notice of his surroundings, he realized he was no longer tied to the tree and was now lying on his back. He looked up to see a rather large horse hoof between his arms and his wrists bound in a pair of leather bracers that prevented him from parting his wrists. The hoof belonged to a rather tall and muscular black stallion that looked like he would make his intentions known without too much effort. The horse looked down at him and gave a rather unimpressed snort.

"Good to see you're awake bitch," a voice that was starting to become quite a grate on his nerves spoke as he craned his neck to try and see where she was. "I was worried I'd have to drag your unconscious body back to the castle."

Adolphus tried to speak, but found that not only was his mouth held almost shut by a muzzle, but his tongue and voice box were rather numb.

"Don't worry, I'm not expecting much out of your mouth at the moment," Felicity said as she walked around and stood over him, one hoof either side of his hips. "I've doused your tongue in a mild anesthetic, so things like talking and biting aren't an option for you at the moment."

He tried to move his arms, but found that the horse standing at his head was preventing him from moving them very far. As he looked down, he noticed his legs were still tied to the base of the tree. He wasn't going anywhere any time soon, so he started to wonder just what the mare had in mind for him.

Felicity smiled as she crouched down and sat on Adolphus' legs, her hips just beneath his crotch.

"I must ask again Commander," Razher said as he looked around. "Are you sure this is the right time for this?"

"Razher, I know what I am doing," she replied as she picked up an earthenware jar, "Now where is Kitty?"

"She was out tracking patrols a mile or so away, she's on her way back as we speak," Razher answered as he looked around.

"Don't even think of moving Razher."

"Sorry Commander."

A female gray wolf, dressed in green and gray, stepped out of the shadows with an arrow ready to be drawn in her bow. On her back she carried a backpack and a quiver of arrows hung from her belt.

"Reporting Commander," the wolf said as she walked into the clearing.

"Any reason for the delay, Lieutenant?" Felicity asked as she looked up at her.

"The patrols have been passing within our safety margin," the wolf replied. "I had to avoid a patrol on my way in."

"Well both of you keep your ears open for anything suspicious," Felicity said as she dipped her fingers into the jar, "but I thought you'd at least enjoy watching this Kitty, simply for your own pleasures."

"I am honored, Commander," the wolf named Kitty said with a small bow.

Felicity ran her fingers through the lotion in the jar before taking out a reasonable dollop and rubbing it onto Adolphus' sheath.

"This lotion is something my current slave devised for those times when I needed his services, but his will was rather, shall we say, worn, allowing him to perform his duties."

She massaged the lotion into his furry sheath and balls as she continued to talk.

"I also found that it can inspire the same reaction in almost any male, regardless of how willing they are. It also has the ability to suppress your fertility, as long as you cock is covered with this substance, so there is little, if any chance of you leaving me with your illegitimate child."

He tried to resist, but the mixture started to have its advertised effect and he felt his sheath start to throb with his heartbeat.

"The advantage of this lotion is that it also works as a carrier, so if I chose, I could add a few herbs and ensure that no matter how hard you tried, you would be unable to reach climax. I've found it to be a rather useful tool in the interrogation of some prisoners, if you can imagine what I mean."

He panted as he felt his sheath start to grow, the sexual impulse inside of him now seemed to have its own intentions. Despite how heavily he willed against it, his wolfhood slowly made its way from his sheath, exposing the erect and tender flesh to the air. It gave an involuntary throb as Felicity gently ran her fingers almost teasingly over the skin.

"It seems yet another rumor of the Red Wolf is true," Felicity said as she rubbed some of the lotion onto his cock. "Once trained, I may enjoy you much more than I first though."

The cool lotion on his wolfhood seemed to gently calm the burning that now seemed to grow inside the erect flesh. He closed his eyes as he tried to regather his thoughts, but they was suddenly scattered as he felt a rather warm, wet feeling slide down his length. He opened his eyes and noticed the situation he was now in. Felicity was crouched over him, breathing rather heavily as she slowly mounted his erect cock. After shifting herself a bit, she was sitting upright on his crotch, his cock buried deep within her moist marehood, the tip of his sheath barely visible. Felicity panted for a moment as she sat herself in a comfortable position.

"He certainly has a different shape to Celdepah," she said as she placed her paws on his belly. "Let us see just how potent his knot is though."

With that, she gave a firm squeeze with her thighs and watched her slave tense at the feeling that wrapped around his shaft. She smirked at the sight of her new slave, bound, gagged and under her sway as she started to work her way towards her goal. Felicity pulled herself forward, his cock slowly slipping from her insides before, with a thrust, sent the full 30cm of his length deep within herself again. Adolphus let out a groan, the only noise his throat could mutter as Felicity now increased her pace. She moaned as the large woof cock slid into her body, rubbing and stimulating different parts of her as it throbbed with each thrust. She could feel the well-known lupine knot start to form at the base of his cock and knew he was getting close to finishing, but she was far from climax. She changed her movements, spending less time near his knot and more time at the tip, enjoying the feeling of a lupine cock rubbing against her wet inside. She watched his expressions as she continued to arouse him without any sign of relief. The sight of this made her hornier and increased her desires. She soon lost all control of herself as her animal desires took over, driving her further and further down his cock until the knot was at the point of no return.

With one last thrust down, Felicity forced herself down and over Adolphus' knot, the sudden rush of blood tying the two together. She continued to thrust, moving what small centimeter she could as the knot held tight inside of her. She could feel her insides tense in anticipation of what was to come and she knew she was now committed. With two or three more thrusts against the lupine cock inside of her, she felt herself tip over the edge and with a loud neigh, she reached her climax, just as she felt the knot of her new slave suddenly enlarge inside of her. Her sex squeezed desperately as she felt the torrents of wolf seed spill into her awaiting body, fueled by her own desires for release. She squeezed and moaned in ecstasy as she leaned forward as to not fall from her somewhat precarious perch atop her slave's crotch. She sat there for several minutes, savoring the glow of her climax, trying to catch her breath.

He felt dazed as he lay there, a feeling of warmth flowing over his body. No female had ever driven him to such heights of climax before and he was now out of breath. He watched Felicity as she regathered her composure before sitting back up.

"I am rather proud of you bitch," she said as she stopped gasping for air. "You certainly have a rather different flavor to what I'm used to."

She went to stand up, but found she was still tied fast to him, the bulge of his knot now spread inside of her, unwilling to let go of its comfortable place. He gave a happy sigh at Felicity's predicament, but this only stimulated a rough squeeze of his still tender cock.

"You will recede in time," she said as she sat back. "I can wait. Captain Razher, keep an eye on the perimeter whilst my new slave calms down."

"Yes Commander."

Razher disappeared into the trees as Kitty took his place, making sure Adolphus couldn't move his arms.

"They can be humiliated just as much as you were," Felicity said as Kitty looked down at Adolphus with scorn.

"That doesn't mean I will trust another like him again," Kitty replied. "I can never forgive them for what they did to me."

"In time, you may believe differently."

"I severely doubt that Commander."

"Time shall tell Kitty. Maybe you're just waiting for the right one."

Adolphus looked up at Kitty, only to come point to face to an arrow, drawn ready in Kitty's bow.

"I will hurt you," Kitty threatened.

Adolphus quickly averted his gaze back to Felicity, who was still stuck firmly to his crotch.

"Once I have broken you, my bitch, you will be a slave worthy of a princess."

Chapter 02

You can take the soldier from the fight, but you can't take the fight from the soldier. - Avanti Halfhorse

Adolphus lay upon the ground and stared up at the sky as he felt his mind spinning wildly through his post-orgasmic haze. Felicity was still atop him, his knot still trying the two of them together, so in order to make herself more comfortable, she sat herself down upon Adolphus' crotch.

"One must always enjoy the feeling of a nice, firm knot," Felicity sighed as she gave her sexual passage a squeeze, forcing Adolphus to wince at the tender pain.

"I must disagree," Kitty grumbled as she turned her head away from the sexual sight in front of her. "I always hated the feeling of the tie."

"You and I have different ideas of pleasure," Felicity noted.

"I don't care, I feel like I need a bath now."

Felicity put her paws on Adolphus' chest and lift her hips up. With the knot still tied within her, she pulled Adolphus' cock at the base.

"Don't you go falling asleep now, bitch," Felicity threatened. "Your job is not complete until your mistress has gone to sleep."

Adolphus gave Felicity an angry stare as he let out a growl.

"So it sounds like your voice is returning," Felicity noted with a smile, "that is good. By the time your knot has deflated, you'll be able to clean your mistress up, doesn't that sound nice, bitch?"

"With all due respects, commander, we do have many more jobs to complete before the day is out and the King may not appreciate the direction of resources towards your own slave hunt."

"Cease your worries Kitty," Felicity ordered. "Gareth has been unable to find any more information on enemy plans as it is. Without more detailed understandings, we have no choice but to wait and see how their plans progress."

"Why not strike now whilst they are unaware of our presence?"

"We have infiltrated their camp, their communications and their intelligence. Even if we struck now, we would put the lives of all our informants at risk, force the enemy commander deeper into hiding and destroy a lot of hard work. For now, we wait."

Felicity gave herself another pull against Adolphus' know and with the wet plop, it came free.

"That feels good," Felicity moaned as her head dropped forward.

"Can I go please, Commander?" Kitty asked, her voice sounding as if she were about to be sick.

"Go," Felicity said with the wave of her paw. "He is bound, I can take care of him."

Adolphus was amazed at the amount of mixed fluids that was spilling out of the mare's cunt, now that she had removed his flesh plug. She stood above him for a few minutes whilst she let more and more of the fluids dribble forth and coat his crotch.

"It certainly is a lot, isn't it, Bitch?" Felicity asked as she gave her pelvic muscles a flex, forcing another glob of fluids to fall out. "Normally I would force you to drink all of your mess, but I think it fair that you learn to 'appreciate' the flavor first, before I drown you."

Sure that the majority of their cum had been expelled from her body, Felicity knelt over Adolphus' chest and grabbed the back of his head, forcing his bound muzzle close to her wet, vaginal opening.

"You can still use that tongue of yours, Bitch," Felicity ordered harshly, "so start licking my marehood before I drown you in my nectar."

It appeared as though she had thought of everything and Adolphus found he could open his muzzle enough to let his tongue slide out between his teeth. He realized that if he didn't make with the licking, she was going to drown him. Despite the fact she had forced a lot of cum from inside her body, strands of sexual lubricants still clung to her vaginal lips.

"I said lick, Bitch."

Adolphus knew he had no choice. With his tongue extended, he ran it along the slit presented before him. It sounded, by the way Felicity moaned, he was on the right track. A strong taste of hay coated his tongue, mixed with the slightest tastes of raw meat. He couldn't say the flavor was to his likings, but when it appeared he didn't have a choice, he could imagine how it could be worse.

He continued to lick, collecting the sticky fluid on his tongue and hoping he would soon be finished. The strong smell of aroused mare flooded his nose and hay drenched his pallet, the two sensations were rather intoxicating and he had to continuously remind himself where he was. It was also sounded that Felicity was enjoying the attentions of his tongue as she started to gasp and pant. When the fur around her crotch was damp with his saliva, but clean of cum, Felicity looked down.

"I would be satisfied with your work," Felicity taunted, "were it not for the fact you aren't quite done."

Using the index and middle fingers, Felicity parted the outer lips of her labia to show her new bitch the sticky pink flesh of more work.

"Keep licking bitch," Felicity threatened, "you aren't finishing until I am done."

As he stared between her fingers, he saw her vaginal muscles flex and more cum spilled forth. If she was insatiable, Adolphus felt his tasks would be unending, but with the threat of such punishments as she had demonstrated before looming above, he had few choices, but to sate her lust. His tongue was sore, as was his jaw, but she was pushing his muzzle closer.

She was unsure as to why he was holding back, especially considering his rough canine tongue was certainly bringing her closer and closer to her climax. She had always enjoyed it when Celdepah had gone down after pumping her full of his infertile stallion seed, it was almost as if he enjoyed it more than mounting, but the fear and anger in the eyes of her new pet made it all the more worthwhile, if only he wasn't so restrained.

"Lick, bitch!" Felicity yelled as she forced his nose and muzzle right up against her opening. "Finish or I will let Razher have his way with your rump!"

The fear of a straight male had at the mention of the idea of being sexually violated by a stallion always brought forth their best and now, her bitch was licking with great vigor. Felicity let her eyes close a bit as she felt her body start to spasm and stiffen in anticipation of climax and she knew it would be worthwhile. With the top of each lick, she could feel his wet canine nose pressing against her swollen sensitive clitoris. By Faredae, she would enjoy this. He kept licking furiously as she arched her back in anticipation, he was obviously oblivious to her state.

"Deeper bitch," Felicity ordered in hurried pants, "get your muzzle deep within me."

He obliged and as she felt his muzzle open up her passage, she reached her orgasmic peak. With a neigh louder than the one before, her vaginal walls grabbed desperately at the muzzle that penetrated her. She could feel his tongue within her licking in desperation and fear, it was obvious he wasn't aware of just happening, but he would learn this in time.

As she slowly sailed down from her second climax of the afternoon, she looked down at her wolf toy panting in a desperate attempt to catch his breath, his muzzle coated in the liquids of climax.

"You show talent bitch," Felicity panted, her own breath away from her, "but you have much to learn before I consider you worthy of my chambers."

He growled at her, which she stopped by gently dropping the toe of her hoop onto his erect cock.

"Manners will definitely come first though."

With her sexual needs satisfied, Felicity stood up and walked over to where she had stashed her equipment, now no longer interested in seduction or suggestion.

"Don't think escape is an option," Felicity warned as she dug around in her clothes. "I need to wash."

With a washcloth and a bar of soap in her paws, Felicity walked over to the small pool and slipped into the cooling waters, which was a relief from the heat of the day and the oppressive humidity trapped by the canopy above. She began to use the soap to clean the sweat and cum from her body. Whilst she enjoyed the feeling of being sexually satisfied, she had to remain presentable. She enjoyed the feeling of being clean though, it made her feel comfortable, relaxed and calm. Now, in the afternoon heat, she started to feel, tired...


Felicity woke with a start and saw Razher standing in front of her.

"He's gone," Razher said as he held his bow close to his side, arrow at the ready.

"Damn bitch," Felicity groaned as she rubbed her eyes. "How long was I asleep?"

"Kitty said you sent her away about an hour ago."

"Do we have any idea which way he went?"

"He still reeks of you, Commander, Kitty and Gareth are hunting him now."

Adolphus ran as fast as his legs, though wounded, would carry him. He had managed to find most of his gear, as well as his sword, but his trousers had been cut from his body and he couldn't locate his cloak or shirt. He felt rather fooling running through the forest naked, but the hot weather was a welcome. At least now, he knew nothing was going to lure him away from his course. All he knew was that he had to keep moving, he had to get clear of the forest. He soon came across a stream that he hoped would lead him away from where-ever he was. He started to run downstream, running through the water to try and cool down hopefully washing some of his strong scent away. The smell of that damn mare still hung around him and he knew the odor of her sex would be a strong trail for the wolf bitch to follow. He didn't know why she hung around with horses, but her tracking skills would be advantageous at tracking him. After running for close to an hour, he soon came to the edge of the forest, so he could now get away. The landscape around him would be an advantage now. As the only landmarks were the stream and the forest that lay behind him, he decided to keep to the stream and see where that would lead him.

Walking by the stream for another two hours soon lead him through farmland, so perhaps he would soon come across some form of civilization from where he could buy some clothes and food. The growl from his stomach was getting louder and louder. Around a short bend in the creek, he came across a small area that looked like a local watering station where someone from a local farm came to collect water. If someone came to collect water from here, then perhaps they lived nearby. A break was a break, so he wasn't going to question his luck.

The house itself was a small farmhouse and it looked as though no more than two people lived there. As he snuck around, he could smell that no-one had been there for at least a few hours, so Adolphus decided to help himself to the food and clothes inside. He slowly opened the door and walked in. The house was a little bit larger than some stables he had seen. It was only a one room house with a stone fireplace and a horse stall that opened into the room. Whilst many scents were faint, he could smell the scent of horses hanging on the air. One scent he did recognize was the smell of a rutting stallion, so he knew a pair of horses lived here. Whilst that meant he wouldn't find any meat, at least he knew he would come across some clothes that were about his size and might fit. He moved quickly through the house to see if he could get some clothes or find some food he could eat.

After searching for five or so minutes, Adolphus had only managed to find a small loaf of bread, three apples and some cheese. He ate these quickly as he continued his search for clothes that were not winter garments. He was fortunate that he could at least find a shirt he could wear because the idea of wearing a dress certainly wasn't something he liked. The idea of nudity might not have been frowned upon, but the idea that a mercenary of war would walk around in a dress would be something he would never live down. As he put the shirt on, he heard the sound of horse hooves clip-clopping along a dirt path. He quickly drew his sword and peaked through a crack in the door, afraid that the damn mare Felicity had tracked him down. As he looked, he saw a grey anthro mare, dressed in a dress similar to the ones he had found in the search of the house. She was also carrying a basket that looked as though it contained more food. Perhaps his luck was starting to change for the better. He put his sword aside and hid behind the door. The grey mare opened the door and walked in. Immediately Adolphus pounced, knocking her to the floor and covering her muzzle with his paw. She struggled and tried to call out, but Adolphus was stronger.

"Silence," Adolphus ordered in a loud whisper. "I am not going to hurt you."

The mare looked at him, somewhat scared, but she stopped struggling.

"Now don't scream or else I will hurt you, okay?"

The mare nodded nervously. Adolphus cautiously removed his paw a few centimeters from her mouth.

"I am not here to hurt you," Adolphus growled, his paw still close to her mouth, in case she screamed. "I am trying to escape from a group of mercenaries. I just need food and some clothes and I will be gone. I will reimburse you for what I take, I just do not need any more trouble, is that clear?"

"Yes sir," the mare replied in nervous tones.

"Good, now where can I get some pants?"

"My husband is taur, we don't have any."

Adolphus gave an annoyed growl as he got off the mare and sat with his back leaning against one of the walls.

"I do apologize," the mare said fearfully as she sat up.

"It's fine," Adolphus sighed. "Can't always get lucky. What food do you have in your basket?"

"Some bread, fruit and vegetables for dinner."

Adolphus got up and looked in the basket, finding some potatoes, carrots, pears and a loaf of bread.

"My husband normally brings milk, hay and more vegetables," the mare tried to explain.

"It's okay," Adolphus sighed as he began to eat a pear and some bread.

As Adolphus ate, he noticed the mare would consistently look at him whenever he was looking somewhere else and the moment he caught her looking at him, she would immediately look away from him.

"Is there something wrong?" Adolphus asked as he finished his second pear.

"I am sorry to interrupt your meal," the mare said as she hung her head. "My problem isn't your worry."

"I am grateful for the shirt and food," Adolphus replied. "Despite my actions before, I am not interested in hurting you. I would be willing to return a favour."

"You carry a large sword," the mare noted as she directed her gaze towards Adolphus' sword, "so why should I believe your intentions are noble?"

"I carry a large sword for when I come to deal with others with large swords. It is easier for me to deal with those who don't carry swords in a civilized fashion. Of course, sometimes I have to get aggressive when my intentions are somewhat urgent."

"I see," the mare said as she looked away. "I am a simple farmer's wife, the ways of warriors and soldiers don't concern me, but," her voice became more nervous, "the needs of a mother for a foal do concern me."

Adolphus stopped eating, it certainly was an interesting request.

"You have a husband, does he not agree?"

"He does and we try when my seasons allow, but we suspect he may not be able to give me the foal I desire. You are a strong warrior, someone who would give me a strong foal, so can I you to give me your services? I am on season, now would be the best time. I understand this is an odd request, but please."

He had been beaten, injured, tied up, forced to mate against his will and now, he was being proposed. Today, was in no way, an ordinary day.

"I must thank you for your hospitality," Adolphus replied, "so if you wish to undertake such things, I see no problem."

The mare smiled as she stood up.

"Would you care to join me then?" the mare asked as she gestured towards the bed.

Adolphus got up and walked over to her.

"Please lay down, I promise I will make it enjoyable."

He lay down on the bed as the mare knelt down on the bed, lifting up her dress a bit before walking up until her dress covered Adolphus' crotch.

"Have you had the pleasures of a mare before?" she asked as she sat her rump on Adolphus' crotch.

"Yes," Adolphus replied, the memories of being sexually forced to mate flooding back to his mind, "though I am not sure pleasure would be the word."

The mare started to rub her rump cheeks against Adolphus' cock as she put her paws on his firm chest, tracing a finger over a streak of white fur, marking an old war wound.

"Such a strong body you have."

"War does that to a wolf."

"I hope I have a son who is just as strong as you."

Adolphus put his paws on the mare's dress and started to draw up the fabric so he could see the mare's seasonal sex.

"You feel as if you have quite the body yourself," Adolphus complemented.

The mare giggled as Adolphus ran his paws up her legs, until he felt something strapped to her leg.

"What's that?" Adolphus asked as he went to get a better look, only to find the mare had already drawn a dagger and was now holding it to his throat.

"It's a trap," the mare answered, her voice now sounding more stallion-like.

Almost as if it were on cue, Razher and Kitty burst through the door, their bows drawn in anticipation of trouble.

"Tie him!" the false mare ordered as he pushed the edge of the blade firmly into Adolphus' neck.

Razher withdrew his bow and dropped both the bow and arrow before trying Adolphus' legs together.

"Nice work Gareth," Kitty said as she walked closer to the bed, pointing the head of her drawn arrow right at Adolphus' head.

"Thank me later," the false mare replied. "As soon as the commander has him locked away at Madame Fiona's, you can pat me on the back."

Razher tied a rope to one of Adolphus' wrists quite tightly before pulling his other wrist so the two were held tightly over Adolphus' chest, before starting to tie his arms together.

"Is he secure?" Kitty asked as she started Adolphus right in the eyes.

"Yes," Razher said as he added a few extra loops around Adolphus' wrists before tying them in place. "Gareth, dismount. Kitty, go signal the commander."

Kitty broke her angry stare, withdrew her bow and walked outside as the false mare, Gareth, removed his dagger from Adolphus' throat and got off the bed.

"She's coming!" Kitty called out from outside.

Razher grabbed Adolphus by the shoulder and pulled him from the bed and onto the floor. Adolphus let out a grunt and yelp as he landed on his belly, his swelling sheath slamming against the packed dirt floor. Gareth stood next to Adolphus with one of his hooves on Adolphus' back.

"No wonder you're unsuccessful at having foals," Adolphus growled.

"He does try though," Razher chuckled.

Felicity walked through the door, dressed in a green uniform, with Kitty a step or two behind her. Adolphus gave a loud growl as he bore his teeth at her.

"Nice work Gareth," Felicity said as she walked over to Adolphus.

"Let's get him locked up Madame Fiona's first, Ma'am," Gareth replied. "As long as he's out of a containment cell, there's the risk he could still escape."

"Good point," Felicity said with a nod. "Now please return the dress to its rightful owner and get back into your forest uniform."

"But Ma'am," Gareth whined.

"Kitty wears it, Tharmina wears it, you will wear it."

"Yes Ma'am," Gareth pouted as he removed his hoof from Adolphus' back and walked outside.

"He certainly is an interesting provisional," Razher noted.

"We need someone like him though," Felicity noted. "His acting and disguise skills are a great asset."

"He's a horny, cross-dressing bard," Kitty scoffed.

"You truly are frigid," Razher sighed as he shook his head.

"Shut your mouth you pervert!" Kitty yelled at Razher.

"Is that a threat against me Lieutenant?"

"The both of you can stand down now," Felicity ordered. "Razher, go organize the mounts."

"Yes Commander," Razher said as he walked out the door.

"I am glad that I don't have to keep the three of you together on a daily basis," Felicity sighed as she gave her temples a rub.

"I do prefer to work alone," Kitty replied. "Razher and Gareth are far too sexual for my likings."

"To be honest Kitty, I am too sexual for your likings."

"Yes Ma'am, but I feel less threatened by you and your desires."

"I am glad to hear that Kitty, I would hate for my favourite shadow hunter to be un-trustworthy."

"Commander, just because I do not like Razher and Gareth does not mean it will affect my professional integrity."

"That is reassuring, because your skills are irreplaceable."

"This job is a lot better than the alternative, Commander."

Felicity pulled a collar from a pouch on her belt.

"Help me prepare Bitch for his trip to Madame Fiona's," Felicity said as she secured the collar around Adolphus' neck firmly.

"Your turn."

"Is it cock?"

"What? NO. Nineteen. Why'd you ask what it was when you hadn't even asked anything about it?"

"Might get lucky. Is it visible?"

"Here, no, but you can see it."

"I thought you could only answer yes or no."

"Kitty, we're playing here. Eighteen."

"Is it made of wood?"

"Umm, parts of it are, technically. Seventeen."

"Is it alive?"

"No, but it contains living things."

"A house?"

"No. Fifteen."

"Is it a building?"

"Technically, yes, but not built by us. Fourteen."

"Wait, not built by us?"

"You ever seen a bird's nest?"

"Is it a bird's nest?"

"Why do you think I'd give the answer as an example?"

The game of 20 questions between Gareth and Razher was starting to get on Adolphus' nerves, atop the hobbles that bound his legs together, forcing him into short, quick steps. He wouldn't mind so much, except with his wrists bound together by a set of cross-bound bracers, he couldn't use his arms to balance himself, so stumbling was common, often making the arrow wound on his thigh sting. Felicity made him walk by the side of her horse, keeping the leash that bound to his collar loose, so that when he stumbled or tripped, he would fall to the ground. He also had been forced to wear the muzzle again, which meant he couldn't open his mouth. All-in-all, he wasn't enjoying the trip. Kitty, Gareth and Razher also rode upon horses, Gareth and Razher in front and Kitty bringing up the rear. He could almost feel Kitty's eyes burning into his back. Escape, if possible, wouldn't come without a fair dose of pain for him. As he continued his walk, he started to wonder just what Felicity and Razher had talked about before they began their journey towards Balazar, because Razher looked rather happy with whatever Felicity had suggested.

"You're not doing that well, are you?" Razher asked as he chuckled.



"Is it an animal or an insect?"

"Yes. Nine."

"Gah, damnit."

"Didn't help?"


"Is it an animal?"

"No. Eight."

"Okay, spiderweb?"

"No, but you're finally moving down the right track. Seven."

"Wasp's nest?"

"Closer, but no."


"No, colder."

"Wood bore hole?"

"No, colder."

"Beehive," Felicity said calmly, as if she weren't even paying attention to their game.

"Not bad commander," Razher said as Gareth gave a groan.

"I can't believe I missed that."

"Razher and I have been playing this game for a while," Felicity chuckled.

"Do you want the next go Commander?"

"No Razher, be fair, it is you and Gareth playing."

"Alright Gareth, pick something."

In his travels, Adolphus had heard many a thing about the city of Balazar. At the end of the Great Polar war, slavery was introduced to control the followers of Thorn. Whilst many cities grew from the profits of slave labor, it was Balazar that grew from the profits of a new slavery. The kingdom of the Caspers wasn't large enough to support a large population, but it had a very useful resource that it could exploit. It sat upon a very fertile crossroad for traders, sitting close to the Golderhai pass, the only way the caravans could cross the Almass range for 1000 kilometers each way. The kingdom of the Caspers controlled the Golderhai pass. With the funding from trade, the Casper family expanded the city, investing thousands into the building of a pleasure district. Soon, sexual slavery was the greatest profit of the kingdom. With wealth came fortune, power and reputation. You could buy a slave from any city, but if it didn't come from Balazar, you shouldn't call them a sex slave. Rumors spoke that whatever your desire might be, the pleasure district of Balazar could sate your sexual hunger, for the right price. Wanted a slave of fine quality and of whatever species you desire? The slave markets could sell you anything. Balazar was filled with wealth, sexual pleasures and more slaves than any other city in the world. Its power and reputation soon brought with it a draconic council representative, the first city and kingdom to have a representative of their own. Balazar, in a mere 500 years, had become a place of real power.

By the time the five of them had made the edge of Balazar, the sun was starting set over the Eastern horizon. (A.H: the rotation of Abecdarian is opposite to that of Earth.)

"We'll head back to the compound and keep him there for the night," Felicity said as they started to move through the crowd. "It's far to late to move him to one of Fiona's holding cells this evening and I need to hurry back home before I am missed any more than what I already am."

"Another formal meeting?" Kitty enquired.

"My father had arranged for me to meet yet another suitor," Felicity complained. "He says with my 25th birthday approaching, I need to be married before my beauty fades."

"I see no reason why you must marry."

"The country has always been ruled by a king," Gareth interrupted, "or at least a male if you use King Gerenie's true title."

"Stallion Queen Gerenie the Beautiful," Felicity chuckled. "Besides, my father has declared Zenith unsuitable to reign, he wants me married so he may bless my husband as the next in line for the throne."

"Which will make him High Commander of the military," Razher noted.

"And father is unwilling to repeal the Queen Commander laws, forcing my retirement upon the coronation of my husband. He would prefer Zenith as King to me as Queen alone."

"You have a plan though Commander?" Kitty asked hopefully.

"I am hoping to find a husband that is willing to pass on to me the reign upon my coronation, but my father's choice of suitors has been rather, well, more suited towards his likes as opposed to my own."

Chapter 03

Sexual satisfaction comes in many forms and pleasures, each different to the last. What makes it so fun is going through them all and finding out what you enjoy. - Avanti Halfhorse (AH: Allegedly.)

Adolphus had certainly seen his fair share of military compounds in his time, yet the one he was being moved into for the night certainly didn't look like any he had seen before. At first, he thought he was being taken into a scholar's compound, with high walls around the entire compound and scholars moving between the front buildings. However, as he was moved further into the compound, past the gaze of anyone passing the gates, he started to notice the signs of a military presence, but before he could take too much information aboard, he was taken into one of the buildings and locked in a two by two meter holding cell, still wearing all of his bindings.

"Do make sure he's kept under guard," Felicity said as she put the key to Adolphus' cage around her neck on a silver chain. "I do not suspect he will escape his bindings, but do make sure he doesn't try to hurt himself."

"I'll watch him tonight," Kitty growled, "I still don't trust him."

"Thank you for going above and beyond," Felicity thanked Kitty.

With her slave secured for the night and under guard from Kitty and with Gareth and Razher dismissed for the day, Felicity rode her horse back to the castle as quickly as the crowd would allow, finding her suitor for the evening had already arrived for the dinner. As she rode into the courtyard, she saw one of her two personal maid mares pacing nervously up and down the steps.

"You look worried," Felicity said as she stopped her horse by the front steps.

"You are late your highness," Kala replied. "We will have to sneak you through the kitchens as your father is entertaining your suitor and his father in the parlour."

"I would prefer to enter through the front door of my own house."

"Your father has demanded that if you come home late from the Ranger compound, you are to enter through the kitchen. He doesn't want a repeat of the mud incident."

"Oh come on, Prince Domascus was a dirt-phobe, so it was worth it just to see his face."

"That may be so princess, but the King is starting to threaten me and Meynel for your insolences."

"That bastard," Felicity swore under her breath.

"So will you be coming through the kitchen, your highness?"

"I feel it is best that you not suffer for my nature. That being said, what can you tell me about the suitor my father has chosen for me tonight?"

"I cannot say, your highness. It seems your father has caught on and kept it rather silent today."

"Probably another egotist, like the kind my father normally chooses, he has horrible taste in males."

"That's because he likes mares, your highness."

"Yes, and his choice in male suitors revolves around his own ego."

"Would you prefer that the Queen chose your suitors?"

"By Faredae, no. Whilst she does have a better idea as to what makes a good husband, her first item of scrutiny would be one of endowment."

"Is that such a bad thing, your highness?"

"Whilst size may be important, I would prefer to have a husband that is more than just a body first and a personality, or lack there-of, later."

"Do you know what you want in a husband, your highness?"

"To be honest Kala, I don't rightly know yet, but I am sure I will know when I find it."

Kala and Meynel prepared a bath for Felicity as she removed her Ranger uniform and the key before putting them to one side.

"Any luck with your slave hunt today?" Meynel asked as she organised the bath.

"It was reasonably successful, excluding his attempt to escape," Felicity replied with a sigh. "The major complaint that I do have with my new slave is that he will require a lot of training."

Felicity slipped into the warm bath and Kala and Meynel began to scrub her back, scrubbing the dirt and mud from Felicity's fur.

"So what is he?" Kala asked after some time as she moved onto Felicity's legs.

"Wolf," Felicity replied as she lay back in the tub. "From what I can tell, he's a soldier."

"So is he well built?" Meynel asked.

"Meynel!" Kala interjected. "You said you wouldn't."

"Kala, I merely want to know if he's well built.

"He is," Felicity sighed as she waved a paw to catch the attention of her two personal maids in order to prevent them from fighting, "though I do not particularly trust that he has the control to let him near you two, not yet anyways."



"Sorry Kala."

Felicity chuckled as she stood up and got out of her bath, now clean from her daily rough and tumble.

"I suppose I had better get dressed and get down stairs before my father gives my paw to the over-inflated wind-sucker."

Felicity hated wearing formal gowns, but after an incident where she insulted one prince about how she filled her trousers better than he ever could, she was forced to wear formal gowns. She was dressed in a light blue dress that had at least eight layers of petticoats under it. She also wore in her mane her royal tiara, a small silver crown that identified her as a Casper princess and heir.

"You look beautiful," Kala said as a tear formed in the corner of her eye.

"Stop it," Felicity grumbled as Meynel fixed up the Princess' silk leggings. "I hate these formal gowns."

"You always look beautiful," Kala said under her breath.

"I know how you feel Kala, I just cannot stand these formal gowns. At least I get to something less restrictive at the royal balls."

"Your leggings are done," Meynel said as she crawled out from under Felicity's dress.

Almost as if on cue, there was a loud banging on the door.


"And not a moment too soon," Felicity grumbled as she fixed up her dress. "Please get the door Kala."

"Yes your highness," Kala said with a bow before running over and opening the door slightly.

"It's the King," Kala began with haste, but was interrupted as Felicity's father barged through the door.

"Do you know what time it is?" King Edward, Felicity's father, demanded. "You are late by two hours and now dinner goes cold and the guests of my house go hungry as we wait for you!"

"I am so sorry," Felicity said as she feigned her apologetic tone, "I just wanted to look my best for our honoured guest, daddy."

"Horse shit, the squire of the yard reported to me when you returned and you returned less than half an hour ago. I told you before not to be late for these things and should you be late again, I will make your personal maids work as whores in the guard houses. Do I make myself clear?"

Kala and Meynel hugged close to each other at the threat of working the guardhouses, knowing King Edward was a stallion of his word.

"Crystal clear, daddy," Felicity replied, her voice stinging of her hatred.

"Good. Now get downstairs and welcome our honoured guests with a beg of forgiveness for your tardiness."

"As you wish father, I would hate to bring shame to your unspoilt reputation."

Felicity's patience for these dinners she was forced to attend with potential suitors was wearing very thin indeed. More often than not, the princes or noblemen's sons were self-centred and rude, more often than not being obsessed with their own reputations and egos. Felicity had learnt though, that more often than not, their egos bruised so easily that she could often have the evening wrapped up in half an hour. Then hardest part was always getting it past her father. Felicity was led down the stairs and into the royal dining room by her father, his arm tucked firmly through hers as if holding her from escaping.

"Please forgive my daughter's tardiness," King Edward said as he led his daughter to her seat next to a young stallion who seemed strange, yet familiar to her, "she seems to think that being fashionable includes being late."

"I can understand your sentiments," a rather puffy shirt and old stallion that Felicity did recognise as Lord Baron Don Val Morlaver of the Morlaver merchant company said with an arrogant tone, "I have three daughters who take forever to get ready and even Lucious my son is always preening himself in front of his mirror."

"Father, please!" the unintroduced stallion interrupted. "My grooming habits are not things that need to be discussed."

"But of course Lucious," Baron Don Val Morlaver said with a chuckle, "you're a changed stallion now, aren't you?"

Felicity now began to recognise the younger stallion, a friend she had when she was younger.

"Yes father," Lucious replied with a rather ashamed tone.

"Lucious decided it was best for him to go away for a sabbatical, didn't you son?"

"Yes father, it made me a better stallion."

To Felicity, she could hear something wasn't quite right with her old friend Lucious as the Baron gave a hearty chuckle.

"Maybe I should send Zenith away for a sabbatical, could do him some good," King Edward thought aloud.

Felicity took a moment to escape back into her head for a minute as the conversation continued around her and stared at Lucious. When he was younger, he was a truly playful colt, yet now he seemed to be quite withdrawn now.

"Father," Felicity asked, trying to put as much sweetness into her words without them becoming saccharine, "perhaps Lucious and I should step outside whilst you and the Baron discuss matter far too important for the ears of a mere filly."

"I don't think that it...."

"Nonsense," the Baron interrupted the King, "let them go outside your highness. Matters of business shouldn't burden the ears of the young and ignorant filly. It looks as if my son could do with some fresh air as it is anyway."

"You are both excused," King Edward said somewhat unsure of what Felicity had in mind, "but do keep in mind what we have spoken about before."

"Of course I will father," Felicity said as Lucious pulled her chair from the table and helped her stand up before the two of them walked out to the gardens.

The two of them walked out into the gardens and stopped by a fountain where Felicity sat down on a bench nearby.

"Master Lucious, you and I were friends when we were younger," Felicity said with formal tones. "I trust that you will not mind if I speak freely?"

"I have no objections, your highness," Lucious replied. "I believe you will offer me the same privileges?"

"I have no objections," Felicity said as she pulled her tiara from her mane and gave her head a shake. "I can't stand these damn formal dinners."

"I know how you feel," Lucious said as he reached up to stretch his spine out. "How many have you had to sit through?"

"At a guess, probably thirty or more."


"But at the moment, I am not interested in my own comfort. I have known you since you were six years old until well after you grew into a stallion, however I have never seen you express your interests towards a mare. Why is it, all of a sudden, I find you sitting in my father's house trying to win my father's approval, and what of this sabbatical your father speaks of?"

"I have spent the last six months in the coastal town of Sa Me Tona," Lucious explained with a sigh. "My father did insist upon it, having caught me having my own kind of fun with one of the stable hands."

"How could such things raise any sort of suspicions?" Felicity asked. "My father was quite the pest amongst the male servants until he did dedicate himself to my mother."

"I am sure your father wasn't the one who was at the mercy of the stable hand My father wouldn't care if I was keeping the stable hands taught in tail, but it was I who kept his tail loose."

(AH: Homosexuality was never considered wrong on Aberdaria, often being practised by stallions or other males to relieve their own sexual frustrations, but there was still social implications of certain behaviours. For example; to be the mounted partner often implied a degree of submission. The idea of a nobleman's son submitting to a paid servant was somewhat of a taboo, a vast shift in social standings. Some, but not many, had given up their positions and future inheritance for a lover in a lower social caste, often loosing a lot in the process. Some were lucky to find love in their own social groupings, but many of the noble families were against such unions unless there were other sons to further the family's name. Often, fathers would do many things to try and keep their only son from such a life, should they show signs, lest they loose their entire family worth to their daughters' husbands.)

"Such is the tale of the noble's life," Felicity sighed, "you have so many obligations you must fulfil."

"My father demands I sire a colt to continue the family's business. He believes his daughters incapable of giving him an heir to the business, nor is he fond of the idea of a son-in-law taking over."

"At least you do not risk all should you marry," Felicity grumbled. "My father would hate to see me in charge of the kingdom, so he forces me to court with suitors who he knows would not accept me in control. You would be the first stallion he has..."

"He has what?"

"You are perfect."

"Felicity, I am not sure what you are saying or asking of me."

"You and I both need a ruse, someone who they can use to fool their father with."

"I don't think I am following you."

"If you became king..."

"I don't want to be king," Lucious interrupted. "Have you not been listening to me Felicity? I am not attracted to mares, so what on Aberdaria would possess me to marry one?"

"Simple Lucious. Your father wants you to sire an heir, he cannot stand the idea of you committing yourself to another stallion. My father wants to pass on his crown to someone who thinks will rein my wild behaviours in and take the throne. Since you want a stallion partner and I want the crown, if we court and then marry, we should supply ourselves both with a sufficiently strong ruse to which we can hide our true intentions."

"You suggest we break the sacred oaths of marriage for our own personal gains?"

"Lucious, my father pesters the female staff and my mother has more than a few male slaves with whom she enjoys carnal unions with. Royal marriages are for political gains, not for the mutual benefit of either party. Even now, your father uses this opportunity to speak with my father of business."

"But an heir?"

"My dear Lucious, such things we can manufacture later. For now, we need to work on making them believe you are courting with me."

"And how, by Faredae, do you expect me to do that?"

"Consider me a cross-dressing stallion for the time being."

"There are such things?" Lucious asked with enthusiasm.

"Remind me to introduce you to Gareth later."

King Edward and Baron Don Val sat at the dining room table discussing the general business of Balazaar when Felicity and Lucious returned, holding paws like a couple.

"I return with bad news father," Felicity said as the two of them stood in the doorway, "you will have to tell all the other suitors that they may have to wait."

"What?!" King Edward demanded as he stood up and banged his fist upon the table, somewhat startling Lucious.

"I have decided to court with Master Lucious," Felicity explained. "He and I both believe a relationship would be beneficial to the both of us."

"Praise to Faredae," Baron Don Val proclaimed as he stood up and walked over to shake his son's paw. "I knew you only needed the right girl, my son, I am proud of you."

With her night of formalities over and having wished Lucious a good night, Felicity retreated back to her bedroom, where Kala and Meynel were waiting, along with Felicity's personal slave, Celdepah.

"We heard the news," Kala giggled.

"Don't delude yourselves too much," Felicity warned as she removed her tiara and shook her mane out.

"Why is that, your highness?"

"Lucious and I have come to an agreement of sorts," Felicity explained as she took her gloves off. "We maintain the formalities of a relationship and should we be forced to marry, he is willing to turn over charge of the kingdom to me."

"Oh," Meynel sighed, "how disappointing."

"Not everyone can marry the one that they love," Felicity said as she undid her necklaces and gave them to Kala. "Most often than not, the marriages of the nobility are set up to maximise political power, never for something as inconsequential as love."

Celdepah moved around behind Felicity and helped her by starting to undo the clasps that held her dress together at the back.

"So that is why your mother has so many male servants?" Kala asked as she and Meynel helped Felicity start to remove her gown.

"Very much so."

Meynel and Kala helped Felicity get her arms free from the sleeves of her gown before pulling the entire gown up and over Felicity's head. Felicity gave her mane a shake the moment she was free from the gown.

"I feel I may need a bath," Felicity said as she started to pull at the lacing on her corset. "I feel as if the starch has gotten into my fur."

"Can you go and prepare her highness' bath please Celdepah?" Kala asked Celdepah kindly.

Celdepah merely responded with a nod before walking off to the ensuite to prepare the bath.

"Please make sure you are ready to join me," Felicity called out after Celdepah.

"I will miss Celdepah when you sell him," Kala sighed. "He makes such a loyal servant and slave."

"I didn't realise you felt for him in such a way," Felicity said with a smile.

"I don't find him attractive," Kala said as she undid one of Felicity's many petticoats, "he merely knows where everything is and is quite diligent in his duties."

"Then perhaps you should buy him."

"Meynel and I cannot afford such luxuries," Kala sighed.

"I will miss the nights the four of us have," Meynel said as she was handed another of Felicity's petticoats by Kala.


"I've seen your face when you watch Celdepah having his way with me, and I don't think it's because Felicity is rubbing her marehood against your own."

Kala averted her gaze from Felicity's, feeling rather embarrassed by Meynel's statement, Felicity simply chuckled to herself as Meynel took over from Kala, starting to undo the corset that Felicity wore to hide how toned her stomach was.

"Stop your embarrassment," Felicity said to Kala as she held her arms up so Meynel could remove her corset. "I know how much you fancy my body."

Felicity let out a groan of relief as the tension of her corset was removed.

"I cannot stand wearing that damn thing," Felicity said as Meynel pulled the corset over her head. "I see no reason why I must hide my body from my father.

"You have spent too many hours toning your body," Meynel said as she put Felicity's corset in the wardrobe. "The rumours state that he cannot stand a toned mare, which is why his maids are all so well fed, so they always carry a bit of fat on their bones."

"More likely is that he cannot stand the idea of seeming unfit," Felicity scoffed as she took off her underblouse and bra. "It's disgusting how he behaves."

"I know that I am grateful that I am not one of his maids," Meynel said as she took the undergarments from her. "What about you Kala?"

"I am grateful to be in the services of your highness," Kala said with her voice filled with embarrassment and her head looking down at the floor in front of where she sat on her knees.

"Kala," Felicity said firmly, "I do not keep you to feel embarrassed."

"Sorry your highness."

"Please help me finish getting undressed so I may go and bathe."

"Yes your highness."

Kala looked up at Felicity as she hooked her fingers over the top of Felicity's undergarments and slowly pulled them down over Felicity's thighs and firm legs.

"You have such a beautiful body your highness," Kala said as she let her paws rub against Felicity's toned calves.

"Tsk, typical," Meynel grumbled as she watched Kala wilfully kiss Felicity's hooves. "She complains when I look at the males around the castle, but she openly worships you, your highness."

"Do not worry yourself," Felicity chuckled as she watched Kala kiss and nibble up one of her legs. "You I have such an effect upon her, so she cannot help herself."

"I just wish she did such things to me."

Having worked her way up Felicity's legs, Kala gave her marehood a kiss, slipping her tongue through the sticky folds of Felicity's sex.

"That's the way Kala," Felicity said as she stroked the back of Kala's head, messing up her well brushed mane.

Kala simply moaned and murred as she tongued Felicity's passage, completely lost in the animal pleasures of her mind.

"Meynel, you may have to pull Kala away in a moment as I would like to go and bathe."

Meynel walked over to where Felicity was standing and put her paws upon Kala's shoulders to pull her away from Felicity. Kala gave a whimper as she was disturbed from being lost in her own fantasy.

"Thank-you Meynel," Felicity said as she turned and walked towards the ensuite. "I am sure that right now, Kala will give you those oral kisses quite happily."

Felicity walked into the bathroom and as she turned to close the door, saw Meynel lifting up her dress so that Kala could sit between her legs.

After closing the door, Felicity turned and saw her loyal Celdepah standing patiently by the bath.

"Please get in Celdepah," Felicity said with a tired sigh as she walked over to the bath. "I don't need a scrub, I just need to relax."

Celdepah stepped into the tub and held his paw out to help Felicity step into the bath with him. After stepping in, Celdepah and Felicity both sat down in the warm waters, Felicity sitting in the tub between Celdepah's legs with his back to him. He ran his paws over Felicity's shoulders, slowly rubbing the stresses of the day away. Felicity let out a grunt as she closed her eyes.

"So much worry and drama," Felicity grumbled as she lay back against Celdepah.

Celdepah said nothing as his paws did their magic upon Felicity's thighs, kneading and rubbing the stresses of her day away. She lay back against her slave and savoured the luxuries befitting her position and wondering just what sort of night her new slave was enjoying.

For Adolphus, his night was becoming rather long and un-enjoyable. He had been given a blanket to sleep upon, but as he was still tied up and it wasn't easy getting comfortable. In addition, he was worried about the crazed wolf bitch who was still watching over him. He wasn't sure why she was called Kitty or why she seemed to have such a strong hatred towards him, but her presence was certainly making him very nervous.

Having finished her bath, Felicity dried herself off with a towel as Celdepah organised her nightgown for her. She watched her slave go about his duties with a well refined diligence, honed from a year of hard work and discipline. His body moved fluidly as he had made this trip at least a hundred times before. He was tall, much taller than herself, an obvious descendant of the Shyrie or Clydsol tribes from the time of the Great Alliance. (AH: The tribes of Shyrie and Clydsol were forest-dwelling equine tribes and were well known for their strength, height and calm temperament.) He had a brown paint colouring for his fur with one of these brown marks over his left eye, making it brown, whilst the other was blue. As he walked around organising Felicity's night clothes, Felicity would often catch herself staring at his white tail and firm, toned rump. He had formerly been one of her mother's servants, but when her father demanded she reduce the number of male slaves she had, Felicity purchased him from her. He had merely been a piece of eye candy for her mother, so Felicity was happy that he hadn't been tainted by her. He was loyal and obedient, so Felicity was irritated that she would have to sell him, but such were her father's wishes and her new slave certainly showed a lot of potential.

It had been by her father's orders that Felicity was only to keep one male slave after he had seen how obsesses Felicity's mother was about her own. In addition, she was not allowed to keep this male slave for any longer than one year, in order to ensure no mere male slave could 'romance' himself the crown. Felicity's father was obsessed with the idea of keeping the Casper family and crown rich with noble blood. Felicity cared little for her father's views, but as long as he held the crown, control of both the family and the kingdom were his.

(AH: This was a very rare equine family orientation during this age. Under the old equine traditions, family sovereignty fell under the role of the Matriarch, or the eldest mother mare. The tradition was most prevalent when several nuclear families lived together. As the family groups became smaller, the position of Matriarch fell to the mother, who could actually decree who any of her offspring married. Of course, as stallions with families began to have positions of authority, the Matriarch's position became less potent, allowing the stallion freedom of control over his duties or folio, Or in the case where the positions were hereditary, such as with the Casper family crown, the stallion was given control over the family as Patriarch.)

Felicity, now free of the cloth bindings of a princess and free to be simply a naked mare, walked into her bed chamber, where Meynel and Kala stood by her bed, as naked as she was and their fur looking rather matted with sweat and the sexual nectars of summer mares.

"Is there anything we can do for her highness?" Meynel asked, short of breath.

"There is," Felicity replied with a sly smile. "Celdepah, organise the bindings."

After a few minutes of token struggling, Meynel and Kala both lay upon Felicity's bed, chests down, with their arms bound tight to their chests by leather straps and their legs held apart by spreader bars, held firmly apart by leather cuffs.

"Nice work Celdepah," Felicity said as she watched her two personal maids struggling against their bindings, but the stains creeping through the fur of their thighs revealing their lack of any true desire to escape their plight. Felicity wondered just which of the two she should play with first, who she should gag and who should watch. Meynel always fidgeted so enthusiastically, but Kala's pussy always felt so warm and wet after she had watched Meynel getting fucked for some time. Choices, choices, choices...

"Celdepah," Felicity said as she held out the bridle gag, "make sure Meynel cannot scream as you plough through her body, I want to make Kala beg tonight."

Both Kala and Meynel whinnied in protest as Celdepah got on the bed, kneeling with his knees at Meynel's shoulders before pinching her nostrils to fore her to open her mouth to accept the bit, before strapping her muzzle shut around it. Despite her now gagged lips, Meynel whinnied and snorted, part in protest of being gagged and part in anticipation of Celdepah's 4-hand (40cm) cock being forced deep into her body. Felicity sat down on the bed next to Kala, slowly tracing a fingertip along her spine, making rivers of sweat trickle down her spine and pool in the centre of her back.

Kala had been the first mare Felicity slept with when she started her awkward transition from filly to mare. Kala had been sworn to Felicity's service when they were both 12 years old, just as they both began their growth spurts. Kala was a loyal personal maid and Felicity had enjoyed the company of a filly her own age. After a few months as Felicity started to bud and her sexual urges began to grow, Kala's willingness to help Felicity explore her new desires grew in turn. She always enjoyed rubbing her nose in the growing princess' fillyhood as she gave her oral pleasures. Felicity had always given great respect to Kala for her loyalty and for helping her through those rough, confusing and sexually frustrating times and would always reward her by sometimes sexually dominating her. Now was definitely one of those times.

Kala gave a quiet whinny as Felicity gently teased the flesh on the underside of her tail. Whilst Felicity was doing this, Celdepah knelt between Meynel's legs and ran his thumbs over Meynel's marehood and tailhole, making her whinny into the bit, muffling her cries of pleasure. Felicity always enjoyed watching her two personal maids writhing in need and wriggling in pleasure.

"I think she's ready," Felicity said to Celdepah with a selfish smile, "take it slow, so it's unbearable."

Celdepah, the loyal slave that he was, obliged his mistress' request and shift his hips so he could press his flare against Meynel's sexual tunnel. Meynel whinnied and neighed with a muffled voice; punctuating Celdepah's slow, gradual entry into her body. Felicity watched Meynel's face with a pleasurable delight as she held her sexual lips firmly against Kala's own. She could feel the heat that was pouring forth from Kala's marehood, who always enjoyed watching Meynel in carnal delight. Felicity could feel Kala's impatience for her own sexual pleasure and Felicity could now feel her own need to make Kala her own submitting filly. Felicity now rubbed her marehood against Kala's own with the gusto of a stallion in full season. Kala whinnied loudly as she felt the princess begin to dominate her, forcing her clitoris and labia hard against Kala's own. Felicity let out a horny grunt as she continued to make Kala squeal lustfully, knowing just how she enjoyed it. Felicity changed her attention to Celdepah and Meynel, who were now soaked with sweat and mare nectar. Meynel fidgeted and wiggled in her bonds and champed as best she could at the bit in her mouth, letting out whines each time Celdepah drove his thrust deep, his rigid cock a pleasure to Meynel's body. Meynel could feel her mind becoming lost within her animal desires, Felicity could see it in her face.

Kala had always been the shy one, always nervously covering her face when Felicity had given her oral pleasures and now, as Felicity dominated her like a stallion would, Kala tried to hide her embarrassment from her princess by burying her muzzle into the pillow she had been provided. Felicity had always taken great pleasures in knowing intimately her servants sexual tells, it had always allowed to to time everything correctly, because Felicity did enjoy the feeling of a mass climax. She could see just how close Celdepah was, he had shut his eyes and was now grunting heavily. Meynel was laying there grunting into the bit, her eyes were rolling back in her head as her eyelids flitted madly. Kala was whimpering madly, trying desperately to bury herself in her pillow. Felicity smiled with great pleasure, all her servants still remained under her control. The time was right.

"Finish it," Felicity ordered to Celdepah between her own pants.

With a quick, well trained paw, Celdepah removed the strap that held Meynel's mouth shut, allowing Meynel her mouth and head. She immediately began to kiss Kala, once she had pushed the bit from her mouth. Felicity's two personal maid mares began to give each other long, lusty and tongue-filled kisses, each lost completely in their own sexual bliss. Celdepah began to pant heavily as Meynel let her body free of her last resistances. The extra stimulation tipped Celdepah from his aroused peak with a bellowing neigh. Meynel could feel the hot jism of Celdepah pumping into her body, filling her womb with throb after throb of warm, but infertile, semen. Like a chain of dominoes, Meynel's body surrendered itself to the carnal pleasures deep within that she was experiencing. Kala followed close behind Meynel, who was aroused by the kiss of her lover who was riding her peak, whist her marehood was being kissed by her princess' own. She whinnied into the kiss she shared as Felicity sat back and watched it all, taking pause to enjoy the rubbings Kala's desperate marehood made as it flexed in reflex. This is what Felicity enjoyed, the feeling of power that came from being atop it all.

Chapter 04

Sometimes, one must release an aspect of oneself to truly feel themselves. - Avanti Halfhorse

Kala and Meynel, tired from their sexual escapades, were sleeping in Felicity's bed, free from their mechanical bindings, but wrapped in each-other's arms. However Felicity had gone to wash herself and taken Celdepah with her to assist and to perform another duty.

In her experiences, Felicity had found that whilst she could arouse herself in many different ways, she had discovered that only certain things could truly satisfy this need. At first, she could satisfy herself with Kala's tongue or her own paw. Of course, as she grew older, she had found she needed different things. Her first change of taste was the need for a stallion's cock within her body, filling her with his infertile seed. This sated her tastes for a while, but in time, this wore thin and out of unsated anger, Felicity sold her first male slave at the age of 15, after only owning him for seven months. Feeling that she needed a more lively slave, Felicity bought herself a hornier colt slave; untrained, yet as randy as she was. The willingness of Felicity's second slave allowed her to try new and more interesting things. At first, Felicity simply decided to deal with her needs as she had them, which to begin with wasn't much of an issue, until she found herself becoming aroused at almost any time of day. Staying true to her needs, she fulfilled her desired for sex whenever it arose, which meant she sometimes found herself in places where it wasn't polite behaviour for a princess to be engaging in such acts as receiving oral sex, but her desire to be pleased could not be ignored. This continued for several weeks, having sex in privies, in back alleys and once in her parent's bedroom, as it was the closest room she could find at the time. Her spree of lewd sex came to an abrupt end when her father caught her indulging with her slave in the kitchen pantry during a banquet. Felicity's father was furious and he had Felicity's slave castrated almost immediately before being sold. To punish his daughter further, he purchased Felicity's next slave, Meynel. Felicity was furious with her father's actions and took out her anger on Meynel for a week, until Kala talked her out of it. Upon hearing of her new mistress' needs, Meynel decided she would help.

Only a few weeks earlier, Meynel had heard of a new treatment that allowed a female to sleep with any fertile male and not risk pregnancy, quite a profitable substance in a city of carnal pleasures. So once a week, Felicity and Meynel would sneak out of the palace late at night, purchase a jar of this ointment and have sex with a couple of strange males. This went on for many months, until Felicity was well into her Sixteenth year. She was found out when one of the guards told her father he had seen her hanging around in one of the pubs. The king was enraged, but Felicity's mother came to her rescue and told him that this was the result of forbidding her from having a personal male slave.

Felicity went through several more phases like this, where she would try something new and bore of it in time. Her current taste was for something a tad unorthodox for a stallion and mare to engage in, yet Felicity's interest in it was peaked after overhearing a conversation between Razher and Gareth on the subject.

With the door to the en suite closed, Felicity stood by the basin, leaned forward to put her paws on the counter and lifted up her tail to show off her damp mare slit and tail-hole pucker to Celdepah whilst he dipped his fingers in a jar of lubricating lotion which Felicity kept in the bathroom for such times. With his fingers well lubricated, Celdepah gently clasped the dock of Felicity's tail with his clean paw and began to massage the lubricant over the flesh of Felicity's tailhole. He cautiously slipped two of his thick fingers through the tight ring of muscle and began to massage the lubricant against the warm flesh. Experience had taught him well just what he had to do to ensure he wasn't scolded by his mistress. With the lubricant spread, he continued to carefully masturbate Felicity's tailhole until she had become comfortable with the intrusion. With this achieved, Felicity told him that he could proceed.

Taking more lubricant, he rubbed it along length of his cock to ensure that no part of his member was without the slick lotion before placing the flare of his cock against his Mistress' awaiting pucker. Felicity gave a gasp as she felt the relaxed flare of her slave's cock press against her ring of muscle and slip through until the flare popped past. Now he would wait whilst she clenched and unclenched to pass the stinging in her tailhole. She looked back at him, her body now relaxed and gave a nod, which her slave took as the signal to continue, so he pushed his large member deeper and deeper into her bowels.

Whilst he would never say so, he did admit to himself that his Mistress' warm bowels did make a change to her marehood, which he had been forced to study in great detail. Now was the only time that his Mistress did allow him to have his head, free from having to worry too much about her sexual cravings and desires, simply letting him do things closer to the way nature intended, simply thrusting in a warm, moist hole until he felt relieved. No techniques or orders of arousal, merely sex, and in his exploitative line of work, these simple changes were welcome. He began with no need or haste, taking his time and letting his stamina return, drained by his previous performance. A few minutes passed and his body's fatigue dropped away for long enough that he could increase his speed, cautious that his stroke did not drift sideways too far, lest he slip, jam and incur the wraith of a rather sore-tailed Mistress. (AH: Being 'sore-tailed' was a particularly stallion phrase for the results of rough anal sex. As a stallion's member was long but relatively narrow, any situation where a stallion was thrusting with too much enthusiasm, he risked slipping and trying to force an awkward member into his partner's tailhole, causing bruising. In equines, this forced them to walk around for the next few days with a hooked tail to try and avoid any unnecessary pressure on their bruised tailhole. This hooked tail, when combined with a rather obvious gait, is subsequently described as 'sore-tail.) He could always increase the speed of his thrusting later when he was only using shorter strokes, but for now, the slow and steady approach was sufficient. His Mistress soon began to clench herself around his member in a rather pleasing way, a signal that her body was willing to participate in this unorthodox union. This was important for him to finish his assigned task, for if his Mistress' body gave him no stimulation what-so-ever, he would have a difficult time finishing when he was supposed to. His Mistress panted as his paws grasped her hips. Somehow, she enjoyed this, or she at least lied to herself that she did.

He began to feel his own drive increasing and he knew he could now go faster. He stepped closer and began to thrust himself as deep as his body would allow, the tip of his sheath rubbing against his Mistress' tailhole with each forward stroke. His pacing increased, now using only half his member's length with each push of his hips. He was exceedingly knowledgeable about his Mistress' desires and he needed to time himself to his Mistress' rhythm with reasonable accuracy, for if he came early, she would be left unsatisfied and in a rather unfulfilled mood; yet if he took too long, he risked losing her attention and again leaving her rather unhappy with him. He only had a small band of time in which he could complete his task properly, to achieve his Mistress' climax. The random grasping and clenching of her tailhole told him that his Mistress was ready and he could finish soon.

He arched his neck forward and grasped the crest of his Mistress' mane within his teeth, before grabbing one of her legs at the knee and lifting it up to allow him deeper access. He listened to her whinny and pant hornily as her muscled ring clenched with desperation around his member whilst it gave short, quick thrusts. He could feel his release getting closer, his own grunting a sure sign of this.

Two or three quick thrusts and he could feel his body begin to pump his semen deep into the warm bowels of his Mistress. He had completed his task and this became evident to him as his Mistress moaned with content. Job finished, he released the grips he had assumed and slowly withdrew his member.

His Mistress offered her hollow thanks, but his thoughts were already back on his duties as her words offered no satisfaction. He cleaned himself up with diligence as his Mistress lay slumped upon the counter, savouring the warmth her body had craved a few minutes before. By the time his Mistress had calmed, he was already standing beside her with a wet towel. She cleaned herself up, wiping the sweat from her face, her nectar from her thighs and the excess from around her tailhole. Satisfied at her cleanliness, she made her way to bed, knowing he would be along shortly, as soon as he had finished tidying up.

Having been dismissed for the day, Gareth had decided it best for him to get changed and do what he did best. Gareth was put away to rest and Gabrielle took his place. He rather enjoyed dressing up as a filly. It wasn't that he had any issues with being a stallion, he simply found that he could express his passive desires better when he acted like a filly. (AH: Strange as it may seem, but in the matriarchal structure of equines, you were more likely to find submissive behaviours in mares and fillies than in stallions and colts. Subsequently, any colt or stallion who lacked a degree of strength and ambition, but still wanted the attention of the stronger males, would dress, act and flirt like an omega mare/filly. Surprisingly, this was a rather popular thing amongst many males of different species who wanted a one night stand, but without the risk of siring young or ending up with vastly lighter pockets. When the omega males of other species caught on, the practice spread rather quickly. But as the old saying in Balazaar goes, 'none can turn their tail quite like a horse can,' and it refers to the fact that it is sometimes hard to tell just who you are flirting with, until you slide your paw up the leg of a rather willing filly, only to find a thickening member.)

Gareth did find that his thoughts changed the moment he donned the filly garb. Whilst Gareth did admire Felicity's body from a stallion's perspective, the moment Gabrielle surfaced, all he felt was a strong sense of envy at Felicity's body.

With the last few ribbons tied into his mane and the simple peasant-filly dress fitting close to his form, Gabrielle took one last look in the mirror. The slender form of Gareth the grey stallion had disappeared into the pretty form of Gabrielle. With just a touch of pink blush dabbed into the white fur upon his cheeks, he was ready to go tease the stallions. (AH: Just so you are aware, despite the actual white colouring, white horses are referred to as greys. Ask me not why, I just do as I am told.)

Experience had taught Gabrielle where to head when he wanted information specific to any particular topic He also knew some of the mercenaries attached to the mysterious company of soldiers went to drink and indulge in carnal pleasures. He listened intently to the conversations going on at the Bloody Blade, but few new words were spoken on plans. He also asked about the Red Wolf to some of the mercenaries, but none were willing to talk about someone who appeared better than themselves. Gabrielle spent some time asking around, but when these lines of questioning and pleading turned up nothing, he decided to head elsewhere, for not only were his curiosities unanswered, but his tailhole was also rather unfilled!

As he walked out of the Bloody Blade, wondering if he should go hit either the Tipsy Dragon or Frisky Filly, he ran right into a mercenary tiger who had been watching him when he had been inside.

"Well hello there," the tiger said with a smile as he quickly looked Gabrielle up and down.

"I am sorry sir," Gabrielle replied with a curtsy before trying to walk past.

"Not so fast little miss," the tiger said as he made his move into Gabrielle's path. "I believe that we each have something the other wants."

"Oh?" Gabrielle asked, cautious of the tiger's motives. "What in Faredae's name makes you think you know what I want?"

"Actually, you have two wants," the tiger answered as he leaned forward to whisper the rest of his answer into Gabrielle's ear, "and I am more than willing to supply them both."

"Seems awfully generous of you, sir."

"I am a generous male," he said as he stood up straight.

Something in Gabrielle's mind told him to take a mental step or two back and observe the situation, one part of it was his training and the other was his experience.

The tiger was at least two metres ten and had a body that looked rather like it fitted his height, complete with broad shoulders and a chest that looked full of muscles. He almost reminded Gabrielle of Adolphus in his body's form. He smiled with the seductive smile of a male who had dangerous intentions, not evil, merely bad. He presented himself in a way that made Gabrielle feel that he would be heart-broken tomorrow morning, but that was only going to come after a very unforgettable night. He carried a sabre at his side and he had the rough skin on his paws to suggest he knew more than just how to hold it. What Gabrielle found most interesting was that his fur was white in colour with grey stripes, as opposed to the oranges and blacks he normally saw on tigers. The other thing that was different was the manner in which he dressed. Most mercenaries wore dark clothes of a heavy weave, sometimes even with a layer or two of leather armour beneath their tunic. (Gabrielle had even come across a few who refused to take off their armour after they had gone back to their room for a night of fun.) Regardless of what they wore though, a soldier carried upon his chest a crest of his kingdom or company and wore them with great pride. Yet this tiger dressed rather strangely, regardless of who or what he was. His cloak was rather dusty and looked a bit tattered at the bottom, but beneath this rough cloth were clothes of considerable wealth. They weren't garments of royalty or nobility, but they suggested that this tiger had a rather full coin purse. And beneath this layer of fine texture and weave, he was naked, no layers of leather for protection.

Gabrielle was exceedingly intrigued by this tiger and could already imagine just what he was offering, but Gabrielle knew that not all males wanted a night with a false female, some did want the genuine article, so it was best for him to allude to his true nature in order to avoid any shocks.

"I must warn you good sir that all that glitters is not gold," Gabrielle said respectfully.

"I am well aware," the tiger replied without letting his smile slip in the slightest, "but none can turn tail as a horse can and from the rumours I have heard, you Balazaar horses turn a particularly fine tail."

Gabrielle admitted to himself that he had never been flattered before by anyone in response to his caution.

"You certainly are very charming sir," Gabrielle said with a smile, trying not to let his blush show too much. "May I ask your name?"

"Then perhaps I have three things that you desire," the tiger replied without changing from his seductive tone, "and judging by the change in your stance and the idle flicks of your tail, your first priority appears to be an unfilled desire as opposed to a need to know."

Gabrielle blushed readily now, embarrassed that he had been read so easily, and by a tiger of all things.

"I am sorry if I have embarrassed you my little filly," the tiger added, "and I do apologise for being so up-front, but it has been several weeks of travel, all being rather lonely."

"Then perhaps we had best return to your quarters?" Gabrielle asked, a smile coming to his lips.

Whilst a soft bed and a warm room are preferred for such activities, when one's desires are strong enough, you can find yourself caring not for comfort or privacy when your wanting desire is sufficient. Gabrielle came to understand this all too well as he was forced down a side alley, not one block from the Bloody Blade, by the strong kiss of his masculine escort.

"Are you sure that we shouldn't wait?" Gabrielle asked, more because he felt compelled to ask as opposed to any desire to cease.

"We could," the tiger replied between nibbles of Gabrielle's neck, "but do you want to?"

Gabrielle found his back pressing against a wall, surprised that he had been walking backwards.

"So shall we get onto what is crossing both our minds or do you really want to postpone the fun?"

Gabrielle couldn't think of what to say, his paws pressed against the wall behind him. The tiger stepped closer to Gabrielle so their noses were touching and Gabrielle could feel the slow breaths of the tiger flow over his cheeks. He let out a squeal as he felt a fingertip slowly trace along the underside of his member through his dress.

"Do you think I should ask for a second opinion," the tiger asked quietly, "or are you and your body in agreement that we should start now?"

Gabrielle simply gave a quiet whinny before he was silenced by the tiger's firm kiss.

[AH: Those not thrilled by the idea of male on male sex, you can skip the italics, I promise not to drop any story plot. One of these days, I will learn not to pack so many sex scenes into a story. Yes, one day, which isn't today. On with the gay, cross-dressing sex.]

Gabrielle panted as the tiger ran a paw down over his leg until it was under his skirt line and sliding his paw up Gabrielle's leg, drawing up the skirt as he went until his gentle touch grasped the base of Gabrielle's now firm member.

"Glad to feel I am still such a hit with the mares," the tiger whispered as he stroked the lower half of Gabrielle's cock.

Gabrielle said nothing, lost in the depths of his desiring mind as the tiger drew himself closer.

"However, I am sure you would prefer I played with your tail, as opposed to this fine example of marehood."

The only thing Gabrielle could do was nod as he turned himself around, giving his tail a quick flick as he felt the tiger pressing himself against him.

"Such a firm rump," the tiger whispered as he grasped Gabrielle's rump and squeezed. "It appears as if you are quite the active little filly, aren't you?"

Gabrielle gave a nod as the tiger pulled up his dress, exposing his taught, bare rump.

"Not a fan of underwear, little filly?"

Gabrielle shook his head as the tiger placed a finger upon his muscular pucker.

"I didn't think you were the type to hide your assets , something I can certainly appreciate."

Gabrielle gave a whimper as he felt a finger push through the ring of muscle under his tail.

"So tight, so much anticipation."

Gabrielle heard shuffling behind him and looked over his shoulder to observe that his partner was wriggling his erect feline member from from the top of his trousers.

"No foreplay?" Gabrielle asked as he watched the tiger give his member a few idle strokes with his other paw.

"Oh we shall have a lot of time to catch up on that later," the tiger said as he withdrew his finger, "but I am willing to say you are wanting to get rid of that knot inside of you first, correct?"

Gabrielle felt two strong paws upon his hips, holding up his dress, as the hot touch of a firm feline member against his tail, free from his dress' confides.

[AH: Ah, what a jerk I am, interrupting the sex for a piece of irrelevant history and social behaviour. As anthros lost their stronger environmental resistance of their full-blood cousins, they developed and began to wear clothes. For their tails, they would often stitch a hole in the back of the dress, ensuring that a free flick of the tail didn't flash their more intimate parts. Now back to the sex!]

Gabrielle gave his tail a flick to the side to pull it out of the way, allowing his partner a full view, who kindly assisted by running Gabrielle's tail through the gap between his thumb and forefinger, to ensure all of the stray tail hairs were out of the way before moving that little bit closer, pressing his member firmly against Gabrielle's tailhole.

"Ready little filly?"

"Uhuh," Gabrielle said with a nod.

He felt the feline member slowly spread his tail rose as it slid in, lubricated with enthusiasm and arousal. A moan escaped Gabrielle's lips, the release he felt almost palpable within his mouth. He could feel the fleshy barbs within his body, adding a rather ticklish texture to the firm feeling of member within. Each thrust was firm and had enough force that each time the tiger's ball pressed against his own, he could almost feel his hooves lifting off the ground. The tiger's strength was phenomenal and Gabrielle could feel each thrust pressing deep within, rubbing against sweet spots that had been aching for stimulation all day long. Each thrust also made his own member throb in time. He could feel his precum dribbling down his member, cooling in the night air. Gabrielle moaned and whinnied as his tailhole was worked by the feline. His head and chest pressed against the cool stone wall in front of him, his member begging for some physical stimulation. Gabrielle was surprised when he felt the tiger push himself closer and clasp a paw around his begging member. It immediately gave an enthusiastic throb in response to this touch, a thick dollop of precum spurting forth to land against the wall.

"Feels like you're almost ready," the tiger whispered into Gabrielle's ear as he gave him shorter thrusts, "which is good as I do enjoy nothing more than a clasping passage to milk me dry."

Gabrielle then felt the tiger's jaws latch around the crest of his neck whilst his paw gave the flare of Gabrielle's member a squeeze. Gabrielle's body gave way like a dam to the floods and he could feel the throbbing of his member as his body released. He gave a loud neigh as his cum spurt forth, the force of his orgasm making it hit the wall before him. His tailhole clenched desperately in time with the pulsing of his cock. The tiger growled as his member flared within Gabrielle's tailhole and began to ejaculate the warm seed into Gabrielle's passage. Gabrielle felt the sublime warmth as it spilled into his clenching bowels.

He moaned and panted as the last of his pent up stresses dribbled from the tip of his cock onto the cobblestones beneath him and the comforting warmth of the tiger's seed within eased the last of his mad urges.

"Thank you," Gabrielle panted as he felt the tiger pull his member free from his tailhole, the barbs gently teasing his pucker as they came free.

"Why do you thank me?" The tiger enquired as he he gave Gabrielle's bare rump a rub with his paw. "Planning on leaving me so soon, little filly?"

"No!" Gabrielle denied hastily. "I'm just grateful that we didn't wait until we got back to the room."

"I just hope you haven't completely lost that need of yours."

"Of course not sir, still willing and ready for one such as yourself."

"That is comforting to hear," the tiger said as he gave Gabrielle's rump a quick pinch.

"What's going on out here?"

Gabrielle and his feline lover were both caught unawares by an old stallion coming out a door on the opposite side of the alley, brandishing a lantern to see what all the commotion outside had been.

"Nothing my good stallion," the tiger said as he looked back over his shoulder at the stallion, "just warming up this little filly on my way back to my room with her."

"And why didn't you wait?"

"Why, she was simply begging to be broken in. Did you come to lend a paw good sir?"

The old stallion gave a snort as he turned around and made his way back inside.

"When I was your age, young tiger, I could reign in three or four fillies a night and I certainly did not require the assistance of anyone."

There was a slam of a door and Gabrielle gave a giggle.

"What's so funny?" the tiger enquired.

"Did I really tire you so, sir tiger?" Gabrielle asked with an innocent tone to her voice.

"Of course not. I was merely being polite and asking if that fine gentlestallion wanted to indulge in your fine beauty as well."

Gabrielle blushed heavily as he fixed his dress up.

For Gabrielle, the next four or five hours were a complete blur of sexual frenzy, filled with orgasm after orgasm, leaving him with a warm feeling within and a rather stuffed set of desires. His tiger lover of the evening lay beside him, panting and sweating, as Gabrielle lay next to him upon his own stomach, both clad only in their sweat-soaked fur.

"Enjoy yourself little filly?" the tiger enquired as he walked his fingers over Gabrielle's rump.

"Very much so, good sir," Gabrielle replied with a smile.

"I am glad that my companion has drawn the same pleasures from our activities that I have. As a gentletiger, I do believe such activities should be enjoyable for both parties, which certainly makes things more appealing."

'He has satisfied me more times than I can count,' Gabrielle thought to himself, this thought causing him to smile subconsciously, 'yet he speaks as if he hasn't won my approval yet. He puts many gentlestallions to shame.'

And Gabrielle certainly had experience on the subject. If he had been lucky, the male who he normally attracted might have given him a helping paw as he worked Gabrielle's tailhole, desperate to reach his own climax, but not too worried about poor Gabrielle's pleasure. The usual male Gabrielle came across had little thought to anything except his own pleasure, but they at least had respect for Gabrielle. The worst would not give Gabrielle any respect at all, leaving him with semen in his fur or all over his face and muzzle.

"Now shall we discuss business?" the tiger enquired.

"Sorry?" Gabrielle asked, caught in the confusion of being dragged back from the depths of his exhausted mind to reality.

"You were asking about the Red Wolf earlier this evening, weren't you?"

"Oh yes, of course."

Gabrielle blushed, feeling foolish for forgetting why he had gone out that night.

"In my travels, I have managed to track the Red Wolf's history back to his origins in the Rosalette and Temperfield conflict. Both families had been fighting over control of the Blanket passes for almost three generations, for control of those passages ensured control of the trade and subsequently, the money. Part of the Red Wolf's fame comes from his leadership of a strike group for the Temperfield. His skills with the sword, said to be the other part of his fame, are believed to be quite impressive, so impressive in fact that it brought him to the attention of Serel, the eldest daughter of Baron Galvish, leader of the Temperfield family. Serel saw herself as the eventual successor to her father and did insist that the Red Wolf should be her principle bodyguard. However, many rumours speak of Serel and the Red Wolf having a rather illegitimate courtship, against the orders of her father who did not like the idea of having half-dragon heirs. To prevent this, the Red Wolf was banished from the household.

"However, I find this story to be rather sketchy. The Red Wolf left the Temperfield family compound under the cover of darkness and travelled in secret to the Casper Kingdom, the nearest trade-route to the Blanket passes, and he did this within two weeks of the Temperfields losing their last stronghold in the Blanket passes. Coincidence is a possibility, but he isn't the only Temperfield soldier to be sent to the Casper kingdom. A Red Dragon strike force doesn't simply up and disband in one night."

"So who are you in all of this?" Gabrielle asked, enthralled by his story.

"I am merely here to ensure the Red Wolf doesn't complete his mission, as is my mandate." The tiger ran a finger along Gabrielle's spine. "I think that now concludes business for the time being. Are you ready to get back to why we are here?"

"Your needs still unfulfilled good sir?"

"Oh no, my needs were well and truly fulfilled back in the alley. I am now doing this for our enjoyment."

The sexy tones of the tiger made Gabrielle's tail unconsciously flick aside from his rump, anticipation of the events to come and the pleasures he would experience running through his mind.

As Gabrielle awoke to the sound of nine o'clock chiming, he reached over to where his companion of the evening before lay, only to find the bed empty and the tiger gone. Gabrielle felt his heart droop as he realised his lover had deserted him and probably left him with the room bill as well. Gabrielle sat up, clutching the sheet to his chest, letting out a heavy sigh as he sat in the bed. Regardless of how nice they were, all males he slept with were gone when he awoke in the morning. He now felt like a real fool for believing any male would accept what he did in the morning. With Gabrielle feeling rather disheartened, Gareth returned. He got out of bed and began to get dressed, wondering if he'd have time to get home and have a bath before he went and reported his findings to Felicity. He felt ashamed for falling for another smooth-talking, cheating, two-timing bas...

Before Gareth could finish this thought, he saw a note pinned to the inside of the room's door. With his dress only slung over one shoulder, he went and took the note from the door before reading it.

'My dearest filly,

I am sorry that I am unable to be there when you awake this morning, but I have to run. I have heard some important news that I must immediately follow up on or risk losing the informant. I am so sorry that I am not there to see that intoxicating sparkle of your eyes, so perhaps the best I can do is make sure you do not have to worry about the room. I have paid for it until lunchtime and the owner has instructions that you aren't to be disturbed until then, should you choose to sleep in.

Lots of love,

Your tiger.

P.S. I believe you might be interested to know that the Red Wolf's commander is Halvore and he enjoys frequenting some of the kitten houses in the pleasure district. Perhaps you should go and talk to him some time. I am sure that you could make quite the impression upon that dragon.'

Deep in his heart, Gabrielle smiled as Gareth finished getting dressed, hoping that Kitty wouldn't be around, because if there was one thing she hated more than the smell of sexual revelry, it was the smell of a feline male and currently, Gareth reeked heavily of the night before.

Adolphus was woken from what he could barely call sleep by the sound of a wooden stick being smacked against the iron bars of his cell.

"Wakey wakey bitch," was the unpleasant rousing call he received.

He was startled by this, causing him to raise his head to see what this rude intrusion to his dreams was. He saw Kitty standing there with a wooden truncheon in her paw.

"What?" Adolphus asked, his rather tired state expressed in his voice.

"That is not how you are to talk to me, bitch."

"And what do you intend to do about it?" Adolphus asked as he laid his head back down to try and get some more sleep.

He heard the the door to his cell open and then felt a foot paw press into his back.

"I intend to make you explain to your Mistress why you're brandishing a fresh black eye."

"As if you'd harm that slut's new toy," Adolphus scoffed.

"If my new toy is going to treat one of her best trackers with that attitude, then this slut is fine with the crap being beaten out of her toy."

Adolphus shifted his head as best he could to see Felicity resting against the wall outside his cell.

"Well I certainly have an effect upon you," Felicity said with a smile and a snort. "Now say good morning to me and Madam Kitty, bitch."

"G-g-good morning Madam Kitty," Adolphus stammered, "Mistress Felicity."

"No slut or bitch?" Felicity asked sarcastically before she gave Kitty an order. "Kitty, give him five and make sure he says thank you afterwards."

Chapter 05

Routines are dangerous things, they can allow your enemies to predict your behaviour and know just where to find you, even after the ambush. - Avanti Halfhorse

Gareth ran as fast as his hooves could carry him through Balazaar, pounding the pavement on his way to the compound. The information he had was certainly very valuable and he wanted to make sure he gave his report before he forgot a single part of it. He turned the corner and saw that the compound was in front of him, but the gate was locked. He was about to get to the gates when he was stopped by a wolf, dressed in a castle guard uniform.

"What's the hurry little miss?" the guard asked as he grabbed Gareth by the arm.

"Corporal, let go of me. I have to report to the commander," Gareth insisted.

"Commander of what, little miss? This is a scholars compound."

"I am not a 'little miss', I am provisional Lieutenant Gareth, and you know quite well who I mean."

"Well then, 'Lieutenant' little miss," the wolf said as if he was playing a game with Gareth, "what's the secret password?"

Gareth leaned close so he could whisper in the wolf's ear.

"I know that your wife asks you what it is you do when you stay out late. You have sworn to her that you aren't cheating on her with other females, but can you imagine how your wife would react if I told her that you enjoyed being a bitch to other males? Or that you once begged me to introduce you to Veromax, sword champion of the Casper kingdom and you whimpered and yipped like a bitch in heat as he pounded your tailhole, only to then beg both him and myself to cover you with our seed? What do you think she would say corporal?"

"Sorry Lieutenant Gareth," the wolf apologised as he snapped to attention and gave a salute. "Commander has ordered that the gate was to be locked and challenge all that approached."

"Just let me in corporal, I have to report immediately."

"Yes Lieutenant," the wolf said as he took the key from his belt and let Gareth in.

A bruised and winded Adolphus was dragged from his cell and put into the darkened carriage that was waiting outside.

"You certainly have a lot of talent training slaves," Felicity said to Kitty as she made sure that her slave was secured to the wall.

"I learn from experience," Kitty replied with a growl as she looked away from the carriage. "Now where's Gareth, I want to go home."

"I don't know," Felicity replied as she closed the door of the carriage, "but I do not want to escort this prize of mine with only Razher and myself."

"Commander, I have been awake for over 24 hours."

"Here comes Gabrielle,"Razher called out from his seat atop the carriage. "He looks like he's in a hurry as well."

Felicity saw Gareth, dressed in his peasant filly dress, running as fast as he could towards them.

"Kitty, watch the carriage whilst I go remind Gareth what proper attire is," Felicity ordered Kitty before yelling at Gareth. "How many times must I tell you what proper attire is?!"

"I am sorry Commander," Gareth began to apologise, but he was cut short when Felicity's fist made contact with his jaw, knocking him to the ground.

"I have told you more than enough times to wear your uniform!" Felicity yelled at the top of her voice. "Your personal attire is not to be worn to work and you certainly aren't to wear your dresses!"

"Commander..," Gareth tried to interrupt.

"Do not think you can simply apologise your way out of this."

"Commander, I have intel," Gareth shouted so he could be heard, holding up the letter to show Felicity.

Felicity took the letter from Gareth and began to read it to herself.

"Is this it?" Felicity asked as she read the letter.

"No commander," Gareth replied as he ran the back of his paw across his cheek to check that he wasn't bleeding. "I was also told about why the Red Wolf is in the kingdom. It has to do with the conflict between the Rosalette and Temperfield families over the Blanket passes. As the Temperfields recently lost all control over the passes, it appears as if they are now directing their interests towards the Gelderham pass. The group of soldiers currently preparing to attack Balazaar are part of a Red Dragon strike force, lead by the Red Wolf, but commanded by Halvore."

"I see," Felicity said as she offered a paw for Gareth to help himself back to his hooves, "but why do you smell of feline?"

"Sorry Commander, I didn't have time to wash this morning."

"Go wash and grab a spare uniform from the barracks," Felicity ordered, "then go rest up. You are to meet me at Madame Fiona's before nightfall."


"This is your intel, so it's your responsibility to check if it's correct. Halvore tired to woo me a week ago, but I could tell his intentions were business. If what you say is true, then it would explain his intentions. However, his back-up plans must be to take the kingdom by force and since I rejected his advances, he must be preparing to enact it. I want you to find out what he is up to in Balazaar, if he is still here, and why. If he is commanding that strike force, he has to be maintaining contact with them somehow, as we have no reports of a red dragon at the camp. In addition, if the Red Wolf was to join up with the strike force, he had to have a contact. We'll need to find out who he was meeting and where. In addition, if this tiger friend of yours shows up, you are to bring him in for questioning. He could be a danger to our operation, so I would prefer to question him myself. Do you understand?"

"Yes Commander."

"Good. Now go have a bath, your stench is driving me crazy."

Felicity walked back to the carriage as Gareth ran as fast as he could to the barracks.

"Razher," Felicity said as she stopped by the driver's seat of the carriage, "can you go home and get Tharmina? I know she is under orders to rest, but both Gareth and Kitty will be needed for an operation tonight."

"She'll be happy," Razher said as he climbed down, "but what are Kitty and 'Lady' Gareth doing?"

"Gareth managed to acquire some potential intel that needs verification. If it's true, then it pins the entire attack on the Temperfield family, at least on the initiative of Halvore. I do want to be certain of Halvore's involvement before I go arresting nobility of the Temperfield family."

"That would explain why he's here," Razher said as he gestured over his shoulder, referring to Adolphus locked in the carriage.

"The connections between the Red Wolf and Halvore could be chalked up to coincidence."

"Good point Commander; rumours do speak of the Red Wolf's banishment from the Temperfield house."

"Either way, I need Gareth and Kitty rested for tonight, so I need Tharmina here to help with the prisoner's escort."

"I can be there and back in 20 minutes," Razher noted.

"Good. Kitty and I will maintain security until the two of you return. Do ensure that you and Tharmina return quickly and not become distracted."

"Certainly Commander."

Half an hour later, Kitty opened the door to her small apartment. She had been given orders to rest up and meet Felicity behind Madame Fiona's at sunset, where she and Gareth would be given orders and their target. Kitty hated the pleasure district and the horrendous nature of the activities that went on there, but orders were orders and she certainly wasn't going to compromise her reputation over her dislikes of the pleasure district and working with Gareth. She was indebted to Felicity, who had rescued her from the executioner's block on account of the skills she had developed. She had murdered over 15 males, including her former master, despite the fact that he was under heavy guard at the time. No soldier, mercenary or guard could catch her as she leapt from rooftop to rooftop. She had snuck past patrols and static guards to break into a locked room to hang a male tiger by his own innards from a ceiling beam, where he hung undiscovered until morning.

Every one that she killed deserved the fate they received for the pains they had inflicted upon her during her time as a slave and she made sure that during the last few minutes of their pathetic existences, they all realised this pain. They day after a kill, she would walk through the market squares and listen to the gossip the stall owners discussed with their customers. Her first few kills barely raised any interest, but after the tenth, she was called the 'pleasure stalker'. The folklore spread like wildfire. They speculated who she was, why she was doing it or if she had help. None could believe that it was merely one wolf killing all these people and this made her feel unstoppable. However, despite all the death and pain she had administered in search of revenge, she found no peace in her mind. She had been haunted by these ghosts ever since. She had no troubles sleeping, but she could never bring herself to be naked as she could feel their dead, mutilated gazes upon her. As she undressed to bathe before bed, she put on a simple gown that she wore to hide herself from the gazes of her ghosts.

Adolphus sat in a darkened carriage, opposite a new face that had a look which made him nervous. She was an equine like Razher and Felicity, but shorter and looked as if she had Razher's strength as opposed to Felicity's agility. She had a golden colour to her fur and a white mane and tail. She wore a Ranger's uniform, like Razher, but she carried no bow or quiver. She carried only five throwing knives upon her belt, a rapier and a short sword, which she sat, unsheathed, across her lap.

"So you're the commander's new bitch," the mare said, brandishing a smile that made Adolphus feel that roles were reversed and that he was about to become her prey. "I can see why my Razher is rather happy about the Commander's promise."

Had he not been gagged, Adolphus would have asked what the promise was, had he also been in the mood to engage in conversation, as opposed to hurl curses and growl rather angrily.

"I must admit," the mare said, as if she was trying to entice Adolphus to react, "I have heard many rumours and stories about your skills with a blade, about how you and your little group have managed to raid caravans, outnumbered three to one. How you have managed to face mounted troops with only your sword. That you have faced off against six swordsmen, all trained to fight as a team, yet you successfully dispatched them like green rookies. The Red Wolf, a name that is almost legend, beaten by one mare."

Adolphus gave her an angry stare, to which she simply smirked.

"However, for what consolation it may offer, your loss isn't to some fancy princess with delusions of military command. The Commander has earned the respect of those who follow her. I am actually surprised that you caused so much trouble in your capture, but don't worry, the Commander will make you sorry for the trouble you caused."

Three bangs, coming from the roof, was the signal that the destination was close-by.

"Well bitch, sounds like we're almost at Fiona's," the mare said as she leaned over and peaked around one of the curtains to check the whereabouts of the carriage. "I do trust that your ride has been rather uncomfortable, but you may take relief in the fact that this portion of your discomfort is over."

A loud knocking came from the window in the carriage's door.

"Is our journey already at it's end?" the mare called out, holding her sword at the ready.

"Your destination does await!" Razher called back.

"And what of my baggage? I fear I may have lost my keys!"

"Fear not! I found them before we left."

Apparently satisfied by this answer, the mare unlocked the door from the inside and opened it outwards.

"No troubles then my Raz-Raz?" the mare asked as she stepped out of the carriage.

"No troubles, save for you my mischievous pony," Razher replied. "No one but the Rangers knows what the nature of our luggage is, so the trip passed without incident."

Adolphus tried to look out of the carriage to see where he was, but the short chain securing his collar to the wall only gave him enough to see Razher and the mystery pony mare talking in what appeared to be a courtyard of some sort. Razher's large frame certainly getting in the way of allowing him a better look.

"Where's the commander?" the pony mare asked as she looked around.

"She's gone inside to discuss arrangements with Madame Fiona," Razher replied. "Whilst Fiona will take care of the majority of bitch's training, she would prefer Felicity to be present to assist with certain aspects of it."

"Is that going to require another escort?" the pony mare asked, sounding rather hopeful.

"No Tharmina," Razher replied with a chuckle, "the commander will be coming by herself."

"You mean I am going to have to stay at home?"

"The physician believes it's the stresses of your job."

"But I get bored at home with nothing to do."

"I know, my little mischief, but we've been trying for two years now without success."

"I miss working with you."

"I miss not having you around."

Adolphus leaned back into the carriage so he couldn't see Tharmina and Razher, feeling somewhat sickened by the sight of two equines sharing loving nuzzles with each other.

A few minutes later, Adolphus was removed from the carriage. He was forced to stand by the carriage as Felicity and an anthro she-wolf seemed to be discussing Adolphus' physical appearance. Adolphus paid little attention to the conversation and paid some more attention to the surroundings around him. The carriage now stood in an enclosed courtyard and the gate through which the carriage had obviously passed through was now locked and barred. The courtyard was surrounded by a two storey building and a couple of female wolves were leaning out the upper storey windows, observing the going-ons below. Adolphus himself felt rather embarrassed by his current attire. The pair of locked braces were a rather chaffing annoyance which kept his wrists bound together and also, for some strange reason, seemed matched in both style and material to the muzzle gag that kept his mouth shut, the collar that wrapped around his neck, almost cutting off his breath and the leash that Felicity had attached to it. He also found the red thong that he was wearing to be a real humiliation, forcing him to hold his tail up as if her were presenting himself to some mysterious follower. The female wolves seemed to gossip amongst themselves about the presence of a wolf dressed in slave attire. However, before Adolphus could try and establish what the various she-wolves were saying about him, he felt a firm pull from his collar dragging him inside.

Drawn into this new environment, Adolphus began to pay attention to his surroundings again. He found himself within a parlour of sorts, the parlour of a house of lust, a brothel, a slave school. He saw upon the walls charcoal etchings of female wolves entwined with a whole variety of males from different species. He could almost swear he saw a dragon or two amongst all those drawings. Only problem was that he was roughly dragged back from the edges of sexual thoughts with a jerk so firm upon his leash it forced him to his knees.

With pure hatred, he looked up at the holder of his leash, surprised not to find Felicity holding the other end of the humiliating tie, but a female wolf dressed as if she was about to go horse riding, dressed in jodhpurs, a white blouse, riding boots and a top hat, carrying a riding crop in her other paw.

"I hate to warn you bitch," the wolf said with a sadistic smile, "but your Mistress is not here to save you any more, she has left you in my capable paws for the duration of your introduction to the life of a pleasure slave. Just like your Mistress, I have rules that you are to follow.

"I am Madame Fiona and you will refer to me as such. This is my house of bitches and thus, you are my bitch. You will do as I tell you, when I tell you. If you resist, if you disobey, if you show any signs of rebellious activity, I have been given full permission to inflict what pain I must to make you obey. Your Mistress has informed me of your history and nature, and whilst I may have never trained one such as you before, I certainly view your training as a challenge, not a chore. I doubt you will simply roll over and accept your fate, so I will take great pleasure in watching you break and become a loyal and obedient slave."

Madame Fiona knelt down on one knee next to Adolphus, grabbed the strap of his muzzle-gag and pulled him close to her so she could take a lick of his cheek.

"Hmm," Madame Fiona said as she thought about Adolphus' taste, "you will need a bath first, that's for certain. You taste of dirt and sweat."

Adolphus gave his head a shake as Madame Fiona let go of his muzzle-gag, stood up and called for her assistants.

"Dovan, Corvin," she called out. "Your presence in the parlour."

Two male wolves, who seemed somewhat skinny in relation to Adolphus, entered the parlour. Both were dressed in simply shorts with a piece of cloth draped over their crotches.

"You called Mistress?" the taller of the two asked.

"This is the new bitch of a client and he tastes of dirt, so I believe it is best that he is washed and cleaned before I begin my work with him," Fiona said as she handed the leash to the taller assistant. "You may ungag him, but not before he is muzzled and you may discipline him should he misbehave."

"Yes Mistress."

"And Dovan..."

"Yes Mistress?"

"Do make sure that the bitch's bindings are not loosened or removed. The client had warned me that this bitch is filled with a lot of fight and resistance."

"Have no fear Mistress, he will remain secured."

"You are loyal, Dovan, which is why I let you serve me."

"I am grateful for the opportunity, Mistress."

"And do keep an eye on Corvin, what with his wandering paws. The purity of the bitch has already been granted to another."

The smaller wolf gave a huff as he folded his arms.

"Do not worry Mistress, I will make sure Corvin doesn't do anything inappropriate."

"Good slaves, I shall leave him in your capable paws."

"Thank you Mistress."

Adolphus found himself being taken off to another room, one that seemed plain in comparison to the parlour. He was lead to the centre of the cobblestone floor and his ankles were locked in a pair of iron cuffs that were chained securely to the floor.

"I know that you want to fight against us, but might I suggest that you don't," the wolf called Dovan said as he fixed a lock to the iron cuff on Adolphus' left leg. "The last thing I want to do is to have to put you down."

Adolphus gave a growl, more as a token sign of his distaste of the whole situation as opposed to any sign of future trouble.

"I can understand how you feel, we all go through the same feelings that you are going through now. The freedom you once had is still a fresh taste in your mouth. You never quite realise just how great it tasted until it's nothing more than a lingering presence in your memory. You feel like it's still an option, freedom, that if you fight hard enough, you can regain what has been lost. So it seems I have the unfortunate responsibility of telling you the future that awaits you."

Dovan walked over to a table by a tub of water and brought back a leather muzzle restraint, which he tried to slip over Adolphus' muzzle, but Adolphus resisted. Dovan didn't take well to this and grabbed Adolphus' ear in a pinch grip and pulled it and his face close.

"So allow me to tell you the future before you," Dovan said harshly. "You will fight, resist and rebel, but you will never succeed in your quest for freedom. You will be beaten, whipped and flogged, you will be forced to yield no matter how hard you try and resist. Your spirit will break, your will shall be stolen from you and your body will fail. And once your Mistress decides that she no longer wants you or finds you useful, she will discard you like so much rotten meat. Your future can be summarised as simply this; you will suffer all for the pleasure of your owner. Do you understand bitch? It doesn't matter who you were before, what matters now is who owns you and what they want you to do. Understand bitch?"

Adolphus nodded nervously, trying to avoid pulling his ear.

"Good, now stop resisting, bitch, and I can give you some relief from that gag."

Adolphus kept his head still as Dovan let go of his ear, slipped the leather muzzle restraint over Adolphus' muzzle, secured it and removed the gag.

"Thank you for not resisting again, I don't want to have to deal with an aggressive bitch, I am too tired to have to discipline you."

"You are a slave as well?" Adolphus asked, now free to speak.

"Yes. Me and Corvin are both property of Madame Fiona, slaves to her whims and pleasures, tasked with whatever duties she gives us."

"Why didn't you fight or resist her?"

"You truly are untrained and fresh. What were you before your capture?"

"I was a mercenary."

"Did you fight against those that paid you?"

"No, that'd be stupid."


"They pay me and such actions would not only be tantamount to treason, but would probably spoil my pay."

"So there were negative consequences to resisting your employers?"

"Several, often fatal."

"And if you were loyal?"

"I got paid."

Dovan turned and looked at Corvin, who was standing by the tub.

"Corvin, please show bitch here just what some of the punishments are for resisting one's owner."

Corvin walked over to Dovan and made some gestures with his paws that Adolphus presumed were a sign language.

"I know Mistress has forbidden you from tainting the slave, but you are simply taking off your loincloth."

Corvin gave his speechless reply.

"You usually have no issues with disrobing."

Adolphus began to wonder just why Corvin couldn't speak.

"Corvin, he is a bitch that has no interest in your male form. Remove your loincloth, please."

Corvin reluctantly slipped his loincloth down and Adolphus could see that his wolfhood lacked a pair of testicles. Where once they hung, there was signs of a scar.

"By Faredae," Adolphus cursed, "you mean to tell me that they castrated you?"

"Why not?" Dovan asked. "They are a sign of masculinity and pride, your ability to father offspring. To be severed from these symbols of pride is certainly a harsh punishment, but some acts of defiance deserve such pain."

"What did you do?" Adolphus tried to ask Corvin.

"Corvin can't actually speak," Dovan said as Corvin tilted his head back to show off the scar that sat upon his throat. "Other than for the odd moan and cry, he can't say a word."

"What happened?"

Dovan turned to Corvin and asked, "Shall I tell him?"

Corvin gave a nod as he started to fix up his loincloth.

"Corvin used to serve a she-wolf, much like our current Mistress, except that she had a brother who did enjoy corrupting those who did court his sister into his own bed. Tired of being left unsatisfied due to her brother's actions, she purchased Corvin and gave him strict orders to stay away from her brother. She also gave her brother a strong telling off, ordering him not to touch her new slave, but as is the nature of forbidden fruit, this made Corvin more appealing to him and tried he to seduce him for the next three months.

In the end, her brother did manage to tempt Corvin into his bed, but this had been the she-wolf's plan all along. She stood outside her brother's door and watched as her brother made Corvin his bitch, making him shout his name in ecstasy. She watched the two of them for over an hour, until both her brother and her slave lay in that warm afterglow upon his bed. She stormed into the room and in front of her brother, she cut Corvin's balls from his body and forced him to eat them before slicing his throat so his blood spilled upon her brother's bed. She laughed as her brother watched on in horror at the sight before him. As she was unable to truly punish her brother, she used Corvin as a pawn she could torture and force her brother to watch suffering. She cared so little for him that she then dragged his blood splattered body outside and dumped him in the street like garbage for collection, now that his purpose had been served. Mistress Fiona had seen him being dumped and brought him back here to have his wounds tended to."

"That sounds fortunate," Adolphus interjected.

Corvin huffed as Dovan continued.

"Fortunate isn't the right word, as the life of a slave has a price. Mistress Fiona didn't rescue him out of any kindness or sympathy, her reasons were strictly business. You see, our Mistress has a reputation she must maintain amidst the nobility. The company she keeps have their own tastes and in order to improve her standings amongst them, she uses Corvin to cater to these tastes. They all have come to enjoy the talents Corvin possesses and his submissive behaviour is quite famous."

"I'm confused," Adolphus interrupted, "I thought eunuchs couldn't, you know..."

"Out with it, bitch."

"... get hard."

Corvin rolled his eyes as Dovan chuckled.

"Your understandings into the world of sexual pleasures certainly aren't very vast."

"I can't say that as a mercenary, knowing these things was particularly useful. Knowing such things hasn't become important until now."

"I agree, unless you do have some weird fetish for such knowledge, most people don't know much about it, particularly the aspects that don't concern them. The company our Mistress keeps who desires Corvin aren't females, but males."

Adolphus felt an eye twitch develop when he realised what Dovan was talking about.

"Whine and whimper the right way and they'll melt in your paws."

Corvin gave Dovan a nudge.

"And other places as well," Dovan sighed. "Now I suppose we had better get you washed up before Corvin forgets Mistress has forbidden him from tainting you."

As the sun began to slip down over the Eastern horizon, two shadowy figures snuck down an alleyway behind Madame Fiona's House of Bitches and through a back door into the kitchen, where another shadowy figure dressed in a hood and cloak was waiting.

"You are early Lieutenant," the dark figure waiting in the kitchen said as if they were pleased.

"We have a job to do Commander and I believe that you would like to get back to your duties," one of the two shadowy figures from outside commented.

"She woke me by kicking me out of bed," the other whined.

"If you're going to work with me, we work by my schedule."

"Did your schedule really require me to take another bath before we left?"

"Yes, because I know how sloppy your wash routine is and we need no scents. In addition, you still stunk of tiger cum."

"We can't all be clean freaks Kitty."

"Shut your damn mouth provisional or I shall break your damn nose."

"The both of you can shut your traps," Felicity ordered as he pulled back her hood to reveal herself. "I've told you to keep your petty hatred of each other out of my Rangers."

"Yes Commander."

"Yes Commander, sorry."

"We are not going to risk the kingdom over your hatred of each other. We have to do an important job and I don't want you two distracted from your tasks, is that understood?"

Kitty and Gareth both hung their hooded heads.

"Fiona has allowed us access to the roof from her attic. From what you and that letter have told me Gareth, it is that Halvore enjoys frequenting the kitten houses, so the two of you are to sweep them. You're looking for a red dragon, this red dragon in particular." Felicity handed Kitty a charcoal sketch she had made. "More likely than not, he will be dressed in noble, but not royal attire. Should you find him, you are to track him and see which kitten house he attends and if possible, make notes on any of the other patrons. It is plausible that he maintains contact with the second in command of the strike force there. I don't want any slip-ups either, you are to make sure that you aren't discovered spying or we risk jeopardising the entire operation. Find out what you can, that is all, nothing fancy."

"Yes commander."

"Yes commander."

"Good, now remember, we're relying on your skills to find out what you can. Dismissed."

Chapter 06 (originally unpublished)

Information is the most critical component of any military campaign or action and information can be gathered in more ways than simply observing and counting troop numbers. - Avanti Halfhorse

Kitty and Gareth sat just behind the peak of a roof overlooking the main entrance to 'Kittens and Cream,' a feline brothel at the centre of the pleasure district. They watched the comings and goings of the patrons in silence, Gareth unwilling to say anything to Kitty as she growled every now and then. Halvore Temperfield had entered the brothel over 45 minutes ago and Gareth was starting to become impatient.

"This isn't an effective way of gathering information," Gareth grumbled.

"What was that?" Kitty asked in a whisper.

"I said this isn't an effective way of gathering information."

"I am sorry that my methods aren't as active as yours," Kitty growled sarcastically, "but I don't hike my tail every time I want someone to talk."

"I do not use sex to gather information," Gareth hissed, trying to remain quiet.

"And I am sure that the tiger you slept with last night would have happily divulged all his information if you hadn't been wearing a dress."

"That is not fair."

"It's what you do, isn't it? You sell yourself to make people talk, you're nothing but a common whore."

"Is that what you think I am, a common whore? Well let me tell you something, lieutenant, this common whore happens to have a little thing called friends and some of these mysterious friends happen to work at places like the 'Kitten and Cream' and will happily talk to this common whore. Now you're welcome to stay up here all night, but I'm going to go what I do best."

With that, Gareth crawled down the roof climbed down a drainpipe and dropped into a courtyard.

"Provisional," Kitty growled from the roof, "don't move."

"What?" Gareth hissed back.

"I'll come with you," Kitty grumbled as climbed down the drainpipe after Gareth. "I feel it's best I stay with you."

"Alright, but just keep quiet and let me do the talking."

Gareth and Kitty walked in the front door of the 'Kittens and Cream', Kitty rather hesitant about entering such a place. The entry was well lit by oil lamps and to one side was a desk, which a female cheetah sat behind.

"I'm sorry sir," the cheetah said without looking up from the bookwork she was doing, "but all our girls are busy."

"What about you handsome?" Gareth asked with a sleazy tone as he put an arm upon the desk.

The cheetah looked up and she immediately recognised Gareth, jumping up with a gleeful squeal of "Gabby" and holding out her arms in anticipation of a hug.

"Josie," Gareth replied as he walked around the desk to give the cheetah a hug.

"I haven't seen you in so long," Josie said as she gave Gareth a big squeeze.

"You aren't exactly the attention seeker you once were either," Gareth replied.

"And who is this?" Josie asked as she pulled back from the hug and looked at Kitty.

"She's my..."

"I'm his instructor," Kitty interrupted.

"Instructor?" Josie asked. "In what?"

"Performing arts and dance," Kitty replied.

"Sounds interesting, but what are you two doing here at this time of night?"

"We had a private performance earlier this evening," Gareth said with a wave of his paw, "for some dragon noble, but he cancelled his performance at the last minute, so we were paid and dismissed, not very well though."

"The name Temperfield doesn't ring a bell, does it?" Josie asked.

"That's the name," Kitty growled. "I'll never do a show for that family again. If they don't appreciate the arts, they're not worth performing to again."

"Sounds like you are the vindictive type," Josie said to Kitty. "You really shouldn't hang around with wolves like her Gabby."

"I can't help but not to," Gareth replied with a shrug. "She might be a cranky, bitter bitch," he felt the daggers from Kitty's eyes start to bore into his back, "but there isn't a better teacher within a thousand kliks."

"As long as you know what you're doing," Josie said as she gave a shrug.

"So what's flowing around the sewing circles?"

"Always business with you, isn't it?" Josie said an annoyed smile. "I swear, your need to know will get you in serious trouble one day, but if you must know."

Josie and Gareth leaned close to each other and they began to gossip.

"Not going to clue your teacher in?" Kitty growled.

"You don't exactly look the gossip type," Josie said as she looked over at Kitty.

"You may call it gossip," Kitty replied, "but I call it good business sense."

"You have a very strange teacher," Josie said to Gareth.

"Do you know any instructor that isn't strange?"

"I see your point," Josie said as she crouched back down, "come closer if you wish to hear."

Kitty came closer and Josie began to tell the local gossip.

"Your employer from the evening has been coming here almost every night for the last week."

"Desperate to have his sheath rubbed?"

"He's been using the baths actually, chatting to some acquaintance of his, a falcon."

"Why's he coming to a house of pleasure to talk to someone?" Kitty asked.

"You work in the pleasure district, but don't know of the services offered here?" Josie asked Kitty, confused by such a question.

"I can't say I know much about this line of work," Kitty replied with a growl.

"Him and his falcon friend aren't a silent item are they?" Gareth asked, breaking the tension and getting back on topic.

"You haven't got a chance Gabby," Josie chuckled. "He's straight as a lance. The two of them enjoy discussing their business over a personal massage. Normally it's Violet, Amber and Tessa who serve them and they say that he's only interested in having one rub him with oils and having another worship his flesh idol, a complete egotist. His falcon friend however, a true gentlemale. The girls always argue over who will service him whilst the other two do the dragon. Whilst he receives the same worship of his altar, lets just say, he's willing to repay the worshippers."

Whilst Josie was explaining all this, Kitty was snarling.

"Not a fan of males?" Josie asked as she took a break in her story.

"I can't say I find the male body to be particularly pleasing," was Kitty's reply.

"You're more a feminine type?"

"I can't say I'm either type."

"What were they talking about?" Gareth hastily asked before Kitty went off on one of her sex hate rants.

"The girls said it sounded like normal tactical chatter, talking about troops, supplies and alike, but over the last few days, they have been talking about how someone named 'The Red Wolf' hasn't shown up. They've been looking for him, but they haven't found any sign of him."

"Mysterious," Gareth said with a silly voice.

"We all think that he owes them money or something, sounds like they're getting impatient and can't do anything until he arrives."

"So what are they talking about tonight?"

"Oh come on, you think we all stand by the door and listen in? I'll find out once they've finished."

Kitty gave a huff as she turned and walked towards the door.

"Lets get out of here Gareth," Kitty said as she stopped by the door. "Sounds like the normal gossip of whores to me, so I don't want to waste any more time. If you want to listen to this, you come back later."

"Aww, but teacher."

"Gareth, we're leaving now."

"I'll have to catch up with you and the girls later," Gareth sighed as he started to walk towards the door.

"You'd better be back later," Josie said as she gave a wave, "and stop being such a stranger."

"I will."

"Now, will you care to tell me how this training works?"

"It's nothing complex, I figured this method out from watching my own slaves. Even though I am their captor and mistress and at first, they see me as their enemy, as time passes and they see that my behaviours are associated with their care, protection and well-being, they begin to grow attached to me."

"And how do you intend to make this work?"

"It is simple. We begin your slave's normal training and as he is punished, I shall increase his punishments over time, sometimes punishing him for what he is doing right."

"This doesn't sound like it will work."

"It will. You need to react against my punishments of your slaves."

"That will make me appear weak and he will lose respect for me."

"You are to react aggressively against me, demonstrate your strength in protection of your slave."

"How will I know when to react."

"I will tell you when, do not worry."

Once outside, Kitty and Gareth began to walk down the street, blending in with the crowd.

"I will admit, your method has its merits," Kitty said as she walked.

"So why did we leave?" Gareth asked.

"That place was making me sick. You lead me into a brothel and of all the potential brothels, a feline one."

"You can't let your personal feelings get in the way of our investigation."

"Don't you dare say that crap to me, you have no idea what sort of shit I've been through in my life."

"I know you were a slave..."

"You know I was a slave, but that doesn't mean you understand what it is I have been through. All that talk was making me feel sick."

"Perhaps it's because you're so damn frigid..."

Kitty pushed Gareth down an alley and against a wall so no one would hear their conversation.

"How would you like it if you were violated daily against your will? Tied up and taken from your family to be a slave? Some of these slaves may have sold themselves to get out of debt, but I never had a choice. I was kidnapped and sold. Do you have any idea what that does to someone? Do you? The rest of you always talk about how it's so damn great, but need I remind you that my first time was forced, in fact I was forced every time? I am frigid because there's nothing else I can be now. There is nothing that doesn't remind me of this fact and next time you suggest that my problem is a lack of sex, I will take your balls for my trophy, so you never have to worry about sex again, do you understand me, provisional?"

"Perfectly, one hundred percent, like glass, lieutenant."

"Are we going to have to have this conversation again provisional?"

"No lieutenant, I won't talk about it again."

"Good. I am going to go report what I have to Commander Felicity and then I am going home. In an hour or so, you will return to that shit-pit of a brothel and find out what they were talking about and you are to do it without taking off your pants. Once you have gathered all the information you can, report it to the commander in the morning. Do you understand your orders?"

"Yes lieutenant, ma'am."


Kitty released her grip from around Gareth's neck, unaware she had grabbed him by the throat.

"I hope we never have to work together again," Kitty growled as she walked back towards the main street.

Gareth stood there a moment and rubbed his throat, thinking about what Kitty had said to him.

[AH: Originally cut]

"Wakey wakey bitch."

Adolphus' day had been a rather dull one, left to sit in his cell, bound in hobbles and cuffs for the duration. He had gone to sleep presuming that the day was over, but he found himself being rudely awoken by a bucket of cold water being thrown over him. Sitting up with a start, he saw Madam Fiona standing at the bars.

"Aww, did I wake the little puppy bitch?" Madam Fiona asked haughtily.

Adolphus found he was starting to become quite proficient with his growls, growling through the gag and muzzle in a manner that suggested that if he had not been so heavily restricted and confined, Madam Fiona would be in a serious risk of disembowelment.

"I trust you have slept well bitch," Madam Fiona said as she unlocked the door to Adolphus' cell, "because you certainly have a lot of training ahead of you this evening."

Adolphus gave a growl, trying to show his resistance.

"Keep your back straight!"

Adolphus stood dressed in a red leather thong that seemed to force his tail to stand up straight, as if he were presenting himself to some lover behind him. He also wore cuffs that ensured that his wrists were bound together by a piece of rope, about 10 cm long and ankle hobbles that prevented him from walking in anything but short, quick paces. In addition, he was wearing a muzzle and collar which forced him to keep his muzzle down in an omega pose. He was being forced to stand up straight, holding a tray with a rather full bowl of water upon it. He had been told to keep the bowl level because if he spilt any of it, he would be whipped.

"He has good composure," Madam Fiona noted as she walked around him.

"I have my tastes," Felicity said as she sat in a large chair nearby. "I need something with a lot of passion and vigour to keep up with my desires."

"You do really believe that this insubordinate and uneducated whelp is worth your time? Knees together!"

"He will yield to my will or he will suffer."

[End cut section]

"Now bitch, stand and we shall begin your training for the evening."

Adolphus responded with a growl as he rolled over to show Madam Fiona his back. This was not a good idea as Madam Fiona brought the top of her whip down to strike Adolphus' back. He let out a muffled howl as he felt the sting of the strike.

"You might be the master of swords, but I, bitch, am a master of chains and whips and I shall make you feel all sorts of pains if you don't obey me. Now stand, bitch!"

Adolphus decided that perhaps, obeying the crazed wolf with the whip might be a good idea, especially if she was going to use it. With a grunt and some effort, Adolphus managed to get to his feet.

"Good bitch," Madam Fiona said with a smile as she stood at the door of Adolphus' cell with her paws on her hips, the whip in one of them. "Now stand still whilst my boys get you dressed for your training this evening."

Corvin and Dovan walked into Adolphus' cell and began to charge Adolphus' cuffs for ones that allowed him to separate his wrists by about 30 centimetres.

"I trust you will try something stupid," Madam Fiona said with a sadistic grin. "I just need an excuse to strike you and believe me when I say say my whip hungers for your blood."

Adolphus bared his teeth as best he could with a gag in his mouth, as Dovan removed the plain thong Adolphus was wearing and began to put on a red leather thong that fastened at the sides and forced his tail up straight.

"I love this design," Madam Fiona said as she began to pace outside the cell. "One of my colleagues came up with this clever piece of slave fashion. His clients always enjoy the spectacle of a young male slave walking around with their tail held high, showing off a pair of tight little buttocks. But I certainly have come to enjoy the show and whilst it was designed for those who enjoy the male body, my clientele aren't displeased by the sight of a raised female tail."

As Dovan fixed the final buckle on the side, Adolphus certainly felt as if he were presenting his hindquarters to whomever wished a gaze, perhaps even Corvin was catching a glimpse as he worked on Adolphus' hobbles.

After changing the muzzle and gag for a muzzle that simply held his mouth shut without either gag or bit, Adolphus was led into what appeared to be a drawing room where Princess Felicity was already sitting in a lounge chair by the fireplace, dressed in her Ranger uniform.

"Good evening princess," Madam Fiona said as she led Adolphus next to another lounge chair and sat down.

"Good evening Madam Fiona," Felicity replied without looking away from the fire in the fireplace, "I trust you had a pleasurable day."

"Business as usual," Madam Fiona replied with a dismissive wave of her paw. "Can I get anything for you, your Highness?"

"Half a of red shall suffice," Felicity replied. "As much I would enjoy polishing off half a bottle, business does require me sober."

"Very well Princess," Madam Fiona replied before calling out for Dovan.

"Yes Mistress?" Dovan asked as he appeared in the doorway.

"Dovan, fetch us one and a half glasses of my best red wine and get Corvin to bring in the chalice."

"As you wish mistress," Dovan said with a bow before leaving on his errands.

"What is the chalice for?" Felicity asked as she looked over towards Fiona.

"The chalice is a training tool," Fiona explained with a smirk. "I use it to train slaves in composure. They must keep the chalice level despite actions which may cause them to lose focus. They are disciplined for any spills that may occur."

"You have decided to start right from the beginning with my new slave?"

"This bitch must learn from the beginning as he has no training at all. Besides, I feel he is just waiting for a reason to misbehave, so I might deal with his rebellion now, whilst he's fresh."

"I cannot argue with your expertise," Felicity said as Dovan and Corvin entered the room, Dovan carrying a tray with two glasses of wine whilst Corvin carried a tray with a rather large iron chalice and a bottle of water on it.

"Give the chalice to the bitch here," Fiona said as she took the full glass of wine from Dovan's tray, "and make sure you fill it to the brim Corvin or I'll give you five lashings."

Corvin gave his mistress a respectable nod as he stood in front of her, before proceeding to walk over to where Adolphus stood and present him with the tray.

"Take the tray bitch," Fiona said as she sniffed her wine. "I have no need to test Corvin's dedication and patience, he has already proved himself loyal to me."

As it was the only way he could hold the tray, Adolphus put his two paws on the underside of the tay to hold it, as Corvin began to fill the chalice with water, until it began to spill over the edge, making an enormous racket as it hit the steel tray.

"I will hear every drop you spill," Fiona threatened as Corvin dried the edges of the chalice with a towel, "and for each drop you spill, I shall strike you once." Fiona held up a riding crop to illustrate her point as she looked up at Adolphus. "I trust that this is clear bitch?"

Adolphus nodded as he tried to not shift his gaze from his responsibility, but his shift to acknowledge his order caused the tray to tip and some water spilled from one of the spouts. [AH: The design of the chalice is rather simple. It looks like any normal chalice, complete with wide base and long neck upon which a cup sat that held about 700mL of liquid. Spaced evenly around the rim of the cup, there were four spouts which when filled to 'the top' would cause water to spill at the slightest tip.]

Not more than a second after the water hit the tray, Adolphus was caught completely by surprise as the tongue of the riding crop struck his rear. The start caused him to jostle the tray, spilling more of the chalice's contents. He was ready for the next blow of Madam Fiona's crop, but despite being prepared, some water still managed to spill from the chalice. The third blow Adolphus expected and properly braced himself against it. The third blow caused no spillage, much to Adolphus gratitude.

"Swift and disciplined," Fiona said as she put the riding crop back in her lap. "All corrections must be swift and disciplined."

"I can certainly believe in discipline," Felicity replied as she took a sip from her glass of wine, "for it certainly keeps soldiers in line."

Adolphus just wished he could move and rub the sore itch beginning to develop where he had been struck.

"Speaking of soldiers," Fiona asked, swirling her glass, "didn't you say some more of your soldiers were coming this evening?"

"Whilst I wouldn't call them solders; yes, some of my others are coming, though they are not on duty tonight."

"The two who escorted this bitch her this morning?"

"Yes, Captain Razher and Captain Tharmina are two of my best Rangers, but Tharmina is on holiday at the moment. She is trying for a foal and a midwife suggested that the stresses of her job may be causing issues with her becoming pregnant.

"A mare and stallion having trouble making a foal?" My, what strange tales Balazaar has."

"Yes, strange they are."

"I could offer much advice on the subject if they decide the opinions of doctors and midwives aren't appropriate."

"Razher and I certainly are flattered by the offer," Tharmina said as she walked into the drawing room, "but we have consulted with several people on the subject and none have found our 'methods' to be the problem."

"Captain Tharmina," Felicity said with a smile, standing to go greet her with a grasping of wrists. "It is good to see your arrival, but Razher decided not to join us?"

"Not quite commander," Tharmina replied. "As we arrived, so did Kitty. She is filling Razher in on what they found, my dear husband insisting that I not worry myself with the investigation."

"Sounds almost as if your husband is more desperate for the foal than you." Fiona said with a chuckle as Felicity returned to her seat, Tharmina standing next to Felicity's chair.

"Both he and I want the foal equally," Tharmina replied, trying to hide her displeasure. "The midwife we saw didn't seem to like the idea of a female working outside the home when her thoughts are on young."

"Ha!" Fiona scoffed before taking a sip from her drink. "With a high and mighty attitude like that, it sounds as if that midwife couldn't get the randiest of males hard."

"I certainly agree, but as we are having trouble having a foal, we are open to any idea that might work. Razher promised me that if this doesn't work this season, we'll try something else, Faredae be praised."

"Patience is always important," Felicity said to no one in particular.

"Patience has certainly paid off with regards to our intelligence," Razher proclaimed as he walked into the drawing room.

"What news do have?" Felicity asked as she stood up.

"With all due respects to Madam Fiona," Razher said as he stood before Felicity's chair, "I think that it best that our intelligence remains within our own ranks."

"I understand," Fiona replied. "You are more than welcome to use my office."

"I thank you," Felicity said as she gave Fiona a short bow.

Adolphus remained standing next to Fiona's chair in the silence as Fiona rolled her glass around in her paw, watching the red wine swirl around its glass prison. He had to admit that his arms were certainly becoming sore from the strange way he was holding the tray.

"I know they are talking about you, bitch," Fiona said idly as she stopped swirling her glass to stare at it. "Your mistress has informed me about your background and I can only guess that they're not discussing it in here because you're present."

Without any warning, Fiona gave Adolphus' rump a slap with the riding crop, catching him off guard and causing him to spill some of the chalice's contents. Fiona was quick to bring the riding crop down hard on Adolphus' rump a second and third time. Adolphus kept himself stern by the time the third blow struck and the tray didn't budge an iota.

"I don't want you falling asleep on the job, bitch," Fiona warned as she relaxed herself. "I would have expected a warrior like you to always be alert and ready."

Adolphus growled as best he could with his mouth bound shut, causing Fiona to give him three sharp blows from her riding crop.

"Hold your tongue bitch, or I'll cut it out myself."

There were two types of offices in the pleasure houses of Balazaar. The first was considered the more common of the two. Whilst it had a desk and cabinet or two to keep records, you could tell that the primary purpose of the office was to entertain guests or clients. This was given away by the inclusions of such things as a dancer's stage, large bed with the finest of sheets and large, plush seating. The other office was designed from top to bottom with the idea of business in mind. The walls were normally hidden behind a row of filing cabinets that ran around the room and a large wood desk covered in all sorts of papers associated with the running of a pleasure house. Madam Fiona's office looked nothing like the other rooms in her brothel. She believed that business was business and if she were to entertain her guests with the pleasures her slaves offered, there could be better places to do so than her office. However, Fiona wasn't above having luxuries in her work space and as Felicity, Razher and Tharmina discussed the latest intelligence, Felicity had sat herself in Fiona's large, red leather office chair.

"So it appears Gareth's intel was correct," Felicity said, her fingertips pressed together in front of her face, deep in thought. "This may complicate things more than I first thought. A band of rogue soldiers we could deal with easily enough, but if they're receiving support from a member of the Temperfield family, we risk getting ourselves into a diplomatic nightmare."

"The Temperfields are a merchant family, they don't have that much political sway, do they?" Tharmina asked.

"You don't need a kingdom to cause a rift between kingdoms or to interrupt trade," Felicity sighed. "The Temperfields might have lost control of the Blanket pass, but they still have control over the flow of trade in the region. If all we have is hearsay, then it appears that our paws are tied."

[AH: Cut section]

After shaking off the argument he had with Kitty, Gareth returned to the 'Kittens and Cream' and just as he was about to open the door, he felt a paw on his shoulder.

"I never expected to see you again my little filly," a familiar sounding voice said from behind him. "I would have expected that someone like you would have worked at the 'Silver Filly' or perhaps at 'Lord Manatver's Sables'. Aren't you working tonight?"

Gareth spun around, his knife at the ready for a fight, only to come face to face with his bed partner from last night.

"I said I was sorry for running out on you," the tiger said upon seeing the knife, "and if the bar keep says I didn't pay, I'll happily reimburse you."

"Neither of these are the problem, but do you think we could talk elsewhere?" Gareth asked.

"Not too far away, as I am sure you are just as interested with who is visiting here tonight," the tiger replied, giving the 'Kitten and Cream' a quick gesture.

Gareth grabbed the tiger by the paw and pulled him into a nearby alley.

"I am working tonight," Gareth eplained.

"And that wolf you were with earlier was a client?"

"Oh Faredae no."

"Good to hear, does she regularly see anyone?"

"You wouldn't be her type, that's for certain."

"Tsk. And to think I complimented you so readily last night."

"Look, she's not important at the moment. What is important is the fact that I'm here to follow up on the lead you gave me."

"As, so that was the little spat you were having with your commander this morning."

"What are you on about?"

"That commander of yours has quite a hook." The tiger touched Gareth's sore cheek to prove his point. "I hope it doesn't leave a big bruise."

"She's not my commander," Gareth lied.

"Come-come provisional Lieutenant Gareth, I am well aware that she is your commander and the leader of the Rangers, all four of you."

"Why should I say any more?"

"You don't have to. What I now need is you to do is to take me to your commander. I have information I am sure she would be interested in hearing."

"And what information would that be?"

"Now my little filly, I am not going to tell you so you can steal my thunder."

Adolphus knew his rump was getting quite sore. Madam Fiona would occasionally strike him just to check he was awake, only to receive several more lashes for spilling some of the cup's contents. After what seemed like forever, he heard Felicity's voice.

"I thrust my bitch hasn't been any trouble?" Felicity asked as she returned to her seat.

"No trouble at all," Madam Fiona replied. "He's just getting complacent, but worry not, I have certainly been keeping his attention focused."

"Good to hear," A strange voice said into Adolphus' ear as he felt a very strong paw grasp his rump.

His training kicked in and he went to turn and face his attacker. His bindings had other ideas and when they reached their limits, they immediately brought Adolphus' to a clumsy halt, causing him to drop to the tray and fall to the floor himself.

"You clumsy whore!" Madam Fiona shouted as she stood up and gave Adolphus' muzzle a firm strike with her crop. "You couldn't stand there and hold a simple tray without fucking up!"

"He's still a tad jumpy," Razher said with a smirk, Adolphus recognising that it was his voice a moment ago.

"I will whip your hide from your body you damn slut!" Fiona yelled as she grabbed Adolphus by his collar and pulled him up to the sitting position.

"Don't bother," Felicity said as she picked up her unfinished glass of wine. "He'd be able to take whatever beating you could give him."

"He needs to be punished for his failure to do his duty."

"And you won't punish him by whipping him raw."

"No, perhaps you are right," Fiona grumbled as she dropped Adolphus back to the floor, "but if he won't respond to physical pain, perhaps we can punish him another way."

Fiona reached over and pulled the call rope by her chair.

"What are you thinking?" Felicity asked as Fiona put a paw in the middle of Adolphus' back to hold him to the floor.

"He has pride, as so I shall humiliate him," Fiona said as Dovan appeared at the door.

"You summoned me mistress?" Dovan asked from the doorway.

"Yes," Fiona replied. "Get me Rogar and Damath to bring up the hobbling frame. They have been loyal slaves to me and deserve a gift from their Mistress. In addition, please bring in all the straps that goes with the hobbling frame."

"Is that all Mistress?"

"Tell them not to forget the lubricants."

"Yes Mistress."

The hobbling frame that had been brought in by two male wolves who had builds very much like Adolphus looked like a strange padded bench, but the moment Rogar and Damath forced him to the padded bench and began to strap him to it, Adolphus realised its purpose. He had been strapped belly first to the bench with his arms held firmly to the bench's legs and his legs held spread by straps around his thighs. Several mores straps around his middle prevented him from wriggling or shifting from his current position. A strap had also been run across the bridge of his muzzle to hold it still and the gag in his mouth had been swapped for a metal ring that had been forced into his mouth to keep it open, causing him to drool like crazy.

"My my, doesn't this look familiar," Tharmina said as she sat in Razher's lap who had chosen to sit in the arm chair in front of Adolphus. "The mere sight of it is making me wet."

"Which memory are you thinking about. Your birthday or that time with equataur?"

"I almost forgot about Gallius."

"How could you forget Gallius? He and I took turns fucking you all night long."

"No need to go into the details Razher or else we're going to make a mess of Fiona's armchair."

"It would not be the first time someone had sex in that chair," Fiona said with a chuckle as she walked into Adolphus' field of view. "I trust you are comfortable there bitch?"

Adolphus could only make a garbled growl as his response.

"Well I suppose your comfort isn't the important thing here," Fiona said as she crouched down in front of Adolphus. "Please remove his thong Damath."

Adolphus felt a paw grasp as his thong and undo the bindings at his sides, before pulling it off his body and leaving his rump exposed.

"I know that I could whip you all night long and though you would bleed and feel pain, you wouldn't actually give me any satisfaction in punishing you. However, I know that you have your pride and that is one thing that I can tarnish and damage until you are nothing but a whimpering little pup in my paw. As punishment for dropping the tray and spilling all of the contents of the chalice, you shall be punished by Rogar and Damath here, two of my personal slaves who I keep for my pleasures. It is fortunate for me that they are the type to enjoy the sexual comforts a male offers, a male like you."

Now acutely aware what was about to happen, Adolphus tried his best to break his bindings and escape his imminent punishment.

"Ah yes, that's it, the desperate struggling of a slave who knows they're about to be punished severely. Do not worry though, Damath does hate fucking an un-lubricated tail-hole, so it won't hurt as much as it could. Do enjoy yourself my boys, this bitch is your reward tonight, so do make sure you two fuck him until you are both satisfied."

With all the strength he could muster, Adolphus tried to break the bindings that held him down, to try and get away from the paw that was roaming over his rump or the one rubbing his muzzle, but the bindings were firm and trying to resist the bindings on his muzzle simply forced the metal ring to dig into the roof of his mouth. Fiona had been right about the whipping, but had he been given the choice, being whipped until his back was bare of fur would have been seen as more desirable than what he was about to suffer. Adolphus felt the cold touch of a well lubricated finger begin to press against his tail-hole and when he tried to protect his sense of dignity from the invading digit with his finger, a firm paw grasped it and held it out of the way.

"He has a tight hole mistress," Adolphus heard the wolf behind him say. "He is resisting my finger."

"Don't let that stop you Damath. If he resists, you can stretch his tail-hole out first with your fingers," Fiona instructed as she walked back to her seat.

Adolphus shut his eyes, putting all of his effort into keeping his tail-hole clenched, but his resistance didn't last long against Damath's fingers, eventually pushing two, well lubricated digits through the muscular ring. Adolphus let out a whine as his ass was violated for the first time, burning as if he had just been violated with a hot poker.

"Such a virgin passage," Damath commented. "The way he clenches and tries to resist my fingers is so cute."

"There's nothing like breaking someone in for the first time," Razher added with a sigh.

"Would you like to have the first pleasures of this bitch's tail-hole, master?"

"Oh no, the midwife has advised against unnecessary sexual activity. You are welcome to have his cherry."

"Rogar, why haven't you violated his mouth yet?" Felicity asked.

"I must wait until Damath has begun, or else he may choke. The first time can be rather rough and it's best he can draw full breath."

"You had best relax bitch, you can't force my fingers out."

Adolphus didn't listen to these words of advice. He had been whipped, beaten, stripped, hobbled and forced to please a mare, but he wasn't going to let what little dignity he had left slip away without a fight. With all the will he could muster, Adolphus tried to force the invading digits from his body.

"Ah, you aren't going to listen to my advice. Then I had best show you why you should have relaxed."

All of a sudden, the digits disappeared from his tail-hole and Adolphus was relieved for a second, but that was all the time he had to enjoy his victory. Without warning, he felt a thick lupine member thrust through his sore pucker and into his body. His eyes shot open as he felt his anal passage sting at the sudden penetration, the feeling of a foreign body within him so alien. He began to desperately pant for breath, trying to slow his heart and block out the pain. He looked around for some relief, anything that could be relief, but the sight of an aroused lupine cock so close to his head only highlighted how far the situation had gone.

"You had best catch your breath bitch," Rogar said as he put a paw on Adolphus' head and moved his cock closer to Adolphus' muzzle. "Your mouth is about to become very full.

One last attempt at closing his mouth proved to him that what was about to happen was another inevitability. With a thick cock already buried within his colon, he was about to suffer the indignity of having one forced into his muzzle. The situation was clearly going from bad to worse.

Rogar slid his cock through the metal ring in Adolphus' mouth and Adolphus could feel the thick cock pressing against his tongue. He tried to resist, but his tongue served as no barrier for Rogar's entry.

"That's it bitch," Rogar said as he pushed his cock right into Adolphus' mouth. "Use that tongue of your to lick my cock."

The smell of wolf musk that was flooding Adolphus' nose was overwhelming and sickening. Rogar had pushed himself so close that Adolphus had no choice but to inhale the scent of his crotch to breathe. As he tried to resist the intrusion in his mouth, Damath took this moment to begin his thrusts. This sudden pushing and pulling of his tail-hole was a complete surprise, and though Adolphus tried to push Damath out completely, he was unable make any ground, Damath simply forcing his member back in whenever Adolphus squeezed.

Rogar and Damath seemed to be taking turns with their thrusting. As Adolphus tried to fight the intrusion in his mouth, Damath took the relaxing of his tailhole as an opportunity to thrust. When Adolphus was focusing on resisting Damath, Rogar would push his cock deeper into Adolphus' mouth, forcing Adolphus to involuntarily swallow, desperate to try and clear his mouth to breath. With his focus now on his mouth, Damath would being thrusting again and the cycle would continue. No matter what he tried to do, his resistance was futile, the assault from both ends was something he couldn't keep up with.

"Mmm, this certainly is entertaining to watch," Adolphus heard Felicity say.

"It's more fun to be hobbled to the bench."

Tharmina's comment was a sheer insult, he wasn't enjoying himself.

"It is fun to watch the unbroken slaves writhe and wriggle on the bench, watch them submit to your will."

He wanted to resist to show Fiona he wouldn't be broken, but unable to move, there was no room to fight.

"Make sure the two of you knot him, I want to see the bitch dribbling cum by the time you are done."

"Certainly Master."

"As you wish Master."

Adolphus could feel that it wouldn't be long until he was forced to take that disrespect, he could already feel Damath's knot begin to swell inside his bowels and every time Rogar pulled back, his knot caught the ring and dug it into the roof of Adolphus' mouth. He had no choice in the matter, his humiliation would could at the cocks of these two wolves in front of this small audience.

He felt the sickly feeling of cum pump into his body as Damath let out a howl, his engorged knot ensuring that none of his seed would leak out. Rogar followed soon after and Adolphus was forced to choke down the thick seed that Rogar shot into the back of his mouth. Adolphus tried his best to spit it out, but Rogar's cock was pushed deep into his mouth and made sure that all Adolphus could do was swallow. The thick cum that flowed down his throat made him feel sick, but there was nothing else he could do in this situation. He gagged and choked down the cum in his mouth as he felt the last of Damath's seed spill into his insides.

"My my my," Felicity said with a chuckle. "Look at the great warrior now, nothing more than a cum bucket for a couple of slaves."

"Oh how I wish I could add my own to that slut," Razher said with a hearty chuckle. "Make him feel what a horse can give."

Adolphus closed his eyes, knowing that if he ever got free, he would run away from this nightmare and never think of it again. Damath and Rogar shifted, getting comfortable as their knots tied them into their respective holes.

His punishment seemed to last for hours, being violated time and time again by Rogar and Damath until they tired, apparently satisfied with Adolphus' humiliation.

"That is a pleasant memory," Tharmina said as she looked at Adolphus, who had wolf cum dribbling from his mouth and leaking from his tailhole. "But I can say I enjoyed it a lot more than this bitch."

Adolphus had no energy left of his own to growl or grumble, all he could do now as lay on the hobbling bench and hope that soon all this humiliation would be over.

"We are done mistress," Damath panted as he sat behind Adolphus, his cock slowly pulling back into his sheath. "We have satisfied ourselves with this bitch for this evening."

"Good," Fiona said with a smile. "The two of you may go and rest for this evening. Tell Dovan and Corvin that they may and come collect the bitch and return him to his cell. I doubt there's anything more we could do to him this evening that would be entertaining."

"Of course mistress."

[End cut]

With Kitty's firm words still running through his mind, Gareth began to make his way back to the 'Kittens and Cream' to see what further information he could gleam. Using his lock pick kit, he snuck in through one of the back doors into the private areas of the 'Kitten' and as he knew his way around reasonably well, he had a good idea where the dragon and the falcon would be if they were using the baths. He knew that the baths had an adjoining cupboard with a hallway, so as quietly as he could he snuck into the cupboard and opened the door a crack to hear what was going on inside.

"You realise that without Red Wolf, our plan is in jeopardy."

"Red Wolf guarantees no success. The situation is risky regardless of Red Wolf's presence."

"My, aren't you just the enthusiastic little kitten?"

"[Falcon], stop playing with the kittens and stay on task." [AH: I will sometimes put these name markers in when I cannot remember the name I was going to use at the time I wrote it and I didn't have a copy of my texts handy. This way I don't have to stop and interrupt the flow. My name memory is horrible.]

"So despite the fact that you're missing your ace-in-the-hole, you still want to proceed?"

"We can't guarantee that he will arrive, so it is best we continue as planned. Our time is running out and there is only going to be one opportunity between now and when our resource runs out. Need I remind you of what's at stake?"

"No, there's no need. Move your hips a bit closer kitty."

"[Falcon]! Stop worrying about the meat and keep yourself focused."

"We come here every night to talk business and you pay, but have no desire to enjoy the services you pay for?"

"Need I remind you that if the business we are here to conduct succeeds, you can spend the rest of your life enjoying the services of whoever you want."

"I understand that boss, but why not enjoy some fun now?"

"I shall say it again, keep your mind on the job. Regardless of whether Red Wolf surfaces in the next three days or not, we're going to have to move ahead. The plan will continue on schedule and make sure our troops are ready in four days to make our move. I'll make sure the new position is ready. Once we're there, we keep to ourselves and make our move next week."

"Do you really believe the opportunity will present itself?"

"With the job I'm planning, we'll manage it. Just meet me where I told you in four days. Now hurry up and finish playing with the meat so I can get out of here."

"Patience patience. We've done your job and now I want to do mine."

Gareth slowly began to pull away from the door and he was about to slip back out into the hallway when a paw grabbed him on the shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" An angry voice hissed, trying not to disturb the people in the baths.

Gareth turned around to see Josie standing behind him.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you could get us in if you're caught in here?" Josie asked with a whisper.

"I'm sorry, but we really need that intelligence," Gareth replied as they walked back into the hall.

"And we would have told you Gabby, if you'd bothered to wait."

"I'm sorry Josie, but desperate times and all that."

Josie quickly pulled Gareth into one of the nearby rooms so they could continue their conversation undisturbed.

"Can you imagine what a controversy like this could do to our Mistress?" Josie demanded, "and that excludes the fact that you could cost me my job."

"I'm sorry Josie."

"Sorry might not cut it. Now we have to get you out of here somehow without anyone figuring out you got in."

"Just get me to a window and I can do the rest," Gareth said as he looked around the room he was in. "Is this room new?"

"It used to be staff quarters," Josie replied.

Gareth took a quick look around the room, noticing that it was set up as a simple bedroom.

"You mean the one that you, me and your boyfriend had that threesome in?" Gareth asked.

"Yeah, that one."

"Did they board up the servant access?"