Wizard Consultant

Story by devilmaycry on SoFurry

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A gift for Tamati the Nine Tailed Fox for reasons Tamati knows. Hope you like it. Comments are always welcomed, good or bad.

The fire blazed all around the kitsune as he dodged the falling debris from the burning ceiling. Thick smoke blanketed his vision making him stay low to the ground as he covered his face with a handkerchief. A wooden beam came crashing down in front of him, blocking his way making him growl.

"This is last time I agree to do anything like this again."

He held his hand out, fingers spread as he focused his will. A strong current of wind circled around his body before rushing forward, knocking the beam out of his way and into the wall. This caused a chain reaction all around him, making the unstable building he was in to start to shake and threaten to come down around him.

"Oh vey, give me a break will you."

Luckily, through all the smoke, he could see the exit not too far ahead. With a final sprint, he rushed through the building, avoiding the small burning wood falling around him and out the building. The building collapsed behind him in a heap of flames as he let out a sigh, brushing a little of his fur clean of the smoke. He looked at the cardboard box that he was carrying in his arms before opening it. Inside were four kittens, looking at him and giving small meows making him smile.

"If the money the client wasn't giving me so damn high, you'd be BBQ."

Getting up from the ground with a sigh, he hoped in his car, sitting the box in the front seat before pulling away as sirens could be heard coming close. He took off into town, making a beeline for his client's house. At the next stoplight he came to, he took a left into the Riverside Elderly Home. He pulled into a parking spot and got out, cardboard box in hand. Walking in, he was greeted by a female zebra behind the desk. She was working on a crossword puzzle when she heard the door open.

"Hey Tamati," the zebra said with a smile, noticing his deshelved look. "Busy day?"

"Something like that. Is Wilson awake Becky?"

"He should be. He just had lunch awhile ago."


He hopped into the elevator, taking it to the fifth floor and down the hall to room five thirty and knocked. A few moments later, a bald, rough looking old man opened the door. His brown eyes looking at Tamati with indecision.

"Mr. Wilson, how are you?" Tamati said.

"Did you bring them?" Wilson said, a little impatience in his voice.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking," Tamati said, handing him the cardboard box.

Wilson snatched the box out his hands and opened it, tears forming in his eyes.

"Oh, my babies are okay."

He hurried back inside, sitting the box down and hugged them all in his lap.

"Thank you Tamati. I guess what they say about you is true."

"I just do my job. Nothing special," Tamati said, his nine white tip tails wagging happily.

Wilson stood up and went into his bedroom, coming back out with his checkbook.

"Here you go," he said, writing out an amount and taking the check out. "Worth every penny."

"Many thanks Mr. Wilson," Tamati said, pocketing the check. "My advice, next time don't play against sprites again. They tend to get a little spiteful when they lose."

"I didn't know at first. Thank you again," Wilson smiled as the kitten cuddled him.

Tamati smiled before leaving and heading back down to the lobby.

"Everything all set?" Becky asked him.

"Yeah. Hopefully he won't do a crazy thing like that again."

"You never know with him sadly. Take care of yourself and come back to see me sometime." she said with a little wink.

"I'll see what I can do," Tamati said, giving a wave goodbye.

He headed to his car and sat down with a sigh. He looked in the rear view mirror as tired, deep red eyes looked back at him.

"God, I need a shower and something to eat."


Rosa let out a sigh as she sat in the chair watching her father skim through the bundle of maps on the kitchen table, her long raccoon tail moving lazily behind her.

"Dad, why are you doing this anyway?"

"Because the stone is going to make us rich. Do you have any idea how much its worth to the right person?"

"Was it worth having mom leave?"

The man looked at his daughter briefly before back at the maps.

"I did everything for your mother. She thought I was obsessing over something other then her. I loved that woman death. I would've done anything for her."

"Then why didn't you stop when she asked you to?" Rosa said, her voice raising a little.

"Because I was too close to finding it. Don't you see Rosa?" he said, walking up to her and cupping her cheeks to look into her turquoise eyes. "This stone will be able to put us above everybody else. You'll be able to do anything."

Rosa looked into her dad's silver eyes before sighing.

"Fine dad, you win."

"No Rosa, we both win. Thank you for sticking with me."

He gave her a kiss on her forehead before skimming through the maps again. His eyes lit up when he finally found what he was looking for.

"All right, this is it."

He cleaned the table off and unfolded the map carefully. The markings on it were barely readable as he took out a small notepad and began taking notes while examining the map.

"Where is this place dad?" Rosa asked, looking at it with him.

"From the looks of it, some place deep underground. The entrance is sealed by a magical veil."

"Come on dad, magic isn't real. Its just make believe to amuse little kids at birthday parties," Rosa said, rolling her eyes.

"Wrong Rosa. Magic is very real," her father said, looking at a paragraph in the bottom corner that had a few sentences that were readable and coping them.

He just finished writing in his notepad when he heard several car doors slam, making him look at the front door.

"Shit, how did he find me?"

He grabbed the maps on the floor and covered the one he was looking at before turning to Rosa.

"Rosa, take this and hide," he said, shoving the notebook into her hands.

"What!? Why!?" Rosa asked confused.

"Because somebody is after the same thing, and will not hesitate to do anything to get it."

The doorbell rang as they both looked at the door.

"Rosa, hide quickly," he whispered. "And whatever you do, don't make a sound. No matter what you see or hear. When the coast is clear, bring the notebook to a man named Tamati. He should know what to do."

"But dad-"

"Rosa, do you trust me?" he said, looking her in the eyes.


"Then do what I say, please."

The door started to shake as if somebody was ramming it. Rosa looked at her father before hurrying into the living room and hiding in the coat closet. As soon as she closed the door, the front door busted off its hinges, sending it collapsing to the ground. Four wolverines rushed in, surrounding Rosa's father.

"You're a hard man to track down Raul."

A medium sized man walked through the broken door. He was wearing a black pair of dress pants and shirt with a couple of buttons unbuttoned at the top showing a little of his chest. His black hair was smoothed back with a couple of strands going between his eyes. He brushed off his shirt that collected some flakes from the broken door and smiled, showing his perfect teeth.

"Wesley Rose," Raul said, a little venom in his voice.

"Aren't you happy to see me?"

"The hell I am."

Wesley chuckled before walking around the house, taking in the decor and small details that made up Raul home.

"I see you're doing well for yourself," Wesley said, grabbing a picture of Raul's family from the end table. "That's a beautiful wife and daughter you have. May I know their names?"

"Yeah, Fuck and You."

"Still have that sense of humor."

"What do you want?"

"You should know what I want. Such a stupid question to ask."

"Well you're out of luck. I can't help you."

Wesley chuckled before putting the picture down and walking into the kitchen. He circled around the table where the maps were and poked through them.

"Of course you can help. You were looking for this," Wesley said, pulling out a lemon sized teal stone. "But I beat you to it. Now, all I need is the map that you and your friends currently occupy."

"What buddies?"

"Don't play dumb, it doesn't suit you and you're bad at it. I want the pieces of the map. And you're going to help me get them."

"Why should I?" Raul said, eyes narrowing evilly.

"Because you have no choice in the matter," Wesley said, snapping his fingers.

Two of the wolverines grabbed Raul and held him against the wall as Wesley walked over. Rosa cracked opened the door to take a peek, but couldn't see much. The room suddenly went dark, as a cold, inky feeling crept slowly along her spine like a slimy tentacle making her shiver and clutch her shoulders. The darkness left as Rosa listened to Wesley chuckle.

"I didn't want to do that Raul, but you left me no choice. I need those parts of the map to find that veil."

The wolverines let Raul go as he fell to the ground for a few moments before he got up. His eyes were pitch black from the pupil to the irises.

"We're done here. Grab the map and lets go. You know where you're buddies are correct Raul?"

"Yes master."

"Good. Let's go."

Rosa listened to the footsteps leave the house. She waited for a couple more minutes before walking out. The front door was on the floor and the maps her father were looking at scattered all over the floor.

"What have you got yourself into dad?"


"Man, I needed that," Tamati said with a happy murr, drying his grey fur.

Tamati Cross was a regular kitsune, grey fur all around except the tips of his nine tails that were white. Standing at six even, he lived in a simple house consisting of three bedrooms, kitchen, dining room and living room together along with a basement which he converted into his personal work space that he did. He was a wizard. Yeah, that's right, a wizard. Most people don't believe in magic this day and age, saying it was fake and that he was nuts. But he knew better. There were things out there that can't be described or figured out, so they turned to him. He even had a sign on his door that read _ "Tamati Cross, Wizard Consultant" _. People who walked by his house laughed and some even called the police on him saying he needed mental care. But if they seen the things he has, they would think differently.

"Hey Charlotte, any mail come?" Tamati said out loud from the bedroom.

A medium size cat came into the bedroom. It was a standard house cat, except it had dragon wings and tail. Its fur was sapphire blue along with maroon eyes. In its mouth was a small pile of mail which Tamati took and skimmed through.

"You know, you really should listen to my advice once in a while," Charlotte said.

"Charlotte, you know I'm not good at making love potions."

"That's because you haven't made my love potions. I mean, what other income do you bring in besides retrieving kittens from an angry sprite that lost a game?"

"I still help the police."

"When was the last time they called you? It has been over two months and your falling behind on your rent. The bank is going to take this house if you don't start taking my advice and doing something other then risking your life."

Tamati crumbled another letter before looking at her.

"You remember what happened last time I took your advice? I had to fight two succubus from enslaving that all night orgy you caused in that night club."

"Those people were weak minded. Not my fault," Charlotte said, sticking her nose up to the side.

"Yeah, sure."

He finished sorting the mail before tossing on a pair of faded jeans and a black shirt that had the sleeves cut off, showing what little muscles he had on his arms.

"I'm going to the bank and deposit this check so they can get off my back. Hold down the fort for me and maybe I'll bring back some of those treats you like."

"Your sweet talk won't work on me," she said with a huff.

"You hurt my feelings. Fine, be that way. See if I try to be nice to you again."

Charlotte gave him a glare making him chuckle before grabbing his keys and leaving.


"Are you sure that's what happened?"

"Yes grandma, I'll telling you everything that happened," Rosa said.

Rosa headed to her grandparents house since staying at her house was not an option cause of no front door. Her grandmother let out a sigh before handing her a plate of food.

"I told my daughter that man was no good. But would she listen to me, no."

"Dad does have his good side," Rosa said, taking a spoonful of mac and cheese.

"What good side? He's a good for nothing loser. I mean, he doesn't even have a decent job. My daughter should've married a doctor or lawyer. But no, she had to marry a disc jockey."

"That station is always number one though."

Her grandmother let out a humph before starting to wash the dishes. Rosa chuckled as she continued to eat, glancing at the notebook every few seconds.

"So who is this Tamati person dad wants me to find?"

"He's a crack pot that thinks he's a wizard. I don't know why the police haven't thrown him in jail yet. Robbing people of their hard earned money for a fake magic show."

"He said he would know what to do with the stuff my father wrote down."

"Don't believe anything your father says. Tomorrow, me and your granddad will take you to the police and you'll tell them everything that happened. They'll find the good for nothing dead beat."

Rosa watched her grandmother leave after drying her hands before sighing. She looked at the notebook again, trying to make sense of the weird symbols and sentences her father wrote down.

"Don't stay up to late Rosa," her grandmother said from the bedroom.

"Okay grandma."

She finished her food and washed the plate before heading into the spare bedroom they had made for whenever she slept over. She took off the clothes she was wearing, admiring her slim figure in the mirror as she did a small turn with a chuckle. Her fur was the traditional brown with a creamy white stomach fur. Instead of the regular bandit mask around her eyes, she had it dyed white which the boys found very sexy.

"I guess it's good to be different sometimes."

She put on the pajamas her grandmother laid out on the bed before crawling under the covers, letting out a yawn from a stressful day and falling asleep.


"Good afternoon Mrs. Rosa Sparks, I'm detective Hamada Endo," the collie said shaking her hand. "Please, have a seat."

She took a seat along with her grandparents as Hamada smiled.

"So, tell me everything that happened and we'll try our best to help you."

"Well, my dad said he was trying to find a stone of some kind that would make our lives easier. He found a map that was faded and hard to read but somehow he was able to write some stuff down on a small notebook. That was when somebody started to bang on the door. He gave the notebook to me and told me to hide, so I hid in the coat closet."

"Did you happen to see the people that abducted your father?" Hamada said, writing down everything.

"No. But something.....weird happen though."

"Can you tell me?"

"I can't really describe it. The whole house got dark all of a sudden. Then I felt this cold feeling run up my spine making me shiver. As soon as it started, it was over. When the man spoke, my father called him master, like he was under a spell of something."

"He probably got injected with some kind of drug. Do you have the notebook your father gave you?"

"Yes, here it is," Rosa said, handing him the notebook.

Hamada looked through it before frowning. He couldn't make heads or tails of the writing.

"Are you sure this is the notebook your father gave you? Cause it looks like a little kid scribbled all over this."

"Yes I'm sure. He told me to give it to a person named Tamati."

The collie laughed at that making them look at each other confused.

"Forgive me for laughing. But if you're talking about that Tamati, that guy's a fake and should be locked up."

"Do you know where I can find him?"

"I don't know personally. But I can direct you to the place that does know," Hamada said, getting up. "Follow me please."

They followed Hamada out his office and to the elevator. Getting in, they went to sub basement one and got off.

"This here, is the Paranormal Unit that takes care of the stuff that forensics can't make out. They should be able to tell you where Tamati lives cause they use him as a consultant of sorts. In the meantime, we'll do all we can to find your father."

"Thank you very much," Rosa said with a small bow.

"My pleasure," Hamada said before getting back into the elevator.

They watched him leave before looking at the office as people walked around with files in their hands and talked on the phone. A chipmunk greeted them with a smile.

"Good afternoon, welcome to the Paranormal Unit. What can I do for you?" he said with a cheerful voice.

"Umm, we need to see a person named Tamati," Rosa said.

"Ahh, Tamati Cross? Well he doesn't really work for us per say. He's just an outside source we contact in-case we can't figure something out. He's very good at solving things we can't."

"He's still just a nutcase," Rosa's grandmother spoke up.

"Trust me miss..."


"Trust me Mrs. Claire. You have to be there to see what he does."

"Do you know where we can find him?" Rosa asked.

"I can help you with that." a voice said coming down the hall.

They looked to their left to see a slim, female black wolf walk up to them. She had on a pair of beige shorts, buttoned up grey shirt and a vest which had her badge showing on the left side.

"Afternoon. My name is Cathy Spring, captain of this unit. You are looking for Tamati Cross I heard?"

"Yes. My dad said I should give this notebook to him."

"Well, I can take you to his house. I need his help on something that came in a little while ago."

"You go ahead deary. Me and Jason need to head back home."

"Okay grandma."

"Please take care of my granddaughter."

"Not to worry. I'll make sure she's well protected," Cathy said with a smile.

Claire gave Rosa a hug before leaving up the elevator with Jason. She turned back around to see Cathy handing some files to the chipmunk.

"Arthur, make sure these files get transferred to computer asap."

"You got it captain," Arthur said, sitting down and going through them.

"Well then, shall we go?" Cathy said, giving a friendly smile.

Rosa nodded her head as they left the building and into her car.

"So," Cathy spoke up. "Care to tell me why you need to see Tamati?"

"My dad gave me a notebook and said that only he would understand what to do with it."

"Where is your dad?"

"He was taken yesterday by some people. I explained to the detective upstairs exactly what happened and he didn't believe me."

"Most of those idiots up there won't. But not us. We've seen things that most people think are fairy tales."

Rosa looked at her for a second before back out the window.

"So you're saying that magic is real?"

"Very real. Thus the reason we have Tamati to help us."

Rosa watched the scenery go by before they came to Tamati's house and pulled up behind his car and got out.

"This is where Tamati lives. He's a bit strange but he knows what he's talking about."

They walked up the short steps onto the wooden porch and knocked on his door. They got no answer as Cathy knocked again.

"Alright already, stop knocking."

The door opened a little as Tamati stood there, leaning on the door. He had on nothing but boxers as he rubbed his eyes, letting out a yawn.

"If this isn't a social visit Cathy, go away."

"We need your help with something Tamati."

Tamati looked at both them before giving a toothy grin.

"Well if it's a threesome you want, I have no problem helping with that. Your lady friend there is really a knock out."

Rosa blushed at that before Cathy continued.

"A call came through about fifteen minutes ago about a homicide and the police are baffled about how the victim die."

"Why is it always business with you? When are you going to lighten up and invite me to something good, like a sleep over?"

"When you stop acting like a child and take things seriously. Now get dress and meet me at this address," Cathy said, shoving a piece of paper into his chest getting an oof from him and heading back to the car.

Rosa gave him another glance before following her. Tamati let out a sigh before closing the door.

"Was that Tamati?" Rosa asked.

"Yeah. A real pervert but he's damn good at what he does."

"He seems....unreliable."

Cathy chuckled at that before stopping at a light.

"You just have to see him perform, that's all."

"Have you two um...."

Cathy laughed hard at that, wiping some tears from her eyes.

"God no. I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole. Although, he does sometimes cross my mind every once in a while for some strange reason."

They came to an apartment complex where about four patrol cars were along with an ambulance. Rosa's eyes went wide as she recognized the building complex.

"This is my dad's friend's place. He brought me over a couple of times."

The came to a stop next to a patrol car and got out. Showing her badge, she walked in before she got stop.

"Captain Spring, who is the young lady?" an officer asked.

"A friend of the victim. She's with me."

"I don't think the scene is something she can handle. It's pretty bad."

"It's okay. When that lazy ass Tamati comes, send him up."

"Will do captain."


Tamati let out a yawn as he pulled up to the address. Getting out, he was greeted by the usual laughter and jokes from the local police.

"Hey look, here comes the local "magician"." one of them laughed.

"I wonder if he can do a disappearing act on himself."

He heard it all before as he tuned it out and walked to the front where he was stopped.

"The captain's been waiting for you Tamati. You know she doesn't like to be kept waiting." the officer said. "Were you looking online for a kids show to perform at?"

"Yeah, right after I did a disappearing act with your daughter in bed."

The officers around them let out laughter at the joke making the officer grit his teeth in anger, having his joke back fire like that.

"You're lucky the captain likes you. Otherwise I wouldn't hesitate locking your ass up."

"Excuses as usual Gary. Now do you mind getting out my way so I can do your job?"

Gary let out a growl before stepping aside, letting Tamati pass into the building where he saw one of Cathy's men at the elevator.

"You're late Tamati. Cathy's going to chew you a new one."

"I got something for her to chew on. What floor is she on?"

"The tenth floor, room ten twenty five."

"Thanks Juan."

Getting in, he dusted off his baggy shorts and sighed. Sometimes, he hated dealing with the local authority. The tenth floor came with a chime as the doors opened. Immediately, his sense went wild, making his tails twitch rapidly. Something evil came through here with malicious intent. He walked down the hall to room ten twenty five and walked in under the tape. He saw the raccoon girl throwing up in a bucket, a medic by her side.

"You're late Tamati," Cathy yelled from the bedroom.

"How does she do that?" Tamati said to himself, taking another look at the girl before he walked to the back.

As soon as he walked into the room, his stomach lurched in his body. The sight was gruesome. On the bed laid a body, or what was left of it. The top half was pretty much liquified all over the place. The small pieces that were salvageable, were being collected by forensic into plastic bags. The rest was pretty much all liquidize and stuck on the walls and bedsheets.

"Well, what do you think?" Cathy asked, looking at Tamati's reaction.

Tamati looked at her before back at the body and walked over, trying his best not to step into the blood pools which was kind of hard.

"Whoever did this, put a lot of hate into it."

"Like how much hate?"

"Magic is controlled by your emotions and thoughts. The more emotion you put in a spell, the more powerful it can become. But if you can't control your emotions, the spell may backfire on you. The person that did this, had full control of his emotions and laid waste to this poor guy."

Tamati looked around the room, an eyebrow raised as the place looked kind of organized.

"I see this wasn't a robbery. Everything still looks intact. So this must've been personal. Anybody downstairs see anything?"

"Custodian said he saw a man come in with another, then left. Couldn't give a description cause he was mowing the lawn."

Tamati walked over to the small bookcase and looked through them. Most of the books were about ancient ruins and temples. He grabbed one and skimmed through it before putting it back. Out of the corner of his eye, he say something white under the table by the bed. Avoiding the forensic personal, he knelt down and took a closer look, finding the eye of the deceased person.

"What did you find?" Cathy asked behind him.

"An eye. Hand me a small bag will you."

Cathy handed him a small bag and a pair of gloves as Tamati picked up the eye and dropped it in the bag.

"What are you going to do with that?"

"The eye is the center of the soul, or so they say. I'm going to use it to see the last few minutes of his life."

"You can do that?"

"Isn't hard to do," Tamati said standing up. "Is the young lady out there okay?"

"Her first time seeing something like. Might traumatize her but she should be okay."

"All right, I'll head back and see what this guy saw before getting splattered."

"Make sure you tell me first before anybody else," Cathy said, watching Tamati head to the door. "Take Rosa with you also."

Tamati looked behind him with a raised eyebrow.


"Cause she has something her father gave her to give you. And don't try anything funny."

Tamati just gave a grin before chuckling.

"You shame me with accusations Cathy. I'm a gentleman."

"You try anything with that girl, and you'll get my tazer to your nuts. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yeah, yeah," Tamati said, waving a hand dismissively.

He walked out to see Rosa shivering lightly, a cup of water in her hands that were shaking. Walking up, he went to one knee and looked into her eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"I....I don't know. I've....never seen....so much blood."

"You'll get use to it. It is your first time after all. Well, let's get out of here and you can show me what your father wanted me to have."



Wesley added the second part of the map to the other, watching as it melded together creating a whole as he smiled.

"Not bad. You guys really did a good job deciphering the symbols for me."

"Thank you master," Raul said.

"I shouldn't have did that to him, but he had it coming to him. He should've submitted to me like you did."

"It was his own fault master."

"Oh well, what's done is done. How far is the next map piece?"

"Not far master. But Bruce will not give up the piece without a fight."

Wesley chuckled before running a hand across his hair.

"Ah yes, Bruce Durham. He does have a little bit of skill, but nothing that I can't handle. Nobody will come between me and my destiny."


"Come on in," Tamati said, opening his door for Rosa.

Rosa looked around his house, finding it to be like a regular house.

"What do you think?"

"I was thinking it would be more......mysterious." Rosa said.

Tamati laughed at that before leading her to the living room.

"Well if you're looking for a top hat and a cage of bunnies, I'm sorry for disappointing you."

Rosa took a seat on the nice, comfy couch while Tamati went into the kitchen.

"Care for something to drink?" Tamati asked.

"Sure. I need something to wash my mouth out from earlier. I can still taste some bile."

Rosa took a look around the living room. It was pretty comfy, two couches and a love seat sat on a nice tan rug with a wooden table in the middle that held a bowl of fake fruit. A large entertainment center was on the wall sporting a nice flat screen TV with surround sound speakers and a blu-ray player along side tons of blu-ray disc and a game console. A grandfather clock stood on the opposite wall surrounded by some photos of Tamati and a couple of degrees.

"Here you go," Tamati said, making Rosa jump in surprise

"Thank you," she said, grabbing the glass and taking a sip.

"So, do you like my living room?" Tamati said, taking a seat across from her.

"Yes, its very homely."

"Thanks. Now, let me get some general information from you. What's your name and age?"

"Rosa Sparks and I'm twenty three."

"Are you single?"

Rosa looked at him as he chuckled.

"Ignore that. Who is your father and what's his occupation?"

"My dad is Raul Sparks and he works as a disc jockey for WFOX."

"Cool station. Plays some good R&B. Tell me about what happened and why he told you to come to me?"

"My dad was taken by some people because he's looking for some kind of stone."

"What kind of stone?"

"I don't know. He said it would make us rich."

Tamati rolled his eyes at that. Everybody with their get rich quick schemes.

"Can you describe how you father was kidnapped?"

"I did before and the detective said it was some kind of drug."

"They'll say anything, but it's magic. Describe to me, what you felt, saw, or heard. Anything that can help me figure out how your dad was taken."

"Okay," Rosa said, scrunching her eyes and trying to remember the feeling she felt. "The house went completely dark, but it was still light out. Then, I felt this creepy feeling all over me."

"What kind of creepy feeling?"

"Like something was crawling up my spine slowly but nothing was on me."

Tamati crossed his arms and nodded.

"What you felt was a simple mind control. How long did the creepy feeling last?"

"About fifteen seconds but it felt longer."

"Whoever did it was good then. Mind control takes a lot of will power to pull off."

"Yeah. Something that a nobody like you couldn't possibly do."

Rosa looked around for the voice until she saw the cat fly in and land next to her making her scream.

"Easy Rosa, she won't hurt you."

"What....what is that?"

"That's my familiar, Charlotte. Charlotte, this is Rosa Sparks."

Charlotte gave a small bow to Rosa.

"What's a familiar?" Rosa asked.

"Umm," Tamati said, scratching his head trying to come up with an answer. "Think of it as a guardian that you can call to help you in certain situations. In my case, Charlotte was giving to me by my late father. She has a library of knowledge inside that puny head of hers."

"Don't get jealous that you never took your studies more seriously."

"Anyway," Tamati said, rolling his eyes. "Let's have a look at what your father wanted to give me."

Rosa nodded before handing him the notebook. Tamati took it as he opened it up, Charlotte looking over his shoulders. Once they read a couple of sentences, their eyes widen.

"Are....are you sure this is your father's?" Tamati asked.

"Yes. Its what he gave me before I hid."

Tamati read a couple more pages before frowning.

"Tell you what Mrs. Sparks, I'm going take this downstairs to my personal study. Charlotte here can keep you company while I look through it. If that's okay with you?"

"Sure. I don't mind." Rosa said with a smile.

"And don't listen to anything she says about me. They're all lies."

"You wish," Charlotte grinned.


The car came to a stop next to a trailer home on a farm. Wesley got and looked around, a doubtful look on his face.

"Are you sure Bruce lives here?"

"Yes master," Raul said.

Raul walked up and knocked on the door and waited. He got no answer so he knocked again.

"Doesn't look like he's home master."

Wesley was about to get back into the car when he felt the tiniest presence of magic in the area. His eyes scanned the large area of farm land, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He took a couple steps into the many rows of corn and smiled.

"I know you're out there Bruce. Stop hiding from me so we can talk like civilized people."

"We have nothing to discuss. I heard about what you did to Justin. How was that civilized?" a voice echoed from every direction.

"Justin tried to deny what I've been searching for. Don't be a fool like him and do the same thing. All you have to do is give me the map piece and you'll never hear from me again."

"Empty words coming from somebody like you."

Wesley's eyes narrowed as his temper rose a little.

"My patience is starting to grow thin. I can easily burn this whole corn field with you in it."

"That would be trouble if I was in the corn field."

Wesley scanned the area again, his eyes searching every inch of the field until he saw the tiniest blur in the air making him smile. He held his hand to the side as it glowed, creating a medium sized black orb.

"Last chance Bruce. The simple way, or the hard way?"

Bruce didn't respond as Wesley sighed.

"Very well. The hard way it is."

The black orb in his hands sunk into the ground before rushing towards the blur. The blur jumped in the air avoiding the orb. The orb went after the blur as two large black, writhing tentacles. A column of fire came from the blur, burning the tentacles as they dropped to the ground. The blur came into view as a large, skinny man. He looked to be in his late twenties, early thirties as his blond hair was in a ponytail. Hazel brown eyes looked at Wesley with anger.

"Your veil was almost prefect Bruce. You had me fooled for a while."

"Don't think that is the only thing I'm good at."

"Hahaha, you can't win against me Bruce. You should just give me the map while I still have a sense of humor."

"Forget it," Bruce snarled, his body getting covered with electricity.

He thrust his hand out towards Wesley, causing a large sized tornado of pure electricity to go barreling towards him, ripping up the stocks of corn from the ground. Wesley covered his eyes from the bright light before being engulfed in the large funnel. Bruce started to close his fist, making the funnel shrink and glow brighter.

"Wasn't expecting this huh you bastard?" Bruce growled, closing his fist all the way causing an explosion as the wind blew the corn all around him.

Wesley laid on the ground, unmoving as the field around him started to burn from the explosion. Bruce kept his will focused, making sure to be ready for anything as he inched closer. As he got nearer to Wesley's body, he gave it a little quick kick before hopping backwards in shock as the body started to dissolve into the ground.

"Humph, he wasn't so tough," Bruce said, with a small, pleased smile.

The moment he let his guard down, he let out a grunt as a black tentacle wrapped around his body from the underneath him. He struggled to get free, even charging his body with fire in hopes to burn it off but nothing worked. The ground in front of him started to shiver, before growing taller, forming a body as it smiled.

"Very impressive Bruce," Wesley said, dusting himself off from the left over dust after his form became complete. "But nothing can hurt me. So why don't you tell me where my map piece is?"

"Go to hell," Bruce growled, still struggling to get free.

"Been there already. While I was there, I learned a neat little trick that comes in handy every once in a while."

Wesley held his hand out, palm up. A small orange egg appeared before cracking open, showing a fly. It flew off his hand and entered Bruce's left ear. Soon Bruce started to yell as intense pain coursed through his body.

"That fly I made, will slowly eat away at your brain until nothing is left. It's kind of like brain surgery without the morphine and doctors. Very fun to watch as the blood leaks out your nose and mouth like a waterfall."

Bruce let out another yell as he felt something like hot needles pierce into his brain.

"All this can over, and I can kill you quickly if you tell me where the map piece is. Oh, and you better hurry before it eats away your ability to speak."

"It's....it's underneath......the trailer."

Wesley smiled before walking over to the large sized trailer. He raised his hand, implying his will, causing the trailer to shake violently before it lifted off the ground. The water pipes and electrical wires connected to it, hung from the bottom of the trailer like roots from a tree. He looked over at two of his wolverines as they nodded their heads and began to look for the map, digging around and leaving holes in the dirt. They found it deep underneath the soil and brought it to Wesley who smiled before dropping the trailer, causing it to smash, destroying the foundation.

"Well now," Wesley said, walking back to Bruce. "That wasn't so hard now was it?"

Bruce didn't respond as his head hung limp from his neck, blood and drool coming out of his mouth. Wesley snapped his fingers causing the vine around his body to dissolve into sand, dropping Bruce's body also.

"Oh well, guess I took to long in getting the map. Let's go. Only one more piece to get then the real fun begins."


"So um." Rosa said, looking at Charlotte who was grooming her fur. "What's it like being a familiar?"

"Pretty fun. You meet a lot different people from around the world and learn a lot from them."

"How old are you if I may ask?"

"In my years, three hundred. But in your terms, I'm still a little kid."

Rosa looked at her in shock as Charlotte smiled.

"How did you met Tamati?"

"Through his father. Before he died, he made me do a pact with his son, telling me to keep him out of trouble cause he's still learning his magical power. I didn't want to cause I'm suppose to return to where I came from once the one that called me dies," Charlotte said, stretching her wings. "But something about Tamati compelled me to stay. He has a certain aura around him that interests me."

"He does seem a little out there. But people like that are kind of funny in my opinion."

Charlotte looked at her before grinning.

"Once you get to know him, he is a true friend. The kind that will pick you up when you're down."

They shared a small laugh when Tamati came up from the basement. He looked at the two of them curiously before turning his attention to Charlotte.

"Okay, what have you been telling her Charlotte?"

"I just told her the truth about you, that's all."

Tamati groaned at that.

"You didn't tell her everything about me did you?"

"No. The rest you can tell her when you two hook up. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for my nap."

They watched her leave before Tamati took a seat next to her.

"Okay, from what I can see from your dad's notebook, he was looking for the Demon Stone."

"Demon Stone?" Rosa asked confused.

"It's a stone used in old times to summon a being of great power."

"Summon? You mean like a Final Fantasy summon?"

"Come again?" Tamati said with a raised eyebrow.

"You know, Yuna from Final Fantasy ten or the summoners from Final Fantasy eleven. Can it summon Fenrir? Or how about Shiva. Oh, even better, how about Carbuncle? I would love to cuddle that cutie," Rosa said hugging herself with a giggle.

Tamati looked at the giggling Rosa in confusing before Rosa gained her senses, blushing heavily and looking down at the floor.

"Sorry, I'm a Final Fantasy geek."

"Everybody has their hobbies. But this isn't like a video game. The being that will be summoned grants the summoner god like powers. But the down side of that is, you lose your soul."

"Why would my dad try to find something like that?"

"Maybe he was going to give to the somebody that paid him a lot of money. Either way, your dad is dipping his fingers into a deep cookie jar. We have to find him before it's too late."

"How? I have no idea where he could be?"

"You don't, but he does," Tamati said, producing the eye.

Rosa gagged a little as Tamati chuckled.

"What are you going to do with that?"

"I'm going to watch his last minutes."


"Magic, my fair lady."

"But, is magic even real?"

Tamati smiled before standing up and offering his hand.

"Come with me beautiful, and I'll show you how real it is."

Rosa looked up at him, those deep, caring red eyes staring back at her making her blush as she reached up and took his hand. She felt his gentle grip lift her off the couch as he lead her to his basement door and opened it.

"Watch your step. I don't usually bring people down her, but I'll make an exception with a beautiful thing like you," he said with a wink.

Rosa blushed at that as she got lead down the carpeted steps to his basement. She looked around when she reached the bottom step, amazed at what she saw. It was packed full of stuff she had never seen before. On the wall close to the stairs stood a bookcase with several items in glass jars or boxes, each labeled and placed neatly. Next to it, was a scroll with strange writings on it with four diamond shape tattoos around it. On the opposite side, stood a wooden table with a lot of empty glass vials and a small burner, almost looking like a chemistry set. In the middle of the floor stood a five star pentagram, painted in black surrounded by a circle with another set of strange symbols. At the points of the pentagram laid five candles, each burning a different flame color.

"Welcome to my sanctuary. How do you like it?" Tamati asked.

"It's um....different," Rosa said looking around.

"This is where the magic happens, literally."

He walked over to the pentagram, digging in his pocket and taking out the eyeball in the plastic bag. Using a pair of tweezers, he took out the eye, laying it pupil up in the center.

"So what are we going to see?" Rosa asked.

"I'm going to use a little complex spell to see the last couple minutes of his life," Tamati replied, checking over the pentagram, making sure it was dust free.

Even the slightest bit of dust could interrupt the spell. Satisfied it was clean, he walked over and stood next to her with a smile.

"And here we go!"

Tamati closed his eyes, his left arm extended, fingers spread. His mouth started moving slowly, saying the spell quietly as his ears stood attentive. His nine tails were motionless except the few twitches they did on their own. Rosa felt that chill run up her spine again. But it didn't make her shiver like before. Instead, it felt kind of comforting. Like a warm blanket covering her on a cold day in front of a fire. The ruins inside the circle started to glow a dark purple, making the candles all glow a light blue.

The pentagram glowed a dark, maroon red, making the eye in the center float into the air. Tamati's eyes opened, glowing a bright yellow as he moved his hand, making the eye focus on the wall like a projection screen as a picture was shown.

"Amazing," Rosa whispered.

The vision was clear but the voices were a little crackly which adjusted as Tamati let out a sigh before he relaxed.

"Whew, haven't done that one in a while."

"This is......unreal," Rosa said, still in a little shock.

"Yeah, magic is pretty cool. Let's see what happened to the poor guy."

The eye showed the man looking at Raul who just smiled, his arms crossed.

"I'm telling you, I don't have it." the voice said, looking at Raul.

"Oh come now Justin," a voice said to the left, out of vision range. "Raul wouldn't lie to his master."

"You're a bastard doing this to Raul, Wesley. What about his daughter? If you harmed her in any way...."

"Sadly I never met the young lady.....yet."

"You'll get what's coming to you, believe that."

A chuckle was heard as Wesley appeared to his left as Tamati got a look at him.

"I love that saying. It has such little meaning. Since I'm a nice guy, I'll give you two choices. Give me the map piece and join me in becoming a god, or die a very horrible death. Quite simple really."

The person looked at Wesley before back to Raul. A sigh was heard before the person got up and walked to the wall. A hand reached out and disappeared through it, pulling out an old folded paper before walking back and sitting down.

"Here you bastard. I hope you choke on it."

"Much oblige Justin," Wesley said, walking up and taking it. He applied it to the other as they melded into one.

"Now get the fuck out my house."

"My offer still stands on you joining me Justin. You have good talent with illusions."

"I'd rather die."

"Not that is a saying I love."

There a brilliant flash of red light before the vision started rolling, coming to a stop under a wooden table, where Tamati found it.

"Two more pieces left before I achieve what was meant to be mine. Who is left Raul?"

"Bruce Durham and Sal Zimmerman master."

"Ah yes, good old Bruce. Let's go pay him a visit."

"Yes master."

The picture faded to black as the eye floated back down to the center, the pentagram losing its glow as the candle went back to their original colors. Tamati folded his arms and frowned.

"I have to get to either of those two before it's too late."

He looked over to see Rosa with her head down, holding her shoulders as she gave a small sniffle.

"Hey now, why's a beautiful thing like you crying?" he asked softly.

"I'm scared my dad will......die like those people."

He lifted her chin softly, giving a soft smile as he wiped a few tears from her cheek.

"I won't let that happen. I can remove that spell from your father."

"You can?"

"Of course. It's not that hard to remove a mind control spell. It was the first spell Charlotte taught me. So get rid of that frown and give me that smile that makes your beauty glow."

Rosa blushed but smiled, her tail moving happily behind her.

"Thank you," she said.

"Am I disturbing you two?" Charlotte said from the steps.

"What do you want Charlotte?" Tamati chuckled.

"Cathy called and wants you at a crime scene. I wrote down the directions on the table."

"Thanks. Come on Rosa. If I don't take you, she'll tazer my balls."

"Okay," Rosa giggled.

They headed out to the car, taking off towards the place Cathy was waiting for him at.

"How did you learn magic?" Rosa asked.

"I was kind of born with it. I inherited from my father. He was a great wizard."

"Do you think I could learn?"

"Magic is in everybody. Some people just choose to ignore it instead of bringing it out."

"Can you.....possibly teach me?" she said, a heavy blush turning her face pink.

Tamati gave her a quick glance before chuckling.

"I'm not really good at teaching, but once this is all over, maybe I can convince Charlotte to help you start out if that is what you really want?"

"I would love that. Thank you."

He gave a smile before coming to the address as fire trucks, ambulances, and police cruisers were all around. Cathy was waiting for him as they got out.

"He hasn't touched you has he?" she asked Rosa.

"No. In fact, he was very sweet to me," Rosa replied.

"Tamati sweet!? That's a first," she said, looking at the big grin on Tamati's face. "Come on, I'll show you what we have."

They walked through the brunt corn field as firefighters were putting out the rest. They got to a body that was on its side as forensic took pictures.

"What's so special about this?" Tamati asked.

"Take a good look Sherlock. His body wasn't burnt in this blaze," a lynx said, still taking pictures. "Okay if we turn the body captain?"

"Go ahead Jack."

Jack turned the body over as Rosa saw the blood leak from his nose making her stomach twist again. He started taking pictures before starting to scratch his ear. A growl escaped him before a whine as he scratch harder.

"What's wrong Jack?" Cathy asked.

"Something's......itching my-"

He couldn't finish as he let out a yell of pain, clutching his left ear and rolling on the ground. Cathy ran up to him, trying to find out what's happening to him.

"Jack, what is it!? What's wrong?"

"Some.....thing's....biting.....me...." he yelled, a tiny bit of blood started to trickle down his nose.

Tamati walked over quickly and knelt down.

"Hold him down," he said.

"What?" Cathy responded.

"Hold him down so I get it out of his head."

Cathy looked confused but held Jack down. Tamati hovered his hand over Jack face, focusing his will and chanting quickly. A blue orb formed as he held it by his ear. He waited for a few seconds before it turned white as he smiled, Jack relaxing in Cathy's grip.

"Rosa, run into my car, look in the glove department and bring me a small glass jar," Tamati said, standing up with the white orb in his hand.

Rosa ran to his car, coming back with a baby food jar. Tamati put the orb in as it dissolved, showing the orange fly as it buzzed around. Cathy walked over and looked at it.

"What is it?" she asked,

"A Memorex."

"Simple words you."

"A necrotic brain eating fly. It seems this guy is a conjuror also."

"What guy?"

"The person you're after is a guy named Wesley. He's taken Rosa's father through mind control and collecting pieces of a map that when combined, will show him the location of the Demon Stone. What was this guy's name?"

"Bruce Durham."

"Shit. That means he only needs one more piece. Do you know where Sal Zimmerman lives?"

"No, but I can look it up."

"Good. We'll take you car since you have a computer in it," Tamati said hurrying to Cathy's car. "Jack will be okay after a few days rest. It didn't get through the skull but he may lose hearing in his ear."

"Okay. Billy, help Jack get to the hospital. Johnson, finish up here and bring Tamati's car to the station," Cathy said, hopping in the front seat, starting the car with a roar.


Wesley smiled as he watched the middle aged man struggle to his feet. A lady and a little boy were being held by his wolverines, crying helplessly seeing the man being beaten.

"It doesn't have to be this way Sal. Just give me the map piece."

Sal got to his feet, shaking lightly to maintain his balance as he stared daggers at Wesley.

"Surely you don't want to put your wife and son through any more suffering. Raul went with me without a fight, but your other two colleagues weren't so lucky."

Sal looked at his wife and son, the fear in their eyes wanted him to surrender. But if Wesley killed Bruce and Justin, how would he know Wesley wouldn't turn around and kill them also?

"Sal please, just tell him what he wants to know," his wife pleaded.

"I can't Victoria. If he doesn't kill us now, he will when he succeeds in what he's doing."

"Sal, you hurt my feelings. Do I look like the type of guy to do that?" Wesley said, faking hurt in his voice.

"What is it that you want?" Victoria asked.

"Your husband is in possession of a map piece that I need. Would you happen to know where it is?"

"I don't know if it's what you're looking for, but I know his safe combination."

Wesley smiled at her and bowed slightly.

"That would be wonderful my dear."

"Will you leave us alone if you get it?"

"Victoria don't," Sal shouted.

Wesley held his hand towards Sal, causing black chains to shoot up from the ground, wrapping around his body and holding him in place.

"Show my assistance here to the safe and you have my word that we will leave."

Victoria looked nervous as she led one of the wolverines into the house.

"Your wife is a better negotiator then you. I guess we know who wears the pants in this family."

They waited for a few minutes until the wolverine came back out, holding the folded piece of the map. Wesley smiled before taking it and making the map whole as it glowed brightly. Victoria hurried back over to her son and held him closely.

"Thank you my dear. You've been most helpful. You guys may have your way with them."

"You said you would leave us alone!" Victoria shouted.

"I said "I" would leave you alone. I said nothing about my helpers."

Victoria watched with tears in her eyes as Wesley's wolverines closed in on her, an evil smile on their muzzles. Before they could get close enough to do harm, they stood frozen in place. Wesley felt the magic that was used and looked around confused before a voice was heard on the roof above them.

"Picking on women and children is low."

Wesley looked up to see Tamati standing on the roof of the house, arms crossed and a growl on his face. Cathy's car came to a screech on the sidewalk as Rosa got out and spotted her dad.

"Dad!!" Rosa shouted, but couldn't go near as Cathy held her back.

"Wesley Rose, you're under arrest for the murders of Bruce Durham and Justin Topps," Cathy said.

Wesley laughed at that making Cathy growl.

"Arrest me? Surely you can't be serious. But on a side note, that was a nice spell you pulled off there mister Tamati Cross."

Tamati shivered a little on how he knew his name.

"You're a mirror image of your father before he died, minus the red eyes. Have you come to join my new world order?"

"Not really. I enjoy the order we have now and have no intention of letting you change that."

Wesley gave an evil grin before smoothing his hair back.

"I would love to indulge you, but time is of the essence. But, I will give you somebody to play with. My personal bodyguard I call on for special occasions."

His hand glowed a dark black, making a hole in the ground to his left. An inhuman roar made everybody shiver and their blood run cold. An obsidian black, metal gauntlet hand appeared from the hole before slamming down on the ground, shaking the earth. Another gauntlet appeared before they hoisted a large, headless armor from the hole, pitch black in color. It went to one knee besides Wesley who smiled.

"What is thy bidding my master?" a hollow voice echoed from inside the armor.

"Crippled the nine tails, but don't kill him. He will make a great disciple for me."

"As you wish master."

"Have fun Tamati. I'll enjoy having you by my side for my new world order," Wesley said, heading for the hole.

"Master, what about me?" Raul said.

"Your usefulness has ended," Wesley said, snapping his fingers and causing another set of chains to bind Raul. "I bid you adieu."

With that said, Wesley jumped into the hole as it closed behind him. Tamati watched as the large, hulking armor drew a sword as large and thick as a tree trunk along with a solid gold shield with the image of a lion on the front. He jumped down off the roof as Cathy hurried over to him.

"Tamati, what in gods name is that?"

"A Dullahan. A very evil, very powerful spirit being from the underworld."

"Can you beat it?"

"No. My magic won't even make a dent."

"So what do we do?"

Tamati chanted quickly, causing the chains around Sal and Raul to disappear.

"Get them out of here. I'll meet you at the hospital, cause that's where I'll probably end up once he gets through with me."

"I can't leave you here by yourself with that monster."

Tamati turned to look at Cathy, a smile on his face.

"Cathy, just go. You know I'm too stubborn to die. Besides, you owe me a romp in the bed for that goblin I got out of the station. You think I'm going to die without cashing that in?"

Cathy had a slight blush on her face which didn't show thankfully before staring him in the eyes.

"You better not die on me."

"Not a chance beautiful."

Tamati watched Cathy hustle everybody into the car. Rosa gave him one last look as he gave her a wink before the car took off down the street. He turned his attention to the Dullahan as it stood ready.

"Are you ready to feel true pain mortal?"

Tamati held his hands to the side, his right hand erupting in fire while his left crackled with lighting.

"Nothing I haven't felt before. Bring it on," he snarled.


"Are you sure it was okay to leave Tamati like that?" Rosa asked, sitting beside her father's bed holding his hand.

"He can take care of himself Rosa. I didn't want to leave him either," Cathy said.

"I'm so sorry Rosa. I saw everything that I was doing, but couldn't stop myself," Raul said sadly.

"It's okay dad. I'm just glad you're okay."

"Where is Tamati?" he asked.

Rosa looked at Cathy before back at him.

"He's fighting some kind of headless armor and told us to leave."

"I see."

Everybody was quiet until they saw doctors run pass their room.

"That must be him. I'll be right back," Cathy said.

She followed them down the hall and found Tamati sitting on a gurney, his left arm bleeding heavily as he gritted his teeth. His clothes were covered with blood and dirt and ripped in several places.

"I see you made it in one piece," Cathy said, relief in her voice.

"Define one piece. I feel like every part of my body is in a different world."

"How is he doctor?"

"A serious laceration to his left bicep. A small cut over his right eye and several bruises," the doctor responded.

"How soon can I be fixed up?" Tamati asked.

"I don't recommend you doing anything with that injury, but if you're serious, I can have you fixed up in about two, three hours."

"Good enough. Let me speak to Rosa's dad first."

Cathy helped him down to Raul's room and knocked before entering. Rosa's eyes lit up when she saw Tamati walk in.

"Tamati!? Are you okay?" she asked getting up and hurrying over.

"I'm fine, just a little headache. Nothing some aspirin will cure. Mr. Sparks, how are you?"

"Free from Wesley mind control which I'm thankful for."

"Can you tell me how you and your friends came across those map pieces and why in god's name are you looking for that stone?"

Raul was quiet before looking at Tamati.

"Have you ever wanted something so bad, but it was always out of your reach? We figured if we got a hold of the stone, all of our troubles would go away. But somehow, Wesley got a hold of the stone before us."

"Well, you got more trouble then you bargained for. This Wesley person is going to cause mass destruction if he calls who I think he's going to call. How did he get the stone before you?"

"My guess is, he probably had the stone all along and was looking for the map. The map was magical divided into four pieces, that when whole, will show the location of the summoning alter. We found the map pieces and held one each, hoping that the stone would be in the place where the summoning would take place. Somehow, he found out where I lived and, well, you know the rest."

"Do you know where the summoner altar is hidden at?"

"Yes. The entrance is under a veil in the abandon farm on Chabonnier road."

Tamati nodded before swaying slightly from the loss of blood as Cathy held him up.

"All right you, let's get you patched up. The doctor should be ready for you."


"I really think this is a bad idea Tamati. You know how hard it was for your father to seal him away?" Charlotte said, resting on his shoulder.

Tamati looked at her before back at the floating black orb that was suspended over a pentagram.

"I know it's a bad idea, but I can't beat that Dullahan that's guarding Wesley."

"Who's in the orb?" Rosa asked.

"Devil," Tamati said plainly. "I don't know if he'll like me waking him up but I have no choice in the matter."

"I really hope you know what you're doing," Charlotte said, jumping off his shoulder and landing on Rosa's.

Tamati exhaled before walking up to the orb. He raised his left arm gingerly before making a small cut in his hand, allowing a trickle of blood to drop on the pentagram causing it to glow. The orb responded, slowly dissolving leaving a man with snow white hair on one knee. He stood up and let out a yell, causing the earth to shake and Rosa shiver.

"Twenty five years and I'm finally free. Who wakes me from my slumber?"

Devil's piercing amethyst eyes opened and locked on Tamati. A sinister growl escaped his lips as he tried to rush Tamati but the pentagram shocked him sending him back.

"You," he snarled. "What the hell do you want?"

"I need your help."

"Why should I help you? Your father put me here in the first place."

"You had it coming so you can only blame yourself," Tamati responded.

Devil looked behind him to see Rosa and Charlotte.

"Wow, fresh meat. It's been ages since I had a female's blood."

Rosa shivered, seeing those eyes pierce her body. Tamati growled and snapped his fingers, causing the pentagram to issue another electrical shock through his body making him yell in pain.

"I'm willing to cut you a deal."

"A deal?" Devil said, trying to recover his breathing. "What kind of deal?"

"A Dullahan blocks my way to stopping a madman from summon Zeromus."

"A Dullahan? I haven't fought one of those in ages."

"You take care of the the Dullahan, and I'll release you from my father's prison."

"ARE YOU INSANE!!?" Charlotte yelled.

Devil looked into Tamati's red eyes, trying to find the slightest hint of bluff in his words.

"And if I refuse?"

"Then I leave you here to sleep forever. The choice is yours."

Silence took over the area until Devil chuckled.

"Very well. You have a deal."

Tamati made a quick circle with his finger, producing a collar as he tossed it to Devil. Devil picked it up, one eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"I don't do S&M unless I'm the master boy."

"That's a little insurance for me. On the off chance you try anything funny, that collar will separate your head from your miserable body."

Devil chuckled before putting the collar on as it glowed a bright yellow.

"Very well, let's get this over with."


Wesley stood in front of the giant stone doors carved into the rock wall that marked the end of the cavern. Etched into the doors, were strange ruins which prevented the door from opening. A circle with ruins stood in front of it along with four candles. A small notch was craved into the center, the size of an lemon. He held out his hand, holding a teal gem which glowed lightly.

"At long last, I will achieve a new world order."

He turned his head a little to see the Dullahan on one knee.

"What is it?"

"We have intruders my master."

"The Cross boy doesn't know when to give up does he? Very well Dullahan, if he's that persistent, kill him this time."

"As you wish," it said before disappearing in a blaze of black smoke.

Rosa stopped the car as Tamati looked at the deserted barn stable.

"This is as far as you go Rosa. I need to handle this on my own."


"Head back and stay with your father. Take miss motor mother with you," Tamati smiled, getting out the car with Devil.

"Screw you," Charlotte said.

He walked over to the driver side and smiled at Rosa. She looked up at him before letting out a gasp as he gave her a quick kiss.

"That was for good luck," he whispered in her ear. "Now head on back. I'll see you soon."

She was still in a little shock before nodding and giving a smile, putting the car in drive and taking off. Tamati watched it leave before looking at Devil who had his arms crossed. He nodded his head as they proceeded to the barn. They got halfway before feeling a malicious presence in the air.

"I see you're still recovering from our fight boy."

Tamati growled as Dullahan appeared from the same black hole, sword and shield in hand. His left arm throbbed remembering the fight.

"This time, my master has giving me permission to kill you."

Devil walked in front of Tamati and smiled.

"Sorry big boy, but you're going to fight me."

"A demon spawn? What hopes do you have against me?"

"Why don't we find out," Devil said, cracking his knuckles. "I've been asleep for twenty five years and I'm anxious to fight somebody. Hurry up and finish this boy so I can be free."

"Humph, just don't get too cocky and lose," Tamati grinned.

"Not likely," Devil grinned, showing his vampire fangs.

Tamati hurried passed them to the barn before stopping. The barn looked old and run down as the front doors looked ready to fall off. The moon gave off its light to the night sky, but Tamati noticed the barn didn't have a shadow to it. He closed his eyes, concentrating his will before opening them again as they glowed an ocean blue. The stable itself was the veil as a portal hovered over the ground. He smiled before hurrying in. The rocky cavern he appeared in was dark, the only source of light was from glowing moss that grew on the rocks.

"I hope I'm not to late to stop this madman." Tamati said to himself before taking off down the cavern.

"Zeromus, being of supreme power, ruler of dimensions, hear my voice."

The circle Wesley stood in being to glow white as the wind picked up, blowing his hair this way and that.

"With this stone, I release you from your void. Combine your power with mine and let us blaze a path of destruction and create a new world where only we are the gods."

He was about to put the stone in the hole when he turned around, arm extended as he deflected a bolt of lighting aimed at him.

"Sorry, did I break your concentration?" Tamati grinned.

"You really are becoming a pain in the ass boy. My sense of humor can only go so far."

"A shame. I find it kind of funny myself. My dad always said I have a way of getting under people's skin."

Wesley pocketed the stone before stepping out the circle, his brown eyes full of anger.

"Very well boy. I will crush you like the bug that you are."

Tamati let out a yelp as Wesley appeared right in front of him, driving his open palm right into his chest, knocking him backwards on the ground. Tamati rolled to his right, avoiding a boulder that was bent on crushing his body as he got to his feet.

"Where's all your vigor boy? Show me what you can do."

Tamati let out a growl as he held his left arm, feeling a little bit of blood seep through the bandage.

"I'll show you what I'm made of all right."

He gritted his teeth as fire and lightning gathered around his arm. His eyes flashed before letting loose a powerful wave of the combined elements towards Wesley as it ripped up the ground.

"Child's play," Wesley sneered as he got covered with the attack before dismissing it with a wave of his hand. "If that's all you got, then your wasting my time."

Tamati let out a grunt as he felt his air get cut off. Wesley held his hand out, squeezing the air making Tamati gag as his throat constricted more and more. With a flick of his hand, he sent Tamati flying into the stone walls around them, listening to the sick thuds as his body hit the rocks.

"Pathetic," Wesley said, releasing his hold. "I'm not even trying my hardest."

Tamati coughed weakly, getting to his knees. Every bone in his body hurt as they screamed at him to stay down. He felt the blood run down his open gash on his arm as well as along his head. He got to his feet weakly, using the rock wall for support.

"Damn, he's worse then the Dullahan. He shook off my strongest spell like it was a fly."

His tails twitched making his head turn to the left, a small whine escaping him as he saw what Wesley was holding over his head.

"It's time for you to join your father. Goodbye boy."

Wesley threw what was over his head, a giant black orb with sparks of lightning surfacing every now and then as it roared towards Tamati. Tamati stood his ground, his back to the wall as he produced a magic barrier, hoping to repel it away. The orb smashed into Tamati barrier making him grunt from the sheer power as it crushed him into the wall. He felt the wall behind him start to crack as the orb pushed him into it, causing the wall to come crashing down onto him, burying him in the rubble.

"Be a good boy and play dead until I finish."

Wesley walked back to the circle to resume the incantation with a smile.

"Zeromus, I call upon thee, awake from your slumber and heed my commands."

Wesley inserted the stone into the slot. The whole cavern started to shake as the ruins on the doors glowed brightly before vanishing one by one. The stone doors started to slide open, revealing a dark, swirling vortex.

"_ Who dares summon me?" _

A large skeleton head appeared from the portal with a crown on its head. Its empty eye sockets suddenly became occupied as two balls of blue fire filled them, looking down at Wesley who stood in the circle. Tamati managed to dig his way out of the rock pile that buried him as he saw Zeromus and Wesley talking.

"Zeromus, grant me your power so I may rule this world."

"_ Are you worthy of such power mortal? Your soul will belong to me if you are weak." _

"I am more then worthy for your power. My soul will belong to no one but me."

"_ We shall see. Very well mortal, I will grant you my power." _

Zeromus's blue flaming eyes turned green, then purple, causing the circle Wesley was in to shine brightly. Wesley smiled happily, finally going to achieve what he sought after for so long. Tamati had to do something quickly, so he did the only thing he could think of. Just as a beam of light started to form in Zeromus's mouth, he ran up and pushed him out the circle.

"NOO!!" Wesley shouted angrily as the beam hit the circle without him in it.

Tamati let out a howl of pain as he felt untold magic rip through his body. He went to both knees, feeling the conflict inside him, as Zeromus's evil influence tried to take over his body and soul. His red eyes turned black before going back to red as he panted heavily. All of his tails turned from grey to a dark red. Zeromus gave a deep chuckle as its flaming eyes returned to its original color.

"_ Impressive young one. To resist even my influence is most impressive. But you couldn't resist it all. I will be watching you. When the time comes, I will take over your soul." _

The stone doors closed as the seals were put back on, causing the stone to pop out of the socket and bounce on the floor before disappearing. Wesley stood up, enraged that he was denied godhood.


Tamati caught his breath, feeling the untold magical power of Zeromus running through his veins making him shiver.

"Amazing. So much power. It's almost unreal."

"I've had it with you. I should've killed you back at the Sal's house. You cost me immortality, so now I will take your life," Wesley yelled, black waves of magical energy flowing from his body.

Tamati stood up, feeling a whole lot better then he did before as he looked at Wesley, grinning and showing his canines.

"It seems that the tables have turned Wesley," Tamati said, holding his hand out as a ball of white flame danced in his palm. "I didn't want the power of Zeromus, but better me then you huh?"

"Let's see if you know how to use that power."

Wesley was about to unleash everything he had at Tamati when he froze on the spot, unable to move.

"What.....is.....going on?"

Tamati's eyes were glowing a dark black as he chuckled evilly.

"_ If you want power so badly mortal, I'll be happy to send to the depths of the underworld to get it." _

A black hole appeared underneath as several skeleton hands shot up, grabbing a hold of Wesley's body and pulling him into it. Wesley tried to struggle but it was of no use as he got pulled into the hole.

"This isn't over Tamati.. When I return, I will have my revenge on you. Believe that."

The hole closed with a bang and a final yell from Wesley. Tamati's eyes returned to normal in time as the cavern he was in started to collapse all around him, making him stumble and lose his balance.

"Crap, time to go."

He avoided the falling boulders, running up the path to the portal. It started to shrink, making him grunt and run faster, before making a diving jump through the portal as it closed. He came to a rolling stop, watching as the barn faded into the air and the portal disappear.

"Took long enough."

He turned to see Devil standing there, holding his left arm which was cut off from his body. Dullahan was laying on the ground in different parts.

"Seems like he got you good."

"What, this?" Devil said, tossing his arm in the air like a ball.

He placed his arm back on his body as it reattached itself, moving his fingers making a fist.

"Good as new. How did you do on your part?"

"Things took an unexpected turn, but everything is done."

Devil looked at Tamati hand to toe before smiling.

"I see you got Zeromus's power instead of that other guy."

"How can you tell that?"

"Look at the inside of your arm."

Tamati turned his arm around to see a tattoo in the shape of a black scorpion.

"He'll take over your soul boy. But before he does, how about our deal."

Tamati walked up to him, looking straight into his amethyst eyes.

"I'll honor our deal. But know this, if you fuck up your freedom, I'll hunt you down and kill you. Do I make myself clear Devil?" he said, his eyes flashing black for a second, making Devil grin feeling the magic strengthen around him for a brief second making him shiver.

"Very clear boy. Now get this collar off of me."

Tamati looked at him before taking a hold of the collar and chanting a few words, causing the collar to slip of his neck as Devil rubbed his neck.

"Nice working with you boy, as brief as it was. You provided me with some entertainment after twenty five years of slumber. We shall met again," Devil said with a graceful bow before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"You can count on that," Tamati grinned.

He looked up at the night sky, admiring the full moon in the sea of stars that shined brightly. A chill breeze rustled his tails as he sighed.

"I hope I'm getting paid double for this."


"Thank you again for teaching me Charlotte. I haven't had this much fun in a long time," Rosa smiled.

"I'm happy to help. You're not half bad with veil spells. With a little more practice, you'll be a genuine veil master, able to blend into anything anywhere," Charlotte smiled. "Let's take a little break and grab something to drink."


They headed up from the basement and into the kitchen where Rosa poured them both a glass of lemonade.

"So where is Tamati? I want to thank him for everything that's he's done for me and my father." Rosa asked, putting down the glass after taking a large gulp with a happy sigh.

"He should be back shortly. He had to stop at the police station and tell Cathy everything that happened last night."

As Charlotte said that, Tamati walked into the front door, his body sagging.

"Charlotte, I'm beat. Hold all my calls and tell people who come knocking that I'm not here."

They watched him walk down the hall, closing the bedroom door behind him. Charlotte turned to Rosa, a mischievous grin on her face.

"What are you waiting for, an invitation? Go on."


She couldn't finish her sentence as Charlotte flew away out the window. She watched her leave before blushing heavily. Getting up, she walked slowly towards the closed bedroom door. A loud snore was heard as she turned the doorknob slowly, taking a peek inside. Tamati was on his back in nothing but his boxers as his tails twitched once in a while. She walked up to him, watching his chest raise and fall in a deep slumber. She reached out and touch his chest softly, feeling the tightness of his muscles.

"He is kind of cute. Even if he is sort of dense."

She let out a yip as her hand got grabbed and pulled on top of Tamati who grinned.

"It's not nice to sneak into people's room while they are sleeping."

"I was....just watching you sleep," Rosa blushed.

"Why do I find that hard to believe?"

"Okay fine. I came to do this," she said, locking her muzzle with Tamati's.

She let out a soft murr as Tamati held her close, their tongues intertwining with each other, battling for position before they broke off, panting for air. She felt a poke on her belly making her chuckle.

"I take it, you were expecting me?"

"I had a hunch you were coming on to me," Tamati grinned.

"Very funny," Rosa blushed as she sat up on his chest.

"Why don't you take those clothes off and get comfortable. It's not fair for me to be the only one half naked."

Rosa chuckled before nodding slowly, reaching down and slowly unbuttoning her shirt. She saw the want in Tamati's eyes as she took it off, revealing his upper body and perky breasts. Tamati reached up and gave them both a squeeze making her gasp in pleasure and squirm as he pinched them both.

"Got to love youth," Tamati murred, giving them both a lick before nibbling her neck.

"Mmm," Rosa murred, raking her nails down Tamati's back. "How old are you if I may ask?" she asked, nibbled softly on his ear.

"Does that matter now?" Tamati asked, drawing his tongue slowly up her neck making her shiver with pleasure. "But if you must know, I'm twenty seven."

A soft moan escaped her lips before meshing together with his as they kissed passionately. Tamati trailed his hand down her tan color stomach before coming in contact with her groan which he pressed into making her break the kiss and gasp loudly. He grinned before guiding his hand into her pants, feeling the soft lips of her entrance already wet with excitement before pushing in his finger.

"Ohh," Rosa gasped, hugging Tamati close and grinding into his hand.

"Enjoy this aren't you cutie?"

She could only pant and nod her head, moaning softly at the pleasure she was getting. As much as it pained her, she pulled his hand out of her pants, bringing his fingers up and licking them clean with a seductive look making Tamati growl. She pushed him down on the bed with a smile before standing up. Her tail tickled his chin before she wiggled slowly out her pants. Tamati took a deep breath, taking in her young scent with another growl which she copied.

"In the presence of such beauty. Man am I lucky."

"Flattery will get you everywhere Mr. Cross," she said, shaking her hips slightly. "But let's see if you can keep up with my youth."

"If that's a challenge, then I accept," Tamati grinned. "Get your cute ring tail butt over."

She smiled before turning around, placing her rump inches from his face as she pulled his boxers down to his ankles. Tamati's penis sprung free from its confines, pre dribbling down the pink length which Rosa collected with a finger making him shiver as she licked it off.

"First one to cum loses," she said looking over her shoulder. "Are you ready?"

"More then ready."

Tamati made the first move, driving his tongue into her hot depths, making her cease up from the sudden penetration. He grabbed a hold of her waist, making sure to kneed and caress her firm cheeks making her moan around his cock. Her taste was young, almost virgin like as his tongue made circle around her insides collecting everything that her body offered. He lapped happily, feeling her muscles contract around his tongue, as her tail bumped his head every few seconds.

Rosa moaned through a mouthful of cock as she took it deeper in her mouth. She twirled her tongue around the sensitive cap of his penis, squeezing near the base rhythmically and angling her head so the tip rubbed against the ridges of the roof of her muzzle. His hips thrusted upwards involuntary at the feeling making him grip her hips hard as he felt himself slip away.

"Shit, she's good. I haven't felt a blow job like this before. I'm going to lose if I don't do something."

He ran a finger down between her legs, searching for that magical button which he found and gave a slight pinch.

"Oh god," Rosa gasped, raising her head and looking over her shoulder, a bit of drool on the side of her muzzle. "That's cheating."

"All's fair in love cutie," Tamati responded, licking his muzzle clean as a few drops of her liquid dripped onto his chest.

"Fine, I can play that game too."

She dove back down on his cock, taking him to the sheath making him yelp loudly in surprise. He regained his composure and dove back inside her tight depths. They both worked each other hard, both of their bodies shivering and sweating. Tamati's knot started to expand and grow rapidly making him groan as he felt her tongue circle the bundle of nerves underneath it. She gave a victory grin, feeling him shake as his balls slowly started to pull into his body.

"He can't win now. Not after I do this to him."

She grasped him behind the knot and started to squeeze while her other hand stroked him rapidly, all the while keeping her tongue swirling around the tip of his cock. That was all he could take as he withdrew his tongue, turn his head and let out a howl of pleasure. The first jet of warm, gooey cum splashed the back of her throat making her cough and pull off as the second rope coated her face and muzzle. She recovered quickly, diving back down and greedily swallowing the rest with a happy murr. Tamati felt his cock twitch with each spurt of cum he shot, losing count after five as he panted hard, eyes closed enjoying the after glow. Rosa sighed happily, feeling the hot cum coat her stomach as she licked her lips.

"Looks like I win Mr. Cross," she giggled, looking at how Tamati panted from the pleasure. "You're now at my mercy."

A grin appeared on his face as he opened his eyes slightly.

"As you wish my queen. What is thy bidding?"

"Just relax and let me take of both our needs," she grinned, licking her lips noticing he was still rock hard, a little bit of cum still dribbling from the tip.

She turned around, positioning herself over his erection and giving him a quick kiss which he returned before letting out a moan as she lowered herself onto him. Her tight depths gripping him like he never felt before making him growl.

"How does that feel?" she asked breathlessly.

"Fucking amazing."

"Good. Now I'm going to use you to my heart's delight."

She lifted herself up and down at a slow pace, savoring every inch he had to offer her. Tamati groaned, feeling her squeeze with each lift upward making his toes curl as he reached up and grabbed her waist.

"I don't think so," she panted softly, slapping his hands away. "You can't do anything but lay there and take it."

Tamati let out a snarl of frustration as he dug his nails into the bedsheets feeling her rotate her hips at the top of her lift before plunging down again. She loved the way she had full control of the situation, it drove her crazy with lust as she raked her claws slowly down his chest adding to the intense pleasure he was already feeling. Their hips came together with loud, lewd slaps as their combined juices coated their thighs and the smell of sex overwhelmed the room. She felt something round press against her, begging entrance to her warm insides.

"You want to tie me big boy?" she panted, beginning to feel her climax as she rode him harder.

"Y....yes," he whined.

She grinned before painfully stopping her motions and sliding off his lap. He let out a high pitched whined feeling the cold air hit his sensitive knot. Opening his eyes, he looked over to see Rosa on her hands and knees, tail hiked to the side as her dripping cunny throb with need and leaked her juices onto the bed.

"Come big boy, take me," she growled, wiggling her hips.

Tamati let out a snarl before pouncing her, driving his penis back to where it belongs, inside her body. She let out a small yip feeling him jackhammer her body as she gripped the sheets in her hands tightly. She never felt anything like it, not even from previous boys she had. The feeling was overwhelming her senses as she gritted her teeth, trying to push back into his powerful thrusts.

"Oh fuck yeah, take me."

Tamati reached up and latched his teeth onto her shoulder with a dominant growl, all nine tails hiked up as he claimed his prize. A loud yelp, followed by a heavy shiver from the body under him meant that she reached her peak. The tight, convulsing walls gripped him hard, milking his penis and making him growl and tighten his grip on her waist. His knot demanded entrance now and he could wait no longer as he drew his hips further back, thrusting harder into the quivering walls of her tunnel.

"Tie me Tamati, tie me. Fill me with your magical seed," she screamed loudly, feeling another orgasm coming quickly.

Tamati snarled as he pushed with all his might, finally succeeding in tying with her with a slick pop and a scream of pleasure from her. He made shallow thrusts from the tied position, feeling his knot expand, ready to feed her what her body wanted. His tails began to glow slightly, feeling those tight walls caress the nerves around his knot making him whine like a puppy.

"H...here it comes..."

He gave a couple more limited thrusts before locking his hips with hers and letting a howl of triumph. His tails glowed a bright yellow as the first wave of cum coated her insides. Rosa's body lit up as well as she joined him in a howl as she came hard for the second time herself. She felt every shot of his warm seed fill her, his knot making sure nothing escaped. Tamati got light headed before dropping onto her back out of breath, his tails returning to the dark red color. Rosa let out a small yip before falling to the bed herself, welcoming the warm blanket that was Tamati over her body.

"God...how I envy...youth," Tamati said, after regaining his senses.

Rosa chuckled, letting out a soft murr as she felt him hold her close, her tail draped around his back and interlocking with his. She rested her hand over his as they interlocked.

"Now that....was magical," she said softly. "I'm glad I met you Tamati. I guess Charlotte was wrong about a couple of things about you."

"And what would those things be?" Tamati asked curiously, nibbling at her neck softly making her shiver and squeeze his penis in return.

"Maybe I'll tell you later. Right now," she yawned softly before snuggling close to him. "I need some rest."

Tamati chuckled before tossing the sheet over their bodies. They were both almost out before Tamati spoke up.

"Oh, and for the record, Red XIII rules."

Rosa looked at him over her shoulder before chuckling and giving him an elbow before they both passed out.

She Came From the Sky

Another big thanks to GryphonWings for proof-reading and helping me out when I needed it the most. Don't know where I would be without his help or the other people that help me. Comments always welcomed either good or bad. Rain. Some...

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A Legendary Encounter

A big thanks to GryphonWings for going over this and pointing out a few things. This is my first pokemon story and he kind of inspired me to write one after reading his spooge worthy The Breeder. I'm not really good at knowing their...

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Finding Happiness

Another cliche story I figure I try. This one with a subject I wanted to do featuring a Milf. I've read other Milf stories on here and figure I throw my name into the hat. Kind of long but it flowed well in my head....

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