Senior Prank

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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#10 of Draccy RPs

gadarian came to play with me and we cooked up a frisky little play that was quite saucy. Its and underhanded tale of a teenage feral gryphon senior planning his going away prank and decides to do something more original than most. Poor Hylda ended up being the naughty bird's unwitting partner in crime. Sexy shenanigans ensue.

D: Represents myself (playing a feral gryphon)

H: Represents gadarian playing Hylda

If you would pleaseVOTE if you read itCOMMENT if you liked itPAW if you loved it!

D: The feathered male stood to the side of the hustle and bustle of the passing period, watching it with a casual disinterest. He'd seen it happen countless times, been in the mob of moving bodies nearly as often. The feral gryphon was a senior at this school and had spent the last week contemplating his 'going out' surprise for the facility. Oh he had no intention of spray painting the walls, toilet papering the front yard or flooding a bathroom- all of that would come and go, forgotten before the start of the next school year. What he had in mind had consequences that would last far longer. It had taken about a week to prepare only because he needed help to figure out who would be his accomplice, not that she knew it yet. He'd gotten a list, two actually, from two different friends with rather specialized talents. One came from a wolf with a nose that could sniff out a bitch in heat from across the lunch hall and the other from a feisty rat with a knack for reading personalities. Only after cross referencing the two lists had he found a pawfull of suitable candidates. One of them was too small, even if he could swoon her he'd never get inside her enough to enjoy it and one was too big for his taste. Thankfully the last was right in the goldilocks zone, the big bird's beak upturning in a slight grin as he saw Hylda walking toward him, blissfully unaware.

H: The black and grey female yawns out a little as she moves with the throng of people in the halls, a little tired as she hadn't gotten the best sleep the night before, too worked up and stayed up too late...but she couldn't convince her parents to let her stay home so here she was...likely going to end up sleeping through most of her classes. Ah well, not her favorite classes today anyway. The young anthro 'Ness was a girl near the end of her freshman year of highschool here, Foreign too, as she was a good bit different from other dragons. Being of average height for her age, and a toned, but otherwise average build as well. what sets her apart from other anthros, was being uniquely plain... She had no special frills or wings or horns, not even any particularly large teeth or claws for that matter. She also, was covered in smooth hide as opposed to scales, fur or feathers of others, with no markings really save for the split between her grey front and black back. The one thing that was unique though, was those eyes...a deep, dark red like some flawless red Garnet.

She is unaware of anyone currently watching her, planning things for her and her body...perhaps she might have noticed if she had gotten some good sleep, or didn't have...other, problems to deal with, but aah well.

D: Creth's sharp amber eyes took in the details of her. He'd checked her out before but today, it was with a different sort of discerning eye that took in those fine features- covered by clothing of course. It was mandatory to wear clothing in school so even he had a relaxed fit two piece. It kept his bulging sheath concealed he supposed. His silver and black feathers were well kept but not exuberantly so, his darker feline hind end and red tinted wing feathers gave him a rather bland look himself, one easily lost in a crowd. It had its advantages he thought, extending a wing out around behind the tired dragoness and, with practiced ease, swooped her around and into the nearby men's restroom. Her feet skittered to keep from tripping and by the time he'd stopped guiding her in, she stumbled, landing against his flank as the door slipped closed, hushing the sound of moving bodies just outside. He didn't pin or restrain her, giving her full time to catch her bearings with just those marvelous, deep eyes staring down at her.

H: That black and grey female lets out a soft gasp as she suddenly feels warm feathers around her, guiding her about until she is pushed into another room with some bundle of fur and feather! She urrfs and stumbles a bit, pulling away and turning about to see the....larger feral Gryph standing before her, the both of them currently...alone? In a bathroom. "Wh-what? Hey...what's the big idea?" she asks, frowning and huffing out a bit with a frown. she folds her arms, tail flicking about some as she looks to him, blocking her only exit right now which made her...a bit nervous really. he seemed a bit familiar, though he usually had a couple others with him if she remembered right. Idly, she wonders where they are. She herself, is simply clad in a long sleeved shirt and some pants.

D: "My apologies." He bobbed his head still with that goofy grin on his face. "I simply thought you might like to get out of the crowd for a bit." He crooned, lifting a paw to her chin, giving the soft skin a gentle caress with his scaled avian forepaw. It was certainly a strange occurrence, being dotted on by a large drake like this but it was also a fine attempt at flattery. From what he'd been told, this young lady was not a popular mark, her... uniqueness left her estranged with few friends and even fewer potential partners. "I realize the suddenness of this may be alarming but... I just don't think I could wait any longer." His smile was soft and affectionate, his talons having traveled up, cradling her jawline and caressing her cheek with a thumbclaw.

H: Her body tenses and those ears lay back against her head while he reaches up with his forepaw, gently caressing her jawline and cheek a bit. She resists the urge to pull away from him, and even starts to blush after a little while when he speaks up again. "wh-what do you want..." She asks with a hint of nervousness. She wasn't really worried about how 'few' friends she had though, a few good friends are infinitely better than a large rabble of 'friends' who just like you for popularity. Sure...she wasn't all that popular as far as getting some...closer, friends but aah well...couldn't really have everything now, could you?

H: He didn't answer her question immediately, he just watched her, prring softly, tilting his head to the side as he glossed over aspects of her body he found fairly appealing. "You are beautiful you know that?" He cooed, flipping his paw over to draw the back of his talon down her neck to her chest, not touching anything vulgar but very much showing his interest. He took a bit of time, judging her reaction to his motions before doing anything more. "I... I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this but... I've always found the anthro form attractive. Very attractive." He paused cautiously, looking into her eyes. "I can't let anyone know though, they'll laugh at me and make fun of me, but, you know, can't help what you like right?" He smiled cheekily. It was all an act but he was good at it. Creth wasn't going to force her but he'd do whatever he could to persuade the young lady to be agreeable.

H: The girl lets out a light huff as he purrs out softly, then complements her beauty which makes that blush grow more. Her head shifts to the side some too as his large talon runs down her neck and then her front...clearly showing a bit of interest in her. "m-mm..." She looks to him still, tail flicking nervously as he tells her about his love for Anthro's, which just makes her blush ever more! "w-well...that's nice but...whats that got to do with me...? " She says softly, her heart still beating fast at this interaction so far, and she can even hear the sound of people outside slowing down, getting quieter. "I-I...I have to go to class..." She says, looking away from him, but still glancing his way, looking over what she can see of him from her perspective infront of him. "w-who are you anyway...Never got your name..." she says.

D: "Well, I was hoping that, maybe, perhaps you might let me look at you. You know, free feathered. Err, well I guess it's not 'free feathered' for you specifically." He reached a paw up, scratching the back of his head with fake nervousness. "I'm Creth. No rudeness implied but you're Hylda right?" He prrred, not moving from his perch in front of the door. He could tell the idea was outside her comfort zone, he'd gotten a beak job from a lovely gryphoness a few months back who had been all but happy to strip down and play a little game of 'who could cum more' with him but this little treasure required far more delicate maneuvers. He'd likely only get one chance at it before the year was out and he had to make it count. "Hehe... sorry." The big bird took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Mmm, oh! I almost forgot." He paused to dig in his pocket, drawing a gorgeous white rose with the tips of its petals dusted pink and offered it too her. His mother might be a little huffy to find one of her flowers snipped but if it upped his chances with this little hen it was worth it.

H: Hylda gives off a soft gasp at his suggestion of stripping for him, certainly not what she had expected! She swallows nervously, looking away again, then glancing back as he tells her his name, and asks hers...which she confirms with a little nod. "y-yeah..." She says but then stays quiet for a bit perhaps...considering? Indeed she was considering a bit of something...though had she not any 'body issues' right now, she would have smacked him right across the beak! but now...her decision making was influenced by things other than rationality.

She perks up a little at his small exclamation, a bit of curiosity peaked in her as he pulls something out...a white rose with dustings of pink at the tips of the petals...and not fully bloomed yet either...still wrapped up together nicely. "" She says, taking it when it is offered. in truth, she'd have preferred a dark red one, or perhaps a sprig of lavender...but its the thought that counts right? After a bit more fidgeting, she eventually replies to his request. "I-I don't doesn't seem like...the best of places such things..." she says, trying to rationalize getting out of it perhaps.

D: He perked, he'd gotten a nibble. "Cant think of a better place, can you?" The look he gave was so excited it would be hard to turn a face like that down. He shifted his head to the side, listening to the dissipating crowd. "No one's going to come in here now but, if you'd rather we could hide out in a stall." He nudged his beak toward the large private booth at the end. It was large, made for full grown feral dragons to use and easily capable of holding a teenaged gryphon and his non-feral companion. "I'll even go first, I mean, if you're interested of course." He smiled, feathers fluffing up as if embarrassed.

H: Hylda looks back as he suggests one of the stalls for privacy, the girl huffing a bit and letting out a little urr. "I-I guess... " She mumbles out softly, tailtip flicking about a little. She'd never been in the mens room before, but...seemed clean enough she supposed... His own suggestion at the end certainly does catch her interest though. "o-oh...m-maybe a little...Creth..." she admits, having never seen a Gryphon before so...she was a bit curious, also...admittedly at how big he might be... She shifts about from foot to foot nervously, so unused to a situation like this, while she waits for him to make the first move.

D: It's certainly a risk, stepping away from the exit. She could think better of it and take off and completely trashing all the effort he's put in to getting under that cute little tail of hers. But there's no great reward without risk so he leaned in and rubbed his beak against her snout before rising up and sauntering off. He dips his beak down beneath the lip of the stalls, checking as if he hadn't checked before, then nudges his way in. The smooth laminate floor is clean, the scent of air freshener keeping the atmosphere from being unpleasant- though it hid the scent Zach, his friend, said he knew was radiating from her body like a primal perfume. He'd have to take the young wolf's word for it. By the time the pensive dragoness had worked up the courage to follow him, the big bird had stripped bare, her surprise matched by his playfully goofy grin. But he let her in, latching the door behind and gave his prize more than enough time to take in the sight of the full feral shape laid bare before her.

H: Her eyes close for a moment when he walks by her and gives a small little nuzzle of his hard beak against her muzzle, the faintest shiver coming from the girl as she looks back at him, watching him make his way into the stall after checking the others before she follows him. A soft gasp escapes her when she enters, seeing him already having shed his feral clothing and standing there bare feathered while he reaches behind her to shut and latch that door closed. She can almost hear her heart pounding in her chest, swallowing nervously as she looks him over, unable to really see all that much of him...but best not to push her luck in that regard. After setting down the flower on one of the dispensers, she swallows nervously and grasps at her shirt, slowly pulling it up and off her to expose her torso to him, grey breasts bare underneath! They were a tad on the smaller side...but still quite soft to the touch...not that he would touch them...right? She stands there for now, flicking her tail nervously and giving him a sheepish smile, a bit reluctant to take off the rest.

D: His tail flicks back and forth behind him with an eagerness not entirely faked. So far things were working well but he couldn't let the excitement get to his... head. The big bird suppressed a grin at his own internal humor, instead focusing on her. She was slow about it, still hesitant but still doing it. Just her top came first but it was a good start, the big bird lowering his head some to get a closer look. Her body was so fine, very smooth to the touch, those small pink nipples on her breasts drawing the eye. Lady gryphons had twin rows of belly teats but they were nothing like these mounds on her chest. They'd swell with pregnancy all the same thought- he expected. His forepaw lifted, reaching out slowly. He paused, just shy of actually touching her, looking up into her eyes to reassure the pensive girl. His talons made contact with her soft skin, his eyes drawn back down to her perky mounds. It started as just a light caress, barely a touch but as the second continued to tick, the contact became more exploratory, thumbing slowly over the full range if she let him.

H: She watches him just as he watches her, tailtip flicking about as he leans in to her chest a bit, looking over those soft, grey mounds and even grinning some! She backs up a bit, making a soft noise when her back touches the tiled wall. it was cold, but a good thing to lean against at least. Her eyes start to go wide though, as the drake reaches up with a talon, nearing to her breast slowly until it finally touches...a soft gasp escaping her while she tenses up. She urrs out at some minor discomfort from not wanting him to touch...but she makes no move or word in an attempt to stop...even as he thumbs over the entirety of the soft mound. "a-aah...h-hey..." She says, huffing faintly to him as he explores her breast, the gentle touch certainly making her warm up a bit.

D: "Oh. Did I hurt you?" He pauses his exploration of her exposed body, 'accidentally' drawing his talon across her nipple delicately as he withdraws. "Sorry, I guess I should've asked first." The big bird chuckles with faux embarrassment. That kind of concern usually helps relax wary minds and he didn't want her to get skittish. "I suppose I did say I'd go first." He chortled sheepishly, not skipping a beat in his act. It took a little maneuvering to do in the small space but eventually the large male lifting himself up on his hinds, standing before her fully stretched out. With her back against the wall there was plenty of room for him to stretch out; the cottony cream of his underbelly exposed now and his male anatomy on full display. At first glance he was hardly different than any other gryphon she'd ever glanced over, except what hung between his legs. The short fur on his sheath did little to conceal its presence, swollen with the feral arousal barely contained within. It was failing at that containment too, the tip of his tapered inky black shaft peeking out from the tight ring of pink flesh at the end of his sheath. Below that hung a fine pair of young productive male orbs looking full and heavy if one were to guess.

H: Hylda shakes her head a little at his concern; though glad for it really... She smiles sheepishly to him, feeling his thumb brush over the hard, sensitive pink nip before it withdraws from her chest. She gives off a little sigh, relaxing a little for a moment until he rears up on his hinds and exposes his malness! She gasps out, her eyes going wide as she see's that full, furry sheath of his...inky black tip poking out already too, with a pair of full balls hanging beneath. "" She mumbles some, blushing hotly and resisting her urge to touch him right off the bat like he did... but still... "c-can I..." She starts to say, though what it was she was asking would be pretty obvious.

D: He grins from ear to ear- at least on the inside, his beak on the outside kept neutral, if a little happy she asked. "Its only fair." He croons. Balancing on his hinds is a delicate act and if she were going to go exploring specific parts of his anatomy, a better position is required. So with a simple shift of his weight, he lets himself fall forward some, catching himself against the wall. Standing on all fours she's taller than he but as that large frame hovers over her, his size and weight become more than a little apparent. Despite his overshadowing posture, the big drake isn't oppressive, his light mannerism and eager curiosity keep the mood easy. Of course there's a more serious note dangling between his legs, a thin sheen of his sheath slime beading at the tip of his shaft, the scent of male dangerously tantalizing the young lady's senses.

H: The grey girl nods a little at his confirmation then gives a little gasp as he shifts himself forward to lean against the wall and put himself above her. She is a bit nervous at this position, but not for too long...and soon she reaches out to him, ever so gently running her fingers over his soft sheath and eyeing that bit of slick wetness at his tip. Her nervousness soon melts away and a smile forms on her muzzle, hand just gently running over that maleness while a little shiver of excitement runs up her spine, the girl certainly enjoying herself a bit now, perhaps a bit more than she should really...That lovely scent also helping to stimulate other parts of her as well...

Her tail swishes about some, her hand sliding upwards while her thumb ever so gently brushes along that slick, inky tip of his before that hand travels lower, cupping his male sack and lifting it gently in some curiosity. She had never really seen a real one before...not personally, and certainly never touched someone like this before...she was enjoying it however.

D: The feral male kept mostly quiet, wanting the young teen to explore, to get more comfortable with the male that was going to breed her. Oh yes, that was the end goal. No name scratched into a wall, no graffiti to be painted over, he was going to leave his legacy behind inside this pretty little thing. The thought brought his arousal to a greater height and, with her delicate touches to help, the big bird being erecting right before her eyes. She'd have no idea that it wasn't just her simple touches causing blood to flow through that slick log of flesh; all she'd know is that he was growing more aroused by the second. His limp shaft slowly poured from his sheath, pushing its fat girth out into the open little by little, its slick slimy surface simply marvelous to behold. Its inky midnight black stretched from base to tip, knots of muscular flesh slowly stretching the skin's surface taut, that defined urethral vein flowing along the underside connecting the sizable balls she was handling to the tapered spear-like tip that stretched out eagerly beneath his belly. By the time he was fully erect the big male's shaft hovered a mere foot before her nose, bathing her nostrils in the rich virile scent of gryphon musk.

H: Hylda watches with wide eyes as he starts to get more aroused, simply by her touch! "o-oh..." She says, watching as that sizable feral length pushes out from the sheath, hanging somewhat limply from it before more life giving blood is pumped into his shaft, hardening and stiffening until it bounces up against his furred belly. the little show she got making her imagine some...other things...namely a gyph pulling free from a female, half hard length simply flopping out messily...the imagery and length right in front of her making her shudder lightly. Her hand slips up from that sack of his, to gently caress along his slippery length. "I-Its so slick..." She mumbles to him, finding her muzzle inching a bit closer to it, slowly closing the distance. Idly...she cant help but wonder about him, taking her....She was in heat, yes...but he was a feral...and not any type of dragon either, so it should be alright if she were to have some fun...right...?

D: The carnal enjoyment is certainly thrilling, here, in the school bathroom with a girl he hardly knows. He lets off a long slow exhale as her paw touches him, trying to resist the urge to... rrft... too late- he thinks as his cock jumps, slapping his belly wetly. Forcing himself to relax some, he looks down between his forelimbs at her, allowing himself a bit of a grin. "Yes. You lovely ladies are quite slick when aroused too I've heard, but I imagine every little bit helps." He can see her moving in closer, still a little apprehensive about all this so he adds a little encouragement. Reaching down with a forepaw, he grips his glossy shaft and gives it a good stroke from tip to base, her eyes getting to watch the skin stretch tightly over his muscular spire. He pushes his excitable arousal down some, angling it level with her muzzle as he rolls his paw back up, milking a fresh slick glob- only this doesn't come from his sheath, its come from somewhere much deeper to greet her. "Don't worry, you can touch it." He coos, implying to use something other than her paw this time.

H: She gives off a little gasp as that inky black cock suddenly jumps, slipping from her grasp for a moment while she huffs faintly. Her ear twitches a bit when she hears him speak, making her frown a little in some embarrassment. "u-uh...yeah..." She says, juuust about there already herself, her thighs pressing together for now. She watches him as he reaches down with a forepaw, grasping at his own length and giving it a stroke down, then back up...showing off his virile member to her as a bit more f that slimy clear stuff oozes out, from his tip this time though...and she had a good idea of what it was. The girl gives a bit of a nod at his words now, huffing and breathing over his length a bit before leaning in closer...past his tip and just gives the side of his head a little nuzzle, the act making her blush oh so hotly...and getting a nice breath full of male musk~

D: How long will she resist her urges he wonders, that cute little muzzle of hers leaning in to touch his slimy cockflesh in new ways. She was being a good little cow thus far. Certh rumbled his appreciation, watching as he rolled his hips slightly, leaving his heady scent across her features some. A glob of precum drizzled out over the bridge of her snout, smeared along her cute muzzle, his paw giving another slow, methodic stroke as he rolled his arousal up under her chin this time, teasing her senses with the feel of that meaty spire dancing across her bare flesh. Another smear of his scent dripped off his tip, caught on the curve of her breast and rolled inward between them leaving a lovely streak across her hot bare chest. He wondered... sliding his shaft up her chin, posing the tip of his spire before her lips. He didn't ask her to open, instead silently proposing the idea.

H: The young girl closes her eyes, huffing out a little and shuddering as he rubs himself against her muzzle some, more of that thick, slimy pre leaking out to smear across her muzzle and over her snout some, though as she starts to pull back, he gives his length another slow stroke...pushing that length under her chin at the same time he squeezes out another healthy glob of pre from his tip, one that drips off and lands right on one of her breasts, leaving a sticky trail of male scent that slips down along the curve of her breast. That feeling makes her hesitate some, just enough for him to move about at push gently against her lips, the feeling making her part her muzzle slightly. "a-aah...?" She says, not 'really' meaning to give him an invitation with that...but she really could not complain that much with...just about anything he could do...A hand does go up to rest against his side though, just to add a tad more stability to her.

D: That might not have been exactly what she had intended but just a taste of that virile rod stiff between his legs gets him just a little further. Within seconds the tip of his spire is between her lip, an instinctive lick giving her a full taste of what's to come. The paw on his flank is not at all a bother, it doesn't even impede the view as he slowly works her muzzle apart, the young half-naked dragoness ever so slowly taking him in as he feeds that healthy girth over her tongue. He doesn't press, doesn't force, just lets her bathe in the pure sexual elation of having a real male inside her. His paw slides down some, pressing against that cum delivering vein as the next spurt oozes free- only half a glob this time. It's a striking flavor, whether she's given head before, her first time with a gryphon allows her to sample their unique taste. It isn't until his tip tickles the back of her tongue that it comes to light just how deep she has him inside that pretty muzzle more than half that meaty spire now safe from the cruel cold outside air.

H: She gasps out as he starts to just lightly press forward, her eyes opening as just the tip pushes past her lips and slides against her tongue, then a little groan escapes her as a bit more pushes inwards. She doesn't push him away, or try and stop him...just closing her eyes again as that length slowly presses forwards into her muzzle. another little spurt oozes from his tip, inside her maw and over her warm tongue this time...the slick appendage licking it up instinctually and rubbing up against the head of his length. Her maw opens wider for him as more presses inwards and soon the tip reaches the back of her tongue, something that surprises her a bit. After realizing just how deep he had gotten in her muzzle does she start to push some, pulling her head back too while that length starts to slide out of her maw with her tongue gently working the underside of his shaft, almost sucking on him it feels. She doesn't make any move to bob her head though, just pulling farther back in an effort to get him out of her muzzle. at least...for now...

D: It's a tantalizing sensation certainly, the second step in this journey of debauchery. As his little plaything draws free, the big male carefully withdraws though even then a slimy drip of his saliva mixed goo drips off her chin. She can see it in the way he eyes her, a carefully restrained desire. Fully free, the feral drake pushes off the wall and plops down before the cute little dragoness. Her wet bare chest and sloppy muzzle glitter with his lust. So lost in their little tryst, both of them jump as the period bell rings out in the hallway, signaling the end of the passing period. The big bird looks over his shoulder toward the door with a cheeky grin before back at his sticky companion. "Looks like we're late." He purred, his lack of concern over the consequences helping put some of her fear to rest. "Its my fault." He says leaning in close, his slimy paw reaching up to grip her chin and tilt it upward, looking eye to eye with her. "So I should make up for it." He thrums softly, his other forepaw tracing a talon down her chest, softly sliding between her breasts, down her stomach and lower still, gently hooking the claw tip at her lower garment suggestively.

H: The girl gives a little shuddering sigh once his length slips free, coated in a slimy mess of pre, saliva and his natural sheath slime. She flinches a little when he pushes off the wall and lands to the floor by her, the girl starting to push off the wall herself but then gasping softly at the sound of the bell ring just outside, the noise unexpected. She is a little surprised by it, both the noise, and the realization that this was only a few minutes at best...felt like so much longer. "a-ah...yes...we did..." She tells him, looking over as he comes up close, reaching with a paw to her chin again to grasp it and tilt it upwards, looking her right in the eyes. "um...alright..." She says, nodding some then letting off a cute gasp as she feels his other talon slide between her breasts and down her belly till it hooks in the waistbands of both her pants and underwear...making her shudder lightly again, but smile and even let out a soft murr from the feeling, the hint of a smile on her muzzle. "mm...G-Go on..." She tells him, smiling sheepishly and putting a hand gently over his.

D: The big bird gives off a cheeky boyish grin, biology was such a wonderful thing to manipulate- he thinks as his wet paw draws off her chin and down along that trim waistline. Despite the large feral paws, the nimble gryphon is quite dexterous with them, her belt the first thing to go, one slip, then flick, then drawn away. She can feel her layers of defenses being peeled away one by one, the suspense elevating the pleasure as his talons delicately draw her dress down, releasing it to let the whole thing drop around her ankles leaving only one thing between him and his prize. He leans in close, taking in her scent now through flared nares, muffled by the undergarment as it is, he can still feel the blood churning pheromones of a dragoness in heat. He's slow, methodical about this next step, a talon at either side hooking her panties, drawing the hem down slowly. The process makes his cock jump again but he ignores it, the line of exposure drawing further and further down until all is revealed. The cute little garment inverts some as he brings it halfway down her thighs. Stabilizing himself with one forepaw, the other caresses up along her inner thigh, thumb talon not quiiiite touching her sex.

H: Hylda leans back against the wall again as his other paw goes down to her waistline, both of the large paws tugging at her clothing until he gets her belt undone, then tugs down her pants. She looks down at him, watching as his head goes down with those pants, almost seeing those nares flare a bit...sniffing at her scent? She giggles some at the sight, shifting and stepping out of the pants bunched up on the floor while his talons go back to her currently damp panties...starting to slowly pull them downwards...exposing more of that soft hide until her soft vent is exposed...the outer lips puffy and lightly swollen in her heat and arousal, and oh so ready for a good stuffing whether she wanted one or not...but of course...she actually wouldn't mind one at this point. She even shifts a little, turning around to face the wall while her tail shifts and gives a gentle pat against the side of his head while she giggles, all too happy to tease this Gryph.

D: Mmmn, delicious- he thinks eying the puffy cleft of her vent, his thumb talon reaching in to hook the inner edge of her gender. He doesn't get that far however, taken back a bit as she wiggles out of her clothing and turns around, her fine slim body turned away as she looks over her shoulder at him, teasing him with that arched tail and inviting pat. She'd apparently gotten over her shyness; he guessed the taste of gryphon was all it took to help that spark of desire in her grow. He was going to fuck her, oh yes, but it would be a missed opportunity not to try a sample of wet dragoness when it was so eagerly being offered. His large beak fit easily between her legs, especially when those large powerful paws each took a cheek and gently spread her further open, thoroughly exposing her fine pussy folds. His short little avian tongue could only reach so deep but it was enough, its agile curvature sliding against her moist inner skin while letting her 'sit' on the end of his beak. His touch was careful and light, glazing over that bead of pleasure just inside to bring her heartbeat up. By the time he withdrew, just shy of her orgasm, his beak was glossy with her lust. He rumbled, licking his lips of her estrus-tainted fluids, his own juices making a puddle on the floor. "Do you trust me?" He cooed, the inquiry made at the height of her pleasure in a way that hinted that things would be made even better if she said yes.

H: The 'Ness smiles happily to him, but then tenses up a little as he pushes his beak under her tail while her legs were kept fairly close together for now. Normally she wasn't really that was just in situations like this it would seem. at least...from what little experience she had at least. A soft gasp escapes her when his paws spread her rump, helping to part some of her slit for him while his beak opens and his tongue slips out to lick over her vent, the feeling making her gasp softly. She thought he'd just get a bit of a taste like she had gotten from him, but he just keeps going...that warm, wet thing teasing at her sensitive pink insides and swollen estrus stricken flesh which makes her shudder, and even moan cutely, soon left panting and gasping faintly as she nears a small release! He doesn't let her have it though...soon pulling back while her body gives a light shudder, her sex all wet and puffy...certainly ready for more right now. She looks back at him again at his questioning coo, a little smile on her muzzle while she nods, panting softly still while her heat stricken body compels her to say yes...eagerly awaiting his next little trick.

D: He growls lustfully up at her, the sound soft and eager, dominant but playful. With her consent, he scoops up her belt and loops it together, sliding it around one of her wrists. It doesn't take long for her to realize what he's doing, though his playful little wink makes her heart flutter. Her second arm is guided gently behind her back and, with simple effort both are slipped in behind the leather cuff. The loop her limbs make is far too small for the normal holes on the belt but hardly an issue as his beak bites in just under the buckle making a new hole of. It's a risky proposition, letting him tie her up in such a way- not so tight she couldn't escape but certainly snug enough that it would take real effort to break free. It leaves her vulnerable- even more so than being completely naked before the horny feral. Its only the first piece though as he scoops up his own as well, wrapping it around her ankles if she lets him, the two piece make-shift bondage gear will leave the poor two legged dragoness leaning helplessly against the cool bathroom wall.

H: She shudders a bit at that growl he gives her, still smiling and shifting a little against that wall. She watches him pick up her belt, looping it, then taking one of her hands and putting it through the loop. "o-oh..." She mumbles, blushing hotly and letting the drake take her other wrist, her heart fluttering some in excitement. She gets a good idea of what he is doing, binding her wrists together with the belt and grinning a bit, having had one or two fantasies about this... secretly she would have loved a different binding of her arms behind her back buuut this could not be done too easily with just the belt...would need a rope or something. A little giggle escapes her when he is done, but as he goes to do the same to her ankles, she resists a little. "a-aah....n-not there..." she says, smile fading a tad, having another idea for it. "u-um...m-muzzle...?" She asks, almost too softly to hear, with her ears laying back again. She smiles again as he agrees, moving up against her back some and closing her eyes as he fastens the thing around her muzzle similarly to how he did her wrists, which leaves her gently bound and gagged a little against the wall, her tail swishing about in excitement.

D: The feathered male cocks a grin at her as she steps a hind leg out of his little 'trap'. There is a little hidden disappointment but, as she offers an alternative solution, it fades quickly. It's an easy fix, though he completes the loop around her snout while simultaneously groping her breasts with the other paw and nibbling on her neck with that dirty beak of his. Silenced as she is, she can't even moan, just puff through flared nostrils as he teases her body relentlessly. Part of him is disappointed he'll only get to fuck her once; after being warmed up to the proposition she'd become quite a fun little plaything- but such is the nature of his conquest. Similarly tight, he leans his head in beside hers, one eye starring into hers with a barely contained hunger. She can feel part of his weight on her back, pinning her to the wall as his forepaws slide along the flanks of her form, her smooth skin being tantalized by scalie paws. Down they travel, feeling out her body in its fullest until they reach her neither, curling in along the cusp of those fine child-bearing hips of her and gently ease them apart. A simple step up causes his blood-gorged black mast to slide up between them, glazing his lust covered cock up along the line of her belly marking on the outside where he was going to end up on the inside. The sensual kiss of her cleft glazing across his bare flesh was dangerously exotic tantalizing her body with what was to come.

H: That dark hided 'Ness urrfs softly as he gropes at her breasts with one paw, making her huff through her nose a little while his beak gently nibbles along her neck. She closes her eyes for now, huffing softly through her nose and blushing oh so brightly as he scoots up higher, taking an odd position with her against the wall like this...his paws even sliding downward to hook along her hips, getting himself into a nice little mounting position... She sucks in a gasp through her nose as his black shaft suddenly pushes up between her legs, grinding along her swollen cunny as he does so! The act making her groan softly through the bind. She can feel how high he reaches; shuddering at the thought of something like that inside of her...she couldn't take it all, could she...? Not like she had ever put anything deeper inside of her than her fingers not that she could tell...

D: He takes his time with her, savoring the moment, sawing his shaft back and forth between her legs slowly, smearing her lust along his wet spire some. Its then the two teenage lovers hear the sound of the bathroom door swinging open, the clatter ringing loudly in both sets of ears. Even Certh heart thunders in his chest, the surge of adrenaline making him stiffen a little, perking up to listen. The stranger doesn't call out, he just wanders in the public restroom, a loud sniff followed by clearing his throat. Whoever it is wasn't looking for them at least. Still thrumming with the shocking high, he brings his paw up to his beak making a silent 'shhhh' motion. He can see the fear of being caught like this in her eyes but its too good an opportunity to pass up. Gripping her shoulder in his beak, he swings back and drops to all four, the sound whisper quiet despite the massive bulk. Paw under her chest, he lowers her to the ground, the bound and gagged hen now in the position she had fantasized about though perhaps with more risk than she had intended! Placing a paw on the small of her back, the big bird lifted himself up, peering just over the rim of the stall, hearing the sound of a zipper flying lose. Some sort of roo he guessed. He really should just wait for the other guy to finish up and take off, the dirty bird found himself using the cover of urine hitting the toilet water as cover to being feeding his tapered tip into his little hen. He was slow, very slow but it was happening all the same, her young pussy slowly pried open by just an inch of feral cock, her pink pussy spreading wide around him as he eased inside little by little.

H: Hylda shudders a little as he keeps sawing into her swollen sex, her legs even squeezing together to make a tighter thing for him to grind through. Her body jumps and tenses up more though when they both hear the door open and someone enter! A soft gasp escapes her, muffled from only coming from her nose while they both wait. She nods at the gesture of silence he gives her and clenches her jaw shut as he bites into her shoulder, then swings her around and puts her to the floor! She cant help but wriggle lightly, trying to be quiet after the little surprise, but soon finds it more difficult while he suddenly starts to push himself inside of her! Her tender, swollen insides hot and tight around him, yet parting somewhat easily for his size...the little hen shutting her eyes tight and giving a faint shiver now and again while he tortuously slowly pushes under her tail. Ooh, that feeling was bliss, if perhaps...a little too large for her first time, but at least the slowness helps her body adjust to his size while her swollen outer folds spread wider and wider around his girth, hugging him lovingly tight.

D: Just the head of his shaft has made itself inside her by the time the roo boy is finished, her heated stretched sex throbbing around his greedy spire. He holds himself inside her, a glob of precum leaking inside her vulnerable gender, no talon to keep it from being at full volume. He rocks himself inside her a little, just a little as the bathroom intruder zips up once more. The sudden rush of flushed water gives him the opportunity to let off a pleased exhale as he pops free, watching those puffy pink pussy folds suddenly clench up. Keeping stable on three paws again, the fourth grips her tailbase, rubbing it soothingly as a new stream of water allows their unwary bystander to wash his paws. Even before he's left the lavatory the big bird is wedging himself inside once more, the tip sliiiiding in easier this time followed smoothly by another inch or so. Alone with his bound prize, he repeats the motion several more times, wedging in, holding fast, then easing out and each time it gets a little easier to take him. Its hard to tell just how long he's been at it when she finally feels him lean forward, bumping her tailbase with his fat sheath, that long thick spire somehow burred to the hilt under that fine fuckable tail of hers.

H: Hylda tenses around him, feeling that glob of pre leak into her virgin body, staining her insides already with that musky scent of his, and rocking his hips too, with just the head of his length inside of her. She cant help but make a soft noise when he pops that head free, her insides quickly closing back up almost like he was never there really...thankfully the noise is masked by the other person using the rest of the facilities. Soon after she can feel that dirty bird wedging up inside of her again while his paw grips at her tailbase a little, rubbing into it some as he manages to get just a bit deeper this time with a bit more he repeats the process a few times more, pulling completely free from her hot undertail, only to push right back inside...and soon enough she feels his soft furred sheath smush up lewdly against her swollen lips! The realization of that makes her groan softly through the bind, her body shuddering a little as a small climax runs through her already! Folds squeezing and weakly massaging at the Gryphs cock lodged deep inside of her, his pointed tip pressing firmly against her cervix.

D: The full delicious delight of what he's getting away with is perhaps the most enjoyable part of this whole thing. He'd have to remember to take his boys out for a drink sometime soon- he thinks, holding her tail end in place as he grinds against her inner barrier. Even balls deep in his little hen, he takes his time with her, sliding back and forth, the slow methodic rhythm stretching those muscular egg-laying muscles of hers into such a deceptively receptive state. By now she should certainly be able to feel it, the soft stimulating barbs along the tip of his shaft that pluck and prick her bare walls. Designed to stimulate a mother hen to ovulate, he could only wonder what it would do to this fine example of dragonflesh. Slipping his paw from her tail to her backside, the dirty bird pressed her to the ground, arching that fine rump of hers up into the perfect angle as he began sawing in and out of her heat slickened folds. Her rippling muscles clenched around him; did she just cum he wondered? He gryphongrinned, picking up the pace a little, closing his eyes and just enjoying that dangerously bare vent squishing and stretching around his just as bare shaft, smearing his scent all over and inside her. He couldn't help but wonder what their chicks would look like as the pressure in his loins began to grow.

H: She whines softly in pleasure as he grinds against her, feeling his tip against her cervix, and his sheath grinding against her folds. The latter of the two the one she'd have to say she liked the most...just the thought of him filling her up so fully like this... Urrrf. Slowly he starts to rock his hips a bit, grinding along those sensitive insides of hers and making her more used to that large, Feral length of his with those little barbs tickling her insides at all the right places. A little grunt escapes her, that male pushing her front down to the floor while he keeps her rear up in the air, Starting to saw into her more firmly as she shudders in another little climax, helping her to build up to a much more fruitful release later...That little quiver of her insides seems o spur him on though, picking up his pace and making lewd wet noises as he squishes into that lovely bare, fertile vent he's in, getting his musky scent into all the hard to reach places inside of her.

D: The scent of sex is rather thick in the air by now, even the automatic mister cant cover the lewd mingled scent of a hard virile gryphon balls deep inside an need fertile dragoness. He leans over her, huffing and breathing in her ear, his front leaning down to cover her with his soft plumage, feathers brushing against her delicate skin with each carnal motion. His paw slides down her belly, touching her body in an intimate way as he glides down between her legs. It might simply be his dirty imagination but Certh would swear he could feel the weight of his cock shifting beneath the surface of her belly. His talons reach between her legs, fondling her unprotected sex, feeling his barbed cock sliding back and forth between his clawtips, plowing her fertile fuck fields deeply. He can feel it coming, that welt of pleasure building up in his loins, resisting it, making it build up and push harder and still he resists the urge to cum. Blue balled by the dirty teen, his body simply packs the stores tighter as if in revenge for not seeding this healthy little hen sooner. By now she can tell he's close by the way he's breathing, with the way he moves. His thrusts slow almost to a crawl, dragging his flesh out until just the tip is within, and slowly sinks it in. A long smear of sperm rich precum laces her pussy flesh as he dose so, the excess drooling out of her well used vent. He can feel his heart jackhammering with anticipation; this is it.

H: The girl grunts faintly while that male huffs and pants hotly over hear ear, the 'ness in a bit of a daze right now as that large feral leans over her more, feeling the soft plumage against her back while his hands slip lower on her body, sliding along her belly until they reach between her legs...teasing at her swollen folds a bit as he keeps rutting into her, the both of them getting so close now... Unexpectedly, his thrusts slow as the Feral gets closer and closer to his climax, drawing back to just the tip, then pushes right back inside, that length jumping with a little spurt of thicker, sperm rich pre as he takes his golden stroke within that lovely, receptive female~

D: The frisky feral feels his balls clench up against the base of his shaft and decides that's far enough. His lovely little hen is there for the taking and take her he does, suddenly lurching forward. The contact is rough but not painful as his four limbs take place on the floor, stabilizing the big beast. That first rough thrust is followed by another and another as he takes his pleasure out on her and, with her body bound and gagged, that's all she can do. He huffs, panting loudly, it would be impossible to mask what was going on in this public restroom stall should someone else walk in but it's a risk he'll take- especially considering the risk she was taking with her womb. The first shot of cum splashes over her virgin walls as he draws back, accompanied by a sharp exhale of pure exhilarating pleasure from the big bird. Immediately he rolls his weight forward, smearing his cum along her puffy pink pussy folds, the second pulse hitting its mark perfectly, the sticky lance of sperm forced up through the ring of her cervix to splash carelessly over the egg rich walls of her womb. He doesn't stop, though his brutal pace wanes throughout the duration of his mind fogging orgasm, the dirty bird pounding his clutch into her pussy folds at random depths. Considering the size of the log of meat sloshing through her vent and the weight of those heavy orbs she played with earlier, it comes as little surprise that her cock-stuffed cunt cant hold everything he has to offer, thick sticky globs of the his spunk forced out around the tight seal of her sex each time he burrows back in. Soon the hot fluid is oozing down the cusp of her vent, dribbling down the curve of her freshly fucked belly and leaking down her inner thighs. Only after every drop has been drained into his little plaything dose the big male let out a long satisfied, sore groan, finally coming to rest burred hilt deep in the freshly bred hen.

H: "Mph!" is the first sound she makes when the large bird suddenly thrusts hard into her, her eyes going wide while he plants his paws on the ground, taking a few rough thrusts into her and squelching noisily into her vent. despite the sudden roughness, she cant help but try and press back into them a bit, shuddering and huffing out until she feels that first, heavy jet of cum lance along her insides as he was pulling back, then he pushes right back in, his tip hitting her cervix perfectly in time for his next jet of Gryph seed to squirt right into her womb. At that one, Her body give in to the pleasure, a strong, unmistakable orgasm shuddering through her body as she whimpers out in bliss, ears laying back as the male just keeps thrusting into her while cumming, helping to squish out some of his seed as it oozes out along her vent, and down her legs and belly to make quite the mess of her, and the stall...even more so when he eventually pulls free. With his last spurt emptied, the large Gryphon pushes in to the hilt one last time, hearing him groan in bliss above her while he takes his little rest buried balls deep in her, the little Hen blissfully unaware of the compatibility between both ferals and anthro's, as well as Gryphons and dragons...perhaps there was some tiny glimmer of hope for her though, him being so different from her after all...

D: Certh found himself sated, satisfied and even softening as he stood over her. He wasn't completely insensitive, leaning down to nibble and groom her neck in appreciation- after all she was the one that would be carrying his 'mark' for the next several months. Slowly the big bird eased out, his flaccid shaft falling from her abused pussy folds followed by a lewd shlop of cum. Cleaning this mess would be someone else's job, he thought, helping the poor girl up off her knees and onto her wobbly legs. He grinned and nuzzled her, enjoying the sight of her slick muzzle bound, his cum leaking from between her thighs and her belly warm and pudgy with the splatter of the seed he'd left fertilizing her womb. With a few clicks he had the belts off of her, letting the well fucked dragoness lean against the comparatively icy cold tile wall while he cleaned himself up. "Mmmn, that was fun." He rumbled his approval, grinning at her devilishly. The passing period bell rang, startling both of them once more. "I suppose we shouldn't miss more than one class huh?" He mentioned, swinging his clothing back around his body. He still permeated the scent of sex but he had no plans to go back to class anyway. Finished with her, he gave his little broodhen a wink and stepped out of the stall, glancing about as if to check for anyone hiding before stepping out of the crowd. It would be a month from now before she realized those busy little swimmers shot into her deepest recesses had taken root, squirming up into her receptive oviducts and burying themselves into her helpless ova. By then he'd be in a different state, though he'd get an update from his friends, pictures of her growing midsection. And some kids bothered with toilet paper...

H: Hylda gives a little, shuddering groan as that beak nibbles along her neck, even grooming it a tad, something that makes her smile a bit. Eventually though, that large Gryph pulls his hips back, making her give a quiet hiss and squeeze tightly against him in pleasure until that length just messily flops out of her with a lovely gush of seed. Despite her rough little Rut with the male, her passage closes up again relatively quickly, with excess still oozing out from her abused lips. this was a feeling she wished she could have seen as it sends a little shiver of pleasure through her body. She pushes herself up a bit with some help from the male, standing on shaky legs before he works those belts off her. With that don she leans against the wall for a bit with a grunt, panting softly as she tries to recover from her little breeding with him and giving a nod at his comment. "y-yeah..." she says, giving a huff and looking over to him. Her toes curl some, watching as he lifts his leg, and cleans a bit of the mess from himself. An action that she had to admit...was one she would have liked to do for him... Then, the bell rings again, making the both of them jump in surprise while she huffs out, realizing how much school she had missed... She nods to him again at his words, but then starts some as he starts to leave. "a-ah, wait, um..." She says, but too late, he was already gone...leaving is little hen in quite the which makes her whine softly with the realization she had to deal with it some how...


Blind Date

The evening was going swimmingly thus far, the two feral dragons sitting comfortably at the table, eating, chatting, the delightfully dressed female giggling as Oros grinned a toothy smile at his own humor. He quite thoroughly enjoyed this blind dating...

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The End of Innocence

AW: Walking casually down the sidewalk with a few of her colleagues, the blue female was dressed in a light red dress that was completely in contrast from her scales. Exact opposites, though one might see it as cool and hot in a mixture as one, that's...

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Championship Trophy

Sha'kal blew the dragon-sized whistle, sounding the end of practice for his students. They'd been practicing all year long, competing for various placement sets and the results were quite promising. As they always were; Kal was a prize winning...

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