Growing Love - Part 2/6

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#3 of Stories(Long)

**As the city quakes from the steps of this freshly ascended couple, its millions of residents try to scatter and flee, emergency services scrambling to deal with the threat.

However the fleeing masses will soon learn just how futile such is...**

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CONTENT WARNING: This story contains: Macro, Blood and Gore, Paws, Detailed Destruction, Handplay, Crushing, Vore, Cock Vore, F/Solo, Teasing, And more!

This is part of me uploading some older stories onto this site, to expand my portfolio here. This is the story Growing Love, a 6 part story featuring my characters Sarina and Caleb and their ascension.

Part 1-5 is currently completed, with the 6th well on its way to completion, and you can expect me to upload that one as it is completed, with the already completed parts uploaded today.

This is part two, where stuff gets nice and properly started~

Hopefully you all enjoy!

Growing Love Part 2

By Vargiewrites

A cacophony of thooms filled the skyline as the two titans walked through the city, their every step shaking it to its core as they towered above even the tallest structures, of which only a few could reach to their knees, and even then just with their spires. And though the chimera, the tallest of the two at 2 kilometers, was walking around the outskirts, flattening suburbia to cut off any escape routes, was his lover, the 1.7 kilometer red panda, heading straight for the city's core, a playful sway on her hips with each and every step as she carelessly strode across the field of pea-sized suburban houses.

An amused smirk was spread upon her muzzle as she gazed down at the labyrinthine network of streets connecting mass-produced suburban housing estates and neighborhoods, all intermixed with commercial areas and the odd apartment block, none of which even reached higher up than the height of her toes. Tiny furs were scrambling down there, fleeing on foot, by wing, or by car, bus, or truck to escape her, all at speeds the suburban roads were never built to be driven on; vehicles were damaged on speed bumps, or lost control in corners, while furs on foot scrambled around them, some trying to scale fences to flee.

Yet with each footfall of her paws would they stumble, many falling as the seismic wave struck alongside a powerful shockwave and a boom like a high yield bomb, shattering windows and causing screams of pain and fear. Vehicles bounced high from every step and roof tiles were blown off houses while people cowered yet fled still, Sarina's amused eyes watching as people were pushed over by others trying to get ahead, or into vehicles, just for both to be cast in the shadow of a risen paw.

For even at her most casual of strides was Sarina walking faster than even a commercial airplane would fly, her every step gliding above hundreds of meters of suburban landscape, tiny furs diving to cover as the huge canine-like paw slowly crept above, its movement casual and gracious, befitting of her overall happy and casual demeanor. Would one look at her expression and posture without the context of size would it just seem like any old happy stroll, the way her hips swayed so happily from side to side, or how her paws rose and fell with a "gentle" pace, a smile on her cute red panda muzzle as she looked down.

Yet when size was added to the mix was it a horror beyond compare or description for those in her path; the tinies in her path were doomed to watch as one such paw would move towards them while they pushed each other over to get ahead, a rumble of displaced air roaring above while the debris of cars, buildings, streets, and more rained down behind it, dislodged from the minutest of movements of the paw. Then it would flip up to show off its sole, terrified eyes staring up in the last moments they got to witness the remains of crushed houses and flattened vehicles dot the sole, each barely recognizable around tiny metal street lights, chunks of asphalt, ground, trees, and then even tiny crimson splatters from the countless furs the paw had crushed.

And then would the paw fall, causing screams to erupt en-masse beneath it as people begun to flee and cry out in fear and fright, the situation turning frenzied for but a split second before the paw crashed down. Its dark pads shattered roof tiles and flattened roofs, houses splintering beneath the weight from the transfer of kinetic energy into them, after which street lights snapped alongside splintering trees; vehicles followed after, each crumpling like cans beneath the unyielding dark pads, right before people followed suit.

They were pinned to the ground rather forcefully, their bodies breaking in an instant against the impact force, their bodies bursting and crunching as the paw pressed down, shattering asphalt as it sunk into the soft soil, which buckled around the step as the kinetic energy turned into seismic waves that swept outwards. They were so strong that the ground directly next to the impact heaved upwards to form a large and jagged crater ridge, causing houses there to collapse as the ground so violently shift, all the while furs too close to the impact were flung away, the shockwave's power enough to leave many already dead.

And the next step was already well underway, debris raining from a rising sole as Sarina walked on, giving the tiny furs at her paws naught but a giggle as she watched so many vanish beneath every step. Further amusement spread across her expression as she watched how the ground almost rippled out around the paw, the seismic wave visible as it lifted the ground within the first kilometer, causing waves of explosions as gas mains ignited, swallowing streets in fireballs as electrical sparks flew high and far.

She also looked over her shoulders, giggling rather innocently as she laid eyes upon the line of craters in her wake, all woven into the suburban cityscape; each one was bordered by ruined and collapsed houses, dark plumes rising from each and their surroundings as fires burnt within craters and ruins. Flames licked against the wooden debris of collapse, and many even rose high from cracks in the ground where gas mains had been severed; she even saw furs trying to escape the debris and rubble, fighting desperate fights to free themselves as the fires within their collapsed homes grew.

"My, you little ones need to be better at watching my step~" her booming voice sounded after that, followed by a giggle as she watched people drop to their knees from the volume of even her most casual of words, just to find themselves in the shadow of another risen paw.

"Oh, come on~ I'm just speaking normally~" she giggled again as the paw slammed down, crunching the cowering furs and every single building around them as the giantess of a red panda released a soft purr, her paws picking up on the smallest detail of tinies crunching or buildings flattening. She then stopped, yet raised her last paw, leaving it raised to peek over her shoulder at its sole, a giggle escaping her as she examined the flattened vehicular wreckage stuck to its pads, as well as the remains of houses, roads, and all those crushed furs.

"Well, can't say you don't look good as tiny red stains against my pads~" she giggled again before she planted the paw down next to her other one and resumed looking at the furs ahead of them, who were all still stuck in a scrambling panic of pushing and shoving to get ahead.

"Goodness, I never really did realize how many of you there were, even in the suburbs~" Sarina giggled some as she slowly crouched, casting even more tiny furs into a frenzied panic as they watched her body lower itself, her huge tail landing upon a long line of suburbia her paws had missed, crushing countless homes in the process beneath something which looked so light and fluffy.

"But you all really ought to know that pushing everyone over like that is only slowing you all down~" she continued to speak rather playfully to the fleeing furs as they cowered and cried out from the deafening volume of her voice, a fact which only seemed to cause her more amusement as she watched them.

"Look, you could have already been so much further away, but now..." she begun to say as she reached a hand out towards an intersection where numerous cars had collided, all due to each of them having tried to force their way through with no regard for letting anyone else ahead. The act had caused quite the pileup of cars, trucks, and busses, all of which was now in the shadow of her outstretched hand.

Screams erupted as furs tried to scramble over wrecked or struck vehicles, trying to escape the intersection as the hand descended, just to watch its fingers curl, aiming just a single thumb towards them all, quickly filling their skies with just that digit! It outsized the intersection, causing furs to flee and scream as they tried to escape the gargantuan giantess, just to hear street lights snap and crunch, then vehicles...and then themselves.

A lighter boom echoed out amidst a cacophony of metallic crunches, screeches, and the juicy pops and crunches of tiny bodies bursting as the thumb pressed down, eliciting a purr from Sarina as the dense crowds of furs were crushed in the blink of an eye, a few diving out of the way just in time to avoid the impact. They would see their fellow furs burst beneath the thumb, witnessing vehicles crunch, some only half so, with mangled, yet uncrushed halves sticking out from the sides of the thumb's pad.

"...Now you could all fit under just a thumb~" boomed her voice above them, an amused giggle following just after as the thumb twist. Survivors gawked at it and the horrific view of half crushed vehicles, and even furs that stuck out from its side, the latter clutching at the ground to pull what remained of their bodies away, terrified and pain-filled stares staring at whatever fur or hope of escape may exist near them in their final moments of life.

"But perhaps that is a point~ such lil' ones like you can't get all too far anyways, that's why you gotta watch my step~" she continued to speak, her tone of voice a continuous playfully innocent one as she addressed the furs, just as if this was nothing but a playful little conversation. But while she spoke would the fingers of the hand uncurl as well, pushing through structures around the intersection, each of which the fingers easily outsized as they caused houses to practically explode into splinters and debris, all to reach out wide.

The fingers lowered down after that, slamming onto other houses and crushing them whole while they locked onto a few packed busses fleeing down the street, causing other vehicles to swerve onto the grass to avoid them. Yet they were now between index and middle finger, both of which slid towards them, flattening the dodging vehicles before those 3 busses were suddenly forced together, crunches echoing from them as the fingers pressed almost together, leaving the busses not fully crushed as she lifted them up.

Survivors near her thumb meanwhile watched in stunned silence as the thumb rose up, blood and gore stuck to it, stretching between pad and imprint while a multitude of crushed vehicles and corpses remained in the latter, or were stuck to the dark pad as the hand lifted up to her face. Horrified eyes would then watch as the thumb neared her maw, her fingers moving to let the occupants of the bus have a clear view as the large giantess pressed her pink tongue to her thumb, slowly licking across it with a soft purr and a delighted "mmmmmm~" as she tasted the crushed remains, her tail slowly swaying from the act, plowing through rows of houses, which were crunched and broken apart by even "just" her fluffy tail.

"But you know~ I think you're all perfect for a bit of testing!" she said as she swallowed down what she licked up, all before eyeing the busses with a playful smirk. "Well, the rest of you~ because you three~" she begun to continue as she raised the busses above her maw, across which her tongue slowly licked before it opened up wide. "Will make for a perfect snack~" she continued after as she dropped the busses in, her large ears listening to the screams from within as the vehicles fell into her mouth, which closed after them as she swallowed, yet again with a purr.

"Ahhhh~ yes~. Goodness you are all so tasty~" she purred after that, her eyes falling back onto the other furs near her, who had all been trying to flee, even if they had even so far only managed to flee the length of one of her fingers. "But yes, some testing~" she added on with a playful tone as she observed them, pondering almost as she stood there crouched, still towering above even the tallest of spires even then.

She had felt more of her divine senses beginning to awaken, just like in the dreams, thus Sarina was intent on testing them a bit more before she moved on, and to do such she observed the many fleeing furs, trying to find something fun to do. Her eyes quickly noticed a dense crowd of furs to her side who were flocking into a small bus depot, stuffing themselves into the vehicles, and even pushing others over to get into them, causing the entrance of each bus to become a horrific bottleneck of pushing and shoving furs.

And, with a giggle, she lazily reached out towards the bus depot, a smirk on her face as she watched the furs only panic more, pushing harder even when all they had to do was let a few pass. Yet all the furs were quickly doomed to see the outstretched palm fill their skies, the palm itself larger than the depot, the fingers looming far above nearby houses and even more panicked furs.

Then it lowered itself, creating a mass of panic and screams as people tried to escape her, frenzy and panic overtaking their minds as the palm lowered down. Crashes echoed out as houses were crushed under fingers before the busses crunched and groaned as the palm pressed down, screaming voices calling out as the masses within were compressed in the crushing vehicles, or pinned to the ground outside.

Numerous pops and crunches echoed after as their bodies burst, the hand pushing into the ground, crushing the brittle asphalt as Sarina pressed into it, purring as she felt the multitude of thousands of furs popping under her palm, even giggling as she seemed to quite enjoy the sensation. After that she raised her hand, watching it leave a deep imprint full of crushed vehicles, houses, and tiny crimson stains, yet without any corpses; for she had focused on them, wanting them all to stick to her palm to leave none in the imprint. And it was as if the world listened, leaving every single crushed fur stuck to her palm.

She held it up to her face to examine it, giggling as she watched the crushed remains around flattened vehicles and housing debris, a look of "oh hey, it worked~" spread upon her face before her ears twitched as she noted the approaching sounds of helicopters to her side. Then, looking towards the source of the sound, she noticed a police and news helicopter approaching, eliciting naught but a giggle from the crouched goddess, who merely turned her torso to face them.

"Oh good~ you can get to have even better views~" she casually spoke to them, still in an innocent tone as if countless people hadn't just been crushed under her hand. She then held the open palm up in front of her muzzle, aimed towards the two helicopters, and giggled a bit as she watched the news one swerve away, seeming to notice the danger that was coming.

She then blew on the hand as if blowing a kiss, her mind focusing on wanting the crushed corpses to remain, and her eyes watching as that wish came true; for as the strong wind of her exhale struck the palm, would the crushed vehicles peel away from it, the fragments of concrete, asphalt, and remains of houses flinging away, and towards the police helicopter. And it begun to swerve as the cloud of debris soared towards it, yet it was far too late, and Sarina's ears heard the screams of those within it as huge chunks of steel pierced the windshield, others striking the rotors and hull, breaking it apart enough for it to detonate in a bright fireball above screaming masses.

And yet Sarina only giggled, her eyes following the news chopper as it begun to circle her from a distance, her smirk only growing as she locked eyes with the camera. "Watch this now~" she gleefully spoke as she looked back to her palm, and at the fields of crushed corpses still stuck to it; and just as she did would the camera witness every single one spring back to life, screams and gasps erupting upon the palm as every single crushed fur came back to life, their bodies undamaged as if nothing had happened!

More so had every fur crushed by her fingers been teleported to the center of her palm, making for quite the dense mass of confused, yet fearful furs who soon came to realize where they were. And Sarina looked at them with a happy expression, giggling as her hand slowly tilted back and forth, causing the furs to fall and stumble, many crying out for her to stop or spare them while she just seemed more amused by those cries than intent on listening to them.

"Well~ this is going to be fun~ thank for you participating little cuties~" Sarina spoke to them, her muzzle nearing them with every single spoken word, causing them to cry out and even plead as they watched her muzzle with frightened eyes, her words deafening. "Now let's get you all a nice reward~" her voice spoke to them again as her muzzle loomed right above them, her words softer now as furs looked into her maw with fright, just to see her large pink tongue slide out from between her lips just as soon as her final word left.

They screamed in horror as the tongue descended, pressing against the rear of the palm with a light boom before it begun to drag itself across the palm, its movements slow and drawn out, yet faster than the furs could run. And run they did, screaming and crying out for help or mercy as the tongue advanced towards them, the massive muscle like a landmass from which a humid heat radiated.

Shrieks erupted from each fur the tongue struck as they were pushed under it and pinned, just for cracks, crunches, and pops to echo after muffled screeches as their bodies gave in to the pressing force, the sounds doing well to inspire the rest to hasten their fleeing. Yet the tongue came over them just as easy as it came over the others, and the tongue soon slid across the entire palm before lifting off it, leaving no traces left of the furs upon it apart from a long wet smear of saliva, all the while their corpses stuck to the tongue.

They were well visible to the news heli's cameras, which got to see those crunched and splattered corpses amidst her taste buds, all the while her purrs boomed oh so much louder as she pulled the tongue into her maw and swallowed down with a gulp, all before giggling. She then rose up again, towering once more above the cityscape around her as she surveyed it, a happy smirk still upon her lips while she observed it all, her eyes focusing on the news helicopter.

"Well~ you all continue to be tasty little ones~ but do keep on fleeing, you are so cute when you do~" she said as she leaned towards the heli, sparking panic among its crew as the vehicle tried to flee from her now that her attention was fully upon it. Yet it was doomed to watch as her huge hand neared it, moving itself to ready for a flick which soon came, treating those beneath it to the view of a huge index finger striking the flying vehicle, causing an immediate explosion as flaming wreckage was flung far and wide while blackened smoke trailed behind the finger itself.

But then, while she still happily giggled, Sarina's ears twitched again as they picked up on the distant sounds of sirens, her eyes moving to the side, just to notice the flashing lights of emergency vehicles on approach. Though still far away from a tiny's perspective, were they not so for one of her size, thus a gleeful sound thus escaped her as she quickly turned to face them; her body was quick to start moving in their direction as a happy "ohhhh~ I was wondering when you'd show up~" immediately boomed from her frame.

Meanwhile, however, had the colossal chimera had his fun with the city's outskirts, across which he walked with slow and forceful steps. His taller height, though not visually much more than hers, together with the added weight from his muscular build, caused his steps to ring out far louder than hers as he walked along the borders of the city, giving glances towards her to watch her playful and teasing stride, something he found quite entertaining.

His attention then turned back to the suburban landscape ahead of him, down where numerous furs fled from his paws just as they had fled from Sarina's. Yet though his every step caused similar devastation would the effects reach much further from how forceful they were, as Caleb walked without her grace or casualness, stepping more firmly upon the world. And that showed well, creating far more distant-reaching collapse and stumbling, causing many more to stare up in horror as his huge lion paws rose above them all.

And as he felt the countless furs crunch and pop, vehicles crumpling, and houses crunching would a deep and bassy feline purr rumble from him, booming above the masses like thunder as he savored the delightful sensations, an act and fact which more than inspired the masses to flee. Yet a single one of his steps covered more ground than the furs could run in tens of minutes, each impact knocking them off their feet for further away than he was tall; even vehicles could never hope to move faster than him even in a straight line, and there in the suburbs there were few of those roads to go around.

Even those who were out of his path or able to escape his steps would not be free of dangers like those who dodged Sarina's stride were, for even though Caleb himself gave little notice to them would that not be the same for his serpentine tail maw. It kept itself low as he walked, the massive muzzle searching through the inner most areas not entirely annihilated by his steps, curiously sniffing around to track furs with hungry intent.

Cowering people with ears still ringing in shellshock from the impacts of those feline paws stared with frightened eyes as the snout of the tail maw moved around above, feeling the suction from each sniff, and even seeing roof tiles lift off roofs, or even trees bend and groan. The serpentine tongue would then quickly extend, annihilating houses whose width even its slender form beat or rivaled, crushing them to slurp up the tiny furs hiding within.

The maw also hunted down fleeing vehicles, the tongue continuously flicking in and out, crushing numerous vehicles and furs each time, and creating smaller booms as the ground cracked from the impact force. And whatever it crushed stuck to the tongue as it moved back into the maw, after which a gulp was heard before the tongue came out again to collect more and more still, all the while people tried to flee and hide.

It oftentimes also licked across the streets, slurping up larger crowds or vehicles into its hungry maw, constantly changing between crushing and sparing them while it swallowed them down with quite an eager speed and a clear hunger. But it wasn't long before the maw opened up wide above a particularly large clump of fleeing vehicles and dazed furs, who all stared up and screamed as the gaping serpentine maw descended.

The ground shook forcefully as its teeth dug into it, tearing through the brittle ground just inches beneath its surface as houses broke against the jaws, people fleeing and falling while vehicles were pushed together as the jaws shut. The entire clump of people, ground, vehicles, and buildings then vanished into the maw as it fully shut, the head raising from the ground to reveal a gargantuan bite mark in it as the head angled itself up, then swallowed, forming a small bulge down its throat, which then traveled into the tail itself and vanished.

And while the tail maw licked its lips in delight after that, had Caleb's attention been put more on the river which cut through the city, over which a large bridge was found, which formed one branch of many highways that split off from a massive interstate one that branched off a bit ahead of Caleb into numerous smaller ones throughout the city. Connected to a massive shipping and railway yard, this highway and the intersection he now neared was packed full of people as an evacuation order had been given as soon as the two had been spotted.

But Caleb seemed unbothered by the fleeing masses and dense fields of cars driving along the highway and bridge, nor the trains speeding across tracks, his muzzle remaining in an amused expression as he surveyed it all, focusing primarily on the bridge soon at his feet. For quite a lot of people were trying to flee across it, the roar of engines sounding above the screams of crowds fleeing in the pedestrian paths beneath the car deck, all the while boats tried to sail upriver beneath the bridge, struggling with the rippling waters.

The screaming voices would only grow louder once one of the immense feline paws begun to lift overhead, its enormous sole gliding over the fleeing masses, who stared up in horror to see the dark padded paw present itself to them, their eyes growing wide with even more horror as they saw the tiny splatters and flattened vehicles stuck to it. And as it fell towards river and bridge would they only scream louder, many diving off the bridge towards the river or trying to speed up, yet few with any success.

They barely had time to process how the enormous paw seemed longer than the river was wide before it struck the cantilever bridge that spanned it, causing a deafening shriek and groan of metal to echo out for but a few moments while those upon and near it watched the whole structure deform. Strong steel bent as if it was clay, rivets shooting out from seams as entire sections snapped loose, much beginning to fall towards the river as the paw pressed down more.

Vehicles were pressed into the asphalt shortly after, crunching as those within screamed in their final moments before they burst as the paw struck the deck, shattering it before it continued down onto the pedestrian routes beneath, people diving down against the metal grating as the paw came over them. Their bodies were crushed against it, blood bursting out as the bridge fell around them, plastered to the paw as it descended further towards the large boats beneath, which were given mere fractions of a second to act.

The mass of crumpled bridge, vehicles, and unyielding paw struck splits of a second later, crushing the roofs of those packed boats, upon which people cowered and hid as the vehicles shook, just to be pressed beneath the waves, then merged with the ground as the paw struck it. A massive kathoom boomed out as the paw impacted the ground, filling the entire width of the river, and then some as it sunk into the heaving ground, which ruptured around it as a wave of destruction swept out.

Vehicles in front or behind the paw were blown away and flipped by the shockwave that pushed out from the step, all while the entire bridge vanished in the blink of an eye, crushed in its entirety beneath Caleb's paw. People were sent flying, most of them deceased in an instant by the pressure change, while others clung to life, just to be ended as they crashed into objects or even other people.

The waters of the river rushed out from the step's epicenter, flooding the banks as they formed massive tsunamis, capsizing boats on either end as the river's course was flipped upstream as water surged out of the step. And still was a second paw rising up and past the river, the destruction and perishing of the past step given no more recognition than a happy purr from the chimera, who merely walked onwards towards the destination he had set himself.

But he did aim his paws for the highway as he walked, a continuous and thundering purr rumbling from him as the huge and broad feline paws came down over the packed road, feeling every crunching vehicle and fur, as well as the surrounding buildings, all flattening so easily. He even heard the sounds of nearby sirens as emergency vehicles neared, their presence heightened near the highway intersection due to its importance; yet it was clear to Caleb that they had perhaps moved out to deal with a far smaller size than he was currently, a fact which seemed to quite amuse him.

The ones he did see were a mixture of fleeing police, or some foolishly "brave" souls setting up to try and deter him despite his two kilometer height. What was perhaps more amusing to Caleb, however, was the effect his steps had on the highway intersection itself, where numerous massive on and off ramps connected the many lanes of highway with the large interstate one.

Most of those segments were elevated, and with a mixture of low budget and the region having no seismic activity, it meant that these structures were not well equipped to deal with the seismic forces currently shaking them. Thus, though Caleb was but a few steps away would huge cracks grow across the elevated sections and their supports, sparking more panic as those ramps begun to wobble and break apart.

Screams erupted more as the sections begun to collapse, crushing homes, furs, and vehicles beneath them as they fell, blocking off escape routes, and more, while also disrupting most of the emergency services. Clouds of dust swept outwards as they fell, masking many of the tiny furs, with only the flashing red and blue lights of police cars visible beneath as Caleb raised a paw above.

He heard countless momentary screams as the paw fell, just for them all to be silenced beneath the cataclysmic kathoom that rung out moments later as the paw struck, crushing large sections of the collapsed intersection, and all the houses near it in one swift strike. The impact was so forceful that it made the rest of the highway collapse, many sections literally toppled by the shockwave and heaving ground, all the while the second paw ominously rose.

It slammed down just like the first, crushing the rest of the highway beneath that massive padded sole, after which the titan stood there, purring in content as he took a moment to take in the destruction he had caused. He saw how the displaced waters of the river had begun to flood onto sections of the highway, washing cars and other vehicles away while also blocking the railway line which exited the city, the yard it came from near the titan's two paws.

And his attention indeed fell upon that yard, his body slowly turning to face it as he crouched, casting countless furs into panic as they fled from his orbs, which descended down with immense speed as he entered his crouch. The two massive orbs meteored into the ground moments later, causing a deeper purr to rumble from Caleb, whose shaft begun to throb as he examined the "little" railyard, where numerous furs had flocked to cargo trains in order to hide in their containers, or the rare passenger car.

Yet they were now cut off from their escape, and doomed to watch as one huge scaled hand descended towards them, digits wide enough to fit multiple cars between them nearing the panicked masses. The longest of the trains was a recommissioned passenger one which had been packing itself full of furs, readying to leave, just to be trapped in this hellish situation as the two had arrived; and as two immense fingers came over it could those inside only scream and cry out, for they found no door to ever open no matter how much they pried, even windows failing to break from strikes.

Unknown to them, this was all by Caleb's will, as he had wanted them all to remain, his thoughts and wishes shaping the world around him, making the doors jam shut, and the windows resist any attempts to shatter them. But the furs inside of the train then fell once the fingers grasped a hold of it, two deep booms echoing out as they impacted the ground, digging through it as if it was sand to pluck up the train.

Those inside of it were thrown around like ragdolls as the train was lifted up, itself far longer than Caleb's hands were, yet thin like a noodle compared to him as he soon dangled it in front of his amused muzzle, eyes watching the crowds of furs get thrown around inside as he dangled it slowly from side to side. He then reached for his gargantuan shaft with his other hand, his rumble turning to a deep purr as his mind filled with wonderful thoughts and wants, something which translated into some rather strong throbs from his shaft.

Those within the train only plead and screamed louder as they watched the huge titan lift his shaft until it pointed almost straight up, all the while he begun to lift them up, and up, and up above its gaping slit. The slit, as they'd soon see once he lowered the rear-most car towards it, was so immense that it could fit 5 cars on top of each other, or nearly 4 side-by side, and a powerful male scent was rising from it alongside a humid heat that fogged up their windows.

Yet despite the miniscule size of each individual car was the train itself almost as long as the cock, and that fact seemed to make it more than attractive to Caleb, who slowly continued to lower it in while his lusty gaze remained locked onto it, a huff escaping him. Those inside of the train could only cry out as they watched the fleshy rim of the cock slit pass by them, the wall of pink flesh soon transitioning into darkness as the light of the day vanished, leaving only flashlights as their source of light.

They could hear the strong and bassy heartbeat of the chimera titan as his cock throbbed, the tunnel they were in seeming infinite, yet the reality of what was happening being far worse of a thought. Yet Caleb soon dropped the train entirely, his two fingers releasing the mostly crushed engine and first few cars to leave the whole train falling down into the cavernous tunnel, to which the titan groaned as he felt it crash into the walls and slide down against their surface.

Then, huffing, he greedily reached towards more trains as he felt that one slide deeper, huffing as he felt it slide all the way into one of his orbs. There, the furs were thrown around by the sudden movements and twists of the tighter passage, all before they would fall within the testicle itself, the train splashing into the thick fluid within, cars bending and breaking open as the whole train piled itself up there, the whole thing naught but a morsel to the enormous orb.

Though as Caleb reached for his little toys was his tail maw instead curiously sniffing through the highway sections spared from his steps, those coming from downtown; upon them were enormous masses of cars and furs, all now trapped there upon the elevated or not yet elevated sections of highway, and all of them to the mercy of the tail maw. It curiously sniffed them, causing many to cry out in fear as they felt the suction of its sniffs, all the while the scattered police officer here or there tried to desperately unload magazine after magazine upon the snout, just to watch the bullets bounce off its scales with bright sparks showing just how futile their firearms were.

The tail maw then struck with little warning, its tongue flicking out, crashing into a part of the highway, just to slide across it, covering nearly every single lane of one direction as it advanced forth. People fled and scrambled while vehicles were pushed over and crunched, the screams of masses vanishing as crunches, cracks and pops replaced them, the tail maw purring throughout its lick.

The tongue then raised up, and back into the maw just as quick as it had flicked out, leaving a deep trench across numerous lanes in its wake, one saturated by the blood of micros, as well as the shredded remains of both them and their vehicles. A swift gulp later, and the tail maw's tongue came upon the highway again, slurping even more of it up as it hungrily snacked on the trapped furs, many of which tried to climb over the edge to flee, just for the tongue to briefly flick in their direction, crushing them in an instant.

It was like seeing an anteater's tongue snack on bugs, the way the serpentine tail came over the crowds, crushing them with quick flicks, or sliding over them, sometimes even dragging itself through the nearby streets to feed. The sticky saliva coating the tongue ensured that everything it touched was stuck to it, and doomed to be pulled into the tail maw, which seemed naturally skilled in this hunt as it swiftly cleared the area of people.

The tongue then thrust right into the ground, where it suddenly intruded into a packed tunnel which ran beneath the railyard, inside of which countless furs had been hiding and cowering among their vehicles. The lights in the tunnel had flickered as Caleb had arrived, dying out just as soon as he stepped on the highway intersection, leaving them in darkness until the tongue burst through their ceiling.

And gods how they screamed as the large muscle thrust in, filling the tunnel with light as it slithered into it like a snake, collecting crowds of people and vehicles which it then pulled out and into the maw. The tongue burrowed into it multiple times to get all of the furs that hid there, for the tunnel was packed with them, the maw keeping its muzzle right above the new opening as the tongue flicked into it, and down both directions.

Those near it just stared in horror while some panic-crazed officers unloaded their guns upon it without even being noticed, all of them watching the tongue intrude down, just to pull back in with numerous things stuck to it. They could hear the maw's gulps, and even see small bulges travel down its throat, and into the tail itself, all the while it continued; and once it felt satisfied would it turn to the remaining furs around it, which it begun to slurp up with eagerness and ease like the morsels they were, even firearms merely tickling its pink tongue.

Caleb himself, meanwhile, had reached for those remaining trains in the yard, a lusty expression on his face as two of his thick fingers plucked all 6 of them up by their engines, just to dangle them from between those digits as if they were a collection of noodles. Though not passenger trains, were each full of furs hiding in container and shipping cars, many going as far as to hide in grain hoppers and similar, inside of which they clung as the train swung from side to side as Caleb dangled them.

He slowly rose up while they dangled, still holding his shaft pointed up as he pondered, a smirk growing upon his muzzle as he brought the trains in closer towards it, treating them all to a single feline eye staring into their trains with a subtle cyan light shining onto them as he examined them all. A single train, one filled with more furs than the others, found itself moved towards his lips, its front engine full of panic as it neared them, just for the two lips to dexterously grasp a hold of the tiny vehicle, which groaned loudly from the pressure given to it.

Those inside screamed as the vehicle begun to buckle and crumple from the light squeeze of those lips, just to feel a pull as he begun to slurp it up, his fingers letting go of just that train as he slurped it in like a noodle, purring loudly throughout it. The train rushed between his lips with lightning speed, whipping against his chin, causing the rear cars to shatter against it before the rest vanished between his lips, where they soared onto his tongue, which oh so eagerly eased them towards the back.

He didn't even raise his head to gulp them down like a tiny morsel, purring as he felt the train tumble and roll down the slimy passage, breaking open before he felt the tiny form crash into his belly, which gurgled softly from the arrival. The remaining 5 trains, however, were once more given that lusty expression as Caleb moved them towards the slit, all of them together barely fitting inside of it, a fact which seemed to make him beyond needy.

The shaft throbbed as he begun to lower the trains into it, a roar-like moan escaping him as he felt their cold metal stroke against the sensitive walls of his urethra, causing furs around him to cry out in pain as they watched the horrifying event. They descended deeper and deeper, the purrs of the feline titan growing only louder as people inside of the train panicked ever-more, many pleading voices trying to reach him, yet all ignored as he continued to lower them in.

Darkness overcame them, the strong scent of arousal filling each car, causing furs to gag as the thick humid air surrounded them, fogging up glass and making it hard to breathe; yet they would only suffer that for a short while before he once more let go, leaving them with far worse things to deal with as they fell into the depths of the cock. And Caleb only groaned louder as he felt them slide into his cock, letting it go to throb freely as it felt their descent, each throb throwing them around within it as he only purred louder.

Then, huffing, he looked to the side while the trains traveled into his orbs, his eyes noticing Sarina as she experimented with the divine powers, equal senses growing stronger in his mind too as he felt the moments of reality altering she did to restore the things she had done to the furs. And that sight caused a pondering expression to fill his face as he gazed down to the railyard at his feet, which was still packed full of furs who had not managed to get onto the train, and who were now fleeing away en-masse.

And eagerly he raised a paw above them all, letting them scream louder as the huge feline paw presented itself above, the throbbing shaft beyond it as his toes spread side, the purring of the titan deafening to them as few realized just how clustered they were due to the shape of the railyard. He then forcefully stomped down, letting those beneath his paw scream in fright as it came down over them, their eyes momentarily seeing shipping cranes crumple and flatten, and containers crunch before their bodies burst against the sole, which impacted the world with a hefty kathoom.

The ground ruptured just like before, splitting open as people all around him fell, screaming as his purring voice boomed above them, his sensitive sole picking up on every body, bone, and object it crushed. He slowly twisted his paw while purring more, eyes focused on the thousands of survivors between his thick toes, who were pushed over by them as they moved back and forth by him twisting the paw, the survivors hearing sickening crunches and cracks from under the paw due to the grinding eliminating anything solid beneath it.

But then the toes pressed together without warning, letting those tinies scream in horror before they were crushed between them, their bodies bursting as the dense crowds were eradicated, and turned into naught but a lion's toejam, their blood seeping into his fur. Yet then he raised the paw, letting survivors gawk at it as blood, gore, and wreckage rained from it, the paw shaking itself a bit clean before it remained overhead, a plotting smirk visible on Caleb's muzzle.

And then, with but a thought, the railyard was restored to how it was before, its damaged recovered, and the furs within it, not including those in the trains, also appearing back. And Caleb seemed quite amused by this, how easy it indeed was to tinker with the world like so, thus he raised his paw up higher once more, flexing his toes to once more stomp down.

Those down there shrieked in horror, just to hear a massive thoom as the paw struck, yet no pain coming to them as they instead found themselves upon the titan's palm, the mass of furs stuck upon it and staring right at his amused muzzle. They had been transported there with nothing more than a thought, and as he brought them closer could they only cry and plead louder, each wanting mercy.

Yet as they saw his maw open would no such be given to them as they felt the air heat up to an extreme degree, many crying out as clothes were set alight, just for a large, yet comparably tiny flame to shoot out of the maw and onto the palm. The furs cried and screamed as the flame struck, their bodies falling and charring as they burnt until merely ashes remained within just a few seconds of fire, after which the flame stopped.

Those beneath the titan then saw him angle his palm, ash flowing off it as he purred in delight, after which he slowly inhaled, his gaze moving towards the highway that lead from the city. Though escape through the intersection was impossible now, was there still hundreds of thousands on the highway itself, and they were all speeding down it as fast as they could, taking Caleb's attention as he smirked towards them.

His chest expanded throughout his inhale, after which he looked down just as a massive column of fire shot out from his maw, striking the beginning of the interstate highway before it rapidly advanced down it as Caleb's head moved. The flames dug into the ground, incinerating it as people and vehicles evaporated by its heat, a massive canyon of literal molten ground left in its wake as it traced along the length of the highway for as long as it could reach.

The waters in the river and any nearby lakes evaporated for half a mile around the fire, vegetation shriveling and drying, or even setting ablaze for a similar distance while vehicles in side roads detonated from the blistering heat. Gas stations were turned into massive fireballs, and a nearby town was erased off the map by just being within a few hundred meters of the firebreath, which only stopped as it had travelled nearly 50 kilometers down the highway.

It had carved through a whole mountain in the act, leaving a molten edge on each half, while its wake left no traces left of the highway, leaving furs to just gawk in absolute horror at the sight. But that had ensured that no escape could be had down that highway, and a very satisfied expression was indeed spread across Caleb's smoking muzzle as it closed, after which he continued his devastating stroll.

Sarina, meanwhile, had gleefully moved towards the police trying to approach her, her expression as amused as ever as she strode towards them with a happy sway on her hips, one of which a hand rested against as she observed the police with curiosity. What came towards her was a collection of armored vehicles and smaller patrol cars, none of which reached any significant size compared to her; and yet she did feel surprised that they came for her, for they could surely never actually think they had a chance against a giantess who neared two kilometers.

Her giggle boomed in the skies as she watched them near her, a smirk spread upon her massive muzzle as she watched the vehicles begin to scatter after feeling just a few more steps shake the ground, it seeming that many turned tail upon truly processing her size; but a few "brave" or foolish souls indeed still begun to set up shop ahead of her. Yet many were were within just a step or two of her, officers who it seemed had not realized just how fast she walked; for her posture and casual demeanor certainly made her seem slow, yet with her size had she caught up with them before they could even truly process it.

"You didn't really plan this through, did you~" she giggled as she raised a paw above a small squadron of such cars, her ears hearing panic from within them as they begun to swerve and scatter in the shadow of her paw, terrified eyes cast up at the horrific scene of death and destruction stuck to her sole. Her toes wriggled rather playfully above them as they scattered, all the while that booming and innocent-sounding giggle struck them like thunder, it seeming that their panic only amused her greater.

Yet then she stepped down, a forceful and firm stomp which somehow still looked gentle and light as the paw came down upon the cars, sparking even more screams in the final moments before impact. The officers barely had time to see the houses around them begin to crunch before the paw struck, their vehicles crumpling around them, sirens crunching before their bodies burst as the roof was pushed down onto them, their vehicles forced into the ground, which then heaved outwards just like her prior steps.

Every single one of their cars vanished in that one swift act, to which Sarina merely giggled amidst a purr as she idly twist her paw, all before swinging the next one towards even more police who were in the process of dismantling a roadblock they had set up. The officers had already begun to scatter even before her paw had risen up, but only sped up as they hurried to gather into their cars or armored vehicles, just to see the paw descend, sparking cries and fear, as well as a few panicked gunshots.

Yet those who fired up only saw their bullets bounce off her padded sole with bright sparks, their attempts only eliciting amused giggles from Sarina who oh so gleefully continued the paw's descent. The officers dove to the ground as the paw came over them, hearing the buildings next to them crunch and break, splintering without resistance against the leathery sky, followed by the sharp groan of failing metal as the paw struck the tallest of their vehicles.

Yet then it stopped, the officers opening their eyes to see the paw rest on the top of armored trucks which visibly deformed beneath it, cracks growing across reinforced steel and windows, while it was clear that their suspensions had already snapped. The lights of the shorter squad cars reflected off the sole, across which the officers could see the crushed remains of countless furs, houses, vehicles, and more, giving a horrific foreshadowing of their approaching fate; though many still ran, seeing this as a chance to escape.

"Ohhhhh, such sturdy armored vehicles~" Sarina's voice boomed from above in a playfully teasing, but also slightly sarcastic tone of voice, more so teasing the vehicles for being soft to her, rather than actually calling them sturdy. "However~" she continued on while she listened to the gunfire from beneath her paw, where automatic weapons were unloaded upon the leathery sky from the officers there, each trying their hardest to fend her off...somehow.

"They're still just sooooooo soft~" her voice spoke as she pressed her paw down, a light boom escaping as it pressed into the ground following a shriek of metal and terrified officers, who all watched the vehicles crunch and crumple beneath the weight of the paw. The reinforced steel of their armored vehicles behaved more like drying clay than metal against the paw, whose impenetrable surface made even their firearms ineffective in the final moments before the paw came over them.

It pressed into the ground, an immeasurable weight pushing onto their bodies, crushing body armor, bones, and their bodies against the asphalt, which itself sunk and cracked from the pressing force. And Sarina just purred happily as she savored the sensations, merely giggling as she felt her paw sink into the ground, this time without creating any crater.

"Yes~ not so much foresight here~" she giggled as her eyes moved onto more armored vehicles a few streets away from her, vehicles which had found themselves in a dead-end due to the wreckage of the police chopper she had previously destroyed.

"See, that all miiiight have worked at a muuuuch smaller lady, but now~" she continued to address them as she slowly crouched, her tail once more slamming into the suburban cityscape behind her as she reached a hand out towards the many police cars, giggling as she watched them all begin to scatter, doors opening as officers fled for dear life.

A single house-dwarfing index finger was extended down towards them, causing them to scream as many opened fire upon it, just to watch sparks cover its pad, fur, and claw as their bullets merely bounced off. They dove to the ground as the finger came down upon the largest of the armored vehicles, which groaned loudly as it begun to deform and crumple, its suspension snapping loudly as its metal begun to flatten, its occupants crying out in fear as the space within shrunk.

Some officers continued to fire upon the hand and finger while others begun to flee, all the while the armored vehicle groaned as the finger pressed down more, snaps signaling the cracking of armored plating, revealing the panicked officers within, who all tried to pry the deformed doors open. Their screams turned to shrieks as those around them were forced to the ground, crunches, pops, and cracks accompanying blood seeping out of the vehicles before the finger pressed fully into the ground, crushing the entire vehicle with one swift poke.

"Boop~" Sarina giggled innocently as her finger twist against the ground. "Now you're all just a boop away from being squished, just like little bugs!" her voice continued to tease them as a thumb slammed down ahead of the fleeing masses, dragging across the street to crash into their vehicles, pulling them closer as the palm itself turned, slamming down upon more fleeing officers to scoop many up with her thumb.

They were then risen up onto her palm as she rose up, giggling to them as she watched them scramble, many even pleading to her as her huge cyan eyes looked at them. "Sorry little ones~ I have far more useful plans for you~" her voice sung softly and playfully to them as she brought the little collection of officers towards her boobs, letting them watch with frightened eyes as a single huge nipple neared, their eyes wide, their pleas growing, all until it struck them.

Sarina moaned as she groped her boob, crushing the officers against the pink nipple, their vehicles crunching against it, their bodies popping and bursting in the most pleasurable of ways, driving out a soft and long moan from her as she idly massaged the boob, huffing softly as she shuddered with pleasure. She then let go of it, allowing those around her to see the flattened vehicles that stuck to palm and nip, as well as the corpses of crushed officers dotting both, each surrounded by crimson splatters.

She then slowly licked across her palm before her gaze fell upon even more officers to her side, who froze up immediately as they saw her cyan eyes look towards them, fright filling their faces upon the sight. Yet she merely cast a playful wink and a blep towards them as she spun to face the downtown once more, her huge body beginning a walk towards it with both speed and quite gleeful posture, leaving those officers behind...for now.

She quickly headed towards the denser districts between downtown and suburbs, where numerous brick apartment complexes rose high among smaller skyscrapers, and various shopping districts, all of which were in full on chaos as she neared. And with a smirk upon her lips she oh so gleefully raised a paw above the first of those structures, letting it drop upon them, then purring as she felt her pads crash into their hard brick roofs, feeling them shatter and crumble like sand as the buildings broke apart, debris raining onto the crowded streets before her paw crashed down into them, crushing tens of thousands in an instant.

Those around the step would be thrown away as the ground ruptured, a shockwave flinging them away and knocking vehicles over as windows shattered all around, trees snapping and vendor stalls breaking open while the ground both cracked and heaved. And in the ruinous aftermath would they stare up with fright as her other paw swung overhead, a rumble coming from it due to the displaced air, much of which blew down onto them in the form of a light breeze as the paw passed overhead.

It swung forth, then stomped down upon even more of these districts, eliciting more purrs from the gargantuan panda as she savored the sensations of all those things flattening underneath her stride. Her first paw rose shortly after, debris raining from it as it rose to reveal another deep crater, one filled with crushed brick building rubble, people, and flattened vehicles; much of the same also stuck to the sole of the paw itself, dislodging as it moved overhead, thus crashing into many buildings spared her steps, just for them, too, to be damaged as a result.

She casually giggled as she then pushed her paw forwards after it stepped down, gleefully watching as her thick toes plowed through apartment complexes that were shorter than them, each one shattering as her toes plowed through. Screaming voices erupted as tiny furs fled as fast as they could, seeing the mountainous toes advance, and the buildings near them break apart, spilling their crumbling interior onto streets before the toes themselves would strike.

The ground buckled ahead of them, splitting open and tearing buildings apart as the ground failed to resist the force of the sliding paw, leaving countless more furs trapped in their final moments before they were forced under, then crushed by the thick panda toes. Trees crunched and splintered, and street lights snapped as the toes plowed through, flattening vehicles and countless more furs before the paw finally rested, having slid just a "few" hundred meters forth.

But in doing so had it left a massive trench in its wake, one carved deep into the ground, and dotted with tiny crimson smears and the wreckage of buildings and shredded metal. Ruined buildings bordered it, many cut in half or collapsed by the damage caused by the passing paw, while others had just barely been avoided, a cut in half road being all which stood between them and the deep trench.

Yet Sarina merely giggled as that paw lifted up, shaking loose the debris which dotted its sole before it moved to the side, then pressed down upon even more buildings, angling itself to keep "just" its toes pressed to the ground. Then it begun to slowly drag itself backwards, the massive panda purring casually as her paw plowed through the structures it had just missed, its toes digging deep into the ground while the sole itself kept elevated, crashing into brick and concrete structures.

They exploded against it, or shattered like sandcastles, many pushed off their foundations to then slowly crumble as the paw continued back, Sarina merely giggling to herself throughout the event as she oh so casually dragged her paw back. The end came even swifter to furs this time as the sliding toes forced them down, crushing their bodies beneath its weight as it continued to drag, all the way back to where it rested moments prior.

Then, purring, Sarina let its sole press down, crushing a few structures now in its shadow, doing so slowly as to let furs watch it push into those buildings, their roofs and walls breaking and crumbling while the structures themselves clung to life, trying not to collapse. Crowded streets were buried in debris, screaming masses and vehicles vanishing in clouds of smoke and rains of brick and concrete before the paw pressed down fully on top of them, causing a purr from Sarina who seemed to quite savor the delightful sensations this all caused.

She then looked ahead with a smirk, spotting Caleb's approach towards the city's airport on the other side of town, and watching the start of his actions there as she gave a playful wink cast his way, after which she continued her walk towards the downtown district itself. She watched as the skyscrapers lightly swayed from the impact force of her every step, and how countless tiny furs fled through the dense and packed streets, climbing over abandoned vehicles and over massive pileups of cars and busses which had crashed in the chaos of panic, something which only kept growing as she drew near.

Yet she stopped as she was but a single step away from the outer most skyscrapers of the district, a smirk on her lips as she surveyed the cityscape before her, all before she begun to lean forwards, hands resting on her thighs as she leaned over the downtown district with a smirk. Amused cyan eyes watched as the sheer density of furs down there caused most streets to appear like they were filled with a sea of them, and she took great amusement in watching countless people get trampled beneath frenzied crowds, or trapped inside of vehicles, creating such wonderful chaos.

"Awww, look at you all~ so tiny and panicked~" her teasing voice boomed above, sparking yelps and cries from the masses, who only sped up more from her words. "Goodness, you're all so cute!" she then exclaimed as she watched the crowds fall from the volume of her exclamation, countless terrified eyes staring up at her in response, to which they got naught but a playful expression back.

"But you should really have learnt by now~ you'd get so much more done without sabotaging each other~" she playfully continued her speech, once more putting on such a playfully casual and innocent tone to every single word as she swung one of her paws forth, giggling as it plowed its way through numerous smaller skyscrapers, which all shattered against it with ease, breaking into enormous chunks that soared ahead of it.

The paw then pressed down upon some smaller structures, crushing them beneath its weight as the giantess looked down, a giggle escaping her upon looking at the tallest of the structures down there: a large skyscraper which reached just above her knees. It was quite a marvel of engineering, really, standing up there with the tallest on the planet in terms of height, while being a recent addition to the city to boot; and now it was all there before her, and tinies could tell that she had a lot planned for it.

With a purr she slowly took another small step, casually pushing a paw through numerous structures to move her enormous groin straight above the massive tower of concrete and metal, a huff of anticipation escaping her. What she was about to do had been a dream for numerous years, and as she looked down at that structure did she feel naught but excitement at the prospect.

It was clear to all around her what she was thinking, even if none of them wanted to believe it, yet they wouldn't really have much of a choice in the matter once she begun to lower herself, her legs bending as her huge womanhood descended upon the skyscraper. A shudder ran through her body as she felt its metal spire against her clit, drawing out a soft moan while her shudder sent seismic energy into the cityscape around her, a deeper huff escaping her as she continued to push down, purring and softly moaning as the spire groaned.

Furs watched it visibly bend as the clit pressed against it, pushing it slightly to the side, just for it to push between her labia, drawing out another purr from her as she felt that cold metal slide against those vaginal lips, parting them an insignificant amount. A massive crash then followed as her vagina slammed into the skyscraper's roof, followed by a deafening moan from Sarina, whose sensitive womanhood felt the concrete shatter and crumble, her eyes watching enormous boulders of rubble now rain onto the city below.

Tiny furs scattered and fled, screaming and crying out as those chunks of building fell down among them, crushing many furs and vehicles whole, while creating enormous blockades in the road. Huffing, Sarina then reached down to slide two fingers onto either side of her vagina, easing the labia to spread open using them as it begun to slide over the doomed structure, from which a loud and continuous groan boomed.

But that groan was nearly entirely deafened by the deep and booming moan Sarina released as she felt the wide structure spread her, her eyes closed as she howled in pleasure feeling the concrete and glass against her vaginal walls, the tightness of which caused glass to crack and even shatter, and concrete to crumble. Office workers inside scrambled and panicked as the building shook around them, cracks growing around support pillars as windows cracked, countless of them staring in disbelief as those huge labia slid over said windows to seal them in.

The windows shattered as the outer walls begun to push inwards, cracks forming as the floor and roof both begun to sag, plates of drywall falling from the ceiling alongside falling light fixtures which flickered as the building struggled to resist Sarina's lust. That flickering light was soon the only source of light they had, giving them a view of her vaginal walls sliding over the broken skyscraper exterior, seeing the fleshy pink surface move and clench, the structure groaning as a result.

People outside also stared in similar disbelief, watching the vaginal lips slide down over the structure, seeing its façade deform inwards, or in some places even peel off as the vagina lowered over it, all the while they heard the building groan and creak, crowds trying to escape it. And above boomed those deafening moans from Sarina, who had grasped one of her boobs in order to fondle its nipple while she lowered herself further, all the while she huffed between each groan and moan as she felt the structure travel deeper into her.

She soon felt the spire push against her cervix, bending and snapping against it, drawing out a pleasure-fueled gasp before she purred upon feeling the shattered roof of the building touch that same surface, after which she remained there in a crouch, just softly moaning as she savored it all. Most furs around her had been stunned into silence from the sheer shock of her shameless acts, while screams still sounded from the building itself, inside of which countless people still stared in horror at those fleshy walls.

And they clenched around the structure, pulling on it as if to milk it, causing groans and crunches as the flimsy concrete crunched and crumbled from the squeeze of the divine womanhood, and as reinforcements of steel struggled to resist the movements the building was now subjected to. But Sarina soon begun to pull up, moaning as she felt the structure's walls grind against her womanhood, eyes closing as her toes dug into the ground, tearing through it and underground subway tunnels in response to the pleasure she felt.

Those near her stared in utter shock at the structure which slid out of her, seeing its exterior crunched inwards, and in many places peeled away, with every office exposed to the air around it. Her own presexual fluids coated it, slowly flowing down its slopes as her vagina continued to rise, all until just the final few floors remained within her, at which point she stopped once again, taking a deep breath soon after.

And then she thrust down, another moan booming in the city's skies as the vagina thrust itself onto the skyscraper, ramming it deep into her, causing much of its remaining exterior to break open and apart until she once more felt it ram against her cervix, at which point she stopped. But the sheer amount of air her body displaced as she thrust down continued forth, striking the roads beneath her like a freight train, crushing vehicles and throwing furs to the ground, leaving them with broken bodies amidst broken trees and street lights.

And then they felt a strong suction as she thrust up, air rushing in to fill the void left behind her body, causing many furs to find themselves lifted up by it! Yet that only lasted for a moment before she thrust down again, starting to ride the skyscraper like a dildo, already going fast, firm, and with actions spurred on by her need.

The skyline filled with her deafening moans as she rode the skyscraper, flattening structures under her by the constant thrusts of displaced air, while the juices covering the structure got ever-thicker and more voluminous with each thrust. Office workers inside of it had to begin to flee as they saw the thick liquid flow into their offices, many seeing it drip and flow into stairwells and even elevator chasms!

Furs outside meanwhile watched as the shape of this previously hexagonal structure became ever-rounder with every single thrust, Sarina's vagina forcefully molding it after its shape as it slid over it, quickly leaving it round. Yet still it deformed as she rode the structure harder, entire floors collapsing or falling off from the forceful squeeze and tug of her vaginal walls, all the while she continued to fondle her boob and nipple with one hand, while rubbing her vagina's exterior with the other.

She rode it like a professional, huffing between each moan and groan as it was clear to all that she was getting closer, her eyes half-closed in bliss and lust as she felt that building sensation of orgasm near with overwhelming speed. And it arrived to the sound of one massive moan just as she thrust again, ejaculate gushing onto the roof of the structure as the vagina clenched around it, crushing the entire thing in moments as that thick viscous fluid washed across it.

Those outside were thrown to the ground by the volume of her moan, screaming out loud as they clutched their ears, hearing the loud crunch of concrete and metal crushed within a vagina. They saw her ejaculate gush out from the structure, flowing over its base floors alongside debris and rubble, as well as drowned and crushed furs, from which it flowed over the streets around it, crushing vehicles with its surface tension.

The event was brief, but soon Sarina's moaning changed into a soft, long purr amidst panting as she begun to relax, her body slowly rising as her relaxing vagina let go of the rubble within it, which rained out alongside her own juices, falling onto the base of the structure. Paying little mind to that, the massive red panda instead merely purred as she huffed and puffed to catch her breath while savoring her afterglow and idly licking some ejaculate off her fingers.

"Ohhh~ huff~ fragile they may be~ but goodness those make for good toys~" she coyly said to the tinies around her, her focus back on watching them scramble around her spreading flood of ejaculate. "You have no idea how tempting it is to continue, but I shouldn't hog all of you for myself~" she purred out more as her gaze moved up, and towards her lover, whose airport fun had been well visible to her throughout her own play.

Caleb had been rather casually walking across the outskirts of the city while she had continued deeper into it, leaving the smoldering molten trench where its largest highway once was as he now walked with quite the solid pace along the city's exterior. He walked with a far faster pace than Sarina, trading her casual and "gentle" posture for a faster more regular walk, one with long and forceful steps which covered multiple neighborhoods of suburbia, and impacts that annihilated many more.

He stood tall and proud, purring a deep and thundering purr as he savored the sensations of countless tiny furs crunching and popping beneath his sensitive soles, all the while he let his throbbing shaft sway from side to side as he strode, leaving it on clear display for all around. There were few real escape routes in these parts of the city, as it only really had two on the ground: the one he just crushed, and one on the opposite side of the city, near the airport which just so happened to be his next destination. The suburbs he walked on now were just his path there, letting it be painfully clear to the people there that he was coming to them, and that they would not be able to get away.

And it worked, for he could see, hear, and even sense the panic from the airport, where furs packed themselves into planes and rushed across the tarmac to flee into others, each trying to get away and to flee, all the while a continuous stream of planes were readying for, or in the process of taking off. The furs there were staring towards him with their frightened gazes, each of them terrified beyond belief as they realized his intent, watching him walk closer while Sarina toyed with the police, all while hearing the reports of Caleb's acts through busy and loud radio channels and livestreams.

And though one plane had begun to taxi onto the runway by the time he had begun to stomp towards the airport, was it barely in the process of accelerating by the time his shadow begun to near. That was not made any better by the immense shaking, which quickly became so strong it caused the pilots of both that plane and others to struggle keeping it steady, though that plane still managed to take off moments after the last. It was the last of 4 planes which were taking off now, their heading being somewhat towards him, something they each tried to avoid by breaking off into various directions as he drew near.

One tried to keep low, aiming to fly between the titan's legs and underneath his shaft, an act which it seemed to manage as it dodged his massive orbs by mere inches, screaming passengers watching enormous strands of testicular fur pass by their windows as the pilots struggled to dodge them, just to find themselves flying beneath his rump. The view distracted them for a moment, a sensation of awe filling their minds as they took in the sights, just for screams to erupt as they saw the huge serpentine tail maw lash out towards them.

From below would furs watch as the maw entirely closed around the plane, a muffled explosion audible from within it as it snapped shut, after which it swallowed down without fanfare, huffing a bit to release blackened smoke from within it. It had all been so sudden, so without warning that the furs around could do naught but gawk in horror at the event, for the serpentine maw to have ended the plane so quick.

Another plane had turned just a bit too late, and found itself trying to avoid the titan's arms, one of which moved towards it, causing screams to erupt from it as the hand moved over it, just for the fist to clench, crushing the plane whole. It exploded in Caleb's grasp, becoming a bright fireball in his fist, creating a mass of blackened smoke which trailed off debris and palm as it opened up, after which the hand moved towards another.

That plane had been trying to move into the other direction, and panic only grew within it as it watched the fate of the previous plane, seeing the hand now move to them. But crew and passengers alike could barely react as the other hand came over them too as the first sped up, the two hands slamming together with force, creating a massive boom as palms slammed together around the plane as if it was a bug.

It detonated just as the deafening boom rung in the city's skies, causing a visible shockwave to sweep out from the titan's hands as he purred with great delight, rubbing his hands together afterwards as flames and smoke pushed from between them. His eyes, however, focused on the final plane, one of which tried to ascend as high as it could, nearing his head as it hoped to pass by.

And lazily he turned his head to face it, a smirk on his lips as he spread his hands apart, letting smoking debris rain down as tinies around him watched his chest expand in an inhale. He then casually blew towards the plane, striking it with a concentrated pillar of heated air which struck like a freight train, tearing the plane's wings right off, while even bending its entire fuselage!

From there the plane begun to fall towards the ground so far below, Caleb giving it little mind as he instead looked back upon the airport, whose masses of tinies only stared in horror at him as the plane chunks crashed into the ground behind him, each exploding in bright yet comparably tiny fireballs. Caleb himself then stopped outside of the airport, a purr rumbling from him as he now blocked off any escape routes with just a single paw, his shadow cast over its tarmac as he stared upon the panicking masses down there, licking his maw for them all to watch.

He slowly reached down towards the panic-filled structure, his shaft throbbing as two immense fingers descended upon the ATC tower, causing furs near it to scatter as the two colossal digits slammed onto its base, cracking the tarmac as they snapped the structure right off its foundations. He raised it up after that, purring only louder as he begun to guide it towards his shaft, huffing to himself as he moved the large building towards his tip, then his slit.

Its crew both screamed and plead to him as they stared into the deep abyss, crying out for mercy as they felt the structure shake as he pressed its roof against the slit, letting out a moan as he begun to push it in. The structure was by no means wide enough to actually spread the urethra, yet as it slid along the fleshy passage, crumbling slowly from friction as it delved deeper within, would Caleb only moan and groan louder, savoring each inch it ground against his urethral walls.

After that he raised one of his immense lion paws above the airport, sending countless furs screaming as its shadow crept above the runway, upon which many planes had come to a stop as he had blocked their escape. The paw then slowly lowered itself, people screaming and shrieking in fear as they flocked to the exits of their planes, trying to squeeze themselves out as the paw descended, doing so agonizingly slow.

The sharp groan of a radar building crunching beneath the paw followed soon after, then the sharp crunch of landing gear snapping as the paw pressed down upon several planes, whose fuselages slammed into the ground from the press of the paw, crumpling quickly as furs around them fled for dear life. The little planes then continued to crumple and crunch as the paw continued to press down, Caleb's purrs only growing in force and volume as he gladly pressed his paw down, feeling the planes merge with the tarmac, which itself also begun to sink and crack.

Sparks eventually caused the fuel within the planes to detonate in enormous fireballs around his paw, drawing out naught but purrs as nearby people were scorched by the heat, all the while he just purred out loud as he felt the pleasant tickle of burning and exploding jet fuel. As the fires faded would horrified furs stare at the paw as it rested on the cracked tarmac, bits of plane wing and fuselage sticking out from beneath it alongside crushed vehicles and even half-crushed furs!

His other paw meanwhile lifted overhead above a mass of crowds and smaller planes, resting for but moments before it fell down, yet also slow enough that the crowd could dive to the ground just in time for the paw to fall onto them; several tens of thousands were thus crushed in one swift act, and with "naught" but a deep boom and just lightly heaving tarmac around the paw. Blood splattered out from that huge feline paw after the act, however, with Caleb only purring loudly as he savored it, licking his maw as his toes curled into the fragile ground, digging into it without effort as he meanwhile continued on.

His first paw lifted from the deep imprint it had created, letting furs watch in horror as crushed planes stuck to it, creaking and groaning as the lightest flex of sole and toes bent them, their forms almost impossible to recognize; blood was even seeping out from them, dripping down onto the ground below. Around them also lay numerous corpses, stuck to pads and imprint, within which a single plane still remained, almost entirely crushed except for bits of its tail and a wing, all scorched by its fuel exploding.

And while Caleb walked on had his tail maw moved its interest onto the terminal building itself, curiously sniffing along its large outer windows, which usually gave a beautiful view of the airport tarmac and the planes upon it, yet which now gave the dense crowds within a horrible view of those huge lion paws stomping around. The huge snout dominated their views moments later as it sniffed the glass, its tongue sliding across it to tease the masses before they'd get to see those huge serpentine jaws close around another plane, pulling it into the serpent maw.

It slurped the plane up straight from its boarding bridge, those who fled from it able to see the plane snap in half as the serpent maw's tongue wrapped around it, tugging it into the cavernous maw to gulp it down with ease. The tongue then flicked towards the bridge, plowing into it, crushing numerous furs before it emerged into the terminal, sparking mass-chaos as it swept through crowds, scooping them up into its maw.

It only flicked a few times, however, before the tail maw moved away, biting onto the roof of the structure, causing screams to erupt as the mases saw its teeth dig through it, just for the whole roof to peel away as the tail maw tore it off. It flipped it onto the highway beside the airport, after which the muzzle of the tail maw intruded within the terminal, its tongue flicking out to crush a mass of the crowds before it slithered through the rest like an anteater's tongue, collecting micros as if they were ants.

The mass of furs tried to flee, pushing each other over as they rushed for any exits which they could, all the while the tongue forcefully pushed through them, crushing and even breaking bodies to slither its way through the masses, covering them with sticky saliva that stuck them to it like flies to flypaper. And once it retreated back into the maw would they be pulled with, the sudden tug snapping many necks as they were thrown into the maw, then gulped down, just for the tongue to flick out again, working with such skill one would think it had done so for eons.

Yet the maw also opened itself up wide a few times, letting the tongue wrap around a portion of the crowd to pull them in, with no care for those who fell off it into the rest, who the tongue eagerly continued to collect after. In some ways it looked less like the tail maw was eating, and more like it was drinking the masses by how it moved its tongue, continuously gulping down each grouping of furs as it snacked, even thrusting the tongue through narrow corridors to ensure that every single room was emptied.

And while it snacked had Caleb slowly walked over the airport tarmac, his purring only growing in volume as his broad lion paws rose and fell over the grounds, his muzzle in a constant smile as he watched people flee, just for his massive paws to fall onto them, crushing them into deep imprints. He gave glances to his previous steps, littered with crushed corpses, crimson stains, and flattened planes and vehicles, then looked ahead to the airport's hangars, inside of which he sensed countless furs cower and hide.

Then, with a huff, he slowly crouched as the tail maw rose from the emptied terminal, its eyes watching as Caleb's massive hands reached out for the equally massive hangars, those within holding their breaths, not knowing what was happening. They all screamed in horror as the structures groaned and shrieked, breaking apart as Caleb's massive fingers pressed onto their sides, forcing the metal walls into the ground to bend them around the crowds before lifting them up, the first hangar bent into a cylinder around the plane and crowds within.

They plead and cried as they were risen up, just to stare with wide eyes into the deep depths of Caleb's cock slit, their eyes as wide as could be as they found themselves pushed into it, their pleas falling on deaf ears as the massive chimera eagerly shoved them in, after which he reached for another to repeat the act. Another was soon stuffed into the cock, then a third, a 4th, 5th, and so on until 10 hangars had been shoved in there, clearing the airport of them, and leaving just stragglers left.

After that, it seemed, Caleb was sated, and thus he slowly rose up to loom above the airport once more, taking a final glance towards the ruins around him before releasing a purr, his gaze then travelling to the highway at his feet. A moment of pondering crossed his mind as he gazed upon the highway, after which a plotting smirk spread on his muzzle as he remembered some dreams of months passed, and powers he had played with then.

Thus he focused on the space ahead of himself, where it seemed as if reality begun to tear itself open, splitting up to form a portal ahead of his muzzle, then another far above the highway. And he stuck his muzzle through it, which emerged at several times its size above the highway, tongue already extending as countless screams cried out beneath it seconds before it slammed down just feet away from Caleb himself.

The highway, large as it was, was now but a speck compared to the tongue, which spanned nearly a quarter the city's width as it slowly dragged itself along the highway and the river next to it, sending furs in a frenzy of panic as it slowly dragged its way across the world. A massive trench was carved into the ground by it, the force and weight of it buckling the ground ahead of the pink landmass.

Countless furs vanished beneath it, their screams crying out as the landmass struck and crushed them, while a whole town was moments later crushed and slurped out of existence by the tongue. Its buildings collapsed as the ground buckled, the surviving ones snapping and crunching under it before the tongue slid away from it, leaving no trace left of that whole town...

The lick went for almost a hundred kilometers before the tongue raised up, leaving the gargantuan trench in its wake while meteoric debris rained from its pink surface. Caleb then pulled his head back through the portal to swallow down his treat, after which he closed both portals with naught but a thought, purring louder just because of the fact that it had worked, and had been so easy.

He took a moment to admire that trench, one carved by his tongue while also dwarfing his size with ease; a hint, perhaps, of the sizes he and Sarina would get to in time. But then he turned back towards the downtown district itself as he heard Sarina's words after her orgasm, a smirk spreading upon his feline muzzle as he heard her speech, after which he huffed seeing the aftermath of her fun.

And there just so happened to be a highway stretching between him and her which was all so packed with furs for him to walk on to get to her...

To be continued