Inside the Elevator

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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*Meow and hello! After the mess that was last week, I decided to unwind myself by writing a personal story or two. So what better way was to do so than complete the monthly free entry for the Unfettered Urgesfolder of anthro awesomeness? None, I'm telling you! *

As I said in the latest installment of this series,** "Unfettered Urges" is the sister folder of "Mystical Menagerie", featuring the same sexy goodness you've seen in my feral stories. These stories will center around Anthropomorphic characters and trade plot and heavy character development in favor of solving more pressing concerns. **

Today's sexual agenda involves man on female canine intercourse. Trapped inside an elevator, our protagonist struggles with both fear and arousal as his companion constantly pesters him with lewd talk and even dirtier plans. Does that sound like your cup of tea? Go and read the story!

*And, as always, please consider the following: *

Fav if you read it

Vote if you liked it

Comment if you're feeling awesome


"Hold that for me."

That blasted german shepherd bitch didn't even twitch an ear. I had to lunge forward and thrust my arm between the doors of the elevator to keep them from closing. I hurled myself forward with the momentum, shoulder checking her in the process. She yelped, sidestepped to the left and growled at me.

"Typically human," she said when the doors banged shut.

"The pleasure is mine, love," I drawled, and fled to the other corner of the tin case with a yellowish, flickering light and an omnipresent reek of faint cigar smoke. "And you are?"

"Will you remember my name if I told you?" She rolled her eyes and began tapping her bare foot. The clatter of her claws against metal made me squint as I threw her a glance.

A dog, through and through, with a broad, dark muzzle, light brown and empty eyes, and a too stiff, bushy tail tucked between her slender thighs. She wore a tan leather jacket over a light brown blouse and a black mini skirt to go with her sleek coat. No piercings, fancy bracelets, nothing. An aloof geek probably, with close to no fashion skills. That wrinkled mini skirt looked downright ridiculous on her. And who the heck wears a blouse and a jacket of similar colors for Christ's sake?

"Stare much?"

I looked away. "Wishful thinking, honey." I checked my watch. 4:51 PM. Then, I removed my backpack to check my portfolio, notebooks, laptop USB sticks...everything was there.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and swallowed hard as I went through my schedule.

Get home, take a shower, put on a suit, rush to Nates&Bates for the interview of a lifetime. That's what I had to do.

The elevator shook.

I staggered and dropped my backpack as my hands slammed against the walls for support. The light flickered furiously for a few moments during which the old tin rocked and rattled like it was about to collapse.

Then, it stopped.

A pent-up gasp fled through my numb lips, and I shared a glance with the bitch. She merely rolled her eyes, scratched her brow, licked her muzzle and shrugged. SHRUGGED!

"What the--what the fock just happened?"

"I dunno," she said nonchalantly.

I pursed my lips and shuffled towards the control panel of the elevator. My legs still shook from those terrifying quakes, and my throat was as dry as my mind.

I pressed every button. Then I pressed them again.

Nothing happened.

I tried prying the twin doors open, with my bare hands at first and then with crayons, pencils, everything I had at my disposal. Nothing was thin enough to get into that narrow pocket of space standing between the doors--and my freaking interview.

"Call a technician," her smooth voice came from behind.

Good idea. I fumbled through the pockets of my jeans, then through my backpack. My stomach knotted when all I felt was depressing emptiness in every pocket.

I turned towards her and put on a forced smile. "You do it."

"I don't have a phone."

"You don't have a phone," I said, graver.

She shrugged. "I don't have a phone. Problem?"

I bit my lip to suppress a nasty remark at her address. "We're in a bit of a bind, as you probably noticed. You'd better do something more than twitch your lips at me."

She shrugged her petite shoulders yet again. "I did. I just choose to do nothing because that's all I can do."

"Darn it," I growled, then checked and rechecked my backpack, jeans pockets, shirt pockets. No phone. How could I forget my god damn phone?

The tapping of her foot became more insistent until I looked at her.

"Why don't you have a phone?" she asked.

"I have one. I forgot it." I threw the backpack across a shoulder, went to my corner of the elevator and dug my hands into my gel drenched hair. "What's your excuse?"

"No job, little income, and definitely no fancy shirt and jeans like yours."

I glared at her. "How can you live like this?"

"How can you?" Her eyes shifted towards me, and she crossed a foot over the other as her tail began to swish back and forth. "Shit gets jammed, and your temperature goes over one hundred freaking degrees."

I wiped the few beads of sweat from my brow and regulated my breathing. Whatever happened, this bitch wouldn't get to me. "I'm on my way to an interview that can change my life while all you do" I tapped my foot for emphasis, "This. And shrug shrug shrug. That's all there is to you. I don't even--"

She rolled her eyes and licked her muzzle. "Relax, tomato-man, else you'll have a heart attack."

I chuckled at her pun. "Tomato is your mother."

"She's thinner than I am, so no." Her paws found the two buttons of her jacket, and she began fondling them between the smooth pads of her fingers.

"So am I, so don't call me a tomato, doggy."

"I meant the color," she mouthed. "Stop taking everything so personal."

"As soon as you stop fiddling with those buttons."

Her gaze lifted to match mine. A smile spread across her lips before she lowered herself onto the floor, so slow I could swear she was melting. Once down, she began rubbing her thighs together while her toes flexed and her tail twitched. Her tongue darted across her muzzle, over and over again, and her nostrils flared as her breath picked up.

"Why don't you sit down? It may take a while," she said.

"It may not, so no reason in getting my jeans dirty."

"Guy like you has a dozen of fresh pairs waiting at home anyway."

I clasped my hands together and cocked my head to give her my meanest of looks. "Right. One glance is all it takes to know everything about me."

Her ears stood erect. "Exactly." Her toes curled inwards, and she began tapping her claws on the iron floor in a most annoying rhythm.

"Stop that bloody song, will you love?"

A jarring scraping followed. I should have expected that from a bitch with no manners.

"Geez, will you--"

"Sit down, and I may."

I did. Knees tucked against my chest, chin rested on top of my backpack. She flashed a toothy smile before she began rubbing her thighs against one another. Then, she pretended to fondle one of her ears while her other paw ran down back and forth across a slender leg.

I couldn't restrain the monstrous sigh that errupted from my throat. "That's why you asked me to sit? So that I can watch you go through the first stage of masturbation?"

"Maybe," was all she said before her paw disappeared under her skirt. Her lips shivered, her thighs stretched, and her paw slid further in before it came out into the light again. Translucent sheen coated her claws and fingertips, turning her fur a darker shade of brown.

I gulped. Hard, just like my cock started to get. I pressed the backpack harder against my throbbing crotch. The last thing I wanted was this bitch to get gratification from her lewd ministrations.

"Getting a bit hot in here, sweet cheeks."

I snickered and shook my head at her. Those big eyes and that adventurous tongue were not enough to get me.

"You should get rid of that backpack. Let the air flow," she smiled at me from the side like the hooker she was.

"At least I can afford things. You can't even buy some bloody underwear."

She giggled at that. "I can, but why would I wear it when I can do this?"

She pulled back her skirt, inch by inch across her black thighs, until the flickering yellow light of the elevator fell upon her meaty fruit. Its pinkness contrasted with the blackness of her fur, and its exquisite shape made my cock lurch in my pants. Tear shaped, with thick, glistening folds pressed tight against one another to conceal her nether depths.

Her fingers slithered across her groin ever so slowly, circling her vulva with tantalizing strokes. She looked at me to make sure I enjoyed the show, then fondled her shuddering folds. Her tongue darted across her muzzle, turning it as wet as she was.

"So poor you can't even afford shame," I stammered.

She lifted her paw, brought it up to her muzzle, and dipped a juice covered finger into her muzzle. She suckled it clean, giggled, and waved it back and forth. "I'm efficient. Why masturbate at home when I'm stuck in this elevator?"

She made a good point. So good, that I smiled in spite of my efforts not to do so.

Her legs spread even more, enough to give me the best view of her pussy. "Only, I am stuck with you, so here is what I propose. Look, masturbate, or fuck me. Choose one, pretty boy."

I looked up to the ceiling, to the doors, everywhere, before meeting her eyes. It only lasted for a split moment before my gaze shifted to my backpack.

This was preposterous. Downright ridiculous. Why would I even...?

"Suit yourself," she said before a thin growl rippled through the elevator. I chanced a look at her eyes, scrunched shut, at her contorted muzzle, at her rocking tail and trembling thighs and flexing toes.

Then, I looked at her pussy. Stared at it, more like. My neck suddenly turned stiff, just like my throbbing cock, and no matter how much I wanted to squeeze my eyes shut or look away, I couldn't. The rippling motion with which she rubbed herself mesmerized me.

She had such delicate technique, such alluring moves. One moment, she was caressing her vulva like it was the most delicate of flowers. The next, she squeezed her folds between two fingers and pried her pussy open to reveal her glistening tunnel.

It didn't stay empty for long. Her fingers filled it, one at a time, all four of them, until her pussy stretched to its limits and a moan fled her wet, elongated muzzle.

I listened to the soft growls and moans, mixed with the squelching of her rapidly flooding pussy. I followed her every movement, from her clenching toes to the fingers sinking and fleeing her shuddering depths.

During this time, I realized one thing: I would cum, no matter what. Only, I preferred to cum anywhere else but inside my pants.

"You win. I'll play along. If you tell me to," I said in the span of a breath.

Her eyes glistened playfully. "Show me what you'll put inside me."

My hand slithered down to the button of my jeans. One pop, followed by the rattle of my zipper, was all it took for my cock to burst into the musty, lukewarm air of the elevator.

The german shepherd ceased her ministrations for a fleeting moment, during which we stared at each other. I licked my lips, she smiled reassuringly, then shifted onto her fours to present me her slick, aroused folds.

"Take me like you would a dog."

That won't be difficult, I said to myself as I crawled to cover the remaining distance between us.

I didn't even bother removing my shirt. When presented with such ripe offering, my body acted out of its own accord; one hand on her left thigh, the other on her right thigh, my hips pressed against her butt and my cock resting on the base of her tail. I caressed her with curt strokes at first, eliciting purring moans from her, before I grabbed my cock and directed it towards her entrance.

Then, I pushed through her meaty folds. Not slow and careful, but hard and fast. My balls slapped against her butt as I buried myself shaft-deep inside her, and a feral growl burst from her maw. Her insides rippled with desire, and her tail whipped at my hips for more.

"You're're so..." she stuttered. I felt her insides kneading at my member, sending warm tingles through my frame. "Mate me," she pleaded. "Mate me hard before I cum from your sheer size."

Likewise, I thought. Unlike a woman, she was so delightfully tight, and warmer than life itself. A spike of pleasure surged through me, forcing my balls to tighten and my cock to lurch with climactic throbs inside her. I wouldn't last long, I knew. Not inside a german shepherd that had never been properly stretched.

I pulled out of her, then shoved my cock back inside her shuddering snatch, so hard her hips buckled and her balance wavered from the pure ecstasy flooding her form. I squeezed her tighter to hold her in place, grabbing fistfuls of fur in the process.

With each stroke, she grew wetter, warmer, louder. Fluids trickled down her shivering cunt and along her thighs, turning her so slick she felt more like a swathe of silk than a bitch. A few squelching thumps made it through her constant yowls and moans. The satisfying sounds flared my lust, enflamed my blood, brought me closer to my climax.

I pressed my chest against her back as I picked up my rhythm, mating her as fast as any dog would. Her tail turned stiff at that, and her head shot upwards to howl her climax.

I didn't feel it over my own surge of bliss. After one last thrust, I shoved my cock balls-deep inside her and, after one last throb, I allowed my seed to burst from my engorged tip. My tightly sealed jaws allowed no sounds out; only ragged huffs as my essence fled my pulsating member in curt, satisfying spurts. I thrust feebly into her a few more times to rub some more sense into my spent member. Her over sensitive walls immediately clenched around me to milk out the last remaining drops from my cock.

When I pulled out, an ivory rivulet followed.

"You're trickling," I said with a wink.

"No shit." She attempted to shuffle into her corner when the elevator rocked. I fell on my side, and she crumbled onto her chest.

"Fuck," I said.

I gathered my legs underneath me and wobbled onto my feet as I struggled to button up my jeans.

She wasn't quite as fast. She remained splayed on her side, a dreamy look on her face and a finger pushing in and out of her dripping hole.

"Get up," I urged her. "This thing will get moving any time, and there will be men at the other end of these doors, men that--"

"Why do you care?"

I dug my hands in my hair and pressed my lips tight to suppress a scream. "We just--"

"Fucked, you came, then got up like I am just a simple hole that needed filling."

"What the bloody hell are you saying?"

She pulled out a seed drenched finger, rolled her tongue out of her muzzle and licked it clean. "I want more from you, and not just sex."

My head whirled. For a moment, I felt dizzy--physically sick, even. I would have thrown up if I had eaten something at lunch.

How was I so blind, and stupid, and--

The elevator rocked again, and my stomach sank as it began its ascent to the next floor.

"You crazy, blackmailing bitch. You threw your cunt right in my face! "

"And I regret nothing," she said, then winked.

I gave her the middle finger. "Fuck you. It's your word against mine, and nobody will believe an ugly, skinny whore."

"They get to see this first before they choose who to believe." She shifted her seed drenched pussy towards me, and towards the doors that would part open to reveal the technicians.

"I asked you to mate me hard for a reason, lover. Bet you didn't even notice."

Of course I didn't. No maiden fingers herself in front of strangers.

"Then where's the blood?" I shouted.

She favored me an elegant smirk. "Can't see it over all that cum."

I took a few swaying steps towards her and thrust a hand forward to help her up. "Wipe yourself, for Christ's sake, do something before they..."


She flattened out her mini skirt and went ahead to share in platitudes with the technicians while my world crumbled around me. Her paw tightened around my hand just enough to rouse me to my senses. "Where did you say you live?"

When did we get into the stairway? Where were the technicians? My head began to spin, and all of my coherent thoughts vanished.

"Uh, eighth floor."

She let go of me and went ahead to climb the stairs. I listened to the pitter patter of her bare feet, watched her flowing form climb with uncanny elegance. And what a good analogy, that was. Back in the elevator, she hugged the floor like a hobo. Through me, she would get a place to live and much more, depending on what other shit she was going to pull.

"Beat me to the top, lover. I'll cook you dinner if you do."

I smirked at her and took the steps one at a time. The first felt the hardest, but after climbing a floor, I grew too fatigued to care.

"You just wait until that seed dries inside you. See how you can blackmail me then," I whispered under my breath.

She sat right in front of my apartment, rotating my keys into the socket. Once she opened the door, she looked at me and licked her muzzle. "Welcome home, Alex."

When did she even...?