Dinner & New Friend

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#7 of Black Death

Hello again everyone. I'm terribly sorry for my lack of updates. I was finishing my school papers and finals, then suffered a small block in some decision making for this chapter. I'm also stuck working all summer at the warehouse where I work, so my writing time is lessened again.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I've provided a link to the song played in here. I do not own it nor am I trying to sway anyone into a different taste of music. Also, a good friend of mine makes an appearance in this chapter, and will continue to appear within the rest of the series as well.

Unstoppable, by TobyMac: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5-Cqpa09zM&feature=fvwp&NR=1

~~~~~Cecil's POV~~~~~

My eye fluttered open as the late afternoon light washed over my face. I groaned out loud as I tried to move, my jaw and rear hurting as I turned to the side. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and tired looked around the room. I noticed Snow was lying down beside me and I crawled over to him. "Snow... Snow, wake up." I said softly, nudging his shoulder softly.

He wiggled and moaned sleepily as he turned over to face me. He yawned as his eyes opened slowly. He smiled once he saw me and leaned over to plant a soft kiss on my lips. "Morning hun." He said.

I smiled at the kiss, then giggled softly before correcting him. "Evening actually babe." I said, pointing to the window.

He turned and looked out, seeing the outside. "Oh, my mistake then." he said, turning again towards the edge of the bed.

The bunny threw his legs out and stood up, stretching out as I turned and did the same on the other side of the bed. I yawned softly as I stretched, my hip area still hurting softly. "Hey Babe, that was one wild ride huh? I can't even recall much of what happened." Snow says, walking around with a smile and hugging my side.

I threw my arms around him and hugged back. "I know what you mean Hun, I can't remember much either. And I'm still aching too. Fenrir is one major pain in the tail, literally. Not to mention the maw" I said playfully, giggling at the joke.

Snow joined in and we both kissed again and smiled at each other. "I like him. And it's not so bad once you've done it some more." he teased.

I could only chuckle and licks his cheek playfully. "I know, you silly bunny." I replied.

Just as Snow was about to say something, the entire dorm shook around us. Everything that was loose was rattling and even Snow and I fumbled on our feet for a moment. I quickly looked around for a source of the shocks and then back to Snow as everything settled back down. "W-what was that?" I questioned.

Snow just shook his head and looked around worriedly. "I don't know. The island shouldn't be affected by any quakes." he said.

We both made our way out of the room into the hallway. Before we could even decide where we were going to go, we head the intercoms come on again. "You two are awake I see."

We look up in confusion. How did the person know we were up?

"No need for concern. I am Obelisk, Master Fenrir's personal A.I. system. I was ordered to guide you to him once you had wakened." he said.

"Um... Ok. Thank you for your help." I said.

"Now, please proceed to your left and follow my voice. I will guide you to the where Master is." he said. We did as asked and the A.I. guided us downstairs and through a hall to a door.

"This is the door to the basement where Master Fenrir currently is. I would advise you two to prepare yourselves. What you see inside just might shock and surprise you." Obelisk said.

This confused me, and Snow too judging from his expression. Nevertheless, I wasn't going to just stay here. I reach out to grab the doorknob and turned it, opening it slowly. Almost immediately, both of us are blasted with loud music and thumping that could be felt through our entire bodies.

I couldn't see anything since the stairway way darkened, but at the bottom was a bright light obviously from the room itself. Just what is Fenrir doing down there. I thought to myself as I started down the stairs slowly, Snow just behind me.

As we descended, they beat was getting louder, but I still couldn't tell if it was a song or not. Must just be a music beat or something. I thought to myself.

I step down to the bottom and am blinded by the brightness at first. Snow was in the same predicament because I turned my head and saw him with his head tilted down, eye closed. I blinked several times, trying to clear my vision and see what was around me. While I was still adjusting to the brightness, I heard the music end and started to hear Fenrir. He sounded like he was a good bit away though.

"Alright, time for the final round Obelisk. Bring it on!" he said. His voice, it sounded like he was enjoying himself.

Finally my eyes began to adjust, and I could see what the basement was like. My eyes opened, and once I got a look at the scene before me, my muzzle followed suit, and I went slack-jawed. This place was incredible. I was like an entire gym, athletic center, and god knows what else. Everywhere I looked, this huge white room was filled with every kind of machine or device imaginable for training. There were dozens of other things that I couldn't recognize or begin to understand.

I finally spotted Fenrir near the back, off to the side. He seemed to be in a spot that was set up as some sort of training field. It had all sorts of obstacles and such, and was sectioned off from the rest of the room somewhat by being lower, set in like a pit with steps completely surrounding it.

Just as Snow and I were finishing gawking at this unreal setup and just watching our canid friend, we noticed the music start back up. And this time, I could recognize it. Unstoppable by TobyMac?

We are, we are

We are, we are

We are, we are

We are, we are

As the opening beats started, Fenrir started to hop from paw-to-paw, jumping from side-to-side and getting himself ready for the next verse. Despite the distance and his constant moving, I swore I saw him smirking.

We are the travelers, we look to the ever after

We are the strangers, we're practically endangered

We know these roads here, they never seem to bode well

This our predicament and we ain't even sick of it

As the verse started, he moved forward still jumping along with the beat. As it played through he worked his way through the literal field of wooden training posts. I watched amazed as he snaked his way through them. He moved so fluidly it was almost unreal, and I caught sight of his face for a brief moment. His eyes... they were closed! How can he do that so easily?

We make our moves in mysterious ways

We'd rather burn up, than stick to the shade

Not of this world so we live on the run

We keep our eyes set (eyes set) on what is to come

As he exited the posts at the start of this verse, Fenrir twisted his body and flipped in the air. He landed and through out his arms, then knelt down with his right leg extended out and swept it in a wide arc before bending back onto his arms and flipping into the air again. As he was in the air, he did a somersault and landed on top of the posts.

We are, we are (we are unstoppable)

We are, we are (for the impossible)

We are, we are (we are the kingdom come)

That's who we are, that's who we are

We are, we are (we are unstoppable)

We are, we are (for the impossible)

We are, we are (we are the kingdom come)

That's who we are, that's who we are

As the mimicking verses played out, Fenrir deftly bent, flipped, and jumped around the tops of the posts. He was simply moving from one to the other, using great dexterity as he landed atop them with his palms, toes, even his fingers on some of them. Just as it was ending, he jumped again, landing away from them and to the next obstacle.

We keep it moving, this path is by our choosing

When we get tripped up we call above for lift up

Stay busy bashing while people sleep with passion

They say we missing it but I'm inclined to stick with this

The next thing in his way were punching bags, several of them set up together so that one could stand between them and attack them all, as if they were surround by enemies. Fenrir slipped into the space and started attacking the sand-filled leather bags. He punched at them, kicked, swept at them with his legs, drove his elbows in, and more. Each time they swung out from the impact, only to fall back in and receive a different hit them before. He was just so strong. Yet, he doesn't seem to be actually trying.

We make our moves in mysterious ways

We'd rather burn up, then stick to the shade

Not of this world so we live on the run

We've got our heart set (heart set) on what is to come

Fenrir slipped out of the bags, letting them bang against each other as they continued to swing on their chains. He then started to... to dance? What? Wait... has he just been dancing this whole time?! I thought to myself, watching him move along with the beat and lyrics, twisting, turning, spinning, and sliding. He was actually pretty amazing. Even with those wings on his back, He was doing things so easily.

We are, we are (we are unstoppable)

We are, we are (for the impossible)

We are, we are (we are the kingdom come)

That's who we are, that's who we are

We are, we are (we are unstoppable)

We are, we are (for the impossible)

We are, we are (we are the kingdom come)

That's who we are, that's who we are

Since there was nothing for him to move around atop of, Fenrir instead started to do a hand-stand, rotating on his one arm and flipping between the two as he break danced on the field before us. He spun faster and faster as the verses went on. As it ended, he flipped in the air on the prolonged 'are'.

There's no disguising, truth is rising

There's no disguising, truth is rising

He landed skillfully on one footpaw and spun with his other leg still out, sweeping it through the air as his momentum kept him going. He drew his leg in slowly as his spinning slowed and finally came to a rest standing up straight.

To live as Christ, to die as Cain

We're not afraid, we're not afraid

To live as Christ, to die as Cain

So break the noise, we're not afraid

He did something quite odd here, he just stood there. The only thing he did this time was slowly raise his arms out as the verse played out, his paws pumping with the beat. As the verse ended, he paused with his arm out wide and high, his head hung high and eyes still closed.

We are, we are

We are, we are

He remained in place. Just letting the small verse flow through him, only his head moved, slowly falling down.

We are, we are (we are unstoppable)

We are, we are (for the impossible)

We are, we are (we are the kingdom come)

That's who we are, that's who we are

Suddenly as the verse played, his whole body fell like his head was, for the first line he did a rolling front flip and then quickly hopping back on his footpaws. He then jumped slightly, his body tilted diagonally in the air as he spun. One of his legs was out again, sweeping through the air and landing on it just to do the same thing the other way around. Landing and dropping to give one last leg sweep in a full circle along the floor before standing up.

We are unstoppable

That's who we are, that's who we are

For the impossible

That's who we are, that's who we are

As he stood for the verse, he bent back and began a series of back flips, continuing on and occasionally would spin in mid flip. He kept going all the way back to the training posts and even went past them. He continued to the stair-like edging around the field and jumped high up to land at the top.

We are unstoppable

That's who we are, that's who we are

For the impossible

That's who we are, that's who we are

As the song's final verse played out, Fenrir stretched out, his wings unfolding and spreading out wide, showing just how big they were. He twisted around and made sure to stretch all of his body as he finished up. Once the song ended he turned around and smiled once his eyes landed on us.

~~~~~Fenrir's POV~~~~~

"I hope you boys enjoyed that little display." I said with a chuckle as I approached the two. They were both still naked and obviously fresh out of the bed. Though, guess I can't complain since I'm still naked too. I thought to myself.

They both still had they muzzles opened slightly, so it was easy to tell they did, and were likely amazed. "Y-you were a-awesome back there Fenrir. I mean, how could you do all of that? I saw, your eyes were closed." Snow asked, stumbling a little bit as the shock wore off.

"Yeah, so did I. How did you not hit something through that whole thing?" Cecil added in.

I smiled at them and shrugged my shoulders a little. "Well, it's not all that impressive. I mean, that fact I set it all up the other day shouldn't make it too hard for me to know where everything is. Also, my reflexes are really good." I replied to both of them.

"Still, that's amazing what you did there. It was all just one big dance wasn't it?" Cecil asked, smiling at me with a slight blush in across his muzzle and cheeks. How cute. Hehe, I do so love it when cute ones blush.

"It's a skill called Flowmotion. It's like an advanced form of parkour, that cool trick that people do to move around all over the place, jumping on walls, swinging on poles and such. Flowmotion is just a little higher up in difficulty. It involves fluid motion all around one's environment, and not just the ground, but on walls and even in the air as well." I stated.

They looked confused by what I said so I just turned them around and threw my arms on their shoulders. "It's fine if you don't understand it all. It's not too important. Let's head back up and get dressed. It's a good chance to have a good dinner at the cafeteria." I said, walking to the stairs and dragging them with me.


"So... this is the cafeteria huh?" I asked, looking at the large building before me. It was definitely a very big place. Even outside, I could smile the mybrid of aromas of food inside.

"Yep, it's really an awesome place. It's got a lot of different fast food shops inside with lots of room to sit around them. There's also a huge food court area. The people there will make anything you ask for." Cecil stated, now dressed in his normal tight clothing.

"The best part is that, unlike everything else here or outside the island, the food in this building at least is all free. No matter how much you eat." Snow added in, similarly dressed in clothing to show off his figure. I grinned wickedly at this, a small trace of drool building on my lips. I chuckled and licked my lips.

"Interesting. I think I'll take them up on that offer." I said, a gleam in my eye as I opened the doors and entered. I looked around and gazed at the many different fast food and restaurant spots, inhaling the aroma of each places natural menus and murring in satisfaction. I'm gonna enjoy this place.

I followed Cecil and Snow as they guided me to the food court. As we walked, I took in all the different places available in here. Pizza Hut, Chick-fil-a, Oliver Garden. It was set up rather uniquely, so that the same type of places were never too close to one another, such as Pizza Hut and Papa John's were on two different floors. As far as I could see, this place was three floors high. They really must have everything here with all this space.

Luckily, the court was on the first floor, though it seems we came from a side that lead to the second floor, so we headed down the steps and enter the massive area. I couldn't help but whistle, the place took up the entire floor. It somewhat was like a maze, the lines and tables were everywhere.

And the smells, oh the smells. My maw watered as I took a big whiff, exhaling deeply in a soft growl. This is gonna be something. I thought to myself.

Cecil and Snow lead me to one of the lines and I smiled as I got to the window. "Hello, welcome to the food court." said an enthusiastic, middle-aged white fox that was dressed in the typical kitchen worker's attire.

He was smiling at us with his eyes closed as he walked to the window, wiping his paws with a paper towel to remove sweat and grease from them. Once he got to us, he opened his eyes and gave a slight gasp in surprise. "Hey, you're that new guy from the auditorium. That was a nice showing you gave there big guy." he said with a chuckle as he leaned again the wooden bar of the window.

The slight gleam in his eye as he looked me over and the rainbow earring in his ear easily gave away his orientation. Course, I don't blame him for flirting. Despite the obvious age I could just barely smell off of him with all of the other aromas in the air, you wouldn't think him to be no more than late twenties. He sure kept in shape for his line of work, and he was only slightly smaller than I was. "So, what'll it be? As the food court's head-chef, I'll make you anything you like!" he says proudly with a smile.

I grin in reply and chuckle softly. "Anything eh? Well then..." I pause, seeing him nod, still smiling and giving an 'Mmm' sound. "I'll have five fried chickens, a jumbo-sized fry, tuna salad, three large bowls of rice, six foot-long hot dogs with everything on them, twelve salmon patties, and a big bowl of curry. Then for dessert I'll take a slice of German chocolate cake, mango pudding, and some roasted dumpling... Let's say twenty of them."

The fox gulped slightly and his smile disappeared, and a questioning look appeared on his face. "Can you really eat all that?" he asked, one ear swiveled to the side in confusion.

My grin never left and I chuckled in reply. "Yes, all that and more if I was running on empty." I said.

The look of shock on the fox, as well as my mates' faces was priceless, and I could only shrug in reply. "Hey, don't look at me that way. I like to eat." I say, and then roll up my sleeve to flex my muscles. "And I need plenty of fuel if I'm gonna keep all of this."

The head-chef stood back up with a smile, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders in astonishment. "Well, if you say so big guy. The name's Xander by the way." he says with a smile, offering his paw to shake. "Remember it; I'm sure I'll be the only person that'll be able to compete with such an appetite."

I take the paw and shake it. "I'll be sure to. I hope the food's as good as it smells. Cecil, Snow, what'll you to have?" I ask, turning to look at them. The fox also looks past me at them, waiting for their orders as well.

Cecil and Snow look at each other and whisper for a bit, trying to decide on something. "Um... We'll just have two more of the tuna salads if you'll please." Cecil said, speaking for both of them.

Xander nodded his acceptance and departed with a smile. I smiled back at him before walking over to an empty table nearby, Cecil and Snow right behind and moving to sit across from me. I look over at them and rest my elbows on the table, my head resting in my paws.

"So, you two, anything else interesting or important about this school I should know? I know about here, everything about the dorm, mission taking, and a few other stuff." I say, trying to start a conversation with them in the meanwhile.

"Hmmm... Well, if you already know about those then there isn't anything majorly important. The rest are just a few odd bits that aren't really as important as them." Snow replied, leaning against Cecil.

"Yeah, there's only maybe one real thing that's left. But I don't think you'd have to worry about it since you're a new student and technically an Omega. Instead, I think we should talk some more. I mean, we hardly know much about you, even though we've already become your mates and even let you take both of us." Cecil said, his right arm wrapping around Snow and his head resting against the top of his.

"I guess you do have a point there Cecil. I should better explain myself to both of you. Where should I-" I start, only to be interrupted by a new voice off to our side.

"Kitty!! Bunny!!" the voice shouted, and almost immediately afterward, a silver-furred wolf tackled into Cecil and Snow. The random wolf wrapped both of his arms around their necks and hugged them real close.

The suddenness and randomness of the outburst and appearance caught me by surprise and I looked at the three of them, my head tilted to the side slightly. I watched as he rubbed up against both of them affectionately and laughing to himself at their attempts to recover from the unexpected ambush. "Well, this is interesting." I say to myself softly.

The newest male to the group grinned at them as he pulled back and looked down at them, considering he was still standing and they were sitting, I'd guess he's only a little taller than Cecil just from looking. "I finally found you both again! I've been looking all over you know. How could you not tell me you two got back from your first mission? I gotta find out from the principal calling your name in that new guy's orientation. Then you both disappear until now. What's up with all that?" he says, seemingly both annoyed and excited about finding them again. Guess he's a friend of theirs. I think to myself as I continue to watch.

"Um... yeah, a lot's happened Wolfy, such as that 'new guy' you're talking about sitting right across from us and staring intently." Cecil replied, looking at me with an adorably pleading for help face. Hehe, though I'm guessing only I'm enjoying that face right now.

The wolf gives a small gasp as he looks over at me and finally notices my presence, quickly letting go of my mates and stretching out a paw towards me. "Oh, I'm so sorry about that. I meant no offense by what I said there. My name's Silnis. Silnis Hearthglen. Though most of my friends call me Sil, or with these two, Wolfy as you've witnessed. My epithet's Silver Nature by the way as well. Please to meet you in person." he said, smiling at me.

I took the paw and shook it, though something puzzled me about what he said. "Nice to meet you as well Silnis. But I'd like to ask, why do you have an epithet?" I asked, my right ear swiveled to the side in puzzlement, head still tilted.

"Oh? He doesn't know yet?" Silnis said, looking towards Cecil and Snow for confirmation.

"Yeah, we hadn't discussed it yet since he's not taken a mission yet or anything." Snow replies, entertaining himself for some reason by playing with the wolf's tail, though Silnis doesn't seem to mind judging from the slight smile on his muzzle.

"Alright, guess I'll tell him then. Everyone here that has an ability take on an epithet, something they alone can be called and remembered as. It can relate to their appearance, powers, a specific technique; anything really. This way people can be called more easily around the world and especially by the Head Master for various reasons." the wolf says, finally taking a seat between my mates and smiling over at me.

"I see, guess I'll handle that sometime later. I don't have an ability as you already know, so it'll be a hassle to deal with anyways. Instead, would you care to join us for dinner? We're waiting now for-" I started to say, but was interrupted by the intercom.

"Attention everyone. Tonight's fighting participants have been selected. Will The Pharaoh and the new student, Fenrir Rose, please report to the coliseum as soon as possible. The fight is scheduled to begin in roughly 90 minutes. Any who wish to watch please make your way to the coliseum at your leisure. That is all." The female voice said.

Ryker Appears

~~~~~Ryker's POV~~~~~ "I've been waiting for you three." I said. I then walked out of the kitchen and turned the corner to look right at the three that just walked in. I place my right paw on my hip and smirked at them. "I think you boys have got...

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Soulmates Bonding

~~~~~Third Person View~~~~~ Cecil and Snow giggled at the comment and slowly began to undress themselves. Lifting their tight shirts off, and sliding their shorts down. Making a show of it for their new soulmate and lover. This left them in their...

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New Home

~~~~~Kyle's POV~~~~~ It was the same. Everything was the same as before. I was back in the room I woke up in this morning. The alarm on the nightstand told we it was just past 2:30 pm. I had woken up just a little bit ago, but I had no reason to get...

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