Left to His Own Devices, Ch. 1
Plus, it gave percy a chance to get through with some of the commissioned fiction work he was given, though he always tended to write better prose when he was sitting on james' lap. no matter though, for now he needed coffee.
Circles: a retrospective review
The final volume, the novel, also suffers because its prose, while functional and simplistic, is too functional and simplistic for my tastes. the novel is also written as if the characters were all human, which sets up a few jarring moments.
Lyle le Loosely Lucid Lion - Part 1/3 (in honor of ArcticWolf451)
_An old wolf by the name of Marvin,_ _Battered and withered by the passage of time,_ _Slowly made his way into a room_ _Where few listeners awaited a tale in rhyme._ _In this room was an array of cubs,_ _Pups, kittens, and smaller versions of...
From Heaven, or Near It: Part 7 (Book 2)
From the hallway, the dorm room sounded quiet, so Jeff opened the door. The light was on and so was the TV but it had been muted. He found Oliver in bed, the fox taking quick shallow breaths, twisted together with... a wolf? Looked like it. Sure did....
A Taste of Excitement
It was just for one night; something to help him cut lose and have some fun once in a while. A typical Saturday night at a house party with fellow coworkers, friends, booze, bitches, and that Sunday morning regret him and his buddies met like an old...
a quiet dark
trapped feelings of anger can't get out no one to shout at nothing to shout at he wants to see her again but it's dark he can see a dim light above maybe she's out there maybe she's down here his thirst to explore is to...
Windfall: Wrapping Up
The steampunk one cast him as a stoic swordsman and her as an aristocratic airship heiress--creative, though the prose got purple enough to embarrass a plum.
Black and White – Chapter 2: Why?
I wanted to show douglas and tuesday the bit of prose i did write. but there was the bit of truth i did not write. i dropped the book, and i was suddenly pale. pages of my notebook had been scrawled on. the handwriting, i do not know whose.
Part 2
#2 of folder second part of a much longer (hopefully more interesting) price-of-crap-prose. comment and let me know how i'm doing. silent readers are a killer. atlas opened the door of the dingy motel with the intent to slip way quietly.
Moroneae Domesticus
Foreward: Spiders are just little pests . . . unless you work with a bunch of idiots. An absolutely absurd comedy piece, inspired by Monty Python, cartoons, and my own debilitating fear of spiders. This would probably work better in a more...
The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 12
Chapter 12: The Ballad of Siljna Now understand when I tell you that the land as we know it has existed far longer than even the wolves. It has seen the forming of dark seas, and the thrust upward of land. And with land came bright spring green. It...
The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 9
Chapter 9: A Cruel Trick That Nashil loved her, Valdigt knew. It had been apparent from almost the first moment they met, and though that had been only a few weeks ago, the days they'd spent together were joyous. Passion came swiftly - so swiftly they...