Dragon Mounting

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Don't take a vixen and a mare lightly if you plan on spending time in their dungeon...holiday dungeon, that is.

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I didn't forget about this. Nope. I totally didn't forget that this was to be uploaded. I was, uh, waiting on feedback.

(Private note: that said, if you two dragons have feedback and aren't too busy keeping Australia awake with humping and moans, let me know if you want anything changed whistles innocently.)

I'm pretty excited on the third and final installment in this mini series. I KNOW I've picked up on a fun cue (ah, twitter, what an useful tool you are <3 ) and it will make the dragons smirk when it eventually comes to light. Anyway, happy reading!

Commissioned by RuthofPern and Raiyoku

Foxy (c) Foxy C Yote

Amethyst (c) Amethyst Mare

Story (c) Amethyst Mare

Dragon Mounting

Written by Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe for Ruth and Rai

_ _

Morning light streamed into the guest bedroom, casting a glow through the cream curtains and glancing off the oak panelling. Sparsely furnished, the dominant feature was the king size bed, dressed in white sheets that were far from pure, considering the occupants. The bed sheets rounded, denoting the presence of two entwined dragons; their muzzles rested close together as they shared sleeping breath, the green's nostrils flaring lightly as he dreamed of flights above the land he was visiting for the first time. His partner, the white dragon, squirmed closer in sleep, tucking his muzzle beneath his mate's, horns jostling the green's muzzle. Eyelids fluttering, the white dragon groaned and stretched out his legs beneath the sheets, hind paws flexing in that pleasurable morning stretch, though he longed to curl back into honeyed sleep. The waking world, however, could not be avoided indefinitely: it was already late.

Raising his head, the white dragon, Ruth, peered blearily around the room, true wakefulness slow in coming. He pushed himself languidly into a seated position, pillows pressing into the small of his back as he leaned back on two paws, claws digging into the crisp bed sheets. Briefly, he considered how he had come to not be wearing underwear - or anything else, for that matter - and the events of the very pleasurable previous night in the ladies' 'dungeon' crashing down with the force of a tidal wave. He groaned and rubbed the back of his paw over his eyes as the green dragon's tail wriggled beneath the sheets in unspoken response to his waking.

"Morning," Rai murmured, his muzzle buried under the pillows.

Ruth chuckled, slipping his paw under the sheets in turn, seeking out his mate's warm scales, which were as nude as his. His questing back trailed down the curve of Raiyoku's back as the dragon pushed into the sensual touch, tail twitching uncontrollably, before settling on his rump with a sly squeeze.

"Seems someone's not looking forward to getting up," Ruth commentated, though he was sorely tempted to slink back into bed himself; it would be so easy to fall into the warmth of sleep once more. "Come on. Time's getting on."

Ruth fought not to laugh as Rai groaned dramatically and shoved his muzzle completely beneath the plump pillows. Only the curve of his dark green horns protruded, allowing a welcome breath of air into the green dragon's lungs, and Ruth shook his head, wondering at how someone could stay abed so long. Now that he was sitting up and thinking of the day to come - a pleasant series of thoughts indeed - he could not imagine wasting more of it sleeping. He would not object to spending it doing other things in bed, on the other paw.

"Come on," he tickled Rai's side lightly, fingertips dancing. "Get up."

"Not in the way that makes me get out of bed, no, no thanks," Rai quipped, glancing back with a cheeky grin to see his mate's reaction.

"You're impossible," Ruth chuckled. "But I'm sure there's plenty more to come in that regard, don't you think?"

"You tell me," Rai dragged his muzzle out with a weary groan, blinking in the morning light. "Need blackout curtains in here..."

"You're not going to spend the whole day sleeping!"

Ruth rolled out of bed in a show of energy to accentuate his point, grabbing the sheets and whipping them away from the hapless Rai. The green dragon hissed lightly, reaching for the sheets and frowning when they were yanked well away from the bed, the cool air kissing his scales. He shivered, remembering the comfortable, heated mornings he was so used to. There was only so much he could get used to in his mate's home country, after all, and the climate was certainly not one of them.

"Up you get, lazy dragon," Ruth grinned, tail lashing playfully. "Or do I have to get the ladies and their whips in here? I'm sure I could find something to suffice as, let us say, 'motivation', if forced, dear."

"Dear god, no," Raiyoku sighed theatrically, raising his paw to his head as if asked to complete some strenuous task. "I'll get going. I wouldn't want to deprive you of their inclinations later."


"So, what did you have in mind for these two later?" Amethyst whispered to the vixen, Foxy, while the dragons were away from the table.

Despite the late rising in the mid-Wales holiday cottage, the four furs had managed to scramble together in time to make lunchtime serving hours at a small, family run inn that seemed to have existed for as long as the mountains themselves. Tucked away in the middle of nowhere, it was moderately busy but quiet enough to talk undisturbed, which suited Amethyst just fine. It was never amusing to have to raise your voice in a simple conversation, as she often made note of mentally rather than verbally. The dragons had gone to fetch drinks - better two of them than playing the game of balancing glasses, they said - leaving the horse and fox alone at the table, leaning back in the comfortably padded chairs.

Twitching her black tail-tip, Foxy tapped a claw against her chin, considering Amethyst's question.

"There are some more pieces of 'furniture'," she winked, changing the word at the last minute as their waiter trotted past, eyes bright with curiosity. "Some pieces in the dungeon to be used. We certainly have a stock in this cottage!"

"But that's a good thing," Amethyst flashed a grin. "Even if we seem to have roused some curiosity here."

Foxy snorted and rolled her eyes, turning to glance over her shoulder at the tabby cat waiter whose eyes were firmly fixed upon her lightly waving tail. He started, realising he had been caught, and darted inconspicuously into the kitchen, a chorus of giggles at his heels from the waitresses. Amethyst's eyes twinkled as she leaned back, flicking her chestnut mane back from her bare shoulder, her shirt boasting no sleeves as it clung to her slim torso.

"You have an admirer."

"Oh, shush," Foxy blushed and waved her paw dismissively. "If only he knew, eh? You can like all the cats you want but they all run when they know...well...you know. That."

"If only he knew that you liked to tie up males and make them cum repeatedly, you mean?" Amethyst raised an eyebrow, struggling not to smirk.


"What? It's perfectly true," the mare shook her head, though she was far from innocent.

Foxy grumbled good-naturedly, sure that she would get the equine back for her teasing later in one way or another, as the dragons returned to the table, paws laden with cold glasses riddled with cool condensation. Designated driver for the day, Amethyst sipped half-heartedly at her soft drink and rose, turning in the direction of the sign-posted toilets. She paused, unable to resist one, final jab as she smiled serenely at her vixen friend.

"Back in a second, only... Don't scare the waiter, please? I'd quite like dinner today," Amethyst teased, only half-joking.

She could imagine Foxy doing something blatantly indicative of her desires just to make the smitten cat blush and, most likely, flee, despite her pretence at shyness. Foxy's eyes twinkled as the tabby cat, subject of their joke, peered out from behind the bar, his quick, furtive glances far from subtle.

"I wouldn't dream of it!"


"Why did I sign up to this again?" Ruth joked as his arms were roped to the low, padded table.

Somewhere in the dungeon room, Foxy had dragged out two modified massage tables. They were modified in the sense that they had bolts drilled into the sides and O-rings attached: ideal for attaching any manner of ropes or locking cuffs. They were lower than average tables - likely something that became a feature in the original design of the dungeon - that reached about three feet off the ground. In the style of massage tables, they had the required space for the face to rest when lying on one's front, something that Ruth was grateful for as his muzzle pressed into this gap. This left his with a limited range of vision, however, and, though he could see hooves and paws moving from time to time, much else was beyond his line of sight. In a wicked, perhaps thankful twist, the massage table also had a space in which a male's erect cock could be placed while he lay upon his stomach. If the padded hollow had not been there, the white dragon would have found himself in great discomfort.

"Don't complain," Foxy said distractedly, her russet tail flicking, evidencing her eagerness. "We almost ended up with a fifth in here today."

"Told you he liked you," Amethyst smirked, searching through cupboards beyond Ruth's range of vision.

"Where's Rai?" Ruth queried, his voice somewhat muffled by the thick padding.

"Next to you," the green dragon's disembodied voice answered. "Except I'm face up."

"As long as you're behaved," Foxy giggled, subduing the dragon into the farce of a grumpy silence.

"And if I'm not?"

"I wouldn't push your luck," Amethyst rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't trust this vixen."

That much could have been true, but the vixen chose not to comment, instead ensuring the ties holding Rai down to the table beside Ruth were secure. With the knots tucked away from eager fingertips, she admired her work, the black ropes crossing his body in an intricate pattern that was both decorative and entirely inescapable. Ruth was similarly tied, though the ropes were less decorative seeing as his muzzle faced down, so he was disallowed the pleasure of seeing his bondage, though he felt every inch. Huffing, Rai snorted as Foxy ran her paw up his stomach, teasing his half-hard shaft to its full length, the pads of her paws soft to the touch. The dragon squirmed under her touch, moaning with need, and Ruth groaned at his side, able to hear but not see. Somewhere above him, one of the female furs giggled.

"Oh, come now," Foxy chastened Rai, though there was a teasing lilt to her tone. "We're yet to really begin and you're already moaning?"

The answer was lost to Ruth as a paw stroked the back of his thigh, making him jump.

"Easy," Amethyst murmured, trailing her paw up the underside of his tail so that it was pushed higher, the tip dangling like bait on a fishing rod.

Unaccustomed to this manner of treatment, Ruth flicked his tail, swatting it against the equine's side. She frowned, rubbing the sore patch where he had struck, ruffling her chestnut coat in the wrong direction.

She could not have that.

With all manner of bondage implements at her disposal, it was a simple task to find a leather cuff that would encircle the wayward appendage. Slipping the black leather around the estimated mid-point of the dragon's tail, she tightened it firmly, allowing the scales to shift against the leather so that Ruth could not simply wriggle his tail free. Despite groaning, the white dragon had no choice but to submit to the treatment, allowing her to draw his tail up towards the ceiling and attach a short length of chain to the cuff. The links of the chain clinked as the mare drew it higher, securely clipping the free end to a ring upon a low beam slanting below the ceiling. The beam would not have held the weight of any fur or scalie, but it was more than enough to keep Ruth's wayward tail lifted and well out of the way.

Closing her paw around Rai's muzzle, Foxy grinned like a feral, tongue flicking out to trace the edge of her sharp, pointed canine teeth. The green dragon gulped and flicked his tail anxiously. He was able to lay comfortably upon his back with his tail fed through another gap in the massage table; the female furs considered themselves lucky that massage tables were so easily modified in the case of tails and superfluous limbs. Swinging his tail experimentally, he found that he would thrash as much as he liked but he was still unable to reach the legs of either of the female furs. The largest, thickest muscle at the base of his tail was effectively trapped and, despite being able to express pleasure or, perhaps, discomfort, he was well and truly helpless. As if reading his mind, the vixen raised an eyebrow and tightened her paw around his snout. Rai grunted and lowered his eyes.

Out of the dragon's sight, Amethyst selected a silver and black flogger with braided tails from the selection upon the wall. She lifted it from the hook and ran the tails through her fingers, smiling at their gentle caress, soft and pliable to the touch. Maybe it would be something the dragon was expecting but not all could be original - that would come into play, however, one could rest assured of it.

Smile ever present upon her chestnut muzzle, she shared a wink with Foxy and strode back to her bound victim, shifting uncomprehendingly within the confines of his respective ropes. Her hooves clopped loudly on the floor, announcing her presence, and Ruth tensed a moment before the flogger came down on his buttocks, yelping loudly from shock rather than pain. Amethyst giggled quietly, clapping her free paw over her muzzle as she traced the tails over the dragon's exposed nuts, purely teasing, and brought the tails down systematically across his back, bringing a warm glow to his scales. Light enough to sting without driving in a deeper hurt, the mare flicked the flogger gently, allowing the tips to 'wrap' carefully around the dragon's left and right sides in turn. Though the dragon gasped and yelped like a surprised hatchling, the sting faded quickly under such an unusually gentle touch; the mare huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Noisy dragon!" Amethyst smirked, slapping his backside with a side more force than she had been using the flogger with. "We can fix that!"

"What?" Ruth twisted futilely, tail tugging at the restraint.

Choosing not to answer, Ruth's chest heaved against the padded table as the mare moved away. Where was she? What was she doing? His tail twitched in pleasant anticipation. Sometimes one had to remind themselves that nothing truly bad was going to happen in the 'dungeon' but the bondage had the tendency to play tricks on one's mind. Coupled with the inability to observe his surroundings or his mate, the situation was made even more dubious if he allowed himself to think along those lines. He could have considered the matter further but Ammy's paws appeared beneath the table, pressing a ball gag between his teeth and feeding the straps around the back of his head. Grunting into the gag, he was rendered mute without opportunity to react and snorted heavily, nostrils flaring widely. Amethyst laughed as she tightened the buckle.

"Hey, you brought it on yourself." The mare grinned unashamedly. "Keep up the yelling and you'll disturb Rai... And we can't have that! Poor Rai!"

Ruth made as if to shake his head, jerking in his bonds as his muzzle bumped both sides of the hole it was so neatly slotted into. Rai likely had the better end of the deal, if his current position was anything to go by. Foxy's black hind paws trotted as quietly as a ghost across the patch of floor in the corner of the dragon's vision and were swiftly greeted with a low, throaty moan. Ducking his muzzle as far as he could, Ruth whined around the gag and closed his eyes as the flogger teased and caressed erotic warmth into his scales once more, cock throbbing and untouched.

Huffing on his back, Rai's paws tightened into fists. Foxy leaned over him, paws resting upon his thighs, and caressed every inch of his emerging, hardening dick with her tongue. Never sucking or giving more than the lightest of touches, she coaxed his shaft into aching need, one paw disappearing between her partly spread legs with a lewd squelch. Moaning, she panted eagerly, warm breath washing over the dragon's member as he groaned, tail twitching lightly where it dangled off to the side. He could do nothing but take the pleasure, wishing that he had the freedom to thrust up into her muzzle as she played her tongue over the tip.

"I have special plans for you this time, scales," Foxy's lips pulled up in a lop-sided smile. "Going to have to make sure you have plenty of stamina. Because we're not going to stop until I say we're done."

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Rai nodded. He tensed and tested the limits of the ropes around his limbs, finding that they held fast, allowing no range of moment beyond a squirm. The vixen laughed throatily, lips sliding over the head of his shaft, and moaned lustfully as she took him deep into her muzzle. The dragon groaned and turned his head from side to side, fighting to control the onslaught of pleasure, though Foxy was not one to be denied. Pinning the dragon's hips to the table with a well placed paw, claws pricking, the vixen swallowed his full length, tongue dragging along the underside to a chorus of delicious moans. She took pride in the fact that it took very little for her to coax cries of pleasure from her 'victim' of the evening and chuckled quietly, lapping over the sensitive tip with her agile tongue. Bucking his hips as much as he could, the green dragon's cheek scales flushed pink as the need to orgasm raced upon him more quickly than he would have liked to admit.

Amethyst ran the tips of her fingers up the raised underside of the white dragon's tail, a light smirk playing across his muzzle. Twisting and writhing, Ruth fought to escape the ticklish pleasure, the scales softer and more susceptible to teasing in that area. Though he gasped and panted, there was little he could do as shivers wracked his body, cock throbbing. If he pushed his hips down just right, he could grind his length against the padding, humping the table itself like a randy teenager. It was all too easy to give in to the sensations as the mare's fingers danced over his scales, her very avoidance of the erogenous zones drawing out anticipation until it seemed to become a tangible thing. Even in the relative coolness of the dungeon room, his scales were uncomfortably warm, every inch of his body increasingly sensitive as she forced him to wait...and wait. Finally, Ruth moaned loudly through the gag as two slick fingers - lube, he assumed - pressed over his tail hole, slipping first one and then the second inside.

"Someone's eager," the mare mocked with a laugh in tone, raising heat to Ruth's muzzle. "A mare may think you wanting, dragon."

He grunted and rocked his head from left to right in the only answer he could supply, muscles trembling as he strained back against her paw. Pushing her fingers deep, the mare worked his tail hole gently looser, her touch making him relax while his need swelled. It did not feel as if he had only last gotten off the previous night - it felt like weeks. The moans and hisses of his mate did little to help the situation, inciting the need for more against the need to pounce Raiyoku in turn. Amethyst curled her fingers up against his prostate, startling a muffled yelp from the dragon and drove her fingers in harder, adding a third as they pushed in up to the knuckle. Hips bucking and tail thrashing in the cuff, the dragon snorted, cock leaking a steady stream of pre cum into the padding as he was given enough stimulation to become desperate yet not to come close to orgasm. The mare chuckled at his need. Nostrils flaring, he groaned quietly when her paw pulled away, tail hole clenching around nothing.

"What do you think, Foxy?" Amethyst said jokily, showing the vixen something out of Ruth's sight. "Too big?"

"If you think he can take it," the fox replied, the grin evident in her tone. "Maybe some ample preparation for this one!"

Grunting curiously, Ruth watched the vixen's legs move around the second table, licking his lips as the shapely, black-furred limbs padded sensually to the end where Rai's tail hung free. He was so distracted for a minute that he forgot to pay attention to the equine and jumped as something thick and heavy slapped his buttocks, leaving slick liquid upon his scales. It took him a second to realise that it was phallic in shape - a strap-on that felt worryingly large grinding between his rump cheeks. Whining, the dragon pressed his tongue against the gag and thrust his hips into the table, cock rubbing along the padding in a flash of relieving sensation. The mare rested the rounded tip of the dildo over his tight tail hole, letting the expectation build before gently repositioning and pressing the smooth head into the hole.

Falling very still, the dragon closed his eyes and snorted, struggling for breath as the cock pushed deeper and deeper, cruelly slow. The mare enjoyed every second of forcing open the dragon's anal ring, though it became much easier once the head was inside, along with copious amounts of lube. Even if they could do little, his wings flapped energetically as the mare leaned forward, one paw closed around the narrower end of his tail, lightly buffeting her with air in his eagerness. Grinding her hips so that the full length of the plain dildo, wider at the base, drove into the dragon's behind, the mare bit down a whinny; there was more pleasure for the female wearing the strap-on too with this particular harness.

"Ah... It's not just you that'll be getting something out of this," Amethyst gasped as she pushed deep.

Ruth grunted, though no one could tell whether the grunt was in request for more information or because she had shoved particularly deep. Readjusting so the dildo on the other side of the harness rested more comfortably in her pussy, the mare licked her lips and slipped her paw beneath the harness to stroke her clit.

"Mmm, this harness has a part on the inside that pushes inside me, a second dildo," Amethyst explained anyway to the dragon, giving a sharp buck. "So I'm well filled too, maybe more so than you. And it does...this."

With her paw still within the harness, Amethyst groped for a moment, finding the small bullet vibrator sewn into a pocket on the side. She switched it on and gasped immediately, hips gyrating and unconsciously working the dildo into the dragon as she focused on her own pleasure. Juices dripping around the dildo buried inside her cunt, the mare nipped her lower lip and bucked into the male under her like a rutting stallion, pleasure increasing with every thrust.

"Ah...much better," Amethyst groaned, ears slanting back against her skull. "Now, let's see how many orgasms I get before you cum."

Foxy shook her head at the mare's antics, occupying herself with her own dragon for the time being. Rai hissed quietly as the vixen's tongue caressed every inch of his throbbing member, delighting in every drop of pre she coaxed from his hard length. After being so teased and kept wanting by the sensual vixen, it did not take long before Rai panted heavily, struggling futilely not to cum so soon. He was able to watch the vulpine if he tilted his head forward so that his chin rested on his chest but do little else as his hard length pulsed in her grip, hot lips sliding along the shaft. Closing his eyes, Rai shook his head and groaned, striving against instinct as need proved to be his weakness in holding out.

"Give in to it," Foxy advised with a wicked smirk, paw pumping his length. "This will be the first of many... And I expect to have my fill."

There was no time to wonder exactly what Foxy meant by that. Rai's breath caught in his throat and he growled loudly as he climaxed, shooting ropes of cum over his own stomach to stain his green scales. Foxy's eyes danced and she stroked his cock vigorously, squeezing as much as she could from him with the aid of her skilful paw until the dragon's muscles went limp, entirely spent. The dragon panted and whimpered more quietly as his body shook, tail twisting under the table. Giggling wickedly, Foxy scooped every drop of salty cum up from his shaft with her tongue and then tackled his scales, ensuring that none was wasted, as she would have seen it. Bringing her lips to the dragon's in a deep, passionate kiss, she forced some of his own cum back into his muzzle, making him taste himself. Not expecting the taste or the kiss, Raiyoku blushed crimson but allowed her to push his cum into his muzzle, swallowing as obediently as he could: it was not an altogether unpleasant taste.

"We're not done yet, scales," Foxy smirked as they broke the kiss. "Next one's for me."

Hearing his mate orgasm and then the lewd kiss was torture to Ruth. The white dragon twisted against the table and groaned through the gag, teeth digging into the hard, red ball. Amethyst huffed and snorted like a stallion, hips bucking almost without conscious thought as the combined stimulation drove sense from her mind. The mare hammered the strap-on into his tail hole with loud moans, the dildo and vibrator sending pulses of intense pleasure into her body. Shoving in hard so that her hips slapped against the dragon's rump, Amethyst hunched forward and climaxed with a shrill whinny, the sound reverberating around the room so that it appeared to magnify.

With his tail hole filled and stretched with the wider base of the dildo, the dragon hissed between his teeth, the scent of the mare's increased arousal thick in the air. It was intoxicating, intricate scents weaving throughout that of male musk, driving him on to grind into the table, but it was never quite enough to get him off. Flipping her forelock out of her eyes, Amethyst snorted, already eager for more, and thrust more slowly into the dragon, taking her time and relishing every single one of his needy moans. Thrusting her paw inside the harness once again, she adjusted the speed setting on the vibrator so that it pulsed in steady waves of varying strength, setting her desire aflame. The vibrations were strong enough at some points that Ruth could feel them through the dildo, the sensation amplified when she angled her hips, shoving the dildo right up to his prostrate. Unable to help himself, the dragon cried out, tail jerking.

Though Rai heard his mate's muffled cries, there was nothing he could do. Foxy climbed on to the table with him and straddled his hips, eyes gleaming with a wicked glint. Even after cumming, his cock was still hard, arousal fuelled by Ruth's groans and grunts, something that Foxy intended to take full use of. Lowering her hips, the vixen rubbed his cock through her soaked pussy lips, eyes closing and jaw falling slack in pleasure. She gasped quietly, fingertips playing over her clit, unable to hold herself back from taking exactly what she wanted. Smiling at the groaning dragon, she lined his cock up with her cunny and sank down, releasing a long, satisfied sigh. The first moment of penetration was always the best.

Taking the dragon's full length, the vixen growled playfully and leaned forward on to his chest, letting him take her weight as she ground on to his cock. Rai's chest heaved as he panted, striving to buck his lips and failing as the vixen laughed at his predicament. His tail thumped uselessly beneath the table and he groaned, holding his tongue as much as was feasible. Despite his best efforts, he groaned and whined in time with Foxy's bucking hops, the vixen forcing his length into her tightness over and over again. Her claws pricked lightly against the scales on his chest and the dragon inhaled sharply at the faint sting of pain, fleeting but noticeable. Foxy's need was evident as she slammed her hips down and flicked her brush over his legs, intent on pleasing herself and riding him to orgasm.

It was not difficult for Ruth to discern what was going on from the lewd sounds and moans coming from the second table. It made it all the more difficult to take the strap-on under his tail without dissolving into a growling, feral imitation of himself when he wanted nothing more than to cum through any means possible. Amethyst clasped his tail for leverage as she thrust wildly, his tail hole loose and lubricated enough to take every one of her strokes with ease. Her breath came in harsh gasps and her mane clung damply to the back of her neck, the vibrator buzzing against her clit so that she bucked harder, need soaring to even greater heights. The faux phallus rammed the white dragon's prostate with every thrust, pounding his hips into the table and making him flap his wings in need, pushed closer and closer to climax.

Just as he felt he was about to finally achieve release, the mare shuddered through what had to be her third climax, breath huffing over his scales. She pulled back with a throaty groan, sliding the dildo free from his rump in a trickle of lube, the dragon's tail hole clenching and unclenching. He grunted in complaint, balancing on the edge of climax, the need of which thrummed throughout his entire being, allowing no other thought to enter his mind. Fingers tackled the knots holding his paws and ankles to the table; the ropes fell slack as his tail was suddenly free and the dragon raised his head, blinking in the comparatively brighter light. What was going on?

A grinning mare and vixen greeted him, resting their paws on his arms and waist to guide him off the table. Standing on his own two paws for the first time in a while, the dragon groaned and half-reached to stroke his aching dick before Foxy slapped his paw away with a 'tsk'. Rai raised his head from the table, still bound, and grinned widely, his hard member drooling pre cum down the length in a delectable cocktail of sexual juices. A small smile grew on the white dragon's muzzle as he slowly understood.

Pouncing on Raiyoku, Foxy growled excitedly, tail beating against the backs of her legs. They had a plan. The green dragon grunted under her playful weight and the vixen straddled his waist, leaning far forward to untie his legs from the table. That done, the vixen grabbed one of the dragon's legs and slid back to his muzzle, pressing her dripping sex to his tongue, all the while bending his leg back as far as possible. Following her lead, the mare took the other, although stayed on the dungeon floor, pulling the dragon's other leg back so that his tail hole was exposed, already slick with Foxy's juices. Amethyst raised an eyebrow at the seemingly paralyzed, horny Ruth.

"Go on then," Amethyst smirked. "He's all yours, if you do still want to get off, that is."

He did not need to be told twice. Lips parting in a needy snarl, Ruth dove at his mate, scrambling up on to the table, which protested with a loud creak. Thought strained, it held admirably enough, and Ruth pressed his body close to Rai's, cock slippery with enough pre cum that it glided over Rai's scales with barely any resistance. It took a few tries to push the head under Rai's tail, so great was his need, but when the tip of his cock touched and pressed lightly into the dragon's eager tail hole, both dragons moaned loudly. Dropping over Rai's body on his paws and knees, Ruth drove in with a lusty growl, burying his length into Rai in a single thrust.

Unable to thrust too hard without collapsing on top of his partner, Ruth growled in frustration, bucking his hips as quickly and determinedly as he was able. His claws dug into the padded table and he plunged into Rai's clenching tail hole over and over, the green dragon's panting harshly. Balancing as best he could with one paw, the white dragon had the sense of mind to wrap his other paw around his mate's dark shaft, pumping quickly without any sense of teasing, just wanting to bring the dragon off with himself. Thrashing on the table, Rai gasped and jerked, almost dragging his legs free of the female fur's grasp, hips thrusting up into the white dragon's eager paw as his tail hole was lustfully ravaged. So close to climax, Ruth ground his teeth together and thrust in one final time, a strangled whine emerging from his throat as he finally reached orgasm, spilling his seed into his mate's passage in thick spurts. The green dragon's cock erupted a moment afterwards, painting their scales with pearly strings of cum, hot upon their respective green and white scales.

Gasping over the green dragon with pre cum splattering both of their bodies, Ruth groaned huskily, lowering his muzzle to nuzzle tiredly at Rai's cheek. The dragon shuddered, licking the green scaled muzzle gently as Rai's head fell back in exhaustion, muscles trembling visibly. In his prone position, Rai was dimly aware of the female furs above him talking, a wet pussy grinding over the top of his muzzle to leave a smear of feminine juices before pulling away. Foxy giggled faintly and Amethyst's fingers loosened around Rai's leg, allowing him to rest the limb back upon the table, close to his mate. Though he was in a better position to listen in on their conversation, Ruth only shook his head, kissing Rai deeply when Foxy slipped backwards off the table. Closing his eyes, Ruth did not have the energy to wonder what they were talking about.

At least, not quite yet.


"Worth it?"

Ruth smiled as he padded into the spacious bathroom; Rai followed a moment later, the subject of his address. The green dragon flicked his tail, feigning a grumble, his whole body sore from the pleasurable ordeal under the paws of the female furs in the dungeon. His legs trembled faintly as he stepped into the shower cubicle, barely able to lift his hind paws enough to step into the shower. Ruth was only thankful that the cubicle was large enough to fit both of them comfortably, which had been a welcome surprise in the holiday cottage; he had not thought it would be so well equipped initially. Still not answering, Rai flipped on the shower and sighed in relief as the warm water soothed the ache from his scales, tail thumping gently against the glass wall of the cubicle.

"It was worth it," Rai said at last, stepping out of the stream of water to allow Ruth to share. "But I ache something dreadful."

"We can fix that."

Water poured over the white dragon's head, dripping off his horns as he rubbed his paws down his mate's back, kneading the tension from his body. The green dragon leaned back into his touch, a small moan escaping his lips. His arms hung limply at his sides as he relaxed under Ruth's gentle but skilful touch, paws and fingers finding the sore spots and rubbing aches from beneath the scales. Rai swayed lightly, only steadied by Ruth's paws and shuddered bodily, a ripple running through him from head to tail. From another place in the house, he could hear the faint murmur of Foxy and Ammy talking, the ladies seeming to have a wealth of energy even after their liaison. Or perhaps they were feigning it - who could tell from his position? Finding his voice, Rai glanced back over his shoulder.

"I don't want to know what they have planned for later," he declared soundly. "I'm sure I won't survive."

As if to illustrate his point, Rai groaned theatrically, tail curling between his thighs. Ruth would almost have wished he had had the chance to cum as many times as the green dragon had if not for the slight discomfort that came with it. It was an all encompassing exhaustion, if satisfaction, and he wrapped his arms around Rai's waist, pulling the dragon under the stream of water with him.

"Relax, love, you said it was worth it," he teased lightly, fingertips tracing down Rai's hips.

Rai nodded and allowed Ruth to slip his arms more tightly around him, turning his muzzle to share a kiss beneath the water. Moaning into Rai's muzzle, Ruth's shaft stirred against the green dragon's rump, eager for more even as his tired partner growled in surprise, the roles having turned. Breaking the kiss, the dragons panted heavily, scales heating up from more than simply the shower.

"And besides," the white dragon continued belatedly, flashing a grin. "I certainly want to find out what they have planned for us later!"


**Offering** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare) for Hagraya_ Ray paused on the wooden steps of the martial arts studio, muscles trembling in barely contained tension. In that moment, he could not have discerned whether his legs shook from...

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Mistletoe Kisses

**Mistletoe Kisses** _Written by Arian Mabe / Amethyst Mare for Ruth and Raiyoku_ _Merry Christmas to the happy dragons!_ \* The white dragon woke slowly, blinking in the eerie light of the moon and stars. Rolling over in what seemed to be a...

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Maybe Next Year

**Tease and Denial** _Written by Arian Mabe / Amethyst Mare for Razak_ _Merry Christmas, pup! \<3_ "In quite a predicament tonight now, aren't we, pup?" The blue wolf on the bed growled through the ball gag and shook his head vehemently, straining...

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