Island Queen: Chapter 3

Story by DraconicXeno on SoFurry

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#27 of Story Commissions

The third chapter in a story commission for S.A.M. on FA: Revolving around his pony character: Sam, and his mate Minuette, when a mysterious dragon comes to their isolated island! Thank you for commissioning me!Previous Chapter

The two looked at each other in stunned silence as the forest fell still. Birds that had scattered in the wake of the fight calmed and the groan of falling trees settled. Yet save for the light wind that gently blew through the dense canopy, there was only one sound to rumble amidst the jungle. Xeno's belly gurgled and gargled like a hungry beast in itself as the still stunned body of the rex wiggled and squirmed within, surely once again regaining full awareness as it found itself deep within the dragon's digestive tract. At the motion, Xeno winced, rubbing the tight bulge like an expectant mother, before a sudden burp caught in their throat and exploded forth.

"Oh... I... I needed a meal like that," Xeno admitted with a blush as rex scales were brought up along with spits of drool. "I was so hungry."

All the while, Sam sat opposite the dragon like some baffled puppy, his wings tight at his side and ears tall. His eyes were wide, filled with a mix of confusion and awe as he awkwardly scuffed a forehoof at the forest floor. Xeno took one glance at the perplexed pony, and instantly the warm buzz that came from a nice, full belly left the dragon's mind as they recalled all that had just transpired.

Oh, by the hive! I tried to eat him! Xeno was lost for words, and for a moment simply felt like running away. Only with a belly three times its natural size filled with a now very active rex, that wasn't going to be so easy.

Umph, stop struggling in there, you're just sustenance for me now! The dragon thought, jabbing a foreclaw at their huge, squirming bump. No prey ever escapes a Xeno-drake belly once they're locked inside!

Oddly, Sam seemed to regard the wiggling mass with a captivated fascination, the glow of Xeno's internal digestion shimmering in the equine's eyes as he stared at the rounded mass. It was almost as if the pony were suddenly obsessed with it, like he wanted it somehow. Before Xeno knew it, Sam stood up, slowly trotting over as if locked in a trance. His wings ruffled, his tail swished and he reached out a forehoof as if trying to catch the green glow in his grip.

"Y-you... you ate him?" he stammered meekly, now only inches from Xeno's belly. "That rex was only a little smaller than Minuette and you ate him!?"

The declarations felt more as if the pony were trying to prove the reality more to himself rather than the dragon. Nonetheless, Xeno blushed. If only hoping Sam wouldn't also recall that they'd tried to eat him mere seconds before too.

Then again, the rex was also about to eat him, so what was I supposed to do? The dragon wondered as Sam finally rested his forehoof on their huge belly and started to rub gently. Oh... by the hive... that... that feels so good!

Like a huge puppy, Xeno flopped to the floor, scattering leaves and mud as they did so, while more birds flitted in the trees. Enhanced to about three times their normal size, the dragon was a true monster. Even the strongest trees bent and buckled under their mass, as if to bow before a new ruler. All the while Sam took a step back, peering at the forehoof that had just graced Xeno's scales as if it were made from solid gold.

"By Celestia, I don't know if I should ever wash this again," he muttered under his breath as if still locked in the claws of Xeno's hypnotizing gut. "Y-you're belly... It's so wonderful, big and loud and... You were gonna put me in it!"

The moment those words left the pony's mouth, Xeno winced and folded a wing over their huge bump, hiding the far bigger mass best they could as it gurgled up a storm.

"I... I..." The dragon stammered, sure they could come up with some kind of excuse that didn't make them seem like some greedy beast. But one look at the pony, seeing the conflict of adoration and dread on his face, and Xeno knew they couldn't lie.

"Look, Sam..."

A sigh seeped between the dragon's fangs as the words left them, head drooping as they went on with the same defeated tone.

"I... I've not eaten like this in years and..." Xeno swallowed their words, dreading the confession. "Well, yes... Once, my kind ate ponies... I ate ponies!" They jabbed a claw at their chest. "But I ran away from all that, the same way you ran away from other ponies to come here."

Doing their best, Xeno tried to sit up. Yet with the weight of the rex and its furious struggle to break free, they barely managed to simply lift their head. The dragon winced at the pressure, feeling kicks and thrashes as the rex was passed deeper into their second set of stomachs, where the fluids of digestion began to set in. There a bloom of sustenance and warmth started to fill the dragon, the sensation of hunger greatly diminishing as the rex was converted into nourishment.

Even so, it did little to make up for what they'd done. I tried to eat Sam, my friend, how can I sit here and ask him to forgive me?

For his part, Sam seemed to be quite content simply listening to the dragon. He'd sat down before the full drake like an obedient hound, seeming to hang on every word as he peered at their huge belly. Yet he said little, and every moment of uneasy quiet made Xeno shiver with remorse.

So he really does hate me? They thought as their head flopped to the floor, feeling as submissive as Sam looked. I need to leave, but this stupid, full belly is too big and heavy!

"S-Sam, look... I-I'm sorry! But I'm not going to ask you to forgive me, when I'm done with this meal, I'll just fly off and leave you alone," Xeno admitted, and at that, Sam seemed to snap out of whatever trance-like state had gripped him.

He shook his head, ruffled his wings, and flicked his ears. As if he were like some computer system rebooting one step at a time, he scuffed a forehoof at the forest floor before he finally spoke.

"Leave, you want to leave?" he asked, and for a moment, Xeno swore there was a deep sadness in the equine's eyes. "Why would you leave?"

Is he serious, why would I leave other than to keep him safe? The bloated dragon thought, abruptly saying as much. I almost ate him because I lost control!

Even so, at that, despite everything that had transpired, Sam snickered, then rolled onto his back, forehooves clutching his belly as he burst out laughing.

Is he insane? Xeno wondered, giving a confused snort as they cocked their head in utter confusion. He's laughing at a time like this!?

"Hahaha! You're going to leave because you tried to eat me!?" he managed to gasp through his fit of laughter. "By Celestia, if every predator here left after they attempted to eat me, there'd be none left!"

"B-but I lost control, I tried to eat you and I would have if..." Xeno cut themself off, shrinking back as they realized how close they'd been to the unthinkable. "I didn't want to eat you!"

"Exactly, I see that now," Sam suddenly declared as he abruptly stopped laughing and sat bolt upright. "The difference between you and them was that you stopped. You didn't want to, and not because Minuette had to save me like she does with every other predator."

The pony had gone from laughing like a fool to barking facts at Xeno like some kind of drill sergeant, and all the dragon could do was blink as the words stunned them.

"But... I tried to eat you!" Xeno reasoned, but Sam shrugged, ruffling his good wing as he countered swiftly.

"So did Minuette the first time she met me. What matters is she stopped herself, she didn't. Just like you," Sam declared bluntly and Xeno was utterly stumped as the pony added. "Sure, I ran away from her for a few days, but then... things just kinda worked out... She saved me and..." He jabbed a hoof at the dragon. "So did you."

There was no response Xeno could offer that made sense. The pony had the dragon countered at every turn, and that perplexing feeling only grew as Sam added with a sly wink.

"And you looked pretty good doing it." Xeno blushed hard as Sam once again approached their full belly and started to rub. "Oh, this belly, I just want to rub all over it... So full, so wonderful!"

Xeno was blushing so hard it was a wonder the heat in their cheeks didn't set the buzzing flies around them alight as they muttered with an embarrassing squeak.

"We had slave kobolds in the hive for tending to our full bellies once... But if you want to do the job, feel free." The moment the offer left the dragon's mouth, Sam's eyes lit up brighter than the sun itself.

The pony leaped upon the opportunity faster than Xeno had leaped to his rescue. He started to worship the bump as if it were all that mattered to him at that moment. He started to rub and kneed the sleek scales that were pulled taut over the struggling prey, peering down through the slightly translucent flesh to the misty shadow of the rex wriggling deep within. Meanwhile, Xeno purred like a happy house cat as they rolled onto their side, one hind leg sprawled upward as they flexed their talons.

"Oh, that feels so good!" The dragon moaned, voice lost to a deep purr as their tail flicked and wings ruffled. "You're so good at that, how... How did you learn?"

Like some seductive lover, Sam mockingly posed upon Xeno's belly, one forehoof on his hips as he rubbed with the other and smirked ear to ear.

"Well, I've been mated to a giant predator most of my life, so I think I've learned a thing or two," he cooed, lightly running one of his pinion feathers up Xeno's tummy, causing the dragon to shudder and gasp.

"Oh... by the hive!" The dragon winced, feeling better than they ever had as Sam giggled.

"I can tell you like it as much as Minuette does, though not sure she's had a belly this huge!" the pony elaborated, pressing a forehoof into the smooth surface. "Not to mention, I can almost see through it!

"I'm pretty sure he can see you out here too," Xeno giggled, then winced as they felt a strong kick from their prey. "Oof, ouch... Yeah, he's really not happy with what's happening to him."

Sam blinked, almost shoved off the dragon's bump by the strong movements from within before he righted himself with a flap of his wings and pressed his face into the struggling bulge.

"Hey, you, stop struggling in there!" he declared, then started to laugh. "Haha, bet it feels bad knowing you were the one to be eaten in the end, huh? Stupid rex!"

Xeno blushed once more as Sam started to do a little dance on their belly. Like some giddy foal he pranced and flapped his wings, while the prey struggled under him and their belly growled loudly.

"Stupid rex, bullying my new master!" he added, casually pressing a hind hoof into a bulge that popped up, as if ensuring every time the rex reach out it was condemned back to digestion. "We win, you lose!"

"Your new what?" Xeno asked, cocking their head as they thought about what Sam had just called them. In the same instant, the pony paused and glanced at the dragon.

"Well, my master. What else can I call you?" he reasoned, with a shrug. "Minuette is my mate, and here I am rubbing your belly like the kobolds you told me about so... Master fits."

Xeno blinked, lifting a foreclaw and opening their mouth to counter Sam's statement, but no words left their throat as they stammered.

Well, I guess it does make sense. They thought, feeling all the more bashful as Sam grinned. Damn, he's pretty cute when he's like this! Someone to serve me who actually wants to, not a slave?

Xeno was reluctant to say as much, even as a strong kick from the digesting rex forced them to wince and shudder.

"Ouch... He's still fighting," the dragon huffed, flicking the tip of their tail at the bump like a whip. "Stop it, you're not getting out."

"That's right, stop fighting my master!" Sam shouted, jumping and bucking upon the spots the rex tried to reach out. "You're going to be nothing but fat on his hips soon enough!"

"That's..." Xeno's words were stolen by embarrassment. "You really think he'll look good on my hips?"

"Sure, you have a great butt!" Sam assured, slipping from Xeno's belly like a slide to tap on the dragon's thighs. "Mmm, so plump!" The pony rubbed the toned cheeks affectionately, forcing Xeno to blush all the more.

"T-thanks... Sam," they stammered, head bowed behind a wing as the pony sat up and swiftly added.

"Hehe, you look cute when you're shy." He rolled off the dragon's butt and trotted over to their head. "But this maw too, it's wonderful!"

"That's the part of me I really wish you hadn't had to see," Xeno admitted, and Sam rubbed the back of his neck as he confessed.

"I mean, it was a little scary, but thrilling too! It really got my heart racing and I..." He placed a forehoof on Xeno's nose. "I kinda want to see it again."

"You do?" Xeno asked in confusion, and the pony nodded so hard it was a wonder his head didn't fall off. "I mean, I guess you can look."

"Just open it down here, like basking crocs do, I just want a peek!" he assured, and with some hesitation, Xeno pressed their head flat to the ground and opened their glowing-green maw wide. "Oh, master, you're so wonderful!"

Fangs looming over him like stalactites, and drool trailing down in slimy beads, Sam stuck his head into the humid depths of the dragon's maw, almost sitting on Xeno's tongue before he was satisfied.

"Oh, this really gets me going!" he muttered as saliva loomed over his head. "It's so tight and warm, and this tongue... Mmm, it's like a snake! What I wouldn't give to be in its coils sometime!"

Unable to respond with anything more than a wide-open mutter, Xeno could say little in response as they suddenly felt vibrations in the earth, vibrations that seemed to be getting closer.

"Hehe, so cozy too, wonder how that rex felt getting sucked down here," the pony asked, before peering down into the dragon's deep gullet and calling out. "Hey down there, consider yourself lucky that you're becoming part of such a glorious dragon!"

Xeno couldn't help but snicker at that, doing their best to hold their maw open at the pony's funny antics. At least until the vibrations in the earth grew into what was clearly footsteps. Big footsteps.

"Sam? Sam, where are you, I thought I told you to stay in the cave!?" The two heard her voice seconds before they saw the trees part like frail twigs, at which point each of them froze.

"Oh... Hi, honey." Sam, took a deep breath as he lounged on Xeno's tongue and stared right back at a stunned Minuette, before he flared his good wing and cried. "I swear, this isn't what it looks like!"

Eyes wide, the female spinosaurus wordlessly peered at the two for several long moments before she suddenly shook her head and snapped.

"What on earth are you doing in there!?" She barged forward, sending more trees toppling to the ground as Sam leaped up from Xeno's maw and swiftly rushed over. "What on earth is that thing!?"

"It's Xeno, love! They're a shapeshifter, and I'm just getting a good view, that's all!" he responded, doing his best to shake globs of drool from his coat as he stumbled, before ultimately falling flat on his face. "Oof, that stuff is so sticky!"

"Sam, you're a moron!" Minuette called as she curled her tail down to scoop up the fallen pony. "I thought I taught you better than to go wandering into the open mouth of some hungry predator!"

"Well... You see, you did... but..." The pony seemed to have trouble finding words, giving Minuette time to redirect her frustrated attention towards Xeno as she scowled.

"And what about you? I trusted you with him and here I find out that you're not only some monster in disguise, but he's halfway down your throat!" she declared loudly, teeth flashing in a snarl. "I thought you were different to the..."

Her eyes trailed to the dragon's huge belly, seeing kicks and bulges roll under the sleek scales. For a moment she looked oddly impressed, then her legs shuffled, and her tail swayed as if there were something inside her that really liked the view. That was all until she suddenly shook her head, flashing back to reality as she demanded.

"What on earth did you do!? You're huge!" Unable to get a word in edgeways until Minuette jabbed a talon at their huge belly, Xeno blushed and shied away, lifting a wing to hide their bashful reaction as they stammered.

"W-well, you see... We were playing around and I've been so hungry... But I couldn't eat Sam so..." The dragon paused, very unsure if they should tell the dinosaur what they'd tried to do prior to saving Sam.

If I tell her that I tried to eat her mate, she'll hate me forever! Xeno thought, shuddering at the idea. Then again, didn't Sam say she tried to do the same thing once, are we really so different?

Regardless, Xeno neglected to offer that information as Minuette's piercing eyes continued to peer at them with a glare that could melt metal. At least until a new voice finally spoke up, as with a ruffle of his good wing, Sam stood proudly and declared.

"Xeno ate the rex, you know the one that kept giving you all the trouble?" Minuette's eyes darted from the dragon to the pony, before she blinked in stunned surprise.

"Wait, that's the rex?" She jabbed a claw at the slowly softening bulge in Xeno's belly, the prey within surely exhausted as they succumbed to digestion. "That's... Wow... I didn't even think I could swallow him whole."

"Hehe, that's because you just eat them in bits most of the time, love," Sam remarked with a chuckle that made the spinosaurus blush, even as he added. "But the rex tried to eat me again, and while Xeno could have just eaten me, they saved me instead."

"Wait, which of them tried to eat you first?" Minuette asked, voice once again growing into a growl.

Yet while Xeno sank lower and wished they could just drop through the floor and disappear from view, Sam didn't so much as flinch as he lifted his head, looked his mate right in the eyes, and said simply.

"Xeno may have... But, is that any different from what you did our first time?" At that, the small pony had the giant dinosaur utterly baffled, and naught but a flustered breath left her mouth as he smirked and added. "The thrill of you trying to eat me was so sexy, love." He flopped onto the tip of her muzzle like a rag as he purred.

"But the big thing is that you stopped yourself, just like Xeno did." Both predators had no words for the pegasus as he started to chuckle. "Hehe, see, two big, hungry, vicious monsters, and I still catch your tongue without even going into your maws!"

"H-he's right you know?" Xeno was the one to finally break free of their stooper and stammer. "I lost control, wanted to eat him, but... I couldn't. When I saw the rex trying to eat him, I just saw red, I was so hungry."

"Yeah... I... I know the feeling." Minuette admitted, running a claw down the back of her neck as she sighed. "Though a whole rex?"

Xeno blushed. "It's not so hard when you can grow to twice its size," they reasoned, rubbing the gurgling bump in their tummy. "Not that I doubt you could have done it."

"Well, it takes a lot of effort," she confessed, earning a small snicker from Sam as she shot him a stern glance. "What's so funny, feather ball?"

"Hehe, just..." The equine pressed two forehooves to his muzzle. "Just you two, you find out Xeno's not a spinosaurus, but still you give them looks."

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" she asked bluntly, flicking her tail to place him on her back.

"Oh, I think you know, love. I think you're a little smitten!" the pony declared, rubbing the side of her neck. "It's adorable!"

"What!?" The two huge predators blurted in almost perfect synchrony as they exchanged baffled glances.

"S-Sam, I think you know that I have a thing for you but..." Minuette began, while Xeno appeared as if they had to recall how to breathe amidst the confusion.

"Oh I know, I love you too, but..." The pony trailed off for a moment before adding with a sigh. "There are still things I can't give you that I know you want but... Xeno can," he admitted, glancing between the pair lovingly.

"So..." He tapped the tip of her snout with a forehoof as he proposed. "How about you two try to get to know each other a little better? I have a feeling trying to eat me is something you can both bond over, at least."

He was caught laughing again as Minuette and Xeno's eyes met. The dragon could only wonder how freaked out she was, having all of this hit her so suddenly. The monster that had been disguised as one of her kind turned out to be a deadly, shapeshifting predator that had almost eaten her mate and swallowed her nemesis whole!

"I mean... The keyword there is try," Xeno reasoned, and Minuette smirked, her sharp teeth on full display as she retorted.

"And he better watch we don't try again." She shot her pony a knowingly playful look as she added. "Such a little pony, trying to get us big apex predators together, can't be good for him."

"What's good for you, is good for me, honey," Sam insisted, and she rolled her eyes.

"Never one for sarcasm, are you, Sammy?" she countered, confusing the pony for a moment before she offered an outstretched claw to Xeno. "Looks like you'll need some help."

"Help?" the dragon asked, then glanced back at their huge belly and blushed hard. "Oh, right, yeah, not so easy to move around with this extra weight."

"Trust me, I know," Minuette laughed before she added with a wink. "But if I'm going to get to know you better, it'll be in my cave, not out here in the middle of the jungle."

The dragon was blushing so hard it was amazing said jungle didn't burn down around them, all the while Sam squeed like a giddy school filly as Minuette only chuckled to herself.

"See, what did I tell you, love?" he jabbed a forehoof at Xeno. "Giant dragon or not, Xeno's so adorable!" he insisted, and from the look on her face, it was clear his mate could hardly disagree.


"You know, she won't bite, right? Not unless you're into that," Sam assured Xeno as he leaned against one of the cave walls, inspecting a forehoof he'd scuffed at the floor. "And if you are into it, damn, she can be a real monster!"

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?" Xeno stammered, completely baffled as the two of them looked ahead to see Minuette snake around a corner, a coy smirk on her face as she vanished. "Oh, by the hive, she's giving me an odd look!"

Sam was once again laughing his feathers off at the dragon's shy antics, doing his best not to double over and grasp his stomach.

"Oh, of course, she is, that's the look she gives me sometimes, it's the fun kind of look," he assured before nudging Xeno's side with a wing. "You're lucky."

"B-but she's your mate, how can I..." Sam was swiftly trotting around to Xeno's front, peering right up at the dragon with as serious a face as he could muster as he declared with a forehoof stomp.

"Sure she is, but I also love her enough to know when I have to step aside to let her have what she dreams of, and that's a family. Now, you said you could give us that, all three of us so..." He stared at the dragon expectantly, and Xeno nodded. "So you give her that, then the three of us can be happy, we can have kids and... Thing's will be perfect."

"You have a very straightforward vision of perfection; things don't always go to plan," Xeno admitted, but Sam shook his head as he countered.

"This time it will, I can feel it." He stamped a forehoof once more. "You came here to make her happy, and if she's happy, I'm happy."

"Then she's the one who's lucky to have you," Xeno assured, and the pony gave a slight chuckle as he looked back at the dragon.

"I'm just a pony she tried to eat one time," he reminisced, looking at the large bulge still lingering in Xeno's belly. "Like I said, one thing you two have in common."

"Hey, are you boys gonna just talk all night?" called Minuette, and the two glanced over to see her peering around a corner, a coy smirk still plastered on her toothy muzzle. "It's not polite to keep a lady waiting, you know?"

"Trust me, honey, I know," Sam admitted, rubbing the back of his neck, before winking at Xeno. "Go get to know her better. Hehe."

Xeno swallowed their apprehension and nodded, before slinking forward best they could with a belly full of half-digested rex. At least until Sam called out once more.

"Oh, and, Xeno?" The dragon glanced back to see the pony upon his safety ledge. "You and her..." He made an odd, lewd motion with his forehooves, before adding with a wink. "Just this one time."

The dragon had no words, simply scurrying around the corner to see Minuette lounging, tail coiled around her hind claws as her spine brushed the rear of the cave. She had that same look on her face, the sultry smirk that said she wanted some quality time with the dragon, more so than she'd let on when Sam was around.

Does that make her a bad mate? The dragon wondered, but shook off the idea. No, she's just been without someone her size for so long, I'm sure I'd feel the same way.

"You know you're about the only predator on this island that's tried to eat Sam and doesn't have to be scared of me?" she cooed, and Xeno looked themself over as she giggled. "It means lighten up, Xeno, come here and lay with me."

She beckoned the dragon with a flick of her tail, seeming to find it very amusing as Xeno crept over like a timid feline.

"That's a good dragon," she purred as she rolled over and rested her head down. "You know, I should say thanks first of all."

"I... I don't really think I deserve to be thanked, he wouldn't have been in danger if not for me," Xeno admitted, and she rolled her eyes.

"About everything on this island wants to eat him, he's always in danger," she giggled. "I'll admit, sometimes I've had urges, but that's what makes us best for him."

"The fact that we don't want to eat him, or that we do want to and we just don't?" Xeno asked, and she once again chuckled.

"Always so analytical, there's not really a point in justifying it. All I know is that I don't eat him, I just eat everything else that tries," she countered.

"Aside from this rex, it seems," Xeno reasoned, and she snorted before rubbing her tail over the dragon's full belly.

"He was pretty big, would have taken so much effort... Plus, it was kind of exciting to have another big predator around, even if it feels kinda dumb," she admitted with a sigh. "Not that he doesn't look good on you, that belly is sexy, I have to say."

As if pleased, the dragon's belly growled louder, forcing Xeno to wince as it churned and gurgled happily, the rex within no more than bones and gloop.

"As I said, I was just so hungry," the dragon confessed bashfully as Minuette shifted up to rub their belly, lovingly kneading the taut scales as Sam had done. "Oh, you're as good at that as your mate."

"He knows how to press every one of a predator's buttons because I taught him," she giggled, as she kept going. "It's been a long time since I've rubbed someone else's full belly."

"You've missed it, haven't you?" Xeno asked knowingly, and she sighed as she rested her head atop the dragon's bulge. "Having a predator to bond with, I mean?"

"Hardly, I love Sam more than anything, but... Deep down, it does make me feel better to have a big predator around... I barely remember any of my kind." She ran a talon over Xeno's tummy lightly. "Sam knows it too, he won't admit it, but he does."

"He wants us to have kids... I may have told him about how my kind breeds and he got the idea we could be together," Xeno told her, and she smirked, confusing the dragon as they finally realized. "You knew, didn't you?"

"I had ideas, I know about every one of Sam's little schemes, but..." She trailed off, looking herself over. "Do you want kids with me... Your kind of kids, I mean?"

"I... Well, instinctively, yes. But I ran away from my hive to get away from all that... I don't want to force you..." She pressed a talon to the dragon's muzzle, silencing them.

"I think that's what sets us apart, we're not like the rest of our kinds, we're different, we chose something else," she reasoned and Xeno felt heat in their chest at the idea someone finally recognized and felt the same way.

"So, I guess that's a yes from you on the kids front?" the dragon asked, and the dinosaur giggled once more.

"I think we should stay together and see what happens," she cooed with lidded eyes as she snaked her head over the belly towards Xeno's snout. "Not only that, but this belly really does get me in the mood."

"I think I like that idea," Xeno purred, eyes lidded as they leaned forward, meeting Minuette's snout in a deep, passionate kiss.

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