
Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A sergal finds that there is more to her partner than originally expected...

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I take any and all commissions!https://www.sofurry.com/view/898925

Commissioned by Rennec - thank you very much!

A lovely commission to work on! I really love this character and I hope I managed to bring her into her own here.

I've added the artwork at the top to give you guys a better idea of how Terian looks, as it is quite difficult to describe in writing!

Art - http://www.furaffinity.net/user/eliana-asato/

Characters (c) Rennec

Story (c) Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)


Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)

Commissioned by Rennec

"So, what got you interested in playing the guitar?"

The sergal leaned back in her swivelling chair, her otherwise threatening jaws parted in an easygoing smile. Between her fluffy pink and white fur, she was far from intimidating but could turn smile to snarl in the blink of an eye. She dressed casually for work in dark boot-cut jeans and a white shirt with slashes through the arms and shoulders, which allowed the fur to poke through, black headphones snug around her head. They were designed especially for sergals and the different head-shape they boasted - ears were not exactly where they would have been for canine or feline - but everything was custom designed these days. Furries were all so different that it was difficult to brand anything but the cheapest and tackiest as 'one size fits all'.

Across from her, a Starburst container of coffee set upon the desk, sat a very interesting character indeed. Rhythm always seemed to obtain the most intriguing guests at the radio station, but there was something different about this one, the strange guitarist. At first glance, he could have been a rabbit, albeit a very unusual one. He was covered in short, black fur and his ears flopped to the sides like a lapine, tapering to points while they protruded from his well groomed hair, which was as orange as the flare of sunset. There ended any resemblance to a common rabbit and the fur - named 'Terian' - leaned upon the desk, draconian tail swinging lazily through a gap in the back of his raised chair. The tail was ridged with 'spines', running along the topside, and bragged grey 'ribbing' throughout the length, the limb appearing to be separated into dark squares and topped by the pale, green spikes. As if that was not enough to catch one's eye, a delicate pattern of green rings and curves painted his body, glowing faintly where his arm rested in the shadow. Curious... Smiling, he rubbed one of the two short horns on top of his head with a finger, brushing away an imaginary speck of dust.

"A few things drew my attention," Terian said, answering Rhythm's first question. "My older brother played and that made me want to. He was pretty good at it but gave it up when he was older, went off to college. That side wasn't for me. Learning."

Terian spun so that his back faced the desk and he rested both elbows upon it, blowing a strand of hair away from his face. His long ears twitched and he jiggled the headset on top of his head, which was angled between the horns so that it would not too easily become dislodged. It was too large for his delicate features and the attached microphone bumped into his lips. Terian screwed up his muzzle, contorting his fragile features into something entirely less pleasant. He looked Rhythm up and down as if seeing her for the first time, his green gaze intense.

"Why don't you take your headset off?" Terian winked. "Then we can really talk. No listeners allowed, strictly between us. Though we could give them the details later, if you catch my drift. I'm sure it would make for wonderful listening. Just like my music."

The sergal raised an eyebrow. She could not and would not be fazed by the musical crowd and inherent cockiness that ran amok; Terian was not the first to propose something of that ilk and she doubted that he would be the last. There were the shy types too, of course, but smug furs dominated the scene, demanding attention and, half the time, assuming every female got wet simply at the sight of them. Rhythm, however, was not one to be star struck and, despite the anxiety flickering in her stomach, she looked down her snout at the slimmer fur.

"Oh, I'm sure our listeners would love to hear something like that," Rhythm laughed politely, not covering her muzzle with a paw so that it would transmit correctly into the microphone: politeness was superfluous on the radio. "But not going to happen, sweetheart. These never come off."

He cocked his head.

"Why's that?"

"Just a thing," Rhythm winked, keeping to her radio persona as if adhering to a well practiced script. "Wouldn't want to give away all my secrets now, would I?"

"I'd be more than merely interested in these secrets of yours," Terian persisted, body tipping forward as if to scoot closer to the sergal.

Rhythm shook her head: they were all the same. He could have all the flashy fur he liked - probably was tattooed or something to have such glowing markings, hardly natural - and he would still have to have the attitude to catch her attention. Shaking her notes out, she grinned and smoothed the pages flat again.

"That's more than enough about me." Rhythm glanced at her notes. "How do you feel about your upcoming gigs? I see you've got quite a tour planned - an ambitious move."

"Yes, should be a blast. It's just me going this time, kind of John Daniels style, but I'm looking to get a group together at some point."

"What prompted that change?" Rhythm pressed, curiosity roused by the fresh information.

Terian shrugged and Rhythm tapped her own headset, gesturing towards the microphone.

"Oh." Terian pulled himself up straight. "Something different. I like different."

He paused, collecting his thoughts.

"Thing is, it's fun to go it alone but I'm not disillusioned. My skills are limited and I have a lot to learn to keep going. I can go far, I reckon, but I'll need a group to support me and I them. I have talents that others don't have and my name is getting to be better know, which is great, don't get me wrong. But maybe I can help out others and let them help me out too..."

He trailed off, sliding his eyes away from Rhythm.

"So you see this as a charitable notion?"

"Not particularly, that's not what I had in mind. I think music is more about purely the sound. I'm all about the entertainment, though I can't just ignore the music itself. If it's crap, no one will bother."

He laughed, the sound sharp through the microphone.

"What I'm trying to get at is, providing better entertainment to fans and the wider audience. Because that's what it's really all about. If no one listened to my music, I'd have nothing. I want to do better than I am, for them, and I think a group is the way to go. We will be able to give the entertainment that people want."

Bringing his short monologue to an abrupt conclusion, Terian looked down, a light blush colouring his cheeks. Caught by the sudden shade of vulnerability, the sergal sat back, paw at her throat. Rhythm traced her gaze over him carefully, observing from beneath her eyelashes, and then smiled, warmth brightening her eyes.

"Terian, I believe you and I are going to get on very well. Tell me more about what you have planned."


Rhythm hissed through her teeth as Terian thrust into her. He bent her legs back to her chest, panting harshly as he pounded her into the bed, springs squeaking in protest. They had only gone out to the pub after the conclusion of Rhythm's show and now look where they had ended up! The pub was quiet, being a weeknight, but they found that to suit them well, talking further about their personal lives in a manner that could not be conducted on air. The ratings from Rhythm's show were stellar, so they felt that a celebration was in order, the bartender making sure to keep their glasses topped up. A few drinks later, they found themselves stumbling up the stairs to Rhythm's bedroom, entirely naked.


Rhythm growled and twisted her fingers into Terian's hair, pulling him to her in a hungry kiss. He eagerly complied, curling his paws around Rhythm's thighs, pushing into the soft flesh as he leaned over her, hips moving like a piston. In the morning, the sergal's neighbours would complain about the moans and banging of the bed against the wall but she could not find it in herself to maintain quiet in the moment. She was lucky her roommate was away for the time being, far away from their illicit tryst. Arching up into her partner, the sergal drew him in close, feeling his paw worm its way between their bodies, down to her sex.

Pressing her clit between two fingers, Terian huffed hotly into the kiss, rubbing and coaxing the sergal to climax. Though he was ready to cum, even after a few pints, Terian took care of his partners, something that had become more of a focus than ever after recent events. He fought with Rhythm's tongue, battled playfully between their muzzles, and groaned as orgasm crept upon him, stealing every inch of ground he gained through pure willpower in holding off the inevitable.

Terian broke the kiss as he ground deep into Rhythm and groaned as he reached his peak, spilling his cum before he was entirely ready. Pleasure thrummed through his body and he shuddered, nuzzling into Rhythm's neck as he rubbed her clit in small circles, taking his cues from her the best he could through his lingering level of drunkenness. His cock softened within the sergal and cum leaked from her pleasantly sore cunny as she bucked suddenly, tipping over the edge with a half-restrained shriek. Her tail thrashed, ecstasy exploding within her in a chain reaction, every second of continued stimulation heightening the pleasure until she knew not where she was or who she was with.

The sergal collapsed on the bed with a moan, jaws parted to drawn in breaths in ragged gasps - oxygen that was sorely needed. Smirking to himself, Terian nipped her neck and kissed over the bitten spot, tongue lapping over the wicked sting of pain: Rhythm's chest rumbled with what could have been a purr, or at least the sergal imitation of such. Sweat matted their fur and Terian shivered, feeling it cool upon his body. Perhaps Rhythm would let him use her shower? She was sure she had one, as petite as the flat was. The trouble was, however, that he had no inclination to leave just yet, though he 'should' leave. He never usually stayed the night with anyone else. One night stands were one thing but the sergal's presence brought warmth to his chest, a craving for more.

Returning to her senses, Rhythm sighed contentedly and ran her paws down Terian's back as he shifted on to his side. He remained close enough for their fur to brush and shivered happily as she stroked his back, the sensation sending tingles through his skin.

"Well..." Rhythm flopped back, head landing on her pillow, sheets in disarray. "I certainly didn't expect this today."

"Me neither." Terian grinned. "Do you usually sleep with furs you interview? After you've interviewed them?"

"I certainly don't sleep with anyone before an interview," Rythm quipped. "How else would I get a feel for them?"

She flung one arm over Terian's chest and wriggled into a more comfortable position, her head upon his shoulder. The rise and fall of his chest paced her heartbeat into a more sensible rhythm and she breathed slowly and deeply, eyes half closed in the afterglow.

"Not to say that this is normal for me," Rhythm added after a moment's thought. "Sex so quickly, I mean. I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm some kind of slut, though I suppose it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. Not really."

"I would never have thought it was normal for you," Terian chuckled. "You were so quiet when I first came into the radio station, I wondered how on earth you would get on with an interview, let alone be on radio."

"What can I say? The quiet ones will surprise you."

Snuggling in close to Terian, Rhythm relaxed into the warmth of his body. Almost tentatively, he wrapped his arms around her, paws settling in the small of her back, where they rubbed in small circles, easing out the tension held there. She murred softly and pushed into his touch, the long day finally catching up with her. The sergal could not recall another time that she had been so weary. Terian touched his cheek to hers, nose bumping something cool and hard. Curious, he drew his head back a bit for a better look at an awkward angle.

"Why do you still have those on?"

Terian lifted his paw to Rhythm's head, touching his fingertips to the headset. He made no move to remove them, yet Rhythm recoiled, eyes flashing.

"No." She pushed his paw away to be completely sure that he would not try anything. "Those stay on."

"Why keep them on even in bed?" Terian laughed, release and alcohol making him giddy. "I figured we dashed in here too quickly for you to take them off, not that you wanted to keep them on."

"They help me," Rhythm answered simply, dropping a kiss on his nose in a sudden strike of sweetness. "Does it matter? They look good."

"You do look amazing in them." Terian cast his eyes over the sergal's bare body in the light from the streetlamp outside and licked his lips. "And only in them."

"Oh, shush."

They were silent for several minutes, the only sound that of their breathing and a few, lone cars passing on the street outside, engines rumbling between pools of yellow light, spilled upon the pavement.

Terian stirred.

"Hey, Rhythm."


"Want to meet up after the gig at Sixfields this weekend?" Terian fumbled for words. "I mean, you can come to the gig if you like too, but I wouldn't want to drag you along either. You're welcome to come...would be great if you came. Ah, crap."

He buried his muzzle into the pillow, body shaking, though not from embarrassment. Far from the type to be shy, Terian only laughed at himself, how drink tied his tongue until words came one after the other yet never in any comprehensible order. The sergal giggled, trembling with suppressed mirth.

"Remind me not to drink again. Until next time."

"It's okay," Rhythm smiled, teetering on the edge of sleep. "I'd love to come. Your music is genuinely catching, I think you could really go far."

Terian grinned, touching his nose briefly to hers in a chaste kiss.

"It's a date."


Sitting in the forecourt of an upscale restaurant, Rhythm had dressed to the nines. In a black maxi dress that clung to her body, she was irrefutably elegant, diamond jewellery studding her ears and resting in the hollow between her collarbones. It did not matter that she had no breasts, falling true to genetic sergal anatomy, in such attire, as her hips rounded out, filling the fabric to a pleasing curve. A pair of moderate heels completed the ensemble, allowing her to blend in perfectly with the fancier crowd while still drawing an eye or two in attention. The attention garnered, however, could have simply been from the pair of headphones looped around her neck. She had tried to take them off, but nerves had bounced around her stomach so much that she settled for a less ostentatious representation of them. Others looked once, maybe twice, and she knew it did not matter. She questioned what really mattered when it came to other furs and found herself wondering that a lot of late.

Terian had asked to meet her there and of course the sergal had said yes without pause or conscious thought. They had become a couple of sorts in the dating sense - not unusual between a musician and a radio DJ, if one was fair. Contrary to what she would have expected from a guitarist, Terian enjoyed the luxuries of money in fine dining and events that he would have otherwise been unable to afford, taking any opportunity to treat Rhythm as she deserved to be treated, which he frequently said if she dared protest.

Tour dates dragged Terian away for a time and Rhythm was surprised to feel the pangs of missing another fur digging through her chest like a vicious, hooked blade. It had been hard to be apart, though the duo only met up once or twice every week. Enough time had passed for this to become commonplace and Terian's cheeky side and sharp humour was enticing enough to soothe Rhythm's nerves even on the worst of days. Shows at the radio station were not always easy and the industry was tentative, job roles changing at the blink of an eye. Despite her friends, she needed his comfort. Thus she keenly awaited his return in the seating area outside the restaurant, one heel tapping against the floor.

When he finally appeared, green markings pale in the sunset, Rhythm leapt to her hind paws, tail swinging excitedly. Her lover approached with a lazy smile and held his arms open for her, drawing her in close and warm to him as they embraced, the long hug a small attempt to make up for time apart. It seemed that Terian had missed Rhythm too, which made her shiver with words unspoken.

"Great to see you again!" Rhythm hugged him tightly, chest pressing to his. "How was it? Did the gigs go as well as you thought they would? Which one's next for you? How long are you staying?"

"Slow down!" Terian laughed, holding the sergal away from him at arm's length, eyes twinkling playfully. "Can't I have a few minutes to breathe?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Rhythm leapt away, landed lightly on her hind paws and stroked the fur back into place on top of her head with a barely concealed grin. It was hard to conceal her exuberance when she was truly excited about something or someone. Though her relationship with Terian had not progressed to full dating - she would not say she wanted to be exclusive just yet - she missed his easy-going ways and the stories he had to tell. The sex wasn't half bad either, but that was a side note to her in any initial relationship. Only later did something like that become more important.

"Tell me all about the tour."

Rhythm pulled Terian with her to a round table in a secluded corner of the restaurant's dining area, confident that it would be quiet enough for them to talk until the waiter arrived to take their drink orders. Smiling at the sergal's keenness, he folded himself into the chair, leaning back against the hard metal. Intricately woven in a fashionable design, it was not the most comfortable of chairs and Terian shifted, squirming. Comfort was not forthcoming, however, and he sighed, slumping forward on to his elbows. The table at least was covered by a clean, white tablecloth, which had been pristinely ironed. It provided his elbows with some cushioning between bone and metal, even if it did not appear that any other fur in the establishment was uncomfortable with their seating arrangements. It was not his kind of place, but Rhythm deserved the luxury.

Terian sighed, the motion of his chest falling sharply catching Rhythm's eye. His discomfort could not wholly be attributed to the metal seating, though she found herself faring similar, even if she was more familiar with it. The guitarist had not been completely honest with the sergal, if truth was to finally be told.

"Is everything okay?" Rhythm stroked Terian's arm, concern clouding her muzzle. "It's not like you to be so...withdrawn. Something's on your mind."

Her eyes widened.

"Did something happen at one of the gigs?"

"No, no," he reassured her. "Nothing like that."

"Then what is it?" Rhythm smiled, painted lips parting. "I'm sure it cannot be that bad. It's never as bad as you think it will be."

Terian leaned back in the chair, gauging Rhythm's mood. The pink sergal had her forearms on the table, leaning forward with her eyes shining with earnestness. He shuddered. He should have told her right from the beginning. He hoped she would understand. Ears drooping, Terian bit the inside of his cheek, nerves rolling in his stomach with greater ferocity than they did before a gig. And the gigs had tested the limits of his tenacity for performance of late. But it was all a learning experience. Perhaps this was too.

"Rhythm," he started slowly, rolling the words around his muzzle before releasing them. "I haven't been honest with you."

The sergal tilted her head to the side, tail swaying uncertainly.

"What do you mean?"

"I..." Terian shook his head. "We shouldn't be doing this here. It's not right."

As he moved to stand, Rhythm's paw snaked out, coiling around his wrist in a vice-like grip. Thus trapped, Terian tried to jerk his paw away but found her hold too strong to break in the moment. Terian shrank back under her gaze.

"You're not getting out of this." Her eyes burned. "Tell me. Now."

Terian gulped.

"I have a mate."

Rhythm blinked.

"Excuse me?"

"I have a mate," Terian repeated, loud enough for neighbouring tables to turn their heads.

Silence fell between them, Rhythm looking anywhere but directly at the fur that she had considered her partner, if only casually. Shock sank into her bones and she sat bolt upright, releasing Terian's wrist with a flick of her paw. Her paws rested one on top of the other on the table, painted nails glimmering. She shuddered. She had painted them black for him, black like the dominant colour of his fur.

"Good evening." The feline waiter greeted them with a smile, mini notebook and pen in paw. "May I take the lady's drink order for this evening, or would you like a little more time to decide?"

Rhythm's glare nearly sent the cat scrambling backwards in shock. In any other situation, Terian may have found her sudden animosity funny, but was well aware that she would turn it upon him at a moment's notice.

"A few minutes would be wonderful, please."

While her words may have been warm alone, their tone was not for the waiter. Jagged with ice, they conveyed vicious hostility.

Swallowing his nerves, Terian sat up and crossed his arms over his chest, creasing his shirt. He would not admit to doing anything wrong. Silas was okay with everything. Rhythm would be too. He was sure of it. Maybe.

As the waiter beat a hasty retreat, Rhythm lifted her headphones back to their usual place on top of her head and fixed her gaze upon Terian.

"That can't be true." Rhythm licked her lips, showing a flash of sharp, sergal teeth. "Why would you go out with me otherwise?"

Terian slid his eyes away, as cold as if he had been doused with a bucket of freezing water.

"We...have an agreement. It was something my partner and I decided on a long while ago. It is better than simply staying with one fur and one fur alone."

He paused, collecting his thoughts. The sergal stared flatly.

"It lets us have everything we want," he said finally. "It lets us be happy. We want you to be happy with us."

Terian smiled and reached out to take her paw, but the sergal yanked it away. Her expression darkened with a scowl.

"And you didn't think you needed to tell me this before?" She snapped. "This is ridiculous. I should never have trusted a guitarist."

She looked him up and down distastefully, a sound of derision bubbling up from her throat.

"Did you think you could string me along, Terian?"

"I - no! Not at all!" Flustered, Terian scrambled for words but it was too late, far too late. "Rhythm, please listen to me! We wanted -"

"I do not care what you wanted, Terian."

"Please listen to me..."

He trailed off, paws outstretched on the table as if to clasp hers within his own. The sergal was not forthcoming. She shook her head, raising her eyes to the sky as if praying to a deity she did not believe in to offer their guidance.

"Leave me alone, Terian."

Rhythm thrust her chair away from the table, scraping the feet horribly on the hard floor. The noise drew the attention of the waiter, who had been approaching for a second time with fear in his eyes and his fur standing on end in the typical manner of a fearful feline.

Rhythm locked her gaze with Terian, the only one she wanted. Pain twisted in her chest as she watched his green eyes lose their gleam, falling a shade darker with the failing of hope.

"I need to think."


Pain tore through Rhythm's chest like the blade of a knife, digging deeper as every day passed. Stretched out on her bed with a pillow hugged to her chest, the sergal strove to lose herself in the world of music, headphones seated comfortably over her ears to block out reality. If heartbreak could be attributed to a muscular ache, it was as if she had strained her heart in the exercise she had put it through. Everything had been for naught. Another musician had taken her for a ride and what was she left with? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Squeezing her eyes tightly shut, she ignored the prick of tears. She would not cry over that cheating imbecile. Though who had he really cheated on? She could only suppose that she was the one that had been cheated on, if he truly had such an agreement with his partner. Her mobile phone buzzed, vibrating on the duvet as its green light for messages blinked insistently. Despite countless text messages, she had not replied to a single one and did her best to not read them either. It would only make things worse.

Light faded outside, the inevitable crawl of evening darkening her waking world. Night was always the worst time with nothing more than music to distract her. She wished her flatmate was there to distract her, though they had never really been on the same page when it came to love. That thought did not work and she dismissed, it flitting to the next. Who could mend the ache in her soul? She had friends, yet was not open with them, not enough to have them be there for her. Could she open up to them, maybe Jezz or Tina? She considered briefly, but something within the sergal clamped shut, locking away the notion.

No, that was not who she was. She did not run to her friends for help. They had not even known about Terian, so well had she kept her secret. She was strong and she would fight the pain. She was there for her friends and they needed her to be strong for them. It was not that she believed they would think less of her for a moment of weakness - everyone struggled after a break up, she was sure of it - but she would rather be there for Sera, Hayley, Jo and the rest of the crowd than have then look after her. What if they needed help while she so rudely demanded attention in her own misery? The thought did not bear thinking about.

The buzzer caught her attention, a harsh note echoing through the flat. Slowly, she slipped her headset from her ears, pushing it back around her neck as the music continued to play - a new band that had recently been on her radio show. They weren't half bad. One of the members had even asked her out on a date, a courteous lad. However, she had no love for musicians at the moment, maybe never again. Her musing was superfluous and she shook herself back to reality, pushing herself up to a sitting position, feet hanging over the end of the bed. The buzzer had rang and there it was again, some fur insistently pressing it several times in quick succession. She had not ordered anything, but she settled upon the possibility that she had post that would not fit in her mailbox downstairs. She had not emptied it in days, after all.

Yes, it had to be the postal worker. She should answer.

Dragging herself up, she padded to the main door, which permitted entry into the body of her flat, and hit the intercom button. Her paw trembled lightly: she would have to eat something soon, lest she fall prey to exhaustion. Sleep would be appreciated also, if it did not dart from her fingertips so elusively.

"Yes?" She queried, voice dull and flat. "Who is it?"


Rhythm froze. Time seemed to slow and then rapidly speed up, sending the beating of her heart into a stomach-churning frenzy. Nausea flirted with dizziness and she rested a paw on the wall to keep herself upright.

"And what the hell do you want?"

Her voice held the edge of a snarl and she imagined Terian at the downstairs door shuffling from hind paw to paw, a musician made awkward by the wrath of a female. It was empowering to consider having such an effect on him. Rhythm drew herself up tall and awaited his response.

"Rhythm." Terian paused. "I need to talk to you."

"Oh, do you now?" She laughed. "I don't want to talk to you, Terian."

"Why are you speaking with me now then?"

Yanking her paw away from the intercom as if she had been stung, the sergal frowned. The sound of his voice had both eased and exaggerated the pain in her heart, as disgustingly romantic as that sounded. Though she wanted nothing more to do with the dragon-tailed twat, all she craved was him. Was he really that bad? Did she deserve more of an explanation that what he had already given her? Did he deserve the chance? Rhythm's lips pressed into a thin line.

Sighing, she hit the button to the side, unlocking the downstairs door without a further word. She would kick him out if he tried anything on with her - she had that right.

Terian knocked on the door, just two raps of his knuckles, and entered when the door swung inwards, eyes downcast. He had the attitude of a kicked puppy as he slunk into her flat, invading her private space. Though she had seen him there so many times before, it was as if he had become an alien and was abruptly out of place, a book on the shelf where CDs belonged. She shivered. It just wasn't right, not right at all. Rhythm swallowed hard, trying to clear her whirling thoughts. Oh, how she wished she could hug him.

She wondered how his partner was doing.

Her eyes hardened and she nodded towards the breakfast bar, tucked away in the kitchen, directing him to sit down. She was not yet sure she could speak, lungs tight with suppressed emotion that she could not name. In her chest, her heart pounded as if to the beat of a drum.

Terian took a seat, lifting the small chair with a gap in the back so that it would not scrape across the floor. Rhythm hated that he was suddenly being considerate. He should stick with being an arsehole.


He shook his head, eyes meeting hers for the first time since he had entered. They were as green and intense as she remembered.

"I came to ask you something, Rhythm," he said, unwilling to beat around the bush this time. "It's rather extreme, so I don't expect an answer right away."

"What is it?"

She looked away, affecting disinterest. What did she owe him? Her time? Her attention? Or nothing?

"I came to ask..." He hesitated. "I want you to meet Silas. I miss you. Things aren't right without you."

He twisted his paws together. Stunned by his statement, Rhythm blinked, lips parting and then closing again. How could he ever expect her to get on with his mate when he had strung her along so? But...what if it was a relationship that could work? Under an agreement? She toyed with the notion, struggling to imagine. His voice was music to her ears.

"I mean, I would like to do more than just have the two of you meet," Terian continued, gaze sliding to the left. "I want to have...fun...with both of you. I care for you and Silas, both equally."

He fidgeted.

Fun? Rhythm took a second to comprehend, pulling the headset down to fiddle briefly before returning it to its rightful place around her head, the comfort helping her sort through her understanding.

"Do you understand what I mean?"

And then she did.

Rhythm stared blankly, shock clouding her vision. He could not possibly mean such a thing! Whereas few and far between ever dared anger the sergal, Terian quailed beneath her narrowing glare as her paws curled into twin fists, shaking with suppressed rage.

"Why would I ever have a threesome with you and your partner?"

Rhythm rolled her eyes. It had to be some kind of joke. It just had to be. He would not ask such a thing of her. Did he still actually care for her? Had he ever? Her head battled with her heart, each side arguing its case as passionately as the other. There was no way to win the battle. Terian sighed, all the breath leaving his body in one great exhalation. It was only now that Rhythm noticed the unnaturally dark half-moons beneath his eyes.

"Rhythm...please, I care for you," Terian pleaded, dropping his head into his paws. "I can't settle without you, it's like something is missing."

Though Rhythm scoffed, waving fingers tipped with chipped nail polish, his words struck a chord within her, a chord that she would much rather remain buried too deep for anyone to ever discover it. The room spun sickeningly around her and she lifted a paw to her head, trying to steady herself. It was too much. She wanted him but was he even hers to want? Terian watched her with concern lining his delicate muzzle, half-rising from his chair as if to comfort or support her. He was only stopped by the sergal holding up her paw in a clear signal to him to halt.

"I can't deal with this right now."

Rhythm took a step back, crossed her arms across her chest and jerked her head towards the door, which was set ajar.


Terian's breath caught in his throat and he looked up at the sergal, who had remained standing throughout, refusing to meet him at eye level.

"Will you be in touch?" Terian pleaded, slowly doing as she directed. "Please call me Rhythm. It's so good to hear your voice again, to see you and speak with you. Please call me."

Oh, it was good to hear his voice too, like a drop of rain after a drought. Though Rhythm did not know how she would proceed as yet. It would require time. Licking her lips, the sergal stepped behind Terian and swung the door closed, mouthing her last words of the exchange so softly that he only barely caught them.

"I'll think about it."


She was being stupid. Very, very stupid.

Rhythm did not know exactly what brought her to the door of the house shared between Terian and Silas, but she found herself there all the same, whim to her fluttering heart. Wearing only her casual jeans, a pair of black boots and a baby blue shirt with slices cut out of the back, she was presented in her best light. Despite her mind arguing that she was acting the part of an insane romantic - not her style by far - she had decided to give Terian's idea a shot. If nothing came of their relationship, with Silas involved, all she had to do was give her thanks and walk right back out the door. No one would stop her and it was entirely her choice how far she took things. Not much of a risk taker, this was one chance that Rhythm told herself she would take.

Raising a trembling paw, she knocked three times and waited, shifting her weight from hind paw to paw. From inside came a commotion that she could not accurately discern and someone fumbled with the lock, handle jerking as if grasped all of a sudden.


Terian launched himself at her, yanking the sergal into a tight, rib-crushing hug. After a second, Rhythm returned it more gently, releasing a breath that she had not known she held. In her heart, she knew that she was doing the right thing by taking a chance with Terian. Maybe she would even get to like Silas too. She had to be positive.

Giving Terian a squeeze, she stepped back and then entered his home, her eyes speculative. For a detached house, it was clean enough. Clearly, between the two of them, they earned enough for a cleaner, as Terian had always moaned about any form of cleaning or housekeeping. Either that or Silas was good to have about the house. A flicker of movement announced the arrival of Terian's partner, the lion stepping into view as Terian closed the door behind Rhythm with a soft 'click'.

The lion, as Terian had told her earlier, had no mane. Trimmed short, right down to his natural, tawny fur, he appeared as feminine as Terian said, his body almost displaying ladylike curves, if one was not looking directly at him. His blue eyes caught hers and she noted that his tail curled about his thigh, unnaturally still for a cat, even if he was a lion. She wondered why he had removed his mane.

"Hello, Silas," Rhythm greeted him cautiously.

What reception would she receive? To her surprise, the lion greeted her with a friendly enough smile, though his eyes retained a wary, feline gleam.

"Good evening, Rhythm," he said politely. "I've heard much about you. Would you like something to drink?"

"Yes, please," she smiled tentatively. "I'm parched."

She followed the lion into the kitchen, which was simply fitted, taking a seat at the broad, wooden table that dominated the room. The sergal relaxed into the padded chair. She had always thought a kitchen-diner much more practical.

"What would you like?" Silas gestured around the kitchen. "There's pretty much everything here."


Rhythm drew a blank. She hated when others gave her a choice without telling her what the choices were. She grasped at straws, cheeks colouring in her flustered state.

"A glass of water would be great, if you don't mind."

"Not at all."

Terian dropped into a seat beside Rhythm and stroked her arm, a lazy grin upon his muzzle. To him, all was right with the world again. He had the two furs he cared most about in the same room as each other and they seemed to be getting along. Though who could tell at such an early stage?

"So, how come I didn't hear about you earlier, Silas?" Rhythm chanced the question as she accepted the brimming glass of water. "

"It's best to keep things under the radar if at all possible," he answered amiably, seating himself beside Terian so that the musician was 'trapped' in the middle. "It's better for Terian's career, though views are changing now. We may very well be okay in public."

Rhythm nodded. She had heard of and spoken with many in the music scene that had struggled after any relationships that deviated from the accepted norm were made public. It was not right at all but it was a fact that many were working to change, attitudes and perceptions adjusting day by day.

"I understand that Terian didn't say anything about me from the beginning?"

"Hey, that's not -"

"Shush." Silas rested his paw on Terian's back, stroking him back into silence; it was not his time to speak. "Did you know, Rhythm?"

"No," she shook her head. "I did not. I didn't even have an inkling of it. It was quite a shock to me. This isn't something I've considered before."

"Please let me assure you that we have an agreement and nothing untoward is going on," Silas touched her paw briefly, where it rested upon the table. "This is only so that we may both love and enjoy life as we believe we should. Terian cares for you very much, I can see that. He's...not been himself since you separated."

"I've been just fine," Terian muttered, eyes fixed upon the grain of the table. "Don't say things like that if they're not true, it's not fair."

Meeting Rhythm's eyes, Silas gave the tiniest shake of his head, confirming her suspicions. She could not deny that the lion was nice enough and he was pretty in a masculine way - if there was such a thing - but she still did not know where she stood going forward. She would only know once she took the leap.

"I'm sorry for the rocky start here, Rhythm. Would you still like to give this a try?" Silas invited her, offering his paw. "I'd like to get to know you better and the best way for me to do that is in the bedroom. It lets me truly know a fur."

So soon? The lion moved quickly! But she knew why she had come to their house in the first place. His paw looked terribly large in comparison to her dainty one, yet she took it all the same, wordlessly accepting. Her mouth was dry despite the glass of water and excitement welled within her as she stood, body flushing with warmth.

Terian slipped beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist as they carefully made their way up the stairs, laughing as if they were tipsy and how their clutching of one another hindered progress. Yet they were unusually unwilling to release one another, holding on as if to a lifeline.

In the bedroom - dominated by a king size bed made up neatly with forest green sheets and matching duvet - Terian hugged Rhythm from behind and kissed the back of her neck. It had been too long. She leaned into his touch and allowed him to slip his paw beneath her shirt, stroking across her lower stomach in a way that sent shivers down her spine. Silas stripped himself of his shirt, revealing a narrow but toned chest that could have almost been akin to the sergal's, considering her lack of breasts, and licked his lips eagerly.

Keen to proceed, he helped Terian remove Rhythm's shirt and jeans, paws gentle upon her body as the males exchanged intimate kisses, Silas sharing Terian with Rhythm. Though the lion seemed hesitant to touch his lips to Rhythm's, his paws were bold and eased her back on the bed as Terian dipped his muzzle between her thighs, up to her pink panties where a spot of moisture showed through. Tail lashing, Terian dove into the sweet spot, tugging aside her underwear to dive his tongue into her passage. She moaned, arousal mounting like the crescendo to a track, hips bucking up to his eager muzzle.

Out of her sight, Silas dropped to his knees, removed the rest of his clothing and helped Terian with his, stroking his partner's balls and hardening cock with a lover's caress. He knew every spot that would get him riled up for fun, not that any of them needed any encouragement. It was better than Terian could have imagined. Testing his partner, Silas eased a finger into Terian's tail hole, pushing in up to the knuckle as Terian groaned, ripping Rhythm's underwear off so that he could lap over her clit.

Surprised when Terian suddenly pulled back, Rhythm lifted her head, muzzle flushed beneath her light-coloured fur. Had she done something wrong? Terian, however, only rummaged through the drawer of the bedside table, withdrawing something with a pleased murr that rumbled through his chest. Silas caught Rhythm's eye and winked: he knew what was coming better than her. Just what had the two of them planned?

Terian knelt on the bed beside Rhythm and kissed her cheek softly.

"I thought you may like to be in charge here," Terian blushed, offering the sergal a hard, silicon object. "From what you said when we were just getting to know each other...this seemed like something you would like. I bought it for you before."

Rhythm took object curiously, turning it over in her paws. A feeldoe strap-on? With a bulbous end that locked into her pussy, part with pleasurable nubs would press against her clit while the phallic end was designed exactly as it was intended to be used. Terian rested his paws on the sergal's hips and kissed her throat and along the line of her jaw.

"Almost like you're roleplaying as a feminine guy," Terian chuckled, curving his paw to fit the shape of Rhythm's cheek. "But this is all about you. Just do what you feel comfortable with, Rhythm. You shouldn't push anything."

"Are you offering?" Rhythm quipped mischievously.

In response, Terian turned on to all fours, lifting his long, powerful tail to present himself. Worked up from Silas' teasing, he arched back, presenting as if he wanted nothing more than to be mounted and fucked. What sergal could resist the opportunity? Taking the offered lubricant that Terian had retrieved from the drawer, Rhythm clumsily smeared it along the length of the toy before slipping it into her pussy. Her juices flowed freely enough that it pushed into her cunny easily, the nubs grinding in a way that made her pant keenly. Two lubricated fingers pushed past Terian's anal ring and he grunted, relaxing to allow her entry. While the sergal prepared her partner for the evening, Silas took up position in front of Terian, offering him a mildly barbed feline cock to suck.

Watching Terian eagerly swallow the flesh-coloured length stirred something within Rhythm that she could not explain. Kneeling up behind Terian, she pressed the rounded, tapered tip of the dildo to his tail hole, easing in with a low moan as the toy stimulated her clit. Why had she never tried something like this before? It could not be like what males experienced...but if felt damn good, even if she did say so herself. Holding the male's hips as she had hers held in the past, she dug her nails in lightly, moving in a slow, gentle rhythm.

Shuddering, Terian sucked Silas' cock, wrapping one paw around the lion's slim thigh. The warm, panting bodies overcame his senses and he did not know whether to push forward to take Silas' cock into the back of his throat or thrust into Rhythm's motions. Having a toy was very different to taking Silas' length, but just as pleasurable with the right fur. And he had two of them. His skin flared with heat and he groaned, sending small vibrations through the lion's member, Rhythm pushing over him with a needy whine.

It had been too long since she had given herself personal attention and the sergal clenched her jaw, riding the waves of pleasure rolling through her body. The toy sat neatly within her pussy so that she was comfortably full but not stretched, encouraging her to thrust more forcibly and swiftly than her earlier, tentative rocking. Tracing her fingers over his short fur, she held on to his tail, wrapping one arm around it, and drove in roughly, taking her cue from how Terian moaned and bucked beneath her. It was good to be on top.

Terian's tail pressed to her chest and she thrust with all the power she had in her slim form, using him as leverage to strengthen her motions. It was too easy to allow herself race closer to the edge and she anticipated it, nerves sparking as the waves ebbed ever closer. The nubs were delicious and felt especially delightful when she ground deep into her partner, pausing her thrusting in lieu of her own pleasure. Driving forward with enough force to push Terian's muzzle down on Silas' cock, the black fur gagging, Rhythm gasped, teetering on the very precipice of climax.

She hit orgasm with a rush like plummeting down the first drop on a rollercoaster, whole body searing with sensation. Her nerves were on fire and she ground into Terian as she felt him arch back, eager to prolong her ecstasy. She had never had an orgasm so strong and it left her feeling as if she had run a marathon, every muscle weak and akin to jelly after over-use. She sensed rather than saw Silas pumping into Terian's muzzle to unload his balls, spurting thick seed straight down the black fur's throat. She wondered what it tasted like. Strangely, she did not feel the slightest shred of jealousy and her arousal flared to greater heights instead of diminishing.

Exhausted, Rhythm withdrew the toy from her partner and pussy, dropping it on the floor where it skittered aside. She ran a paw down Terian's back, loving how he moved into her touch, and chuckled breathlessly to herself, though there was no reason for her mirth, only happiness. Every muscle relaxed and she sprawled upon the bed, head falling back somewhere below the pillows. Silas exuded a similar air of contentment and he opened his arms to invite Rhythm closer, Terian nestled up to his other side, still aroused and hard. Rhythm smiled.

Pulling the lion to her in a tight hug, Rhythm held his muzzle gently in the crook of her neck, listening to him purr. Everything was as it should be and more. Silas reached over to stroke Terian's erect member as he rolled on to his back, groaning at the light soreness from his tail hole, wickedly accompanying the teasing. There was more to come, especially for him, and the night was far from over. She would get to know Silas and maybe, just maybe, they could make something work. Either way, Rhythm's heart beat warmly against her breast in anticipation of what was to come, the new friend she had, all the fresh experiences to come and everything she had to learn.

The sergal's lips pulled up in a grin and she bumped her nose cheekily against Terian's cheek, one paw smoothing the lion's fur down into place.

"Let's give this a shot."


**Forced** _Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)_ _Commissioned by Whiz_ He had been watching her. Their team, if it could be called such with a band of scoundrels, was yet to be caught. They would turn on one another at a moment's notice but the...

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Accidents Happen, part one

**Accidents Happen** **Part One** _Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)_ _Commissioned by an anonymous commissioner_ Pain seared through Michael's veins. Unlike anything he had ever imagined, it was white hot, burning away every iota of who he...

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**Seduction** _Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)_ _Commissioned by The Cuddling Fox_ "Devyn?" The fennec fox rolled her shoulders and kicked off her work heels with a sigh of relief. At her height of five foot ten, the heels were unnecessary...

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