Dragon Lust

Story by Starlight Nova on SoFurry

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#1 of Random Encounters

...Well, I am disgusted at myself for doing this, when I said I was going to slow down on my writing because of college. Oh well, it can't be helped now. This folder will contain random flings of pleasure and gratitude, ranging from traditional dragon bestiality, egg laying and love with passion to rape, tentacles, some bondage, transformations, and the occasional other thing I might have up my sleeve.

Other than that, welcome to the year...you will see soon enough. What was meant to be a short, brother sister transformation to dragons, mating then laying, turned into twenty-nine pages of story-line, phew! This one is even longer than A Dragons Dream, even though it is supposed to be a short story. I might decide to break it into two, as the halfway point is around page thirteen. Anyway, comment and rate, tell me what you think, and tell me which option you would like me to do next, given at the end of the story. Enjoy!

I almost forgot, can somebody tell me how to use/insert book savers, or progress saver, or whatever. A little translucent book to the left of the text, when you click it, the next time you load that story or page you go to that point, ok? Thanks a lot!

Edit of 4/28/14- added visual detail in the mating and egg laying scenes. (Not much, just here and there)

*Setting: * A brother and sister play tag together. They run into the back yard and get changed into feral dragons by an unknown force. A will is set upon them so that they become lustful and mate. Months later, the dragoness lays her clutch of eggs.

*Statistics: * Brother: 6'9" lean, muscular. Sister: 5'4" petite, curvy, smooth and athletic


_ __ _"She will never find me here." I whisper as I giggle to myself while I hid behind the couch.

It had been awhile since she had last chased me, and I was beginning to worry she may have given up on finding me again. I would not put it past her to suddenly sneak up on me within the next few second to scar-

"Boo!" Shouts my sister from over the top of the couch.

"Wha! Ouch!" I slam my head against the wall, making a nearby light flicker. "Where did you come from?!" I yell back at her while rubbing my head and vainly trying to look up at her face in my cramped position.

"You fell for it again." My sister teases as I narrow my eyes in frustration.

"Damn." I mutter, slowly starting to inch my way forward between the white plastered wall and the dark blue couch. "Didn't even think to shut up while hiding."

"And that," she pauses for a second. "Is your weakness brother. You never know when to stop talking to yourself while we play games." My sister taunts me while I struggle to extricate myself from the hiding place I had chosen.

"Better hurry brother. You only have ten seconds till it becomes a chase." She smiles evilly.

"Oh darn." I groan as I move to the right and lightly bang my head against the wall yet again. "Ugh"

"Oh brother." My sister drones on. "You look so adorable stuck there."

"Oh do shut up." I snap back at her, knowing my time is rapidly dwindling as we speak.

"7...6...5...4..." _Not going to make it! _I think to myself as she begins to count down, no doubt giving me a few seconds extra when we were talking.

"3...2..." _Aaalllmmmoooossst there. _I scream in my head while my sister continues to count down.

"11111......zeeerrrrooo aaah!" She gasps and falls back onto the soft tan carpet as I put on a burst of strength and shoot free of my confinement, rocking the couch, making her lose her balance.

"No fair brother!" She yells at me as I take a sharp left past her and sprint down the front steps and out the front door. We had originally started outside, but found it too easy and came inside to continue our fun.

"Going to have to be quicker than that sis." I shout back at her while closing the front door. She quickly gets up and pursues me onto the expansive front lawn.

We live in the south and have a large property. More than five acres of land in front, to the left, right and in back of our house. We have an orchid of apple trees a short distance in front of our house and that is where I head to try and evade my furious sister.

Although she is nineteen years old and I am twenty one, we still find time to play some games when our parents are out working at their jobs. Not that we think jobs are important to us, in the world we live in, it is possible to get a job anywhere from sixteen to ninety years old.

Luckily, I haven't found my passion yet, and neither has my sister. We do have one cat and some birds, but I hope to one day get a dragon. The year is 2493 and scientists have been able to recreate dinosaur, dragon, and other mythical creatures from myth or from long long ago.

It just so happens, our father works at the planetarium fo- Thud!

"Ngh!" I cry as I invariably fall back onto the hard compact ground as I mak a plum of dust surround my form, not even looking where I was going and thus, running into one of our many apple trees. _At least I have arrived at where I want to be. _I think to myself as my sister dutifully catches up quickly.

She laughs while running, having an excellent sense of balance. "Nice one brother! Daydreaming again are we?" She shouts across the distance.

I quickly roll to my left side and touch my head. A small trickle of blood seep out from a shallow cut but nothing too bad. Looking back at the house and my quickly gaining sister, I take off to the right, heading to the side yard and over some hills, giving me a small speed advantage.

"Arrrgh!" My sister yells in frustration. I snicker inwardly, knowing she does not like hills that much. "I am going to get you Daniels!" My sister shouts futily.

"Good luck with that sis!" I shout back at her whole putting on a short burst of speed, getting a glimpse of her closing form.

Along with other things, the clothing that we have is revolutionary, state of the art, never dirtying, never stretching fabric that rarely has to be washed. I am dressed in a simple blue shirt with gray sweatpants while my sister is outfitted in a yellow shirt and blue pants.

I had initially hoped my shirt would be able to conceal me behind the couch, but my muttering gave me away. Oh well, at least I have speed on my side. I will admit, my sister can run pretty fast, but after helping dad haul crates stacked five high full of apples, my muscles and quadriceps are all packed with lean tissue and energy.

After I had gotten some distance between us, I take another sharp right and head to the backyard where a small forest of conifers and old oaks lies. I had tried to hide in there once, but my sister had found be out too soon within the first minutes of the game. I thought she had cheated, and I was partially right. I got her back for that two rounds later when I chased her over the bridge and through the same forest, tagging her just as we reached the back of the house.

Now my chances might be slightly better if I can get some distance between... Oh no! I shout within my head as I glance back to spot her pounding furiously at the ground with her leather reinforced shoes. Her arms swing by her side like an athletic sprinter. _Never knew she could run 'this' fast, _I think to myself as I try and push my endurance to reach the forest before she catches me.

"Oh Brroootherrr!" She yells, taunting me across the rapidly closing distance. "Come here and playyeeeyaaa!"

"Oooh crap!" I mutter beneath my breath, panting hard to try and achieve the same feet she is doing.

Apparently, I am not made out to sprint, although I can run for a long time while at an easy pace, this is definitely not my strong suit. Just as she comes within grabbing distance of me, we enter the back yard. A few spruce trees dot the land to the forest as well as a small fountain and a patio next to the house.

The second I had crossed a distinct sign, marking the border between side and backyard, I feel a subtle shift in my being. It is like being hit with a blast of wind yet, something that stirs the very particles of my structure within me. I guess my sister felt it too because I suddenly trip while she curses and falls on top of me.

"What the he-"

I fall face first into the tall lush grass. My sister follows my movements and we both cartwheel and roll a few good feet across the ground instead of running over it.

Trying to spit out a bunch of dirt and grass, my sister rises up but soon falls over when I try to get up at the same time.

"Phrr! Blah! What the...bloody hell was th- ouch, damn it brother, don't move at the same time moron!" My sister shouts in a fit. Somebody got off the wrong side of the bed apparently.

I snicker inwardly as I lay still, her yellow shirt caressing my exposed skin like cotton balls. She certainly did have a lovely figure after all this time, and I am not just saying that because she had some sort of terrible accident early in her life, thank heavens no!

"Will you just move your legs you great buffoon!" She spits venomously. Youch!

"Well, excuse me Mrs. Putty cat. I thought we were having some fun!" I retort as I lie on my back, waiting for her to get up. Thankfully, her leather shoes do not hurt and she stands up to brush off her shirt with dark blue and gold laces and lining soon enough.

"Took you long enough." I mutter.

"Oh do shut up already." She responds. "In fact, did you feel that? It was like something moved our bodies, causing us to fall."

"Yes, yes I did feel that. It did feel weird. Would you happen to know what it could be?" I ask curiously while brushing my shirt off from dirt and leaves.

Given a puff of air my sister replies. "No, I do not. Wouldn't your dad know what that was? I am sure mom would know. Why don't we ask them when they get back?" My sister inquires while I slowly sit up.

"Sounds good. Why don't we cool off in the shade of the forest while we are here? I have not seen you run like that at all. Where did you get that kind of stamina?" I ask wonderingly while staring up at her, rays of sunlight bouncing off her skin and illuminating her complexion.

"Oh, mother taught me some yoga, on how to calm your mind and focus your intent." She stares back at me cold heartedly while I get up and finish brushing off, starting to head in the direction of the small forest.

*Gulp* "Ahh ha, that was a joke wasn't it?" I ask warily.

Blowing another confident puff of air, she answers. "Of course not dear brother," She says sweetly. "Why would I want that?" She implies mysteriously, following me and keeping a short distance between us. Luckily, I know what she means.

"Ahhh haha, Ahhh haha. Very funny Lira, but I know when you want to pound me into a pulp. That look in your eyes back there spoke pure savagery." I respond, feeling a slight tinge in my spine. I take a small hop skip as we continue to the forest.

"Is something wrong brother?" Lira asks worriedly.

"Ahh, no. Why do you ask?" I reply, starting to feel hotter than before.

"You don't look so good." Lira responds compassionately.

"Oh, and look who is talking Mrs. sweaty puss." I taunt back at her, maybe a little too late, but all the more worth it as she pauses to feel her shoulders and armpits.

"I am not...that...hot." She answers slowly, finding that everywhere she touches is moderately soaked with sweat and a hint of something else.

"Never mind," I say. "Let's just rest in the shade of the trees we have."

Murmuring to herself incoherently, she agrees. "Yes, I bet it is just from our long game of tag, but I still win 24-15!" Lira shouts before shoving me to the side and racing on ahead to the forest.

"Hey! No fair. You cheated the first few times! I just know it!" I yell back, staggering a bit before jogging then sprinting forward to catch up with my sister.

"And that is why we are both stuck with no jobs." She replies tantalizingly.

"So you want us to start working till we are old and gray?" I respond, confused.

"Ha! Of course not brother!"

"Good! For a second I thought you had done something to my sister!" I reply as we slow down once we get a few good yards within the cover of the trees. I come to a rest and bend down with my hands on my knees to calm my breathing.

Huffing, Lira answers my insult. "I have done...nothing to her... and you know...that." Lira says while leaning on an oak tree and taking deep, calming breaths.

Breathing heavy myself, I reply back. "Oh, nice try trying to fool me..." I pause, looking down at the ground suddenly with wide eyes. Something moves within my head, and I start to feel nauseous.

Catching sound of my abrupt end, Lira looks up from her position, left arm resting against the oak tree while her right hand in on her hips. "Brother?" She voices worriedly. "Are you ok?"

Before I get to answer, I cough up a steady stream of blood. I lean further forward so it does not get on my pants or shirt. My spine cracks painfully loud while Lira backs up quickly, surprised by the sudden appearance of blood.

"Brother! What's wrong?!" Lira shouts in anguish.

"I...don't knooow!" I reply, stretching the last word as I vomit my meal from a few hours ago, tinged with more blood. "It-it hurts Lira, help me." I whine, weakly raising my right arm out to her.

Lira just stands there with her hands near her mouth, horrified. "I-I will go back to the house to get some he-" I look up in confusion, panting heavily while thick drops of blood drip from my mouth to see why she stopped talking.

"Lira? What is...?" I stare wide eyed as Lira clutches her stomach while her face scrunches up in pure pain. Her back bulges out as her skin starts to turn a dark violet color.

I look back down to vomit some more but nothing comes out. I straighten my form to try and walk to my sister but stop when I spot my arm changing to a silver gleam. Cracks start to form as my skin peels off and the color spreads rapidly. Surprisingly, there is no pain, only a hot, humid sensation to that of a hot summer's day.

I lose track of where my sister is as my vision starts to blur. I wobble backwards and almost hit a tree. I fling out my right hand while moving my left to my face to try and stop the oncoming headache that is quickly growing worse, further increasing my pain. My hand catches on a conifer and I sink down to the ground. None too soon as both my thighs experienced mind numbing cramps, the muscle instantaneously expanding, pushing painfully against my changing skin.

My mind struggles to comprehend what is happening to me and my sister. The border, _I think. _That must be what is doing this is us, but, why? All other thoughts cease as the muscles in my biceps, arms, neck and feet expand at and exponential rate as well. By now, my skin had completely fallen off to reveal a soft, leathery scale like skin. I do not notice this as my eyes are shut tight with all the pain.

I can hear my sister vaguely moaning and groaning in pain as she experiences her changes as well. My clothes start to tear as my body grows bigger as well as more muscular. What would have been thought impossible minutes ago now happens as my shirt and pants as well as my shoes rip in two to fall to the ground. I now stand naked somewhere close to my sister.

The pain in my back comes back again to haunt me, making me arch my back in more pain as my face starts to swell and elongate. My height now reaches somewhere around 8'7" as my feet start to crack further apart from one another, my pinky regressing back into my foot on both sides.

With the loss of my balance, I tilt forward to land on my shifting hands. The silvery scales become more pronounced and harden as my transformation progresses. My toes split, enlarging and forming to that of a reptile. My back cracks painfully as my tailbone erupts with bone. I grunt in displeasure as my new tail lengthens, carrying my silvery scales while my hands morph into paws and my biceps and thighs become even more laden with compact muscle.

I feel a welcomed surge of warmth flood my groin as my member jumps to full mast. I groan in restrained pleasure which is over masked by the barrels of pain flowing through my mind. A few drops of pre-cum emerge from the tip of my cock, only to splash down onto the ground. My member pulses eagerly before pain shoots through my prostrate, making me yelp in surprise as my cock gushes forth, releases a few pints of seed from my balls and onto the ground, thoroughly coating it.

My member does not shrink, but instead slowly retracts within my body. The sensation is bizarre, and the next thing I know, I cannot even feel it there anymore. As I try to turn my head and body to look at the area where I know my cock should be, instead lays a vertical slit, exactly like a female's sex. I gasp in surprise, pricking my tongue as it grows longer while my teeth fall out to be replaced by sharp incisors meant for slicing and cutting.

Before I can explore the area, my back bursts with pain once again, worse than before. My chest pushes out as my ribs expand to house my new organs. My silver scales grow with it as my voice fades, only to turn into growls and grunts. My eyes contract into vertical slits like reptiles while my tail continues to grow. I feel a faint pressure from within my would be crotch, somehow knowing I am still a male.

My neck begins to elongate next as my head slowly shifts forward to form a muzzle like a canines. My nose is pushed back while my bottom jaw is forced outward, making me emit more sharp grunts of pain. Small protrusions start to appear all along my back while my shoulders and hips realign to that of a quadruped. Two small bumps appear soon after to take the shape of horns.

Minutes go by that seem like hours as my transformation slowly develops. My biceps are by now bulging, barely contained below the strong skin of scales. My back legs are rippling with muscle as my new tail finishes growing. Two more bony protrusions erupt from just above my shoulders, muscle rapidly forming to accommodate my new appendages.

As my chest finished lengthening out and my front and back legs finish growing, two sharp needles of pain rupture from just above my shoulders. A pair of wings emerges from my back, drowning me out in pain as they grow and lengthen, wing leather accumulating on my flanks to stop by my haunches. I involuntarily flap them once, feeling a cool current of air rush underneath my new wings.

That same pressure as before within my crotch surges forth to display my newly changed member. My eyes are closed for the whole ordeal, but as my changes taper off, I start to become drowsy very quickly. I weakly open my reptilian eyelids to view a world immersed in brand new colors, sights, smells and sounds. I hesitantly take a step forward, a draconic foot emerging into my vision before I sway sideways and slump onto my left side, unconscious.


I do not know how long I was out for, nor do I remember where I am. All I do remember is enormous amounts of pain before my world goes blank. I struggle to wake up as a dash of sunlight filters across my eyelids. I blink them, annoyed having to wake up.

I groan as I position my arms and legs to stand up, but something does not seem or feel right. My body seems to be resting on all fours instead of on two legs. I push to rise into a standing position, but it feels wrong. I snap open my eyes as I suddenly remember what had happened awhile ago, or what seemed like awhile ago when I was really only out for fifteen minutes.

What is going on? _I think to myself as my gaze roams the forest scenery. My eyesight seems to have changed; improved immensely since I was out, but how could that...I quickly flick my sight around to the rest of my body. _This can't be true. _ I shake with indignation as I start to tremble with fear._This is not supposed to happen! I scream within my mind. This is not right. I say to myself as I examine my new form.

I seem to have taken on the shape of a dragon, a male dragon to be precise. My hide shines with a silver brilliance as bright as diamond. I unconsciously move my tail back and forth while I flick my wings to settle gently on my back. I am a dragon.... I ponder to myself. Razor sharp teeth adorn my mouth along with long curved claws on both my front and hind legs. A single row of spines of medium length runs across my back to end at the tip of my tail. A pair of pure white horns rests behind my eyes. This, must, be, the greatest thing that has ever happened to me! I exclaim, giving a growl of satisfaction while giving a toothy smile, I turn my head back to look ahead.

Whoever changed me must have some kind of agenda; otherwise he or she would have killed...Oh no. I think about my sister who must have been experiencing the same kind of transformation. My skin had turned silver while hers had shifted to a deep violet purple.

_Come on Daniels! Search! _I tell myself as I tentatively take a step forward. I take another step until I am jogging around the forest. _Where are you Lira, speak to me. _I say to myself. I give a disgruntled snort of irritation before expanding my search further, using my superior vision to try and spot my sister.

Where could you be sis? You were right there next to me. _I think while I turn and weave around a multitude of trees. A faint sparkle to my right catches my eye and I slow down to approach cautiously. I find another dragon, a female dragoness to be exact, with the same deep violet coloring as my sister had when she had started her change. _Then this must be her. I tell myself. Who else could it be?

I hesitantly approach, walking in an arch to come around to her front as her back had been facing me when I found her, also on her left side. Her scales seem strong, hard and resilient, just like mine. Flashes of deep red and light waves of blue curve around her form. Her wings lie limply on the ground, impressive coils of muscle near the joint of her wings to hold her aloft. As I come around to her front, I see her flanks are a lighter shade of purple while her wings are a dazzling blue green. Her muzzle holds four horns instead of two, two longer ones and two shorter ones just below them. Instead of spikes, she has...hair?

I pad closer in inspection, sniffing and nosing her neck where her hair lies. A deep rich purple, turning almost black at the root. She also has ear frills instead of holes, right under her horns which is a variety of purple, blue and green. I also get a whiff of something else, something that makes a surge of heat enter my loins and stir my new draconic member. I do not recognize it but my mind tells me she is in heat.

Startled, I take a quick step back before nudging her neck again, trying to get her to wake up. "Lira...Lira! Wake up! Please! You got to wake up!" I shout telepathically while whining in worry. It does not dawn on me that my form of communication has change, only that I am concerned about getting my sister to wake up as soon as possible so we can go home.

"Please Lira," _I speak softly, voice a bare whine, _"Come back to me."

_ _By whatever gods above are looking down on me, she stirs. She groans and then slowly opens her eyes. _"Co-Colby?" _Lira speaks softly as well while she whines deep within her throat. _"Wha...What happened?" _She asks, puzzled, not remembering what happened.

_"Don't you see me Lira?" _I reply, gently nuzzling her muzzle, encouraging her to stand up. _"That thing, that force we felt earlier, it changed us into dragons. Isn't that cool? Were dragons now Lira! Free, wild beasts! Maybe this is why we haven't gotten a job yet. Maybe this is why we have not shown any preference for any one thing before, we were meant to be dragons!" _I respond, getting exciting and antsy while padding back and forth on my front legs, an unseen urge starting to build up within me, igniting a hidden fire inside.

"Dr-dragons?" _Lira replies in a whisper, slowly rolling onto her stomach. _"I guess I wondered why I never felt like this way before. This feeling is...amazing." Lira says in awe.

_"Yes, yes, and we can do so much more now that we are dragons. Come, get up and take a look for yourself." _I respond jubilantly.

A little wary, Lira rises up shakily onto all fours while I back up to give her some room. She seems a few feet smaller than me, not that it makes any difference. We both reach over the first tier of branches on the trees around us, so I have to guess I am around 19'3" while Lira is 17'9" while our lengths are probably double that respectively.

Lira curls her neck to look back on herself, flicking her tail and fluttering her wings. Her beautiful coloring seems to bring out even more of her form as that fire grows inside me. My excitement dies down as a burning sensation within my loins erupts, making me grunt in pleasure and barely restrained lust. "You two were meant for each other...Claim you mate, claim what is rightfully yourssss...Soon you will see, what life is meant to be." A mysterious voice rasps within my head. Lira does not seem hear it as she is slowly walking in a circle, continuing to examine herself.

What? Where did that come from? _I think to myself. _ I don't want to mate with my sister......or...do I? I contemplate as Lira finishes her inspection and comes over to nuzzle me on my neck, just below my skull, unknowingly hitting a very sensitive spot. I jump back quickly, growling a warning while breaking a few branches on either side of me. Lira freezes, retracting her neck in fear.

_"Br-brother? What is wrong? Why do you growl at me?" _Lira questions me while my eyes widen once she voices her concern. My growling stops and I stand stunned, starring at Lira like I had committed some terrible tragedy.

I back away a few steps before an unknown force locks me in place, keeping me from moving my limps at all. Lira then walks forward, seeing as how I have seemingly stopped for no reason.

"What is the matter brother?" _She whines at me. _"Why have you stopped?"

Take her...Make her your own....Claim her...She will accept...She wants this as much as you dooooo..." Various voices speak within my head as I remain still, not able to move an inch while Lira moves closer, sniffing at some unseen smell, wanting to know its source.

"Everything will be alright brother." Lira says calmly. "I know I am in heat. I know you need release. Let me be your mate. I know it is not ordinary for brother and sister to be...married." _Lira says hesitantly while turning her head down a bit before straightening it out again to look at me, still padding forward. _"But we are dragons. That does not apply to us anymore. Let me help you. I want to be with you brother, please." Lira says convincingly.

_Sh-she knows! I-I guess that makes sense since we are no longer humans. _I think to myself, expression returning to neutral as whatever has its grip on me vanishes, only to be replaced by a sheer wall of lust. Lira seems to have felt the same thing, probably forced to walk forward, persuaded by whatever held me to get her to accept her position.

I slowly pad forward, hesitant at first, then more confidently as my dragonhood quickly emerges from its solitary confinement. Longer than a horse's and riddled with pleasure enhancing ridges and it is a deep red color, almost crimson. The tip is tapered with a circular flare of spikes around the head. Considering my size, it is a good nine or so feet, reaching up to my midsection with a slight arch. Its girth is probably one to two feet uniformly throughout the length, coming to rest at a bulbous knot at the base. Faint outlines of veins can be seen wrapping around my knot, pulsing weakly to my heartbeat.

Lira glances at my tool and her eyes widen. She may not be able to take it since she is a two feet smaller than me, but whatever lust had fallen over us quickly dispels such thoughts. Breed her, make her gravid. The voice whispers tantalizingly. Make her yours. Do not worry, size does matter, she can take it, trust me. The voice says reassuringly.

Giving a quick nod of understanding, I give into the lust that is quickly engulfing my mind. Lira does the same as we come together, gliding our bodies over each other. We purr and growl, murmuring loving phrases to one another as our scales sing songs of compassion. I close my eyes as we make a complete pass against the full length of our bodies, scales brushing together as we completely ignore the impediment of the trees all around us. We circle back, going for another pass. On the third time around, I lower my head and nuzzle beneath her chin, purring loudly while she moves with my head, chirring loving words in response.

We both quickly become enticed, breathing in lungfuls of each other's scents, her heat and my musk. She dips her head to nibble on my neck scales. I shudder at the gentle feeling and return it with a sensuous lick of my own down her neck and across her hair. The air soon becomes filled with the sounds of our courtship, the animals and birds fleeing quickly to escape certain death should they intervene or interrupt.

I take the next step forward and open my eyes, padding forward and nipping the base of her tail. Lira does the same and stays still, waiting for me to obtain my position. I walk around her form, gazing upon her, taking in every critical detail about her. The shape of her hips, the curve of her flanks, the arch of her back, the flow of her tail, the lean muscle packed beneath her scales, and the dripping wet slit right behind her.

Once I finish my rounds, I stop in front of her and kiss her. Lira does not look surprised and reciprocates my gesture, putting more force beneath her kiss. Our love lasts for five minutes before she grows impatient. _"Mate with me already brother. I'm dying of heat." _She requests lustfully as we break apart.

_ Giving in totally to the feeling of my loins, I circle around to her backside and sit down close to her sex. _"What a lovely view sister." I tease her while my member pulses faintly in the cool air. "It is sure going to feel nice to plunge my cock deep within you hot, slick folds and impregnate you with my young." Lira churs to my appreciation and growls lustfully, ear frills extending with excitement.

Eagerly, I waste no more time, skillfully plunging my tongue deep within her velvety folds with my claws firmly on her rump, making her squirm and writhe under the sudden barrage of pleasure. _"Oh, yeah!" _Lira moans in pure lust while I fuck her vent with my tongue.

I twist my tongue here, curl it there, and double it back here to expand the area for her enjoyment. Slick fluids splash out from her vent to adorn my muzzle. My silver scales glint with the extra lubrication in the sunlight, making me shine that much brighter. Every so often my tongue flows over a spot where she hisses or growls especially loud, and that is where I focus my attention.

After a minute or two or toying with her, I pull back completely, only to rise marginally to assault her now exposed clitoris. Lira grunts and hisses under the constant barrage of pleasure, her face scrunched up in pleasure, and soon enough, her vent starts to pulse and contract rhythmically with the oncoming signs of a climax while swelling open to receive my draconic member.

I smile dutifully, planning on giving her a thrill of a lifetime. I stop my administrations to her clit. Lira whines in need, the feeling within her loins fading but jumps higher as I plunge my whole muzzle deep within her juicy folds, splattering some of her fluids onto the ground. The miniature scales around her sex rub against my snout, dragged inwards by the friction and force I exert.

Lira's muzzle becomes locked up in pleasure as her climax rapidly approaches, her frills pressed back against her neck out of instinct with her teeth bared. Her claws tear large rifts within the now loose soil. Her tail flicks frantically from side to side while her wings flutter with a mind of their own.

Seeing her nearing climax, I push deeper within her vent, extending my tongue as far as it can go. I know she has a hymen still, and I plan on taking that a different way, but for now, I swirl, lick, grate and expand my tongue frantically to have Lira reach her climax.

Within seconds, her velvety walls pulse and spasm uncontrollable as Lira shakes in the throes of her climax. _"Aaaahhh! Nnnngh!" _She screams out in pleasure, rocking her head back and forth, tearing more ruts in the ground to steady herself, wings fluttering weakly in the air. A steady flow of vaginal fluids surges forth, stopping when they meet my muzzle in which I open, spreading her vent even more to gulp down greedily, enjoying her rich, tangy flavor.

I smile deviously, continuing to lick her insides until her orgasm has finally abated. After a good three minutes, the surge of fluids stop and her shaking ceases as well. All I can hear is heavy breathing as I remove my muzzle and look upon the face of my soon to be mate. Her chest now rests on the ground, swelling in and out deeply with each great breath she takes, deep ruts torn into the forest floor with dirt scattered all over her scales.

Lira looks back at me with contend etched into her features. I stare into her gorgeous orange eyes and hers into my emerald green. I nod, rising to all fours before padding forward again, growling lustfully.

Lira reciprocates my gesture by raising her chest, ready for round two. I pad forward and jump up to latch my front legs in the nook between her thigh and flank, my muscular biceps holding me securely in place. She moves her tail up and out of the way, repositioning her wings before readying herself. I bring my enormous member up to her generous opening and slowly start to push in. The first feeling that hits is the sheer warmth of her folds. They ripple and contract, pulse and roll sensually against my rigid cock.

My tip then fully enters her passage and my ridges begin to stimulate her walls, spreading her open pleasurable wide. I precede slowly, her vent stretching and conforming to the girth of my member like elastic. Amazed by this, I continue to steadily push in as Lira contracts around my member, making me hiss and growl in lustful passion.

Lira bunches up her internal muscles, squeezing my member and making me wheeze out in pleasure. I continue to push forward, four feet, five feet; six feet enter her vent before a spongy barrier stops my tracks. I stop, looking over her tail and wings to see her reaction. Lira curls her neck and nods once. "I am ready, my mate." Nodding back, I retreat until only the tip of my cock rests within her soft folds.

With no hesitation, I thrust back within her sex, plunging past the obstruction and tearing her barrier while the edges of her sex are dragged inwards with the force of my thrust. She howls out in pain as my hardened cock ridges quickly stimulate her walls, trading pain for pleasure. Rivulets of blood seep past her opening and my cock to drop down onto the ground, soaking it a dark red. Lira soon calms down and once again lowers her head in the oncoming waves of pleasure.

My mind grows more lustful, complex thoughts escaping me as I quickly speed up to ram into her tight whole, her vent stretching to accommodate my large member, rippling and pulsing to message my powerful organ. Lira pants heavily as her vent is stretched pleasurably thin, the voice heeding true that it will not hurt her. The comfort and heat within her passage is unbearable, her muscles twitching and shifting against my sensitive cock lustfully. I soon thrust forward with a feverish peach, my hips a blur, pounding into Lira's haunches, making her shake back and forth with each impact.

The trees around us waver with each of my thrusts, great gusts of wind created by the movement of my large body and flapping wings. The pressure on my member soon becomes too much as my internal balls begin to contract and pulse out of rhythm. Lira soon reaches her peak of pleasure as well as her walls clamp down tightly on my cock, messaging and goading it to release its seed.

With a loud grunt, I take a small step forward, plunging the rest of my member within her silky vent. Not even taking to gradually stretching her sex to accommodate my knot, I just ram it all in with one thrust. Lira roars out in pleasure as my knot briefly stretches her sex too wide. Her walls soon adjust to the girth of my knot before it engorges with blood, locking us firmly together. It quickly seals her passage way, preventing any sperm from escaping and ensuring my seed takes, making her gravid with my young.

With a few more hard thrusts, I plunge my cock tip past her cervix, the firm barrier of muscle giving away by my persistent need, once again taking no time to progress that much closer to my climax. Lira grunts at the sudden intrusion but the wall of sheer lust clouds her mind. My cock tip quickly plugs her cervix, making a double barrier against any sperm that tries to escape. She starts to rock back against me even with my now restricted movement. I roughly grab a hold of her neck with my sharp teeth, not yet breaking the scales, but holding on with a firm pressure.

My member starts to twitch and pulse with need as Lira's walls continue to message and ripple rhythmically around my cock. After two minutes of intense thrusting, my restraint breaks. My member quickly grows firmer as my knot continues to lock us together before exploding. The first burst of semen hits directly against Lira's fertile eggs, bouncing off and quickly filling her egg chamber. I bite down harder on Lira's neck, blood spilling from the wounds before I raise my head to roar loudly.

Once I reach my climax, Lira is not far behind. After I shoot my first load, Lira's vent clamps tightly around my member, squeezing it almost painfully for its supply of semen. I hiss at the intense rippling of her silky walls against my sensitive member, making me buck a few times against her hips out of instinct. Her walls contract and ripple spasmodically around my member while Lira grunts in innumerable amounts of pleasure. She joins my roar as we both climax together for minutes on end.

My climax goes on for a long time, my pelvic muscles working overtime to expel the vast quantities of semen in my balls. Spurt after spurt of seed is directed directly into her awaiting egg chamber, ready to fertilize the denizen of eggs she has ready. After awhile, our roars die down until we are shaking with ecstasy. Lira's stomach slowly inflates as my sperm finds no other exit from their tight confines. Lira grunts at the feeling of her stomach expanding as my member continues to pour gallon after gallon of rich seed into her egg chamber.

After what seemed like hours but was only six minutes, our climaxes end. My rigid member still gushes a steady stream of cum, gradually inflating Lira's stomach as time goes by due to my knot. Lira breathes heavily as she rests her chest back onto the floor. My weight collapses on top of her as she holds us both up, her hind legs flexing on the strain of the combined weight. My head rests between her colorful wings, her hair moving back and forth to the wind of my breathing.

Slowly, I rise up on her form, steadying myself with my powerful hind legs, muscle rippling beneath my silver scales. I carefully lower my head to nuzzle and lick upon Lira's neck, crooning words of love and passion. Lira raises her neck to return my gestures of love. We share each other's embrace until my knot deflates and we separate.

After one hour, the blood finally leaves my knot and I am able to slip out with only a minimum surge of sperm. I drop back to all fours as I inspect Lira's five month gravid stomach while she sits down and twists around to clean herself. My member eventually retreats into my vaginal slit, ready to be used again.

I pad up next to Lira as she raises her head. I lower myself to the ground before engaging in another passionate kiss. We stay like this for some time before disengaging again sometime later. I curl up next to her as we both drift off to sleep.

_ ~~~~~One year Later~~~~~ _

After that passionate night, my sister and I became really close. We both slept well into the night, me curling up tightly against Lira's form, protecting her from anything that would want to hurt her. Our parents were still at their jobs, and would not return for at least a week to check up on us, not that we needed careful supervision anymore. It allowed us to do things we wouldn't ordinarily do when under the watchful eyes of our parents.

Her smell was absolutely lovely, driving me wild. Her heat was a constant reminder that my sister, my mate, was now mine and mine alone. Nothing would come between us. The moment I plunged into her moist folds was the moment it was destined, we would be together for the rest of our lives.

The next morning, I rose to go out to find some food, knowing there was some decently sized prey within these woods. We had never ventured far among the woods, but I soon found out our little play area wasn't so little anymore. I soon came back to a worrying mate, but I quickly soothed her with another quick lustful mating to calm her down.

We shared the stag I had caught, obtained from a burst of hidden draconic memories that had rushed to the front of my mind in the heat of the moment. After that, I cleaned her scales, and she cleaned mine. Her heat was infectious, as we soon started to mate a second time that day, lying peacefully in the warm sun afterwards. No matter how many times it seems like we mated the past year, we would always find the energy to continue.

After the designated week, our parents came home, slightly worried as to where we were as we had not come when they had knocked on the door, like we usually would even though we were older. They searched the house in a calm and orderly manner before looking outside and then in the backyard. That is where they found us. Not tied together as usual when I mated with my sister on our longer excursions, but curled up, dazing in the midmorning sun.

They had been confused, then relieved to know we were ok after learning that the two large and colorful dragons in their back yard were their son and daughter. They immediately made it known if we were hungry, or the more important question, if we were mates. I hesitantly said yes and they simply lit up with joy.

I did not understand their reasons for such reactions, but soon did not care as they provided us with ample amounts of food and water, not that I couldn't care for my mate alone in this sizable forest we call home.

I may not have gotten to mention it before, but my dad works at a planetarium for dragon hatchlings. He observes and cares for dozens of small dragons and dragonets' before they are given to a caring and loving home. The first thing he did with me...Ha, blood sample. Not that it hurt, no, it was annoying as hell. He had to lift my scales to inject the needle into the soft under tissue, and that was just plain irritating. The injection hurt a bit, but it was tolerable.

When he tried to do the same for Lira, I snapped at him. He jumped back and fell down, momentarily stunned. Lira quickly looked over at me where our mother was washing her scales, calming her a bit. I froze and jerked my head back; astounded I would do such a thing. When I profusely apologized to my father, he just laughed and asked if I had mated with Lira. I blushed, or felt like I was blushing behind my glittering silver scales and said yes.

My father came up to me and I lowered my head. He stared at me for a short time before patting me on the nose. The movement startled me slightly and he apologized before continuing, in which I growled and he stopped altogether. Lira listened as our father told us he would make sure no one disturbed us from now on. We had bought our property miles away from any other civilization, being a farm and all.

He then came closer and said if I could give him a sample to study, so he could tell if I could impregnate Lira. I already knew she was gravid even after only a week. She was eating much more than she did in the first few days. By now her heat had worn off, evidence she was gravid, and maybe an indicator of my protective behavior. I told him this and he was surprised and happy, knowing our mother and father will live to watch us raise our own young, though maybe not in the way they expected.

Months went by and Lira and I continued to mate regularly, even when she started to become a little bit slower and lethargic in her gravid state. My father had pulled me aside one day while our mother talked with my sister to tell us what we need to know about parenthood. Since my dad dealt with nesting mothers and baby hatchlings, he knew what to expect.

He said it took one year for the full gestation period of a mature adult. The adults he had were indefinitely smaller than both of us, only being 8-9' tall, 11 at the most for the strongest males. He did not, sadly, know how long it would take for them to hatch. Father told me to keep them warm and turn the eggs every so often so they don't overheat. He also said to take turns caring for the egg as nesting can be a long and tedious job for the parents, as he had observed from his work.

They soon left us alone as I had steadily become more aggressive towards them. Lira became worried I might hurt them if they pushed me too far, but father gladly relented after seeing the state Lira was in by now. She was four months gravid, and did not eat very much, except to gorge herself every two or three months when she became hungry again.

Lira and I still mated, but not as intensely as before. She would either roll onto her back, the most comfortable position for her as her state progressed, and I would lick her until she had had her fill of orgasms. Or I would gently rock in and out of her silky vent while sensually licking her neck while she tugged and messaged on my member. I would revel in the feeling of her tight vent, hearing the soft clinking of eggs within her womb, knowing they were mine, or rather, ours.

Our love only increased with time, no more bickering or squabbles as siblings, only understanding arguments as to what will happen in the future. Her scales began to glow with a radiant hue as the months went by. Her flashes of deep red brightened to a lustrous orange almost, her blue meanwhile deepening to an azure sky. Her flanks grew brighter as the purple merged with any surrounding color, making her look vibrant and healthy.

On month eight, Lira started to sleep more. Her gravid state was starting to take its toll on her, and so I comforted her in any way I could. I rarely asked my parents for any help in requesting the things she asked for when she was awake, for fear of hurting them in my protective nature. They understood completely, and for the things I did ask for, they delivered the objects while I waited a good distance within the forest. Only when they were gone did I emerge to retrieve my package.

Lira would begin to wake briefly so I could tell her a story, a story I remember from my draconic memories. They usually came to me hazy, but as the story progressed, they got more vivid and easier to remember and it felt like I was a true dragon, not that I am not already. Lira would then drift off to sleep as I continued. Only the slowing of her breath and the gently rise and fall of her egg packed stomach told me she was asleep.

Everything was perfect; I had a mate, my sister, I was a dragon, a dashingly handsome silver one, and my mate was gravid with our first clutch of eggs. We did not know how many she would be carrying, but something else my father said was that size mattered to the number of eggs carried. He said young adults usually carried 2-5 eggs, adults 7-10, and mature adults 15-20. He had no idea how many eggs my mate had, but I soon had a way to find out.

I had been at a distant lake, looking at my reflection when something amazing happened. This was when Lira was five months gravid and my urge to protect her had not grown that strong yet. I had been staring at my reflection when I blew a puff of air onto the surface of the water. It flowed out, but did not stop there. It rose, curling like the wake of a snowboarder making a hard turn.

My eyes turned wide and I was amazed when the water turned to ice. Solid. Ice. I padded forward, trying to recreate that same feeling I had had when I blew out the breath of cold air. The seasons were always warm, being south of the equator. When I tried to replicate it, I failed. Instead, when my paw touched the water, it froze. The ice traveled for a few feet before stopping. Mesmerized, I told Lira about this.

My dad soon found out when he came to check up on me and my gravid mate on one of his rare occasions. He said all dragons possessed magic to some degree. They usually find their potential when they learn how to fly at around six months old. He said it differed from dragon to dragon. Some could only light candles, warm water and other small tasks while others could create ice sculptures, breathe fire, and manipulate nature to some degree and other various advanced skills.

Lira had magic too, but it was in her fertility where it flourished most. I remember hearing that mysterious voice say "_Do not worry, size does matter, she can take it, trust me." _Whatever that thing was, it knew about dragon magic. Not that it mattered to me right now, I was just happy I got to be with the one I love.

Every time I would mate with Lira, she would be able to accommodate my impressive girth despite our size difference. Her folds were stretchy, elastic even, able to bend and expand to unimaginable lengths. I just hoped it came in handy when it became time for her to lay our eggs. But, I was soon going to find out how big and how many she carried, as by now at the ten month mark, she looked to be positively swollen. Her stomach hung down slightly past her knees whenever she stood on all fours. The rest of the time she would lie on one side completely to ease the discomfort in her stomach.

I still teased her every now and again to have her relax. A difference between dragons and humans is that mood swings happen slowly, so I know when they are coming. A nice good licking would calm her down anytime, and my tongue would get tired after awhile so I would have to use my claw.

I soon found out how big her...our clutch was going to be. When she was awake on a bright and sunny day, I had come to her when she was laying on a smooth pedestal rock, soaking in the sun. She was just resting, not sleeping at the moment, and so I found it best to try it then. I had, of course, practiced my magic thoroughly since that day I found I could use magic, and I have gotten very proficient with it.

I gently laid my right paw on her vastly swollen stomach, Lira purring to the soft touch of her mate, her eyes gazing lovingly back at me. I cautiously extended my reach and felt within her womb for our eggs. I started to count how many there were, 1...3...7...11...19...26...39.

Thirty-nine eggs! And this is her first time being gravid with a clutch of eggs! Father, or mother, rather, both of them had told us respectively that females, depending on their age, have the lower count of eggs their first time, gradually increasing as they become older and older. But, thirty-nine eggs, I mean, it is going to take a heck of a lot of time to lay all of them.

And the size too! Because of our enormous size and Lira's fertility magic, the eggs were as big as beach balls, although slightly smaller and oval like an egg at this time. I started to worry that my mate would have trouble laying our eggs, would experience great pains when the time came, but she calmly reassured me. She told me mother had said the first time can be painful, but the larger the female was, the more discomfort instead of pain she would experience.

That was a relief to say the least. Anyway, the months went by and her clutch continued to grow at a steady past before steadying on a decent size. Just slightly bigger than beach balls the last time I checked. The egg count was still at thirty-nine, and I knew it would only go up from there, occasionally dropping before rising again, that is to say, we grew any bigger than we are now.

Now that it is month 12, or year one, month one and a half, I began to worry again. Father also started to worry as he had installed a communications device near our home, that is before we moved further away to find a cave or enclave so that Lira could sleep more peacefully. I had told him of her situation when he had enquired about the state of her being. He was somewhat fearful to come close to us to examine my mate, not knowing how I would react to her being handled by him by whatever instruments he would possibly bring to help her. It also didn't help as I did not leave her side for one moment...ok, maybe only to gather food and then rush back.

Before he took matters into his own hands to involuntarily start her contractions, which he had done multiple times for overdue females at his work, nature worked its course. It was on a Sunday a week after month two. Her stomach was still vastly swollen and her sex was beginning to loosen and relax by the time the moment came.


I heard her growl in discomfort as a powerful ripple of muscle shook her body, making me lift my head from my position behind her. We were in our comfy enclave, surrounded by lush fauna and an overhanging curtain of vines. More specifically, I had enlarged the enclave to fit me and my mate, plus exponential room for our soon to be family.

I lower my head to nuzzle her neck lovingly, rousing her reluctantly from her sleep.

"Lira, my mate, wake up." I say softly into her mind while licking her neck affectionately. She stirs and then partially rises before another contraction makes her bend forward in small peaks of pain.

"Ngh! Uuugh, C-Colby?" Lira asks quietly, turning her head to look at me from her position.

"Yes, I am here. It is time my love. Our eggs are ready to be laid." I reply lovingly. Lira extends her head to her midsection, raising her left hind leg to sniff before lowering it and returning my gaze.

"It won't be for a while yet. My body is preparing for their arrival." She responds before shaking in a small ripple of a contraction. I extend my head forward to nuzzle her cheek before replying.

"But you have been ready for awhile my dear. Do not be afraid. I am right here with you. I will ease whatever pain you have willingly. You know I will." I answer, caressing her gravid stomach slowly with a claw.

Lira closes her eyes and leans back in my loving embrace. She purrs to my careful administrations, enjoying our time together and the feel of my claw on her egg packed stomach.

"I know I am, but still." Lira says, a little unsure on whether her magical abilities can handle the strain.

"No buts," I reply. "You heard father. Your body alone should be able to handle it. He said that for the few females that got those rare clutches of eggs larger than their size, they still persevered." Lira opens her eyes to look at my emerald irises, sparkling in the dim light in the enclave.

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am right. Why wouldn't I be?" I respond.

With a short chuckle then a strained groan from a short contraction, Lira licks my chin before replying. "Many times." She says simply. Flabbergasted, I turn my gaze, embarrassed as I blush.

"O-ok. Just, trust me. I will not let anything bad happen to you, ok?" I answer earnestly, trying to calm her for the coming event.

"Sure my mate. I will." She responds, crooning as she nuzzles my neck lovingly. I bask in her affection before laying a wing over her form, encasing her in a warm blanket of love.

"Then let's get started. How do you want to start? Laying down, squatting, or standing?" I ask curiously. She stops nuzzling me and her face briefly scrunches up in another small flare of pain.

"Lying, for now." She replies, shifting into a more comfortable position.

"Anything for you my mate." I respond, retracting my wing and entwining my tail with hers as she shifts further onto her back, shifting her wings out of the way.

I move a few inches back before licking her neck while a couple more contractions seize her body, preparing her cervix to pass the first egg. I can tell this is going to be a long time before we are done, so I hunker down and start purring to my mate, letting her know she is not alone.

In the dim sunlight that passes through the curtain of vines, come various whines, grunts and growls of a female in labor. Her mate hovers over her protectively, soothing her while she starts to lay her eggs.

In just five minutes, the first egg pushes up against Lira's cervix. She screeches out in sudden pain before I calm her quickly by chirring in her ear, whispering promises of a happy future with plenty of hatchlings and months alone, mating. Lira relaxes to let the egg slowly pass through her cervix. I tell her to breathe deeply, to not push until the egg passes. Lira growls in pain as the egg steadily enters her birth canal, aided along with a multitude of contractions, slowly getting stronger by the second. The progress is tedious as the eggs are big, but before we know it the first egg enters her moist and rippling vent while the ring of muscle closes around it.

Lira breathes a sigh of relief and rests her head and neck on my body. I nuzzle her lovingly as I congratulate her on the first leg of the journey, with certainly many more to go.

"Don't be scared my mate, the first egg will be the hardest, the rest will follow more easily," I speak to her, soothing and calming her nerves as another contraction pulses through her body, making her tense up briefly before relaxing. "On the next contraction Lira, I want you to push as hard and as long as you can for me. I will hold you paw if you want me too."

Lira quickly nods her head and uneasily raises her left paw. I reach over with mine to firmly grasp it. I hold tight as her next contraction comes on hard. They have been steadily getting closer, from a minute and a half to twenty seconds. Lira quickly moves her left leg into a more comfortable position before it comes, positioning her tail away from her sex for the arrival of our egg.

As soon as her contraction hits and her muscles ripple powerfully to expel the egg, I tell Lira to push with all her might. She pushes all right, and squeezes my paw in a vice like grip while her ear frills push back against her neck. Thankfully, I use a dusting of magic to squeeze back just as hard, in which she pushes that much harder.

Her sex opens and closes rhythmically to the timing of her contractions. The egg progresses steadily within her muscular walls, the same that message my member for its load. She bares her fangs in a grimace, contest to the concentration needed to push the egg further along. After a minute, longer than what the contraction lasted for, going through three of them, Lira releases her breath, breathing heavily and in a small amount of pain while her ear frills relax.

"I-It hurts." She whimpers, shaking slightly from the exertion while her breathing increases, chest heaving to take in fresh air.

"I know, the first time will. I am proud of you. I am using my magic to track the eggs progression from where I lay, you are doing very well. Rest for a while; let your body do the work for a while. Here," I say, extending and lowering my head so she can drape hers over mine.

She gladly takes the rest as another contraction pushes the egg further along its track, ever closer to her widening sex and open world. Her stomach muscles ripple and pulse strongly with each contraction, Lira breathes steadily and focuses on my heartbeat for each one that passes.

After three minutes and many contractions the egg reaches her opening. Lira lifts her head and prepares to push on the next contraction.

"Not yet my dear." I tell her. Lira looks at me confused, then nods before leaning forward to rest her head just below mine. I purr while another ripple of muscle passes through her, making her groan.

I murmur loving encouragements before saying to push on the next one. Lira retakes her position and waits to push. When it comes, her muscles contract and ripple powerfully under her gleaming hide, pulsing with energy and strength. She snarls in discomfort and pain as the egg nears her entrance. I wrap my tail around hers more and lick her neck soothingly as she continues to push the egg out.

As two more contractions pass, she gives a grunt as the egg starts to appear, stretching her walls further than my member did. "Not much further Lira, keep pushing, don't rest now." I tell her as her muscles continue to ripple in shorter time spans.

Lira pushes as hard as she can while the egg slowly emerges, narrow side first as her ear frills press back against her neck again. It takes seven minutes before it nears the halfway mark, any fluids being trapped behind the egg. Lira pauses to breath heavily. I encourage her to continue, lending her my energy with magic. She takes a big breath and pushes with her powerful vaginal muscles at the same time a particularly strong contraction hits.

Lira squirms in mixed feelings, part pain, and part pleasure as the egg rubs up against her expose clitoris while spreading her sex wide in obvious discomfort. Seeing this, I rest my wing over her and channel more of my magic through my wing. Lira growls in lust as her pleasure quickly rises. She continues to push as the contraction and the touch of the egg prologues her pleasure while her folds stretch even further apart. Before I know it, Lira climaxes, further pushing the egg to its widest point, grunting before it plops free.

Lira pants, tired from her first lay as her sex remains partially open from the stretching. I assault her neck with a flurry of licking, crooning loving phrases to her.

"You did it my mate. Our first egg." Lira puffs while recovering her breath, her contractions on temporary hold.

"That, wasn't so bad at the end. It did feel painful, but only until the egg started to rub against my clitoris. And then you helped, thank you." Lira replies gratefully, nuzzling my neck back as we share the moment while her ear frills flicker in open in love.

"Ready to continue?" I ask.

"Mmmm, maybe if you helped me?" Lira answers hopefully, ear frills extending thoughfully.

"Hmm, of course, anything for you my lovely mate." I reply, nuzzling her neck before rising.

Lira slowly and carefully rolls onto her back, exposing her slick folds, and, our first egg. I get up, walking over to our first egg and carefully hold it within my jaws, careful not to drop it because of its slick coating. I lay it down before Lira on her right side before licking it clean.

"Isn't it beautiful my dear?" I say, gazing at the swirl of colors. Red, green, silver and blue, entwined with purple stripes.

"Yes, it is. Put it somewhere safe for now, we have many more to go." Lira replies, patting her swollen stomach. One down, thirty-eight to go.

I pick it up again once I clean it off and place it within the soft nest we or I had built over time for us once we had moved farther away. I return to straddle her tail, lowering myself onto the ground directly facing her sex. Lira splays her legs apart to help with the delivery. I scoot up closer to hover over her moist and gaping folds, egg packed stomach jostling around with bountiful eggs.

I lower my muzzle as Lira shakes in another contraction, but soon writhes in ecstasy as I lick her sex and sensitive clitoris. I continue this for ten minutes until another egg probes against her cervix. She tenses up at first before relaxing, feeling only slight discomfort before pushing to help it along through the loosening ring of muscle.

"Not now Lira. Wait until it enters your birth canal. You don't want to exhaust yourself, do you?" I ask seriously.

She stops pushing and whines, wiggling her tail beneath me, making me jump before settling down more heavily on her tail. I chuckle and wait until the egg is past her cervix while giving her pleasure. Lira basks in the attention and begins to push eagerly once the egg is past her cervix.

I smile while continuing my administrations, licking harder and faster to distract her from any remnants of pain or discomfort she might have. Ten more minutes pass as Lira pushes steadily against the egg, her vaginal walls rippling and pulsing against the egg to progress its journey. She takes short breaths, pushing when she has her contractions, now every ten seconds and still getting stronger.

After five minutes, I feel the front of the egg and Lira stops pushing to raise her head momentarily before smiling. I raise my head and smile back, only to lower it again to suck on her clit. I quickly push her to orgasm as a contraction passes and the egg speeds along, progressing until it is at the midway point, once again stretching her folds unbelievably wide.

Lira pants before gathering her breath to push again. I continue to suck on her clit as I use my magic to enhance her pleasure again and she growls at the feeling. Seconds pass before she climaxes again, the egg plopping down onto her lithe tail in front of me. I lick it clean before carrying it off to the nest to join their brother or sister.

This continues on for a while, Lira would wait patiently until the egg passed her cervix, which was every ten minutes or so after the last one. I would use my magic to enhance her pleasure and bring her to one or multiple orgasms before she laid said egg. After a while, she got tired and returned to her laying position. I got up and lied down next to her, comforting her while she laid eggs 10-17.

Lira soon got uncomfortable in that position as well and stood up, wanting me to do what I did when she was laying on her back. And so I did that for one or two eggs, but by now, you wouldn't expect a male to become horny by seeing their mate laying eggs so blissfully. After egg number two, when egg number twenty was passing through her cervix, I joined in.

My member had been semi-hard this whole time, waiting for release. It was about time I gave it to myself. As Lira started to push on her next egg, instead of licking of sucking her clit until she climaxed, I jumped onto her back and probed her slit for entry, pushing her tail over her back for easier access.

Startled, Lira stopped pushing, walking forward a few steps before looking back. I followed her, paws hooked into the curve of her hip.

"Wha-what are you doing Colby?" She asks curiously.

"I have wanted to mate with you for so long. I can't take it. You can't expect a guy to remain flaccid while his mate is laying their eggs, don't you?" I ask full of lust.

"Ok, but not there, use my tail hole, and use your magic to dim the pain please." Lira responds complacently.

Thankful, I reposition myself while Lira gets ready for me to penetrate her. Contractions still ripple through her, pushing the egg currently in her birth canal to its exit. Her stomach had gone down visibly a few notches; Lira standing up when she felt like she would be able to.

I take a few steps forward to probe her asshole, my member immediately going rigid and hard. I buck a few times, poking and prodding before plunging the first few meters within her tail hole. Pre-cum gushes out from my member to lubricate her hole before I thrust in.

I then plunge into her tight orifice as another rippling muscle contraction hits. Lira gasps as my cock is driven four out of its nine feet into her tight hole. She grunts at the sudden intrusion before continuing to push the egg out, her internal muscles working to expel the intruder in both areas. I pull back, using my magic to dim the pain, and then thrust forward harder, giving a grunt of pleasure as Lira's egg slides a few more inches further out.

I rapidly plunge into her hole before retreating, pushing more and more of my length within her tight orifice while Lira pushes her egg out. The feeling surrounding my cock is just divine, almost as good as thrusting into her tight, rippling sex.

We continue like this for several minutes until I start to feel an odd pressure at the front of my member. I realize it is our egg that is pressing up against my sensitive organ. Lira continues to push as I thrust into her hole to just above my knot. As time goes by, my member is squeezed by the pressure of her egg traveling along her passage.

With a snort, Lira tries to change her angle. "C-colby," She says shakily. "Move down, I want to squat so you are out of the way from the path of our egg." I nod and move with her hips, her asshole involuntarily tightening and messaging my cock while she moves.

Lira spreads her legs wider while arching her tail even more. Once into position, a big contraction hits her and she grunts, pushing hard against the egg and my member, trying to force one of them out. The egg now glides right under my ridges and I struggle to maintain my sense of control and not thrust into her completely and spend myself on the first egg. So with steel determination, I slow down while Lira's climax quickly approaches.

In five minutes, she bears down hard, pushing with all her might to expel the egg while I thrust into her tail hole. Her climax hits her as the egg passes the halfway point again, pressing painfully against my knot before plopping to the ground. I quickly retreat, clean the egg, and re-enter her tight asshole before the next egg arrives.

By shear will alone, I hang on until egg number...28 I think? No matter, up until this point, I had contained myself to small, pleasurable orgasms while Lira continues to heave in sexual bliss herself.

I unconsciously grab onto her neck before speeding up and ramming my member with all my ridges flared into her now loose tail hole. I thrust violently into her, bumping my knot against her small entrance. Egg number twenty eight quickly makes its way down her birth canal to press against my rock hard member once more. That is when I lose myself. I groan in pleasure, Lira rolling in sweat by now from all her exhaustion of pushing out eggs over a span of countless hours.

I thrust one more time to plunge my knot into her opening. Lira grunts before pressing down again on her egg which makes me growl in pleasure. My knot rapidly inflates, only temporarily stopping the progress of the egg as my member clenches up painfully before it releases.

Before I climax, a big contraction hits my mate. Lira's stomach muscles ripple violently, pulsing visible under her gleaming scales before her egg surges forward, bumping into my knot and taking me by surprise. Immediately after, I raise my head, thin rivulets of blood seeping down her neck scales onto the ground as I roar out my pleasure. My cock jumps painfully before pulsing and then releasing its load.

A large spurt of semen shoots directly into Lira's bowels as the egg squirms free of its confinement. Lira writhes in pleasure as she feels my hot and virile sperm infiltrate her intestines while her egg drops free at the same time she climaxes.

I hang on to her while Lira continues to lay our eggs, every egg up to this placed neatly within our nest, cleaned and sparkling. My seed continues to gush inside of her as her eggs start to come more quickly now.

Her contractions come nonstop almost every five seconds. Lira pushes, breaths, pushes, and then rests for a short time before pushing again. Egg after egg passes pleasurably over my member and rubs against my knot before exiting Lira's vent to join their comrades waiting to be cleaned.

After egg 35, Lira starts to get tired once again. It is now well into the night as Lira speaks for the first time in hours.

"Colby......I need to lie down, I am getting tired again." Lira says weakly, legs shaking with fatigue, threatening to collapse and crush some of our eggs.

"Ok, just give me a sec." I respond, hurriedly using my magic to deflate my knot the rest of the way before pulling out, a surge of seed and fluids coming out to splash onto the newly laid eggs.

I back away, my member quickly softening up and retreating into my vaginal slit while I dutifully clean off eggs 28-35. Lira proceeds to lie down on her side, stomach vastly shrunk from the expulsion of more than thirty eggs.

When I return, I walk in front of Lira before lowering my chest to the floor. Lira lies panting; exhausted from her ordeal of laying all our eggs. I lower my head and she weakly raises her as we share an intimate kiss, maw to maw. We break apart soon after.

"You're doing just fine my mate, just fine," I repeat out of compassion. "Just a few more and we will have ourselves a family." I say, nuzzling her neck as she rests it on her paws, her hind legs outstretched, vent twitching faintly as a small contraction hits.

"Mmmmmm," She groans under the slight discomfort. "It does feel nice to be able to move around more. I just can't, do any more right now. Can you, can you stall them for a while so I can rest? Please." Lira replies, looking up from her position with puppy dog, or draconic eyes.

"I will see what I can do my mate. Although I can't promise you I can do it until morning." I respond lovingly.

"That's ok," Lira replies, closing her eyes. "Just a few hours and we can continue."

Grinning, I get up and walk around to my original position. I snuggle up to Lira, sharing my warmth with her while I lay my wing over her form again. I then close my eyes in concentration and try to slow her contractions. Before another egg, the last of four get past her cervix, I firmly close it, and magically inject a spell that will calm her muscles for a few hours.

"Thank...you." Lira says gratefully between a big toothy yawn. I smile before getting some shut eye myself, keeping a careful eye on her condition.


With a twitch and a groan, Lira stirs awake. I jolt out of my restful slumber to check on her condition. It seems things are moving again.

"Lira," I ask, nudging her neck. "Lira, wake up. Time to finish."

She mumbles before a shock wakens her up. Her head flies up and her eyes widen, another egg starts to slowly pass through her cervix.

"Ngh! So soon?" She asks, looking out of the curtain of vines to barely see a hint of sunshine.

"No my dear, it is barely three o'clock right now. Come on, what position do you want to finish in?" I ask her while rising to lay a gently paw on her stomach which gradually increases in rippling contractions.

"Oh, uh, Ngh! I thinnnnk. Standing." She says finally, slowly rolling onto all fours, pausing whenever a contraction rolls over her. I stand right beside her, supporting her still sleepy frame until she gathers herself.

"Ngh! They are...getting faster already. Can you, Ngh! Help me like before?" Lira asks inquisitively.

"Sure," I respond. "Anything for you my lovely mate."

I quickly position myself at her back side to see her sex already loose and dripping with copious amounts of fluids. I pad forward to begin licking her swollen sex, her scales flushed with blood and parted to ease the departure of her egg while Lira hisses at the sudden sensation of pleasure running up her spine.

Without me telling her to, she pushes down hard against the egg passing through her cervix. She experiences slight discomfort but that is overwhelmed with the barrels of pleasure that are flooding into her mind. I sit down on my haunches, leaning in closer to play with her clitoris carefully with one claw while energetically licking the inside of her slick folds. Lira squirms and bucks at the building pleasure inside her. Even though she just woke up, a nice big orgasm is quickly approaching.

Vaginal fluids continuously flow past my muzzle as her egg progresses at a hastened pace than yesterday, eager to finish with her laying. Lira pushed nonstop, taking short, quick breaths before pushing again. Soon enough, I feel the front of the slick egg again and gently guide it out of her stretching folds. Lira grunts and pushes again while a contraction pulses through her, sending the egg out of her vent and into my awaiting paws. I quickly clean it and deposit it with the others before returning.

On the last one, Lira seems to get antsy. She pushes and contracts her muscles, trying to get the last egg out of her, failing to push it past her cervix. Smiling, rock hard member exposed once more, I walk back a few steps before jumping on top of my mates back again.

She grunts at the unexpectedness, but welcomes it nonetheless. I surprise her further my immediately thrusting into her swollen, oversensitive, and rippling sex. Lira hisses in total pleasure, completely overtaken by the feeling of my cock in her silky and rippling vent. Before she gets a word in edgewise, I start to pound her vigorously, jostling the lone egg inside of her womb. I do not plunge all of my cock inside of her, having intentions to pull back out quickly.

Lira growls and hisses in pleasure and slight discomfort at not being able to dislodge her last egg. I quickly thrust into her velvety folds, her muscles stroking and eagerly massaging my cock as Lira valiantly tries to expel the last egg. I grunt and hiss as I speed up even more, a white hot burning desire building up in my mind and loins. I shake my head, no, I cannot knot her, not now anyway, I yell at myself. The pressure steadily builds as Lira's passageway begins to ripple and pulse rhythmically in the signs of her own oncoming climax.

I grin maliciously and speed up even more, slamming my rigid member lined with ridges into her silky confines, stroking her walls sensually and moving her that much closer to her climax. With a bestial roar we both orgasm, Lira's sex quivering powerfully around my cock as it pulses mightily to release its seed.

My intentions were true and our last egg surges forward past her cervix, aided by her climax and a contraction at the same time, surprising her. Lira grunts at the discomfort but presses down with her inner muscles, quickly pushing it forward to its exit. I hastily retreat, my member slowly retreating once again into its vaginal slit while Lira expels the last egg in our clutch.

With weary breath and strong determination, Lira pushes, muscles contracting and rippling valiantly to speed the egg on its way. I pad forward once I recover my breath and suck on Lira's clitoris, making her hiss in sudden pleasure. Another climax quickly builds within her as the egg finally becomes visible to the outside, fluids leaking out past her folds as her sex is stretched one last time.

With a heaving breath, Lira pushes down and climaxes powerfully around the last egg, pushing it out and to my awaiting paws. Lira then slumps down onto her chest while her legs buckled under her form, utterly exhausted and tired as well as breathing heavily.

I quickly clean the last egg; a burnished silver with splotches of green and blue among it and place it with the rest of our clutch. I then return to my mate's side, crooning loving phrases into her ear. Lira rolls to her left side and I follow her down, wrapping my left arm around her neck and squeezing her tight while entwining my tail around hers and spreading my wing over her tired form.

"We did it. You, did it my love. I am so proud of you." I whisper, gently licking her neck sensually while rubbing her deflated chest slowly with my right paw.

"Hmm, I love you Colby. I love you so much. I can't wait to do this again." Lira replies after gathering her breath, turning her head to look me straight in the eyes.

"I wouldn't have it any other way my love. I love you too Lira. Get some sleep; we have a lot of rest to catch up on before our hatchlings hatch." I respond, getting a weird look from Lira before we both drift off into a blissful sleep, entwined in each other's embrace, as mates.

To Be Continued....?