An Unplanned Break

Story by akeroh on SoFurry

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#6 of Vores

This was a story I wrote for my good friend, Wolfywetfurr, while he was having a particularly bad time with a call-center-based food ordering company he was working for at the time. He was incredibly stressed and the job was, frankly, awful, so I decided that I could cheer him up.

As such, before wolfy starts his shift, it turns out that Akeroh has other ideas. He'll be taking an unplanned break (quite a black mark against him for that company) in his pet dragon's belly! He still has a few points left, even after this, so it'll probably be fine.

Either way, it's still way better than watching his poor owner stare at that unhappy glowybox all day! He doesn't even like it.

"Man, I really don't want to go to work." Wolfy rumbled, mostly to himself.

The wolf sighed, kicking his feet to spin around in his chair. He watched his office spin around him, from his closet to his personal computer, to the simple black monolith on loan from work. His login background blinked coquettishly at him, the mouse subtly jostled by his movements to promise a day of shirking, way from the constant flow of customers. Another spin made those colors melt into a blur until he slowed to a halt in front of the dark screen of his work computer. The headset rested on the keyboard, its foam earpiece dented enough by long wear that it only mostly crushed his ear in through the workday.

He sighed again, shaking his head as he glanced up at the clock. He had fifteen more minutes before he had to clock in. He might as well get it started up before he ended up late. He pressed the button and with a whirr, the machine began to rumble to life. Wolfy shook his head, rocking back in his chair. There wasn't enough time to do anything but wait.

Akeroh poked his head in through the crack, nosing the office door open with a creak. Wolfy glanced over to the collared dragon, reaching down to offer both hands. With a wagging tail, the green drake hopped over to greet the anthro. He shoved his muzzle in between Wolfy's paws, demanding the scritches and pets that were going to be given to him anyway. "Mn, good morning, boy. I thought your lazy scales were going to snooze all morning." He said.

The dragon rumbled lightly in reply, his muzzle nuzzling firmly between the wolf's paws and against his thighs. He sat down after a moment, tugging Wolfy's rolling chair forward a few inches as his head turned to the side. Wolfy obliged, gently scratching his claws behind the drake's warm earfrills. Akeroh's tail thumped against the ground and it wasn't long until his tongue dripped out of the side of his muzzle. Wolfy shook his head, burning a couple minutes running his pads and claws over the dragon's muzzle and skull, even gently squeezing and rubbing along the plush, leathery flesh of his frills.

It couldn't last forever, as much as the dragon assumed it would. Wolfy gave his pet's head a few more pats before straightening up in his chair, starting to turn to log into his computer. Before he could get more than a few characters in, Akeroh's paw settled onto his thigh and twisted his chair back around. "Hey, I've gotta ge-oh!" He started.

As soon as his hips had turned back around, the dragon's muzzle planted itself firmly between Wolfy's thighs. Akeroh's big forepaws rested on his thighs, keeping his legs forced apart. His intentions were obvious; his plush tongue dragged over the crotch of the wolf's pants between nips as he tried to catch Wolfy's zipper in his teeth.

Wolfy's heart pounded and he let out a soft gasp at the dragon's oral assault on his pants. He glanced at the clock before reaching down to fondle his belt buckle. Akeroh's tongue didn't stop, smooshing between fingers and over cloth alike as he gave long, slow slurps over the canine's crotch. "Well, mnf, good boy... I guess nine minutes is enough for a quicky, right?" He asked.

His tongue stroked even more firmly in reply. Wolfy felt his knotted dick throbbing and straining against his jeans, demanding to be freed almost as insistently as the dragon desired. He was happy to oblige, though his fingers were slick with saliva by the time he pulled his dick through his fly.

A sharp gasp hissed through his teeth as his fingers wrapped around his knot and the dragon's tongue met the naked flesh of his shaft. He was rock hard already, with the dragon's paws pinning his legs apart and that muzzle working so eagerly between his legs. The feeling of the dragon's hot, plush tongue against his shaft made his toes grab the carpet. He didn't have to imagine for more than a few moments, however.

Akeroh pushed himself in and one paw slid up from his thighs to press against his belly. His leg and hips were mostly covered in the drake's big paws and forelimbs to partially occlude his view, but Wolfy didn't need a perfect front row to know exactly what was happening. He let out a hot hiss and his free hand gripped the arm of his chair as the dragon's tongue drew his cock directly into his hot muzzle. The draogn's tongue wrapped around his cock and squeezed the shaft as his tip dragged across the roof of the dragon's mouth, until his drippy tip was prodding the back of the dragon's throat and his knot met Akeroh's lips.

The dragon's muzzle didn't stop there. Another shiver jerked Wolfy in his chair when his cocktip slipped into the dragon's throat and the drake's plush lips locked around his knot, trapping his fingers in the male's wet maw. That tongue squeezed between his fingers and worked along the swell of his canine cock. The rest of the muscle worked along the male's shaft like a coiled snake, squeezing and sliding smoothly along it as the tip of his tongue strained to touch as much of the wolf's dick as it could. Saliva dripped down over Wolfy's loose sac and he pushed his hips forward, partially to attempt to keep the dampness from his cushion but mostly to sink his cock deeper into his pet's muzzle. "Oh, gosh, oooh, gooosh..." He managed.

He could have sworn he saw Akeroh wink. The expression was gone before he could think about it, especially as the dragon's big paws shifted again to push his hips back hard, pinning him firmly down against his chair. His wet fingers shakily released his cock to rest on the dragon's muzzle. Glistening strands of saliva, strung with bight pearls, linked his fingers to the dragon's lips. As soon as his fingers were out of the way, Akeroh began to redouble his efforts. His muzzle started to pump along the wolf's shaft, his paw toes gripping and rubbing at Wolfy's belly and leg.

Precum was already drooling onto the dragon's tongue. He gulped it down audibly each time the tip of the wolf's cock slipped out of his throat. With his tongue continuing to assault the wolf's shaft, Wolfy couldn't do anything but push his fingers against the dragon's snout and dig into his armrest. He was barely able to keep his wits about him enough to keep his claws from digging into the pad.

Akeroh was completely focused on that cock. His tail swayed happily from side to side as he bobbed quickly along the canine's cock. He loved the feel of the stiff flesh grinding along his tongue and working against his muzzle. The male's cock was just soft enough to give his tongue a bit of give, but that rod was hard in his muzzle. The drake loved feeling just how aroused his muzzle made the wolf, and by the way he squirmed under his paws, he knew that Wolfy loved it just as much.

He began to bob faster on his owner, his tag jingling against his beefy green collar. The soft noise complimented the rhymic squeaks of the chair as well as the intermittent, lewd slurping sounds of his muzzle bobbing over the wolf's cock. Wolfy's panting also timed out the moments, though not nearly as accurately as his racing heart.

His eyes were locked onto the view of the dragon's muzzle. His pet looked gorgeous like that--with his forepaw pushing against his belly to let his whole maw disappear with each bob, letting the dragon peer up at him each time he fit the whole of his cock into his muzzle. His hand rode the dragon's head, feeling his smooth, small scales and leathery fins as the dragon's strong neck pumped his head up and down. The drake's bright turquoise eyes locked with his. He could almost hear the dragon dirty talking to him while he held eye contact. It was a silly thought, considering his pet's lack of vocal ability, but he could tell that exactly how much the dragon loved sucking his cock. "A-ah, gosh, Akeroh... Oh, wow... Gonna cum..." He warned.

The dragon knew that one. Wolfy wasn't sure if it was a phrase he'd accidentally trained into him or if the dragon actually did know exactly what it meant. Either way, it translated to the dragon bobbing faster and working harder along his cock. Akeroh's digits squeezed along his thigh and pressed in against his belly. Wolfy let out a needy moan and bucked forward against the dragon's legs, his whole form shivering as he peaked.

Those blue eyes kept contact with Wolfy's darker pair the whole time. The wolf's eyes were locked open as he watched his cock pulse in the dragon's muzzle underneath those big paws, pouring the first large shots into his maw. As he watched, Akeroh pulled back to leave his tongue collared around the tip of his twitching, bright red cock, aiming his shaft up. Strands of seed splashed over Akeroh's face and dripped off his tongue. He paused for a moment, audibly gulping as the wolf's orgasm tapered off.

Wolfy was left panting. He shivered and gasped through his teeth, his fingers clenching over Akeroh's head as the dragon leaned right back in to wind his tongue around the wolf's twitching shaft. He sucked it clean, forcing shivers out of the canine, before he finally let off. He sat back to lick his chops, letting Wolfy's softening dick twitch in front of him. Wolfy panted eagerly, closing his eyes for a moment to block out the view of his pet, his face soaked in cum. "Oh, ohh gosh. I needed that, Akeroh." He mumbled.

The dragon rumbled happily in reply, reaching up to wipe half his muzzle off with a forepaw, before flopping down onto his belly to lap his sticky paws clean. Wolfy looked down at his damp crotch, his hands settling on the armrests as he prepared to push himself up to clean himself up. His eyes caught the clock.

He was already a minute late. He grunted and sighed, spinning back around to fiddle with the computer and finish logging in. He grabbed the headset and settled it carefully onto his head as corporates' icon spun on his screen. He was back in the queue and he wasn't looking forward to another day of this. At least, it looked like it was going to be a slow day. Usually it started right away, but there weren't any calls in yet.

Wet warmth pressed in against his toes. He glanced down to spot the dragon squeezing under his desk from the backside, his paws placed on either side of his feet while the dragon's tongue stroked along the tops of both his paws. He huffed softly, his cock twitching again as he pulled his paws back. Akeroh's forepaws caught them, settling down on top as his tongue kept working over his toes. "C'mon, Akeroh, I gotta get to work..."

It was Akeroh's turn to huff as those paws pulled more firmly away from him. He scooted forward a bit to give chase but the wolf lifted his paws, plopping them down on the dragon's back. The dragon squirmed back and forth underfoot, partially trapped underneath the desk. Content enough for now, Wolfy took a deep breath and answered his first call. "Welcome to, ah, Red Rocket. How can I..." He began.

Akeroh huffed impudently. He squirmed under the anthro's paws until they dropped off to either side of them as Wolfy got caught up talking to that silly glowy computerbox again. He was right here! Akeroh certainly knew the allure of pretty shiny things, but dragons were way more important than the weird table box. He knew exactly how to get the wolf's attention again, though. He'd just have to be a little careful with his intentions.

Distracted, Wolfy didn't notice as the dragon's ministrations stopped for a few minutes. He was busy clicking through his queue and working his way through customers. It was busy enough to be engrossing, but not enough to go by quickly.

After some clever shifting and squirming, the dragon was in the right position. He wiggled up on his back until his snout bumped the canine's toes. His tongue snaked out of his muzzle and began to the process of working over the wolf's feetpaws, working carefully and slowly. He knew exactly where to press and work to get the distracted worker to absentmindedly shift.

Finally, he had the wolf right where he wanted him, with both his paws stacked on his muzzle. His forepaws reached up to support and knead them slowly while his tongue ran along the male's soles. His sensitive ear frills picked up the male's faster breathing. He took an extra guilty pleasure each time he heard a slight gasp or moan filter into Wolfy's script.

Several minutes later, Akeroh moved to the next step of his plan. The wolf had become accustomed to his tongue and his paws; when Akeroh tested his concentration by sliding half the male's paw into his muzzle, he barely squirmed in his chair. The dragon managed to muffle his grin enough to prevent his teeth from poking the male's sole.

Akeroh pushed his luck a few more times. His tongue pushed and worked against the wolf's sole as the whole of that paw sank into his muzzle. He glanced up between his owner's spread knees as he closed his lips. The wolf's cock was out of his sheath and throbbing against his belly. He could see Wolfy trying to fight his desire to drop his hand down to enjoy it. Akeroh relaxed for a moment with the feel of his friend's toes pressing and kneading against his tongue while he watched his friend's cock throb. "Sorry, sorry. I was just stretching." Wolfy mumbled above him.

He took his time, letting Wolfy adjust completely to the feeling of his paw inside of the dragon's muzzle. Akeroh waited, reading the male's distraction by the way the toes splayed or rested against the back of his tongue. He kept his breathing slow, but he had to shift and adjust to allow his erections space against the rough carpet. His forepaws carefully slid forward to massage slowly along the top of the wolf's other foot. He kneaded gently along that foot for a little while before both his paws snuck in under Wolfy's paw. He carefully dropped his muzzle back down, feeling the wolf's foot move in his muzzle. With the other foot lifted on his paws, he snuck his lips around the other set of the wolf's toes.

His warm tongue snaked along the male's toes and along the underside of his paw. Wolfy's toes splayed, but it was obvious that he didn't suspect anything. Akeroh grinned despite himself as his owner's foot pressed in beside the one already in his muzzle. He paused there for a moment, letting his tongue snake along the male's soles and back around his ankles. "Yeah, just stretching again. My apologies." Wolfy mumbled, "That'll be seventeen eighty two."

Akeroh waited until the call had gone by. He felt Wolfy take a moment to splay his toes against the back of his dragon's tongue in the few spare moments before the next call. Once Akeroh heard the canine's starting speech and felt those toes go still in his muzzle, he made his move. His maw crept forward and with a trained, relaxed throat, he gently nestled half of the male's paws into his throat. His tail swayed slowly behind him as his whole concentration was on feeling those paws creep into his throat and his lips creep slowly up the wolf's shins.

He tried not to squirm as the wolf's toes splayed and wiggled inside of his throat. He could feel them bulging his throat out, and he paused to stifle his movements before the stretching, strange pleasure subsided. The dragon held as still as he could for a few extra seconds, making sure that the wolf was still babbling away on the phone.

Confident that the canine was distracted again, Akeroh's eyes locked onto the male's stiff shaft. He made a little bit of a game out of his actions, timing his slight gulps to the visible, rhythmic throbs of the wolf's cock. It could have contributed to Wolfy's comfort, but Akeroh had had enough practice that the sensations weren't too overwhelming. Either way, Akeroh stifled his grin to avoid brushing his teeth along the wolf's shins as his lips crept towards the wolf's knees. His heart beat faster as he felt the male bulge all the way down his throat. He was forced to pause as the wolf stretched his legs forward, arching his hands up in a squeaky yawn between calls.

He was sure that he'd been busted, so he held perfectly still as the wolf's legs pulled back in his throat. They pumped back and forth and the male's splaying toes pushed against his esophagus. His eyes glanced up past the dog's twitching erection to his lengthened belly and sides. His head was still tilted back and his lower jaw pointed to the ceiling with the wide yawn. However, his hands shot back down to the keyboard as the motion was interrupted by another annoying call.

Akeroh stayed stock-still, imitating a set of long, wet socks until he was sure that the wolf had returned to another completely distracted state. It didn't take too long; the calls came in quickly, and the sound of the big wolf gasping for a breath before the next call started was a common occurrence. After the third of these gasps, Akeroh gulped again and bumped his chin against the pad of the wolf's computer chair.

Warmth drooled down his snout as he jostled a large drop of precum from the dog's cocktip. The male's stiff cock throbbed warmly against his nose and upper lips, and the wolf's balls settled just inside of his muzzle. The dragon paused here, barely able to keep his victorious grin from scratching along Wolfy's legs. He knew it didn't matter now; his friend wouldn't be wiggling out of his throat.

So, he settled in to run his tongue along the inside of the wolf's thighs and along his sac. Wolfy's loose balls rolled against his tongue. They were warm and loose, and the smooth, plush fur of his sac was soft against the dragon's slick muscle. Akeroh could feel the wolf's toes curling deep inside of him and the wolf's legs give a little jostle along his clenching throat, but his tongue only worked harder against the base of his friend's sheath. Wolfy put a hand under the table to push the dragon's head away as he tried to continue enunciating through his call. However, he couldn't budge the dragon's head with his legs firmly anchored in the drake's long throat and the awkward angle under the desk.

The dragon's grin only widened as he felt that hand reach back up to accept the next call. Akeroh was determined to make it difficult for his buddy now; his tongue slid all the way up from the wolf's balls to the tip of his cock before winding around the middle of the wolf's shaft. It squeezed nimbly around it, pushing the end of the wolf's cock against his snout and pushing his tongue back against the swell of the dog's knot as it tensioned against the stiff meat of Wolfy's cock. Akeroh heard the dog gasp and mutter a stammered apology even as his shaft splattered precum over the dragon's face. Akeroh's tongue started to work slowly up and down the wolf's cock, and he stifled a giggle against the wolf's legs as he felt Wolfy's whole form shiver when his tongue squeezed along the tip of the canine's shaft.

Finally, Wolfy concluded the call and tossed his headset onto the keyboard, leaning down to place both hands on the dragon's muzzle. He tried to push, but he felt quite a bit of strange tension that prevented the dragon from budging. Akeroh felt his friend's legs move inside of his neck as he squirmed, trying to peek under the desk to see what was keeping the dragon so close. Akeroh grinned and Wolfy's eyes widened as he saw half his body disappeared inside of the dragon, even as his motions pushed him closer to the edge of his seat. Akeroh caught wolfy's eyes and gulped.

Wolfy let out a gasp, barely catching himself on the armrests as most of his hips sank into the hungry dragon's muzzle. His cock throbbed against the roof of the dragon's mouth, rock hard and twitching with sudden arousal. "O-oh, gosh, Akeroh! N-not, not now, I'm at work!" He mumbled.

The dragon lifted himself up slightly, forcing the wolf to focus on balancing the wheeled chair with his palms. Wolfy's legs flexed inside of Akeroh's throat to keep him steady as the dragon's tongue started to prod and explore, in obvious violation of his friend's requests. Wolfy moaned, gasping as his cock throbbed against the roof of the dragon's mouth while the drake's nimble tongue pushed up between his rumpcheeks. "H-haa, bad boy, 'keroh..." He managed to mumble.

The little squeak the wolf made as wet tongue dug at his entrance made Akeroh giggle around the mouthful. Wolfy's cheeks burnt red and his cock throbbed against the roof of Akeroh's mouth, so the dragon nuzzled up a little bit more to let the tip of his tongue sink into that hole. It also let the canine sink another inch into his throat. The insistent pulling of his swallowing muscles was getting to be an unavoidable distraction, but Akeroh was happy enjoying the wolf until then. His tail smacked the legs of the desk as he wagged, and his tongue delved deeper into the wolf.

Akeroh's slick muscle worked deep into the wolf. What little ceremony the dragon managed were just from his changing expressions when he smirked at the noises he pulled from the wolf. Little gasps and whimpers accompanied the squeeze of the male's ring around his tongue. His tongue's heat fought with the warmth of the wolf's velvety tunnel as his tongue began to push up and down, pushing and prodding against the edges of Wolfy's sphincter. Each time, the wolf jerked against the roof of the drake's mouth and his muscles tightened down around the insistent muscle. He couldn't resist it, though. Akeroh's tongue was too slick and far too tapered for the wolf to have any hope of resistance.

He didn't want to resist, though his body still tried to fight. Akeroh's heated, slick tongue squirmed back and forth in his tunnel, and each clench only made that heat penetrate deeper into him. Wolfy had thought he was intimately acquainted with the way that his pet's tongue could reach past his collarbone, but coming from the other side, he continually lost track of how long that tongue was. It wasn't long before he was left gasping and squirming in the dragon's mouth. His legs attempted to pump to try to instinctively wiggle free, but the powerful muscles of his pet kept him from doing anything but slipping deeper into that muzzle.

Warm flesh worked against Wolfy's loose sac as he slipped deeper into Akeroh's muzzle. The dragon gulped, making his stretched throat shift against the male's balls. He treasured the shiver that trembled from the canine's toes to the top of his ears and he spent a moment reinforcing it wit ha few long, deep shoves of his tongue into his friend's rump. With a shivering gasps, Wolfy's knuckles turned white on the armrests as he bucked up against the roof of Akeroh's muzzle.

Hot, salty seed pumped over the roof of Akeroh's mouth, partially glancing off the back of his front teeth. Seed splashed up Wolfy's belly as his ass trembled against the dragon's slick tongue, spastically clenching and working roughly in time with his cock's flexes. That thick canine shaft twitched against the roof of Akeroh's mouth, and the dragon did his best to keep Wolfy from slipping too much deeper as his orgasm pumped into the dragon's muzzle.

Finally, Wolfy looked down again to look at thick strands of seed drooling onto his crotch from the roof of the drake's muzzle and warm tracks of seed up his front from his orgasm. He could see all the way back to the spread throat of the dragon, and saliva dripped off his teeth and down over his hips and belly. He swallowed, just in time to watch the dragon do the same.

Akeroh's grin was unmistakable around his mouthful. His throat squeezed around the canine's thighs in time with Wolfy's gulp, leaving Akeroh to treasure the wide-eyed gasp hanging on his prey's aroused face. Hot flesh enveloped Wolfy's crotch as his hips slid into the dragon's bulging throat, hugged tightly by the feral creature's strong neck. However, the shift was enough to jostle the rolling office chair that Wolfy had chosen as an anchor, and a yelp accompanied the wobble that sent it shifting right out of the anthro's hands.

Hot flesh engulfed the wolf's belly as he lost his support and slid right down the dragon's slick throat. The dragon's grin only widened around him, and he could feel the drake's tongue working up his spine all the way to the back of his head. His chest sank into the dragon's throat with his next gulp and Wolfy suddenly squirmed around to grab at his desk.

The moment that Wolfy's fingers wrapped over the edge of the thick wooden desk, Akeroh decided he wasn't having any of it. He stepped forward, his stiff shafts bobbing between his legs, and pushed the canine back away from the desk as his muzzle pushed forward. Wolfy was immediately up to his chest in hot dragon muzzle, but he'd accomplished his goal.

Clutched in his opposite hand was his phone. Akeroh didn't mind it, but he felt Wolfy relax after snatching it from the table. All the better, he thought, as he took another long gulp. The action forced another moan from Wolfy as his shoulders sank into the dragon's mouth. His head rested on a pillow made from the dragon's tongue and his arms relaxed outside of the drake's mouth.

He could feel the whole of Akeroh's throat squeezing and gulping around him. It was a strangely comforting sensation, like a perverted weighted blanket. Sleek muscle squeezed and tugged on him in a rhythmic pattern, and he watched the dragon's teeth slowly inch away from him. The room was cut off by the dragon's muzzle and his upraised arms, and it seemed like the dragon had done his best to keep from swallowing. He couldn't fight it too long, and slick heat squeezed along Wolfy's sides and his underarms as his head slipped into the male's squeezing throat.

The dragon's happy rumble echoed around him and vibrated against his back. Akeroh's tongue slid around the wolf's muzzle, and Wolfy opened his maw to let that hot, slick muscle slide in against his own. Akeroh dove into the inverted kiss, his long, sleek tongue winding loosely around Wolfy's before slipping a few inches into the wolf's gulping throat. One of his forepaws came up to hold the bulge that his friend's shoulders made in his neck to rub, trying to hold back his body's instinctive gulps.

Akeroh could only hold back for a few moments. His tongue pumped in Wolfy's maw as the incandescent light of the bedroom shrank between his teeth. He could feel the wuff humping up at the base of his throat, and Akeroh closed his eyes, squeezing Wolfy's muzzle with his tongue before he gulped.

Wolfy's hands slid into his muzzle and Akeroh's paws followed the wolf's path down his neck. His throat bulged around the large meal, and his eyes stayed shut as he simply enjoyed the feeling of the squirming stretch traveling down his torso. Finally, his lips closed, trapping the wolf's paws and phone inside of his hot, slick muzzle.

Completely trapped by the hot insides of the dragon, Wolfy let out a muffled moan inside the drake's throat. The dragon slowly stood up, arching his head high to swallow again. The undulating muscles of his strong neck pulled his friend down, and it only took two more dedicated gulps and the assistance of gravity to pull the wolf from his constrictive throat into his cushy belly. He let out a happy sigh and drew back with a few pants, lazily flopping onto his side to examine his swollen gut and the squirming bulge inside. His stiff erections throbbed against the visible bulges of the wolf inside of him, and he couldn't suppress a forced exhale as his friend squirmed around inside of him, getting comfortable.

The drake shivered a bit as Wolfy's motions calmed after a moment as he adopted a curled position inside his cushy, stretching gut. The dragon could feel the wolf's paws pushing out at the base of his gut, and he could even clearly see the male's footpaws pushing out of his gut around his stiff shafts. He shifted, rumbling happily as his hips tucked forward to grind his erections against that squirming belly. His forepaws reached down to knead through his belly, fondling and groping over his friend-turned-meal as the motions settled down inside of him.

Heat surrounded Wolfy. Even the noises seemed warmer around him; the echoing thumps of the dragon's twin hearts and the whoosh of blood around him took on a much more intimate sound than when his head laid against the dragon's chest. Even the dragon's contented rumble echoed through his belly, softened and deepened by the same soft flesh that squeezed against him in a full-body hug. Surprisingly, the only noises that turned sharper were the gurgles and sloshes inside the dragon's belly. To the canine's ears, they were close and unmuted by the usual layers of dragon belly surrounding him.

Wolfy took a moment to enjoy the darkness and the calm of the lounging dragon. He closed his eyes, letting his toes grope through the plush walls of the dragon's stomach at an easily-guessed stiffness that pushed up against the base of that belly. One hand reached down to grope along his stiff erection, still throbbing and drooling the last of his orgasm over his fingers as he cuddle up in that gut.

There was only one more matter of business to attend, besides the halfhearted and ignored scolding of the previously-hungry pet, before he could fully enjoy his consumption. Unnatural light flooded the dragon's belly for a moment, showing him the glistening black flesh clenching around him, before the screen automatically dimmed to the darkness inside the cavern. He dialed a number, then hung up on the first ring as the wetness on the screen caused him to tap the wrong number. Finally, he gave up and went through his previous calls, tapping on his boss's number.

The dragon grinned wide as he heard muffled noises emanating from his gut. He curled in, just enough to jostle the bulge Infinite made in his gut, pressing his earfin against his gurgling belly. "Yessir, I know it's not a common excuse. I mean, I fed him breakfast, he just gets...super hungry sometimes."

"No, I'm not quitting, I just, uh, can't finish out the day in my current state."

"Probably about two days?" Wolfy continued his monologue.

The canine's words halted for a moment, and Akeroh could barely make out a mumble of tinny noises from the inside of his stretched belly.

"Sorry, yeah, that's what those noises are. He'll uh...convert me, then I'll-Sorry, you probably don't need the details."

He could hear the embarrassment in Wolfy's voice and Akeroh's grin spread from earfin to earfin as he imagined the canine's blush, lit by his phone screen. He purred a little more deeply, his shoulders loosening as his head settled into his forepaws. "Yes, I know, my phone is, like, super waterproof. Uhh...I'll call when I can and let you know. Thanks."

"Yessir, I'll have fun, sir." Wolfy's voice got a bit squeakier, and Akeroh's earfin flicked as he heard the intense embarrassment in the canine's voice.

Wolfy went quiet for a few moments, and Akeroh grunted as the canine shifted around again, and then giggled as he heard a muffled shutter sound, followed quickly by the feeling of the canine's other paw darting to the volume button. "Gosh, oops..." Wolfy mumbled.

Akeroh replied with a gurgle and a stretch. His belly mashed against the wolf, working him in place and forcing him to tighten his curl just a bit, but almost as soon as he settled back down he could feel one of the male's arms repetitively stroking. Akeroh licked his lips, smiling at the shifting bulge. He knew better; the wolf was much happier without that colorful deskbox!

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