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#1 of 1K Challenge

Art by FA: aogami

As promised, I have begun! Any art I receive that features my characters will receive a complimentary 1000 word (exactly) background!! I can't promise I'll be serious with the plot though ^^


The chairs scraped against the floor in a bizarre chorus as the students took their place, all of them getting ready for the lesson. Today, apparently, the usual bore of Ms. Finnegan wasn't giving anatomy. Instead, a sub teacher was supposed to. Young James sat on his seat with a sigh. The day had been long and it still went on and on and on, without ever seeming to end. By his side sat his friend Amy, a young cream colored bunny who had really taken a liking to the husky.

"Heya J!" She said happily.

"Oh, hi Amy. How was geometry?" He asked.

"Pretty square" she said, to which he giggled a bit. He was about to say something but the sound of heavy footsteps and the door opening calmed them all down. In came an otter, her body quite seductive but wasted on the still too young males of the class. Her skirt was long, and her shirt showed no crease, but one could still see the ample curves under her garments. She might've made a great effort to remain sexy-less in her work attire, but she had clearly failed. The whole class was silent, mesmerized as she got her stuff on the desk and began to look over the attendance list, calling off names in an almost monotone fashion.











And off went the list, until she was sure none was missing.

"My name is Ms. Fritzer, and I'll be substituting Ms. Finnegan today. I'm supposed to teach you about..." She began, flipping over a little notepad. "... The circulatory systems of Echinodermata... But I won't" she said as she tossed the notepad aside. Everyone gasped a little bit.

"Instead, I shall teach you something much more important. I'm told you already had sex education. What have they taught you?" She asked. Some students shyly raised their paws, but she picked Amy.

"Um... T-they had a speaker come in. He kinda told us that sex was very bad if you did it and you weren't married. That you have lots and lots of babies and that you kinda get sick. We all signed little papers saying how we wouldn't have sex until we were married" she said, not sounding too confident.

"Oh geez..." The otter said as she slapped her palm against her forehead in frustration.

"D-did I say something wrong?" Amy asked.

"No no, not at all sweetie... But you have all been told lies..." She said. All of the boy's and girls gasped.

"Alright, I'm going to teach you about sex. Really teach, not try and sweep it under the rug. Can you promise all that you will NOT say anything about this?" She asked. At once everyone nodded.

"Good... Let's begin" she said as she went to the black board.

"So, what is the difference between boys and girls? Yes... Jacob?" She asked.

"Uh, Martin... It's that boys like sports and girls like dolls" he said. At once a chorus of boos and laughs emerged, but the professor shushed them all.

"He isn't wrong class... But he isn't right either. Thank you Martin dear" she said as the embarrassed boy sat down. "The difference is that girls can have little cubs, and boys can't. And their bodies are different because of this, starting with the obvious breasts but not ending there" she said as she began to draw a vagina in the black board. Again a couple boys scoffed, but the rest just looked.

"Alright. Now to explain the vagina in detail. The whole outside is extremely sensitive, so it will feel good to have it rubbed even over clothing. Naturally, it feels better if done under..." She began, her voice becoming dull and fading as James noticed he was unconsciously touching Amy's panties... And she wasn't doing anything about it. She was even spreading her legs a bit more, blushing and looking straight forward. He could feel soft fleshy bumps and folds under the clothing, and following the teacher's unspoken advice he pushed her panties away and touched her bare folds. She whimpered silently and grabbed the desk hard, but her hips pushed against his paw. She felt warm and moist to the touch, and James was loving this immensely.

"But the real fun is inside. The tunnel or vaginal opening is where the penis goes in, and it's full of nerve endings that make anything that goes in there feel amazing, especially fingers or a penis. Now, on the very far end you get the cervix, which..."

James was mildly paying attention, but he was more focused on how the bunny seemed to be enjoying such a weird touch so much. Moving her panties a bit more he dipped a couple fingers inside her opening, and she had to bite the pencil she was holding to avoid screaming out in pleasure. As luck would have it, she had lost her hymen doing gymnastics a year ago, so this penetration only gave pleasure. He was amazed at how the fleshy walls grabbed his fingers and pulled them in deeper with well timed muscle contractions. She had her eyes closed and was blushing now, biting the pencil hard.

"Now, some people believe that women have a place called the G-spot, a little part inside their vaginas that feels a bit like a bump, and that can drive women crazy with pleasure if touched there. However, finding it in itself is quite the challenge..."

The puppy husky was prodding around, and found something that felt a lot like the description given by the otter. He gave it a little touch and Amy bent over the desk, curling her fingers and clenching them around the edge of the desk. James rose his hand triumphantly.


"Yes, James?"

James smirked and gave the place a very direct rub.

"Found it" said James.

*craaack* went the pencil.

"Nyaaaaaaaaaa!!" Made Amy.

"What the fuck?" Went the teacher.



A Legend Is Born...

The young girl clamped down on the intruding member out of instinct, letting out short whines as the pain intensified. His barbed cock raked her insides painfully, accentuated by the fact that he wasn't being gentle at all. "Ah fuck... Are you...

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It's A Girl Thing... (Illustrated)

The cry echoed throughout the almost empty house, any attempt to restrain it failing miserably. It traveled from the main bedroom and down the stairs, before finally reaching the living room in which the young mouse was playing video-games. His ears...

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You've got my name all wrong...

* * * "So, the basis for natural selection is that some animals are better than others, right?" The feline girl asked, putting down her notebook and looking at the human boy. He was roughly the same age as her, but stood at an impressive 6'5...

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