A Long, Dark Road (Part 7)

"not a couple thugs," kath responded, "around three-hundred mercenaries and pirates from the western desert and coastline."

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Chicago Hot Dog Party

#4 of so furry presents: the amazing race on the last leg of the amazing race, the remaining 16 teams traveled up the coastline to a small town of kennebunk, maine. along the way, they had to collect flags or simply take the long way there.

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Jet Skis and Flags

All 16 teams head north up the coastline to kennebunk, maine. your next clue is with your jet ski." she reads. "alright, let's do this!" hans says. you heard her right, the teams will head up the coast until they hit the town of kennebunk.

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Chapter 11: Ripple in the Water

For 7 days, he walked on the coastline. he had already established a plan. he was going to see the nature dragons. xenorosth knew adjacent to the western boarder of midnight dragon's territory. he just didn't know how big his homeland was though.

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Chapter XIII: Battle For Neon City pt 1.

As the group of choppers neared the coastline an array of flashes suddenly appeared in the sky above the beaches. the forgotten knew they were coming and welcomed them in an age old custom, with aa fire.

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Predilection: CH 3: Parley

The coastline was nearly in reach but these shallows were hazardous. "damn it, we've sailed into a reef." i turned to the captain and was about to warn him as our ship shuddered.

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Ablaze Ch.3: Diplomacy

The head points to another jackal "same as previously mentioned, but i want the nsu to commit ships or subs of some type to help defend the coastline in case trunicia intervenes. our navy is not strong enough to defend from the aon either.

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Unexplored Waters (Wyraachur commission, M/F & Transformation)

His eyes followed the coastline, bathed in the light of spring. it was a nicely private little piece of land surrounded on three sides by the gentle roll of the dunes.

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381 The Nuclear Dance

We looked at it just now in old aerial photographs of the coastline and geomagnetic scans and similar, and it's very symmetrical. like there's something in the middle going way, way down.

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V. And once more we go

It connects to here though, and the best way is a short hike along the coastline. milo and nina said they'd meet us here." kaeden was chewing on his bottom lip, trying to keep from saying something, or asking me something.

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Tales of Adventure Chapter 6

This perked his spirits up, malas was a port town so all they'd have to do is follow the coastline now. although once they got to the city, a new problem would present itself. this enek knew as he glanced at asyr from the corner of his eye.

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Melina's Day In The Snowless Winter

I turn around and stroll back up the coastline, walking down into about five inches of water. it was freezing cold. maybe the snow will come sooner that originally predicted. quinn is asleep in my paw now.

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