Drac's Domination 5

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#5 of Drac's Domination

Draconicon puts down a few more lessons and contract examples for Deke, and then goes for a bit of fun with the neighbors. Deke learns a number of lessons about how to be better with himself, and the importance of actually trying things.

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Drac's Domination

Part 5

Sponsored by GlynWolf

By Draconicon

Draconicon was at his computer and makeshift desk for nearly three hours before he finally felt the first tingles of hunger. He looked down at his hands, saw that they weren't quite shaking, but had the first bits of tingles at the edge of his fingers that meant that food would be a good idea in the near future. He closed down the first chapter - saving first, of course - and then put the laptop to the side. Considering that he had been rather deep in that story, he groaned as he came back to himself, rubbing his eyes a few times as he tried to focus on the here and now rather than the fantasy world that, even in the multiverse, didn't quite exist.

Eventually, the world came back into focus. He tapped the side of his head a few times, then sighed.

"Need to stop doing that. Do not need to start experimenting with Hellwalking." The dragon thought about it for a moment, then held up a finger. "Yet. Not yet."

Shaking his head and making a mental note to try that when he was done with...well, everything, out here, he got out of bed. His feet found the floor, and he wobbled as he got to his feet.

Lunch. Definitely lunch.

Waiting for his insides to match up with his proper position, he walked out of the bedroom and back to the kitchen, timing his steps to the thwacking between his thighs. The feeling of his cock hanging down was nothing new, but it was still fun to be reminded of just how big it was, and how much he could show off without even trying.

As he reached the kitchen, he heard the sounds of soft grunts and wet squelching, and a small smile started to creep onto his face. He still went to the fridge to get himself a glass of juice - sugar was needed - but after he had it poured, he walked further down the hall to what amounted to a cross between a study and a guest bedroom. The door wasn't even closed, which meant that either there was nothing happening and the dragon had completely missed his guess, or his slave was a closet exhibitionist.

It turned out to be the latter.

Draconicon smiled as he watched the lion slam his ass down against a toy. It wasn't quite as big as his own cock, but it was big enough to cause some serious stretch. He could see Deke's hole clinging to the tip of that cock, see the way that the rest of the shaft forced that hole out wide. Now and then, the lion pushed too far, too fast, pulling all the way off the dildo and popping it free, and the dragon was treated to a nice gaping view.

Heh...not quite as much as he'll have when I'm done with him, but nice.

It was enough to give him a smile. Glancing around the room, he could see that a few other toys had been used, including a few smaller-sized toys that had been discarded in favor of the newer, bigger one. It was clear that they'd been used from the shine on them, and it was just as clear that the lion loved a lot of lobe.

Something to remember for when he started having his own fun.

He took another sip of the peach juice before walking into the room and shutting the door behind him. The lion didn't seem to notice, and if anything, seemed to ride the dildo that much harder.

Well, at least he's following the command to stretch himself.

Leaning against the wall, he looked around the room for any sign of the notepad. He eventually found it leaning against the wall by his foot, and leaned down to pick it up. Deke kept groaning as he turned the pad around, looking at the part that had already been written on.

Some experience in public speaking, not much in electronics. Has worked retail a couple of times, no more than a month at any one location, he read, flicking through it. Has an interest in performance, but is barely middling in his public speaking class. No skills in music or in creative work, according to what he's written here...

There wasn't much in the way of prompts, though, not in the way that he had been hoping for. Obviously, there had to be something that the lion could do to get through life as a normal person, but there wasn't much here to suggest what it was. For someone that was ostensibly interested in creative work, or performance stuff, there was nothing there to show that he had taken any chances to learn how to, well, perform.

There wasn't even the interest in showing off via some of the streaming platforms out there. He shook his head. Truly, this was going to be a bitch and a half to get to work right, but despite himself, he was starting to get into the challenge. One way or another, he was going to figure it out.

As he put the notepad down, he cleared his throat. Deke yelped, fell back -


And immediately started whimpering as he took the full length of the eleven-inch dildo that, up til that point, he'd only been taking to the halfway mark. The feline slowly rolled to the side, hugging his middle as he whimpered even louder.


"Well, that's what happens when you get too into it, I guess," Draconicon said, shaking his head. He put the cup down before gently lifting the lion to the nearby bed. "How bad?"


"Does it hurt?"


"Just a sudden prod too deep?"


"Okay, that'll pass. Just try not to curl up too much."

He helped the lion sprawl out on his bed, getting as comfortable as one might, and patted the feline on the head.

"There. Now, try and relax."

"Mmmph...that's not...not so easy..."

"Yeah, well, try."

He gently rubbed the lion's stomach, keeping his attention there as much as he could. From personal experience, he knew what it felt like when something too big went too deep before you were ready for it. It felt kind of bruising, and if it was the wrong shape, it could feel rather piercing, as well.

After a few minutes, Deke seemed to come out of it, at least a little bit. The lion stopped trying to pull himself into a ball, and he was able to look up.

"Mmmph...what time is it?"

"About noon," the dragon said.


"How long were you riding that?"

"Um...started...I think I got the writing done first...then started on the small toy around 9:30?"

"So, about two and a half hours ago." He nodded. "That would explain the reason you didn't notice me when I came in."

As Deke nodded, Draconicon had to give the lion credit. He hadn't thought the little 'slave' could keep up with stuff for that long, but it seemed that the feline was in better physical shape than he thought. Definitely something worth remembering for some of the future tasks.

Then again...

He rubbed his hand against the lion's thigh, and both dragon and feline winced.

"...You haven't done that in a while, have you?"


"Yeah, feels like your muscles are on fire."


"I'll get you some ice."


As he got up, he glanced down at the lion's balls. They were quite heavily swollen, unsurprisingly, and he couldn't help but shake his head. At a guess, he'd imagine that Deke didn't know how to get a proper prostate orgasm, and had been hoping to just get close to it and push himself over the rest of the way with desperation. That wasn't going to happen, particularly on the first day that someone was in a chastity cage.

Maybe in a few more, but not today.

He left the room, grabbing a few ice packs. The phone rang, and he floated it up to his head, holding it to his ear as he wrapped them in cloths.


"Hello, dear dragon," Mrs. Totter said.

"Hello, ma'am. What's going on?"

"Oh, I was just hoping I could invite you over for a session tonight. My husband's starting to think he's satisfying again."

"Heh, well, is he?"

"With his tongue, of course, but I don't want him to start getting above himself. Heh. You know how it is."

"Yes, I do, ma'am." He gave the cloth-wrapped cold packs a good squeeze, making sure that the chill was soaking through. "Tonight, huh?"

"Yes. I'm sure that you aren't getting your dick drained properly either, these days."

"Well, I have some potential here."

"I saw the boy. He's not going to be as good as me."

"Well, Mrs. Totter, nobody is."

"Shameless flirt. So, tonight? Around eight?"

"Let's make it seven." He smirked, lowering his voice slightly. "And make sure that you're properly plugged, bitch."

"Mmmph...oh, you tease. I will be...I will be."

"Good girl."

There was the usual happy titter from the other end of the line before the dragon hung up. Shaking his head, he gathered up the ice packs and went back to the guest room and study.

Deke was still groaning, but he had gone back to fondling his chastity cage, so it couldn't have been quite that bad. Draconicon shook his head, using a hint of magic to lift the lion's legs up ever so slightly, and then pushed the ice packs under his thighs.

That got a reaction. Deke yelped, clenching his hands into fists for a moment before calming down again.


"Yeah, well, you needed it," he said, shaking his head. "When your muscles aren't screaming at you, we'll have an exam for the rest of you."

"...How long are you going to keep me in chastity?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I'm...really pent up...and I didn't know I could feel this needy."

"Do you think that you could have felt that way on your own?"


"You could have, if you knew what you were doing. But, I admit, it's always easier with a master," he said, gently rubbing the lion's thighs. "Feels like some of the heat's getting out of there. Feeling any better?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"And you didn't call me by title."

"...Okay, how much can you do to me, really?" Deke asked.

"As much as the contract says, and as much as you didn't limit it."

The lion thumped his head back against the bed, grumbling under his breath, and the dragon smirked to himself. He didn't plan on keeping the lion in chastity that long, really. As he'd thought before, he didn't really enjoy it, and it was clearly something that Deke wasn't entirely ready for. That said, it'd get him used to taking orders for things that he wasn't entirely happy with, and learning how to deal with them.

"Now, do you want to try asking me that again?" Draconicon asked.

The lion slowly rolled his head to look up at him, mane flicking slightly, and Draconicon shrugged. He didn't have to answer, and he felt no pressure to make it easier. Eventually, he would have to learn. If he wanted this as anything more than a fantasy, Deke would have to learn how to do this as something more than a jerk-off fantasy, and with more depth and respect to his actions.

They remained in silence for a time, the dragon occasionally rubbing the lion's thigh muscles to see how they were doing, and the lion occasionally grumbling. He would open his mouth, then close it, looking away.

Eventually, when Draconicon decided to move the ice packs, the lion sighed.

"How long do I have to wear the cage, Master?"

"Until you learn how to cum with it on."


"Considering how much pre-cum you were dripping when I came in, I doubt that'll be long."

"But I'm so pent-up now."

"And imagine how pent-up you'll be in a day or two when you continue to have those prostate 'massages' going on."

Smiling, he got to his feet, floating the ice packs out the door and back to the kitchen. It didn't take much effort, but it still seemed to send little shivers down the lion's spine. He obviously still didn't quite believe what he was seeing, despite obviously being aware of the capabilities. The difference between belief and fantasy, he supposed.

"Anyway, we have something else to talk about besides you getting off."

"What else matters right now?" Deke asked.

"...Quite a bit, actually, since we're also going to be building you up for the rest of your life."


That finally seemed to crack the shell of disbelief, annoyance, and slight self-righteousness the lion had been laboring under for the last little bit. The dragon smiled slightly to himself, nodding.

"Yes, we. Did you think you were just coming to me?"


"Well, you were wrong."

"You aren't whoring me out...are you?" Deke asked, slowly pulling himself up. "That's...that's illegal..."

"No, no, not whoring. More just...specialized training."

The lion's eyes were gradually going wider and wider, as well they should. When he decided to take someone on for training, he took it seriously. If they had only gotten into it for the fantasy, then it was their problem. They were going to be getting what they needed, come hell or high water.

He nodded at the notepad.

"This is going to be important, so tell me right now. Were you honest with yourself with this?" he asked.

"With my...likes, and stuff?"




"...I said what I thought you wanted to hear," Deke said, sighing. "I don't know what to put down on that. I've never known what to put down for those questions."


The black dragon nodded, gesturing for Deke to follow him out to the kitchen. The lion once more did what he was told, and soon, the dragon was seated at the table, and the slave-to-be was on the floor. Draconicon lifted his foot, and the lion half-willingly took it in his hands, massaging along the heel.

"Better," he said, nodding. "You're permitted to lick if you like."

"I don't...I mean..."

"You'll want to, eventually. Trust me, that happens even if I don't try to make it happen."

He wiggled his toes, knowing that a scent combining sweat, natural musk, and a simple foot odor would be fanned by the motion. The slight blankness that always came when someone picked it up filled the lion's eyes, only to fade away when his cock suddenly started twitching against the cage. Deke groaned, cupping his crotch with one hand.


"Yeah, that's going to be a thing for a few days."

"Mmmph...that's not fair..."

"Only until you get used to it. Trust me, it'll make a difference."

"Can...can you at least tell me what to do, please? I'm completely lost."

At least he's asking. It seemed that Deke was the sort of sub that thought that they knew what to do, what was supposed to happen, until they were overwhelmed. Ever since they started with today's work, the lion had been much more open, and much more helpful. Draconicon would reward that.

"Just lean in and start sucking my toes. We'll start with that, and see where we go. I have a few orders to give before I have to start getting ready for something."


"Suck, slave."

He wiggled his toes and the lion obeyed, going down to the digits and giving them soft licks. The feeling of that sandpapery tongue was always a pleasure down there, one reason why felines worked so well as foot-lickers. As he wiggled his toes across the lion's tongue, he crossed his hands over his waist, his cock slowly rising up from the pleasurable feeling down there.

"I'm going to be going next door for a bit of fun tonight."


"The lady of the house is waiting for a chance to have some fun with me again. You might remember she's in a cuckolding relationship with me?"

Deke almost coughed around the dragon's toes at that, but a little pressure from the dragon's tail and a little shove from the front kept him from slipping in his duties.

"I'll be leaving around 7. If you want to come along, you may, but you will abide by specific rules. Those will include no talking, no begging, and no asking to be released from your chastity cage during the time that you are over there. The husband will not be permitted to fuck you, though he will likely ask. You are to say no, regardless of any temptations that you might have. Do you understand, slave?" he asked as he pulled his toes free.

Deke grunted, gradually sticking out his tongue and gagging slightly, but he didn't seem to be bothered by the taste. If anything, he seemed more like he was collecting himself after the surprise revelation. And for once, the slave-to-be actually took a moment or two to think. It seemed that the pressure on him was working a bit, even if it wasn't the direct route to success.

Wonder what that will end up being? he thought.

"...May I ask a few questions, Master?"

"Since you stated the request like that, of course."

"Will, um, you be fucking both of them?"

"The husband orally, not sure about the wife yet. It'll depend on if her ass is too sensitive."

"And I, um...I don't have to do anything?"

"Would you want to, if I said you did?"

"I...I mean...I wouldn't..."

He let the lion's flustered mutterings continue for a minute or so before he chuckled, shaking his head.

"You're new, and they don't know you. They wouldn't feel comfortable with someone else taking an active part, but they'd definitely like an audience," he explained.

"That's...that's it?"

"If you want to come, that's it. You sit in a chair, you watch the big guy get humiliated, and you get to see your master hammering a mare into full-on bitch-hood."


"I'm pretty good at it."

"I'm...I'm sure you are, Master, it's just...it's a lot to think about."

"Well, you have time to decide. Back to licking, slave."

He lifted his foot up, and the lion got back to dragging his tongue along the dragon's foot. A little encouragement brought it back up from light laps to firmer drags, and he sighed as he felt his cock rising up against his hand.

Soon, it was at full erection again. He glanced past it at the lion at his feet, watching as those clawed fingers gripped at his foot a little more tightly, almost like Deke was concerned about being made to do something different. For someone that had gotten into this wanting to be controlled, wanting to be pushed, he was definitely more aware of his limits after having to test them the night before.

Don't worry. You just keep licking my feet, and we'll be fine.

Draconicon idly stroked himself as he looked down at the lion, eventually lifting his other foot to be licked clean. Just as before, the slow, firm licks were just what he licked, and he could hear that the lion was slowly starting to purr from the taste. Or perhaps from the position. Either way, it was hot.

As he edged himself, he slowly brought his damp foot to the lion's chastity cage. He caught the metal tube between two toes, gently tugging it, flicking it, nudging it from side to side. Every time that he gave it a good enough push, Deke whimpered, moaning and huffing against the dragon's sole. It was a lovely little feeling, those hot puffs of air serving to keep his feet nice, warm, and wet.

"Keep licking..."

His tail guided his slave to his foot again, getting him licking along the right spot. Bit by bit, he started to fall into trance again, slipping into the grip of the dragon's musk and pheromones. It wouldn't take long before he was completely in the grip of it again, and when he was, Draconicon planned to give him a few small commands to carry out while he went back to work.

The exam could wait for later. He had writing to do, and this lion had a few tasks to accomplish.

More hours passed, and Draconicon barely bothered to put on a pair of sweat pants before walking to the front door. He allowed Deke to put on his jeans from earlier, but no more than that. They walked down the sidewalk with the lion blushing up a storm, and the black dragon chuckled.

"What's the matter? That nervous?"

"Well, I've never seen something like this for real."

Draconicon arched an eyebrow, curling his fingers as if saying 'more'. Deke took a second, then groaned.

"Sorry. Master."

"Better." He smiled. "Well, it's not that out there. After you see it this time, it probably won't seem that interesting in the future."

"But...but you're the bull here. That's gotta be..."

"Oh, it's an ego trip and a half, but it's also a service. Just watch. You'll see what I mean."

He didn't bother ringing the bell. Both the Mr. and the Mrs. knew that he was coming over. They would have unlocked the door for this. They always loved it when he came in with a bit of a bang. He thrust the door open, and -

"Bitch! Get over here!"

As expected, Deke almost fell over in shock, but the dragon smiled. This was just how it worked. It was how it always worked with this couple.

Barely a second after he'd shouted, Mrs. Totter ran into the living room. Not in any sort of over-hurried way, but definitely in the eager way of a good bitch and a better slut. This mare had been well-trained to love his dick, and she'd been kept waiting for it again for almost a week.

There was a slight blush in her brown-furred cheeks as she saw Deke waiting just outside the door, and as well there should be. She was naked save for a pair of rather soaked red panties, and her breasts were certainly bountiful as any mare's should be. One nipple was pierced, the other not, but they were both quite hard, stiff and full. She bowed her head to him, seeming to put Deke out of her mind.

"Mmmph...it's been too long, sir," she said, her voice completely different to what it had been on the phone, more subservient, more needy. "I've been having to deal with my husband's tongue. You know how much I prefer your cock..."

"Heh, that's because you know what's good for you."

He stepped inside, grabbing her by the shoulder and pulling her close. The mare moaned as she leaned in, running her mouth against his neck with soft kisses. All the while, he had his hand moving down along her spine, towards her ass. His lips turned up in a smile as soon as he felt the curves back there, the tight muscle and the soft fat that covered it.

There really is nothing like horse ass...

Fondling it, pulling the cheeks apart so that the panties pulled in between the hefty cheeks, he spotted the husband standing not that much further back. The stallion, white-furred with a black diamond on his forehead, was certainly a pretty one. Pretty being the right description, rather than handsome, particularly with how bottom-heavy he was. Maybe it was something to do with the breed, but Steven Totter had never been that big a male. His limbs were spindly, slender, and he looked more like a femboy than a stud.

Had the balls, though. Balls that were barely contained in a thong that did nothing to hide the meager horse-cock that he had.

"Deke. Sit in the corner," the dragon told his slave-to-be, and he heard the lion step inside. He waited until he heard the sound of the couch depressing, the soft whoosh of air that came from cushions pressing together, before running his hand under the mare's panties. "Mmm, are you properly plugged, slut?"

"Yes, sir...oh, yes..."

"You know how I like your ass."

"Full until you're here...begging for you to take it..."

"Heh, that's a good bitch. You. Steven."

"Yes, Master?" the stallion asked with a blushing pair of cheeks.

"While your wife dances for me, come over here and get me hard."

And that was when he stopped paying attention to Deke. The lion was here purely as an audience member, and he expected no participation from him. All he wanted was for someone to watch as a scene went well.

The dragon sat down on the couch a few feet away from the lion, leaning back as Steven followed him over. The stallion knelt before him, unzipping his pants and quickly fishing out his cock. Already half-hard in anticipation, he followed his role by mostly ignoring the smaller-dicked horse as he looked up at the hot wife, instead.

Mrs. Totter blushed ever so slightly, but her smile was as wanting as ever, and as confident. She knew how powerful she was, how sexy she was. He had spent weeks getting her to see that, and now, she flaunted it. The big-breasted mare arched her back, swinging her hips to an inaudible beat, showing off just how much her hips swayed and her ass bounced as she started to turn in place.

It didn't take long for the dragon's cock to get hard in the slightest, but he rather loved the feeling of the stallion's mouth on his cock, anyway. He rested his hand on Steven's head, the only acknowledgement that the stallion was going to get before the black dragon had his cock buried balls-deep in the woman in front of him. That was how Steven wanted it, to be rendered something so small, so invisible, that he was nothing but a conduit to the pleasure that his wife felt from someone else.

If I looked down, I'd see him staring up with thanks, with worship, and probably a little bit of envy, Draconicon thought to himself, resisting the urge to shake his head. And then he'd be beyond embarrassed, he'd want to stop the scene as he started questioning himself, and...yeah, let's not break the illusion.

Instead, he watched the lady of the house, his eyes fixed on her ass as she turned to point it towards him. She slowly pulled her panties down, finally revealing the solid steel plug that was deep inside of her. The bottom was marked with black onyx, just a reminder to her of who owned her ass in this little game of theirs. She swayed her ass back and forth slowly, pulling her ass cheeks apart a bit further.

"Mmm, can I milk your cock with my ass, sir?" she asked. "It's been so long since it's gotten a proper filling."

"I'm sure. Back it up, bitch."

Her husband shifted slightly as she backed up towards him, giving her more room. The practiced maneuver was that much more fun as a result, a dance that they had done many times. He reached out, stroking a circle under the bejeweled base, drawing a moan out of the mare. She shivered as he tugged on the plug, teasing her more and more as he almost pulled it free, then let it get sucked back in. A little tug, a little suck, always teasing her a little bit more. She kept shivering, panting, and her untouched pussy continued to dribble.

Before he could pull it free, the dragon heard the soft intake of breath from his side. He glanced at the lion, saw Deke opening his mouth -


He fixed the lion with a firm stare, his eyes glowing ever so slightly. The lion stiffened, then went limp as the dragon's control was reestablished. There would be no interruption to their fun, no sudden questions or pushing for something else to happen. This wasn't his personal porn show. This was the game that the dragon and the horses played, and it was a game that had very specific, unspoken rules. He had already bent them by allowing a live audience, something that they'd discussed before and been alright with. He wasn't going to bend it further for the first time.

Thankful that his white eyes meant that the equines had no idea that he'd looked away, he turned his attention back to them, tugging the plug free with a loud 'pop'. The sight of that flexing donut of a pucker sent a thrill right down to his cock.

"Heh, alright, Steven. Get that mouth off my cock. You've sucked enough of my pre. It's time for your wife to get what she's been craving."

"Mmmph...yes, master..."

And with that, he had the perfect view of the mare's ass. Big, round, the ass cheeks bouncing and twitching as her gaping hole opened and closed for him. She wanted to be filled, alright. She looked over her shoulder, her face the perfect picture of confidence and need, the most erotic combination.

He pulled her back, holding her tightly by the hips, and slooooowly sunk in.

The End

Summary: Draconicon puts down a few more lessons and contract examples for Deke, and then goes for a bit of fun with the neighbors. Deke learns a number of lessons about how to be better with himself, and the importance of actually trying things.

Tags: M/M, M/F, cuckolding, consensual cuckolding, open relationship, master/slave, dragon, lion, equine, stallion, mare, nudity, butt plug, foot fetish, chastity device, mind control, series, Draconicon, domination, toys, practical, oral, fellatio, musk, dildo, anal, pre-cum,