Chapter 5:My Family Gets A Lot Bigger and A Lot Stranger

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Stories from a not so average high school life.

Legal stuff: all characters with the exceptions of Mac, Dasher, and Thowan are copyrighted to me. Mac is copyrighted to flamewarrior, Dasher is copyrighted to Dasher Cheetah, and Thowan is copyrighted to Thowan.

Disclaimer: This story contains adult material so if you are to young to view it wherever you are hit your back button or lock your door.

I woke up to see my parents standing over me with worried looks on their faces. I blinked and said "I'm in hell right? Because with all the shit I've done I'm definently not going to heaven." My dad stood up then bent over laughing his ass off. Mom glared at me and I said "Wait this can't be hell Mom's here, does that mean I'm somewhere in between heaven and hell?" Mom smacked me and I yelped then said "Nope I'm a live, and it's definently mom because she's the only one who can hit that hard." Mom smiled and dad, who'd just stopped laughing, fell over laughing again. I glanced at Mom and asked "Can you kick him, and why were you tied up?"Mom blushed and didn't look at me while Dad tried to calm down.

After a few minutes Dad smiled and said "In answer to your question's no, and we were having personal fun." I shivered at that thought and Dad sighed then said "So, what made you come here?" I blinked trying to remember why I'd come to his office then pulled out the schematic and laid it on his desk. He glanced at it and said "You want to know about the change in your DNA?" I nodded slowly and he sighed softly. He glanced at mom who nodded for him to go ahead then sat down in his chair and said "What do you remember about when you were very young?"

I closed my eyes and said "I remember we did a lot of labwork together. I also remember that you once asked me if I was willing ot participate in a project. I said yeah and after that everything's hazy until I ran away from home."

Dad seemed to understand and slowly nodded while mom shivered remembering what happened while I was gone.I blinked and asked "I miss something while I was gone?" Dad shook his head and I said "Oh yeah,I also came here because you forgot to mention SAM'S A GIRL!!!!!" Dad fell over holding his ears and yipping while Mom just smiled sheepishly.

When his ears stopped ringing Dad stood up and said "Sorry Jake, we thought that Sam wouldn't ever show her true shape so we thought it was ok to keep it to ourselves" I stared at him like he was nuts and he said "I didn't say we had proof it would work. I just said we thought she wouldn't show her true shape. How exactly did you find out?" I stared at him then slammed my head into the wall because he'd reminded me of the fact I'd raped my own sister. Dad blinked and said "Rianna, what's wrong with our son?"

Mom sighed and said "I think he did something he doesn't want to talk about or remember." I stopped banging my head long enough to nod then went back to banging trying to make myself pass out. After about five minutes I stopped because my head hurt to much. Mom looked at me and said "Better?" I nodded then fell over holding back a yelp since I'd technically hurt myself and they hadn't told me to bang my head. Dad shook his head surprised at the stupid things I could do while mom said "He did that a lot when he was younger hun, and the only way to get him to think was have him hurt himself."

I growled softly and said "I'm sorry I do stupid things.I needed that though, and I think I lost control to my Feral side, so can we get back to the topic I'm most curious about. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY DNA!!!!!" Mom slapped me and I stared at her while Dad uncovered his ears glaring at me. I sighed and said "Sorry it's just beeen a hectic week, I found out Sam's a girl, that Cain who should be human can turn into a fur, and Dasher can change his gender, which I thought was impossible." Dad and mom looked at each other then pointed to a chair. I blinked and sat down slowly wondeirng what was going on.

Dad looked at me and said "I'll answer your question just be patient. You're DNA was changed when you signed up for the Alpha project. In your case it wasn't until you reached the age where you could mate that the project started to truly take effect. Your freind Dasher, and a young vixen were also a part of the project. Dasher and the Vixen however went through different processes than you and were changed in their own ways." I blinked and he sighed softly then said "When I saw the change in your DNA I knew that the project was a success. You're entire personallity was changed to the point where you could become a full feral. Most hybrids can't, and because of that your name is on the list of projects S and O."

I blinked and mom said "You may not believe me when I say this, but we never meant to hurt you Jake." I stared at her then nodded in understanding and closed my eyes sighing. When I opened my eyes mom was standing in front of me and talking to dad. After a few minutes she turned to face me and said "Is that all you needed to know Jake?" I nodded and she said "Then if you'll excuse us, we need to get some work done." Dad grinned and the two of them walked into mom's office which was connected by a long hallway.

I sighed and said softly "So my DNA isn't that of a normal Hybrid. No wonder my Feral side is so strong." I got up and pulled on my bike helmet then decided to appologize to my parents for acing so irrationally earlier. I knew they were just trying to help and I'd snapped at them for no reason. I walked into Mom's office to see my fahter tying her up and watching her. I blinked then started to walk out and Mom tried talking through the gag in her mouth. Dad slammed his paw into her ass and said "Babe you know you're not allowed to talk." I blinked then turned around adn walked out shaking my head. When I got downstairs the security guard looked at me and I said "I wouldn't go upstairs if I was you mate." He nodded and I headed to my bike. As I walked I realized that talking to my parents had lead to more questions than answers.

So I sat on my bike thinking about where to head next, then sighed and drove to the hospital. I had a feeling that Rodrik and his gang hadn't left yet and I planned on settling everything outside of school. When I got into the hospital parking lot I saw Rodrik, Jasper, and Jonas all standing around talking. I got off my bike and took off my helmet then walked up to Rodrik and said "Afternoon. I think we need to talk." He nodded and I said "I don't want to fight, if we don't have to. So, I was wondering if we could leave the incident that happened the other day in the past and try to become friends." I sighed softly and held out my hand for Rodrik to shake or spit on.

Rodrik glanced at my hand then shook it and said "I didn't know that Hybrids could be so strong." I smiled slightly at the compliment then Rodrik said "So where does everything go from here?" I shrugged and he said "Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded and got back on my bike while he and the other two piled in their car. I had been expecting another fight so for me this was the most pleasant surprise of the day. I watched them drive off and gunned my engine. When I was sure my bike was ready I started for home not thinking about anything other than the road.

Along the way I saw the group of jerks from earlier and something inside me made me pull over. I got off my bike and walked up to the leader of the group just as he picked up a scrawny looking guy by his shirt. The leader glanced at me then said "Pay up you skinny little runt. I know for a fact you owe us protection money for your store." I growled softly thinking the only thing he needed protection from was them. One of the tougher looking idiots in the group moved to get in my way and I pushed him without paying attention. The leader set the poor guy down then turned and looked at me. I smiled slightly and he said "Beat it kid, we adults have some buisness to discuss that you wouldn't understand." As the leader spoke I noticed his gang had grabbed the poor guy by his arms and held him from running.

I sighed and said "Leave him alone or else I'm going to kick all of your asses." This made all of them except the leader start laughing. The scrawny guy looked at me and motioned for me to run. I smiled at him then turned back to the leader and said "You have two minutes to let him go. If not I swear to whatever deities exist that I will beat you to the point your own parents wouldn't recognize you." He stared at me and I growled softly feeling my teeth sharpen from the dull canines they usually were to full on points. He blinked and I said "You're down to one minute. Make up your mind."

The rest of his group moved in until he held up a hand and said "Fine, let the shrimp go, but this punk is going to take his place." I sighed after hearing that then watched the guy walking away and smiled to myself. My anger had been burning under the surface so them challenging me to a fight when no civilians were around was like someone signing their own death warrant. They looked at me and the head of their pack who happened to be a large black furred lion. I grinned to myself as I assessed his group. It consisted of himself, an albino hyena, an overly muscled stallion, a blue furred Badger, and a red furred canine.

I stretched out then jumped back and took off my shirt so it wouldn't get in the way since I had more than one opponent and was unwilling to use my weapons. I growled softly as the badger rushed at me while the canine tried to sneak behind me. I sighed noticing that most of them had formed a wall to the sides preventing me from going any direction except forward or backward. I slammed my knee up into the badgers groin leting his forward momentum cause him to crush his own sack. I inwardly winced when I heard him start screaming in pain then kicked backward to nail the canine in the shoulder.

However I didnt' notice the lion who was leading the group walking up and slamming his claws at my side until it was to late. I screamed in pain as his claws piered my ribcage then swung my arm knocking him back. I looked at the lion and he stated "First blood." in a dull voice like it hardly mattered. I grinned to myself and slammed my leg around into the badgers head as he started to get up then jumped out of their little ring. I knew I was being reckless, but by this point I didn't care. I ran a finger through the blood on my side and licked it off without really noticing I did it. The lion smiled and said "You're not as weak as I thought, you cried out in pain, but that's it."

I rushed forward and dug my claws into his stomach and said in his ear "First blood doesn't matter, it's last blood that counts." The more I fought the more I felt as if the conscious part of me was being pushed back. The lion laughed softly until I dug my claws in deep then ripped them out. The lion grimaced but didn't make a sound and the part of me that was still conscious had to fight to hold bakck from tearing him to shreds. I kicked him back then turned and slammed my fist into the stallion's side. All of a sudden I felt a burning pain in my back then heard a manical laugh. I glanced back to see the Hyena with blood on his claws.

I growled softly feeling that part of me that wanted blood rush up and slammd into the hyena. He fell over because his feet weren't set right and I used my momenturm to crack his skull on the sidewalk. I got off him just as the canine did a bodyslam causing the two of them pain since he didn't count on me moving. I glared at them then turned away to check on the lion. He was slowly pulling the badger to his feet. I snarled and he said "Boys, let's leave this kid alone, he seems to want to play for keeps if we keep this up." That set the rational part of my brain working whcih caused my claws and teeth to revert to their normal status. I shook my head slowly and the lion said "You may want to get yourself checked out kid." then gave a slight nod to the stallion who was getting up behind me. I turned around and punched him in the throat as he rushed forward preparing to break my spine.He fell back holding his crushed windpipe and making choking noises.

A fur who saw all of this pulled out her cellphone and called the police. As I turned away from the stallion the canine and the lion tackled me to the ground. I snarled starting to lose control of myself as the hyena and the badger walked up with knives in their hands. The badger smiled and said "Let's see how you like being nudered you little punk." I snarled and kicked out because neither the lion nor the badger had thought about my legs. My foot grazed the knife, but because of my shoe was unharmed. My kick did knock the knife out of his hand and into the dirt a few feet away. However I didn't hurt his hand like I'd intended to do, so he kept advancing toward me. I sighed and kicked out cutting him with my claws and knocking him back. The Hyena threw his knife and ran as my body started to slowly change.

I snarled and said "I hope you three are prepared to join your horse friend, since your Hyena friend got smart and left." The bones in my arms started to crack and shift position. My legs which were more canine than human shfited up and became more dense. My face elongated into a muzzle and my chest started to crack outward. The Lion and the canine both let go of me with worried looks on their faces. I rolled over onto my stomach as my spine started to shift and elongate. After what seemed like hours of fiery pain, but was really only a couple of minutes I stood up on all fours as a feral wolf. My markings had spread out and now covered my entire body. My fangs and claws were a few inches longer than a true feral, and I was slightly larger, however if someone hadn't seen a feral before they would assume I was a normal one. This was because of the rumors that people spread around when the zoo's were shut down and the animals were released. I snarled at them and the three of them grouped together.

After trying to make my body change back I realized my conscious mind was just a spectator and my Feral side was in control. The lion looked at me and yelled "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!!!!!! " My feral side growled and tackled him bit down on his throat. As soon as he tasted blood he started shaking his head wildly. I had to stare through his eyes into the lion's face until the light went out from behind his eyes. The badger who'd been cowering in terror got up and slammed a large iron bar into our back. We yelped then turned around and bit down on his arm. I noticed that I had a bit more control and let go then forced my body back to it's normal form.

I looked at hte badger and said "Get lost, before you get hurt even worse." He growled and threw the bar hitting me in the head then ran away yelling about monsters. The fur who'd seen the start of the fight, had missed me changing and only saw the badger, canine, and hyena running away after the fight. She walked up and I said "Maam when the police arrive tell them to come to the hospital and look for Jake Shadow Wolf, I'll explain everything." I limped to the hospital holding my side which had torn open even further when I shifted back and forth. I limped into the hospital and the receptionist took one look at me then called in a high alert. A few doctors showed up and I asked them "You guys mind giving me a room and a blood transfusion?" They started to ask me why only a transfussion, however when they saw the look in my eyes and nodded.

The nutse smiled at me adn said "You'll be staying in room 401, do you have a problem with that?" I shook my head and she walked out from behind the reception desk and headed for the stairs. I stared longingly at the elevator then followed her. When we got to the steps she stopped and looked at me. After a few seconds she said "Would you prefer to ride the elevator with how banged up you are?" I shook my head and she started up the stairs. When she was up about three steps I silently berated myself for being stubborn and proud then followed her. After letting out a big sigh I walked a little faster so I could stay next to her. She smiled at me and said "Are you the one who helped the guy who came in here with a dislocated shoulder?" I blinked and she said "He was a skinny guy, he said a bunch of thugs were attacking him."

I nodded slightly and said "Yeah, that's where all these came from." She smiled and I asked "Is he alright?" She nodded again so I let the matter rest there. When we got to the landing I leaned on the wall and caugh my breath. As I stood there I silently berated myself again. She looked at me questioningly and I said "We can go on, just needed a little rest." She nodded adn we started walking again. After a few feet she glanced at me and I said "What's up?" She smiled slightly then just shook her head. I blinked and shook my head thinking that no matter how many I met, women would always surprise me. It took longer to reach the third landing because I was starting to feel weak from blood loss.

She looked at me and asked "Are you sure you want to keep going." I nodded and she started up the steps a bit. I sighed then studied her because I hadn't had the chance downstairs. She was a cat hybrid with blue hair, blue ears, and even a blue tail. I blinked and saw that it was the actual fur/hair color, not a dye job. I smiled slightly then studied her figure. She had a bit more weight than Riena and the others, but it looked good on her. I hadn't paid much attention to her chest, but I noticed she had long shapely legs. After a few steps I noticed her tail was slowly swishing back and forth as she walked moving her skirt around. I shook my head thinking _"Even when I'm injured, I'm an old fashioned horn dog." _ She glanced at me and said "Why are you stopped, Do you need another break?" I shook my head and caught up to her then went past her.

I glanced at her as we walked and asked "So, how many times have you had patients as stubborn as me?" She shrugged and I asked "Lost count?" She shook her head and I stared at her a minute then said "Are you saying I'm more stubborn than anyone else you've ever met?" She shook her head and I said "Then what do you mean by shrugging when I've asked your about other patients who are stubborn."

She laughed and said "The only person I've ever known who seemed as stubborn as you was a kid in new york. He had a broken leg and I had gotten my appendix removed, howevever he tried to cheer me up the entire three days I was there. I even remember he got out of his bed and went onto the roof then walked along the parapet acting like it was normal." I blinked having a vague memory of that and she continued "He told me he had run away from home a few weeks before, and had been living on the street. He told me his leg was broken after he was hit by a car. What he found so funny was the car didn't break his leg, no what broke it was him walking alongside the road and getting it stuck in a hole." I burst out laughing remembering that incident and she said "I thought it was you Jake. How's everything been."

I blinked and went through my memory trying to find the name of who had been in the hospital then said "No way, you can't be Cole." She grinned and I said "I thought your parents were heading to Alaska because they thought New York was to warm." She smiled more and I said "Wait, you were like three years older than me, no wonder you already have a job. I always figured you'd end up doing construction since you wanted to be an architect." Her smile faltered a little and I grabbed her tail making her turn around and smack me. I nearly fell down the stairs except she grabbed my arm as my balance became messed up. I smiled at her and said "Yep you're Cole, but I always thought you were a guy. No offense but when you were younger, you sort of had a tendancy to act boyish. Plus your name is usually masculine."

She laughed and said "I'm still a tomboy, it's just people notice my figure and reallize I'm female." I grinned and the two of us started walking then she said "I see you still get into all sorts of trouble." I shrugged then winced as my shoulder acted up. She blinked and said "I'm guessing today's not the only day you've been in a fight." I nodded and she sighed then said "You always seemed reckless. So why'd you pick a fight with the first group>: I shrugged and she said "You know you're eventually going to have to tell me." I nodded and we walked on in silence for a while then she asked me "So what have you been doing the last few years?"

I grinned and said "Helping my parents work, getting into fights, going crazy, and about two years ago I got shot for trespassing." She stared at me dumbfounded and I said "Other than that I've been going to class at about twenty different schools or so it feels, and slowly losing what little intellegence and control I have to my more animalistic instincts." She stared at me and my eyes flashed to a deep gold that made her jump back. I smiled wolfishly and said "Sorry, just showing you what I meant." We walked up to the landing then she opened a door slowly. I walked in and sat down on the bed. She stared at me and I said " You want the shirt off, fine, but the pants stay." She sighed seeming dissapointed then nodded. I took off my shirt and she exhaled sharply. I glanced down to see that my side was a bloody mess with bits of fabric sticking to my ribs. I'd thought it was a lot weaker when I'd first been hit, but after seeing it I realized I was lucky I hadn't died.

Cole walked over and pulled the pieces of fabric that had dried to my skin off slowly then walked into the bathroom. After a few minutes she came out with a wet sponge and started to slowly clean my side. I growled slightly at the pain. Cole looked at me and said "Are you alright." I nodded and motioned for her to continue while forcing myself to calm down. She finished cleaning my side then said "Roll onto your stomach, I can see blood on your shoulder and arms." I rolled over slowly and heard her gasp in surprise. I glanced back at her and she said "You have deep claw marks all the way down your back, and right next to your spine. How can you handle the pain?" I shrugged not feeling like admitting that my body had grown numb to the pain after the adrenaline rush had ended. She sighed and started scrubbing my back clean. I yelped a few times and she said "Wow, most people would have been yelling in pain, I'm surprised at your tenacity." I sighed and closed my eyes letting my mind ride the pain until the feeling stopped. I opened my eyes and looked at Cole to see her talking to one of the doctors.

She walked back in the room and handed me the blood packet I'd asked for. I smiled and said "Thanks." then tore it open and took a long drink. She stared at me dumbfounded and I said "Don't ask why, I just had the feeling it would help." She nodded and finished cleaning my back then sat down. She looked away and I finished the blood packet then tossed it in the trash and felt my body start to heal. It started with my ribs going back to their normal positions then the blood vessels and the muscle started to knit back together. I grimaced in pain thinking that it hadn't hurt this much to heal when I was asleep. I glanced at Cole and said "How's my back look."

She turned around and let out a gasp of surprise then said "You're backs completely fine. There isn't even a scar." I grinned to myself then growled in pleasure as she ran a hand a long the new skin. I sighed softly when she stopped and thought "I guess when I heal my body is extremely sensitive." Cole glanced at me and smiled then said "I guess, your back's alright, let's check out your side." I rolled over and she started applying pressure to each part of my side slowly. I didn't feel any pain, only a slight wave of pleasure that passed when her pager went off. She sighed and said "Hey Jake, mind giving me your number so we can keep in contact?" I shrugged and plugged my number into her phone then put it away. She smiled and walked off just as the police walked in.

I glanced at them and asked "Did you find the bodies of the Lion and the Stallion?" They nodded and I said "FIrst, I take responsibilty for both deaths, but it was in self defense. Second I have a feeling their group was a tough gang since they killed a guy earlier today." They nodded slowly and I asked "I'm in deep shit, aren't I?" They shook their heads slowly and I said "You want me to give a statement on what happened?" They nodded and I told them everything that happened except my transforming into a feral and back. I leaned back after they left and mummbled "Damn it appears I've ended up getting myself into deep shit, but my name got me out of this situation." After a half hour my Reina, Riss, Marissa, and Vina arrived. I blinked as they walked in and said "How'd you guys find me?" They smiled slightly then pointed at Thowan and Dasher as they walked in.

Dasher grinned and said "I found out from a police officer friend that you were at the hospital. Thowan offered to drive us here when he found out." I looked at Thowan who waved then sat down in a chair out of sight. I sighed softly and Dasher said "So why'd you run out of the house?" I growled softly and the girls made shuushing noises at him. I fell back laughing and Dasher said " Sorry about that, didn't really think before I spoke. I think I'll go wait outside, since you seem to be giving me a 'go die' look." I let the dark look fade from my face as he walked away and saw the girls all leaning in close. I blinked about to ask them if I had something that smelled good on me when Dasher stuck his head in and said "Oh yeah, Brad, Ricky, and Ms. Rianna showed up." The girls jumped back each blushing and I thought "It appears the girls are horny and are embarrased about the guys knowing it."

I laughed softly and saw Thowan with a small smile of his own. He walked over and said "Jake you have to stop butting into other people's buisness." witha small frown on his face. I grinned back basically telling him to forget that. He sighed and said "I hope you know what you're doing, because if anything really big happens to you, everyone you care about will be lost." I blinked and he smiled then walked out as the Sex Ed teacher, Brad, Ricky, and Ms.Rianna walked in. Thowan stuck his head back in and said "Oh yeah, since you're the alpha of the school the new kid wanted to meet you. So they'll be hear before you leave." I blinked then remembered that Rodrik had been alpha before I'd beaten him and sighed in irritation.

Ms.Rianna and th sex ed teacher smiled. I sighed softly and they asked me "Is something wrong Jake?" I shook my head and saw that Brad was arguing with Reina. Ms. Rianna followed my eyes and said "It appears your lover is worried about your friend Brad." I nodded then noticed Ricky was looking like he was lost. I smiled at him and he smiled back then seemed to relax a bit. Ms. Rianna followed my glance again and said "Ricky why don't you and Brad go outside and get some air. You're looking a little pale." He smiled at her in thanks then dragger Brad out of the room. Reina smled at Ms. Rianna and sat down yawning. The sex ed teacher smiled and said "Now that's it's quieter let me introduce myself again I'm Lisa Rain. You can just call me Lisa though."

I smiled slightly and said "Thanks for that information Lisa." She smiled then she and Ms. Rianna left. I sighed and said "Alright girls if you want to maul me you'll have to wait until we get home." Marissa and Riss looked at each then at Reina who sighed. I blinked and said "I hate when you three do that. I know you're communicating but I just can't understand it." They grinned then sat down and I sighed softly. After a few minutes a dragon walked in. I blinked and said "Are you looking for someone?"

They nodded and said "Yeah, I'm looking for Jake Shadow Wolf." I pointed at myself and the girls started sniffing her with a curious look in their eyes. I sighed softly as Kitty and Liz burst in behind them. They turned around and said "Is this the guy, you two were talking about?" They nodded with big smiles and I thought "Crap, these three know each other. That means I'm screwed." They laughed seeing a worried look on my face and the person said "I'm their cousin, Lean." I shivered and she said "Ok, what have they done that scares you this much?" I grinned surprised that Lean could figure out that her cousin's were the cause of my shivers. She smiled, I assumed Lean was a she becasue she had breasts and her name. I was only half right though. I glanced at "her" and "she" said "So do you mind if I stay at your place?"

I shook my head and said "No there's plenty of room. Now that I think of it when I get back I'm moving into the bsement." Everyone stared at me questioningly and I said "Don't worry I'll explain later." The girls growled at me and I said "Let's get home so you guys can "check" on me without worry." Reina jumped into the air with a happy yip then ran outside. I blinked and followed her at a slower pace. When Dasher and Thowan saw me walking out they broke into big grins. All of us headed downstairs and I stopped by the nurses station to get Cole's number.

Ricky and Brad walked in then both said "Jake you're a horn dog." I grinned and mouthed "Wolf not dog." at them. They burst out laughing and said "Ok you're an old horn wolf." I nodded and they both walked back to the car. As they left a boar walked in holding his left arm, and having blood run down his face. I took one look at him and rushed over then held him still. The nurses rushed over about to pull me off until they saw I was stopping the blood flow and injecting the rabbies vaccine into his arm. I stared into his eyes as they started to go back from a maniacal gleam to a bright shine then got to my feet. The nurses led him upstairs and I walked outside glad I'd swiped a few viles of antiviruses along the way.

I saw a "feral" dog across the street with the same look in it's eyes that the boar had. I was still trying to figure out how I'd known the boar was rabid when I saw it. I ran across since it was next to my bike and tackled it then injected a dose of rabies vaccine into its neck. I glanced down into it's eyes and saw them go from raging to attack to scared. I sat up and slowly rubbed it between the ears slowly and said "Hey, you want to go home with me little one? I know how tough the streets can be, and I think you need a place to stay." I noticed Rodrik and his gang were back at the hospital as I got on my bike and put the dog infront of me. The dog looked at me and I said softly "Don't worry I won't let anyone or anything hurt you." It gruffed happily then closed it's eyes as I gunned the engine. I waved to Rodrik then motioned for everyone to start for home.

As we started to leave Rodrik nodded to me then walked into the hospital. I started for home following Thowan and Ricky's cars. After a while I sighed softly and whispered to the dog "My friends are lousy drivers, if I was driving we'd be home an hour ago." The dog seemed to get the joke and whuffed softly. I grinned and said "Well looks like you and I are going to be good friends pup." The dog gruffed again and I laughed softly. After a while the house came into view and I drove through a side path designed for my bike. I drove a long the path weaving slowly and stopped outside the garage. The dog hopped off and I put down the kickstand. I got off the bike and walked in the back door then held it open for the dog. The dog walked in then laid down by the kitchen table. I walked to the fridge and pulled out a pair of steaks then tossed one to it. It scarfed it down and I said "Careful pooch, you may end up choking if you keep eating like that." After a few minutes I walked upstairs and grabbed my sfuff then moved it downstairs.

I knew that when the girls got in I'd have to keep my promise so I moved everything as quick as I could. When I was going back for the last of my clothes which were all I planned on moving just now Sam stopped me halfway down the stairs and said "So you moving out, or just moving your room?" I held up two fingers and kept walking. She followed me and said "So you're moving to the ?" I pointed down then headed through the kitchen into the basement where most of my clothes were at. Sam sighed and said "Is this because of what we did?" I shook my head and she smiled then said "Good because I plan for it to happen again."I stared at her then fell over as she walked out. I started up the stairs and heard the girls walking in. I grinned and headed for my room as I heard Reina yipping in joy.

I laughed softly and muttered "Looks like I'm going to be getting a big workout tonight." I walked up the stairs as Reina rushed into the kitchen. She grabbed onto my arm and started dragging me. I sighed and said "Am I going to get a chance to warm up my libido before we get started?" She nodded with a seductive smile on her face then started running faster her tail wagging erratically. About halfway up the stairs the rest of the girls caught up and swarmed us. Reina growled at them and everyone, other than Lean and Sam, backed off. I blinked and said "I don't like the fact so many chicas want to screw me right now." The girls just laughed then Reina stopped and threw me onto her bed. I blinked and said "Alright, if I'm going to have to keep myself up then atleast let me get my pants off before we begin."

The girls looked at each other then nodded. I slowly took off my shoes, pants, and boxers. I didn't wear socks, and my shirt had been destroyed earlier so I was basically bare to the world. The girls purred and mummbled among themselves then Reina said "I get him first, then Lean, Kitty, Sam, and Liz, then you guys can decide." I blinked as the dog walked in and whispered to it then watched as the girls shut the door behind it when it left. I sighed then let out a soft whuff as the girls started to strip. I couldn't help but stare as they each slowly took off their clothes. About halfway through my member emerged and was rampant. Reina who was down to her underwear walked over and pushed me on my back.

I stared at her then grinned when she kissed me. After about five minutes we stopped kissing and she started to lick her way down my chest and stomach to my sheath. When she saw my cock she said "I think you've grown since last time." I blinked and looked down then had the thought "Maybe I should start measuring myself." Reina smiled up at me then started to slowly lick up my shaft. I reached down and grasped her hips then twisted her around and started to slowly lick at her pussy. She smiled and said "You know this is the third time you've eaten me out." I grinned and started to lick faster. She started to moan then opened her mouth and started to engulf my throbbing shaft. I moaned softly into her pussy causing her to have a minute orgasm." She murred around my shaft and the vibrations drove me wild. I started lapping at her dripping cunny even faster trying to make sure I didn't miss a single drop. She moaned then stopped and said "You get better every time." I smiled to myself then let out a soft yelp as she nipped the tip of my cock. I started to gently suck on her clit then stopped when she was about to orgasm.

She growled and I said "You have me close so don't complain." She turned around and slowly slid down my member. I felt my knot start to inflate and said in her ear "Since your'e sharing me I can't tie with you." She sighed and I said "Just wait until everyone's had their turn, then you and I will have a night to ourselves." She grinned and hugged me around the neck then I thrust up into her. She moaned out and my instincts made me start thrusting hard and fast. I held back just enough that I didn't tie with her, but felt my knot inflate to it's full size. I smiled at her then growled as I felt myself get close. She stared in my eyes and I saw she was also very close. I thrust extremely hard instinct winning out over sense, but my knot wouldn't fit. Reina's body reacted to the feel of my knot and she had an intense orgasm causing me to release deep into her and coat the outside of her womb with my warm spunk.

She sighed and got off me then licked me clean and said "Next." Sam got up slowly and walked over then started to gently nip at my nut sack. I yelped and the things that told me screwing my sister was wrong vanished in waves of lust. She lined her entrance up with my cock slowly then gently rubbed her lower lips over the tip. I tried to thrust up into her, but she held me down and said "Nope, unless you can dominate me properly I'm in charge." My instincts kicked in and I rolled Sam over so I was on top. She smiled up at me then I got off her and motioned for her to roll over onto all fours. She did as I requested then turned back to look at me. I lined the tip of my member up with her entrance and slowly rubbed it along the lips of her sex. After a few seconds I thrust into her hard then bit down on the scruff of her neck. Sam yipped in surprise then moaned as I reached around and started to gently fondle her breasts.

Sam moaned out loudly having only recently been introduced into the wonders of sex. Her breasts were also very sensitive since this was her strongest heat yet. I started to thrust into her slowly. I noticed that her tunnel was hotter than Reina's and wondered if that was because of her heat. My body reacted to the heat by sending out a few jets of pre. I started to thrust faster and gently shook Sam's scruff. Sam looked back at me and whined softly then wrapped her tail around my waiste. I smiled understanding the message and started thrusting faster and harder. I let go of her neck to look back at the girls and saw that Liz and Kitty were having a sixty-nine. This turned me on even more so I bit down on Sam's scruff and started thrust harder and faster. She yelped in joy then moaned as I gently pinched her nipples and rubbed her breasts. She looked back at me as I started to thrust at an even faster pace feeling myself coming close to orgasm. My knot swelled to it's full size as I thrust and finally caused Sam to have a huge orgasm. She let out a long drawn out howl that I joined in as her body convulsed around my hard meat milking me for all I was worth.

After a few minutes I sighed and pulled out of her. I shook off then said "I'm going to take a shower. You girls can relax or whatever. I'll be back in about twenty minutes." I walked out of Reina's room and headed downstairs since I knew the shower down there could get really hot. When I got into the hallway however I saw Brad and Ricky having sex. Ricky was burried up to the hilt in Brad's ass. I smiled at them and said "Have fun gentleman." Then headed into the bathroom and turned on the shower. After a few minutes I stared in the mirror and said "Sad thing is after the shower and a drink of water I can keep going. So what's happening to me?" When the water was hot I got in and let my body relax.

After about a half hour I got out of the shower and headed to the kitchen wtih a towel around my waiste. When I got to the kitchen I grabbed a bottle of soda and an apple then sat down and started eating. I ate slowly savoring the taste and trying to let my mind settle. After about fifteen minutes I finished my soda and my apple because of how slowly I ate and headed back upstairs. When I got in the room I was tackled by Lean who bent down and started licking my sheath which had softened while I was downstairs. I sighed and let her go until I was rampant then pushe hir up against the wall and thrust into her pussy. I started to run my hands down her body as I thurst into her and felt something I didn't thinbk should be there. She was actually a herm. I smiled to myself and said softly "I guess I can check screweing a herm off my list." Shi laughed softly then started struggling so I bit hir neck. I started thrusting faster because I smelt a female in heat. I had the feeling that my pheremone was working on hir just like any of the other girls.

After a few minutes I started to fondle her breasts slowly with one hand while stroking her off with the other. Hir tail wrapped around my waiste so I started going harder and faster. Shi smiled and said "I guess I see why people like letting you dominate them." I growled softly implying shi hadn't seen anything yet and started thrusting harder while biting down on her neck. Shi let out a soft roar then moaned softly as I fondled hir balls and breasts. After about five minutes I felt my orgasm approaching and noticed that hir shaft was rampant. I growled softly in hir ear and shi said "I'm so close, don't stop now, please!" I grinned and stroked hir tail knowing instinctively that it was a errogenous zone and bit down harder seeing as how shi like being dominated. When I reached down and touched hir cock one last time shi let loose a mighty roar as shi had an overpowering orgasm. Hir orgasm triggered mine and I bit down on hir neck instinctively while digging my claws into her hips.

When I pulled out of hir, shi collapsed. I grinned and said "You guys owe me ten minutes of sleep then you can come get me." They nodded and I opened the door then turned around and said "I don't care what anyone thinks, the people who stay at this house are my family. Someone messes with one of us, they mess wtih all of us. Remember that if you ever need any help. Also tell the others for me." I walked out to my room then collapsed on my bed. For once I was to tired to think so I just laid their and prepared to sleep. After a few minutes I mummbled "I guess, I'm the head of this family now, so maybe they were right to call it project Alpha after all."

Thanks for Reading Chapter 5. Sorry for the late, but I think this chapter was well worth it, and I'm tryign to dish out as many chapters as I can before the 22nd because then I'll have to be off for a week. However when I get back I'll try cranking out a few chapters to make up for it. I'm taking a break so the next Chapter is really just going to be a filler letting you guys know more about the characters and summarizing the story so far. Also I need more characters so if you want to be a part of Gene High, send me a PM with your info. If you need to know what that entails just ask in a comment or PM. See you next upload.

Sincerely your Esteemed Author Jake ShadowWolf.