Surrounded by Stallions (erotic eBook teaser)

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#806 of Erotic eBooks, teasers and tasters

Dylan has been working at the spa for a while but, well, he's not really chatted to many there yet. The other stallions working in the gym and as physical therapists, of course, are lovely - but he doesn't really know how to start up conversations.

That's okay, however, for the other equine anthros are more than happy to take the lead. And that is just how things go down when they invite Dylan into the outdoor pool with them, relaxing against the jets, the rush of warm water softly intoxicatingly. Yet nothing is as inviting as the warmth of another stallion pressed up against him, as Dylan tries (and fails) to conceal his desire.

As things get steamy between all four stallion anthros, the spa after hours will prove to be a very lovely place to be indeed...

Author's note: this story contains consensual sex between anthropomorphic characters. All characters, as in all my stories, are over eighteen and clearly written as such.

Thank you for reading! This story is available to purchase, worldwide, via Smashwords and Commissio!



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I am also available for custom stories, tailored to your preferred nuances and characters. Please e-mail the following address for further information.

Surrounded by Stallions

It was not quite how Dylan expected his night to go, down on his knees with three other stallions standing over him, painting his face with their cum, but it certainly wasn't a bad way at all to spend an evening.

Yet how the stallion had got to such a position, beside the outdoor hydrotherapy pool at the spa with the water bubbling pleasantly from the jets, was another question entirely. What had started out as a friendly expedition with friends from the leisure and spa complex he worked at changed everything in a single night.

Dylan was not all that sure about hanging out with them, though the others stallions were liked well enough at his workplace. The leisure and spa complex was designed to be relaxing, often with soft music playing in areas outside the gym, where cardio and weightlifting equipment resided, though no serious lifters or fitness folk would really work out there. It was great for maintaining condition and tone, a certain level of fitness, yet for working on muscle building for guys, was not the place.

But that was okay. Not every place had to suit the needs of all and Dylan had found that he fit in well there, taking care of spa patrons and hosting them so that their stay there was as pleasant as possible. He begrudged, ever so slightly, that he was not able to afford the services there for himself but, well, at least he had access to the facilities. That was a very good thing indeed.

Glass windows looked out over the hydrotherapy pool from the hallway where the sauna and steam rooms were, offering separate sections of indoors and outdoors for spa patrons to enjoy. Sometimes, Dylan glimpsed himself reflected in those windows, his softly golden coat on show and glossy in his reflection. As a palomino, he typically had a golden, glowing sort of appearance, though he had to keep his man and muzzle, in particular, in good condition to maintain himself for work at the spa.

Andrew, Harley and Leo worked in treatments and the gym, offering specialist massages along with personal training, though he had not quite managed to get along with the stallions at first. That even, they were the only four left behind, Andrew trotting casually through from the gym with a towel slung around his neck and his chest bare.

"Hey, Dylan," he greeted him with an easy grin. "Didn't think you'd still be on this late, I didn't see anyone in the spa area when I passed."

He smiled, looking up from the check in and out book at the reception desk.

"Yeah, I got lucky today," Dylan answered. "Looks like the last group that was supposed to come tonight had a cancellation. So, I still have to stay to close up and everything but there's not too much to do until then. I can make sure everything's nice and neat and tidy."

"Hm..." Andrew chuckled, eyeing him up casually. "You're always so efficient... This place runs hell of a lot better since you joined the team, you know."


Dylan blushed, tilting his muzzle away. He hadn't been expecting that compliment, though he could not have said that there was not a part of him that didn't like being caught off-guard too. He wanted to be more comfortable with compliments, though that was something that was much easier said than done. Andrew smirked covertly, the grey stallion's tail flicking and swishing slowly, hypnotically, against the back of his legs.

"Anyway," Andrew said, moving the conversation on easily when Dylan did not seem to be able to pick it up. "We're going to make use of the facilities this evening and hang out by the pool. Don't worry, we've already arranged to have it mopped afterwards, we're not going to make more work for you."

Dylan smiled.

"Oh, that's great," he said, genuinely glad that the guys were going to use the employee perks. "You can stay past closing, if you like, there's no rush. Tonight, I've got nowhere to be."

"Then you should join us."


Dylan blinked, drawn up short. The guys, Andrew, Harley and Leo, had never invited him to join them before. Truth be told, he hadn't made it known either that he would like to join them or even said anything about hanging out with them before. He knew it was not on them to do everything, yet it was tricky for the stallion, sometimes, to step forward and make the first move.

Even when it was just regarding friends.

"Yeah, of course," Andrew said, stepping back and gesturing outside, where the pool waited. "We're not going to use the indoor but might head into one of the saunas or the steam room too, if you can't find us. If you've not got work to do, patrons to look after, you should definitely come out."

"Yeah... Okay!" He grinned. "Sure, I can do that. See you in ten?"

"Yep," Andrew said. "Out by the pool."

As the grey stallion left, Dylan's eyes dropped to his muscled backside. He didn't know whether the stallion wore tight shorts just to show it off, but his gym attire, with his chiselled chest bare too, didn't leave much at all to the imagination. Even in the front, there was a bulge at his crotch, betraying the size of his sheath and balls, even when they should have been presentably tucked away for exercise, surely. Dylan wore looser jogging bottoms and a T-shirt for exercising, to be fair, not the sort to wear tightly fitted clothing at all.

His lean form starkly contrasted Andrew's muscle, however - and Harley and Leo were about the same too. Each stallion, the grey, the chestnut and the black, were all different with slightly different body types, but their focus on fitness, health and, of course, muscle was clear. He didn't honestly know how they kept themselves in such good shape using the centre's facilities, but, well, they most likely worked out elsewhere too. They certainly ate enough to feed their bodies.

Still, Dylan didn't know what was going to happen when he grabbed his bag, checked all was in order at the desk and headed into the male changing rooms, his pale white tail swinging lightly behind him. It took him no time at all to change into his comfortable swim trunks, not needing anything more than that to head through to the pool and spa areas from the changing area. If he had been a spa guest, or if it had been busier, it would have been prudent and modest to grab a robe too, though he planned to spend most of his time in the water.

Having a soak, at the very least, would be very much appreciated.

The others were already in the outside pool, which was for sitting and soaking, not swimming, when he got out there, arms spread over the edge so that they could lean back and get comfortable. Ears and heads swivelled in his direction as he headed over, waving his hand weakly in a soft greeting.

"Uh, hey, guys, still okay if I join?"

"Of course!" Harley, a big chestnut with a light muscle gut, snorted, shaking his red brown mane off his neck. "Hop in, the water's great."

If Dylan had been less nervous, he would have realised that there was a pile of swim trunks on the bench at the side of the pool, though the evening twilight didn't offer him the best view. The bubbles frothed and churned through the water as he slipped into it, somehow finding himself tucked away between Leo and Andrew as the equines made way for him. He had intended to sit on the end but, well, sometimes little things like that slipped out of his control.

Leo's thigh brushed his as the black stallion smiled, his eyes half-lidded as he leaned back and groaned comfortably.

"Uhhhh... These jets really are the best."

"Not like a real hot tub though," Harley chimed in. "This one's meant to be comfortable, not hot. Mineral water and stuff."

Dylan chuckled, though didn't feel comfortable enough to add his thoughts on their banter.

"You should know all about this, you know," he teased Harley gently, "being that you work here and all. Dylan could school you on all that the spa covers, couldn't you, Dylan?"

"Uh... Maybe?"

Dylan chanced a grin, sliding down a little more so that only his head was above the surface of the water. Maybe he could be a little bolder than he usually was...

"I could probably reel off all the treatments here," he tried, testing the waters, "better than any of you guys who deliver them!"

The horses burst into laughter, so infectious that Dylan could not help but chuckle along, glad that his very light brag had landed on receptive ears.

"There you have it then!" Harley crowed, squeezing Dylan's shoulder with his hand and giving him a gentle, playful shake. "You've been here almost as long as us, hot stuff, it's about time we all got to know you properly."

"Yeah, it's been too long," Andrew chimed in, standing slowly and stretching his arms out over his head, bubbles frothing around his waist. "Just going to put some music on."

He drew himself from the pool fluidly, not bothering with the steps, and Dylan's eyes locked onto his backside once again. His swim trunks, when soaked, offered an even better view of his glutes - and his bulge too, once Andrew had turned and flipped on the outside sound system. The wet trunks clung to every curve and nuance of his body as if they were trying to put his body on display, though it was the shape of his sheath and the softness above it that caught Dylan's attention. It was as if the head of his cock was protruding lightly out from his already plump sheath, defining his shaft too, his balls round and full below it.

To his horror, however, as Andrew slid back into the water with soft rock music (a gentle compromise) playing in the background, his body responded. In hindsight, he would wonder how it could not when faced with three very sexy stud stallions, his hard-on rising, slow and fluid, from his sheath and hardening up. He pressed his hands over it, as if that would be enough to shove it back into his sheath, but it was not to be, not as he gasped and swallowed a whinny, his eyes wide and wild with a dangerous rim of white.

"Oh, no..."

"What was that, Dylan?"

Andrew peered at him, the stallion's nostrils fluttering. The bubbles, thankfully, hid the obvious rise of his hard-on tenting out the front of his trunks, though he didn't know how long it would take to go down. It didn't help that Leo was so close to him and, when he tried to scoot away along the underwater bench-seat, he only bumped into Harley instead.

"You okay there?" Harley asked.

Dylan rubbed the back of his neck, leaning back with a blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah..." He bluffed. "Just been a long day, you know..."

"You really shouldn't work as hard as you do..."

No one would ever find out just where that was going as, at that moment, the bubbles faded. The jets turned off, though the heat in the pool remained at a comfortable temperature, even as the water stilled and, finally, showed just what Dylan had been trying to hide.

One thing that had to be said about a horse's hard-on: it was never possible to hide.

Out there, on full display, Dylan froze. His ears slipped back, eyes wide, breath catching in his throat as if a band had suddenly closed around it. Their eyes were all on him, though the horse was not in his right mind enough to know that they were just smirking knowingly, contentedly, at one another. There was not a hint of mockery or disgust in any of them.

Rumbling softly with a nicker, Harley slid his hand up against Dylan's thigh, though the palomino was too quick to flinch away. A gasp broke his lips before he could stop it, strain tensing every tiny muscle in his muzzle.

"Do you like what you see then, cutie?" Harley rumbled, his ears twitching as they pricked, locking onto Dylan. "Didn't think you'd be so eager."

"Um..." Dylan squirmed, heat in his cheeks, clawing its way down his neck, hunching forward to better hide his hard-on. "No... Uh... Sorry, guys, I'm just going to go..."

"Whoa, wait!" Leo flung out his arm, the black stallion's lips twisting in sympathy. "Look, we didn't mean to worry you. We were just teasing. This is all okay, seriously. Actually, we all think you're pretty cute. Wondering if you wanted some fun, you know, while it's all quiet like here..."

End preview.

Thank you for reading! This story is available to purchase, worldwide, via Smashwords and Commissio!



Thank you for reading!

If you enjoyed this story, please take a look at my website, where similar stories are listed by kink!

All new releases will be announced via my Twitter account!


I am also available for custom stories, tailored to your preferred nuances and characters. Please e-mail the following address for further information.

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