Rebirth Day

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#36 of Midnight

Set after Julie's university quarter and follows her time back in Johto, focusing on adventures throughout, Alyssa's development, further building Julie and Midnight's relationship, and more.


Existing; complete stories: 'A Night She Couldn't Resist.' (Male midnight lycanroc x fem trainer.) 'Cassidy's Journey.' (Male braixen x fem trainer.) 'All They Knew.' (Male alolan ninetales x fem trainer.)'Only Crystal.'(Male human x fem espeon.)


All NSFW scenes: Chapter 4: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 7: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 14: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 23: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 27: Angie & Calda & Midnight.F human x F flareon x M umbreon. Chapter 37: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon.

~ Extra explicit scene(s) directory.

~ Timeline of all stories and upcoming projects are available in my profile.

Two weeks had passed; today was Rebirth Day. 1 p.m.

Julie slipped into leggings, afterward putting on her white jacket with pink sleeves and zipping it up with her gloved hand.

Alyssa was in a thicker jacket and jeans she'd pulled from where she stored her clothes in one of Julie's free drawers. She eyed Julie, who was smoothing her outfit over. "You're missing something."

"Hm?" She looked at Alyssa.

Alyssa went to her suitcase and opened it, digging until she pulled out a white beret. She held it out to Julie.

"Why do you just have a beret?... You want me to wear it?" Julie walked over and took it.

"My parents bought it years ago, but it's the opposite of me."

"Let me see." Julie left the room and entered the restroom with Alyssa trailing behind, standing before the mirror and putting it on. "It's kind of cute, and it matches my jacket and gloves..."

"Yeah, it's pretty Julie-like. So, it's settled?" She grinned.

Julie shot her a side-eye. "Only if you get face paint."

Her grin faltered. "No."

Julie took off the hat.

"Oh. Come. On."

They went downstairs afterward with Julie's mother and Midnight, who had been standing in the living room while waiting for both girls.

The TV displayed the festival from a fearow's-eye view while a newscaster spoke over it, from tents and stands to people and pokémon gathered in abundance. They covered almost every inch of the roads. Zero sun was present, as Goldenrod had a perpetual rivalry with it, but it didn't negate the event's joy.

Julie's mother and Midnight looked over at them as they entered the living room.

Midnight went and joined them.

"Ready, girls?" She looked Julie up and down. "Where'd you get the hat, sweetie? It looks nice on you."

"Alyssa lent it to me for the day. I like it too." Julie took out her phone and pulled down her notification bar, glancing at a message from Aria, who confirmed her and Jamie's arrival to the festival.

All four left the house shortly. The festival was roughly twenty minutes up north on foot.

"Is there anything you two are looking forward to?" Julie's mother asked while they strolled the pavement.

"Churro pretzels and pizza slices," Alyssa said.

"I'll have to see what they have this year," Julie said. "How about you, Mom?"

"Oh, like usual, I'll first browse the selection of perfumes and wines. I tend to spend a while in it." She looked down at Midnight, who was trotting beside Julie. "You, Midnight?"

He looked up at her. "Umbre."

"It'll be his first Rebirth Day," Julie said. "We'll find something irresistible involving berries."

Shortly after arriving, Julie, Alyssa, and Midnight had split from Julie's mother and walked the crowded roads.

Endless enthusiastic buzzing full of laughter and bubbly energy danced in the atmosphere.

High above were Lugia and Ho-oh kites carried under the winds while pokémon such as pidgeot and fearow avoided the obstacles-- including the news helicopters.

Excited children, wandering pokémon, and people buying endlessly surrounded them.

Stands sold everything from accessories and themed souvenirs to fried foods and ice cream whose delicious scents filled the air, all of which tempted the eye or stomach on such a grand day.

Others hosted Ho-oh and Lugia-themed festival games.

There were several food stands selling mantine specifically, as it was customary to consume on Rebirth Day. It was a flying type who lived under the sea and visually resembled Lugia in a couple of ways as well. The culture originated over a hundred years ago, when Accordians believed they honored Lugia by eating them. Because of the tradition, not many Johtoans owned mantine.

Julie walked with Alyssa and looked down to ensure Midnight was by her. "Find your pizza yet?"

"Huh?" Alyssa glanced at her. "I'm looking for pretzels."

"But... wouldn't you eat lunch before dessert?"

"If I were boring."

Julie rolled her eyes. "You ju..." she trailed and gazed at a stand among many as they passed by.

Alyssa looked back as Julie stopped, and Midnight had with her. She followed Julie's eyes to an older man selling jewelry and other accessories made from various evolutionary stones. "Blue obsession returns?" Alyssa asked.

A vaporeon sat beside them on the display table, staring up at a woman talking to the seller after handing him payment for a ring she'd put in her bag.

"...I guess." Julie approached with a minute grin and ran her eyes over the selection with prices tagged beneath. Laid out were thunder stone necklaces and leaf stone bracelets to fire stone rings and ice anklets.


Julie looked down at the vaporeon staring up at her. "Hi." She then looked aside as the man greeted her, having finished the transaction with the woman.

"Glad my assortment caught your eye, miss," he said, giving Alyssa a nod. "Interested in anything in particular? Don't mind my girl."

"I love her." Julie eyed the array while humming to herself.

Meanwhile, the vaporeon looked down and saw Midnight, shooting him a grin.

He nodded in response, returning her grin only slightly.

"Um," Julie began and pointed at a bracelet adorned with water stone shards. "That one." It was 18,100 pokédollars. Pricey but more than worth it in her eyes.

"Amazing choice. It was a process making that one. Had to chip a stone, then melt and form perfect pieces. Are you from the area?" he asked while Julie pulled out her wallet.

"I live maybe twenty minutes away," she replied, counting her bills before handing them over. "Thank you."

He counted them, then gave her the bracelet with some change. "Back at you. Happy Rebirth!"

"Pory!" the vaporeon added as they left.

"May as well dye your eyes blue too," Alyssa said as Julie walked while trying to fit the item on her right wrist.

"Let me enjoy things," she replied. Julie clipped it on and held her wrist up.

"It fits. Now you've got something to match the earring."

Julie took out her cell and scrolled down her noti bar to see a text from Aria, then slipped it back in her pocket. "There's someone I want you to meet," she said. "Well, two people."

"Who? You made friends here while in Unova or something?" Alyssa glanced aside after a kid holding a popcorn bag and a raticate dashed past them. Popcorn fell from the bag onto the pavement, which the raticate snatched up and kept after the child.

"Kind of," Julie replied. "I met them on the cruise. They texted me that they were at the kite rental stand, usually at the center of everything." She looked down. "And you get to see Giza, Midnight."

He looked up at her, then around at the endless activity and roaring buzzing, often twitching his ears to its overwhelming abundance.

The three strolled until another attraction caught Julie's eye. One that made her almost smirk. "I see our next stop."

Alyssa looked at a large tent that festivalgoers sat under while people sat before them and applied paint to their faces via brush. She groaned. "I was hoping you forgot."

A drawn sign above the tent read 'FREE!'

Julie raised her hand and tipped her beret. "Not as long as this is on my head."

As they approached, Julie saw a familiar face opening an assorted multicolor paint tray on a table. She also spotted a pink wrist cuff. "Jane?"

Jane looked up and around before seeing Julie. "Jules! Your fit is super cute." She smiled. "And Alyssa!" She looked down. "And Midnight!"

"Thank you. What are you doing here?" Julie stopped before her. "Well, it's Rebirth Day... but are you working?"

"In a way." Jane reached under the table and grabbed a case of paintbrushes. "I'm volunteering this year."

"That's sweet," Julie said.

"What're you up to now, Jane? College or work?" Alyssa asked.

"I'm working in my area for now. I want to settle for a while... Oh, did you two want your faces painted? I'm setting up right now."

"We do," Julie said and shot Alyssa a brief grin.

"Perfect." Jane went back under the table and set a small booklet on the table. "You can look through that to see our designs. I can also paint custom ones. I'll be back."

Julie opened it to the first page, looking at the various designs. She saw a caterpie one, which included its brow, eyes painted on one's cheeks, and its nose; she saw a seel one, which consisted of its horn, nose, and fangs. She even flipped past eeveelution designs, like umbreon's rings and espeon's cheek tufts and gem.

However, Julie wanted something simple, which she found a few more pages in. She looked up as Jane returned with a tin cup of water. "I like the luvdisc." It was a whole luvdisc painted on one's cheek.

"Good choice, Jules. I love that one too. It's like a small kiss," Jane replied and looked at Alyssa, who had been standing unamused. "Did you find one you like, Alyssa?"

"This one for her," Julie said, pointing at a delcatty design in the book.

Alyssa leaned over to see it and pouted. "Come on. Why do I have to get a full face?"

The delcatty design included its ears and tufts on one's forehead and its cheek tufts and color around one's eyes.

"Because you got skitty last time. It'll be an evolution," Julie said.


"Ehm," Jane started. "I can paint the luvdisc, but I may have to get someone more experienced for the delcatty. I wouldn't want to mess it up."

"No issue," Julie replied.

So, Jane assigned Alyssa to another artist and sat Julie down with Midnight sitting and leaning against her leg.

She stood in front of Julie and dipped her brush in the water, then dabbed it in the bright pink paint on the tray and raised it to Julie's face. "Just look straight ahead."

Julie did, staying still. "Is this okay?"

"Yes, but..." Jane raised her hand. "Can I adjust?"


"Which cheek do you want it on?"

"Uh, my right."

Jane held and tilted Julie's face slightly, studying it momentarily, then pressed the brush to her cheek and began outlining the body. "Did you transfer to university here, Jules? You can talk, just don't grin or smile."

"I did, but I'm going to Castelia."

Jane stopped for a second and grinned. "No way. You got into Castelia? I'm so happy for you." She brushed over a section of the heart several times to thicken it before dipping the brush back into the water and dabbing more pink.

"Thank you. I couldn't believe it at first either." Julie suppressed a grin.

"How long have you been going?"

Both Julie and Alyssa's design took a collective thirty minutes, and Julie had Jane take a picture of them together using Julie's phone; Alyssa was a little irritable afterward until she found and bought a churro pretzel with bittersweet pink persim-pecha juice while on the way to the kite stand. She'd given Midnight a piece of the pretzel.

"Where's this kite stand again?" Alyssa asked, popping the last bite of her pretzel in her mouth and swishing the ice in the half-full plastic cup she held.

"It's up ahead. See it?" Julie pointed ahead to a large white tent with flags flying mid-height tied to its corners.

"And why's it so important for me to know they're related?"

"Because you'll want to ask." Julie flinched after a thunderous wham reverberated from nearby.

She looked aside to see a machoke pulling its outstretched arm back from a small, swinging punching bag. It stepped away from the machine that held the object with a smug expression while a grouped crowd gasped and watched from the sidelines.

A burly man with a woman and preteen girl waited feet away, presumably the pokémon's owners.

The machine was a tall, bulky steel build with a large, deep hole in its center; it extended into the punching bag at the top.

Beside it was a young man wearing all white, who stood near a tent with rows of miniature and life-sized pokémon plushies on its shelves; numbers tagged underneath them ranged from one hundred to one thousand, with the plushies getting bigger and placed on higher shelves as the score did. The only two available in the one thousand section were Ho-oh and Lugia.

The man approached the machine and checked the digital number above the bag. "Looks like we've won huge today! You've punched your way to a score of seven hundred and twenty," he said while individuals in the crowd clapped and a few kids shouted.

He ushered the girl, parents, and the machoke to the prize tent while pointing out numbers under the plushies.

"Damn, that machoke's gonna be living this up all week," Alyssa said and sipped her straw. "Won his family a giant plush."

Julie saw the smile on the girl's face while pointing out a fluffy igglybuff half her size that the guy grabbed and handed to her; the burly man patted the machoke on the back. "Wholesome." She looked down at Midnight, whose eyes were glued to the machine.

The event runner returned after waving the family off and pressed a button on the back of the machine to reset it, then looked at crowds strolling past. "Alright, step up and test your pokémon's strength! Two tries for 3,000!" he said while sauntering back and forth.

He glanced at Midnight before fixating on him, then looked at Julie and Alyssa and beckoned the trio. "Why don't you come on up? I haven't seen a shadow ball today!"

Julie looked aside at the random idle crowd, whose eyes were all on them. "Oh, uh..."

"We'll do it," Alyssa said, grabbing Julie's arm and tugging her forward.

"Perfect! This'll be exciting." The man smiled with charm and clasped his hands.

Julie sighed and looked at Midnight. "Do you want to?" she mouthed.

He nodded and watched the guy kneel to activate the digital reader above the machine's hole.

"The rules are..." He stood. "Your pokémon gets two tries. We keep whatever score is highest out of them. Let's say your umbreon lands a final number of four hundred-- you get to choose a prize from that score or lower. The machine accurately reads the power of your pokémon's attack and states it on the reader here." He tapped the small screen.

"And it's three thousand?" Julie asked.

"That's all."

She fished the funds from her wallet and handed it to him.

"Thank you," he said. "Please take a step back... It's to avoid injuries."

Julie and Alyssa both backpedaled as the guy waved Midnight forward.

"He's gonna dom that machine harder than an espeon." Alyssa chuckled and shot Julie a glance. "...Or you."

"Ugh." Julie shook her head and focused on Midnight while the guy spoke to him and pointed at the machine's hole.

The crowd watched as Midnight stanced himself, grounded his paws, and studied the towering device.

He opened his mouth and swished his tail, pulling essence from within his stores that gathered and gradually built a small sphere of dark purple energy over his tongue.

As Midnight grew the ball and shortly pushed it outside his mouth to levitate it, the inside brightened to a lighter purple with a faded white center, bringing the object a cosmic appearance. It emitted a faint, deep airy flow.

Julie stared with a soft grin.

After it reached a decent size, Midnight leaned back-- "Brh!" then lunged forward and shot the sphere, which echoed a burst of air, inside the designated hole, at first edging it.

The machine preserved the sphere, keeping it together and in place while the digital screen started at one and began counting. It went up: 100, 200, 300...

Midnight stood upright and watched while breathing through his mouth.

It stopped and blinked at 350.

"Alright, not bad," the event runner said. "One more try. Make it count!"

"Come on, Midnight! Show it you've earned those rings!" Alyssa said.

"Stop, Ali..." Julie nudged her. "Just do your best, Midnight!"

Midnight looked back at them both, eyeing Alyssa but focusing more on Julie, who he stared at for several moments. He turned but took one more glance at her, then eyed the prize stand.

He took a breath, stancing himself again and glaring at the machine before him.

Midnight spread his legs more while opening his mouth, forming another shadow ball over his tongue. After it grew and stabilized enough for him to levitate it, he continued to hold it while it accumulated energy and mass.

Midnight charged and charged it; it grew enough to where it started brushing his fur and ears back and created gusts on the ground in his vicinity, making him wince. The sound of its air deepened and resounded.

"I think he's showing it," Alyssa said while chewing her straw.

"I've seen him shadow ball at the Centers, but not like this..." Julie leaned in, running her eyes over the sight. "I don't want him to overwork himself."

Even the event runner stepped back, his eyes glued to the umbreon, as was the silent crowd.

Several passersby had stopped to witness.

The attack began to fight Midnight's footing, making his legs quiver and hind paw slip behind him. He held it for a few more seconds, wincing tighter. "Mbre... on!" He lunged and launched the dark sphere, which produced a muffled airy burst that echoed as loud as that machoke's strike. Its recoil pushed him back, folded his ears forward against the sheer force, and dragged his paws against the pavement.

The shadow ball barely fit inside the machine; the moment it squeezed through, the numbers started counting: 100, 200, 300-- 400, 500...

Julie's lips curled slowly into a smile that dimpled her cheeks. She bit her lip.

600, 700, 800, 900--

"Nine-hundred-forty-three!" the event runner exclaimed.

The original crowd clapped louder than before, with smiles, giggles, and awe present even in a few stray spectators.

Midnight sat and slouched while panting, looking around at the praise and back at Julie's full smile.

"That's the highest score I've seen all year!" He chuckled. "How impressive! You've definitely earned your prize. This way." He went over to the tent.

Julie first went and crouched by Midnight. "That was amazing, love... but you didn't have to overwork yourself like that."

"Yeah he did."

They both looked back at Alyssa.

"He won his girl the prize." She smirked.

They all stood at the tent a moment later, where Julie had chosen a life-sized Mew in a seated position with its tail circling it and eyes shut while grinning.

"This is actually my first poképlush." She held it out and looked it over after they left and continued toward the kite stand. "I love it." She pulled it to her chest.

Midnight looked up at her while she hugged it.

"If you start collecting those too... I swear," Alyssa said. She took a long sip of her drink and filled her mouth until sucking air from the bottom of the cup, tossing it in an overflowing bin that they passed.

"I won't, but I'll eternally cherish this one." Julie saw Jamie and Aria standing next to the line and raised her hand to wave after they spotted her.

They grinned and waved back as they approached. They both held a breaded wrap.

"Great to see you, Julie. Very cute Mew." He reached to shake her hand and looked at Alyssa. "And who's this?"

"Thank you. My umbreon won it for me like five minutes ago, and this is my best friend, Alyssa," Julie replied while shaking his hand. She then shook Aria's while Jamie shook and shared greetings with Alyssa.

"Where'd you get that?" Alyssa nodded at Aria's wrap. "Looks good... oh, and what's your name?"

"It's just a mantine wrap we got from the northern entrance, and I'm Aria. Nice to meet you."

They shook as well, and Alyssa glanced between the siblings a couple of times. "You too."

Julie looked down at Midnight, who sat alone, and tilted her head. "Where's your zorua?"

"Ah, Giza would freak out here." Aria chuckled. "He's safe and sound at home."

"Oh, that's unfortunate," Julie replied. "Do you guys have any plans or are you just walking around?"

Jamie grinned. "We actually are attending a dinner event at seven. It'll feature elegant dances styled after both legendaries. And you three?"

"That sounds wonderful... We're just walking around for the day this year. Nothing special."

"That works just as well. At least you came out, right?" Jamie asked.


The group chatted for a while longer before parting ways; Julie, Alyssa, and Midnight were back to strolling.

"Okay, so I see what you mean by the thing with them being related," Alyssa said.

"I told you." Julie giggled. "But I think it's nice to see two different cultures integrating and accepting one another, and Aria's story is a great one."

"She's from, uh, Ecruteak, I'm guessing?"

"Oblivia, but she was brought here while young. It's common."

"I know. So, uh, what's next?"

"I guess we just keep walking..."

It was currently 4 p.m. The festival was more packed than it had been hours ago. The sky was dimmer, with more clouds saturating it, erasing all hope that the sun existed.

The three had been walking all day, buying more items from stands they'd come across.

Julie had the huge Mew tucked under her arm and a shiny Lugia balloon attached to her wrist, floating over her head.

Alyssa had bought a tee that stated 'I miss Johto' across the front in cursive font with a heart replacing the 'o'.

Julie had also bought Midnight a fluffy, mixed berry vanilla cake slice that used pokémon-safe ingredients.

"She's up here," Julie said. She held the cake in a small plastic carton while walking toward the entrance they'd used to enter the festival. They were meeting Julie's mother here since she'd texted Julie that she was ready to leave.

"Alright, I should've bought the jacket version. It's getting cold." Alyssa shivered while holding the bagged shirt.

"I still don't know why you bought it in the first place when you're from here." Julie started pulling off her gloves, which Alyssa glanced at. "Here, put these on."

Alyssa shook her head. "I'll live."

"Ali, gloves." Julie pushed them to her side. "You're at a greater risk of hypo than me." She giggled.

"Hah, funny." Alyssa grabbed them and slipped her fingers through. "Thanks."

Midnight yawned while trotting beside Julie, which she caught sight of.

"Tired, love? I know it's been a long day with commotion everywhere."

"Umbre." He nodded, stretching his hind paws between his next couple of steps.

Julie's mother stood ahead while people passed in droves.

While approaching, Julie waved at her with a smile and noticed that she held a few bags.

"Looks like you girls enjoyed yourselves," Julie's mother said. "Where'd you get a huge Mew? It's cute."

"Midnight won it for me. You should've seen the shadow ball he made," Julie replied.

Midnight grinned up at her and the Mew.

"I also got him a poké-safe cake..." Julie added. "What'd you get?"

"I found perfume with a lovely scent, fancy wine, and homemade bread we can all try. Are you three ready to go?"

"Actually," Alyssa started. "I saw this restaurant I wanted to try with Julie earlier."

Julie glanced at her.

"Oh, that's fine. You guys know your way home, but please try to come home before it gets too dark."

"Are you sure?" Julie asked. "I can always walk with you."

She grinned. "I'll be fine, Jule. I'm not that old, and our area is safe. Go enjoy yourselves."

"Okay." Julie went and shared a hug with her before she departed, then returned to Alyssa. "What restaurant, Ali? You never said anything about it, and I thought you were cold?"

"Relax. It's some pizza place. I never got a slice today. Plus, it'd be boring to go home this early."

"Mh..." Julie looked down at Midnight, who she knew was beat. "How far is it?"

Fifteen minutes of backtracking later, they ended up in front of a pizzeria.

It had occupied outdoor seating with servers walking platters of pizza and wings to seated customers; the place appeared just as full inside.

"I've been here once like years ago." Julie looked up at its logo, which were white letters over a vague blue and red flag stating: 'The Lumiose Spot.'

"Tastes like Kalos?" Alyssa asked while walking to its doors.

"Sure." Julie followed with Midnight and entered while Alyssa held one of the doors.

The inside was expectedly packed and had a cheery atmosphere. The lighting was dim, walled TVs broadcast the festival outside the doors, and festive balloons were tied to the backs of chairs.

They went to the front counter past rows of people and pokémon dining and stood idle before it.

"Guess they're busy..." Julie said, peeking back into the kitchen since no one was present. She couldn't see much since there was a half-wall blocking the view, but she caught glimpses of a few workers walking back and forth.

"I'd imagine," Alyssa added. "All hands on deck for infinite Rebirth customers, and the delivery orders have to be crazy tonight."

Meanwhile, Midnight sat facing the opposite way, watching activity and sniffing the cheesy air.

A brunette young man wearing an apron sporting the restaurant logo's colors approached the counter from around the kitchen. "Welcome," he said, instantly glancing at Julie's hat, face, the luvdisc on her cheek, and the Mew she held. "Sorry, we're really busy tonight."

"All good," Alyssa said.

"You two can take a seat... if you can find one; a server will be with you shortly." He looked over the dining area. "There's actually a free table over there now if you want to snag it. I'll grab the menus." He pointed to a corner where a server wiped down its chairs.

"Thank you," Julie said. "I'll hold it, Ali."

Alyssa waited for the employee, who had crouched below the counter, while Julie and Midnight had gone to the table.

He resurfaced with two plastic ones and handed them to her, looking ahead at Julie, who sat at the table with the Mew in her lap and Midnight in the chair beside her. "That, uh, your friend?" He grinned.

"Yep." She took the menus.

"She's pretty..."

"Wrong tree, buddy."

He shut his eyes for a second. "What? She likes girls?"

"Yeah..." Alyssa took a step back. "That works," she added before turning around.

He contorted his face into slight puzzle while watching her leave, then headed back to the kitchen.

"Didn't we have pizza recently?" Julie asked as Alyssa sat and set the menus down.

"Never gets old. Can't blame me."

"I just hope they have different options. Maybe pasta." Julie took her Mew from under the table and handed it to Alyssa. "Could you sit him next to you?"

Alyssa set it in the chair beside her and picked up a menu. "Mew's got a gender now?"

"...I don't want to call him an it."

They spent just shy of an hour at the pizzeria and went home afterward. Julie's mother had fallen asleep in her room, so Julie had closed her door.

She sat on the couch with Alyssa while Midnight was on the floor eating the cake Julie had bought for him. She still had the luvdisc on her cheek, but Alyssa had washed her paint off the moment they got back.

Mew and the beret were on Julie's nightstand upstairs, and she'd tied her Lugia balloon to her headboard.

Lilly was inside too. She say by the kitchen while grooming her paws, shooting glances at Midnight now and again.

"This had to be one of the best days I've ever had," Julie said.

"It was fun, yeah." Alyssa leaned back against the cushion, eyeing Midnight's active rings. "You miss Castelia yet?"

Julie sighed. "I love my university, but I also love you guys... I love that everyone's together."

"So, you're torn."

"No... I still want my degree, and I want to travel with a purpose, but it's so great to be around who I adore."

"So... you're torn."


"You're going back, yeah?"

Julie nodded. "Maybe I'll set up visits every other semester or something. I'll be so over sailing at that point."

"You mean flying. You and the bf'll have like a ten hour flight." Alyssa looked at Midnight, who was finishing his cake.

"I forgot about that. The time reduction would be a relief. I just hope it doesn't crash."

"You'll be over the ocean most of the time, so you'll splash. Maybe Midnight should've been a vaporeon."

He lifted his head from his last bite and looked over at Alyssa while licking around his mouth.

"You two know I'm joking."

Julie stretched her arms over her head and sighed, then stood. "I'm going to lie down for a bit."

Midnight did as well, which Alyssa glanced at.

"I'll join later in case you two want to slurp each other's mouths," Alyssa said.

Her expression slightly pinched. "Ew. Ali, you're fine." Julie went to pick up the empty carton and drop it in the bin.

"Yeah, but how long has it been?"

"...It doesn't matter." Julie started toward the stairs with Midnight following. "Just come up when you'd like."


Julie went up the flight and to her room with Midnight, shutting the door behind them. She sat on the bed and looked up at her Lugia balloon, bopping it with her palm and making it spin, then grinned at her massive Mew taking up half the nightstand across from her. "I still can't believe you won that." She watched as he hopped onto the mattress beside her.

She lay on her stomach to level herself with him and locked eyes as he sat. "You're the best frickin' thing that's ever happened to me... you know?" Julie reached placed her palm on his shoulder.

He shifted closer and set a paw in front of him, leaning in; she mimicked his motion until they met and connected lips, kissing at each other with abrupt vigor.

"Hm..." Julie shuddered and pushed at his muzzle, rubbing her lips against his fur while gripping his shoulder. She closed her eyes and savored the frissons his fuzzy mouth brought her.

Midnight matched her strength and grounded his paws, tilting his head into their kisses and opening his mouth shortly after she did to follow her rhythm. He closed his eyes after her. His hips subtly bucked; his ear leaned to her quiet mewls.

He nudged her cheek between kisses, which Julie returned, bringing them to often nuzzle faces. Their breaths met, quickening alongside each other's.

She hugged his back with her arm and stuck out her tongue, pressing it to his lips, which he invited. Julie slipped her tongue inside his mouth.

"Mhb..." Midnight pushed at her appendage with his, hosting a sloppy dance with rougher kisses. He leaned forward enough that most of his weight was on her, tilting slightly off his pads.

Julie rubbed and squeezed his shoulder, wincing while pushing at his tongue. "Mhn..." She slid her arm from around his back and reached down for his stomach.

Both flinched after a few knocks at the door. They pulled away and opened their eyes to look.

"What am I gonna see if I open the door?" Alyssa's muffled voice came from behind it.

Julie breathed through her mouth and grinned while staring into her lover's eyes. "N-Nothing! Come in!" She pulled her hands away and wiped her mouth.

Ease & Bonding

Julie rubbed her face with a damp washcloth over the restroom sink early the next morning, finishing her routine. She wore socks, pajama pants, and a tee. She hung the cloth up to dry and grabbed her antis, opening the bottle and shaking a pill into...

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Warmth in Reunion

The cruise dragged when it did and didn't when it didn't, from good meals and sunlight to boredom and water-watching. Julie and Midnight felt better when they left the room at least once every two days. They'd run into Jamie and Aria individually twice...

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Curbing Concern

"Tomorrow is Friday, and I'm nervous all over again," Julie told Alyssa while they sat on Julie's bed after school. They were mostly talking but getting some homework done as well. It was a perfect balance if you asked Alyssa. "There's nothing to...

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