Before the great night (Eryn POW)

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#6 of The celebration

The next chapter of the serie. The original idea was that it would had finished with the celebration. But I decided to add more chapters, these chapters will focused in Eryn and her family.

This chapters happens after the chapter Third chapter: Preparations and the fifth chapter: the celebration.

Eryn must show her skills in the bed to Ruby to take a work in the brothel. She meets other girl that will train her to make love to other woman and put a good show for the men in the party, besides other character of the movie joins to the fun.

Eryn was smiling content while she was looking at the coins in her hand, Little John's semen was dripping from her anus. He had fucked her ass in a pleasurable way, Eryn considered that Little John is a good man.

He had spared to her children and their lives, the only way that she would have paid him his generosity was giving herself to the Lord of the place. In that occasion he had shown her more of the sex that she did not know, it was a great experience that she wished to repeat besides she needs extra money for the required repairs her home.

That one is the reason why she is standing now in front of the door of the sugar house to look for an interview with the boss. Eryn only knew her by sight because they never got to chat really, so the she-wolf was not sure, if she would accept her because the girls that work here are younger than she is.

Eryn takes a deep breathing and knocks at the door three times before waiting until someone opens it, the she-wolf waits for some moments until the door opens and a female rabbit receives her.

"Hi I would like see to the lady Ruby please." Eryn says looking at the woman with some discomfort. The woman nods and allows that Eryn enters, she for the first time enters in the big house.

She stays in the reception while the doe disappears of the sight in the next room.

Eryn observes the place, he notices that there are some women walking in the place. Some of them look at her with a little bit of surprise and interest. The she-wolf feels uncomfortable by the looks on her, she had never been in a similar place.

In Nottingham she had listened to the sordid stories of what often happens here, but she never thought about putting a foot in such place. After some moments the female rabbit returns and says to Eryn that she should follow her.

She walks behind the other woman, she that takes her to the following room and Ruby's office. When they arrive there, the woman leaves to the she-wolf in front of the door. Eryn knocks at the door and listens the voice of Ruby, the woman requests that she-wolf enters.

Eryn enters in the office and sees that as the tigress is sitting in front of her desk.

"Hi" Eryn says closing the door behind her.

"Please sit down. What's your name?" Ruby says looking at the she-wolf. Eryn nods and she sits in the chair that it is in front of the tigress.

"My name is Eryn Bennett..." Eryn responds while she feels uncomfortable seeing the two pictures of naked women hanging on the walls.

"My employee told me that you wished see me." Ruby says with some bother looking at the she-wolf and attention. The words of the tigress make Eryn feels uncomfortable because somehow she had got angry to the woman.

"Yes...I wanted to see, if I can get a job here" Eryn says feeling nervous while she looks at the tigress, she is listening with attention. Ruby looks up and down on her with attention.

"I guess that you did hear that here you can earn a good easy money." Ruby says reclining on her chair and crossing arms while she raises an eyebrow.

"Well...yes, I need money and my sale of flowers does not give me what I need." Eryn says looking with beg at the woman. She does not expect that Ruby accepts her willingly, she no longer is young as before.

"Look Mrs. Bennet, I do not know what you had heard about my business." Ruby says while she looks at Eryn. She feels nervous listening as the woman is speaking with some bother.

"In spite of what a lot of men and women believe, my girls they do not have an easy job, and if in this place they earn a good money it is because they work hard. Everyone and each one of them make what their clients asks them for, and sometimes it is difficult to do her job because each client is different and has his own pleasures." Ruby says looking at Eryn.

She nods quietly thinking that maybe she should not have come.

"My girls are good at what they make and I cannot accept to nobody that will not perform very well." Ruby says looking at the she-wolf with attention. Eryn nods lightly while only he wishes that this finishes and she can go to her home.

"I have a good business in my hands and I need a couple of women more, so if you want to work for me, you must prove to me that you had good skills as my girls because this business is very important and I will not admit any problem.." Ruby says looking at the Eryn.

She gets surprised completely.

"Well...Do you want to show me as you perform?" Ruby asks looking leaning lightly forward and leaning her elbows on the table at the same time that she looks at the she-wolf attentively.

"I... I do not know how to demonstrate it." Eryn says looking at the tigress with surprise. This was not something that she had expected. But also she has opportunity to obtain the job.

"There is no problem with that, follow me." Ruby says standing up and heading for the office's door. She opens it and with a motion of the finger she indicates Eryn that she must follows her, the she-wolf gets up and goes after the tigress.

Eryn does not know what happens, she follows at the other woman by the big house. Ruby takes a key ring, and the tigress goes up to the rooms. Both walk on a corridor until they get to a door marked with the number five.

Ruby puts the key into lock and turns it. The tigress opens the door and invites Eryn to get in the bedroom.

The she-wolf sees that she is in a carpeted bedroom and there is one ample window that allows that the room this well illuminated.

In the right-hand side of the room there is a black-colored cupboard. That intrigues to Eryn, also there are a table next to it and two chairs. Ruby closes the door and turns over to see to Eryn, she does not move while she remains in silence and looks in at the tigress.

"Take off your clothes." Ruby says looking at Eryn. She gets surprised and looks as the tigress begins to get undressed in front of her, the she-wolf with inconvenience takes off her clothes slowly and she drops her clothes on the floor.

When her last garment falls to the floor, the tigress already is completely naked. The she-wolf notices that the other woman has a desirable body for any man. Eryn gets surprised when Ruby grabs her breasts and squeezes them.

The she-wolf feels uncomfortable while the other woman squeezes and explores her tits with the hands slowly.

"Desirable tits with a good size." Ruby says while she catches Eryn's nipples and twists them smoothly. The she-wolf moans and feels that her two little pink points get hard by the squeezes of the tigress.

"Sit on the table." Ruby says while she looks at Eryn. The she-wolf nods in silence and she sits on the edge of the table, her legs hangs on the air, she spreads her legs when the tigress orders it. Ruby takes a chair and places it between the legs of the she-wolf.

Ruby sits on the chair.

Eryn blushes a little when the Tigress begins to caress and examining her vulva. Ruby uses her fingers to spread the vaginal lips of the she-wolf and to see the inside. Eryn pants when the woman's forefinger enters in her vagina.

Ruby explores the woman's inside, her finger caresses the vaginal walls and Eryn shakes lightly. The hand of Ruby caresses the she-wolf's clitoris, she shakes with pleasure and moans until the other woman stops.

"Turn Over." Ruby says looking at Eryn. She obeys and she turns over with discomfort, her ass and legs hang from the table. She shakes when the tigress catches her buttocks and spreads them, Ruby presses the buttocks of the she-wolf with care to perceive their firmness.

She also sees the she-wolf's anus, with her finger she caresses it from up and down. Eryn trembles feeling as the woman caresses her anus slowly. Ruby sees that the wolf-like female's anus reacts by her touches.

"Do you are used to have anal sexy?" Ruby asks while she continues caressing Eryn's anus.

"Yes... Yessss." Eryn responds panting and shaking lightly. Ruby stops and permits that Eryn turns over.

"Go to bed." Ruby says standing up.

Eryn nods in silence and comes down from the table, she walks and climbs on the bed to sit on it.

Ruby follows to Eryn and she gets in the bed to sit next to the she-wolf.

"Well...the first thing I want to see is how you eat a pussy." Ruby says while she leans backwards next to Eryn. The she-wolf looks at her with surprise, Ruby opens her legs wide.

"It's possible that some client asks to have sex with another woman to give him a great show." Ruby says looking at the she-wolf. Eryn feels uncomfortable at the thought of having sex with a woman, she had never been interested in having sex with a woman.

She notices that the tigress looks at her attentively. Eryn positions herself between the legs of the woman and she leans forward. The she-wolf observes Ruby's slit, it is surrounded by white fine hair; Eryn brings closer her mouth to the slit and begins to lick it smoothly, for the first time in her life she perceives another woman's juices.

The tongue of the she-wolf moves up and down slowly, the heavy breathing of the tigress is heard in the room. Eryn covers the length of the vulva dividing vaginal lips with with each soft and slow licked.

Eryn observes the she-wolf's clitoris, she begins to lick it slowly. Ruby moans and pants with pleasure every time that the tongue touches her point repeatedly, the saliva drips on the vulva that gets wet completely.

The heavy breathing of the tigress intensifies slowly while she sees that the other woman provides her oral sex.

Eryn does not stop while he enjoys Ruby's juices. The taste is not disagreeable while she continues licking.

The she-wolf closes her mouth around the crack while he continues giving oral sex.

The tigress's clitoris is stimulated by the lips of Eryn, Ruby moans and pants while her juices drip with more abundance. The tigress stimulates his teats and twists her nipples slowly, this was not the best oral sex, but it is not bad.

Eryn maintains separate the legs of the woman with her hands while she continues eating her, Eryn begins to enjoy the experience. Her first time with Little John it had been unique and she had enjoyed it completely, this is not perhaps as bad as it seems.

Ruby squeezes her tits with force and moans when her orgasm fills her body with placer. Her body trembles and Eryn gets surprised a little by the reaction of Ruby, juices cover her snout and her face of in a surprise way.

Eryn closes her eyes while her lips get wet with abundant juice of the vagina of the other woman that pants heavily. Ruby does not move until Eryn stops and kneels down between the legs of the tigress.

Ruby looks at the she-wolf and breathes agitatedly before calming down.

"That was good, but you need practice to make it as it should be." Eryn says smiling smoothly while she turns over and she leans on her knees and elbows. She moves her tail to one side.

"Now I want to see as you eat an ass, some clients will ask for it." Ruby says while she looks over her shoulder at the she-wolf. Eryn gets surprised hearing that, but she loved the anal sex and as Little John ate her anus.

Eryn does not resist and nervously she kneels down behind the tigress, the she-wolf places her hands on the buttocks of Ruby. Buttocks are firm and round, Eryn spreads them and sees the brown hole in middle of them.

The she-wolf introduces her snout and sniffs the hole, Ruby quivers smoothly feeling the hot respiration in her anus. Eryn takes out her tongue and closes her eyes the moment that she gives the initial lick into that place.

Ruby shakes while the she-wolf savors the taste, it is not so bad so she opens her eyes and begins to lick the whole crack of the other woman while Ruby moans of pleasure slowly. Eryn gets wet the little hole with her saliva.

The saliva drips to the vulva of Ruby, she places her hand on her own vulva and he begins to masturbate while Eryn continues eating her anus. Eryn sees as the tail of the tigress moves slowly while she moans.

The she-wolf is squeezing the buttocks with force and she kneads them slowly while her tongue moves up and down in the crack between both. Ruby moans of pleasure, she puts two fingers into her vagina and moves them inside her.

Her moans increase while she pushes her ass against the face of the she-wolf, Ruby moves and after some minutes she turns over to see at Eryn.

"The truth is that you need to practice to eat an ass very well." Ruby says while she looks at Eryn. She looks down with discomfort, she knows that she should improve her performance, if she wants the job.

"Now I will show you as it must be done." Ruby says catching Eryn for the arms and throwing her upon the bed. Eryn gets surprised while she sees that the tigress positions herself between her legs, Ruby catches her thighs and she drags her toward her. Ruby lifts the body of Eryn, she gets surprised by this.

The thighs of the she-wolf are to each side of the head of Ruby while her body is hanging and the head of Eryn just like their shoulders they rest in bed. Her legs are on the air in the meantime Ruby holds her thighs.

Ruby takes out her tongue and begins to lick Eryn's vulva, she shakes when the tongue touches her clitoris.

Ruby begins to lick Eryn's clitoris with calm and pleasure. Eryn moans and pants with pleasure while the tongue pleasures her, Ruby closes her lips around the clitoris and she sucks it smoothly. The she-wolf begins to moan of pleasure, she shakes and she shudders with pleasure.

The tigress opens her lips and releases the clitoris, it is bathed in saliva. The tongue begins to lick Eryn's crack directly, she feels as the tip divides her vaginal pleats with each lick.

Ruby perceives the taste of the juices and they are delicious, are not bad as soon as she enjoys them while she moves her tongue up and down in the meantime she still holds with force the legs of the woman. Eryn pants with pleasure while some of her juices slide from her slit to her stomach.

The eyes of the she-wolf get open when Eryn's tongue penetrates into her vagina, the vaginal walls are caressed with great ability from Ruby. She feels that juices surround her tongue and the vaginal muscles squeeze with force.

Eryn growls while she does not resist, the she-wolf squeezes her breasts with force and twists her nipples to increase her pleasure. She thinks that Ruby is as good as Little John, the woman's tongue moves circularly.

Ruby sees release content that Eryn is enjoying, her tits hang over her face while she stimulates her them with force. Eryn's become more abundant and get wet the lips of the woman in charge of the brothel.

Eryn suddenly shrieks with pleasure when the last motion of the tongue of Ruby takes her to the orgasm.

The tigress holds with more force the thighs of the she-wolf, it rolls with pleasure on the air.

The vaginal muscles squeeze Ruby's tongue with force, she closes her lips around the vulva to suck the woman's delicious juice. Eryn's senses are overloaded with pleasure while the toes of her feet contract and distend unrestrainedly.

After some moments Ruby releases Eryn's legs, she falls in bed and her body bounces before remaining face down panting with pleasure. She moans and looks with lack of forces over her shoulder when the hands of the tigress rest on her buttocks.

Ruby kneads the buttocks of Eryn some moments, the she-wolf moans with pain when the other woman digs her claws in them. The tigress smiles the moment that he spreads the buttocks of the she-wolf and sees seeing hole in middle of them.

Eryn opens her eyes and moans when Ruby bends forward and introduces her snout between her buttocks, she begins to eat her anus with pleasure and passion. Eryn's moans are strong while she has her closed eyes.

The rough tongue caresses her anus repeatedly, Ruby keeps the buttocks separated with her hands while she has a good time of what she does, her tail moves slowly while the body of the she-wolf trembles.

Ruby introduces her hand between the legs of Eryn and begins to caress the woman's vulva, the she-wolf moans of pleasure when the palm of the hand of the tigress moves on her clitoris. Eryn moans when two fingers enter in her vagina.

The tigress raises her hand and Eryn follows the motion with her ass while Ruby's fingers even are in her vagina. In a few moments the she-wolf has its ass on the air while she pants and moans.

Fingers enter and get out of her pussy stimulating her vaginal walls, Ruby moves her tongue's tip in the anus of the woman before pushing it. Eryn has a good time and she relaxes, she opens her eyes with surprise when the tongue enters in her rectum.

Ruby moves her hand in circles following the motion of the hands of the clock, her fingers explores the inside of the vagina of the she-wolf that moans of pleasure and that moves her ass. Eryn's anal walls squeeze with force the tongue of the tigress.

She smiles internally feeling the squeeze, Ruby perceives the remains of the semen of Little John in the hole so she licks them to clean it. The pleasure of the she-wolf increases rapidly for the stimulation of the tigress.

Eryn's body suddenly convulses and she feels a powerful orgasm in all her body. The vaginal and anal walls squeeze with more force the tongue and the fingers of the tigress.

She continues moving her tongue inside the rectum, of the she-wolf moves her ass uncontrollably at the same time that heavy breathing and growling of pleasure escape of her mouth. Pleasure is unbearably because fingers and the tongue still are moving in their body.

Ruby stops and she takes out her tongue and her fingers with a twinkle. Eryn's body falls on the bed and it does not move. She feels motion and for the corner of the eye see that the tigress comes down from the bed.

The she-wolf sees that Ruby gets close to the black-colored cupboard and opens it, Eryn sees that she bends over inside the cupboard and begins to catch some things of the inside. From one of the doors are hanging some things that Eryn does not know.

Ruby stands up and closes the cupboard door. Eryn's eyes open completely when she sees what the tigress charges in her arms. The woman gets close to the bed and drops the objects on the bedspreads before getting on the bed.

Eryn turns over and she sits reclining her hands to the sides of her body while she sees the objects.

The she-wolf sees several penises made of iron they have different forms and thicknesses. She had never seen nothing like these, not even knew that metal could be molded to take such forms. Ruby positions herself in front of the she-wolf and she pushes her.

Eryn's body falls backwards on the bed while the tigress spreads Eryn's legs.

"Let's see as you can adapt yourself at the different cocks." Ruby says looking at the she-wolf. She swallows hard while he sees that the woman takes the first toy, it is a similar penis to the one of Little John.

But it is thicker and long, the tigress caresses Eryn's vulva with the head of the false penis. Eryn quivers when she moves the tip right on her clitoris, the she-wolf moans smoothly and Ruby does it for a short time before pushing the toy in the opening of the she-wolf.

She closes her eyes when her vaginal lips gets open and the head enters in her vagina. Ruby pushes the toy inside the she-wolf, she feels as her vaginal walls surround the toy. For the she-wolf it is not difficult to take the penis in her vagina.

The she-wolf moans feeling the strange sensation, metal is cold and this makes that she quivers a little.

The penis is disappearing and after some moments the head gets in her cervix of the she-wolf. Ruby pushes a little more until Eryn moans with pain. The tigress takes out the toy slowly until the head is out.

"Good depth in your vagina." Ruby says looking at the she-wolf with a smile. She says absolutely nothing while he sees as the toy in the hand of Ruby is shining with her juices.

"Let's see how it adapts to thickness." Ruby says taking a new toy that shows at Eryn. She sees that the toy is shaped like a canine penis. It is large like the previous one, but the section that highlighted is the great knot in the base.

It is bigger than the knot of her husband, Ruby smiles and places the tip between the vaginal lips of Eryn, she moves the toy up and down while the she-wolf pants smoothly and she gets ready. Ruby pushes the toy slowly.

Eryn feels that her vagina is again invaded by the penis that slowly fills her, Eryn moans softly and the tip gets to the entrance of her cervix the moment that the knot touches her pink opening.

Ruby pushes the penis with more force and Eryn moans at the moment that her entrance begins to dilate around the knot. She pants and moans while he tries to relax a little, Ruby pushes with more force seeing that it's possible that Eryn takes the toy.

Eryn vaginal lips finally close behind the toy, Eryn opens her mouth and moans with surprise to feel that the knot in its inside, it stretches its vagina walls of incredible way, her husband never stretched her in this way, besides the penis is thick and long.

Ruby moves the toy circularly inside Eryn, she moans and moves her legs move while she feels that the toy caresses her vaginal walls. She shakes lightly while she clenches her teeth with force.

The tigress moves the toy before stopping, Eryn breathes agitatedly because she was on the verge of the orgasm. Ruby takes Eryn's hips and she turns her over face down.

Eryn follows the other woman's motions and raises her ass while she tilts her body forward. Eryn looks at the head of the bed, she gets surprised when the first toy's tip touches her anus

She looks over the shoulder to see Ruby. She smiles and begins to caress the anus of the she-wolf with the tip of the toy. The tigress moves the toy in the crack of Eryn, she shakes lightly every time that the tip touches her anus.

Ruby stops for a moment and with her hand she begin to caress Eryn's vulva. She moans every time that the palm of the hand of the she-wolf touches her clitoris. The tigress gathers juices and keeps on scattering them on the anus of Eryn.

She moans feeling that her anus is caressed by the wet fingers of Ruby, she takes more juices and scatters them through the toy before beginning to push it against the sphincter of Eryn. She moans feeling that the tip presses her hole with force.

The she-wolf relaxes and clenches her teeth when the metallic penis head enters in her anus, she moans feeling that known pain. Ruby smiles and with her finger tracks the sphincter of the woman that surrounds the toy.

Ruby pushes the toy introducing more inside the anus of the she-wolf in it, she moans and pants feeling that the walls of her anus swell out around the object. The tigress begins to move the penis in and out of the posterior passage of the she-wolf, she uses the other hand to move the other toy in the pussy of Eryn.

The penis appears and disappears in the anus of Eryn, she begins to enjoy the motion that caresses on the walls of her rectum. Ruby sees content as the passage of the she-wolf accepts without difficulty the false penis and she genuinely enjoys the moment.

The she-wolf feels that her tunnels are full, Ruby stops because it is the moment of trying the most interesting, Eryn moans with frustration when the tigress takes the toy of her ass. Ruby smiles seeing as the hole is lightly opened, she takes the base of the toy that still is within the vagina of the she-wolf and she pulls it out.

Eryn moans when the woman begins to take out the toy, in this occasion it gets out with more facility due the juices that they make that the knot slip without difficulty out of her. Ruby's hand moves the toy above slow way.

The tip caresses Eryn's perineum, she feels that the tip gets inside between her buttocks and goes up to her sphincter. A groan escapes of the mother when the tip enters without problems in her anus, Ruby begins to push the toy that slips without problems in the anus of the she-wolf.

She moans smoothly while her anal passage fills up again, in a few seconds the knot touches Eryn's anus.

Ruby smiles seeing the knot between the buttocks of the she-wolf, she catches the base and begins to push.

The knot begins to press the hole, Eryn moans smoothly feeling pain, and she had never taken a knot in her anus. The size is big and she doubts that she can take it, but Eryn bites her lip and she shuts up while pressure increases.

Ruby moves the toy circularly before pushing it again with more force, Eryn moans and whimpers with pain when the knot enters in her rectum. She feels a burning pain, a lot intense than in her first time with Little John.

The toy begins to move in her rectum, she feels that the tip touches the bottom of her anus repeatedly and the knot distends the walls of inside, the penis moves back and forward.

Ruby hears that the she-wolf begins to moan with pleasure, the tigress is glad with what she sees. Little John's penis is big and thick, but he is not the only one bigger guy in everything Nottingham. Ruby takes Eryn's hand and places it on the base of the toy.

The she-wolf begins to move her hand to move the metallic penis inside her ass, she moans and pants while she has her closed eyes. She feels motion in bed, but she does not care about it, her vulva gets wet with her juices that are dripping to the bed.

Eryn gets startled when Ruby's hands rest on her buttocks, they squeeze them before requiring the she-wolf to turn over. She sees the tigress that smiles at her, the look of Eryn on the body of Ruby, her eyes open completely when she sees there is a metallic penis strapped to the tigress's crotch, it is held for straps tied around her hips.

The toy has the form of a canine penis with a knot of similar size to the other one that it is in her ass. The tigress catches Eryn's legs and opens them wide, Eryn does not move while the woman positions herself on her while she holds the toy in her hand to guide it.

The she-wolf closes her eyes when the false penis enters in her vagina, the contact of the cold metal makes her quiver lightly. The toy slips in her inside slowly, Eryn closes her eyes feeling inconvenience until metal gets warm inside her body.

Ruby moves until the knot touches the she-wolf's vulva. Eryn opens her eyes and looks at the other woman that looks her from above, the she-wolf gets surprised when the tigress kisses her. Eryn closes her eyes and she tries to calm down at the same time that she feels as her breasts are pressed by the other woman's breasts.

The tigress begins to move inside the she-wolf of slow way, Eryn moans feeling that the metal penis moves in and out of her vagina slowly, the feeling is different to the one of a true penis. But she enjoys it, Ruby moves slowly, she closes her mouth around the left nipple and begins to suck it with pleasure.

Eryn moans and pants with pleasure, she sees as the other woman breast-feeds her tit, the she-wolf feels that the penis tip touches the entrance of her cervix, her vaginal walls releases more juice that cover the iron penis. The tigress bites and pulls the nipple smoothly.

Ruby moves her hips up and down, she moans when her clitoris is caressed by the leathern protuberance that is tight on above it. Ruby pumps her hips, she feels content when Eryn's legs close around her hips.

The she-wolf moans while she cannot believe that this having sex with another woman, she is enjoying it completely.

Eryn's juices drip and get wet the bedspreads, Ruby releases the nipple and dedicates herself to suck the other one with pleasure, and the taste is delicious. The moans of both women fill the bedroom, Eryn opens her mouth with surprise when Ruby pushes the knot in her.

The she-wolf feels that the knot enters in her vagina, the tigress increases the rhythm of her movements while she moans with pleasure, Eryn feels that the whole penis moves in her inside. Ruby again begins to suck the tits of the she-wolf with pleasure, with her hand she twists the left nipple while she sucks the right breast.

"I am...." Eryn moaning when his legs shake the moment that she feels a powerful orgasm in her body.

Ruby does not move while the she-wolf shakes below her, Eryn's thighs get wet while she moans uncontrollably due the pleasure.

"Stop... please." Eryn whines looking at the tigress. She smiles and she stops suddenly, the woman's white breasts press Eryn's tits.

"I think that you do not want me to stop, you are enjoying it." Ruby says looking at Eryn. The she-wolf moans and nods lightly while her body wants more.

Ruby stops and moves her hips back, Eryn closes her eyes and moans feeling that the knot again stretches her vaginal opening. The she-wolf moans with bother and opens her mouth when the knot slips out of her body without difficulty because it is covered with her juices.

"Well, I need to get some rest, is your turn of taking control." Ruby says looking at the she-wolf. Eryn nods while he breathes agitatedly. Ruby leans backwards and she makes herself comfortable while she sees that Eryn positions herself over her crotch.

Eryn takes the toy and aims it to her vagina, the she-wolf takes down her hips and moans when the tip enters in her vagina. She closes her eyes while the false cock keeps on entering in her vagina again, Eryn's hands takes the breast of Ruby at the moment that she begins to ride the tigress.

The eyes of the she-wolf are closed while she bounces her ass, she feels that metal caresses her vagina walls with each motion. Her hands squeeze Ruby's breasts, she smiles seeing that the woman moves with lust.

The hands of the she-wolf squeeze with interest and placer the tits, she feels their firmness and heat. Ruby moans when the other woman twists her nipples pleasantly. Ruby takes Eryn's tits, she moans and pants when the tigress kneads and stimulates her breasts.

The penis in her vagina in and out while her juices drip from the knot on the base of the toy, the she-wolf moves her hips circularly for some moments. Eryn pants while her pleasure grows inside her body, she is about to reach an orgasm when the owner of the brothel stops her.

Eryn breathes agitatedly while she sees the other woman, she is smiling smoothly.

"I will fuck your ass." Ruby says looking at Eryn. She says absolutely nothing while she moves to permit that the tigress gets up, Eryn leans on her hands and knees at the same time that she raises her tail. Over her shoulder she sees that Ruby positions herself behind her.

Ruby takes the cock soaked in juices and aims it down, the wet tip touches Eryn's posterior hole. She closes her eyes when the tip begins to press her sphincter, Eryn blurts a groan out and closes her eyes when the member enters in her rectum until the knot.

Ruby's hands take Eryn's hips the moment that she begins to move, Ruby moans just like Eryn, the hips of the tigress hits the buttocks of the she-wolf, and she feels that her ass' cheeks shake with each blow. Ruby spanks the left cheek and Eryn moans with pain and pleasure.

The tip touches the bottom of the ass of Eryn, she moans and embraces pillows while her breasts rocks uncontrollably. Ruby moves her hips while her juices increase and they get her thighs wet, she does not stop while she fucks the mother wolf.

Both moan of pleasure while the bed squeaks, Ruby increases the force of her pushes in the anus of the she-wolf, Eryn clenches her teeth and two tears escape of her eyes they slip by her cheeks when her sphincter opens and the knot enters in her anus. The pain is intense due to the thickness of that part of the toy, the feeling is incredible the she-wolf feels as his posterior passage is completely full.

Around two minutes later Eryn's first lesbian experience finishes when she howls of pleasure while Ruby growls the moment that both reach an orgasm at the same time. Ruby releases Eryn's hips and falls on the she-wolf, she breathes agitatedly.

The difficult breathing of the tigress is the only thing that Eryn listens while she feels as the breasts of Ruby press her back.

"Do I have the job?" Eryn asks panting while she recovers from the intense pleasure.

"You had it since I saw you fucking with Little John." Ruby says while she squeezes the right buttock of the woman that is under her.

"Aside of testing your experience, I wanted to fuck you. We still have something to try." Ruby says whispering in Eryn's ear. She nods quietly while she closes her eyes a moment and tries to deduce which is what the other woman has in mind.

Ruby gets up and the metallic penis slips out of the anus of Eryn. The tigress gets out of the bed and she gets close to the cupboard to take something out. Eryn gets up and she sits feeling that her juices are dripping from her vagina.

The eyes of the she-wolf open completely seeing that Ruby has a new toy in her hands, but this is completely different because it is very long and tick as never before Eryn saw in her life.

"In the party there will be boys with big penises and perhaps you will find with one of these, it is an equine shaft." Ruby says laying the toy on the floor in order that it is erect and ready for use.

"Let's see if you can take it." The tigress says looking at Eryn. She looks with surprise at the other woman before getting up and surrounds the bed to get close to the toy. Eryn begins to sit and tries to relax when the penis tip touches her vulva.

She feels that the tip covers her vulva, the she-wolf begins to push down her hips against the cold tip of metal.

Eryn moans feeling pain as the great tip presses her pink entrance with force.

Eryn pushes with more force and opens her eyes when the toy enters in her vagina. She moans with pain to feel that her vaginal walls stretches to the maximum. She moans with pain while she pushes her hips and the toy slowly enters.

This is difficult for Eryn, she breathes agitatedly in the meantime she takes down more her hips. She never thought that some man could have such big member, the tip finally touches the entrance of her cervix and two third parts of the member are in her vagina.

Eryn gets up and moans smoothly when the member gets out of his vagina, she examines her crotch by touch with surprise. Her opening is dilated.

"Well that is fine, but you should practice a little, your anus should also get used." Ruby says looking at Eryn. She opens her eyes with surprise without being able to believe that something like this can enter in her tight hole.

Ruby moves and walks to the cupboard and takes something from its inside, the toy has a thin tip, the toy gets wider until a notch and a flared base.

Ruby gets close to Eryn and pushes her smoothly to oblige her to lean forward and to have her ass raised on the air.

Eryn closes her eyes when the tigress begins to move to the toy to get it wet in her juices. Ruby moves it forward and back for some moments before moving it up, Eryn feels that the toy tip gets between her buttocks and she moves until he touches her anus.

Ruby begins to push the toy against the little hole of Eryn, she closes her eyes and she relaxes.

The she-wolf moans with pain when the toy enters in her rectum, she feels that her anal walls stretches around the object.

Ruby pushes until the base is between the buttocks of Eryn.

"Use it all the time, it will help you to get used." Ruby says at the moment of giving a resounding spank to Eryn. She stands up feeling a strange sensation in her anus.

"Come on, I will introduce you to the other girls." Ruby says looking at Eryn.

The two women get dressed in silence, when they are ready Ruby opens the door and indicates Eryn that she should follow her, the she-wolf follows the woman around the corridor and comes downstairs. Girls turn over their heads when her boss and Eryn are halfway in the stairs, the tigress clears her throat.

"Come here, I have important news." Ruby says looking at the girls. They come closer and they place themselves around the stairs to listen to what their boss will say.

"Well girls, finally money arrive to this place." Ruby says looking at women. They look at each other and smile content because they would finally earn money.

"Our Lord Little John is organizing a celebration for his men and he has contracted this brothel to give pleasure at his men all night long of the party." Ruby says looking at her girls.

They look at each other and they laugh impishly because each one of them knows that it will be an exhausting and amusing night.

"Each one will earn more money of what you win in a month. We will in charge to fix the place, it will be in the hall that is next to the castle of Little John. As always I want that everyone gives her best effort." Ruby says looking at her girls, they nod content.

"After these news, I want to introduce you to Eryn, she will work with us in the party and I hope that after it she will stay with us for a long time." Ruby says placing her hand on the shoulder of the she-wolf.

Eryn smiles smoothly and shamefacedly in the meantime she looks at the other women. They watch her a moment and nod, some of them smile at her with kindness.

"As the party will be special, I thought that she could give a good show for men, but she needs a companion that teaches her more of the fun between women... Antonette, Could you teach her whatever is needed and both may prepare that number." Ruby says looking at a lioness than is standing at the foot of the stair.

She is a lioness of ample breasts and a little younger than Eryn. She has blue eyes and a well-kept fur.

"Of course, there is no problem." Antonette says looking at Ruby and Eryn. She notices that the lioness looks at her up and down for some moments and smiles smoothly, the she-wolf gives back the smile with discomfort.

"Deanna..." The tigress calls looking at the girls. Eryn sees that from the multitude clears the way for a young girl. She is a gazelle that is nervous while she is next to Antonette.

"Deanna, as you are new in this... I think we can do use it. I was thinking that for your first time you could be the first in serving our lord." Ruby says looking at the girl.

She opens her eyes with surprise and she feels uncomfortable understanding that she will lose her virginity with the bear. The gazelle had listened to rumors that the bear is somebody that enjoys fucking a women with force.

"I do not know, if I will not be able to make it... he is a big guy." Deanna says looking at the tigress anxiously. Ruby laughs a little seeing that the gazelle is nervous.

"You will do it fine, he is a nice chap, and he makes that any sex be good." Ruby says looking at the gazelle that still is felt nervous.

"That is true, he fucks very well and besides makes the first time unique, his cock was the first one that I felt in my ass and experience was so good that I like the anal sex with him." Eryn says looking at the gazelle. She and the other girls get surprised knowing that the she-wolf had fucked with Little John.

Ruby nods and smiles at the she-wolf. Eryn smiles while he sees that Deanna agrees to be the first woman of the night for Little John. Eryn comes down the stairs to meet with the other girls and to introduce formally in front of them.

They welcome her smiling and showing a friendly side. After an hour Eryn already feels comfortable among them, girls are funny and good people in spite of what other people suppose of all of them.

Eryn and Antonette begin to speak to see when they would begin lessons. Both agree that they would meet in the house of Eryn on the next day in the afternoon. The she-wolf leaves the place after a half-hour not without before taking the toy that Ruby had given her in order that she gets trained.

She gets out of the big house and breathes deeply. She had finally gotten the job, a job that she never thought about doing.

Eryn returns to her home where he dedicates herself to order everything and preparing dinner for her children. They return from the forest charging firewood for kitchen and house's old chimney. Everything passes normally and they fall asleep early.

The she-wolf masturbates in her bed, she remembers what happened with Ruby and as she enjoyed it. On the next day Eryn feels anxious and dedicates herself to do the cleaning the best that her house can.

Fortunately after the lunch her children go out to go to fish. Eryn knows that they would return at nightfall, fortunate they would manage to fish something.

Eryn is sitting on the kitchen when he hears that they knock at the door, she rapidly crosses the living room and opens the front door. Antonette is expecting her while she charges a little bag in her back.

"Come in please." Eryn says opening the door to let the lioness enters in the house. She does it while she greets Eryn.

"Nice home." Antonette says in the meantime she is in the middle of the living room.

"Thanks I do not have a lot, and I cannot ask for more." Eryn says looking at the lioness. She nods in agreement.

"Well... Do we go to your bedroom?" Antonette asks looking at Eryn. She nods shamefacedly and leads the other woman to her bedroom that it is next to the one of her children. The two women get to the room after some minutes.

The inside of the room of Eryn is not big, the wooden floor creaks with each step that they do.

There is an old clothes rack and an old screen in addition to a cupboard and one wooden bed.

"Let's Begin." Antonette says looking at Eryn. She nods and she begins to get undressed just like the lioness. While Eryn gets undressed she does not lose sight of the other women.

The two women are naked in a matter of minutes. Just as she had imagined it, Antonette's breasts are big and certainly desirable for the males. She has a narrow hips and a good pair of legs.

"Let's go." Antonette says looking at Eryn. She nods and nervously she climbs in the bed with other woman to the bed. They kneels themselves face to face, Eryn gets surprised when Antonette takes her hands and places them on her breasts.

"Firstly forget about shame." Antonette says looking at Eryn. She nods and with care begins to squeeze the other woman's breasts. They are firm, Eryn gets startled when the hands of the lioness touch her tits.

Eryn feels that her breasts are pinched smoothly, the she-wolf relaxes and squeezes with more force and confidence the breasts of Antonette. Eryn explores those breasts with calm before moving her hands and touches other body parts of the lioness.

Antonette introduces her right hand between the tights of Eryn. The she-wolf moans with pleasure and trembles when the woman's fingers begin to caress her vulva. Eryn closes her eyes and moves her hips, Antonette's fingers caress her clitoris.

Eryn moves her hand further down to return the favor, she moves her hand feeling that the juices of the other woman get wet the palm tree of her hand. Her fingers take the clitoris of the lioness and they press it softly.

Antonette moans with pleasure when her clitoris is twisted smoothly. The lioness takes out her hand and rapidly catches Eryn's shoulders to pull the she-wolf towards her. Eryn gets surprised when the woman kisses her, Eryn feels that Antonette's tongue opens her lips and enters in her mouth.

Eryn closes her eyes and joins her tongue with the tongue of the other woman. Both tongues fight while Antonette's hands move on all her body. She feels as her back is caressed and next takes her buttocks.

The she-wolf also dedicates herself to caress softly the body of the lioness, Eryn feels that her buttocks are squeezed smoothly.

"I see that you are using it." Antonette says smiling touching the base of the buttplug in the middle of the cheeks of other female. Eryn moans when the other woman begins to move the base of the toy that caresses Eryn's anal walls.

She opens her eyes and smiles at the lioness, she looks at her before taking down her head and taking the nipple of the she-wolf in her mouth. Antonette sucks smoothly getting wet the nipple with her saliva, her other hand catches the other tit and squeezes it smoothly.

Antonette pushes Eryn while she continues sucking and the she-wolf falls backwards in bed with the lioness on her. Eryn and Antonette look at each other while their breasts press to each other.

Eryn closes her eyes when the woman kisses her again while she moves a little in order that her tits caress Eryn's breasts, she feels that her nipples are caressed by the nipples of Antonette.

She breaks off the kiss and looks at Eryn before taking down her body and taking the left nipple of the she-wolf in her mouth, Eryn moans smoothly and feels as the right hand of the lioness moves on her stomach and goes up to her crotch.

Two fingers enter in her, Antonette sucks and bites the nipple while her forefingers and means move inside of the she-wolf. Eryn moans and she arches her body when the yolks of the fingers caress the top of her vagina.

Juices cover the fingers of the lioness while she continues sucking Eryn's erect nipple. The she-wolf breathes agitatedly while she sees Antonette, she still sucks the nipple for a moment before to stop.

The lioness places in her mouth her wet fingers in juices, she sucks them smoothly before moving and positioning herself between the legs of Eryn. She moans when the woman's tongue touches her clitoris, the tip touches the rosy point of the woman of slow way.

Antonette moves her forefingers and caresses the swollen vulva of the she-wolf. Eryn feels that her vaginal lips are divided lightly by the fingers that move on her slit.

The lioness begins to lick her vulva directly, Eryn moans with pleasure enjoying the oral sex that he receives from the other woman. The she-wolf opens her eyes when the tongue enters in her vagina.

Antonette feels that her tongue is surrounded by warm and delicious juices that stem from the inside of the body of Eryn. The tongue's tip divides the sensitive vaginal walls and moans of pleasure they escape of the mouth of Eryn.

She presses her tits while he feels as the hot respiration of the lioness stirs her fur.

Antonette continues eating the vagina while she observes as the other woman trembles of pleasure.

Moans and heavy breathing of Eryn accelerate until she suddenly arches her body when she feels an orgasm that fills her with pleasure. Antonette feels that her mouth and her snout get wet with juice that oozes of the pink opening.

She licks the vulva to perceive the taste while Eryn still moans and she gets quivers with pleasure.

The lioness stops and sees content that her job was good for Eryn. She is panting heavily after an incredible and intense moment.

Eryn pants while she recovers slowly. Antonette caresses her thighs softly.

"Now it is your turn." The woman says while she looks at Eryn. She nods and she gets up while Antonette leans backwards and opens her legs for the she-wolf. Eryn says absolutely nothing while she positions himself on the lioness, the she-wolf looks at the big and turgescent breasts.

She takes down her head and begins to lick the right nipple slowly, Antonette closes her eyes and enjoys the tongue of the woman. Eryn's tip caresses the nipple softly in circles.

When the nipple this wet, the she-wolf begins to suck it smoothly. She pulls it while her free hand stimulates the other tit, Eryn kneads it smoothly while she begins to have a good time of what she does.

The nipple this hard just like the other one that is between her fingers. Antonette moans and sees that the woman seems to be calmer and at ease with what she does, Eryn stops and opens her mouth to release the nipple that is completely wet in warm saliva.

The she-wolf closes her mouth around the other nipple to do the same thing, she sucks smoothly for some minutes before releasing that nipple. Eryn moves further down and she positions herself between the legs of the lioness.

Antonette moans when Eryn's tongue begins to move on her vulva, her vaginal lips are divided with each lick, Eryn perceives the juice that stems from the pink grotto. This time she feels herself with more confidence.

His first time she had felt intimidated being with the boss of the brothel. Eryn notices that the clitoris is swollen, so she begins attacking that point with licks. Antonette moans with pleasure and her body arches of pleasure.

Pleasure is intense, she moves her hips rubbing her vulva on the face of Eryn, and the juices get wet her nose completely. The hands of the she-wolf grab the buttocks of the lioness to maintain the vulva in front of her.

Eryn closes her mouth around the vulva and pushes her tongue inside the grotto, Antonette moans with force when the tongue begins to stimulate her vagina.

Eryn moves her tongue circularly feeling that the juice falls in her mouth besides her tongue is squeezed and covered of more juices. Antonette's legs close around her head and press her face against her crotch.

The hips of the lioness moves up and down while she feels that her orgasm approaches, Antonette opens her legs and she moves to one side in order of falling on of chest on the bed while she pants.

The lioness raises her ass while she looks at Eryn.

"Eat my ass." Antonette says looking at the she-wolf. She crawls to position herself behind the lioness, Eryn places her hands on the buttocks of the woman and spreads them largely. The woman's brown hole is plainly visible.

Eryn closes her eyes and introduces her snout between the buttocks of the woman. Antonette moans when she feels the first lick on her posterior hole, the tongue of the she-wolf moves through her crack slowly again and again.

The saliva gets wet completely the brown hole, Eryn moves her tongue tip on the anus of the other woman while she places her right hand between the legs of Antonette. She moans when the palm of the hand begins to move on her vulva.

Eryn moves her hand, the palm tree of her hand gets wet slowly in juices of the lioness. Antonette utters a groan of surprise and pleasure when Eryn pushes her tongue, she feels as the sphincter opens.

Her tongue slides in the anus of the woman, Eryn feels the pressure of the anal walls while she bathes them with saliva. The caresses on the vulva of Antonette stop and Eryn pushes her fingers in the vagina of the woman.

She hears the groan of the lioness when fingers penetrate her, Antonette moans and moves her ass circularly while she moans. Eryn feels warmth and wetness of the vaginal walls around her fingers.

Fingers move in and out of the vagina while the tongue moves circularly in the rectum of the lioness, the tip gets in the cracks filling them with saliva. The thick saliva drops drip from the crack of the lioness.

Antonette moans and pants rapidly while she has face sunken in the pillow, her moans fill the room. Eryn feels that juices become more abundant and they get her hand wet completely.

"Ohh I am... c." Antonette says with pleasure, Eryn feels that the woman's anal muscles squeeze her tongue with force. Her fingers are pressed too and the she-wolf feels the spasms in the lionesses' two tunnels.

She shakes with pleasure while her vagina releases a great quantity of juices that drip in the bed of Eryn. She does not move while smiles content by the result of her job on the other woman.

Pleasure slowly is disappearing of Antonette's body, she feels as the fingers and the tongue of Eryn leaves her body.

She sees that the body of the lioness falls and bounces in bed while she breathes agitatedly.

Antonette recovers and turns over seeing the she-wolf.

"That was very well, Ruby told me that you did not do it well with her." Antonette says while she sits.

"Definitely, I felt insecure because she is the boss and it was my first time." Eryn says looking at the lioness.

"In spite of the appearances that makes you think that she is serious, she is not. Her life has not been easy and for that reason she treats very well to every one of her girls." Antonette says looking at Eryn. She nods thinking that Ruby seems to be a good person.

"For the spectacle we are going to use something more that I need that you learn." Antonette says moving to get out of the bed and take the bag that is on the floor. Eryn sees that the lioness opens the bag and gets takes something of the inside.

Eryn's eyes open wide when she sees that Antonette takes out a strapon. The form of the metallic penis is not canine, but it looks like Little John's penis. Antonette climbs on the bed and begins to tie the leather straps of the toy around the hips of Eryn.

She says absolutely nothing while she sees feels that straps adjust on her hips and the toy is tied to her body. The she-wolf looks with interest as the toy is tied to her body, she sees that Antonette leans backwards in bed and opens her legs largely.

"Let's do it." Antonette says looking at the other woman. Eryn crawls and she positions herself between the legs of the lioness, she takes the toy and aims it down toward the pink slit of the woman. The tip divides the woman's vaginal lips.

Antonette moans when Eryn pushes her hips and penetrates her slowly. Eryn looks with interest as the false member disappears inside the woman, some moments later her breasts press Antonette's breasts.

Eryn begins to move on the woman nervously, she had never made this and pumps up rapidly and the penis slips out of the vagina of Antonette repeatedly. Eryn feels more nervous every time that she puts the toy into the vagina of her friend.

The she-wolf begins to move and it gets startled when the hands of the lioness take her buttocks.

She begins to push and to pull her ass toward back slowly.

"Do not feel nervous, just do it slowly until you find your rhythm." Antonette says looking while she leads the ass of the she-wolf. Eryn nods and closes her eyes to calm down and next she opens her eyes to begin to move her hips to a slow rhythm to get used.

Eryn moans smoothly when her clitoris is caressed softly by the soft material that covers her vulva in addition to a little well-located bundle to touch that sensitive area. Antonette releases the ass of Eryn and closes her eyes to moan.

The two women moan softly, Eryn begins to suck Antonette's left nipple at the same time that she feels more confident and begins to move faster. Antonette moans feeling that the penis moves in and out of her vagina.

Eryn's crotch hits the woman's vulva, the she-wolf moans feeling that her juices drip from her vagina.

The ass of Eryn moves while she fucks her friend, she catches her face and kisses her passionately for some moments.

"I will fuck your other hole." Eryn says moaning and looking at the lioness. Antonette nods while she moans with pleasure, Eryn stops and moves to take out the toy of the inside of the vagina of Antonette.

The metallic penis comes out completely covered in juices.

Antonette rolls her body and raises ass while she moves her tail slowly. Eryn positions herself behind the woman and places her hands on the buttocks of the lioness.

With her right hand she aims the toy, the tip touches Antonette's anus. Eryn holds the buttocks of the lioness and pushes with force, Antonette moans with pain when her sphincter opens and the toy head enters her anus.

Eryn sees as the hard shaft penetrates into the anus, the she-wolf pushes her hips slowly while she maintains them spread the buttocks to see with attention as the toy disappears in the posterior passage.

When Eryn's crotch touches buttocks, she begins to pump. Antonette moans with each push, the penis tip touches the bottom of her anus while her breasts rock uncontrollably.

Eryn moves rapidly and moans with pleasure, she kneads the buttocks of the lioness with pleasure feeling their firmness. The she-wolf closes her eyes and she concentrates on the caresses of the soft material of her clitoris.

Antonette introduces her hand between her thighs and puts two fingers into her vagina, she begins to masturbate. Her fingers move in and out of her vagina rapidly, each movement increases the pleasure of the two women.

Their moans become stronger and Antonette is the first on to come to the orgasm. She sinks her face in the pillow while she shouts of pleasure, Eryn listens the shout of pleasure of her friend while she continues pumping the toy.

She finally gets her own orgasm, her juices wets the straps and tights while they are dripping to her bed. She collapses on Antonette, the lioness is completely lost in pleasure and her body falls on the bed.

Antonette feels that Eryn's breasts press the top of her back. Both women do not move while they recover. After some minutes Eryn moves to fall next to the lioness.

They get up and seat while they breathe agitatedly.

"That was good, we need to practice it more." Antonette says looking at Eryn. She nods while she sees the metallic penis between her legs.

"Can I ask you anything?" Antonette asks looking at Eryn. She nods while she begins to untie the straps that maintains attached the toy to her body.

"Why are you doing this? A woman as you does not usually start working on this at your age." Antonette asks looking at the she-wolf.

"Do I seem very old to you?" Eryn asks laughing smoothly while she finishes taken off the toy and placing it on her bed.

"Of course that not... I saw you selling flowers in the market and in spite of not knowing you, I thought that you were a woman that would not choose to work for Ruby." The lioness says looking at Eryn.

"The truth is to your around, this house is in very bad condition. The work of selling flowers does not give me the money enough to fix it in addition to get the food for me and my children." Eryn says responding with honesty.

"Your children?" Antonette asks while he crosses the legs to make herself comfortable. Eryn mods in silence.

"My husband's Death affected us a lot and it changed them, their behavior changed radically and both got involved with the wrong people. They were with the gang of the thieves, the soldiers caught them with the bandits." Eryn says while she sighs with sadness to remember that moment.

"When I learned about it, I went to beg for their life to Little John. The soldiers took my children in front of him, Little John pretended to condemn them to death and he throw them into the dungeons for a while. He assured me that he would not execute them and a time in the dungeons would correct them." Eryn says while she smiles smoothly remembering that.

"I did not see another way of thanking his clemency, so I did pay with the only thing that I could, he fucked me as never before in my life." Eryn says looking at Antonette. The lioness smiles smoothly.

"I understand, he fucked me once when I met it at the forest. Little John was still a thief in those times and fucked me like a beast possessed by lust." Antonette says laughing impishly. Eryn laughs in the same way.

"He was the first man with whom I had sex since my husband died and it aroused the desire in me, this is another reason why I went to see Ruby." Eryn says looking at the woman.

"That is not it is a surprise, I wish to fuck with him again, I just hope that have an opportunity in the celebration." Antonette says looking at Eryn. She nods having the same desire of feeling the penis of the bear in her vagina again.

The two women get dressed again and they go to the living room some minutes later.

"How old are your children?" Antonette asks with interest while she walks next to Eryn.

"Both are fourteen years old." Eryn asks looking at the lioness with a little bit of discomfort because she sees that the woman smiles smoothly.

"If you are worry about the possibility that they find us in the bed, we could perhaps use my house to practice." Antonette says looking at Eryn. The she-wolf opens her eyes with surprise and nods thinking that she never considered that, but it is something that she do not want them to see.

Eryn opens the front door for her friend, she gets out and turns to see at Eryn.

"If you let me a time with them, I could do you a favor." The lioness says moving her tail slowly and looking at Eryn. The she-wolf gets surprised when she hears this, but Eryn is not bothered completely because it is perhaps a joke.

"I do not think that will happen, they are not ready for that matter." Eryn says looking at the lioness.

"If you say it, but men are men." Antonette says warning with some truth. Eryn laughs smoothly, but she knows that her friend is right. The two women say good-bye and Eryn closes the door.

She goes to the kitchen and thinking what she will make for dinner in the event that her children did not manage to fish nothing. She hears that her house door opens and her children announce that they had returned.

Eryn sighs with relief knowing that Antonette left just in time. The two boys enter rapidly in the kitchen and put three fishes on the table before going out rapidly of the kitchen, she does not understand until she sees a tent in the pants of both boys.

Eryn laughs noticing the erection of her children, she wonders, if it was because her boys had crossed with Antonette.

A few days later Eryn is getting dressed in a bedroom of the sugar house. She and Antonette had given a preliminary show for Ruby and the girls on the set. The tigress had looked content with the performance of both women.

Ruby had assured to them that several men in the celebration will fuck them over and over again. Eryn finishes putting her dress when somebody knocks at the door, the she-wolf turns over when the door opens and sees that Hadley enters in the room.

"I see that you already got dressed." Hadley says looking at Eryn.

"Is that bad?" Eryn asks noticing that the woman seems a little disillusioned.

"Well... we have a client that wants fuck with any new girl, like Deanna is put aside, maybe you wanted to take over of him." Hadley says looking at Eryn. She gets surprised for the proposal of the other woman.

Eryn considers it a moment, but she nods. She wanted to know, if she could make this like a proof for the celebration that is near.

"Great. We will have a meeting after you finish." Hadley says laughing impishly before going out and closing the door. Eryn smiles smoothly, but she says absolutely nothing while she positions himself behind a screen and he begins to get undressed again.

She hears that the door opens and through the cloth of the screen she sees the shadow of a man and a woman, they enter in the room.

"We expect that you enjoy." Hadley says while she gets out of the room and closes the door behind her.

Eryn sees as the man begins to get undressed rapidly and in a couple of minutes the clothes are on the floor. The she-wolf finally is naked and she takes a deep breathing before going out behind the screen.

"Good afternoon, my name is..." Eryn says at the moment of going out of behind the screen.

"Otto...!" Eryn says when she recognizes the bloodhound that is blacksmith of the town. He looks at her completely surprised seeing her complete naked in that place.

"Er..." Otto says while he looks at the she-wolf without being able to pronounce a single word.

Eryn looks at the man up and down.

He had recovered completely of his accident and now he looks very good, he seems a lot younger.

She notices that Otto also looks her body up and down. The she-wolf notices that the tip of the penis of the dog is out of his sheath.

"I... did not know that you worked here." Otto says with discomfort while he tries to pass the shameful moment.

"Well, as matter of fact is that... you are my first client. You already did pay the whole service?" Eryn asks looking at the dog, he nods with slowness.

"As I do not need the plaster... I felt the need... maybe we could forget about everything." Otto says looking at the she-wolf. She looks at him and denies it with the motion of the head because she knows that there are no reimbursements unless the service is bad.

"I could not be in peace knowing that spent money in vain." Eryn says smiling smoothly and getting close to Otto.

He opens his eyes with surprise when Eryn kneels down before him and she begins to lick his balls of slow way. Eryn looks at his eyes directly for some moments before concentrating on her job.

Her tongue raises Otto's brown balls, they are big testicles and Eryn can perceive the aroma of the genitals of the dog. The aroma fills her nose and arouses the desire in the she-wolf, she had not felt a similar aroma in a long time.

Otto closes his eyes and enjoys the tongue, he feels that Eryn's tongue moves on the middle line of his scrotum. Eryn sees that the member begins to emerge rapidly of the sheath, Eryn's eyes open wide and she licks her mouth.

Otto's member is large and thick, the dog is well-endowed. His knot is big too, it has the size of a closed fist. Eryn closes her mouth around the right testicle and she sucks it smoothly.

The dogs feels that Eryn's sharp teeth dive in this fur while she pulls the ball smoothly. Eryn caresses softly the thighs and perineum of Otto, the dog feels that her penis is completely hard and the precum drips on the back and Eryn's head.

She sucks the other testicle before stopping, Otto's balls are completely wet in saliva. Eryn stands up and takes Otto's hands to place them on her breasts. He gets surprised and begins to squeeze the breast of the she-wolf with great pleasure.

Eryn smiles seeing that Otto stimulates the tits with fascination, they are soft as any other tits.

The eyes of the she-wolf close when Otto closes his mouth around the left nipple and he begins to suck it.

He breast-feeds the big nipple with pleasure, he feels that the nipple is completely hard while he bites it smoothly while his other hand catches the other tit and squeezes it feeling its firmness, Eryn moans smoothly until with a soft push she separates Otto from her.

The dog looks at her with disappointment. Eryn licks his mouth surprising him, but he recovers rapidly and lays his lips on the lips of the she-wolf. Both share a long kiss while their tongues fight against the other one.

Eryn breaks off the kiss and she heads toward the bed where she climbs on some moments after, she leans backwards and opens her legs completely. Otto does not waste time and he climbs on the bed, he looks up and down the body of the she-wolf.

She moans when the hands of the dog take her tits, he squeezes them with pleasure and twists nipples, he does this a moment before taking down her hands by the body of the she-wolf. He feels that more precum leaks from the tip of his member while his hands go over a woman's naked body after that much time.

Otto's hands get to the thighs, he swallows hard when he sees Eryn's vulva. She trembles when the yolks of the fingers of Otto touch their clitoris. The dog watches the rosy inside of the slit of the she-wolf.

Otto kneels down and places his snout between the tights of Eryn, he takes a deep breathing perceiving the aroma that fills him with desire. He licks his lips and rapidly begin to lick Eryn's vulva.

She moans and shakes with pleasure with each lick, Otto's tongue is big and gets her crotch wet in saliva. The blacksmith enjoys completely the taste of the juices that comes from the inside, his tongue's tip hits the she-wolf's clitoris.

Moans and Eryn's growling of pleasure fill the room while Otto maintains the legs of the woman separated with his two hands. He pushes his tongue with force and the vaginal lips are spread Eryn feels that her vagina is invaded.

Otto's nose touches Eryn's clitoris and her pleasure increases feeling that the hot respiration stimulates her rosy point. Otto dips his tongue in the soaking the she-wolf's vagina, he with his tongue he explores the inside with pleasure.

He feels heat and the juices that drip on his tongue, his lips get wet while he has his closed eyes and he eats the pussy with great pleasure. Eryn moans and pants with more speed while she sees Otto between her legs.

The she-wolf suddenly shrieks with pleasure and her body arches the moment that she feels an orgasm. Otto closes his eyes when juice spurts fall on them, Eryn moans and presses her teats with force while pleasure takes her body.

After some moments the orgasm loses its intensity and Eryn pants heavily while she observes that Otto licks her vagina slowly. He savors the last juices, the dog stops and he gets up while he takes his swollen member.

Otto cannot expect more and he gets in position, he rubs his penis tip between the vaginal lips swollen vulva of the woman. He pushes his penis and closes his eyes the moment that his penis enters slowly in Eryn.

"Incredible..." Otto says moaning and moving his tail rapidly. His penis is surrounded by Eryn's soft vaginal walls, she closes her eyes while she is penetrated slowly.

Otto's member is thick and stretches the vaginal walls pleasantly, a unique feeling that she desired feeling again. The penis tip touches the entrance of her cervix when the knot touches the she-wolf's vulva.

Otto begins to move slowly and to moan with pleasure, his penis enters and gets out of the soft grotto. The spurts of his precum spatter the inside of the she-wolf. Eryn moans while the ass of Otto moves up and down while he fucks her.

The dog t begins to suck the right nipple softly. Otto continues and suck while he increments the rhythm of his thrusts. Otto's knot hits Eryn's vulva producing the sound of very audible splashing.

Otto has closed eyes while juices cover his shaft. He growls while it pumps with force and velocity, Eryn closes her legs around the ass of Otto.

The dog pushes his knot with force against the vulva of the she-wolf, Eryn moans and feels the pressure in the entrance of her vagina, she closes her eyes while Otto growls with more fierceness and pushes with more force.

Eryn's eyes open wide and growls when her vaginal opening dilates to receive the knot. She feels that the penis is completely buried in her vagina, to be knotted is a feeling that she had not felt long time ago.

Otto's penis fill her vagina completely, he moves with more speed, he moves rapidly inside the she-wolf, the vaginal soft walls caress all his penis.

Both growl of pleasure while Otto sucks the teats of the she-wolf, he is biting softly the nipples, he stops suddenly and shots his semen in Eryn. The she-wolf clenches her teeth and her body arches of pleasure when the semen spurts hit her vagina walls achieving that she attains her orgasm.

Otto growls feeling that the vaginal walls squeeze his penis with more force to extract more semen, he does move in the meantime his seed continues flowing by his penis. Eryn and Otto do stay quiet for several minutes until Otto begins to pull his penis out.

Both growl with pain while Otto is continues pulling with more determination, Eryn opens her eyes and clenches her teeth with force when her vaginal opening dilates again and the member slips outside.

Semen drips from the cock, it falls on the vulva of Eryn, and she feels that semen is dripping from her dilated opening. The she-wolf pushes Otto surprising him, he falls backwards and moans when Eryn's lips close around his penis.

She begins to sake her head slowly, Eryn perceives the taste of the canine penis. The woman enjoys it completely, a dog's penis savors like to the one of a wolf, but it is less intense. Otto moans and pants with pleasure while he sees the woman is giving him oral sex.

Eryn's lips move up and down on the swollen member, she caresses the knot softly. Her hand cannot take the whole knot, it is big one as she likes it. The hand of Eryn moves down and she begins to caress the balls of the dog.

Otto feels that the hand caresses his testicles. The she-wolf squeezes the two hairy orbs her forefinger moves on the middle line of the sack of the blacksmith. Eryn takes out the penis from her mouth and she begins to lick it.

The tongue moves on the tip picking up the precum and making that Otto quivers with pleasure. The she-wolf moves her tongue further down to begin to lick the knot slowly to cover it with saliva.

Otto squeezes the bedspreads while his precum is dripping on his stomach, Eryn's teeth digs in his meat when she bites the mass of meat. The she-wolf listens content the moans of pain and pleasure of the dog.

She closes her right hand around the shaft and begins to masturbate to Otto slowly while she takes down her mouth to suck the testicles. Otto moans feeling that the hand moves on his penis stimulating it.

The spurts of precum glides on the hand of Eryn, she licks the two hairy orbs before putting the penis into her mouth again and sucking with more eagerness. She has her closed eyes while he moves her head and hears that her client moans and growls of pleasure.

The pleasure in Otto grows rapidly, Eryn's hand squeezes his balls smoothly while she continues giving him an amazing blowjob.

"Eryn... I..." Otto says when his penis does eruption in the mouth of Eryn. The semen spurts hits the palate of the she-wolf. She savors the creamy semen, it is hot and delicious, Otto whines while Eryn drinks his cum.

The slippery material slides through her throat slowly to her stomach. After some moments semen runs out and Eryn licks the tip slowly to collect the rests from seed.

The dog gets surprised when the she-wolf positions herself on him and begins to scrub her vulva on the red cock. Eryn's hand catches the penis and guides it to her opening, she smiles when he takes down her hips and the penis enters in her vagina.

Otto moans with pleasure when the vaginal walls wrap his penis up, she takes the hands of the dog and she places them on her tits the moment that she begins to move. Eryn moves her hips and moans every time that the penis enters and gets out of her vagina.

Juices begin to cover the penis again, pleasure is intense for Otto that already had ejaculated two times in sequence. He feels the heat of the breasts of Eryn in the palm of his hands, the woman rides him with pleasure rapidly and his knot touches the wet vulva repeatedly.

"Eryn please...stop." Otto says releasing the breast of the she-wolf. She stops and sees as the dog pant rapidly.

"Can... can I fuck your ass?" Otto asks looking at the she-wolf. She smiles smoothly by the question.

"My ass is included in the service." Eryn says before moving to permit that Otto gets up.

He sees as the she-wolf leans on her knees and elbows. Eryn leans forward and raises her rear end while she uses her hands to spread her buttocks for Otto. The dog positions himself behind Eryn and licks his mouth seeing hole between the two buttocks.

Otto grabs his penis and aims it down, the tip touches Eryn's sphincter. She gets ready while she feels that Otto begins to push his cock. He presses with force determined to penetrate the female's anus.

Eryn moans with pain, the tip finally conquer resistance and enter inside the she-wolf. The howl of pain of Eryn mixes with the groan of pleasure of Otto. He pushes his penis slowly sinking it in the entrails of the she-wolf.

His penis is surrounded by the hot anal walls. Eryn moans smoothly while the walls of her rectum stretch around the hard canine shaft. The penis shots precum spurts while he goes deep into the rectum of the she-wolf.

She feels that the knot gets between her buttocks, Otto begins to pump his penis while he squeezes Eryn's firm buttocks. He does it with pleasure while he fucks the woman, she feels as her sphincter moves back and forth.

The tip touches the rectal bottom with each thrust getting it wet in precum. The penis stimulates the anal walls of the she-wolf, she moans and places her hand between her thighs to begin to masturbate.

Otto moves with pleasure in the anal passage, his cock is stimulated while it enters and that goes out. The dog gives two spanks to Eryn, she moans of pain while her face is pressed on the pillow, her breasts are rocking in the air.

Otto's hands move more and he holds with force the woman's hips when he pushes his knot. Eryn moans with pain and without no difficulty the knot slips with in her anus, she now is full with hard meat.

The dog moans feeling that heat surrounds his cock completely, he begins to pump with force and speed while his tongue hangs from his mouth. Pleasure becomes intense, Eryn pushes and takes out her fingers from her vagina.

The penis and knot move in her rectum stimulating each part of it, Otto's crotch hit the buttocks of the she-wolf. The two cheeks shake with each push, the growling of both make noisier.

Eryn gasps and howls with force when she pushes her fingers for the last time before attaining the orgasm. Her body trembles and her juices get wet her hand and the bedspread that is below her, the orgasm makes the muscles of her rectum squeezes Otto's penis with force.

He stops and growls shooting semen spurts in the posterior hole of the she-wolf, she feels as cum bathe the walls of her posterior tunnel. Otto closes his eyes and releases the woman's hips when he leans on her.

Eryn does not have the force to resist and permits that Otto leans on her, Otto pants and his look is lost after so marvelous orgasm. Eryn also feels the same way, this had been very intense one for her.

Both remain in silence for some minutes while they recover and the knot of Otto slowly loses its size. Otto gets up and pulls out his cock, Eryn moans with pain when her sphincter is pulled by the knot.

A sound uncorking is heard when the knot of the dog gets out of the anus of the she-wolf. Semen is dripping from the tip of the penis and they form puddles in the gluteuses of Eryn, the she-wolf feels that semen oozes of her dilated hole.

Otto sits at the edge of the bed and stretches his body, over the shoulder he looks at the she-wolf.

"Thanks Eryn... that was the best sex that I had in a long time." Otto says looking at the woman.

Eryn smiles smoothly while Otto gets out of the bed to take his clothes and to begin to get dressed while Eryn turns over seeing him. She gets up and feels some pain in her anus, while he sees that Otto finishes gotten dressed.

"Otto, please I ask you for discretion with this subject because nobody knows that I am working here." Eryn asks for looking at Otto.

"No is problem, I do not want somebody finds out that I came here either." Otto says smiling at the she-wolf. She smiles smoothly knowing that Otto would keep the secret, he says good-bye and gets out of the room while the she-wolf revives what happened.

Eryn takes her dress and gets dressed. When she finishes she looks at the window for some moments and hears that someone knocks at the door. Eryn turns over her head and sees that the door opens. Antonette appears smiling smoothly, she indicates to her that she must follow her, Eryn gets out of the room.

"You made it very well, he left a good tip." Antonette says looking at Eryn. She gets surprised and smiles with discomfort. The two women go down by the stairs.

Little John, Marian, Robin hood © Disney.

Eryn, Garret** , Arlen, Wilton, **** Faron Troy and Ruby, Deanna, Hadley, Dottie Delaney, Deryck Crawford, Antonette, Millie and Lily **** are my characters**

Writen by Janus Oberoth