Turf War

Story by dragonien on SoFurry

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CONTENT WARNING: SEMI NON-CONSENSUAL SEXUAL ACTIVITYCommission for KnarfDarfEver wondered what monster hunter would be like if all the monsters were actually cute/hot demihuman's with 'impressive' assets? Ever wonder what their version of turf wars would be like? Those that survive the encounters say they can get a bit... sticky.

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Monster Hunter is the property of Capcom

Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien]

All rights reserved.

No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is not limited too, the distribution of patreon-exclusive content or early access content distributed during the exclusivity period.

"Well well well. Look who we have here..."

By the time the voice registered to Lunesta it was already too late. The leonine elder dragon turned towards the source of the voice even as she felt a rapidly building, unnatural exhaustion turn her limbs leaden and made her thoughts sluggish. With an impish grin the previously hidden Val Hazak, one clawed hand confidently resting on her swishing hips, sauntered her way out into the open cavern from the side-tunnel she had been lurking in only moments before. Each footstep from the massive miasmic elder dragon shook the cavern around her and sent the smaller, feral monsters lingering around the edges of the cave scampering for safety. Lunastra bared her fangs at the sight of the intruder even as her tail and wings drooped to the ground. Weakness left the limbs feeling like they weighed a dozen times more than they should and it was all the impaired dragoness could do to stay upright. Lunastra had been so absorbed in her thoughts she hadn't even noticed the poisonous dragoness, herself! Much less the noxious fumes of Val Hazak's effluvia building around her until she had inhaled so much it was a show of strength that the fiery elder dragon was even still standing upright.

Lunesta wasn't a pushover by any means. Her blue-skinned body lined accented with bright electric blue fur and scales in strategic places was well-built and muscular if not brawny or bulky. She gave off an aura of intimidation and power; seeming every bit the impressive, regal visage one would expect from an elder dragon. But she wasn't the only elder dragon present. Lunastra may have been big enough to swat around pesky, persistent hunters like mice but Val Hazak still easily towered head and shoulders above her! And as if Val's superior height wasn't enough her species was on the upper mid-range of size and physical strength among all elder dragons! Lunastra might have been impressively built even for her species but the powerful, tightly-corded muscle packed within the deathly pale hide of Val Hazak easily surpassed her. Not to mention the toxic effluvia the miasmic dragoness naturally produced further expanded the power gap of any of her rivals by drastically weakening anyone unlucky enough to inhale it. The noxious fog was so potent it was even able to affect other elder dragons! Elder dragons like Lunastra.

"Now now. Don't raise your hackles at me, little Luna" Val chastised with a grin. "I've told you I don't appreciate you little ember kittens hanging out so close to my territory."

"And you know we don't give a shit what you do and don't like!" Luna snarled defiantly even as she wobbled drunkenly on her feet.

When the larger dragoness moved closer Lunastra glared furiously at them as she tried to ignite herself. She knew that Val Hazak's effluvia was extremely susceptible to fire and would burn away in an instant if she could produce some. Unfortunately, the only thing Lunastra was able to produce in her exhausted state were a few flickering sparks. They danced briefly across her body before flickering out like sparks on soggy kindling. Worse still, the effort strained Luna's already drained endurance and she nearly fell to the floor before a stumbling half-step saved her. If the toothy grin spread across her muzzle was any indication Val Hazak clearly enjoyed watching the fiery dragon's failed attempts to overpower her toxin. But before long Val became bored with the show and decided it was her turn to act.

When Lunesta tried a second time to ignite herself her exhausted body finally gave in and her legs buckled under her. The only thing that saved Lunastra from falling flat on her ass was one of Val Hazak's arms jerking out to catch her. Unfortunately, the clawed hand didn't grab Luna's arm or shoulder. Instead, Luna found herself with a set of powerful fingers squeezing uncomfortably tight around her throat! Adrenaline surged and gave Luna enough strength to raise her arms again. Despite the fresh wave of desperate, hormone-fueled strength all the intoxicated dragoness could manage was to grab weakly at Val's forearm. Luna tugged on her attacker's powerfully-built arm desperately to try and free herself but was unable to even muster enough strength for her claws to pierce Val's skin. The ineffective struggle left Luna feeling hopeless and furious in equal measures. The larger dragoness, on the other hand, shamelessly cackled mockingly at her captive's weak struggles.

"Come now, kitten! You should know when you're beaten. Just accept your defeat and it will make things so much easier for you." Val admonished teasingly. When the only response she got from Luna was a pathetically weak snarl of defiance, She continued. "If you're just going to keep struggling then why don't I make it abundantly clear to you who's in charge."

The hand on Luna's neck mercifully relaxed its grip; leaving the Lunastra gasping to fill up the deficit of air her partial strangulation had left her with. But her momentary freedom didn't mean she was free. Val's hand moved to grab onto Luna's shoulder instead and abruptly spun the smaller elder dragon to face away from her attacker. A sharp tug then sent Luna stumbling backward until she felt her back press up against something large and soft. Namely: Val Hazak's breasts.

Lunastra wasn't unimpressively endowed by any means. Her curvaceous backside, broad hips, and ample bust were more than enough to turn the heads of any of the male monsters, and even a few of the female ones, that caught sight of her. But Val, once again, was in a league of her own. Each of the miasmic monster girl's enormous breasts were easily as big as her own head! Taking into consideration Val's superior overall size alongside her that made each of her hefty mammaries nearly twice the size of what Luna was packing! Even if the two dragoness' had both been the same height Val Hazak's hips would have been almost half again as wide as Lunestra's! When those irritating hunters talked about Val Hazak's size classification among the other elder dragons they didn't just take into account the dragon's height.

Luna struggled with what little strength she could muster to pull herself free even as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and jealousy mixed in equal quantities. Val's other arm curled around Luna's stomach in response while the first wrapped around Luna's neckline in a full-body hug. When the grip of Val's hug tightened possessively it was made clear that she had no intention of letting her 'prey' go anytime soon. At this point, Luna wasn't sure if she could have escaped Val's grip at this point even if she hadn't been weakened by the effluvia. Not without setting something, probably the Val Hazak herself, on fire at the very least. Which just made it all the more laughable how pathetic Luna's attempts at struggling were. How pathetic it was that she couldn't so much as budge the powerful, pale arms wrapped around her. The captive Lunastra could feel the warmth of Val's breath on her neck and caught glimpses of Val's wickedly sharp teeth gleaming in the pale light out of the corner of her eye. Her struggles became more desperate, yet no more effective, right up until the larger dragon's teeth clamped down on her neck! The cry that elicited from Luna's throat was no roar of agony, however. The booming sound from the fiery blue elder dragon's mouth that shook the walls of the cavern was neither pain nor anger. It was a rumbling, thunderous moan of lust.

Val's teeth, thankfully, had not broken Luna's skin. Instead, her lips gripped tightly at the sensitive flesh of her captive's neck. The sharp points of Val's teeth tickled along the smaller dragon's cerulean flesh and sent involuntary shivers down the Lunesta's spine. The arm wrapped around Luna's torso shifted upwards until she felt powerful, clawed fingers grabbing roughly at one of her ample breasts! Val's palm ground against Luna's nipple with aggressive force until both it and its twin on the Lunastra's other breast were rock hard. Despite her best efforts to resist reacting to the stimulation, Luna couldn't resist letting out another gasp at the rough but pleasurable stimulation.

"That's right, little ember kitten.." The Val Hazak hissed into Luna's ear after releasing their neck. "I told you this was my turf and you loitered around here anyway. Now you're mine to do with as I please."

To punctuate her point Val's other hand shifted and aggressively stuffed her middle finger deep into the folds of Luna's sex. Any pretense that Lunastra might have mustered to hide the effect of Val's stimulation melted in an instant! The smaller Elder Dragon bucked against Val's penetrating finger and let out a moan that shook the cavern walls around them both hard enough dust fell from the ceiling!

"You... you bitch... " Luna panted between short, labored breaths. It was a struggle for her to even form words between the gasps and moans Val's forceful pleasuring of her elicited.

The accusatory insult only made Val grin. "Bigger bitch than you. And now I'm the bigger bitch in charge of you."

Once again she bit down on Luna's neck and sent a fresh shiver down the spine of the captive dragoness. Each squeeze of her lips around Luna's neck or fingers around Luna's breasts was punctuated by a forceful shove of Val's middle finger burying itself deeper into Luna's nethers. Despite her struggles, the leonine dragoness was already sopping wet from the stimulation she had already been subjected to. Val's hand was instantly soaked in the almost uncomfortably warm lubricant now freely dripping down Luna's leg.

Luna tried her best to pull free. She tried to dig her claws into whatever part of Val that she could reach and even tried to ignite her flames again. But she was still so weak from the poison that she failed at every turn. Even if the smaller elder dragon hadn't been subdued by effluvia the overstimulation Val was forcing upon her would have made any resistance Luna might have otherwise mustered near-useless. She didn't want to admit it. she refused to admit it! But even if she didn't say it out loud she couldn't hide from the truth. Val Hazak was in control and Lunastra was entirely at their mercy. She didn't have to admit defeat to be defeated.

When Val felt Luna's struggles cease a lusty, triumphant snarl spilled from her throat. The sense of dominance, of superiority from subduing a rival like Luna was a powerful sexual thrill all its own. Soon Val's ministrations on her captive became as much effort to grind herself against her captive as they were to continue overwhelming the Lunastra. Her own hips ground against Luna's ass and the base of their tail while the noxious dragoness whipped her own tail about violently behind her in delight. Even as she continued to grind against her captive Val Hazak was practically salivating at the thought of a round two. But first, she had to ensure Luna was properly subdued and finish round one.

"I can't wait to ride your face like those hunters ride a Jaggi. I bet that tongue of yours is gonna feel deliciously warm when I put it to work." Val growled hungrily into Luna's ear. Before Lunastra could respond Val roughly shoved a second finger in between Luna's legs and snarled into Luna's ear "CUM for me!"

Whether from the second finger, the rest of the orchestra of sexual stimulation, or the effect of Val Hazak's forceful demand Luna did as she was told. The leonine dragoness's body convulsed violently and a roar of pure, untempered lust thundered through the cavern loud enough that even her fellow elder dragon's ears were left ringing! Val felt the Lunasta clench down on her fingers hard enough that the larger dragoness momentarily wasn't able to pull them free! When Luna finally came down from her release her whole body went limp in Val's arms. To Val's relief, Luna's southern grip relaxed along with the rest of her and freed her hand.

"That's a good kitten pet..." Val cooed to the exhausted elder dragon."But we're not done y-"

Val never got to finish her sentence. The larger elder dragoness was abruptly sent flying; knocked away from Luna by a violent explosion of red flame that left the effluvia residue clinging to her body smoldering and burning away like dried moss! By the time the Val Hazak recovered enough to sit upright her surprise assailant was already helping Luna back to her feet.

"Teostra." Val spat the name like a curse, lips curled back in a fang-filled snarl.

"Val." The Teostra greeted in return; his voice a mocking tone of casual greeting. "Fancy meeting you here in our territory."

Val Hazak snarled furiously before she could stop herself. "It's MY territory, not yours!"

Even as she said it Val realized she was in trouble. Unlike Lunastra, Teostra had not been subjected to her effluvia. Which meant he wasn't crippled by its effects. Nor did she expect to get the opportunity to subject him to it anytime soon. Not when the flaming elder dragon was already covered in a thin sheet of flames that would burn away the effluvia before it got close to him. Worse still was that his fiery cloak was also was burning the effluvia off of Luna thanks to the couple's close proximity to one another. The miasmic dragoness could already see the color returning to the previously crippled female fire dragon. Now that they weren't being subjected to a constant influx of her effluvia, Lunastra's naturally powerful elder dragon biology was quickly fighting off the toxin. Within moments Lunastra was well enough to ignore herself as well; her cloak of fire an electric blue to contrast her mate's fiery red flames.

Despite her strength and size advantage, Val wasn't confident she could have taken either of the two leonine dragons by themselves without getting the drop on them. Their fiery affinity made it too easy for them to counter Val's primary weapon. Not to mention that Val Hazak was significantly less fireproof than either of the two flaming balls of fur and scales. With both of them together Val knew she was hopelessly outmatched. Unfortunately, it was too late for her to do much of anything about her predicament. By the time she had risen to her feet Teostra was already upon her.

Unlike Lunastra, who was essentially built like a smaller and less voluptuous version of Val Hazak, Teostra was all masculine strength and muscular power. Thick, powerful arms rippling with muscle attached to broad shoulders gripped at Val's wrists and forced them to her sides. While they did, Teostra roughly spun the pale dragoness around to face him. Despite still being a good head taller than the male elder dragon the difference in physical strength was too great for a minor size advantage like that to matter much. Not that such realizations stopped Val from struggling. But even as she jerked and tugged at her arms to try to free herself she felt the temperature around her and throughout the cavern rapidly rising. Within moments the temperature had risen more than a dozen degrees and was still rising! The increasingly oppressive heat weighed down on Val Hazak like a physical weight and made her movements sluggish and labored as her body struggled to compensate for the increasing temperature.

"You were so gracious to entertain my mate while I was gone. The least I can do is return the favor." Teostra growled lustily.

Val's eyes went wide at the implication. A glance down revealed the smoldering male dragon's impressively large cock was already rock hard. Worse still, the toxic elder dragon was embarrassed to admit that an unwilling flash of desire surged through them when they saw how 'well equipped' Teostra was. Even taking into account her superior overall size Val was a little concerned whether or not it would actually fit. But from the look in her captor's eyes the pale dragoness knew was going to find that out whether she liked it or not. She didn't even have time to respond to his taunt before the world around Val turned sideways! Grinning, Teostra forcefully pushed the dragoness down on her back and positioned himself atop her. Then, with neither ceremony nor hesitation, the smoldering dragon abruptly speared himself into Val Hazak as deep as he could go!

Even as the cavern was still shaking from the force of the two massive dragons hitting the ground Val let out a roar of mixed pain and pleasure that shook them all over again. Within that first instant she felt herself bottom out with Teostra still having at least another inch if not two left outside of her! In reality, it was closer to a couple of feet rather than inches considering the actual size of the two monsters. Val's only saving grace had been how wet she had already been from playing with Lunastra. But that could only do so much against the rough thrusting that Teostra was now subjecting her to. Time and again Teostra slammed himself into her with little care for anything other than his own pleasure. Even with Val Hazak's impressive mass each thrust from the slightly smaller dragon was strong enough to shove her across the cavern floor! Only his firm grip on Val's wrists kept her from being pushed too far away from him by his gyrations. When Val forced herself to look up at him Teostra's eyes burned with lust as intense as the flames still swirling around parts of his body as he had his way with her. Worse still, as much as she hated to admit it, Val couldn't help but enjoy how pleasantly warm his monstrous dick was even as it spread her to her limits.

Teostra's movements abruptly stopped when he heard a commotion behind him. The beast had barely turned his head before a small explosion slammed into one of his shoulders! The attack did little to the elder dragon considering both his size and resistance to fire but it was more than enough to catch his attention. Luckily Teostra didn't have to do anything about it. That single impact has been the only shot the pair of hunters that had suddenly appeared were able to get off before both found themselves snatched up by Lunesta. Both of the little humans had been too distracted by Teostra and Val Hazak going at it to notice the third party in the back of the cavern. Thanks to their inattentiveness both hunters were captured and helpless; their weapons dropped as each was snatched up by one of Lunastra's clawed hands.

"Look, love. Snacks." Lunastra announced with a grin.

Now mostly recovered from her ordeal, Lunesta sauntered her way over to her mate with a seductive swish to her wide hips. The shouts from the captive hunters in her hands went ignored as she approached the fuck fest still in full swing before her. Without interrupting Teostra's relentlessly thrusting into their captive Luna pressed herself against her mate's back. Her cerulean arms, still wrathed in small licks of blue flame, wrapped around her crimson counterpart's torso in an affectionate embrace. His thrusting shifted in rhythm to allow him to press back against Luna as much as he pushed himself into Val Hazak. Both fiery elder dragons purred lustily at one another as Lunasta trailed one of her hands up her mate's chest. She continued moving her hand all the way up until the Hunter still trapped in her fist was directly in front of his face.

Teostra grinned wickedly and wrapped his lips around his mate's fingers along with their captive. His powerful tongue gently pried her digits open and let their captive fall onto its length instead. When Luna's hand retreated from his mouth it slid down instead to stroke over the front of Teostra's throat. His rhythmic movement slowed further and gave Val a brief reprieve from the rough treatment. The male elder dragon savored the squirming, terrified human trapped in his lips as they struggled against his tongue. Tilting his head back, tongue curling to push the human deeper into his maw, Teostra abruptly thrust forward as hard as he was able; forcing every last bit of him that could possibly fit into the overwhelmed toxic dragoness in the process! The moment he bottomed out in her once again he growled out a mix of hunger and lust then swallowed. Lunastra groaned softly under her breath as she savored the sensation of the tiny, squirming bulge that was the hunter pass where her fingers rested on her mate's Adam's apple.

When Teostra resumed his rutting Luna released her embrace and instead sauntered around to Val's opposite side. Matching the lusty growl Teostra had given in response to his 'treat' Luna decided to made different use of her own captive hunter. Rather than stuffing him into her mouth, Luna spread her legs. With a soft groan of bliss she shamelessly stuffed the armored human deep into her nethers like little more than a living dildo! Val Hazak watched, shocked, at the spectacle Luna put on directly over her face. But it wasn't just the show Luna provided that left Val's eyes wide. That honor was reserved for the rapid close-up Val Hazak got of Luna's pussy as the Lunasta casually sat herself down on her former tormentor's face.

While her mate pounded Val's lower body Luna mirrored him and ground herself against their captive's face. Val's muzzle was forced partially into the unnaturally warm folds of the flaming elder dragon's sex regardless of her now-muffled protests. When Val Hazak didn't respond immediately to Luna's desires, the dragoness pressed her weight down harder and growled out a demand for the captive dragoness to get to work.

"If pets want their treats then they have to perform their masters." Luna growled mockingly but with a threatening undertone to her words.

By this point, the larger elder dragon was too overwhelmed by Teostra's remorseless fucking to do much more than mindlessly obey. Almost immediately following her demand Luna felt the pale dragon's tongue burying itself deep into her nethers and causing the blue dragoness to let out a gasp of surprised delight at the sudden eagerness. Luna's hips began grinding down on the face of their captive as she mercilessly used Val's muzzle for her own pleasure. Teostra was already getting close and it didn't take long for Luna to catch up to him thanks to her earlier stimulation. Just as Val's tongue had dug deep enough in Luna to retrieve the little hunter both fiery elder dragons having their way with her hit their peak in unison! The uncomfortable warmth in the cavern spiked dramatically as the flames surrounding the two flared in response to their orgasm. At the moment of their release an explosive torrent of flames burst forth from both of the elder dragons and washed the cavern in flames at the same time as both as the couple filled and soaked the Val Hazak beneath them respectively.

By the time the two mated elder dragons came down from their release, Val was all-but unconscious beneath them. Her body was singed from the intense heat and fire but thankfully her thick dragon hide, along with the two dragons on top of her blocking most of the explosion, protected her from any more serious burns. Not that her physical safety meant that Val wasn't still injured. The toxix elder dragon's price was in pieces after having had the tables turned on her so humiliatingly. As teostra and Lunastra pulled out and rose up from their respective sides of their captive remnants of both their sexual fluids dripped from between Val Hazak's legs and off of her face respectively. The pale dragoness was too overwhelmed and exhausted to do more than weakly glare at the two as they stood over her, grinning.

"I think we should keep her, love." Lunastra suggested with a Cheshire grin. "She came into our territory, after all."

Teostra simply grinned in response. Despite his silence, his softening shaft rapidly swelled erect once again at the thought and clearly broadcast his approval.

Two elder dragons proceeded to discuss what to do with their new pet without noticing the remaining two survivors of the hunter party peeking out from behind a rock. They had only been spared the same fate as their companions by choosing to hide rather than foolishly charging the trio of monsters. The more experienced of the two turned to look at the newest of their group with a stern expression.

"And that is why we don't jump into the middle of turf wars between monsters."

Cyclical Karma

Cyclical Karma Rain - Dragonien Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted...

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Failed Binding

Copyright © [2021] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is...

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Growing Intimacy

Copyright © [2021] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is...

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