
Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#4 of Elysium

And the next chapter, a little dinner and something else in store for the new Omega.

Stupid stairs...

The jackal grumbled silently behind the mouse as instead of using the elevator as he did coming down with Vincent, Stuart took him past it to the side hallways, revealing an open archway that lead to a staircase that wrapped along the walls up to the floor above, much like a typical stairwell in a high-rise but designed to resemble the stairs inside a home instead. The mouse commented that the other side hallway led to a typical stairwell that led down through the rest of the building, then stated they were normally meant to use the stairs instead of the elevator, which annoyed Anubis as he was used to a ground floor master bedroom and an elevator going straight up to his office suite at work.

He followed the mouse up the staircase and through another archway to the penthouse floor, then they turned right to go down the hall that had the one elevator again, and this time he got to see there was an open nook-like space in place of where the second elevator would be. As they exited the hallway and came into the kitchen area he had been in before, Anubis was met with the surprising sight of a somewhat buff wolf in nothing but an apron walking away from him and the mouse and towards the round dining room table a bit further away where the dragon, Necross, and an assortment of other males were already sitting. However, even more surprising then the near-naked wolf and the mouse strolling past him like it was nothing, was that Necross was lounging on the large serpent from earlier, his coils bundled up to resemble something of a throne for the smaller reptile to sit in.

Sigmas... just how different and incomprehensible are they compared to Alphas... I just can't understand this guy at all.

He continued thinking along those lines as he slowly followed after Stuart, who set himself down next to the dragon, with Vincent on the other side, leaving one seat empty for him directly across from Necross. The jackal tried to avoid staring directly at the larger male as he sat himself down between a red kangaroo and the wolf from before, but couldn't help but look his way as the dragon coughed to get everyone's attention, the bit of chatter that had been happening before vanishing in an instant.

"Well, now that everyone is here. I would like introduce our newest member Anubis. Why don't you all take a chance to introduce yourselves too? Vin already has and I'm sure Stu has too when getting him."

"Sure! I'll go first then!" the slim shark said, dressed in a loose shirt and short shorts as he stood up and smiled widely at the jackal.

"I'm Nelliel, but call me Nel. I'm a Gamma and I work down in the foyer as a greeter and general helper if anyone needs any assistance. I like dressing up and trying to brighten everyone's day with different outfits and such, oh and games, I even got my own streaming channel for the evenings."

"... Ever the energetic one aren't ya Nel?" Necross commented, chuckling softly as he smirked at the shark, then turned to the croc that was sitting next to the smaller male, who took the hint and shrugged before speaking.

"Luther, Beta, though we did meet before. I'm the groundskeeper so anything outdoors I handle, along with the plants we got out on the terrace," he said, flicking his thumb over his shoulder to some of the hanging plants just outside of the window. The croc then rubbed over his scarred left eye before he continued. "And don't let the scar freak ya either, got it from an Alpha years ago. I can't see out of it, so I just keep it closed. I'm sure you saw before, but I'm a nudist so you'll have to deal with my lack of clothes."

"Oh, guess I'm next then," the wolf said, smiling as he turned to Anubis sitting next to him. "I'm Zeno, Gamma, and I guess I'm the cook for everyone if the apron didn't give it away. I also help Ren sometimes, but normally I just do the cooking and going out to get groceries and other supplies for everyone. Nice to meet you."

"Heh, such a simple puppy. At least say a bit about yourself next time," the kangaroo said, chuckling as he looked from the wolf and then over the jackal. "Russell, Beta, I'm the mechanic, electrician or whatever you want to call me. I go about and fix any problems that happen in the tower... and I like having my way with some of the tenants downstairs too if you know what I me- ouch!"

The 'roo was cut off as the much shorter ocelot next to him reached up and smacked him behind the head. "I told you to stop gloating about that! Next time you do that, master and I are stuffing you in one of my cages for a week."


"No buts, unless its mine ya hear," the feline said, flicking the buff male in the nose and shaking his head before he started to introduce himself next. "Ignore this manwhore, I'm Ren, Gamma, and also his boyfriend, I'm sure you saw one of the rooms had R&R on it, that's our shared room. Anyways, I'm the cleaner and maid, don't laugh if you want your stuff cleaned though," Ren commented, giving the jackal a glare unbefitting his stature and status, before turning it to continue glaring at the kangaroo rubbing the back of his head.

"Am... am I next?" the rabbit next to Ren asked, looking at the feline who for a moment before speaking again. "I'm Snow, a Gamma. I... uh, work with Stuart in the office as an accountant and data analysis. I'm, sorta of shy so I like being alone in my room so you might not see me a lot..." the male said, his white fur doing little to hide the blush developing on his cheeks from being made to introduce himself.

The jackal turned his attention from the lapine back to the dragon and snake he was sitting on, then watched as Necross smiled and reached over stroking the rabbit on the head softly, causing the male to churr softly and close his eyes.

"Don't worry bun-bun, you did just fine. I'll take over from here."

The dragon pulled his hand away and brought it back down to the serpent's blue and red striped head, whose coiled-up position left his head as sort of an armrest for the throne-like bundle of coils his owner was sitting in.

"Last is Raphael here, or Raph as we usually call him. He's an Omega like you and as you can see, he serves as my _living furniture_in a sense. Despite what you might think, he actually likes it and its better than the circus that was his previous placement. Right boy?"

The snake hissed softly, forked tongue flicking out as he opened his previously closed eyes, his head tilting to look up at everyone at the table.

"Necross... nice... like here."

And as soon as he finished speaking, Raphael laid his head back down, closing his eyes one more while Necross stroked his head lightly with his right hand. The jackal was confused though, the dragon was using the snake like a chair and yet the Omega was not only calling his owner nice, but even using his name while others had called him master. This dragon's group, his horde, was just so different from the tribe he used to have, and the sheer change was leaving him perpetually bewildered.

"With the introductions finished off, let's all eat. Cheers!"


Everyone save the jackal, being new to the group, lifted their drinks and gave a shout before they all began to dig into the food spread out before them, each one taking a piece here and there from the assortment of fries, burgers, hotdogs, sausage, chicken, salad, pasta and several other dishes. Anubis watched as everyone seemed to just pick what they wanted with no rhyme or reason, or in any particular order, as if they were a family instead of a dragon's horde.

Well, seeing how they've acted so far, they might just think that way too. Might as well get what I can then...

He thought as he felt his stomach rumble as the various smells assaulted his nose, making his mouth water a bit as he realized just how hungry he was. Black furred fingers soon were reaching out, picking one thing after another and pulling it onto his plate, before the jackal clamped his jaws down around the burger in his paws. He was barely able to hold back a whimper of pleasure as he felt the delicious juicy meat spread across his maw as he chewed it, it was such a wonderful feeling from having the bare minimum food that he ate the burger in only three bites, only to then dig into the rest of his food and the water left by his plate like a man on a mission.

By the time his hunger was finally satisfied for the first time in days, the jackal's belly was bulging a little and he gave a deep sigh of contentment at feeling so full, his body relaxed and slumped back in the chair. In fact, his body was relaxing so much that he could... just... fall asleep... right ...

~ * ~ * ~ * ~


The grogginess was slowly lifting, causing Anubis to stir from his sleep and attempt to move, only for his limbs to refuse to move. Try as he might, he felt his arms, legs, and chest, even his tail felt pinned down behind whatever he was stuck to. The jackal blinked as he opened his eyes, trying to look around and understand what was going on, and what he saw pushed a little more of the sluggishness he was feeling.

He was strapped down on to a body-shaped table with three cables wrapped around each of his shins, thighs, wrists and chest, and he had a metal mask wrapped around his head which he could only barely see through the dark visor. Before he could fully comprehend where he was or what was going on, he heard the voice of the dragon off behind him where he couldn't see.

"Looks like you finally woke up, huh, puppy?"

He watched through the visor as Necross stepped into his view, looking at him through the visor with a slight smirk on his face, but otherwise, his expression spoke as if everything he was doing or looking at was business as usual. The jackal tried to yell and cause a fuss, but could only let out slightly muted grunts and huffs through the mask over his face and muzzle.

"I'm sure you're trying to insult or yell at me, not that it will really do you any favors in your position. You're probably also wondering what happened and why, and simple answer is, we drugged your cup so all the water you drank put you to sleep and is still keeping you sluggish. As for why, well... obviously you still need to be re-educated, and as the director of recondition center, I'd been meaning to find myself a little pet project to entertain myself at home, heh. And what better project then a recently demoted Alpha?"

The pleased smirk that spread across the dragon's snout sent a shiver down Anubis' spine as realization fully set in for him. Not only was he strapped down, but he was strapped down in a device under the ownership of a Sigma who was the reconditioning director and being viewed as his new pastime. He couldn't help stopping his ears from pinning down against his head as the entire focus of his half-awake mind was centered on the male before him.

"Hmm, actually surprised you're showing a bit of fear instead of trying to fight still. But, oh well, makes things a bit simpler I think."

Necross shrugged at his reactions before he picked up a remote and flicked two switches on it. Immediately the jackal's vision was filled with a rainbow of lights and he could hear the hiss of a gas being pumped into the mask, and the shock of seeing the lights and hearing the hiss making him gasp and inhale some of the sweet smelling gas, which almost immediate made his sheath and cock throb with need. He was forced to inhale the aphrodisiac-laced gases as the lights and words assaulted his eyes and ears, even as he could barely make out the dragon still looking down over him through the visor.

"Heh, enjoy your stay pup. This particular recondition procedure will keep you entertained for a long while. Oh, and don't be too shocked by the surprise waiting for you when you wake up again."

He could do nothing but watch as the dragon sat the remote down and walked away from him, the sound of a door closing the last thing he heard before being left until the assault of the lights, whispers, and horny gases...

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The dragon checked his phone as the door closed behind him, showing a live feed of the jackal struggling against his bonds, his canid cock slowly growing from his sheath thanks to the gases being pumped into the mask.

Heh, enjoy yourself boy. The drug before ensures you're always more open to suggestions so you won't be able to ignore the hypnotic conditioning and the gases will soon distract your struggles with your building lust. The program will put some fun little triggers for me to enjoy later.

Necross couldn't help chuckling to himself as he locked his phone and slipped it back into his pocket, walking away from the play room and towards his bedroom, giving Raph a pet on the head as a good night before he closed the door behind him. Inside, he smiled as he saw Luther, his big, buff saltwater croc tied with ropes around his wrists and ankles to the bed, leaving him spread-eagle for the dragon. He licked his lips as he set his phone down on the nightstand beside the bed, before slowly beginning to undress himself as he spoke above the bound and gagged male.

"Such a shame we couldn't do more than just some simple bondage, but we gotta train our new puppy," he said, chuckling as his lounge shorts fell to the ground, leaving him nude as he went commando after his shower earlier. He slipped up onto the bed between the croc's spread legs, looming over his as his cock slipped free of his sheath while he ground them against the other reptiles throbbing length.

"But that won't take away from your turn to play with master~"

They both grunted as the dragon pushed his cock into the croc's tailhole, plunging deeply and quickly into the well-trained passage, growling at the heat enveloping his shaft. Necross leaned in and began to assault his Beta's neck with licks and nips against his scales as he moved his hips, pumping his cock in and out of the male and letting his spines and ridges rake across his insides.

The dragon grinned as he heard Luther grunt and moan through his gag, feeling his hole clench down around the shaft as he continued to thrust in hard and fast, knowing how the big male loves to be handled roughly. He growled softly as he kept licking at his neck, tasting faint hints of the croc's musk along with the taste and scent of rabbit, causing him to grin and growl more.

"Heheh, had Snow lick you clean after working all day didn't know big boy? Bet you had the boy moaning from the taste of your sweat and musk, just like I'll be doing to you with my cock."

He punctuated the stated with a particularly hard thrust, earning a satisfying moan from the bound male as he picked up the pace, his knot swelling in his sheath as he used his Beta hard and roughly. The dragon shifted and pushed the other male's hips up a little higher, changing the angle of his thrusts to plunge even deeper and harder, forcing his knot to pop free of his sheath and bump against the scaly cheeks beneath him.

Necross rumbled softly as he opened his jaws and latched them around the other reptile's shoulder, nibbling on the thick scales as he began to hammer his knot against the slowly stretching hole, causing the croc to moan even louder from the pleasurable stretching and the cock sinking deeper and deeper into him, ravaging his insides with the spines and ridges. He continued to slam in harder and harder, rutting his subordinate roughly as his knot started to pop in and out of the dripping tailhole, audible squelching echoing through the room.

"Get ready big boy, master's about to knot your needy tail again!"

The dragon mumbled before his bit down more firmly on the croc his teeth pinching into the scales and drawing a bit of blood as he rammed his swollen knot inside the male, locking them together and his cock erupted in a flood of seed. Spurt after thick, gooey spurt splashed and flowed deep within him, even as the master continued to jackhammer his pet, the massive volume of dragonseed making the croc's scaly abs bloat a little. He could feel the passage clenching and squeezing around his cock as the croc has his own climax, his smaller, nine-and-a-half-inch cock throbbing as it splattered their chests with his seed.

The pair settled for a moment, both panting lightly from intense breeding, both of their bodies sweating a bit. Necross pulled his jaws back from the male's shoulder, licking up the droplets of blood left behind from his bite before he leaned back up, smirking down over the crocodile and seeing his tired but satisfied expression. The dragon then reached down between then, licking his lips, as he fingered his Beta's cock and slit, skillfully urging the shaft to retract after his climax back into its home again while tugging on his knot gently.

"Heheh, you know what happens next Luther~"

The shiver and rumble that his statement drew from the croc only added to his arousal, and those sounds only continued to get louder as he continued to tug his knot, eventually getting it to pop out with a satisfying squelch sound, a small river of seed slipping out of his stretched hole before the croc clenched and tightened his hole back up. Necross paid little mind to it, though, instead letting his dripping shaft slip from the male's rump and along his cleft, the tip kissing and pressing against the now closed and slippery slit.

He only gave his Beta a moment to prepare himself before he thrust down, the tapered head of his cock splitting the lips apart as it sunk its way in, only to begin pressing against Luther's own half-hard shaft. The dragon grinned and growled as he ground himself inside his submissive's slit, frotting with the trapped and earning a pained, pleased moan from the bound male.

"Such a good bondage croc for his Alpha~"

The dragon almost sang as he sunk in deeper, forcing a deeper groan from the other reptile as forced himself in down to the root, his wet knot dripping and grinding against the croc's slit as he rubbed himself inside the warm insides.

"Time for another rough right boy, I'll be sure to leave you dripping by the time you go back downstairs~"