Family Matters. Chapter Three.
Vince winced at the very idea, about to argue over it when the door shut. the cat jumped at the startled sound and rubbing his tail where it had almost closed on.
False Identity
Why the heck do i even bother arguing?" kate typed in one last statement, and then after she pressed enter, she closed the website, and turned off her computer.
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirteen
Maybe he would be impressed if tick could, at least, argue with him. "that would confuse me, though," gwinn argued back. "in my mind, i would have been given two contradicting commands.
Sibirskaia: Sticks & Stones Part 2
Could you come to me or the school board and argue for his right to do so? or argue that others should let him do it in peace? because, in this state, you might as well." but the raccoon heard only two words: "school board?" "james.
A Short Essay on the Furry Culture
Although many furs may argue that we aren't, it's hard to picture a fur, at first thought, that isn't smiling in some shape or form.
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Eighteen
"but you didn't know we were going to find it," i argued. "if we hadn't, kimberly would still be in a cage!" "i don't see what you're so upset about," dex said, leaning up against the wall. "either way, you're going free.
Two Turtles in a Pond (TMNT, 2014)
They fly all over the room and ralph stops his arguing. the blasts head for spike and he knocks him out of the way.
A Simple Night at the Movies
The collie couldn't believe they were arguing about this, "look, it's okay, i don't really want popcorn anyway." "hey, guys," matt recognized the voice of trisha, a vixen friend of theirs.
Beau - Chapter Four
"lian has this idea that you and mom are arguing nowadays?" i asked, "is that true?" "lian should know to keep his nose out of his parents business!" nathaniel growled. "so its true then? you have been arguing?"
The Day After the Four legged Fall Ball part 1
Their arguing ruined my nap!" lucy answered. "i'll have a chat with two-tone then." perdy told lucy and left, pongo just shook his head. "and forgive us for the inconvenience lucy."
Sibirskaia: An Unusual Family Part 4
"yeah, but james doesn't have a knot," elliot argued. "you do, though," jeffery interjected, his voice soft but sure, as his guests turned their eyes back upon him.
I smirked as i looked away for a moment, the two arguing with each other in the background of my thoughts. _it's been a while..._ i said to myself as we walked up the street, and then down the hill.