Trixie's Great and Powerful Feet

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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I've always had a fascination with the idea of hooved animals with feet. It's an immensely arousing thought to me, and when I see stuff of MLP turned anthro and given feet, it's one of the sexier things around. Oddly enough, I really don't like the show - I can't stand it - but the actual foot fetish art is very arousing for me. Anyway, I found a set of MLP foot fetish art on pawsru and this one was one of the ones that begged for a story.

EDIT: apparently the art was done by FA: zerogiga and the original can be found on deviantart, which I have no idea of how to link here without just pasting the link, so I'll do that. )

Anyway, enjoy the story.

Trixie's Great and Powerful Feet

In the days since a magical experiment joined the lands of Equestria with the human world, things had changed greatly for the ponies that called the magical land home. Not only did they find themselves sharing land with the strange two legged folk that had come across the border between worlds, but their bodies had been changed as well. They no longer walked on all fours, but instead on the strange things that the human beings called feet. They had found that certain...private things...had changed as well, turning into something that the humans had said was similar to what they had between their legs, for the most part. It had meant they'd needed to invent something to cover themselves up, and most had developed something like what humans called kilts or skirts to do it, leaving most other stuff uncovered.

However, despite their changes, the ponies soon found themselves going back to their lives as normal. Most humans didn't choose to settle in Equestrian lands, instead visiting and moving on. They were good as a source of bits and a curiosity, but not a lot more in the eyes of most ponies. Unless they were around to buy some of the goods of Sweet Apple Acres or browse the shops of Ponyville, few ponies bothered looking them up.

For their part, humans were well enough behaved. They respected the laws that the ponies told them about, paid for everything rather than taking it, and overall acted civilly enough. Oh sure, there was the occasional accident of one human or another hopped up on cider, or someone that didn't understand that he shouldn't stare at them just because they were ponies - or whatever they were, now that they walked on two legs - and every year there was someone that needed to be rescued from the changelings, but by and large they were nice enough folk.

Of course, there were always rumors of humans that came to Equestria for different reasons, and whose stares weren't simply of curiosity. Many ponies publicly said that such perverts should be kept away from Ponyville, but when it came down to it, few of them actually did anything about it. There was something to be said for those stares of desire, even if they came from something that just wasn't pony. Some ponies even went out of their way to find those humans and invite them back, just to see how they compared against the stallions around them. A few other ideas, such as the human concept of sex toys and tantalizing clothing, also crossed cultural borders, leading to some of the mares and stallions to trade with humans for such things.

There were others, of course, that wanted other things than simple toys from the humans, and found ways to get them. This is the story of one human's experience with such a pony.


Anthony had to admit, he'd never expected this when he paid to come to this weird place. One minute he'd been browsing in the market, taking in some eye-candy - not to mention some masturbatory material for later - and the next, he had been bound up by rope that came to life, pulled into a shadowy alley, and knocked out. Now...Well, now he was on his knees in front of a barefoot blue pony with red eyes, a dark cloak, and an amulet of black and red in the shape of an alicorn. Said amulet bounced up and down, hanging from the pony's big toe as she looked down at him with a smirk.

For his part, Anthony was blushing about as much as he could. Compared to the curvy pony in front of him, the human wasn't much. Taller than her, he was slightly overweight and out of shape in comparison to the many lithe and lean ponies that walked through the town. Also unlike her, he actually wore normal human clothing, a pair of jeans and a shirt along with some shoes. If this unicorn had been a human, there would have been no way he would have thought he'd have a chance with her, but with the way she was looking at him, he was pretty sure that he was in for a wild ride.

"Heh, look at you, staring at the Great and Powerful Trixie like that. What are you looking at, human?" She pulled her cloak open, revealing a bra that held attributes that rivaled most human females. "Are you looking at these? Or are you some sort of perverted, pony loving human that's looking lower than that?"

He blushed, looking down and away. No sooner had he done that, though, than she shoved at his cheek with one foot, making him look up at her again. The blue flesh against his cheek was warm and a bit slick, a bit of sweat on it, and just the thought made his cock jump in his pants, a fact that she didn't miss.

"Ooooh, so that's how it is for the little human, huh? Does he know that he's not good enough for the Great and Powerful Trixie? If he's getting hard because of the Great and Powerful Trixie's feet, then he must know the truth. Are you a little foot pervert, human?"

"I, uh, I-"

"The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't need you to answer, human. Look at that. You're smaller than a stallion, but it is obvious that the Great and Powerful feet I have aroused you."

His blush only got hotter, so much that he knew she had to have felt it against her soles. It got worse as she rubbed those soft blue feet against his face, grinding against his cheeks, almost using his face like a doormat. Despite the indignity of it, though, Anthony could never remember being harder than he was right then. One hand slipped down before he could stop it, fondling himself.

That seemed to entertain her like nothing else, as she started laughing at him. Throwing her head back, she pointed down at his crotch, at the way that he stroked and squeezed his bulge.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie was right! You are nothing but a pony foot loving pervert, aren't you?"

He was helpless to do anything but nod at that.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie has heard there are humans out there with a foot fetish, and it's really strong for pony feet like hers. Do a good job, and maybe the Great and Powerful Trixie will reward you with something fun."

Those smooth blue feet dragged along his face and Anthony could do nothing but moan. He looked at her face again, asking for permission with that glance. As soon as he got the smirk in return, he lunged for her feet, grabbing them by the ankles before dragging his tongue along her soles.

Though surprised by his enthusiasm, she didn't pull her feet away, and let him lick. The blue skin tasted of sweat and slight musk, mostly clean, and Anthony shuddered in pleasure. One lick and then another, each one bringing the flavor of her feet into his mouth, and making him moan with each and every one. He worked from her heels upwards, slowly pulling his tongue along the smooth flesh, still surprised at how soft and smooth the skin was under his tongue.

He worked his way upwards, slowly extending his licks from her heel to her arch. As he crossed over that curve of her foot, he felt a little twitch, a slightly stifled giggle, but as she didn't stop him he ignored it. Too lost in the pleasure to think of what she might want, he kept licking and licking, each drag of his tongue tugging on the skin a bit, straightening out what few wrinkles there were before pulling back to lick again. The taste was subtle but strong at the same time, and he moaned with every lick along her foot.

Her free foot dragged along his face for a moment before pressing down. He could feel the slight moisture on her foot as it pressed against his shirt, and he hoped in the back of his mind that the motion would be enough to leave a footprint on the fabric. Shuddering in pleasure, he licked further and further up until he came to her toes.

She stopped him then, but not for long. Grabbing the amulet he'd noticed earlier off of the tips of her toes, she hung it around her neck before pushing her foot back against his face.

"Keep going. The Great and Powerful Trixie likes this."

Nodding, he pulled her foot against his lips, slowly sucking her big toe into his mouth. He could taste just a bit more of the sweaty taste as he shoved his tongue into the gap between her toes, and he shoved the toe past his lips to muffle his moan. Bobbing his head up and down on her toes, he could feel them drumming against his tongue, using it as a way to clean them as much as he was using her toes to enjoy himself.

Her other foot was far from unused, as it slid down his shirt further. Anthony's eyes widened more and more the further down it went, wondering if he might actually get lucky enough to get what he hoped to get. He lashed his tongue along the toe in his mouth, hoping to encourage her to keep going down, bobbing his head up and down the big toe the way that he hoped she liked -

Suddenly her eyes glowed red and her horn lit up, and he was shoved back. He grunted as he fell to the ground, but no sooner had he fallen down than the red light surrounded him. Her magic - he should have guessed that was what it was - lifted him up until he was about waist level for someone standing, laid out horizontally. Trixie floated herself and her rock seat upwards until she was floating in the air above him. She extended one foot, and Anthony saw that her toenails had started glowing almost as brightly as her eyes, the same red color.

"The Great and Poweful Trixie had no idea that a human could be such a good servant. She is going to have to keep you for a long time if you stay this good; the Great -" she held up one foot, wiggling her toes. "- and Powerful -" she held up the other. "- have never been treated so well."

That was higher praise than Anthony had expected, and his cock throbbed all the harder in his pants as a result. He blushed as she dragged the foot she called 'Powerful' over his bulge, a squirt of pre darkening the front of his jeans as a result. It also drew a chuckle from the Great and Powerful Trixie, her eyes glowing red and her lips turned up in a broad smirk as she poked him with her big toe.

"Don't worry, human, the Great and Powerful Trixie knows how to reward your kind. All of you have the same need, all of it shoved right into your crotch. Just about the only way that any of you are like the stallions around here. None of you are that big, that's for certain."

The red light of her magic grabbed his zipper and pulled it down, yanking his pants and his underwear all the way down to his ankles. His face was almost as red as the glow of her toenails as she pushed her feet around the sides of his cock, the moisture of his spit and her sweat enough to make them slick enough to slide a bit before she stopped them. Her eyes narrowed slightly when he leaked pre over her sole, and she turned to look down at him.

"Any mess you make, you clean up, human."

"I-I understand, Great and Powerful Trixie."

She smiled, a possessive, lustful smile, before turning her attention to his cock and her feet again. She dragged them along his shaft, up and down, up and down, each movement pulling pre from his balls and setting his cock to leaking. He moaned, but only for a second before she pulled his underwear up from the ground and shoved it into his mouth. He could taste his own pre on the front from it, and blushed as he realized he really was just a plaything for her, something for her to use her feet on and be pampered by.

Her toes curled, grasping the sides of his shaft as she tugged on him, milking him with her soles. Anthony whimpered and moaned softly, the sound barely getting past his underwear gag. His cock twitched beneath her feet, and he knew that he wasn't going to last much longer between her soft, sexy, blue, sweaty feet -

Just like that, the thought was enough to set him off. He thrashed in her magical grip, held in place by the red light as his cock spurted all over her soles. Her grin spread wider, almost devilishly so as her feet were coated with his cum, and she stroked him harder, faster, working to milk him of every last bit of his seed. Up, down, up, down went her feet, squeezing the sides of his cock, pushing at it, even shoving down on his balls to get the last little bits of his seed out of his cock and onto her feet. She only stopped when his orgasm slowed to nothing more than an ooze, and dropped him down to the ground. Hard.

Before he could roll over her feet were shoved in his face, rubbing against his cheek. Magic lifted the gag out of his mouth, and she held her cum-dripping soles above his face.

"Lick them clean, human. I have a magic duel later and I don't want to smell like human seed for it."

He nodded, leaning up and grabbing hold of her feet. He didn't mind licking up his own seed, particularly when she stroked her feet over his chest as a reward afterwards. Whoever she was fighting, he hoped that Trixie's opponent lost; he wanted to have an even cockier foot mistress when she got back, not someone that needed comforting.

The End

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