Loona's Love Life. Chapter 14

Story by Rojack79 on SoFurry

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#14 of Loona's Love Life.

Loona's Love Life.

Chapter 14: Planning Around Her Plan With Our Plan.

July, 4, 2021.

Loona awoke and felt another's body close to her own. She took a deep breath of the earthy scent and smiled. Her eye's slowly opened and a smile made its way across her muzzle. She pulled Alex closer and nuzzled the top of his head.

"Mine." She held him close and just lay there, thinking about the past few months, how much her life had changed.

"All because you decided to be nice." She let out a soft sigh as her smile never wavered. Instead, it grew with every beat of her heart. She felt Alex's own heart slowly get faster as he too joined the waking world. Alex felt a pair of soft arms and even a fluffy tail enveloping him a warm embrace and smiled, he brought a hand up and began to stroke Loona's tail, causing her to moan in pleasure, causing him to stop abruptly.

"Don't stop," She whined as Alex gave a strangled garble and continued. His face began to heat up as Loona began to pant heavily.

"Hey Alex, it's time-" The door to his room burst open, and Alex froze as Blitz strolled in.

"to..." He stopped mid sentience as he saw Loona, her face as red as her father's skin. Blitz had the biggest shit eating grin on his face.

"So... You tell him yet?" He asked as Loona began to growl.

"GET OUT!" She tossed a pillow at her dad with enough force to throw him out of the room.

"Make sure you use protection!" He shouted back at them. Loona sat there fuming, grumbling, and trying to get her face back to its normal color. Alex meanwhile sat there also red in the face but now he was curious.

"What did he mean by tell me?" Loona gave him her attention but then looked away, feeling ashamed of herself. She began to tremble in fear as she thought about the past but a soothing hand on her face brought her back.

"Hey, trust me, you don't have to be afraid to tell me anything." Alex held her face in his hands and gave her the best nuzzle he could manage without a snout. Loona let out a chuckle and wrapped him in a soft hug. He then felt hot tears running down her face as she held him close.

"Please, please promise me you won't leave me like he did." Alex was surprised and concerned.

"Don't worry." He gave Loona's nose a kiss.

"I'm not going anywhere." Loona's tears had ceased but she still felt scared to her core. Alex sensing her fear began to caress her head.

"Sh, sh, it's ok. I'm here." He felt Loona's trembling relax as her breathing slowly returned to normal. When he looked into her face it held tremendous sadness, but deep down he saw a glimmer of hope. She slowly looked Alex in the eyes and then looked away, once more.

"I-." She felt her throat going dry, She swallowed and took a deep breath to help calm her nerves. Feeling Alex hold her, so warmly, snugly, she felt safe, protected.

"I used to have a boyfriend," She smirked and shook her head.

"A long time before I met you, and we did everything together." She thought back to those memories, they were once fond, but now they only brought disgust and pain. She took a deep breath and continued.

"To make a bad memory short, we fucked, and it turns out he had syphilis." Alex was silent, then his face contorted into one of anger, causing Loona to fold her ears back and tried to pull away from him, but he held her close.

"That Bastard! Loona was confused.

"Aren't you angry at me?" Alex gave her a soft smile.

"No, why would I be?" Loona looked at him with bewilderment evident in her face.

"Because I have a disease that's could very well kill you, if-if we-" She let the sentence hang in the air, while Alex gave her a look of warmth and compassion.

"Oh please, that's no big deal," He then gave her a soft pat on the cheek as she still looked at him with confusion.

"Earth has a cure for that actually so it's not that big of a deal if we can get it looked at." Loona was now dumb struck.

"Wait, what, seriously?" Alex just smiled as he held her tight.

"Yup, Honestly, I'm not sure how expensive the treatment for it is, but hey, I could care less." He gave her tail a squeeze, eliciting a moan from her.

"Don't worry about it, seriously that old guy was an asshole, and I better not run into him on the street any time soon." Loona meanwhile let her endorphins settle down for a bit as she processed just what had happened. She had told him her deepest, darkest secret and he didn't run away, he was going to stay by her side no matter what. She tackled Alex to the bed where she began to pepper his face with kisses.

"Oh, hey, hold up now." He tried to fight her off but he didn't want to end up hurting her and so he let her tender assault happen. When she was done she held his close once more and buried her muzzle under his chin.

"I love you so much." She told him for the second time, Alex just chuckled and held her tight.

"I love you too, fuzzball." Loona's tail began to wag excitedly as the two sat there huddled together.

"Hey slow pokes come on!" Blitz's voice echoed down the hall.

"Unless you've been fucking this whole time get a move on it, we've got to get ready!" Alex and Loona let out a collective chuckle.

"So shall we go down and grace the other's with our presence?" Alex threw on a false posh accent, that made Loona laugh. She gave him a nod and got out of the bed they had shared, feeling something wet however made her stop and stare. She looked down at the sheets and saw a rather damp spot on them. Her face on fire now she quickly excused herself and ran back to her room. Alex meanwhile let out a laugh as he to looked down at the bed and smiled.

"Didn't think I had that kind of effect on a woman." He gathered up his clothes and gear and strapped them all on. Now feeling a little more secure, in his life and in himself he walked out of the room and stood next to Loona's door waiting for her to exit. A little while later she to emerged from her room, feeling better and now fully clothed.

"So let's go see what the others have planned." She grasped his hand and proceeded to walk down the hallway using her superior sense of smell to track down the others. Once the two walked into the dining hall all eyes were on them.

"Finally!" Blitz shouted as he threw up his arms in annoyance.

"You two have a good fuck fest?" He asked causing Moxxie to spit out his coffee.

"What?" He then looked over at Loona who simply glared at her father and sat down with Alex sitting next to her, she made an effort to curl her tail around Alex's waist, a clear sign for all in hell that he was hers. Stolas smiled at this rare display of affection and made a note to talk to them about this development in the near future. For now, he simply cleared his throat and started their proceedings.

"Now that we are all present let us first take precautions." Moxxie, Millie, and Blitz all took out their phones and set them in the middle of the table.

"Loona honey we're going to need your phone as well." Loona's eyes went wide but she reluctantly took out her cell phone and added it to the pile.

"Thank you darling, I'll be sure to reimburse you all for this." Stolas said as he activated his magic. At once all four phones were reduced to ash. Stolas smiled as a purple mist began to swirl from within the ash pile, Stolas's eye's glowed with crimson light as his own magic began to mix with that of Sophia's, he then grabbed a nearby jar and trapped the evil essence within it. He then cast a spell on the jar and set it aside.

"Now that, that little bit of business is done. We can go over our real plan." All those present gave Stolas their attention.

"This plan is simple. We use Loona as bait-"

"Absolutely not!" Alex shouted cutting the demon lord off. Loona was touched at his protectiveness, he however surprised even himself as he quickly realized what he just did and grimaced, but he didn't back down, not even when Stolas fixed him with a hard glare. The bird demon took a deep breath and sighed.

"Look Alex, I don't have any intention of putting Loona in danger." He smiled as Alex sat back down.

"To be honest she's almost a second daughter to me." Loona was shocked to hear that.

"Really?" She didn't know how to feel about that, safe, weird? Stolas gave her a soft smile and continued.

"Yes, you are after all Blitzy's wonderful daughter." He purred a little making Blitz gag.

"Ok can we please get back to discussing the plan?" Stolas simply smiled as he continued to detail the plan.

"Now Alex as I said I have no intention of letting our dear precious Loona come to harm." Alex gripped her hand even tighter, a gesture that Loona returned, careful to not crush his hand with her immense strength.

"But yes, Loona will act as bait, then when this witch,"

"Bitch." Blitz corrected causing Moxxie and Millie to snicker. Stolas continued without batting an eyelash.

"-takes said bait, that is when we strike." He was right the plan was simple.

"And then what?" Alex asked feeling like he was missing something. Blitz piped up.

"We do what we do best, we kill the bitch!" Alex thought about this whole thing, he said a quick prayer to God for forgiveness and the strength to do what he needed to do. He felt Loona give him a nuzzle and smiled returning the gesture.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Alex smirked as the two of them looked each other in the eyes.

"Do you two still need a room?" Blitz spoke up, smirking as he mimicked the two having sex with his fingers. Loona just grumbled but didn't release her hold of Alex.

"All right. Let's get everything set up and ready to go." Stolas said getting up from his chair. The rest of the group did the same, following the lord out of his war room and to the front entrance. Blitz got the van running but stopped the member's of I.M.P from stowing their gear.

"All right guys, let's go get that bitch and get back here all in one piece." They all gave him a thumbs up.

"Will do boss,"

"Sure thing Blitz."

"Whatever you say dad."

"Can't make any promises." Blitz pulled all of them into a group hug.

"I mean it, I expect to see all of you back hear alive and well." With his intent clear the group all nodded and packed up their gear. Stolas joined them now wearing an old napoleon style field coat and helmet, a small back sword strapped to his side.

"All right gents shall we be off?" He asked as the rest of I.M.P got there own tactical gear strapped on, Moxxie sporting a slick skin tight black outfit with a gillie suit pulled over it, Millie had a similar black suit but instead of a gillie suit she had a tactical vest with slots for her knives and a few hatchets. Loona instead of having the skin tight suit instead had on a pair of military shorts, a hardened bullet proof vest, and a pair of glasses with ear protection built in. Blitz had a nice looking suit put on, with Kevlar weave around the limbs and ceramic plates sown into the chest and back. Alex was the lightest armored of them all, with a Kevlar vest underneath a light leather jacket, he then had on a pair of black jeans with knee pads, and commando boots utop his head he wore a simple cowboy hat, his six shooter at his side. All in all they were as prepared as they were going to get.

"Ok opening the portal to earth in three, two, one." Stolas counted down as they all got into the van. Once the portal formed Blitz gunned the engine and flew through it. Alex recognized where they were, on an old nearly deserted highway that lead into Tucson proper. Seeing that he still had some time left before they arrived at the restaurant Alex decided to write his parents a letter, pulling out a piece of paper an d a pencil from his pack.

"Dear Mom and Dad," He began, fifteen minutes later he was finished, tucking the letter away in his bag for later.

"So what was that all about?" Loona asked as she huddled up close to him.

"Normally I would have called or texted but seeing as none of us has a phone, well I figure it would be nice to let them know that I finally found someone special in my life." Loona looked a little nervous.

"Did you let them know about.. well 'me'" She quoted, Alex just shook his head.

"No I figured that would be something we could talk about, but there's no rush." He added seeing Loona look a little concerned. She smiled at Alex's assurance.

"Honestly I'm not to sure if I'll ever be ready for that." Alex gave her a hug.

"Don't worry about it, If you never want to tell them that's fine with me, I can come up with something to tell them." Loona smirked as she gave him a kiss.

"Thank you." Alex nodded.

"Any time." Blitz looked back in the rear view mirror and smiled. A little over an hour later and they were at the restaurant. Alex had to go and make a call from a payphone, but as he did so he could feel Sophia's magic try and worm it's way in to his head. However just as suddenly as it had come it was gone. He could hear the note of concern in Sophia's voice as she agreed to meet him at the restaurant for their date. He went back to the van and told the group that the date was still on. Loona growled at the thought but she knew that this was one of the only way's to draw the bitch out from wherever she was.

Loona's Love Life. Chapter 15

Loona's Love Life. Chapter 15: Operation Kill The Bitch! July, 4, 2021. Sophia was humming with both power and glee. She was finally going to get her date, sure there was going to be a 'trap' set up by those assholes, but luckily she had a plan of...

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Loona's Love Life. Chapter 13

Loona's Love Life. Chapter 13: Practice Makes Perfect. June, 21, 2021. "Ok gang let's go over this from the top once more." Blitz ordered as he, Alex, Loona, Millie, Moxxie, and Stolas got back into there positions. Once they were all set up and...

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Loona's Love Life. Chapter 11

Loona's Love Life. Chapter 11: To Protect and Serve. June, 7, 2021. Police Report File, 95.465.434. Detective Browning gave the tape recorder he had a swift tap as he continued his investigation of the crime scene. "Victim appears to be female,...

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