The Ultimate Pokemon

Story by devilmaycry on SoFurry

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My second attempt at a pokemon story. I had doubts about this one but it flowed in my head pretty well. The title is a little corny but I couldn't think of a better one. A tad long but that's the way I write. Comments always welcomed on where I went wrong. It keeps me on my toes. Oh yeah, I don't own pokemon.

The alarm buzzed loudly, causing the figure under the covers to groan and reach a hand out, hitting the snooze button.

"Just five more minutes," a voice said groggily, pulling the hand back under the covers.

Again the alarm buzzed, making the figure reach out again and turn it off. Peach colored eyes looked out at the clock before jumping up.

"Crap!! I'm going to be late."

The young man hopped out of bed, tripping over his Raichi who let out a yelp of surprise.

"Sorry Volt," the man said, rushing into the bathroom.

He quickly brushed his teeth, fixing his short sandy brown hair in the mirror. Hurrying back out, he put on a beige pair of dress pants with a white shirt and black tie. Double checking himself in the mirror, he smiled before grabbing the folder on the table.

"Hold down the fort for me Volt," he smiled, petting his Raichi who gave him a happy "rai" in respond.

It was a beautiful sunny day as he hurried down the front steps, turning down the street and stopping at the corner in time for the bus as it stopped. Hopping in, he took a seat and collected his breath.

"That was a little too close. Don't want to make a bad first impression."

He opened the folder in his lap, excitement in his eyes as he read the letter he got only a couple weeks before which caused him to move to his new home. He landed the job of his dreams after years of hard work and studying.

"I can't believe I even got this letter in the mail. How lucky am I?"

He was so caught up in his letter, he almost missed his stop as the bus came to a stop next to a tall glass building. Fixing his tie and taking a deep breath, he walked into the building. The glass was tinted, keeping the inside cool and comfortable. Smooth marble made the floor foundation as a janitor was sweeping. A curved wooden desk with a black marble top stood in the middle next to a Chansey that made the insignia on the floor.

"Good morning sir. Welcome to the Pokemon Genetic Research Laboratory. How can I help you?" the lady secretary said in a cheery voice.

"Yes, my name is Marshall Huntington. It's my first day today."

"Ah yes, Mr. Huntington, we were expecting you," the lady said, pulling open a drawer and taking out some papers. "Let me get you to sign these papers and I'll have Professor Eaton come meet you. You can have a seat right over there."

"Thank you," Marshall said, taking the papers and taking a sit on the comfy waiting couches.

He took out his pen and started to fill out the forms in front of him. After about five minutes, a man in a lab coat came out to greet him with a smile.

"Mr. Huntington?" he asked, with a cheery voice.

"Yes, that's me."

"A pleasure to meet you finally. I'm professor Tristan Eaton," Eaton said, extending his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine, believe me," Huntington said shaking it.

"Come on. I'll show you around the place and where you'll be working."

He got up and followed Eaton down a hall and towards a set of double doors. Eaton produced an ID and flashed it towards the scanner as it beeped, showing a green light as the doors unlocked.

"Welcome to your new job."

Marshall looked around with wide eyes at what he saw. All kinds of pokemon he never seen before were all around him getting tested by various people or doing some kind exercise experiment.

"Wow, there are so many here."

"Indeed. We gather pokemon from all around and try to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and more importantly, how they work."

"Are they all wild?"

"Some are. Others are from trainers that we paid to borrow their pokemon partners for a certain amount of time," Eaton replied.

Marshall looked in awe at some of the pokemon as they performed various tasks for the scientists. Eaton lead him to an area in the back of the large lab. There, stood a hallway with a couple of offices, another janitor sweeping along the floor that gave them a friendly wave. They walked up to an office marked Professor Timothy Jones and knocked before entering.

"Professor Jones, Mr. Huntington is here."

The middle aged man turned around in his chair, pushing his glasses up on his nose. His orange eyes looked Huntington up and down in an appraising way, as if trying to evaluate him from just his looks.

"Mr. Huntington, I hear you're somewhat of a prodigy in genetic research?" Jones said with a deep voice.

"I wouldn't say a prodigy sir. I just love to study," Marshall said, with a slight bow of his head.

"Well, we need bookworms in a place like this. Everybody is too hands-on. But anyway, welcome aboard."

"Thank you sir."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have paperwork to do," Jones said, turning back around.

"Come, I'll show you to your office," Eaton said.

They walked down the hall to the end where a vacant office was.

"Here you are. This will be where you'll be living for the rest of your life," Eaton chuckled.

"Thank you. I can't wait," Huntington said, taking a seat on the computer chair.

"Well, I must get back to work. A lab personal will be along shortly to get your picture taken for your ID and then you can get started. Welcome aboard again, Mr. Huntington."

"Thank you for the opportunity."


"Where is this lady at? Maybe she called the cops on us?" a man said, nervousness in his voice.

"I doubt it. These are blue ribbon pokemon and won her lots of money. She'll be here," another man said, lighting a cigarette and looking at the ocean from the docks he was on.

The moon was hidden by a small wave of clouds as the water hit the wooden docks with a splash, spraying the air with a light mist. A couple more minutes went by before a taxi pulled up to the docks and stopped as a lady got out.

"Well well, it seems you decided to see things our way after all," the man laughed, looking at the lady who had a suitcase in her hands. "We were thinking you were going to chicken out on your prize pokemon."

"Just let me see my babies," the lady said angrily.

"But of course. Alex, show the lady her pokemon."

The skinny man nodded before walking over to the warehouse door and opening it, disappearing in the darkness beyond. He came back out a few minutes later, three chains in his hands that were holding two Flareons and an Espeon. They saw their owner and started to run towards her but the chains prevented them.

"All right lady. You've seen your precious babies, now hand over the credits," the man said with impatience.

"Release them first."

"You don't make the demands here, we do. But if you want to play the hard way, so can I."

He snapped his fingers as an Usraring and a Machoke came out of the warehouse door and to the man's side.

"This can go two ways. One, you hand over the credits and you get your snobbish pokemon back. Or two, you can put up a fight and my friends here, Demon," he pointed to the Usraring. "And Earthquake," he pointed to the Machoke. "Will pull your pokemon apart limb from limb and you'll never win another ribbon again. Make your choice."

The lady gripped the suitcase in her hands, staring daggers at the man. In the background, on top of the warehouse building, she noticed two figures, hidden in the shadows that gave her a nod before disappearing.

"Fine," she said with a huff. "You win. Just don't hurt them."

"Then bring the suitcase over here."

She hesitated a step or two before walking over and stopping almost a couple of feet from him. He looked her over, noticing her nice body figure, smooth skin, ample bust.

"You know," he started, tossing the used cigarette from his mouth aside. "I could knock off a few thousand credits."

She looked at him with confusion as he smiled.

"Me and my buddies have been pretty pent up lately."

"Out of the question," the lady growled. "It's bad enough I'm even giving a ransom to scum like you."

"Your loss on a good time lady. Now put the suitcase down and walk back."

She dropped the suitcase at her feet and took a couple of steps back. Earthquake walked over and picked it up before bringing it back. The man smiled as he grabbed the suitcase.

"Now give me my babies."

"Would love to, but I need insurance that you won't go to the cops, so they are coming with me."

"You bastard," she shouted.

"And proud of it. Alex, put the runts back into the van and let's get out of here."

There was no response.


He looked back to see Alex on the ground out cold and the three pokemon gone.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"You been a bad boy Chester," the lady said with a chuckle.

"Who the hell are you?" he snarled.

He looked down at the suitcase in his hands, curiosity getting the best of him as he opened it, only to find a letter inside. It read, _ "You've just been had by Reggie Hoskins." _

"Reggie Hoskins? You're that pokemon tracker aren't you?"

"And proud of it," Reggie said, lifting his hand and pressing a button on his watch causing the image of the lady to fade and his to appear. "Technology has come a long way, don't you think?" he said with a smile.

Chester shook with anger as he tossed the suitcase into the sea, hitting the water with a splash.

"Hey, that was a perfectly good twenty credit suitcase."

"Think you can get away with humiliating me? Well I'll show you. Earthquake, Demon, show this man what we do to funny people."

Again he got no response. He looked back to see a Ninetales and a Staraptor standing over them, a smile on their faces.

"How is this possible?"

"Let's just say, my partners know how to make a silent knockout."

Police sirens sounded in the distance as Chester got flustered, his perfect plan getting washed away.

"I'm not going down without a fight," he shouted, before taking off in a run down the pier.

Reggie walked calmly up to his Staraptor and stroked his head making it purr.

"You know what to do Lightning."

"Raptor," Lightning said before taking off in the air.

Reggie watched him leave before looking at his Ninetales who smiled.

"I'm surprised you took them both down so quickly Ruby."

"It wasn't hard. You did train us well on how to effectively take down even the biggest pokemon without a sound." she replied with a silky voice.

"So I did," Reggie chuckled, as the patrol cars came to a stop. "Where are the blue ribbon winners?"

"I hid them in the warehouse under a barrel."

"Well done again Reggie," Jenny said walking up to him. "Have you ever though of working for us? We could use your skills."

"No thanks Jenny. I get claustrophobic in that police station. I prefer the open out doors."

"Suit yourself. But if you ever need-"

"My babies!! Where are my babies!?" a woman shouted running up to him.

"Relax Mrs. Yuna. Your pokemon are just fine. Ruby, if you please."

Ruby nodded her head before heading back into the warehouse. Running out of the warehouse, were Yuna's pokemon as they jumped into her arms. She went to her knees hugging them, tears coming down her face.

"Thank you again Mr. Hoskins."

"My pleasure," he said, giving a bow of his head.

Jenny watched her fellow officers put Alex and the pokemon into the van before looking at Reggie.

"Where's the other one?"

Lightning came back down and landed next to Reggie who smiled.

"All set?" he asked.

"Staraptor," Lightning said, nodding his head.

"Check a little further down the pier. You should find him in a pretty funny situation."

"Roger that. Need a ride back into town?"

"If you don't mind?"

"Of course not. Hop in."


Marshall let out a yawn and stretched in his seat. A knock came on the office door as Eaton walked in.

"Ready to call it a day?"

"Yeah. Let me finish up here."

He finished up the paperwork before turning off the computer and headed out the door with Eaton.

"So, how do you like it here?" Eaton asked.

"I couldn't think of a better place to work. Thank you for choosing me."

"It was a no contest between you and the other candidates."

"I'm just happy to be working along side the great Professor Jones. I read all of his books."

Eaton chuckled as they reached the lobby.

"Well, don't get too excited. He tends to stay in his office all day and night and won't speak to anybody. We're scared that the janitor will find him dead in the office one day."

"What is he working on?" Marshall asked, holding the front door open as the cool night breeze rustled his hair.

"Nobody knows. He won't tell anybody anything."

They walked over to Eaton's car as he opened the front door.

"You have a car?"

"Nope. I took the bus here. I'm more of a public transportation guy."

"Well, hop in. I'll give you a ride home."

"Thanks," Marshall said, climbing into the passenger side.

Jones watched the security camera as Eaton pulled out of the parking lot and into the street. A smile appeared on his face as he walked out his office into an empty lab room. He walked down the hall to the elevator and inserted his ID card and hit the sub basement. Getting off the elevator, he made his way down the hall and to a door that marked _ "Special Personnel Only" _. He pulled out another card and hit the ID reader as the door unlocked and he walked in.

"Any progress Celcia?" he asked the lady working by a table.

The young lady in a lab coat and glasses turned to look at Jones, her grey eyes holding a bit of frustration as her blonde hair was in a ponytail.

"No professor Jones. This is a lost cause in what you're trying to do. Nobody is able to do this."

"I'm not a nobody. Since your doubts in me are high, you can go home."

Celcia let out a sigh of relief as she put the glass vial down she was working with on the table. Taking off her lab coat, she undid her ponytail letting her hair expand as she shook it.

"Don't bother coming back tomorrow. You're fired."

"Fired!? Why!?"

"Because you don't believe in my research. Now get out."

Her expression went from shock to anger as she grabbed her purse and stormed past Jones. Jones heard the door slam as he walked towards the desk.

"Anything is possible through science. Nobody will tell me I'm crazy when I succeed in becoming the first human with the abilities of a pokemon."

He sat down and looked at her notes, comparing them with his as he turned the pages.

"Hmm, she did find some interesting variables that I missed."

Taking a small plastic slide, he applied a small amount of DNA from a pokemon onto it before looking at it through the microscope. He zoomed in, watching the blood cells move around. Opening the small fridge on the table, he took out another vial of DNA, this time of a human.

"Let's try this again and see if I can find what's going wrong."

He took a syringe and sucked up a little of the liquid before applying it to the slide and watching the reaction. The pokemon DNA assaulted the foreign substance as Jones scribbled down notes in his notebook before sitting back in the seat, arms crossed.

"There has to be something I'm missing. But what?"

He grabbed his notes again and held them side by side with Celcia. His eyes widen as he stood up and scanned both notes.


He hurried over to the dry erase board that was standing in the corner of the room and began writing equations at fast pace. When he finished, his mouth hung open in shock and surprise.

"How could I have missed something so simple."

Going back to the desk, he opened the fridge again, grabbing another vial of both pokemon and human DNA, setting them on the table. He went to a large glass cabinet full of medical supplies and grabbed two bottle of clear liquid.

"My calculations should be correct if I add these two components."

He took another sample of pokemon DNA and added it to a clean slide along with the two liquids before taking a look through the scope, noticing the subtle changes and taking notes.

"Now the moment of truth," he whispered.

He added the human DNA to the slide and held his breath as he looked on. Nothing happened for a minute and he was about to start his equations over, when both sets of DNA slowly started to merge together.

"I.....I can't believe it. It worked!!! After years of research, I've finally done it.!!"

He started laughing while pumping his fists. His mind went into overdrive thinking about all the possibilities he could finally do.

"Time to test it out. I'll start off with something simple, like a Pikachu."

He grabbed a small tube from the fridge and added the components together before absorbing them into a syringe. He took off his lab coat and rolled his sleeve up, tying a tourniquet around his bicep and quickly finding the vein. He tensed a little, feeling the needle pierce his skin before pushing the plunger down, emptying the syringe into his blood stream. With a sigh, he undid the tourniquet, feeling the liquid run through his veins. His body reacted immediately with the foreign substances as it burned.

He let out a yell and fell to the floor, knocking over the stuff on the table as his body was rocked with immense pain as it tried to destroy the foreign substance in his body. Changes could be felt around his body as his muscles grew a little in mass and size. His senses became stronger as he could hear things he couldn't normally. The pain finally subsided after a few minutes as his body relaxed on the cool tile floor. He was breathing hard before slowly getting to his knees.

"Jesus, that was painful. I never thought it would be like that."

He stood up on shaky legs, using the desk for support and opened his eyes. His vision was blurry as he took off his glasses, rubbing his eyes to clear them. When he opened them, he was surprised to see his vision was crystal clear.


He held up his hand, making a fist as he felt stronger and more energetic. Opening his palm, sparks of electricity could be seen making him jump in surprise. With a grin, he took aim at the wall and let loose a Thunderbolt attack, making the wall shake as smoke rose to the ceiling causing the fire sprinkles to come to life.

"Superb!! Superb!!"

A serious of panic knocks could be heard at the door as he looked at it.

"Yes? What is it?"

"Professor Jones, are you okay? The fire alarm went off at the security desk," a voice said behind the door.

"Everything couldn't be better. I just mixed up a couple of things. No need for alarm."

"Okay professor. Just checking to make sure everything is okay."

His new found sense of hearing listened to the footsteps move away from the door. A huge smile came across his face as he made another fist before looking at the fridge holding the pokemon DNA.

"Let the fun begin."


"Oh Arceus Reggie, that feels so good," Ruby sighed happily, her body stretched out in front of Reggie as he massaged her slowly.

"I'm glad you like it my queen," Reggie smiled, moving his hands in a slow circular motion. He made sure to kneed his fingers across each muscles, enjoying the feel of her soft fur running through his hands. "You know, this is the first time I did this to you since you were a vulpix. You've got the most beautifulest body I ever touched."

Ruby opened her closed eyes halfway and used one of her tails to tickle his chin.

"You really know how to flatter a lady, sir knight."

"I was raised well you know," Reggie grinned as he finished giving her body a thorough massage and cracking his knuckles. "All right, how do you feel?"

"I feel like I've died and joined Arceus. You have some skilled hands," Ruby sighed, getting up and stretching.

"I just know how to relax the muscles, nothing special."

Ruby walked up to him and kissed him deeply, letting out a murr as Reggie held her close. They broke off panting hard as Ruby sat in his lap, her front paws on his shoulder as she rubbed noses with him, staring into his eyes.

"I never did ask this before, but what was your last trainer like?" Reggie asked softly, petting her flank softly making her tails wag happily.

"He was a decent guy, but he only cared about winning. Nothing else matter in his eyes. So when he captured me, he thought he had every battle in the bag. He trained all of us hard, sometimes without any sleep or anything to eat."

She turned her head to the side, looking out the window at the night sky letting out a soft sigh.

"Then, when I lost the battle to a Sandshrew, he went into a rage. He yelled at all us, saying we were worthless, me most of all. That night, he broke my poke-ball and left me in that alley, saying this is what worthless pokemon like me deserve. I tried hiding to avoiding the rain that came down hard but no place was good enough, so I just stood there, letting the rain soak me from head to toe, waiting for my slow death."

She turned her head back to Reggie and smiled, love in her eyes before kissing him.

"That's when I met the most caring, thoughtful, and loving person in the world."

"I'm not that special. I just did what anybody would've done. I spoke the truth when I said a beautiful thing like you shouldn't be out there in the rain."

Ruby pressed her lips to his again, growling in lust as she grinded against his lap. Reggie chuckled before easing her off.

"Easy there love. We won't be able to get up tomorrow if we do that."

"Is that a problem?" she said in a low growl, licking his neck.

"We have a picnic with Julie and Laser tomorrow remember? You know she doesn't like to be stood up."

Ruby sighed before kissing him one last time and jumping on the bed.

"I guess I can let you off this one time. But remember, you owe me for getting me so worked up from that massage."

Reggie laughed before taking off his clothes, leaving the boxers on as he hopped in the bed. He put his arm around Ruby as she laid to his side, her head cradled under his chin as they slept peacefully.


Marshall walked into the building all smiles before noticing the immense line of people with their pokemon. He walked up to the front desk, showing his ID card before speaking to the secretary.

"What's going on?"

"Professor Jones is giving his own credits to people who bring him their pokemon so he can get a blood sample. He says the lab doesn't have enough samples in stock to satisfy his needs."

Marshall gave another look at the line of people before heading to the back where the double doors were and flashed his ID at the scanner allowing him access. Inside the lab was the same scene as pokemon were getting their blood drawn.

"Hey Marshall, over here."

He looked over to see Eaton with a Blastoise.

"Hey professor Eaton. This is kind of a weird thing to walk into this morning."

"You ain't kidding. For some reason professor Jones wants a sample of every pokemon that exists. He wouldn't give his reason behind this absurd request."

"Is he allowed to do this?"

"He's paying with his credits, plus he's the senior professor here and pulled the rank card. Do you know how to draw blood?"

"Sure do."

"Well, grab a desk and start poking away or we could be here all night."

Jones had a smile on his face, watching the camera as his fellow professors drew the precious DNA that would make him even stronger.

"People called me crazy in saying that you couldn't combine human and pokemon DNA. Well, look at me now," he smiled.

A knock was heard at his door as he looked at it.

"What is it?"

"Professor Jones, can I have a word with you?" Marshall said from behind the door.

"Ah yes, the young prodigy. Come on in."

Marshall walked in to see Jones with his hands behind his back and not wearing his lab coat. Instead his was dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a shirt.

"Why are we collecting so many samples of pokemon DNA? Don't we have more then enough in reserves?"

"So young and yet so naive. If you look at the list of pokemon we have, we don't have nearly enough in reserves. So in order to complete our reserve, necessary steps must be taken."

Marshall looked at Jones confused.

"I can understand trying to fill our reserves, but wouldn't a simple call to the other towns be more efficient?"

"DNA needs to be fresh for best results in my research. Are you questioning my methods?"

"Not at all professor," Marshall said, holding his hands up in defense. "But I think there are better options then having people crowd the building at seven in the morning."

Jones thought about it, rubbing his chin before smiling at him.

"You know what, you're right. Send them all home. I just had a better idea."

"What about the ones we collected?"

"They will get their credits. Now get out of my office and send them away like I told you," Jones said angrily, his eyes flashing with a little bit of electricity.

Marshall shook a little before hastily exiting his office. Jones let out a sigh before looking out his window.

"The young man is right. There are better and fun ways of collecting DNA."

Marshall walked back to the lab and found Eaton still collecting samples as he walked up to him.

"Professor Jones said to send everybody home."

"What!? We had to come in early for this and now he wants us to send them all home? Sometimes he can drive everybody in here insane with his stupid demands," Eaton said, ripping off his gloves.

"There was something else that was off about the professor."

"Like what?" Eaton asked.

"I can't place my finger on it, but he was acting really weird. Almost like he was a different person."

"Pay him no mind. Once you been around him for a long time, it becomes second nature. Come on, let's tell people to head home."

Eaton and Marshall walked out to the large crowd that was laughing and joking around. He gave a couple of claps as people went quiet.

"Can I have you attention please?" Eaton spoke up. "I'm sorry to inform you all, that we have enough samples for today. Your cooperation was appreciated and those that had their blood taken, will be compensated via your Pokedex. Thank you and have a good day."

Groans could be heard as trainers put their pokemon back into their balls and left the building. They watched them leave before heading back into the lab.

"Well, that was a waste of two hours," Eaton said, taking a seat on a stool.

"It could've been worse. He could've had them fighting each other," Marshall chuckled.

"I need everybody's attention please," Jones said, walking into the lab.

All the scientists walked in and stood around Jones as he cleared his throat.

"I just want to let you know, as of today, I officially resign."

Everybody let out gasp of shock and confusion.

"Why are you quitting professor Jones?" Marshall asked.

"It's time for me to move on. Eaton, you will take over for me since you've been here longer then anybody else here."

"This is kind of sudden don't you think Tim?" Eaton spoke up.

"Not really. You deserve the opportunity and now I'm giving it to you. Keep up the good work ladies and gentlemen, and good fortune to you all."

They watch Jones leave his ID on the table before exiting the building. All eyes turned to Eaton who rubbed his temple.

"What now professor Eaton?" a lady asked.

"This doesn't change anything. Just keep on doing what we've been doing. Let's get to it."

Everybody nodded their heads before heading back to their office or tables to continue their research. Eaton looked at Marshall who had his arms crossed.

"Something wrong Mr. Huntington?"

"Something just doesn't seem right about professor Jones. I still can't figure it out though."

"Don't worry your head about it too much. You've only been here for a couple days. I told you he was a strange individual. But if you like, you can continue doing his research since you and him studied the same subject?"

"Sure, that'll be great."

"Wonderful. I'll have everything of his sent to your office."



"You always knew how to cook good food Julie," Reggie said, taking a bite of the corn bread in his hands.

They were sitting in a small field under some trees that shaded them from the sun as the breeze was just right. A few puffs of clouds floated in the crystal blue sky, like small pieces of lint found on a black suit jacket. Laser, Ruby, and Lightning were under a tree of their own enjoying their food with smiles on their faces.

"You can have all you want once you marry me. You need somebody in your life Reggie. You can't go on being single forever."

"I'll find somebody Julie. I'm just content with how my life is right now and I don't want to change it."

"Everybody said we made a perfect couple," she responded, taking a drink of lemonade before reaching into the basket and taking out a piece of cake.

"We had our fun Julie. I enjoyed every minute of it. Please stop bringing it up," Reggie said softly.

They sat quietly for a couple of minutes listening to the birds chirp away. She reached over with the plastic fork in her hand and took a bite of the cake before chuckling. She took another piece and offered it to Reggie.

"Say ahh."

"Julie come on," Reggie blushed.

"Come on Reggie. Do this for me, please?"

Reggie sighed before opening his mouth. But instead of receiving a mouthful of cake, it ended up on his nose as Julie laughed.

"You little trickster," he grinned, grabbing her wrists as she laughed.

Their partners watched from the tree they were under with chuckles. Ruby started to clean her paw as Lazer watched her.

"When are we going to get together Ruby?"

"Excuse me?" she said, looking at him.

"You heard me. When are we going to have a family of our own? I know I can give you strong, healthy kids. Plus your heat will be coming soon and you'll need a strong male like myself to quench that thirst your body craves."

"What makes you think I want to have kids with you?"

"Come on Ruby. Where else are you going to find a pokemon as loyal and as strong as me? We were meant to be together."

Ruby chuckled at that, shaking her head.

"How do you know I don't already have a mate?"

"Cause a pokemon as beautiful as yourself, deserves a mate like me. Strong, passionate, loyal, and very handsome. Who is the dead beat mon that is courting you so I challenge him for your hand?"

Ruby looked at Lightning before looking back at Laser.

"If you must know, I met this handsome Mightyena a couple weeks back. The way his fur shimmers in the sunlight, his powerful muscles flexing when he runs. Just thinking about him gets me all worked up."

Laser looked at her as she closed her eyes, imagining the Mightyena in her mind, which in fact turned out to be Reggie.

"So you're saying I'm not good enough for you? That a dark type is more to your liking?" Laser said, a hint of hurt in his voice. "We've known each other for a long time, so I just thought...."

He couldn't finished as he turned his head away.

"She's not dating a Mightyena, Lazer," Lightning spoke up.

"Lightning please," Ruby spoke up.

"Sorry, but I can't stand to see him like that. It's kind of sad."

Ruby walked over and nuzzled his cheek as he looked at her.

"I'm sorry Lazer. But I'm really in love with somebody else. I hope you can understand? Truth be told, you are a very handsome Luxray and any female that gets you will be a very lucky mon."

Lazer let out a sigh before looking at her with a smile.

"You're right. Tell the lucky mon that's courting you, if he treats you wrong, I will tear him apart."

"That's the Lazer I know," Ruby said, giving him a friendly lick on the cheek.

They looked at Reggie and Julie who were chuckling and eating parts of the cake that wasn't in pieces.

"So what are your plans after this Reggie?" Julie asked, cleaning herself up with a towel.

"Don't know. Maybe I'll go out to the Safari Plains and walk around, enjoy the wild pokemon running free."

"Well, my ex boyfriend from high school is in town cause he got a new job working at the Pokemon Research Laboratory and I was wondering if you want to say hi with me?"

"Sure, why not," Reggie said getting up and stretching. "I always wanted to meet this guy. Come on fellas."

Ruby and Lightning went to Reggie's side as he scratched their heads making them murr with delight while Lazer let out a purr, getting his chin scratched from Julie. They all headed into town towards the laboratory.


"Inferno!!" a trainer yelled, watching his Magmar fall to the ground.

"Is that all you have kid?" the man said with a smile, pushing the sunglasses up on his face.

"All right you win. Here's your credits."

"I don't want your credits. I have more then enough."

"Then what do you want?"

"Oh, it's quite simple really."

The man pulled out a needle and walked over to the fallen Magmar, drawing its blood with a smile. Once he was finished, he put the vial into a small pouch and started to walk away as the trainer rushed over to his pokemon, pulling out a hyper potion and looking at the man.

"Who are you? How can you fight a pokemon without any pokemon of your own?"

"Ahh, the curious nature of youths. Let's just say, I evolved. Thanks for the fun."

The man walked away, hands behind his back before coming to a bench. He took a seat and pulled out the small travel pouch. Inside were several vials full of blood as he smiled.

"Not bad for a days work. I got the DNA of a Magmar, Houndoom, Bayleaf, Ivysaur, Arcanine, Mightyena, Blaziken, and a Jolteon. Not to mention all the other ones from the laboratory."

He started to inject his body with the DNA, one vial at a time, feeling the effects as he grinned.

"My goodness, what a rush this is. I never felt so alive in my life. To think that all I needed to do was switch a couple of variables in my equations."

He started laughing before holding his stomach as an extreme pain shot through his body making him double over.


He went to his hands and knees before throwing up, noticing a bit of blood mixed in.

"What is going on? This shouldn't be happening."

He stood up slowly, wiping his mouth clean with the back of his hand.

"Maybe I injected one too many into my body and it's having a hard time adjusting to it? That could be the reason. Guess I'll call it a day then and rest."

Grabbing his small pouch, he headed for his house.


Julie and Reggie walked into the Pokemon Lab, enjoying the cool A/C breeze that greeted them. They walked up to the front desk as the secretary greeted them.

"Good afternoon. Can I help you?"

"Yes. We're here to see Marshall Huntington," Julie said.

"Wait over there please and I'll let him know you're here. Who may I say who is looking from him?"

"Julie. Julie Andrews."

They walked over to the waiting area, taking a seat on the couch. Ruby rested her head on Reggie's lap as he scratched behind her ear getting a happy murr in response.

"So what is this guy like?" Reggie asked.

"He's a smart guy. Graduated at the top of every one of his classes except for English, which he always turned to me for help," Julie said, scratching Laser chin as he purred.

Marshall walked out from around the corner and laughed.

"Julie Andrews? Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

"Hey Marshall," Julie chuckled, getting up and giving him a hug.

"And who's your strong looking pokemon?"

"This is Lazer. Laser, say hi."

"Luxray," Lazer said, allowing Marshall to pet him.

"And I take it this is your boyfriend?" Marshall said, inclining his head to Reggie.

"We use to date, but figured it was better we stayed friends."

"How do you do? Name's Reggie Hoskins," Reggie said, extending his hand.

"The pokemon tracker Reggie Hoskins? Son of the late Charles Hoskins?" Marshall asked.

"That would be me."

"I heard about the water situation and that you met Suicune. Is that true? What is the legendary like? Is Suicune's beauty really as they say?"

Reggie chuckled at the questions, remembering every single vivid detail of Vanessa's body which he had the pleasure of exploring with his hands.

"Yes, Suicune's beauty is really something to behold first hand. Words can't really describe it so I won't try."

"You lucky dog. I would do anything to meet Suicune in real life. Who are your pokemon?"

"This is Ruby," Reggie said, motioning to his Ninetales. "And this is Lightning," motioning to his Staraptor.

"They look really healthy and strong. You must take really good care of them. But enough with the formalities. Would you care for a quick tour around the laboratory?"

"Sure thing," Julie said. "We can catch up on old times."

They were about to head into the lab when Reggie's phone went off in his pants pocket.

"Hello? Hey officer Jenny. You need my help on something? Sure thing. I'll be right down. Sorry I can't stay for the tour Marshall, duty calls."

"It's no problem. I'm glad to meet a famous person like yourself."

"I'm nobody special. Just a regular guy looking out for the pokemon. Have a good day."

Julie and Marshall watched him leave as Marshall looked at her.

"How did you end up going out with a guy like him?"

"Long story which I'll tell you later. Show me around and tell me what you've been up to all this time."


"Please Officer Jenny, you have to help him," a little boy cried.

"Relax Justin. I have somebody coming that can help you and your pokemon," Jenny said, comforting him.

A knock was heard on her door as the Arcanine let out a small growl. Reggie walked in and got pounced on, getting a barrage of licks to the face as he laughed.

"Good to see you too Baron," he said, scratching Baron's chin getting a murr and some more licks. He stood up but kept his hand on Baron's head, giving him a friendly scratch making him murr and lean against him. "You call for me Jenny?"

"Right on time Reggie. This little boy needs your help. Tell him what you told me Justin."

Justin wiped his eyes before telling Reggie what he told Jenny.

"Me and Stripes, my Growlithe, were playing in the hill cave near the woods. We didn't go in to far when the cave started to to shake hard. We ran for the exit, trying to avoid the falling rocks. I saw the exit and somehow Stripes knew we weren't going to make it, so he grabbed my shirt and tossed me outside just as the rocks covered the entrance. I tried to dig him out but I wasn't strong enough. Please, you have to help Stripes.

Reggie went to one knee with a smile before placing his hand on Justin's head.

"Don't worry Justin. You and your buddy will be together before you know it. Do you think you can show officer Jenny and me where the cave is?"


"Perfect. Shall we go then?"

Jenny nodded before they all left, getting into her jeep and driving towards the woods on the outskirts of the city. He lead them to a dirt road that went through the woods as the forest pokemon scattered every which way. Soon, a large hill came into view as Jenny pulled the jeep to a stop. Justin jumped out and ran to the blocked cave entrance.

"This is it. I couldn't move the rocks."

Reggie looked up at the hill, his hat blocking the sun's rays from hitting his face. The hill looked pretty steep but climbable as sharp rocks jutted out from the face of the hill.

"Lightning, see if you can find an opening up top."

"Staraptor." Lightning said, taking off into the air.

Reggie walked up to the jeep and opened the trunk, taking out some rope and looping it over his shoulder as Lightning came back down.

"Staraptor raptor."

"Excellent. Good job. You wouldn't happen to have a Zubat on you would you Jenny?"

"Sorry. All I have is Baron who I left at the station."

"Oh well. Guess I'll have to do it the fun way. Got a flashlight?"

Jenny nodded, opening the glove compartment and handing him the flashlight. Reggie went to one knee and looked at Justin.

"I'll have your buddy back in no time."

"Thank you."

Reggie turned to leave when Ruby gave a whine.

"Relax my queen. I'll be back before you know it," he said scratching behind her ear.

Walking towards the hill's face, he grabbed a hold of a rock and began his climb, Lightning right above him keeping watch. The wind was just right as a cool breeze rustled his hat and shirt, cooling him down a little as he took step by careful step up the hill, making sure to have a good foothold before proceeding. Looking up, he saw Lightning land on a clearing not to far ahead. Reaching the clearing, he hoisted himself up with a sigh, wiping his forehead of the sweat that accumulated.

"What a beautiful sight," he sighed, looking down at the picture perfect scene.

Turning around, he saw a small opening that was barely big enough for him to squeeze in. Grabbing the flashlight, he shined the light inside, noticing the small drop to the floor. Tying the rope to a rock on the ledge, he lowered himself down into the cavern.

"All right, let's have a look around for Stripes."

He shined the flashlight around, making mental notes of the oddly colored rocks as a guide back to the outside. The cavern looked old as huge cracks could be seen along the ceiling, threatening to collapse at any minute from the slightest sound.

"Better be quiet. Don't want to generate too much sound."

He proceeded deeper, keeping his senses about him as he crawled and squeezed his way through the various rock formations and crevices. Soon he heard the slightest whine that echoed around him.

"Stripes?" he said softly, flashing the light in every direction.

Another whine echoed as he pinpointed the location. Shining the light straight ahead, he saw a small ball of fur whining and shivering. He walked over slowly making the ball whine louder.

"Easy there little guy. I'm not going to hurt you."

The ball of fur uncoiled as yellow eyes looked up at him. He smiled and went to one knee, slowly petting the Growlithe getting another whine and a lick on the hand.

"Your buddy's looking for you so I'm going to get you out of here. Can you stand?"

"Growl," Stripes replied, holding up his left front paw.

He shined the light down, noticing the irregular way it was turned.

"That looks really bad. Can't have you walking on that can we? Hang on."

He took off his shirt and hat before reaching into his pocket and taking out his pocket knife and cutting the shirt open, making a make shift sling. He then gently place the Growlithe on his back and tied him securely, being mindful of the broken leg. Once secured, he smiled and took a look through the side of his eyes.


"Growlithe," Stripes replied, giving his cheek a lick.

"Perfect," Reggie said, putting his hat back on. "Let's get out of this dark place and into some sun."

He headed back the way he came, being careful not to move too fast. Just as he was climbing over a rock, a violent tremor shook the cave making him go to one knee to maintain balance.

"That was bad," Reggie grunted, noticing the cave ceiling beginning to shake as small debris began to fall before becoming larger. "Time to go. Hang on."

Stripes dug his claws into Reggie as he took off in a sprint, avoiding the falling rocks from above that came crashing down. Light from the entrance could be seen up ahead as he made a final sprint for it. His vision caught the rock falling on him too late as it collided with his right arm, sending him sliding on the ground with a grunt.

"Damn, that hurt," he groaned, holding his arm feeling it become wet fast. "You okay Stripes?"

He got a yip in response as he got back to his feet and made another dash to the exit. Reaching the rope, he quickly climbed up, hearing the falling rocks behind him. He squeezed out the entrance in time as the entrance got blocked. A sigh escaped him as Lightning hurried over, nudging him softly.

"I'm okay buddy," he chuckled, petting his neck.

He caught his breath before standing up. Grabbing the rope, he secured it to another rock before tossing it over the side, slowly repelling down the hill making his arm burn. Getting to the ground, he got pounced on by Ruby who whined.

"Are you okay? We felt the ground shake before rocks started to fall from the hill making us run for cover."

"I'm fine Ruby. Just a little scratch on my arm."

She looked at it, noticing the flow of blood coming down his arm fast making her growl.

"That is not a scratch."

"Stripes!!" Justin cried happily.

Reggie unfastened Stripes from his back as Justin hugged him tightly.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I was so scared."

"Growlithe," Stripes replied, nuzzling happily into Justin's neck.

"He's got a broken leg but nothing a week or so in the pokemon center will cure," Reggie said getting up.

"I can't thank you enough."

"Just don't go playing in anymore caves."

"I promise."

"Great," Reggie said with a smile, reaching for his hat before groaning. "Oh man, I lost my hat in that cave."

Jenny walked over and looked at his arm.

"That looks pretty nasty Reggie. You should get to the center yourself."

"I'm fine Jen. It's just a scratch."

A growl was heard behind him making him chuckle.

"Okay, I'll have Julie fix me up. Happy now Ruby?"

She gave a bark in response as they gathered into the jeep before taking off.


Jones let out another groan before throwing up again. He thought resting would help stabilize the cells he injected but he was wrong. A grunt escaped him as he flushed the toilet, turning on the sink to wash his mouth.

"What's going on? Surely my calculations were right? I made sure to check every variable."

He looked himself in the mirror as his orange eyes had begun to glow slightly. Walking out the bathroom, he walked into his room and looked at the clock which read eight in the evening.

"Maybe somebody in the lab can get the regents I need to help the cells stabilize."

He put on a pair on shorts and a shirt before heading back to his old place of employment. It was a cool night as he moved swiftly and silently, thanks to the DNA in his body. He got to the tall glass building as he looked up at it, memories of his time here were slowly fading, as if something was eating them away. The cool breeze from the A/C hit his body as he walked in.

"Professor Jones? What brings you back here?" the security guard said behind the desk.

"I need to get something from my office." Jones said.

"I'm sorry professor, but I can't let you in. You no longer work here so you'll need an escort."

"Isn't there anybody here that can let me in? I really those items."

"Sorry professor, but everybody's gone home for the night. I wish I could help you."

"How about you bring me to my office? I won't take too long."

"My ID can't access your area. Sorry professor, you have to wait until tomorrow."

An inhuman growl escaped from his throat making the guard jump. He closed his eyes, trying to control his emotions as something inside him wanted to rip the guard apart.

"Well, can you look up the address for Marshall Huntington?"

"No can do professor. That's against company policy."

Jones struck the marble top desk hard, leaving a huge crack in it. Taking off his glasses, he looked the frightened guard right in the eyes as his glowed.

"Get me.....Marshall Huntington's......address."


The guard typed in the computer in front of him, displaying Marshall's address as he wrote it down on a piece of paper before handing it to Jones.

"Thank you," Jones said, putting his glasses back on and turning to leave. "I was never here," he added.

He made a beeline for Marshall's house, hoping he could get him into the lab.

"I can't believe professor Jones actually tried to do the impossible," Marshall said.

He was laying down on the couch reading the notes Jones had in his office. Volt was on his chest, let out purrs as Marshall stroked his back softly.

"The cells in a pokemon would literally destroy the human body."

Volt's ear suddenly perked up as he looked at the door. He stood up and let out an angry "rai", his cheeks showing sparks of electricity.

"What's wrong Volt?"

"Raichi," Volt said with a growl.

A knock was heard at his door as he looked at it.

"Who is it?"

"Marshall? It's me, professor Jones. I need your help."

Marshall got up to answer the door when Volt grabbed his arm, shaking his head.

"Raichi rai rai."

"Relax Volt. Professor Jones isn't a bad guy."

He walked over to the door and opened it, seeing Jones standing there hunched over holding his stomach.

"Professor Jones, what's wrong? Come in."

He helped him inside and sat him on a stool in the table.

"I need....your help Marshall."

"What can I do to help?"

"I....need to get into.....the lab and.....get regents ZYM-B and NIT 2."

"ZYM.....those are cells stabilizers. Why would you need those? Unless...."

He looked back at the notes on the couch before back at Jones.

"You're trying to do the impossible."

"I didn't try. I did the impossible. I now have the abilities of a pokemon."

"But that could kill you professor."

"I don't need......a lecture from you. Are you going to or not?"


Jones let out a growl and grabbed Marshall's throat, lifting him with ease off the ground.

"Help me or suffer."

"Raichi," Volt yelled, lightning sparking all around his body.

Jones looked at the mouse before snorting.

"Don't get any ideas pipsqueak. You wouldn't last five seconds against me."

"Okay.....I'll help.....can't breathe..." Marshall choked out.

Jones let him go as Marshall fell to the ground, taking deep breaths. Volt was at his side, rubbing his back.

"I didn't mean to do that Marshall, but I need those regents. Don't you see, this is the next step in evolution."

Marshall rubbed his throat before getting up slowly.

"Let me grab my shoes and ID."

He walked into his bedroom, grabbing a pair of tennis shoes and his ID from the dresser. Jones was waiting for him by the door before opening it and walking out. Volt gave a whine, tugging on Marshall's leg. He smiled before picking up Volt and giving him a hug which Volt gave back.

"Don't worry Volt, I'll be fine. See you in a bit."

He put him down and walked out the door where Jones was waiting for him.

"So how do we get there? I have no car." Marshall said.

"Don't need it. Hang on."

Jones grabbed his arm and took off with speed making Marshall yell in surprise. They reached the lab in a couple of minutes as Jones leaned on the guard rail, holding his chest in pain.

"Get me.....inside Marshall.


They walked inside as the same guard looked up from the book he was reading.

"Hey professor Marshall. I see you have professor Jones with you."

"Yeah. I need his help with a couple of variables. Does he have to sign in or something?"

"Nah, go right ahead. Good to see you again professor Jones."

They walked past the desk and into the lab as Jones hurried over to the medical cabinet.

"I still think you're going to kill your body professor. You have to correct the error you did before it's too late."

"Listen Marshall, I don't care what you think," Jones said, grabbing the regents he needed. "I have become the next evolution of man and pokemon. Maybe I'll even take on Arceus himself once I have enough pokemon DNA."

He sat down in a chair, putting the tourniquet around his arm. Grabbing a needle, he found his vein before drawing some blood into a vial. Filling it up, he undid the rubber band and applied a little bit to a slide before looking at it under a scope.

"Take a look for yourself Marshall."

Marshall walked over and took a look, noticing both sets of cells trying to take over each other.

"This is.......astounding. But the pokemon DNA is going to win regardless of what you use. I can probably create something to reserve the effects and help you recover."

"Help me?" Jones questioned, injecting himself with the regents as the pain in his body disappeared with a happy sigh from him. "I don't need help from anybody anymore. But if you want, you can join me? Think of the power you can have and the things you'll be able to do."

"Sorry professor, but I like who I am. I admired all the work you did in genetic research but this is taking it too far."

Jones smiled before putting on his sunglasses.

"Suit yourself Marshall. But this is a once in a life time chance I gave you. Have fun living your boring life."

Marshall watched him leave before looking at the vial of blood he Jones left behind.

"If he won't help himself, then I will."

Jones let out a sigh of relief as he stepped outside into the night air.

"I feel alive and frisky. Let's see if I can find somebody to fight."

He took off with a light jog, heading down a couple blocks before entering the park. His hearing picked up the sound of chatter as he headed for it.

"Oh man, Jessica's going to kill me," an elderly man said with a smile.

"Cario," the Lucario said next to him.

Suddenly, the Lucario tensed up and looked around. It closed it eyes, trying to pick up the aura it felt.

"Something wrong Viper?"

"Good evening kind sir."

The man looked behind him to see Jones standing there with his arms crossed.

"Good evening," the man replied.

Jones looked at Viper who looked back. Viper could sense the negative aura all around Jones and it made him uneasy.

"Doing a nightly stroll?" Jones asked.

"Something like that," the man answered looking at Jones. "Can I help you with something?"

"Why, yes you can. Your Lucario looks pretty strong. How about a friendly battle under this night sky?"

The man looked at Viper who never took his eyes off Jones. He could see the nervousness and tension in his body language, something he never saw before.

"I have to be somewhere sadly, so some other time. Have a good night," the man said with a small bow.

They both turned around to leave and let out a gasp to see Jones standing right in front of them.

"I don't think you heard me. I want a battle," Jones said taking off his sunglasses as his orange eyes glowed. "And I'm not leaving until I get one."


"How in the world can you call this a scratch Reggie? Have you gone crazy?" Julie said wrapping his arm. "That gash is deep. You should've gone to the hospital."

"I don't like hospitals. To enclosed-ouch," Reggie said, feeling her tie the bandage too tight.

"Sorry. Stop squirming."

She finished wrapping his arm and looked it over.

"It's not perfect but it should do," she said, getting up and grabbing the bloody napkins off the floor. "Want something to drink?"

"Sure," Reggie said, giving his arm a test stretch and grimacing a little.

Reggie sat on the floor, his back against the couch as he rested his head on the soft cushion seat. Julie had a nice, comfy house. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, dining room, and a kitchen. Typical setup for a house, but the thing about her house was that she was a neat freak. Every part of the house was clean, even under the fridge. Ruby walked over and laid on Reggie's lap, letting out a happy sigh as he stroked her back softly making her tails wag in a wave motion.

"Here you go," Julie said, handing Reggie a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks," Reggie said, taking a sip of the cold liquid with a sigh.

Julie plopped down in the love seat, Lazer curled up by her feet.

"Can I ask you a question Reggie?"

"You know you can ask me anything."

"Don't you want kids of your own?"

Reggie chocked a little on the juice before looking at Julie.

"What brought this up all of a sudden?"

"I was watching some kids play in the park and it got me thinking about raising some of my own. I'm not getting any younger."

Reggie looked at her as she played with her hair, something she usually does when thinking hard about something she wanted.

"The thought's crossed my mind a couple of times."

"I just want that feeling of holding the little bundle of joy in my arms one day."

She looked at him, her eyes showing a hint of desperation.

"I want a family Reggie, with you. But I know that's not what you want."

"Julie, I'm sure you can find somebody that can fulfill your desire."

"That's probably true, but I really wish it was you."

They sat quietly as the radio could be heard on the table. Julie started to chuckle as Reggie raised an eyebrow.

"What are you going to do when Ruby's heat kicks in?"

Ruby had her eyes closed but her ears twitched as she listened in.

"Suppose she wants little Vulpix's running around the house?"

"If that is what she wants, I won't stop her."

"Why not hook her up with Lazer here? I'm sure they'll be a perfect match."

"It's all up to what she wants. If she wants to be with Lazer, then I won't stop her. If not, I'll visit the local breeding center and find a suitable mate."

Ruby's ears folded back a little which Reggie saw. A song started to play on the radio making Julie squeal.

"Ohh, this is our song," she said getting up and turning the radio up. "Remember that night when this song came on and we-"

"Julie!!" Reggie said, blushing heavily as Ruby chuckled before giving a small yip as Reggie pinched her."

Before the song could start, it was cut off by a news bulletin.

"We interrupt this broadcast with a news flash. An elderly man and his pokemon were brutally beaten and taken to the hospital tonight. He elderly man, known as Gerald Adams, was apparently walking home through the park when an unknown assailant attacked both him and his Lucario, leaving them unconscious on the ground. He was found by his wife when he didn't come home at the scheduled time and called the police. Police are looking into the matter-"

Julie turned off the radio as Reggie stood up quickly.

"Who would attack Gerald? I got to go see if he's okay. Thanks for the patch up," Reggie said, hurrying out the door.

He ran non stop to the hospital, finally catching his breath as he reached the automatic sliding doors. Regaining his breath, he walked in and up to the front desk.

"Yes sir, what can I help you with tonight?" the nurse said behind the desk with a smile.

"I'm here to see Gerald Adams. I'm a close friend of his."

"Okay, pleas sign in here."

Reggie signed his name as the nurse gave him a visitor sticker.

"He's on floor three, room thirty five."

"Thank you."

He didn't even bother taking the elevator as he skipped stairs all the way to the third. He walked down the hall and to the room, knocking softly before entering. His wife was in tears, leaning on the bed rail.

"Hey Mrs. Adams. I came as soon as I heard the news. Is he okay?"

"He's got two broken ribs and a nasty gash on his chest, but he's alive," she said between sniffles.

Reggie looked across the room to see Viper laying on a bed. His chest spike was broken and his face was a little swollen.

"Who would do something like this to Gerald? He's a man who gets along with anybody."

"I don't know. But whoever did it, I hope they rot in hell."

A groan was heard as Gerald opened his eyes, seeing his wife and Reggie.

"How you feeling Gerald?" Reggie asked softly.

" breathe," he wheezed out.

"Who did this you and why?"

Gerald closed his eyes before looking at Reggie.

"I'm not even sure who did this. All I know, is that he's not human. He moved just like a pokemon even though he's a human. Even Viper couldn't his movements."

Reggie crossed his arms and looked at Viper. Viper was good. Sure he wasn't the strongest or a legendary, but he could hold his own against any pokemon. Ruby gave a soft whine and nuzzled Viper's cheek making him groan and open his good eye.

"I must look like a wreck," he chuckled softly.

"Who did this you Viper?" Ruby asked.

"A human. But this human could use all our moves. I don't know how. His aura was......unusual. I never felt anything like it before."

Ruby gave another whine as Viper smiled giving a weak thumbs up.

"Relax Ruby. I'll be up and about in no time."

"I know. It just hurts me to see you like this."

"I've had worse knocks then this."

"Get well soon," she said, licking his cheek.

Jessica held Gerald hand and squeezed it which he returned.

"Do me a favor Reggie?"

"Anything Gerald."

"Don't try and take revenge. It'll be a fight you won't win."

Reggie narrowed his eyes before heading to the door.

"Sorry Gerald, I can't do that."

"You're a hard-headed fool."

"I learn from the best. Come on Ruby."

"Be careful Ruby. That human is extremely dangerous." Viper said.

"I will."

Gerald watched him, a small smile appearing on his face.

"You just going to let him go?" Jessica asked.

"He would've went anyway when he found out the news sooner or later. He'll be fine, I hope."


"Marshall? Marshall? Hey Marshall, wake up."

Marshall let out a groan before slowly opening his eyes, his vision clearing to see Eaton over him.

"Professor Eaton? What time is it?"

"It's nine in the morning. What are you doing here? Did you stay overnight?"

Marshall's head was still in a fog from just waking up. He looked at the table where he passed out and saw the notes he wrote down as everything came flooding back to him.

"Professor Jones, that's right."

"Timothy? What about him?" Eaton asked confused.

"He combined his DNA with that of a pokemon."

"Impossible. He would be dead if he tried."

"Take a look for yourself," Marshall said, directing his hand towards the microscope.

Eaton walked over and took a look, mouth opened in shocked.

"This is.......astounding. I can't believe he did this."

"That's what I said also. But its costing him."

"What do you mean?"

"He's injecting himself with so much DNA, that it's making his body sick. The cells are trying to evolve like any pokemon after a certain stage in their life. But to counter that, he took ZYM-B and NIT 2 to stabilize the cells from evolving. Eventually, the regents won't work and the cells will break apart his body."

Eaton crossed his arms and sighed.

"I know Jones is a little nuts, but this is insane."

"I can work on a regent that'll kill the cells in his body, but it'll take time which I know he doesn't have."

"You're a smart kid. If anybody can do it, I know it's you."


"If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask."



"Officer Jenny, you have stop this guy. He almost killed my Hitmochan," a trainer yelled.

"He beat my Alakazham almost to death before I put him back into his ball."

"My Weaville's claws are broken completely off. Nurse Joy said it'll take weeks before they grow back."

More trainers started to yell as Jenny tried to get control of the situation. A loud roar from Baron quieted the crowd as they looked at the angry Arcanine.

"I understand your concerns, all of you. We are hard at work in trying to find the person responsible for the harm he has cause all of you. Rest assured, you will be able to continue your journeys without fear once we apprehend the culprit. Until then, please keep off the roads and stay in the pokemon center until further notice."

They all let out complaints but another roar from Baron made them scramble for the exit. Jenny let out a sigh before sitting down and rubbing her forehead. Baron let out a happy bark as Reggie walked in. He bounded over getting his head scratched with a murr.

"I take it you heard the news?" Jenny said.

"Yeah, I did. My good friend and mentor was just one of the many that this person attacked. I'm going to find the bastard and make him pay."

"Sounds like you plan on doing more then making him pay?" Jenny said looking at him.

Reggie was about to answer when a man rushed in.

"Officer Jenny, we just received word that the same man was seen in the park not to long ago."

"Good. We'll take this person down now before anybody else gets hurts. Come on Baron."

"Arcanine," Baron said.

"Don't think you're leaving without me," Reggie said, following her out.

Jones laughed out loud, sitting on the bench after bulldozing his last opponents which were a Gyarados and a Dragonite.

"So much power I feel inside me. Marshall doesn't know what he's talking about."

"Are you the one responsible for the recent outbreaks of attacks on trainers and their pokemon?"

Jones looked to his right to see Jenny, Baron, Reggie, Ruby and Lightning.

"And what if I am?"

"Then I'm going to place you under arrest." Jenny said.

Jones laughed at that before standing up and adjusting his sunglasses.

"Arrest me? That's a laugh."

Baron let out a growl, taking a stance ready to pounce at a single command.

"But how about a deal? If you can land a single hit on me, I'll give myself up."

Ruby felt an uneasy presence around Jones, making her tails twitch.

"Baron, be careful. Something seems wrong with this human."

"That doesn't matter," he growled. "Nobody insults my partner."

"If that's the way you want it, fine. Baron, use Take Down."

Baron took off towards Jones who stood there, a smile on his face. Just before he got hit, Jones moved with such speed that it left an image of him as Baron went right through it, taking a roll on the ground before recovering. He looked around in confusion, trying to figure out what happened.

"Baron, behind you!!" Ruby yelled.

Baron turned in time to see Jones connect with a viscous Thunderpunch to his face sending him rolling on the ground. Jones smiled before raising his hand, sending a Thunder-wave across the ground striking Baron and paralyzing him.

"Naughty dogs should learn their place," Jones chuckled, delivering a swift kick to his midsection making Baron yelp.

He held his hand over him, lightning starting to charge in his palm as Baron whined, unable to move. Just before Jones could finish him, he back flipped out the way of an Iron Tail attack that left a hole in the ground. Adjusting his glasses, he looked to see Ruby beside Baron, a snarl on her face.

"How sweet. Mates protecting each other. But it makes no difference."

He was about to advance on them both, when he quickly turned around, grabbing Lightning by both his wings as he attempted a Tackle attack.

"Such a pretty bird," Jones said, struggling to hold him. "Let's see how much I can get for your pelt."

He transferred his right hand to Lightning's left wing, having both hands on it as he spun him in a circle before slamming him hard on the ground. A loud shriek escaped Lightning's beak as Jones stomped hard on his wing, a loud crack followed the third stomp.

"On second thought, I prefer the pelt of Articuno."

He laughed wildly before kicking Lightning, sending him sliding on the ground. A menacing snarl caught his attention as he turned to see Ruby standing there, tails spread out as flames dripped from her muzzle.

"Ohh, doggie wants to play with fire? Okay, let's play."

Ruby's eyes flashed before she let loose with a large Flamethrower. Jones countered with one of his own as they met halfway with a bang. He let out a grunt as it was stronger then he anticipated, causing him to slide back a little.

"Impressive. You've got power behind that. But it's not enough."

Using his other hand, he launched a Hydro Blast that quickly pushed Ruby's attack back. Ruby saw this and jumped in the air towards Jones. She spun in the flight, coming down with great velocity as her tails solidify. Jones stood there before grabbing her tails and slamming her down on the ground getting a loud yelp, taking her breath away.

"How's about a hug puppy?"

He lifted her into a bear hug and squeezed, hearing an audible crack and a loud howl of pain from Ruby. Jones laughed before tossing her in the air, landing with a thud next to Baron, a little bit of blood coming out of her muzzle.

"Time to put the doggies to sleep, for good."

A Shadow Ball formed in his hands as Reggie watched with horror. He was about to run over but was stopped by Jenny.

"Let me go. He's going to kill them both."

"You won't survive that attack yourself."

"Better me then them," he yelled, breaking loose and running towards them.

"Reggie no!!"

Reggie made it to them in time as the attack exploded, Jenny covering her face from the dust. When it cleared, she saw Reggie not moving on top of Ruby and Baron.

"I need an ambulance over here at Grassland Park stat," she said, speaking into her radio before hurrying over to Reggie. "Reggie? Reggie?"

"A shame really. I wouldn't go that far to protect anything," Jones said shrugging.

Just then, the pain returned to Jones ten fold making him yell in pain and clutch his stomach.

"Dammit, not now," he growled out before taking off.

"Reggie, hold on."


Reggie let out a groan as he opened his eyes, the dim ceiling lights making him wince a little.

"Where am-"

He let out a yell of pain and sat up holding his head. Looking to his right, he saw Julie with tears in her eyes.

"Jesus Julie, that hurt."

"You asshole, you scared me half to death. Do you like throwing yourself in harms way all the time?"

He looked at her before sighing.

"Sorry," he said softly.

On the other side of the room, he saw Ruby and Lightning.

"Ruby!? Lightning!?"

He jumped out the bed he was in only to fall to the ground, noticing how weak his legs were.

"Don't move so fast. That attack took a lot out of you. I'm surprise you're still alive," Julie said, coming to his aid.

"I shouldn't be. At the last second, I felt Ruby use Protect on me. She saved me, but I couldn't help her."

He balled his fists in anger.

"How are they?" he asked Julie.

"Lightning's left wing is completely shattered and Ruby suffered a punctured lung from a broken rib. Joy said they'll make a full recovery in time. Baron suffered a concussion and still hasn't woken up."

Reggie grinded his teeth, the image of Jones burned in the back of his mind.

"If I see him again, I'll kill him for what he did."

A knock at the door made them look over as Marshall stood there.

"Hey Reggie. Julie told me what happened. How are you feeling?"

"I'm royally pissed off. What do you want?"

"I came to ask you to help Professor Jones."

This sent Reggie in a rage as he stood up, forcing his legs to move as he grabbed Marshall and slammed him against the wall.

"HELP HIM!!!? I'm not going to help him, I'm going to destroy him."

"You can't beat him as you are now. But I can help you stand on equal ground. Only if you promise to help him."

"Then get the hell out of here and help him yourself," Reggie growled, shoving Marshall to the ground.

"Please, you're the only one who can help him. I don't know how to fight."

"I'm not about to help a man who almost killed my partners."


He froze and turned around when he heard Ruby's voice and hurried over. It hurt his heart deeply to see her like this, a tube in her mouth helping her breath. He caressed the side of her face as she opened one of her eyes.

"Help him Reggie."

"Why should I? He almost killed you and Baron."

"I'm still here aren't I? This is your anger talking. I know you're not like this."

Reggie balled his fists tightly in frustration.

"If you don't do it for them, do it for me."

He let out a shaky sigh, a single tear coming down his cheek as he kissed her forehead. Turning around, he looked at Marshall who shivered.

"All right, what do I have to do?"

Marshall gave a smile before walking over.

"You can't beat him as you are now. So, you're going to join him."

"Join him? How?"

"I'm going to inject you with pokemon DNA."

Reggie looked at him in confusion and a little fear.

"Isn't that extremely dangerous?" Julie asked.

"The way Professor Jones did it yes. He didn't take into account the way pokemon DNA evolves after a certain amount of time. The cell stabilizers he's taking will no longer work after studying it all night and day. So I made something that will destroy the pokemon DNA in his body."

He took out a syringe from his pocket full of green liquid and handed it to Reggie who looked at it.

"Now, the only problem with making you like him, is that he took all the pokemon DNA from the laboratory."

"That's okay," Reggie said, looking at his partners. "You have two right here, plus another two that I can get. How long does this change take?"

"Not long," Marshall said, taking blood from Lightning and Ruby. "Are you ready?"


"Why aren't they working?" Jones yelled, throwing the empty syringes on the ground.

Another jolt of pain wrecked his body as he threw up. He tried taking long, deep breaths as it helped somewhat, the searing pain becoming nothing more then a dull throb. A sigh escaped him before he took a seat on a tree trunk.

"Maybe I need to increase the dosage? Or should I try adjusting my calculations again?"

His train of thought was broken when he heard a branch snap. Standing up, he looked towards the sound as Reggie came through the clearing.

"You're still alive? I'm impressed."

"I'm still alive, thanks to Ruby," he said angrily.

"The Ninetales or the Arcanine? Doesn't matter. What do you want?"

"I want revenge."

Jones laughed at that, slapping his knee as well. He wiped a tear from his eye before looking at Reggie.

"What makes you think you can handle me?"

Reggie clenched his fist, causing it to be covered with fire. Jones looked shocked before grinding his teeth in anger.

"How do you have....? Marshall? It had to be him. Only he has enough brains to recreate something I did."

"And with his help, I'm going to stop you here and now."

Jones gave a sneer, taking off his sunglasses as his orange eyes glowed with anger.

"If you think you can take me, bring it-"

He couldn't finish as Reggie was in his face in an instant, striking him with an open palm to the chest, sending Jones sliding on the ground.

"I may not have as many pokemon abilities as you, but I'm very efficient with the four I have," Reggie said, taking a stance. "Come at me, if you can."

Jones flipped to his feet in anger as he looked at Reggie.

"You want a fist fight? Very well, I'll give you one."

Jones used Double Team as they both flew at Reggie. Reggie remained calm as he countered and parried everything that Jones threw at him, thanks to Viper's great training and a little bit of his DNA. Seeing an opening, he struck them both in the chest making them stumble back.

"Is that all you got? You must have tons of DNA in you yet I only have four."

"You worm," Jones growled, as both he and his copy held their hands together, a Hyper Beam forming rapidly.

Reggie raised an eyebrow in surprise. He did not expect this. They both unleashed it at rapid speed from both sides as they connected with a loud explosion. The smoke cleared as Jones saw nothing but a large hole.

"Humph, he was all talk."

"You really think so?"

Jones turned around only to let out a grunt, falling to the ground, unable to move his body.

"Force Palm is very effect, wouldn't you agree?" Reggie smiled.

Jones's illusion copy disappeared as he gritted his teeth in frustration.

"How is this possible? I've taken in more DNA, but yet I can't touch you. I'm the more superior being here, not you. I will be the next evolution of man."

His body got covered in lightning, fire forming in his hands.

"Let's see if you can counter this then."

He unleashed a combination of a Flamethrower and a Thunderbolt attack as it roared towards Reggie. Reggie held his hands to the side, an Aura Sphere forming. He waited til Jones's attack was close enough before launching the sphere. It connected with each other before the sphere easily overpowered it.

"Impossible," Jones yelled.

He dropped the attack before putting up a Protect as the sphere exploded in his face sending him flying into a tree, denting the trunk. He let out a weak cough, seeing a bit of blood from the impact. Looking up, he saw Reggie standing over him.

"Marshall did a good job," he said with a chuckle. "I praise his effort. You have me beat. Do what you want with me."

A massive pain spike ripped through his body making him yell in pain and curl into a fetal position.

"Kill me. End this unbearable pain."

"As much as I want to, I made a promise not to."

"Who....asked you.....that?"

"That is none of your business. But Marshall did give me something to help you. Not that I really want to help you."

He pulled out the syringe from his pocket and knelt next to Jones. He jabbed the needle into his arm and pushed the liquid in. Jones's body started to relax almost instantly.

"What was that you put into me?"

"Something Marshall made to destroy the pokemon DNA in your body before it destroys you."

"He is too damn smart for his own good," Jones chuckled softly. "I guess this is the part where I beg for forgiveness?"

"No, this is the part where you'll be spending the rest of your days answering for the things you did."

"What about you? You know the same thing is going to happen to you eventually."

"Marshall said he'll have something ready for me before that happens. Let's go, you have a lot of ass to kiss."


"Why don't you get some sleep Reggie?" Julie said, looking at Reggie who was sitting by Ruby's bed. "Joy will let you know if anything happens."

Reggie let out a yawn before shaking his head.

"I'm fine."

"Do I have to get Lazer to paralyze you? Cause you know I'll do it."

Reggie chuckled before standing up. He gave Ruby a kiss on the forehead getting a small whine before looking at Julie.

"Fine, you win."

"Of course I do. Now, let's go home. Marshall said he'll have you cured in a day or two once he gets all the components needed."

Reggie nodded, giving one last look at his partners before leaving the room. He got a ride from Jenny who said Baron will make a fully recovery as he smiled. Getting home, he plopped down on the couch, letting out a sigh.

"Another exciting chapter in the life of Reggie Hoskins," he chuckled.

Another yawn escaped him as he closed his eyes, falling asleep quick.

"Reggie? Reggie?"

He let out a groan and turned over.

"Five more minutes."

"Come on Reggie, wake up silly head."

He opened his eyes slowly as they adjusted to see Ruby in front of him.

"Oh, hey Ruby," he said, turning back around on the couch.

His eyes shot opened as he turned back around, falling to the floor and grabbing Ruby's face.

"RUBY!? This can't be real. You're suppose to be in the hospital. I'm dreaming."

Ruby gave him a deep kiss, their tongues meshing together before they broke off.

"Was that a dream too?" she chuckled.

"I guess not. But how?"

"Let's just say, a guardian angel helped me and Lightning."

He looked at her confused as she gave a sly smile. It took him a few seconds before his eyes widen.


"Uh huh."

"Oh man. I owe her so much."

"Don't worry about that. She said when her "time" comes, you'll be seeing a lot of her."

Reggie blushed at that and chuckled before hugging Ruby tight. She wrapped her tails around him with a happy sigh, loving to be in his arms.

"Oh yeah, there's something I always wanted to try with you."

"What is it?"

Reggie got up and went to the bookcase, finding the radio. He put in a CD and turned up the volume as slow music started to play. With a smile, he walked over to Ruby and held his hand out.

"May I have this dance?"

Ruby blushed but nodded her head as she placed her paw into his hand and got lifted gently onto her hind paws. It took a minute for her to adjust before they moved softly to the music. Reggie had his hand on her back for support as Ruby rested her head on his chest, eyes closed in happiness in sharing this moment. She heard him sniffle a little as she looked up at him. His eyes were closed as a single tear came down his cheek.

"Reggie? What's wrong?"

"I feel like I failed you and Lightning. I couldn't do anything as that madman almost killed you."

"Reggie, you should know we're tougher then that."

"Even still, I feel like I almost lost the two most important things in my life. If something ever happened to you, I don't think I could live anymore."

He looked into her gentle red eyes, mesmerized by them.

"Which is why I want to ask if.....would you....?"

He stumbled on his words before a powerful scent filled his nose. It made his eyes cross as lust clouded his brain quickly. Ruby gave a small grin at his reaction as her tails made a fanning motion, sending more of her scent into the air.

"What did you want to ask me Reggie?"

"I...I don't remember. All I know, is that I want you so badly right now."

Ruby chuckled before giving a loving lick along his neck making him shiver.

"It's my time Reggie. My body is responding to the potential mate in front of it."

She let out a lustful growl before kissing him deeply, her front paws reaching behind his head and holding him close as Reggie held her tightly. They only broke off to gain a breath before locking lips again. She broke off panting happily before giving him a seductive wink and dropping softly to the floor. Using Kinesis, she moved the end table to the side giving her more room as she swayed her hips before turning her back and lifting her tails. He saw her needy pussy lips quiver as a few drops of her liquid fell onto the rug.

"See how my body craves for you? It wants to be filled by the only one that can satisfy it. So, are you going to stand there with your mouth open, or are you going to satisfy this beautiful body?" Ruby purred, looking over her shoulder with her tongue hanging out.

Something inside Reggie snapped as he practically ripped his clothes off and pounced on Ruby who gave a yip of pleasure.

"Don't hold back. Give it all to me, hard and fast."

Reggie could feel the heat on his waist and he hadn't even entered her yet as he dragged his penis on the underside of her body, feeling her soft, luxurious fur making her whine as her legs shook, pushing back against him.

"Don't tease a Ninetales in heat Reggie. You'll get burned," Ruby growled.

Reggie let out a growl of his own before plunging into her depths getting a howl from Ruby and a grunt from him. Her tunnel was hotter then before making him groan from the slight burning, but the pleasure soon took over as he gripped her hips and began the motions. His thrusts were slow, feeling her tighten on every exit as if it didn't want it to leave. Soon he picked up the speed as their bodies impacted with loud slaps, even over the radio playing in the background as Ruby let out small barks of pleasure.

"Oh Arceus Reggie, only you can make me feel this good. Don't stop, please," she whined, feeling her climax coming on hard.

She dug her claws into the rug, teeth bared as she tried to hold back. Reggie could sense it as he gave a sinister smile. Without stopping his motions, he drew one hand under her body feeling around where they were connected until he found what he was looking for making her tense up.

"Re....Reggie don't. It's....too early for"

Reggie chuckled before giving her sensitive clit a pinch. Ruby gasped and let out a loud "nine" as she came hard. Reggie let out a yell himself, feeling the hot liquids run out her body coating his waist. This made him slow down a bit to recover from the initial shock, but the incentive squeezing and convulsing of her tunnel caused to much pleasure as he leaned down on her back and took her like he did before.

"Arceus Reggie, just like that. Take me. Make me yours. Claim me."

Reggie let out a growl, biting down on the scruff of her neck as he pounded into Ruby. He could hear the slick sounds of their connection together as it trickled down onto the rug under them. Ruby's legs felt the power of each thrust as it made them shake. She whined under him, her chest on the ground as she loved every second of this mating. Reggie felt his stomach twist, knowing what was coming as he switched from fast, quick thrusts to full on power, pushing as deep as he could holding onto her waist.

"Ruby......I'm going to...."

"Not yet. I want to cum with you," she whined, feeling herself coming close also.

Reggie reached under and played with her clit again, making her whine and tighten more on his cock as he was squirting pre non stop. His breathing was becoming ragged as he fought to keep from coming but it was becoming too hard. He thought he was going to lose it before Ruby let out a howl, spraying his waist again with cum. That pushed him over the edge as he locked his hips with Ruby's and let loose the most intense orgasm he ever had as each shot he delivered into her womb made his head spin. He didn't care how long it lasted as he hunched over her body, holding her close as they panted hard.

"Arceus Reggie, that was better then last time," Ruby sighed happily, feeling their combined fluids run down her leg.

"I don't know what came over me all of a sudden, besides you," he chuckled. "It was like something inside me demanded to take you."

"It still feels like you got some more stamina in you," she chuckled, giving his still rock hard penis inside her a squeeze making his hips jerk.

"I do, but I don't want to do it like this. I prefer a more gentlemen approach. Head into the bedroom and I'll be there in a second as soon as I grab something to drink."

She nodded her head and disengaged from his hold, giving him a quick lick on his penis tasting their session before heading to the bedroom. Reggie watched her leave, seeing the way she moved her hips as if she knew he'd be watching before lifting her tails up showing her dripping cunt and disappearing into the bedroom.

"Tease," he said under his breath as he got up and went to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water.

He looked down at his waist noticing it was a tad red.

"That's going to leave a mark tomorrow."

He washed the glass and walked to the bedroom, stopping at the door as he looked with wide eyes at what waited for him. Ruby was laying on her back, legs spread as she used her front paw to slowly tease her quiver sex, coaxing low moans from her mouth. Her ears twitched as she looked towards the door, seeing Reggie mouth agape. She raised her paw and brought it to her mouth, making sure to lick it slowly, using one of her tails in a come here motion.

"Come join me lover," she cooed.

Reggie's body went on auto pilot as he walked over and onto the bed, kissing her deeply as she locked her front paws on his shoulders. They slowly parted, looking each other in the eyes as the love they had for each other shown deeply.

"Now then, let me show you a gentleman's approach on how to please a lady."

"By all means," she said seductively.

Reggie grinned before giving her another kiss then went slowly down her neck, giving it a nibble as she whined and folded her ears in submission. She let out a whining "nine" as she felt her body being caressed by those skilled hands making her body become putty in his hands. A strong, cinnamon like scent started to flow into Reggie's nose as that animal urge rose in his body. He fought it down as his face went down lower to the source. A long lick from him made her yip softly, her legs twitching as she closed her eyes.

The sweet, spicy taste was unique to Reggie as he savor every lick he gave her, collecting her nectar and swirling it around his mouth before taking it into his body with a gracious swallow. Her whines of pleasure was music to his ears as he continued to service the lovely kitsune in front of him. He pushed his tongue into her folds as her body tensed, squeezing his appendage. Her breaths came out as pants along with small puffs of smokes feeling her pleasure spike up rapidly as her body quivered. Reggie withdrew his tongue and straddled her body, being mindful of her tails as he entered her body again making them both gasp.

"Reg....Reggie, this good," she whined holding him close to her body.

"All for you my queen," he moaned, continuing his slow thrusting, maximizing both their pleasure.

Her tails were wiggling like a snake as her body began to lose control. She moaned and whined, her squeezing tunnel starting to milk Reggie penis harder and harder as she came close to her third orgasm of the night. She had enough control in her to pull him down, kissing him lovingly before howling as she let herself go. Reggie stopped his thrusting, letting her recover with a smile.

"Such a gentleman to let a lady recover," she smiled out of breath, looking up at him with love.

"I told you I was going to give you the gentleman's approach. How do you like it so far?"

"I'm in heaven with you inside me. But how about I give you the lady's approach?"

"Show me, my dear."

He got off her before she pushed him down softly on the bed, straddling his hips and rubbing her still wet slit across his rock hard erection with a murr, loving the reaction she was getting. With a slow lick of her chops, she raised her rear up as the tip of his cock came in contact with opening. A sigh escaped both of them as she hilted herself onto his lap, her front paws resting on his chest. With a moan from Reggie, she lifted herself slowly upward before coming back down, making sure to gravitate her hips on his stimulating her clit.

Nobody could make her feel what Reggie made her feel. Everything about him turned her on, from his warm and loving demeanor, to the way he mated with her. The pleasure began to build up again as she rode him faster and with more force, making the bed shake with each connection of their bodies. Reggie held her hips tightly before bringing her down and kissing her which she replied by colliding her tongue with his.

"Reggie, I'm going to....cum," she whined, her claws digging into his shoulders as her head rested under his chin, keeping her rear moving as fast as she could.

"Me too my love," Reggie groaned, holding onto her and feeling his balls pull painfully into his body, waiting to unleash its torrent of fluid into her.

Her whines started to become louder as her body tensed up more and more. She past the point of no return, throwing her head up and letting out a howl. Reggie groaned, feeling those walls grip him for dear life, rippling and massaging his penis. He grabbed her rear and pushed her down, letting out a yell of his own as he filled her up. Her body coaxed every drop of seed out his body before she dropped onto his chest. He held her close, both of them seeing stars, trying to regain their breath. He rolled them both on their sides as he stroked her body softly.

"Ruby, I know this goes against everything and everyone but I don't care. Will my mate?"

Ruby looked at him in silence before laughing, letting out yips and small barks. Reggie opened his mouth to speak but was silenced by a kiss from Ruby.

"To quote your words, "Took you long enough to say it."

"How did you...."

"I had a hunch. All the late nights of you looking at jewelry magazines. Even the phone calls you made to friends, asking certain questions. I knew you weren't going to ask Julie so it had to be me. And my answer is yes, I would love nothing more."

Reggie smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Then I better get that collar before he sells it. But for now, I'm tired."

Ruby chuckled and cuddled her head under Reggie's chin, her tails wrapping around him as they fell in a blissful sleep.


"That should do it," Marshall said, pulling the needle out of Reggie's arm.

Reggie rolled his sleeve back as Marshall put the syringe into his bag after covering the needle.

"I just want to thank you again for helping professor Jones. I know I was a little demanding after what happened to your partners, and I'm sorry for that."

"Forget about it. I'm just a little overwhelmed at the power I felt. It was a very....interesting experience."

"Marshall is going to get an award for his research after that," Julie said, wrapping her arms around his neck making him blush.

"It was nothing really."

"So modest," she chuckled, kissing his cheek.

They shared a laugh when Lightning flew down to the ground.

"Hey Lightning," Reggie said, giving him a hug and a scratch on the head making him purr.

"Raptor staraptor."

"Really? Where is the lovely lady?"

He took off into the sky, coming back a few minutes later with a beautiful Swellow. It looked nervously at Reggie but his smile seemed to ease it away.

"Wow Lightning, she's beautiful. You sly dog," Reggie chuckled.

He got up from the porch and walked over to the Swellow, making her a little uneasy. Going to one knee, he gently caressed her cheek getting a coo in response as she leaned into it.

"Make sure to keep him in check and that he washes the dishes."

"Swellow," she replied with a nod a smile.

"I'm happy for you buddy. Make sure to bring the little ones by someday."

"Staraptor," Lightning said before they both took off into the air.

They watched them leave as Julie looked at Reggie.

"Seems Lightning did good for himself. Hey, where's Ruby?"

As if on cue, Ruby walked out on the front porch, a beautiful gold collar with a ruby in the middle was around her neck. She padded over and laid down next to Reggie, eyes closed as he stroked her head.

"That's a beautiful collar Reggie. Can I see it?" Julie asked.

"Tales," Ruby replied, sitting up as Julie walked over to look.

"Very beautiful indeed," she said, bending over to look at it.

She stood back up and looked at Ruby, noticing a little bulge in her stomach.

"I see you took her to the breeding center. What type was it?"

"I'm not really sure. But I can tell she was happy cause her smile was a mile long," Reggie chuckled.

Ruby blushed as everybody chuckled. Marshall's phone vibrated in his pocket as he answered it.

"Hello? Yes professor Eaton? Okay, I'll be right there," he said, hanging up. "I'm needed back at the lab. Thank you again Reggie. If you feel any discomfort at all in the next couple of days, please see me right away. I'll keep a vial of your blood on file also."

"Will do, thanks again," Reggie said, shaking his hand.

Julie and Marshall turned to leave when she stopped and turned around.

"Oh yeah, come here Reggie. I want to tell you something in private."

He raised an eyebrow at that before getting up and walking over. Julie met him halfway and started whispering in his ear as Ruby watched his reaction go from happy to shock in a matter of seconds.

"See you later Reggie," Julie said, giving him a wave goodbye before holding Marshall's hand and walking off.

Reggie let what he heard sink in before walking back and sitting on the porch.

"What did she say Reggie?" Ruby asked.

Reggie looked her before blushing.

"Come on, tell me," she whined, nudging him with her paw.

"She knew," he said softly.

"Knew about what?"

"About us."

Ruby held a paw to her muzzle in shock before folding her ears.

"I'm sorry."

"For what? She doesn't care."

"She doesn't? But how did she find out?"

"She said she kind of figured it out when she saw the collar. She said as long as your happy, I'm happy."

He looked at Ruby and gave her a soft kiss making her murr.

"And I couldn't be more happier."

"Nor could I," she sighed, laying his lap. Her tails wagging happily as their little bundles of joy developed in her body.

Wizard Consultant

A gift for Tamati the Nine Tailed Fox for reasons Tamati knows. Hope you like it. Comments are always welcomed, good or bad. The fire blazed all around the kitsune as he dodged the falling debris from the burning ceiling. Thick smoke...

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She Came From the Sky

Another big thanks to GryphonWings for proof-reading and helping me out when I needed it the most. Don't know where I would be without his help or the other people that help me. Comments always welcomed either good or bad. Rain. Some...

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A Legendary Encounter

A big thanks to GryphonWings for going over this and pointing out a few things. This is my first pokemon story and he kind of inspired me to write one after reading his spooge worthy The Breeder. I'm not really good at knowing their...

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