The Park of Mirari: Chapter 10 and Epilogue (FINAL)

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The FINAL chapter of the Park of Mirari. The end. Finito. I can't believe it's done. This fast.

I'm going to collapse now; hope to hear you guys liked it.

Chapter 10: The Final Showdown

David whirled around at the voice, getting back to his feet in an instant to glare at the man who had ruined his life. "Come down here, and I'll show you just what I'm here for!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

Deep laughter answered him, echoing across the room as the shadows danced along the wall, flowing along the smooth surface just under the crackling electric current. It was powerful, yet quiet at the same time.

One of the shadows detached from the others, forming a great head that spread from the wall to the ceiling, and across it as well, looking down at him. "Oh, my my, is the little rudder boi upset? After so much fun, is he really all angry now?"

"Fun? You call this fun?!" David pointed to the elevator. "I just left the last of my friends behind because he saved me; I lost my best friend in the world to the creatures you made; and you've turned me...turned me into this!" He held up his tail in one hand, gesturing at himself with the other. "A freak! How is this fun?!"

"Oh, but it is, for me." The shadow chuckled, and suddenly the room seemed to flip. In a dizzying shift of orientation, up became down, and the ceiling became the floor. David screamed as he fell down towards the ceiling-floor, landing against it hard enough to knock the air from his lungs.

He rolled over as the shadow flowed into a dark shape at his side, no corporeal form, just a dark silhouette. "Pitiful boy. You know the world; you know the light is always outmatched by the dark. I learned it long ago, years ago. Centuries. Eons!" A crack split the room, the electricity shooting around the walls again, zapping just over David's prone body, around the sides of the silhouette. "The dark is always there...always out there..."

"And you're part of it!" he yelled accusingly. "You are bringing more terrible things to the world!"

"Hardly," the same voice said from behind him. He jerked his head around to see another shadow silhouette rising from the floor, standing behind him. "You call me dark? You call this darkness?"

"You know nothing." A third silhouette, stepping out of the ground almost right at his side. David rolled to the side, but almost ran into a fourth one coming out of the ground. "You know nothing of darkness, nothing of light. And you know nothing of the space between."

"I know enough that you're causing more pain with what you're doing! Change us back, we don't want this!" David pulled himself to his feet, whipping his head around from one dark silhouette to another, panting as he tried to figure out which one was the real one. "Change me back! Change us back!"

"You know, you're not thinking straight. Let's get the blood flowing back to your brain." This voice came from was hard to tell as gravity reversed itself again for David. The ceiling turned into the ceiling again, sending him flying to the other end of the room again just as the lightning arced between the machine and the elevator again.

He narrowly avoided braining himself on the floor, but he found that as much as he tried, he couldn't stand on his feet. The most he could do was push himself up, and...

Stand on his head?

David blinked several times as he realized that he could stand on his hands with almost no effort, but he couldn't put his legs under him no matter how hard he tried.

He didn't fight it, just taking it as he looked at yet another shadow silhouette approached him, stopping a few paces away. "Now that you got the blood pumping to the big head instead of this little one -" The shadow paused, tapping his finally softening cock with a cool finger, "-maybe you'll listen."

"Change me-"

"Listen first, or I'll blast you through the tower and into the Transformed that WON'T make your shifting fun." Despite the cane suddenly pointed at him being made of shadow, David couldn't help but whimper after seeing what the real thing had done to him and the others. "I talk, you listen, and then if you still can't help but moan about your situation, you can start whining and whimpering and begging and whatever else you want again. But first, LISTEN!" The shout echoed through the room, and this time, it was accompanied by a burst of wind that almost knocked David off of his of his hands.

"I'll...listen," he managed to say.

"Better." The cane was withdrawn, then spun. As it did, David felt a strange grip around his body, gripping him from head to toe. He had just enough time to feel the air squeezed out of him before he realized that he was standing on his feet again. More importantly, he was not about to fall down onto his face again.

The silhouette shrunk into the ground, going flat and disappearing before he could do anything, forcing him to listen to the voice even if he would have preferred to lay his hands around Rannoi's neck.

The voice continued from the darkness, the electricity dying down for the moment as he spoke. "You say you want to get changed back...but why? Why would you want that boring human body back?" he asked. "This new one, it is better, stronger; you can go longer, and you are surrounded by those that accept you, that want you, and will give you what you want without judgment, without caring.

"Your friends look better than ever, and they're just where they should be -"

"No they're not!" David protested. "How could anyone want to be a watch, or a brainwashed slut, or -"

A lightning bolt interrupted him. It was a mild one, to be sure, but it still burned when it raced over his tail, just barely burning the tip. "No. Interruptions. I am not going to tell you again, so will you kindly sit down and SHUT UP?!" Lightning crackled again, and David sat down on the floor, muttering and grumbling.

"Where was I? Ah yes, where they should be." The voice chuckled. "Everyone wants a different life, even if they never admit it. To give up control; to have more control. To submit, or to dominate. Everyone, everywhere, always wants something different. Sometimes less, sometimes more, but always something different. Can you get that out there?"

"Well, if you -"

"NO! No you can't, no matter how hard you work, no matter what you do, no matter what you do to try and change things, the world will not let you do anything!" Rannoi shot back. "The world, despite what people say, will never change. It will go the same way, go on for millions of years, until it explodes, doing the same thing every second of every day of every month of every year of every decade. Forever.

"The only changes, the only REAL changes, comes from people like me. From Wonders like me, like Mirari, and the others out there. WE are the only things that bring change to this pathetic, stupid, terrible, BORING existence!"

David shuddered at the thunderous words that echoed through the small chamber, wincing whenever the lightning crackled, and doing his best to not listen to Rannoi go on. He couldn't help but listen to parts of it, though; there were some bits of truth to his speech. The world never did change, that was true; and everyone wanted something different, that was true too.

But the rest? How could it be?

"You call me evil, when I give people what they want? When I cut through the world's crap to see the truth beneath? When I put aside all that purity and prudish light, when I get rid of the pain and the suffering in the dark, and give people what they NEED!?"

"I...don't know..." David said. It really wasn't something he was sure about, but he did know better than to start saying things to insult the master of the park; Rannoi might see himself as good, but David doubted that the man saw himself as insane.

A great sigh echoed through the room. "I see you are not convinced." The shadow coalesced in the ceiling, looking down at him. "Pity; would have been nice to see you submit willingly. Doubted it would happen, but would have been nice. Always wanted a walking Wonder to actually have around."

"Wait wha-"

"But I said you'd have a chance, and chance you'll get." The shadow flowed off of the walls, forming into a ball just atop the dais, dark against the light. "You'll get one chance. Get my cane away from me, and I will change you back. Fail, and you will submit willingly. That's the deal, boy; do you accept?"

Much as the thought of fighting Rannoi alone made David shiver, there was no other choice. And there was still hope; all he had to do was get the cane away from the madman, not beat him, and if he could actually pull that off, then he would get back to normal. What he'd do after that, he really didn't know, but it gave him a chance.

He slowly pulled himself to his feet, nodding his head lightly. "I accept."

"Good. Then let me take an appropriate form. Last fight deserves a good one, don't you think?" Rannoi said from within the ball of darkness.

David watched as the ball twisted and turned, wrapped and warped around itself. It grew, and it shrank, expanded and contracted itself before finally sprouting body parts. A long, ridged tail poked out through the rear, and two legs shoved themselves out of the orb, the feet slamming down on top of the dais with a thunderous, powerful stomp. One arm, and then another poked out, the arms tipped with hands, and the fingers on those hands tipped with powerful, deadly claws.

Across the shadowy flesh, he could make out the pattern of scales, smooth save for the slight indentations between the individual scales. They solidified the longer that the ball warped and shifted into the corporeal form, more details emerging as time went by.

No clothes covered the body, and David's mind had to fight hard to keep from looking between Rannoi's legs. Despite keeping himself from staring, though, he couldn't avoid seeing the first flaccid cock that he'd seen in the entire park, and mentally going goo-goo eyed at the thought of that thing being soft, yet still almost eight inches long. It made his body twitch with need, but he suppressed it, fighting the instincts telling him to submit.

As the leanly muscled arms turned solid, the rest of the body emerged, the shadow ball disappearing a few seconds later. A head with a pair of horns on top emerged, and the eyes opened, revealing a blank white, a swirling mist instead of the normal iris and pupil that one would see.

The cloud faded, and a creature that resembled a human crossed with a dragon stood on the dais. It was like the Transformed, except...this one didn't seem unnatural. This one seemed like..."Is this what you really look like?" David managed to ask.

"It's my preferred form; picked it years ago. First thing I did with my magic," Rannoi said. The black scaled, bipedal dragon stood seven feet tall, and leathery wings were held tightly furled against his back. As he stepped down from the platform, his shaft swayed slowly between his legs, slapping against his upper thighs lightly with every step, a soft 'smack' sound filling the air under the hum of the electricity as the dragon walked towards him.

David's eyes flickered to the side of the room as something flew from the walls. The cane, he thought to himself as it landed in the dragon's hand, and stared as it was pointed at him.

A smirk crossing his face, Rannoi said, "Heh, don't think you're safe; I'll be trying to get you soon. But I'll give you...hmm..." The dragon thought. "Five seconds?"

"Then better hold onto that cane, because here I come!" David ran across the room as fast as he could, ignoring the grin on the dragon's face. If he didn't move, then he had at least a couple seconds to try and rip that thing free. He just needed to do it fast enough to keep the dragon from pointing the cane at him.

He reached Rannoi's side just as the dragon started counting down, an echoing 'Five...' going through the room. Grabbing hold of the red gem at the top, David squeezed, tugged, and pulled at it with all his might. Twisting, turning, wrenching and shoving, he pulled it upwards, trying to get it out of the dragon's hand, trying to get it to loosen up.

But no matter what he did, it just stayed where it was. The dragon's grip was too strong.


He looked around, searching for something, anything that might be useable as a bludgeoning weapon.


A flicker of light off of metal caught his attention, and he lunged for it. Fingers settled around cold metal, cold metal that wiggled, and David gave it a yank. A piece of pipe came up in his hand, and he turned back to his opponent.


Going into a slide, he brought the pipe up towards the bottom of the cane. The jolt of impact went through his arms, but he saw the cane sliding upwards. The dragon, true to his word, didn't move, and it continued sliding up, up, up, sliding towards the top of the dragon's hand.


He kept sliding, desperately swinging the pipe again. A glancing blow caught the bottom of the cane, making it continue to rise up. Almost...David stared as the bottom tip of the cane slid up from the grip of the dragon, balancing on the edge of his hand -

"0." In a lightning move, Rannoi grabbed hold of the cane again, his grip once more sure. He cocks his head to the side, looking down at David. "My, but it's been a while since someone's done something like that. I have to applaud." He literally did just that, clapping his hands together as David got to his feet. "Pity that it was completely useless, but we can't all be great.

"Now, will you submit, or am I going to have to chase you?"

David panted where he lay on the floor, looking up at the dragon, and at his cane. He had been so close, so freaking close; the cane had been right on the verge of falling out of the dragon's hand. Just one more second...if he'd just had one more second.

But he hadn't. And now, he was in an even worse spot than if he had been hiding at the beginning. Even if he rolled away from the first blast, he had so little room to work with. No cover, either; unlike the magic shop, there were no tables to hide under, and the dais would provide no cover if the dragon started floating around the room, like he usually did.

There was no choice. Maybe, just maybe if he submitted, he'd be able to keep his memories of his friends, but if he fought, there was no way that he would be able to hold onto them.

He bowed his head to the dragon, lowering his forehead to touch the ground. "I will...I will submit to you. Change me however you will...but please..."

"Yes?" the dragon asked.

"Let...let me remember Bailey, Ashley...Let me remember Adam, Cari, and Jeremiah. Let me remember them. Don't turn me into a mindless thing like all the Transformed are, and what...what you did to them," David begged.

The dragon was quiet for a moment, and David worried that he'd offended him. He braced himself, gritting his teeth for the inevitable magical storm.

But instead, he heard a chuckle. Not a booming, shaking one either, but one that was soft and quiet, not harmful, but just soft laughter. He looked up, confused, and saw that the dragon was shaking his head at him. "You don't have to worry that much, boy...but it's useless to explain. But you'll see after you change."

"Well...change me then," David said, unable to suppress a little shiver as he said that. He told himself that he just wanted it over, but even in the part of him that was still human he knew that was a lie. He just wanted the feeling, the joy of transforming again, even if it did come from the dragon's cane, rather than from the pleasure of another person; at this point, he just needed it, almost like an addict needed his fix.

But rather than blasting him, the dragon walked over to him. A big black bare foot pushed him over onto his back, then pinned him down. He felt the heat and slight sweat on the bottom of it soak into his chest, and he gasped as the scent of it hit his nose.

If the scent of the Transformed had made it hard to think, the musk coming off of those black scaly feet nearly had him in fits. He fell back against the ground again, his eyes spinning from the potency of the musk, and he immediately felt his body respond, shaft rising out of its sheath eagerly. His tongue spilled out of his mouth, licking at the air as though he could somehow capture the taste on his tongue. It was almost potent enough for that to be possible, though, and he moaned loud enough for it to echo in the room as he caught some hint of the true taste of the musky foot. Whimpering, squirming, he reached up and grabbed hold of the dragon's ankle, squeezing it needily.

"Hehehe, I knew that you were one to crave the change...I should have seen it from the start." The foot lifted off of his chest, and he looked up at the underside, moaning to himself just at the sight even before the stronger scent of musk hit his nose. The five toed foot was big, more than large enough to cover his face with just one of them. The scales looked moist, despite having rested on top of his chest, and shone like they had been freshly oiled. For all that he knew, they might have been; the magic of the dragon seemed to know no limits.

It pressed down on top of his face, and what little bit of David's mind remained was obliterated by the musk coming off of the scales, the soft whispering musk of scales that reptiles had and the sweaty musk of males that stuck to it and almost overpowered the former. He shuddered, his hips pumping up and down off of the floor as he sucked in the scent through his nose, mouth open wide and his tongue already swiping along the underside, desperately pulling the taste of the musky scales into his mouth.

The scales were smooth under his tongue, and the taste potent. He shuddered and moaned, bucking his hips again and again without any self control, his mind utterly blank as he sucked in breath after breath of sweat, musk, and foot, his tongue consumed by the powerful taste.

As he licked away at the bottom of the foot, he could hear a soft voice, a voice whispering little words into his head. It was quiet, almost too quiet for him, but he could hear words now and then. Talking about feet...about servicing feet...about serving at the feet....servicing and serving at the feet of the master...of doing the master's will...of serving any that the master assigns...

He couldn't hear it all, but what he did hear sent a smile across David's mouth, even as he kept licking eagerly. They slowly began to shape his thoughts, gradually warping his mind. The musk erased his thoughts, and the words gave him new ones. Thoughts, instincts, desires; all of them focused on the dragon before him, all of them devoted to making him into perfect servant for the master.

Panting and moaning on the floor, he heard the words change, the toes drumming on his face. "Change," the dragon whispered to him. "Change for me."

"Yes..." David managed to hiss between licks, feeling the tingling tickle of fur slowly crawling across his face. The foot seemed to lift away from his face, and for a moment he thought that his master was displeased with him, worried that he had done something wrong.

But then he realized that it was his muzzle growing in, and David relaxed. The feeling of the muzzle he was growing felt...right, as though something had been missing all this time was finally being added to him. His tongue was a little bit longer, too; not much, but it was enough for him to be able to drag more of his tongue along the dragon's foot, taste more of it, get more of the musk and salt and sweat across his tongue.

The foot was removed, and he blushed as the dragon looked down at him, his mind filled with thoughts of obedience. He saw the dragon's cock, saw that it was rising, and for a moment, he almost hoped that Rannoi would tell him to go to the cock and suck it.

Instead, the dragon lifted his other foot and held it over David's face. The musk of this foot was still fully strong, and he gasped as he sucked it in, snorting it in as though it was the most delicious and wonderful smell in the world. To him, it was; anything from the master was the best, the most wonderful thing in the world for him.

He felt the changes continuing along his head, feeling his ears grow more rounded, sliding along the side of his head as they rode the waves of fur along towards the top of his head. The feeling was tickly, and he giggled against the underside of the master's foot, his lips buzzing against it lightly before he got himself under control. Going back to licking, he let himself focus entirely on the feeling and taste of the foot above him, of the smooth scales along the underside, the delicious musk that he could not stop tasting, the need that it instilled in him to be a good servant to the dragon above him.

David didn't know how long he was under the dragon's foot, but he must have done a lot; by the time that the dragon pulled his foot back, David was sucking on one of the scaly toes, and it made a soft 'pop' sound as it was pulled out of his mouth. Blushing a bit, and feeling like his belly was utterly soaked, he looked up past the foot at his master. "Yes...Master? What can...what can I do for you?" he asked, his voice shaky and dry despite how much he had cleaned the dragon's foot.

"Heh...come with me, boy," the dragon said, lifting him with a point of the cane. "We have a great deal to do before Mirari packs up and we go to our next destination. Paris, perhaps...ah well, it'll be decided later. Come come, let me teach you a few things about your new position."

The ground rumbled around them, and the dragon looked up. "Oh, they're ready already, Mirari? Good, good, send them up."

Confused, David cocked his head to the side, looking at his master curiously. The dragon just chuckled, and pointed to the elevator.

As soon as he looked towards it, the door to the elevator opened. Inside were two males, one skinny, the other huge. Both were ones that he had never expected to see again, or at least never remember if he did see them again.

"Bailey? Adam?" David managed to gasp out as he stared at them. They smiled and nodded, and he gasped again; he thought...he thought that they wouldn't remember their names. Shaking his head, he turned his head to look up at the dragon. "What...what's going on? I thought -"

"Thought a lot of stuff, didn't ya?" Laughing, the dragon floated him into their arms. David was shorter than either of them, and considering how drained he was, he sagged in their arms, his head almost level with their cocks. "Take care of him, guys; give him a good workover, but when you're done, bring him back; lotta work to do still."

Bowser Bailey and Adam the Wile E. Coyote nodded back, carrying him into the elevator. They rubbed his head as the elevator door shut, and Bailey chuckled to himself as they started to go down. "I kinda remember saying something to you back on the streets, David," he said.

"What...what did you say back then?" David asked, his mind unable to pull together the memory. Not because it was wiped, but because he was so exhausted...and still so horny and eager to serve. "I can't...can't remember."

"Heh, I told you before. If that plan of yours didn't work, I was going to fuck your brains out. Do you remember what you said back?" the big man asked.

Sagging forward, a quiet, ragged chuckle slipped from his lips. "Heh...I still don't care...I look forward to it."


It took almost two days for Bailey and Adam to be done with David, and another three days before David was able to walk enough to get up the Tower and see his master again. Not that he minded being used so much by the two of them; they were good friends, and they'd done a lot for him, and in his new body, he didn't need to worry about being transformed anymore. Not that he would have minded it - he didn't know why he'd fought it so much before, but there had been some sort of reason it was important - but they couldn't do the transformation on someone that had already been transformed. That power lay with the master alone.

Master and Mirari were there for him when he reached the Tower, several of the other Transformed leaving the Tower as he arrived. They were quiet, calm, their eyes no longer glowing and glinting with the hunger from before. That was because there were no more humans in the park, according to Adam. The cartoon coyote learned that the Transformed were only so eager and hungry when humans were in the park, one of Mirari's defenses against people that were part of the Unchanging World, and a way to convert them to their own world. Now that they were alone, everyone was safe and calm and happy.

Even Mirari was happy to see him as he entered the Tower. She gave him a smile, and patted him on the back as he walked up, and he gave her a small look of apology for hurting her with his presence when he was a human. Nothing more was said, but nothing more needed saying.

He paused on the second floor of the Tower, giving the alligator and Impmon that were there a quick hello, and a friendly stroke of their shafts. They promised him a bit of fun later, and he promised that he would be ready for them.

On the top floor, the dragon waited for him, naked as before. Rather than a viewscreen and a dais in the room, it was a simple - if elegant - throne room, the dragon dressed in nothing but a loincloth, and one that was tenting at that.

Getting to his place at the dragon's feet, David licked his way along the dragon's feet, and gradually up his legs as the dragon spoke to him.

"It's good to see that you're finally acclimated to your change, little one; it will help you in your work as my assistant.

"Your friends Bailey and Adam will be helpful too; Mirari has expressed an interest in Adam, and will have him working with her electronic and mechanical parts to keep them in good repair, not to mention keeping them improved and upgraded over the years. She seems rather fond of him; I'll have to keep an eye on her so that she doesn't turn him into a rubber pup down in the electronics sometime.

"Bailey will probably be good as one of the leaders of the Transformed; they've been a horde for too long, so it might help them to get a little discipline. I'm sure that he'll be able to whip them into shape in no time, and if anyone objects? Well, I'm sure he can...persuade them.

"And you? You'll be my underling. My lieutenant. I think you'll be the only one to leave Mirari; I need an agent outside the place, not to mention someone that will keep up appearances by getting the bookings, and scheduling where we'll go. I trust you to be good, boy; this is a great job for....Oh, this will keep for later; if you really need master's cum, go ahead."

The otter smiled as he swallowed the head of the dragon's cock into his mouth, having trailed his tongue all the way up the master's legs. It was interesting hearing him be sane for a change, but he knew that it wouldn't last. He'd learned that Wonders were seldom sane for long; they were agents of change, and change could not be sane, not and be effective.

Still, it was good to learn clearly what he'd be doing, he thought as he felt the dragon's pre flowing over his tongue. Sucking it down his throat, David bobbed up and down it, already imagining how he would serve his master...and the many people that he would transform in Rannoi's service.

The End

The Park of Mirari: Chapter 9

**Chapter 9: The Climb** As the door closed, internal lights suddenly clicked on. The sudden burst of light was almost enough to blind David, and would have if he hadn't thrown his hands up in front of his face with a yelp of pain. The crashing sound...

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The Park of Mirari: Chapter 8

**Chapter 8: To The Tower** David ran into Bailey almost as soon as he left the shop, though he managed to keep it from becoming literal. He looked up at his friend, at what he had become, and slowly shook his head; there really was no hope unless...

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The Park of Mirari: Chapter 7

**Chapter 7: The Shifting Shops** It wasn't a long walk down Main Street to reach the shops, and for a change, there was no danger of being molested by the Transformed. None of them remained near the entrance of the park, according to Adam's scanner,...

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