Underground League - Faint Attack
The espeon brushed past the incensed fighter, kneeling down between the male's spread legs as she studied his face.
Rescue Guild Adventures - Target Practice
Now, espeon, about your reward..."
Electric Touch: Chapter 22 (mPikachu x fRaichu)
After a long time, espeon finally decided to lay on the ground and play dead, as she got tired of pidgeot's useless tactics. "espeon is unable to battle?"
Interlude - Growing
An espeon!
Showing off (Feat: Jasper and Levin)
The espeon squeaked out in surprise from this before moaning softly.
Earthford Showdown Ch. 2 of 3: Fighting in Riddles
It watched the espeon silently. "three! two! one..." espeon glanced at peter, and he nodded. both of them turned toward their opponent. "fight!"
The bar Chap4
I hopped of the stool and followed the espeon to a nearby corner where my jeans seemed to fall on their own. (huh?? what the hell? why are my jeans around my ankles?) i thought before i remembered that espeon are psychic pokémon.
Final Chapter VII: Bond of Brotherhood: Part I
Meanwhile mightyena perked his ears as he heard nidoking fighting with espeon, nidoking flung espeon to mightyena "yena!" he exclaimed, mightyena spun espeon around before kicking him in the back towards umbreon.
Snowy Insides.
Gavin and givan gets close to the two, the espeon licking givan on the lips. "should i?" "of course, hun."
zokerus day-01 kicking heads at a soccer game
A furious espeon and an injured raichu were arguing as fans and trainers/athletes were waiting and wondering why the insubordinat espeon was not jumping with joy for or the opportunity to play the global sport everyone was talking about.
Gates to Misery CH: 5
"espeon..." i pull my head back to look up at her. "you seem different somehow." for some reason, espeon sighed in defeat. "well, i gave away a lot by accident, so you would have figured it out anyway."
raised by eevee
"espeon," said espeon, sounding sad. "are you okay espeon," i ask. frost nuzzles espeon as to comfort him. espeon shoved frost away and walked out. frost and i quickly followed after.