Unraveling His Persona - Part 5

Story by kamikazetiger on SoFurry

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#5 of Unraveling His Persona

First of all yeah, I'm taking more story commissions. Especially ones about rule 34 ones like this! My price is eight dollars each one thousand words. So if you're interested just send me a pm or if you know someone that can be interested just spread the word! Any money I get with this will be used for more commissions~

That being said this story was NOT written by me! It was written by KPFoxPaw!

Persona is a spin-off from Megami tensei a jrpg series that's been around for many years. And it's one of the series with the most kemono you will ever see. Interestingly, a demon can show up in a game and look completely different when he shows up in another spin-off or even in another game in megami tensei later. It's one of my favorite rpg series ever and this is one of the reasons though it does mean a demon can look very cute in one game and then he looks like trash when he's in another game haha.

I could talk about that particular series all day since after all it's one of my favorites just like persona is one of my fav spin-offs. For this story though we need to focus on Persona 5; the latest of the Persona series at least for now.

Since the story series is a prequel to the whole game you don't even need to play that game to enjoy it!

This story series was inspired by a doujin by japanese artist Chibineco which you can check for yourself in https://hitomi.la/galleries/1034882.html.

So doujin is about one of the characters from Persona 5 our beloved black cat known as Morgana and acts as a prequel to the game. This story wrote by KPFoxPaw and commissioned by me alongside RandoBear, Rikika and Shunfer following the first part is like another version of that doujin.

Thanks to Nextime for doing that charming avatar!

Now we see what happened with Morgana after the "accident" from the last chapter. Seems he met a certain fairy cat that will help him...in more ways than one.

Darkness encapsulated the black feline, all worries and concerns overcome by indescribable emptiness. He felt like he was floating and yet motionless, still as stone while nothing was keeping him in place. He recalled the moment in the aircraft as the side of the plane was blown away, rocking him out of his seat and plummeting to the ground below, passing out before he met his untimely end. This must be death, he thought to himself. He still felt disappointed that his life ended prematurely without reaching any conclusions about his forgotten past, but that wasn't what weighed most heavily on his mind at the moment. Though he was the one thrown out of the plane, it was Shogun that was left inside the doomed airplane with that perverse gremlin. With as much damage as it took, it no doubt crashed sending Shogun and the gremlin to wherever Morgana was. He wanted to cry as the only friend he had in this disparate land was sent to his death and all for Morgana's sake.


A voice came up from the void, soft in volume and tone, but masculine in quality.

"Come find me."

His heart started beating harder and he felt fear and uncertainty. Warmth found him and as he tried to move to find the source, his eyes opened and he found himself lying on his back next to a fire in a small camp. Was it a dream? Was any of that real? What was that voice? His mind was racing, but he was still in disbelief that he was still alive. He sat up slowly, no bruises or broken joints to speak of.

"Hey, you're finally awake!" came an excited, high-pitched voice. Morgana turned to see a purple-furred cat sitting next to him smiling gleefully. The feline's entire body was covered with purple fur and he had striking light green eyes with sharp slits for pupils. He wore a red cavalier's hat adorned with a white feather and a red cape fastened by a thick strap emblazoned with an emblem of a cat's face. He wore a pair of red boots with spurs and a belt which held a red scabbard and the hilt of a cutlass sword. He was sitting on the ground leaning against a large rock and transfixed on Morgana. "You must'a been tired. You've been asleep for quite a while."

He spoke in a friendly and excited tone. Morgana got upright as he stared back at the grinning feline with his own confused look. "Where am I?"

"This here's my campsite. Figured I'd bring you here after you flew into me. Wanted to ask you why you did that?"

Morgana, uncertain as to the cat's impression, replied, "What do mean? Do what?"

"Why'd you fly into me from the sky?"

Morgana realized the cat was confused. "Oh... uh, sorry about that. I didn't actually mean to fly into you. I was actually falling."


"Uh, yeah. I was in a plane, trying to escape from some gremlins when they shot at the plane with a missile. I got blown out of the side and fell to the ground. I thought I was dead. I guess... you saved me, didn't you?"

The purple feline nodded and stood up. "That's right. You had the honor of being saved by Cait Sith, the wandering fairy. And let me tell you something, after falling from a plane, you are lucky that I was here to grab you and stop you from becoming a smear on the ground." Cait never lost his grin and Morgana could tell as he stood that the cat stood a few inches than himself, maybe half a foot. "So what do I call you my new feline friend?"

This is getting a little crazy, even for this world, thought Morgana, but instead he greeted the cat properly. "My name's Morgana and, uh, thanks for saving my life."

Cait held out a paw for Morgana and the black cat took it in his. "No problem. Nice to meet you Morgana. Sounds like you had an exciting adventure."

"Yeah, I guess. Hey, you didn't happen to see anyone else, like another cat with dark fur or a gremlin wearing a leather jacket, did you?" His blue-furred compatriot had never left his mind, even before he'd opened his eyes and he had to know if he was all right. He was concerned for the gremlin who tried to help them as well, but Shogun's welfare was his priority.

Cait Sith's ear twitches before shaking his head. "Nope. No one else fell from the sky. Just you." Morgana looked sullenly at the ground, worried his friend met his untimely death, a fate he felt guilty for having escaped. He couldn't dwell on his friend too long as this new feline interrupted his thoughts without any concern for who Morgana was inquiring about. "So, you fell from a plane to escape gremlins, huh? Why'd you need a plane for that? Where were you headed?"

Exacerbated by the purple feline's self-interest, Morgana sighed and rolled his eyes, trying to think of something to say. He opened his mouth to speak, but Cait Sith twitched his nose and contorted his face in disgust. "Ugh, before you answer, you need to go take a bath. You stink." He waved his hand in front of his face as a gesture towards the black cat's stench.

Morgana figured he was referring to the unwashed scent of sex from his sessions with Shogun and the gremlins, but as he sampled his own odor, the hint of sex was undetectable under the heavy miring of muck. "Eck!"

"Yeah, we landed in a swamp nearby. I already took a quick bath because I don't like to be dirty, but if we're gonna talk, I'd like it if you didn't smell like a drowned rat." Morgana furrowed his brow in annoyance as Cait Sith simply pointed behind the black feline. "You can wash off in that lake behind you. And take your time; it's still early."

Morgana turned towards the lake, the water calm and dark in the faded light. He was feeling rather put off by the tactless greeting he's received from the other feline, but he had to admit he did stink quite a bit and felt shameful for it. He decided to capitulate, though a rush of embarrassment washed over him as the thought of stripping down in front of this new stranger made his stomach flutter. "OK. I'll go get cleaned up."

He stood up and hurried into the water, keeping on his fundoshi as he submerged himself into the lake. He wanted to keep his crotch covered until he was far enough away from Cait, though he figured his underwear needed to be washed as well. The lake was fairly big and he was able to swim out pretty far. He found a sandbank in the water that came up to his chest where he was able to stand up straight and rinse the grime from his fur. Despite the low light, the water was exceptionally clear and he could see the lake floor as if there were no water present.

The campsite was far away and Cait Sith was still in the same place he was when Morgana left, staring out at the black feline, but Morgana knew he needed to get cleaned up, so he went ahead and stripped off his tainted fundoshi, leaving him exposed underneath the cool, gentle water. He let the cloth float nearby as he gently scrubbed his fur, noticing a distinct darkening of the water as the remnants of the swamp and sexual residuals were cleansed from his body. The stink dissipated noticeably and the physical strain from sexual exertion became relaxed, leaving him feeling refreshed physically, but not emotionally.

As he moved his paws from his stomach to his thighs, his mind focused heavily on the blue-furred cat he left behind in that plane. Because of him and this quest of his to discover his identity, Shogun was probably dead as was the Gremlin who helped them escape, just like it was because of him they were captured and used by those other gremlins or those large, merciless demons Ganesha and Girimehkala. How can I keep doing this? he asked himself, his paws unmoving in the water as he focused entirely on the loss of his only friend and their new companion. He held a small sliver of hope that Shogun and Gremlin survived. After all he survived, so it's plausible that the other two did as well, but he didn't know for sure and the guilt was eating up at him that Shogun may have died while he lives on.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts of Shogun and Gremlin that he failed to realize he wasn't even washing himself anymore, nor did he realize the disturbance in the water from an object approaching him from behind. He wouldn't have noticed either had he not felt a pair of small paws reaching around and rubbing along his hips before resting on his belly. Before he could react to that, he felt the warm breath of someone's muzzle blowing against his ear.

"Boy, you sure take your time when cleaning yourself off, huh?" came a familiar whispering voice. Startled, Morgana yelled in surprise and backed away from the purple feline further up onto the shoal, now standing waist deep in the water. Cait was still standing in the water, a paw on his hips, a mischievous smile on his face, and completely naked with his flaccid penis hanging out of his sheath. "You need some help getting the rest of that grime off your fur?"

Morgana was breathing heavily from the shock. "What are you doing over here? I- I didn't even hear you coming. How'd you manage to sneak behind me in the water?"

"Oh, I can be very silent when I want," Cait responded flashing a toothy grin. "And I just want to help get you clean, help you with any... problem areas you might have trouble with."

Morgana was taken aback by how forward Cait was being, but as the shock wore off he remembered he was just as naked as the purple feline, his own sheath and testicles hanging between his legs. He looked behind Cait and saw his fundoshi floating in the water. Confused by the episode, he shook his head in refusal. Wh- No! No, I don't want help cleaning myself."

Insistent, Cait moved next to Morgana, the water up to his navel. "Oh, come on. Don't by shy. Let me assist. I don't mind." The cat began scrubbing the fur on Morgana's belly, moving his paws down towards the black feline's crotch. "You know, without all that grime covering you, your fur looks nice. Crisp and clean and shiny, making you look really cute." The mischievous cat's paws submerged into the water and grabbed a hold of Morgana's cock.

Flustered, Morgana pushed Cat back, taking a few steps back himself until the water reached only his thighs and getting into a defensive position. "I told you no! I'm not some slut who'll let anyone fuck him anytime!"

"Really?" Cait never lost his devilish grin. "Then why did you smell so rife with sex and other demons?" Morgana's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. The black cat could barely detect the smell of sex under the murky residue, so he figured Cait surely couldn't. "I mean, sure the smell of the swamp overpowered it, but it was still detectable and I could definitely smell the scent of multiple males." Morgana was dumbfounded, unable to respond. The escapade at the airport was not his finest moment and not something he felt he could explain, at least not without making himself seem like a slut. "Hey, don't be embarrassed. We're both cats and we both have needs. We both need to bathe and... we both have other urges."

Cait moved quickly, grabbing Morgana's exposed cock again and working his fingers to slowly molest the feline organ. Morgana wanted to swat his paw away, but the sensations building up in his crotch diverted his intentions and suddenly he felt less eager for the purple feline to remove his paw from his dick. Cait smiled lasciviously as Morgana's penis began to harden. "See, I know how to make another cat happy. And..." he eyed Morgana's body up and down. "I'll let you in on a little secret. Sometimes, when I find myself with a demon I like, I like to be a bit of a slut too. Maybe that's what it is with you. Maybe that's why you had so many scents on you. You just needed to know that I was the right kinda demon."

Morgana was moaning loudly. "No. *ugh* No... I... *pant* I'm not... *moan* this isn't m-"

Cait put a finger up to Morgana's lips. "Sshh. It's OK. Like I said, we both have needs."

Cait continued groping Morgana's phallus, the stiff member almost completely erect in the stranger's paw with a the palm rubbing against the glans while the digits gently massaged the shaft. Morgana wanted to protest further, but the stimulation felt too satisfying to give up and with all he's been through he felt he needed some stress relief, so he surrendered to the other demon's pleasuring. Jeez, maybe I am a slut, he thought to himself almost uncaring. Without interruption, Cait took that as a hint and chuckled as he began running his paw up and down the smaller feline's length, rubbing along the popped up veins and gliding his pawpads against the sensitive glans each time. Morgana shuddered with pleasure and continued to moan as Cait stroked his cock with expertise.

The purple cat smiled in satisfaction. "That's right kitty. Let it out." Morgana closed his eyes and leaned his head back, relaxing his arms and paws and letting his new partner stimulate his sexual desires. The experience aroused Cait as well, his own cock now erect and bobbing over the surface of the water. "Hey Morgana." The black cat stared back at Cait, maw open and breathing hard. "Could you do the same for me and... help me clean my cock."

Morgana looked down at Cait's stiff mast, a dark flesh color to contrast his purple fur. He licked his lips seductively before bringing up a pawful of water and grabbing hold of Cait's rod and soaking it. Cait instantly moaned in satisfaction as Morgana began by simulating Cait's ministrations, gently fondling the 5-inch pole and kneading it as if to actually clean it. After working the shaft for a while, he slowly moved his paw down to the sack between his legs, softly caressing the furry scrotum and the orbs contained within.

"Ooh! Yeah, that's it cat. Clean my cock and balls."

As Morgana kneaded the sensitive pearls hanging delicately from Cait's groin, the purple cat began working Morgana's dick again, stroking slowly along the throbbing meat. Morgana moaned as Cait reinitiated the masturbating of his cock and decided to match the other feline's actions, bringing his padded paw back to Cait's penis and began stroking it, slightly faster than Cait was doing to him.

"Oh yeah... *pant* Morgana. Work that paw. *moan* Show me... *ugh* how to do it."

With Cait's insistence, Morgana began stroking regularly, sliding up and down the shaft with intermediate speed. As he continued his treatment, Cait reached down into the water and scooped up some more water to wet Morgana's cathood before continuing to masturbate him, his speed increasing to match the other feline's. Morgana moaned softly with eyes narrow and body limp, his hips beginning to thrust lightly into the wandering fairy's paw. Cait was smiling at the other cat, enjoying the sight of Morgana taking pleasure from his padded appendage on his member.

Morgana was the first to begin pawing off his partner faster, his own moans getting faster and louder. Cait followed suit, increasing the tempo of his movements and Morgana jerked more forcefully against Cait's paw trying to edge himself closer to orgasm.

"You... *ugh* like that... *ugh* Morgana? You like... *pant* the way my paw... *moan* feels on your cock?"

Morgana's mouth was agape now and moaning constantly. "God, yes! *ugh* Please... *pant* don't stop... *moan* jerking me off."

Cait flashed a toothy grin as he sped up his paw, granting Morgana's unspoken wish to finally cum. He felt that tingle in his own groin, signaling his approaching climax and began thrusting into Morgana's paw as well. Both males were leading the other on now with their increasingly rhythmic thrusts, determining the pace their partner takes in pumping their jock. Cait continued to hold the padded palm against Morgana's head, providing maximum stimulation for the black demon cat as his pole was continuously jammed into it. Morgana responded in kind, gripping the purple feline's meat more roughly as the session proceeded. The sound of water being disturbed reverberated near the pair as they moved their thighs, drowned out only by the ever amplifying sound of two felines' moans of passion.

"Oh God!" cried Cait in between moans. "I'm so close. *moan* Milk... *ugh* me Morgana. Make me... *groan* cum."

Morgana said nothing, but continued to moan and increased his tempo, prompting Cait to speed up his pumping and stimulating him closer to climax. Cait responded in kind, speeding the rate his paw slid along Morgana's shaft and precipitating an ascending orgasm in the smaller demon. Before long, the two were practically shouting as they approached their peak, Morgana's eyes closed as he grit his teeth and Cait smiling at the lust-filled expression on his impassioned partner. Soon, neither feline could hold back their climax any longer and they threw their heads back and cried out into the open sky as the released their pent up stress. Long strings of hot, turbid jizz shot from both their cocks and landed squarely on the other's belly. Shot after shot of feline demon cum stained the other, leaving both marked with erotic displays of amorous relief.

After exhausting the other, both cats were pumping an empty well as the last ounce of semen leaked from each male's urethra. The two took a short reprieve to catch their breath, basking in the afterglow of masturbating a new, yet totally sexy, stranger. As his breathing began to return to normal and his cock started going flaccid, Morgana stared down at the ejaculate stains on Cait's fur, the milky white contrasting the purple. Flustered, he blushed under his black fur and stuttered slightly as he spoke, "Oh.. I- I'm- I'm sorry. I got you d- dirty after y- you cleaned up."

Cait stared down at Morgana's markings and then stared back at his own expelled fluids on the black cat's fur and smiled, chuckling. "Oh, don't worry about it. I think it's sexy being covered in your jizz."

Cait stepped forward, wading through the water and before Morgana could say anything else Cait reached up and grabbed his head, holding it in placed as the purple feline brought his lips to Morgana's in a succulent kiss. Morgana was shocked at first, but then returned the kiss, opening up his muzzle and prodding at Cait's closed lips before the purple demon opened wide and allowed the smaller demon access. Morgana wrapped his arms around Cait and the two pressed their bodies together, mixing and spreading their spunk on their torsos around and rubbing their cocks together. The two moaned softly in the kiss as both felines explored the inside of the other's muzzle, tongues wrestling to caress every foreign tooth, gum, and ridge.

After an exchange of saliva, Cait broke the kiss and stared back at Morgana, smiling at him for which Morgana returned the sentiment. Cait looked down towards Morgana's crotch and noticed his limp dick had returned to a fully erect position. Cait flashed Morgana a salacious grin as he licked his lips. "Well, well. Looks like you really do want it after all." The purple feline spoke in a soft yet seductive tone as Morgana looked away, shame welling up in him as he was unable to hide his arousal at the situation. "If it's OK with you, I think I found a way to collect my reward for saving you."

Morgana looked back at Cait, flushed with both embarrassment and lust. He nodded his head and eagerly said, "Yes. Take your reward. Take as much as you want."

Cait grinned eagerly as he moved in to plant a soft, succulent peck on Morgana's lips. Before the black cat could respond, Cait moved downward, planting small kisses on his neck, his chest, then slowly ran his tongue along Morgana's belly, lapping at the cum-matted fur and savoring the sweet and salty flavor. Morgana moaned as Cait reached his crotch, planting more kisses as he slowly lowered himself until he reached the base of Morgana's shaft. Now on his knees, the water reaching up to his neck, he shut his eyes as he began kissing the neck of the darker feline's pole. Softly and slowly at first, he started picking up the pace as he moved along the length towards the sensitive feline head. Before Cait planted his lips on Morgana's waiting glans, he stuck out his tongue and dragged it front trunk along the veiny side towards the head.

He stopped short again and smacked his lips together. "Mm, delicious." Cait licked at the erect phallus a few more times before finally sliding his tongue along the hard, sensitive glans leaving a wet spot of slick saliva. Morgana shivered and moaned, his eyes going into the back of his head as Cait continued his ministrations on Morgana's cock. He licked long, hard, and slow to ensure Morgana got as much sensation out of this as possible. As Cait watched the darker-furred demon cat clench his fingers reflexively from the sensual actions, the purple fairy decided he'd teased himself and Morgana for long enough.

Licking his lips, he stuck out his tongue and slid it along the base of Morgana's penis, tracing the creases and ridges of the fleshy organ and guiding the pointed tip in towards Cait's waiting maw. As the edge of the pulsating dick reached the boundary of Cait's muzzle, he closed his mouth around the encroaching rod and enveloped it, creating a suction as it moved along the demon cat's wet tongue. Morgana groaned loudly as his penis was enshrouded in the warm, damp, ridged confines of Cait Sith's inner muzzle.

"Oh God, Cait! Your muzzle feels sooo gooood!"

Cait smiled around the cock as he brought one paw up and cupped one of Morgana's ass cheeks. He brought the second one up between Morgana's legs and caressed his soft, succulent, furry balls, eliciting an intense shudder and shriek of ecstasy. Satisfied, Cait began fondling the feline's sack as he held himself and his partner firmly and pulled back, letting Morgana's cock slide out slowly while keeping his lips puckered with a hard suction around the lengthy dong. His viscous spit acting as lubricant, he pulled the rigid dick out up to the head and quickly shoved it back in, forcing Morgana to pump his hips forward and slammed his malehood to the hilt into Cait's mouth. Morgana screamed a loud "Ugh!" as his hips slapped Cait's face while his balls were being continuously manhandled. Cait squeezed Morgana's ass, making the feline grimace with pleasure as his sexual hunger grew.

Cait pulled the other feline's penis out of his mouth again and shoved it back in, repeating the process as he bobbed his head and began a steady rhythm back and forth, in and out, Morgana bucking his hips in unison with Cait's guidance. With each pump of Morgana's prick inside Cait's mouth, the hard suction and viscous interior stimulating every nerve ending in the blood-engorged appendage, Morgana found his second orgasm building up more and more. He let his muzzle hang agape, a small string of dribble seeping out of the corner and staining the fur on his chin. The sound of water splashing resonated softly around them as Morgana's legs and Cait's torso disturbed the surface.

With Cait having set the stage, Morgana found himself now leading their exploits without even realizing it, though the purple demon below him certainly noticed and enjoyed having his partner take charge. Seemingly through instinct, Morgana reached down and grabbed the back of Cait's head, further controlling the feline below as his hips gyrated more forcefully. Cait realized Morgana was getting closer to climax and facilitated the anxious cat by squeezing his balls and his butt a little harder. The act caused Morgana to grimace in pleasure and pain.

"Oh God, *pant* yes! *moan* Harder! *groan* Harder!"

Morgana was pumping faster and faster and Cait was getting so much pleasure out of the feline's reaction. He took heed of Morgana's cries and squeezed a little harder on his soft testicles and sucked a little harder around his turgid meat.

"Yes! Ugh! Milk me... Cait! Milk me... Ah!"

Morgana thrust as hard and as fast as he could, the sensation of his impending climax reaching its crescendo. Every breath, as rapid and forceful as ever, emanated with a loud moan of sexual ecstasy. It wasn't long before his moans turned into cries of impending release and within seconds he pulled Cait's head forward and buried his face in his crotch, forcing the purple feline's nose into his groin as a rough expulsion of cum ejected out of Morgana's urethra and onto the back of Cait's throat. Morgana started pumping again, hard but slow, several more shots of feline ejaculate sprayed the back of Cait's muzzle, mixing with his saliva. After numerous hard thrusts, Morgana's thrusting slowed and soon after stopped as the last of his spunk seeped from cock and coated the other demon cat's tongue. Cait accepted it ecstatically, savoring the tangy and salty flavor of Morgana's rich and plentiful cum. Morgana took a moment to catch his breath as Cait soon began pulling away from his crotch. Morgana eased up his hold on Cait's head allowing his spent, but still hard cock to slip out from the fairy's muzzle, the cold air sending pleasant chills throughout his waist.

Cait licked his lips and stared up at Morgana seductively. "Mm, you have some tasty splooge, Morgana." Morgana smiled and blushed a little as he looked away. "Now that you've gotten release, how 'bout you get on all fours and let me enjoy the rest of my reward." Cait brought his paw up and gave a light smack to Morgana's backside, causing the black feline to jump slightly. "That beautiful ass of yours will do just fine." He licked his lips again.

His cock was still hard, though it was softening up a little, but with the afterglow of his last orgasm still fresh in mind and body, he knew it was only fair to return the favor and let Cait get his rocks off. After all, the demon feline did save my life and it's not like I don't think my ass couldn't take him, he thought to himself. I've had much bigger shove their dick inside me. I couldn't protest now anyway, not after I showed him how much I enjoyed getting sucked off.

Morgana nodded and turned away, wading up onto the shoal until only his footpaws were submerged in water. He slowly knelt down and lowered himself onto all fours, the water barely covering his legs, and turned to face Cait as he lifted his tail in the air and displayed his wrinkled sphincter at the purple demon fairy. "You want your reward? It's waiting for you."

Cait stood up hastily and walked over to Morgana, his tail twitching anxiously behind him. He knelt down behind the black cat, staring intently at the small, round rump and licked his lips. He leaned slowly, grabbing Morgana's cheeks and holding them apart as he moved his muzzle in between, guiding his muzzle right up to the feline's anus and running his tongue up along the puckered entrance slowly and roughly. Morgana felt the cat's muscle press against his own and the slick, warm appendage sent shivers through his butthole and up his spine. Cait licked again and again, slavering up the tight ring and forcing Morgana to jostle with each lap. He shoved the tip of his tongue forward against the tight opening until it gave way and he was able to slip in, coating the insides with his copious drool. Morgana's hair stood on end as Cait gave him a thorough rimjob, the feeling of his tongue inside his anus sending a tingling sensation through his entire rear end.

Efficiently lubed up, Cait retracted his tongue and slowly crawled over Morgana, splashing through the water as he hovered over the black feline. He got his hips aligned with Morgana's ass and grabbed his cock and positioned it until the tip was pressing up against the backside entrance. He pushed forward, forcing his cockhead against the slick bud until it gave way and he was able to shove the glans inside. Morgana moaned as he was violated from behind, his heart beating as he waited for Cait to fully impale him. Cait removed his paw and placed it in the water and then, after a deep breath, he shoved forward, his penis splitting apart Morgana's sphincter and delving into the murky depths of his rectum. Morgana let out a loud groan as the thick meat speared him through, delighting in the stimulation of the nerves in his anus. Once hilted, Morgana relaxed, the girth relatively modest in comparison to past partners.

Cait leaned forward and whispered in Morgana's ear, "You're so loose and warm. You must have had a lot of males fuck you in the ass."

A twinge of embarrassment crept into Morgana's heart, the memories of a various demons taking him for various reasons. Yet through all of it, the feeling of being filled by a larger, sexy male always made the experience enjoyable. Before he could think too long on past experiences, Cait began to pull out, his base retreating from his damp cave, before plummeting back inside him. Morgana let out a satisfied moan, pleasing Cait who pulled out and rammed Morgana's ass again. He built up a rhythm, slow and methodical with his hips slapping the black cat's butt with each pummel. His breathing soon increased and Morgana was unable to stop himself from groaning at the treatment.

"Yeah, *ugh* you *pant* like that, *grunt* don't you?" Cait asked.

"Ugh... ugh... ugh... yeah... ugh... fuck me! *pant* Fuck me harder!"

Cait smiled and grit his teeth as his thrusting picked up in both pace and force, the audible slaps of waist on glut growing louder. With the faster tempo, Cait's peak was approaching more rapidly as the tension in his groin built up. He started panting, his mouth hanging open and his tongue lolling out as a string of drool dribbled down and hit Morgana on top of the head. His cock sloshed as it slid in and out with ease, the black cat's anus accepting the fairy's junk with experience. His grunts grew louder and his pace quickened again, the pressure in his balls growing evermore to bring him to climax.

"God, Morgana! *pant* Your ass- it... *groan* it feels *grunt* so fucking good! *moan* I'm... *ugh* close." Morgana groaned, stimulated by the thick meat sliding in and out passed his sensitive bud, but then Cait began to slow his jackhammering. Morgana furrowed a brow in confusion until Cait leaned forward and brought his lips next to Morgana's ear. "You *pant* ready to be bred, Morgana? You ready *pant* for me to make you my female?"

Morgana shuddered at the words, anxious to be filled by the purple demon's jizz. "Yes."

"Say it," Cait replied in a sadistic tone.

"Breed me! Mate me! Dominate me! Make me your female!" Morgana replied fervently.

With that, Morgana felt Cait's hips buck quickly and constantly, beating his backseat in rapid succession with his grunting grown to a fever pitch. Cait couldn't hold back anymore, gritting his teeth as he exploded inside Morgana, releasing a wave of his own jizz to coat the inner intestinal walls. Morgana felt a slight warmth growing in his insides as the purple feline's thrusts grew slower and more ragged. Before long, Cait stopped humping and held himself steady, emptying the last of his ejaculate into Morgana's colon. Cait was panting now, shaky as his orgasm ebbed away and he tried to regain his composure.

After a couple of minutes, Morgana turned to look back at Cait, a smile on his face. "You enjoy your reward, Cait?"

Cait grinned through labored breaths, "Oh, yeah. That was a good reward." The purple feline then leaned down and gave Morgana a kiss.

* * *

They held that position a little longer before Cait pulled out, his softening dick flopping as it exited the dark cave with a slosh. The pair cleaned themselves of jizz and the smell of sex before heading back to Cait's campsite. Morgana grabbed his fundoshi along the way and once they reached the shore, he hung it on a nearby branch to allow it to dry, leaving him bare naked until then. Cait, on the other hand, left his clothes on the shore, so they remained dry as bone. However, the purple feline demon left himself as nude as Morgana so the two could enjoy a naturist night together.

Cait Sith leaned down by a nearby rock and picked up a flask, unscrewing the top and taking a swig before offering it to Morgana. "Would you like some?"

Morgana stared back in uncertainty. "What is it?"

Cait scoffed. "It's just alcohol."

"I don't know if I should be drinking right now."

Cait scoffed again. "Jeez! What, can't handle your alcohol? What a puss. I thought you were more manly than that."

Morgana, hating being condescended to, furrowed his brow in anger and stomped over to Cait and snatched the flask from his paws. Without hesitation, he took a large sip of whatever fluid it contained and immediately felt his throat burn from the effects of something reminiscent of very hard liquor. Morgana coughed a little at the sudden assault on his senses and Cait chuckled in amusement.

"Guess it's a little too hard for you, huh?" he said with a smug grin. "It's a good liquor that I like to carry around, but it's got nothing on Captain Meowgan, the official drink of the Cat Kingdom." The thought seemed surprising to Morgana as the liquid in the flask was proving to be a rather potent intoxicant. With that, Cait sat down on the ground and sprawled out as he laid back against a rock. "Now, what were you gonna say earlier? You know, before when I asked you where you were going in a plane."

It took Morgana a moment to recall, but he remembered Cait asking him where he was going when they escaped the gremlins, right before he insulted the black cat to go take a bath. He looked back at Cait, ready to tell him his story, but as he thought back he recalled Shogun telling him to be careful about telling anyone about his memories, about being human, or that they were going to see Ose. Not all demons were fans of humans or of famous demons such as him, so he'd be better off keeping those details secret. Morgana always found it odd that whenever Shogun mentioned Ose he seemed uncomfortable, indicating something about the demon troubled the blue-furred cat.

Whatever the case, he didn't have time to think about it and decided to avoid giving away any specifics to this new stranger. "Look, I'm very grateful to you for saving my life, but everything that happened is... very personal and I'd rather not discuss it with someone I just met. All right?"

Cait didn't seem to understand the concept of privacy as he scoffed at Morgana. "Oh come on. Too personal? I just had my dick in you and you can't tell me where you were traveling."

Flustered with annoyance, Morgana took another sip of liquor and asked, "Well, where were you headed when you caught me?"

"I was headed to the the nearby city of Mistholm." He brought his paws back so he could rest his head against them. "Got some business to take care of there."

"What kind of business?"

Cait opened his mouth as if to speak, but then shot Morgana a shit-eating grin before responding, "It's a personal matter." He then stuck out his tongue at the black cat in a playful gesture. He noticed, however, that Morgana seemed to have a depressed look from the discussion, so he decided to change the subject. "So, you must have a pretty active sex life, huh?"

Morgana's eyes grew wide from the question. "Wha- huh? What makes you- why would you say that?"

"Well, you were riding around in a plane, so you must get around. And out there in the lake, you were quite impressive. You knew what you were doing..." he leaned in, cocked an eyebrow, and spoke in a softer tone, "and you were really gettin' into it."

At that moment, Morgana couldn't quite figure out how to react nor could he truly determine how he felt at the moment: insulted by the insinuation or embarrassed that Cait could guess correctly as to his previous amorous experience. Ever since he first met Shogun, he'd been reluctant to engage in such primal acts on the grounds of they were neither human nor female. And yet when push came to shove, he found himself more and more drawn towards the demon he was with and enjoyed everything they did together. From Shogun to Ganesha and Girimehkala to the gremlins and now Cait Sith. He's come to realize that every time he tries to resist the sexual advances of some lusty demon he finds himself wanton of their bodies. Morgana might protest, but he couldn't deny that nothing felt better to him in this world than having another demon's cock in his mouth, or vice versa.

"And I really wanna know how you got so good," Cait interrupted his train of thought, going back to lean against the rock. "I wanna know just what you've done to get good at suckin' off demons."

As Morgana paused to soak in the blatant request, he felt conflicted about what to do. Ordinarily, he'd scoff at his overly casual request and deny him the satisfaction, but as he ruminated on his experiences with the blue cat, the large elephants, and the small gremlins, he felt a desire to reminisce openly about the various sexual exploits he's engaged in. He couldn't tell why, but at that moment he felt more open and comfortable with sharing his private life. With that, he took another swig from Cait's flask and initiated a tale of erotic adventure.

"It started when I met Neko Shogun," he began, Cait smiling and twitching his ears to listen. "He's a black-furred cat demon, taller than me and... pudgier in the belly. He wore armor, teal-colored, carried around a pair of sashimono, and a sword. He found me wandering alone, gave me food, company, and shelter. Then, our first night together, I woke up to find he was *scoff* pawing off right next to me while saying my name."

"Mm, oh yeah. He was thinking of his new, sexy kitty, wasn't he?"

"Heh, yeah. I told him it was all right to continue, but he wanted to see me pawing off." Cait's eyebrows shot up. "I was so embarrassed at first. I'd never done anything like that before in front of another guy, but I felt like I owed him, so I went ahead and jerked off, letting him watch while he jerked off right in front of me."

"Oh yeah, that's a great way to meet a new friend. So, did you two cream all over each other?" Cait was really getting into Morgana's story.

"Actually... after some hesitation, he... he convinced me to jerk each other off." Cait's grin widened. "Yeah, he reached between my legs and I reached between his and we stroked each other off, beating each other's meat for a while until we both exploded, draining our nuts out on each other." Cait let out an excited grunt. "After that, we cleaned each other off... with our tongues, lapping at our own cum stains. The next day, things got a lot more intense. We were walking down the road and he got playful, kissing me, calling me a dirty kitty and a slut and forcing me down on my knees so I could suck him off." Cait's tongue was hanging out of his mouth now, drool seeping off the end. "I tried to resist because I wasn't ready, but he wouldn't let me stop, so I went along with it and sucked on his cock until he came, forcing me to drink his cum. Thinking back on it, knowing Shogun, I realized he was just being kinky."

"Yeah. I could tell," the feline fairy stated excitedly.

"Well, that night, I thought about leaving, but he convinced me to stay and that night, we did something I've never thought about doing with another demon... I let him fuck me. I got down on all fours, making him beg for it, and then he ate out my male pussy before sticking his dick in me and riding me like a wild animal. And after he was done... I did the same to him. I ate him out before mounting him, pummeling his ass hard and fast until I came inside him, using him to milk my own balls dry. I never rimmed a cat demon before, but it was so hot; the ridges, the tightness, the musk, the musculature."

"Oh, you aint gotta tell me. I know the feeling." Cait Sith regaled his own tale of sexual depravity. "I remember this one time I was in a threesome with a Garm, a mean-looking purple-furred hellhound who walks around in a bandana, and a Dred Rox, a sexy dragon-like demon. I went out for drinks 'cause I ran out of my own stock and ran into these two lusty, horny demons. We made small talk for a little bit and the three of us got drunk, one thing led to another and the next thing I know we're heading down a dark alley, all three of us hard as stone and ready to fuck each others brains out. I got to make out with both of them, the hellhound shoving his long tongue down my throat and filling my muzzle with the taste of dog, then the dragon demon practically ate my muzzle as he Frenched me. Before we knew it, Garm was on his paw and knees with his ass pointed towards me, expecting me to breed him. I was eager to oblige, but not before I lubed his ass up nice and slick with my tongue and spit, feeling every bump on his tight, doggy tailhole. Dred Rox did the same to me, eating my male pussy, his hot breath making me hornier than ever. I then impaled Garm and pummeled him into oblivion while Dred Rox shoved his 6 and a half inch dick deep inside me, fucking me hard until he filled me with hellhound cum."

Listening to Cait talk about his own exploits was making Morgana warm in his crotch, the images he conjured up arousing the feline's lust. He took another swig of Cait's alcohol, finding his inhibitions lowering. "Yeah, orgies can be a lot of fun."

"Oh yeah, you ever been in one?" Cait pondered, thrilled for a new tale of sexual exploration.

"Yeah. Shogun and I were traveling, looking for a way to move longer distances at faster times. We came upon a hotel, a memento, and... curious, we wanted to see what was inside. But as we approached, a large elephant demon god named Shogun stopped us. We tried to fight him, but he had a brother, a one-eyed god named Girime- Giri- Gi- I don't remember. It started with Giri." Cait chuckled. "Anyway, instead of killing us, they said we could pay for our transgressions by being their sex slaves for a night. We agreed and Ganesha took Shogun, stripped him down, and then forced him to suck his cock. He made him beg for it too to humiliate him further. Shogun was on Ganesha's belly when he took the elephants cock in his muzzle and when he did that, Ganesha shoved his trunk up Shogun's asshole."

"Oh yeah! It's so kinky when elephants use their trunks as tentacles and shove it up a demon's ass." Morgana heard Cait exclaim.

"Giri grabbed me and pawed me off while fingering me and forcing me to watch my partner get raped. While it was happening, I was so embarrassed, but I was also kinda turned on watching that black cat take an elephant god's cock in his mouth while the elephant shoved his trunk in and out of that kitty tailhole. After Ganesha came in Shogun's mouth, they forced me to suck off Shogun. I was so ashamed the entire time, but after I sucked off Shogun, Giri pulled me away and made me suck him off. His huge cock poked the back of my throat, choking me, until he finally came."

"Damn!" Cait chimed in. "Sorry to say, but I find what those elephants did to you extremely hot."

Morgana felt like he should've been offended, but he was enthralled talking to him about this that he was unbothered. "Nah, it's fine. And after that, they threatened to keep us as slaves, so Shogun thought of a way for us to escape. So we worshiped those elephant gods, praising their sexy bodies and telling them how much we wanted them to fuck us, which I have to admit wasn't entirely a lie. So they fucked us in the ass, Ganesha took Shogun and Giri took me. When that fat elephant stuck his dick up inside me, it hurt a bit 'cause I'd never taken someone that long or that thick before. But after he started sliding in and out, banging my prostate, I'd be lying if I said a part of me didn't want him to finish. But as we praised them, they eventually got their memories back and after they came, they were distracted enough that Shogun and I could escape. Heh, I still remember running down that hallway with a belly full of pachyderm jizz."

At that moment, Morgana turned back towards Cait and realized the purple-furred feline was pawing off, one paw fondling his inner thigh while the other was stroking his blood-engorged penis. "Goddamn that was hot!" Cait shouted, his rod stiff moderate pace. "Keep going. This is fucking hot." Oddly enough, Morgana found the thought of his new companion getting off to the thought of two large elephant demons using and abusing him and his friend titillating. With his own phallus at half-mast, he continued his tale.

"Well, we couldn't escape, so we hid for a couple days and trained to fight in case we had no other option. We moved around the hotel, trying to find a way out when we heard grunts coming from one of the rooms. We thought maybe they'd captured another poor demon and had to rescue him. Instead, we saw Ganesha licking his brother's fat, elephant ass wile Giri wanted to get fucked. We saw the larger Ganesha shove his thick meat up his brother's male-cunt and slap that ass with his hips. After that, we stumbled over into the room and... well, the two apologized for punishing us. So they offered us a request. I just wanted to leave but Shogun, the randy and rambunctious cat that he is, wanted them to please us sexually. I was hesitant, of course, but they were more than happy to give Shogun what he wanted. So I stood there and watched as one of the elephant gods Frenched my partner, licked his dick, and pawed him off while the other fingered him, rimmed him, and then shoved his trunk deep into Shogun's depths. While I'm standing there I lie to myself, telling myself that the whole ordeal is wrong, but I'm getting hard and wet and hot for those demon gods."

"Ugh, oh yeah! Keep going! You're friend is really kinky; revenge sex is the best. And you were really getting into too, weren't you you dirty, dirty kitty?" Cait teased as he jerked off faster now.

Morgana, despite being fully erect with his cock seeping pre-ejaculate, blushed at the observation. "Well.... th- they made us do things against our will, so it just seemed fair and- and equal that we should get to do the same to them." Cait cocked an eyebrow in disbelief, continuing to pump his well.

"Anyway, after Shogun came, I- I couldn't take it anymore and so I let them take me. I made out with all three of them, the two gods practically eating my face as their thick tongues completely filled my small muzzle. Then Ganesha licked my ass and fingered me while Giri sucked me off. After that, I got spit-roasted as Giri shoved his meat down my throat while Ganesha took my asshole, which was loosened by his brother, but still hurt a little because Ganesha was thicker and longer. Finally, to finish up, the two gods let us fuck them, so Shogun and I took an elephant, lubed up his tight anus with our tongue, lathering the musky, ridged muscle until it was nice and slick, and plowed those demon gods with all the energy we had. Ganesha's ass was so fuckin' sexy. His cheeks were large and gave a lot of cushion and his insides were warm and moist and made it easy to slide in and out. Shogun and I came inside them, spreading our seed into two sexy gods."

"Mmm, Goddamn that was hot!" Cait shouted, his rod stiff, red, and pulsing with lust. Morgana eyed the fellow feline's equipment and licked his lips seductively. "Sex with elephant demons is the best. Reminds me of my own experience with an elephant god: Purski, a three-eyed elephant demon. We met and fought and he wanted to kill me too, but I convinced him that if he spared my life that I would please him however he wanted. He agreed and stripped, ordering me to suck on his balls and his cock. I guess he thought it would be denigrating, but... I like the taste of demon balls." Morgana, hearing this, took his package, cock and jewels, into his paw and began fondling himself. "He then turned around and ordered me to lick his ass 'cause it helps get him in the mood. So I stuck my face between his cheeks and lapped away at his big, bulbous ass. I licked upward along the taint, under the tail, and then focused on the tight rosebud. I traced the rim and poked and prodded the seal until I got the tip of my tongue inside. While I did that, I grabbed his cock and began to fondle him, caressing the shaft while I massaged the head. He didn't stop moaning the entire time." Morgana, started stroking himself with one paw while the other started playing with his balls.

Cait chuckled, "Ooh, yeah. You know how hot elephant demon sex is, especially when you get to taste their ass, don't you Morgana?" Morgana simply bit his lip and nodded his head as Cait continued to give him something to jerk off to. "I don't know how long I was eating out elephant demon ass, but eventually he picked me up held me in his arms and made out with me, shoving his tongue down my throat, Frenching me for a very long time. While kissing me, I felt his thick, veiny schlong entire my asshole and slide into me, invading my depths. I moaned into his mouth and he began to fuck me while holding me. He broke the kiss and stuck his trunk in my mouth and I began sucking on it. He began sodomizing my muzzle with his trunk as he fucked me, getting harder and faster, pounding my ass like raw meat, until he filled me up with his hot spunk."

"Urg!" Morgana groaned at the intense, kinky narrative. "Oh God! I'd like to meet this Purski and let him use my holes."

Cait grinned. "You got anymore tales?" he asked while still fondling his dick.

"Well, the last time Shogun and I were together, we were breaking into an airport to get a plane. Before we could find one, we ran into a gremlin. He didn't wanna help us at first, but Shogun rubbed his crotch against the gremlin's ass and he got all hot and horny and Shogun agreed to do whatever he wanted and in exchanged he'd show us a plane and fly us around. He agreed and Shogun got down on his knees, played around with his nuts and dick before sliding the little yellow cock in his muzzle and sucking him off. I was standing watch, but watching my partner slide that dude's pole in and out of his lips made me kinda envious. So I went over and Shogun took turns suckin' off one of us while jerkin' off the other. I got so hot and moist from having his hot breath surround my member that I came quickly. By then, his paw was on my member so I came on his fur coat, staining him with my essence."

Cait shuddered at the description. "Oh, God! You both really are a couple of slutty cats if you're willing to seduce a gremlin to get what you want."

"After that, four more gremlins showed up and the first one disappeared. I didn't want to start a fight because we were trespassing, but we were able to make the same agreement with those four gremlins: do what they want and they'll fly us around. Shogun took two and I took two. The two I got; one made out with me while the other fingered me hard, getting my tailhole nice and stretched. When they were ready, the one making out with me wanted me to fuck him, so I ate out his small, puckered sphincter before ramming my aching dick deep inside his bowels. While I was inside of him, the gremlin fingering me mounted me and stuffed his rod into my stretched anus, filling up my rectum with his meat. We started humping each other, finding a rhythm to sync up with for a while, until I came inside one gremlin while the second came inside me, filling up each other's colon with our manly seed. At the same time, the gremlin I fucked came all over me, covering my chin, chest, and stomach with splooge."

"Fuck yeah!" Cait interjected while panting. "First the elephants, now some gremlins to use you as sex slaves. Man, I wish I coulda been there."

Morgana, flushed from the alcohol, smiled and continued. "But it wasn't over. After our fuck sessions, Shogun and I licked up the gremlin semen on each other's fur, but that just made the gremlins horny again. So Shogun and I took two gremlins again and took turns sucking one off while masturbating the other. While I had my hot, moist, salivating muzzle wrapped around the pulsing prick of one gremlin, feeling it slide in and out as pre seeped out and stained the back of my tongue and filled my taste buds with a tart, sweet flavor, my paw pads were caressing another gremlin prick, the fur of my digits stimulating every nerve ending on that little, yellow rocket."

"ERK!" Cait shouted. "I can't take it anymore." Cait lurched forward, grabbed the flask from Morgana, and sat back down on the ground. He placed his thighs together with his hard cock pointing upward and emptied the contents of the flask onto his lap, forming a small puddle of alcohol around his penis and testicles. He lackadaisically tossed the flask to the side and leaned back on his elbows as he eyed Morgana salaciously. "All right, Morgana. That was hot as fuck. Thinkin' about how you use that muzzle and ass of yours was some kinky shit. But I know you were also turned on by those memories and by my own stories. So, whadda ya say you come to my lap and enjoy my treat."

There was no hesitation in Morgana this time. No voice warning him away due to embarrassment or modesty. This time around, as he eyed Cait's body, particularly the mast standing erect in the small pool of liquid courage, he felt nothing but eagerness to have everything in that cat's lap in his muzzle. He moved forward, feeling a slight lack of balance as he crawled over to Cait. Without a word, he leaned over and began lapping up the liquid trapped between Cait's legs. As Morgana's tongue darted out to take in a helping of the intoxicant, it grazed Cait's ballsac making the purple demon groan erotically. Soon enough, Morgana was licking up along the furry scrotum, eliciting grunts of approval from the owner. Morgana's tongue eventually found its way to Cait's cock, starting at the base and moving upward, wetting the length with alcohol as it moved. Cait shivered with delight as Morgana's tongue stimulated the nerve endings in his glans.

After a moment, when Morgana had gotten his fill of the inebriating fluid, he hovered over the thick meat, open his maw, and glided his tongue from head to root as he slid Cait's member into his muzzle. Morgana formed a tight seal around the penis, fitting the entire length in his mouth, the head poking the back of his throat, but experience teaching him how to breathe around it. He wasted no time bobbing his head up and down, stimulating the already teased feline towards climax.

"Oh yeah. Aw shit, Morgana! That's it. Suck my cock. Oh God, yes!"

Morgana felt encouraged and sped up his ministrations, each time his muzzle tapping Cait's lap and dipping his muzzle into what alcohol was left in his lap.

"God, Morgana, *pant* you're so good *moan* at suckin' dick. *urg* Man, those demons *groan* really taught you how *grunt* to please someone." As Cait felt the intensity of his approaching climax increase, a thought crossed his mind. "Hey, *grunt* Morgana. *pant* You should *moan* come with me to *groan* Mistholm. *urg* Chances are if *pant* your friends survived, *groan* they'd *moan* probably be *groan* on their *urg* way there anyway. *moan* How 'bout it? *grunt* Wanna come *urg* with me?"

Morgana didn't stop to answer, instead deciding to continue uninterrupted his oral kneading of Cait's desperate member. Cait didn't mind, preferring to have Morgana finish coaxing him to orgasm, which was approaching rapidly. Having pawed himself off for some time, he felt that intense tingling growing in his crotch instigated by the expert actions of his new black-furred compatriot. Morgana's tongue worked at a different pace than his head, moving up and down along the shaft or gently rubbing the head either in or out of sync with his muzzle. The cat's organ traced the underside of Cait's cock, maneuvering along the veins and teasing the urethral opening. Cait was panting heavily now, his hips thrusting upward into Morgana's face, edging himself closer to an explosive finish.

"Oh yeah, *urg* Morgana. *grunt* That's it. *moan* Work that tongue, *pant* work that muzzle.*moan* Man, you're a *grunt* god damn expert."

It wasn't long before Cait felt the apex of his slowly building orgasm approaching. Through pants and moans, Cait grit his teeth as the pressure in his groin built up until he couldn't hold back anymore and his cock expelled a massive load of sticky, chunky cat semen into Morgana's waiting muzzle. Shot after shot struck Morgana's tongue and throat, coating it and mixing with his own viscous saliva, the tangy, salty taste dispersing and ruminating in his sensitive mouth for the second time that night. Several ejections later and Cait was spent with no more of his male essence to donate to Morgana's stomach. Having accepted his partner's last remnant, Morgana removed himself from Cait's crotch and looked up into his eyes, licking his lips and smiling softly at the purple-furred fairy.


Cait looked back quizzically. "Yes? Yes, what?"

"Yes, I will go with you."

Cait smiled back in a smug manner, as though his mere presence was enough to convince the cat to go with him. Morgana stared back and lowered his head, staring downward in such a way that Cait interpreted as fatigue. However, he soon discovered his misinterpretation as Morgana knocked him onto his back and before he could react, Morgana had grabbed his legs under the knees and lifted them into the air, exposing his butt. Morgana then leaned forward, staring at Cait's exposed pucker before he began to slowly lap away at it. Cait's heart jumped into his throat at the sudden and unexpected sensation of the wet, warm tongue traipsing his back entrance, but he let his own tongue loll out of his mouth and enjoy it. Morgana moaned aloud as he took his time lubricating Cait's sphincter, pressing against it softly and planting gentle kisses on it as well. He pressed his tongue hard against the entrance which Cait allowed him access, Morgana Frenching the purple demon's asshole with abandon.

Shortly after, he retracted his organ and sat up, pulling Cait back into him and sandwiching his cock between his crotch and Cait's rear. He started grinding against him, rubbing his dick between Cait's cheeks, sliding along the wet ring and prodding at the testicles dangling above. Cait saw the expression that Morgana displayed and realized it wasn't fatigue, but intoxication, both on the alcohol and the lust for his back end. He grinned seductively, flashing Cait a pair of small, feline teeth.

"Heh, you are one sexy cat. And you got me all horny, so I need a place to put my dick and your asshole is perfect. It's tight and warm and perfect as my cock sleeve." Cait was taken aback by Morgana's dominance, a personality trait he didn't see before. It seemed in an inebriated state, Morgana was quite controlling, rough, and perverted. "I need to fuck you and I'm gonna fuck you hard," he said rubbing his prick raw against his partner's taint.

Slightly unnerved, Cait opened his muzzle to speak but before he could make a sound Morgana had his cock head positioned right outside his rosebud and pressed hard against it. Without a moment's hesitation the black feline had shoved forward with a hard thrust, spearing Cait with his member and shoving all 3 and a half inches deep into Cait's bowels. The feeling of Morgana instantly violating his sphincter sent shivers up his spine, but after a moment the warm pressure of his intestine being filled with kitty cock made him smile with erotic glee. Morgana groaned as his dick became encapsulated by Cait's warm innards, the dank cavern squeezing around his meat and driving another orgasm.

With his faculties compromised by alcohol, he couldn't tell how rough or fast to go, so he started off thrusting in and out of Cait quickly and with heavy force. Cait bobbed back and forth as Morgana fucked him thoroughly, the smaller cat gritting his teeth as he dominated the larger, less inebriated feline.

"Ugh! Ugh! Oh! Yeah! Take *pant* my cock! Feel it *grunt* fill you up! You're *groan* my female now!"

Cait chuckled at the perverted words coming out of Morgana's muzzle. He wrapped his legs around Morgana's waist to hold him in place while Morgana continued to gyrate back and forth, grunting with every thrust. Morgana's muzzle hung open, his tongue hanging out of the corner as a small string of drool seeped down his chin, matting his fur. As the night wore on, Morgana maintained his pace and his rhythm while Cait enjoyed the sensation of being pierced over and over again.

Morgana's peak was approaching and in his drunken state he wanted the sweet sensual release bad, so he increased his tempo, slamming his hips into Cait's buttocks with increased force. His grunts grew louder, much to Cait's enjoyment, the entire experience keeping his spent and aching cock rock solid. "Ah! Ah! Urgh! Ah! Yeah, take my cock! Milk me, Cait! Milk my cock with your ass you sexy demon!"

Cait grinned and held on tight, keeping Morgana's body close as his humped without holding back. Morgana felt his groin tightening up, his climax close. Morgana let go of all control letting his muzzle hang open and drool dribble out. His muscles tightened up as well, his tail tense and his butt clenched. In the final throws of passion, Morgana let out a howling cry of ecstasy as his balls finally emptied, his cock flexing as long shots of cum exploded into Cait's rectum. Morgana continued thrusting as shot after shot of hot, sticky semen coated the insides of his comrades organs, a powerful orgasm that made his ass and groin hurt from flexing so hard. After several more forceful expulsions of feline seed coated Cait's intestinal walls, Morgana felt his urethra empty of his chunky essence, the last drops seeping out slowly as an exhausting experience came to a close, the sexual high ebbing away and leaving Morgana spent. With nothing left inside, he collapsed on top of Cait, panting heavily with his cock still deeply embedded in the dark cavern.

After a couple minutes, Cait began petting Morgana's head. "Damn, Morgana! That was *pant* amazing. You really know you stuff." He awaited a response, but only silence arose from the black cat. "Morgana, you all right?" Nothing. "Morgana?"

Cait stared down and saw his new friend's energy reserves had been completely drained and the smaller feline was fast asleep, eyes closed and mouth agape. Cait smiled and chortled at the sleeping feline, "My my, can handle your demons but you can't handle your liquor." Cait leaned back against the ground and stared up at the sky, smiling as he thought back on a recent memory. "He was right. If I go to Mistholme by this path, I'll meet a cat who falls from the sky. I can't believe it." As fatigue began to wear on him and he felt sleep creeping up on him, he looked down at the black-furred feline. "I'm sorry Morgana, but I don't want to disappear." And with that, before long, he too fell into unconsciousness.

Unraveling His Persona - Part 6

Consciousness lapped at Neko Shogun's mind like the incoming tide to the shore. Light beyond his view coaxed his eyelids open. Memories flooded in with the waking world. They were aboard the plane. What had happened? There was gunfire. Then a missile....

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,