Amatory Part 6

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#47 of Magna-Verse Fiction

Nate and his gang are hanging out in their hideout, Shelden's arm is in a cast so it can properly heal, everyone is going about their routine, smoking, drinking and in some cases making out as they find ways to entertain themselves, the doberman huffs a cigarette, as Ava comes around the corner, the poodle having a smirk as she looks to him.

"What's the word Ava?"

"We have everything ready, we can put the plan in motion when you want to."

The doberman grins as he puts out his smoke, he stands up and claps his hands "Everyone, listen up!"

The room quiets down with someone turning down their music, all eyes are on their gang leader, curious gazes at what he expects of them.

Nate slowly slinks around the room "Now, we all know how that mystic wolf has been kind of a pain, he has gotten in my way, not once but twice and he considers us nothing but vermin." many of the eyes in the room turning to glares "He has humiliated us and I want some revenge. Now, we can't fight him upfront, he is simply too strong and he can kill all of us without breaking a sweat. SO... with help from Ava and Sheldon we have been securing some stuff for us to use, we can strike at his group. He is their center, if we can capture him with a heavy sedative, his women will do anything to get him back."

Sheldon raises a brow at him "You do realize we are playing something worse then fire!" he stands up "That mare broke my arm like it was a twig! We don't know full well what his women are capable of and more importantly in case you forgot..." he points to the ceiling "His dreadnought is up in orbit with his own personal army!"

The room falls deathly silent, the husky is no fool, he shres the second-in-command with Ava and like her works as an advisor and has his own department, which is the financial and materials of their gang, from vehicles to weapons while Ava works a more personal front in a social sense.

Nate sighs "I know we are outmatched." giving a straight face before giving a sly grin "But we play to our strengths, we work fast and abduct him, leave a ransom note and watch it play out.", he steps towards the husky, he puts a hand on his shoulder "Trust me Sheldon, we can handle them."

The husky looks to his friends hand for moment, then to Ava before settling on the doberman "If you are wrong, we are all dead." being firm with what is at stake.

The truth is that the Grendel's are more of a social club then an actual gang, they simply use that term to make them seem tougher and their reputation is that they are just troublemakers, responsible for store robberies, money laundering to rape and bribery, though they don't have any actual murders hanging over their heads yet... all in all, just a bunch of idiots being cool in their own bubble. They do have firearms and have learned how to use them here and there in a self-taught area, but they have never had much of a reason to use them outside of fending off the authorities when running away... and most of them are scared out of their minds as they try to put on a brave face, they are going to risk it all on taking down a knight of who knows how many battle and wars, what also is scars them is that if his women will break bones just to prove a point... that tells them how far they may go if anything major happens to their wolf.


Magnum and his ladies are out on a jog in the park, Annabelle leading them as they move around the trails, they've been moving at a good pace for a while, the mystic wolf and mare handling the exercise with ease... heck Magnum isn't breaking much of a sweat given he is constantly cooling himself down.

Farryn is handling it very well, her workouts with Annabelle and her new diet have really helped the wolfess out in getting more toned. As for the Vanessa, Sabrina and Saraphina, while they are in shape, they aren't really use to it and they are starting to really feel the burn as they can feel their bodies overheat despite wearing heatgear, thankfully the group reaches their area of the park and they all stop to take a breather, everyone takes a seat on the covered ground and they start to have some water.

The mare grins at the skunk, deer and rabbit "Excellent job ladies."

Vanessa wipes the sweat from her brow "Thanks Annabelle, it's always nice to go out on a run once in a while."

Sabrina stretches "I haven't moved like that since the Unity War."

Saraphina takes a breath "At least the rain will be here soon to help us cool off.", she moans a little from the jog "A cold shower."

Magnum raises a brow "Would you like ice to go with it?" earning some giggles form the women.

Farryn looks her son over "You are as fresh as a daisy." with a smirk.

Her son shrugs "Comes with being able to control water and air, besides you all know I use my powers to do such a thing, I still get a workout either way, I'm just avoiding the overheating part." giving a grin as he conjures up some cold water and sucks it down with no issue.

The wolfess thinks for a moment, her thoughts going to the self-defense the mare has been teaching her along with her getting more in tone 'Magnum, I know you have your powers, your skills and your technology... but I am your mother, I will protect you no matter what and the fact you are also my mate only adds to that, that's why I am doing all of this, for you.'

Farryn puts on a warm grin, she brings her son into a side hug "Then have some of my sweat instead."

Magnum glances to his mom as he gives a few sniffs, taking in her scent "Hmm..." his tail giving a wag.

The other ladies giggle at the pair, the skunk speaking up "Easy there you two, I don't think everyone out here wants to see the both of you mate."

Farryn and Magnum share a kiss, the wolfess holds her son as she looks to the group "We'll just save it for later, besides, it doesn't always lead to sex, it's just how we interact sometimes."

A sound takes the air which earns the groups full attention, it sounds like some vehicles, but vehicles aren't permitted in the park at all. Magnum slowly gets up and starts to look around, he sees three machines racing towards them with a motorcycle and sidecar leaving some bushes, the rider having what looks like a shotgun.

Magnum raises a large ice shield which absorbs the shot from the firearm, he looks to the ladies "RUN! I'll deal with them and catch up later!"

The women quickly run off as Magnum look towards the fast moving machine, the mystic has his ice shield comes to him, forming a suit of ice armor, he forms a sword and shield out of ice as well and he charges. The motorcycle changes course, the rider firing the shotgun, the buckshot deflecting off the ice with ease, the wolf's eyes glow and a wall of ice quickly forms in front of the machine, the cycle smashes into the wall, the driver going face first into the hard blue ice while the rider who is belted stays in place but she loses her weapon.

The three vehicles come into sight, a large van and what look to be two muscle cars... all in terrible shape with rust, heck one of the cars doesn't even have a hood.

A sigh escapes his lips "I gave you a chance... you will get no more from me!", the wolf opens his maw as he charges his beam, his eyes focused on one of the cars and he fires, the beam strikes the machine dead center and obliterates it.

The remaining muscle car quickly swerves around to get his attention while the slower van goes the other way, the mystic conjures a storm of hail, flinging the heavy chunks of ice at the muscle car as he charges another shot for the van, the passenger of the motorcycle runs up to him with a pipe, the mystic blocks with his sword and bashes her with his shield which sends her flying back.

The van comes around and stops as the sliding door opens, many gang members with syringes run over to the wolf, Magnum goes to turn but the muscle car comes his way head on at full speed, Magnum fires a quick shot from his maw which causes the vehicle to explode, Magnum turns to face the horde but he suddenly feel something hit his exposed neck, he turn around in a reaction but sees the woman he just bashed away giving a smirk as her nose bleeds. The mystic stabs his sword into the ground and feels what is in his neck, he pulls it out and sees what it is... it's one of those syringes, he looks and sees Nate leave the van, him and his gang sharing that smirk.

The doberman steps towards him "A little tranquilizer to help make sure you behave."

The mystic wolf growls as his vision slowly starts to become blurry, he can't use his powers blind, he has the ability to but if he does he'll risk inflicting harm on any innocents nearby... including the women he holds near and dear, but he does come up with something to say...

A smirk forms on the wolf's face "If you take me... I won't be able to protect you for what may come." he tosses the syringe "The women who follow me are far more capable then you think."

The mystic has his ice armor and shield fall and fade, he slumps against a tree, keeping his smirk intact as he doesn't fight the strong sedative and falls to slumber. Nate leaves a note as he has his gang load the mystic into the van while the limping female follows them, they seal the van and drive off.

The women who watched the whole thing quickly move back over as they are in tears, Farryn finds the syringe used on her son as the whole situation hits them. The wolfess cries for a few moments, but quickly her eyes for a glare as she starts to growl, her teary blue eyes becoming bloodshot as she bares her teeth and watching the dust come from the van that's getting further and further away. Vanessa and Annabelle recognize the determination in the canines eyes as she becomes more and more aggressive, it's that maternal instinct that they share in particular with her, that protective drive.

The wolfess opens her comm "Elvo, we have a situation!"

Elvo appears in front of them, she becomes shocked by the sight of the ladies and she knows something has happened "I'm right here, please tell me, what has happened?"

Vanessa moves over to the pair "The gang that doberman leads just abducted Magnum, they caught us off guard and were able to swarm him and used a sedative on him." the other ladies make their way over.

The a.i. opens several panels in front of them "They are moving at a good pace, thanks to Magnum's implants we can keep track of them. Please, let me see what they used." the wolfess holds the syringe up, the coyote scans it, the compounds and make up of it show up before her "Hmm... that's pretty powerful sedative, chances are he'll be out for a few hours at least but it isn't lethal by any means.", she looks to the women "I can send my automata down and quickly clear them out to get him back."

Annabelle lightly shakes her head "Elvo, if anyone sees your automata it will not only raise suspicion, but it will also make many think the world is under attack.", she puts a hand over her heart "We have have been training and I have military experience, please give us some equipment and we can get him back."

The a.i. looks the women over "Are you really sure about this?"

The ladies look to each other, Saraphina nods as she wipes her tears away followed by Sabrina, the skunk folds her arms as she stands firm while the mare stands there stoically like she did in the german military...

Farryn looks to the coyote with a sharp look of her own "We will bring him back!"

Elvo's gaze looks to each one of them, getting scans of all their vitals, she forms a grin and nods "I'll get your kits together."

Vanessa notice the note left by Nate, she picks it up and moves back towards the group, handing it to Magnum's mother "Looks like that scumbag left us a letter."

Farryn takes and opens it, her blue eyes read it, she soon gives an aggravated sigh and she decides to read the letter out loud "Dear whores, I have your wolf and fuck toy so listen up! I won't hurt him and I will release him to you, however in exchange, I want to have my way with his mother and I want him to watch as I flood her cunt with my spunk. I will give you twelve hours to come to our clubhouse, the address is listed just below this. Can't wait for you to feel my cock inside your sleeve -Nate.", the wolfess shudders "Such a vile bastard!"

The skunk puts a hand on her shoulder "We'll get him back mum, all of us will." with a reassuring grin.

The ladies suddenly hear a groan, they look to the ruined motorcycle and see the guy stumbling around, Farryn hands the note to the mare and the communicator to the skunk, she grabs her sons ice sword and makes her way to the mutt, the others begin to follow her with Sabrina heading left and Saraphina to the right, that way of he tries to run they'll catch him. The wolfess gets close to him, he look up and she delivers a hard punch to the side of his face, she slashes the sword and cuts his chest a little, he looks to the good-sized cut for a moment, he looks to Farryn as he starts to tremble, seeing the women surrounding him, his back hits the wall and he freezes as they all get withing arms reach.

Farryn gives a vicious glare "Now, I know where you are taking my boy... but I want to know what you have for defenses."

The ganger stammers, Farryn takes the sword and impales it into him, the gang member cries as he feels the sharp ice cutting into him, the shewolf slowly twisting it.

"You are fucking with the wrong person, you attacked my son and for that reason alone I should kill you!" she drives the sword a little deeper "NOW! Tell me what it is we'll be facing!"

The male whimpers as he feels the blade, looking into the glaring eyes right in front of him, he takes a breath "Alright, alright I'll talk."

Farryn pulls the sword out of him "Talk... NOW!" growling and baring her teeth.

The ganger raises his hands to show he is surrendering "We don't have automatic weapons, just pistols, shotguns and some semi-auto rifles, we do have some body armor but it's old and rotted and we just got some new vehicles. But rumor has it they have some new weapons to protect the club house so expect anything."

The skunk takes a step forward "You don't know for sure?!"

"I am just a grunt, they don't tell the lower ranks what they really have!"

Saraphina notices the discarded shotgun, she picks it up and racks it which earns everyone's attention, Farryn raises a brow, she closes her eyes as she gives a nod, her eyes go to the wounded male and she signals the rabbit, Saraphina takes aim and fires the shotgun which puts him down.

The rabbit tosses the shotgun "We need to get ready."

Elvo blinks at the display 'I better not get on their bad side, I'll never hear the end of it.', "I'm sending a dropship with what you need to the mansion, please meet it there."

Farryn ditches the ice sword as it'll be useless soon, she looks at each of the women in front of her "Ladies, it's time to lock and load! Let's get our guy back!"

The women nod with the mare giving a salute, Elvo grins at the ladies, admiring their strength and determination... they are definitely Magnum's ladies, the a.i. speaks up "I'll scan the area, that way we'll know what they have for sure."


Magnum is unconscious and chained to a chair, Nate seals the heavy door and locks it, the doberman grinning as he twirls the key around.

Sheldon sighs "We are so screwed."

Ava looks occupied as she seems unsure and deep in thought, she is really regretting being a part of any of this...

Nate puts the key on a nearby table "Here's the thing, the only times his ship and robots have come into play is when there is war, so if they deploy there will be panic, so his only real protection right now are the women at his side.", he loosens his belt a little "I'm more then ready to fuck his own mom in front of him."

Sheldon raises a brow 'If you really think that is going to happen.... you are far dumber then I thought you were.', he takes a step forward "If this goes the way I think it will go, I will not stand by your side, this whole set up was cool when we first started this club and it was the three of us, now we are just a group of thugs! This whole gang life bullshit is going to get us killed, just like all the other dummies who have embraced it! Has it never occurred to you why we are the only gang left? It's because they were either killed or re-educated... and I would rather go through the latter!"

Ava blinks at the husky, her eyes go back and forth as she thinks "Honestly, Sheldon does bring up some good points, but we are in way too deep to turn back now." she looks to the doberman "Are we?"

"Don't tell me you are having second thoughts too!?" the doberman becoming a little stunned.

The poodle looks to the sealed door "Maybe we can avoid being destroyed." she looks to Nate "Fear is making it's way through the group, the outlook that stayed behind watched them cut into the rider of that motorcycle and gunned him down." she folds her arms "We are in way over our heads!"

"if you two wanna bail, that is on you. Me, I am going to see it through."

A canine in improvised body armor, made from sports equipment comes in "Boss, we got company, it's his mother and she's by herself."

The doberman flashes a smirk as he works his belt and begins to head upstairs, the poodle and husky can feel something off as they feel a chill run up their spines... they look to the door that holds the mystic, the husky quickly opens the door and starts to undo the shackles while the poodle runs to try to find something that can counter the tranquilizer, they feel that their doom is coming upon them.


Farryn is moving towards the gangs club house, wearing black jacket and pants with what looks like a gym bag hanging off her shoulder, the other ladies are taking position, Annabelle is preparing an xm8 with a drum magazine, long barrel and bi-pod, wearing some decent body armor with a black body suit, Sabrina is prone with a barrett m82 with one of her green eyes right down the scope, Vanessa is flanking around with Saraphina, both wearing moderate body armor and a body suit, the skunk holding an mp5 while the rabbit is holding an m4 super 90 with her body armor having a red cross on her shoulders and on the front of her helmet.

The wolfess sees some of the gang members starting to come out, she whispers into her hidden mic "Get ready ladies, let's show them how bad they kicked our den!"

The ladies confirm they are ready to spring their ambush, Magnum both on his own and eventually with Annabelle's aid have trained them how to work together as a pack and if need be solo, but they have never taken directly to the field before, they aren't daunted by that fact however, they want their mystic back. While Farryn has never trained with her son like the others have, but the mare has shared with her how he approaches war and some of what he has taught them too. Her main concern right now though is getting her son out of harms way, now it was her turn to show what can do what the the women he has trained can accomplish.

Nate emerges from the hideout and slowly steps way from it as he makes his way a little more towards the mystics mother, a pair of armored thugs by his side, the shewolf stops in her tracks as she glares at him, her features cold and sharp.

"I knew you would show up to get your son back." blowing a kiss to her, he glances to the bag "What's with that? Did you bring some toys to help me satisfy you?" earning some laughs from the gang though most look more concerned then anything.

Farryn looks to each one of them before her eyes rest on the doberman "Here is how this is going to go, you cannot win, give me back my son or face the consequences!"

The doberman sighs "If you ask me, I think you two could use a break from each other." he puts on a confident grin "We saw how lovey dovey you both were, I think it's safe to say that the both of you were fucking like rabbits.", he undoes his belt a little "How about I show you a good time?!" his member pops out and he's all worked up and ready for action.

The wolfess rolls her eyes in disgust "My son is my mate, I am loyal to him and I will not be stained by such a crime and I will not tarnish the trust we share with each other. You want to rape me in front of my lover and that is not going to happen, even if he wasn't there to witness as you claim it still wouldn't, the only cock I want inside me is my sons!", her glare becomes sharper "Now... give me my son back!" her tone demanding and commanding as she gives a growl, her words cut so hard a few of the gangers get spooked and run away.

Nate puts his dick away "I guess I misjudged you..."

Before he can finish, Farryn speaks up "I will not say it again, this is your last warning."

The gangers look to each other as they feel cold and a few more start to run away, telling Nate he can go fuck himself, even his guards are unnerved by this a little.

Nate smirks "Come and get him then you whore."

The wolfess sighs, she speaks into her comm "Ladies... ATTACK!!!"

A loud boom claims the air, a .50 cal round smashes through one of Nate's guards, the mare fires her assault rifle and takes down the other, Nate runs back towards the club house, the skunk and rabbit open fire from their cover, dropping quite a few of them. Farryn quickly opens her gym bag up, she pulls out an xm8 with it's stock folded and baring a drum mag and she opens fire, the gym bag falling to the ground as she keeps firing. The gangers that make it inside quickly get their weapons ready, a bull runs to the with one of the gangs newest weapons, it bares some resemblance to an m60 with a long belt of ready ammunition, he opens one of the windows and gets ready to fire but Sabrina puts him down instantly.

Annabelle runs from her cover and joins the wolfess in suppressing fire, she pulls out a frag grenade, pulling the pin with her tongue and throws it, the explosive landing into the club house and explodes, screams and pain-filled cries take the air instantly. Vanessa and Saraphina see a few trying to escape from the back but they open fire and bring them down, the rabbit loads a few more shells as the skunks empties her magazine, the skunk reloads as the rabbit fires another shell, the garage opens and the van from earlier starts to pull out but gets hit by the doe right into the engine block, stopping the vehicle dead in it's tracks, Farryn turns her xm8 towards the van and fills it full of holes, the thin aluminum offering no protection as she empties what is left of the drum, she pops the drum out and places a standard mag with the mare doing the same a moment later. One of the gangers finally gets a shot off, the bullet being easily stopped and shattered by the mares body armor, she's quickly gunned down by the mare as she gives a smirk.

The gangers that remain are in full panic mode, these five women are tearing them apart and aren't leaving any room for them to move, two cars soon leave the garage byt are quickly picked off and after a few grenades share the fate of the van, now they have no vehicles and no other means of escape, another tries their hand at the machine gun but the deers next round shatters the general purpose weapon, the wolfess firing a burst which finishes the canine off.

Nate is in cover as he prepares his new sidearm "How is this possible?"

Sheldon comes around the corner and glares at him "I warned you."

"Spare me Sheldon!" rolling his eyes, he sees Ava carrying the mystic on her back "What is the meaning of this?"

The poodle cries out "We don't want to die, if you want to be our guest!"

On that Sheldon closes and locks door, he looks to the poodle "We need to get to the garage!"

Nate growls "Traitors!"

The mare and wolfess scan the clubhouse for any movement as Sabrina keeps an eye on the garage, the skunk and rabbit having their weapons square on the back door and the few windows, they have them in the jaws of death and they know it.

Annabelle aims down the sight "We need to breech and clear."

Farryn nods "I'll take point."

"Movement at the garage!"

The wolf snaps her weapon in that direction with the mare glancing, they see the husky and poodle with their mystic, he's out cold and sound asleep, the husky waving a white flag.

Sheldon looks to the mystics mother "The both of us surrender and we bring you your son."

The wolfess nods "Please get him to cover, Annabelle will join you."

The mare and canines get behind a large rock as the wolfess keeps her weapon ready, once the mare is ready and taking aim she joins them and checks on her son, checking his condition.

Ava looks to her "The sedative will ware off soon, we didn't do anything to him."

The wolfess slowly turns her gaze to her "Do yourself a favor and shut your mouth!" her gaze is as cold as steel.

The poodle whimpers as Sheldon gets as much into cover as he can, they have every right to be angry with them and they have every right to beat the hell out of them once this is over.

Farryn sees he may be a little dirty but other then that he appears fine, she kisses her sons lips and makes sure he well in cover, she aims over the rock "I have my son! But I will hold you all accountable and I have his sister on speed dial, I don't want to cause mass panic but if you don't surrender I'll leave you to deal with her and she is very thorough, none of you will survive! I will give you thirty seconds to start coming out or you can face her wrath!"

Nate looks at all the scared eyes staring at him, tears and cries sound as bodies lay all about, he painfully sighs as he tosses his handgun, he yells so everyone can hear him "WE SURRENDER!!! WE ARE COMING OUT!!!"

What is left of the gang comes out, including Nate there is only fourteen of them left, almost all of them covered in blood and scared out their minds, the skunk and rabbit enter through the back and soon emerge from the front door, their weapons pointed right those surrendering. The wolfess leave her cover and steps around, her weapon at ready as the mare aims at them as well, the doe leaves her, she places her anti-material rifle against a rock and pulls put an mp7.

Farryn looks them over "You have lost! And while you have surrendered, I still aim to get even.", she looks to the doberman "Step forward mutt!"

Nate moves towards her, he knows he can't be a smart ass or wiggle his way out of this, he is at her mercy and he hates it. The doberman stops in front of her, the wolfess takes her xm8 and hits him square in the face with the stock which sends him down to the ground, she puts her weapon on the ground, she grabs him by the neck and pulls him up with her left hand, Farryn delivers punch after punch to the side of his skull, she then delivers a punch so hard he yelps as he flies to the side, the shewolf growls as she makes her way to him, her right hand covered in some blood, she flips him over and stomps him square in the chest, he cries out in pain and she slowly pushes her steel-covered boot into him, further shoving him into the dirt.

She kneels over the mutt "You fucked with the wrong bitch, I won't kill you... but I will make you suffer and make you an example, you never mess with my son and expect there to not be any form of repercussion, I will kill to protect my son and I will kill to get him back. The only reason why we fell back was because he was protecting us and now we are showing you the lengths we will go.", she grabs the side of his head, heavily pulling it as the doberman looks to her scared out of his mind "Are we one the same page?!"

The doberman whimpers as everyone watches the wolf put him under her heel, Farryn lets the doberman go by she makes a pair of fists and starts landing blows to his head, knocking out a tooth here and there, every few strikes she delivers a hard blow that sends the back of his head into the soil, it isn't long before her hands are dirty and covered in a mix of dirt and mud, every swing causing the dobermans limbs to jolt as he becomes consumed with so much pain. She stops wailing on him, she places her other boot on his right arm and grabbing his left, looking to him as she puts force on the hinge joint and breaks it, followed by his fingers and wrist, every break being accompanied by a pain-filled scream.

The gangers are freaking out with the skunk, mare, rabbit and doe even starting to become unnerved... they make a mental note not to piss her off that's for sure.

Farryn gets off him, she walks around Nate, those blue eyes giving a gaze as cold as ice "You want me to mess with you dick huh? WELL... HOW'S THIS!!!" and delivers a kick straight into his private area as she growls.

Everyone winces from the impact, Nate grabs his crotch with his only good arm as tears leave his eyes and he screams, his ears just consumed with white nose as his body reacts. The scream is so strong and powerful it breaks Magnum out of his slumber as he feels his adrenaline kicking in, he gives a tired moan as he finds his footing, he rubs his head as he looks around, his sight finally returning.

Magum's gaze eventually finds his mom, seeing the doberman underneath her and seeing how broken down he is, he steps around the rock, his movement a little slow and wobbly.

Sabrina looks to him and pulls him in with her left arm "Magnum! Are you alright?" earning everyone's gaze.

The mystic blinks as tries to get his senses back "I'm fine, I just need to... sort myself out."

The doe nuzzles him "It's alright, just lean against me hon."

Farryn looks to Nate, she decides he's had enough and makes her way over to her son, scoffing at the doberman as she walks away. The wolfess picks up her firearm and the gym bag, she places the weapon into the bag and she embraces her son, giving him a french kiss in front of everyone, showing her love for him.

Eventually Magnum's senses come back as he finds his footing, he kisses his mom, followed by the doe, his blue eyes look to the ruined hideout and the gangsters who are consumed by fear, a grin slowly forms on his face "To be fair, I did warn you.", he sees a piece of paper in his mothers jacket "Is that their list of demands?" in a mocking tone as he looks to the doberman quivering.

The wolfess nods "It is."

"May I see it?"

A wave of unease hits Nate and the gang members, heck even the women look a little unsure which really catches his attention, Farryn decides to hand it to him, he opens the folded note and begins to read it, he was expecting something like drugs or money... but it quickly turns to him glaring and his smirk replaced by a hard scowl that turns into a vicious sneer, a growl escaping his throat... he is so pissed that the blood vessels in his eyes become visible.

Magnum's gaze goes to Nate as he hands it back to his mom, the mystic slowly begins to make his way to the doberman "You wanted to fuck my mom huh?!" he takes a deep breath as he feels just how heated he is "I was considering just ignoring you because you were nothing but gutter trash, but now after all of this, I am going to take care of the problem once and for all."

Farryn quickly joins him "Love, he's all roughed up, I made sure of it." trying to get him to relax.

The mystic looks to her "I know and I appreciate that.", he looks to the doberman "But I think it's finally time these punks learn the true end result of all this gang bullshit." and he continues to trek closer and closer.

Magnum stops just in front of the downed mutt, his eyes glow harshly and a moment later the doberman is flung up into a standing position but his feet are just off the ground, he can feel the air the mystic is controlling. Nate suddenly feels cold, he looks himself over and ice slowly starts to form over his body to only his face his still exposed as he is suspended in a coffin of ice, Magnum just keeps glaring at him as the doberman can see his life flashing before his eyes.

The mystic scoffs "The lifestyle you chose leads to death, it's the nature of vermin! And it's one of the things I despise the most! What I am about to share with you is the fate of such trash and a prelude to what I have planned for Terra!", he takes a breath of heated air "DIE SCUM!!!"

A moment later the coffin explodes, cracking for a brief moment as Nate screams in fear, his body becoming impaled by the sharp ice and cut by it's sharp edges, blood finds loose pathways and flows out of the coffin, loose ice and crimson landing on the ground as the scream turns to a whimper and finally fades, the mystic tosses the coffin to the side as everyone eyes him, there is nothing but hate and anger in his gaze, blue energy coursing through his eyes and blue energy forming around him, his sight lands on the remaining gang members, they finally break down completely and start begging for their lives.

Farryn quickly moves over him again "They were nothing more then pawns, heck two of them were the ones who snuck you out." she waves over the husky and poodle who are beyond frightened but they move to the pair.

Sheldon looks to the enraged mystic who is giving him the stare of death "We have learned our lesson, we were stupid as we got stuck in Nate's power trip that we all ended up getting hooked on."

Ava gets on her knees "Please, spare whoever is left, we will never return to this way of life. Please!"

The mystic looks to the both of them and the last of the gang, the energy around him dissipates, they have admitted to them how wrong they were and they seek to atone, he reflects on his experience and the code of the knights along with his virtues... he finally makes a choice.

"Hear me and understand, I will spare you, but if you force mine or our hand again, there will be no mercy and I will hang you by a noose for birds to feast on."

The gangers thank and praise him as they are let go with Sheldon and Ava giving their verbal word before running off, Magnum looks to the remains of the club house, he has Vanessa and Saraphina join him and his mom, the mystic charges his mouth beam and fires, destroying the club house turned mass grave... the Grendel's are no more.

Magnum and his women eventually find their way home, all of them showering before ordering a pizza and having some dinner and finding their way upstairs on his mothers bed, all of the women cuddling with their wolf as he snuggles with his mom, the young lupus is sipping milk from his mothers left breast, the ladies surrounding him as they make sure he can smell their perfume given how stressful the day was and more importantly what has taken place and they are doing their best to keep him calm.

The women think about what has transpired, they have shown what they can do as a team and the mystic wolf has seen footage from Elvo as she monitored the situation, he's proud of them and honored they are his, they saw the pride in his eyes as he smirked.

Farryn pets his head, as she watches him suck on her breast, her son feeling her exposed abs as he warmly smiles, all her hard work, all her training and the work outs have paid off, she has shown her son that she can still protect him along with her drive and how far she would go, just like how she protected him growing up... maybe not as tame compared to back then, but given how more serious it is now, she has to be a little more rough.

Magnum stops sucking on his mothers breast, licking what is left of the expended milk, he takes a breath "All of you were amazing, watching all five of you decimate them was nothing short of fantastic."

Vanessa kisses him "We wanted our wolf back." fluttering her eyes.

He looks up to his mom "And seeing you in action mom... it really was something to see."

Farryn kisses her sons lips "No one messes with my boy and gets away with it." grinning as she pets him.

Annabelle puts a hand on her hip "Remind me to stay on your good side Farryn, you really did a number on that doberman."

Vanessa nods "To be fair, we would do the same for our children if they were in such danger."

The mystic looks to each one of his women, he sits up and asks if they can have a group hug which the ladies are more then happy to do. He kisses each one of them as he embraces them, the wolf grins as he feels the strong women he is with... now they are ready, now they can really face the enemies he faces.

The knight happily sighs "I think... we have rested long enough." earning some looks from the ladies "I think it is time I go back to active duty and do a crusade. The new suit is almost fully assembled and ready for action."

Sabrina pets him "Have you though of a name for it?"

Magnum gives a grin as he nods "Seraphim Throne." though another thing of note is also on his mind.

To be continued...

Amatory Part 7

Preparations are being done aboard the Howling Crusader for the mystic to return to service, meanwhile the two wolves, skunk, mare and rabbit are waiting for news on the doe who is in surgery. It's all in Elvo's hands as all they can do is wait... if...

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