
Story by Claudia Vial on SoFurry

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By Lotean

The warm forest surrounding the small town of Omarike was quiet, too quiet under the night sky. The forest was always this quiet at night, with no feral hunters, insects or any other life that forests usually teemed with. There was even less activity on the lonely country road that went through the forest. In fact the only life on the road tonight was the slender panda female driving her practically new jeep trailblazer twenty miles over the posted limit. That's what she was out here for, to break all the rules, to go into foreign land and to make sure they knew her name for all the wrong reasons.Â

The first thing on her ‘bad' to-do list was trespassing, specifically going into the deepest depths of a forbidden cave the locals said was cursed in some contrived way. She was going to prove them wrong, expose their little tourist trap to the world and have a blast doing it. She didn't even tell anyone where she was, that would be a surprise for when she got back and showed everyone the pictures of whatever wooden ‘monsters' and ‘demons' the locals had set up in their ‘holy' area.

The woman cursed sharply when she was forced to slow down and practically slide into the unforgiving curve that was the path to the forbidden cave of Omarike. At the end of the giant crescent there was a small log cabin before the small cave entrance, the woman shook her head as she passed already disgusted at the possible occupants for not moving into civilization.Â

"Oh wait, if that happened old woodcutter Jed would have to stop fucking his goat or dog if he moved..."

She giggled to herself as she continued, as far as she could before she had to stop. The panda was pumped, taking massive breaths like she was going to score the winning touchdown at a football game or punch out an angry rabid bear. Her massive breaths masked the steps of an older collie man carrying torchlight. The light shined so bright it concealed almost as much as it illuminated.Â

"You shouldn't be out here this late..."

He ruffed out, the woman jumped almost five feet when she discovered she wasn't alone. The panda snored a second time when she turned around to see who exactly was addressing her. She compared his old, warn out jeans to her trendy jean shorts, his plaid coat which looks like it hadn't been washed in nearly a week to her perfectly pressed tank top and finally his hard work boots to her fashionable sandals. She couldn't see much else since the dome lights of her jeep were nothing compared to the flashlight she had in her duffel bag.Â

"Are you my dad? No? Then fuck off..."

The panda girl snorted at the man who just shook his head. If the light dimmed a little she might have been able to see that his hands were red even though his fur was a nice golden brown, that his jeans were also stained by the thick red substance. His words might have had more meaning then.Â

"I'm not your father girl but I am old enough to know a thing or two. I know that I have seen many of your type come here and few of you leave on your own two feet. Leave this place. That cave has nothing for you but a slow agonizing death..."

The male had the chance to inspect some of the panda's gear, panning over the entirety of her jeep's backseat he started to laugh and added.Â

"You don't even have a coat... Whatcha think it's like the islands down there? Don't answer that, you do. Oh it'll be so nice when you finally get down there."

The panda shivered and took a step away from her car, but leaving her hand on her pickaxe, just incase the ‘old woodsman' was actually ‘The great serial killer'.Â

"How did you know I was from the islands?"

The male didn't answer the question. He just laughed a bit more, the laughter picking up a little as he noticed where her right hand was.Â

"He'll enjoy you for a ‘Loooong' time before he finally kills ‘you' girl... Turn back. Save yourself. Go kiss that young boy you keep flirting with. Then spend three days screwing him and consider that your vacation. That's better than going in there and wind up asking someone if they'll let you die..."

The panda stood there with her mouth wide open for a few seconds as the collie shuffled away from her laughing as he did. She considered his warning for the fact that he seemed to know so much about her. No. She wouldn't turn back. She was determined to expose the mysteries of the cave and show it to the world, even if it meant trying to stop a violent serial killer.Â

She shouldered her bag after getting her flashlight and proceeded on, making sure she could get to her pickaxe at any moment, even though she had absolutely no idea exactly ‘how' to use it as a weapon. The woman found the cave strangely well lit, she barely needed her flashlight as she walked through the oddly clear path down to whatever the villagers set up. She looked around the various yellowish brown stalagmites and stalactites determinedly shining her flashlight into as many as she could looking for anything that might suddenly pop up, chiefly for the deranged collie wanting to hear her beg, though there was nothing of the sort. Nothing but a faint smell, like men's cologne, like that ‘blade' crap that was supposed to attract women only turned up a few notches.

The panda jumped at the slightest noise, though after her encounter outside her paranoia was understandable. Though the paranoia was a distraction keeping her eyes away from the floor, she might have noticed that the path was about to end abruptly ending into a small Cliffside overlooking an underground river. That was the ‘line' that visitors were not to cross. She slipped, her hand whipping out her pickaxe and arcing it in a defensive downward slash, thinking the collie was dragging her down. Thankfully she didn't hit her own feet but the ‘slash' didn't end on the upswing letting her spin like a top until she hit the ground, falling square on her back. The pickaxe and most of her equipment went into the river however leaving her with a half full medi-kit, a lighter, her flashlight, and a comb.Â

The woman moaned softly thankful that she was not dead the drop wasn't enough to kill her of course but enough to hurt like hell. When she stood up and tried to walk she realized she wasn't as lucky as she thought, she'd sprained her ankle in the turn and now running or even moving at a brisk pace wasn't an option. Thinking that it would eventually lead upwards the panda followed the cliffside opening. The pain keeping her unaware that something else had suddenly taken an interest in her.

The panda rubbed her arms. It was cold down here, very cold; the panda thought that all of these places were warm during the summer. She limped down the slender natural corridor, growling at the pain but knowing sitting there whining about it wouldn't solve anything. She had to keep going. She had to find a way out of here and conquer this cave, but as soon as she finished that small inspirational speech to herself she heard it, a deep laughter, deeper than anything she'd ever heard, a deep and malevolent laugh that just oozed pure. Something that was right behind her.Â

The woman's drag step turned into a hasty dragging motion as she heard the laugher again only this time it was louder and closer.

"A little morsel enters my cave... Ooooohhhh... And her little ankle isn't cooperating."Â

The thing's voice made her shiver, she drug herself down the long cave corridor soon realizing she forgot her medi-kit where she fell but she'd come back for it later. Right now she had to lose whatever was chasing her. The corridor ended in a cavern which lead in three directions, there were three old bronze plaques hung above each path.'to love', read the right ‘to comfort' read the middle ‘to pain' read the left. The panda in her haste continued straight down the path to comfort figuring that it was the way to a first aid station or a bathroom or something that would describe ‘comfort'.

"Are you sure that this is the right way?"Â

The voice behind her bellowed, sounding like it was right behind her. She struggled, whining, growling; huffing as she ran away, finally ran through the pain to where the path ended, a dead end with a hole in the ceiling. She immediately jumped and started to climb acting purely on instinct now but her instinct was wrong, horribly wrong. She couldn't pull herself up to the other side no matter how hard she tried she just couldn't manage her way up. She tried to drop down to try another path but the more she wanted to drop down the more her hands stayed onto the hole.

The girl struggled for a minute until she heard that laughter right above the hole. She looked down, shaking, trying to shake so that her hands would lose their grip and she'd fall down naturally.

"You look stuck... Let me give you a hand."Â

The panda whimpered yet again looking up at the hole to see what this thing's ‘hand' looked like but was only greeted with what she could make out of an ebony tentacle before it plunged into her mouth and down her throat. She felt like she was swallowing a soda can as the thing moved further and further down, soon she couldn't breathe even if she used her nose she just couldn't breathe. The thing wasn't moving anymore and she couldn't breathe! The panda tried to fight, tried to bite down but the more she bit down the more the thing swelled in her mouth.

Before she had a chance to black out she found that she was moving, moving upwards towards the hole, slow at first but then virtually whipping her up into wherever ‘comfort' was. The tentacle popped out of her mouth soon after dragging her up, slithering back to a set of silver eyes in the darkness. The woman looked up at those eyes, shivering uncontrollably now as she coughed and gagged. She was in it's presence. Whatever was attached to that cold voice.Â

"That's better."

The creature slowly revealed itself to it's victim. Several silver florescent spots appeared in the relative darkness of this hole outlining the shape of a seven foot tall male feline. A feline who instantly pounced the panda female, shredding her clothes like they were made for a plastic doll.Â

"P... *Cough* please... I... I didn't know... *Cough*, *Cough* I'm sorry..."

The feline pet the panda's long blonde hair with his right hand, his movements soft, reassuring, like he was about to tell one of his cubs everything would be okay. His other hand made sure the woman's side was pressing firmly against the floor and he had easy access to her most private areas.Â

"I know, but this is what I do. You have nothing I want except that sweet little pussy of yours and the much sweeter screams you're about to make."

The girl jumped when she felt something prod at her rump and gritted her teeth as it put an immense pressure on her virgin tailhole.Â

"oh come on... Scream for me girl. Give this old demon something. Make him feel like he's still alive."

The panda did scream as he forced himself past her tail-star, and deeper than anyone else had ever been. Her scream died down into a little pained yelp as the male forced his hips against hers, forced her to take in every inch of him. She laid on her side merely giving a quick whimper when his hips smacked against hers.Â

"Oh. Tired already?"

The demon teased, rubbing the woman's stomach in a small circle.

"Maybe you've screamed enough for the moment; maybe it's time to explore you in detail and see how I can best use you."Â

The panda whimpered yet again, wanting to plead to this thing. Wanting to say or do anything to get out of this but she knew it wouldn't work. The woman laid there simply riding the ride, hoping that the collie's words weren't completely true and that death, if that was the ultimate goal would be swift and painless. Well anything less painful than anal rape.

The girl gritted her teeth and prepared for more agony but instead felt oddly full, like she'd just eaten a full course meal. The feline guided her hand towards her stomach, feeling what was making her so full. The panda pushed her hand away as she felt what she could only assume was the demon's cock pushing through her intestines though some form of dark magic.Â

"Oh yes... you are good one. Yes. You'll make a fine set of babies for me."

The demon chuckled in the shivering woman's round ear. She then felt a second prodding against her pussy entrance for a moment before plunging inside.Â

"Oh you'll die eventually but I won't eat you, no. I'm not done yet, we're not even close to finished my little bitch..."

The second cock swelled as it entered her, aiming to fill her completely, to make the experience as agonizing as possible. The panda screamed again, a primal yell that reverberated through the cave...Â

Two days later, the outside of the cave was quiet extremely quiet, the jeep was gone, completely gone. Even the treads it made were gone, lost to one of the many rains that kept the forest fertile and strong even though the collie would have helped with a bit of water and a shovel. The canine shuffled outside the cave as he did after the demon had his fill, he shook his head as he walked towards his log cabin.

"Dunno why they never listen. Though I dunno why I try..."Â

He muttered to himself as he opened the door revealing the three occupants. One was a nude skunk/feline hybrid cradling two seven year old panda feline mixes, the two male cubs were completely obsessed with the woman's nipples and the warm milk they held.

"Though I guess I'll never know some things about life, I'm just gonna be thankful and keep on living."Â

The skunk woman chuckled at the collie's statement as he went to bed. The cycle would continue, in a few days those cubs would reach adulthood and go to live in the town and the cabin would still be there guarding Omarike's secret against the outside world.

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