Monster Food

Story by Digitalpotato on SoFurry

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Birthday gift for Wyraach Ur - including a TF of himself into Brock Pearson of Monsters University fame, as well as myself into an original monster - the spiny crocodilian monster.

See, that's the thing about monster food - only monsters can eat it. Traveling into a Monster world will usually result in the atmosphere causing you to slowly mutate, and eating the food will accelerate the mutation to the point where you start fighting off the monster mentality.

Brock Pearson is © Disney and Pixar.

Peter was getting ready to pack his bags up for his trip back to the UK. Looking over all the stuff he was ready to grab, he noticed that he had forgotten one obvious bit - some of his warm-weather tee shirts and shorts. He left a few over in the UK house, but given that he was going to go to Devon, it probably wasn't going to be a good idea to leave a few things behind.

He walked over to the door to his closet. For some odd reason, he thought he heard a bit of a noise. Peter didn't open the door quite yet - maybe there was a noise outside, like maybe someone was doing some construction nearby. He felt an odd draft around his ankles. That was odd, it seemed to be coming from the bottom of the closet. Peter finally pulled open the door.

Almost immediately, he dropped his jaw. Instead of his closet, he saw the outside world - but it most definitely wasn't the outside world he knew. It certainly didn't smell like Ireland for sure. Peter caught a smell of something burning -like some kind of forest fire or maybe bus exhaust.

Against all common sense, Peter walked out into this landscape ahead of him. He could hear gravel underneath his feet. The smell of smoke got stronger and stronger. Peter wrinkled his nose - was there some kind of a forest fire in the distance? He looked to his right, noticing the outline of a city in the distance. That was odd, he thought to himself.

He looked to his left, where his closet door had been. It looked definitely out of place - standing up right next to some pile of trash. So many discarded boxes and the like that he couldn't recognize, except maybe from some YouTube video of a British guy reviewing cheap products. The other side of his closet door had obviously been stained with the trash, as if it had been there for a little while.

"Funny..." Peter said, "Mum always did say my room was a dump... why am I talking to myself out loud?"

Peter was interrupted from his monologue by the sound of wind, and some footsteps. He turned around, and nearly jumped. It was another person running right towards him full speed. Peter simply stared at him at first, as the human got closer and closer.

"QUICK! GET BACK IN!!!" The human shouted, "BEFORE IT CLOSES!"

Just as Peter turned back around, his eyes widened. His door started to fall over on its back - how was it propped up in the first place? His mouth gradually widened as the door tipped over, starting to close itself. (Darn physics!) The other person came right to a stop next to him, wagging his arms to keep from falling over. With a heavy 'thunk', the door fell over onto the ground.

"NO!!" the human shouted, as he lunged for the door. He pulled it 'open', only to reveal the ground beneath.

"Uh... what's going on?" Peter asked.

"Now you're stuck too..." The human said, trying to open and close the door repeatedly. "Dammit!"

Peter got a good look at the human. Dark messy hair, messy looking clothes, no wonder why - he must have been in this dump way longer than he had been.

"Look, can you just explain to me what you mean by 'stuck'?"

The human turned around after giving up on the door.

"Stuck!" he said to Peter, "Stuck here! ESS-TEE-YOU-SEE-KAY STUCK!"

"Slow down slow down!" Peter said, "Listen... just explain to me where we are."

"Well... you won't believe me until you see-"

He was interrupted by the sound of a motor. Not only that, but heavy machinery. Before Peter could ask what it was or where it was coming from, the human grabbed his hand and pulled him away. Peter instinctively ran after the other guy. Maybe when they were in 'safety', he could give him some kind of explanation and an answer.

The human weaved through a small maze of trash piles. Some of the piles were bigger than he was. Finally, Peter was brought to what seemed like a mountain of trash, before the human stopped. Peter could still hear the machinery whirring and roaring, but it was a little further away than it was before. He turned around, and to his surprise, saw the human pulling open a fridge door. It must have lead into that huge mountain of trash - but really, why trash, Peter wondered.

"Come on, before they see you." The guy said, gesturing for Peter to go first.

"Who are 'they'?" Peter demanded.

"Look... real quick, they're not like us. They're monsters."

"Who's there?" another voice asked.

"Quick! Get in!" The human whispered, giving Peter a gentle tap.

As foolish as it seemed, Peter climbed into the fridge. This certainly wasn't Narnia like he might have hoped - unless Narnia had become modernized and became a dump over the years. The area on the other side of the fridge was surprisingly large - like an entire room that had been dug out of the trash of the titans. The human walked in and closed the fridge behind him.

Peter couldn't make out a whole lot of details - they probably didn't have any lighting inside this place. (And if they managed to get electricity, then when he got home, he'd happily laugh at people who thought having electricity inside a cave was implausible.) When his eyes adjusted to the light, he made out the human figure moving towards one of the room's 'walls', pulling open something. Some light came in from what seemed like a window.

"If you want to see what some people in this world look like... well, just look out here." The human said.

Peter finally made his way over to this 'window'. It must have been the back of a washing machine or something. The interiors and the back having been pulled away, leaving only the front. He gasped when he saw a rather orange figure on the other side - like an orangutan, maybe. But it walked upright, like a human. And its face - it certainly wasn't apelike. It seemed to have a horn poking out of a rather large looking snout. For some odd reason, Peter was odded out by how there was a yellow helmet on the creature's head - like some kind of a construction worker.

"Get your head out or I might close it on you." The human said.

Peter pulled his head back, and the "Back door" to the washing machine closed. He let his eyes adjust to the light - still not entirely able to make out specifics of the human inside this 'room' with him.

"Great, now what are we going to do..." the human pondered, "I barely have any food left from when I came in here... and I bet you anything that city is full of monsters just like that guy..."

"Are all of them orange rhino like creatures?" Peter asked.

"No. That's only one - I think he's an overseer of some kind." The other person responded, "The other day I saw a somewhat chitinous looking thing..." he sighed. "Look... Just call me Jake, alright? You're stuck in this world with me for however long it takes until we can find another door out."

"I'm Peter." Peter responded, "How long have you been here?"

"A few days. I saw the door into the dump, gathered some candy and the like from my room - you know just in case, and then boom. My door closed, and I've been stuck here ever since. I tried to find someone, only I instead found monsters - seriously, we're trapped in a world of MONSTERS!"

"Monsters?" Peter asked, "So... you carved all of this out of the pile of trash yourself?"

"No, this was already here... I found some other sign of human habitation, like shoeprints in the dirt outside... but you're the first human I've seen. All I've seen are monsters - and I have a feeling they're just as afraid of us as we are of them."

"Great... just great..." Peter said, "I'm stuck in another world, and in the DUMP..."

"I've been looking for other doors, but none of them worked." Jake responded. "Look... do you want to work with me at all? We're in this together."

"How're we going to get food?" Peter asked.

"I've been looking - This is a dump, but everything is going to be all disgusting. I haven't found any food here at all."

"Wonder what these monsters eat, anyways..." Peter said. he looked over at where he knew Jake's voice was coming from. "Say Jake... what's up with your eyes?"

Peter could see that the light from what little sunlight came in seemed to reflect off of Jake's eyes. Almost like a cat. Jake blinked, covering the reflections. He tilted his head and the reflection seemed to vanish.

"What?" Jake asked.

"I thought I saw them..." Peter said. He was ready to be ambushed - what were these 'monsters' going to do, ambush him and eat him? Did he wander right into some kind of trap? He kept his eyes on Jake - still able to make out the figure of the human. With the exception of his eyes, he didn't look any less human than Peter did.

"What were you doing out anyways?" Peter asked.

"Looking for SOMETHING." Jake said, "Food, a door, a way out, anything - anything to escape the bulldozer they use to push all the trash into these piles. And the monsters... I'm pretty sure they'd eat us."

"If these guys have a dump, then they probably have an office where they manage it. You know, so peopl-Monsters don't dump toxic waste." Peter told him, "you ever think of going in there?"

"Oh... I know where their offices are." Jake responded, "I looked over at night. But I didn't want to take a chance. What if they see me. I'll be taken into a lab and probably dissected or experiments, and I'll never be able to go-"

Peter gave him a small smack in the chest. Or what he thought was his chest. He made out Jake's arms moving, grabbing something.

"You hit me in the arm!" Jake said.

"Get ahold of yourself. How do you know these monsters are hostile?" Peter asked, "If it makes you feel any better, then I'll go with you. We'll wait until after dark, alright?"

He made out Jake nodding.

~ ~ ~

The sun finally set, bringing night on this "monster dump". On several occasions, Peter looked out the window to see if it was getting dark. Several times, he saw the orangutan like monster outside. A few other times, he saw a different kind of monster - some kind of two-headed creature, or a somewhat thin looking one. After what seemed like forever, night had finally fallen in the strange new world.

Peter led the way out of their little dump shelter. The air still had a bit of a "fire" smell to it. Maybe there was an incinerator. Jake wasn't far behind, and he made sure to close the fridge behind them.

"Well, you lead the way." Peter told Jake, "You've been there before."

Jake nodded. Peter still kept a close eye on him, and listened or anything like an ambush. Maybe some of these monsters would be klutzy and he could anticipate a surprise attack. Jake had apparently calmed down a bit from earlier, although Peter could still tell he was afraid. (A blind deaf comatose lobotomy patient could sense how nervous Jake was.)

Finally, they reached a building. Peter raised an eyebrow at how... oddly familiar it looked. It wasn't so much that he had been to the very building, but that the type of building was familiar. Like something he would actually expect to see at a city dump. He could even see a few lights that lit some signs - but from behind, he couldn't make out what they read.

Peter made a glance over at the city - he could see lights in the skyscrapers. He shook his head, as he turned back towards the dump office. He walked all the way up to the door, but stopped. Of course if the dump was closed, it wasn't going to be unlocked, but that wasn't what caught his attention.

In the light radiating from the other lights, Peter could see that the door was much larger and wider than any door he was familiar with. It wasn't overly large, like a garage door. Nearby, he noticed a window - somewhat larger than any window he saw back home, but not nearly as large. It was even propped open a bit. The lights inside were off.

"Come on Jake." Peter said, "I found a way inside."

Peter immediately walked over to the window and reached under the sill.

"What are you doing?!" Jake asked.

"If you want to live in a monster dump, that's your decision." Peter said, "I'm getting the hell out of here."

With all his might, Peter grabbed onto the window sill and pulled himself up. He stopped to catch his breath, then looked out behind him. Jake had walked over to the windowsill. Peter reached down and held his hand. Much to his surprise, Jake grabbed onto it. Peter hefted up the human, and both of them were inside the building.

"Dark in here." Peter said, wrinkling his brow a bit. "I can't see a thing."

"Really? I think I can see some stuff like over there." Jake said. He jumped off the windowsill, shoes making a clacking noise on the ground. Peter wondered again why Jake could see in the dark better than him - he certainly couldn't have gotten that much more Vitamin A than he did, being stuck in the dump longer than he was.

However, Jake didn't get far before the lights turned on. Peter was able to make out the rest of the room. It definitely looked like some kind of a break lounge. There was a rather large table in the room, as well as two fridges - working ones at that. Several counters, and much to his surprise, what looked like a coffee machine. Were it not for the fact that the employees of this place were supposedly monsters, Peter would have thought that this was any other normal dump.

Jake however went right back into panic mode. He could see the other human start to shiver, before looking around nervously. He turned back to the window and started to run towards it. Peter managed to stop him from climbing back out the window and running back to the dump shelter. There had to have been a logical explanation for this.

"It's motion detecting lights." Peter said, "If there was a guard, you'd have been caught long ago." he said, "Is this a lounge?"

Jake calmed down a bit, and looked around. He nodded nervously. Not long after he did so, there were two loud growling noises. Peter blushed a bit - he hadn't eaten in almost eight hours. Jake probably hadn't eaten in even longer.

"Well... do you think they'll mind if we take any?" Peter asked, climbing off of the windowsill, heading towards one of the fridges. "I mean... if they left any."

"...I'm too hungry to debate you." Jake admitted, turning around and walking towards the other fridge.

Both of them pulled open their respective fridge. It looked just like any other fridge they knew. Peter's mouth watered as he looked over all the stuff inside. However, he had to raise his eyebrow once again - he saw what looked to be a box of soda, but it wasn't any soda he knew. Instead of Coca Cola or Pepsi, it simply read "Crazy Cola".

Peter grabbed a tupperware and popped it open. He wrinkled his nose as a pungent odour pierced through his nose. He immediately closed it and stuffed it back into the fridge. Someone needed to take better care of their food, he thought to himself. He took out a brown paper bag and looked inside. He immediately grimaced and placed it back. It looked like there was something moldy inside.

"E-E-E-EW." He said out loud, picking up a carton of what looked to be chinese take-out. He ignored the sign that said something along the lines of "Clacks" on it - he was too hungry to care.

He turned around and saw Jake already at a table, opening up a tupperware that had something yellow in it. (He prayed it wasn't anything gross.) He sighed a bit when he thought he could see mac and cheese. Cold mac and cheese, probably sounded terrible, but Jake had to have been hungry.

Peter sat down next to him and opened up the carton. He sighed when it looked like pretty much all the normal chinese food he was used to. Peter simply put a finger in the box and picked up one of the pieces of meat - he was too hungry to care about how it was getting all over his fingers. Peter's eyes widened after he swallowed it - it tasted weird. Something a bit... bad. He coughed a bit and looked at the box.

"What in the hell is this?!" he asked, "Expired Chinese? Something from Ashens's worldwide food special?"

He looked over at Jake, who had put a small handful of the Mac and cheese in his mouth. Peter finally got a good look over at Jake's eyes. He raised an eyebrow again - they looked yellow. Jake's face seemed to be turning a bit red. Maybe he was just glad to finally eat something that wasn't what he brought with him (like candy).

"You sure that's not bad?" Peter asked.

"Nope, tastes kinda like kraft." Jake responded, "What is that?"

"Uh, don't eat it... it's expired chinese." Peter said.

Jake reached over and looked at the carton. He held it up to his nose and gave a sniff.

"It smells like... sesame beef." Jake said, "This is good."

"It tasted funny though." Peter said, "Also, what's up with your face?"

"What?" Jake asked, looking over at Peter.

"Your face - it's red." Peter said.

Jake took another look over at Peter, eyes widening.

"My face?! Peter - your hair is PURPLE!!"

"What?" Peter asked.

He reached up to feel over his hair. Surprisingly, he didn't feel anything around the sides of his head. Did he suddenly go bald? He reached up his hair in shock, finally finding his hair at the top of his head. It seemed to stand up a bit... like some kind of odd mohawk? He guided his hands around the back of his head, and felt his hair going back down his neck. Was this some kind of odd mullet?

His stomach gurgled more, as Peter doubled over. As if on cue, Jake suddenly gasped. Peter drew his head up to Jake, just in time to see the human's skin change colour more. Jake looked up towards the ceiling, moving a hand over his chin. His chin had turned an almost sickly grey colour. His neck looked yellow - the sides turning grey. Jake gritted his teeth as all of a sudden, his nose was sucked into his face... and his mouth suddenly seemed to point forward, taking the skin alongside his face with it.

"Oh my god - JAKE!" Peter shouted, as he heard a loud clicking noise from his lips. Peter opened and closed his mouth, hearing another clicking noise. He reached out and poked it with a fingernail, hearing a clicking noise. He opened his mouth and put his finger inside... his lips were chapped into oblivion. But most disturbingly, he couldn't move his lips anymore. He reached with his finger to feel over the tops of his lips. They had started to merge with his lips - forming a hard surface.

Peter looked over at Jake again - Jake had most definitely changed. His head was almost completely unidentifiable, and yet somehow, Peter was able to tell that it was still Jake. His eyes were completely yellow by this point - although his sclera were still white. Jake felt over a rather long looking muzzle - it seemed almost crocodilian. He opened his mouth, and Peter noticed sharp looking teeth inside his new palate. What little zoology knowledge he had assumed that this muzzle was like a slender-snouted crocodile. His skin had turned red, grey, and yellow. Red stripes formed around the back of his scaly neck, running parallel to each other.

Jake now got a look at Peter, opening his large mouth. He pointed a finger at Peter, just as yellow and grey scales covered it. A red claw erupted from the tip of the finger. As if mirroring him, Peter held up his own finger. But then, he felt his mouth snap shut, as it too seemed to expand.

He stared cross-eyed at his nose, seeing something orange in his vision. It got bigger and bigger, something hard coming from inside his mouth. He felt his mouth protrude more and more by the expanding tube of keratin... and then suddenly, he felt it no more. It was like his mouth was already closed. His nose as absorbed into the tube like protrusion, leaving him with only two nostrils for a nose. His tongue stretched, especially around the middle. But it didn't go all the way to the end of his mouth - no, his BEAK. He opened it, and then brought the finger to his mouth, tracing over all of his beak. The top half of his beak was even serrated at certain parts - but not overly so. It definitely gave him a rather monster-like appearance.

"Good lord - I have a BEAK!" Peter said, pulling his finger away, "And you have a croco-"

He was interrupted by the sight of Jake changing further. Yellow ridges poked out of his head, as Jake's hair fell to the ground Several more of these spikey ridges emerged, running all the way down the centre of his head. Jake held up both hands to his face - covered in a somewhat stylized looking pattern of scales, all consisting of yellow, grey, and red. Just like the back of his head, several stripes had formed on his arms.

"Dude, you got feathers." Jake said, taking a look at the other human.

Just in time, Peter felt a strange surging. Instinctively, he took a powerful breath, as his chest expanded massively - every part of it. His muscles, his lungs, even his bones. It barreled out, bulking with muscle. His shirt was ripped to shreds by his expanding bulk - he just broke several laws of physics right there. An itching sensation spread all across his body, all the way from his face (not covered by the beak of course) down to his knees. He held his hands up to his face, beak held open.

It covered in feathers - short, purple feathers. He felt over his broad chest, ruffling all the short feathers in the process. He was interrupted with more ripping. Jake had by this point stepped out of his chair, as Peter got a good look over at Jake's scaly body. A new appendage had burst his shorts and underwear to shreds - a thick, reptilian tail, tipped with a webbed frill of some kind. The webbing was grey, held together with three red spines. The pattern continued down the top of his tail. Peter was able to see that Jake's entire body was yellow at the front, grey at the back. The grey was momentarily broken up by a few red stripes All of a sudden, he noticed a frill poking out of Jake's back - unlike the frill at his tail, this had yellow webbing. It looked almost like a diemetradon of some kind. Peter held back a laugh at how silly this might have looked, but a poking sensation at his head brought his attention elsewhere.

Peter reached to his temple, just left of his new hair. His hands were parted by some sharp horns poking out of his skull. Horns - of all things, what was he becoming? He felt over the horns after they stopped growing, feeling them separated by rings, running parallel to each other. It was like an antelope or an oryx's horns, but the "ringings" were way more pronounced. He felt over the tip of the horns, noting a cute triangular tip.

Peter suddenly felt an odd sensation at his feet. His toes started stretching... several of them thickening. Thickening to the point where they started to merge. His shoes and socks felt uncomfortable - he had to get them off, somehow. Peter pushed back the chair and then looked over his feet. He immediately pulled his shoes and socks off - glancing over his feet.

They had turned scaly... almost like the talons of a bird. His lower legs had covered in this rough skin, giving them a very talonized appearance. He noticed claws erupting from the three of his toes - digging into the ground. Peter looked over his friend, who had, like him, completely transformed by his point. He was looking over his body, a look of shock and disbelief on his face. Peter could see rather long looking feet, the bottoms grey - it looked almost like the grey had formed a flip flop on his foot, red claws poking out of his three-toed feet.

Jake's legs had turned shorter and stockier, thighs bulking out a bit. The outsides had a large patch of grey connecting to the main grey of his body, two red stripes (one bigger than the other) on this patch of grey. Jake was most definitely confused.. he looked over at Peter.

"Why're you wearing those? Don't they like... not fit?" He asked.

"What?" Peter looked down at his pants. That was strange, they didn't fit - he had become much more top-heavy as he changed. He removed his pants, as a small avian tail poked out from his rear. Almost completely invisible from the front.

"Wait, what am I thinking..." Jake said, "Okay, so we just turned into monsters, but what happens now?"

"We turned into monsters?" Peter asked, "But weren't we... wait... GAH!" He was starting to feel a certain mentality sinking into his head. Was he always a monster? It must have been that food.

"Monsters... you're right. I never had a frill like this on my back." Jake said, pointing at his back, "Or this." He pointed at his tail.

"And I never had this." Peter poked his beak, "Your eyes were already kinda yellow."

"But wait a minute... They were brown, I rememb... wait."

Jake walked to the windowsill and poked his large muzzle out. He took a deep sniff.

"Remember it smelled sort of like... burning?" Jake asked.

"Yeah?" Peter asked, walking over to the window, careful to not break the window with his horns. He took a sniff himself.

"Doesn't now... just smells like the dump. Wait, was I starting to turn into a monster already?" Jake asked.

"...Maybe!" Peter said, "Well, guess we can't go home now. What say we finish that and get out of this dump?"

"Sure." Jake said.

Peter then reached over at the window and let it fall closed. Jake made a funny noise. Peter looked back and started laughing. It had fallen right down on Jake's large muzzle, leaving the crescent shaped base with his nose hanging out.

"Sorry friend." Peter said, opening the window.

"Never do that again." Jake said, "Even if we monsters are more durable than... GAGH! I'm doing it again."

"You're thinking yourself as a monster too, huh?" Peter asked, giving his friend a gentle pat on the frill.

"But I am a monster, it's like I've always... uh... okay, maybe we need to look for help. At least we won't look TOO outlandish like this."

"Well I bet you anything, we'll fit right on in. Come on, my reptilian friend." Peter said, proudly strutting out to a door. It looked much more tailored to his height than before. Strange, he felt a little restricted by what was left of his shirt. He tore it off, and then tossed it in a nearby garbage can.

"I think I may need to get a jacket or something." Peter said.

"You know a poncho would be nice... preferably a waterproof one."

"Hey, we're monsters, might as well dress like monsters too." Peter said.

With that, the two monsters left the dump - heading away to monster city.

~ ~ ~

The next morning, two monsters walked into the break room. There was the carton of food, as well as the tupperware containing the mac & cheese on the table. Remnants of clothing and shoes littered the floor.

"Well whaddya know Clacks?" one of the monsters said, "Seems our little dump-divers finally got hungry enough to try breaking into the office."

"Did they really think we wouldn't see them?" Clacks clacked as he walked over the window and closed it with two of his insectoid hands. "Adams heard them climbing into the trash, and we left the window open just for them. Also, did you talk to the guys about the doors?"

"Yeah. This is why you SHRED them up before throwing them out. Wow. I forgot how little monster food it really takes to kick-start the monster mutation."

"How many bites, it looks like they left almost all of my chinese." The insectoid monster looked over the carton of chinese.

"Probably only a few... think they could have at least thrown this away or put it back in the fridge? Warm Mac and Quease is disgusting."

"Eh give it to LJ. He'll eat anything."

"Seems to forget what he was like when he came in, huh? Wonder how long it takes for the monster mentality to sort of 'integrate."

"Bile... or should I say, Bernard," The chitinous monster said, tossing the chinese carton in the garbage can, "Think we should find the monsters our uninvited guests became and sort of orient them into their new lives?"

"Nah." The second monster said, wiping his tentacles clean over the trash, having gotten some Mac and Quease over them, "If I remember from when I came over correctly... the monster mentality will guide 'em through. Might be a bit of a shock when they realize that they enjoy scaring people, though."

~ ~ ~

The purple feathery creature leaned against the doorframe. He pulled a watch out of hammerspace and looked at it. He put it back into hammerspace, then listened back at the door. His talon started tapping on the ground, impatiently.

"Come ooooon!" He said, "Spiny! You've been in there for-freaking EVER!"

"Don't call me Spiny - that's Spiny Norman's gig!" The crocodilian creature shouted over the sound of flowing water.

"Do you WANT to miss scaring all the Freshmen and making them scream like little kids?"

"Ever since someone did that to you you've been obsessed with that..."

"If you're not done relaxing in that shower, I'm going in and flushing the toilet!" The purple creature said.

"As if you'd ever do something like THAT Brock."

"Don't doubt how sneaky I could be!" Brock said.

He waited a few more minutes, before finally cracking the door open a bit. If he knew Jake Spines like he had been (since pretty much forever), that creature would be hanging out in the shower or the bathtub, practically passed out. He concealed himself in the steam, as he neared the shower. He pulled back the curtain and made chirping noises.

Brock raised an eyeridge when he saw only some kind of fake construct sitting in the bathtub - the only thing that looked like J.S. at all was that his odd life-vest/poncho was on the construct. Before he could respond, Brock looked up to the ceiling, seeing the rather large multicoloured figure clinging to the ceiling.

"Heeeeeey you're doing classic misdirection. And you even practically boiled the trash." Brock picked up one of the pieces of garbage that made up gator's 'head' and immediately chomped it. "Steamed yellow mycelium - you even got a few old boiled burgers to hold them together."

"Uh... Brock... you really should get out of the way."

"Hey I'm not going to let you and your silly rejected art major get out of the-"


"Because I can't hold on for too long." J.S said.

Stars orbited the purple creature's head as he poked it out from under the reptilian-creature's tail.

"Ooooh... yes I actually would very much love to put nyquil in the sandwich too." Brock said, eyes rotating in different directions from one another.

J.S. immediately got off of the feathery creature.

"Besides - THAT is dinner - otherwise you'll just eat that disgusting egg again."

Brock shook his head and stood back up.

"Well come on!"

"In a minute - I need to get dressed." J.S. said as he put his poncho-vest on.

"There! Also don't flood the place again. The Dry creatures hate it when you send water all the way down the stairs." Brock said, proudly strutting out of the shower-room.

"Come on at least let it simmer in its steam a bit." J.S. said as he turned the water off, making sure it was kept extra hot.

"Coming or not?" Brock cawed from outside.

"YEAH! ALRIGHT!" J.S ran out, closing the door behind him.

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Collecting Curious Curios

**Author's notes:** **Collecting Curious Curios** _A commission (my first!) done for DigitalPotato, of Fur Affinity._ _Featuring:__Banen ( and Thisit (whipped up just for this piece, but she's a character I...

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