A Berry Good Time

Story by Mountainman on SoFurry

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Story done upon request from a friend on FA. Let me know what you guys think in the comments below!

A Berry Good Time

A soft breeze stirred the night air, carrying the scent of vegetation from the nearby forest. It was a warm night, the heat of the day lingered even after the sun had set. The forest was exceptionally quiet this evening as not many critters ventured from their homes. There were, however, two who sat near the edge of a nearby lake, relaxing on its shore. An Eevee and an Umbreon, two friends spending time together, enjoying the cool breeze that swept over the still water. The Eevee was known as Shadow, a strange little guy with even stranger colorings. His fur was dark and the collar of fluff around his neck was a luminescent white, matching the tip of his tail. He had a yellow ring on his head, glowing faintly in the dark. In fact, he had traits that his friend shared as well. The Umbreon was named Bolt, known as a bit of a wild card in the forest. He was active, unable to stay in one place for a long period of time. He was a nice guy though, and the two usually poked fun at each other when given the chance.

They both lay upon a grassy patch near the shore, looking up at the starry sky. There wasn't much to talk about on such a calm night; both were content to just relax. This would soon change, however, as Shadow showed his friend a rather strange berry. He was an explorer and usually went off for weeks at a time. While on his most recent journey he had discovered the fruit growing on the side of a mountain. He had only brought back a portion of what had been available at the time. He had yet to try it though, and he offered Bolt to be the first, figuring he would enjoy the small adventure. He got up to his haunches and the Umbreon followed in suit, a curious expression on his face. Shadow smiled and reached into a small pouch he brought with him, revealing the berry, "Hey Bolt, I found this berry on my latest travels. I don't know what it tastes like, but I don't believe it to be poison. Want to try it?"

Bolt looked at the strange berry, thinking it over in his head. The fruit had a dark pinkish hue and was the exact shape of a Pecha Berry. The leaves were also thicker, acting as a base for the fruit. He shrugged and took it from the Eevee's grip, smelling it, "I don't see why not. You're obviously too much of a coward to do it yourself." He teased the Eevee, tossing the berry into his mouth, chewing on it. He began to murr, finding the flavor to be sweet and refreshing. He swallowed and smiled at his friend, "Not bad, you should try one!" The Eevee grinned, selecting another from his small stash. He was about to pop it into his mouth, but stopped, hearing the Umbreon groan in pain. He looked at him, seeing him writhing on the ground. His eyes widened in panic, thinking he had unintentionally killed his friend. His panic, however, soon became one of confusion, then disbelief.

Bolt's body began to change, his frame became more curved and his voice took on a higher pitch. His sheath, which had been barely visible amidst his fur, receded into his body and a pink slit formed. Shadow's eyes focused on his friend's chest, seeing something forming there. Six pink teats suddenly rose from the female's underside, barely visible under her black fur. The transformation was swift, lasting little more than a minute. Bolt panted, tired after the ordeal her body was put through. She rolled onto her stomach, shivering as her erect teats rubbed across the ground, "Wh-What happened?" Shadow couldn't stop thinking about his friend's privates, having gotten a nice view of her virgin cunt. He shook his head, chasing away the thoughts, "Well...you're a female. I think these berries are a lot more dangerous then we think." Bolt gave Shadow a look of despair, not sure how to respond to that, "B-But I'll turn back to normal, right?" Shadow bit his lip, wondering the same thing himself, "I don't know. I-I suppose you could always try eating another berry. It might turn you back into a guy again."

Bolt looked at her friend with hope, deciding to try that. She snatched one from the Eevee's pouch and put it in her maw. Shadow's ears shot up, annoyed that she acted so rashly. He prayed that it would bring his friend back to normal and not worsen the change. Bolt consumed the berry, waiting for his male bits to come back. What happened instead was something far more sinister for the Umbreon. She gasped, feeling warmth spread through her body, consuming every inch of her. She shivered, feeling the warmth intensify around her crotch and her virgin cunt became wet. The berry forced her into heat, something that shouldn't have happened for a few more weeks. Shadow's nose twitched, catching the scent of his friend. He blushed; the scent of the female affected his body accordingly. His sheath began to twitch, his red member slowly growing, coming into view. Bolt noticed it, her own nose twitched as she caught the musk of the male. Her mind was a blur of activity as she tried to keep a hold of herself. He was a man, not a woman! But that dick looked so good...No, he's my friend!

Her internal battle played out silently while the Eevee began to squirm, uncomfortable with the female staring so intently at his manhood. Bolt blushed, her female needs overpowering her male mind. She whispered softly, "Sh-Shadow?" Shadow looked at his friend, tilting his head in response, "Yea Bolt?" Her blush deepened as she gave in to her growing lust. She rose from the ground and turned from the male, shivering as she degraded herself. She lowered her head and raised her rump and tail, taking the stance for breeding, "I-I really like you and...I really need this itch taken care of..." The Eevee's face flushed with arousal, the scent of her heat hit him like a train. His member twitched in excitement, demanding to be encased in her warm folds. He padded closer and began to lap at her honey. Bolt's eyes shot open as pleasure flowed throughout her body. Lewd sounds began to escape her lips as her new parts were explored. She couldn't believe how pleasurable it felt, to be licked by her friend.

Shadow continued to tease her for a few more seconds before he mounted the Umbreon, making sure she was low enough for him. He gripped her waist, pulling himself forward until his member touched her puffy slit. He nuzzled her head, comforting her, "I've liked you for a while to Bolt. Don't worry, I'll be gentle." He began to push forward, penetrating her love hole. His tapered cock spread her lips apart, allowing him to slide easily into her. He groaned as his veehood was encased in her warm folds. Bolt enjoyed the love making as well, moaning loudly as she felt that warm meat enter her body. It pulled at her walls, rubbing them firmly. Shadow began to push into her once more and eventually came to a wall. He grunted, realizing he had reached her hymen. Gripping her tightly he shoved the rest of his cock into her body, tearing her hymen as he claimed her virginity.

Bolt screamed softly in pain, tears forming in her eyes as the experience went sour. Shadow licked her head, calming her as he kept his length buried in her folds. He let her adjust to his girth, waiting for her signal to continue. Bolt sniffed, feeling the pain slowly recede. She squirmed under the male, letting out a sigh of relief as the pain eventually vanished, "O-Ok, I'm ready." Shadow gave a small nod and he began to move his hips once more. It wasn't long until the pair were breathing heavy, moaning in harmony as they made love. Shadow loved his friend's insides, promising that if she didn't return to normal he would help her raise the kit. Indeed, he had every intention of mating with her. He would create new life with her. The thought forced some pre from his tip and it coated the female's inner walls. He was getting close to release, his knot had formed and it pressed against her opening. Bolt looked forward to being a mother, wondering if it felt as good as this. She blushed, knowing she would let Shadow mate with her every season if he wanted, giving her an egg to bear. She felt that knot press against her opening, threatening to tie them together. She knew there was no going back once that knot was pushed into her body. She wanted it though, to feel her walls spread, to feel the male's seed enter her body. She pushed back into the male, helping to drive that bulb into her.

In the midst of all this they failed to notice a resident coming down to the lake. It was a Buizel, a female at that. She wanted to cool off with a night swim, knowing that this side of the lake is usually empty. She heard the two first before she actually saw them. She blushed, seeing the male ravage the female, hearing them both moan quite loudly. She squirmed, watching as her own arousal began to affect her body. With a final glance to capture the moment she ran back into the forest, heading home where she could satisfy her needs in private. If she had waited just a bit longer she would have seen the male howling his dominance as he released his seed, or the female arching her back as she experienced her first orgasm.

Shadow lay upon Bolt, his cock twitched as her walls milked him for all his cream. He was tired, panting after the violent love making. Bolt was also out of breath, remembering the pleasure she felt when Shadow's knot filled her. She groaned, remembering the warm seed that filled her body, pooling in her womb. She rubbed her stomach; some instinct told her she was going to be a mother. Shadow dragged her to the ground, making sure he didn't hurt her. He spooned her, licking the back of her neck as they waited for the knot to deflate. He kissed her, showing his love for the Pokémon, "I love you Bolt." Bolt murred, blushing as she responded, "I love you too Shadow." They fell asleep like that, dreaming of the day when they would both be parents.

-The Next Morning-

Shadow yawned, blinking away the sleep from his eyes. He smiled, seeing he was still spooning the Umbreon. His knot and member had receded back into his body during the night as well. He kissed her neck, stirring her from her dreams, "Time to get up dear." Bolt groaned, "ugh, five more minutes." Shadow's ears twitched, catching something off about his mate. He got up and flipped her over onto her back. He yelped, startling Bolt, forcing her onto her paws in an instant. She looked around wildly, expecting there to be danger. Shadow began to stammer, "Y-Y-You're a male again!" Bolt looked between his legs, seeing his sheath and balls there, "Oh, well whaddaya know." Shadow rolled his eyes, "It would seem that the berry is only temporary. Oh Arceus...what if my dick hadn't left your cunt?!" Bolt shrugged, not really interested in dwelling on something so gruesome, "So...what are you going to do with the rest of the berries?" Shadow looked down at his pouch, counting three berries in total. He would keep one to plant, knowing now what properties it held. He smiled, taking two of the berries and tossing them into his mouth. He chewed on them, winking at the Umbreon, "Save one for planting and use two now for fucking. My turn~"

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