Eccentric Orbit, Part Three: Off-Course

Story by AwkwardFerret on SoFurry

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#3 of Eccentric Orbit

Wow, I've really outdone myself here. 7300 words, two sex scenes, and some stunning reveals, in what I think is my best work yet. ExtremeWolf80 loved everything I showed him, and hopefully you will too! Enjoy!

Note: contains some pretty heavy foot worship and fisting, just so you know in case that's not your thing.

Eccentric Orbit

Part Three



"HOW the hell did this happen?!" Sally demanded, nearly swallowing Carolyn's head whole, she was so close. "Not only did he escape, but he bred Helen in the middle of the lounge! Do you know how long it'll take to flush that all out?!"

"What are you yelling at me for?" Carolyn demanded back. "I just found them like that, I didn't let him out! And, I mean, they enjoyed it, at least--"

"It's not about whether or not they enjoyed it, it's about the experiment, and if this is allowed to happen again, the experiment is ruined and we've wasted millions of dollars of Van Allen's money! How would you like to explain that one to him, huh?"

Carolyn rolled her eyes. "Look, he's in his room, he's contained, I double-checked all the systems and cameras and stuff...this was just a minor error and it definitely won't happen again. We'll carry on with the experiment, get him and Valentina together, and observe them all as they develop. Okay?"

Sally closed her eyes for a moment before sighing. "Yes, yes, okay. Hopefully he can be understanding...speaking of Valentina, how's her setup?"

"She's separate from everybody else in the detention area, all her systems are fine, there won't be anymore problems. Now, should we continue with the breeding, or--"

"Actually, I wanted to get Richter down here for some individual tests," Sally said. "Get some more precise measurements out of him."

"Oh, yeah, don't we have that fleshlight-on-a-stick thing?" Carolyn said.

"It is not a 'fleshlight-on-a-stick', it's an advanced vaginal simulator attached to a reciprocation device and a collection tank."

"Oh, so it's a fleshlight-on-a-stick glued to a spring and a milk jug."

Sally glared harshly at her, the slit eyes gaining a sudden intensity as they met Carolyn's. "Will you try to take this seriously? This is important work we're doing, and it is absolutely critical we don't make any more mistakes."

"Jeez, lighten up, will ya? It's a joke, of course I know what it's actually for."

"We can't just joke around, Carolyn, we have to take this seriously!" Sally turned around and slithered away out of the lab, making sure to grab a face mask as she did so. Alone, Carolyn sighed and shook her head.

Just give it time,_she thought, _she'll lighten up eventually...


"So I just pretend to fuck this thing until I cum?" Richter asked, observing the device with caution. It was, as Carolyn had described, a fleshlight with a few extra bells-and-whistles; originally intended for use with cattle for the purposes of artificial insemination, the Septus Corporation had gotten a hold of it and made numerous modifications for the purposes of the experiment, and hadn't held back. Numerous pseudo-biological receptors had been arranged throughout the silicone flesh, in tandem with heating elements and a response suspension system that, collectively, produced a sensation almost exactly like having sex with an actual woman. Van Allen himself had bragged, "If you keep your eyes closed, you couldn't tell the difference."

Sally tried not to think of Van Allen burying himself in the apparatus before her and Richter, and instead nodded. "That is correct. Once you ejaculate, a vacuum tube will collect everything you produce and send it off to a refrigerated holding tank for keeping and further analysis."

"I have a question."


"How much does this tank hold?"

Sally thought for a moment. "I was told fifteen gallons."

Richter frowned. "Well, hopefully this works."

"That's the idea." Sally began to slither away, only to turn back once she was nearly out the door. "Just get started whenever you want. After you're finished, I'll come get you and take you back to your room."

"Very well," he said, putting on a smile.

When the door slammed, he turned back to the apparatus and frowned again. It felt...wrong, looking at it. Seeing a vaguely flesh-colored vagina stuck to some metallic system of beams and springs conjured up a number of disturbing thoughts, but he set those aside and stepped forward, rubbing his colossal balls to coax his cock out of its hiding place. Though it lacked a mind, his rod seemed somewhat hesitant; where he would normally become erect and ready to furiously rut and breed in mere seconds, it took some time before he was ready to "breed" the device.

"Might as well," he muttered, grabbing part of the contraption, lining up his cock with the opening, and pushing forward.

The silicone gel, strong as it was, struggled to contain him; even with the largest stallions, it had never had to hold anything nearly as thick as he. As such, it was incredibly, almost painfully tight as he pushed more and more inside. Even when he was only halfway in, he doubted it could contain all of him at once, never mind his cum.

Pretend it's Helen, he decided once he was almost entirely inside. He found that when his full shaft was enveloped, depth wasn't an issue. He recalled that even though prize stallions weren't as thick as him, they were a bit longer. He silently wondered what an equine hyper of his caliber might look like, and what such a cock would look like deep inside one of his own breeders. Julie wouldn't be much more than a condom for somebody like that, he thought, they probably couldn't even get in all the way unless they really tried something daring.

While pulling back out of the machine, he continued his thoughts: Well, that doesn't matter, because they're my _breeders, and the only person who's going to ram their gigantic cock into their wombs up to the hilt, pound the hell out of them until they cum and I fill them up with my wrigglers, and slowly swell them up with a clutch bigger than most "_ME!"

He cried in triumph as he pushed forward, parts of the frame creaking as his thickly muscled legs and hips slammed against it with all their might. The metallic frame held fast, however, and Richter almost took it as a challenge to see if he could damage it. When breeding properly, he held back for fear of causing harm, but now...he could go all out, and go all out he did, as he once again increased the sheer strength of his thrusting, the thick muscles of his lower body tightening and straining to properly utilize their own potential and guide it in the right direction.

"You're nothing to me..." he muttered as he continued...


"Holy shit," Carolyn cried, observing Richter's brutal pounding through the camera. "He's gonna break the damn thing! This is, like, a kilonewton of force he's putting in!"

"1.228 kilonewtons," Sally corrected. "We should aim to be precise in our reports."

"It doesn't matter, the computer is recording it anyway. But, seriously, look at this! He could kick somebody's head off!"

"That's not possible, and neither is breaking the collector. It's designed to withstand far more force than that."

"I can hear it creaking...and are you really sure that tank can hold the full load?"

"It can't be more than fifteen gallons," Sally said. "That's about the volume of your entire body, Carolyn. Do you really expect him to ejaculate that much?"

"I dunno, Helen looked pretty big..."

"Well, maybe you were just seeing things."

Carolyn frowned and turned back to the screen. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Holy shit, he is going to town on this thing."


I will break this fucking thing if it's the last thing I do, he thought. Even now, he wasn't using his full strength, though the machine's frame creaked and complained with every thrust of his hips.

"You're a tough one," he muttered, eyes widening with a unique and sudden madness, a wide grin growing on his face. "But I can still break you!"

He shifted his position, grabbing a separate part of the machine, and put all his strength into fucking it, the metallic creaks and groans growing much louder and more frequent as he did. His cock was practically a blur, barely visible as his powerful legs forced it in and out, the silicone gel barely holding against the brutal, constant onslaught. His nuts swung wildly, almost painfully, serving as wrecking balls to enhance the abuse the machine was already taking.

"Urgh...damn it...almost...BREAK!"

All the strength he could muster went into the final thrust before he burst, sinews screaming as muscles gave their all, his entire body's raw potential focused on one single spot.

The machine gave up; it couldn't hope to stand up against such power, and finally broke, subtle manufacturing defects in the metal framing and connections making themselves known as the entire thing bent. Richter nearly fell over as his balls pulled up and his cock convulsed, ready to provide the final humiliation to this mass of metal. Though sparks were flying as wires were twisted in ways they really weren't supposed to, it still knew to start sucking up his seed, and did so. Richter gasped as there was a sudden, tight suction focused on the head of his penis, certainly something he had never quite felt before, and in all honesty, he rather liked it. Perhaps he would have to get a tougher one of these things for himself when he just wanted a quick way to empty his load.

He observed as the clear pipe leading into the wall successfully took on the monumental task of sucking up all his seed, the thick white fluid barely squeezing through, opening up enough space to take the next huge spurt. He was rather impressed as the machine continued its job even after he had tamed and conquered it so utterly, but it was short-lived, as after a few minutes, the machine seemed to get stuck and spurts started to fly out of the fake pussy onto the floor. It wasn't that thick, he knew, so it shouldn't have gotten clogged in the pipe, before he realized the obvious: it could only hold fifteen gallons at a time, so he must have simply exceeded that.

"You're just not enough," he said as he finally tapered off, pulling his cock out with a thick *POP* as the last little bit of his cum still stuck within flowed out to meet the impressive amount resting on the floor. "Perhaps next time I can be given a real challenge."


Both female scientists observed the screen with shock, mouths hanging open numbly.

"He...he broke it..." Sally muttered.

"Three point twenty one kilonewtons..." Carolyn muttered in turn, looking at the peak force he had exerted. "That's more than seven hundred pounds of force, and in such a small area..."

"It never stood a chance. And he overflowed it!" Sally cried, slamming her fist against the metal casing of the console. "He produced more than fifteen gallons of semen! Look how much there is on the floor! That has to be at least three more gallons!"

"How much sperm is that?" Carolyn wondered. "I mean, with a regular guy, you'll get a few trillion, but that's just a few milliliters...but his are bigger...but his cum is thicker..."

"It doesn't matter," Sally muttered, hanging her head. "All we can do is study what he gave us, and hope there's something we can use. We certainly can't repeat this experiment."

She slithered out, once more grabbing the mask and leaving Carolyn alone. She saw that Richter had collapsed, sitting on the floor as he recovered the energy he had exerted against his foe, and smiled.

"You're one tough cookie, huh?" she said, looking over the astonishing data. "I wonder..."


Hours later

Richter groaned as he laid upon his bed, cursing himself for trying so hard to prove himself against some robot pussy contraption. His leg muscles were throwing an absolute fit, screaming in pain at the slightest movement. His cock, too, was in quite a bit of discomfort; he suspected he had brilliantly given himself friction burns, but was too afraid to actually try and find out.

"You're a goddamn genius," he muttered. "Maybe next time you can give yourself a vasectomy with a broken test tube, that'd be fucking great."

He eyed the replicator, wondering if he could get anything helpful out of there. Of course, replicators were required by law not to be able to produce dangerous drugs or chemicals, but on the other paw, this was a space station in orbit around Jupiter under the control of one of the biggest companies in the world, millions of miles outside any national borders.

"The hell with it," he said, getting to his feet and turning the device on. "Let's see...analgesics..." He typed the letters in slowly and deliberately, trying to remember how the word was actually spelled, and was immediately faced with at least fifty chemicals whose names he didn't even try to pronounce in his head, though he recognized a few as being highly illegal and highly dangerous.

"O...kay, bad idea. Hm..."

He typed in "bag of hot water" instead, finding something that was far more appropriate and probably wouldn't poison him to death or melt his skin or something.

He sat back down on the bed as the replicator formed his request, which he hastily grabbed and stuck between his legs. Almost immediately, he felt a little better, the warmth of the fluid within the plasticine container soothing his aching muscles.

"Ooh, yeah..." he moaned, moving it to press up under his balls and against his taint. "That's it..."

Suddenly, the door opened.

"Hey there, hot stuff," Carolyn said, stepping in.

"Carolyn?!" he yelled. "Should...should you be here right now? I mean, Sally--"

"Is busy working on all those samples you just gave her," the owl finished. "Pretty good show, I have to say."

"Say that all you like, my legs are killing me."

"Well, the amount of force you were putting out would rip a normal person's muscles apart. I broke the collector! How did you even do that?"

"It was challenging me," he explained, "and I met it head-on."

"I'll say. How about meeting me head-on, huh?" She stepped forward, pressing her impressive breasts together and lowering her eyelids slightly. "One birdy to another?"

He shook his head. "No, it's not the right time. I haven't gotten Valentina yet, anyway."

She chuckled. "Oh, you. Fine, go breed her. You remember where that remote is, right?"

"Oh, certainly," he said, reaching down underneath his bed and pressing a hidden catch, opening it and revealing a small device within, "but I get the feeling I won't be needing it."

"Seems risky."

He shrugged. "I don't want to be mean to her."

"She's a criminal."

"Exactly, and that means she's desperate for release after spending years in prison, not to mention the parole agreement. This'll be easy."

He stepped outside, leaving Carolyn, who crossed her arms and smiled, letting out a low chuckle.

"This should be interesting."


The station didn't have a dedicated brig, or any real holding area; to hold Valentina, the only option was to simply quarantine off a section and keep her door locked.

Of course, by the time Richter had gotten down to that section, the door had been opened and the massive brown bear wandering around, eager to give her large frame a stretch.

Within seconds of his arrival, their eyes met, and she smiled, revealing an impressive row of very sharp-looking teeth.

"Hello," she said, the thick Russian accent seeping in every word. "I should have known you would come down here."

He smirked. "Drop the act, Valentina. I know what's really going on here."

She rolled her eyes, and spoke again. "Oh, thank you. That accent is terrible, even if I _am_Russian." Indeed, the accent had dropped almost completely, leaving little behind.

"Well, you are only doing it for Sally, really." He looked her over; she was quite well built, though being a Russian bear, that was perhaps to be expected. She did have a bit of pudge, but it was clear that beneath it was solid muscle, built up over many years. Of course, some of that fat ended up somewhere else; her breasts were enormous, appearing even slightly larger than her own head, and yet quite firmly set. "So this is Valentina Kalashnikov, the hardened Russian criminal."

She humphed. "The judgmental type, eh?"

"Not really. I can understand why holding up a service station would be rather exciting. It would explain why you did it thirteen times, after all."

"Eleven. Two of those were grocery stores." She looked away. "A god-damn grocery store. Who the hell holds up a grocery store?"

"Somebody addicted to the thrill of it."

She closed her eyes, sighing. "And that's why I need you. So I can get out of it."

"Get out of it?"

"It's hard to go back to a life of crime when you're taking care of, like, fifteen kids."

"I think we can do better than that," Richter said. "A lot better."

She took a deep whiff and sighed, yet more of his thick musk flowing into her sensitive ursine nose. "Well, then, why not find out?" She squished her massive breasts together and stuck out her tongue, going back to the thick, fake accent. "It has been long time since I had man with me. Come, make me feel like real woman."

"Never do that again."

"What, the boob thing, or the accent?"

"Play with your breasts all you like, they're phenomenal. I meant the accent, it really is lousy."

She smiled and started moving both of those massive orbs up and down slowly, walking toward him. "So, you like my tits, huh? Makes sense; I_love_ how you smell." She reached a finger up to a large, black nipple and started playing with it, a small bit of white fluid leaking out. "Oh, look at that, I'm already milking. Must be all this musk in the air. I suppose I'll need to get used to it, to take care of all our children."

"Natural feeding? Not a lot of people do that anymore. It's all formulas and pumps now."

"Oh, I know, and maybe it's easier that way, but..." she squeezed her nipple harder, a full stream now leaking out, down through the thick fur on her massive breasts. "Oooh..."

"Let me help," Richter offered, stepping toward her and kneeling down. She hesitated, looking at his sharp beak, but released a soft moan when he gently grabbed her breast and pressed down upon her leaking nipple with his beak, a soft squirt of milk landing on his tongue.

"Very nice," he said, saving her sweet flavor. "I'm sure our children are going to love it. And after I breed you nice and hard, you'll have even more for all of them."

"More?" she said, looking down at him. "How could I get any bigger than I already am?"

"Oh, very easily. Carolyn told me that Julie's swollen up a bit since I bred her, and I can only imagine what Helen is going to look like."

"Figures she'd notice. Perve--."

Another squeeze of Richter's beak cut her short. "Now, now, Valentina, that's not nice."

"You know I'm right," she said. "You and I both saw how she was eyeing me up in the lab." She squeezed her breast again. "Not that I can blame her. I would stare at me, too."

"Oh, yes." A scaled hand started creeping down her side, quickly rubbing across her soft ass and thick thigh. "There's so much to look at."

"Are you saying I'm fat?" She didn't seem offended, merely curious.

"Oh, not, of course not. There's just that much more of you to love." His hand found his way to the inside of her thigh, a large finger brushing up against her dripping pussy, causing her to shudder. "And I will love you."

He snuck a finger closer to her opening, just barely getting the deft appendage inside her folds. She bent her knees, desperate to get even more of him inside than that little tease. Alas, he had taken his hand away, only to soon replace it with something even better when he stood back up.

She looked down as some massive, warm, throbbing thing pressed up inside her thighs, and gasped as she saw the size of his cock; it truly was massive. How had that thing even fit inside that fennec, or the cow? For that matter, how would it fit inside her?

"That's impossible!" she cried, reaching out to touch it to ensure that it was the real thing. It bobbed slightly and he hissed as she made contact; she couldn't see it, but a small burst of pre leaked out from it. "It won't fit!"

"It will," he said, "it'll be a tight fit, but if Julie and Helen could manage it up to the hilt, I'm sure you can."

" would have to go into--"

"Their wombs? Oh, yes, it's always fun to ram the head of my cock inside there, get it nice and stretched out in preparation for the clutch...gets my little wrigglers right at the eggs, as well. Once I cum in there, there's no going back."

She looked him right in the eyes, panting heavily. "Show me. Show me now. I need you in me..."

"How much of me?" he asked, stroking her face.

"All of you. I need you..." she gulped, "in my womb. Cumming right inside my ovaries...flooding over my eggs...oh..."

She moaned out as he pulled back, allowing his thick rod to slide against her pussy, her juices coating much of his length.

"If you keep talking about that, I might go off," he said, pushing back in and rubbing against her the same way. "I've been stuck in that tiny little room all day, all pent up...oh, yes, I have such a huge load for you..."

"Give it to me, then!" she cried, wrapping her arms around him and grabbing at his feathers. "What are you waiting for?! Just breed me like a fucking cow!"

He reached under her arms and, with a grunt, lifted her off the floor, her large, thickly padded paws hovering mere inches above the floor.

"Let's go somewhere more...comfortable. I doubt your room is very good for a proper breeding, is it?"

"N-no..." she looked around, noticing a hallway. "But I think there's a really nice room somewhere down there."

He turned his around, noticing a very large door at the end of the hall.

"Bingo," he said.


It was fairly nice, he decided. The red satin-bedsheet covered, uh, bed set up against the curved back wall would certainly be large enough for both of them, and the holographic water feature (which he felt was just a smaller copy of the one in the lounge) was a very nice touch.

"Ooh, this is nice," he said as he gently set her down on the bed. "I'm surprised they made this the detention level."

"There's a room like this on every floor," Valentina said, stretching herself against the soft mattress. "I read all about this place when I was waiting to head up. These are, like, the top executive suites. If I'm right, there should be a viewport pointed right at the planet."


"Yeah, hold on." Valentina cleared her throat. "Viewport, on!"

In an instant, the whole back wall shifted, hexagonal sections slowly changing from solid black to reveal the incredible image of the huge red planet, set against a backdrop of empty black dotted with shimmering stars, along with a few moons that looked miniscule against their colossal parent.

"Wow," Richter gasped, looking at the view. The lounge was certainly nice, but he hadn't been this close. "That is something."

"This is nice, isn't it?" she asked, moving her hand up to his face and turning his gaze back to her. "Breeding a big, sexy bear and looking at an entire planet in the afterglow as your boys fertilize me?"

He grinned. "Oh, yes, that'll be fantastic. But first..."

He knelt down in front of her, grabbing hold of one of her colossal paws. She stared down, frowning slightly.

"What...are you doing?"

"Surely after spending so long in prison, and then in must be sore and tense?"

She groaned. "_Tell_me about it. There's barely any room to stretch in my...well, room!"

"Here, let me get your paws for you." He brought it up to his face, nearly pressing it up against, and started carefully rubbing the thick, black pads. "Ooh, very nice."

She moaned, grabbing a plush pillow and leaning her head back against it. "Ah, that's have a thing for paws?"

He shrugged as he continued rubbing, great broad strokes against her surprisingly soft pads. "You could say that. I think it only started developing recently, though."

"Those things can come up on you..." she said, looking down at him over the massive mounds of her settled breasts. "Like just now...lick them," she commanded suddenly.

"Lick?" he repeated. "Well, if you say so."

He stuck his tongue out, a large muscle more than suited to the job. He began, naturally, at the base of her foot, just at the ankle. Good thing bears have such big paws, he thought as he started licking at the small dewpad, otherwise this wouldn't be nearly as fun.

His tongue easily covered the small nub, but he had his sights on something bigger. She sighed as he started to move upward with his tongue, coasting over the thin fur to the much larger middle pad, which, yet again, was surprisingly smooth.

"These seem well-kept," he said, drawing his tongue away. "Surprisingly soft."

"I've been trying to keep better care of myself up here, where I can," she explained. "And I spent a week frozen, that probably did something to them. Now keep licking."

He did indeed, going to the far side of the great pad while rubbing at the other end with his thumb, pressing in as deep as he could until he coaxed another moan out of her.

"You must like paws, too," he said, pressing again and gaining yet another moan. "I can't blame you, these are lovely."

"You think so?" she asked.

"Of course." He started moving across the pad now, the rough tongue dragging lazily across as his smooth beak shifted across the next one up. "You should keep taking care of them. I'd hate for these to get all gross."

"You would?" she asked. "Well, I'd hate to take this away from you. I'll keep them nice and clean, just for you."

"Once you start getting really pregnant, I doubt you'll want to spend much time on your paws anyway." He moved up to the top of the pad, like the pointed tip of the heart, before bringing his tongue back down to the bottom. "I'll give you all the paw rubs you want...if you return the favor with some paw jobs, of course."

"Ooh, kinky. A big, chubby, hugely pregnant bear, her big tits leaking milk while she rubs your big, thick cock down with her paws? You'd love that, wouldn't you?" She pressed her paw against his face, urging him to continue. "We'll see. Maybe if you do good enough here, I'll be a bit more open."

"As you wish." He pressed his tongue in the center of the large pad and began moving around in circles, big, wide licks that covered almost the whole heart-shaped thing. Her moans grew louder as his speed increased, his tongue lolling out and rubbing against the pads on her toes as well. She couldn't help but curl them in pleasure, soon learning how to bend them such that his tongue always rubbed up against them as he moved around.

He didn't know how long he kept it up; the pads felt so nice against his tongue that he simply stopped paying attention to time and focused only on her wonderful paw. All he knew was that, eventually, she cried out for him to stop.

"What is it?" he asked, drawing away from her paw in concern.

"Damn it..." she muttered. "I'm horny as hell now..."

"Oh, that's it," he said. "Well, I know how to fix that..."

He moved away from her paw, instead moving up between her legs and rubbing his tongue against her soaking pussy, careful to ensure that as much of it rubbed against her now-engorged clit as possible. She screamed, grabbing and clawing at the satin sheets, though unable to tear through the material.

"That won't fix it!" she cried, wrapping her legs around his neck. "That won't...ah!"

She let out another scream as he started over, slower this time, sticking a finger inside her slick folds, then two, and still finding room.

"Ooh, you're a bit loose," he noted, once he had four of his fingers inside. "You've needed this for a long time."

"Y-you wanna fist me?" she asked. "You might as well, with how big that cock of yours is."

He grinned and leaned back, curling his thumb in and forming a fist, before pushing it fully inside, all they way up to his wrist. She couldn't even cry out any more, only biting on her fingers as he started to push up further, further, the feathers tickling gently at her tender clit. With some effort, he easily slipped much of his thick arm inside, reaching almost halfway to his elbow before he pressed up against the entrance to her womb, finding it impossible to go further.

"Not bad," he said, feeling her start to thrash around as he slowly twisted his arm back and forth. "I wonder if I could get the entire thing in?"

"J-just finish me, damn it!" she yelled, grabbing for his head. "Finish me off now!"

He pulled out suddenly with a wet POP, her stretched lips trying to recover from the obscene size of his arm. Her clit, however, didn't get a chance to recover as he set back to work on it with his tongue, not bothering to move slowly any more as she continually begged for release, grabbing his head in her large hands and pressing him in closer, in the hope that it would somehow make her orgasm come quicker

"Oh, you _really_needed this," he said, reaching his own hand up to squeeze the engorged nub, pressing it in and seeing how inflamed it had gotten from all the things he had just done.

She pulled him in as far as possible when she finally exploded, a huge burst of pleasure radiating out from that small point through her entire body, all the way down to her harshly curled toes, right up to her mouth, which let out the final scream. Her whole body convulsed, back arched as her spine tingled with all the screaming nerves crying out as they final released.

Some of her juices splashed against her tongue as they flew out, practically flying across the room. So, she's a squirter. Or is she just that pent up? He moved his tongue closer to get more of her feminine fluid; it was slightly sweet, he supposed, but it didn't have an especially distinct flavor. Perhaps if he started feeding her his own fluids, it would gain a more distinct flavor, but for now it would have to do.

It was all over too soon for dear Valentina, but it practically felt like an eternity of mind-bending euphoria, settling into a more gentle bliss as she came down from the sexual high Richter had given her.

She sighed as she sank back into the sheets, and he couldn't help but smile. It had been some time since he had gone to that much effort, and he couldn't think of anybody who needed it more than her.

"I...I haven't had a real orgasm in years..." she said, finally, "and never like that..."

"You're about to have another," he said, climbing up on the bed and lining his rock-hard cock, aching for its own release after all the things Richter had just made it react to, with her incredibly soaked pussy, begging for him to enter and make her his completely.

She looked up, smiling weakly. "Breed me, stud."

Richter grinned, grabbing hold of her stunning breasts and squeezing a bit more milk out. Now for the fun part.

He carefully moved forward, his tip just barely parting her slick folds as she sighed in pleasure, finally getting a true release. Given her size, and the massive orgasm she had just had, it was quite easy to get more and more of his massive cock inside, the only resistance the rather slight and inevitable friction against her inner walls.

"Oh, yes..." Valentina moaned, almost melting in his hands. "'re so big..."

"Really?" he asked, glancing down at the bulge forming in her expansive belly. "I hadn't noticed.

She pawed at his beak, just slightly. "Smartass. Now put the rest in me."

"You know, one of my breeders back on Earth was kind of a smartass," he began, slowly inching forward once more. "Dragon, actually. Chinese one. Her clutch was coming along pretty well before..." he paused.

"You got arrested?" Valentina finished.

He shook his head and turned away, looking at one of Jupiter's moons instead. "Y-yeah, that...god, I hope they're alright..."

She turned his head back until they were eye-to-eye once more. "You'll see them again. All of them. And your children. It's just...terrible what's happened to you..."

He shrugged. "I suppose in the grand scheme of things, it's not that terrible...after all, I wouldn't have met you."

Now she looked away, hitting at his shoulder. "Oh, Richter, you charmer!"

He chuckled. "My musk can't do everything, you know."

"It can't? Because I don't think I could have resisted that normally."

"It seems to me like you didn't resist at all."

"Did...did anybody?"


"You know, resist?"

"Of course not! Most of them came to me." He pushed forward, coaxing another gasp from the burly bear below. "A lot of single women where I moved to, after this massive thing grew out. Single...and desperate." Another push, just enough so that the tip of his breeding pole rested against the entrance to her womb. "No married women, of course. I would never do something like that. One of them had divorced recently, though..."

"Will you quit talking about the other women you've fucked and fuck me, please?"

"Not fucked, bred," he corrected. "Like this."

Without warning, he pushed forward, breaking past her cervix and easily hitting the back wall of what would soon become her egg chamber, pushing it up slightly against her belly and bulging it upwards just below her breasts. A bolt of rather unique warmth, one she had never felt before, spread all throughout her belly from the pointed bulge that marked Richter's tip.

"Oh god!" she yelled, grabbing at the sheets again. "Oh, you're in there!"

"There's going to be a lot more in there soon," he whispered into her ear, taking a quick nibble at it. "Oh, much..."

"You talk big," she breathed, "but I don't buy it. You're just talking yourself--ah!"

She stopped as he pulled back out, her womb closing right back up as if Richter had never been inside at all. She gasped, the sudden feeling of constriction sending another bolt of unidentifiable, pleasure through her whole body.

She looked up into his eyes, finding a sudden intensity that she was certain wasn't there before, a wide smile forming on his face. He tightened his grip on her breasts and _bucked_his hips, parting her lips and ramming straight through the wall guarding her womb and against its back wall in less than a second, knocking the breath right out of her.

"Still doubting?" he asked, as he immediately set to work pounding her, skipping right to the fast, deep thrusts that he would normally only use at the very end. Valentina screamed in joy, nearly ripping entire chunks of satin from the bed as its wooden frame loudly complained about the rough treatment. "Oh, I'll fill you, all right. I'll fill you up more than I've ever filled a breeder!"

"I'd--ah--like--ah--to see--ah--you--AGH!--try!" her sentence was punctuated by his merciless thrusts and her sharp gasps, a much louder one brought on by a pound that hit a very particular nerve deep within her pussy.

"Okay, I WILL!" He suddenly pulled back all the way, grabbing at her ankles and lifting them over his head, lifting her entire body up enough that he could now line up his cock with her pussy from a standing position. He took a moment to set a foot down on the mattress to have some support for his next performance, and she barely had any time to voice a question before he thrust down into her, somehow even deeper than before, her newly settled breasts shaking wildly against her chin from the sheer force he put into her. It certainly wasn't all the strength he had just used against that machine, nowhere near, but it was still enough that Valentina's eyes rolled back in her head and her muzzle hung open from the sheer pounding joy he was giving her. "You think I can't fill you up now?" He moved one of her footpaws towards his mouth, giving the big paw a lick, careful to avoid her tightly-curled toes. A little squeal, almost involuntary, escaped her lips as he did so, the harsh façade finally lifting as she could do nothing more than enjoy his harsh ministrations, and the delightful tickling feeling across her sore pad.

He was easily hilting her with each thrust now, even some of his wide sheath entering her black pussy lips every time his balls slapped hard and loud against her ass as they churned out more and more of his boys, eager to flow into whatever that lovely tight, warm space he was occupying. The bed was complaining even louder now, outright shaking even, as some of the connecting bolts started to come loose, but Richter refused to let up even slightly. This beautiful bear had egged him on long enough, and it was time to meet the challenge a second time.

"Can you feel that?" he asked, leaning down toward her, allowing most of his cock to stay inside her now with each thrust. "My cock stretching out your cute little egg nest, getting it ready for all the little eagle babies you're going to pump out for me in a few months? Oh, your ovaries must be going WILD, it's so warm in there...who knows how many eggs you're gonna be carrying around? My boys don't like to leave anything behind, after all; anything you make for them, they're gonna take, and nothing is gonna stop them!" he growled, clawing into the bedsheets with his foot as Valentina clamped down hard around his flesh, more of her feminine fluids squirting out onto his groin as she reached her second orgasm, an even bigger one this time. "Ooh, that little speech turned you on, didn't it? You must love the thought of being so heavy with eggs you can't even WALK!" He punctuated with the hardest thrust yet, part of the bed's wooden frame cracking as it finally gave way. Valentina was only barely listening, standing on the very edge between consciousness and simply passing out from all these incredible new feelings. "The thought of your pussy being stretched out and gaping as you pump all of my children out of your WOMB!" Another thrust to punctuate, another part of the frame that cracked loudly. "Of me fucking you...right...into...the...GROUND!"

_ _

That was it; the bed simply couldn't handle anymore of Richter. It didn't so much break as it fell apart, bolts slipping out of their holes like they had never been screwed in at all, the whole thing collapsing in a pile of wood, torn satin sheets, and a rather bent mattress. Valentina might have fallen off, had Richter not grabbed at her shoulders and pressed her down as he came, his balls hiking up almost painfully, a furious torrent of almost solid sperm flowing straight into her womb, easily overflowing the numerous eggs her body had eagerly released just for Richter. In mere seconds, she was pregnant already, and looked it from the sheer amount of cum Richter's cock was forcing into her, his vein bulging outward from how much of it there was, stretching her body out that much more. In less than a minute, she looked nine months pregnant, with twins, even; by the time a minute had passed, it looked like she was carrying some number of bears he didn't even know the term for; pentuplets? It didn't matter, as he wasn't even close to finished yet, and her belly expanded past all possible numbers of cubs lying within, her skin tingling as it was stretched impossibly tight; what little conscious thought of hers remained that wasn't just screaming with glee considered that it would be good practice for the final stages of her pregnancy.

After what seemed like an eternity had passed, he finally finished, struggling to still hold her up as her belly looked large enough to hold a full feral bear, and perhaps then some. As he gently set her down upon the ruined remains of the bed, his cock slipped out, torrents of cum squirting out around it and onto the floor, her body unable to hold back the pressure as it couldn't go back to normal fast enough. Once she was lying upon the wrecked mattress, a thick stream comparable to what he had just performed burst from her gaping pussy and womb, the solid white goo forming into a puddle around Richter's feet.

"How...was that?" he asked, collapsing onto the bed beside her. He noticed, with some amusement, that her belly had pressed her breasts up so much that they were almost covering her mouth, and a constant stream of her delicious milk was flowing out of them, some into her own mouth, but much tragically wasted upon the trashed sheets.

She didn't answer for some time, waiting for her belly to recede enough that she could push her breasts out of the way and really answer. "That...was...I can't even think of the word..."

"Fucking?" he proposed, earning a quick, weak laugh from his newest breeder. She rubbed her hands all over her distended belly, sighing as the tight skin tingled from the contact.

"I have a very good feeling about that one," she whispered. "Goodbye, criminal life, hello, motherhood." She smiled, just slightly. "I mean...I'm free now. I've fulfilled every part of the parole, and...I'm free. And I'm going to be having so many beautiful children with you...right?"

"That was enough to get _anybody_pregnant," he said, rubbing her belly as well. "I'm surprised you didn't pass out from the way I was pounding you."

"I almost did," she said. "You'd better be ready to actually make me pass out right after I lay all of these."

"That might not be so hard, my eggs are pretty big," he said, laughing shortly before groaning in pain. "Oof, that took a lot out of me."

"You're the one complaining," Valentina said, looking up at the ceiling. "Let's just rest, you know, bask in the afterglow while I empty out."

He smiled. "That sounds nice."


Sally frowned as she watched Richter grab a pillow and set it beneath his head, seemingly falling asleep entirely as the planet Jupiter floated uncaring in the background.

"Enough to get anybody_pregnant?" she muttered, unbuttoning her labcoat and slithering away from the screen, not bothering to turn it off. "We'll see about _that, big boy. Oh, we will see..."


The New Guy, Part Four: Hat Trick

The New Guy Part Four Hat Trick ()()() "I can't believe somebody do something like that," Amelia said, taking a sip of tea from her cup. Jon had invited her to his house to discuss recent events, but neither felt like doing much of...

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