The Matriarch's Palace

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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I started this little idea on the fifteenth, and I'm satisfied that I finished it within ten days. It's about 8,700 words and follows a male cheetah recently purchased as a slave by the "Matriarch." I didn't include the slavery tag though because it doesn't focus on that theme. The setting is similar to Sands of Fate in a way, although the setting revolves around a city state where females are dominant in life as priestesses. If a lot of people like this, then I have an idea to write a continuation where the main character explored the area more and receives duties to learn/complete.

Even though there is no human character, I hope y'all will enjoy it.

Edit: correcting spelling errors. Thank you!

"I believe he is from Sippar." A voice spoke.

"No, Lagash." A second voice contended. "Sippar is too far away."

"You two are idiots." A third voice gruffly chimed in. "He's from Sofala."

"Everyone like him is imported from Sofala." The first waved a dismissive hand. "How else would he get here?"

"The Hashmi merchants can find anything or anyone anywhere." The second stated. "From Adufan to the fields of Moyale, they'll find anything rare."

"That must be why the palace wants him..." A red maned lion glanced over his shoulder, and into the line of shade with pity in his golden eyes. The three male guards, two lions and a hyena, chattered amongst themselves to pass the time while they oversaw a special person. Tucked away from the rounded entrance of the mud brick building, a feline figure was seated in the shade. However, his predicament was anything but relaxing. His tail was motionless on the floor, and his hands were tied together with rope. A cloth had been cast aside nearby with several marks of red and blue paint, signifying his sold price at the slave markets.

He was naked, just like the guards and virtually everyone else in the city. However, this was considered normal for the entire region. Clothes were more a mark of special status, like jewelry, and didn't perform any concealing function. If anything, the covered body harbored a sense of suspicion. The cheetah's spotted body was unique even for his own species. His back was a very rare "royal" pattern where his spots blended into dark continuous stripes from his shoulders down to the base of his tail.

His gaze rarely lifted from his outstretched leg or the paws of a lion guard. He could see the red maned lion's legs, naked dangling manhood, and thick tuft of reddish brown groin fur that narrowed up to his navel. There was little more to see of the red maned lion guard standing by the building's entrance. He didn't care, and didn't want to think about where he would end up. It had taken days for the knots in his stomach to unravel, and he couldn't bear going without food again. Two failed escape attempts wore heavily on his mind. The small cut to his right ear was a reminder of his first escape; and a tiny branded mark above his ankle was a reminder of his second escape. He didn't think of a third attempt.

"Here comes the official." The hyena guard spoke up.

"Hello. I see you are all here. Do you have the exchange bill?" A new male voice asked.

"Yes, we have it." A guard produced a small clay tablet.

"It was a princely sum of 8,300 Thimbi." Another guard added. "You can look at the cloth inside."

"Ah, excellent." The new voice spoke with a satisfied nod. "Is he here with you?"

There was a brief shadow that entered the cheetah's sights as an unseen figure peeked at him. An ensuing chatter went unheard to the silent male cheetah. It didn't matter what they said in his opinion. It wouldn't change was going to happen, or where they would take him.

"We're ready to go." The cheetah's ear flickered as a voice spoke from nearby. Paws scuffed the dusty dirt as everyone moved. One of the lion guards approached him, spear in hand. The maned face seemed emotionless at first glance, but if anything, the feline's brown eyes didn't envy the cheetah's predicament. The cheetah gradually rose to his paws, and shook off a brief spell of lightheadedness. He squinted in the bright sunlight, but had little time to adjust his eyes as he was taken away.

The bustling streets were hot from the afternoon sun, but the occasional breeze from the sea helped to cool the well trodden and often dusty streets. Despite that modest reprieve, the foreign urban landscape was intimidating for the cheetah. He had never set foot inside a village of more than a few families, let alone a small metropolis. The near constant noise annoyed his ears as much as it stressed them. There were buildings wherever he looked, but there were even more people.

Since nudity was the norm, everything was either carried by hand or modest belts made from leather string were worn around one's hips to carry simple items like coin pouches. Those with a little wealth would wear a small bag with a leather strap that was carried on the shoulder. A few lionesses and other females wore wide brimmed hats made from reeds or wicker to help shade themselves from the sun. It was only a modest reprieve, but a valuable one nonetheless.

The crowds of people only thickened as they entered a street full of various shops were busily selling their wares and foods. Pottery with various painted designs was sold along one storefront by a tiger and serval. Grain and vegetables was by far the most common set of goods sold; but citrus fruits were available as well. Olive oil sold in small jars was sought after as well. Salt was sold by a pair of fennec vixens with plenty of willing buyers. However, not every transaction was smooth. A buxom female fennec with one pierced brown nipple was shouting at a cart driver who had accidentally spilled some bags of grain being transported. A trio of children carrying sticks were play fighting under the shade of a plain colored awning where a seller had ceased selling for the day.

Goods weren't the only things being sold on the street. From the corner of an eye, one could spot a female, or even a male, seated along a perch towards an alleyway with spread legs to showcase their genitals. Prostitution was only barely hidden from sight, if at all. They were abruptly halted by a small pack of African wild dogs hurriedly crossing the street. One dropped a small bag of coins and scrambled to pick it up, only delaying everyone around them.

"Damn Khalsu merchants!" The hyena guard growled before resuming their walk through the city. They passed by a sacred statue of a deceased person, but it was not a male. It was not a king, but a high priestess holding the powerful position of Matriarch. Made from stone, the naked lioness figure was immaculately carved to feature her prowess and feminine beauty.

The kingdom of Mugungdulu was a small, but strong city-state located along the mouth of the Lazembi River. The society was matriarchal, and dominated almost entirely by females. The male king was a symbolic figurehead with diplomatic duties. The female queen was relegated to a similar status. True power rested with the female dominated priest class headed by the Matriarch. The priests held esteemed positions within temples and their respective complexes. This included the small modest temples dedicated to the hearth goddess Umkitwu outside of the city within view of countryside farmlands and villas; all the way to the large palace adjoining the shrines of Aktu, the god of the sky and lightning, and the temple of Shambura, the motherly goddess of pregnancy and breasts.

The guards made a turn onto another wide street that led to a large palace structure defended by a guarded wall. Two large temples "guarded" the different ends of the palace from the front. The temple to the left had a tall statue of a pregnant lioness, depicting the goddess Shambura. Her breasts were large and nearly swollen with wide areolae and stout nipples. A symbol of the sun rested above her head. Cheap iron or bronze coins were often tossed into a small adjacent pond whose water was kept immaculately fresh and clear. Worshippers would rub her belly for a healthy pregnancy, or her breasts for healthy lactation when nursing newborns. A few noticeably pregnant females were doing both.

The temple complex to their right had a statue of a male leopard representing the sky god Aktu. Standing at his side was a petite female cheetah who represented lightning bolts. The group walked straight ahead to the closest wall where a tall gate stood. They passed through without being halted by a pair of armed tigress guards, although one of the lion guards stopped to talk with them. However, the rest didn't care and marched forward. On the other side of the gate was a small yard of grass, bushes, and a half dozen trees hemmed in by a few modest stone and brick houses. It was much more scenic and orderly compared to the streets outside the walls. They entered the palace complex through a modest doorway where a male jackal guard was lounging beside.

There was a peaceful quietness as he entered the large building complex. It was a nice reprieve from the city noise, and the lovely smells of burning incense greeted his nose. The delightful aromas were a wonderful contrast to the unpleasantries of the slums and poorer neighborhoods. The floor beneath his paws was clean, and there was no dirt to speak of.

The cheetah was taken to an octagonal room, but the guards and official were surprised to find an older lioness seated inside. She appeared to be reading a scroll unraveled before her. The feline's breasts were heavy with wide areolae and sagged noticeably from age.

"You. Please leave." The hyena guard ordered the seated lioness. The older feline gave them a scowl but gathered her scroll and departed without further complaint.

"I will let them know he is here." The fennec official said. "You can untie his hands now before they become stiff." He added before quickly disappearing down another corridor. The hyena guard shrugged and pulled his knife from the leather strip tied around his naked waist. He grabbed the cheetah's wrists and cut him free from its tight knots. The feline sighed gratefully and stretched his hands once they were free.

"You sounded harsh to that lioness." The lion mentioned as the hyena sauntered over to one of the adjoining entryways.

"I didn't think one of the wet nurses would be in here while we wait with him." The hyena mumbled to the red maned lion.

"I hope she's not nursing anymore." The lion guard whispered back. "She seems too old."

"When ladies age, they became softer and smoother." The hyena pointed out.

"Ugh. If you can withstand their constant chattering." The male lion shook his head and leaned back against a wall. While they waited, the cheetah kept himself calm by staring at an intricate pattern on a vase. He rubbed his newly freed wrists but felt imprisoned inside the room. Faint echoes from far away, down the halls teased his ears like ghostly winds.

'What awaits me here?' The cheetah could only wonder as he stood silently with the two guards. A lithe lynx with fluffy cheeks suddenly entered the quiet room. She had a short fluffy tail, wide hips, and a flat chest, but puffy pink nipples ambitiously poked ahead. Her brown speckled coat was an oddity of the region, but she was undoubtedly a feline.

"Hello there." The hyena guard immediately took interest in her. The cheetah didn't bother to look or listen in on their brief conversation. The lion guard wasn't particularly impressed either and kept his gaze steady.

"I will take him. You two can wait here." She softly spoke and gestured to the male cheetah. He looked up and found the lynx lady looking directly at him.

"Yes, you can come with me." He glanced around but the guards didn't say anything otherwise. The cheetah ultimately followed her outside of the room, and into the hallway while the two guards remained behind in the octagonal room.

"My name is Ashabi." The lynx introduced herself as they walked further down the hall. "What is your name?" She asked. The cheetah glanced at her, but wouldn't answer. The fluffy cheeked feline glanced at him curiously, but didn't say anything else. They passed a buxom and plump female raccoon who was arranging several flowers and plants in a vase. She had a tuft of white chest fur that trailed down in a thin line down to an impressive bush of white fur around her groin. The raccoon glanced up at them but didn't pay them much attention, and resumed arranging flowers.

The cheetah was taken through an open entryway next that led back outside, or so he thought. He found himself on an open walkway, but to his right, a wide expanse of lush gardens filled an entire courtyard with a large pool. It resembled a natural oasis in the middle of a large manmade structure. The seven or eight guards standing watch at the entryways were mostly male, and armed with knives or short swords. One in particular was a strong female hyena who bore a scar below her left breast.

The courtyard gardens and pool contained a myriad of scenes. A few people, males and females, were bathing or swimming in the pool. Nearby in the grass a small group of mostly females played a game where they chased after one another. Several shouts and cute screams were faintly heard. More quaint scenes were also visible in the courtyard's gardens. He could see a young male serval massaging the sides of an older female hyena behind several concealing bushes. At first glance the two appeared fairly harmless, but the occasional pass at the hyena's breasts hinted at something more romantic. Not far away a pair of stone benches hosted a small group of people listening to a standing female leopardess reciting poetry from a small scroll. The cheetah couldn't tell who was a slave or not wherever he looked.

"This way." The lynx led him back into the palace proper where he was taken down another hall, and away from the gardens and pool. After another turn, he was finally brought to a modest room with a single bath carved into the ground. The stone floor beneath his paws felt cool and smooth, but not slippery to fall on when wet. They were impeccably clean too. The opposite end of the room had an open corridor that led to somewhere with more natural light, but he couldn't see around the corner. The confined room, albeit spacious for a single bath, worried him.

"Why am I here?" He asked the lynx. The female glanced at him for a moment with a confused expression.

"You need to be bathed before you meet the Matriarch." She explained. "I'll go get someone to help me. Wait right here." The cheetah remained silent as she left the room. The captive feline had a moment to collect his thoughts alone. Even though the private bath was modest compared to the halls and courtyard he had briefly seen, it was still decorated lavishly. On a small shelf, a little vase contained cinnamon and another fragrant herb to give the bath a pleasant aroma. A mosaic of a giant fish with a long spear-like nose decorated a small section of the wall above the pool. He was not sure if the mosaic depicted a monster or a real fish that swam.

The sheer opulence of the palace was overwhelming even in the small private bath.

'Who is this Matriarch?' He wondered.

Scarcely a minute had elapsed before the lynx lady returned with a familiar older lioness behind her. The former wet nurse from the first room didn't show any excitable emotion as she walked towards him. Her heavy breasts subtly bounced off her front from her steps, but there was no indication she felt shy about her age around a complete stranger.

"Please sit on the stool." Ashabi nodded to the little wooden furniture. The cheetah complied and took his seat. "Can you tell me your name now?" She politely asked with a little grin across her muzzle. Not sensing any malice from her, he felt enough trust to answer her finally.

"It's Saro." He answered.

"Ah, so you do have a name." She quietly replied with a little mirth and surprise. "But Saro has a nice sound." The young lynx knelt down before him with a bucket of warm water and a wash rag. She calmly soaked the rag in the water and wrung it out. She grabbed his arm and paused.

"You're shaking..." She felt him trembling. Saro kept his gaze even with hers despite the evident fear coursing through him.

"What are they going to do to me?" He asked. The lynx blinked, almost shocked by what he was asking.

"If you are here in the palace, then the last thing anyone here will do is hurt you." She calmly told him. "I don't know your past." She admitted. "But you won't be treated like trash here so long as you are polite and respectable towards everyone." There was no worry in her feline eyes, only confusion and openness. It took a few moments, but he was able to calm down and allow the nervousness to subside.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah..." He looked away, felling flustered over his anxiety. The lynx looked back at the older lioness who was ready with a wet rag in her hand as well. The two ladies began washing the cheetah's naked body. Ashabi washed his legs and paws while the lioness behind him washed his back, shoulders, and head. Neither lady was rough, but their hands worked firmly with purpose.

"You will almost certainly live inside the palace like I do, so we will see each other again." The lynx offered a kind grin. "You will see Balata too." Her eyes glanced to the lioness who finished washing his back. The older feline cut her eyes at the lynx with a slight frown.

"Do not worry. Her face is stern, but her heart is always smiling." Ashabi happily added. Saro could hear the older lioness softly exhale behind him. Both ladies retrieved towels and began drying his wet fur from head to toe. Saro managed to stand still. At least their hands weren't directly touching him anymore.

"You can finish drying off out here." The lynx gestured to the entryway before them once they were finished. The corridor was a very short "L" shape so no one from outside could see into the private bath. As soon as he stepped forward, the two ladies talked behind his back, but he couldn't decipher their whispers. After a few steps, he walked out onto a small sunny patio that faced one corner of the courtyard's vast gardens. A low stone wall prevented provided a small barrier to someone trying to climb in or out. Furthermore, raised blinds could be lowered for privacy. For a simple bath, every luxury had been imagined. It was completely alien compared to simply wading and washing oneself in a river.

The cheetah quietly sat down in the sunshine. The shouts from the pool and small field had died down, leaving the courtyard in relative peace. While his fur dried in the warm air, a different odd sound reached his ears. His eyes glanced around, but the walls prevented his from seeing to his immediate left or right. The soft tunes of a lyre greeted his ears like the welcoming buzz of a bee delivering honey. Someone was reciting a poem of sweet words:

I came to the fields of short grass weeping,

as a fierce storm began to brew.

I long to see the sun shining,

but the grey clouds thickened above.

There will be thunder and lighting,

sent from the heavens.

The downpours will commence,

from Tishome down to the estuary of Uruk.

I want to hear the croaking of frogs,

without drowning in rain.

The singing concluded and for a brief moment, he had returned to the Serengeti of his homeland, surrounded by his friends and family. Once he opened his eyes, the dream like moment had vanished like a mirage. The courtyard garden before him hadn't changed. Footsteps from behind caught his attention. A quick glance revealed the older lioness with saggy breasts had returned with a small blanket under her arm and an ivory comb in hand. She rolled out the blanket and sat down behind him without saying much. The lioness began brushing his back to help his fur dry neatly.

"You have a very handsome figure, and a very attractive fur coat pattern." Balata plainly spoke in a raspy voice. "I can see why someone would have eyes for you."

"Thank you." He mumbled, but said nothing further as she raised one of his arms and brushed it next. Several moments went by as she brushed both of his arms and requested that he stand up next. Saro tolerated the invasive touches as she brushed his legs, rear, and long tail.

"It may be difficult for you to believe, but I was once very beautiful and young like the Matriarch." Balata rasped as she expertly groomed him. "I once courted the males, worked in the temples, became a wet nurse for many years, and then finally retired to easy work." She summarized her entire life for him. Saro was sure that there were many exciting tales while living inside the palace walls given what he had seen already. However, he wondered how long she lived in this palace or city, and silently hoped he would avoid a similar fate. Balata shuffled around to face him and brush his front. The cheetah kept his gaze low towards her breasts, or over her shoulder to avoid her golden gaze.

"You are a shy one." She correctly observed while brushing his fur. "But you don't need to say anything if you don't want to." The lioness added.

"I did want to ask..." Her ear dialed as he spoke up. "How long have you lived here?" Saro asked.

"Ah, let me think now..." She hummed while grooming his cheeks. "It has been many years. When I was young, an adolescent I think, my mother was destitute. She owned land that was used for farming, but a plague had swept through the entire region. Many people died and my mother was unable to sell the land. She sold me to one of the temples and I was soon thereafter brought to the palace." The older lioness gave him a story rather than a short answer. "I would say almost forty years." The words struck a sinking feeling in the cheetah's gut. Saro nodded quietly and kept his thoughts private.

"You should be done now." She stood up and looked him over. Saro got up and ran a hand down his arms and sides. His fur felt like silk.

"If you need anything from me, then just ask. I don't bite anymore. The little ones I always nursed bit me back." She added with a little dry humor. Her words reminded him of something a few elders would say back in his home village.

"Thank you, and thank you for talking to me."

"Anytime." She hummed and sat down in a ray of sunshine. "You can go back inside. They're expecting you." Balata told him. He glanced at her questioningly, but promptly walked back into the corridor. A tigress guard with a spear in hand stood across the room in the entryway with the lynx from before. Her striped body was a particular oddity to the cheetah, but his thoughts weren't focused on her appearance. She was naked like everyone else in the city, and her large breasts possessed thick pink nipples. The shorter petite lynx was standing directly in front of the tigress, blocking the entrance. Her hand appeared raised up and light rubbing one of the larger tigress's nipples.

"You're sensitive as always..." One whispered to the other. Saro felt his cheeks warm at the little erotic sight, but didn't say anything. The ladies' heads turned once they saw him approach, and the mood completely changed.

"Come with us." The tigress firmly ordered with a stern frown. The cheetah nodded and quickly followed them back into the halls. The soft patter of paw steps quietly echoed over the clean floor as they walked.

"You'll be fine." She reassured him with a whisper. "Sorry for-"

"No talking." The tigress ordered as they turned a final corner. The lynx went silent, but offered a modest grin. Saro wasn't sure what to make of the females' odd relationship, but kept a fast stride to keep up with them.

All of the corridors and rooms they passed by seemed endless. The palace complex was a maze in itself with more passages and entryways than the cheetah could count. Through entryways Saro could take glimpses of what appeared to be other private bathes, larger rooms, private bedrooms, study halls, a kitchen, and storage rooms.

Despite the expansive network of hallways and corridors, they encountered few people. The occasional guard stood watch at certain closed rooms, but it was hard to tell what or whom resided on the other side. The occasional servant carrying a tray of food or special bottles of perfumes or drinks was seen at least once. They passed a male sand cat and female African wild dog carrying small baskets of flowers. Both looked curiously at the cheetah and whispered amongst themselves.

Turning another corner, their pace slowed as they entered a wider hall. The final entryway was marked with two columns and an ornamental door. His nose was immediately greeted with the pleasant smell of lavender, but what his eyes saw made the aromas irrelevant.

The interior room was spacious and grand with plenty of light spilling in from an open balcony. Large cushions, mats, small colorful carpets, burning scented candles, carved tiles, small ornamental statues, and various other special items decorated the living space. Plants were also in abundance. Several potted ferns and small palms were paired with colorful and bright flowers that gave the appearance of a well tended garden within the spacious room. A pair of life size statues caught his eye in particular. The first was a lioness with small breasts stepping forward and looking ahead, and the second was a male leopard kneeling before her with his nose merely an inch away from her sex. The male statue had an obvious erection jutting ahead. The provocative poses were oddly sensual and captivating. On an adjacent table rested half a dozen statue busts of female felines. Their breasts were bare and illegible names were inscribed along their upper torsos.

The cheetah was pushed forward by the tigress guard, causing him to stumble forward and fall to his knees in the center of a flower design on the smooth stone floor. Upon lifting his gaze, Saro found himself staring up at a beautiful leopardess who was seated on the edge of a large bed covered in deep purple sheets.

Her entire naked body was covered in dazzling spots from her round ears to her paws. There wasn't a single silver hair on her entire body. Despite being a little older than him, her figure was impeccably gorgeous. Her breasts were nicely rounded and full with feminine grace, only hanging from the kiss of gravity and their own lovely weight. Her torso was slender with only the hint of a gut.

The leopardess was also seated in a provocative pose, one that a prostitute on the street would employ to catch a wandering lustful eye. Her legs were spaced far apart leaving not a single detail of her womanhood undiscovered. The scruffy fur around her labia only seemed to help draw the eye below, not above.

What little she wore either accentuated her feminine body, or hinted at her lavish wealth. Anklets with embedded rubies and sapphires adorned each paw. A leather string hung around her hips with tiny beaded tassels drawing the eye towards her proudly displayed womanhood. An amulet of the trickster god Ananti hung around her neck. A second amulet with a mysterious symbol hung a litter lower. Lastly, a third amulet of a lioness head hung directly between both breasts, and over her heart.

Standing a step away at her right side was a lioness who had several scars on her body. Just like the leopardess, she was proudly naked, but wore nothing on her body. Her scars almost acted like jewelry, and one on her chest even had a tattooed marking. Two patient servants, a female calico cat and a male jackal were seated on cushions against the back walls overlooking part of the city and temple complexes. They were likely there to service and need that either female feline desired.

Saro glanced around, but everyone's attention was directed towards him. He steadied himself on the warm floor, but the seated feline's eyes were hot as the afternoon sun. The leopardess shifted a paw and gazed at the male cheetah with a stern growl.

"Ashabi and Nunti... You two may leave." She commanded the tigress guard and lynx with a queenly voice. The feline pair promptly nodded and quickly left the leopardess's room. The stern scowl on her face quickly lightened up into a warm grin.

"I am Apshowe, the Matriarch of Mugungdulu, and the head of the Shambura temple, including her mystery cults." The naked leopardess proudly introduced herself on the bedside. "I initiate all of the sacred festivals and holy days for the entire city, and I am also the one who purchased you." She revealed here of as his buyer at the slave market. Saro's eyes widened in surprise.

'What does someone with such a high status want from me?' He didn't understand.

"What should I do with you?" The leopardess asked herself aloud to his surprise. "Perhaps I should ask something simpler. What is your name?" She politely asked. The cheetah blinked fearfully. "Do you have no name?" The leopardess gave him a curious look.

"Perhaps you should give him one if he doesn't wish to speak." The scarred lioness standing at her right side suggested, and stepped forward.

"My name is... Saro." He managed to speak.

"Saro, is it? That's an unusual name for this area." She remarked with intrigue. "You are the cheetah with the royal fur pattern on your back. It is extremely rare like albinism, and I couldn't have any merchant sell you around the world without my consent. You were worth a princely sum when I talked with two temple financiers." She explained the rarity of his fur coat pattern.

"Where are you from, Saro?" Her next question struck a negative chord with the cheetah. Saro had a horrible feeling that she would be interested in hunting down others like him. He was lucky that slave traders didn't penetrate far into the Serengeti, but what if they were sought after by someone like her? He couldn't tell her, but what lie would she believe?

"Do you want me to guess?" She asked wearing a half grin, but Saro remained right lipped as he wondered what he could say. His silence was wearing Apshowe's patience thin.

'What should I say?' Saro was too nervous to think.

"You seem keen on silence." The leopardess sighed and frowned. "Capturing anyone with a fur coat like yours would fetch a high price in any market." She added. The leopardess closed her eyes in though for a moment. The lioness standing beside her leaned over and whispered something into the Matriarch's ear without looking away from Saro.

"Mmhmm." The Matriarch hummed and opened her eyes. "That is a splendid idea, Luwa." A content grin formed along her dark lips as her golden eyes settled on Saro once again.

"Thank you, my lady." Luwa politely bowed and stepped back.

"Since you do not wish to use your tongue, you will need to put it to good work." The Matriarch decided.

"My tongue-"

"Yes." Apshowe cut him off. "If you please me with that tongue well enough then I will forbid any slave purchases where you came from." She made an offer. He blinked and stared at her in partial disbelief. His jaw opened only to quickly shut.

"How can I trust you?" It seemed to good to be true, or a very sinister trap.

"I am the Matriarch. You can trust my word with your life." She kindly proclaimed. "The choice, however, is yours to make." Apshowe pressed him for an answer. The cheetah clenched his teeth and swallowed what little pride he had left of himself. It was either obey her lustful command, or risk a bad first impression and possibly have many of his brethren suffer the same fate. There wasn't much of a choice he could make.

Saro crept forward across the stone floor until he was kneeling before her. His nose was a mere inch away from the puffy lips of her womanhood, similar to the erotic statue behind him.

"Now tell me where you are from, Saro." Apshowe asked a final time. He glanced up at her spotted feline face peering down at him expectedly from between the beautiful swell of both well endowed breasts.

"I am from the land that my people call Gent, across the river of Alawarumi and across the mountaintop spring of Nephthusuza." He told her, but saw her thighs tense once from his hot breath touching her womanhood.

"Ah, excellent." She hummed with satisfaction. "Thank you for telling me that Saro. I will uphold my word as Matriarch that everyone is forbidden to attack the people of that area." The Matriarch told him.

"Thank you!" The cheetah gratefully spoke, and felt relieved.

"Now then, I would like for you to hold up your end of the bargain." She gently placed a hand on the back of his head without applying any pressure. Saro blinked and stared at her furry lips, knowing what had to be done. He craned his head forward until his nose touched the untamed hairs on her mound. His mouth unceremoniously opened and drew his tongue along the entire length of her entrance, dipping inside her soft folds. There was a taste, but it was indescribable, much like her subtle intimate scent. Wild, wet, and meaty were fair descriptions, but not exact. She was warm, but not hot, like food that had cooled from the heat of an open fire.

"Ahh. Yes, that's perfect." The Matriarch sighed and watched him keenly from above. She subtly shifted her hips enough to match his mouth. "Your tongue will learn to appreciate this taste very well." She purred heavily from his tender tongue.

"While you do that, I will tell you some of the rules of this palace, the temples, and city, so listen closely." The leopardess told Saro while he pleasured her. A subtler sound made his ear flicker. He could barely see over the feline's spotted leg, but the scarred lioness sat down nearby and watched the unfolding seen with great interest.

"The first rule: You must always accept the advances and commands of a woman who has a higher ranking than you." She started with a voice of satisfaction while watching him pleasure her.

"The second rule: the temples must always be cleaned and the proper rites observed before nightfall. Failure to observe this will result in punishment decided by a higher ranking female."

"The third rule: all duties to be performed at the temple complexes or within the palace shall be given by a woman of higher ranking, a priestess, or a high priestess."

"The fourth rule: anyone who shirks their given duties will be punished according to the woman who gave their original orders."

"The fifth rule: all coins and valuables donated to shrines or temples must be collected and counted before being stored in the treasury."

"The sixth rule: if anyone steaks from the temple treasury, then punishment shall be swift and severe as determined by the temple's high priestess." A soft moan escaped her.

"The seventh rule: any slander or violence committed between members of the palace will be punished by the decision of a high priestess or the Matriarch."

"The eighth rule: any dispute within the palace or any temple will be arbitrated by no less than two high priestesses, and if there is a tie, then it will be decided by the Matriarch." Another moan and grunt slipped past her lips.

"The ninth rule: all members of the palace must bathe regularly, or be punished by a woman of a higher ranking."

"The tenth rule: you must ask for permission by a female of higher ranking to engage in prostitution. This act may never be performed within the confines of the temples or the palace."

"The eleventh rule: any money collected from prostitution shall be divided thusly: ten percent is to be given to any temple, another ten percent is given to the female who gave permission, and the remainder stay with the one who earned it." Saro could feel her body tensing more as soft moans intermingled with her words.

"The twelfth rule: any palace member who was bought may purchase their own freedom for the sum they were originally purchased for." The cheetah's ears perked up with interest upon hearing what she had just said. He nearly stopped pleasuring her, but quickly redoubled his efforts.

"The thirteenth rule: any palace member working on their free will shall be paid fairly for their services as decided by two high priestesses." The Matriarch softly moaned into a lengthy grunt. Saro felt the leopardess's legs shuddering and tensing from his whiskers. She paused several times only to be overcome with pleasurable moans and coos. With enough regal effort, Apshowe managed to recite another rule.

"The fourteenth rule: a male who impregnates a female against her will must support the mother and child until it has been weaned. The male must also pay a twenty percent tithe to a temple for the same duration..."

"Oh my..." The leopardess lost the ability to form a coherent sentence. Her quivering wet lips were practically drooling onto his tongue and face. The tastes and smells mingled in his palette and olfactory. Saro lapped up her wetness and plunged his tongue inside of her. The cheetah was nearly deep kissing her entire womanhood to great effect.

"Nngg! Nnngghh!!" The Matriarch leaned forward and gripped the bed to steady herself. Saro could feel the gaze from her eyes as much as her breath exhaling down onto the top of his head. However, the cheetah didn't dare stop pleasuring her or look up at her. The Matriarch's entire body tensed without relaxation and started shuddering uncontrollably.

"Ooh! Oooohhhh!" She cried out and trembled for several moments. Claws scraped the floor below as she nearly jumped up off the bed. The sudden jerking movement nearly knocked Saro backwards as their contact was broken off. Looking up, Apshowe had slouched back onto her elbows, and was panting heavily with a concentrated look on her feline face. Her body occasionally twitched down to her tail tip. Her legs were still parted revealing her womanhood and surrounding fur was completely wet. Her labia was still engorged with arousal.

The male jackal servant quickly stepped forward with a small bowl of water in hand, and motioned for Saro to wash his mouth. The cheetah thanked him and was given a small rag to wipe his face with. The female calico servant was equally fast in tending to the exhausted Matriarch. Saro sat back and finished catching his breath while the leopardess did the same.

"That's enough. Thank you." Apshowe sat up a little and patted the calico's shoulder. Her half lidded gaze turned to Saro. "My my... You certainly held up your end of the bargain." She blew a sigh and outstretched a paw to touch his knee.

"I see that excited you Luwa." The leopardess looked over to the seated lioness whose tail was swaying behind her. The lioness merely grinned and had her gaze settled on the male cheetah.

"Luwa, you may take him to the other room and... do whatever you like." She sighed with peace on her lips.

"Yes my lady." Saro heard the soft scuff of the chair being moved, but immediately felt a hand grab ahold of his wrist. He looked up and found the lioness standing over him. Her striking eyes were intent on doing something.

"Come with me." She stated and helped him to his paws. Saro wiped his mouth a final time and was taken to a small adjoining room with only a tall opening in one wall for light. The atmosphere was cozy like the pre-dawn sky. A few mats were arranged in a semi circle with a burnt out candle in the center. An outstretched carpet led to a small bed that had piles of sheets and pillows.

Once the door behind them was closed, Luwa rushed to make the setup more comfortable. Sheets were pulled and smoothed, and several cushions were lined up or tossed aside in a flurry. In the end, the lioness flopped down onto her back with comfort, and looked at the male cheetah with an expecting smile. Saro hesitated, unsure of what to do.

"I'd like the same treatment that you gave Apshowe." She kindly requested. Saro rubbed his cheeks, wondering if they were going to be sore in the morning, or by the early evening. The taste still clung to his tongue in a similar manner.

"You don't need to strain yourself. Use as much time as you want, and go slow." She calmly spoke and spread her legs invitingly for him. A subtle tuft of downy fur topped her mound, giving a slightly messy appeal to her scarred appearance. Seeing no alternative to pleasuring a second feline lady, he stepped forward and crawled onto the bed. The surface was soft and luxurious. Did clouds feel this way?

"Make yourself comfortable." She urged him and gave plenty of room. Saro laid onto his front and settled onto the bed. Her legs were more than wide enough for him, and her knees barely touched his shoulders for a little intimate contact. She rested one leg across his back, and placed a hand on his head without applying force. They were the subtlest cues that he was under her care for the moment.

"Start whenever you are ready." The lioness was far kinder and soft spoken than she first appeared. However, to his tongue there was no difference, only a lack of spots from him to look at. The cheetah could see that she was already visibly wet, and her sex was aching for his attention.

"Okay..." He murmured quietly under his breath, and craned his head lower. Saro began lapping at the entire length of her sex, leaving the little tuft at the top of her mound sticking up messily with saliva. Her taste was almost sweet and tangy, like an unknown forbidden fruit. His efforts received an immediate reaction. Luwa's entire body slowly ungulated.

"Ah... That tender tongue of yours..." She blew a heated sigh and turned her head to the left. "I can see why Apshowe seems taken with you, but hopefully not as much as I am." Luwa purred lovingly. Saro blinked twice and slipped his tongue back into his mouth. He glanced up and beyond her spaced breasts saw the pleasured look on her face. Her free hand was idly rubbing and pinching a firm nipple, but her golden eyes were smiling directly at him.

"Don't stop." She quietly requested with a little blushing grin. "Please, don't stop for anything." She politely added and rubbed his neck with her other hand. Saro wasn't sure what to make of her statement, but dipped his chin and resumed slowly lapping at her aching sex. The soft subtle sounds of his tongue filled the quaint little room. He didn't rush like Luwa had requested, and minutes crawled by without being rushed. However, her quiet reactions became more and more vocal. Her hips began moving as well, almost rubbing up and down his tongue to accentuate every swipe.

"I'm getting close..." She huffed a small cry. "Just keep doing... ah, that!" Her voice rose in pitch as her back arched upwards. Luwa ceased speaking as she devolved into the occasional grunt, and writhed in orgasmic pleasure. Her belly fluttered as her breasts jiggled atop her chest. He could feel the inner muscles twitching against his mouth. She was close to that release of euphoria that the Matriarch experienced. Saro briefly felt arousal creeping inside his own body from her reactions.

"Oh... Nnggh. Ahh!" Luwa grabbed two fistfuls of sheets and arched her back. And then the cries of ecstasy ceased. She laid limp on the bed. There was a lengthy moment of quietness inside the small private bedroom. The lioness breathed deeply while basking in her euphoric afterglow. Saro took the time to rest his cheek on her thigh. A hand moved and began rubbing his head.

"You are sleeping with me tonight." Luwa purred and continued rubbing his head. She removed her leg off his back, allowing him to sit up once more. The cheetah gladly stretched his neck and back.

"You won't have to pleasure me again today." The lioness promised. "You can touch me wherever you want so long as you don't wake me, but you will be in my arms for the entire night." Saro didn't doubt her sincere words, but made no comment.

"Now, what is your favorite food?" She asked. "You must be hungry, or are you full after eating out two ladies?" Luwa managed to hold back a laugh, but the wide grin across her face spoke volumes of her humor. Saro wiggled his nose but looked away sulkily. The lioness sat up and drew closer to him.

"Why do you appear so sad?" She still wore her feline grin, but appeared a little puzzled by the cheetah's sadness. Saro stared at his naked lap, only half hearing her words. He felt a little betrayed by the arousal lingering within his body. His length returned to its normal flaccid size. Empty thoughts churned inside his head until a warm hand touched his back and rested on his shoulder.

"I wasn't born a slave." He murmured. "I was captured outside my homeland by raiders and eventually brought here against my will." After stating that, Saro looked up and met Luwa's eyes. The lioness's golden gaze appeared soft and caring, but still striking.

"You are legally a slave." She told him. "But do not think of yourself as one here." She insisted. "What are your interests? Is it financing and money? Managing farms and orchards? Learning theology an philosophy? Writing poetry and creating art? I can set up the best tutors and teachers so you can learn whatever knowledge you crave." She offered. "I can even have some of the priestesses teach you about the mysteries if you like, but you will not be initiated into any special rites. You are a male after all." She explained but received little reaction from the cheetah.

"Does none of this interest you?" Luwa stared at him.

"I am not free to leave, and return to my home." He said with a weary heart. The lioness rubbed his back sympathetically.

"What you did before the Matriarch was honorable. Because of you, no one else in your homeland will experience what you have gone through. They're safe." She reminded Saro. He nodded and felt some pride in that, but a lingering question bothered him.

"What do you and the Matriarch want from me?" He asked. The lioness seemed taken aback by the direct question, and her ears splayed outwards.

"I don't know what Apshowe wants from you yet." Luwa admitted. "She seems taken by your appearance, but you are under my care." She reiterated. "That's why I asked what interests you. While you are here in the palace, I can give you the best education, most delicious foods, softest beds, and of course the greatest pleasures." She added the last one with an alluring voice. "I won't mind if you sleep with other women, even if they are older, so long as you come to bed with me when I ask." All of her offers were tantalizing, and difficult to believe for the cheetah.

"Why do all of that for me?" He didn't understand.

"I don't know why yet, but I like you." She admitted and looked at him with a deep stare. It was almost as if she wanted to read into his thoughts. "You are quiet, handsome, and well composed. You don't grovel or beg like a desperate person. I know there is a soul behind those eyes that you cast away from mine." The lioness pointed out.

"Besides, you are also very... attentive to a female's needs." She purred with a subtle blush. "All I ask in return is that you service our needs and desires. Of course, there will likely be other work that needs to be performed, but that is all secondary. Floors must be cleaned, fires lit, objects moved. If you learn to read and write then tending to the scrolls and sacred books might be easier work than cleaning. However," she added in a more serious tone, "if you disobey or abuse your privileges, then we will revoke them. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I do." He slowly nodded without much joy in his voice.

"If it makes you feel any better, I do understand a male's desires." She reached down and gently stroked the top of his flaccid member with her padded fingertips. The cheetah's legs briefly tensed from the brief sensation. "I won't let them go ignored." Luwa told him and retracted her hand to rest on his leg. Saro's eyes trailed away from her powerful golden eyes and down her feline body. The lioness had small, but lovely breasts. Both brown nipples and rings of skin were appealing to see, and likely sensitive to touch. Her arms were sleek yet toned. The muscles on her slim torso were faintly visible, and her legs were no different. She was strong and beautiful, but her body had endured much pain. He stared at her scars and wondered what her past was like. How did such an enduring female reach a dizzying height of power alongside the Matriarch?

"Am I just another male to play with for you?" He asked. Her round ears fanned out flatly in reaction.

"Hardly." She firmly stated only for a grin to return once again. "Maybe for the Matriarch, but not me. I'd like to get to know you more." Luwa hummed. The cheetah searched for word. He was elated to have escaped a dismal fate as a laborer, or even drafted into an army. However, all of the luxuries surrounding him from books, baths, foods, and even females; it all felt like he was trapped in a cage made from gold.

"I'm grateful for everything you are offering me." He quietly spoke. "I really am." Saro looked directly into the feline's golden eyes, longing to trust her. She smiled at his words, but he hesitated.

"It's just... It's just too soon." He admitted with a heavy sigh and closed his eyes. "Maybe another day." Saro glanced at the wall, wishing it was a waterfall to hide behind.

"I see. There's no shame in that, and I understand." She calmly spoke.

"Thank you." He was glad that she accepted.

"For the time being, you need to eat." She reminded him.

"You're right." He admitted and felt how narrow his stomach had become. Although, it was no longer balled into a tight nauseating knot.

"I will get you a second cup of water to wash your mouth too." The lioness stood and traced her hand over his arm before finally retracting it. "Thank you for pleasuring me." She spoke softly yet earnestly. "Every moment was wonderful, and I loved it." He offered a small grin as she walked gracefully in slow strides towards the door.

"Luwa." Saro called out.

"Yes." She quickly spun around to face him.

"Is it true what the Matriarch said?" He asked.

"About what?" She tilted her head curiously.

"That I can buy my freedom. Is that true?"

"Yes, that is true." The lioness nodded.

"Thank you." He said and offered a kind smile. She waited a moment before leaving and closing the door, leaving the cheetah alone as he accepted his fate... for now.


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The New Farmhand

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First Prize

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