The Witch

Story by Falco Fox on SoFurry

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Finally--the first actual story featuring my character, Falco Fox. The poor explorer's gotten himself into a bit of trouble! The wicked witch is having her way with him. Will he be able to escape? >:)

Falco Fox is an explorer nonpareil. Not because of what he discovers in dilapidated, moss-grown ruins or bat-infested mines and caves, no, but because of the dark and dangerous characters that he comes across in his escapades.

One such character was a catty little witch that had her glow-in-the-dark eyes on Falco's grimoire, a book as old as the hills with a plethora of long-forgotten spells and incantations.

"Come on, you cute li'l fox," said the sorceress, her purple palm teasing and massaging the restrained fox's cock. "Say the magic words, and I'll let you cum." Magic words indeed--the witch wanted Falco to cough up the location of the grimoire, and her chosen method of interrogation involved a trade: he'd tell her where the ancient tome was, and she'd let him climax. "Come on, Falco."

Up and down went the black cat's paw. Falco, flat on his back and spread-eagled on Alice's horizontal X-cross, shook his head vigorously. "No! Goddamn you. I'll never tell you!" His fur stood on end as she stopped stroking right before he could go over the edge. "You think we don't know about you? You've probably hexed my cock. The second I cum from your paw, I'll be marked as your property, as your sex slave!"

"Well, aren't you a clever little foxy?" Alice leaned in close to Falco's face till the tips of their whiskers kissed. "Been doing research on my coven, huh?" She began to tickle the fox's cockhead with the tips of her fingers.

Falco's toes curled something bad, and his tail went left and right underneath the cross. "If ..." he started, blocking Alice's teasing out. "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."

"Quoting dead men does nothing, you know," she said as the den's only source of light, a bright fire that kept the wooden hut warm during the frigid storms of winter, twinkled in her emerald green eyes. Alice grinned and stood on one foot; her other four-toed paw peeped out from under her black flowing floor-length maxi dress, revealing a dark byzantium sole--the same dark reddish purple as her palms. "But yes, those are you options, Falco. Either you tell me where that dusty old book is so that I can empty those balls of yours and brand you as my property, or"--Alice grabbed hold of Falco's rock-hard, veiny cock and stroked--"I could find the grimoire myself and make you my sex slave anyway. Of course, you won't get to shoot your load that way."

Falco was at his wits' end. He huffed and puffed and tried to ignore the feline's remarkably soft hand. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he muttered. A part of his brain begged him to give in, to just tell her where the goddamn book was. He was no sorcerer. What good would it do him, anyway?

A few hours ago, Alice, with the help of her minions, a group of ethereal, disembodied hands, had dragged the fox into her den after her nose alerted her to a vulpine presence right outside her abode. Why he was snooping around the witch's lair, she didn't know, nor, frankly, did she care. Word, however, had gotten out that the vulpine explorer was in possession of the _Forbidden Grimoire of Dark Spells and Incantations,_a particular collection of magic that piqued the interest of every single practitioner of the dark arts in the area. The floating hands, after gently removing all his clothing, had slapped the naked fox down onto the frame. The next thing Falco knew, he was in this witch's den made of mud and twigs, this dark den that smelled of herbs, flowers and roots that he didn't know the names of, with a cauldron that doubled as a fireplace and some sort of, Falco guessed, apothecary--a gilded chest of drawers. On top of the chest were amulets, totems and other things Falco couldn't identify in the dark.

"You goddamn witch! Fine! I'll tell you! But on-on one condition! Make me cum first!"

"Not a chance. You gotta tell me where the _Grimoire_is first, silly."

"And how do I know you won't just stop after I tell you?"

The witch sighed and rolled her eyes. "OK. Fine, whatever," she said, digging into the earthen floor beneath her feet with a toe claw. "But right after you spray, you're going to give me the exact location, or you'll be sorry." Her hand stopped at the base of his cock.

"Wha-What about the sex slave thing? Because fuck that, for real," said Falco as he craned his neck and stared at Alice's paw, cruelly touching but not stroking.

"Being a sex slave isn't all that bad, you know," she said, tickling Falco's glans, playing with his precum with two lithe, catty fingers. "You even have your own army of disembodied hands that act as your servants. Their magic doesn't even depend on me."

"All right, all right. Fuck! OK--look, I don't do much magic shit, so I'm new to this. Disembodied hands you say?" Falco's toes splayed out as she massaged his glistening glans. "How would that even work? Do I need to say anything?"

She looked pensive for a couple of seconds, hand still on his rock-hard cock, and then answered. "I guess that's fair. You'll be my property, so I suppose I do owe you an explanation or two."

"Oh, yes. Please, as long as I get to cum."

"Yes, Falco. All in due time," she said during an upstroke that made Falco lick his lips. "OK. Say this: `I, Falco Fox, summon an army of Disembodied Hands to do my every bidding.'"

"OK," he said, biting his lip, his ballsack quivering on the edge of the earth-shattering orgasm the witch refused to grant him. "I, Falco Fox, summon an army of Disembodied Hands to do my every bidding."

Six pairs of see-through hands, each with four fingers, appeared in the cat's den. "See, foxy? All done. It's easy." She kicked up the handjob to a toe-curlingly fast pace. "Please, don't make a mess. I just cleaned up, and some of these artifacts cost a for--"

"Disembodied Hands, seize her!"

"No, wh--"

Two of the hands grabbed her wrists and two others wrapped themselves around her ankles, hidden under her dress, and sent the screaming witch flying, slamming her back against the wall of her own ghoulish, smelly lair. "What the fuck! This isn't how this works! Tell them to let go of me!" she yelled, her body, in an X-shape, pressed against the dirt-and-wood walls.

"They're supposed to do my `every bidding,' are they not? Isn't that what the spell says?"

"When my coven gets my hands on you, you'll be nothing but a burned piece of fur!"

"Now, if you'll excuse me," he said, glancing at the pair of hands that still floated idly next to X-cross of torture. "A little help, please, Disembodied Hands?" The hands began to undo his restraints, but Falco stopped them. "No, no. A litle help _down there._Please."

The two hands obeyed, the witch screaming and cussing in the background, and stroked Falco's desperate erection. The fox twerked his hips, ready to finally blow his load. One of the hands massaged his cock up and down, while the other rubbed and caressed his ballsack, holding on to it tight as it pulled into his groin. "Oh, holy fuck shit, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna--AHHHHHHHH!"

At first, only three drops of fox cum dribbled down Falco's cock, but when his orgasm hit him, ropes of pure pleasure shot out of the explorer. Falco's ass pumped with each string of cum. The geyser of scented fox jizz coated the witch's ungodly den. Nothing was spared. The cauldron, the totems, the golden handles of the drawers. There were puddles all around the X-cross; even Alice herself got hit between her breasts!

His back-arching, toe-gnarling orgasm went on for a good twenty or so seconds, his moans of pleasure drowning out the witch's caterwauling. The hands made sure to only let go when his cock had stopped twitching.

"Holy fuck nuggets, that was good!" he said, curling his toes in satisfaction as the floating fingers undid his restraints with ease. Falco walked to the furious witch as he rubbed the sweaty fur where the cuffs had attached to his wrists. The hands had made sure she was still pressed against the wall, her ankles at the level of his chest.

"Are you serious? You made a goddamn mess! Just you wait till the coven gets here! We'll put a curse on you, Falco Fox, a curse nobody will be able to lift!" she yelled.

"Oh, come on. You needed a little remodeling," said Falco. "But I came here for a reason." The fox, remnants of cum still dripping out of his piss slit, lifted the skirt of her dress. "Your coven, according to my research, is a Ring Sisterhood of the Old Days--to be able to do magic, the witch has to be wearing two enchanted rings. Some of them wear rings on their hands, but I noticed you had none on those cute little fingers of yours, which means"--he folded up the bottom of her dress--"you must have toe rings." He glanced at her bare feet, the toes curling and splaying as she struggled against her own perfidious hands. "There we have them." Indeed, around both of her second toes were two golden bands that had intricate etchings in some long-dead language.

When Alice realized what the fox was up to, she curled up her toes hard. "Never! You'll never have these rings!" She flared her nostrils at him in contempt.

"Well, my original idea was to make sure a Sister of the Ring actually lived here, which is why I was about to knock on the door, but, you see, you had these hands of yours drag me in like I was some sort of convict."

She huffed. "Sisters have to be on guard. Our artifacts and these rings in particular are priceless."

"I actually brought a mighty sum to buy one of them off you; it's right there, in my knapsack," he said, pointing to the pile of clothing on the floor topped by his hat. "But I think I'm gonna help myself to both of them. For all my troubles."

"The coven will burn you alive, you fool!"

"A risk I'm preparing to take--now, relax those tootsies so I can slip them off, yes?"

"Never!" One of her toe knuckles cracked from the sheer force of how hard they were gnarled.

Falco chuckled. "Why is it that you witches wear these long-ass robes? We never get to see your feet. Are you foot shy? And why would someone be shy about showing off their paws, I wonder."

"Oh, whatever, Falco! Get fucked! You are not getting these rings, you hear me?!" she screamed, glaring at the fox and flicking her black locks of hair back.

Falco turned back and summoned one of the idle ghostly hands to hold up her dress. "Last chance, witchy. I won't have any mercy. Just like you had no mercy on me, and I won't stop till I have both rings!"

"Do whatever you want! You want to burn my feet? Pfft! Go ahead! There's a fire right over there. Grab a flame or two, why don't you? We've built up tolerance to burnings over the centuries, you see!"

"Oh, no, kitty. What I have in store is much, much worse."

Alice cracked her thumb knuckles by clenching her fists. "Short of cutting my toes off, you're not getting these rings!"

"Don't be silly, I won't resort to anything barbaric like that. This will, however, be extremely unendurable. Like I said, I noticed you like to keep these tootsies hidden. Is that because you don't like people touching them?"

"Tha-That's none of your business, Falco!" said Alice, the tips of her ears turning red.

"Oh, come on," said Falco with a smirk. "We all know countershade feet are hypersensitive. And I love this color you have on your soles." His head tilted slightly to the side as he reached under her left paw. "What's the name of this shade of purple here? I've never seen anything like it." Falco tapped under her foot with the tip of his finger.

Alice swallowed hard and her whiskers lost their slight droop to point straight. "No!" she said with a hitch in her voice. "You're gonna get these rings over my dead body!"

Falco laughed out loud and said, "I just touched you once under your paw and you were about to lose your shit. Come on. Soles this soft. A different color, too? You and I both know what those two things mean. So, last warning, witchy kitty. The toes. Uncurl them."

Alice locked eyes with the explorer. "Fuck you, Falco! I will never surrender my rings to you! Do you know it takes a week to forge them and then a whole day of rituals to imbue them with ancenstral magic? I worked way too hard to earn the right to wear them. Do whatever you want." On the surface she was defiant and vociferous; deep down, she knew what Falco was about to do, and her stomach churned.

The fox sighed. "I knew it would come to this," he said. Without wasting a second, Falco set his fingers dancing under the sorceress's paws.

Alice threw her head back, slamming it into the wall, and clamped her eyes shut. "KIYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Alice's laughter wasn't unlike her voice: silvery yet with a hint of naughtiness. "CURSE YOU! HAHAHAHAHA! YOU SMELLY FOX! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" As Falco's claws worked Alice's wrinkled soles, her feet whipped left and right, toes still curled and refusing to give up the enchanted bands.

Falco nodded in approval. "You're every bit as ticklish as I thought you'd be. You don't get touched a lot under your pawsies, huh?"

"I HATE YOU, FALCO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Alice gritted her teeth and tried to block out the torture, but each flick of Falco's claws against the bare bottoms of her feet was electricity that zapped her right in the funny bone.

"You know, this can all be over if you relax those toes of yours," said Falco over the cat's hysterical laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Alice shook her head violently, her hair a mess. "WAIT TILL THE COVEN HEARS ABOUT THIS! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"And what will you tell them? That you let a fox outsmart you? And then tickle torture you?" Falco changed up his routine--instead of scrabbling at the poor witch's soles, he raked his claws up and down the purple skin.

Now Alice screamed with laughter. Her tummy sucked in, and a tear streamed down the black fur of her face. "CURSE YOU ALL THE WAY TO GHYNA!" she said as her determination vanished. "HAHAHAHAHA! I GIVE UP, FALCO! BWAHAHAHAHA! MERCY! STOP! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The witch spread her toes.

Falco's finger stopped the cruel torture. He narrowed his eyes at Alice's splayed digits. "Attagirl. Was that so hard?" He plucked both rings off the cat's two-toned paws, the metal clinking against her sharp toe claws as the bands slipped off. "All you had to do was hand them over." Falco tossed the two rings onto his crumpled heap of clothes. "And, well, we could have avoided this."

The fox, once again, sent Alice into the throes of unrestrained ticklish laughter by dragging his claws up and down her bare soles. "HAHAHAHA! NO! I GAVE YOU THE RINGS! HAHAHAHA! STOP! BWAHAHAHA!" The cackling cat witch's teeth glistened in the light of the roaring fire as her toes gnarled and wiggled to try and escape Falco's fingers.

"Oh, relax. I was just showing you what you could have avoided, silly," said Falco, resting his paws on the tops of her feet.

"My coven will skin you alive for this, Falco," said Alice amidst ragged breaths, sniffling.

Falco chuckled and massaged her toes, avoiding the razor-sharp claws that tipped each digit. "I'd worry about myself first. Getting tricked into having your own disembodied hands betray you and then not being able to withstand a little tickling ... My, my. Must be embarrassing for a Sister, huh?"

"You must be so proud of yourself," she said with a huff. "Trickery and torture. Such is the way of Falco Fox."

"Speaking of torture. What will the other Sisters do to you when they find out yours truly has absconded while in possession of your rings, hmmm? Maybe some more tickles?" Falco's nimble fingers moved back to Alice's soles, where he scratched and scrabbled as if reaching for a deep, maddening itch.

Alice, once again, lost her mind, hollering and cursing at Falco amidst hoots and peals of wild laughter. "BWAHAHAHAHAHA! STOP! YOU SMELLY EXPLORER!"

Falco gave her some respite, going back to massaging the tips of her toes. "Or are they more of a bastinado crowd?" he asked as her laughter dwindled to giggles. When she'd quieted down, he gave the soles of her feet a loud slap with his palms and strutted towards his clothes.

"Don't you worry about me, Fucko Fox," said Alice, her voice boiling with rage. "We'll find you one of these days."

"Well, you tell your Sisterhood that all are welcome chez moi!" he said, carefully stepping around a puddle of his own cum and adjusting his hat so his ears fit snuggly through the furgonomic holes. "But, before I leave, and before your witch friends show up, I think I should keep you busy!" He pocketed the two rings and patted his jacket to make sure they were there. "Disembodied Hands," he commanded, his dark paw on the doorknob, "tickle the everlasting shit out of those cute purple paw bottoms!"


As Alice's bloodcurdling scream gave to way uncontrollable laughter, Falco whistled to himself, still basking in the post-orgasmic glow, and ran off into the forest. As would be expected of a gentleman fox, of course, he closed the door as he left.

Not that it did much to muffle the witch's shrieks of mirth, though.

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