Hypnotism 101

Story by Slinky Snake on SoFurry

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This is the first story I have done that involves an actual other person's fursona! YAY

In this case the willing victim was Sorto, (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sorto/, or http://sorto.sofurry.com/) who gave me more creative freedom than I was used to(and I create my own characters, stories, settings, situations, etc.) I hope he likes it, you like it, and if you want a story of yourself then I will gladly take any requests and if I like them I'll do them for free!

I got the idea for the story from the submission of Zsisron Darkwater, http://www.sofurry.com/page/228719/tab/by%20user, and from there everything went kind of ad libbed. The end might seem kind of rushed, but I attempted to rewrite it many different ways and this was the most slow paced one, so I guess I'm bad at good-byes. :P

Away from that, here is the story:

"...Ok class, and that is the proper way to hold your chain while intercepting."

The cobra slithered his way across the room, his dark blue scales shining softly in the solid white light of the lamps above. Just a few moments earlier the sun had been showing above the edge of the earth, glaring through the window and giving everything an increased grandeur, but now it had fallen and signalled the coming end of the class.

There weren't many people in said class. Just Shelkin, a large bulky lion that sat in the back, Thomas, a human that often sat just as far back as Shelkin but on the other side of the room and keeping away from everyone else, Druja, a medium sized wolf('medium sized' taken as still quite large) and Sorto, a coyote with the defining feature of an orange coat. The latter two tended to sit together and with the lion, the small human preferring to stay away from the rest and Shelkin not caring one way or the other who he really sat with.

The classroom was quite large for it's small population- Sverith, the teacher, had a large class early in the afternoon, and so had one of the largest rooms of the campus all to himself for most of the day. The blue and green snake was very noticeable wherever he went in the school (with the exception of the park, where he went often in the Spring to hide in the foliage.) Sverith was known quite well as a prankster, always doing practical jokes on or with students, once working with a student to research how different species reacted when startled. He had hidden himself in the park and faked attacking many people, causing quite a few screams and one person to spill coffee all over themselves.

Oddly enough, he never got in trouble from his jokes- the first time he had been called in to the dean for trouble-making, he had stayed in the room for all of five minutes, then left. He was never called for again.

The class that he was teaching now, one that had appeared mysteriously after his visit with the dean, was Hypnotics 101. He was the only teacher for it, and there were never many students willing to sign up. Druja and Shelkin were there only for the credit, Sorto was in the class out of curiosity, and Thomas never talked to anyone- so quiet even his answers to Sverith's questions were only heard by the snake. Class was often taken into the night, ending at ten o'clock. It was challenging, but only if you didn't try- Druja had slipped below passing a few times already due to lack of interest and sports meetings, but other than that everyone's grades were doing fine.

This night was the end of the basics. They were now moving on, away from what kind of watches and different mediums for hypnotizing people were, and moving into stratagies and ways to trick people into getting hypnotized. Sverith had often told the class that this was when the class got fun.

"Now there should be no time when you force yourself upon another without their consent, of course," Sverith said, slithering past the group of students after making sure they all knew and were accustomed to swinging a watch on chain. "But there are many ways to trick and force others to look and be intercepted. I call these different ways 'baits'. These are ways to get the victim's attention and draw it to your medium. I will show you an example. Come here, Druja and Shelkin."

Both of the selected person's ears shot up at this. Druja, eager to do something interesting, immediately stood up and walked confidently to the center of the room. The chairs were set up as pairs of concentric circles, allowing all of the class to surround the teacher and watch. The speed of Druja left the teacher and the rest of the class waiting for the reluctant Shelkin to stand up and walk forward, his feet making small taps on the tile floor until he stood obediently next to Sverith, opposite to the side Druja was standing.

"Remember always," Sverith continued, "That the bait and interception is, and should be, more mental than physical. You are not trying to impress them with acrobatics and fancy hand maneuvers- you are using subtle hints to mislead them and put your device, or devices, easily within their reach." Sverith then turned to Shelkin.

"You don't want to be hypnotized, do you?" Shelkin immediately shook his head.

"Well, too bad." Was the snake's response, resulting in a snicker from Druja and Sorto.

"Now class, watch carefully how I do this." He began to swing his watch on its chain, the clock moving at an easy free motion, just easy enough to follow without requiring one to work too hard to watch. Sverith moved close to Shelkin, their faces almost touching, and blocking Druja's view of the example.

"Listen closely." Sverith whispered quietly to Shelkin. "I need your cooperation in this. As we speak I am hypnotizing Druja- and you. Stop looking at my watch." Shelkin immediately caught himself and looked away from the watch, also lowering his head after remembering Sverith's teaching that a snake's eyes were a perfect hypnotizing tool.

He looked down. The tile flooring, though intricate, was boring. He instead began looking at Sverith's body, following the dully gleaming scales down to the tail, gently weaving back and forth. It was fun to watch the tail move, seeming to stop ever so gently when it reached the limit Sverith wanted it to before starting to gently move back down. It seemed to slow down time, and Shelkin didn't even realize how long he had been staring in silence at Sverith's tail until the teacher began talking, and by then he didn't care what he was staring at. The tail was like tv, once he started watching it he couldn't force himself to pull away. Sverith's voice stopped coming from in front of him, and began to come from inside his head.

"You learn well not to look into my eyes, Shelkin." Sverith whispered to him. "I knew you were the smartest here. You're always doing your work, helping others out, and listening." He paused for a moment to look at Shelkin before continuing, "I know you will do well as a hypnotist. The world is at your feet, all you have to do is listen to my teachings, and you may even someday be better than I." Sverith admired how fast he had gotten Shelkin to lose himself, but kept watching the lion to be sure he was having the right effect.

Shelkin soaked up the praise. He had listened to every word of Sverith's lectures, and was good friends with Sorto and on friendly terms with Druja. He knew now that he was the best, and it emboldened him with confidence he had never had before. He wanted to strut, to walk around and hug everyone at his good fortune and skill.

His eyes never left the swinging tail of Sverith, following it until it abruptly stopped and hung in the air completely still.

He looked up questioningly at Sverith's face to see if anything was wrong, and immediately looked up into the snake's golden gaze. The eyes of the snake were bright shiny copper, and he lost himself in following the trails and lines in them. They seemed to be lit up from behind, like a lightbulb with a pattern on the glass casing.

"You like me, don't you?" Sverith asked. Shelkin nodded slowly, the words taking a moment to register in his brain.

"Well then help me with my example. You see Druja behind me?"

He looked over Sverith's shoulder and saw Druja standing still, leaning sideways to watch what was going on and slack jawed as he stared at the still swinging watch.

"I need you to go to his pack and find the sheet that you all filled out for me at the beginning of the year. The one where you wrote down your greatest fears. Go and do it, now."

Shelkin didn't know what it was about the last word, but the forcefulness of it seemed to refuse denial. It forced him into action to the backpack of his classmate. He never stopped once to consider what he was doing, or wonder why he didn't give up when he saw a giant cluster of crumbled up papers at the bottom of Druja's pack.

As Shelkin searched ravenously through Druja's pack, Druja himself was being talked to by Sverith.

"You watched the clock, didn't you Druja?" Druja could only nod in embarrassment for disappointing his master. All he had wanted was to see what was going on, but Sverith had blocked his vision. His tail hung limp between his legs.

"Well, where is the paper Shelkin is looking for now?" He asked.

"Back pocket!" Druja immediately blurted out, wanting to earn Sverith's trust again.

Sverith turned to the class and began talking, almost ignoring Druja's answer.

"This was a good example. Being able to tell how someone will react is most definitely the most important part of interception. You need to be able to plan and adjust accordingly for how each individual person will react, and always remember that every person is different, and will act as they feel is best for themselves."

He turned to Sorto, the coyote and human in front and behind him.

"Now I will let these students remember this lesson because I don't have a camera to videotape and show to them and there aren't enough others here to prove to them that this happened. Shelkin, have you found the paper yet?"

Shelkin was searching frantically, and he didn't know why. The questions in the back of his head were fading away, slowly being replaced by a primal urge to not dissappoint the teacher. As soon as Sverith finished his question, he immediately shouted "No sir!" without looking up and continued to search.

"Very well then, keep searching. I will explain to you two what happened. Thomas, if you would please come to this side and join us."

Thomas got up reluctantly, obviously not eager to have to sit next to someone.

"Oh, wait!" Sverith quickly turned to him, "Would you please turn that mirror over this way?" Thomas moved to a pane of glass near where he had been placed before and turned it until it was perfectly placed for Sverith to see the students if he wasn't facing them, and for the students to see him. Both Thomas and Sorto felt odd that their teacher would ask that, but paid it no mind. Sorto cleared his books off of a near-bye desk for Thomas to sit and said his greetings. Thomas didn't say anything back, just turned away and sat akwardly in his desk. Sorto thought he could see the other blushing.

"Thank you. Now, what just happened, as I'm sure you both just saw, was a trick to force both Druja and Shelkin to look at a medium. By blocking Druja's line of sight, I was able to goad him into looking at the only visible part of the example: My watch." He kept swinging the watch, but turned his hand to show the class the face.

"Now Shelkin here is a smart one- he knew not to look at the watch as per my previous lessons. So instead, with me so close, he looked down at my tail. I will remind you all again that anything can be a tool for intercepting. One just has to find a way to keep the victim's gaze on it." He looked at both Sorto and Thomas, as if expecting a question. When none were given, he continued.

"He quickly became hypnotized by my tail, and is now searching for the 'About You' papers that you completed at the beginning of the year... Sorto?"

Sorto heard his name, but didn't connect that someone was calling him. He was busy looking at the watch in the mirror on the other side of the room. Every time it passed a certain point the light from a lamp would flash across it, making it sparkle brilliantly.

Suddenly Sverith was blocking his vision, the long face creased with worry.

Despite being so close, for some reason Sorto didn't back away from Sverith. He just sat there, with his jaw hanging open, until Sverith shrugged and turned away.

"Well, I was going to have something more elaborate for him, but simplicity is best after all." Sverith commented while rubbing his chin, then turned towards Thomas with an evil smile.

At this Thomas began to get worried. Suddenly he was the only one not subdued, and Sverith had just admitted to purposefully trying to hypnotize everyone. It quickly became worse when Sverith suddenly turned and moved straight towards him.

He panicked, taking in everything about the snake. His adrenaline kicked in, and his fight-or-flight forced his eyes to look at the teacher and determine it's threat. He tried desperately not to look at the watch or tail of the teacher, and ended up looking at the one area he shouldn't have: Sverith's face.

His gaze was immediately drawn up into Sverith's eyes, and in a matter of moments, the last student had been subdued. Druja was still standing, hunched over, in the middle of the classroom. Shelkin was still rifling through the papers of Druja's pack, searching for a paper that was hidden inside a completely different pocket of the student's backpack. Thomas and Sorto were left sitting in their chairs, mouths open and slunched over, all waiting for a command from their master.

"Shelkin, you should stop searching and come here for now." Sverith's voice rang out loudly in the suddenly quiet classroom. Not a sound was heard except for the sound of Shelkin's hands leaving Druja's pack and his feet propelling him to stand next to Druja, the lion eager to impress his master.

Sverith allowed himself a smile. 'This is a new record time' he thought, 'Too bad I don't have a camera to remember tonight by.'

"Sorto, Thomas, come over here, lets be together in the middle of class." Both students wordlessly moved to the center of the classroom. Sverith was in the center of a line, with Sorto and Thomas on one side and Druja and Shelkin on the other.

"You two, " Sverith commanded, motioning to Druja and Shelkin, "Move up here and give me a show."

The lion and wolf moved a safe distance in front of their teacher and looked at each other, then began slowly dancing, leaning on one foot first and then slowly lilting to the other like drunk zombies.

Sverith struggled not to burst out laughing and took several moments to regain his composure.

"No, not that kind of show." He said in the most serious voice he could retrieve, "Tease me. Let's see some skin. Strip down- slowly."

The lion and wolf began taking their clothes off slowly, their bodies doing their normal shower routines, just slower than usual.

"Aww come now, is that a show? Work together!" Sverith commanded. Now the lion and wolf moved towards each-other and began removing each-others clothing. Sverith leaned back and watched, pleased that the pair had finally understood what he wanted.

The pair were rubbing against each-other while lifting the other's shirt up, orange and yellow fur mixing with dark brown as they hugged and ground their bodies together. The well defined abs of the jock wolf tensed as his shirt was tugged off, followed by him reaching up and finishing taking off Shelkin's shirt.

They stood still for a while, faces turned into masks of desire in an attempt to please Sverith, before Druja's hands slid down, caressing and combing Shelkin's torso and stomach with his fingers, until they met the lion's pants and began to unbutton them.

Shelkin and Druja didn't even look down as they continued, staring into each-other's eyes while their hands worked on the buckles and buttons of their pants. After a moment, the sound of cloth sliding to the ground spread through the room, and the only thing covering the student's genitals was their underwear.

Sorto wanted to laugh at his joy. This was the best example ever! It didn't bother him that his classmates were stripping down for all of their enjoyment-it was obviously a strategy to help them remember this lesson. Sverith was clearly the most awesome teacher in this entire school. It didn't bother him in the slightest when Sverith pointed towards him and Thomas and motioned for them to join the almost naked performers.

He gladly strode up alongside Shelkin and kneeled down before the lion, confident that he was going to please the teacher the most. If Sverith wanted a show, Sorto would provide and then some!

Thomas moved quietly behind Sorto and began to slowly take off the coyote's shirt. He had always had a crush on Sorto, the shyness and fear of being rejected making him exile himself from the rest of the group. But now that it was his job to put on a show for Sverith he could kill two birds with one stone! If he truly liked the person he was performing with, the show would certainly be better for the teacher!

Sorto had pulled Shelkin's underwear down and was immediately hit in the face with the log of half hard meat that had been expanding ever since the beginning of the stripping. He lifted his arms over his head to allow Thomas behind him to take off his shirt and then stood up to allow the lion to remove his pants, sticking out his tongue to drag across Shelkin's cock as he rose.

"Druja, since you are being left out I guess you'll be mine for now." Sverith said. Druja had been standing alone behind Thomas, waiting for the chance to undress the human, but his calling to the teacher quickly tore him from the spectacle in front of him and brought his attention to his teacher. Druja immediately came over to the teacher and stood waiting for orders.

Sverith turned him around and pulled his underwear down. Druja's naked body was muscular, the result of being in sports throughout high school. He hadn't worked out as often now, but the tones of his past still held up. His member was half way out of his sheath, a thick and half limp piece of meat that hung downward and oozed pre onto the floor.

Sverith pulled the wolf's hands over to feel his slit and encouraged Druja to make him harder. The wolf went to work at once, pushing his fingers into the opening and rubbing all over the sensitive tip of Sverith's member inside, listening to the groans and pleasure filled hisses coming from behind him as the teacher enjoyed his actions and looked down at his taught derriere.

Sorto was naked now, Shelkin had taken off his pants and underwear, and he turned around to strip Thomas. As he turned, he noticed immediately that the human was clearly staring at his naked butt, and watched the human's eyes widen as he saw Sorto's own pole. It was long, about halfway down his thighs half hard!

Thomas quickly snapped out of his trance when Sorto began to lift his shirt, blushing and lifting his arms to make the process easier. His own member was rock hard already from looking at his crush's rear end, and when Sorto pulled both his pants and underwear down at once he blushed even harder. Sorto gave him a coy smile and then stood up and stopped. They all had finished stripping. They looked at each other and then at Sverith, waiting for directions.

Sverith was fully hard now, and had pulled down Druja's head to begin sucking on his member. When he looked up and realized that they were all waiting, he rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Well, go nuts!" He shouted, starting everyone in motion. Sorto knelt back down and took Thomas's throbbing member into his mouth, the human immediately giving a moan as his dream figure began to blow him. While Thomas was new to this, Sorto was not, and used every trick he knew to bring the human to orgasm, then back off when the other was right on the edge, making the scene last as long as possible for Sverith's pleasure.

Shelkin, meanwhile, was behind him and rubbing his own erection on Sorto's ass, watching as the pair in front of him moaned and slurped in ecstacy. Watching Thomas carefully, he timed his first plunge into Sorto to just before the human came. He quickly hilted himself into Sorto, hearing the gasp and feeling the muscles around his member contract and grip around him tightly. With Sorto's attention on the invader in his ass, Thomas had a few moments to wind down and back away from the edge.

Sverith was caught between watching the trio in front of him get into their fun or watching Druja as he choked and gagged on his member. He was gripping the wolf around the head and thrusting in and out as fast as he could, and Druja was doing a very fine job taking the abuse. The wolf's face was relaxed and even content as he swallowed the long member fed to him over and over again, and was even masturbating himself furiously at the order of the teacher.

Sverith knew he wouldn't last much longer, and tried to work faster towards his orgasm. He told Druja to force his tongue to the roof of his mouth, pinning the snake's member in a tight warmth. His thrusts were losing their speed, becoming more powerful and staying in longer as Sverith felt the first wave of ecstacy wash through him. He shoved himself into Druja one last time and held there, spraying his cum down Druja's throat and feeling the wolf's neck contract to swallow everything, and then pushed him off and towards the group.

"Join them, let's see how good you all are at getting me in the mood again!" He shouted, and brought up a desk to sit in and watch.

Druja didn't stop to cough and get the cum from his mouth and throat, immediately going over to Shelkin and lifting the other's tail. Shelkin immediately tensed up, not wanting to have a brute like Druja invade him with the very thick and hard trophy swinging between his legs, but unable to try and stop him and go against Sverith's orders. In the end as Druja came up behind him and began jabbing his member in between his cheeks Shelkin's thrusts became less powerful and all he could do was look backward with a concerned face.

Spittle and large amounts of cum landed on Shelkin's back when Druja finally found his mark, sinking into the lion's hole with a gasp. There was no aid in the process and Druja didn't give any time to get used to his thick member, he just pumped in and out as fast and hard as he could to reassure himself of his own dominance over someone else after his own first bottoming experience.

Shelkin squeezed his eyes shut and had his mouth open, steady gasps coming out every time Druja hilted himself inside the other over and over. The force of the thrusts pushed Shelkin into Sorto, hilting inside the coyote and pushing him to deep throat Thomas. Everytime Thomas's cock went down into Sorto's throat the coyote squeezed, giving more pleasure to Shelkin who would squeeze in turn and wince as Druja thrust as hard as he could into him again, like a sexual office desk momentum toy.

Together they all panted and squirmed as they were each worked on by someone either in front of or behind them. Sverith watched on with pleasure, jacking off and choosing which one he wanted.

"Thomas, get over here. It's time to use that tight ass of yours." He said, watching as Thomas dissappointedly pulled himself away from Sorto and moved over to him.

He immediately pulled the human close and into an imbrace, one hand across the other's back holding them together and the other travelling downward and squeezing an ass cheek.

"You smell of a virgin." Sverith whispered in Thomas's ear. "Is this true?" Thomas nodded, looking down at Sverith's hard tapered member poking him in the stomach. "Is there anyone you would want more to take your virginity tonight than me?"

Thomas's breath caught at that. He didn't want to say his crush's name aloud even on the off chance the other might hear, but he was bound by hypnotism to tell the truth to his master. "Sorto." He squeaked out, listening for any change in the grunts behind him that his crush had heard. There were none.

Sverith stopped then and thought. He had initially planned on just fucking Thomas and then sending him back to the others, but knowing that the one Thomas really wanted was right there made him think. Then he got an idea.

"Shelkin, get outta Sorto. Sorto, get over here. You two keep fucking." he commanded to the two students left together. He watched Shelkin's barbed penis slide out of Sorto, making both participants gasp as it plopped out and left Sorto's hole gaping. Sorto climbed to his feet and made his way to Sverith, limping slightly. When he came close enough he stopped, standing straight up and with his cock at attention.

"Sorto, how much do you know about Thomas here?" Sverith asked the coyote as the sounds of fucking started back up behind them.

"Not much, sir." Was the reply, making Sverith smile and release Thomas.

"Well you might want to know that this boy here has had a crush on you for a while. I would even guess that it is the reason he sits away from you on the other side of class. Does this make sense to you?"

Sorto nodded, amazed that this would be the reason he had never talked to the human. He looked at Thomas now, naked and blushing, looking anywhere but at Sorto's face.

"You know what we are going to do?" Sverith said, his head tilting downward and giving his smile an extra layer of evilness. He didn't wait for an answer. "We're going to break him in now."

He moved over to Thomas and turned him around, bending him over the chair he had been sitting in before and exposing his hole to Sorto. He began spreading the human's cheeks and fingering the tight ring of muscle, pushing in until just before his finger popped into the human and then pulling back.

"And since you are his crush, you should have the honor of the first plunge."

Sorto's member twitched harder, and he moved forward to his classmate and grabbed his ass cheeks away from the teacher. If Thomas really liked Sorto, then this would explain a lot. Besides, he had worked on the human without any attention himself. This would even them out.

"I'll stay here and...supervise." Sverith said, not needing to give an explanation to others but wanting to ease Thomas's tension. Thomas was blushing crazily, squirming underneath all the new attention to his private area and preparing himself for what was coming.

Sorto's member was thick and long, twitching from the length of time he had been fucked without any attention to his own needs, and now he was about to take a virgin. He leaned forward and rubbed himself into Thomas's hole, slicking it up with his pre and letting Thomas know just what was about to come to him. Thomas squeezed his eyes closed and winced, getting ready for the penetration.

When Sorto pushed in, he did it slowly. He eased himself in, feeling Thomas's muscle spasm around his member- trying at first to keep him from coming in and then trying push him out, both attempts unsuccessful as he continued slowly spreading Thomas's ass open. Thomas's mouth opened and closed, his breath coming in deep huffs, and his own cock shriveled a little, then went back to full mast as he got used to the large invader inside him.

Sorto finally hilted, feeling his hips connect with Thomas's cheeks and his heavy balls rest on the human's. Both of them relaxed, Sorto giving Thomas a moment to get used to the large log burrowing into him and Thomas trying to ignore the feeling of having his insides widened by three inches.

After a moment, Sorto began to hump lightly. The thrusts weren't hard, they barely even moved his member inside Thomas, but even the slightest movement had Thomas gasping and gripping at the giant moving cock. Slowly the humps grew, each one pulling out more and slipping in faster, until he got up to almost pulling out all the way and slamming back in. Thomas's breathing had slowed and steadied, just deep breathes as he felt Sorto push in and out, and he got used to the feeling of being full and then being empty over and over.

Sverith just laid there the whole time, watching Sorto's member push it's way into Thomas's hole and getting hard again. His tongue slithered out a few times, licking along Sorto's length as it shoved itself into Thomas's ass, but he stopped when his tongue got caught on Sorto's penis and was forced inside the human's ass a few times. He licked his lips when he got his tongue back and continued watching with a happy smile.

Sverith's length started to poke out and dribble pre onto Thomas's feet, but the human was too concentrated on Sorto to notice his feet getting wet. When Thomas finally did notice, Sorto was fucking him hard and fast, his paws leaving prints on his ass as he held the human in place. Sverith decided that then was a good time to join.

He grabbed Sorto's paws and took them off Thomas, leaving room for him to slip in with his midesction. His tail moved around in between Thomas's legs and he backed up until his midsection was in between both Thomas's and Sorto's legs, his throbbing member just under Sorto's and poking at Thomas's hole.

Thomas only had a split second to realize what his master was doing, and all he was able to do was draw in one quick breath before Sverith had forced himself all the way in. He moved with Sorto's thrusts, both of their cocks going in at once to stretch out Thomas's hole as much as possible. Thomas's arms gave out and he fell on his chest on the desk, each thrust having more than twice the power than before and pushing him forward relentlessly.

Sorto was about to go off. He had been fucking Thomas for a while now, and the human's hole was very tight. He could feel his knot beginning to inflate, smacking against Thomas's ass with every thrust and being denied entry from the amount of meat already being forced into his classmate's body.

He started thrusting harder and harder, feeling his knot slip in more and more each time, until finally he felt it pop in and he couldn't pull back out. Immediately Thomas tensed up, drawing in Sorto's knot and keeping it from leaving. He could feel it jerking and knew that it was spewing his crush's seed inside him. Sverith kept on thrusting in and out as fast as he could, his tapering member slowly stretching Thomas wide over and over, building up the student's orgasm more and more until finally on one thrust he lost it.

His muscles immediately spasmed, trying to reject the two monster poles inside him but not getting any lee-way. He rested on the desk, not holding himself up anymore, and began moaning as he felt his cock jerk and spray his seed all over his teacher. He looked up and at the mirror and saw himself bending over the desk with Sorto above him and Sverith below him, both with pained expressions and thrusting into him as hard as they could.

The extra tightness of Thomas's ass brought Sverith to orgasm as well, and he hilted inside Thomas one last time and began cumming alongside Sorto into the human. They both stayed there, groaning and winding down, until finally Sverith slipped out of Thomas and fell to the ground. Sorto was tied to Thomas, but the human was so stretched that he fell out too, leaving Thomas gaping and leaking cum down his legs and on the floor.

When Sverith had rested he looked down at himself and saw the cum that was sprayed all over his body. He walked up to Thomas and ordered him to clean it up. Thomas licked up all of his seed and then layed down on the ground to rest more.

Sverith watched the two rest for a moment and then remembered the others. He looked over at Druja and Shelkin, both in a 69 position, with grimaces on their faces as they slowly licked and sucked on the other's member. All around their mouths and holes was cum, and much of it had dripped to the ground as well.

Sverith almost laughed. They were over stimulated, trying to continue the show but their cocks wouldn't allow it. He told them to stop and rest as well.

When they were all properly rested at midnight, Sverith had them clean up the classroom. By 12:15 the room looked better than when the janitors cleaned. Sverith searched and got Druja's paper from the back pocket of his back pack.

"Now Druja," He said after ordering him to stand, reading the paper closely. "Everytime you hear the sound of a twig snapping underfoot, there shall be a banshee behind you. When you hear the twig snapping, that is it coming to wrap around you. If you see it, it shall scream the most blood curtling scream you will ever know. Beware."

Two Weeks Later:

Sorto was drinking coffee at an outside cafe. The college's park had many such stands, with iron wire tables and chairs to sit on and enjoy the nature. He was doing homework from a textbook, humming to himself and enjoying the faint wind whipping through the trees.

A copper leaf fell onto his page, and he flicked it aside onto the ground with the many others that had fallen. Fall was upon them, and he loved seeing the leaves when they fell to the ground.

"Hey, Sorto!" A voice called out to him. His head jerked up and he saw Thomas running up.

"Hey, ummm, do you think maybe we could go out for lunch sometime?"

Sorto looked at the human's face. It was hopeful and happy, and just a bit anxious. He remembered how differently Thomas looked now from the day after Sverith's first 'special lesson'. The next morning they had all awoken in the class, their tail holes hurting and each of them remembering the wierdest dreams imaginable. They had all gone their seperate ways, each of them giving a silent look to the others, a hidden 'did what I think happen, happen?'.

Now Thomas sat closer to everyone- including Sorto- and from there they had all gotten to know each other better. Now this.

"Sure," He said, closing his book and smiling. "How about right now?"

He watched Thomas's face light up, and they stood next to each other and walked down the path, talking about where they would go eat.

They passed old friends and new, and even saw Druja and Shelkin on the trail talking about something. They would have said hi, but when they approached Thomas stepped on a piece of wood. Druja immediately froze up and began breathing heavily. A dark spot formed in his pants and he whimpered before running as fast as he could back to his dorm room, nearly running into a few people as he tried to keep his eyes closed.

Sorto and Thomas moved along, and agreed finally on a restaurant to eat at. They held hands, and walked towards the exit.

The ATC Chapter 7

Hello! If this feels hurried, that's because it was! Just finished this a few hours ago. I now feel a conundrum coming on- Smith will be meeting up with people on his journey to his mysterious colleague, but I don't have anyone to meet with! So if you...

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The ATC Chapter 6

Hello all! Sorry for this taking so long to come out with...I wanted to do some different stories (this is last thanksgiving) and had planned on having a big huge release of lots of stories for Christmas...but all of the stories I wrote just didn't...

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Zul's Downfall.txt

I wrote this in about four hours just now...was bored and tried to come up with things on the fly. Probably still has a few mistakes, sentences that read akwardly, I can't seem to get my brain to function correctly today. This is actually a kind of...

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