The GreenMount Chronicles Chapter 7 - Kiss

Mace wasn't the kind of guy to get good grades, but he was intelligent and crafty when something caught his interest. "no problem," rock said, more seriously. he stopped tossing the football, and he let it rest between his legs.

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Shadow Beast Rewritten

Killing one is much more difficult than the other stages for they tend to be much more crafty than others. by now they are set in the ways they use their power.

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Straight Up Sex

With a bit of crafty maneuvering nalz got hold of some paper towels, which he always kept handy at the side of the bed, and proceeded to pull his softening member the rest of the way out.

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Sylvester's Family Tales 9

Replied tom, flummoxed at his father's craftiness. pops chuckled: "sylvester, you lie down and recover after taking a cock that big. tom, you've got some work to do."

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Digimon 02 Alternate Episode 4

The insectivorous plant stretched his left vine and wrapped the little blue digimon left leg, craftiness was written on his face when he raised his prey from the ground.** **veemon's legs were parted and his groin was vulnerable now.

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Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 4-C

This gesture confused everybody in the room, especially rouge; she knew shadow liked rouge when she was crafty, but just a second ago she thought he hated his guts. "crafty as--" "oh, boy, i just remembered i have to check your voltage ratings!"

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Russian It? Chapter 5

"he's a crafty one," he muttered. "where is he this time?" hunter asked. "at the nuclear power plant in minnesota," he replied. "he's using the toxic waste to create newer and deadlier mutated creatures.

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The Dragon-slayer Gerard

Gerard's father, like all the other knights, had ventured bravely forth and bravely died in the talons of the dragon, but gerard was crafty and began his quest by journeying far into the western forest where lived the witch of ancient sorrows.

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Vernal chuckled remembering how for his last birthday pert had surprised him by dragging him off during the middle of his party; the crafty otter had taken him to the lake knowing full well how much vernal loved swimming.

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The Helix Ion Part 2

"there's barely holding it together, and then there's crafty, i'm not saying he was acting the whole time, but he was keeping something back." "well what then?"


Two Tales of Sarah the Falcon

crafty and sneaky was firth, even convinced sarah she was even unworthy of birth. he was a wicked soul indeed, that was until her belly grumbled hungrily. in that moment, somehow she knew that it had been her hunger that'd clouded her view.

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Her smile widened to a grin as she gloated to herself at how crafty her heart replacement spell was. not only did it strengthen her existing heart with the strong, young body of furs, but it was orgasm driven so the creature wasn't in pain.

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