Colours and Coils

Story by JimmyRuss on SoFurry

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Hey everyone,

This fic features the popular Nala demonstrating the extent of her hypnosis upon someone else. Kaa-style hypnosis seems pretty damn popular among other coiling-fetishists, so when I got the commission to write what I would do to bring that to life, I couldn't resist it. Hopefully I did good enough of a job to make it work out.

This was an anonymous commission featuring one of my characters; Nala, the long cobra/boa naga (I haven't decided, so she could be both). If you'd like a story like this, then hit me up via note and I'll reply as fast as I can, usually within 8h.

All around you was pure green from the surrounding bushes and shrubs or a dark brown from the towering trunks of thick trees that punched through the ground and up into the sky, where shade would be cast across everything beneath it, with wonderful hues dancing back and forth in the wind. These trees felt safe, they were here long before you were even born, and they'll survive long after you, but the landscape would change significantly; new trees were made daily and old bark snapped time after time to make way for a constantly new generation of life.

It was calming to you when you walked through these trees; to take in nature at its purest. You didn't think anyone else would come down this way, they'd all turn tail at the sight of a jungle too thick to navigate, but you had a path that worked for you, and you'd do it every day. Even the smell of the fresh leaves was refreshing from the stink of the village.

But this time, you were not alone in your walk. No one walked beside, behind or ahead of you by a longshot. A pair of eyes, green like the foliage but sharp like a knife. They looked at you stumbling and stepping down the path through the jungle, invisible to your own eyes, even if you were to take a glance over your shoulder. Someone hadn't told you why no one came this way. Someone hadn't told you about her, but she'd be introducing herself to you fairly soon. Silently the figure stalked from the safety of the jungle, waiting for you to go off the beaten path right into her grasp. And once you went might not come back out.

The sun was close to setting; sparse views of an orange disc broken by thick tree trunks cast long, deep shadows across the jungle floor where your feet crunched on fallen leaves. A slight chill was on its way, but a tighter clutch of your jacket fended it off for the moment. Hmm, you usually made it further than this before night started to crawl in, and then you'd arrive home as it turned black. Now it seemed most of your return trip would be in the confusion of the dark.

The figure stalking you had moved in closer and closer. Now with the sun setting quick, it could hide in the shadows and against trees without you noticing. It had learnt to be sneaky, darting silently between thick trunks. It began to close in the final gap, moving in close to your unaware body. It wasn't your fault the music in your ears was turned up too loud, it gave her a little room to work with. By now, it was only several meters from you, still enough to be hidden were you to turn around.

"Ah, damn it." You spoke as after turning a corner past a tree half-entombed within rock, which revealed you had been walking into a dead end. It was sheer rock ahead of you, too steep and too gravelly to climb without risking serious injury. You'd have to turn back the way you came, and take the long road home. For a second you had to mentally trace the route you'd take, rubbing a hand against your forehead. "Alright, back along the 45 path, then re-join for a short stretch on the 10 path before finishing on 37." Confident in your route, you turned on the spot...

...And nearly bumped right into the figure that had been following you this entire time.

"Evening." She said calmly with a smirk. You, however, were absolutely shocked at how someone had managed to follow you, and out of instinct you jerked back, catching your foot on a root and tumbling down to the ground with a loud thump. She let out a light giggle as you cried out with your light crash, ending up on your back resting on your elbows. Your stalker did nothing as you quickly tried to calm down. Your eyes looked back up towards her with a mouthful of questions, ripping out your earphones to ask them.

But they all dropped away once you looked up at her. Even in the fading light it was obvious she was not 'normal'. The size of her body alone attested to that; even though she was just a few feet away she seemed to tower above you if you stood upright. Long, dark hair trailed down her back down to her unusually thick hips. Her bust was palpably large, each breast larger than your head which caused a gulp to stick in your throat. Aside from her curvaceous body, it then started to be different from what you were expecting.

Rather than pale or tanned skin, she instead had a colourful mixture of what appeared to be scales. The burgundy scales covered her arms and hands, and a fiery yellow pattern adorned both of them. Her face, too, had the same deep red scales, with the yellow performing like make up to highlight her entrancing features. In the low light, a light-green glow emanating from her emerald eyes, and they seemed to stare right at you. But instead of coldness, they seemed to be a small beam of heat that warmed in the cool evening air.

Behind her head she had a strange biological attachment that took a few seconds to figure out. It was like a hood but fixed to her. It had a thick rim that had the usual burgundy and yellow scale pattern, while on the inside it had what seemed to have light coloured scales arranged in several rows that drew your attention inwards, back towards those warm eyes of hers that hadn't blinked.

It was a struggle to tear your eyes from her glowing orbs, but after a struggle it was possible. Almost ashamedly your gaze descended, and you saw her belly scales; a contrastingly lighter cream colour that continued down her body. With another gulp you had to skip past the two bare nipples that she did not bother to cover up. Her waist tapered inwards slightly, and then flared out for powerful hips that were absolutely necessary for what was below.

As you looked, you saw that she did not have long legs with thighs enough to crush a head between them. Instead your mouth dropped open at what she had in place of them. It made sense, her body had scales from the top of of her head all down her body; but it was just difficult to absorb.

"What'sss wrong?" A pink tongue slipped out to flick at the air with each 's' as she spoke in a soft voice. "Never sssseen a Naga before?" She was right. Below her wide hips, the Naga possessed no legs, instead she had a long, thick serpent tail that was slightly coiled around where she 'stood' and disappeared around the corner. You had seen large snakes before; boas and pythons in zoos lazily resting behind thick glass. Even the largest of those seemed to pale in comparison to the thickness of the tail she had; it must have come up to your knees.

If those docile zoo snakes were capable of squeezing the life out of a prey, she would be able to do it as easily as raise a finger. It would be highly wise not to anger her, though she seemed not to be on the hunt for hiking humans.

"Like it?" She noticed your gaze had shifted from her eyes to her thick tail. "It lovesss to sssqueezzze, make sssure you don't get caught." The naga winked at you as she shuffled in closer and closer towards your prone body. With a hard heart pumping fast, you tried to crawl back and away from her. She didn't frown as you scrambled back, it was to be expected.

"Now now, I won't bite. I wasss jussst going to help you up." This naga seemed innocent enough; if she wanted you for food she would have struck when you fell over. The smooth tail tip slithered around from the corner where it was hiding, and moved on over towards your body. You could see how the pattern of dark red with slashes of orangey-yellow continued down her body until the slender tip, where it became wholly yellow. Even the tip itself was thicker than a few fingers of yours, and it moved with a light dexterous motion.

Soft scales lightly took both of your wrists into its grasp and pulled you upwards. For a second, you might expect that it wouldn't be able to move you, but with next to no effort the naga lifted you off of your back and up onto your feet, holding you for a second just above the ground for your legs to dangle helplessly.

"Whoa!" You uttered as she hoisted you upwards. Those soft scales held their grasp well, and even as you settled to the ground she did not let go.

"Easssy now." The naga licked her lips as you looked up at her. Her size became pretty obvious now, your head barely came up to her bust. "What were you doing out here all alone?"

"Just walking home, it's a quicker route going through than walking around the jungle."

"And you've been through thisss part of the jungle before?"

"A little deeper today."

"Otherwissse I would have ssseen you before." She crossed her arms beneath her bust, jiggling them slightly while she looked down at you. The assisting bind around your wrists still had not fallen away, and its presence started to be a little worrying.

"Well, don't worry about me, just passing through. I'll be on my way now, nice to meet you and all." Before you could take a step to the left or the right, the coil around your wrists began to lift you up again. The naga said nothing as she hoisted you several feet into the air so you were finally on eye-level with her. "Hey, what are you doing? Put me down!"

Your feet dangled beneath you as your arms were lifted into the air above your head. Struggling against the small binding was useless; if it could pick you up, it would be almost impossible to break. She moved in closer to you, slithering forward on her soft scales.

"Are you all alone?" Her tongue flicked out to caress her own lips. "Sssso sssolitary."

"No, there's someone with me, I'm just walking ahead of them, they probably saw me go off and will be here soon."

"Really? I didn't sssee anyone, and I ssstalked you for quite ssssome time." The naga had drawn so close that the hood on the back of her neck had filled most of your view, and it directed your gaze inwards towards her reptilian features. "Are you ssso sssure?" Man, those green eyes never left your own. She was just staring at you with that warm gaze unblinkingly, emerald orbs fixated upon your eyes. It was getting harder to turn your head away..

"You were following me!" So she was the reason for the niggling sensation of being watched while you walked.

"Ssstealthily for longer than you thought. You ssstep quite loudly." The tail around your wrists squeezed a little tighter and she drew you in closer so that a lean forward by either one would have resulted in a kiss. There was a pause while she smirked, and a small scowl came to your face while you swung helplessly in front of her, manipulated like a toy.

"Let me go!" You repeat, trying again to fight off the small bind around your wrists. "What are you doing?" The naga did not react besides her constant smile and the...warm gaze of her eyes upon you. Your little outburst then seemed to be reduced to a small temper tantrum that would be appropriate for a small child. The naga chuckled.

"What'sss your name?" She asked, ignoring your shouts.

"There's no way I'm telling you now! Get off of me!"

"Don't be ssshy." Her hands moved from where her arms were crossed, slowly moving up. They clamped softly either side of your head, holding it still with little to no effort. She was still looking right at you...right at you with those soft, green eyes. Her hands held your head still, you couldn't look away as the naga looked into you.

"What'sss your name?" She repeated with a more seductive voice that poured into your mind.

"Huh?" You could only reply as you saw the colours begin to shift. They started green, like grass, but quickly other colours began to join them too; sky blue, chocolate brown and bright pink amongst them.

"Ssssh." She hissed softly, "Jussst ssstare into my eyesss. There'sss no need to ssstruggle. No need to ssssquirm." The colours reached a constant shift, never staying in one position long enough to focus on, and by the time you tried to catch one, your own eyes would get exhausted trying to follow it. Slowly you began to relax, your fight against her tail coming to a close. There's no need to fight against her.

"" Words utter from your mouth, strangely difficult to move it into speech.

"Jussst making sssure you're all sssafe." Those warm eyes held an amazing gaze in them, and you were oh-so lucky to have her look at you, and not just a glance, but a smooth, comforting stare. "Jussst relaxxx, you'll be ssso niccce to me later." As she stopped speaking, her mouth moved back into a smile. It was a nice smile, calming and honest. In fact you felt like smiling too.

"What a lovely sssmile you have, you ssshould alwaysss sssmile." Her slithering tongue hissed every sibilance from her mouth, a sound that dripped into your ears and felt so smooth. She had such a soothing voice too; you could listen to her talk for hours and hours about anything and it would be so nice.

Her shifting eyes never ceased as you began to lose yourself in them. Her reptilian face was already covering all your sight, even if you managed to turn your head she wouldn't have to move a muscle before your view snapped back to her. Looking away became a hassle, a difficult second or two where you had to think.

"Ssssh." The naga hissed softly, stroking under your chin with a finger from each hand. "That'sss right, jussst keep relaxxxing, you're almossst ssso ssserene." You couldn't stop concentrating on those shifting eyes of hers, they were the only thing that was important now. The warmth that emanated from them into you seemed to become corporeal, surrounding your entire body like being in a plush bed. It felt so nice when accompanied by that mutual smile that you couldn't help feeling a little giddy.

Soft voiceless laughter built up around your toes, tingling them as the sensation began to make its way through your entire body, working up your legs first before swamping your torso. It felt wonderful under the gaze of those eyes, under her care. You must have been so light to have been picked up so easily by her, so light and carefree that your bondage felt like freedom. Lightness begets fleet-mindedness and fewer thoughts, you didn't need to think much anymore, she'd do all that for you. All you needed to worry about was being happy, and being happy came so easily, that was just being near to her.

"You're ssstill sssmiling, it'sss ssso niccce." She giggled, such a wonderful giggle you couldn't resist joining in. "Would you like to know my name?" Why would you not like to, you need to know who the owner of those swirling eyes is. Without a word, you try to nod in approval, but her hypnosis and hands hold you still. "Ssso eager." She coos.

"I am known asss Nala." Her name had a depth to it, and the word echoed around your head. It seemed to last a lot longer than any other word she had said before. Nala; it became synonymous with happiness and freedom. Oh what a name, you could hear it spoken for hours and hours, even pick it out in a crowd of thousands. "You will call me by thisss name." Her smile was still unfaltering and softer than any pillow.

Eye contact was constant between you and her; never blinking, never looking away from the melting pool of mixing and separating colours. Your view was entirely her multi-coloured eyes and her two-toned face separating them physically, though the two were one in your eyes and mind. To her, a submissive male had fallen into her grasp, and it hadn't taken much persuasion to bend him to her will. Once her eyes had locked into his, they mirrored her own; each colour shining off of hers reflected in his own.

"Do you feel ssso happy?" Nala smiled at him. "Do you feel sssatisfied in my grasssp?"

"Yesss." She let you speak, leaning in a slight amount as you agreed with body and mind.

"Then we can progresss. Thisss isss only the firssst part of your learning. You will love to ssserve me onccce I am finissshed. Jussst....trussst in me."

"Yesss." You repeated as she instructed you.

"Would you lussst to feel my tail ssslither around you and sssqueezzze your body?"

"Yesss." There was no doubt in your voice, and agreeing to the prospect of being bound by her made you tingle with anticipation as to her next move.

Slowly, Nala began to lower you to the ground. Her head kept level with yours, neither you nor her wanted to break the gaze between you. You were lost in happiness to the point that you only noticed movement when your feet touched the soil beneath you, and the binding holding your wrists together came undone. Without breaking eye contact, you opened your mouth to ask what she was doing, only to have her hands correct your attempts to speak.

"Sssssh." Nala hissed as your arms lowered to your sides without interrupting that precious eye-sight from you to her.

She had to lean over slightly to keep her head at the same level as your own, and her hands moved from caressing the side of your face to slide over your shoulders for her arms to join them. One hand pressed lightly against the back of your head while her face moved in so closely up to you, you could have reached out to plant your lips against her own.

"Ssstay ssstill." Her eyes still swirled with shifting, vivid colours right next to yours, escaping their view was impossible. You couldn't and wouldn't try to defy her or run away, not when those eyes promised constant unwavering happiness; everything else would be much worse than not being under her spell.

As the last hiss left her soft lips, her body below her hips began to slither forward. The thin tail tip that was once around your wrists now begins to embrace your ankles first. The dark red tail starts to coil slowly around you, slithering in loops that thicken as more of the long, muscular tail finds its way around you. The coils slowly began to wind themselves in thicker and thicker bands of soft scales, starting from your ankles and quickly rising to your knees.

"Doesssn't it feel sssso niccce?" Nala nods, which you mimic back at her. It felt good already, even though only a single coil had taken your willing legs into its scaled grasp. It would squeeze lightly to bring the next coil closer before its relax allowed the tip to slip further around with a smoothness like it was on ice. Your feet disappeared beneath the circular coil as the second began to take shape further up your body, the weight slowly acclimating as she could take as much time as she wanted to to wrap you up.

As it would squeeze, your legs would be pinned more and more together; ankle against ankle, then knee against knee, the coils holding you without chance of escape by physical means alone. The top of the sheer coils slithered up and over your restrained knees, clamping them together between a narrowing of thick, smooth muscle.

"That'sss right. Relaxxx." Nala's words, eyes, and body worked together to sooth your already relaxed mind to accept her body teasing away with the slow cocoon forming around your body.

With your arms now lowered docilely to your sides, they were at the perfect height to be slowly engulfed by her bondage. Like a rising tide, the slithering, swirling tail took its time to wrap around your body. Your fingers felt the tail tip as it slid over them and pulled each arm against your side. Soft, flexible scales danced and slightly shaped themselves as they drew over your fingers. Each one of them was warm as the comfortable pressure of her mild squeezing begun. It was the first welcome touch of her tail against warm skin, and a warm shiver raced up your back.

"Hehehe." She giggled slightly as the shiver caused you to shake in her grasp, where she was able to show off how little you could move with that tail around your legs. Even though you felt movement rush your legs, the strong muscles tensed just in time to prevent them from shifting anything more than a hair's breadth. Though the scales were soft, the muscle behind them could become almost rock-hard if she decided to squeeze you a little; you could have told that they were significantly heavy enough that it would be impossible to lift any of it; however your mind was a little more pre-occupied by the swirling eyes that never moved.

Nala had yet to break gaze with you; the multitude of colours never repeated a pattern once as they entranced your gaze. No longer were you forced to look at her, instead you needed to. A soft heat like being submerged inside a warm bath was covering your entire body from the trance working over your mind. It soothed ideas of fighting back before you even had a chance to realise you'd had them.

"Would you love to be wrapped up? Would you like for me to sssqueeze you?" Nala asked as if you'd defy her. Of course you nodded, of course you'd agree to whatever she wanted. She could give you the peace and freedom of mind with her body and eyes that otherwise would have been impossible.

The winding tail made another thick coil that trapped your hips beneath smooth muscle. The tail tip had made its way up your forearms, getting close to your elbows and securing a grasp strong enough that it did not let you move. Nala engaged your body in a tight squeeze on what she had captured of your body so far.

"Feelsss niccce?" She asked as the coils stopped moving and constricted around you. The soft pressure grew rapidly all around your lower body, squeezing it tightly, and holding with bare percentages of a near-unimaginable strength. With your arms and legs trapped, attempted struggles against the burgundy and yellow scales was fruitless, though she did enjoy your efforts as shaking away the thick serpentine bondage.

"Aah!" It was the only thing that you could mutter under her heavy hypnosis as the thick coils tightened like a vice around your legs and hips, imprinting the miniscule, soft scales against your bare skin.

But before the novelty of being a personalised squeeze-toy could be worn out, the intense grip of the tail lessened.

"Not yet...but sssoon." Nala promised, relaxing enough that the feeling that had vanished from your lower extremities started to return with a tingle that urged struggles. Without wasting any time, the tail tip began to wrap your body up even further, moving up to your arms with thicker and thicker coils that were matching your thigh in girth.

But the coils around your legs were even thicker than that. The lowest one was approaching as wide around as your waist and weighed much more than you were expecting, though luckily your comparatively feeble frame did not have to burden it. Just your chest and head were not smothered by the compressing size of the dark red and yellow serpent's tail, though she was seeing to it that you weren't exposed for too much longer. The tail tip returned to slowly slithering further up your body.

The first band of sheer muscle closed in around your stomach; the tail tip tickling against your vulnerable sides to force you to squirm again, if only to impress onto you the tightness of her bondage.

"Sssquirm for me." Nala chuckled as you struggled while the soft tail tip teased away at your sides. Even though your body moved lightly, your head and eyes were kept in check, not by her tail yet, but by her hands gently cradling your face. "Do you like it?" She asked again. Of course, you nodded in your trance, unwilling and unable to deny her, earning a welcoming, warm smile from her.

She pulled away from you, never breaking the hypnotising eye contact between you and her, to about her arm's length. Even though her pulling back re-revealed the dark shadows and brown trees around the pair of you, they were not important; only her gaze was important, those eyes now paramount. This was only to ensure her tail did not capture herself, and only you were encircled by it.

"Lassst one, then you're all mine." Her head shifted from side to side, admiring with a smile how your head followed suite. "But it looksss like you're mine already."

Then the penultimate loop of her tail slithered around your chest whilst down at your legs the thickest part of her body was closing in tighter and tighter. With a clamp around your chest that crested just below your shoulders, Nala was in prime position where she could squeeze and drive the air from your lungs with ease, and with the hypnosis enlightening you, you'd probably accept whatever she wanted to do.

All around your body you could feel the strength of her serpentine tail squeeze, only lightly for the moment, but any sign of disobedience could easily by solved by a strong clench that would render you helpless until she decided otherwise.

"You fit ssso nicccely inssside my embraccce. I might jussst keep you for quite a while." Nala squeezed a little tighter. Even just that small hug was insanely tight, and it didn't look as if it stressed her at all; in fact her smiling face showed no strain. The scales nearly creaked around you as your body compressed for a second with her power.

And the final loop tucked itself so neatly around your shoulders to complete your entombing. Warmth bled through your clothes from the wholly wrapped cocoon of serpentine bondage. Was it as welcoming as the comforting gaze from her eyes? Impossible to discern, both were absolutely perfect to you, and both together at once was absolute heaven. Nala watched and felt you relax even further into her scaly embrace, knowing that it was impossible for you to defy her, and then escape from the bondage.

"Ssstruggle." Nala hissed, and the tail tip stroked up your chin like a seductive slip of a finger. It began to push up beneath your jaw. Your eyes kept trying to maintain gaze with hers as the tail continued to push upwards, raising your head to the sky. Naturally you tried to struggle at both her words and the mere thought of not having her eyes meeting yours, though it was evident that doing something against her was not going to work.

Then the line of sight between her swirling eyes and your own was broken as your head was pushed to look upwards into the barely lit sky. Even the fading sunset was less beautiful to you than her hypnotic gaze, and slowly the constant euphoria faded without the swirling colours to keep it. Though this didn't stop sparks of the sensation fizzing inside your body as the trance's power started to lessen without exposure to her hypnotic eyes.

"Ssstruggle." Nala repeated, watching your body tense back up once her eye-sight to you was broken. Her eyes had reverted temporarily back to piercing orbs of emerald, and she smirked a little seeing you such a prisoner of her body.

Even though the trance over you was fading, Nala's words still had their power, and no amount of force from you could possibly overwhelm her orders. As she said it, you indeed began to squirm and wiggle inside her grasp. Her muscles barely had to react to your shoulders shifting, or your hips squirming, or your legs flexing against them, though she did give a reassuring squeeze.

"Sssorry for the little tranccce." She hissed lightly as a coil settled around your neck like a scarf, fitting underneath your chin to keep your head from sinking back down. "Jussst needed to ressstrain you a little nicccer."

The inquisitive tip of her tail began to stroke lightly around your lips like a curious finger. You couldn't move an inch away from it as the smooth scales traced around your mouth, and teased away by pinching at your nose for just a second. Your chest heaved as if you were running out of air, but any movement was easily restrained by her thick tail.

"W-what's...?" You mumble as your first words after being hypnotised so weakly leaked from your mouth

"Don't worry, jussst relax." Nala chuckled and let the coil around your neck loosened slightly, allowing your mouth to open.

It did, and the inquisitive tail tip decided to act. The soft tip pressed against your lips, then began to slip inside.

"Jussst a little kisss." Even without the hypnosis, you followed her instructions. Why? It didn't matter, and before you could stop yourself, your tongue was licking away. The smooth scales had no taste, and the tip did slightly push a little too far in, plugging up your mouth wholly. It didn't hurt, not even as it wriggled inside your mouth, wordlessly demanding worship from your tongue.

Obedience was the name of her game, and so it didn't take anything longer than a second to realise what Nala was implying with the smooth, squirming tail. She smiled her warm smile as she felt your tongue submit to her needs, and an appreciative squeeze tightened around your body.

"There we go; ssso receptive." She licked her lips with a tongue that clearly surpassed your own in agility and thickness, though had you seen it, you might have gotten a bit too excited.

Inside her coils was a similar warmth that her eyes had put onto you; a feeling of comfort and odd serenity. Strangely, it felt safer than being outside them. Inside was secure and nothing would happen to you. The tail was wholly around you besides your head, and those muscles would and could hold you as tightly as she wished. For now, her grasp was constant and mildly tight around you, and frequent additions of pressure kept your adorations of her tail-tip spurred on.

"Oooh." Nala shook a little as your warm tongue lathered itself around the sensitive tip, and the tail creaked with squeezing force around you. "You're ssskilled with that tongue. You might jussst end up a little kisssing sslave at thisss rate." Nala moved in a little closer to your trapped body, still out of sight from your eyes. The feeling of the tail bondage shifting meant she was moving closer though, that much you could tell at least.

"I might jussst have to tessst you." Nala pulled in close, continuing to stimulate your tongue with the smooth scales of her tail tip. The top side was smoother for sure, but the softness of the belly scales that extended nearly to the tip of the tail were unmistakably more luxurious against your warm tongue, the feeling of your submissive attentions to her causing a small blush to rush across her face. With the coils squeezing around your chest and the tail tip plug blocking your mouth, it was becoming a little harder to breathe.

Each time you breathed out through your nose your chest would compress slightly, allowing the heavy coils to follow them and prevent too much expansion when inevitably you would need to inhale. Nala drew in close enough to press her body to the outside of her coils, her impressive bust resting on the rim of the loop that held your head in a grasp. She didn't allow you to look at them just yet, though it wouldn't be too long before she demanded more of your mouth to worship her.

Another inch of her tail slid into your willing mouth, just to test you even further as the weight of her bust loomed in even closer with every second. You'd struggle slightly with by wiggling as best you could, but as usual there was no purchase to be found by squirming. Her tail tip filled your lower peripheral view, while the soft cream scales of her substantial cleavage occupied the rest. The already darkening sky meant it was close to pitch black as your face began to be overwhelmed by the curve of her bust.

"Would you lussst to pleaseyour missstresss?" Nala chuckled as she slid the intruding tail out from your mouth. It came out slowly, covered in your tongue's attentions to it, dripping with saliva. You were allowed to breathe normally for the first time in a while, though the taste of her scales was still imprinted upon your tongue; it didn't feel like it would ever leave. It left with a wet schlick as it drew smooth scales across a wet tongue, dragging a spear of saliva that stretched until it snapped and splashed a single droplet into her breasts.

Before you could reply to her question, she pulled you inwards as deep as your head would go into her bust. Large, plump breasts surrounded your head as it slid into place. The softest scales graced your skin, shaping easily and instantly as your features were pressed heavily between her head-sized breasts. Warmth eagerly seeped from the warm scales into you, and from you back into her. Heat from the constant bonds around your body entertained her body as well, and you'd feel them tighten again around your legs and chest.

Breathing was restricted slightly from her embrace and the weight of her breasts smothering your face, leaving little air to breathe. Even the air itself wasn't free of her influence; her warm scent from the scales all around was eagerly awaiting its chance for you to inhale it and become even more of a slave to her will than you already were. With your head pressed so tightly inside her body, you could hear the slow but powerful beat of a reptilian heart inside her. Anything else was inaudible, everything hidden behind the up and down motion of her chest with every deep, rhythmic breath that made those soft scales of her breasts stroke past your ears.

For just a second, your head was open to the arm from behind, but it took only her arms to wrap around your head and a hand on top to almost completely cover you. The added pressure only drew you in even tighter and squeezed her bust warmly around you.

"Kisss." She hissed, a sound you felt from her chest, commanding you to perform your role as subservient to her. You could not resist her, and almost before the forked tongue had finished its hissing, your lips had puckered and pressed themselves against what they could. As your warm lips met her scales, you felt her tail appreciatively tighten in a strong hug as well as her fingers scratching through your hair atop your head. Nala cooed as you kissed away, holding her little toy in her unbreakable grasp. And if you thought it was over, she still had a few plans left for you tonight.

But before you could settle into her comfortable bust, she moved you to receive more of your attentions, while she'd lavish you with her own. Nala moved downwards, lowering herself to meet you eye to eye while pushing your body up through her coils, lifting you a foot off the ground. Her heavy breasts resisted your movement and for a second they weighed down on your shoulders. But even she could not fight against the power of her own tail. The softness of those scales meant that the plump breasts shaped themselves to press against the top coil of her body.

Slowly, Nala's head came into view, both larger and wider than your own. Dark red and light cream scales moved into your gaze, with a soft, thick pair of lips hovering just above your eyes.

"I think it'sss time I ssshowed you what I can do with my kisss." Those lips seemed to be larger than your own by a significant amount. Her full face lowered into his gaze; the curl of her hood with the patterned, thick rim of dark and light scales. Like you remembered, the thinner 'membrane' between rim and the head was startlingly white like the colour of her belly scales that so nicely clung all around your body.

Then two glowing circles of forest green lowered themselves into your view. They stared so deeply into you with piercing shafts of olive and leaf. Even the shades of green that made up her eyes shifted slightly in brightness, and they became strangely alluring. The directionality of the paler, thinner scales, combined with the slightly...pulsing gaze of her eyes was familiar and soothing.

"Aah, you remember thisss?" She smiled upon feeling you relax inside her body with just a single glance.

Nala came onto eye level, fixing you with smooth sight as her reptilian features met your own. Even in the low light of the almost faded sun, her lips glistened and shone with a colour darker than her burgundy scales that seemed almost inky. They were kept wet with her insistent, long and forked tongue that would lick out. With your proximity to her, there was no doubt that little flicks of saliva landed on your features.

"Give usss a kisss." Her hands were still around the back of your head, and a slow, yet strong, pull moved her in more than close enough where every slow breath exhaled would brush across your features with a lighter scent than her scales. Your eyes were fixed upon her slowly pulsing green orbs that needed no talent to capture you in their gaze. You'd willingly submit to her gaze whether or not she felt like a dose of swirling colours was the best thing for you.

"Ssssh." That thick tongue flicked out from between her lips and passed across your own, wetting them and preparing you for her kiss, which was only a second away.

Then she pressed inwards and lips met lips. Oh they were warm and soft against your own as Nala's mouth opened and closed slightly to push them all against yours. The licking of her lips had wet them so nicely that they slid against your own without a problem. You had almost no control of the kiss; she held you in both body and mind with ease, pushing and squeezing your body with her tail while your gaze could and would not be broken by blinking.

A soft moan left her mouth, muffled by the joining of hers and your own. Nala urged a similar one from you with a flexing of her tail all around your body; a tightening that creaked. She kept kissing away, turning her head left and right to push her dark, wet lips against yours. You were at her mercy as she laid into you with powerful kisses strengthened by the smooth hand against the back of your neck that pushed and pulled at your head.

The tongue that usually licked away at her lips pushed through them and into your mouth. It was thick and highly dexterous as it began to entwine itself around your tongue in the same way that her tail was wound around your body. You couldn't resist as she effortlessly dominated your entire body, no matter how hard your body struggled, or your head shifted she kept you completely immobile for her kiss.

It only held for a few seconds, more than enough to elicit your struggling, before she pressed her soft, full lips against you once more. Then, Nala pulled back and unfurled her thick tongue from your own. Your head was tugged forward a little by the tightly wrapped tongue, but the layer of saliva meant it couldn't hold on for too long.

"You're a niccce kissser." Nala whispered as she disconnected her plump lips from your own. Had you been able to see with her eyes, you would have seen the mark of her lips imprinted on and around your lips, similar to dark lipstick. She smiled; licking her lips again, perhaps to apply a whole new layer of whatever dyed your skin, or maybe just to tease you a little more. "I ssshould keep you."

She pushes you a little further away, out to arm's length. The tail around your neck squeezes once more, before it starts to unfurl. The coils begin to fall away one by one, a thump accompanying each one as it landed on the grassy, earthy floor beneath you. Struggling became a little more effective as the thick serpent's tail began to slither off of your body, starting from the shoulders. Pressure continued to alleviate as the thick muscle piled up on the ground around you.

Your breathing returned to normal when the band of scaly muscle loosened from around your chest, allowing a deep inhale to refresh your senses, though a soft haze still blurred your sight with lasting effects from the hypnosis and the slight asphyxiation with her grip. Slowly more of your skin began to reconnect with air, cooling away the sweat with a slight breeze from the set sun. You were still lightly panting from being released from comfortable bondage, and it was not your place to argue back against her.

She freed you quicker than she had wrapped you up; there was no need to delay what was next. It only took mere seconds for the final few coils to slide away, even though each one was twice as thick as your waist. The stroking sensation of the tail retreating without squeezing...much was quite exciting. Surely it made you want to feel what it was like to be wholly captured again and slowly restrained? Before you could answer your mind, all of her long tail had released your body, though it still lay around it in thick bunches.

"Undresss for me." Nala smiled, towering back up to a height surpassing your own. "Ssshow me your appreccciation." Was it right to get naked in front of her? Well, she was already naked, showing off her beautiful body all the time, so the clothes on your body seemed more of a barrier between you and her. If you had taken them off, you would have been able to feel all of her tail around you when you were captured.

Even though it was cool with the darkening sky overhead, the jumper was first to be taken off. Nothing but a simple zip stood between you and its removal, something that took just a drag down of the fingers to solve. With a shrug of your shoulders it came free, with maybe just a little persuasion, to be placed roughly down on the floor. Goosebumps spread across your arms as the cool air moved in, but it was not going to stop your hands from hooking on the rim of your t-shirt and pulling it upwards and off.

Like you, it offered no resistance, and in a second it had joined the jumper on the ground next to your feet, inches from the weight of her coils. Cool wind brushed over your bare chest, teasing you to reveal the rest of your body to her. It would have been nice just then to have her tail stroke your bare skin to feel the soft scales again you, but she left you alone to strip.

The shoes were next, also simple to remove. Just leaning toes on the heels of the other foot and lifting up pulled your feet out to step into the small space between her coils. Without the impeding of your shoes, the trousers could come down next. A button on those trousers was popped off with a flick of the thumb, the action making you eager to be free of these cotton confines to surround yourself with smoother scales.

You didn't break eye contact as you crouched down to take off your trousers, both hands grasping the belt to pull them down. You tugged, and they almost fell to your ankles out of your grip, exposing your legs to the same cool breeze that licked across your bare chest and arms. Seconds later you were standing in just socks and underwear in front of the naked naga with a tail that seemed so eager to coil you up. It seemed to be enough for her.

"My body ssseemsss to have interesssted you." Her eyes looked down to notice the excitement bulging in your underwear and with little to no clothes on, it seemed it was obvious. Her thick tongue slowly licked at her lips as she began to slither closer towards you with her powerful tail. You stood still as her body closed in without touching you. "Ssshow me." Nala repeated.

The tail tip began to spiral up one of your legs; though only loosely, without the strong, welcoming grip that you wanted. You didn't stop the tip as it stroked the outside of your thigh up to your hip with a smooth touch. Nor when it pressed against you and slid its way between your skin and your underwear. Up your back crawled a little shiver as the tail tip moved in closer to your arousal. You'd let her do whatever she wanted, and if it was to reward you for your service, then so be it.

But instead, her tail tip drew down your underwear to settle around your knees. You stood silently in front of her, displaying for her what she had done to you. A familiar and welcome smile split her lips as she looked down at your arousal. Inadvertently you must have twitched at least once under the gaze of her slowly pulsing green eyes.

"Ssshow me...your desssire."

Instantly you knew what she was talking about. The idea was natural and obvious to you in your mind, as if you had thought of it yourself. Your hand began to move from its docile position at your side, moving towards your groin without a word from your mouth or hers. The tail kept a light grasp on your leg as your hand passed over it with just a brushing of fingers against scales.

You were harder than you thought. Your hand grasped your erection as Nala lowered herself to be at your level once again. You knew what was coming; it was unavoidable, but who said you wanted to run.

"Look into my eyesss." Her sweet, seductive voice called out as her green orbs looked up your body to meet your gaze. For only a second they were of pulsing, forest green. But a moment later and other colours began to leak in; yellow, blue, brown, and a myriad of others that constantly shifted, never staying in the same place. Those colours swirled around and around, drawing your gaze even deeper into her hypnotic sight. You smiled.

Familiar and wholly welcome warmth seeped through your body, cutting out the coolness of the forest air around you. It swelled in your chest as her head swayed lightly from side to side, forcing you to follow her as best you could. Your mistress had claimed you once again with just her eyes, but those eyes wouldn't let you go this time. Already your breath had turned to panting from the soft blanket of invisible warmth that covered your entire body. Her face held the same smile you bore, a welcome one that sunk you into her control even deeper.

Nala opened her mouth to usher a single command, one that you had no chance or will to deny. Her trance totally claimed your mind, so quickly that she knew you might as well have simply asked to be under it again. And it was true; it would have been impossible to find the soothing, warm comfort of her body and hypnosis anywhere else. It was best for you here, helplessly entranced by the serpent, who had plans for you and your attentive lips to serve. She'd take good care of you now, her little sssservant. She softly hissed out her controlling word, and with it your freedom from her control vanished.


Jungle Temptations 2

"Good toys, lick." She perched atop his features like a bird upon its roost, moaning slightly in a way that made her thick coils vibrate slightly. Toy's struggles were less and less obvious as his body was squeezed tightly by her serpentine body...

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The strings of his net slid through the water slowly, creating eddies and small whirlpools on the rim. Small leaves and things that had fallen in the water were quickly picked up by the sweeping strokes of the net wielded with gusto by the young man....

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Interior Plumbing

It was one of the first call-outs he had had all year. Usually the phone sitting atop the table never rang all day, sometimes never all week. Early January should have meant that people needed his plunger all day every day, Christmas meals tended to...

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