Starlet For The Taking: Porn Academy Chapter 1

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#1 of PornAcademy

Shun Ai-Na is a terrified, repressed young tigress who runs from her former life and into something new. Working past her previous issues, she starts finding herself in a new place, with new friends and new challenges.

Author's note and commentary: I am not Ai-Na. I did grow up in a very restrictive family, and while we weren't Mennonites, I knew more than a few in the homeschooling groups we always ended up in. I took a lot of inspiration for her from things that I either saw, or experienced. This first one is light on actual 'yiff' content. Some arousal, some confusion. Ai-Na is going to take a long while to even get into the Porn Academy, let alone start filming. Though she is going to grow. Next chapter, promise, some 'naughty' will happen.

Starlet for the Taking

Chapter One

By StripedKittyScribe

Ai-Na sat on the very back seat of the bus, clutching at everything that she had left in the world. Did it count if she'd stolen it? Or was it really stealing if it was communal and no one owned it?

She had no idea where to go, other than 'away'. She had no idea what to do other than 'run'. Everyone around her earbuds in and phones or computers out. She owned neither. Everyone around her was going to some place, to do something. She had neither type of goal.

At least she didn't look like she'd just walked out of a horror play any more. She'd tucked herself into one of the small shops near the bus stop, hiding her dirty muzzle until she could get into the bathroom and wash up, and put her long black hair into a tight bun. She'd been so terrified on the one road out of the compound that she'd barely been able to breathe, let alone cry.

She'd left the skirt and blouse in the trash, and changed into the only other set of clothes that she'd taken. The fact that they were essentially identical rough-spun and sewn did much to disguise the fact that she'd carefully walked into the bathroom with clothing that had been ripped by the barbed wire.

She didn't look 'bad' any more. Just small. Everyone thought that tigresses were supposed to be big and strong and powerful and mighty. Not Ai-Na. She was, maybe, on a good day, five feet tall. Her chest was modest, at best. She had brown eyes that everyone said were 'warm' and 'inviting'. She didn't have huge muscles either, though she was lean and strong, thanks to the training that The Church had...

She blanked out for some unknown amount of time. When she'd been looking out the window previously, they had been rolling through a scrub-and-grass lined mountain pass. Now, the view was rich pine forests. She looked around for something, some indication of what time it was. There were no clocks that she could see on the GigaBus. There were barely any accommodations at all on the double-decker. A very cynical part of her mind was shocked that there were fabric coverings on the seats.

She leaned over to a matronly older sheep, and asked, "Please excuse the interruption, ma'am. May I ask you for the time?"

The old woman shifted in her seat, blinking herself back to awareness. "Oh. My, so formal! Of course, dearie." She extended her hand to pull the sleeve back, and then looked at the tiny watch on her wrist. "5:30. We should be there in an hour or so."

Ai-Na gave a timid smile, thanked her, and then withdrew back into her own little world, clutching the bag against her front. She honestly wasn't even sure where 'there' was. She closed her eyes, and tried her best to think about what she'd do there. Drawing her knees up and bracing her feet on the seat, she buried her head down against the canvas of her bag, so that no one would steal it, or see her face.

Oceanic: 7 pm

She screamed when someone gently shook her shoulder, and without thinking, purely on reflex, her palm shot out in a strike that was fast, and would have been a great blow in defense of her person, if it had been aimed correctly. As it was, she just knocked the hand away by hitting their upper arm. The bus driver held his hands up in surrender, backing off. "Look, lady, it's the end of the line. Sorry for scarin' you, but I gotta get this thing emptied out so that it can get serviced."

She mumbled something that could have been an apology. Maybe. It could have been in Common. It could have been in the Fuu dialect of Hannic. She had no idea. She just wrapped her arms around her bag and slipped past him.

"Hey," he called after her. "If... Look I ain't tryin'a judge, but you look like you ain't got no one meetin' you here or a place to stay. There's... a shelter over on 9th street, two blocks over. Turn left out of the terminal doors, then left at the street."

She was about to thank him, when he doomed any chance of her going there.

"It's run by the Sisters of Ch...arity."

She'd practically sprinted out of the bus. Turning right out of the door, and then right again at the street, she scurried off in as 'opposite' a direction as she could. She didn't have any personal experience with any of the other sects, but she wanted nothing to do with anything that was tied to The Church.

Las Aguas: Four months later

Ai-Na got off of the bus, and she wasn't the same girl that had gotten off the bus in Oceanic. She finally had a new identity, and she'd convinced the social services people that she was in danger of being tracked by people, and she needed something along the lines of witness protection. If anyone came looking for information about her, and they didn't have a warrant, they got nothing. It was going to make a lot of things challenging, but she could deal with that.

She was now over a thousand miles from where the COTE compound was, and while she didn't doubt that the petulant leader would search far and wide, he wouldn't have a reach that extended nearly this far. And she'd filed restraining orders against him and every single member of the compound before leaving.

She hefted her backpack onto her shoulder and made her way out of the bus. She had new sneakers on. And new jeans. That would scandalize that old shit that they'd tried to marry her to. Connections through the social services had brought her down here, where they'd suggested she start teaching Tai Chi. She'd waited tables at the gutter-oil joints while moving around Oceanic. And now she was free to do other things.

She got herself a new apartment, and was even looking into joining dance studios in the area.

Three weeks later, and she'd finally gotten enough stability to do something 'fun' for herself. She'd accepted an invitation from her neighbor to try something called 'aerobic pole dancing'. Jenny was far more of a party girl than Ai-Na was interested in being. Her austere upbringing just didn't let her splurge on things.

Even if the sounds coming out of Jenny's apartment every few weeks were... interesting. Ai-Na knew about sex, of course. It was what a wife did for her husband. It was her duty, providing comfort and relief, and that was the extent of it. Women weren't supposed to enjoy sex. They were supposed to endure it.

Jenny endured it, but only in the sense that she went all night long. And while Ai-Na never saw any of the men that Jenny had over, the look on Jenny's face the morning after declared that she was always happy about what happened. It honestly should have been a hint that maybe the aerobic pole dancing was something that Ai-Na would have not wanted to do. She still didn't own a computer and wasn't comfortable looking things up on her phone.

She'd expected something along the lines of a Hannic short spear or quarterstaff routine, only artistic.

When she got to the studio, the appearance of everyone in tight clothing wasn't surprising.

The poles fixed between floor and ceiling were unexpected.

The small gazelle climbing one of the poles and then inverting herself with her legs spread in a pose while she slowly twirled around the pole was shocking.

Ai-Na had been participating in group dances and rituals since she was old enough to walk. She knew about performances, and she knew about holding positions to convey emotions.

She had never seen anything like this. She'd never seen the kind of casual grace, combined with wild passion. She'd never seen someone just throw themselves into a dance like this.

Someone bumped into her from behind, and Ai-Na's muzzle fur bushed out and her ears pinned back as she scurried forward, taking an empty place around the edge of the mat, watching this woman contort around the pole. Ai-Na had been dancing for long enough to recognize tight control when she saw it. Sure, the performer made it look easy. Masters of their art always did. But there was making it look easy, and there was some level beyond that. Making it look effortless. Suspended by nothing more than strong legs, core and arms, this antlered beauty made it look like the only limitation to what she could do was her imagination, not her flexibility or strength.

Ai-Na's fingers clenched together as she watched the slow spin, somehow feeling like watching this was a violation, and yet also unwilling to look away. Perhaps even more worrying to her, was her unwillingness to look away.

The instructor neatly tumbled off of the pole, legs dropping down after performing what would have been a somersault, if she'd been on the floor. "Welcome, ladies. I'm Miranda," the gazelle said, one hand easily curled around the pole in a grip that made Ai-Na's thighs scrub against each other. It was intimate. It was familiar. It was sensual and ancient. "This is a beginner's class, so today we're going to start at the beginning. And that beginning starts with the fundamentals. Yes, this is aerobic, and we'll be getting to things quickly enough, but warmups and stretching are a part of what you signed up for, whether you know it or not."

She led them all in the warmup routine. It quickly became apparent to Ai-Na that many of the women here would either not last long, or they would need a lot of time to get into shape. There was a difference in being thin, and being fit.

Ai-Na was both. She, Jenny, and a couple of other women were able to keep up, but the rest of the class was quickly panting and breathing hard. Then came the very basic moves. Back arches and bends, hooks and slides, dips and seats.

Miranda, made sure to give everyone the kind of attention that could reasonably be expected in a class like this. It wasn't the kind of instruction that Ai-Na had received before. Miranda gave gentle corrections and suggestions.

Previously, Ai-Na had been slapped with a cane to bring her legs or arms into a new position. When Miranda adjusted the way Ai-Na's calf rested against the pole during one of the hooks, it almost made the tigress shudder. Gentle, and yet firm. A correction, but nothing close to as harsh as she'd been used to before.

The class lasted an hour, and everyone clapped for each other, and thanked the instructor, who gave a polite incline of her head in return, saying that she hoped to see them all again next time. She reached out to touch Ai-Na's shoulder, quietly asking, "Do you have anything that you need to do after this? I'd like to see you for a little while."

"No, ma'am. I mean, yes, ma'am, I can stay for a while."

Miranda let out a rich laugh. "Cut that crap out, you'll make me feel old. I wanted to say that you're good. Really good. Or at least, you can be good. You've got some insanely good physical awareness. But I think you're holding back on me. Or maybe you're holding back on yourself." She held her hand up, then said, "I'm probably not explaining myself well. You're..." she trailed off, scratching at the back of her head as she tried to find the words. "You're stiff. You're so stiff that it's hurting you. You've got the physicality and awareness to be able to do some really advanced stuff. But you're so focused on things that you're not enjoying this."

Ai-Na shook her head, emphatically. "No! No, I very much enjoyed this! This is so... so different than how I was taught to dance. It's..."

Miranda crossed her arms, leaning back against the pole, bracing one foot up against it. "I buy that you're new, and that you've got previous dance experience. I'll even buy that you like it. But you're scared, and it shows. It's like you're afraid of something that you don't know how to let go of, or you're too afraid of turning it loose so that you can go to your next thing. Look." She motioned at one of the other poles. "You think that you can switch moves if I call them out?" The gazelle moved over to her bag and picked her phone up. "I'm gonna film you. None of these are hard moves. We went over everything in class today, and I know that you can perform these."

Ai-Na wasn't sure why, but she nodded. "I think I can do that. If you don't mind me being slow in the transitions."

Miranda waved it off. "You dance and do it at your own pace." She held a finger up. "But. Sell it. You dance for someone. I don't care if it's you, me, boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever, don't care. But you sell me that you're loving what you're doing. I'll film you with this and send it to you. Then I'll do the same routine, and you film me. You compare those tonight, and you tell me that you're not holding back."

Ai-Na nodded, and after putting some grip-assist on her hands, she got into position in front of the pole. Miranda wasn't lying about the moves being simple and what they'd gone over in class, and Ai-Na did her best to perform them correctly. Start with a high step around the pole. Toss the hair back. Arms up, feet forward, drop into a split around the pole. Roll back. Spread legs into a shotgun. Grip the pole with right hand, roll to the left, curl the top leg around the pole. Return the top leg straight, let go of the pole, roll onto the belly. Pull the hips back until sitting on heels, toss hair back. Both hands on the pole, pull up into bent-forward. Stand fully. Three-step around for speed, fireman's spin. She hit all of the positions, and then once that last spin stopped, she dropped to her feet, smiling. She turned to Miranda, about to ask how she'd done.

Miranda wasn't smiling. Or frowning. It was simply the straight face of someone who'd observed exactly what she'd expected. "Come here, sweetie."

It was the gentlest reprimand that she'd ever gotten, and Ai-Na had trouble focusing for a moment as she swallowed hard. She almost said 'yes ma'am' but quickly remembered that wasn't a welcome response. Instead, she mutely bowed her head and moved to where the gazelle was standing. "I don't know if you've got a piPhone or a Cybot. You know how to record a video on this?" When Ai-Na shook her head, Miranda gave her a quick tutorial. "Now," the Gazelle said, "you film me. I'll run that exact routine. I'll show you what I mean about selling it, and dancing for someone, even if it's just for you."

Ai-Na watched and filmed, and spent the whole time chewing on her lower lip. She would be reviewing the film, but it wouldn't be to test whether one performance was better than the other. She already knew that in a way she couldn't define, Ai-Na's had been far, far less impressive than Miranda's was.

The gazelle's motions were smooth, graceful and powerful. She didn't just strike poses or transition between them, she flowed and swayed. Miranda didn't let Ai-Na's eyes wander, she guided them exactly where they needed to be with the next motion, subtle rolls of her hips or shoulders. The dancer commanded her audience's attention at every point of the dance, and she knew it. Not only did she know exactly where the tigress' eyes were, she relished the attention there.

Ai-Na reviewed that film several times once she'd gotten back to her apartment, and her dreams were confusing. She didn't sleep well. When she woke up, groggy and bleary in the morning, she had to put all of her sleepwear from that night in the laundry. There was a spot on the crotch of her panties that she'd never seen before.

The next class wasn't for several days, but she had Miranda's number now. After showering and putting on fresh clothes, Ai-Na stared at the screen, thumb hovering over the button to call the gazelle's phone. It was finally late enough in the day that calling wouldn't be (too) rude. But she also had no idea what she would say. She simply didn't have the words for how she felt. For how Miranda had made her feel. For all of the things that Ai-Na was going to have to deal with, emotionally and otherwise.

Two weeks later, Ai-Na got the phone call that she'd been waiting for. The police had raided the COTE compound and arrested everyone in charge, seized the community's funds, and found documentation of all of the crimes that she'd claimed had happened there, and even more besides those. They also found documentation that finally was able to put an age for Ai-Na. She had run away when she was seventeen. Her eighteenth birthday was now passed. She'd been legally emancipated, just not how she'd thought.

She got that call on the same day as one of the pole dancing classes, and it must have really thrown her for a loop. She had spent the morning doing various Tai Chi classes, and apparently the news threw her sense of time off. She showed up far earlier than she should have for her pole dancing class, while Miranda was still teaching one of the advanced groups.

Miranda looked over to see the young tigress, and gave a quick wave. Then she turned back to the class, starting to say something, when all of the visual data seemed to click. "Hey, Sarah, take over for a second. Remember, ladies, legs straight, arms bent!" She turned and walked over to Ai-Na, and put her hand on the tigress' shoulder. "You okay?"

Ai-Na had never learned to cry prettily. Supposedly some women could do that. Not her. She had, however, learned to cry silently. So when Miranda was finally close enough, the tears started flowing, and Ai-Na reached out to cling to the older woman.

Miranda had no idea what was going on. Half of the phrases were in Hannic, and half were choked off half-sobs. All of them were so quiet that she couldn't make out individual words, even if she'd spoken enough Hannic to recognize one or another. There wasn't much in the way of an office at the small studio, it barely had enough space to fit a desk with a laptop on it, and most of the room was taken up by storage of cleaning supplies and other things.

Once in the little office, Ai-Na's weeping broke totally free, and it took almost ten minutes just to get the tigress calmed down to the point where she could say anything without it being cut off by racking sobs.

Miranda petted the girl's shoulders and hair, then said, "Alright, listen. Listen, I really do need to go out and finish up this class. Give me a few minutes, and I'll get them set up with some drills, and then I'll be back. We can go and get some tea or coffee or something and you can tell me what all of this is over. Okay?"

Ai-Na scrubbed at her eyes, nodding. By the time that Miranda returned, Ai-Na's face was clean, and the only sign that she'd been crying was the slightly different caste to her eyes. The class was settled, and one of the more advanced students was guiding it for the rest of the session. It wasn't the first time that Miranda had turned it over to Sarah. It was the first time that she'd ducked out of the building during a class.

The conversation between the two took nearly an hour to cover everything. Ai-Na's past. Her age. Her conversation with the social services agent. Her impending arranged marriage to The Leader. The fact that he was now in jail.

Miranda felt bad for the younger woman, and felt just as bad that one of the following reactions that hit hardest was a quick calculation of just when Ai-Na had signed up for her classes. She knew as well as anyone that no one actually read all of the Terms of Service, and that she was (probably) legally alright since the contract had stated '18 and over only'. But there was no telling just how some pissy bureaucrat would get if they ever found out that someone underage had signed up. Thankfully, it wasn't an issue.

"Okay," Miranda said, running her fingers through her hair. "Not gonna lie, that's a lot to take in all at once. Can't imagine having lived through all of that." They talked about what Ai-Na was doing for money and her living situation. It wasn't the best, but nothing Miranda could do would really be able to help, at least not financially. Not without putting her into a real bind.

The one thing that Ai-Na made clear was that she'd abandoned any sort of faith in the church she'd been brought up in. Maybe that was taking it a bit far, but Miranda couldn't really argue all that strongly for a faith she'd never had in the first place.

They finished their coffee (something Ai-Na had never tried before) and went back to the small dance studio. The class had let out, and Ai-Na had felt slightly numb about all of it. She'd cried. She'd poured her soul out, and now she was slowly recovering.

Neither of them expected to find a mink woman sitting in the dance studio's office. Miranda had wanted to just let Ai-Na have a bit of free space and quiet time, but this changed all of that. "Jewel," she said. "I didn't realize that you were coming by today.

The mink woman looked like she was in her early thirties, and cared about her body, and her looks. The dress she had on was short, and tight, clinging jealously to an ample bust and a narrow waist. Her hair was long, brushed to a shine, and set just so, in order to get a wave of blond locks sitting over her eyes. The effect was it looked like she could tilt her head forward just a bit and look at someone from under those thick lashes and bangs with promise of things that would make anyone squirm. She had lacquered claws, both feet and hands. Her high heels were tall enough that it made Ai-Na truly have to look up, probably putting the mink's effective height around six feet.

"I thought that I would swing by and see if there was anyone that you had in your little stable that might want some cultivation, darling," the mink said, and something about the way she said it put Ai-Na on edge. It felt like the mink was selling something.

Miranda glanced at the shorter tigress, and then back at the newcomer. "I don't think that I've got anyone that might be interested, Jewel," she said. It wasn't cold, but Ai-Na could hear the warning in the tone. She wasn't exactly sure what made Miranda so protective of her, but she was grateful.

"Pity," Jewel said as she went over to one of the poles. "I have a new venture that I'm working with Brandon Steele on. Something that I think you'd be interested in. Perhaps not as one of the students, but more along the lines of an instructor." She gripped the pole, and lightly kicked up into an easy spin around it.

The form wasn't perfect, even Ai-Na could see that. It wasn't quite fast enough to really carry momentum, nor was the fold of the legs quite right. And yet for all of that, it was a sensual maneuver. This Jewel was at least passingly familiar with the art.

Miranda scratched at the back of her head, looking first at Jewel and then Ai-Na. "Look, I'm... Jewel, it really is good to see you and I'm not trying to be a bitch or anything. I'd love to catch up. But Ai-Na and I hav-"

Jewel's ears perked up, and she gave a smile, "Oh, is this her? Darling, you totally under-sold her! She's precious!" The mink quickly dropped away from the lean-away pose she'd settled in, and crossed to extend her hand to the tigress. "I'm Jewel Starr, maybe you've heard of me?"

Miranda burst out a sharp laugh, even as Ai-Na took the hand cautiously.

", ma'am," Ai-Na said with a blush, knowing that the answer would cause hurt, but pretending otherwise would cause more hurt, and damage her credibility.

Jewel looked over at Miranda, "What's so funny?"

Miranda just grinned. "Jewel. I want you to think of that one kid in high school. The one that grew up under a rock."

Jewel's eyes widened a touch. "Oh. Oh, so this-"

Miranda pointed at Ai-Na, "She grew up a few geologic layers under that rock." She turned toward Ai-Na and gave an apologetic smile. "No offense, honey, but it is true."

The feline gave her best 'that was funny and it didn't hurt in the least' smile. Considering the day she'd already been through, it was a weak effort at best. "I'm afraid I'm not up on any of the pop music or actresses or anything. Long story. I'm Shun Ai-Na."

Jewel pursed her lips, considering just how to take that, then nodded. "Well. I can't stay for long, but I'd love to sit in on the next class. Just scouting, of course."

Miranda looked like she was about to object.

Jewel gave a cold smile. "Need I remind you that I'm a primary investor?"

Miranda crossed her arms over her chest, looking down. "Loan. I took a loan out from you."

Jewel leaned against one of the walls, crossing an ankle in front of the other. "A loan that you're still paying off. And I'm a co-signer of the lease. And your other loans. And your car."

Miranda scowled, and was the first to break their staring contest. "Fine. Watching only, no distractions."

Jewel held her hands up, a smile on her muzzle as if ice wouldn't melt on her tongue.

Ai-Na looked at one of the poles, and then said, "I would like to try something, since we can't continue our conversation. If you and Miss Starr would like to go have a conversation in the back, I can stay up here and be alright. I think that we basically finished everything important, Miranda." Without waiting for a response, she dropped her bag off at the door where the cubby holes were, and started to stretch and warm up.

Miranda was trying to draw Jewel away while Ai-Na stretched and warmed up.

For the first time since she'd left the COTE compound, Ai-Na ran through one of the more advanced forms, for her own purposes. Not to teach. Not to do anything but move freely.

Jewel's eyes narrowed, watching the small tigress perform some sort of Hannic kung fu shit. She didn't really know what it was, other than it was kind of pretty, and that for all of the fact that Ai-Na was clearly not performing for her, she was a very physically capable dancer. She pulled her phone out of her clutch, pretending to check and send a message to someone, then started the video recorder and held the phone at her side, lens pointed toward Ai-Na.

Once she'd finished her warmup, Ai-Na put some grip assist on her palms and approached one of the poles. She didn't have a plan. She just wanted to.... To dance. To be free. Because she was. Finally.

She thought about how she'd felt watching Miranda, both the first time she'd walked through the door, and the time that Miranda had performed the same routine that Ai-Na had failed to 'sell'. She thought about how she'd be able to choose her path. About how she was starting to make friends. Closing her eyes, she started. She bent her knees, dipping down into a squat next to the pole, bracing it against her front. She leaned back just enough to clear it, and then leapt upward, hand-over-handing to gain some height, her legs snapping out straight so that she was pinned against the pole.

She could feel the strain in her arms beginning, but she'd quickly learned how to brace herself correctly, to minimize it. She snapped one leg down, locking it when she extended it fully, using the momentum to kick her hips backward. A flex of her side muscles tilted her hips, and when she swung back toward the pole, both of her legs were on the same side. It had given her just enough momentum that she started a very slow spin, and she held the legs-spread pose while deciding on the next move.

Spreading her legs vertically instead of horizontally, she hooked an ankle around the pole, then remained like that, clinging to it precariously. She shifted her grip, and then swung her bottom leg up, twisting it so that it locked around the pole next to her other one, and then once she was confident that she wouldn't fall, she dropped her torso back, keeping her from knocking her head against the pole with a flex of her abs, then dropped her arms so that she laid back against the pole, dangling.

Ai-Na kept altering poses, testing herself, expressing herself, twisting around to hang, or stand, or kick or twirl. She felt strangely alive. And even though she wasn't in 'proper' dancing clothes, still in her Tai Chi outfit, she felt something utterly unfamiliar. She felt warm. Her nipples were hard under her bra and top. Her panties were starting to get moist.

Miranda and Jewel had been talking for several minutes, but when Ai-Na rose out of a crouch, sliding her body along the pole, both of them stopped and watched. Miranda's eyes cut over to the mink for just a moment, and then hissed a single word as she saw the look on Jewel's face. "Shit."

Jewel had the largest, most predatory grin on her muzzle it was possible to have. "I thought you said she'd only been doing this for a couple of weeks."

Miranda sighed. "She has."

Jewel kept her hand steady, still filming as the small tigress moved and shifted and danced. It was somehow the least erotic, and yet most sensual performance either of the two professionals had ever seen. "I'm going to make a star out of her," Jewel whispered to herself.

Ai-Na dropped her feet to the floor and simply stepped back from the pole. Without realizing why, she curled her right hand into a fist, then laid her left palm across the knuckles, and bowed to the pole.

Jewel shivered. "She's perfect. Except for that damn name. No way that's going to work. What'd she say her first name was? Chun?"

Miranda sighed again. "Shun. And that's her family name. Her name is Ai-Na."

Jewel waved it off, and pulled the phone up to stop the video, then send it as a text to Brandon. "Oh, it's like the Nikkis, all backwards. Well, 'Anna' obviously. Shun's not gonna work though. I'm thinking... I dunno, Pun. Wong's only for guys."

Miranda buried her face in her hands. "I thought you weren't going to recruit her."

Jewel snorted, finishing the message and firing it off. "I said I wasn't going to interrupt."

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. All characters are a product of the author's imagination and copyright to them, unless noted guest appearances of other copyrighted characters are listed in this notice. Comments may be left (and are encouraged!) on the author's FurAffinity page. If you liked this story, and wish to support the author, please visit their Patreon.

This story is a work of fiction. Any immoral acts included in this story are a fantasy and should not be taken as encouragement to perform or endorsement of these acts by the author. Specifically, because apparently it needs to be said; anything other than expressed consent for any sexual encounter by a legal unimpaired sentient adult is wrong, immoral, and evil. Unwilling subjugation of sentients who have committed no crime is wrong, immoral, and evil.

Starlet For The Taking: Porn Academy Chapter 2

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