Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 26: Your Fate Is Set And You Can Not Escape It

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#26 of Counter Earth - Chaundoon Chronicles: Two Futures

Last Chapter:

It is now five months later.... On Free Counter Earth, Alex Winter has gone rogue!! He has separated from Lady Ursa and joined the new rebellion!! Apparently the beastials' labeling him a pre-rebel was correct. But how did this happen? [AND] On Chaundoon far and away from Conquered Counter Earth, the planet continues to deteriorate because of the dark moon's influence. Many have started to wonder if the planet is dying. Meanwhile Penny Penguin's latest attempt to protect World Seven from the imbalance is met with failure (again). And on the far side of the planet the various tribes of the S'mar Nation aren't faring much better as rival clans clash over territory, resources, supplies or just plain pride. The members of the Three Rivers Pride and Kenja Pride being the most recent example.....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities

*Chapter 26: Your Fate Is Set And You Can Not Escape It *

September 1st, YOE 35

Exeter Station's Bazaar (World One)

9:00 AM Madam Olga's Psychic Truths

"Madam Olga your hands are pure heaven!" I replied as the ogre woman continued her rub down. "Have you ever considered becoming a masseuse?"

"Madam Olga was in a previous life. But not, my passion. Telling fortunes is."

"Care to update mine?" I said staring at the green ogre with the tan unkempt hair, elf ears with circular gold plated earrings, big hips, a bulgy belly, a few scars here and there and bandages on her fore arms and fore legs.

And then there were her tear shaped breasts which had bandaged criss-cross symbols over her tits and that vertical strip of tape on her vaginal opening making her look like a censored version of an x-rated comic book.

"Hmm." She said laying down right on my back. She shifted her weight as to not crush me with her... um heft.

Madam Olga ran her hands over my trapezius muscles, my shoulders and sides trying to read my hora.

"I see that since your last reading you were able to scratch itch you couldn't scratch which led to more uncomfortable truths ultimately leading you to separate from your beloved. Although I can't determine who left who." The ogre woman said moving on to my backside.

April 11th, YOE 35

Lady Ursa's Lair (Castle Wundagore)

12:32 PM Gaming Virtual Space

"You are looking ravishing this evening my love." The evil beastial said complimenting the wicked beastial who was bidding him entry into their chambers.

"Right back at you love." She sneered.

Mara was dressed in a green transparent gown while the ram was wearing only bottom wear.

"MY EYES!!!" I shouted as Riz Site snickered. It was obvious to anyone what was going to take place next.

"Now this is the interesting part Mr. Winter..."

"You know I would move the universe for you." The big horned sheep said kissing his nanny goat.

"You have and you did." She said kissing him back.

It didn't take long for his bottom-wear to get really tight. The ram decided to remove it. The goat did the same with her gown.

Deer-feeder and I watched as the big horned sheep rammed his nanny goat- REPEATEDLY.

"Oh Rammy!"

"Oh Nanny!"



Wicked and evil bleated as they climaxed.

"That was simply wonderful." Sir Ram said pulling out of his beloved.

"Almost as good as our other joint project." Mara said looking at what was leaking from her vagina.

"Still working on that. When a subject is ordered to forget- they don't completely forget a trace always lingers." The he beast said laying on his side; hours later their memory may restore."

"I see. Perhaps we should try a different approach such as a memory block." The she beast suggested.

"They still won't mention their invention by name only that it is a joint project." The bald headed man with the nicely trimmed beard replied as the image disappeared from the grey void we were in.

"Riz why are you telling me this?" I asked the leader of the new rebellion.

"As I mentioned before Mr. Winter you are on the bleeding edge. Literally."

"This again?" I replied remembering our previous conversation.

"Your conditioning therapy session with Sir Ram this morning how did it go?"

"It wasn't painful, degrading or humiliating not that it is any of your business." I replied quite indignant.

"Really? So what took place exactly?" Deer-feeder asked.

"Well.... I... um...."

"You can't recall can you?"

I shook my head.

"Perhaps I can help. This was taken from within the ram's lab." He said folding his has hands behind his back.

Deer-feeder showed me another visual capture this time from within the Ram's amphitheater. He was seated on a bench in the multi-tiered lab. No lab coat, no shirt, pants or body suit- naked to the world. I was seated on his lap legs wrapped around his waist touching his butt, my head resting oh his chest!!

He ordered me to grope and feel up his pectoral muscles and the fur between them. I complied. Then he ordered me to lick his nipples. I did so without question. Finally he ordered me to grind quite lewdly against his shaft and I did.

"It appears he taught you how to give lap dances during your last session Mr. Winter." Riz replied watching me turn very red. "Looks like you are a fast learner."

(How degrading.)

Again I had been experimented on without my consent and my memory of the event was ripped from my mind.

"Looks like they are making progress with this current prototype. I wonder how much longer before this thing is ready for deployment?"

"Why is this happening to me? I am no one special!"

"Says someone who crossed from another reality into this one." He countered.

"It was by mistake."

"But it did happen." Deer-feeder said gently.

"You have shown me many things- but what is your endgame? What is in it for you?" I replied trying to pin him down.

"I just thought you would be interested in knowing what is coming... for all of us. Think of it! Humans will no longer commit crimes, run afoul of the law, experience wealth, poverty or express opinions just give lap dances to our beastial masters... or worse."

"Like anything can be done about it." I frowned crossing my arms.

"My operatives are trying but we have been unable to determine what the device is, where it is located or even what it looks like."

"Sounds like you have your work cut out for you." I replied frowning.

"We could use some inside help." He said smiling.

"Uh huh." I replied sarcastically. "You know so much about me- but I know next to nothing about you."

"Yes you do. Mr. Winter I am the neighborhood watch leader of the Stuyvesant community. Riz Site." He said smiling.

"And you are much more than what you seem...." I said digging for information. Any information.

"I am also an individual who wants revenge."

"Against who?"

"The ram."

(Now we are getting somewhere.)


"I believe you already know that Mr. Winter- what you see around you.... What is here now was not supposed to be. The present has been altered."

"You know that?!" I gasped.

"Let's just say I was one of many the ram ran over to get what he wanted." Riz replied. His face changing from neutral into something of down right rage. "I will do the same to him."

"Meaning? You're still working on it huh? Just remember if you are plotting on revenge there is an old Gaian saying... dig two graves. One for your enemy and one for yourself."

"Yes. I am aware that that knight is the smartest mind in the empire."

"And a miscalculation will expose you and your entire operation." I warned him.

He decided to not acknowledge my comment.

"So Mr. Winter what will you do with what you learned today?"

"I don't know." I replied. "Stew over it I suppose."

"I would advise that you don't let the fuzzies know you know- you know? It could be very bad for you."

"I will keep that in mind."

"Here." Deer-feeder said grasping my hand and placing something in my palm. "In case it does."

"A PDA?"

"Yes, quite similar to the one the knights took off of your person after you were incarcerated."

I rolled the device over and over in my hand. It was identical to the one that brought me to this reality.

"The operation is the same. If you ever find a desire to escape your circumstance. Initiate the same sequence you used to leave Gaia and come here."


I stared at him as the game ended and I found myself on the sectional in the lair. It became apparent that this group of rebels was definitely more sophisticated and better organized than the previous groups.

(Where did this tech come from? Who invented it?")

My conversation with Riz Site, (Deer-feeder) left me with a lot to unpackage. I sat for an hour on the sectional just trying to process it all. Me being experimented on without my knowledge or consent. My emotions ran the gamut from shock and awe to pure rage.

I tried to rationalize it. It was my punishment for questioning the dictator of this world who allowed me to live among his creations after I became stranded here. But wait, I spent a year in lockup. Shouldn't it have counted as time served?

Now I am out and being sent to counseling under the guise that I am being conditioned to re-enter the empire- to resume the life I once had, but which in really is a front for the beastials to use me as a test subject?!

And when I am not experimented on, my bear has restricted my movements mostly confining me to her home where I wash, cook, clean daily. All this for questioning the beastials' high master?


Although I had my daily chores around the lair to perform- I was too mad to attempt any of them. I tried to calm my nerves by combing through some hub programming.

"Welcome back to the Damnation Of The Dammed." A grey and white female ant eater announced. "Where we were given exclusive access to Scientist Billy Goat. The protege of Sir Ram who is carrying out the punishment of a dissident of the empire one of the many rebels who were crushed by the High Evolutionary during YOE 33."

"Here we see the condemned openly weeping as his punishment is about to be carried out." She said pointing out to a rotund grey haired man on a lab table.

"I am sorry! I am sorry! I don't know what I was thinking, the high master towers above all; his rule is absolute!"

"It is too late for that human." The goat replied.

"I made some bad choices, I wish I could take it back!"

"It is too late for that too." The goat in the white lab coat said rather coldly.

"I deserve what is coming. Don't I?"

"Do not despair, while you will cease to exist as a human- you will not die; you will continue your life in another form as something else, someone else." The caprine scientist said. "Ready now?"

The former rebel continued to weep as his clothes disappeared from his body. Then a large needled was lowered from the ceiling containing this purple goo. It docked with his belly button before forcefully injecting its contents inside.

The man made an unbearable sound as his DNA was reprogrammed. I watched with perverse interest knowing that the beastials couldn't turn humans into beastials without the loss of their sentience.

That was not the goat's objective. He watched as the man's flesh, musculature and bones dissolved into this pale goo before turning completely black. It then collected reforming into this humanoid black puddle.

"Magnificent! Welcome experiment 645."

"Yes master."

_"Sentience seems to be intact. Very good. I will teach you how to assume a beneficial form in time. This way." _

"Yes master." The puddle of goo replied following the beastial scientist.

_"And there you have it stinking rebel filth being repurposed into something more beneficial for the empire. Beneficial for all of us. That concludes our report. Tune in next time for another episode of the Damnation Of The Damned." _


(That didn't help. Neither did the next program.)

"Welcome to this special edition of Why Are You Poor? Yama Kite here and today we are talking to yet another impoverished human, the blond freckled overall wearing Daisy Daisy.

We toured the one bedroom hovel she shares with ten other people. As you can see from these pictures, it is a dive, a dump, minimal amenities, barely any sanitation or running water. I wouldn't let a pet live here.

So Ms. Daisy why do you reside here?"

"Well Mr. Kite this is what I can afford. I can't leave this community and work within the city center. My overseer will not allow it. Job opportunities in my neighborhood are non-existent and what is available doesn't pay that much."

"I see. Too bad. So sad." The avian said rather smugly. "Perhaps you need to find some more room-mates?"

The woman gave the avian such a look I thought she was going to carve him up for a roast.


(Count to ten Alex, count to ten and then move on....)

"And we are here with the winner of Barbarian Gladiator Grand Crash who defeated three knights in our rigorous obstacle course to take home the grand prize! How does it feel human?" A porcupine beastial in a one piece white suit with black highlights asked.

"It feels outstanding! I am on top of the world!!!" A blond hair, barrel chested man in brown boots and overalls replied. He was standing in front of a knight from Sovereign, Sogreth and Sevren castles.

"And what do you plan on doing with the prize money?" The reporter asked.

"Well it has been a really rough year for myself and my family." Mr. Crash started to say. "I plan to pay may taxes and a lot of arrears that I owe and maybe buy something nice for my wife."

"Um, no." A slender possum came walking into camera view. "I am afraid that after paying off what you owe me and then the empire you are still deeply, deeply, deeply in debt."

"But... but my prize money!!"

"Not enough. I am sorry you will be coming with us. Oh and take his offspring too." I watched as the three knights Mr. Crash had just competed against picked him up and his teenage sons carrying him away.

"It looks like Mr. Crash and his family have been donated to science by his overseer where they will reside until all his debts have been paid." The porcupine said rather smugly.

Although the man had won, it seemed like he had really lost.


"Another example of the strong preying on the weak and helpless!!!" I shouted at the view-screen. "Unbelievable."

That really pissed me off.

(Are there any humans actually prospering on this planet?!)

"Welcome to another episode of Something You Do Not Know." A rotund boar in a full fur coat announced_. "It took us awhile but we finally gained access to a super secret facility whose official name we can't announce. It's common name is the Outpost Of The Forgotten where the worst of the worst are sent to rot for eternity."_

"NO WAY!!!" I shouted locking my eyes on the view-screen. "At that moment, nothing inside the lair, in the castle or outside it mattered only what I was seeing on the screen. A revisit to the Maximum a place I never wanted to see ever again.

This news special really caught my eye. I was hesitant to watch but I really wanted to know what had become of Bertha and Boris after Lady Ursa and I had been liberated from that facility.

_"The Maximum is comprised of two buildings on the remote reaches of the planet. It is run by Warden King who was especially picked for this position after the untimely demise of his predecessor." _

"Can you give a tour of the facility Warden?" The boar said addressing a grey bald headed individual I was all too familiar with._ _

"Well Hampton, there is not much to it. The lower levels are where the prisoners are housed. The upper levels of the left building are where the staff lives the upper level of the right building is where prisoners are de-animated."

"You mean the living death?"

"Yes." The Dowd said glamming for the camera._ _

"How quaint." The program's host replied. _ _

_"You know I have never shown anyone this- but come, come, come!" _

The host and his crew followed the warden to his office. Beyond it, his chamber of trophies where he kept the luckless souls of his perverse breeding program. Fortunately Bertha and Boris weren't there. But the living statues I did see shocked and horrified me.

"This is one of my prized possessions. These three bears were residents of that hidden colony the empire discovered a few years ago."

"You mean that colony of beastials who were deemed imperfect?"

"Yes, Hampton the very same. These three two black bears and and prehistoric cave bear were scheduled for de-evolution along with the rest of the beastials within that colony."

"Warden, how is it that they are here?"

"I called in some favors and instead had them de-animated and moved here. Apparently they are some type of cobbled together family. Doesn't matter, Basil, Rose and what was the cub's name again Kelp?? Well they will be together forever and ever more as part of my collection.

As the broadcast concluded I blew a gasket. Several. I had been reminded of the dark side of the High Evolutionary's empire. The same one I had sided with and championed since my bear had adopted me.


I saw many shades of red. The next thing I knew the view screen had my fist through it, was then thrown onto the floor where it met my foot."

Lurie found me not long after in a daze hyperventilating. I was taken to medical where Lady Ursa retrieved me. When we returned home she saw that I had failed to perform my duties and had trashed the great room. We had the mother of all fights afterwards...


"Your fortune remains unchanged Mr. Winter- I see... that you and your lover will face a number of challenges in the near term- that fight you had being one of them but your fates are intertwined."

"So that is in the long term." I said leaning on my arm. "But in the near term?"

"You are looking for a place to stay out of prying eyes and the empire's dominion while serving Deer-feeder."

I was taken back by her conclusion. I know she is a psychic and all but still....

"Like you the leader of rebellion reached out to Madam Olga. I accepted. Purple tent is perfect place for wayward freckled boy to lay head down at end of day away from knights, high evolutionary and empire while assisting Deer-feeder."

"Thank you Madam Olga." I said smiling. "Or should I say roomie?"

"Operatives should look out for each other." The green ogre woman smiled moving on to my legs.

"Your hands are amazing!" I announced as her crystal ball flashed.

10:45 AM Downtown Plaza (World Three)

"How is your lemonade Kiwi?" A beautiful chakat asked the pre-teen boy seated across from her.

"Great! By the way you look amazing Song!" The boy replied admiring her pink top and the yellow Bonnet she was wearing.

"You like? It is perfect for a day like today it is nice and warm, not too hot for this late summer day."

"Ms. Song, Mr. Goodfellow." A junior knight said greeting the seated pair.

"Good day junior knight Naka." The chakat said trying not to blush.

"It is this open air pavilion is just what this area of the city needed. Outdoor seating and a nice stage for performances." The wolf said eyeing the chakat trying not to blush.

"Hi Naka." Kiwi said greeting the maned wolf.

"My don't you look comfortable!" He said eyeing the brown haired preteen who was dressed in a orange shirt and blue shorts. "I trust that you have been given permission to be here and that you are on your best behavior?" The knight said eyeing the boy curiously.

"Of course my overseer fully approved." Kiwi said smiling.

"So if I were to contact that person Mr. Goodfellow...."

"Go ahead she is very nice- she even bought me this lemonade."

"Song?!" Naka said staring at the white chakat.

"The opportunity came up, I took it. When Kiwi is little older I might have him work at my flower kiosk as well. So what brings you here knight?"

"Following up on that group that... that..."

"That was selling illegal merchandise a few months back?" The chakat said completing the wolf's sentence.

"The outfit that nearly killed you?" The boy said piling on.

"Yes, yes the same. The knights might have a possible lead on some members of the group here in World Three. If it pans out I just might get a promotion."

Song shifted her eyes to look at Kiwi and Kiwi did the same to her.

"Very well, don't do anything rash Naka." The she beast replied.

"Remember wolves are supposed to be pack animals don't go off on your own." Kiwi warned.

"From the mouths of babes." Naka said petting the pre-teen on his head before wishing the two a good afternoon.

"So impetuous." The chakat and her boy said in unison.

To Be Continued....


September 1st, YOE 35

Central Tower (World Seven)

9:00 AM A New Study...

"Theresa, Oliver are you sure you want to do this?" I asked hugging the redhead female in a long grey jacket, shirt, jeans, and brown boots.

"It is a opportunity that we just could not pass up." Ms. Branch replied.

"Besides it isn't like the planet is getting any better." The red headed male in a beige jacket said staring at the dark moon which seemed to have altered the number of hours of light and darkness the planet was receiving.

"No. It is getting worse. Much worse as if it could be...." I started to say.

"Don't worry. We have our weapons from our time with the vigilantes." Theresa said trying to reassure me. That only made me hug her again.

"And Alex we have back up as well." My sister's doppelgänger added. She was dressed in her familiar yellow shirt, brown shorts and explorer's hat which matched what Theresa and Oliver were wearing.

"Dawn are you absolutely sure?" I replied hugging her as well.

"This is an opportunity of a life time- to study an indigenous tribe- their culture, their society, customs and how they live."

"Well we kinda have an idea." Corbin said gesturing to the nearly nude S'mar warriors standing with the four. If not for their necklaces, shoulder capes, headbands, wrist and ankle pads they would be completely nude.

That brought me to two of the three remaining savages that had accused and attacked my away team of causing the imbalance months ago only to be proven wrong.

"Chief Club." I said staring down the leader of Kenja pride.

"Your concern is unwarranted medic. I will personally guarantee their safety while they are within our territory."

I lifted an eyebrow. "And when they are not?"

"Then I will. You have my word meat." Axe said placing his paw on my shoulder. "You and I are friends now."

(Friendly terms and pacified savages are two different things.)

"Alright I am charging you with protecting my loved ones- especially my little brother." I said locking eyes on Axe. Do not disappoint me otherwise... I will hunt you down."

Dawn, Oliver, Theresa and Corbin saw the warrior feline sweat and even tremble a little at my threat as he tried laughing it off.

"Right then, we are off." Theresa said.

I watched her and Oliver sit in the front cab of their white pickup while Dawn, Corbin, Axe and Club took a seat in the bed against the back window.

"Strap in everyone." Professor Stern said as she and Corbin were seated between the two warriors.

I watched the white utility vehicle head toward the sky flying east past World Seven on its way toward the other side of the planet.

10:45 AM Medical

"Good morning Nezera." I said entering the infirmary accompanied by my lioness.

"Hard to really tell anymore." The vampire bat replied.

"How was your shift?" Shakara asked.

"Busy. There is a lot of anxiety and fear among the population."

"For good reason with everything that is going on. It has started me wondering..."

"Yes?" The bat said turning to me.

"Could Chaundoon be dying?"

"Everyone has been thinking that little cutie...."

(But we have all been too scared to say it.)

"If this planet, our new home is dying what do we do?"

The question was interrupted by a maned wolf and his pre-teen boy.

"Naka, Kiwi." Nezera replied. "What brings you in today?"

"Kiwi has had trouble sleeping for the last day and a half. He is anxious and exhibiting bouts of extreme fear and terror." The former leader of the nomadic colony opined.

"I think that epitomizes the mood of the city right now handsome." Shakara said batting her eyes at the knight.

"Be that as it may, Song and I are concerned."

"Good morning Mr. Goodfellow." Nezera said smiling.

It took a minute for the nervous pre-teen to acknowledge the bat lady.

"Good good morning...."

"I would like to help you if you will let me." The vampire bat said motioning to me to get the triangular scanner.

"So how is Penny?" The wolf asked the lioness.

"Broken, very broken. I mean she hasn't taken the failure of her most recent experiment well." My devious person replied.

"Well she tried and I think some of her efforts while not yielding positive results did prove rather enlightening Ms. Kubari."

"Vitals seem normal." I replied looking at the results of the scan.

"That is the physical. I wonder about the mental? Kiwi look into my eyes." Nezera ordered.

"You are going to hypnotize me?" The brown haired lad gasped.


"That isn't a precursor to you feeding on me?"

"It is alright child, at the moment I am not hungry." Nezera said trying to reassure her patient. But the questions still came.

Will it hurt?"


"Nezera!!" I warned. "Please refrain from scaring the patient."

"I am going to place you completely under my power. Just relax and let me peer into your soul..."

(That did nothing to calm the boy.)


I watched in perverse fascination as the vampire probed the boy's mind before announcing her findings.

"His anxiety and extreme fear comes from his previous abduction." Nezera announced.

"Could it be a delayed reaction?" The maned wolf asked.

"Possibly or precognition." The grey bat replied.

"How would we know?" The knight asked.

"If he is abducted again I suppose." Shakara replied.

Naka, Nezera, Kiwi and myself looked at her.

"I would recommend staying by his side. Place him on your lap and comfort him if need be until his fear and anxiety pass." The lady bat said ending Kiwi's trance.

"The power bracelets Penny invented. Can I borrow them?" The knight asked. "I think I might have a use for them.

1:45 PM Other side of Chaundoon

"Humans. It is hard for me to say this but thank you." The leader of Kenja pride said to his chauffeurs.

"It is my pleasure." Theresa Branch responded from inside the cab of the white truck. "I wasn't aware that your territory was so far away."

"We came a long way to confront what we thought was the cause of the planet's perils." Axe replied. "You off-worlders."

"Well I am glad that misunderstanding was cleared up." Oliver Justice replied.

"We are glad that it wasn't us and the problem was the dark moon all along." Corbin said eyeing the S'mar warriors in the bed of the truck.

"It was a costly mistake." Club replied stoically.

"Whoa will you look at the size of that forest! It dwarves the one Alex and I saw when we first arrived on Chaundoon!"

"It was quite difficult to cross." Club admitted to the little mongoose boy.

"Look at those orbs of light what are they doing to that lake?!"

"They are drinking." Axe replied to Corbin.

"They look like they are pouring water into it. Wow." The mongoose boy admitted.

The S'mar warriors trip back to their homeland was mostly the same- the little mongoose boy pointing out weird and wondrous sites as they flew overhead.

"Hey what is that?"

"Floating mountains." The leader of Kenja pride admitted to the curious boy.

"Since when do mountains float?"

"You need to get out more adorably cute." Axe teased.


"Isn't that is what the promiscuous feline in your healing place calls you?" Axe said pulling Corbin in a small headlock. "I suppose our world would be quite strange to you."

"Looks like night and day have equalized on this side of the planet." Corbin said from within Axe's headlock as he noticed that he was dangerously close to the warrior's penis sheath and testicles.

"Yes it looks like we only have to deal with the shifting colored skies." Dawn said taking in the sites.

"So much to see... so much to experience..." Corbin said. Looking at the spots on Axe's side and leg.

"Well, with the imbalance as bad as it has ever been, I thought it was worth the risk." Dawn said.

"In case what woman?" The Kenja chieftain asked.

"It doesn't get any better."

"Yes you had mentioned that some in your tribe fear that the planet is dying." Club replied as Dawn leaned on his shoulder.

"If it is what can we do?" The mongoose boy asked.

"Worst case scenario- I think King Dragon would activate the space gate and we could evacuate to Counter Earth." Theresa said.

"But there is nothing left there but misery and destruction." Oliver added.

"We could all live out the rest of our lives in the Nexus. I suppose." The female red head replied.

"Over there!" Club announced. "That is the boundary of the pride-lands.

"Wow, the S'mar drylands.... It is awfully dry." Dawn said without thinking.


"I mean it probably has a beauty all its own." The blond replied after being chastised by her son.

"There in the distance is our pride's village." Axe announced.

The truck descended to about five hundred feet above the ground before landing outside a small village of circular huts.

"Chief Club, Axe- here you are safe and sound." Oliver said stepping out of the front of the cab. Theresa did the same.

Corbin and Dawn helped the warriors step down from the bed of the truck.

"I can't wait to meet the rest of the members of your tribe." Dawn said reaching for a backpack and field journal.

The wildlife researchers started to make their way toward the Kenja village but were stopped by the Club.

"Humans wait!" He growled.

"Something is wrong." Axe said moving in front of Corbin and Dawn. "Bow and Arrow should have greeted us."

The six were surrounded by warriors from their village but instead of triumphant cheers, they were greeted with growls and evil stares.

"Oh, I see you are still alive." A older female feline said stepping forward from the crowd.

"Mallet that is no way to address your chief!" Axe said scolding her.

"You were the pride's chief until you abandoned us on your futile quest." A slender male said joining Mallet.

"The quest was not futile Arrow." Club countered.

"Did you discover the source of the imbalance? Did you stop it?" The warrior asked.

"Well yes and no." Axe said still blocking the crowd from seeing the human female and mongoose boy behind him.

"Where is Spear?"

"He met his end like a true warrior. Arrow, where is Bow? I made her acting in my absence." Club said to the older female feline and young male.

"We cast her out." The old female replied. "She rejected the change."

"What change?" Axe asked.

"We are no longer of Kenja pride, we are of the Sabra pride now." Arrow replied.

"And you are our prisoners." Mallet tacked on. "Seize them!"

Oliver, Theresa, Corbin all looked at each other.

"Wow!! Tribal political conflict and we are witnessing it first hand!" Dawn exclaimed.

"Such a flake!" Corbin said face palming.

S'mar Drylands (Three Rivers Pride Territory)

2:00 PM Chief Saber's Hut

"Finally a voice of reason." Arrow replied as Annette poured him a glass of water as the meeting began.

"You should show more reverence to my medicinal beast." The chief of the Three Rivers Pride said as his youngest slave served the acting Kenja pride leader a platter of fruit.

"Why is that?" Bow asked.

"He delayed your demise." Saber grumbled as he reluctantly entertained the two warriors from the rival tribe.

August 31st, YOE 35 (Yesterday)

1:11 PM Mirrored Forest (Wilderness outside Three Rivers Pride Territory)

Saber pushed the pride's witch doctor behind him.

Pestle did the same to Annette who did the same to Naomi. The freckled teen tried to peer around all of them to see the interloper from Kenja pride.

The female was about the same height as Saber. She did not wear a shawl over her shoulders, or wrist pads, or leg pads. Those areas of her body were shaded and tattooed to look like she was wearing wrist pads or leg pads.

In reality she was completely nude save for a large bow she had slung over her shoulder and a quiver of arrows on her back.

Naomi fixated on her physique which was similar to her own especially the small but emerging breasts. She was beautiful, agile and confident.

"Times must be tough for Three Rivers Pride if their chieftain is escorting two slaves and a medicinal beast around in the bush." The female warrior quipped.

"And things must be equally tough if you two are out here in the wilds by yourself... with no back up." Saber snarled.

"Two?" Naomi said looking around.

Approaching from behind was another warrior from the rival tribe. This one a male- similar markings and build as the female. He carried another quiver of arrows and a boomerang strapped to his back.

Seeing the interloper approaching from the rear, Pestle circled around to stand in front of Naomi. His bo staff at the ready.

Annette moved to the side. The three felines encircling the freckled teen from the two Kenja Pride warriors.

"Let me guess you have come to fulfill your purpose in life by allowing me to end it!" Saber said taking a predatory stance.

"No." The female said kneeling. "I am Bow. That is Arrow. We seek audience with you chief of Three Rivers Pride on a matter of utmost importance."

"That is highly irregular." Annette observed.

"You are the new leader of Kenja Pride?" Pestle declared lowering his staff slightly.

"No. Acting our chief left to confront the source of the darkness." Bow replied.

"That was a season ago." Saber replied studying her.

"She is beautiful!" Namoi squealed lowering the rock she was holding.

"Hmmm.... I haven't slaughtered anyone from Kenja Pride in a while." Saber said licking his blade.

"Is... is... he that crazy?!" Arrow said looking at Bow.

"I like to feast on the agony and regret of my prey in their final moments. It is just a thing I do." The savage admitted.

"Saber leads one of the most powerful prides in the drylands." Bow said shushing Arrow.

"Sir perhaps we should hear them out?" Pestle suggested. "I mean what if they do have some relevant information?"

The vicious savage considered what his witch doctor had just advised.



"I am Blade." The male seated to Saber's right announced.

"I am Barb." The female seated to Saber's left announced. "I trust your accommodations were to your liking?"

*KOFF* *KOFF* "Yes." Arrow replied. "Thank you for sharing your food with us as well. That was very kind of you."

"Consider it a one time event." Saber replied showing his fangs. "A one off."

"Are these your top warriors? There are so few." Arrow observed.

"That is because the other two have fallen." The Kenja Pride acting leader observed. "Most likely to the chaos plaguing the planet."

Naomi joined Annette in the back to the hut standing at attention... waiting to serve their master's guests. Well Annette was, Naomi was very curious in hearing what the two from Kenja Pride had to say.

She was shocked when Saber dismissed them both.

"Aw, I wanted to hear what she was going to say!" Naomi pouted. "Why did he do that?"

"Master Saber had his own reasons." Annette said to her friend.

"You mean he was going to skin them alive afterwards?!"

"Well we will have to wait to find out." The female with the flower in her hair said to the freckled teen.

"Uh, maybe not. Remember that dry garden you were thinking about making?"

"Yes?" The feline with the big breasts and wide butt replied.

"I think you should build it right here, right now and I am going to help!"

So the two females moved to the rear of their home and started cultivating while listening to the events inside Saber's hut.

"I propose that the prides should merge." Bow said addressing Barb, Blade and Saber.

"Absolutely not!" The three said in unison.

"Please hear me out. I feel what is happening to Chaundoon is larger than Kenja Pride, larger than Three Rivers Pride, larger than Pantanal Pride or any of the prides." The female feline said making her case.

"Our leader took his top warriors to find the source of the darkness. They have not returned are feared dead." Arrow replied coughing.

"Over the past season our numbers have dwindled; we were attacked by creatures that shouldn't exist, docile wildlife, hostile wildlife and disease. Everything else that has befallen the planet has affected my pride in one way or another." Bow replied.

"Should I care?"

"I can tell that it has affected your pride too, Saber. Situations are getting worse and I believe we all must confront this together and not on an individual basis but as one nation otherwise we will be picked off one by one until none are left." Bow said bowing respectfully.

"Well said." Barb replied.



"Must be something I ate." Arrow's companion said as he continued coughing.

"Saber?!" The acting chieftain asked cutting her eyes at their host.

"I considered poisoning both of you but decided against it." The savage chieftain said addressing the acting Kenja Pride chieftain.

They watched helplessly as the male from Kenja Pride continued coughing like he was about to give up a lung. That was when he vomited.


"Arrow are you ok?" Bow asked rushing to his side.

He shook his head and collapsed.


As he did something in his vomit started moving, shaping into a mass and growing larger.

"By the ancestors!" Blade shouted.

"It is a skin walker!" Barb shouted.

10:22 PM Naka and Song's home (World Seven)

"Shush, I am here." Naka said embracing his boy. Per Nezera's recommendations he had sat his boy on his lap at their kitchen table and tried to comfort the pre-teen who just continued to tremble. "Are you feeling a little better?"

"No." The boy replied to Naka. "I don't know- I just feel uneasy, like I need to panic."

"That was quite descriptive."

"Naka I can't explain it."

After his disappearance and return months before Naka and Song had kept an eye on their boy just in case who ever did abduct him, attempted to try again. That did give the maned wolf an idea. Penny Penguins power bracelets.

"Everything has been crazy as of late Kiwi." The wolf said placing a bracelet on his wrist. He then did the same to himself.

"You mean the imbalance has gotten worse and none one knows how to make it stop." The pre-teen said as beautiful chakat entered the kitchen.

"Good evening." Song said greeting her boy and boyfriend.

"Song how was the council meeting?" The wolf asked the cat.

"Very somber. No one would come out and say it but many feel that the end times are upon us." The she beast replied. "The planet is going to keep deteriorating until... until."

Kiwi and Naka traded glances with Song.

"All life on Chaundoon ceases." The chakat replied watching her boy fidget. "Naka?"

"He has been like this all afternoon. I have never seen him like this even after the abduction." The junior knight replied.

"Naka! Song!" Kiwi jumped up and ran to hug the beautiful chakat. "I know why! It is them! The are coming back! Don't let them take me!"

Naka and Song looked at the terror on their boy's face.

"What are we going to do?" Song said becoming panicked.

"Song put this on... quickly!"

"Penny's power bracelet?!"

The maned wolf then ran into their bedroom. When he returned he was holding his sword and tossed a knife to his girlfriend.

"We are going to have a conversation with whoever abducted Kiwi." He said calmly.

"NAKA!! SONG!! They are here! Kiwi screamed.

The maned wolf and the chakat had just enough time to hug their boy before...


All three disappeared from their home.

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 27: Millions And Millions Of Swords But Not One Shield

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 27: Millions And Millions Of Swords But Not One Shield** September 1st, YOE 35 2:23 PM S'mar Nation (Three Rivers Pride Territory) "A skin walker?! How can that be?!" The acting leader of Kenja...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 25: Can You Feel The Fear? 

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Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 24: The Extraordinary Is In What We Do Not Who We Are

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