A Return To When We All Lived In The Forest Chapter 2: Problems in the Pacific, Arrival in Antharia, and The Search For a Scientist.

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of A return to When We All Lived In The Forest

Legalities: Look if you know my stuff you know I go in chronological order. Also if you want to join the crew of the story let me know now while we're only on chapter 2. Anyway as always disclaimer says if you're under age get lost or I can't be held accountable. All my stuff is copyrighted to me, any characters that belong to someone else are copyrighted to their respective owners.

A few days after everyone got on the ship things turned for the worse. A storm hit the ship and we needed all the hands we could get to stabilize the ship during the squalls and waves. The storm lasted a week, the nuke's had completely changed earth's ecological patterns. When it was over I silently wondered what else could go wrong. I knew one problem was that poor Alexa had gone into heat so I couldn't enter the room and instead had to send in one of the female sailors. Which Alexa was very vocal in her complaints about.

I sighed as the girl I'd sent in to give Alexa dinner walked out and said softly "She's rather testy Admiral." I thought about pointing out I was only a rear admiral then decided against it. I knew if the actual admirals heard I'd get a royal ass chewing, but by this point I didn't really care. I watched her go then locked the door again and headed up stairs to get some fresh air and sunlight. As I stood on the deck, Ron walked over and stood next to me. I nodded to him then nodded to Slithas, who I'd come to learn was the naga I'd put in charge of the red quarters. He walked over slowly and the three of us stood there enjoying the see breeze and listening to the waves. I glanced at the two of them with querying eyes and they looked at each other. I yawned and waited patiently for whatever they had to say, since I had the feeling I wasn't going to like it at all.

I realized my instincts were still dead on when Ron sighed and said started with "Well Admiral Wolf, we have a problem." I looked at him questioningly then slowly motioned for him to explain. He sighed and glanced at Slithas who gave a slight nod and continued "We're slowly running out of meat, you see, and a few of the guys are talking about well getting it by other means. Slithas and I have tried to convince them it would be a stupid idea, and most agree with us, but a few think that we were better off on the island." I snorted and Slithas nodded in agreement with the sentiments I was expressing.

Ron sighed and Slithas continued where he left off with "We believe they may take matters in their own hands. Ron and I suggest that you start telling your men to prepare for the worst." I nodded slowly then waved over the captain and motioned for them to repeat it to him. The captain listened then nodded gravely and glanced at the two as if asking their opinion on what we should do. Slithas glanced at Ron who nodded then said "I believe the crew should only deal with select members of both decks, and should otherwise stay in their own part of the ship."

The captain looked at me questioningly and I said softly "Do as they say Captain. I refuse to have our men hurt because we didn't listen to the men we placed in charge of the two infected groups on the ship." He nodded and saluted me then walked off to speak with the rest of the crew. I watched him go then turned back and asked "Is there more bad news, or do you possibly have some good news." Slithas and Ron looked at each other then motioned off to a secluded area with pleading looks. I sighed then nodded and followed them over to it thinking "What the fuck could possibly be so bad that they don't want to talk about it among the crew. I mean for cripes sakes the things they told me earlier would have bothered many of the sailors, but they'd quickly get over it. Most of them have started to actually get along with our passengers rather well."

Slithas glanced at Ron who looked back as the two tried to decide which of them would explain then Ron sighed and Slithas looked smug as he said softly "Jake, if you don't mind me calling you that, we have a big problem. There has started to be infighting between our groups. Slithas and I have no idea how to stop it because, the fighting is so sporadic we never know who is going to blow next. I mean one of the naga bit a crew member and he was forced to stay in the hold as their poison paralyzed him temporarily and started to change him. Then your friend Jeremy ended up staying with a squirrel girl and the next morning he woke up with a tail and covered in fur. He said he planned on staying with her anyway, but it's getting really out of hand. What do we do to stop the spread of the infection?"

I sighed and closed my eyes then silently wondered "Why the fuck is it that every time things seem to be getting better they end up a whole lot worse? First we have lower rations than expected then suddenly we have people sneaking down to stay with the antrhos or being bitten by them, what could possibly go wrong next? Plus the big fact is that it all falls onto my shoulders to set everything straight, so how am I supposed to do that?" I opened my eyes then said softly "We'll have to keep the infected separated from the others, and the representatives will have to be extremely careful. We'll also have to minimize contact between your two groups so they can't continue to fight each other. Ron go start gathering your people together by species, and Slithas why don't you go do the same however have some put on yellow arm bands and others black. I'll be down to explain why they're doing this when I get finished speaking with the crew up here."

The two nodded, happy to have given the responsibility to someone more able to cope with all three groups, then went down stairs to organize their own followers as I'd told them. I sighed then turned and walked to the Captain. He glanced at me and I relayed my orders for keeping everyone as separate as possible then walked up to the bridge and made a short announcement saying that each group would now only meet with key representatives from the other two groups. I then went on to explain that we'd have to ration supplies a bit, because we were still about a week away from California and had already started to run low on meat, which everyone on the ship required.

From there I went to each group and personally apologized for having to put them on rations and for not paying better attention to our supplies when we set out. Most were rather cordial in their replies and some just seemed surprised I was explaining. The sailors however just snorted and waved it off with simple "Orders are orders." and "We understand the position your in admiral." I smiled in appreciation at their comments then thanked them with a few words and said they were the best crew I'd ever met before heading back to the flight deck.

I saluted the pilots then turned and started talking with the mechanics about getting the jets ready for a flights over the city in a few days. They quickly agreed and started to prepare the planes for a few test flights that afternoon. I saluted the pilots again, then thanked them for the contribution they made to the crew. I turned and walked to the rail on the other side of the ship and watched the waves pass by as we ploughed onward. I knew that things weren't going well, but I had the feeling it would work out as long as we were careful. I sighed silently hoping that the infighting didn't spread to the point that only Ron, Slithas, and I could walk among the three different groups.

After about half an hour I walked down below decks to talk with the anthros and reptilians. I'd finally decided to settle on calling them that when a few actually changed into creatures like velociraptors and other prehistoric beasts. I slowly walked among them and started chatting with those I knew, while getting to know those I'd never met before. After about five minutes a pair of young anthros walked up to me and started asking questions about what the world was like before all the trouble started. I sat down and slowly told them stories about my own life. I ended up leaving out the parts that still made no sense to me and my friends, because I didn't want to give them nightmares. As the kids walked off to talk with their friends and family I watched them go, and silently wondered what kind of world they were growing up in. I walked down the staircase to the next deck and got to know the reptilians.

I walked among and slowly got to know them. As time went on I realized that I'd underestimated them based on their looks. I also came to realize that they were the same as they'd been before the change, however they also had habits that were directly from the change. A few examples were the fact that most preferred warmer climates to colder, that some enjoyed blood over other forms of nourishment, and that just about all of them loved meat. However I slowly came to realize that unlike the anthroans, they seemed to have forgotten most of their pasts. A few could tell me bits and pieces, but most couldn't remember anything other than that they were originally all on a cruise ship which crashed on the island and that most had been attacked by snakes, lizards, and other wild reptiles. Some however just naturally started manifesting traits that were reptilian, or saurian. I slowly nodded in understanding and a komodo dragon who's name was Riko said "A few actually flew away, we aren't sure what they became though."

I shivered at the possibility that they became dragons then thanked them and walked back upstairs. As I walked I started to try digesting everything they'd told me. By the time I got to the bathroom, which was where I'd been heading, I'd realized a bit more about the disease and thought to myself "It appears that each and every person is infected based upon themselves. It also appears that the infection will change people into anything, even the opposite gender. I guess I should probably check on everything in the mirror to make sure there were no real changes." I shook my head and looked in the mirror staring at my own reflection. I blinked as I stared at my reflection and studied myself to see how much I'd changed. The first thing I glanced at was my face to make sure it was alright. My eyes were their usual blue-gray color, my hair was still it's normal dirty blonde, and my face was no less scarred than it had been when I first entered the military.

I went from looking at my face to looking at my body and saw that the hair on my arms had changed white, and the scars on my wrist from putting my hand through my window as a kid had healed as well as the scars all over my hands from traveling in the woods. My muscles were a little better defined thanks to the lighter hair, but it seemed almost as if all the fat on my upper body had just melted away. I glanced at my nails as I remembered Ron saying something about how your nails could change colors depending on species. The nails were slightly blackened at the tip, but they weren't any longer so I really had nothing much to worry about. I sighed and slowly pulled off my shirt to check and see if I'd started to develop certain female anatomy despite having the feeling that it was almost impossible for someone with my attitude to let his body change so drastically.

The first thing I noticed when I got my shirt over my head was that I'd become ripped, I mean I'd had muscle definition before the infection but now you could make out every single one of my abdominal muscles. It surprised me because I was used to having it where you could tell there was muscle, but not a lot of definition as far as that went. I shook my head at the very idea of me with full muscle definition. Then I finally realized that the hair going up to my naval was now a light sandy blonde, instead of almost black in color. I blinked and mumbled aloud "Well it appears my physique isn't the only thing that's changing." I shook my head again as I realized that in addition to bulking me up, my body had basically been healed of all my wounds except the deepest, which were now just old faded scars.

I sighed then muttered "Time for the grand unveiling." I slowly slid my pants down and checked to make sure I wasn't walking on any sort of paws or claws. I sighed in relief when I saw my legs were completely human all the way down, then blinked as I saw that my pubic region was extremely hairy, and it seemed like my shaft had vanished. My sack was still there, but that was all I could see. I reached down and started probing then realized I'd developed what most people called a "sheath" which was a protective covering for the male reproductive organs while in a state of relaxation. I glanced behind me to make sure I didn't also have a tail then walked into one of the stalls and had a quick five minute shower.

As I showered I heard Rolan enter the bathroom and call my name. I called back "Hold on, I'll be right out." I walked out with a towel around my waist and drying my hair with another towel then glanced at him and asked "What's up?"

A broad grin split his latino face revealing sharpened teeth and he said "I think we were infected while we were on the island." I shook my head and he looked at me questioningly then I thought of the best way to explain. He watched me waiting patiently, and I motioned for him to go upstairs while I changed. He nodded and said "Right I'll be outside when you're dressed and ready to join me." I nodded and quickly pulled on a pair of NWU's then walked out and motioned for Rolan to follow me to the store room I'd been using as an office.

He followed slowly then I shut the door behind us and motioned for him to take a seat. He sat down on a crate and I sat across from him then said softly "We weren't infected on the island until we ran into the Anthroan and the Reptilians. The moment we came into contact with them the infection spread to us. It's probably infected everyone on the ship by now, however only you and I have spent any large amounts of time around the infected. That's why we're two of the only people to show signs of infection. However in some of the crew you can see minor changes. One guy gets smarter, others stronger, and others still have more endurance. We're showing outward signs because we were around those who were infected externally as well as internally. With that said I think I understand the virus."

Rolan stared at me then said "It's spread through the air, right?" I shook my head then nodded and he growled. I raised an eyebrow and he asked "What the fuck is that supposed to mean." I sighed as I tried to think of the best way to explain it to him while still keeping my worst fears out of my voice. Finally I motioned for him to calm down then took a deep breath as I prepared to give him a small hint at what I thought.

He watched me and I said softly "I think there are multiple ways the infection spreads. I believe part of why we're infected is the fact that we were touched by Alex's blood. I know the infection was already spreading through her by the time I got there, and you were already covered in her blood. I also think it's spread through sexual contact because Jeremy was changed by spending one night with that squirrel girl. I also think it's spread through saliva because that's how Alexa was turned. It could also be in water, and food that hasn't been contained, however I don't think it's in the water itself until you add an outside contaminant."

He looked at me confused and I pulled out a bottle of water then cut my hand and let the blood run down the side of the bottle and said "My blood is a contaminant thus making the water dirty. I believe if while we're in the city we find dirty water we avoid it. Same for any items we mange to get by defeating the locals. I didn't open this bottle because I didn't want to lower our stalk, also I dont' know what would happen were anyone to drink water infected with my blood. I think each strain of the disease focuses on a certain creature, or person, and slowly changes them with what we could call forced evolution."

Rolan shivered then we heard someone yell down "ADMIRAL WE'VE FOUND THE CITY AHEAD OF SCHEDULE!!!!!!" I sighed and looked at Rolan who knew what I was thinking because he was thinking it to. We were both wondering "Is it such a good thing to arrive at a city infected with an unknown disease made by our government?" I climbed to my feet and headed upstairs with Rolan in tow. As I got on the deck I saw the sailor who had called to me. His name was Johnny, and he was a young lad with light brown hair, a bit of a temper, about five foot five, had blue eyes, and had scars across his knuckles from fighting. I looked at him and he said "The fighters have already gone out as you requested Admiral, however the mechanics worry about what could be in the town to cause them trouble."

I nodded in understnading and said "Tell Anna the pilots will be fine, but to not leave their planes should anything happen to them." He nodded and ran off as I turned to Rolan and said "Tell everyone to form up into groups of ten. We'll leave a hundred people here to take care of the ship, then we'll set out to look for the scientist. I want mixed groups, and tell them that everyone is to have some sort of weapon, I don't care if it's just a knife from the kitchens." He nodded and ran off to do as I ordered as I walked over and got into the skimmer. A young sailor named Tommy Jenson, who would be changed into a girl by the end of the week, walked up to me and prepared to lower the skimmer. I smiled at him in appreciation and said softly "Tommy, make sure they don't come after me. I have my forty five, and my rifle, so no worries. I've also taken enough supplies to last one man a month if he uses them sparingly. I'm not one to waste so that's no problem, which means I'll see you guys in a few days." He nodded and lowered the skimmer into the water.

I quickly sailed her to shore using the motor then jumped out only to be assaulted by a sea serpent. I pulled out my forty five and shot it six times before it could slither away. It glanced back at me over it's shoulder then said "I'll be back for you stud, I can tell you're just playing hard to get." I blinked realizing it was female and shuddered at the thought of her getting her coils around me. She went into the water and I silently swore not to go swimming until I left this town. I started walking directly northward and came upon a bunch of old bungalows that looked like some had been torn apart, and others were just abandoned. I noticed that one was locked and wondered what the hell was inside it. I slowly walked past them and saw a path parallel to the one I was on.

I walked over to it and found myself staring at a strange glowing stone with runes carved into it. I blinked as memories from my childhood rushed to the forefront of my mind then turned away and started running to the north as fast as I could. I slammed into an ice cream cart and knocked it over then climbed to my feet and kept running. I knew if I was unlucky I was going to turn around and find one of them looking at me. If I was lucky, I'd just have to worry about someone or something that was infected. Eventually I ended up at a sign that directed me to the library. I stared at it then shrugged and mumbled "Maybe the computer can tell me what all has happened while we were out at sea. I glanced at my pistol then at my rifle and mumbled "I'm so going to need a weapon that doesn't run out of bullet's before the week is out." I heard a sound behind me and turned around. Standing behind me was a large equine. I blinked and mumbled "Nice horsey, pretty horsey, don't try to kill me."

The equine snorted and said "I take offense to that racist comment. However seeing as how you have a weapon that could splatter my brains across the ground I'll let it slide. My name is Regina. I guess that's kinda hard to tell with me in this state, but I used to be an animal trainer. I know what you're probably thinking 'Not much call for that anymore' and you're right. However I learned that I can also train some of the animals around here and get them to work with me. If you ever need any help I live across the road in my old basement. Who are you by the way, and if I were you I'd change out of the military uniform before the other infected spot you."

I stared at her stunned then saluted instinctively and said "Maa'm my name is Rear Admiral First Class Jake Wolf. I'm the lead officer on the ship that just arrived in the harbor, which I have a feeling my crew is already worried about me, and I would like to apologize for my comment. I thought you were one of the mindless beasts that attacked me earlier and decided I'd try to play the nice card. I really wouldn't mind your help, and if you could provide me of a map, I'm trying to find a local scientist who some escapees from the town said was working on a cure." Regina stared at me for a few minutes then saluted back and walked into her basement. I watched her go and kept a look out for any kind of enemies that I would have to shoot while I waited for her.

After about ten minutes Regina walked out and said "I'll trade you my map of the city for three things. The first two are some food and water. The third is that you let me stay with you in the bunker. My basement doors are almost shattered, and I worry about the creatures that could possibly get in when they finally break." I thought about it for a while then held out my hand with a nod of my head. She grabbed and shook it then said "Then it's a deal." I nodded and walked into the library as she dug in my bag for a box of MRE's and a bottle of water. I tried turning on the computer but it wouldn't work so I just sighed and looked around. Toward the back of the library I saw a door and I kicked it open with my gun pointed ahead of me. The room was empty but there was a simple folding cot inside. I quickly took it and put it in my bag then said "I found us a safe place to wait for dawn." Regina followed my eyes then grinned and walked in.

I slowly followed her, studying her all the while. She was about seven feet tall, had regular hands like most humans however they had a build up of calcium on her fingertips making them more hoof-like than my own hands. She walked on a pair of hooves, and had slightly digitigrade legs. Her coat was almost solid black other than a few spots of white across her sides. As she turned back to face me I noticed her eyes were emerald green, and that she had a blaze trailing down her muzzle. I blinked and mumbled "From the stand point of a horse lover, you're beautiful. From the stand point of a former horse trainer you would have made a perfect barrel horse." She stared at me surprised then blushed and looked away setting up her cot. I set mine up by the door, then walked out and shut the library doors before pulling it closed. I looked at her and said "Thanks for the map, with it I can navigate through the city." She waved it off and rolled over then quickly went to sleep.

I watched her for a few minutes then dug in my bag and pulled out a notebook. I started using it as a journal just in case the infection started to change me. The page I was writing read this "Day one in Antharia, I've met an interesting young woman named Regina who was turned into an equine. I don't know how it happened, but I have a feeling it has to do with the sex crazed beasts throughout the city. We found a bunker, and she gave me a map of the city. We are currently residing in the bunker. I've started this journal in case the infection starts to spread to more than just the small parts of my body it already is infecting. For some reason I have the desire to dominate Regina, but I've been pushing that urge down with sheer willpower. I believe the infection wants procreation, but I don't know if I should mention these thoughts to Rachael or any others I meet. End Day 1. January 21st 2014."

I closed my journal and set it in my bag then took a quick drink of water. I slowly stripped off my NWU's for some civilian clothes I kept on me at all times. I drifted off to sleep facing the door with my forty five ready for anything that tried to break in. As I slept I dreamed about the things me and my best friend Dustin, who I thought of as more like a brother, used to hunt in the night. The dream then changed around me to me furiously pounding away at a wolf bitch in heat. I thrust into her rapidly feeling my climax approach then howled to the sky as I pulled her back against me and released. I woke with a start to feel the insides of my boxers covered in cum. I blinked and mumbled "First ever time I've had a bloody bestiality wet dream, and it felt so right. I've got to find out what the hell is happening to me."

To Be Continued..........................................

Author's note: Well boys and girls you have it, the first sex of the story. Yes it's only in a dream, but hell anyone who know me knows that's the tip of the iceberg. Spots are still open for chapter's 3 onward and characters. All characters submitted will be copyrighted to their own creators and all creators will be thanked for their contribution. Now time for Jake's Question Time. First off What is the pony girl's name? Second why wouldn't Jake want to be with Alexa while she's in heat? Third who or what is Jake constantly thinking on in the past, I know the answer to this one but I'm not telling, and why did the block covered in runes make him think of his past? Fourth What would possibly convince Jake to go off on his own? Fifth When will the Yiff Continue?? Sixth Why do I ask these questions?

The answer to number six is simple, it makes you read the entire story, also it lets me know you're paying attention and encourages comments. I may convince my mate to do a drawing for who ever can answer Questions 1 and 2 first, and anyone who PM's me there thoughts on Question 3 and is right, I will do my damndest to get you art or something. Also the answer to my fifth question, which you're all probably wondering is "When I want it to." as a friend once told me. Anyway see you next upload, and hope you enjoyed the story.


Jake Shadow Wolf

You're Author, who's Honored to have you checking out his work.

P.S. I'll get back to my other stories eventually, but I'm honestly on a roll with this one and don't want to stop just yet. However if you haven't checked out my other stuff, go to my profile and do so, Please? *Gives the puppy eyes and whines like a sad puppy until you do.*

A Return To When We All Lived In The Forest Chapter 1: The End Of The World, And The Start Of A Journey

Legalities: This story and all characters are copyrighted to me the author, Jake Shadow Wolf. This story is not meant to offend anyone, but if it does. Well I'm sorry, don't read my work then. With that said this story contains themes not suitable for...

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Playing God Chapter 1: An introduction, and freshman year second semester.

Legalities: This story may offend many people, and if so I'm sorry but you didn't have to read it. I warn you that it will have some themes that argue with religious views, but they aren't my personal views. Next this story contains Adult Content, with...

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