Ameth the Dragon Rider

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a commission for FA: Zsisron and all characters were conceived of by him, if I am not mistaken. I hope you enjoy this hypnotic adventure.

Ameth the Dragon Rider For Zsisron By Draconicon

Outside of the massive convoys, few people dared to sale around Vineslan Island anymore. The time saved by rushing through the swift currents on the eastern side was not worth the power of a sea drake heaped upon one's head, and the island had at least one that called its shores home. Half a dozen ships had already fallen to the depths from his power, only to be salvaged later by the beast, riches and supplies beyond counting doubtlessly added to its hoard. In the last year, the maps had been rewritten to show the island as a danger zone, not to be approached by anyone without an escort.

Despite this warning, ships continued to try for the shortcut on the eastern side, and without fail they fell to the power of the sea drake, his claws dragging through the wooden hulls and pulling them into the water. No crew were chased or devoured, but that was more to the nature of the creature than a lack of his power. They fled, warning others who refused to listen when they reached safe shores again.

Not far from Vineslan Island, further north in the Wyrmrise Archipelago, lay Shard Island. This smaller piece of land was home to several clans, one of which was made of up otters, the Arjen. The Arjen had long had a tradition of seeking out sea drakes, of finding these great beasts and making a mount of them, taming them into the service of the physically weaker otters. It was a mark of manhood and pride when any could accomplish it, and a great boon to the clan as a whole. How it was done was a secret known to none but the Arjen, who would never give up their secrets.

Two weeks ago, an otter named Ameth set sail from his island with the stated intention of claiming this drake for his mount. Carrying just enough supplies to make the trip from Shard Island to Vineslan, he made it clear that he would either come back on his drake, or not at all. With the wind at his back, the otter sailed through the waters, gradually making his way to the hunting grounds of the drake, his confidence as unwavering as his people's.


The white sails had turned ragged and yellow over the last two weeks, half rotted from the powerful waves that had swelled between him and Vineslan Island. Ameth struggled with the single sail at the best of times, and with nearly a fifth of it missing with all the tears and rot totaled up, the otter barely had the skill to turn the boat to catch the wind. Despite his ill luck, he still had a smile on his face as he felt the boat lurch forward again.

"Heh, I bet my brother never had to deal with something like this."

He shook his head as he leaned against the single mast, looking at the island ahead. After two weeks, he finally had a look at the home of his quarry, and he wasn't disappointed.

Vineslan Island was more of a great rock than a proper island, with a knife-like rock spire that thrust up out of the center to cut at the sky. Its shores were rocky rather than smooth sand, and the sides of the rock had little soil, allowing for few plants to grow. The rock itself was hard to the eye, lacking either the smoothness of polished stone or the rough beauty of a bouldered landscaped. Rather, it was grainy, striated with streaks of dark brown and black. Were it a lighter color, it might have been beautiful. Instead, it was disturbing.

However, even with the various flaws that denied it the chance to be called 'beautiful', it had a regal quality to it. The sharp rock in the center cut the sky with a still power that surprised him, and the curved holes along the distant shore spoke of many caverns and hiding places where one might find the inhabitant of the island.

Ameth chuckled to himself as he tugged on a rope, guiding his craft towards the famous fast currents. It didn't take long for them to grasp hold and drag his boat along, the hull turning to align itself with the water's pull in moments. The otter stepped away from the mast, leaping twice to reach the bow of the small boat. He didn't bother checking the rudder. With the power of the current there was no way he'd be able to turn out of it anyway, and he would need his eyes free to spot the sea drake. The crafty creatures were powerful and swift, and their scales were a blending of color that matched the sea almost perfectly. His brother had told him many times of the dangers they could pose, and he would not allow this one to sneak up on him.

As the current pulled him along the side of the island, the otter realized that the sea drake could be staring at him. He didn't bother hiding at the front of his ship. If anything, he showed himself off. He struck a pose, one leg up on the very front of the boat and his arms at the sides of his scant clothing. The spray of ocean splashed against his groin through the lines of bone that formed his loincloth, and the feathers along his armband fluttered in the wind. His fur shone in the sunlight, and he knew that if the drake was watching, it would be interested at the very least.

At least, that was what he thought.

The boat suddenly stopped in its path, the decrease in speed nearly throwing Ameth from the bow. He caught himself at the last second, but not before he heard the crunching sound of wood giving way beneath something hard. Rocks, maybe, but more likely claws, he thought.

His guess was confirmed as a scaled paw broke the surface of the water. Claws scraped against the side of his boat as something large dragged itself out of the sea. The scales were greenish-blue along the top of the limb, and a yellow color below. The colors extended along the body of the drake as it emerged from the water, and Ameth's eyes widened as the creature appeared bigger and bigger by the second with more of its body pulled free of the sea.

By the time that it was out of the water, it occupied more than half of his small boat, and looked down at him with its lips pulled up in a smirk.

"So you're the latest sailor to try the shortcut, hmm? You dress like a whore."

Ameth blinked at the drake's speech. It was younger than he had expected, sounding more like a newly grown man than a seasoned adult.

More interesting, though, was how it talked about him. Had the drake seen a whore before? It was an interesting thought, the otter believed, and he felt that it would be something worth pursuing at a later date. For now, however, it would be better to show what he was here for.

The otter went down to one knee, bowing his head to the drake. He could almost feel the surprise coming off of his attacker and had to hide a smile. This was only the first of many surprises that he had for his quarry.

"Noble drake, I come here with tribute for your hoard. Trinkets and pieces of treasure that would delight and dazzle you, if only you allow me a time on your shores and passage through your waters."

"...Do all of your kind speak like this? I have yet to hear any offers from others."

"That is doubtlessly because of your power, great sea drake. The fear that you may inspire at your presence would send many running before you, unable to bring themselves to face such strength."

"And you will not run?"

"I dare not. You have seized my boat and may do with it what you will. But I bear with me treasures that I would give up, if you would allow me peace in return."

"But I already have your boat. Why shouldn't I just sink it and take your treasures for my own?"

"Because then, great one, you will need to exert yourself. You must swim to the depths and find them before the current takes it from you. If you would but grant me safety and a place to rest, I will give you all but a trifle of what I have, surely more than you would find upon the sea floor with your best efforts."

Ameth raised his head slightly. The drake looked back at him with a mix of confusion and consideration, the smirk having faded sometime during the conversation. It was encouraging to see, as the otter knew that there was little chance of him catching the drake again if his boat were to be broken. However, his efforts seemed to have confused the predator more than they had enticed. He would need to sweeten the deal.

He shifted his position, going down to his knees so that he was lower than before. As he leaned back, his tail slid further away, and he saw the drake's eyes shift further down, looking down at what the loincloth only barely covered, and what lay behind that, under his tail. Ameth's own eyes were active as well, and spotted a swelling beneath the great reptile's belly, a sign that his quarry perhaps wanted things other than treasure. Another smile was stifled before it could slide across his face, and silent thanks were whispered in his thoughts for his brother's suggestions.

"I beg of you, allow me this chance to rest. It has been a long journey from Shard Island, and I will ensure that you are fully repaid for your hospitality."

Hesitating for barely a second, the drake nodded. Great forepaws pulled him to the edge of the boat and back into the waves. Head still above water, the drake met his eyes.

"I will pull you to the shores, and I will see your treasures, whore. If they are not up to my standards, I will sink your ship, and you will be left to your own devices."

"That is all I can ask for, great one."

The boat lurched forward as the great predator started to tug it free of the current. Ameth was shocked at the sheer power of the drake's muscles. No ship could break free of the current once it was struck, and while he knew that the master of the island could sink ships, he had no idea that it could actually pull the boat out of the raging waters below the surface. Such power was astounding, and it made it all the more crucial that he make this sea drake his own.

It didn't take them long to reach the island, and the drake emerged from the water shortly after the boat bumped into the rocky shore. Running up the front of the ship and leaping onto the rocky shore, Ameth tied up the boat to one of the protruding pieces of stone. The rope had survived the rot of the sails, but with the water's power, he was unsure whether his craft would remain what it was. He hoped it would. His plan was not foolproof, and he might yet be sent home without what he came for.

"You said you had treasure. Let me see it."

The otter jumped at the voice beside his ear, turning on his heel to see the drake leaning over him. On land, the difference in their sizes was perhaps less intense, but no less massive. The drake had to be at least twenty feet long from head to tail, and when the drake stood with his head up - as he did now - he must have reached a good fifteen feet in height. It was intimidating, even to one as prepared as the otter was.

Yet he didn't show it, merely bowing his head before retreating to his craft. He slid a board of wood on the deck aside and reached in, his fingers running along several pieces of gold and gems that he had brought along. The shores of Shard Island were rich enough with sea-life to make many different types of jewelry for trade, but gold was scarce in the islands, and he knew that the dragon would appreciate it. If he were wrong, well, he believed he could bring his 'host' to appreciate it anyway.

Hooking his fingers through a leather band, the otter stood up again. He turned, holding up an amulet of purple, polished shells with a great pearl in the center. It shone with the colors of the water and the sky, of sea and cloud and the rainbow bridge that joined the two. Two droplets of gold, like the spray of the ocean, arced up at the sides of the pearl, drawing the eyes towards the multicolored center.

"May I present the first of my offerings, great one? It is a piece made only by my own family, and valued highly."

"Show me, show me."

Unable to hide a slight grin at the eagerness in the drake's voice, Ameth made his way off of the boat and bowed before the great reptile again. He held the treasure up like an offering, his head bowed, but not out of respect this time. No, this time it was for his own safety. He dared not look at this piece directly, lest he be caught in the same trap as the dragon.

Thereadean looked down at the otter with mixed disdain and curiosity. The scantily dressed mammal had come to his island just as the others had, and the drake had been looking forward to bringing the ship to the depths. The treasure inside would have been less than some of the other ships he had dealt with in the last year, but it would have been an addition to his hoard nonetheless. Considering how small it was still, it needed whatever he could add to it, whatever he could find to put in it. A small pile of rocks was fine for a younger drake, but now that he had passed the century mark, he needed to start developing something more substantial.

He hoped that the otter had something more worthwhile than a few little trinkets, though. The boat wasn't large enough to have the piles of gold that a passing galleon had carried. That, he admitted, had been a struggle, but one that was well worth it. Even if half of the gold still rested at the bottom of the ocean, the half that he'd been able to capture was enough to double the size of his hoard. Of course, there was no way that the otter would be able to offer anything of the same size and value, but he hoped there was a fraction of it there.

"May I present the first of my offerings, great one? It is a piece made only by my own family, and valued highly."

"Show me, show me."

It annoyed him that the eagerness of a hatchling slipped into his voice for a moment, but he covered it by looking down at the otter with as imperious a look as he could muster. It was pretty good, he thought. He'd studied it enough from other dragons, and particularly his father, that he had it down.

Still, even with practice it was difficult to keep from staring when the otter presented his offering. The gold along the edge immediately settled its value as high, and the workmanship around the rest of it was astounding as well. His teeth ground together to keep his jaws from falling open at the sheer beauty of it, and his eyes slowly narrowed as he tried to take in every detail of it that he could.

Eventually his eyes made their way to the pearl in the center. Normally he didn't find pearls that appealing, but this one was different to the countless white pieces of sea-trash that he had found before. It had a shine to it, almost metallic along the exterior, but with a rainbow hue that reminded him of the sea after a storm, the water in the air bridging the sky above and the water below. It was a surprisingly powerful color, and he felt himself drawn into it, his eyes closing slightly to try and stare deeper into the depths of the pearl.

"See, great one? I have much to offer you. The wealth of the sea is present in all I carry, but I dare say, nothing in my holds compare to what stands before me now."

"Hmmph...You try...flattery, whore?"

Strange. It shouldn't have been so hard to speak as that. He'd needed to force his voice a bit, something he didn't remember doing before. He shook his head but found his eyes glued to the pearl still.

"It is not flattery when one sees the color of the waves and the power of the storm encompassed in a single being before me, great one. Surely in all the world there is not a greater embodiment of the sea's power than in what lays before me, the great sea drake of Vineslan Island."

Thereadean did not deny the praise. If anything, he stood up a little straighter, a small smile pulling at the edges of his jaws. It was true, he thought. He was truly a wonder of the islands. Young as he was, he had brought ships to the depths, and had begun his fame. Could other drakes say the same at his age, he wondered? He doubted it.

"Yes, truly, a creature such as yourself should have a wealth that surpasses kings and queens, chieftains and warlords. You stand here, a power that is beyond reckoning, and with a beauty and appearance that demands the worship of those around you.

"Yet, where are your servants, great one? Where stand those that would give you the obeisance that is your due?"

The drake blinked once, slowly, as he thought about it. It was strange, he supposed, that he didn't have any of the things that others had. The winged cousins of his kind, far away, kept their mortal servants close by at all times. They were a sign of status as much as they were a source of pleasure and amusement. Perhaps it was time for him to have something of his own.

He didn't have a chance to answer the otter before the pearl was lifted closer to him. The shining colors of the gem held his attention, and what words he had prepared faded from his tongue as he was forced to appreciate the beauty before him once more. The light sparkled off of the pearl, throwing little rainbows in the air that seemed to dance before his eyes.

"Great one, your power is massive, but it is unappreciated. Is it not better to hear the words of another worshiping you than to scare them away? Are my words not pleasant for you as they fall upon your mind?"

"They are, most pleasurable."

"Then listen, great one, as I tell you of your power, and of the greatness you have."

Why he would need a mammal who dressed like a whore to tell him such things was beyond the drake's comprehension, but he was willing to give the two legged creature a chance to prove his point. So long as the sailor kept showing him that pearl, he was willing to listen to a great deal of things.

"You are a creature of might and majesty, great one. I have traveled the sea for weeks, and seen the travelers that sail the islands, and never have I seen a being of your splendor. There is nothing to you that is displeasing to mine eyes, not a scale out of place nor a scratch upon your hide. To look upon you is to look upon perfection. Has no one told you this, great one? If not, they must have been blind, for there is none that might look upon you that could deny their urge to praise your looks.

"Please, great one, grant me this favor. Would you recline upon the rocks so I might see if the perfection extends beneath your body so far as it extends above you?"

"So long as you, as you keep that pearl for me to see."

The otter nodded, and Thereadean rolled himself onto his side. His legs sprawled out towards the side as he stared at the pearl, his head turning to follow it around as the sailor made his way around the drake's body. Squatting down between fore and hind-legs, his visitor stared with eyes wide and mouth agape. A hand pressed against the drake's chest, and Thereadean growled deep in his chest.

"Have I displeased you, great one?"

"No, you haven't. It's just...amusing."

"What is, if I might ask?"

"That a whore...pays to touch me. Instead of the other way 'round."

"Many would pay to touch such perfection, to say that they have laid their hands upon one as magnificent as you. The chance to say that they have been so close as to lay their hands upon you would be a great lure for you, great one, and I am sure to share what I have done with others."

Thereadean chuckled softly, but he didn't disagree. He was a marvel, and the more the otter spoke, the more it seemed obvious to him that it was the truth. How he hadn't realized it before was irrelevant. What mattered was that he had realized it now, and he had someone that would be more than happy to tell him everything that he wished to hear. He relaxed further, his eyes drawn to the pearl and to the rainbows it threw off as the otter turned it to face the light.

"Great one, the power of your body can only be matched by the attraction you present. Your body is lithe and lean, yet the muscles beneath your scales are so strong, so powerful as to tug a ship free from the very arms of the sea itself. You live within it, but you master it at the same time. I can only bow before such power, great one."


"Your pardon, great one?"

"My name. It is, Thereadean. Use it, if you please?"

"As you wish, Thereadean." The otter's hands pressed against his belly, drawing a soft grunt from the dragon. "May I massage you, Thereadean? Your body begs for the worship of hands as well as the worship of words."


The drake groaned softly as the otter climbed between his legs, the feeling of those paws running along his scales surprisingly good. They knew how to press against him to give a surprising amount of stimulation to his muscles, and he could feel them loosening. The tension after the swim and tugging the boat began to melt away under those talented fingers, leaving him to sigh in pleasure.

"I am glad that I can bring something good into your life, great one. Are my fingers pleasing to you?"

"More than you...than you know, whore."

"You are not paying for my services, Thereadean. If anything, I have paid you."

"Then...what does that...make you?"

"That is up to you, sir. But please, relax under my fingers, and allow me to bring you the ease that you so desperately need. It is so overdue for you to actually know what you are, the wonder that you hide from the world."

Shrugging slightly, the drake submitted to the otter's massage. It was difficult to think of much, but he had no need to make a decision about the otter's status, nor about what to call him. All he needed to do was relax, and with the otter's hands along his belly and chest, and with the pearl before his eyes, it was something that he was more than happy to do. He felt himself drifting off, his eyes closing to slits, but he couldn't bring himself to close them fully. The wonder of the pearl was simply too much to look away from.

"I am glad that you enjoy my tribute, great one. Is it not a wonder that my family has created? The pearl catches the light so very well, casting the rainbows to dazzle the eyes."

"Yes...the rainbows are....very beautiful..."

"Thank you, sir. My family has worked tirelessly upon this little thing, and it would please them to know that someone of your great stature has approved of it. Please look deeper. There are legends that the rainbows are stronger the deeper you look, bringing rest and happiness to those that would take the time to see."

He had been curious about the rainbows. With the invitation, he leaned his head forward until it was scarcely a few inches from the pearl. Despite his best efforts he could barely squeeze his eyes a little, as his body was too relaxed for that sort of focus, but it seemed to work. The dancing light in front of his eyes turned, the rainbows slowly beginning to spin instead of merely bouncing off of the pearl. They danced for him, and his eyes slowly turned to follow them as his ears continued to fill with the otter's words.

"Does it not feel good to relax under the hands of someone who worships you, Thereadean? For you should be worshiped. Your body is perfect, your strength the thing of legend. You can already feel your body loosening underneath the touch of my fingers, and you have learned how good the touch of one who worships you feels. Now, please, do me this one last favor. Open your mind, great one, and allow my words in. Allow me to relax you, to bring you the knowledge of your greatness, so you may never forget."

There was an odd lilt to the otter's words, a cadence to them that was at once alien and familiar to the drake. It wormed its way through his ears, leaving his mind curious but sleepy. Despite himself, the drake perked up his head, listening for the words of praise that he was coming to crave.

"Mighty drake, he who has swum the depths and the length of the ocean, may you finally know your place in the world. Not bound to an island or any belief of your kind as less, but as a mighty creature that may rule all he surveys. One who might rule all, but never fear any reprisal. Your power is such that you might be at ease always. No ship may take you, nor any army destroy you, for your power is mighty and vast. Look upon yourself, and the way that you have shown that even the sea has no mastery over you. None might challenge the great Thereadean.

"So relax, great one, relax and allow yourself rest. Allow yourself the ease that you have always denied yourself. I know you must not fear any, but there is nothing for you in this constant vigilance. There is none that may challenge you, so you may relax. You may rest, and you may relax, knowing that your power is secure, that it is greater than any that would dare try to come against you."

Every time that word repeated itself, it was that much easier to simply agree with the otter. Thereadean had never fully relaxed, knowing that it was only a matter of time until a treasure hunter would come for his smaller....his meager trove...but he didn't need to worry. Like the otter said, he was mighty....powerful...he could relax about it.

The otter's fingers stroked up higher for a moment, rubbing against the powerful chest plates that protected him, before slowly sliding lower. He blinked slowly, his eyes barely moving, and he realized that they were almost closed. He was more tired than he thought.

"Oh, great one, your body is so tight. Please, listen to your servant and relax. It will feel so wonderful for you if you would relax. Your island is inviolate save for those you invite. You may trust me, and relax. Your body has gone so limp with ease already. Please, great one, allow your mind to follow."


"Yes, great one. Your mind. It is so tired. I can see it in your eyes. Please, allow your servant to bring you ease. Just allow your mind to relax, to drift. No harm will come to you. I am but a sailor, and I have nothing but worship for a being as mighty and wonderful as you. Even were I someone that wanted to harm you, what chance would I stand? You might sleep a thousand years, and nothing I could do would bring harm to you.

"Relax, great one. Relax, and let go."

Slowly the sea drake blinked again, and this time his vision changed. His eyes opened upon a multicolored landscape, with the colors of the rainbow coloring the black rock with their many hues. It was a wonder, and his mouth slowly dropped open as he lacked the energy to keep it closed. Still, still he stared at the pearl, even as he felt the otter's hands continue moving further and further down along his body. They stroked his belly and the inner thighs of his hindlegs, before they pressed in somewhere that had gone untouched for altogether too long a time.

He felt more than saw his shaft emerging from the slit between his legs. It pushed out at the otter's touch, encouraged by the slow stroking around it, and nearly retreated again at the touch of the cold wind from the sea. Slow shivers ran down his scales, only to be banished as the otter grasped him by the root and stroked him.

"Do you see what relaxing gives you, great one? This is the pleasure of knowing yourself, of knowing your power and accepting what is due to you. It feels so good, and you only want more, do you not, great one?"


"Then allow me to give you what you desire, great one. Please, relax. Relax, and allow me to give you the service you've so long denied yourself."


"Relax, and let go. That is all you need do, great one. Allow your mind to drift away, and let yourself feel this pleasure. Let your mind fill with what you want, what you crave. Let your mind fill with the feeling of my hands -"

The otter's fingers grasped at him again, the tightness of the fingers around his shaft drawing a deep moan from the drake and a squirt from his shaft.

"-And the feeling of my mouth."

Thereadean barely had the chance to process those words before a different warmth surrounded him. The drake gasped as his shaft was swallowed into the otter's mouth, the thick tip gripped tightly by moist lips. He could feel an eager tongue whipping against the flesh around his tip, lapping repeatedly at the small opening and gathering up what he leaked. The otter's service sent shivers of an entirely different sort down his spine, and he let out a deeper, lustful growl as the feelings only continued.

Slowly but steadily the otter's fingers stroked up and down the base of his shaft while that mouth continued to tease the tip of his member. It was a potent, heady sensation, and it soon took up all of the dragon's mind. What few slow thoughts remained fell away, transformed by the otter's service into the simple lust that filled his loins.

Still the mammal found time to speak, pulling away from the drake's shaft. He stroked the drool from the tip into the rest of his cock while he talked, each one directing the drake's thoughts a little further.

"Did I not tell you that this would be good, great one? So relaxed, and it is so very hard to think of anything but what I am doing to you, isn't it?"

Bob, slurp, suck went the otter's mouth as the drake nodded.

"It is safe, great one. Relax, enjoy what your servant does for you. Let your mind think of nothing but the pleasure, for that is what matters, is it not? The pleasure, the tribute of one such as myself for the great one before him."


"Then enjoy it, great one, and think of nothing else."

He couldn't have thought of anything else if he tried. With every bob of his head and every stroke with his hands, the otter was driving every thought, partially formed or whole, from his head. Thereadean couldn't remember why he had ever been stressed, or remember just why the otter was here. He could not remember why he could have been worried, nor did he know how this pleasure had come to him. All that mattered was that it was here, and he could enjoy it. His head slumped back, eyes barely open and focused on that pearl, that wonderful, beautiful pearl.

It flashed as he stared at it, each twitch of his shaft inside the otter's mouth sending another pulse of rainbow through his swirling vision. It should have disoriented him, but if anything, it excited him. He moaned softly, hisses and growls dancing from his lips as the otter's talented tongue continued to tease him.

With each flash, his lust burned hotter, and his mind felt consumed. No thought, no water, no calm in his mind. There was only fire, fire and need, and it was all focused between his legs. If he had been less relaxed, he would have used the otter as nothing more than a toy, as nothing less than a place to dump his seed. It was not to be, as his body was so relaxed, so at peace, that there was nothing he could do but wait for the otter to be finished, for his need to be quenched by the otter's mouth.

His servant teased him, those hands squeezing before turning on his cock, as though they were wringing it out. It was the only way that the otter could fit his hands around the entirety of the base of the drake's shaft, turning to touch parts that went untouched while the hands laid at rest. Thereadean could feel his own juices flowing out of his tip, running down his length when his visitor was unable to swallow it, and he panted, his hips trying and failing to twitch upwards in excitement.

One of the otter's fingers suddenly dipped between his legs, into the hole his shaft had come from. The touch was incidental, weak, but the area was so sensitive that it finally set him off. The drake gasped in pleasure, and his cock throbbed. As he came, he felt the fires in his mind spreading, the heat going through his body. What thoughts he had, what will lay beneath the fire, rushed away from his head and down his body. With each spurt of his seed, with each twitch of his shaft, a little more bled away, flying into the air or down the throat of the thirsty otter. In moments, Thereadean was empty, staring forward through swirling eyes, panting and waiting, staring at his servant with the slightest of smiles on his face.

Coughing as he forced down as much of the drake's seed as he could, Ameth slowly pulled back from the shaft in his face. The scent of musk was heady and strong, and only the breeze coming off of the sea kept it from getting mind-numbingly thick. All of the goo plastered over his face didn't help that, either, and he wiped at his cheeks and lips with his free hand.

Still, it had worked out better than he had thought. Thereadean, as the drake called himself, had lost his mind. The spiraling eyes, the blank stare ahead, the way that he continued to lay back rather than slump down as another male might after an orgasm like that; they were all signs that the hypnosis had taken effect. The drake's will had been drained, which left just one more thing to do before he could claim the drake as his own.

He reached for the pearl amulet, lifting it up from the stone where he'd placed it. The drake's eyes followed it as it was carried through the air, the only movement the big beast seemed capable of. It was almost amusing, and if Ameth had been sure that it wouldn't break the trance, he might have broken down in a chuckle. However, he didn't know how well this would work if he started getting loud. His family had never mentioned just how deep this trance went at this stage, and if he messed up and Thereadean woke up, it would not go well for him. Maybe he might be able to convince the drake that it was something he'd wanted, but the otter doubted it.

Hanging the amulet around his neck, Ameth walked around the great creature. His hands ran along the beast's scales, the soft rise and fall of their lines soothing to his fingers after rubbing so deeply into the muscles, and his smile grew a little larger. He let himself linger, enjoying the smooth bumps under his hands, but continued to move towards the rear of the drake anyway.

The scent of seed and musk began to affect him despite the sea's mediating influence, and he could feel the bones of his loincloth pressing against him, a pressure from within making them more uncomfortable. He did his best to ignore it, but it steadily got worse until he was forced to remove it. He untied the leather around his waist, the decorative colors coming free easily. They clacked against the stone as he set them down, sighing in relief at the feeling of freedom.

He supposed it wasn't surprising that the drake had called him a whore, considering how see through the loincloth was. Then again, the loincloth was meant to be a separation, not a means of concealment, and it had done that job. Now, however, he was free, even encouraged, to enjoy himself.

Returning one hand to the drake's side, he brought the other down to his member. It hung free without a sheath, unlike some of the other otters in the islands, and even as he hardened the tip remained covered with a flap of skin. He could feel his own excitement building, the hardness in his hand growing stronger with each passing moment. His anticipation was building with each passing moment, and it added to the stiffness he felt beneath his fingers until he was as hard as he could get.

Finally he reached the other end of the drake and he realized that he would need Thereadean to be in a different position. Though he was already laying on his side, it would be be easier for both of them if the drake moved a bit.

"Great one, I have a gift for you. Please relax, and move where my arms direct."

The drake moved without resistance as Ameth shifted his limbs. One leg was moved up in the air, exposing the space between the drake's legs, while the tail was slid up and out of the way. It was surprisingly easy, but then, with the drake helping out, he didn't have to do much of the heavy lifting.

With so much time spent in the water, the hole was remarkably clean, and from what he could tell by looking at that fleshy opening amidst the scales, he would bet that it was untouched by anything. Unsurprising, he knew; Thereadean would not have let someone under his tail and still maintained this hidden belief in his own superiority, but it was nice to look at regardless.

Of course, considering their sheer difference in size, the otter knew that this would be a little different. Just by looking at the dragon's hole, he could see that it was bigger than anything an otter was meant to breed with. He would not have been surprised if he could fit his fist in there without even trying, or without the slippery substance that some women used when they were with bigger lovers. No, he wouldn't need anything like that for what he was about to do. His only worry was whether he would be able to actually reach his finish to complete the ritual inside something so large.

Despite his slight misgivings, his shaft had never been harder. A part of that might be attributed to the ritual, but Ameth could not fool himself. A part of him had been anticipating this part of his trip since the beginning, and now it was finally here. His hand stroked down the length of his shaft once, twice, each time pulling the skin along the tip down a little bit further, exposing the end of his member a little more each time.

"Great one, you have given me much. You have given your trust, your seed, and finally, your will. Now, Thereadean, allow me to give you something of my own."

He took a single step forward, feeling his member rub against the smooth scales. A little moisture remained from the swim from the currents to the stone, and it was enough to get his shaft slick. Smiling, he stood up a little straighter, a moan slipping from his lips as his shaft stroked over the drake's hole. It felt hot against his tip, hot and inviting, and his need spiked. With a soft growl of his own, he pushed forward, sliding inside without resistance or difficulty.

It was hot, hotter than he could believe inside of the drake, and though the walls were wider than anything he could have anticipated, he could still feel them stroking against his shaft. Ameth moaned as he sheathed himself into the drake, leaning his head upon the scaled flank above him. Even when he was fully inside his prey, up against the drake while he lay on his side, his fully height barely was enough to look over Thereadean's backside. The thought that he was as small as he was against the drake and yet was still the one on top only made his shaft throb harder.

He was unable to hold back, immediately pulling back and slamming in again, his hips colliding with a wet 'clap' against his drake's hindquarters. It was like a drumbeat as he pulled back and did it again, and again, each thrust in filling the air with a single sharp clap before fading against the crashing sound of the waves. The otter panted already, his face stretched out in a wide grin.

In and out, in and out of that loose hole he went, the heat combining with the sheer slipperiness inside to drive him mad with pleasure. There was nothing from the drake, no pushing back, no squeezing upon his shaft, but Ameth didn't need it. He had the energy for both of them, and if the size of the dragon's continued hardness meant anything, he was sure that his prey was just as excited for this as he was.

Thereadean looked at him while the otter continued to use him, those swirling eyes blank but trusting, empty of anything but the color of the spell upon him. Ameth tensed up, holding back his climax at the arousing sight, and shook his head slightly.

One more thing was needed, he knew. He had to complete the ritual, and before he came. He had, had to speak.

"You gifted me with your will, great one. You have given your trust...your trust to me. And you have me inside you...a gift in return. A great....great gift, is it not?"

The drake nodded, slowly, sleepily.

"Your power is great...but it needs...needs a guide...I have helped....I will be that guide...great one..."

It was so hard for the otter to keep speaking as his hips moved back and forth, as his shaft slid in and out of the drake in front of him. He moaned, leaning his head against the scaly flank again as his climax almost overtook him. He wanted it, wanted it so badly, but he had to finish this.

"Feel the heat...the hardness within you...You have given me...given me your will...and soon...soon I will give you will in turn...My seed in you will be...your new will...Do you understand?"

The drake only nodded again, but Ameth caught a slight twitch out of the corner of his eye. Thereadean's shaft bounced slightly, the length slick with a new round of the slick juices it leaked, shining like the amulet he wore around his neck. It was all the sign that the otter needed to know that his drake wanted this just as badly as he did.

The amulet flashed around his neck as he sped up, the sound of his hips slapping against the drake's hindquarters matched by new flashes from the pearl. It flickered and sparkled, sending flashes of light all over the scales before him, which sent the light in all sorts of patterns upon the rocks, water and sky. It was a show of light to rival the great lights of the sky during the dark times, and Ameth found it beautiful.

Despite it, he couldn't hold back for much longer. His sac slapped against the drake's scales as hard as his hips did, slapping against it and clapping in its own rhythm. The hot walls of the dragon's hole pressed against his shaft, encouraging him to release, to fill his mount with his seed and claim him. No tightness, no pushing back, but it begged him all the same for him to finally release and prove his dominance over the drake.

Finally, he could refuse it no more. Knees weakening and his body going slack, the otter slammed in one last time. He held himself inside, his cock twitching and pulsing as his body gave up his seed. It splashed around his shaft inside of the drake, adding even more slickness and warmth inside. He spoke up, finishing the ritual.

"Ever will...shall be your...will..."

Ameth slumped back as his shaft finished spurting, falling on his rump and staring up at the drake before him. That shaft still bobbed and twitched between the drake's legs, and it took a great deal of the otter's willpower to keep from reaching up and helping his new mount with it.

At least, he hoped that Thereadean was his new mount. If the ritual had failed, then he was going to have a problem. The drake would still want his treasure after all, and he doubted that he would be able to explain the goo leaking out of the drake's hole. There was no turning back now, however. Either he had done it right, or he was going to find out just how bad an idea it was to treat a sea drake like this.

Slowly the circles faded from the reptile's eyes, the original sharpness returning to them. He turned his head one way, then the other, before finally settling on the otter. He leaned forward, looking at Ameth with unreadable eyes, before pulling his head back. He got to his feet again, his tail twitching slightly behind him as he looked down at the otter.

Finally, just when Ameth was sure that he had done something wrong, the drake lowered his head in a small gesture of respect.

"Thank you for your gift of treasure and massage, mammal. However, I don't think I can accept the former."

"And why is that, great one?"

"Because I feel I must travel with you for a time. I don't know why, but there's something that tells me that I should follow you."

"And why would you follow a 'whore'?"

"I never paid for you. You paid for me. I feel you should get your money's worth."

Hiding a chuckle, Ameth got to his feet as well. He gathered his loincloth and pulled it on again, much to the apparent amusement of the drake in front of him. Standing at Thereadean's side, he stroked a hand along his new mount's side. He heard a small thrum from deep in the drake's throat, and chuckled, his hand moving a little higher. When he scratched under his mount's chin, Thereadean actually turned to nuzzle his hand. It surprised him, but brought a bigger smile to his face nonetheless.

"May I leave my ship here? There is nothing I need within it, and we would travel faster if it were just you and me."

"The current will take it eventually."

"Then let it go where it may. I have a sea drake to carry me now."

"For a while, sir. For a while."

The drake barely seemed to register that he had called the otter sir rather than mammal or whore, but Ameth didn't make a point of it. He was too excited.

The ritual had worked. He had managed to bind the services of a sea drake to himself, and while it wasn't quite so complete as he had heard in legends - the drake still had his own personality, and likely his own goals - it was clear that Thereadean was willing to work with him and follow orders. He couldn't wait to return to Shard Island and show his people what he had done.

He pulled himself onto the drake's back. Thereadean looked back at him with a slightly raised eyeridge, but the otter just chuckled.

"Do you know where Shard Island is?"


"That's alright, I do. Let's get going; it took me two weeks to get here on a boat."

"Well, that's only going to take a couple of days."

"Are you serious?"

"You proclaimed me the master of the ocean. Do you doubt me?"

Ameth shook his head.

"Good. Now, let's go!"

The drake leaped off of the shore, leaving Ameth to grab hold of the drake's scales to keep from flying off of his back. They hit the water with a great splash and, with a speed that defied all of the otter's expectations, Thereadean swam ahead. Water broke before them as they streaked ahead at a pace that no boat had ever matched, no ship had ever conceived of.

Soon, the otter caught his balance and he stood up. His arms were wide as the wind blew over him, his hair and his fur ruffling in the wind. A smile spread across his face as they soon left Vineslan Island behind, anticipation for adventure building in his mind.

He was a man. Now it was time to show it.

The End

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